Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning , Fob 7
Wnatbor Report-
' ( The tollowlnff olmervalloni arc Inkon at
the Mine moment nt time nt nil the st.v
UonMnnnml. )
Win DRMRIMRIT , U. a. Sim At. Smvicii , I
OMAHA , February fi , 1832. (1:45 ( : p. m. ) f
Itlvpr irazen.
Tlic train west on the U. 1' . yester
day wan n rery light one.
O. .T. Wilde has enlarged hit Show
-CMC WorkK , 1315 nnd 11)17 ) CIWH Htrttt.
Judge Ilonokc certified fourteen cawcs
' up In the district court thin term ,
County court will open nut with the
call of the docket thtsinominf ? .
1 The burglar arrested by Ford will bo
tried on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock
Let UK have the telephone nt Ht.
JouophV hospital nnd nt the small pox
hoxpitnl ,
Koynl Arch Chapter met tint ; Tumlay
nl ht nnd Covert Led o regular Wednesday -
day night.
At - [ t , m , yentenlay the thermometer
at Max Meyer & BroV. ntoro fthowod n tem
perature of 51 ° . 1'innt your lettuce and
Notice to ] iricklayorii All uu'iiilivrx
ro raiuuNtcd to l > u present on Tuesday
evening to receive tlic inrinhen of tht
Council BIufTrt Union.
Tlicre WIIH n fnlut1 nlnrin of fire froii
box t , comer .Tones uiul Ninth nt 10'K
ycntijnlny , Inking the wholu department -
ment to the hcene.
ilohn Cninvron. 11 well-known citizen
who roomed in the city hall , wiut yen-
tcrduy taking to St. Jon pli'n hospital
with n bud cant ) of yellow jaundice.
The Mibncrlption lint for tliu corning
nerict of clnncic conccrU by the I'hilonm-
, - 'thcan club , which bedim Tuesday night ,
IB now ojun ut Mnx Meyer & Uro.'a store.
-The awe of the Unite * ! SlntoH YH.
" 'TddingK and UorUii , the nti r routers ,
comet ) u i in the United > Hate < court nt
Uncolii on Wedn'cd y nt 11 o'clock. The
trial will probably occupy aoycrnl dnyH.
There were hvo Slocumbs before Judge
'Uenuke yesterday , one of them buiiiK
' the notorioiiH Mollie Kernan. One wan
committed , one cnso continued , Kenmn
paid , one ijnvo Hccuntjnnd one wwit off
to raise the lucre to pay.
The Slstcrx nt St. Jowph'H hospital
desire UH to return their thank to the pub
lic for the iniumer in which they have re
sponded to the request for lint. Several
package * have nlrciuly been received and
more can still be made good use of.
II. II. Malm'M Oporn cotnpa' y will
-appear at Uoyd'H op ra hounj on Thurx-
day , Friday and Saturday niyhtu , and a
inatinei * Sa'.urdny afternoon. The com
pany in find class , nrd the entertainments
will be way up ,
The Slert "case * , set for yesterday , have
both been continued until Thun jay , by
which time the grand jury will iloubtlot-s
find a bill ngnlnat him. The Slocumb
law , which wai leated in n court lnnt week
t proven to bo full of rorioUH defects which
twill bedituo\orvd fully thin term ,
The Fun ou the Uiintol party , after
playing to crowded In uses at lioyil'n , Sat
urday oftoi iKxin nnd evening , left for Den
ver on the nhort line Svnday night. The
manager preceded them on Saturday.
The jury In the cno of MM. Abbio
'Sh'innoTH , whoue midden death on Siitur-
day him been publlnlied , returned a ver
dict that the deceaHod came to her death
from nntuntl can on to them unknown.
The funeral look place at 10 o'clock yen-
terduy from St. I'liilomena'tf where BO-
-nin high IIIIU-H wnn celebrated ,
A ketch of lion , Webster SnydcrV
propohwl market IUIIIHC and city building
on Julferrion Mpiarc , nx Nuggeated by lu-
frenu & Mendulnnhon , in on uxhibltion in
Wynwn'ii window. It in a palatial looking
xtiuctur * , nnd woidd bo an ornament to
.thuoldedt city in the cast. The Iwineinent
. ntJiry in to be uiied for meat and fi.ih , the
firnt ntory for vegctableH , und the Hecond
utoiy for 11 publio hull mid city oIlleeH.
On Saturday exening iin ox which had
Ixwii tununl out of the cattle barn Into the
yard nt Jler'a dUtlllery , iMwitlvely refnm-d
to be driven bnck. Three or four men
tried to ( hive him , und Home boyx on the
bridge lidded their voices to the racket ,
which ended up In one of the men being HO
bully gored that lie had to go to l > ed.
Uml r the mupiceit of Unlly lyceum
'there will be given in theUnitarinnchurch
. courtie of lecture * , beginning on Friday ,
February 10 , when 1'rofeuHor Church wll
lecture on "Fox and the American IKMUO , '
to be followed .February 1M by 1'rofemor
Aughey ; March 10 , Mrn. De Lnney
. &l rcli 24 , 1'fuf. 0.1) . . MtlUj April 7
'by Jf Shropshire , Kn. .
