Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1882, Image 1

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. * ,
Yosfcorday's Proceedings in the
Senate and House ,
Members of the.Latter Protest
ing Against tlio Apportionment -
mont Bill.
Particularly to Add to thoRep-
roeontation of the
Larger States.
MlioollauoouB NotoN of a National
JTkltoiul AssocUua
WAHIIINOTON , February 7. Mr.
Coke was awarded the floor for a
speech on the tariff , the Merrill com
mission bill being taken up to allow
him to speak. Senator Coke spoke
three houra , declaring that protection
meant monopoly and wholesale rob
bery of the people , nnd urging thnt
the bust interests of the country de
manded tliu adoption of n tar it ) ' for
revenue only.
The bill for the relief of Thuoplius
Chandler , late sub 'treasurer at 13os
ton , wns pasted. It relieves him
from all liability on 'account of Uni
ted Statts funds amounting to5 , -
000 loaned by ono of his subordin
ates to : \ bank a little ever a year ago.
Mr. Cameron ( \Vis. ) called up the
bill authorizing the secretary of the
interior to ascertain and provide for
the payment of amounts due citizens
tor supplies furnished thu Sioux or
Dakota Indians of Minnesota , subse
quent to August , 1808 , nnd prior to
the massacre in 1802. The sum involved -
. volvod is about $12,000.
Mr. Dawes urged the measure
should bo referred to the committee
on Indian affairs. No conclusion had
been reached when at 4:45 : p.m. the
senate adjourned.
Mr. Prescott spoke 45 minutes on
the apportionment bill as reported
from the census committee of which
hu is chairman , nnd said the new
method rocummonded by Chief Clerk
Seaton had been adopted and was
more nearly just than the old. It
gave ono additional member to Penn
sylvania and Illinois , which by the
old system would go .to Colorado ,
Florida und Rhode Island , and argued
in favor of the bill on the basis of
proportion , wealth aiid taxes paid by
each state.
Mr. Robinson ( Mass. ) said when he
examined thcrusultof the two systems
and found that by the new Florida ,
California and Rhode Island must give
up a member each to Illinois , Now
York and Pennsylvania , ho began to
suspect the proposed now method not
to bo a just ono. He argued that by
the new method each represented
145,000 , when the one allotted to
RhuUe Island represented 270,000.
He favored the old system of appor
tionment , without a change in mem
Mr : Miller denounced the so-called
system of apportionment as unjust , un
constitutional and an outrage on the
the people. His remarks were warm
ly applauded.
Mr. Herr said it wus outrageous.
Common sense favored the old sys
tem , being thu apportionment and fix-
inc the number of representatives at
321. Ho criticised the argument of
Mr. Preacott that the wealth of
Now York should bo quoted when the
question of representation ia being
considered. [ Applause. ]
Mr. Chaco also spoke against the
now method.
Adjourned at 5 p. m.
WASH OTON , February 7. - The
movement is growing to make Robert
Lincoln a candidate for United States
senator from Illinois , against .lease
The treasurer will to-day call in
$20,000,000 more of the extended
S. P. Rounds , of Chicago , will , it
is to-day reported , bu nominated
within 48 hours for public printer.
Assiatant Secretary French , who
has been ill for aomo time , ia much
worse to-day.
J. N. Wells und Win. Todloy have
been appointed .storekeepers and .1.
S. Preister gauger for the fifth Ken
tucky district.
The house committee on post offices
have agroe'd to report to the house
Morrison'H ' bill establishing postal
. savings banks. Several modifications
have been made in the matter of do-
taila without changing the bill.
The ways and means committee this
afternoon agreud to runort Kaason's
bill for a tariff commission , with cer
tain amendments , the principal of
which ia by striking out the clause including -
cluding investigation into the existing
system of internal revenue laws , leav
ing to the committee the right to con
sider tariff questions.
The star route cases were called in
the police court at 1:30 : p. m. Col.
Cook represented the government.
Tlio prosecution produced in court
25,000 papers , tilling four largo
clothes baskets. Wilson proposed to
show by thojo papers that other con
tractors pursued thosamo practices aa
Caboll , who was , in fact , following in
a beaten path. Ho nubmittud that
there was no intent to defraud.
Cook objected to all pipers and ar
gued adainst their admission. Col.
Totten , for the defense , held that the
papers were ndmias.iblo as evidence.
Thu court excluded the papers on the
ground that they were not competent
evidence. At 2:40 : the court ad
journed until Thursday , when final
arguments in thu case will bo pre
sented. It ia generally conceded ,
oven by the defense , that the case
will hu sent to the grand jury.
Railroad Collision-
. National Asaociatcd J'tt-ua.
