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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA TUhSDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY T 1882. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Ingalls Docupios tlio Senate Time with nis Pension Resolntion , Burrowa1 Intermittent Polyga my Bill Snaked Through the House. Numerous Amendments Offer ed to the McOoid Ap portionment Bill. .Mloallancxm Note * of a National Obnrnoter. CONGRESS. National Associated Prom. PROCKKDINOS IN TUB HKNXTK. NVAHHINOTON , February G. The chair presented a communication from the national board of health commis sioners relative to some necessary stops tn prevent the spread of epi demic diseases. Mr. Merrill , from the committee on public buildings xind grounds , re ported a bill appropriating $25,000 for the purchase of the Frcediuon's bank building in Washington for the use of the government , and it was passed. At 2:10 : Mr. In galls took the floor to spenk on his arrears of pensions resolution nnd mov.od an amendment to Mr. Butlor'a nmondment limiting terms to needy nnd disabled soldrers of the Mexican war. Ho quoted from the statutory provisions bearing on the subject of pensions to show that the arrears of pensions act was no now innovation upon the established practice of the government , but that the principle had boon recognized from the time of the original unact- rnont. Senator Ilawley followed Infi with a brief speech , in which hu an nounced his intention to vote that the bill ought not to ba repealed. At 3:20 : p. in. the sonntu wont into executive session and at 3:45 : ad journed. ,1'KOCKKniriO.S IN TUB HOUSE. Mr. Belmont presented a resolution to usk the president to transmit to the house complete copies of the let ters of Jacob Shophnrd to the state department , duted Juno 2 , August 19ch , September 28th and November 15th , nnd copies of the reply thereto ; nlso copies of anyother letters already communicated , from which thu names of persons and tirms have been omitted , and for information as to what measures have been token to re turn other papers declared missing from the files of thu state department. Adopted. Mr. Bedford offered n resolution to reprint 100,000 copies in English and 50,000 in Spanish of the book lately published favocing the construction of a railroad from points in South America , Central America and Mexico , to a point in tlio United States , aa a solu tion of the question of the relations of North and South America. Re ferred. Mr. Joyce substituted for the ap portionment bill ono making the membership 305 , giving notice lie would present it as a substitute for the bill presented by tliu census com mittee. Mr. Martin offered a bill permitting the use of foreign material in the construction of vessels. Mr. Springer introduced n reso lution , calling on the president to aay whether or not Llaino s circular letter to a South American government was authenticated ; if so , to transmit n correct copy to the house , together with correspondence relative thereto. . Mr. Cobb presented a resolution asking the secretary of the interior for the names of all roads granted public lands , the number of acres , the name of roads which liavu not earned lands , where the latter lands are located , the number of miles of delinquent roads still unbuilt , the names of roads and states bound to reimburse thu govern ment for aid extended , and whether such obligations have been complied with lloforred. Bills were introduced by Mr. Wil lis , permitting the withdrawal of the warehouse tax on spirits used in to bacco manufacturing. By Mr. Crnpo , making severe pun ishment tor embezzlement ) ) in n na tional bank. By Mr. Herr , creating an inter- oceanic canal commission. By Mr. Young , giving ICO acres of land to each soldier and Bailer of the late war. By Mr. Robinson , to establish a line cf fast steamers to Europe to carry the United States mails. A resolution was offered by Mr. Garrison for the construction of u monument to Washington's mother. Mr. Burrows' bill donyini. admis sion ; to the floor of the hou o of any dplagato or ( , roprcaontativo guilty of bigamy or polygamywas paasc'd'under suspension of the rules , after call of states ; it was opposoil by three VOtCH. An amendment to the apportion ment bill was presented by Mr. Con- .verso making the House mcniberHhip 310 , and providing for tlio election of members nt certain periods for frac tions of membership of population , Mr. Boltzhoover also oiTurod an amendment to the apportionment bill providing counties shall not bo divided in making distiictH except wliero entitled