M. Hellmnn & CO.'H inimmoth cbth
Ing houie , o rner of Thli teenth am
Farnaiu utioets , will be closed on Tuwday
for the purpoxe of marking down the !
stock and to make room for the JimnetiB
print ; tock which Mr. Hellmnn hau jus
.purcliantd in New York , Everybody eal
' aud take advantage of thU opportunity to
nave from ? 't,00 to $0.00 on an overcoa
-or uit.
Ntlineroiu rcjiidenU along Ht. Mary'
avenue are anilou to know what th
treet car company did with the : roiui
walkH rooted up during the laying of th
new track. The walk ut the Internet-tin
of Sixteenth ilrtet , eait bide , waiTnot tu-
. 'laid ' , liiid the timber hau disappeared , Th
' 'aame in true of the croiudng on Fifteent
and Howard street * , north jilde. Btree
tiomtuUiIoner Ford U rixiieBted ] to inak
Vote of it and , whisper the. fact Into th
eaw of the "Swamp Augel. "
The Small Pox Plond Not Yet
Driven Out.
An Importation of Ono Victim From
Hanoius Olty A Now Fluff on
Twelfth Stroot.
The nnnouncomcnt in TICK HKB
nst wuuk that the Rinnll pox pent
md huon ruinovod from tliu city wnn
) aAud upon the dtatotnunt of tliu olli-
cinls and city physician. Since that
iinu , however , two now auus luivo
joon roportud. Thcso hnvo buen
Jikon care of , nnd ono han bcun ru-
tnovcd to tlic peat homo.
The last mentioned CMO in that of
fumes Trenton , n young man from
Kansas City. Ho arrived in Omaha
about u week n o and stopped at
the ( Junniinia house. On Friday
lie commenced to fool nick ,
and on Saturday eruptions
began to show on his fuco. Ho wnn
requested to find another boarding
place nnd had started out to do no
when ho wan met by Dr. Darrow ,
whoso oflico is near the depot. The
docton at once detected ovidcncen of
email pox in the man'n face and de
tained him until City Physician
Leiscnring could bo nummonod. The
man wan posted on the outer edge of
the sidewalk and remained there until
a wagon was procured and ho could betaken
taken away. The report that ho
was promenading Tenth street and
jxpoainn pedontriuiiH in incorrect , an
lie was not allowed to move from Inn
station until a conveyance arrived to
take him to the pest lious- . While
the follow evinced uniiiiHlakablii ovi-
donees of small pox , according to the
physicians , lit * was notnufliciontly sick
to communicate the disease unlesn by
actual contact , and it is not feared by
those who know moat about the case
that anyone was endangered by his
presence on the street.
Sunday uf urnoon another CUHO
was reported from .Incknon street , be
tween Eleventh and Twelfth streets.
The location of the case wan found to
be the Gorman church , nearly opposite
IJrown's , wlu'ro Noilson died , The
victim is a little daughter of the Gor
man pastor. Fla s were hung from
: ho house yesterday and every pre
caution will be taken to insure safety
.o tho. surrounding residents.
Tlie engine which dicw the pay car
iwt week at the time of the .fatal accident
in the Laramie divinioii , wnx brought in
on n freight train nt noon yo < ( erday to go
nto the Hhops forre pairx. It In No. 107 ,
and the damngeH are pretty Herioiw in
appearance. The boiler head is knocked
all to piecoH , the top of tliu pilot torn off ,
he right hand hteam client gone , nnd the
itirricnnc deck Hwept clean of mnoko xtack ,
icll , Hand box , ntoam dome , etc. The cab
M a wreck , the fiieinan'n nlde being all
orn out. Thu fit email wnH biully hurt , UK
will bo remembered. The collision nuint
lave been a terrible one to tear a locomo-
ivo tip HO , nnd the caboomi must have been
plit into kindling worn
Cul. Judd , Chamberlain of King Knla-
cau , of the Sandwich Inlands , was in the
ity Sunday a short time. Ho is on lib )
way east to purchaxo furniture for the
now palace Kal&kaua In erecting. The
Mirtly colonel reports everything flourish-
ng in the CannlUd Islands ,
Roffulur Monthly Mooting : of the Mem-
bora Last Evening.
The board of education met at the
uporintendont's ollice last evening ,
ill present except Member Ferguson.
The question of tliu junitorship of
! > North school came up for renewed
iscuasion and the matter of salary
was talked over atconsidernblolongth.
'ho committee reported , recommend-
ng the payment of $100 per annum
o the present janitor. The amounts
onortod for the other schools are as
elMs : Central , $220 ; East , 300 ;
louth , 890 ; Casa , ? 90j West , $48 ;
Llartman , $18 ; Jackson ' , $32 ; llna-
coll. $14 ; board room' , $10 ; Lttke's
addition , $30.
The report of the committee on
claims was ndontod.
It was resolved to liavo aix-foot
idowalks laid in the yards of the
iorHi and South schools.
The following resolutions of respect
vero passed on thu death of Samuel
3. Mallette , late city treasurer ;
Whereas , Wo huve learned to our
extreme ajrrow of the removal , by
loath , of our Into treasurer , lion.
Samuel Ci , Mallotte , in his early and
vigorous manhood ; therefore , bo it
Kesolved , That we bear testimony
to Ilia integrity mid faithfulness in the
discharge of his responsible duties ,
and the kind.less and urbanity nni-
: ormiy extended to those with wliom
lie came in contact.
