HIE OMAHA DAluT 13EE : TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7 1882. THE LONE STAR STATE. The Early French and Spanish Colonies and tlio Missions of the Mouka , Heroic Struggle of the A.mori- , can Bottlers for Jndo- pendouce. The Martyrdom oi the Alamo in Which Davy Crookott ancU75 Polloworri Poll. Thn DouioornoLnftiili ; Tin Qrp- | CorrifiHiLili-niv of TJIK IlfR. Four CLAKK. Toxin , .January 'll | J882. D.nvn hero , twelve hundred mill's awiiy , south and west of Omaha , jn the hiitorio state of Texas , it may not bo unintaroating to say Bomoihiuy of its hiutnry imd resources , otc. "Texas , " in the Indian language , means "friend , " but its mysterious application to that vast territory , lying between tinbinu nud El Paso and the gulf , llio Grande and Hod riucro , has not yet been fully defined. They sny llobert do LaSallo , with a .French colony , built a fortress near Mata- gorda bay , on the gulf , in 1085 , and named it St. Louis , in honor of the king of Franco. The Indiana ROOM exterminated the colony. In 108'J , n Spanish colony attempted the occupa tion of Texas , which was dispersed and brokou up by disease and thu Indians. During thirty years , from IC'.IO to 1720 , the Spanish Roman Catholics established several missions atid fortresses in Texas , which were occupied by Monks and Friars , and soldiers sent to defend them. Within a century from their establishment , these Sp.mish missions were one after another abandoned , and to-day thu crumbling ruins and frowning frag ments of those mission buildings at test the devotion and labors of the Christian auibasBitdura of the old world. I frequently visited three of those ruins m > ar San Antonio. In 1752 u silver mine was discover ed near the Mission of San S.ibu , The savages , heretofore friendly , made an'onslaught on the mission , and slow all that were there , not one escaping. The efforts of Franco and Spain to effect a permanent occupation of Texas , failed. In 1821 , Mexico throw off the Spanish yoke , and thus Texas became a tributary of Mexico , and from that year forward the colonization nization of Texas by citizens of the United States began and continued. Stopun P. Austin is justly credited with the American colonization of Texas , having furnished the colonists homes , otc. In 1830 , its American population is said to have numbered twenty thousand , when the then dictator tater of Mexico , Bustamanto issued a decree , forbidding any citizen of the United States from settling therein. In 1835. the oqlojiists hold meetings and tooK "Stops to secure a separate government. Santa Anna , havingsuccooded Jiuata- mftiite as dictator , sent large bodies of soldiers to quell the revolutionary spirit of the colonists. The opening battle was fought at Gonv.alefl. In 1835 ( October ) a largo bjdy of Mexi cans attacked a detachment of Tux- aiiB on the banks of thu Sau Antonio river ; the Mexicans were completely routed , and Hod , leaving their dead upon the battle field. Oil the ltd of November , 1835 , the Texans elected a govnrnor , provisionally , and adopted a declaration , setting forth that Texas no longer owed allegiance to the Mex ican republic. In , January , 183(1 ( , Santa Anna equipped an army of 7,000 picked men , and placing himself at their head , marched into Texas. The defiant attitude of that brave lit tle band of one hundred and sovonty- fivomen , under Col. Travis , may bo re peated hero , and compared favorably with the patriotio valor of the three hundrad Spartans at Thermopylae un der Lvomdas. The Kiuall uarrisun was surrounded by the whole Moxicuti army , and sumiuond to surrender. This was refused. A bombardment ensued , and was continued from the 25th of February Ui the Oth day of March , 1830. On that inornini ! the besiegers made an assault upon the garrison , The particulars of that struggle can never be known. The heroic little band among whom was Uavy Crockett