Los ANQELEH , February 7. A col-
Jision between a freight and an emi
train occurred early yesterday
morning on the Southern Pacific rail
road on the Colorado desert near Dos
Palmos. Thirty cars and two loco
motives were destroyed. The eiiL'i-
neors and firemen jumped their en-
pines and escaped. No person was
seriously injured.
Tronblo in the Now York
National Antedated Priws.
AUIANV , February 7.A slight
misunderstanding occurred between
the factions of the democracy in the
assembly to-night to nominate a clerk
and other minor ollicors of the nssoni
bly , caused by the Tammany mom
bora moving to adjourn till tomorrow
row , and the members of the regular
party mistaking it for a bolt refused
to adjourn ana concluded all their
nominations , while Tammany with
drew. Both sides to-night express
The Iowa Sonato.
National AsM > clat l I'rcs * .
DKS MOINKS , ' February 7. I" the
senate the memorial to congress in
favor of the Donnepin canal was
Guatoan Cheerful.
National Associated Proa * .
WASHINGTON , February 7. John
W. Guiteau visited his brother at thu
jail and found him cheerful , not rest
less , and with a good appetite.
Marino rutollUoiico.
National 1'ress8tocinti u.
NEW Youic , February 7. Sailed
The Wyoming foKLiverpool.
UOTTEUIIAM , February 7. Sailed
On the 5th , the Culan for Now York.
Arrived The Hotterdnm from Now
LivKiii-ooL , February 7. Arrived
The City of Berlin from Now York ,
llAJinuiid , February 7. - The Gol-
lert from Now York. *
Small Pox Associated Vtoax
CIIIOAOO , February 7.- Andrew
Oleson , a Swede , concluded that ho
had the small pox nnd drank five
pints of whisky in.nn hour or two to
effect a cure. He experienced no
further trouble from small pox , but
the whisky killed him in a short time.
Si'KiNOFiEi.n , 111 , February 7.-
Small pox has appeared nt Danforth
and it is feared jwill spread consid
erably. ' ,
All the schools , churches and pub
lic buildings have been ordered sus
pended at Adrian , Hancock county.
Land Pnrchaio In Dakota.
National AssocUtud Pro * . .
CHIOAOO. February 7. Mr. Rich
ard Sykca , of Edgoloy , England , has
just concluded a lii purchase from
the Northern Pacific railroad com
pany of 45,000 acres of land lying
northwest and southwest of James
town , D. T. Mr. Sykes intends to
take out in the spring a number of
English emigrants to settle on the
land ho purchase' ] , ' the terms offurod
being unusually attractive.
Hancock in Arkansas-
.National AxHOciatod Prcsa
LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , February 7.
Gen. W. S. Hancock arrived this
niorning. Ho viaited the United
States arsenal , whore he was received
with a salute of thirteen guns. Later
he hold an informal reception at thu
residence of Major Adams. Ho leaves
this evening for Friar Point , Miss. ,
whither he gets tu visit llussoll , who
is engaged in planting. During the
firing of the salute a premature ex
plosion of a cannon took place , blow
ing off the ami of Muty , a member of
the fourth artillery.
Railroad Mutters.
National AssociatedPrcm.
CHIOAOO , February 7. The New
York , Chicago ASt. . Louis railway
company has filed with the secroury
of state a certificate of increase of
capital stock of $15,000,000 , § 4,000-
000 of which is o be common and
$11,000,000 preferred.
That Awful Crook.
To tlio KUItor o > Tlio lieu :
I notice that the people of North
Omaha have , for the past few weeks ,
been considerably agitated upon the
subject of sewerage , and have been
discussing thu most available points
at which the construction of the newer
shall bo commenced.
Our pirty advocate ! its commence
ment at the outlet ( the river ) , and
another party urged its com-
mencenipnt at Fifteenth street , nnd
thence running westward. The lattur
party I find are also quoting ordinance
455 upon the subject , and I must say
misquoting the same. Below I give
that part of the ordinance on the sub'
ject , "Tho sum of $50,000 shall bo ap
plied and expended in the vicinity of
North Omaha Creek. Thia certainly
is plain enough upon the subject and
no ono of ordinary intelligence should
say that the money is to hu expended
hi the creek ns recommended by those
who advocate the policy of
beginning the work at 15th street.