to moro than ono delegate , and that counties most closely allied geographically shall bo formed in districts. Mr , Joyce moved to suspend the rules and take up and pass the bill creating a commission to investigate the liquor truflio , members to servo without compensation and to hold ofl'ico not over two years. On this the vote was yeas 112 , nays 81 , not two-thirds voting in the afliruiativo , and the bill was not passed. The vote was an almost 'party one. The -supporters of tlio bill , finding they could not carry it , morod adjourn ment , which WM carried. CAPITAL NOTES. iitMtnows roi.YUMV nii.i. . WAHIUKOTON , February ( ! . The following is a copy of the bill adopt ed by the house this loronoon prohib iting polyRnmists occupying seats in the house ; He it enacted , etc. , that no person shall bo n delegate to the house of representatives who shnll not have nt- tnmed the ligo of 25 years , have been seven ycnrs n citizen of the United States , nnd ( who shall not when loot ed be nn inhabitant of the territory in which ho shall bo chosen ; nnd no such person who is guilty either of bigamy or polygamy shall bo eligible to n aunt as a delegate. It has keen presented periodically by Mr. Burrows , of Michigan , ever since the session began , ami suspen sion of thorules nnd immediate ac tion asked. It had always boon re fused heretofore. To-dnv , however , nobody spoke when hu naked suspen sion o ( the rules and thu question was put nnd not half a dozen having heard it the bill wns declared passed within one minutobf its presontniion by Mr. Burrows. It is expected the senate will act on it soon. Its requirements may ell'eet the election in Utah should thu Cannon cnso bi > sent back to the people. The bill is the samn as pass ed in thu house in 1873. MISCKI.Li.VKOKS. WASHINGTON , February li. The re duction in the star route service in January amounted to $00,000. The star route case against Albert A. Brown was presented by the grand jury this morning for investigation. A number 6f witnesses worp exam ined. J Quartermaster Gonernl Moigs , Pay master General Hrown , Col. G. D. Hallon ( Twenty-third infantry ) , Col. Pinknoy Lugcnbuhl ( Fifth infantry ) , were placed on the retired list to-day. Surgeon General Barnes will proba bly be retired with the rank of major general on account of medical service to the late president. Tim secretary of the treasury hns issued the 108th call , being for cho $20,000,000 continued sixes. The house committee- public buildings and grounds has agreed to report a bill ? tor public buildings nt Peoria , 111. , and Scranton , Pn. Thu next list of army retirements is expected to bo mndo in a few days nnd will contain the names of Cols. Frederick Dent , A. F. Flint , nnd pos sibly Surgeon General Harnes. 'Jhe impression prevails thnt Medical Pur veyor Baxter will succeed Barnes. The comptroller of the currency hns granted permission to the First National bank ofLornne Ohio , to commence business ; capital , $50,000. Senator Harris' resolution appoint ing Neil Brown to do the duties of the chief clerk of the senate , is moro than likely tp bo mot by a resolution from urominent stalwarts insisting on complete re-organisation of the sen ate officers. In connection with this it is stated that the president pro tern and readjustor senators will vote for Browi ) underany circumstances , and hence comes the rumor "of n lively light. The senate in executive session con firmed tiio nomination of Fred A. Little , of Nevada , to bo governor of Arizona ; Jno. C. llunnols , district attorney for Iowa ; and n number of collectors nnd postmasters. Superintendent Senton , of the cen sus oflico , to-night characterizes the telegraph st.t'inents . that have been sent out tvapcuaug flour statistics as false. The census oflico , ho say.s , has published no such statistics in this department - partmont and the superintendent says the work done in this division was wholly preparatory nnd for exnmina- tion by himself and could only have boon obtained by others by disonorublo means. It is true thnt specinl eflort is being made by careful criticism and by close analysis of the several ele ments embraced in the enumerator ' report to reach as close an approxima tion of the condition of this class of manufactures as , possible , eliminating nil source of error that can bo de tected , nnd that the result of thin ex amination has developed manifest ross errors and this is the only pos sible foundation for the report tele graphed. This revision is now going on With grent care nnd the result will undoubtedly bo approved by all who have knowledge of the industrial