exhausted by inces sant toil , were at length destroyed. Of the number within the walls , only two escaped , a woman and a child. I have visited the ruins of thu old f > r- trcss located in an obscure cornur of the Alamo Plawi , San Antonio , wliura it remains unobserved , and distin guished only by the same old , iron- barred windows , about three feet square , and fifteen foot above the level of the street , that admitted thu sun's rays and enemy's fire in 1830. The conflict hero ia characterized by some as the massacre , by others the mar tyrdom fcf the Alamo. On tlw 21st of April , 1830 , the decuive buttle wan fought on the banks ofthoSanJacinto river , which resulted in the total rputo of the Mexican army , and the capture of Santa Anna , and secured the inde pendence of Texas. In March , 18,17. the Congress of the United States no. knowledged the independence ol Texas. In 1837 , so acknowledged bj France. lu 1840 , by England , Hoi Jand , and liulgium. In 1H45 , luxai was annexed to the United Status , Its population to-day is estimated al fcbout 2,000,000. It has a territon of 274,370 < iciuarouulo8or 17fiB87,84 ( acres , and is the lurgcst state in tin Union. It ia larger than France 01 Great Britain , and lucks only abou 4,000 square mites of b'eing as largi as the combined area of New York Pennsylvania , Ohio , North Carolina Indiana and Illinois. It has ICfl organized counties , am is divided into 32 judicial districts At the time of admission into ( hi Union , Texas owned atid retainec control of the public domain , so tha titles emanate from the gtato , ant not from the United Stateg , It is i vasi inclined prairie , with a gradual J descent from the Gulf of Mexico. Tlti'coast bounties are nearly level lor sixty or eighty miles inland. The surface tUon becoiiu-s undulating , with alternate ( [ radual elevations nml de pressions , and this fenturo increases - creases until it becomes hilly , and finally mountainous in some of the far western counties. The highest rouges , however , d not attain a higher altitude than fi,000 feet. Stock graze all the winter. Field work can bo done at all eoasons of the year. Thuautnmur heat is BO tem pered by cool and refreshing breezes from the soacoait as to rondot it less oppressive than inthonorthcrn states The nights are delightfully cool and plc'apant , Immigration 1ms recently poured into Texan in a continuous stream. Politically , the state is largely democratic , but an independ ent movement is on fool and gaining strength daily. The party In power have necoino arrogant and dictatorial. A nomination , no matter how un worthy the nniiiinup , is equivalent to an election , so 'that ' the convention , as in Nebraska , in some instances , nid not the ballot box , is the arbiter cif the pen | lo's dettiny , and thinking men look upon the domocr.ilic ma jority as a hideoun monster that it would bo a blcRUim to destroy. Texas is growing so rapidly that it is out growing im old prejudices. I'aity name has a strong influence upon pco- pie , but when they discover that it is only a name to cover the operations ol u private political 'corporation thuy will revolt. There are thounaiidn of men in Tciiis who have allilialcd with the majority , but who have no sjmpithy with its truits , and now chafe under the political slavery they are sub ject to , and who , convinced that the parly has outlived its usefullness , aio anxious to renounce its control. It is coniM)8cd | ) of incongruous elements , and the work of disintegration goes on , notflilonUy either , mid will con tinue until the fabric falls. I'arty names are becoming insignificant. ( Jrcat benefits may bo accomplished by now organization , and BO , upon the good sense and patriotism of the now patty , depends the success of this in dependent movement. Col. Wash ington Jones , or as ho is fatniliarly known , Wish. .Jones , is the reput ed leader of this now move ment. AH an individual , and public man , ho atanda high. Ilia character is irreproachable. The poo- pie of his district have twice elected him to congress * over the democratic nominee , and multitudes of the tlio- satisfied democracy are daily adopting his views. A healthful innovation is infusing its consequent vitality , and Texas is awaking from long democratic slumbering. The railroads on her northern and southern boundaries , and those penetrating her interior , are importing from the northern and easturn states the elements of a new life ; and the largo subsidies of land and money granted by the republic of Mexico to American railroad enter prise within her territory naturally invite capital to Texan , and with it talent calculated to diffuse new and vigorous thought. It is by way of the Texas railroads that American enterprise - prise must and will penetrate Mexico , developing the latent wealth also of the Lone Star state , of which some politicians propose to make four (4)A But ox-Oovurnor Hubbard has said this will occur only "when San .1a- cinto shall bo forgotten , and the mar tyrdom of tjio Alamo shall fade from the momorytof man. " LAMOUIIK. Call fpr a State Convention to Muko tbo Illinois RiillroiKla Comply with the Law. A committee appointed for the pur pose , at a conference of. prominent citizens , have issued a call for a state convention to consider thu railroad question , which reads as follows : All citizens of Illinois who are in iivor of compelling the railroad cor- lorations doing business within this tatu to comply with the lawu , and of ecuring a schedule of rates that will be equitable to all parties and 'ndustries , are invited to meet in : onvontion at the state house n Springfield , on Wednesday , March 15 , 1882 , for the purpose of organiz- ng the etato and placing every county n charge of an intelligent , energetic , uul discrixjt committee , to detect , re port and prosecute every violation of ho laws by the corporations , and to nitwit such measures us shall insure justice being done the people by the agents of the law who have its en forcement in hand. In view of the Fact that the railroad corporations mvo for years boon openly disregard- .iii { and defying the law , and are to day lixing theirown rates regardless of legal provisions , except when their inter ests are fully served by a schedule of ratea which in many respects is unjust to the shippers , and must bo revised ; that they have been and are discrim inating against individuals , commu nities and industries ; that they have been and are evading taxation , mid by such and various other ways shoul dering upon our citizens an indirect burden of taxation which annually amounts to from $100 to $300 pur capita this call for a convention in the interest of simple justice and tlio supremacy of law should enlist the sympathy and co-operation of every law-abiding citizen. The olocction of delegates is lixqd for Wednesday , March 8 , and all citi- zuiw in sympathy with the object * of the convention will bo admitted' , wheUior regularly accredited as delegates - gates or not. The call is signed by A. .1. fitrootor , 1) . W. Wood , George F. Huding , Milton George , John S. Armstrong , and about 300 others. GHKATKST UKMEDV KNO'\VN. Dr , King's New Discovery for Con sumption is certainly the greatest medical remedy over placed within the reach wf suffering humanity. Thou- /.amis of once helpless sullerers , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful discovery to which they owe their lives. Nut only does it posi- Uvjsly cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay 1'ovtr , Hoarseness and all oliections of the Ihroutj Chest and Lungs yields at OHCO to its wonderful curative pow er iis if by magic. We do not ask you to buy a largo bottle unless you know what you aso getting. Wo therefore earnestly request you to call on youi druggists. IBII fc MoMAJJON , mid got .1 trial bottle free of