If the ipeoplu of Omaha nro ever
to attain to a system of perfect drainage -
ago lot the work bu commenced at
the river and completed to Ihuve tern -
ern limits. The true object of sew-
oragushould bu thu improving of the
sanitary condition of thu city , and not
the consideration of personal profit in
thu improvements of the lots ot A and
B. Again it is a truth well known
that parties on thu creek
west of Sixteenth street , allow
all thu filth of * the back yards
i'aults , etc. , to ll-id way into th
crook , from where the same ia carried
on the bottom hinds and then pollutes
the atmosphere iil over the ejty. In
justice-to till , let the Work bo begun
where the ordinance clearly contem
plated at the river , and pushed speedi
ly to completion. Lot us have the
bottoms drained by a suitable open
sewer according to the plans of thu
city engineer , and thus save the lives
of thff people. TUUTH.
Attempt to Rob a Chicago &
Northwestern Express Oar ,
There Being No Mouoy in the
Safe the Robber Wont
Off DiBgustod.
Officers in Search of Ono of the
Dakota County Bond
MiftoollanoonN Now * of Crime * and
Criminal * .
February 7. Mr. Clms.
Sloan , route agent of the American
Express company ut Cedar Rapids ,
arrived in Chicago to-day and tolls of
an unsuccessful attempt imule on
Monday to rob an express car on the
newly opened Tnma branch of thu
Chicago it Northwestern railroad.
The express ear was in charge ut Mea-
aciigor Rnsaolt. While the conductor
and depot agent wuro engaged in
switching at Bancroft , the robber
knocked on the door of the car , and ,
ou its being opened , compelled
Russell to turn out the li.L'ht. He
then presented a revolver nnd ordered
the messenger to stop aside. Ho then
with thu aid of u dark lantern rum-
aged the boX and safe , the messen
ger opening the latter while the re
volver was pointed directly at hia
head. Owimj to thu fact that tins
run has just been opuucd very little
money wna carried at any timu nnd
on this occasion the safe wns empty.
The robber took his leave in disgust ,
keeping Russell covered until ho had
mounted a horse , which stood a few
rocla from the train. The messenger
described the fellow us slight built ,
medium height , sandycumploxiou , has
n moustache , but very little beard ,
about ! )0 ) years of ago.
GKANH HAVENMich , February ? .
Geo. McGowon , ehiof engineer of the
steamer Michigan , was stabbed in the
neck while attempting to put a
drunken 111,111 , .lames McMahuti , out
of the engine room. Tlio doctor fears
bad results. McMahon is at largo.
IIIA , February ? . - Frank
M. Long , alias Peary Burns , and
Alex Harris , well known criminals ,
were arrested after a desperate
struggle.with an ollicor to-night , on
the charge of being inplicated in thu
$50,000 jewelry robbery an Saturday
night. Throe jeweler * , at whose
stores successful or unsuccessful at
tempts at robbery by thu window
smashing trick have been mndu dur
ing the last few weeks , identify the
prisoners , who belong to n gang which
came from Chicago recently.
BKDFOHD , Ind. , February 7. At
Tunnelon , this county , last night
Znch Whitter , Virgil Wilson and
Nicholas Vaughan were killed while
attempting to burglarize thu tnloon of
Thomas Clark. A confederate mimed
Bun Wi Hough by betrayed the trio nnd
gave Clark and others time to prepare
for their reception All three parties
bore hard mimes and have been sus
pected of other crimes.
COUMMUHInd. , February 7. Jake
Painter and Tom Robinson , two rough
characters in Brown county , engaged
in a quarrel last nil/lit over a woman
of loose morals , llubinson instantly
killed Painter by hitting him on the
lioad with an axo. The murderer es
YANKTON , February 7. The sher
iff of Ben iloinmn county is
prosecuting active search for
Charles T. McCoy with n warrant
charging him with removal of the
bond register from the county rec
ords. As register of deeds , county
clerk , etc. , McCoy engineered the ia-
mio of 840,000 worth of bonds. There
is now nutliiut ! but the bonds to show
for it. McCoy is the man who en
deavored to float $17,000 worth ol the
famous Douijlas county warrants. It
is undurstoou hu is now in Washing
ton as n member of the delegation
from southern Dakota and a candi
date for thu United States marshal-
ATLANTA , Ga. , February 7. A letter -
ter has been received at thu ruvenuo
ollico hero which gives Clio details of n
horrible crime in Garnott county.
About tun days ago a party of revenue
r.ulers arrested illicit distillers in Gar-
nott county , who suspected Win. Dice
fur informing on them and openly de
clared that they would kill him. On
Monday his body , almost cut in two ,
was found on a branch near a still
liouse and there is little doubt as to
the prime movers in the murdnr. No
nrrests have been made.
