OMAHA DAILY .BEE TUESDAY , t'KHKi/Altx < „ OMAHA PUDLISHINQ CO , PROPfllETOf 010 Farnham , bet. Oth And 10th Street ! TERMS OK sunsciurTioN. nt copy 1 ycar.ln < hancopo ( tpalj ) . $10 3 monlns " " - - 6 month " " 3 RAILWAY TIME TABLE , TIKI CARD CHICACIO , St. PAUI. , MISSKAfOUS.I OVAIIA RAILROAD. Leave Omaha Pamonfjcr No. 2 , 8:30 : * . m. . eomiuCKlatlon No. 4 , 1:0 ti. m Artli o Omaha rawcnitcr No. 1,6:20 : p. Accommodation No , 3,10M : ) a , m , LI AVISO OMAHA HAST OS 8OUTII ROUfTI. C. , H. 1 U. 7:40 n. m. 3:40 p , m. C. & N. W. , 7:40 : a. tu. 3:10 : p. m. C. , K. I. & p. 7:40 : a. m. 3:4011. : m , K. C. , St. J. i 0. ! ) . , IcMca at 6 a. m. and 8 , ? . m. ArrHcaatSt. Louis at 8:30 : a. m. and 6 y. m. m.W. , St. L. & P. , Iea\ceat8 . in. and 3:40 : Arrive * a St. Louis nt 0:40 : a. tn. and 7 m WMT OR SOCTUWS8TS.I H. * 11. In Neb. , Through Express , St 0 a. II. fc M. Lincoln Kxprcas 0:20i. : . tn. V 1 * . Overland Kxpriwa , 12:16p. m. O , & R. V. ( ot Lincoln , 11:45 : a. tn. O. & li V. tor Onceola , 0:40 : a. in. U. V ( relcht No. t > , 8:30 ft. m. O. 1' rclght No. 0 , 8:20 : ft. tn. U. I' , freight No. 13 , 2:60 : p. m. D. P. freight No. 7 , 6:10 : p. m. emigrant. . .il' . Demur oxtircR * , 7:35 : p.m. TJ. P. Ircli-ht No 11 , ll'SO p. m. VJ. I * . Romcr ( relent,8:26 : p. m. IRMM.SO-rkOM IAHT AHD Minn. O. B. & ( j 6:110 : a , m. 7:25 : p in. & N.V. . , 0:45 : a. m. 7:25 : p. tn. C. U. 1. &l',9ID i , . in H.06 p. m. . C. , St. Jon ft C II. , 7:40 : a. m. 0l5p. : i A&UVINO FtOM THR KWlT AND SOUTHWIHT. O. * K. V. ( rom Lincoln 1.03 p. m. U. P. 1'iuldc Expro * * 3:26 p. m. B k SI. In Nob. , Through Riprcsa 1:16 : p : 13. & M. Lincoln Kxprcit 9:40 : a m. D. P. DctiMsr oxprcHK , 7:35 : a. tn. U. V. Krilifht No. 14-2tO : t > . m. U. P. NO. P 6:20 : n. in. Emigrant. 0. I1. Irolnht No. U , 12:15 : p. tn. U. P. Si , tv U.CO p. m. U. P.c. . 1U 1:46 : a. in. U. P. Uomer freight , 1.10 a. m. O. * U. V mlxiM , ar. 4:45 : p. tu. DtTMVT TKAI.SH BRIWKKN OMAHA ANL L \\c Omaha at 3:00 : , 9:00 : , 10:00 : and 11 : ui. ; 1:0 : 2:00 , 3:00 : , 4:00 : and 5:00 : p.m. LoAVi Council IluTn ot 8:25 , 0:25. 10:25 a 1 : a. m. ; 1:25 : , 2:20 , 3:25 , 4:25 : and 6:25 : p. Sun-lijs The dummy lontcs Omaha at 9 ' and 11:00 : a. tn. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : anil 5:00 : p. tn. Lrav Council Hlulle at 9:26 and 11:25 a. m. ; 2:26 , 4 : and 5:25 p. m. Through and local passenger trains bctwc Omaha nnd Conn. . II Mulls. Lca\o Omaha 0 : : J:45 : , 8:60 : a. in. ; 3:40 : , 5:46 : , 0:00 : p. m. Arri Omaha 7:40 : , 11:35 : , 11:46 a. in. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7 : :40 : | i. m. Opening ann Closing of Mr Hi. orn.i. CL08K , a. m. p. m. a. m. p. W. .11.00 9:00 : 6:30 : 2 ; ; , U I. i PaiMc.11:00 : 9:00 : 5:30 : 2 : ChVf tie , I ! , it Q 11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 : 2 : WnlwHli 12:30 : 6:30 : 2 fllouv City anil P.icific . 0.00 5:30 2 Union Pacific 1:00 : 11:40 : Omaha Si H. V 4:00 : 11:40 : B. & H. In Neb 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux Clt ) . . . . 6:00 : 7:30 : B. < & M. Lincoln 10:30 D. P. Lincoln , SinnlH\ . . 1:30 : 11:00 : U. P DOIIMT F\ . " :00 : 6 : O. . Sioux Ut > f..t. . I'.11:00 : li Loeul milNfor htalc ol lo leave but onci day , vl6:30 n , m. Ofllce oiitn Sundays Iroin 12 m. to 1 p. m. THOS. K HALL P M , Busiiiess Directory. Abstract and Real bstate. JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite Post Office. \V. K. BAKTLETT 317 South 13th Street. Architect ! . DUfltEXE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCIHTECl Koomll Crrlshton Block. A. T. LAKOK Ji. , Room 2 , Cieluhton Block , Dooti and Shoos. JAMES DRYING & co. , rire Hcctfi and Rhoc.s. A | iood ; asdortment bema uorK on hand , corner 12th and Harnoy. TUO.