quesHon. J. Edwin Sherman , an experienced metallurgist of Huston , has appeared before thu house committee on naval affairs in buhulf of Messrs. Naylor ifc Co. , who wore invited by the com mittee to give their views on the man ufacture of steel in thin country adapted to ship building. Ho has conducted many interesting experi ments nt the navy yard in the pres ence of the committee , demonstrating the superiority of steel over iron for all purposes pertaining to ship building , A Chicago Duel National Associated 1'rota. CHICAOO , February ti. A little headway toward bloodshed wns made in the celebrated Wakemnn-Carloton duel this noon , According to agree ment Cnrleton arrived from the south at noon and proceeded immediately to the oflico of the Chicago corre spondent ot the Courier-Journal in the Grand Pacific hotel. Carleton was accompanied by Mr. Edward Ropologeo , a former room-mate , and Mr. Edward May , of the law firm of Richardson it May. Wnkoman was attended by Edward Dunn , of the firm of llinos , English & Dunn , his legal advisers1 Some twenty-five or thirty representatives of the daily nnd illustrated pipers were in nnd around the ofllce. Both men appeared cbol nnd collected. They began conversa tion in the presence of their legal at- tondantH , but the crowd became so great nnd interested that the neces sary privacy could not ho secured , and the entire party of principals and seconds adjourned to the parlor floor to discuss the situation and ascertain from Wakoman the source of the in formation on which ho placed the allegations that Carleton left Chicago W.thout paying debts. MOSTLY MURDER. The Burden of tlio Oriminal News of the Day , Attempt to Kill n Morotmnt nt O'Neill City and Its Consequence. Continued Investigation of the Crooked Tax Collector of Kansas City. Minoollnnoon * Now * of Crime * and Criminal * . toTllH IlKK O'NF.ILL Cirv , Nob. , February G. II. P. Cooper , a roatnunuit keeper , attempted to kill J. G. Fritze , n mer chant , of this place , this nftornoon , the ball glancing elf Fritzo's pocket book , which saved his life. J , C , Hall , while after Cooper to arrest him , WIIH thrown from 1m horse nnd is thought to be fatally injured , Cooper is under arrest. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , .January ti. The crookedness in the ollice of County Collector Greene has culmin ated with the fifty-one indictments already found against him , nnd the probability thnt thu number will reach at least 300 before thu investigation is closed by the grand jury. His bondsmen became alarmed and de manded hia resignation , which was sent to the governor on Saturday night. To-day Governor Crittondon appointed ex-Mayor C. A. Chuse as Grecno'a successor. There is every indication thnt the two deputies of the Into collector are as dqeply impli cated in thu frauds which hnyu been committed ns their chief , nnd ua they no doubt shared in the spoils , there is no doubt that both deputies will bo indicted. ATLANTA , Ua. , February G. F. Y. Knylornnd A. W. Mullina quarreled in Lewiston county about some gold mines. Ivaylor shot Mullins throuuh the brains with a rille. RKAMNO , Pa. , February ( i. Mrs. L. 0. Brottnor , wife of the well known urocor , while her husband was at church yesterday eloped with a young carpenter , Adolph Brotttmr , taking several hundred dollars of her hus band's money. Thu husband has started after the elopers. CATi.KTTiiuitn , Ky. , February ( ! . - - Judge Brown to-day sentenced Wm. Nenl , one of thu Ashliuid murderers , to be hanged April 14th. Crafts will bo sentenced to-morrow. Part of the troops leave for homo Wednesday. OTTAWA , Out. , February G. Judg ment is * o bo given to-morrow in the Miller extradition cnso.s Should Judge McKeoziu order the prisoner for extradition his counsel will at once carn it before the common pleas on a habeas corpus. BUFFALO , N , Y. , February C. C. T. Frey , of Grand Rapids , Mich. , is charged with having swindled several bunks in this city by opening accounts with nil of them , nnd overdrawing and overchocking them. NKW YORK , February ( i. The re ward of $500 offered for the capture of the murderer of Louis Hanior has been sent by Inspector Byrnes and Detective Force , who earned it , to the idmv and orphans of Hanior. The trial of Bernard Fitzpatrick , the murderer of Policeman Norton , is postponed indefinitely owing to the mysterious absence of Mrs , Ann De- gun. LITTLK FALLS , N. Y. , February O1. John Walsh , n saloon keeper , while drunk yesterday , kicked his wife to death in the presence of their four children. Ho was arrested , Titoii.vrowN. Ind. , February ( i. Jouephus Millikenngcd 25 , wns found brutally murdered Inst night. John Nixon W.IH arrested on suspicion. A bloody knife was found on his person and other proof of his # uilt. CHICAOO , February ( ] . This after noon two men entered the ollicn of the Chicago car wheel company , Fif teenth and Dearborn , threw popper in the eyes of the cashier , Walter Ladd , locked him in a closet and secured ? I01 in cash and escaped. PITTHIIUKCI , Fobouary ( i. John Smith , a drunken brute in Alleghe ny City , brained his wife. , who was lying sick in bed. He approached the bed and drew from his pocket a large paving atone , wtyh which ho committed the terrible deed , COLUMIIDH , U. , February 0. David Goodrich , Elmer Gwyne and Jerry Treynor , imbecile boys , who have been confined in the asylum ui co their confession before the legislative investigating committee that they fired the asylum on November . * 19th , were to-day taken before Justice Smith on aliidavits charging arson , aworn to by onn of the newapapor correspondents who has made thu charges of mismanagement against Superintendent Doron. Troynor , the youngest boy , was allowed to return with Doron , and the other two com mitted to jail to await a preliminary hearinc. K.ANKAKKK , 111. , February ( i--Nod Purvis , the young man who created u sensation a week ago by assaulting a number of ladies on the street , has been arrested in Indiana and brought hero to answer a charge of assault with intent to rape , sworn out by Mrs. Floroncu Finney. The follow confuHSCH the assuult but donjon the use of a revolver. A 'Woman's Shin. National Awtoclatwl Crtwi , TOUONTO , Out. , Fnbruary 0.--A few days ugo u medical student brought three pieces of akin to W. . Cenoo , the furrier , stating that it was a portion of pig's hide which ho wished to got tanned. Thu akin woa laid aside and , oo examination , Mr , Conoo discovered that the akin wan tint of a young woman , nnd states that it is not long since the owner of it \\itn alive , for it was quite freah when brought to him , The skin has ontly boon taken from the legs above the knees and nrius. The skin is tough and seemingly will provo dura ble The detectives were informed and now have the cnso in 1m ml. ArohbUbop Pnronll. Nutlcn.vl AwodateJ I CINCINNATI , February 0.It was announced at St. Peter's cathodrnl that the venerable Archbishop Purcell is sinking rapidly nnd his death might lo looked for nt any time. Prayers wore said forhimntnll the musses. Ho is at the convent of the I'rsnlinos in llmwu county , where lie has been in retirement for iioarly two ywirs. The news a few days ago was that he was in the enjoyment of increased vigor and with the return of warm weather might become quito .strong again. Hia eighty-second birthday occurs on the" 27th of thm month. Abe Bit ford CouvortoiL National Awoclatitl I'tim. LOIMSVIM.K , Ky. , February 0. The was a great Runsntinn ut the Campbell Street Christian church Inut night , converts wore ealloil fur and General Abe Buford wan among the first aix to stop up mid bo bapti/od. It is announced ho will retire perman ently from the turf. Gen. Buford in one of the most prominent horsemen in the United States and is brother to Col. Tom Buford , the murderer of Appellate Judge Elliott. Trouble with Northwont N ntloiml Asso < uted 1'rttw. WtNKii'Kd , Mnn. , January ( i. A despatch from Battloford , Northweat territory , states thirty mounted police have been ordered from Fort Walsh to Fort MoLood to quiet trouble be tween ranchmen nnd Ulackfeot In dians. The Inttc'r are congregating around Fort Wnlnh to demand moro food. _ NKW YORK , , February ( i.A trunk- line , railroad oflicer'Vi.iidyeBtordny that the now agreement is ratified by all the presidents and would he made public in substance this ivuok , and the names of the nbitrntors given The latter only consented to accept their appointments with the distinct under- ftanding and agreement that their decisions in all matters , including dif ferential rates , should bo final and not subject to appeal. Marino Iutnllionon. National 1'renH Association. SAN FIIANUIHOO , February G. The British ship Bon More , Jenkins mas ter , arrived in port yesterday from Cardiff , Wales , which.she left on the 25th of last 'September. Off the La Plata river heavy west erly gales wore , encountered for twenty-four hours conveying away the cranes of the 'ower topsail yards , the fore and main sails , staving the head mils and damaging the docks. In December while oil' Cape Horn iu moderate western , gales , the British bark Charles Gat&irork was sighted a second timo. On the 2d inst. 