ST. Louis , February 7. Charles
Miller baa been found guilty of thu
murder of Franklin Hamilton in last
December , in the circuit court at Bun-
ton , Scott county , and sentenced to
bo hanged in March ,
CITV or MKKICO , February 7. Tlio
resident's signature was recently
lorgod to a warrant for $2,500. The
"orgery was discovered but not until
the forgers escaped. Last night the
police nrrestod eight government em-
iloyes on suspicion and they are in
jail awaiting trial.
AUIANY , February 7. The gov
ernor baa respited Swidam , who was
o have been hanged in Now York on
Frid.iy next , until March 10th. Flan ,
mi/mi , who was to have been executed
it Buii'do on Friday , was also respited
till March 24th.
% CHIOAOO , February 7. Mayor Harrison
risen has ordered thu release of fif
teen prisoners from the wotkhouso ,
owing to the oyercrowdoU condition.
Ho says thu police are so active thej
keep the place full.
Ailutio Advice * .
National Associated Prt-w.
SAN FIUNUIHCO , February 7. Advices -
vices have been recoiviod from Honp
Kong to January 10. The northern
and southern ends of the working tel
egraph line between Tientsin and
Shanghai have boon joined and con-
gratulatory m-'ssngos were ionl m-cr
the wires by the Chinese ollicia
Two mombcrsof the Chinese Inland
mission have been traveling over the
north provincu of Shi'nahi. They report -
port that sand from tlu > desert is
seriously onoroaching on the eoiintrj
mid has'hnlf burud several towns.
The parents of the two ohildroi
who were unfortunately shot lately bj
a gentleman out sliootiiiuniily roceivei
$ UOO of the indemnity paid to thorn
the Chinese olllcinls keeping $500. .
A successful representation of tin
Pirates of Pcnr.ixnco wns given l j
mi'mbiTs of the Hong Kong Chora
society ,
It it snid that the entire number ol
.liipmiMo youths , thirteen in all ,
studying Chinese nt the capital are
ordered back to Japan.
Tientsin hks started a daily nowapi-
pur called the Northern Post.
Xowa has only now been received
that on the 10th of July n sevei *
earthquake occurred in the district of
Kanchuw. Largo numbers of men
women and children were killed. The
earthquake wns followed by a heavy
r.iin storm which inundated a portion
of the country nnd drowned several
There has boon quite an epidemic
of piracies in the neighborhood of
Macaw lately. Four of the pirates
were captured.
IIpso KOMI , ' January ! ! . --The
British princes sailed from Hong
Ivoin : on the Dial of December in Un
ship Bacchante.
The relations between China and
Japan are still nnsatiafac'oiy. China
ia gradually adding tu her naval and
nhore strength. Corcnn envoys have
been dispatched to Pekin I'D rum-
plum of thu ill treatment < f 0 Mvaus
by thu .Japanese.
The provisions of thoHiiHHo-Chiuese
treaty uredillicult of fulfillment on the
\Vutja frontier. The inhabitants of
districts retrocodod nro avow
to Chinese rule. Several revolts
have been quelled by the Chinese
with their customary barbarity.
The Chinese government has under
iken to dredge Wooriuy bar and
clear thu channel to Shanghai.
The young emperor , is reported to
bo sick.
Advices to January 20th were re
ceived pur Hti-amer City of Rio do from Yokohama.
The Gaxutto says the foreign settle
ment is a prey to petty robbbiiries and
burglaries , opening of waiohouses ami
the abstraction of portions of the con
tents. The police do not seem equal
to the of suppression or detec
According to The Gnzette , anxiety
pervades thu councils "f the imperial
government at the condition of the
nation and her resources. Paper re
mains at n severe discount , without a
prospect of improvement. The coun
try depends for jeliuf from
existing pressure nnd inevitable
bankruptcy lo the extension of
her trade. The intention of the Jap
anese L'ovc'rnmcnt to 'enter ' into the
banking busiooss-ia * r. J to have made
thu establishment of a now concern ,
to bu called thu Central bunk , n cer
tainty. It is expected to open in
March or April.
A preliminary meeting was hold at
the foreign oflico in Tokio on the 18th
inst. , for discussion of the long pend
ing question of treaty revision , at
which were present the min
ister and vice-minister of
Foreign affairs und nearly nil foreign
representatives in Japan. Nothing
lias transpired of what took place. It
is understood that formalities incident
lo the introduction of revision of in
ternational treaties wore agreed upon
and settled.
Trouble continues in Coreu. Four
of the insurgents implicated in the
plot to overturn the government have
been decapitated.
YOMHIO.MA , January 21. The em-
| ieror has issued an address to the
irmy , telling thu soldiers not to med
dle with politics.