-j. BiUCKSO.N , S E. cor. 10th and Dougli JOHN FOHTUNATU3 , 305 10th nrcet , m.tnufacturee to order good weal al lair prices. Kcpairioi ; done. Bed Springs. J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Douplu Dooka , News and Stationery. J. I. FKUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. UoRIIANE & SCHKOEDKIt , the oldest B. and buuttu ID Nobrankn ur.taliliahcd 1876 Omaha. OKNTRAL RESTAURANT , illlS. A. RYAN , coutuwest coiner ICthatid Doilgo. Best Board ( or the Monoy. Satisfaction Guarantee it all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms ( or Caa Furnlihnil UnnirB quypllcd. WM SNYDKK , 14th nnd Harnoy Strocta. Clothing Bought. J. IIA1UIH will pay hlghostCashprice ( or secoi b > m < cloihlni' . Corner 10th and Farnham. jewo er . JOHN IIAUMKH 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. ISEUTllOLD , Raga and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. JTO8TKR & OK Y corner fith and Douglas UI Lninpnand Ulanware. J. 1IONNEU 1309 Uouglaa St. Good Varlct Merchant Tailor * . O. A LINDQUKST , 'One of our moat rcpular Merchant Tailors la r coking the latest ik-duns lor SlirhiK' and Suinm Goods ( or Kt'iitlemon'a wear. BtylUli , durabl and prices low OH over 21D 13th bet. Uou&Kar Millinery. MRS. C. A. HINOKK , Wholesale and Retail , Fa cy Goods In Krcat variety , SCcjihyru , Card Hoard IK Hosiery , Gloves , Cornets , &c. Cheapest House ihcWest. Purchatiera na\o 30 per cent. Ord br i ! H. 116 Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOUN WEAKNE & SONS , cor. Utliic JickBOr.6 Hour end Feed. OUAHACITY MILLS , 8th and F.rnhum Sli Welslmns Broa , , propriotore. Qroceri. -I. HTKVENS , 21et between Cumlng and I i T. A. McBHANB , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Street Hardwaio , Iron and Steel. OU.LN & LANOWORTHY , Wholoeale , 110 at 112 1Mb street A HOLMES corner 16th and California. Harriett , Saddles , &c. B. WEI8T to 18th at. bet Farn.&Harne Hotel ! ; ANFIKLD HOUSE , Oeo. CanHeld.Bth & F rnh 'POUAN HOUBK , P H , Cary , 918 Famhara fl SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St. Southern Hotel Ou . Hamel Bth < fc Lcavenworl Drugi , Palntt and Ullt. KUHN & CO. foarmaclsti , Fine v no Uoods , Cor , Utn t.n DOUJIH btreeU W. J. WHITEHOUPE , Wholesale & Retail , Wth e 0. FIELD , 2022 North Bld Cumlug Strtt PARR. Druggist. 10th and Howard BtreeU. Dentliti. .BR. PAUL , Williams1 Block Cor. 16th & Dodge Dry Good * Notions , Etc. JOHN H. F. LKllMANN 4 CO. , Mew York Dry Goods Store , 1310 toil 1:12 ykr { him tr et. L.C.'AOll also boot * and shoes Tth&PaclB ruruiture , A T GUOS8 , NWDd Btoond Hand Kurnltu od Btovej , lilt DcuilM. Highest cull prli aid for second bans 70001. BONSER1309D3twi it. Fine eoods , 4 f free Worki. OL'AIIA FENCE CO. CUBT , FRIES 4CO ISUHarnerSt , Imrrov > J let Boiei , Irrr and Wood1 Fence * , Offii > 3ilLo i , Couulue Ploe and Walnut. r V Olgart and Tobacco , WKST & FRITSCI1ER , m mtlacturcn ol Cl i nd Wholwalo l > o lr i n Totxwxoii , 1306 Dousi * . _ P _ . U > nRNZRfjn nuacturer ( lIlBFarnhi Florlit. A. lonihtte , plant * , cut flowers , c < vH , stc. N. W. cor. ICth and DourlM ( trccts. Civil Engineer * nd Surveyor * . ANDHKW IIOSKWATKU. CreiKhton Bio Town Siincje , Gt d and So crairc Sjstcml Specialty. Uommltilon Merchants. JOHN 0. W1L U9.1414 Dolifo htruet. D 11 tlKKMKU. KordetAlls scoUrco d\crtl went In IHllv and WcokU Cornice Work * . Western Cornice Works , .Manufacturers li Cornice , Tin , Iron and slate UootlliiK. Ord ( rom any locality promptly executed In the l > minnor. Factory nnd Oltlco 1213 Harooy St , C. SPKCHT , Proprietor. Oat\anlzcd Iron Cornlnt , Window Caw , l manufftctured and put up In any part of I country. T. 8INIIOU ) 418 Thirteenth street Crockery. J. HONSHU 1309 Dou IM street. Uoodllne. Clothing and FurnlthlnR Qoodi. GEO. U. PKTKRSON. Also Hats , Caps , Hoc Shoes , Notions and Cutlery. S04 S. 10th street. Refrigerator * , Canflold't Patent. C. F. GOODMAN llth St tict. Farn. A lUtn Show Case Manufactory. O. J. WII.DE. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds ol bn CftiH'S , Upright Coses , i „ 1317 Caw St. FRANK L , OKRHAIll ) , proprietor Omr 8haw Ca o manufactory , 818 South 10th stu between Lcavenuorth and Marry. AU K ° ' warranted Hmt-claM. Pawnbroker * . ROSKNFKLD. 10th St. . hot , far A 11 Utovct ana mware. A. UURMUSTKR , Dnalcr In Stoves and Tinware , nd Manulactu of Tin Roots and all klmln of liulUline Wo Odd Fellows' lllock. J..nONNER , 1301) Douulas St. Goo.l and Che 8oed . J. KVANS , \Vhole.-olo and Retail Seed DrlllH i Cultlxators , Odd Hollow * Hall. Physician * nnd SurRconi. W. S , GIBUS , M. D. , Room Nn 4 , Credit Block , 16th Street. P. S. LK1SKNRINU , V. , D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. I ) . , Eyi anil Ear , 0 ] > p postof DR. I , . II OHAODY. Oculist and Aurlst. S. W 16th and Fnrnhatn Photograptier * . OEO. 1IEY.N , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall First-clftts Work nnd Pram ness Kuarantccp Plumbing , Ga * and Steam Flttlnrj. P. W. TAUPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , net. Kiunh and Douglas. Work | irum\ity \ ! attended to. D. yiTZPATKIOK. 1400 Douglas Street. alntlnu nn aper anKlng , nENRY A. KOSTERS. HI Uodgo Street Shoo Store * . Phillip Lang , 1320 Farnham st. bet. 13th k 14 Eacond Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR , 1116 DoiiL'las St. , New i Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Ooo &c. , bought and sold 0:1 : narrow marrlns. Ualoont. HENRY KAUFMANN , In tne nmv brick block'on Duuglas Btraut , I Just opened a most elegant licei Uull. , Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 o % cry day. " Caledonia " J FALCONER 679 10th Street. Undertaken , CHAS. RIEV.'E , 101 ! ' Farnham lict. 10th & 11 00 Cent Stores. P. 0. RAUKl'S 1205 Pariihara St. , Fancy Go ( TRUTH ATTESTED. SomoImportanthtntomoMts oi'XVr Known People \Vbolly Voi-illcd. In order that the public may fully rcall/e t genuineness of the statements , .is well ast power and value of the article ofihlch th speak , wo publish herow Ith the ( ac-aimlle si'i ( , turcs of parties whoso sinccntv is tiejondqui tlon. The Truth of thctio tostiinonl.ila la abi lute , nor can the facts they announce bo I nored OMAHA , NUB. , May 24 , 1881. H. H. WARNKR&CO. : DKAKSIR : 1 have frequently used Wnrnci Safe Kidney and Liver Cure for local aflcctlo attendant upon sotcro rheumatic attacks , ai ( me always derived benedt therefrom. 1 ha also used the Safe Nerilno with satisfactory i Biilta. I consider these medicines v orthy conflJcnce. Deputy Treasurer OMAHA , NKB , May 24 , IfcSl H. n WARNBB&CO. , Rochester , N. Y. : OKNTS : I hav * ! your Safe Kidney ai Liver Cure this spring as a herlnvlgorator , ai 1 find It the beat remedy I c\cr tried. 1 ha used 4 bottlca , and It has nmilo mo feel belt than ever I did before In the aprinir. U. P. H. Shops. II. II. WARNRR &Co. : SIRS : For more than 15 yiars I have auflerc nuch In omenlence from combined kidney ni her diseases , nnd ha\o been unable to vor nyurln M yort ; naalaobelnK affected I rled great many inedlclncB and doctors , but I ( 'rc , woruu and worioday hy day. Iv.a told 1 hi llrliiht's Disease , and I wlahod myself dead II could not have speedy relief. I took your Ha Kidney and Ll\cr Cure , knowing notnliitf el wa.1 ever known to euro thi disease , and I hai lot been disappointed. The medicine has cur < no , and I am pcrloe ly well to-day , entire throUKh your Sale Kidney and Liver Cure wish jou all mice si In publishing thla v-tluah rcmoily through thn uorlJ U. P. R. It. HhO)8. ] Thousand * of equally Btrong ender < ; ment nany ol them In cases where hope was aba doned ba\a been voluntarily | rhm , Knowing tl rcmaikablc power of WarnerV afu Kidney ar Liver Cure , In all d seasei of the kldnoys. llv. . * " If any one who reads th trouble rtipp'nber the Kro United States Depositor ] X-XXC.SO ? NationalBanl - OF OMAHA. - Oor. 13th and Farnam Stu. OLDEST BANKING F.STAUL1HHMENT I OMAHA , BUOOEBSOnS TO KOUNTZE DROTHERE uriBLiBUBD 1856. Organized ai a National Dank Auuat 20 , Ifae CAPITAL AND PUOKJT3 OVEH8300.0C eric > iM AMI DiBnjiom , : liiRUAN KOUKTZU , President. AucifBTi'B KouMrr , Vice I'rraldent , II. W. VATBS , Cashier. A. J. Porri.rro > , Attorney. JOHN A. CBKIOIITOK. F , II. inn * , Abut. Cotil , Thl bank receives 'Jc.o < IU wtthnu reyird nmounts. liuuestlme certificates bearlni ; Intereev. Draws ilralU on Han KrancUco andptinclj ) Itlea ol the United SUteu , elbe Lnndui , Dubfl KdlnburL-h an 1 the tirliHltal cltloa ct the com Dent of Europe. Btlla pAosencer tlcketn for emlicraatulby thu I man line nuvliltf J 0. W. DOANS. A.O.OAM ? ! ! ! , DOAKE& CAMPBELL , Attor neys-at-Lav Joint-Stock Far in ill ff. Juint'Htock or co operative fnrtni hni of Into year * oxtoiulocl to moot Ilu wodtcrti nnd nurtlincatorti atat I'erlmps it * uro.itcat sticctaca lif boon in lown , Kmisi > s , Illinois n Michi ftti Thoronro but two tint to prevent its being fiUvulilv roiniin ativo nnywhpro in tbo I'nitoil Stiv wlierw ntihvay or water trnimportnti oxmts. ThcRO nro , lint , rnacahty < thu part of tlm munaqors , ntul seem stujiidity or bad jutlyinont. ' ! ' tismil pliui is for , wiy twcntv , forl sixty , or oiui hniulrcd iiurnotiR to tin in nn naaoomtion , onch bit.din ; ; hi eclf or herself for womoii ns well nioti cnn onjingo in tlio bnsinosa pay into thu cununon trenailry intiuh , according to the ntnoiint stock bold. Or , porbaps , the but' ' plan is for onch inoiubor of the asao ation to pay in equal monthly istf utonts so much per month - $5 , $10 ? 20 per inmith , nccordiny to t nrticlus of association. An associati of ( itty porsong , paying in uach ( dur month , would have nt tliti end twelve month $0,000 cash in the tro ury. If they roaolvod to proaeci tbo buainess of viniculture- is thu future great resotirco of tl state they would bu able at the e erf the first your to purchr and pay for three hundr acruH of Kuud land atiited to t growth of tlio urapo. At the end the next year they could fence , bre up the ground and plant the vin The st rte board of vinicultural co missioncrs say that it costs $100 \ aero to bring vines to a paying coiv tion. They do not aay whether tl includes the cost of the land and fencing. Lot us asaumo that it di not , and that the cost each year tending the vines is § 'JO per acre , a that the tiratl car of paying prodt tion ia the fifth year after plantii Throe hundred acres in vines , tin would cost the association as follov Tjiiul nt $ ' 20 per iicru $ 0 , ( 1'luntinR nnd four yearn' attend- nnca 80,1 Total outlay 3lO : , ( At the end of the fourth year fr < planting the association would lui paid in at the rate of § 10 per moil each , § 30,000 , or § 000 each. At t end of the fifth year they would re ize a grape crop of , say two tuns the acre , or ( iOO tons. Thuao , if w selected for wine , they could soil the vineyard for $30 pur ton. Th would clear up their debt of ? 0,0 and have loft a profit of ? li2,0 ( llalf ot this would bo required pay _ the expanses of conducting t buainess for the next year , and SOC would bo loft for dividends. T monthly contributions of § each would then stop , and I the fifth year each member woi get n return of ? 