Resolved , That wo extend our cor
dial sympathy to the widow a nd the
fatherless in their severe affliction ,
trusting that "He who tempera the
wind to the shorn lamb , " will grant
the comfort and consolation they so
sorely need in the hour of their deep
Resolved , That these resolutions be
spread upon the records and a copy
thereof sent to the family of the du-
A report was submitted that the
committee had boon unable to sucuro
additional room near the Jackson
street school building , and that'many
children were thereby deprived ol
school privileges , and recommending
that a building be erected at a cost ol
not more than $4(50 ( , in the rear of the
Jackson school building. Adopted ,
A special commtttxu wore author
ized to iniiko a contract for such a
building. Adopted.
The president and secretary were
authorized to draw a warrant for 32-
500 for payment of claims ,
A committee of four , of which the
president wns chairman , were ap
pointed to consider the matter o
securing a site and plans for a schoo
building. Messrs. MoShnno , Throl
and Ferguson , beside * Mr. 1'resident
compose the committee.
The question of the school consul
was brought up and talked ovei a
Borne length. The matter of necuriitf
a census taker was loft to the discre
tion of the secretary.
A petition wan presented from the
residents of Lake's addition to in
crease the salary of T. M. Marshal ,
irincipal of the Lake's Addition
ichool , to an equality witli that of
ilher principals of schools with two
rooms , Thu petition was referred to
.ho committees on finance. This com
mittee meets to-night at 7 o'clock.
A resolution was offered to remove
Iho present janitor of the North
ichool nnd a new ono bo appointed.
The matter wns deferred until the
janitor could have-a week's notice.
The treasurer's report showed tlmt
there is 813,770 in the treasury. Th"j
amount of revenue haH been increased
about $5,000 for the present quarter
over the same time last year , on ac
count of the Slocumb law.
The superintendent was authorized
: o correspond for school furniture to
supply the school room on Jackson
A V/oll Known Young Brewer Sookn
Green FlolilH and Pauturos New ,
Everybody knows "Dick" Siemon ,
'onnorly foreman of Metz's brewery ,
a jolly , good nntured young follow ex
cept in election times and then an
enthusiastic politician of the belliger
ent type.
Some time ago Dick left Met ? und
started into the brewing business for
limsolf with what is known as the
Saratoga brewery , no r the northerner
: orner of thu fair grounds , lie soon
jecamo indebted to a number of
'riends in this city , who , liking him
ind anxious to see him succeed , loan
ed him money and did other favors.
I'ho venture , however , seems not to
Imvo been a financial succena , and on
Sunday the proprietor of the Sarato-
; a brewery "disappeared.
Monday Countable Kdgerton took
> osse. Hion of the promised and pur-
onal property on eight writu of at
achment , the principal cluinuntH bu
ng Peter Goes , tlonry llalho nnd
Max Lullnnd all the claims footing
in to $1,187. Other bills atu report
ed which will Hwoll the sum total to
rom $3,000 to § 5,000 nnd ut thosamo
imu it aeonu that ilio property has
all been disposed of to Mr. Ell.
Mauer , one of Dick s honest creditors ,
> y a bill of sale , which bill theattach-
ng parties propose to contest.
In the meantime , Constable Kdger-
on holda the property , which ia kept
in charge of an ofliccr. Siemon'ti
whereabouts seem to be not even BUS-
'ho Gonoml Suoorlntondont and Gen
eral Freight Agent of tbo Cen
tral Pacific Pftaa Through
In a special car attached to No. 4
on the Union Pacific road Sunday
were A. N. Tovvno , general superin-
endont of the Central Pacific railroad
nnd J. 0. Stubbs , general freight
agent of the same road , on their way
east. The gentlemen wore accom-
mnied by their families , and wore en
route for Now York City for a several
weeks' trip. Mr. Towno was serious-
y indisposed when they arrived in
) maha , and in the limited time allow
ed at the depot in this city no oppor-
unity was given for an interview with
hat gentleman.
Mr. Towno is ono of the dignitaries
n railroad management , who has
risen from the ranks. About ten
'earn ago he was a conductor on the
1 , 13. & Q railroad and had under
lis charge as a brakeman , a gentle-
nan now living in this city. The
conductor is now drawing a salary of
? 'J5,000 a year , nnd occupies one of
ho most elevated railroad positions
n the country.
Mr. Towno'a visit to Now York
city is for the purpose of recreation
and recovery of health which over
work has seriously injured.
A Stranger Ausaulta a Woman , but
Falls to Accomplish Hit ) Purpose.
A few minutes before G o'clock last
evening u stranger entered the house
of John Brown , on lower Ninth qtreet ,
und found the proprietor absent , but
lira. Drown at home. Ho at once ut-
acked the latter , throw her down on
ho iloor and attempted to accomplish
i base design. The woman struggled
o dusperutoly that despite his oxer-
ions ho was unable to consummate
ho outrage and eventually dud from
.he house. Mr. Drown came in a few
nomviits later , and on learning the
: acta of the affair at once gave the
alarm by sounding a police whistle ,
whichdow _ quito u crowd to the spot ,
3ftlcof .Frank Kosper being among the
number. Rasper secured A descrip
tion of the villain and set out in search
of him , but had not found him up tea
a late hour.
