Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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Monday Morninpt , Fob 0.
Wonthor Roport-
( The follnwinR obflervatlonfi are taken nt
the Mno inomont ot tlmo at all the ntv
OMAHA. Vcbruat ) 6 , 1882 ( I 41 p m. ) f
- - -
It tliettm.ill pox dim't sjircnd all ( ivc
town , U won't l < o for luck of exposure to
Uic dreadful contngion.
The riattmnnuth jailer wan nvotpuw-
ere < l Saturday morning by the tliroe pris
oncrii conlinod in the jnll , who made their
The floor and plastering of Itho o 1 (
Civu street Hchitol IIOURC , Htlll fill up the
itrectat the northeant comer of .TelferHon
"Shenn" Thunton , an old Oinuha
nport , han been appointed rofcrce of tin
KynivHnllltan fiBlit , to take place nt Now
Orleans on tlic 7th itiHl.
-Regular incotlnof | Capital Ixil'e ( Ni
3 , A. F k. A. M. , tliU e\enlnK
Visiting brethren cordially invited , lly
onlerof the \V. M. ; John Hainford , Hecic
The JOUMK ladits of Hnmnell Hal
Friday lintuiod to a li-ctnre fron
Hov. Dr. McN'nnmi.1 , on the Htibjcct ,
"Hjpitin , the hcatlien philovipher ol
Alexandria "
Only a few days since tiuporintenilcnt
Hodreli ! ( ( ( of the It , S. M. wan presentoi :
with a bran new haby. Now the owner ol
the new hotel in Calvcrt names hlx benne
the "Holdredge , " 11 I U honor.
Mrs. Win , O. Itei-i-e , died at 8 n. m.
Jeb. till , of aHthnm. The wll
tnke place .it ! l p. in. , Sunday , from the
rfxidcnco , hoiith Hide Capital
tueen 10th and llth. Frleiidxartinvited.
A trust deed of the Grand Central
Hotel propelty , from Kitchen liros. to
Uc < > . T. TloiKlinil of MiiHoiiri , lint been
put in record in the olllcu of the county
clerk. It ! H to secure the pijmint of the
Bixty thoiiH-xnd dollar * furnished by Mr
Uoagland to build the hotel.
Nellie Hart W H arrested Friday
for disturbing the peace by her tlireuti'ii-
Ing and offensive demeanor on the st cet ,
paroling It v itb a sharp agate rock of
about tw o | ) oundH eight tied tip In a towel.
A rock in a towel or old stocking neeina to
be the favorite vvcu < ion of the nymph du
The cannon ball train on the Wabanh
will resume tegular tripx between Council
Vlulfs and St. Louis to-morrriw ( Sunday ) .
The outgoing train will leave the Union
Pacific depot in this city at 4:30 : o'clock
each evening , commencing with to-mor
row. The incoming trains v ill arrive at
10:50 : a. in.
On Saturday night a Swede , who had
been in town about a year , got into a con-
trovony in a Tenth fctrcot naloon , and
used language whi h led to a row. Ho
was chased by a crowd to the corner of
Howard and Ktoventh directs , knocked
d.jwn and kicked , and the crowd dis-
nerved like ini t , Itejiind a copious flow
of claret , he mi ( It red"no Beilotm Injuries.
Wimcit , the contractor who abscond ,
cd Home monthn .igo , leating about Jo,000
in debts to vaiious merchants , lumber
men , etc. , Is n man of infinite check. Ho
was In Omaha the first three days of thin
week and \Vcdnebday night left uith
his wife , who was supposed by frienils hereto
to have been deserted. It now uppeai-H
tlmt she nils nn .ible confederate. Krlr
day a tclegmmM received hero from
Wliuclt giviuir hln visit away and pikin ) <
fun at Home of the boyx.
About two week * ngo two ladles
posted through this city , in Llmtge of the
remains of k New York man , \ > ho had
dlid in San Francisoo. On arriving at
the Transfer , they , foi nome uncxpl.iincd
reason , declined to puy for the tramporta-
tlon of the tnrpiu to New Vork , and Iho
railroad company lufimrd to take the body
any further It has therefore been nl <
lowtd to renuhi on the phitform at U u
Union I'a ifio depot a'l tlio vsiek through ,
and thrie it may still be own.
For two weeks past Itev. J. W. .Stew
art of the Flint M K. Church hau bteii
holding io\ mecttiiga In his cliuicli , at
which MUIIO euiiifi'l and powerful preach.
Ing by the iiahtoi and other minlHteiH ol
the tity has been heard by those in attend ,
ance. Quite .111 Intelett is being dotel-
wltd , a nunilHT having been converted and
the audltnce * Increase In number ami at
tention. These meetings will bo contln-
ue < lanuthn vnek and U in > er > ovldenl revival has really begun In
our citj and bid * fall to result In a general
A deed of tiuit from the Millard Ho
Ul company to Chan , F , Mandernon hai
been filed In tlie county clerk's oflico. It ii
given in consideration of the loan of Ut )
thousand dollaix from the latter and Ii
nlgiiwl by Jo , . H. Mlllanl , president , am
Bamuil Khrarx , necrit ry of the company
The document nhovm thut OUT lifty pei
ctnt of the capital stock ha * been ex
landed , The dlrccloru have authorizw
the Issuance of cxiujon bonds , of $1,001
value each , pu > able In e < | ual Inxtallment
in four , i-lx , eight and ten ) eau
A vtry large uml Intelligent uudlent
filled the ChiUtlau church la t .Sumla ;
night to heai the pastor'd dUcournu on ( h
"Last flint i id herinon uf Mi , Ingersoll ,
The intercut hi ( he dl c < mme vet mod moi
inUiue thiou hodt , and at the close of th
ternion a Uily prtBentwJ henelf foi man
Lervhlp In the church. At the clone uf th
uervico the njteaUer unnuiinied that the in
tercet iaunlfe t d in the evidence * of Chris
tlanty wan o great that next Sunday nigh
ho would answer the question , "Has Got
SjKjkcn to Man ? " In thin nc-nnon he in
gage * to remove many objections urgw
AflRfrMt jhtUlble u a revektipu from God
Hope Dennis , Alias Carpenter ,
Playa a Sharp Qnino
on Him.