'tho British bark Corina , from Astoria to Cork , was hailed. The steamer City of Rio Janeiro ' arrived last evening from Hong Kong. 'She brought 20 cabin passengers and 004 Chinese ; 1,305 tons of cargo ; 871. 000 .in treasure and . ' 10 packages of United States mails. NKW YOKK , February C. Arrived The Maas from Rotterdam , the Rhmeland from Antwerp. HAVUK , February G. Arrived The St. Germain from Now York. .GLAHU'OW , February ( J. Arrived The State of Georgia from Now York. PLYMOUTH , February ( i. - Arrived The Gollert from Now York for Hamburg. QUKKNSTOWN , February G. Sailed On the 5th , the Assyrian for Now York. LONDON , February G. Arrived The Mecca from Now York. Sailed The State of Alabama for Now York , the State of Florida for Now York. The Pupal Delegate. National AnHociatod I'rcHH. PHILADKLI-JIIA , February 0. Noth ing is known at the nrch-Kpiscopnl residence hero of the statement tele graphed from Chicago that un Ameri can bishop IK to be appointed to the otlico of apostolic delegate to the Uni ted States. Archbishop Wood , whose intinmto acquaintance with the ad visors of the Vatican enables him to apeak with authority , says no intima tion of the iihUtor lias reached him , and while it is possible that such ap pointment by the Holy See may bo made in thu future he has no knowledge so important a measure haj ever been thought of , Care of Gnlteau. National Amodatwl I'roai. WAIUIINIJTON , February G. Guiteau ia tn bo allowed _ hereafter to sou no ono but his rul.itives and the guuni , who ia to watch him constantly. 11 in meals are to ho prepared under the closest official scrutiny and every precaution - caution is to ho taken to prevent his removal of himself. Golnt ; Wo t to Grow Dp. National Anaoclatwl I'rew. NAHIIVJUX , Fobruury G. Elijah Chaddock anil wife , each ever J02 years old , paused through Chattanoo ga yesterday emigrating to Arkan sas. Bailer zloiiun' National Atsomli ' 1'ium. NAKIIVILI.K , February G. A boiler exploded at Colo's mill , Ilarrnvillo , yesterday , kil'mtr ' Mark ilutchins and fatally mangling Mr. Boll. HuporlHilncocl by Vuo- otnation National Awodatt'l I'ltma. AuiiuitN , N Y. , February G. Thos. McClane , aguil U years , died yester day from lockjaw , produced by vac cination , Lr. ) Thoo. Simonton , tha attending doctor , who was a witness on the Guiteau tiial , Bays there ia not another similar cauo on record. RYAN AND SULLIVAN. - - Preparations for the Great Fight To-day , Sullivan lu'iumtou Souio Un- dorlinudod Work to Iti- torforo is Qoiupf Ou. A. Cominittuo of Quo Hundred of the "Better Glass" Or- gnniaodto Sao Pair Play ProdjiooU for a Boantlfnl. Solontif. to Content. fatloiuil AwiKlikte * ! 1'rcw. iio , February t > . Mike Me- Donald received a letter from Sulli- an this morning in which the Boston , ioy charges that there is ROIIIO undor- lianded work oing on in Now Or leans for the purpose of spoiling the .ighl. Ho says that Hyan wants to meet him , but Richard 1C. Fox m uixious to break the match. Ho says the public nafuty committee will make them go beyond -tlui city limits but never intended to drive them from the stato. If there is any at tempt to make arrests ho hints that somebody besides the polio will be at . ' . l.l of it Nr.vv PIILKANS , February tl , The city is wild with excitement over thu iorthcoming prir.o light between Ryan and Sullivan. It is stated the United States authorities would prevent thu ring being pitched nt Fort McComb , xnd thu selected ground is now known inly to the managers of Ryan nnd anllivan , bub it is in Mississippi. riiillivan loft early this morning , nnd llyan followed this afternoon. JUat aa Ityan was boarding the Louisvillu and Nashville train , Fox telegraphed him § 1,000 to but on him. Fox , t is represented hero , ias a hot of $5,000 on Ryan nnd oilers , o place $5,000 moro. This evening i committee of ono hundred of the letter elms of citi/.eim was organized : o see there was no interference with the men nt the light , bv the large crowd of roughs who will bo on the { round. The committee will be iienvily armed and nny attempt to atop the light will result in bloodshed. Thu tight will be fought and won 'airly , or somebody will bo hurt. An yxcursion train for the battle ground tavoR at1 a. in. Ryan is the favorite in betting circles 100 to 70. NKW YOUK , February G Theru is much excitement in this city to-night : > vor the Ryan-Sullivan prize fight to lake place to-morrow near Now Orleans. Early in the evening betting was not lively. The contest appears .o bo so even that even bets were nado , but odds were given in aoino cases , 70 to 80 against 100 in favor of Ryan. TboStrihinc