A somewhat similar case ia reported
from Sixteenth street. In this in
stance it is claimed that a Gorman cit
izen was out with a friend , recently
arrived from the old country , and
both' returned from thu little jambo
ree pretty full. The host went out
to get a fresh supply of liquid refresh
ment and in his nbaonco the new arri
val undertook to violate the rules of
humanity nnd hospitality both by
committing an assault of an aggrava
ted nature on the woman whosi hus
band he was visiting. He ia beiny
searched for and will bo put througli
if caught. i
Some would-be llyrciu look on will
At the rhyme * of Kclectrio Oil "poet ; "
But wo hate tlio beat article known to tin
world ,
And intend that all per.oni vhall know it
It cures couch. " , colds , asthma nnd catarrh
Uri'iichltls ami complaint * of that kludt
It doeatititcoit much , though rheumatic
U cures.
Tii the best Oil ( n the world you can find
A Bold Burglar IB Caught In Mrs.
Jivhu'H Hotel.
Several lobbcrios of n smull nature
each , but ngt'rL g.itin about $1,000
wortli of property have been perpe
trated during the past two months at
n hotel on Tenth strcot , kept by MM.
K , Jnhn , near the "St. James. The
methods pursued by the thief or
thieves have been of u bold and yet
successful nature. The house has
been entered during the day , in early
evening and late at night , the burg
lars gaining ucccsd by back windows
when the dooi.i were found to bu
On Saturdiiy night the crook , who
is believed to have been interested in
most if not nil of ( JiCHo robberies , wns
caught in the act by ox-Policeman
Pat. Ford When arrested , the man ,
who gives the name of D , Mnitland ,
wns in the Inr room and was
about to cncnpo. His detec
tion und iirreni was the result
of "misplaced confidence. " Sometime
Saturday afternoon Mnitland met
Uoorgo lUiikm , who boards at Pat.
Ford's house on Tenth street , and
struck up acquaintance with him.
After they had taken n few drinks to.
gother Miiithuid told Kankin that he
know of a ' 'swag" of $400 in Mis.
JiOin's hotel , the money belonging to
that lady hursolf , 11 u proposed that
llaiikin join him in the intended rob
bery , and the latter concluded to
accept the proposition , in order
to catch the thief in
the act. lUnkin accordingly
took the crook to supper with him ,
nnd on the quiet informed Mr. Ford
of what was up.
Mr. ForJ acted promptly and in-
formrd the pilico that the robboiy
was to bo attempted between 0 and 10
o'clock that evening , us hud been
agreed upon by the crook andllankin.
After Hiippur Maitland changed IUH
programme us to time and determined
to attempt the ruuket right
avviiy. As a consequence there
wo , * no time to inform
the otlicois of the alteiution in plans ,
and Mr. Ford determined to check
mate the burglar himself. He ac
cordingly followed the thief and
llaiikin to Mrs. Jalni's hotel nnd
watched the former' * maneuver. In
alow minutes Mai tliu id crawled upon
n bhed in tliu rear of the hotel and
went in through a window. Ho pro
ceeded directly to Mrs. Juiin's
room und attempted to enter
it At the sumo moment Uankin
gave Ford thu faignal und the latter
wont into the hotel from the front.
When the thief pushed the door to
Mrs. Jonn's room open he discovered
the lady herself to be in , and he beat
a precipitate retreat. lluRhing down
the back st irs , he hurriedly passed
into the bar loom and run directly
into Ford's arms. It was but the
work ot a ininuto to secure the man
and ho wns taken to jail without fur
ther ado. Mr. Ford ia entitled to
much credit for his piompt nnd cour
ageous action.
A Bricklayers and Plasterers Union
Formed In Council Blutl'a.
On Saturday evening ast a deputa
tion of the Omaha Bricklayers' Union
wont over to Council Bluffs , on the
invitation of the craft of that city ,
to organize a bricklayers' union there ,
which object was successfully accom
Thirty-three charter member were
enrolled , und the tallowing o dicers el-
cted for the first term :
President Win. Itopor.
Vice President C. E. D.iwson.
Recording Secretary L. Jusoph.
Treasurer Wade llepor.
Door Keeper Win. liumngB.
Board of Trustees J. Pryor , L.
Turtle , 0. Newton , Win. * llusaoll and
. Newton. '
The union then applied for a char-
er from the National union.
Hon. William A. Qwyor Submits a
Proposition for a Syndicate.
The following ia the text of the pro-
osition of Honorable Wm. A. Gwyor ,
n answer to the invitation of the
My Council for propositions to build
, mart ot house for the city , f reo of
hargo ;
OMAHA. , January Ul , 1832.
To the Honorable City CoULCil ol tliu City of
Omulu ;
A committee of your honorable
> ody having invited proposals for the
onstruction of u market house free of
: est to the city , we submit the follow-
ng proposition :
The city council to designate and
letine the center of Capitol avenue
rom the cast side of Fifteenth street
o the west aide of Eleventh street.
I'ho council by ordinance to cause ull
narktit wagons and wagons with farm
iroduco to concentrate at the desig-
mted place tor the oalo of produce.
The fee for the market privilege to bo
ten cents per wagon. A publio ecalo
shall be erected on the market grounds ,
by the lessees , the fee for weighing
not to exceed the maximum of ten
cents per load.
The city council to execute a loaay
of the ground in the center of CapL-
* > 1 avenue 34 fout wide , from Fif
teenth street to Eleventh street , ex
cepting therefrom thu intersection ol
the cross streets for u period of fifty
years , at the nominal rental of one
dollar per annum , and thu buildings
eoimtructod thoreou to be free from
all municipal taxation.