Application to United Stites Minis
ter Dingham to issue a writ of habeas
corpus in the case of O'Noil , convict
ed of manslaughter by thu' United
States consul at Kobu bus boun re
Cadet Midshipman Cnbinoss , of tliu
United States atenmur Stvutara , wan
accidentally nhot ami killed at Kohu
while ut drill.
Thu now vessels uf war aru being
laid ttown for construction in thu Ya-
korka arsenal ,
Thu mikado will ! i"hl a naval re
view of thu entire serviceable Jap
anese fleet in the ( iulf of Yeddo in
April and will preside at a military
review near the capital a fuw weeks
Thu native paper state that thu
United States government has applied
to Japan for leave lo buy all provis
ions for ships free of duty in open
Tlio Coining Pouch Crop.
National AmtocinttU 1'n
GHANK HAVKN , Mich. , February
7 , The mild winter has hud an excel
lent effect on thu coining peach crop.
The prospects now nru that unless
lieavy frosts set m within a fuw
weeks the yiuld will bu larger than
over before.
The Midlothian Sulfnrern.
.Special Dlapitcli to Tliu | ! CA .
RICHMOND , Va. , February 7. A
mooting of citi/uns ou thu Midlothian
disaster was hold to-day und a relief
ODiiiiuittoe appointed , whoHubsc iiimt-
ly issued an appeal t < > the public for
contributions for tliu relief of the HII'-
ferint ; 2(1 ( widows und 100 orphans ,
thrown upon Ihu community by tliu
ton ible explosion. This is u hfrgu
additional number of dependants on
this small nnd impoverished commu
nity , and makes nruunsary an' appeal
for aid to prevent siillering und dm-
trcKs. CoiUribuiioiis C.U1 bu sent U
the relief committee , Coalfield , or the
First National bank.
Dead Meu'n Bed I on Dlnoovored.
National Aiuodntod I'rivn.
LKAVKNWOKTII , February ? . A col
ored man rushed into town in breath
leas excitement thu afternoon Bayiii
hu had discovered thu bodies of throe
dead men. A posse of citizens has
gone to bring in the bodies ,
Ho Ptmisliort Pailfly Ryan Beau
tifully in Nine Hounds.
g Hia Noao and
Otborwisu Dninnptiufir His
- *
Rauior 'I hat Ryan Has Died
Prom Hia Wounds and Sul
livan Was Arroatod.
BiMtonWlld nnd Now YorU Do-
train load of sporting men left Now
Orleans at daylight , but did not roach
this nlaco until 1:20 : p.m. Sullivan
and ilyan both arrived yesterday and
were in thu best of spirits ami confi
dent of victory. The conditions of
the ngreoinunt wore that the fight
should bo fur $2,500 a aide , within a
24-foot ring. Hairy Hill , of Now
York , was stake holder and witnessed
the light. Mr. Fox propriot ir of
The Police ( la/.ottu , New York , telegraphed -
graphed Ityau $1,000 to bet ou him
yesterday. Ryan's friends in New
Orleans put up $ t,00 ) ( ) on Ryau , and
hotting nil around was in Sullivan's
favor 100 to 70. Ryan but Sullivan
$1,000 just before tlio li < ht , which
was promptly taken. The proclama
tion of Governor Lowery , of Missis
sippi , ordering the sberilld of the nea
coast counties to stop thu pri/o light-
era at nil hazards and to organize an
armed posao to break up the fight
created uiimo excitement here , nnd
some persons who intended going re
mained behind , fearing a row.
however , anil the riim was pitched in
front of Barnt-H1 hotel in a grove of
live oak. About 5,000 people wuro
present , representing all pi r-
lions of the country ; about 1,000 of
these were natives. Sullivan an-
nuuncod as aeconds Mnddin amlGoss ;
umpire , John Moran , of Cincinnati ;
Ryan named as seconds .l.ilm Rocho ,
ot Now- York , and Tom Kelly , of St.
Louis ; umpire , James Shnrron , of
Now York. Thu dispute ever referee
was settled by choosing Alex. Brows-
tor , of Now Orleans , and Jauk llnrdy ,
of Vicksburg , jointly. Sullivan cast
his lint into the ring at 11:15 : by the
judges' time , amidst great enthusi
Ryan entered the r ngat 11:57 : amid
enthusiastic cheer * , accompanied by
Kelly and Johnny Rocho. Ryan
won thu choice of corners and took
thu southwest corner. Sullivan had
the sun in his fncc. 'At exactly ton
minutes of 12 the men coed the
scratch und shook hands for the first
round. Both men spurred cautiously
fur an opening. Ryan led with his
ritfht , fell short , catching one from
Sullivan's left on thu face. Thu ex
change become short and quick. Sul
livan finally knocked him down with a
sevuro right-hander on thu cheek.