120. At the eigh or ninth year , the land and culm tion being good , the not profit , accor ing to the ViniculUirul commisaici would bo about § 100 per aero over i expenses. If the shares in the ase ciation wore equally held by all t members , each member would got not return of $000 a year. The win. not ptoduction of 300 acroa would ' 30,000 a year , and it would inerea for the seventh of eighth year tin might begin to expand their busmee oven without continuing the month payments of $10 pormonth. Andattl end of the twelfth of thirteenth ye they might , by prudent and hone management have a thousand acres i productive vinqyard , with a nut i come at the end of the fifteenth yo of § 80,000 to $100,000 ; and that , to without expending all thn dividon of back yeara from the time the orif nal 300 acres of vineyard began pny. Each member of the aasociatu would then have a yearly income from $1,000 to § 2,000. Orlthp aea lion might dissolve and divide tl property equally , in which case oai member would bo the owner : wonty acrca of productive vinoyar The advantages of this joint-slot plan , are apparent. The iiKsociatu would bo bettor able to secure crodi than the indviduals. The ex pens jf conducting the one business wou ! bo far Iocs than the expenses of oo ducting fifty separate enterprise They would become a reapoctable fa ; or in commercial circles. Tin could buy cheaper and sell at highi iriees than n single individual coi ducting one vineyard only ono-llftiol us largo. SOME NEW GEOGRAPHY. For People Who Huvo Not Cut Tlao Eyo-Tooth. Detroit Free PrcsK. "Of what is the surface of tl earth composed ? " "Of corner lots , mighty poor road railroad tracks , baseball ground cricket Holds and skating rinks. " What portion of the globe is water "About three-fourths. Soniotim they add a little gin and nutmeg it. " "What is a town'/ / " "A town isa t'ormidorablo colloctit of houses and inhabitants , with foi or five men who 'run the party' ai lend money at 15 per cent , interest "What is a city'/ / " "A city ia an incorporated tiiwi with n mayor who believes that tl whole world shakes when ho haj > poi to fall fiat on a cross-walk. " "What is commerce ? " "Borrowing $ B for a day oo- two ; "Name thw different races. " "llorao race , boat race , bicyc race nnd racing around to iiud n rnu to indorse your noto. " "Into how many cksaos iiniankii divided I" "Six ; being enlightened , civili/.oi half civilized , aavuge , too utter , no worth-a-cont and Indian af { nta , " What nations are cull onhghtei odt"Tlioso Tlioso which have the most war the worst laws and jxrodtico the wet criminala. " "Hou many motions has tl eartht" 'That's according to how you in vour drinks and which way you | homo. " Louisville Ceurlcr Journal. A eurioim custom prevaiU along tl seaooant of Massachusetts in regard Bulling pools on fishermen to M which one of them will catch the fit fisU while out on an excursion. In number of tlio seaport towns regul exchanges are established , while tl pool sollitlg goes on , and each in ; in every fishing excursion that goes bought pp by the ndvontureflomo g ' blor in the name manner that her < that entered for a race are bougl Theao pools often run up as high $500 or § IK)0 ) each , nc < rdnnr to t number of tUhurmen , , uid the lii man that c.itchoa a ti < h i < i deol.trod t winner and hi * bneker takes the pi the man who gota stwiiil plnn , ho over , takes some shnro. ThrouQrnnlto State \Votuon. E rorro'iHindiiifo Hinton Jo-irnsl Living at present in it. t. > \\n m \ , llampahire ate tbroo wouionlin for a trio not easy to parallel in a Ni Kiijjland town of its izi < . They a natives of the placo. One of them an Amazon , not in the sense of appn ent masculinity , but in aotualHtreng and agility , and her enterprise I'qunl to her endurance. Itvaa r ported in the papers of the conn ! that nho picked nnd marketed quarts of blueborriv8 the last soiisoi She assured the writer that the qtmn ity waa much lartror than was roper ed , Those berries nlio earned on foi two miles to the village and poddh thorn out to the residents Uuuontl she wheeled n whoolbariow two an o c-half miles over a roti h and hill road and returned with it , trundlin home two good sized pn-g. Site pe formed a feat a few weeks since tin few mon would care to undertake , yi aho accomplished it without ado difliculty. Having purclm od nt tli village an outside dwellinn-hounodoo one and one-half inch thick , all placed it on her back and earned it i that manner to her homo , a distant of two long miles. Yet she ta slotidi in form and agile and elastic as a dooi She is often aeon wnlknig tinatret engaged in knitting , her lingora an feet moving as if in vigorous com pi tition with each other. U'luut notii cumbered , in passing to and from th village , sbo frequently striken into run , sometimes maintaining it up th itoopcat hills and for moat of the dn tance. Occasionally she esRiijs joun oya of ten and fifteen million foot it to neighboring towns , if nut at corn spending speed , yet nt 0110 surnrisin to people with ordinaly powers of h comotuti. Matohud with a htiabnu of otial ( ] energy aho would bo BUI rounded with comfort and ahundanei JJut while she has nhonn charaolerii tic ontorpriao in tins respect , hi third venture ia by no nie.uib a mate for her. Indeed , , it would bo diflicu to find one among the sons of meiu The second of the trio furnishes parallel in part to the woman of & maria , in that aho has heun the tinn married. Number two m the Nw Hampshire trio is still living with he fifth husband , and lias been nly fou times widowed. The laat time ah was loft with a group of fathorlee children , who bore among them th namoa of her four dccoaeud hiihbiimh She has soinu ( itialities in comino with the woman first named. L'ulik the first , she ia a stout , boKom ma ! ron , and ia atill fresh , nnd not in oomoly. Hut aho is self-reliant , vijj orous and dotormined. A clergyma once remarked at a funeral that th deceased had been a very dutiful bun band. As much may ho presumed o all her husbands. Not many year ago she refused to p.iy her tates , am the collector put her in jail. IJu there was some informality in th procoodinga , and the result was thu she collected more money of the col lector than ho did of liar. For som marital infelicity she once loft one c lior husbands. Ho instituted proceed inga for a. divorce on the ground c desertion. Near the time of the trif aho returned nt nigh , forced her wn into the house , and doubtless to tli surprise of her husband reiumed hi place in the family. This Bottled til Ideation at isauo. She has never boo divorced , nnd baa proBonved a reputi tion tor virtue. But in one thing thu last of the tri ia more notable than either of tli others. In IUT hymeneal coiKjuoal mo rises above number two. Hi iionoyiuoon with her sixth husban lias but recently passed. Of at loai otio of the six aho waa bereaved b death. In respect to the others , hi aso illustrate * the facility given t a woman by our divoreo laws to o ; change husbands without the mouri : ul intervention ofl To Nervo-js Sufferers THE atJEAl EUROPEAN REMEDY Ur .J. B. Sirapson'B Speoiil It li a ) > JitlM'o.i. | tut h | " : iinal < ) irt ] > , Kuniln iVuoknuw. lir.potan , aod ull UlacaioR r Miltli 'rom SnlNAbiiM , it > .Mental Anxiety , Lotjg * Mnmor ) , PniiiKin t'.r&ick orbldu , anil Jl can that Icnil I COI rfumptlc hpucll I < ln , ; nil 'Mwondo I'll HIIUCUHH. Painiihle iit truu tn for tliQtu ni v < : l ( nil pa Mciilars. Prlco , Hiwei f 1.00 pei piickfc'i * . or lx Kcn for gfi.OO. < i btKHrt all urderahi II. 8IM80N . MKI JCINK CO. No . 1P ail 100 Main St. Jhiflalo , K. 'J old In Omibft ' > IriivglstvnvcijTwhere.'J K 'HI , ulill IriivglstvnvcijTwhere. JUT If Toiiir" i'inn\ fit sou nut i. 7 tan of lei rni'il by tlm Htrwn " ' jour diitn > iuli alitht wDrlt 'tn rri tuiuhrulniivi it niif Hop Bjttcra. ( MI , UM > Htjfl 0. I enlfcrlnif frotu wij li i.Awiii if you.riiiiior rlud < IP ulnirf" . ulU of I fmi.i | ioor aoaltU AT l "r'iil/ nt < tlcU ueni1 , r ljr i"i Hop1 WHoevn . - junyti. ITOBUll /Ml I njully Cruiii BO your I forrnoA Kldn nniUB c\uanflnK \ , I" n. In ft ot < * lm < fltt > i j I by cliiiiily 'i iijto Hop D , I. O liitni , iiii 1 IrrofflnlH , itowtith at C > * We c u r f u UBU of oplun You will be Icbuoco , i cvmidirytmuMi