Mrs , Bno Comes to tbo Rescue
in Good Stylo.
A Cases of Probublo Blackraiill , Which
Will Not Win.
Miiny of the citi/ons of Omaha will
recall the icaiduncu in this city of a
woman known M Mrs , J. .1 Cfirpon-
tor. Her reputation nas not aa white
na aiiow , altliougli slitwno not a pub
lic recruit in the ranks of the domi-
niondo She fas vVull connuctod , but
her character grew ao uiiB.ivory that
she at length vvaa divorced from her
huslnnd and wont to Denver.
Previous to her residence in this
city shu luid lived in "the prettiest
town in thu state1 thu county scat of
Dodge county , whereit appears slio
owns n houflu and lot , and ohc re
turned to that point on Thursday
morning last , on tno Denver train ,
taking up her quartora at the Eno
HOUAO , thu popular hotel 01 that
place , iluru aliu aeuma to havu had
some trouble in accuring rooms
to sin1 , her , occupying several suites
in auccossion , including the
"llltltUL CI1AMIIKK. "
About half past 8 o'clock Ftid.iy
evening , according to thu liest information
mation attainable , this lly fonmlo sent
for the propnutor , Mr. E. L. Kuo ,
reiiuusting him to come to her room.
The genial and portly host complied
with the request , first informing his
wife , who accompanied him us fur aa
thu parlor , on thu second floor. Af
ter a short stay Mr. Eno came down
stairs and soon after the captious
Carpenter luft the IIOIIBU in high
dudgeon. She secuioi' ' n lawyer and
immediately commenced proceedings
against mine host Kno for assault
with intent to commit rape. The case
was first brought before Justicu HulF
and a change of vonuu taken to the
court of Justice Martin , creating of
cpurHu , a genuine sensation in the
city ,
On the trial the Ciupontor woman
suoro that Kno oamo to her room ,
closed mid locked thu door and tran
som , hung a silk handkerchief , dregs
of winu color over thu keyhole , and
thun made impiopur advances toward
her. He first tried to kiss her , and
thun sat her down on his lap , and
when she cried at the ontrago on her
virtuous feulinua lie told hur to be
ipuiet. Ho then dragged her , accord
ing to her story , into a Ninnllur room
nt one side , forced her down upon the
bed , ote. * * * Ho failed , how
ever , to accomplish hia purpose. The
whole atrugglo , according to Carpen
ter's story , lasted fifteen minutes.
On the other hand Eno swears , and
probably with truth , that the story ia
a lie inado up out of whole cloth , lie
says the woman sent for him and on
his going to her room nho closed thu
door herself and opening her trunk
took out Boino trinkets , fancy articles ,
needle work , etc. , a ; id showed thorn
to him , wanting to sell them and take
out her pay in board. Mrs. Eno cor
roborates her husband's story , stating
that he told her that Carpi liter wanted
to BOO hi" ) , and that ho was not in her
room over fivo.minutoa.
The case waa still in progress Sat
urday afternoon when our informant
loft and the prosecution hud sum
moned ten moro witnesses , ono of
whom , a woman , had , it ia claimed ,
the next room to Carpenter's nnd
hoard her cries , so thut it is likely
that there will be n rod hot time. It
is the general belief that the whole
thing is a blackmailing scheme , and
although the prosecuting' witness in a
rather proposaosssing woman , she
does not enlist the sympathies of the
community in general. Ilor othqr
nnnio umtor which she travels is
Hope Dennis , and , in fact , she is not
entitled to the name of Carpenter ,
since the divorce was obtained.
A Colored Man ( Jots Into Trouble
Over n Suit of Clothes.
On Jonuniy 2fith , wlnlo Sam Nash
was out of the ' city , his room in the
Haker building , on Farnhum street ,
was butghiu/oda Hint of clothes and
a pair of punts being stolen. No tract
of the thief was soon until Saturday.
TWJ colored men wont into Whit
ney's shoo store , on Douglas street ,
where Mr Nush is employed , and on.
iiuirod for a pair of ladios' shoos.
Nash recogni/od immediately a coat
on ono of thorn us being that belonging -
ing to hia missing suit. Ho wont
in search of an oflicor , and mot
Captain Noligh. The l.Utor accompa
nied hnnto thoatoro , whoiothodarkov
having the coat VNAS arrested. ' Ho
claimed ho had boon loaned the , coat
by another darkoy , who was at Dick
Curry's pluoo , on Tunth street. The
ollicor accompanied his prisoner there
and found a man who claimed to own
the coat. The first ono arrested was
discharged and the pretended ownei
of the clothes taken into custody.