Puddler * . Nut tonal Arwoclatod Treat ) . PHIKNIXVIM.K , Pa. , February (5. ( The puddlers who went on a strike last week at the mills of the Phu'iiix Iron company hnvo resolved to accept the company's terms and return to work this morning. The company was notified to that ell'eet but the men wore told that nothing could bo done , as Manager Reeves is not at homo. On his return thu matter will bo taken Journeymen Upholsterer * . National Aiuoulatvd 1'iuiw. PHILADELPHIA , February G. A combination of local unions of jour neymen upholsterers whiph exist in different parts of the country was oll'ected at the convention which com menced its session here to-day , The organisation will be known an the National Association of' Upholsterers of the United States , and has for its objects general improvement of jour neymen , thu promotion of uood feel ing between omployou and employers , and the prevention of dissension. The session will bo ruaumod to morrow. Skip Butldint ; ill Fraiiotv National AmiucIuUil I'ITHH , CIIKSTKR , Pa. , February G. Mr. 1'isdalu , auont of John Roach , thoship milder , will sail in a few days for lOuropo to take initial steps towards establishing a ship yard in Franco. In this enterprise Roach will furnish a moiety of capital , thu balance being supplied by French capitalists. It ! H proponed to make Bordeaux the cen ter of operations for thu present , with 11 view to the establishment of u line : > f steamships to ply monthly between Bordeaux and , Htopping powi- ily at one of our ports to taku up American products on the way homo. The object of this is to take advan tage of legislation in Frucno intended to attract American and English skill and make that country the' principal center of the ship building intercut. Railroad Matter- National AwtoclattxH'rcwi. Nuw YOUK , February G.- Commis sioner Albert Fink has immod notice of u resolution by the executive com- mitteu of the Trunk Lines , not to Uo competitive round trip tickets or orders for tickets and not to no- copt Huch tickets from connecting lines nnlen.i with the approval of the uonornl passenger agents of roads particH thereto. CIIICAOO , February < i. To-day all c.ihfern roads advanced their rates on the basis of $21) ) to Now York limited , and 820 UT > unlimited. 'I ho Midlothian Minn Horror National AuMOciatotl Trow RICHMOND , February 0.- Five bodies in all have boun recovurod irom thu pit ut the Midlothian mine , where thirty-two men were entombed alive last Friday. Thu moat utronuoua ef forts are being inadu to clear thu way and get to that purl of thu pit where the main body of minors wore nt work , The last body recovered to day was that of Jamofl Connor , the engineer , who is the only white man yet found. The Joauunttn National AnxoclaUxl 1'tfw. WAMHXUTOX , February G. Secre tary Hunt has received a dispatch from Minister lloirnmn , St. Peters- hutR , Baying Dnnonhower lin.1 receiv ed hia orders nnd will return to the United Stntos. The at-creUry has also received n dispatch from Bennett nskini ; the names of the otUcora Mint by the government to assist in the search of the Jem. nolle when they arrive , as hu may bo nble to laeilitiUo their movements , lie aay.i hia agent Novios Uiwoto , is probably near Irkutsk nnd will continue with the part } ' nnd net na oorronpondent. Flron. National AiwtviAtotl l'n- < . RAINK , Wis. , V urunry G. The first Methodist Eniacopal church wni entirely destroyed by fire yesterday. Loss , S-l-,000 ; inauranco , 615,000. The Nrxt 1'odniitrlau Matoh. National Ansodntixl 1'rrm Nuw YOIIK , February G. The competitors - petitors in the walking inatcli on the -'Tth ill bo Clunles Rowoll , Uobert Vint , Patriek Kitv.yorald , George Hn- Kol , 1'etor.l 'Pauchott , John Sullivan , George 1) . Noremac and W. 11. Scott , of Stui Francisco. Hart nnd Hughes were nnxioiiH to enter , but they hnvo boon unable to raise the necessary collateral. Navigation Trannfor. Nittloiml Aannclattnl I'rtu , SAN FiiAMH cp , February --Tho transfer of the 1'acilic const steainslnp company's interests to the Oregon rail road and navigation company WIIH formally made laat Saturday , Drowiifid. National AiwodntiM 1'rww. JACKSON , Miss. , February G In Union county , Miss. , Mrs. bkopping- ton , ninter and little daughter vrcro drowned in attempting to ford n swollen stream. Immigration to Arhanna.i. National Aiwoclatwl t'nvM. LIITI.K Rotm , February U The immigration boom still continues with every incoming train bringing scores of people who hnvo decided to locate in Arkansas. Thu exodus of negroes troin South Carolina is far from nn end , ua groups are arriving in