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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1882)
THE O-MAiiA JDAILE Mill : "MONDAY FEBRUARY 0 , 1882. Deere & Gomp'y. MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. If line Wagon Co , Farm and Spring Wagons , DBBPB & Mansur Do , Ooru Planters , Stalk flutters , &o , , Molmo4Puinp Co , Wood nM Iron Pumps , Wlieel & Seeder CoFountain City Drills ana Seeders , Mecliairicslmrg Maoii , Co , Baker Grain Brills , Sliawiiee Agricultural Co. . Advance Hay Rakes , Met Manufacturing Co , Eureka Power and Baud Sliollors , W&itman Agricultural Co , Sliellors , Road Scrapers , &o , , Moliue Scale 'Co , Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , 'Fisli - Racine Buggies , .tND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Bluffs ( . . Council , owa. aua. W. 3. MILLAJID. F. B. JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , COMMISSION AND STORAGE ! 1111 FARNHAM STREET , OMAHA , - - NEB. REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE , MAUL & CO. STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , S AND JOBBERS IN /Flcur / , .Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Pull Line of the Best Brands of CKAES iffl MUFACTUIfflD TOBAGCO , y , Agentn for BHWOOD DHLS AND UHiIH & BANB POWDER CO -WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On Bdver Bank , Bet Farnham and Douglas Sts. , THE JELM MOUNTAIN AKD Mining and Milling Company. . . . _ . . . . , . - | 3 < K,000. . . . . Capital 8. odv - 11,000,000 _ _ . . _ _ Par Value of Uharca , - - - J2i,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AMD NON-ASSESSABLE Miaea Located in BEAMEL MINING DISTBIQT. DR. J 1. T1IOUA8 , President , Cuinmlne , Wjomlnu. WM. K TILTON , "I'fca-Pfiwlilent , Cumuilnn , EX. IIARWOOD , Secretary , Cummliu , Wjoinlni ; . A. 0. LU.S'N' , t/tiuurer , Cuinmlni , . Dr. J. I. Thomas. Lpuli Miller \ \ \ [ , . ilrauMl. A. 0. Dunn. E.N. Ilirnood. trancla Lcaienn. . . ( jeo. II. * < * . Uwli Zolman. Dr. J C. Watklnn. . , , . . , , no22me6ra OEO. W KENDALL Authorized Agent ( or Sale of Kttek ; llr * ' " n. l s\t \ DEALERS IN HALL'S ' SAFE AND LOCK CO , Fire and Burglar Proof 1020 Farnham Street , KATE SOUTHERN , Thrilling Story of an Injured Wife's Revenge. A Once Mourttnln Belle lu u Prison-Touching Appoixl to Wo inon lor Her Vlnillcntlon. AtUniix , < ! . , Oor. Cltulnnatl Conm'crclnl. Kivo yoaru ui o there lived in Pick- ens county , nuiong the nioutnins , us fair iInss nssnclinit'tjiou is provorhial "or iiruduciiii ; , n nisy-chookutl , brown- mirud , hluc-oyud iiinidon , with the foun of a model and the uraco of .1 j'n7ullo. She was the daughter of n well-to-do fiirinor , and nor siuilos wore com ted by the lirnvo hourtod young niountainoor.s \ \ ho on a cd in honorable competition for a monopoly of her society. Among those was a dashing young man , lundsomo , of princely carriage , and whoso fame for courage made him Known in nil the Qounties around. D.uiuUesa in love as in all things else , he laid siege to the hi : trt of this mountain belle , to whom she capitulated , and thoimh but a girl in years spvontooii she was they were mariied. She idol ized her husband and clung to l > im with u worshipful devotion , happy only when with him , and ready to sacrifice her life if need bo for him And ho , feolin1 , ' secure in her lovo. re paid her attachment witliindiHerence , and gave more attention to another , a former rival of his wife , than was con sistent with his obligation aa a hus band. She bore this long in silence , and tried to purauado hi'isclf thai there was nothing wrong in her hus band's conduct. Hut the seed of jealousy was planted in her heart , and found nourishment in the buoyancy that once existed theio. Kro many months the bloom of her checks faded , the brilliancy of her eye de parted , her merry laugh was no longer lieard , and the once light-hearted and happy girl was