Ho committed in default of gfiOC
bail. The prisoner claims to bo n
Lincoln man , and t-nvo thu uncom
inon muiio of John Doe.
APloiuHint Rurprlso.
That was indeed 11 pleasant surprise
planned and oxrautod by the Earnos
Workers , for > Ir and Mrs T. W. T
llichurda , lost Thursday ovomng. tin
twelfth anniversary of their marriage
A \erylarge number of fnondaua
sombled at the jursonagoof the Chris
tian church , and m a body roimirod t <
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Rich
arils , ind took possession of the
ant homo for u few hours , and mm
themselves up to a goiiornl good , social
time. The verdict of every ono h
reference to pleasure uoemod to bo
"our cup runneth over. " Much o
the enjoyment and HUCCOSS of tin
entertainment was duo to the zeal am
skill of Mrs. M. J. Wilbor.
refreshments were furnished by the
Mrs. Richards ims boon an honored
, ind useful member of Iho society of
the Earnest Workers fiotn its organi
zation , as well as a most feurlcfs
and splf-sacriticing member of the
Christian church , to which she beam
n devotion soidom ummlled , and per
haps never surpassed , and it was , i
beautiful , though humble tribute to
her nob'o ' Christian worth , the church
and society joining hands to do her
It was the universal wish this happy
pair might live to enjoy many more
anniversaries of thoirunclouded union.
The Sad Pate of a Careless Rail
road Laborer.
I'rank Pk Icaaky Tumbles to IJ i Death
From H Movlnff Riulroad Cur.
A fatal accident occurred on | iho
Omaha , St. Paul & , Minneapolis mil-
'oad yesterday nftornaon , about nine
iilea north of this city. A hand car
ith live or six laborers , or section
lands , was coming towards the city.
tVt the point at which the accident oc-
urrod the gr.ulo is very steep and the
: ar was traveling at the rate of twcn-
y mtlos .in hour. J'nikosky was ono
> ( the men on the car and was stund-
ng on the forward end. A suddun
oil or something on the track' throvr
lim off and his head struck with
great violence on ono of the rails. At
ho same instant the car passed over
no of his legs and cut the ( losh to
ho bone.
As soon as the car could be stopped
ho injured man was picked up. It
, vas then discovered by the unfortu-
ate man's horrified companions that
is skull was cleft entirely apart , a
tuck nt least an eighth of nn inch in
udth extending from the b.iso of the
rain to the fiont.d bone. Out of
hia terrible cut , uid crack the blood
nd brains oo/od , : is the injured nun
run picked up.
No house being near thu other
aborom concluded to bring Pinkosky
.o the city , which thuy did as aniotly
popsihlo and arrived about I ! o'clock
n thu afternoon. Str.inge to say , the
wounded man was still living and did
lot expire until an half hour later.
Lr. ) W. H. Lanyon was immediately
: uflcd , but could do nothing except
.dminiHtcr opiates.
A coroner1' inquest was hold in the
Jepot , whore the body was lying ,
onducted by Sheritl Miller , acting
oronor. John Farrol , Solomon
Myers and August Johnson were ox-
uninod aa witnesses , they having
been on the car nt the time of the uc-
liaont. Their stories all tallied , and
he coroner's jury came to the verdict
hat death was the result of a full ru-
loiyed by accident from u hand car ,
ivhilo the deceased was riding to
Omaha from his work. Pinkosky
was a Polo , and had no family.
Too Fastidious
Some would-be liyrom look on with
At the rbyinen of Eclcctrie Oil "poet ; "
'Sut we have the best article known to the
world ,
And Intend that all persons nhall know it.
It curcH cou.'hn , colds , aHthnm nnd catarrh ,
"Ironcliitis and complaints of that kind ; much , though rheumatics
it curcn.
Tis the best Oil in the world you can find.
A Few Notes From the Sweat Slngor
of the Suburban City.
0.V. . Tousloy has boon ris eloctcd
ironidont of the lycouin , with John
? . Page secretary , nnd Jacob Elton ,
vica-prcaidcnt. At the next roulai
neoting the tariff question will be
Proaidont Tousloy ia out again .ifiut
few day s illness.
Mrs. Edwin Patrick and hcrdiiugh-
tor , Miss Jennie , Imvo roturuod from
their extended oaatorn trip.
Hon. Jiuuea 11. Kynor lnia boon at
homo for a few days , but loft yesterday -
day for the acono of his grading op
The juvenile debating Hocioty discussed -
cussed tlio question :
"IloBolvoii , That povvor haa niori
influence with niun thun inonoy , " nl
their nioiting Saturday ovoning.
The party given in honor of Mr ,
Uoorgo Ilnzard last Thursday evening
waa u very pleasant all'uir and largolv
attondcd. D.uicing foimcd thu prin
cipal anuiHoinunt of the evening and il
was kept up until tlio "woo sum
hours. " A lunch was served whicl
fully niaiiitiiiiiod the hospitable reputation
tation of the host. Among thoat
prosonl were Mr. Sntdio Urovvstor , F ,
L. Pulton , Koubon Elton , Missoi
Liura Elton , May Drown , Mary Wil
lott , Mr. Charlus Elton , Mr Jamoi
Brown , Miss Nellie Quinn , Mr. 11. S
Ohriatio , Miss Millie Hazard , Mr. E
P. Hrowator , Miss Alice Huatin , Mr
Louis Littleliold , Miaa Eiinna Partol
and othora , CUCKOO.
A Novel Machine.