With thuso preliminaries the under
signed will construct on the property
between Fifteenth and Fourtoontl
streets , a market house not less thai
two stories high , of stone , bricV
or iron , or u combination o
these materiuls. There ahull be r
tower nt the west end with u publi
clock , iid a tower at tie ) cast oiu
with n bell therein.
Suid market Ii6uso shall bu 34x24
foot , and with the other improvement
to bo of the value of $60,000A
aoou as the increasing population o
the city shall requiw adUional fa
cilitfe * for market purposes anothci
building shall bo erected
on the block between
Fourteorth and Thirteenth streets , to
cost not less than $50,000 , and when
completed the lease to bo extended to
fifty years from the completion of the
second building. At the expiration
of tliu luano all improTcmcnts nnd
property to revert to the city of
Omaha. The undLraigncd will keep
the properly insured ( luring the con
tinuance of the lease , the city to bo at
no expense whatever in connection
with the annual expenditures of the
market company ,
( Signed ) WM A , GWVKK ,
Agent for the Syndicate ,
Wo submit the following rciaon
why the above concession might
properly bo granted :
1st. The city will obtain ull the
conveniences of a public market
house without any co t to the city ,
2d. They will obtain property
worth $100,000 for the concession.
3d It will reduce the coat of pav-
ng Capitol avenue ,
4th. It will create a new business
center and increase the value of thu
taxable property of the city.
fith. The construction of a market
louse at thu present time will bu an
tlFeetivo agent to cause thu cultiva
tion of Douglas county lands , nnd
hunge the adjoining prairies into
larket gardens.
torr Mnlchln'a BonotltOrortt Suc
cess of Dr. KlmiH.
That Mr. Hubert Ui'ehiii ; IHU great
avorito with the < > oriuan play lovers
as evidenced very clearly by the
arge und appreciative audience which
Bsoinhled in tlin Grrnnm tlu > nt < > rSun-
ay ni lit.
_ _ Mr. Minchiu uiiatumed thu role of
'uui Uerstul , u kind of luh-de-dah ,
ushful young man , who had very
ittlo to say in the lint part of the
> erformaiico , but under the influence
> f Cupid's potent dart ho became posit-
vely , awfully demonstrative in his
eve making. His actinir , however ,
was excellent nnd ho had evidently
well studied his pai-t.
Franz Reiman as Dr. Klaus was
mmcnsu and he was vociferously ap-
ilauded. In thu allecting parts he dis-
ilayed great ability and many h.vmi-
ccrchiefs were simultaneously olevntcd
o their owner's eyes.
Air. Grossman as Leopold , u jeweler ,
wled his part very grotesquely and
as very well received.
Mr. Lindcmann enacted the funny
liaructur as usual with Ins aucusuuued
Miss Giossmnnn an Julia played
ury prettily nnd her make upva
tterly too too.
Miss Thiossen , in thu character of
Dmma , was very effective.
Mr. Penner as Muc waa decidedly
; uod. Messrs. llauck , Lutzu anct
.itihon und Mian Bu > eliinann played
loir several little parts very cred-
A Pleasant Affair.
Quite a pleasant little party gath-
red together Sunday night on the
ccasion of Mr Hubert Malchin's
> oneiit. Some speeches were made
in English and German , and every
body was in a highly hilarious state ,
unong those present were Miss
ilwino Hoynold , Miss Thiesscn , Franz
Leinau , Mr. Parision , Herr Bancks ,
Jarl Grandpro , J. Wilson , Hubert
lalchin , Mr. Kuester and several
thors. A wish was expressed that
> Iiss Alwino Heyiiold would at a very
arly date reappear on the German
Emmet'B Anniversary.
H. A. Havtigan , a Plattsmouth dia-
iple of Dlackstono , has boon honored
> y an invitation to deliver an address
> oforo the Emmet association of
) niaha , on the unmvejsary of the
> irth of Robert Emmet , on tin4th of
March next. Mr. llartigun will ac-
opt the proffered honor , nnd wo pre
dict will do credit to himself. - fPlutts-
inoiith Journal.
51HSON Mr. .S. N. Sissnnut his residence
No. 1411 ' hicaKo street , at 4 : JO p. in. ,
February B , 1882 , of tjplmid iieumonia.
Funeral will take place at their homo on
? ueHday uiiiinini ' , at 10 o'clock. 1'riends
re invited ,
A Novel Machine.
Dr. L. U. Ivondrick , whoso head-
quartwaaro at the Omaha Morchanta'
b.irn , on Kloventh street , between
lurnuy and Howard streotn , lias the
lorae clipping nmchiiio ( hit takes the
ikfc. A. BEB reporter saw it worl :
'oaterday , iiiul it uhavod a
lorso oil'aa clean its a mouse in
one hour aiul twenty minutes , whiah
ho doctor says ia the average time in
vhioh it will do the work right alcnp.
i la the only machine of the kind over
nought to the city and certainly
works like a charm , the horse scenting
a rather enjoy the operation. ffrlw.
Two Organ * .