uircutl" Hop Bitters , lyoii re lrir ldlirilruii ily wcnk r..U. Kcndfu } < iw TilrlUil , NEVER Circular I ' It m U V B ve youi , life. It lure FAIL B'fU ( U. , Kitvoti hu llutkt.lrr , W I ureUe , AToroolo. Out THE OOOIDHTAL J. I. PAYNTEF Proprietor Corner 10th and Howar Streets , OMAHA , NEB , .Hates , Two Dollars Per Da ; Wwl tot hcttiK the ino 1 direct. iiili' | ui > , mfMt line romipctlni ; tli * eri-al Mrtroitlli , " CAOO , and tlio K * i , N RTit-KAirKVi , ( i ami Sotrni.KmmtN LlM s\thlchtrrmliuit4ilu < with KAN A Cm , I.HMUNWORTII , Mtnitu .Vniwrit , Ituirm nnd tiuttu , lh Coi n I : * T from which rwllaio EVERY LINE OF ROAD hit I'onotrntci the Continent Irom Ihr Mhwoi Mr or to the Pacific Slope The CHICAGO NOOK ISLAND- 1 J 01F10 RAILWAY " the only line from Chlmxo inuilni ; tract tn { IUISM. orhlch , hy lt o < n road , rr-xJiM K > lnt alimo iiMnnl , No THANHPIIM BT OAKUMI Jo MHHIMI I No h\iildlb In I rntllatnl or unolcnn cnti , M c\prv mwonwi jmUMIn roomy , divan and umtllalod coaehi lyon Kant Ktptmii Tralnn DAT IHnn ol umhnlivl imunlfluinco , Puu.u < 'AI.ACB SWinivvi CAM , l > t.iiMi CARS , unoii which im-nlii ate Rerrvil ol ti iirivwcilcrlli > mv , ixt tire ! ow r to ol UBTKUT INII I'KMS men , with MiiHo time for hmlliifi n Inj incut , 'ITiroiik-h earn hetwroti Chlcaxo , I'roilu , M naukco and Mlwourl Khcr lAliiUi : and clo * co icctloiw i\t all | > olnU of In ( fraction . * W nth roa\ . roaVp tlcliot ( do not fotK'i't thin ) itlrpctl ) to O M ihico of liiixrtatKM In K UMM. Nfilimitu , HIM Illln , W\oinln , t'tflh , liUtio , Noadit , CV.Vutnl ) ri'ion , WoshliiKtoii T trltory , OolotMio , Arlfor nd Nc Moxlro , An I borM atriMitFim > nlH rixunluic t'ikiu > -ui ny ( lUu-r line , mid rotiut ill t o alnnj < aM ow . .xinHitltom | , hn furnlnh hut a tltlin'o the rn < fort. I > OKB ami tnckli < ot npntt nu-n lu < . TIcki'Li. tuaiM nnd foMcru nt all prlncl | nlllciix In tlm OnltKil Mutti'n uiul Cftiia'.K K. it. CAULI : , K. ST. JOHN , Vlco Prcn't A lien OPII Tht nd Pnnn'r Au SUnuicr. chlcauo Clilcairo. AHI ) ALL KArThK.N ITJKr , rhe- Short Lin © via. Peon ; Eor 1NDIANAPOLIH , naoiNNATJ , LOITI nd all point * In t : i For ST. LOUIS When direct counuctimut aru uuvdo In the Unli I > o ) t witlt the IlirauKli SleuphiE Car L\nt \ for Anil POINTB fitO TC7 M" J3C NEW LINE H3ES MOINf THE FAVOKOK UOUTE FOIl fsland. The unciyaled | InditajmoniU odurcd hy thls-.t : to travclcru ami toiuintu ar * ni follown : The cohbratod I'UIJ.MAN ( Ifi-wliccl ) VftM BLKKPItld OAI18 nui only on thin line il. , : k Q. PAtjAUH JkVWkNU UOOM ( JAU wl Horlon'fl ItocllnliiK Uhnln. No extra chiur.t f wain In Itt.ollnlnn Uhcilrs. Tliu ( ainoiia 0 % , 11 Q. Palaco. Dining Oara. CVnrnoom Hmok'njQVa rtttod with ltK" Lti hluh-Ufctkod mttan i-ytilfli chairs , ( or the oxclimuo tta of first-cUra pu o < cra. Steel Truck acd BupaiViii cqutpmunt ( "jniMn with tbctr giiaA through air arraiiKumc 'Si.Mitk this , above all otlium , hnu favorite to ti Kant , South anil UouUiuaut. Try It , and ; AU. will IVacI travelliiK a hixury 1 gtoau otn dlmouiIOfU Tlnoui ( ) tlckntx vluUiln celubratud 1'yu lor MI tt all oiliii'x In the Urutad SUUw and Cvuula. /JI nfarnutlon aiuWt raWu ol ( - , Uleeiili Ua * ncinmiixiilatloni Tliiie Tul/lca , ulxj. , will cheerfully Klven hy [ jilylnt- PKKUKVAL LUWKLL , Qonera ) ntuivr Aicr.tIdca o. J. POT7HK , ( Jo. Hanm'ai ( Jhlcago. U Mm ' Si CFTV ) M now cijiun to tUw public with CutFlowers andiPlants For Hale. Wo lll b ( ( lad tn ttavu the \i\ \ < i call and tu r.a. Boii ujotti or Any Floral ; Doalun M.v to Ord > i ON Till : HIIOimST NOTItiK. CllyOruft HoiiHi' , H. W. C'or 17th and V : Ht c , IHIU IJck from Kith i < truot cur * NL-rnur aa 'A < ict , oppoHltu Kuit Jim. V. ( Jralu , rflori an jiLamlwapulJarilntr. I'im2 dm. NOTIOH That upon IHtli day el JikUiiary , IbhO , tlio u doCNlxnuil boiiKht at ) rfvotv xutu In lit * uiun triusujur'n ollko , lor taxcH ol 