cost which will con \ , nco tho. wont skeptical of iU wonder fill monts , and show you what u regu lar ono dollar size bottle will do , Foi sale by lull tfe MoMaJion. (4) ( ) A BREAK FOR LIBERTY , Dospornto Conflict Between Prisoners and Jailor in Plattsmouth. Hill Bittern , tbo Horao Tiller , Eucapos Jourwl , ( MurcU\ A terrible wave of excitement swept over the town last evening about hull-past < i , caused by the announcement that two of the pris oners in the connly jail had attacked the jailer and beaten him in a Bavago manner , and ono of thorn Imd made his esc'ipo. On a visit to the jail Mr. iVilin , thu jailor , wan found to bo m the hands of Dr. Livingston , who was binding up several ugly wounds about his head. Mr. Point's clothing was covered with blood and it was evident that ho had suCorod a severe charge from the desperadoes. The in mates of the jail at the time of the attempted delivery were Bill Hitters , in for horse stealing ; H. II. Ilnrtimj- ton , whoso teal nme is ITciiry Volck- 111,111 , conlined for theft and forgery while in the employ of Mr. Krank Cfirruth , and .John Buckingham , the man who was in from ( Jcdar Creek on a peace warrant for threatening the life of U. 0. Mallard , and was lodged ia jail in default of S.'IOO bail. Mr. I'olin tells .the particulars as follows : At supper time Mr. I'olin went as usual to take the prisoners their sup per , bnt , being in a hurry , ho neg lected to tnko the usual precaution by locking them in tlieir cells before ho opened the jail door. Just us lie swung the heavy iron door part way open and was setting the tray with their suppers upon it down upon the stand or bench near the door , Hart- ington and Hitters made a rush for him , Ilnrtington striking him with a slung shot , which he had secured by some mya- torious means , and Hitters striking out rapidly and wrecklossly with his fista. Buckingham , it is probable , was not in league with the two des peradoes , but ho was frightened BO that ho was unable to render the jailer any assistance. Notwithstand ing the fact that there were two of them , the plucky jailor wrestled man fully from the door of the iron cage , across the room and out of the jail building , holding tightly to both of them and calling at the top of his voice for assistance , while Ilarting- ton was belaboring him over the head with the slung hot and Bitters was doing ollectivo damage with his fists. Once outside tko door Hitters freed himself Irani the grasp of the oflicor and started oil'at his host speed. The ollicor then choked Llartingtoii into submission , took him back into his cell , locked him in and cimo out reeking with gore , only to meet tardy assistance just coming to his rescue. Bitters , on gaining his freedom , struck for the cut on Third street , down toward the railroad shops. Ho went without hat or coat. He was mot by several people who were com ing up town from the vicinity of the hops , and when they stopped to see what lie was running for , ho would shout at them to hurry on down to the jnil "for they are killing H man down thoro. " L'he last aeon of him ho was on the road leading out of town to the south , going in the dark ness at the top of Ins speed. Hart I ington says that the plan agreed upon was to overpower the jailor , escape together and cross the river into Iowa before morning , hitters , as soon as his liberty was opened before him , deserted Hartington and loft him to his fate , which was an ignominious failure. 