changed to the discon solate and brooding woman. And still no complaint of her husband. Ho would como back to her , sh s thought. But her confidence WHS misplaced ; and at last , when one night a dancing party was given at her fathor's house , where she lived , and the source of her uuhappiiioss was among the in vited , she approached her husband and affectionately enttvining her arms about his nock , begged him for her cake not to dance with the woman she hated. Playfully chiding her for her jealousy , he gayo her his promise that her request should bo granted. She did not engage in the festivities , but pleading illness retired ; though not to sleep , however , for all know that her husband and her rival were under the same roof. With weary eyes and ach ing heart she watched the dancers , but nothing occurred on the part of her husband tx excite her jealousy un til midnight , when , believing her to be asleep , he took his position in the next quadrille with the woman he had promised his wife to avoid as his part ner. Stung to the heart at this exhi bition of perfidy under the roof that sheltered her homo , she watched thu dance for awhile , her senses seoinimi to desert her , and then she loft hei room and sought her father , from whom ahu borrowed a pocketknife - knife under the pretext of wanting to cut a tooth-brush. Securing tin knifoflho returned to the room in which , the dancing was going on , reaching it just JM the last sot ended , and going up to her rival , who was moving toward a scat , seized her by the shoulder , and , frenzied with jeal ous rr < je , saidy"You have dan&oil enough ! " at the sumo time drawing the open knife from the folds of Jiei dross and plunging ; it deep into the woman s neck , making a Jiorriblogaah , which penetrated nearly to tlio heart , and frem which the blood spurted several feet in the air and opatterod over the late dancers. Again the deadly Uudu was uplifted , and again it descended , plmmed into the lei breast in seaich of the heart , and ye again another blow , when the victii sank to the lloor doad. So uiclJ and as quietly waa tko awful traged , enacted , that not until after the wo man fell and the blood from ho wounds was discovered did anyon know what had happened. Who the discovery was nuude , u nish wa made toward the ptostrato form , am voices cried "Wheiois the man tJutt struck thr WOIIUUI/ / " To which the answer came in u ton . uid an attitude of piouddc'lhuiue fro/ the wronged v/ifo. "I am the man that did it. " The honor-Btrickon crowd surgoi about the door , when her husband realL/.ing what his flirtation liui brought about , grasped his wife , and drawing his pistoJ said : "Gentlemen , I am going to leave this house and take my wife with me and we * are going through. " The crowd gave way before him and going out into tlio night liUHbam and wife disapporud under coyer o the daikiiL'H.s and for a whole yoai evaded the vigilance of detectives with the incentive of S2f 0 rowan offered by the parents of the duai woman , and § 160 hy the state for their apprehension. They woio finally hoard of in Xorth Carolina where they were arrested and brough back to Pickons county and lodged ii jail , and with them u little girl baby which had become a mumbor of the family since tlitir flight. The womai viaw tried for murder , convicted am floiitonced to death , but through the efforts of friondti the governor was in duced to comniuU ) her sentence to ton years in the penitentiary , and on the iiOth day of May , 1 7 , she passed 'hroiigh Atlanta , on her way to enter ho Ktievico of her ( sentence at u convict : amp in Washington county. So FamouM hod this girl-wife and mm- dorcss becoi/io-hor immoandhcrdoed ilready the tliumu of two continonlH hat the announcement of lior pres ence attracted the largest throng ever usomhlod in thu city , with tlio posni- jle exception of 0110 or moro grand ipeeiiil days at the late exposition