various parts of the state. These colored people come from Kdgeliold county nnd are industrious , nnd for the most part intelligent. Moro thnn 20,000 of thorn hnvo decided to remove to Arkansas. Vonuor'n Prodlotlou- National Annoclatoil I'ri'KH MONTHKAL , February G. Vonnor predicts n thaw , slush , rain and floods for thu present , with ono more cold simp towards the middle of the month. Mutilated by a Railroad Torpedo National AnnoclaU'tl 1'roiw. ST. Jo.HEi'H , Mich. , February G. Mra. Mealier , of JJJalubridgo , , . , tliia ' ' county , was turribly'iiiutilnlvd about' the face by the explosion of u railroad torpedo which she had found on her way to her homo and had been used as a plaything by her children. Au Iowa Murderer Wanting Pardon * Natlontl Awiociatod I'ronn. DKH MOINKM , February G. The house spent the entire morning in dis cussing the report of the judiciary committee on the petition of L. W. Weinck , now in prison for lifo for murder , who wants n pardon. The committee recommended that the gov ernor grant the pardon , and the re port was adopted. The governor will probably refuse. Small Pox. National AHUOOatod I'ruw. CIIICAOO , February ( . Durini : the month' January KM deaths front small pox occurred in this city. PiTTMiUliu , PH. , February G , Sev enteen new casoH of small pox are ro- ) orted to thu board ot health to-day. Indication- s'atlonul Aiwoclutuil 1'runn. WAHIIINOTON , February ? . For the ewer Missouri valley : Colder , , fair weather , nnd higher Drimxum THE OPERA. First Appourunco tit Hoycl'd of aii.Oltl nnd PoworlXil On Thursday ovoiiini ; II. B. Malm's Jomic Opura innp.iny will begin an ongagomunt ol thrvo nights ami a natinoo ut Boyd'o Opuni Hoiuio , the > pcning opera being VDII Suppo'e "Donna Juantta. " On Friday ovon- ng Von Suppo'n "Boocaccio. " will , ho. . jivon , and on Saturday evening QU- ort & Sullivan'a "Pationco , " which s a fiutiro upon tlui lesthotiu cnuc , This ia nn oxcollojit company , and. a rare treat is in utoio for the admirers of opora. The II. U. MrJin opuru company , though one of the oldest musical or ganizations traveling , are making their iirst weatuni tour , and the fol lowing endorsements will bo road with interest : ThoNow York Post says ; "The II. li Malm , opera company ia ono ol the befit operatic oiganizationu ii America , " The Now York Times aayu : "Tho Malm opera company appeared nl Xihlo'u Garden theatre. Patience was well mounted , handsomely dress cd. Chorus was large and well drill cd. Thu opera is already familiar to our readers , and it in only necessary to re for to the excellent manner ii which it was handled by the j > ouplu to wliom Mr. Malm entrusted it. " A Murvelouu Cure For nil bodily alhnuntH , urinlng fiom hu purity of blood , a torpid liver , irregularity of thu boweK liuliyentloii , conciliation , u disordered kldneyu , in warranted iu a ire UKU of lluitDOCK liLooi ) uiiTKiui. 1'ric 11.00 , trial Bizo 10 c nta , 30-lw FOREIGN NEWS. Tiio Now Egyptian Council Ignor ing England and France. ho Irish Mombora of the Com mons -Agom Unite nnd Elect Pnrnoll Chairman. ? ho French Ohatnbor Qivea the Now Ministry a Vote of Confidence. MUoollnnoauii Now * That Com * Over the Cable. LO.NHON , February G. The news rom Cairo nays the new council is ilroady nt work on n comprehensive nw regulating the tinaiicinl political nnchinory of thu government. The hnmbur of notnblos will control the iiidget nnd collection disbursement of 11 moneys. Contrnl authority will bo raiiBforred from the viceroy to the hnmburs. British and French in- uencen nro entirely disregarded in lie composition of the new law and ho control of the Kngliah nnd French oprt'ficntntivoA ignored. The now Kgyptinn cnbinot haa noti- led HugLind nnd Franco of its rendi- HISS to nrrnngo with them the details if thu Hliporvision which the now ilmlubciH niu hereafter to exercise iyor the budgut and expenditure of nontiya. A meeting of Irish party members if the house of commons was hold in Ma city to-dny. Parnoll was tniani iiiumly elected chnirnmn. After nov- rnl mldrcMoa were innuo.n lengthy liscussion .ensued , when it wnn. re- olvi-d tliu entire qtiestioim should > u raised in the house on prcsOiitrition f the queon's nddreBs. It wn.i also osolved to oppose the government on ho Brndlaugh question. A resolution jvns pitHsod by the town ommitteo of Colernino , county of jondondorry , asking for roeonsideni- ion of recent decisions by the land unit respecting lapsed lenses. The ' enoliitinn condemns the prenontado niniHtrntion of oitntes. PAULS , February G. The French hnmbur of deputies to-day passed u oti ) of confidence in M. Da Froyci- ii't nnit liin eollongues by u vote of .87 to tili in nn attempt by the oppo- ition to obtain the views of the nun- utry liy a motion which was meant to irocipitnto immodiatu consideration f the bill for the roviHion of the onstitntion. UKIII.I.I , Fobrunry G. A reuort rom Stuttgart says annUier attempt HIP heon iiKidu on the lifo of the "IIOUOH ON UATS. " Thu thiug desired found at last. Aslc IrugRlst for "Ho'ufih on IJntH. " It clear * nit rntH , ! iilc , roaclieK , IHcs , bed hugs ; I5o 10XOU ( I ) SEALKQ IiOPOS ALS. , - il proposal * will bo received by the md mfiitfd until Frid.iy , Fub. llth , J88' ' . 2 o'clock , noon , for the uoiiHtmction niul t ! | > : iiriiif ; of hidfwallcH in front pf nnd ad- ouilnx tlio following iluHcribi'd jiromlson , o-wit : TO 1IK CONSTIlUCTi : ! ) . LotiM , . i-nct iilj ( of Klicriuan avenue , liirlincli'H addition. LoU I and i'i , block 12 ! , eant Hide of Sixth trout. Ii < itnI anil r > , Mock 1)8 ) , Cnsilit 1'oncier ilditioii. Smith i > f lot I , eft t hiilo of Sherman vcnno. . hntH li , ( iI , ; " > , north skin of I'liriihant trctit. l/ot 1 , block 12 , Houth Biilc of WelMrr lieu' , ( t i lie rt'paiml ) . < Lot 1 , block Kl , went i-iiio of Twenty I'cond htri'i't. Lnt L , Mock l..Ci , Hontli xiili ) of Juiiw tietl. LnU I , 'J. 11 , block 0 , went nida of Tenth livut , S. l' , KoKiT ' ailditioti. Lou 1 , 'J , It , block II , went nid of I' H. Ito vi-N1 nilititioii , ll > , uui-t M'du of Who.itoii ntruut , AniiKtrniix'ri addition Lulu IU , ? V'A > > l' ' > ck .r > , west eidc Huvun- vvuth ntreut. L t I ! , block ! ! ) < ; > , north milu I'zard LotH 1 anil 8 , block 7. ! , wcxt nido of Cwt'Utli street ( to be repaired ) . Lot t , block 1 ! ) , wt-ht i-idn . htruct , Khinu'ri addition ( to bn n ; | , . / Lota 1 , 2 , 11 , 1'J , l.lock I2twoit ude . nindi'i'H ttn'i't , .Slilnn'H ailtlition ( to he repniri'd ) . LoU y , t , . " > , ( i , block 1 , ucKt tide Saiin- dent ntit'et , Ariimtrm K'M addition ( to liu rupalred. ) Lot 7 ojid 8 , block -07\ \ , ninth nldu Guui- IL' HtiooL ( to In * rupalri'il ) . .I..I , I , . 0. JKMHTT , City Ulcrk. Uu.\M.-i I'olirmiry 'M , 1882. KubS-lw. PRO.POSALS FOI WATKLMJONDS- HinJcJ ptOKHii ] n will In rccctvvil at the ollica f tliv Jl y dork of the city ol I < nca'n ' nutll U 'i-ld'iK p. in. , on the .8tli day ot February , 1HSV , or UK purcbasu ot unr iwrllon ot oral ! ol , Urn un thoiuauil dolluri ) ot tlio nix pur cent twenty 'cuo watiT bonitu. o ) thu city uM.lueoln , iHiued > y tu > proper autnorltleii o ( Holil cltv , to ulj In bu < joii tnicllon ol Hynloiii & ( wnivr work * luiruln , 'Ib * I HIIO ol HaltU tiondn waa anthorlatil hy a. nto lit the elcctori ) ol enld city at an eltytlon ual itl lor that purjorfu , anil Iu | > nn > u&nm of' con- ittitutlnnanil Inwa ot the Utt > of Nvliin ku. unili an ordliiunro ol tulil city pAisctl In purHuunou hereof. The ! x > iuU are of Ilia lU'iiomlnat'on ' ot Uve hundruJ dollari laeli , arc jiayiblu tw-nty ye r after d itv , anil reduniuablu by thu city at knvtliiiuuftiritvuyeitrii , bvarlnt ; hi eiext ivt the ratu ol nix pur rent , per aiinuui , payable uniiu- ally , with Intviiwt coupcn nttaehud , both jir'nci- ' lukl ami futon-it payable at tin otllce of tliw ' ' " ireaiiiironof ; Ihu dtj contains r iiOUlatloii | of -rl/,000 InlialiltaiitH , In the cipltal of thu btate , ImM loci- ted liviu tlx ) ttate mver | lty , Innano asj liuu anil mute ( uultt Hilary , xnd U thu centre of annttin of FU > un rillnmila. l'joi iiialii lion.l lie endorfcil "rroiiotalu for ater Ljcjoih , " aiul bhonlil bu enelo c i in nn cn- \eVMi | audresauJ U ) It. V. liajdr > , city . loik , U'Koln , .N'cb. hath propo. l MiouM utatu the smom t of lo ill ruiiulri l. ana HID jirlw f'o li'ilJcr will- but to pay fur eaih boiat cf $100. and should ho aeoonipanlul hy u ihu-'k or cortlflc.tu of ilepoult payable to thvordvr of A. C. Cam , troamircr of uld ei > y , lor a BIIIII i iiivil < " tvn l > er lunt. of the ainwutol ttieUcl. Ko luil lllbo riivclud tor lutu than par , . . . . . llUUwilbuoprmaii | > thu counollof m\U dty at ihiiimx , iiKi'lini tlicrraltcr , au > t ill o notleu llier.'ol reut to Ilio Kiiawifn bul'lu luiiiiidlatoly tlurralli'r. CtiH-Un anil ci-rtlllratm ol lU'poall rii'i'lvij friini ll'u luKvruuofiilbidder * will at Ilia UAIIIU tluiu tw rtlurneJ to mieh bidder * . The rc- nnliiln < niiidy per co > t. of tliu pur ba e ntouey will Uiliiuandiaab'u on niiund of tlio couu. ell. and the bond ) Khali b. delivered on the p J- mi > nt of the money thcrvafu r , The rliiht In renerveU to reject any and all bldt , JOHN DOOLtTTLK , Chairman Fli.nnca Ooiumlttou ol City CQUotlU