1'iirtits were soon posted at every point in the country through which vho poorly-clad fugitive would have to PUSH. Telograma and postal cards have informed every ollicor of the law for miles up and down both Bides of the river of hm escape , and they buvo boon furnished with a doscrip- iou of his person. Ho is bad medi cine , and the law can ill afford to lose ts grasp upon him. Ho tras under lonlineinent for stealing horses in this ounty some years ago , Sheriff Hyors laving captured him at Sioux City oinetliing over a month since. It is o bo hoped that his destitute condi- ion may load to his identification. After tlio wounds of the jailor wore Ircssed ho sailed out , and by numer- us threats anddomonstra ions of yio- once forced the avowal from Harting- on that the slung ahot had boon given 0 Bitters by a man who waa conlined 1 few days since for drunkenness , one \1. Sexton , who lives just outside of this city. The murderous weapon waa after ward found , and consisted of a ball of oad about the ai/o of a hen's egg , fas- : ened to the end of a wrist strap. Hartington had dropped it in the mud when I'olin choked him at the cast end of the jail. Sheriff Hyora was soon out looking for a trace of thu culprit , but up to time of going to press none have been gained. Hyora ia determined to catch him if tiioro is any possibility of doing so. Another lesson that it will undoubtedly teach the jailor ie that it ia best to thoroughly search o priioner's sleeve before putting him in the pen. ' Gently Does It. Kugeno Croes , Swan Street. Buffalo writm : "I have used Sprint' Hlossom foi clyni > ep ift and iiullnestlun , and linvu foimi It to act admirably an nentlo ( iiperitn ami blood purifier. Icouuiilor it utifqimletl 'you iiro at liberty to use my nanio an i reference.1 1'ricp 60 cenU , trial bottle ; ' 10 ceuU. 30-lv KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA O fl ' r 53 $ ; > _ . s _ O i "Kr * , ' j f\ \ f j S K \ * $ H I a fl ' .SJiftS&NE/ . / < j > : BITTERS ILEE & 00 , . Manutooturore , OMAHA In Hosts of Fnmilio * Itontrttcr'H Hlainaih Ilit'irn U < w much rttrnrcltd M lioiiU'hold tifpo ( H it * rUKT or cnlToo. The reanon of thli Is that u-ar or cxptrlcnco Imo jirovo.1 It to lie | ii rfci't } nll : Uo In those cnBCH of emergency u. hi re a | irom | > taucl cniiMJilctit rt'in- lily In demanded. Coniilpitlon , llvtr cohnilnliit , il ) * pcmlft | , InillKontlon and othtr troubles tire ovcrfoino by It. For nalo liyall IniKl < ' and Dcafcrd , to whom npplr for IH tetter's AlimiiM for 1H82. Gentle Women Who \nrnt glossy , luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiiul Jlair must use MON'S HATIIAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair prow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it ia any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathoiron. Sioux City & Pacific THE SIOUX CITT BOUTE Huns a Solid Train Through from Council Blulis to fct. Haul Without Change Time , Only 17 Houri II IB 2. < Q > < O > UIMC8 TUB HIIOKTEST nOI/TK FRO * COUNCIL BLUFFS TO 8T. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTII OR B13MAUCK and all points In Northern Iowa. Minnesota MIL Dakota. This line la equipped with the IraproreO WostinghouBo Automatic Alr-brako mil llllle Platform Coupler and Buffer : and ( or SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFORT ts unsurpassed. Pullman Palace Bleeping Cat run through WITHOUT CHANGE botw eon Kan saaCttynnd St. Paul , via Council Bluffs nnd Sioux City. Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer nt Coun. ell lilufla , at 7:36 : p. m. dally on arrival of Kancae 'Jlty. St. Joseph and Council Bluffs train from ho South. Arrlvlnif at Sioux City 11:35 p. m. , ndat tbo Now Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:30 : oon. KN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER ROUTE. tSTHcmcmbcr In taking the Sioux City Route ou cet a Throupli Train. The Shortcut Line , ho Quickest Time nml a Comfortable Hide In the "hroufh ( am between COUNCIL IJLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. tarSee that your Ticktts read via the "Sioux Ity anil I'aciflu llailioiwl " J. B. WATTLES , J. U. UUCHANAN .Suporlntendciit. Gcn'l I'asa. Agent. P. E. UOI5INSON , Ass't Oon'l Pas . At. ( , Missouri Valley , Iowa. J. II. O'DUYAN , Southwestern Agent , Councl lIlulTH , Iowa 880. SHORTJ.IHE. 888Q. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs m Tin OXLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From Omaha and the West. No chkngu of cam between Omaha aud at. ixnit. * , nd liut one hotwoon OMAHA and NEW YOKK Daily PassengerTrams EASTERN AND WESTERN CITIES with Ll'fch ( JiIAHOUS and IN ADVANCE of ALL , OTHER LINES. Thlb entire line Is equipped with Palate Sleeping Caw , Palace lay Coichi" , Mllli-r't SAfi'ty Platform and Coupler , and the culeuut < > d Wi' tlniioii ] i Alr-bralio. * if.Soo that your ticket roa < l VIA nANi tt , ST. JOSEPH i COUNCIL lll.l FFS IUI road , \ia St. Josopli and St. Louu > . Tlckutx for sal ut all oou | > ou tafloni In tor Went. J. F. IIAHNAHl ) , A C DAWKS , OPII. 3'JPt. ' , St. Jortvph.Mo Qen. PMH. mcl Tic kut ARt. , St Joseph , Mo. ANUY liouDXN , Ticket A cnt , 1020 Farnham Htreel. < U UiUNinn Urneral Airvnt , OMAHA. NK GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADKMARK Thp ( IreatTRADK MARK EniflUhrcm- eily. AiHin. fallliiK cure for S mlii&l Weak n oss , Spurmator' rhea , Impot- viicy , and all \lM > o c that < l IEFORETAKma.-mVnc ! " ol AFTER TAIIHB , Sclf-AUise ; an Low ol Jlwuory , Unhcrsal Ijusl ludo , i'alri In the Hack , IHmiicsa of Vision , Pro inaturo Old Act ) , and inuny other Dl'oaacn that lead to Inaanlty or ConiiUinptiou and a Prcuia t\irorn\o. ! jtlTFull particulars in our pamuhtet , whlcl via dculro to send free I v mall to o\cry ono tiTTho Spedtlc Medlcluo la Mid by H druififlBti at ilpor packai-e , orOpackijcu for $5 , or ll bo i cut fnu In mall nn 105 ptof the money , b ) aidroaslu. THEf.RA IUDIC1XECO. , Uuflalo , N , Y. or sale bv 0 , F Ocxxlr ocTuio-cod JOHN SrAnuii , I'li'sldcnt. Vlio Prca't. W. S. DnsniiR , Sec , Mid Trim THE NEBRASKA MASUIlOTuMB OC Lincoln , ilAMTl''ACTUKKUS OK Corn Planter * . Harrows , Form nolleri Sulky Hay Raket , llucket tlevotlng WlnU mlllt , &c , Wo aru pri'-red ( to do Job work and manulac turli f for other partlc * Addrcg all oideri > 'KIIIIASKA MANUFACTUUINU CO. , KM , lr ! .1 ' ) Hobcrtjion , I'lttibiira , Pa wai milTcrliiK Irnm general diblllU want of ap | K-tlti , ' , < .on > itinUnii | , etc , NO that llioVM n burden don , aflcr mini : llurdock Illoixl Illtttrs I felt but- Ur ttiati fnrjojtrs , I cannot prnHc jour Hitters lee much ' ] ( . Clllilrt , nf nuiralo , X. Y. , writes : "Vonr HuMnik lllcc tilttcru , In Lhronlvillocawiof the blood liter & . .J klilnv\fl , hn\o In en signally niJUkwi * 1tli Mccc'D. Ihi'D u tl them 1113 cff i th In nt rifiiiltH , for torjiidlt ) oftholhcr nnd 111 caw of n frlcnil of tnlno Kiirfcrliii ; f rom < 1 ropsy , Hi tITcit wan mftrirlous" . . HruiuTurncr , Hochcster , N. Y. , wrltci : 'I hi\o bocti Hiibjci t to surloui ( H'ordtr of the kidneys. and unable to ntti > nd to biHncm < ; lliinloc k lllood HitUnt nlle\ed mu Ixforu half almtllo wosliscd I ftul ( onlulont tint llicuill entlrcl ) tnro mo. " , 1) ) . A-ciiltli Mall , IlliiKliampton , N. Y. , writer : " 1 onlTered with a dull juln tbrouili uiv eft hint' and ulioublir. Lost my KplrlU , np ) > ctlto and color , and could wltli dllltculty Keep up all day. Took jour llnrdock Illond Hitters as ill. rixticl , and ha\u felt no Jain elniu flrbt week af ter mlnir tlipm. " Mr. Noih Hates , Klmlrn , N. Y. , writes : "About four years OKO llud an attack of blllpuifaic and liever fully reco\cred. Sly dlieAtl\o organs wcru eakenf < land I would lie completely pros trated for d.ijH. Alter \itl\ig \ two bottler of your Ilurdock lilood Hitters the lniroxemcnt ] wax so vl Iblo that 1 wax attonlihed. I can no\v. though 01 rears at ajfc , do a fair and rcasonablo day's work. C. Illackct Itolilnsoii , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Forjears I sulTcred ( rrtatly from oft-recurrliiff licailachc. I UBiilj our llnrdock lllood Hitters with happiest result * , and I now find luvuell In better health than for J ears past. " Sirs. Wallace , IlulTalo , X. Y , writes : ' ! have used Htirdock