Time , . ' ! seconds. )
Sullivan at oncu rushed to his man
and lut m > his luft hand , which caught
Ryan in the jaw. Ryan closed nd
they wrestled for a fall , in which
Ryan felt heavily on his opponent.
L'mie , 25 seconds.
'I he men came together with a rush
md Sullivan , after making throe
masea , knocked Ryan down with a
erriblu right-hander on the cheat.
Time , 4 seconds.
The muii sparred for purpose a
second or two ; both feinted nnd Sul-
ivan went for Ryan's face , putting in
i winging blow Hjuaro on thu nose
joforo tln-y clusi-d ; slugging then
commenced and continued until Ryan
s foicud into and on the ropes ,
ion hu went lo grasp. Timu , 20
This was a ropitotion nfjthu abovii ,
joth closing and fighting on their best
icks , thu attacks of both being con-
lini'd to the fiicn. Ryan succeeded in
bringing Sullivan to Ilia knees at Ihu
Sullivan came up smiling , but it
was evident Ryan was not only suffer-
ng but somewhat afraid of his an
tagonist. Sullivan loat motion , but
went in to trin. Ryan , however ,
cloned and downed him.
Thin round waa a ahort one. Thu
men closed and the struggling con.
tinned for a fuw seconds , when Ryan
went to grass u wreck. Sullivan
came tx > his corner smiling. Ryan ,
however , hud the grit to come up. lor
another round.
The men on the call of timo. cumu
up promptly. Ryan was dooidedly
lu-atun but m ido a gallant struggle
Sullivan fought him all ever thu ring
iind into the umpire's oornorand "V'-r
Ihu ropea. ( Jetting off the ropes , In :
ralli ed , but went U-jwn ou his knees
and hands. A foul wn looked for ,
hut though Sullivan hi-.i his hand
rained to t.triku hu restrained himsulf
us Ryan rose. Both men wtru ro.
tiling to their cornoni when Ihu neo
ends of each ciied "Go for him , "
and the men responding enmu togeth
er. They closed nnd clinched mid
after a bhortbtnujlo } | b.ith wont down.
Ryan eamo uu jogging and Sullivan
at oncu foiced him into his corner ,
delivering ono heavy blow. Ryan re
covered and. drove Sullivan out , anc
just beyond thu middle of thu rinj ,
Sullivan got in a right bunder under
the loft eye and Ryan went down
BuiiHulesa. When tune waa called
Ryan did not respond and the fight
w.ia divlarod in favor of Sullivan
amid great chooring.
Uyau nnd Sullivan woio visited af
ter they had gonu to thnir qunrtrra.
Uynn wan lying in an exhausted con
dition on the bed , badly diMigured
about thu face , hia upper lip being cut
through nnd hia 110.10 disfigured , llu
did not movu , but lay panting. Stim-
ulanta were given to roatoru him , Ho
ia terribly punialiod about the luud.
At thu cnucluaion of the
light Sulivau ran to bin qnartors
at a lively gait nnd laughing hu laid
lown for u while a little out of wind ,
.nit thoru was not n scratch on him.
Ho chatted pk-naantly with his
The lighting wna ahort , sharp and
luciaivu on Snllvixn's ' part throughout ,
ilyau ahowing wenrmesa alter the
irat round.
BOSTON , February 7.Wlum the
niwa that Sullivan had vnnquiahod in thu tight at AHanisaippi City
o-day reached this city the wildest
lucitoniont pruvniled in thu Hroots | ,
i'eoplu thronged thu atreuts and extra
i > npora were eagerly bought. It was
uu until late in the evening that any
h'linitu account was rtctfived
nit the puoplu waited in front
if the oHices until assured the good
lows was true. Now that Boston has
, ho honor of posaewing thu champion
tri/.o tighter ot America it is proposed
ogive him a testimonial on hitu-olurn.
Highland diaiiict , where Sullivan
ives with his father and muthur , was
mt in full force and the great event
vaa appropriately celebrated , the fos-
ivitioH not breaking up until long
ifter midnight. A large amount of
iiunoy will be brought to this city
nun Now Orleaim , aa HoHtoniana bet
teavily. It is thu lirat time in thu
listory of thu pri/o ring that
timton IniH had a champion
iti'Mou OK KYAN'N DIAT : < I.
CniCAdo , February 7.It is rnuiov-
ed that Ryan died thia uvening from
us wonudn and that Sullivan unit all
larlicipanta Inivo boon arrested by thu
'low ' Orleans authoritieB.