Tlio surging multitndn grow wild ever the dcsiro to got n glimpse at her , while she appeared unconscious of her surroundings , maintaining a dejected and artless air. Her husband and child iiccompinied her. The influence of a universal sym pathy secured immunity from prison regulations , and she was allowed to wear her cusomtary garb instead of the penitentiary stripes. At thp Washington county camp she remained nearly a yonr , during which she was occupied in making clothing for the other convicts , her huab.xnd remaining with her and holding the position of guiud n\or sqiinil of piisotiers , She was n.t H-- strnined in her liberty , but innnmed with and had the privileges nf , i mini ber of the family of the lease * . At the expiration of the year she foil to the lot of another lu&sot > , whoso camp was in Taylor county , whether she was removed , her following , her little girl dy ing dining her stay at the Waslimntnn count ) c.imp. After oloveu months in T.iylor county she was ivninu > d to Mat tun county , \ > bore the family of the lessee resided , where she remained in the capacity of a domestic until last Februaiy , when the lessee , Col. I' . I ! . Howard , removed to Atlanta , bri > g- ing with him the fair conviet , who is still retained as u servant in Ins hmisi- hold. Her husband remains \\ith hi i and acts as her escort , no survoillaiiiT being kept on their movements. They attended the exposition frequently and alone. To the reader of live yoais ago tli < unmo of this woman , the cireinn stances of her crime , the trial , con viction and death sentence will K fatuiliar , for "Kato Southern'uppi.u ed iii the columns of every nowsp.i j per printed in this country and many ! out of it , The victimof her outraged I love waa N rcissn Cowart , or " ( 'is Cowart,1' she was better known. Allhouiih only twenty-two years old now , Mrs. Southern boars the ago traces of thirty. Her countenance wears the shade of a deep melancholy , and her great blue eyes a perpetual expression of sadness. A visit to her by your correspondent has led to a revival of the tragic history of her life , but not for the put pose of pandering to the sensational appetite of the public. Far from it. The columns of The Commercial are sought with a higher aim , which is an appeal to every wito and mother in tins bread land to lend her name to a petition to the governor of Georgia for Kate Southern's pardon. Men have killed their fellow-men for a like provoca tion that Kate Southern killed Nar- cissa Cowart , and were not only ac quitted of crime , but applauded for the deed It is a husband's conceded right , nay , his most solemn duty , to protect tlio sanctity of his home from the invasion of the seducer ; and wherein is the wife to bo less coin- mended than the husband in a like cllbrt' Again , if the purpose of the law is punishment for crime , in what measure has the law boon satisfied in its execution of the sentence of Kate Sothern' Clearly she was either guilty or not guilty. If guilty , she should have boon punished according to the degree of her oll'ence. If not guilty , she should be sot at liberty. Her punishment him not been in satisfaction for the crime of which she was found guilty , for she has virtually enjoyed unrestrained libertj , which is wrong , if she bo guilty of murder , and wrong also if she is innocent. Certainly the author ities are not disposed to regaid her aa guilty since her sentence is permitted to go unsorved , and it would appear that whatever the extent of her crime , she has atoned to the law and society in the four years of her detention at the Camp of the Couvicti , and it is believed that the adoption of the sug gestion herein contained is only need ed even in part to induce Oov. Col- quitt to grant Kato Sothorn's pardon. It is loft for the ladies , Lot them seek it. Cm. Small Comfort , When you are continually coughing night and day , ainioyinj ; cveryrodj nniimd you , anil linpiiiK it will go away o ilu own accord , you are nmiiniK a d'tnyur mm rink better no li. THOMAS' Tllli OIL , an unCalliii } ; renieily in all Mid. C.IHCH. JIGw. . Wliat the Trnlllc Will Boar. Diinlap Kefimtur. The railroad managers east have learned that the farmert are getting 15 to liO cents for coin m Towa , Ne braska and other western states , am have concluded that the producer IP getting too much for Inn products hence have concluded to take tin lieiielit of hiu'h prices to tJiomsolvcs , by raining ft eight rates to the sea board , the same as they did HOUR time ago w/ion / corn udwncod 8 centp per biiMhul on foioign uurkots ; rail r HkJ freight woio raised to gobble the entire ali/ie. So will it be as loii ( HH mdividnalH or companion contro the transportation of thu country. MrsPartiugtou Says Don't lake any of the quack rostrums , as they are regimental to the bumai cistern : but put your trust in Hoi JSittors , which will euro general dilapi dation , costive habits and all comic diseases. They saved Isaac from a severe extract of typhoid fovor. They are the no plus unnm of medicines. Boston Globo. f-J-J5 Sliinuy Mou 'Wellii' Jleilth Itenewcr , Kreatcnt rem edy ( .n . earth for impotence leauneM , KCX- nal iluhility&c. 81 , at din 'ints. Depot C. ] ' . ( iooilnmn'M. ( S ) PROPOSALS l-'Oit WATER BONDS Scaled | ire | a a u.111 lu r < xu rU at tlio olllta cf tint city tlvrk o [ the ell } of I. nuoln until (1 o'clocK p. in. , on tlio 'JOth ilnj ol February , 1882 , for the purihaio'of any iwrtlon of , oralf of , thu tun tlioimarul dollar * ol ( ho uiur \ | tent twenty jeurHatur bond ) , of ttiociu > f Lincoln , liwiuid 1' ) the proper authorities of tol'l ' city , to aid In the construction of a t\ati in of water works tliuruln , I hit laKUu of Halil honilH ua authnlzcd hy a i nto of the e ixtore ol ualil tit ) at an elo/tlon cal nl for that puriionu , anil In iiurniiarico of ton- tltiitliinand lauaof ( hentatc of .S'tbroaka ami an orJInanioof xalil eltv pa st < i In purauaneo thereof. The honji > ro of ( In 'iuiomlnatlon of Ihuhiliulrei ilollarn taih , an jayjblu t int > yiamalt < T date , anil rodcemabli > thu tlty at an tlinuu'ttT live j cam , bcarhiK uin'itnt at Iho ratoof nix ptrient. per annum | a > ablu annii- alii with Interest coupon atta < li. < l , holh prlnci- i > al and InUifnt puja'jlo at tl olllco of the inasurur of nald citj. The clt > contains u pollination -if oi rl',00l ( Inhabitant ! , Ii the cipltal of thi late , liaw loia- led hire the utatu iiniii rally , inmii'ii ' aijliiin nml itato penitentiary , and In the luntre of u v tnn if mil en railroad * . ProK | > ula khould be enilorBid "I'ropoialu for Uattr bond * , " and thould be tin lomil in an i n- telopoauilruiicil to H. r Haul. > , tltv cleilf. Lincoln , Neb rath proio | al khould tatt > tin amount of Mrida rwiulrod , and the iirlio tto hlddur la vsll | . ii f to pay for eaih lionil of itOO , and ihould be atcompaiilul by a chok or ctrtlll. . ito of dirnalt m breU ) the order of A. C. UH < , Irtuurtr ol tilil illy , for a bum niual to ti n ix.r lent , of the riioiintolthuhld. No l , | , | will retilvtd lor u * than par. Illila will lie OIH.IICI ! bj the coui" ll ol gaiJ citj t lliu/ii'xt im.elliiK tbtreaftvr , and duo notlio 'anof ' vnt to thu tmiuuuful luddtr Iniuudlatuh hcruaftcr. Chu. ka anil urtllliut.