lllooil Hltteri ! for nervous and bil ious hcadachcH , and can recommend It to an } one rcqulrlm ; a euro for bilHousnctu. " Jlrn. Ira Slullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For nctcral yearn I ha\e Buffered from oft-ricur- rlni ; blllloUH headaches , dysKt | > ia , arid com plaints pccullnr to my sex. Since using your Uurdock lilood Hitters I am entirely relieved. " Price , * I.OO pel Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts FOSTEtt , MILBURH , & Co , , Props , BUTFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by leh & McSIahon and C. F. Qoodman. ' jo 27 cod-mo Tills ( ! rcat ' pccjCc cures that most lontr.Botne disease SYPHILIS Wbothor IP Its Primary , Secondary or Tertiary Stngo- Itcmoves all traiesof crcury from the sys- tuni , Cures Scrofula , OM Hoief , Rheuma tism , Ei zcma , Ca.nrrh or any lllood Dlseabu. Cures "Whou Hot Springs Fail ! Jlahern , Ark. , May 2,1881 Wo have cascx in our town who lUcil at Hot Springs and \\ere finally cured with S. S. S. MCCAMUO.N & MUKHT Memphis , Menu. , May 12,1861. We ha\c sold 1,29U bet les of ri. S. S. In a year. It has k'h en unlvernal sitlbfjctlon. Fair minded physicians now recommend it us a positive specific. S SlANsriKLD & Co. LoulsUlIc , Ky , , May 13.1831. S. S. S. has given better nail-faction than any inedlUne I h& > e e > cr sold. J. A. FLKXNKR. Denvei.Col. Slay 2,1881. Hi cry purcha er i peaks in the highest terms ofS. S. S. L. llelssetpr. Richmond. Vn..Mayll , 1881. You can refer anboily to 111 in regard to the niorlu of S. S. S. Polk , Sillier & Co. Ha c ncicr known S t < . S to fall to cure a case f Syphilis , when properly taken. II. L. DcnuarJ. livrrv . fia . EllWnrrcn. The above signers arouentlemanof liiith stand- Inf. A 11 COLQUITT , F YOIT WISH \VE W LLTAKEYOURSE CA TO HK PAID FOR WHEN CURED. Write for particulars and oopy of llttlo jook 'Slosgaso to the Unfortunate. tl.OOO Rnward lll bo paid to any ihcmlst who will Uud , on analysis 1K ( ) bottles S. S. , ono particle of .Mercury lodiJo Potas- urn or any Sllneral ubstanio. 8W1I-T SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Ga. 1'rlco of regular size reduced to $1.75 per ' ot le Small s zc , holding half the quantity , price , 1,00 Sold by KENNARD & CO. , nd UruKirhtH ' cncrally . J/\OKSON / PLANliR ! A Graduate fiom Hie UnUeifity of \anl.i ut Philadelphia of thu Class ot 184C. ) Tenders his professional services tothe citizens t Omiba ai.J all othurx neoillni ; the mmc , ] > re icatiinhlselilm therefor from 40 years' ex. icrlcncu , ni\trcii yearn of tilth time ho spent ir ontli Ainerka , from which country ho has ] u l cturneil , calnlnv whl'st in the pro\inccH man ) .cimdl a for \arlous diseases common to this i-oiintry from thu natUtu of the can u. Thu Doctor nmkes a npeclalty of all Cbronli IvoiH'N , partlculailly tlioeo of females Ho maj > f mm ! ut bin rooniH at the Planters' House Tiler of loil'u ; iiinl Sixteenth Sircetii. eodlw * ' 1'ho Great English Remedy Ve\cr fails to cun Scrvous Ueblllt ) , VI tal Exhaustion , Emls .Seminal Weak. | HOb'Dr < uid oil thi Mil effects of youth 'ul ( olhus and oxien c , It tOia | | > ornm ilcntly all wcakcnlntr involuntary loan a am Jr&lni upon the syi JTYIT ult ° ' " 1C80 avl' ' I1"10 tlceH , uhii'h uruxo ilu tnietUo to mind and hod ; .ml make Mo iiilm'r.ihU' , oltcn leading to limanl > ainldi'ath It mri'iisthi'im the NITVCHDrain ( nu'inor > ( lllood , Munclcfi , l'l'eotho unj IU'iro | duitlvo Or/in , It rcntnrci to all the onranl unctli'iit their former vlor and \ltallt > , nm Ini ; llio chorrliit and cnjojahlo. I'rloo , J3i hottlo , or ( our tliut'H tl < u < | uan Ity 810 , bent h ; uxiiri < . etvuro Irani o'jBinalli'ii ' , to an } adilriHS on rwcfpt o ( price , No. U O. I ) , unit , i < xcv ) > on ri'Oilj't ' n ( $1 an a u'lura tut' . Lt'ttvrn re rueitiiiK ani iTH uiiint Intloso ttamp. Dr. Mintle'H DandPlion Pills arc the hust and ilirnpcst d)8i cp la n'ld billion euro