Kegulatv first trio stomach , tocom )
jho liver ; Hnoi'ully tli i liist , M us tu
jurform their fund tout , jx'ifevily , and
vill remove at W-ini iiitiuiuivi'iut < nh <
etlia ot all tliu illn Oua m iKinil i :
icir to , iu thU mi i y o.lutj oliumtu
lion Bitten is ihu Milv ihinu iliii
will giyo iwrft'ctly lio-ilshy iuliut :
uctioua in thv4f ttvci nrjjiua.Manii
I1 armor. f 1-1S-
In these tnnoH vl nuacl
advertisements ovurywhora , it i'i
Urixtifyiii to I'm A ouu teiiiedy t'
worthy ot pruiso , ami wliu-vx mill ;
does oa rccouiuietiideil. Hluctric lilt
tera , wo can vruch f r as beii , a rns
und reliable ri > iiiOil > , i'iul vnu 'li.i
will do aa roconuaiuH'il 'JVityiii\.ui
bly cures utoiuacluuiU liver f-iiiiiliiuil
diaoaaoa of the Kidnoya will Urinar
dilliculties.Vo know whereof w
apeak , and can readily say , give thci
a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle b
Ish' & McMahon (3) ( )
No huiul-adio or back-icho ! for l.idl
A Fatal Accident In the "Floronc <
Cut Off. . '
The tragedy of Sunday nftcrncoi
List , winch rosuttwl in the death ol
the man 1'inkoakv , hau hardly lnu :
tirmj to dry on the j > a o which record'
ed it , when another terrible and fatal
affair is reported fror * thojsaino locali
ty precisely. This last occurrence
took place in what is known aa the
"Florencecut off , " new being com
pleted for use in the sprint ; A par'ty
of laborers were at work yesterday in
a cut on this piece of rend , digging at
a bank fifteen feet high. About . ' !
o'clock , while thus employed , , tRo
bunk caved ? in , burymn two of theii
numbur beneath n mnsei of heavjt
aliiy One of the two iiiei/ thus oii"-
tombed waa an Englishman whose
i-.aino is unknown , while the other
was u Swede named Otto Gerber , the
latter but 23-years of age.
Of course th companions oStho un
fortunate men were greatly territicd
and at once set to work to'dig the
two men out ot their livingrSombs ,
though with but little hope of dis
covering them alive. Their fears
were realized in finding the English
man already dead and the Swtxlu in
a fearful condition. The latter had
b ith leijs broken between the knees
and t'Ai 'hs , and the right leg broken
between thu knee and anklo.
A messenger waa dispatched for
Dr. Coli'iimn , who left this city about
( i o'clock fur the Htene of the accident.
In the meantime , however , Gerbor.'s
comrades procured a wagon and lift
ing thu wounded iuan into it , started
with him for this city , reaching hereabout
about 10 o'clock last night. The
man was taken first to Morcor's hos
pital on Harney street , but was sent
rom there to St. Joseph's hospital , ,
> robably because lie had no money.
At the latter place ho is sure to get
; oed medical attention and the beat
of caro.
tVs the fatal allair took place in
Douglas county , it ia likely that
sheriff Miller , acting coroner , will
lold an inquest to-day over the
remains of' the Englishman. This
makes the third inquest ho has had-
on his hando since Saturday , and at
; his rate he will have to turn the
court business all over to his deputy.
Nebraska State Stenographers' As
sociation ,
OMAHA , Nob. , February 1 , 1882.
The next meeting of this association
vill bo held at the ofl'tco of Hell &
iioa , Mondiiy i'vt mii < r , February
ith , 1882 , at 7:150 : oVl-iek. sharp
GKD.V HnYiitiN. rfecrot'iry.
Well-kiiowu Wit. ' . .
, iiiont.
CHIOAOO , 111. , May IJO , 1881
II. 11. WAKNKK & Co. : Sii-n F n
several ytnru I havu beuu it snH'mui-
from kidney disease , and never know
ivhiit it wan to bu free from pain until
[ used your Safe Kidni > y and Liver
uro. C. H. HAKIHS'Carl Prot/.ul. "
TO LOAN- Call at Law litnce
M L. Thomas Uoom 8 Crelghton Block.
TO LOAN At 8 per can t In-
toroot Inouinsof$2,500 and
upwards , for 3 to G years , on Brst-clasa city and
farm proiwrty. UKMIS HBAL EKIATK and LOAN
AOXNCT , 16th and Uouulas Hta.
\TtTANTED A good aim , capable of gelling a
VV nowandlfjHt selling article ; rniall capital
required. All the buHincs. bouses and prhaUi
louses In Omaha necuft the article as it Is he-
comlnz an absolute uccefiEltT. W. . Wilton ,
Canflcld Home. fel)7-3t
Eve yliody to toll and see the
WANTKD Hob r in operation at Elliott s
numbing olidas Hitting otllcc , corner 14th
and Ilarnoy Streets. Exhibitions free. 81-7
25 men In Ncmaha for railroad
WANTED Apply U. Jlaunweiler , hmploj.
\ncnt Agent , llth Sd ncarFaraham. 71-6' .
) Mei and teams to work In lot.
WAETKI . $ l.riO for men , 83,50 for tc&iaH.
Apply at onoo nean feitillzlnsf works , onetalb
south of liojil'S Foi.xlng.llouse , Itcn Matson.
XT' ANTKDIly a steady man a pernmntnt
VT situation. Understands the care of
horscfl. Good referencesil required. Adil-es.1
K , IlKM iilllcc. f 3-0 * .
' ANTED A situation as second girl. In
U' quire 823. South 20th street or at Julius
Treltschkc'n wholesale Imuor ktoie , 16tn street.
GUI for general housework ; ( lir-
WANTED . Enquire at 608 4. Utb St.