Dr. L. H , Koiulrick , whoso head
( liiartnrs nro at the Omaha Morchanta
barn , on Eleventh at root , botwooi
Harnoy nnd Howard Htroota , lias tin
horse clipping machine that takes tin
cako. A UKK reporter saw it worl
ycatorday , nnd it shaved i
horse oil'us oloan as a mouao ii
ono hour and twenty minutes , whicl
the doctor says is the average time ii
which it will do the work right along
It is the only machine of the kind eve
brought to the city and rortainl ;
works like a charm , the horse soomini
to rather enjoy tlio operation.
Children In Arms.
It la suggested to Manager Mural
that the rule of eastern theatres
"Children in arms , 815 , " bo adopted
Everybody in the liouso hist nigh
would have known that one fiftooi
dollar fee had boon paid.
The young peoples' association o
the Lutheran church
will giro ui
oyster supper on the evening of Fb
ruary 10th , at 1114 Farnham street
Lytlos1 hall. Everybody invited
Tickets 25 cents.
Ati Aged Lady Expires Sud
denly on Upper Sixteenth
Shorlll' Mlllor Holds an Inquobt.
A sad stlluir occunod ut ! ) ; ! IO , i. in.
Saturday on Sixteenth street , near
theconier of Caw.
It appears Mrs. Shinner , a lady
about 05 years of a o , and the mother-
in-law of Mr Robert Wallace , a car-
punter in the Union Pacific shops and
living in licuury Hill addition , left *
homo early Saturday to visit a
daughter who lived out , on Sixteenth
street. She was accompanied by her
grandson , a httlu follow not moro
than eight yoiri : old , and having com
pleted her call or orrind left to re
turn home.
Miss Lilho NVhitehorn , a young
lady living nuir the corner of Cuss
and Sixteenth , was st.Hiding at the
window attending to some house
plants , when she saw a little boy and
un old lady pass on the sulunulk. She
noticed the pallor of the latter and
thought she must bo sick , calling her
moitier's attention to the woman. An
instant after Iho little biy came in
and asked if they would give hia
grandmother a drink of water , and
the latter also came in , look
ing to bo in an almost fainting
condition. Miss Whitohorn got the
water quickly and , Mrs. Simmer hav
ing taken u duir , placed it to her lips.
She took a mouthful but could not
swallow it. She was unable to speak
from the first and g.iapod for breath.
The little boj was asked was the
matter and replied that his grand
mother had got a picco of moat in her
throat. Eteiy ulfort was inudo to
rohovo thu sulltiiui , but Mis. Whitu-
horn and her daughter .were
alone , and c iild not lilt her from the
cliuu in luy hu duwu. They called
to a man p.issing 1 > ' to ccmu in and
help them , but with a glance of in-
dilleionco tne hrnto passed on.
Neighbors MUKII uuuu , howuvur , and
Drs. Coflnun and Linyon appeared
in a very brief time , but human aid
was of u i at.ill , and after unavailing
efforte on thu part of till thu old lady
died in loss tune than it lakes to write
lntho _ abionco of Coroner Jacobs ,
his 'duties duvolvwl upon Shot iff
Miller , who was notified atonco of the
death , us weru also the relatives of
the deceased. About 11 o'clock the
remains were removed to Undertaker
Jacobs' room , whore an inquest \vas
sot tor 2 o'clock.
The doctors expressed the opinion
that Mrs. Shinnor had not choked to
death on anything she had swallowed ,
us there was nothing found in her
throat , but said she im ht have swal
lowed something the wrong way.Vo
are informed ' by a neighbor of the un- woman that she was afllictod
with cancer in Iho throat , nnd it
is probable that this was the
cause of her death. It will bo u com
fort to the relatives to know thato\ cry
kindness was shown her and every
cllort made to save her lifo that could
bo done , Mrs. and Miss Whitohorn ,
Mr. Wm. Gentleman and in ahort all
who were summoned doing their ut
The vi-tdict of the jury waa , death
from natural cause a.
"PI. "
Josh Hillings savs : "Thare nint no pi
in natral hutry that ha/ been et more ,
and thut moie oft than apple pi , and no
medicin kan lire ind gcstnn and billouse-
ness haf BO wel as Sl' 111 OSSOM. "
Trice 50 cents , trial bottles 10 centHUlw
A Protest Agulnst the Chnngp Pro
pobod by the County Com
The people in the west and north
west part of Douglas county are gel-
ting their feelings stirred up against u
certain change that bus boon effected
on the old military road , leading from
Irvington northweatorly. This change
begins near Irvington and follows sec
tion lines west nnd noith till it cornea
to the same road ug.iin near a place
known as the Hereford ranch , a dis
tance of some two or three miles fiom
the p ace of beginning.
This change on this road will , it ie
claimed , provo detrimental to all the
fanning community lying west and
northueat in this county ; also to the
farmers in the southwest of Washington
county , us this ia the only practicable
route by which the farmers of that
community can convoy their grain
and produce to the Omaha market.