In thuuiarka , Bold hj a'.l clru00i6ts. l'ri > id cciila. Hit , MISTIK'H KIDSKV ItKMrur , QKI'KKTICIM , Cures all lilndol KUlnvyand bladder compUliiU uo.iorrhca , Kluct avd k-ucorrcui. for calo } al uiVK nt : 31 a hottlu. LNOLI8II MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 71801l > eSt , St. Loulu , Mo. JaiiSS-ly FAST IME ! In KOli'i ' ; Kant take tlie CMcago&Nortliwest- Tralnt leave OmOu 3:40 : p. m and 7:40 : a. u For full information call on It , P. DUEL , Tick Ak-ent , Uth and Farnham BtJ ) HELL , U. 1 K ll ay Depot , pr t JAMB8 T CLARK , Gene , Oin h , J 17mke tl DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. UOTELS. /\RLINOrON , J. Q , MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb SARATOGA HOTEL , J. S. 8TELLINIUS , Mllford , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , W. P. ELLIS , Oiceota , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , StromiLurR , No. HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loultvllle CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL MOTE. , J. a. MEAD , NellRh , Neb ORANn CENTRAL = . SE.YMOUR , Nobrnsks City , Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Watcr.Neto COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , O. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbus , Neb. ENO HOUSE , E. L. ENO , Ercmont , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atklnton , Neb. MORQAN HOUSE , E. L. QRUDD , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , 8WAN & BECKER , Crciton , la. JUDKINO HOUSE , JUDKINS & DRO , , Rod Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. OALPH , Exlr.i , In REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la * COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. DURGESS , Neola , In. CITY HOTEL , Dl D WILLIAMS , Harl.in , la , \ \ PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINGS , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , ' J , L. AVERY , Stnnton , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. PARK HOUSE , ' W. J. QARVIN , Corning , la. ' JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvcrn , In , MERCHANTS' HOTEL , W. I , DOULWARE , Pacific Junction , la. DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Idn Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F STEARNS , Odcbolt , la IE1 , o. WHOLESALE 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , H. M. & M. PEAVY , CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street. jan20cod-mbc < ! m -WHOLESALE- BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER : AND DEALER N Wall Paper and Window Shades. . 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. vW4.mB OGERS Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THEm - finest Silver Plated Spoons and Perks , The only Uional plato that original firm of ( is giving for in- m Rogers Bros. atanco a single All ou' Spoons , plated Spoon a Forks and Knives plated triple thickness with the 1'roatoat , plate only on of euro. Each the a e c t i o a lot being hung on a ocalo while where expo d being plated , tc to wear , thereby insure a full deposit making a single posit of silver or plated Spoon them. wear as long asa Wo would call a triple plntpd especial attention one. tion to our sec- Rival. Orient All Orders In the West should be Addressed to A. B. HUBERMANN Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , - - - . - NEB. SAUSAGES ! Practical Sausage Manufacturer , ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES , F mily orders attended to with despatch , and every thing promised tatisfactory , I invite a call at No , 210 South Tenth Street. TOWER AND HAND I Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , 1UNINU MACHINliliy , BELTINO , I10EE , UIUSS AND IKON FITTINGS , PII'K , BTKAlf PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND IlETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A , L , SRANG , 205 Farnham St. , Omaha a