NBW YOIIK , February 7. No prizu
ighl in recent yu'irn awakened such
interest that in Mis-
{ een aa to-day -
uisHippi. It in es > im.ited that in
his city § 200,000 changed hands
m the result. Bolting on
hu whole was even. Thia uvening ,
crowds thronged about the newspaper
Dices and gwod at thu bulletins. A
lumber of sporting men as.iuinhlod at
hu ollicu of Rynn'a backers. The
result of the light , was not kno''ii till
t p. uii Most of them had monuy on
he result and an Ryan was the favor-
to fooling of dejection was felt
vhon u dispatch announced the defeat
of Ryan. The backer of Itynn says :
The result is n serious disappoint-
uent.uH . 1 felt certain Ryan would win.
! was willing to back him $10,000 but
Sullivan's friends could not riuso thu
iioney. I have loat thu staVe money ,
ilno n bet of $1,000 and other small
juts. I am about $7,000 out of
> ock6tlut don't rcghit the 'loss as
niicli ns 1 do the 1 oases' of'my friends.
NVo are nil satisfied it was n fair bnttlo
mil that it was decided on its merits ,
have not loat confidence in Ryan's
lowers , On the contrary I linvo tulu-
graphed him that if ho was willing to
nout Sullivan I would back him for
S5,000. " At the aovurnl sporting ro-
orta nothing ulau wus talked of.
Sullivan was born in Ireland , and
came to this country when quite
oung , his parents first locating in
N'uw York city , and thuy migrating
0 Bonton. Ho is about twenty-six
rears of : igo , and wliilo hu has never
) oun engaged in a regular pri/o light
with bare knuckles and bare
> ronstH , ho baa fought often
with hard and blackened
, loves. Ono of theiiu batth'H , which
10 won , took place in a hull on Vine
Intel in this city , hia opponent being
'rof. J. 0. Donaldson. Sullivan ,
iftur lighting four rounds under the
ules proscribed by the mimjuis of
jiicoimhury , completely floored hia
Sincu that time ho bus appeared in
ncounturs with OOHS and others , and
WH invniiably comu oil' l > eat. llu ia
1 man more than six foot in height ,
i IH a wonderful reach , and is onu of
hu moHt active men that uver chnne
hu business for u profession. He
UIH been training near Garrolllon , La. ,
inder thu aunpici's of Jou ( Ions and
ithera , and is said to bo in thu bust of
Paddy Ilyan , while not ns largo or
is heavy na Bullivan , bna had woiue
experience in thu rim ; , hu and old Juu
Ooas having fought near Pittshurg
HOIIIU tiinu ago. Ryan whipped G ( a ,
jut the achievement was not n bril-
iiint onu , from thu fact thai Guns was
in old man , was so fat that he Gould
ftcarculy handle- himself , and that it
look oighty-livo rounda mid niiurly
two hours' timu for llyun to geb uway
with him. Ho was ut 0110 limo
matchud to fight Joinmy Dtvyor , but
Ihu event never occurred , lu , Hku
Sullivan , is comparatively n , novice ,
never having had uny great oipurioncu
in thu ring , tto is about aix feet in
height , and when in condition would
weigh probably 180 to ISu.jxmnds.
He , liku Sullivan , wua born in Ire
land , but ciiutu to this country when
iiuitu young , hm parenla Bottling t
Troy , N. V.
Ho was ulso trained a fuw miles wit
sidu of Now Orleans , bo ing u'toiulod
liy Miku Alaildun tuid others.
Farunoo BI u ou a StrlVtn.
Vntlnnal A * ) rUtoil Vltff.
OIIIUAOO , February 7. Ono linn
ilrod blast funmco men nro out tin
striku in the Union stool works , do
im ro wages. Now men ar
IiidloiiUou * .
National AwoclatuJ I'fow.
WAHIIINOTON , February 8 , For th
lo-'or Missouri vulloy ; Warmer fai
wudthor , winds moatly Bouth , la
tionaryor lower proBSUro.
Trying to Take His Seat in the
House of Commons ,
The Right to Whioh the Uov-
orntnont Pftrty ia Trying
to Deny Him.
The Peers Discussing the
Quoou'u Spoooh For Ita
Obscurity on the
Luud Bill.
Dynnmitoniul thoCnnr , nnU Other
Foreign Nevri.
j. > mruiij February 7. The speaker
being in his chair and the ordinary
formalities of the opening session liav-
i ; boon performed , Mr. Bradlaugh ,
who had entered the house by th
mombur's door wiUmui molostnlion
advanced alone to the clerk's table
and nskcd to take the oath. Sir Staf
ford Northcoto , leader of the lower
side of the house nnd who led the oil-
position against Mr. Brndhiugh's ad
mission at the last wcsiion , arose and
moved a resolution to the effect that
in accordance with the rules of the
house Mr. Bradhingh should bo pre
vented from taking thu oath. The
speaker courteously informed Mr.