This old Military road from Omaha ,
northwest , is the main outlet for the
entire country in thr.t direction , and
thin or any change that may bo pro-
ented for the purpoeo of following
section lines will , they declare , prove
detrimental to the people in general ,
A petition has been filed in the
county clerk's oflico appealing to the
county commissioners for a rpviow
upon said road and for n relocation ol
the same on the old track , which c
great many think necessary for the
good of the country , as wall as for the
benefit of the citizens of Omaha , ani
ask that this old military road bo much
permanent and unchangeable , as it ii
located on the boat ground and wil
render better satisfaction than on anj
other grounds , If this proposes
changn is made permanent , witl
one or two others in contemplation
it will render it impossible for a greiy
number of the farmers to carry thoii
grain and produce to Omaha , when
all are now dealers ,
And now they appeal to the count ]
commissioners , us well aa higho ;
authorities , to I'ivo them the military
road unchanged , and ask the supper
of the pireas in the matter.
A Shormuu County Delegation.
A delegation was in the city yester
day and Saturday from Sherman cou :
ty to sou the Union Pacific olliciala re
garding a railroad from St. Paul t
Loup City , Sherman county , an
thence in time through the vallo ;
, of the middle Lqup river t
the IMack Hills. The gentlemen
in the delegation are Woods Smith ,
R. Taylor , county clerk , W. A. Wil.
son.t county treasurer , and W. H.
Lilk ) a banker. They speak very
favorably of the proposed route and
were much disappointed at not finding
Mr , Kimball in the city. A part of
the delegation will return next week
and talk the iill.ui . over.
I. O O. T
Mooting and Installation of OfUcora
Growth of the Order
The mooting of the Good Templars ,
hold in the Knights of Honor hall
Friday , win largely attended
and the secretary's report showed
largo and gains both as to
membership and uiefillness.
The Omaha lodge , one year ago ,
was in a very feeble condition but is
now ono of the moat flourishing in
the state.
Last evening beint' Iho regular
time for installation , the following of
ficers were duly installed
P. W. 0. T. , John J. Toins ; W. C.
T.S. C. Green ; W. V. T. , Miss Mol-
] ! Hiunner ; W. C. , Addison Jonns ;
W. S , C. A. Potter : W. A. S. , D. E.
Hoxtoi ; W. F. S. , Goo. E. Woright ;
W. T. , Miss A E. Thomas ; W. M. ,
T. Bruyton , W A. M. , W. II. Hon-
nor ; W. O. O. , Rosa Ward ; W. I. G. ,
Frank Moore ; W. R. IL S. , Li io
Frtiiwick ; W. L. S. , Jennie Moore.
Thu thing ( liquid found at l.i . Auk
druggist fur "I ninth on It.itH clpirs
out ml * , mite , rniiehru , Hie * , lieu - tigs Ific
boxes _ (1) ( )
Sim Hums left Saturdiv foi Now York
Daniel ' 'Ooimhiie and wife left Tridiiy
for t hlcago.
H. K. IJavis left Frida ) for Washington ,
going via the Wabash.
C. F. Goodman returned from Granl
Ishnd jetcrday nioriiitig , havingdispiced
of h's ' drug dtore in that tity.
Cnpt. ( I. W. Hollin , fimnerly city
nrnhal of Omaha nnd at present an nttor-
oy of I'ueblo , Col. , passed through the
, ty yeiterday morning ou his way to his
ome in Council Bluffs.
K. 15. Coc , l'q. . , and wife , nee Miss
rceman , returned 1'riday from tli
ridal tour through the east. They have
uken up a tempoiary residence with Mrs.
reemau , the brido's mother
Bnolum R .tinuou Buivo.
The best aalvo Hitlio vvurlu for uufa ,
iruisca , wires , iilcora , s.i'l ' rheum ,
ever sores , totter , chuppeU handa ,
tillblaiiis , corns and all kindt > ut
kin eruptions. This salve 13 guar
.nh-ed . to give perfect satisfaction in
ivory case or money refunded. Price ,
lee pur box. For ualu by
T ° A ; McMAHON. Otnahii
A Handsome Present.
Tom Lee , of Huttings , Saturday
tent dow n to Mr. Sherman Caiifiokl a
andsomu piosent in the shape of a
cry valuable bitd dog , a beauty , and
no miatako. Sherman was absent
'rom home at the time , but returned
ast night from Maryavillo , where hu
has bpen working with a U. P. en-
; ineor corps.
Mr. George Canfiold also received
estcrday from Hastings a fine horse
'or sale , which was taken off the cais
in the morning , sold for $300 , and the
money forwarded to the owner by the
noon train. Pretty < yiick work.
Well-known 'Wit's Endorse
CHICAGO , 111. , May 30 , 1881.
H. H. WAUNKU & Co. : Sirs-For
several ycara I have boon a aufforor
from kidney disease , and never knew
what it waa to bo free from pain until
I used your Safe Kidney and Liver
uro. C. H. HAUHIH , "Carl Pretzel. "
Barney Shannon Heard from Again.
3) . Shannon deigns it below his no
tice to answer Patrick Ford , the cur ,
in hia not'o replying to the published
challenge. Why didn't ho accept the
clialloiiKo ? Lut him put up or shut
up , but ho must unduiatund
that ho can't call my wife and
children liars , for I have plenty of
roof that ho insulted them on the
( Signed , ) 15. SHANNOII ,
Third wan ) war horse , who don't
care aoout Pat Ford's political in-
Two Organ * .
llogulato first Iho stomach , second
the liver ; especially the fust , so us to
perform their functions perfectly , nnd
will remove at least nineteen twenti
eths ot all the ills that mankind ie
heir to , in this or any other climate.
Hop Hitters is the only thing that
will giyp perfectly healthy natural
actions in those two organs. Maine
i1 armor. f-1-15
Nobniakn State Stenographers' As
OMAHA , Nob. , February 1 , 1882.