187H , ccujuty AI city , lot H In li'oik U"il , Omaha ' Ity , Douul County , Niiuroaku. That nalil prop' ty ut ia ot Biid alu wan aHniMcl.wi trea uruin liook O. tt llurnhain. That ) thu uiiilcnluiteil wlllii ply ( or , and caumt to hu l niiid to lil.wn truami vr uiltted ( or si'il trw-t un or alter Ita nxplrutll n ( Ih r co month * , from datu huroo ( , unlent I deniptlon hu inadu otbi'il ' lot In tli jueuntiiru P. C. J.'MITNKK , Omaha , NobJaji. W , IRS1. : ( uhi-2t. : Skinny Mou > 'WclU' lluilth llenowiTL'reatcHi n > \ cily nn vuitli for iiiitKjtunoi , leaiinubs , mi iml ileliillty. &c. 81 ' "t ( m 0. V. titMjdiimii'H. ( J MANUFAC'IUHUHOK PAPER BOXES 218 and 230 8. 14th St. - - 3WU3B Jr.nCilOm Geq. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE ACEHCI 15th and Dodge Dts. , Omahi , Nob. Thin Koncy aoen 8TKioTl.Ta brokerage bunlnii DI-JK iitBpcoulato and thtrifrrx "J barira ! / ft \ . rr irunri'd tn nun 'nctt ' COUNSELOR - AT - LA\ J. H. McQULLOOH , ltou i , Crulghton lllock , FUUenth Htre 4 > iut .un i & - WESTERN ' ' ' " ' ' 'avow don Irnvnllti ! ! tn fMilirr m oo ' . ' ' " ' I'-tonpnl Points < n Ihc Wnsl , North , md THE CHICAGO Jfc NORTH-WbSTERN RAILWAY , vimrviM ' - The Imperial Palace * Dining Cars. ' " 1'ln"1"1- ii " 'ti ft Viitr i iiiiu'"uc iiTwio.'suTi ' ' ' ' " " ! " " ' ' ' " * "lwmi < ( v ° t5re , l'',1"l . 'VV i1" ' . , . / - " * roi.u ute M i uy ull \ < to { ton ' 's'liiit AKiHits fn tin11 .li'.tVv'1,1,1" ' ' , " ' " ' " | ( ' ' " ' " " 'vtatli'ivroniXh , ur rtlu-j n-nu ou'Mi.aiiii n.K * . . > * MlMlliil'n.t iriMaiUKMlminniii. . M . 1 ! . STUSSBTT.Omi'l I'ass. AH.MI' ! ! A.W. ' . ' . . ' " ' ' \ r""t AiW'i ' U.V N W ll my.ItU and Fainham streotj. iiVii S , . . " : , ' , > V4 Vjri-iitrC A t , IV IWIiray , U b | nd Fainh.ui i r di. J. IIKIili , TIHuit A vnt C ! i N W tUlltrav U f R , R , Doiiol. ttAMKH 1' l'i VUH ( liuicnil .Went. The Oldesh AHioUsalB Lnd I Retail JETO3LRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitor can here \y TUB \\KST \ find all nweltiea in SIL- - > .General1 Agent { ? ' for the VER WAJftP . CLOCKS , Oreans manufactared ? Rich and g.tyliDh Jewelry , , > ur Pri os are aB-Lc as . aa-y Eastern Manufacturer .he Latest Mo&t Artistic - , & , , Dealer and Choiw ist Selections UM Pianos and Organs sold PREGIOD S STONES andr.easier - ' ; inst&llinents at Bottom Prices. ptlons of A SPLENDID stock of 'JS at as Low Pri Steinvjay Pianos , Knabe ces as is compatible wiih Piano , Vose & Soa's Pi honorably 3 dealers. CaU anos , and other makes. Also Olough & Warren , and sea our Elegant N Sterling Imperial Smith , , Store Towar , Building , American Organs , &c. Do corner ! 1th and Farnham not fail to see UB before pur- Streets : chasini ? . IVtAX MEYER & BRO. , MAM'UFACTURERS ' OF SHOW GASES ! Large Stock Always on Hand , d3cod tt G7JILD & McINNIS QREAT STOCK TAKiMG SALE ! Everything In DRESS Notions , and FURNISHING GOODS , AT SWEEPING REDUCTIONS. It Will , Pay to Call and Compare Prices. JS03 MOTH SIKTEEHTH STREET. BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER , 309 South Tenth Street. QUALITY AND FIT GUARANTEE ® . French Calf-Tongue Boots , Sewed , - * $9.00 French Calf Boots , Pegged , . . . . 6.00 American Calf Boots , 5.00 Buckle Shoas 3.50 Pegged Alexis or , - - MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR. FEET OUT5OP WIAPE , ft 11 Ordora Promptly Attended to and Pilled With Dispatch. * No. 1 , No. 2 , British Consumption Physio , Brompton Cough Prescription , In HuttloH $1.00 each , ( ) for 35,00. In LiittluH 7.1 ociits each , C far 83.0. . worw cil is tlio I rijcm aud Moat autcemiul Uou. llromptoii whuiiK ) thu atiuvo pruauiptions pioti " . Ojiuuiiiition and Oouph Kcinwiliu , " tht ) above tuiuntloii llonpitftl In thu World ! on thu "llromptoii. | HoUli.liiB havu loiiu huun douinud In Knuland JnfalllW. Cyrua ( or all UoiuplaluU ol the LUIIK anq t'hcit. T. 3 J. 3