Unidhuigh that thu resolution would
bu discussed and requested him to
withdraw during thu discussion. . Mr.
Biadlimgh retired , but before Voing
ao asked that the house would hear
lim before deciding thu case. Imme
diately upon his retirement debate on
Sir Stafford Norlhcotu's motion bo-
51111. Sir Win , Vernon Harconrt op-
loaod the motion in a strong speech ,
lie contended that the-question of thu
egality of thu oath was ono to bu do-
uided by law.
I'ho Prince of Wales was present in
the poors' gallery during thu debate.
Bradlaugh , in asking to take hia
seat , claimed hu was unimpeachable
and hoped thu house would act with
Fairness and justice. Hu declared if
lu took the oath he would consider it
is binding on his conscience as any
member ot thujiouau , but if they re
fused to administer it hu wna willing
to wait six \vuuk for passing a bill
mtitling members to either ullirm or
take thu oath. Then hu should stand
'or ro-olection in his district and
would only accept dismissal nt the
lands of hia eonstittientii.
Gladstone , replying , defended the
action of the government in thu matter -
tor and said it would bu beat to leave
the wholemittur to the law court.
In his opt..i , > . . ti. 'iciimu ' nhould have
no right to consider a iiiistion | regarding -
ing thu conscience of a mumbor ,
LONDON , Februarys. - In the houoo
of commons last evening on passing.
Sir Stafford Norihootp'B-inotion , Brad
laugh again cnniu up fo fake the oath ,
refusing to withdraw , amid calls for
Gladstone , who stated he could oflur
no opposition , whereupon Bradlaugh'
Mr. Grny moved for a eommittoo of
iiupliry into the arrest of Parnoll nnd
other members of the house. The-
motion wna rejected - 10-t to 25.
Debate-on the addrovn was adjourn
ed with the understanding it wouldi be
concluded on Friday next.
The opposition decided not to. di-
ido thu house at present.
In the house of lords hint evening
jord Salisbury , speaking on the
neon's speech , complained of itm ob-
curity and thu totnl absence of any
eferonco being made by bar majesty
o any compensation being made to
rish landlords for losses entailed on
hum in carrying oub the provisions
t the land court act.
ST. POTKHSIIUUO , February 7. A
lumber of logs of wood intended for
isu in lighting thu stove in the czar's
tudy were found to have been scoop-
d out and thu cavities filk'd with
ynamitu. A number of unna'-ers of
hu household have been arrested.
The Gorman ambassador threatens
( j lo vo St. Petersburg nnlena the gov-
rnment puta a , stop to thuantiAim - .
rian movement now being carried on
n Russian newspapers.
( utlnmil AHinciutuI I'rcm.
Km IN , Ills. , Fobruaiiy T.- Adam
Mangle , -it tliu Northern Illinois
LHylum for thu insane huro , , suicided
aat night by hanging , by his suspen
ders to tint grating of his coll.
Riddlolioruor Bill in Virginia.
National Atwodatucl I' , CHS.
RIOIIMOND , Va. , February 7. The
liddlebergor debt bill was paaaod to-
lay by the hoUHnyos Winoes 30.
Hie bill having already puscod the
aenutu , it now gous to the governor
'or approval ,
Tluiv. U/iwiud , llradforil , 1'u. , writes : .
I unclimo iiuuuy for Sualui ; UloHsom , as ,
[ Hild 1. would if it cured me ; my dyHpop-
HliUmn vTinltticil with all ltH _ byimitoniB. .
\iany \ thniikH ; I whall nuver Uu without ib.
n thu IKIUHC. " 1'rluu RU n nts , tiiiil botUua ,
J0 ! coutH. Iwecwlt
To thu Killliar. ol Tim Uoi :
In anawur tu the many imiuirliixi in
regard lo my connection with tko so-
called. "Lntheraa mission , " lately
convoked in this city , 1 feix\ called
upon to miiko iho folluwiuj state-
mcnt :
Suid "mission" in nn enJirely different -
feront socitty from , and in no wise
connected with , the church for which
1 huvu luburi'd ' , und for whoso now
church fdilieo 1 have ixon soliciting
U. A. FwiKtSTHOM ,
Pastor Swedish huthorun church.
"Wells' Health Ue'nowor , " greatest
remedy on eiwIH Cur impotence , lean
ness , soxiial duhiU'iy , &o. Ono dollar
at druggist's , Iopot , 0 , F. flood-
man , (5) ( )