The next mooting of this association
will bo hold at the oflico of Boll &
Ames , Monday evening , February
( ith , 1882 , at 7:30 : o'click , sharp
GEO. W. UOYUKN , Secretary.
Iii those tunes ot j" uti. ii
advertisements ovo'yv.ei. . ir
gratifying to find < no un ' , ) 'hu '
worthy , ot pramo , mid hi > i to.ilij
does as recoiimu mleil ICK tuc Uu
tore , wo can vouch f"i m beiu-- tint
and reliable roim-d ) , un I nutilui
will do as recommended Tlii yinvmi
bly cures stomach and . | > luiit :
diseases of the Kidneys and Uiiimij
difficulties. Wo know whuroof M
speak , and can readily say , giu > then
a trial. Sold nt fifty cents a buttle ! > '
Ish & McMahon _ ( IS )
No IllMd-.lC-he c r In I. i / ' . nf ' -ii'il1 '
' ' nk "WINE O OA MJI. | '
The first annual ball and stifling
fcst of Omaha lodge , K. of P. , No
U. D. , will take placout Contial hull
Wednesday oroning , Fob. 8 , 1882 ,
Fob l-4t.
The Little Cash Grocery , Norl
Sixteenth street , between COBS an
California streets. Thur&Sat ,
Collecting Testimony for the
Grand Jury.
The Work of Securing Evidence m
the Kostors Case Still Proceed
ing Briskly.
The newspapers for several
days have contained considerable
news aomo old , aomo rehashed nnd
a little now concerning the Hammer
homicide , and the work of the state
officers in collecting testimony to pro.
sent before thu grand jury. The pur
pose of much of this testimony m sur
mised , and probably correctly , to bate
to the effect that thu man under arrest -
rest , Charles Koators , wont to Nell
King's house after the affair nt
TroiUchke's and told that ho hud
struck Hammer , and wanted to get
out of town , but didn't have the
money to go with. The witnesses
who are reported to bo bo cognizant
of this fact at the time are
Nell King , Blanche Dean , Alicu
Burton , May Hall , E. Cahil ,
Frank Young and another young man
who has not been arrested , but will
probably give mininclf into custody to
day Another witness ia Lulu Long ,
who w cut to th" King woman's house
after the homicide and to whom the
Dean woman told what she know.
The King and Dean women were
arrested in Council Blufl'd , as stated
Friday , and Fndny evening returned
to Una city with Cnpt.Noligh , who had
them in charge. They were taken to
thu former's house nnd are there still.
May Hall , who was in Fremont ,
returned from that city Friday , nnd
went across the nvor to the Biulfd.
She was on board the Northwestern
last evening , bound for the east , when
Detective llazon found her and took
her into custody. She was brought
to this city and Saturday taken out
of town until the session of the grand
jury. She states that aho "knows all
about it , " but will toll nothing until
the court convenes.
The above comprise the principal
witnesses concerning whom so much
ias been printed and ia , in brief ,
, bout all that they are expected to
estify to.
The contest between Detectives
lazon and Nclirh ; for possession of
ho King nnd Dean \ \ omen scorns to
tavo been misunderstood , according
o Neligh's account of it. Ho states
, hat ho had the girls go over the river
'or ' the purpose ol working a little
juainess entirely indopindptit of the
Ivostera case , and ill it ho w.mtid
nly to detain them title nuiil
hat inatUr could bo - > t'Ki.1 II.
tatcd Jiai hu nut inten tk * liim
elf in the Ko-itcrs CIPIat all , Ii -u t -
'ore , but that now hu intended t < > j"in
ho defense and "malco it toi
-he prosecution.
On the ether hand it is stated by
no ot the women hold us a witnubu
.hat . Nuligh waa at the King girl's
louse on Thursday morning btloio
laylight and arranged it with hoi and
the Dean girl to go aoiuaa the nvci
and stay in Iowa ton diys. The lat
er story is rather EUi'grsti\o of mean-
ng if it be true , but it is given for
ust wli it it may bo worth.
Eve j I odj to call and see the
WANTED Mot < r In operation at hlliott s
Plumbing and ( > ns UttlnL' oflice , corner 14th
and Uarney Streets. Exhibitions fret. 81-7
- for rallrond work Imme
WANTKD-EOmcn CMnini ; from 5 to 8 , to
morrow from B to 11 a in. , to II. Mannneller ,
llth street , near Karnlmm. 8.1 4 * .
WAt < ThD A Rood painter by Dr. Edwards
1100 Karnhim strict. 754'
" ) - \ \ like to trjdc a small
WANT"I-\\ould a heavier one fnlanra
In cash. Address Bandleader , Kort Omaha
ea-i * .
25 men in Ntniaha for railroad
WANTED Apply II , Mainuciltr , Kmplnj
meat A ent , llth St. , near Karnliam. 71 0' .
A hi ED Jle and teams to w oik in ice
W Wan'iH , $1 f,0 for men , S,50 ) for teams.
Applj atonceitnr feitillzinn' works , one ml'o
south of Ilojd'ti Paikln House , Bin Matson.
C55' .
\KJ ANTED 11 a stead > man a permanent
TT situation. Understands the cire of
horses Good refcrerces If required. ACilrcss
K , llfKOlllcc 630 * .
11 ANTED A situation as second jrlrl. Inquire -
' quire 823 South 20th street or at Julius
Trcitschko's wholesale liquor ttore , 16tT s rctt.