IKD A few more r"ay boarder * coji 'bo
WAN with flmt-cUsi tiblebo/ird
at S4.00 pur wi-ult , 1403 Capitol i\cnuc , ) t. 14th
and 15th 41-9 MUS. HO * .
--CIrl imircdatcly , at 1708 Cilifor-
WANTFI . , must be ( rood cook , vasher and
Irontr. Noao other ntcd apply. Sl-tf
mut-cla-H COOK , 0:10 i.o under-
WANTKIA iooUniaawcll jjw8/y ; none
but flmt clasn neid apply Alsoa goo-i tioy ae
waiter. Aiiyl ) ut 1105Fniliaui'ti 000-endl
- . ( uiiduiK uridgcaua auiiuol.fiuuu
WAtnir-.U Clark , Ueileviio. 2B-tf
ANTED To rent a dwirablo dwelling
W hou'ee. Address Box 4VClty. 071 tf
. . AMKI > AttcoUiulghUn House , cham-
VV Xri.alu. . 01-
\\T * VI'KD-3 roonm. sultfcbla for light house
VV Unplug IminiilUub , 16 mltmtfs wall
from V : O. , uiirnrmsiwd. AJJrLss U , M. , llei
olllco. 88-tf
IXrANTEU-l children a 'wiardcrs In a Bo4ec
W oljool , atlOthaniVCrJIfornU St. L. B
fH f KENT A good lioww of four rooms a
I * * iO per month. Newly kalsoml d am
V"l'Tid , 12th St. , bitv. ' t-n Howard and * " ' "
TKill KK.VT-FimiislK'd room * . ppulMb e lo
J cat 'on. ' - ulIr M I'onur I'Hh ' " 'ill Dft.
' ' " '
. ' '
tiojt t.
. .
| ( n > III. I ili , ii <
t r , No ( i i
ll7Hll II NTI.IM'i' - ; < - n "fv
1 * lnqnlru u ; ' .V' SI Uii n'ii ? ti
OH o.M.r- i r -li ml T o. i , jl -iiH.ii
l.iit f t . > H'iilVO.cuja. . r r' <
. 'S 1 .
f i aim l > u 1 .
, . j 'ii i- \ I \i \ ' } r li . i -i - '
' . . . ' . * . . ' !
1 t 'l. ' ' > V ! ) > .Ull
g l.'MVU i | . .vH'lmiliiil ' hunt loom , N. H. to
, | L1 th ami J IVHOU 62-tf
OU HE1 Donovan plact , > cuUien < l of 131
j itrert , Oiuaha , tultahlc fcr ' ( gctaMn ga
dm ; a t'u'd linui-o 'tli ' ri tern , tl.tcr , &c. , go <
wt > ll aiid baiu , a bruilnt ; uriltiril aWlit COO bci
ing gr pe > lnw , a largo amount f k'WAUrj-
cunjut imthci , Aa , 4c. For tirnn mil I IH
Uona ipply at the Crtlgbton HOUM\ 4-tf
BENT FurnUh d room. Inquire 16
EOR BU 3 > tJ
SPECIAL N017D2'-OojipnnBfi
EOH RKNF Koomi In J cc * > ' blocx.
. oy.if )
71011 HF.NT Hoora | irtlally
. avenue , bet. 17th an' Uth , pn h n > - o-t
J10H HUNT Me ly furnished rooias , at
' Chicago St. li
J710K KENT Two arris of ground , I < > MJ anJ
Iwrnon Cuinlnu strtet Enquired Kti
gcno O'Ntlll , lUthand Howard. M-tf.
FOU RRNT lloui * of fight oem . Kn-inlro
jJ. I'hlr | n Hoc , 1J12 S. Filth St. 077-tf
POU REN r Feb. lat , commodious brick r-ri-
dcnco corner 18th and Karnham St * . An-
> lyloMn K.A Ittncr , 7 bor , Pren out Co ,
loffa. U ftrcncTii dculre . jm tf
f101o.Ufi T 0 * 9'the Bto'
St. 20x21 , by January l , lg . g o tf
KhMT K furnuimu roomi oier MoJ
Jttu-mn' KxchanjfO.N. K. cor. 16th and Dodff.
t .
TTKW KKNT Nicety fumlelM < I roorw | th or
JL without board. Reasonable prttm. 2013
CawSt. 789.U
uK KraT-Unfiirnlli l , if . oor.
lUt und lfarne > . W-\t
[ 7)UH.HALK ) A good Bcccunl hn"'l Mrcotthatk
_ V for aile , nt a low LrJitaln , br Dr. ivuu
K'lhards , 1100 Furnham slrjtt. 74-tf.
F OR SAL * on Km rtwuo' USE yu
Iltoodcd Jntty bull. KesldcrcoSUS De-
caturslrecti Nort Omahn , Svo bbcks nortJi-
vest of ttirn-tiMii on suunJiTt m-ct ; JShov
[ 7IOR SAtlS-Soucrkrout by .
. ' cr'frali c , at Durham Mt ilortoti 13th.
SALE Hotieu and full lH"ln jjood loca-
_ . . . , . .
FOK SAlvK-Beut bulUlliiR lot in Shluu'j ad
dition , .142 feet eiwt front bj 1JS feet rtouth.
klcCAQUB , ,0 | > p , pwt olllco. j H |
FOH SALE 1 norrcl sUlllon , llydcsilalo , S'
years old , welslilne 1000 poundv 1 black
Htallion , j Norman j llortfnn , 6 ycikt3i > lil : < welirhi'
iig 1B60 jiountli , took Urn premium nt Nebraska.