-i ol depoilt Lcelvul from ( ho urmccc wu | liIJlrn will at the name time liu returtioJ to 8Uth biddi ra. The re- ' ,1 n"K , n'tw ' \ cent , of thi. purjha e Jiionoy III be duo and iojabki on demand of thu couu- II , arid thu bonui nhall tie dillmcd on thu | > ay- ntnt ol thu inoncj tlurtafl . IburlKiit I. ) rtnnLdto rucct ) n > and all hldi . , JOHN DOOLI'JTLK. ha rtntn Flr.ance Coinini'tUti Ol f'lty Couiall , ftbj Uline COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS. .IOYKULLY JOINED. or Henry Stern to Mls > s Troylwn. Yesterday afternoon n matrimonial event occurred of unusual impoitanco anil interest , the contracting parties being Henry Stern , the well known wholesale liquor dealer , anil Hiss Lisotlo Troylmn. The ceremony oc curred at the losuloueo of the bride's home , on llaimony street , in the proa- once of alargemidhiilliant gathoriunof friends Justice Abbott performed tlio I'eivmnuy , the ling being used , ni ' - i ) i mvr btief and belli * i" > . ' . Amotii ; I' ' e unoatfl pri-sont from . v.i.l wine \ii IIM.I Mrs. M. Stern , . - ' . V ' . \1. Klarshoim , of * " h ; I , NV 1 , of St. .limiM'h ; ' ! , ' Mn ouri Valley , and I l.i . , i > t Hastings. Among the f > is lln > city worn Mr ; and 'ri \ , l > , ii > hiinu , Mr. and Mrs. ilniHuii 'inil fini y , Mrs. II. Now- ui.iii , iiul 'lain ' ; ' ' ! i Sirs. S Kisimian , Mr. anil Mrs. A. llornard , Mr. and Mrs. A. dans , Mr. S. Obeifelder , .1. Huxbanm , and A. Stern. Thuro were many rich and useful pioscntn , amoui ; them being solid sil ver spoons , knives and forks by Mr. S. Altshulor ; a grand upright Steinway - way piano , fjom the bride's mother ; a sot of diamonds by the groom , a check of § 100 by the bride's brother ; parlor and bed-room aot from Mr. and Mrs. M. Stern ; ehina sot from Mi ami Mrs. Him Newnmn and S. Obor- felder ; an elegant ice cream sel from Mr. and Mrs. Kiseman ; silver nut pinchers from Mr. and Mrs. L. Dan- Iminii ; silver nieklo castor from Air. Alex. Slum ; pearl opera glass , from Mr. and Mrs. Robinson ; line toilet sel , from Mr. ,1. Huxhauiii. There were many other valuable presents , and these ex pressions of good will and good wishes ure but a tithe of the kindly feelings felt in this community toward those who thus start out in life under such happy auspices and bright pros- pec1 . The newly wedded ones last night Htaited fora trip to St. Joseph , after which they will return to make this city their home. PERSONAL. Dr. V. N. ritilihlntt , uf Cctlnr Kiijiiiln , | ii'iil Sunday at tlio Ogdea. Judge Ijooflioiiruw has lioon called to his Inline in All.uitie hy thu ilhifsi < if n cliilil , but ot'oU . to return to-dny. Mr. Scott Otto cpcnt Sunday .it tlio O - len. Ho IH largely interested in vovcrnl mining cntcr | > rineH , some of which mo [ tanning out \ciy richly. Justice.I. J. V'rniuoy now finds himself worth Sll HOO , the Hint 1 0111 hey weighing Fourteen and a hnlf iiounilH , anil S1,0K ( ) n [ icund he cotiBiilcreil ; i vciy liyht valua tion. Hon.lulin 1 ! . ( iainhle , of Vaiililon , wiuiin thu city Sultnday , on route for Lin. coin , to where liu hail been called by h'n dutieH as attorney in a cnxo to ho triei there. Mr. and Mm. Albeit Cook , of Now York , together with their daughter an spending a few ilays in thin city , and ex poet to joinney westwaid in the hope o lx.'tteriiig their daii hter'n health. Mr Cook in hugely interenteil in a haul' , tin cashier of which EH a hiothei of A. T KIwell , of thin city. Doiils In Dirt. The following transfers of ten o.'tato ; reported , as takun from tin county records by . .1.V. . Sijuiru A Co. , abHliactoru of titles , real CHtati and loan agents , Council ItluH'u \V. A. Sweet to .1. L. Carey and 11 T. Fox , e A s w ! ) , 75 , ! ! e1IL'0 ! K. Hiu.kniH to M. D. JeiiHun , lot ' in lock 12.r > , Crescent City5 \V. II. Shilling to H. Hector , p.irt lot SiJin Hiil-'liviHiiinl ! 77 , ' ! ! § 800 T. . ) . Kiiii ; t.i.I. II Itmklij n \ i OBOJO , 7I.-JO i'llld. J' Olo.tDii t. M .lui- Lots J mid JO in hit fit I-- i'i I'lty § 15. 15.II. . DoLtnj i.i i ; ! 'i > . -1 \ . in i n block I , llu'jun' IM , ! , . .i ! ) 81,000 K. Vickeiy to I' . Koluy , part of < p Neola SliOO. H. H. Woodniancj' . trustee , to A H. llayborn , JO in 17 , Macedonia S10. S10.f ! . \V. Turner to K. K. Ingle , o A n \v I. . , 75 , W-SL',000. . .1.V. . , t J' ] . W. Daviw to. } . G. Marnuardt , w 511 ! ) feet of n i no lot L'li mid L''f in sub of ! ) , 77 , JfD-griOO. D. Handbnry to .1. S. McWillianiH , lot Oin iJ.'J , NeolaSii75. . \V. F. Sap ] ) to H. Minturn , B . ' , w A n w.'IO , 7 , H-S500. . .1D Horn to ,1 , H , Schultz , nw a\v 15 , 7-1 , l.'t ; $1,500. U. Sholy , trustee , to II. L. Aid- ridge , nw no 1 , 77M : ? 