_ U1 7-
WANTED A [ rood hoitcckicptr , Qerman
i referred Apjilj to H. .Maim cllcr ,
llth htriet , mar Karnhuin 00 4 * .
Girl forircncril housework ; Oer-
WANTED Enquire at tOS j. 17th St.
" \VrANlED A few more raj hoarders can be
VY Kccbniniodatid with firtt chsjtihlcboard
at $1.00 per week , UOS Canltolovcnuc , bet 14th
and Uth 41-9 Slllb. MOSS.
PANTED - A carriaKC Pointer ut Slinpnon's
W iarri3o factor } , 14(0 ( and 1411 DodRC St.
- 170s Califor-
WANTFD-rirl bo ( food eook , washer and
irontr None ttlur need apply. 3tf
" \X7AN1ED Hrnt nans COOK , ono wi o under-
YV Ktanus mtat cooklnL'as well as pastr ) , riono
but first cla H need aip'i ' Alton food bo > as
wait r Apply at 1105 Karnliam t 060 eudl
hi ) Kundlnir bridge and school bonds.
WAM T. Clark. lleilovTie. M-tf
ANTED To tent a desirable dwelling
W house. Address Ilex 48 , City 071 tf
- children as bnardersjn a select
WANTED-1 10th and California St. L. B
ITIOIII KM1 Two acres of ( [ round on cumlnu
J' strict. Enquire of Euretie | O'Neill , 10th
an.l llowaid HI tf.
. ) Ill-NT A good home of four rooms ul
' J20 pir month Newl ) kalsomined and
p pned , Utli ht .bctwieii Howardanu Jac. i n
' I.7.M- I mill Iml r > - ' < i e-lrtti < l
' i .1 on K uili t i IK in i I > u i u
' "
itn t
. M hr , x ii. ii ( . i - .
1.1OI n rlli I'tli ' , . tii t . < r
l r , No Mi
ITVill INT MBhV , I'.in ii . ir. i
I' | | .In. if W M u liv.i u i
, nit M.II-lr lc 1U L i i , v
Imt ri " 'l ul' > ll'HI < r , i i i t
ami * init.1. 1
_ ' . Ill Vl I rt\ f r i h .I r 01"
i urn > t * v < , % > 4I7 t i ii i
' s.
. I.N I H. nilrluil ( runt mom , N h " .or
Liiil. and J c , nnii 02 tf
* ) IShNI l > ono\4ii plate , > oiitrkCMtl uf lati
111)11 . Ouulia , uiUblu for 't-ne'tui lu ar
den , a KOCH ) Uuiitu with cistern , niter , At , gooi
well aud bum , a I taring orchard about UU ) Lcai
I"S Kr > l > u vines , a Ur e amount f Kcxuxbcrv an- -
curriut liuilie'.ic. . ie. Kor terms nJ coudl
tloue npply at the Crtl titon Ilou c. i'i U
OH KENT Furnished rootn. Inquire 162
17011 HE.ST-TNew [ hoiwoT 1 roomi , SMh and
I ? . St. 884 *
FOR KENT Ten ncrcs land lth \ ou i- , t' ren
miles from clti on Mllltiri roiii ppl *
to .1 M. Shulv 2i ) J' .
I.1UK Hh.Ni KUOIIM In Jftcolu lilock.
IjlOll UKNT Itooin inrtlall ) iurn < h l , Captto
L' avenue , bet I'Uiainl Ihtli , poulli slilc 6-t
IjlOll HKNT-Xic I ) ( urnlshud room * , at 101B
J.1 Chicago St. iV tf
ITlOIUlhNT lloiteof light looms. Enquire
JL1 J. I'lilpvs Mew , 1512 8. Fifth St WMf
RENT K < l . 1st commodious l.rlck rc-l
EOll , corm r 10th ami FruhaiH dui. An-
plj to Mrs K. A. Ittncr , Tabor , Krertont Co , %
Iowa lt"fcrcnccn desired. 941 tf
Foil RENT Onoof the beat stores on Cumlnz
St. 20x21 , by January 1 , 1882. 820 U
lilUll HUM K ( urm nt i tuuiuto > ur jioj
.1 ; ctunt * ' Eichihgo.N. E cor. 10th ma Dodz.
etrocts. S89-U
TJ OR IIKNT Nlccl ) furnished rooms with or it
JU without hoard. Reasonable prices. 2013
Ua u St. 700 tt
1710R SADE A Rood eccoiul ha d street hack
I ; for sale , at a low bargain , by Pr I aae
KUnnlg , 1109 Karnliom street. 74 if
rR SAI.K Oil Kill I'UIIMO USB Full
Blooded Ji-rscj bull. Residence 2518 Do-
uatur street , Norti Omaha , ( he blocks north-
cst of turn-table on Hiumlin ttrcct , John
Ta ) lor.
FOHSALK A flrsf class ph-icton. Knuiilroat
1310 llarncy St. M 3
"ITlOn SALK-Soucrkroiit Ii ) then rrel , cheap ;
U crjral. 40c , at Durham Meat llarket , 11th
at , bet , Douglas and Dodjre. 51 II
171 H SALK House , 1 rooms , closet , clfltcrn ,
JL1 cll and lot ; 603 N. 13th St 324 *
Oil SALK House and full lot In irood loca-
tlon. cheap I'ritc , $1260. HAS ) term * .
SIcOAUUE , Opp. poet olllcc. IGtr
ITIOIi SALR-Bfflt bulldlnjr lot In Shlnn's nd-
L dltlon , 142 feet cast front by 120 ( tut depth.
JIcCAGUE , Opp. post ollko. 14 tf
FOR SALK A Rood bupgy hort-e , suitable for
a bulj to drl\e. Inquire No 1109 Howard
street. ! > 7S-4
1011 BALE 1 snrrcl stallion , dvdosdMc , 8
jearsold , wel'hlnK ( 1GCO pouidi 1 black
Htalllon , J Norman i Morgan , 6 jcarnold , wcluh-
IIIR 1650 pounds , took Urn proriiiuiu at Nubrattka
htato Fair , 1881. 1 Kentucky Jack , black ,
vvtirh | < iir about UOO pounds , 4 jca noi'l , took
llrst premium at Nobra kabtato Hur , IsaOond
1881 Inquire of Chos. Ncber , Farmers House ,
gily _ 038tt
T710U < ! ALE OR HKNT A trroccr > store and
_ L butcher shop , doiii ) ; a good business. In-
qulra at tliia otllce. 912-U
SAI.K 2 nice counter * and i s l\cr plabid
show cases , at Gco. II. Pctc/so.'s , bOI South
10th St. _ 741-tf
"fiWR SALE Or will cxcha go for Omaha pro-
J. pert } , an lmpro\ed sec on of land adjoln-
inK a station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM , 1412
FarnhamSt. , Omaha. _ 720 8m
OR SALE Or trade for cltj proport ) , on
P pron of horses , harness and wagon. Addros
S. Y. , thlaolllcu- _ 722 tf
SALE A eood BC\ oncarold Mores
FOR to drive single or double Kii
quire of George Cautleld , Can Hold house.
B SOU' T\ltnOOK ft COR.
I.I KUAK1I At'JOll das stri.U.
807' .
. \i I i i i. ' t , n gold lir.uolct.
\j \ It iat tni.otluo u J rcccnc reward.
850' .
- - lockctloil. t oniniiiini , a n Ircrvl
piMtoDr Mil-fluid V nriir 111 o me
t nll > \ n t r in rue viinu to I'r ' Li llnuin.
I Ob r- Jan 2lih , n luiilurtl iloj ; , blick.
I l \\liit nil tan H'fit o\tr PI h t f Hail
onlcih r > illi > ! \iniu h t p A - \ i n rc-
tuniiny him Hl n il\u tLnanl lit , iiUy ,
Snut llltn tou h of S rv'ii : i hill i
K SAUS1)-II& 1 > 05 rarnliam St.
JOHN anil Coinmlss ou. bicantl hand
goods ot all kinds bought and eoM. Cash od-
xaiitt'Joii cons Knmunt" . Heal estate and live
tock a specialty , and outsldo sales promptly
attended to. 77 9.
JOHN K. SAUNDKUS 1205 Hnrnham St. ,
Ilegistrj ( or the hale of r > al tbUt ( and per
sonal propcrtv of all kinds. We adveriiae all
property until soli ? , and no commission charged.
Men and women in Kant of employment should
should call at OIK.C. 76 " .
T OS'l A Buckskin leather purse , loatainlnir
JLj S7.25 In raonej and note for $1500 , para
ble to Jlathcv , Sampson , Kinder will receive
a liberal reward bj cturnln- ; the sime to thli
HIGHh.bT I'lUCK paid fjr all Kinds of Iron ,
metal and ra s , b ) I Oallnsky & Co , 10 :
41) 1m
ir UtlOllS Foil lll-.Nl S. W. Cor.
J.1 19th and Davenport 't. UJO tf
iluiroatllospc'H Art Kmporlum , 161' ) Poil e
81 ret t. & > > tJ
MANAO bv ukptncnccd man. Small olai > .
I1. O. Box 502 CltJ. 903 tf
For the next 30 dajs , no will , on the
receipt of slxtj cents , send to ail ) address ,
postpaid , one of our urilaundnd dnxx Shirts
rositlvel ) onlv ono Milrt sent to ono addritu.
04(11m ( Marscillca. III.
UOi MS Wlthm three blocks of
JL' pontotlkc hniulruat IfilU Pod c. 026-tt
) KOOM8 For slnlo
also one front room n 1th piano , southwoet
corner 18th and Capital av cnuc. EOO-U
' NKW clrv MAPS , 10o. Mounto
BEMI8' . 62 60 OI-O. P. I1KMIS.
TJOHlUAllb IA i/KAtUA rostile uid oil ,
JL SRO decorative painting. MHH. D. H.
WAKDNKlt , room 1 , Jacoh'x Block. 642-t <
" UEALiKSsTATK 110011 sen Lit
IIAV At A. H. Sander's Feed Stcirt ) |
BALED Harne > St. Bl0-tf
TIONALI8T , 408 Tenth .Street , between Farnb&m
anil Hatnej' Will , Hh the ait ? o' iruirdlarj
spirits , obtain for an ) one a glanc * at the pasK
anil present , anil on certain conditions In the fu
ture. Uoots and Shoos made to rJer , Perfect
" ' ' 'action ? u r utccd au28.ini
Absolutely Pure.
Thl * powder inft arlc A maml ol purity.
virenyui anilMhiliriiuciitrr More ecoiiomlCAl
than the nrdliur * LliiiU , u t\ \ cannot be Mld in
coiupttltlon with th * ivultitude of low teit
hort Height , alum or iibonphite powikri
Bold only in om >