Mate Fair , 18S1. 1 Kcntn-ky Jntlc , blivck ,
wi-lihlii | , ' nbcut 000 ] Kunilii , 4 ycntu old , took
lr t premium at Ncbra ka State Fn' )18SO and '
881. Inquire of Chris. Nober , Farn.i'r Houwi.
City nSS-tf
SALE OR RENT A grocer ; atoro and .
FOR shop , doing a gcod bunfi 3ns. In *
qulro at this oUkti. ClE-tl
PlOll SALE 2 nice counters and 2 nll-tr plated
L1 show cases , at Gco. II , 1'etcivo 'sS34 South
Oth St. 741-tf
FOH SALE To ttrst rate llglit bujfcy horsc -
or will cvliat fa for hcaUcr ones , nuluble-
orfnrmwjrk. Biqnirout No. 1S1U Dojjl.sdt.
rjlOH SALE A nne family drlvlnj team of
P homes wl h now top buggy and harno H.
Till exchange for city property. 17-11'
[ 71011 SALE Or.will rxcha go for Omahn pro-
[ } petty , an Improved sec on of land adjoln-
ng a station on iK'P. K. U. SI. DUNHAU , 1411
. , Omi-ha. 720 Sm
I710H SALE Or trode for city property-
U ( pan of horses , harness and wagon. Aadros
J. Y. , this olllc ; 72 Wl
SALE A gooil seven-year-old horse
Warranted to drive single or doublu. En
| uiro ot Ocorgo Car.rlcld , Canfleld house.
203-tf F TAHROOK ft
\l ll.i ! : HOAI'.D'-At'JOll Cos stri-ut.
i 807 * .
-t-n nybt , anold brucclot. I'Uaee
uitt tliKoltioi' ninl rccelrc
- - A ' ocKcttiDnk cniimliit > i < : i rvllroivl
LO-T- Mnu-ruiil Kndernlll uielve In ret .n Inf.tnu tamu tn Dr. ColMun.
- Jan. Sithy u Slipphpril ilo- ; , black ,
LOS11- and tai ) f | > t ovtr t'.icb > \ 1. Haci
nluiih r collar. NMIIU S ri A J
iirnln/liiin nill ro ol itvnnrd. . lln ry Clay ,
lout lUth fct. , eoi'.j , 01 e- Kit > , a h..u o.
K SAUNDrillS liOi Faruham St , .
JOHN mJ OomnUs on. Second hand
oods of all kinds bought and uoU. Caih ad-
anced on cons gr.ufcente. . Heal eHtato asd lire
lock a specialty , and. . outside sales pr-xnpUy
i tended to ' 77 9.
K. , 3AUNDKKS 1206 Farnhan St. ,
JOHN forth * salf of nal vsUtecaid per
onal propejh of altktnii. We adveri-e all
iroperty uiitil'soW , and no comniiislon c nned.
len and ucoien I'l.wai.t of i mpl > nient nhould
hould call at onco. 7d-0.
A Buckikln leather purpc , co'italDimr-
LOST . In money auil note for SlG.OOt para-
le to Mathew Sampson , Finlcr will receira
, liberal reward by .ctumiiit ; tliu sime. to this
rriOHKST PRICB paid for all ktndg of Iron .
Li rueta > aDd rags by I. Oallnsky K C : ; , 10-i
L ; 10th aod Davonpoi t. UViU
qpiro abllospoVAit Enporium , Ib'.U
tree * . !
LTJL wantodtby cxptrienced man. SnuJl eakry. .
' . O. Box W2 City/
CJ UJBT3 Hoathe next SO days , wo wi'Ji on tb >
J recelptiol sixty cento , lend to * ry address
xitpaid , one of ou * unuundml diuia Sblrta.
'oaltlvcly only ono Shirt sent to ono address.
94fl.1ia ,
I71UHNISI1KL ) UOUilS Within true * bloik <
" " " '
JJ poatoMt-Ot lB ulre at 1B19 D dr _
- For ( Jnglo-spntlercen ;
alss ouo front room with piano , BouthiioA
corner ISlh otid Cipltal avenue. 800-M
NKW CITY MAPB ; lOo.-llounte
BEMIB1 , 82.50. OVO. P TiFMIB.
' Ifi OHA10ra uTowul Oil ,
P'oiKHJAJTS painting. MK8. D. K.
WAIIDHEK. room 1. Jacob's lllock. B42-tf
T7TCiriH''ftEALKaTATE BOOM. See l t pmte.
ALEl ) HAY At A. H. Bander's Feed Stor 1
B 1013 Harney St. slO-tf
TIONALI8T , 491 Tenth StreetbetwceisFarnbam
and llaincy. Will , with tltu aid o ) guanlian
spirits , obtain for any one a glance nJ thu past
and present , and on certain condttioai In the fu
ture. Boots and Shoes made to .rdtr , Perfect
Absolutely Pure.
Tills po d r nsT varies. A mam ) ol purity ,
itrcnictli and hcli r > u'cnc . More ecrnomlcU
than the ordinary Xlnd > , nd cannot be tclJ In
ooupctltlon v.lth the multitude of low test.
short w&hsr-.j , alum or photphite powder *
. McwYork.