1,000. A. NV , Sjtoncor to 0. Hay , e A ne L''l , 7' ' , ! ! ; & ' . " > 0. C. JkUKlm to J. it I. Gilbert , o " A lot II in block ! l HayliH 'add. ' city ; $1 , 000. 000.K K , T Uryant to .J. N. Casady , out lot-I mill add. city ; $100 , .1. P. Mungor to M. J. Curtis , w A nuaiul w A eu Dl , 7'l , 'U. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA m O j H 6 | 0 ? JD C3 C OP jc * i ii * t ii- r = r V < ' trt- . * j n A & > * * J . * . I CU 1 Ml v r O BITTERS ILEE & GO , . Sole ManuthcturorH. OMAHA. OHO. W , DOANI. i.O , CAUrtlLb DOANE& CAMPBELL , Att or.neys-at-Law STATEMENT or THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK , P. S. WINSTON , Prusidont , For the Yonr Emllng Docombur 31st , 1BD1. ASSETS Annuity Account. I'o.i.Vmi. l'A\t't. Ahn. I Anmilllr * In ( oico Jftn. 1st , US1 K fin.ut si \iiiiultliK In force Jan. lit , 1SS4 , 65 I'rcniliiin Aiiimlilct 4li 0. > I'mulmn Aninntli'1. 1,33 0 Aniniltli ! . limed B , ( ISM 00 Annuities Ifinillmteil 153 SO M to I M Iiiaunttico Account. ' Amount , n .NO , Amount. Volldin III ton-0 , J.ln. hi , Hl'oll In ( orco Jikn. l t , , \ o.mi2ioi \ i .Wtf',000,137 Hl k J < 10,6321 S , B73MO llln 7.0M 21,775,677 Hovonuo Account Or To Itnlniico Ironi ln t ftcconlit . t 30 Itj jttM IHlitll.Chlmi . .8 4,4ftl.C05 01 lil'rt mining rc clul . ia'll > 0r.2 < 02 II ) r-AliI Mninrfil f'inlo\Miipiit * . . l.mi ,107 68 Tolntrlpttitml Hint . 6,051,101 ? 4 To .it ilolmt * t < 40 fIOl,3Td 357 CO Awmltlr Sl.034 SO liMJcml . 2,017,38 86 " Hilrriiulctiil I'olldcs niul' 93 liotui'r < M'.lKO.lli " Coiiiiniii laii < ( pi > tut lit ot ciirri nt nnil cxtliiKiilfh- liiont oKututo ) . 774,011 SO " Contliik'int ( iiiarantcu Ae- ciMiiit . 1M4.W4 M " TA\C < nn.I i\s 34(1,70927 ( " K\i'on i 07 tu Nun Arrnu t. . S'tHS 413 117 * 101i7r.,3.1i7 : (1(1 ( Dr. Balance Shoot. Cr fa ItmMMiiit 4 ( urcint } - > < l,371lM ( 00 Srrmrilti ) MortpiRiHon To Claim * lij ilpnth not > olililc. . . l ,7 ( 5 111 i Ili-al Kutntu JI7,6(15MI ( ) 23 lormiilmimiiuliHn niMmi'i1 Ifl.HUI " ! < 'ltI'nltril ' SatPi ( ixinl ollict liomK - - - - - - - Ol ) I'o AKi'lltJi' I'lllllllTI ' 3,773 71 III ' ) ' Io.ui on CollnttriiN . lO.dlfi.noil 00 To Huriliii | < nn.l Continent ( ! imt- ll1U"1 IXntc . 7OJ,740 ! ! 01 iintw riiml < ,492,3 04 1 ! > I'nih In RinKi : uut Trmt Com- | unlc9rtt Inlermt . 1 , 702,01. 73 < < > 4,7lt.2li.7 J ll\.liiliTi t acoriii'il . 1,22.1,017 73U lly'l'rrtnlmni ilctirttil , iunrti | > rl ) niul i > i iiii-'kiimiikl . lij Premium * In trnnsH , prlncl pnllj ( or Iliumlwr . 70 1,702,057 0 > j It tlio Xcu Vork IJUtul.iril odoiirnn.l nliall per nnl Inti'riat lie used , the i\ir 12.000WiO. From thu HiirphiH , uinppinrs In ( lu1 rahncu Sliccl.u DlU.ltml . will I'O ' nppoitliM1. ! to cnch I'ol- ulililiKli. liu In ( OKI nt ! ( nnnlursir ) In D-.v. . Ill IIIKMIIM IIIAHCIK1I IllK l\ > -l IIAVU' IS TIIIH KIMI'NWI'HK IIKMtOHl l\ 1S7IIIIOUT Ul I > R IhXT OS IIIUMMia UtK I1ll.ll IKS. f Mr T } T ? I Im U Jtt i ! ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO , , CARPETS ! G R O C E R SI Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact that Rank foremost in the West in A.-$30 $ rtment and Prices of CLOTHING , FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WKA.R. ALSO A COMPLETE UJfK OF Furnishing Goods Hats and' Caps Wo aro'prepared to moot the iluni.uuls nt the trade in regard to Litest Sty.'ej ' and I'uttorriB. Kino Merchant Tdtl'-rmu in Connoc'ion ' RESPKGTKUuLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th Si J. A. WAKEFIELD , WIIOLBSAI.K AND ItCTAIL U1.ALEK IN Lath Pickets , Shingles , , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT MT&TATK AOKNi fOH illLWAUKKK CKilSNT Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB