Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1882, Image 5

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    mTTTl " ' , tT A TT A rv A 7 T "V r > TT I"A I / " \ \T ri AT I ? ran r1T ' 11 AT- / i rinr
NEW Y"RK , February I.
Kvcntsof the week in financial circlet
\scro iintinrtnnt. Tlic money market har
dened "lightly ilir Ing the week and on
one ilny 0 per cent , pliii fractional coin *
minions was paid for accommodation' ,
but rate * soon oaed up and business vvai
done at t5 psr cent. , with o-xoeptioni ns
] .vv n . ' ! .
( .Jovernment bond * were lower early in
iho week under increased prcmuto to pell ,
but finally became firm aiul recovered.
Foreign cxeh'tige * were linn through
the week nnd unfavorable advices from
Paris and tlio failure of the Union Goner ,
ale bank h.vl tlu > ollect f nihnnci"jt > ntcs
to1 5g ( 4 90 } , vv hich were current nt the
clo p tn-dnv.
KMlvvay a.ul miscellaneous speculation
w 11 only moderately ncthe nnd change-
in the prominent ( .locks with few e\cep
lions are unifMiilly alight. Tlio tendency
in jiriceH was downward early in thu
week , but the market soon afterwards be
came firm and advanced. The Iliiclua
lions in the suecial tie * was more violent
than for a long time past. The limit im
portant changes in the spoclaltii1 * were an
advance of 30 per c ° nt. in liichmond
D.imillc , 30 per cent , in Terminal , 13 per
cent , in Columbia & Cirejnvillo preferred ,
and ! l per cent , in Oregon Transcontinent
al , and a decline of - \ to 5i per cent , in
St. Louis Han Francisco Bhare * .
NEW Yoiih , 1'ebruaiy t ,
Thu bank statement to day Is unfavor
able. Tlio following are the chnngcs ;
Loans increased 85,885,601
Specie decreased . . 1"S5,7K
Legal tenders decreased . 930,20C
Deposits increased 218,501
Circulation increased 48-lpl
Keberv es decreased . . . 2,720,02
Money closed at 3@4 per cent ,
Exchange finn at 4 85@4 90 } .
Government bonds closed firm aa fol
lows :
Currency ( Vs ' . . . . 1 28
4V coupons 1 18J
44 s coupons 1 143
5V Continued 1 021
GV Continued 1 03J
Pacific bonds closed as follows :
Union Ists I 15J@1 l-r >
Union Land Grants 1 13
Union Sinking Fund .1 22
Centrals 1 13J@1 1IJ
The stock market to-day was not si
active , nnd the course of prices was veri
irregular , fluctuating frequently up am
down. In the main the market was weak
and final quotations showed a decline o
1@1J per cent. , the latter in Canada
Southern. The principal dealings were it
Ponvtr & Hio Grande , Northern Pacific ,
Del.i vnrc , Lackaw.inna k Western , Mil
w ukee & St , Paul , Pacific Mail , Jersey
C'entral , Krie and Northwoitern.
The following are the closing- bids :
Amer. Dist. . . SI MLS& W. 16
A & TH 30J M P 102
Prefe'red . . 814 M &O 32
Boston , nfd. . . 69 'M & E 120
Cli&Q 135 North western. . 132
C S 524 Preferred. . . . 142
C C &IC 19 N J C . . . . IKij
C& 0 23 NY C 130
1st pfd 33 Nash. fe.Chat . 93
Vd pfd. . . 24 Nor. Pacific. . . . 31
C &G pfd 98 Preferred . . . . 71
C S & C 51J N YKIdvated.,108
C 1 33J Nor. & W pfd. . 50
C St L & N 0. 80 O & M 33
C C C & I . . 802 preferred. . . 97
C&A 134 Ont&W 25
IU , < te W 127 OC 23
73 & H . . . . 17 ? OTC G9
Erie 37g Ore Nav . . 134
Do nfd . . . . 79 Omaha 35
K&W . . . . 32 J Preferred. . . . 100
D . R G. . . 70 | Pull. Pnl. Car. .138
KTenn 14 P D&K 34
Pieferred . . . 23J PM 43
Adams 147 Quicksilver 13
Farn < 128 Preferred. . . . G' '
American 02 Heading o'2
U. S. 77 KI 133
Jlomestake. . . . Ill ) K&Wl't 23
H&St.T 91 ll&D 23
Preferred . . 107 Kich. & All. . 2 ! )
3 C 130 San Francisco. . 40 $
1 B&W. . . . Preferred . 57
K&T 3tit 1st preferred. 94
l.S 1104 StPaul 108
HtPM &M..110
! X A & C. 70 T D & 15. . . 12
! Mun. lieach. . 27' ? T P 47
Manhattan Kl 5G Union Pacific 118
Prcffired. . , . 1)04 ) Wabash 35
M &C 75& Preferred. . fid.
: \Iet. elevate ! . 85 Western Union. 80
Michigan Cen'l SOJ
Tenuespee liV , old , advanced to 7"c
tfrom 75Jc. ( 1
CIIICAOO , February
The demand for money wan liberal , bu
the nurket was comfortable for reiula
cus'oineirt and otheriu good
* 57 per cent per annum. Deposit * in
fcbovv tn lucretis. t
exchange between city bankn
t 50@COc discount per § 1,000
ai/jd at resent writing ix about 0c dia d
count ,
The dealings of the a * ociated batik
were $7.250,000.
Order ? for currency were fair. Th
amount of ujrreucy coming from the coui
ry is Iff exce H of the outtfo.
Aii.uitH is i'Aiiift.
PAIIIS , Feliriiary 5. 100
A number sA fuilura
* were rejiorted yes
terday afUrueou am in nt outside opera $3
torn and brotara , but they in uo way a 10
fccted the market , the whole Hat at Par ! l&eg
Imurxe olonlut ; fain. bi
Omaha Wliolesalo Market. Ibs
OKKicKOKTiu OMAHA Hicr , No.
Saturday K veiling , February 4. f 12
The tvmditioii o ( trxule remains abou
th i iiiiei" irpurteil lant week. Th (
m < iO'ein iit in taple and fau y trocerle <
met reas liable exj ectallun * . J3oth th 2
city iin < I countiv ti.ule were ordering will Ib | > er ,
fair liberality , and the general marke 2
maint.viiitd a steady tmie.
ut steady /inces. / 1
DrugH were elliii ( ; briskly , but om cose
change beinv noted during the wesk. 2 iier
Lumber w\n moving < | iiite freely. string
Hirdware , u-jmanl iion n'.o.U were un per
changed. Peas
Country produce was < i iet. Ueceipts
were light , and tr.vla ! * ' < i "trlcted io
The live stock market letnalmi about rles pears
the same as last reported , Of thh
market at Omaha very little can be Id Green
Packers were operatliiK ijuite parlngly , 4 Ib
the warm weather bfing unfavorable for do 3
packlnj ; operations. , ShIjjern ) | were In
tauket , however , nnd took all the hogs
The following arc among the mint lui-
lortant change * noted during the week :
Lumber Xo. 1 fencing advanced 82 00 :
N'o. 2 advanced SI 00 ; framing , It ! feet ,
dvanced SI 00.
Drugs Sulphate of morphine declined
Groceries Coffee , liio fair , declined le ;
ia good declined Jc | Itio prime to choire
leclliied Ic ; Arbuckles declined Ic.
" Granulated declined jc :
A tleelit cd ic. t alt- Dray l ad .
icr barrpl , advanc d 5c. Pried prime1"
Sew , advanced Jc. Hams declined IJc.
lean : Medium hand-picked navy and
calef tuvy advanced 25c perbmhcl.
Local drain U ntmc * .
WHKAT. Cah Xo. 2 , 1 121 ; cub
v'o. t , JIIJc : rejected , 72Je.
BARLHY.-Cngh Xo. 2. D.'c ; Xo. .3
H YE.-Ca-h , 7ljc. !
COllX. CaMi Xo. 2 , Kilo.
OATS. 32\ ( \ < ; .
10 ® 15.
HAY SO 00@0 50 per ton.
FLOUU Spring wheat , straight grade ,
$3 25(33 ( ! CO ; "Pioneer" California , $4 00 ;
S3 76@1 50 ; winter /.heat straight
, 53 85 ® I 25 ; patent , ? I 50(3)5 ( ) 00 : graham -
ham rve , S2 50 ; Wheat. 0(1 ( ; Queen
Bee. SI 25 ; Jasper , $3 87 ; UU Si.u\ ,
S3 50.
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cvvt. 1 00
) crtonlt > .00@17.00 ; greenings , per cvvt.
0c ; short * , per svvt 1.00 ; chopped feed ,
) < ; r cvvt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40 ;
white. SI GO.
° OTATOK8 Xebraskas , 1 10@1 20.
SWEUT POT ATOES-G outline Musca-
Sue , 1 @ 5c per Ib.
WILD GEESE Out of market.
KGGS 15c.
BUTTER Choice , 2S@30c ; poor , no
market : fair , 1S@2I ; creamery , : iO@3-'c.
APPLES Good. Bound , very sorco
U S5 00@5 50 tier bbl.
LEMOXS Steady ; per bin , 550 ®
MALLAGA GllAPES-Per bbl.SS 50 ;
per half bbl. , SI 50.
BEESWAX Yellow , 20@22c.
OXIOXS 1 10(3)1 ( ) Irt per bushel.
CUAXBKU1UKS Per bbl. , $10 00 ®
CELERY Per doz. , ( in@55c.
DRESSED GEESE Per Ib. , 0@llc.
OYSTl'itS-Selects.45c : ; standards , 3r.c. .
CHKiSE-1014c. :
Grocers List.
COFFEE. Rio , lair , 12c " ; Rio , goixl ,
13ic ; llio , tiriine to choice , ! Ic ; Old gov't
lava ; 2Gl28Jc , Mocha , 28 Jc ; Arbuckle's ' ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 4 , " > @ 55c ;
Choice , 00@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@l5c ;
Choice , ( ! ( ) ( ( ! 75u ; Young Hyson , good , 30 ®
iOc ; choice , < > 5c@8l 00 ; Japan Xat Leaf ,
)5c ) ; Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , goud ,
V40 ; Oolong , , 10@55 ; Soucnong ,
jroiwl. 35rtiIOc ) : choice. 3"S)45u. ( )
SUGARS. Cut loaf. lOJc ; Ciushed
.OJc ; Granulated , 10)c ) ; Powdered , lOJf
I'Mue | ) owdeied , llic ; Standard Coffee A :
9ic ; Xovv York Confectioners Standard
\ . 'J c ; Good A , 9Sc ; Praiiie Extra C ,
S ?
SYHUl'S. Supar house , bbls , 45c : half
bis , 47c ; kegs , 4J gallons , S210 ; choice
table syrup , 42c ; half bbls , I4c ; kegsS2 10.
SODA. Dwight's It ) papers , S3 00 ; Du-
land do , S3 00 ; Church's , S3 00 ; Keg noda ,
STARCH. Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Gloss , 81
' 81c ; Corn Starch , 8 @ 9c ; Excelsior
Gloss. 7c ; Corn. 7Jc.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 2 10 ; Ash-
ton , in aacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 3 45 ;
bbls dairy. 100. 3s. 3 65.
DRIED rKUITS-Choice halves ,
peaches , new crop , 8Jc ; Evaporated Applet * ,
5 Ib boxes , 13c ; Michigan , lie ; New
York apples , 8Jc ; Prunes , old , jjc ; new ,
7&c ; Currants , 0 @ 8c ; Blackberries , new ,
CHEESE Full Cream , lie : Port
cim H4c.
WOODENWARE Two hoop ] ) ailf ,
L 03 ; three hoop pails , 2 20 ! Xo. 1 tubi
9 50 ; Xo. 2 tubs , . 8 50 ; Xo. 3 tubs , 7 50 ;
pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double Cr wn ,
2 90 ; Well buckets , 3 25.
LEAD Bar , SI 05.
SPICES. Pepper , 1 ! > ; Allspice. 19c ;
Cloves , 40c ; Xutmegs , § 1 09 : 2.ricCassia ; ,
Mace SI 00.
-\LVrOHES-Per \ caddie , Me ; round
cases , S7.G5 ; square cases S5.10.
PKOVISIOXS Breakfast bacon , 12J
choice lard , 11 Jo ; dried beef , 13Jc ; should
ers , tie : hams. 13c ; bacon , sides , lie.
NEW PICKLKS Medium , in barrels ,
$10 00 ; do in half bbls , 5 75 ; nmllR , in bbls ,
12 00 do , in half bbls , 7 00 ; gherkins , in
bbls , 14 00 ; do , in half bblf. 7 50.
VIXEGAR Pure apple extra , 10o :
pure apple , l.'ic ; Prut-Bintr uure annle , IGc. :
HO Milsf Y Xovv , $5 50 per bbl.
BEAXS Medium , hand picked Si 00
per bushel ; navy , Si 00 ; calef navy , S4 00
HOPE Sisal , i inch and larger , 8J@
Oc ; J imh ! , lOt. (
SOAPS Kirk'n Savon Imperial , 330 ,
Kirk's satinet. 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 115 ;
Kirk'H white Russian , 500 : Kirk's
Eutoca , 2 05 : Kiik'tt Prairie Ciiiecn ,
(100 cakes ) , 3 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 55@
CAXDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Irt oz , 8s ,
10ub ; xc84rt HH , , 1G oz. , ! > < , ICc. )
LYE American , 3 10 ; Greenwich , 340 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye. I 00 ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 da/ . ,
cose , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doin case ,
90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doin case. 1 50.
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice
now , SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new. $700 ; white clover , new , SHOO
nlfa clover , new , $12 50 ; alnilcu , new ,
S1300. Timothy , good , new , $3 00 ;
blue gross , extra clean , SI 50 ; blue grass ,
clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass , S2 50 ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
SOc ; millet , Gei man , SI 00 to 8125 ;
Hungarian. 80c. . ,
HEDOKSEKR-Osage orange , 1 to 5
bushels , 35 00 ; osage orange , lObushelH or
over , SI 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per gie
IbB , , $25 00.
FISFamily white fish , 90 Ib hf Mils , "
75 ; jo , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf hbls , G 30 ; MJo
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family low cnr
Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland herrinj , ' . per Vie
, 1 35 ; Kusnian sardines , 75c : Colui" . Wi
river salmon , per lOOIbs , 8 00 ; George's
Baal : codfish , Go ; Gen , boneless codfish ; spa
; boneless fish , 5Jc. Kin
MA.GKEUEL Half bhln mess mackerel , &
Iba , 812 50 ; hfbbl No. 1 ex shore do , Coo
llw , Ci 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 70c
, 3 K3 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; oil
. 1 et * here , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. hea
CANNED OOODS-Oyatew , 2 Ib per
Field's ) , per case , 81 00 ; d. . 1 th ( Field's ) , linn
case , 2 .V ) ; do 2 Ib ( .Standard ) , per case , per
70 ; do 1 Ib ( tftniulurd ) , | wr case , 230 ; do Ion
Ib ( slack ) , | wrcae , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( nlwik ) , xs
case , 200. OnimH , 'IMJ. Salmon , 1 per
ixir dozen , 1 ( ! 0 / < 1 " 0 ; du 2 Ib , JM.T do/eii 1 3
55. Sanlinen , small tti \ , imported , one extra
quarter boxes j > er lox , lljc ; American , cut
quarter IJOXCK yer Ixix , lie ; do half IKJXBH , Cell
box , 21 Jo. Lolwten , 1 Ib per do/en , 2 ,
80. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Hi per pen
, .330 ; Corn 2 Ib ( Mountain ) gall
cose , 3 GO ; hooked corn , 210 ; do
Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 3 GO ;
beans , per case , 2 2" ; Lima beans cant
case , 2 20. Succotash per case , 2 25 , 22.
, common , per case , 2 00 ; pew , choice , dry
raspherrfe * . won
Daimtong , 2 tt , per cane. 2 45. ' 'll'iTrtlBtt cell ron
per case , ' 3 Oo@l 00. Whortleber. teeth
i > ercaiie12fiO. Egg plums , 2 Ib
per Bteel.
, 3 50 ; do. choice , 2 Ib , iwr case. < 50. JtteeN
gages,2 , Mi per case , 3 60 : do choice , * 3 Od
per case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib. per case. fine ,
00@5 75. J'eaches , 2 lli | ) er caw , 3 10 : 4
11 > . case , 6 00@G 60 ; dn , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per finish
cflne.385 ; do pie , 0 Jb , per dwn , 3 60. half
HICK Caroliila , S@Sic ; Louisiana , 7J
8\c \ ; fair , OJ7.
TBANUTS KoMtccl , choice , ml Ten-
esiee , Oci > er Hi ; fancy white. lOo per Ib ;
rav white Virginia raw , lOo ; rivaled ,
llic ,
Dry Qoodi ,
OTI- ; Indian Orchard d. vv. , SJc ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 71c ; PoiUot | A , Stfe ;
Shawmut LL , 7c : Utle.v C , 6Jc : nolius- -
ett B. 7Jc : do A , Sic ; do E 18 , 121c ; Wai-
e tt BU , 8fte.
3l ! , S\c ; Lebk'b K 4-1 , ' .Uc ; lAiii'dalo 4-1 ,
IOc : IVppeiefl X 30. 7c ; ilo 0 32 , 7Jc ; do li
3d. 7 c ; tin n 30 , 8Jc ; Poca set C I-1. "Jo ;
Wftinwttn I-1. 13c.
un L I-1. lOcHlack ; touoA A in fcri il ! ) c ;
do do half Winched l-l..k Cabot
- . ; ; I-I.SJ ;
Fidelity M , SeFrutt ; of th-lnMiin , 11 ; do
can brio l-l,13i-do ; WnterTwlstUHc ; < ! roat
I'iiilsQlOjc ; I tidi in lleailHliruiik 1-4,12'ct
liinvlalo101c _ ; do cainbrif 37 , 13c ; Xi w
York Mills. 13c ; Poipiot A. IOc ; Pciiperell
X G Twills , 12Jc : Pocahonta-s l-i , ! IJc ;
PiHMswt 1-1 , SJc ; Utlca , lie ; WaniMittn
O X X , Kic.
DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 o
17c ; B.dtimoie do , IGc ; Lone Star , S 07 ,
12c : Sav.0 , 18c.
iJtiCKS ( Colored ) Albny 13 brown.
Sc ; do C , drab > lr1t > V.v , stripes and
plaids , I2ic ; do XXX brown and drab ,
Gripes and plaids , lUjc ; Ailingtnn fancy ,
I'Jc ' ; I'ruuswick blown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brown , l.'tc : Xepomct A brown , IV.
TICKIXGS-Amoskeag A C A 32 ,
17iu ; do XX blue 32 , 18Je ; Arrowanna ,
OJc ; Claremont B B. ICJe ; Conestoga ex
tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , lljc ; Lewiston A
30 , 15c ; Minnoliaha4-l , 20c ; Omega super
extra 4-1. 2Sc ; Pearl River 32 , ICjc ; Put-
iiam XX blue stiipe , 12c ; Shetucket S
lOle : ilo SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 211 , 8Jc ,
DENLMS. Amoskeak , blucnnd blown ,
Ifljc ; AmloverDD blue , 15Jc ; Arlington
blue Scotch , ISjc ; Concord OOO , blue and
brown , 12Jo ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX
do do 14ic : Haymaker's blue and brown.
' : ; Mystic UlverDD stripe , Itiic ; I'earl
ver , blue aii-I brown , li'ijc ; Uncasville ,
liltte and brown , ISJc.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 5c ; Eddystoue
lining , 21 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A
{ lazed , Cc ; Manhattan glove finish , 5Jc ;
Newport do ( ic ; do gla/ed , 5 c ; Pcijuot do
" ) c : Lo kwood kid tinish , Gc.
CORSET .TEAXS Amory , 8cAndrns- ;
hattcen , 8Jcj Clarendon ,
toga satteena , Tie ; Hnllowcll , 8c ; Indian
Drchnnl improved , 7Jc ; XarrnKansett , 7Jc ;
Pcppeiill sattcen 9Jn ; ltockiort | , '
PRINTS- Aliens , GJc ; American , ( Uc ;
Arnold , 7c ; Benvickic \ ; Cocheco , 7e ;
Conestoga. GJc ; Duukiik , 4c ; Dunnell ,
[ U@7c ; Eddystone , 7c : Gloucester , Gc ;
11 at ninny , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; IMer-
rimac D , 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Spranies , Go ;
Southbridge , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Mail-
Ijiiro , 5 c : Oriental GJc.
GINGHAMS Amoskeag , lOJo ; Amos
jg ibess 12 } . ' Anjylo , lOjc ; Atlantic ,
Sic ; Cumbeilaud , 7Jc ; Highland , 8\c \ ;
Kenilworth , Sic ; Plun kett , lOJc ;
HCX. 80.
Agate 20c ; American , lie ; Artisiau , 20u ;
Cairo D anil T , 13Jc ; Clarion D and T ,
17jc ; Deccan Co. stripes ! ) and T , Kic ; Key-
Htono , 13Je ; Xnntucket , I'Jc ; Xoniiareil ,
Kic ; : Ocean D and T , ifcjc ; Roynl , Kijc
Sussex ; , 12c ; Tioga , 12\c \ ; Wachusott shirt-
iiif jhecks , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York ,
plain Xaiikin , 12Jc ; do , checks , stripes am
fancy , 12 c ; do , 8 n20c. .
SHEKTINGS AndroscoBeinlO-4,274c
do 9-4 , 2lc ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental O
42Yo lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 2"i ; Neu
York ] milla 98 , 3T > c ; do 78 , 3olo 58 , 22ic
Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Fennot U.-1 , 28ic ; di
7-4 , 19c ; do 49 , lOc ; Pepperell % , 29c
do 07. 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utica 9fi , Me ; d
58 , 22Jc ; do 48 , 17c
Olicars and Tobaccos.
CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut
825.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana
§ 50.00 ; ClearHuvuna , 575.00 ,
211 ib , GOc ; Spotted Fawn , Glc ; Our Hope ,
I quality , G2c ; Star , pounds , 2
11) , butts , COc ; Horqe Shoe , ixiunds
24 Ib , butts , tiOc ; Purity , 2
Ib , butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 24 Ib , butts , f 3c
Gilt Edge , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , < iO ; Armj
und Navy , pounds , 5jc ; liullion , pound
COc : : Lorillani's Climax , pounds , Clc.
FINK CUT In pails. Hard to
753 ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c
Favorite , G'JC ; Kocky Mtuuitain , ( iOc
Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 5lc. ) In tin foil
Catlins O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib C5c ; Lori
illard's Ti'or , 05e ; Diamond Crown , ( Wo.
SMOKING All grades Common , 251
33c Granulated Blackwells Durham , 1
oz f
ka ,
per Ib , 51.35 ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 oz , ti
oil , 55c ; Do ; ; Tail. 05c.
Palntf Oils and Varnlshoi.
PAINTS IN OIL White leatl , Omah
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co. , pure
Marseilles ; green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c
French /tine , giyn sealj 12c ; French
red seal , lie ; French /.me , in varnish am
JOc ; French /ince , in nil asst , 15c ; Ka\
and ' burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; niw nn
hurnl Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , Vt.
lelincii luiiil'bhick , 12c ; conch black , l't
h'ory : black , 16'c ; drop black , llic ; PniMsia
blue , ! IOu ; ultr.imarine blue , 18c ; clirnin
green , I > . M. .t I ) . , 1 Ic ; blind and shutte
giecn , L. M. & . I ) . , lie ; Paris green , ISc
Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , fc ) ; lusca
ilit , 22o ; American Vermiliitd , I. & P. , 18c
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c
yellow ochre , Uc ; golden ochre , Ifl ; paten
ilryer , Go ; graining colors : light o.ik. dar
a c , walnut. cheKtnut and asb 12c
Dry ° alnts
\Vhite lead , GJc ; French 7ine. IOc ; Pari
whiteing 2ic ; whiting gilders , IJc
whiting coml , lie ; lamnblauk German
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Pnis
sian blue , ISc ; ultramarine , IHc ; vamlyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , Ic ; umber , raw
. bum t , 4c ; sienna , /aw , It
Paris gieun genuine , 35c ; ParU green com "
5o ; chroriiH green , N. Y. ' 20o ; chrom
gieen < K. , 12e ; yennillion , Eng. , 70o ; ver
million , Ameiica , 18c ; Indian red. IOc
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson' ing
° : Venetian red Am. , life ; red lead , 7i < - ot
unrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel
, K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre
French , 2Jc ; ochre , Ameiican , li
Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 2 * > (
Spanish brown , 2ic ; Prince's mineral 3c fi
VARXISHES Barrels per gallon
Furniture , extra , 31 10 ; furniture , No. 1
; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , $1 10
Coach , Xo. 1 , SI 20 ; Dainar , SI M ; Japan I
; ; asnlialtiim , 70c ; shellac , S3 60 ; han
iC finUb. i 81 30 the
OILS 110"carbon , per gallon , Him 150 a
headlight , | > er gallon , 12 c ; 175' headlight and
gallon , llic ; cryntoline , ner gallon , 20o ej
linseed , raw , pcrgallnii , ( iJ ( ; linseed , boiled '
gallon , ( ! Kc ; lard , winter st > 'd , perua ! cHh
, 1 0" > ; Xo. 1 , SOc ; Xo , 2 , G.'c ; castor 1
XXX. [ iff gallon , 1 'M ; Xo. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet fi
gallon , 85c ; spuiiii , W , B. , per gallon hiHw
35 ; fihli , W , I ) , , per gallon , GOc ; neatnfoot
, per gallon , 75c ; Xo. 1 , fi'ic ; lubrl
eating ! , /ero , jwr gallon , 'Wo ; summer , 15c
colden machine , Xo , ] , put gallon , 3 > c ; No lion
SOj spenn , signal , jier gallon , SOc ; ter je
pentine , per gallon , ( He ; naptha , 74' , per urn
gallon , 30c ; Gt , 20c.
Heavy Hardware Lilt. No.
Iron , rated , $ , ' 160 ; plow Bteel , cast , ,7Jr 00o }
tool do. 1520 wagon spoka1 * , tt for
2.3 00 ; hiibi , jwr bet , 1 25 ; felloes , luwet. Inly.
, , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles -
, 75c ; wmaro nut , per Ib , 7@llo' 40Jo
wonhert ) . ir lo. 8@18c ; rivet * , i > er Ib , Ilo for
clmln , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 8c for
, wedges , Ccj crowbars , Co ; harrow
, 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 6 00 ; gprlnj , OlJofor
. 7@8c ,
NAILS-10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75 ited
4 00 ; Id. i 25 ; 3d , common , 6 00 : 3 < l , March
, , 6 60 ; clinch , all size * , 6 25 ; lid , caning ,
: Sd casing , 4 60 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; 10 < : itoy
, 4 75 ; 8J finish , 5 00 ; CJ finish , G 25 18
kouv , IQg extra. '
SIlOT.-Shot , 51.8.1 ! Buck .hot , $2.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kcg < , $0.10 : do. , half
ke ? , 53.48s do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Hla t-
K , keis' ! ' , 53.3. : Fuse , uer 100 feet f > 0c.
Her ci iind Mule * .
'Hie market Is bri k and all gn ! , , ir '
ellliuj well at i > 'llsht mivnuco in p U-IM.
'hodeuiaud i for goixl horces r\ooo.N the
i pply | | couMdcrabfy. Prire < range a * fol-
iws :
drivers , $150. to MO. ; Kitra
rafthnr p4 , 8175. to 22- " > . : Coiniiion ilnu't
or es ( $100. to 150.S 3'\trn fanu IUIMP * ,
110 to 125. ; Coiiiinoii toROod fann hordes
! K ) . lo $100. ; Kxtra rliiK" , $ ( X ) . to 7fl.i
' oinuion lilugH , SIX ) , to $10.
' .S. 15 to 16J haud ( extra ) , $1" " . .
150. ; 11 } to 15 hands S100. to 140. ;
I to t Hi hands , S76. to 100. ; I3J to U
and * , Sid. to "ft
ALCOHOL - 187 pro"22. ' . ' . per vvino
; allen ; extra California spirit" , Is"i i roof ,
3'i ' | cr proof Dillon : triple retuifd spirit * ,
f" proof , 121 per proof gallon : ro-ilistilUxi
bi'kies. 1 oOrjH 60 ; fine blended. 1 X > w
J50 ; ; Kentucky bourbons , 200c ( < 700 ; K n
tick and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00i. ( 7 ( to
BRANDIES- Imported , St ) OOCailUOo ;
( oiliest lo 1 40 ® I CO.
,0111Gl I.r.orted. 1 60@8 00 ; d.unestii- . .
40ii)300. ( )
HUMS Imported , . 4 600 Oil ; New
taeland. 2 00 ® 1 00 ; domestic. 1 M ) < iM M )
75(3-100. ( (
CHAMPACXiImfrtei1 ! : per _ o.-w.
' ' ' ' ' ' " '
CLARETS-Por case. I 60@li ( 00. I
WINES Rhino wine , per eastH 00 ( < i
JO 00 ; Catawba , t > er case , 4 00(37 ( 00.
FENCING -Xo. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $22TtOO ;
Vo. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 21 00 ; sheeting diessed ,
Vo. " 1 , IS 00 ; Xo. 2 , 1C 00 ; common boards ,
vs-sed. 20 00.
FRAMING in ft. and under , per M ,
Jt 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;
Jl ft. 25 00.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , li ) and
Inch , S50 00 Xo. 1 finish 1 inch $15 00 ;
Vo. 2 , finish IJ , li and 2 inch. S4500 : Xo.
finish , 1 inch , § 10 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 in , h ,
100 ; O. G. luttons per lOO feet lin. ,
_ 00 ; well cuibiug , S2200 ; rough i ami 2
licit battens per 100 feet lin. . 50c.
STOCK BOARDS A slock , SIO 00 ; U
ai 00 ; C , S30 00 ; common Block , § 22 50.
FLOORING No. 1 , $40 W ; No. 2 ,
.35 . 00 ; No , 3 , S22 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
SIO 00.
SIDING-Xo. 1 , $24 00 ; No. 2 , S2200 ;
Vo. 3. SI8 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $22 00 ; O. f , ' . No 1 ,
* 3200 : No. 2.S2200.
CEILING 524 00S37 00.
blngles. S3 85 , No. 2 , S2 50 ; No. 3 , $2 00.
Lath , S3 50.
Bulldlrg Material.
LIME Par barrel , SI 35 ; bulk nerlw. ,
Joe. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plaster.
) bl , S2 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tarred
elt 100 Ibs. S3 50. Straw board. S1 CC
PAPER Straw paper , Sfc ; rag paper ,
Ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; maniln paper , lOo ;
, ievvn paper. 8e
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ;
Morris Run Blosulmrg , S12 ; Whitebreast
ump , Si ( 60 ; Whitcbrea-st nut. SO f > 0 ; Iowa
" ump , -G 50 ; Iowa nut § 0 50 ; IJock Springs ,
"iS ; Anthracite , all sizes , 812 00@12 50.
Drue * .
Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartaric , 6Gc ; Balsam
? opabia , per Ib , 75c ; Bark , Sassafras , per
b , 12o ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Cinchoniuia ,
> . ; r 07 , SI 00 ; Chlorofoim , | > er Ib , 1 00 ;
Dover's powders , per Ib , SI 40 ; Epsur
salts , per 11) , 3jc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
I5c : Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 2lo ;
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , 91 3"i ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , SI 2' . ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal , SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum. 50c 1
Opium , SI 50 ; Quinine P. & W. k R. ft S. ,
per l or , 82 75 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib ;
$2 10 ! ; Salacm , per 07 , 40c ; Sulphate ol
Morphine , per oz , S3 SD ; Sulphur Hour ,
per Ib , IJc ; Strvchnine. uer 07. . SI 50.
Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGc ; heavy ,
13@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c
tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy
and w. , 28c ; burry , black and cotted wools
Hides F-urs , Etc.
HIDES Green bulcher's hiile , 7c ; green
cured hides , 80 } preen salt , part curtH
hides , 77Jc ; dry Hint , sound , 13@llc ; dr
calf and kp ! , 12@13c ; dry salt hidesHound
ll@12c ; green calf. wl. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10@llc
green calf , wt , under 8 Iba , per skin , 50c
i pelts , SI 00@115 ; green lamb skins
SI 10125 ; damaged hides , two-third rate
cut scored and ono jjrub , classed two
tlirds rate , ) branded hides 10 pir cent , oil
Coon skins , No. 1 , 15c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3
20 , ; No. 4 , IOc. Mink , No. 1 , 'fie ; No. 2
SOc ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1
GOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , Xo. 1 , block
66c ; short stripe , 40 < - - narrow ktripo 25c
broad stripe , IOc. Tallow , 5Jc
Council Bluff * Murliot.
COONOII. , BLUFFS , February 4. 3
Flour Manufactured by Crystal am
City Mills. 375(5)1 ( ) 50 ; Kansas and Mis
souri flour , 3 50@1 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; ry
lloni , 3 10.
Bum and Shorts 15 00 per ton.
Chop Coi n 22 50 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , $120 ; No , 3 , DOc ; re
jected , 70c.
Corn 15.
Oatn Ixo. 2 , Kic ; rejected , .tic.
Barley No. 2. 90c ; No. 3 , 7r'C
Hay Loose , 5 00@0 00.
Wood 6 50 ® 7 00.
Live Hogs 525@576
Cattle Shipping , I 50@6 00 ; milch
cows 30 00 ® 15 00 per head ; butchers
stock , 3 00@3 60.
Sheej ) 3 7525. ! .
G Hides fie ; G S hides , 7c.
Wool 16@25.
Butter Cicameiy , 30c ; in mils , wrap
ped , 25c : rolls not wrapped , ' 'Oc ; mixcc
colors , 15 ( 20c.
Egg Packed , Kic ; frexh , 'JOc.
PotatocH-1 10@1 30 ; Salt Lake , 1 50.
Onions 1 25@1 10.
Dressed Poultry Chickens , IOc ; ducks ,
JOc- ; geese , 8c ; turkeys , 12Jc ,
Live Chickens 2 25 per do/t-n.
Chicago lroduoe.
CHICAQO. February 5.
On 'change the markets were iiuict
The i celpts were 1G3 car load' , einbrac.
Gl of wheat , 203 of corn , 15 of oatH , 20
rve , and 1 ! ) of barley.
Flour Very quiet and buyers not an
xloun to purchase ; common to choice
upring western , 4 50o,7 ( , 00 ; Minnesota ,
a 7 25 ; patents , 7 5u@8 50 ; rye flour ,
Vij 00 ; buckwheat flour , 1 XKjP 25 ,
Wheat Market for No. 2 fjiring during
mont of the session ruled
very inlet , ami
only a moderate business wa < transacted.
ho feeling wan weaker and prices ruled j
lower all round , closing , however , with 1
full decline retoveied At the "piiiing
vvenk feeling existed and jirirpujc lower
fiirtl'i-r declined > Jc , then ruleifstiong.
nnd wi h slight fluctuation * advanced low
l'C$1jc , and finally closed .it 1 20 } for al
; 1 303 for February ; 1 31. fur March ;
32J for Aiirils 1 Mi for May ; 1 HS @ 1 3'J
rvenr , No. 3 , i ulet all II , rejected ,
> Kc ) ,
Corn-There vvus a moderate busiriesH
reported in the market forc rn , but the
feelliiL' wan easy during the u-ieater '
por- '
of the dav , and jirice * averaged laj
lower with bulk of the sulun at medl- '
figures. The shaping .lemau-l . was
fairly active and rfceii a sha le lower.
. 2 and high mlxeu , 5yfeioit ; for cash ,
for Fehriiury ; ( tyo ( or March ; ( il c
April . ; C0o | for May an I .Inne ; ( ililc
O.iU Very quiet ; No. 2 closed at an 1
for cash and February ; 10JC410Z
March ; I2@12A for April , I5@45J
May ; 4lc forlime.
Rye Iull , weak anrf lifeliwit ; Xo. April
cash and P'ebruary ; Ole for March ,
parley Shade lower and trading lim
; No. 2 at 1 03 for cash ; 1 03J for o
; No. 3 at 81@82c. i ,
Pork-Wcalc and lower early In the
, but recovered and closed firm ; mew
37i@18 60 for cash ; 18 25&1840 for
1'ebniaryj IS ) @J8 52 $ for M rth ; 18 70
( allS 72J for April ; 1 S-VIS 7J for
Hulk Meats Quiet ; short nln , ' 30f >
3' > for cn li ! ! i 3"J for IVIinnrx ; ' t2j
for Mnroh ; it .V.'iO'M ) .M for Apii1.
J\Vhi k > .Stea ly nt I U > .
Mutter -I'emand for line irnoth offov-
Ings Kinall and held linn ; low and medi
um grades of packt d iu moderoto rpquc-t
and sti'adj ; creamery cholro to fancy ,
3 > * ( ( t IOc ; fair to good , JKKjfSVs dairv
cboii-cto fancy , 3 ( jfiCic1 ; d > . fuir to good
lStii2Scs fn-sfi n.uili' packii-j ; stock , 10 ®
1'Jc ; liidlo picked common to K "d. IHO ;
ISr ; nill , 2cfn.23 for common to fair ,
and 2."in 2Si- for good to ihoiiM1.
Kgcs ItccoiptH show an lnerea o.ind de
mand out ) from the loc.d trade , nnd
prices iitcgular ; nalo of ctrictly frcnh t
Ififif'JOo p er diwn ; in lots of 111 to 20
i ases. and by the single C.IBO nt 2X' , with
< ' < me holding nt 2c ; ice home , dull at
| , , , I2.MK ) r.l.V.
M „ , 3J,2- ' " " ' . ' 'ir ' ,
> . I.M.lS'i S
u , | ( lo,003 'il , II
| > x , I.UIfi \Mir
| , i ' .i. ' , ; 2iKi
* _ CIIIC.MJO , Koluuiiiv .
, , Pri j' > ! < > i n t 'spoils as foil \ \
! 'f I.i- ! i i- . I 'in A wiviker
I1'1" , ii > 'i ' I it , I ! uinhd 6 ( < fltV
pri ItKl pounds luvM'i than jestontay's
tigures for heay p.icklng nn 1 shipping
gr-v'es ; lij'hl grades vvoro weak and a
Kii-ulit tWMrr , and inngiHl frum P 30(8Ti ( 7"
for light ticking , liriii : ( > 700 for fair ki
I'lioiro smooth hoav y packiiiK and ll lt'frt (
d 90 for go d to choice smooth heavy ship
ping lots.
Cattle Receipts , o.OOO hand. Market
was fatily active , especially for fair cows
o Loud butchers stJerH nnd foi Rtoekcrfl
nil shipping grades , and prices ruled tirm
t yisterdayV iKiirea ; sales ranged al 3 25
urstocliers , 3 30WI ( 35 for co s , bu'ls and
leers , and 4 ' > 0it ( > 10 for fair to choice
hipping steers ; there were no extra stpem
> u sale.
Kama * City Proiluco Mnrlcot.
KANSAS CITY , Febmary I.
Wheat Weak and slow ; Xo. 2 1 10J for
ash ; 1 10J for February ; Xo , 3 , cash ,
01 ; March , 1 03 ; April , 1 OIJ ; No. I
ash , ! ( lic ; February , 'Jljc ' ; March , ! Mc ! | ;
April , tl c.
Corn Firinor ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , tiO ®
Olc ; February , rVJJo ; March , 5'.lc ; April ,
OJJc ; May , C21c : No. 2 white mixed , Fob-
unry ana March , Glc ; May , l > 5c.
Oats No. 2 , Itjc for cinli ; February ,
, ic ! ; March , IIJi- .
Itoc'ts. Shipm'tH ,
Wheat 0,337 828
. 'urn . . IM7 ! 10,150
. { ye . 151 uono
Kiiunns City iilvo Stock.
KASHAS CITY , Pobnjiry 4.
CattloItcceiptH , 27' head ; shipineutH ,
152 head Market weaker for shipper's
itull ; other gr.i'es htoaiU ; shippois , 175 ;
mtUe stockens 3 lili'I ) ( 00 ; uiiti\o feed
rs , I 35 ; native cows , 1 2.'i ,
ll'gsItcLeiiilH , 370 ( ! head ; hhip'iuutH ,
1,227 bead , lnrkct slow and at
loclinu from 5 to IOc ; good to choice heavy ,
IOC" 075 ; medium packing , li tilliil ( ( ! 30 ;
iglit sliipping (1 ( II CiV , 75.
St Louis Prodnnn
ST. LOUIH , February.I. I.
I'loui ( jiuct and unchanged ,
\Vheat Lower and unsettled , Iml'-loseil
tinner ; No. 2 red , for c mil. 1 10J ; Alarch ,
11 I0Apiil \ ; , 1 H'.IJ ; 1 40J for May ;
28gVn > 2 ! ) for .lime ; No. 3 do , 1 314 ; NK
I do , 1 Ui ( > l 17.
Coin Slow and lower for cauh ; titjo ; | for
March ; (55io ( for April ; fiOJili7io ( for Maj' .
dM7JC ! for Juno.
Oats Dull ; I5@45i } ! for cash and for
March ; 47c for May.
HyeJuiet ( at 'J5c.
13arley Steady at 85c ( < yl 10.
Lead Active ami higher nt 5c.
llutter ITnchauged ; creamery , 35@IOc
dairy , 25@30c.
Kggs Unchanged at 27c.
\Vhisky-Stpadyatl 18.
Pork - Uettcr nt 18 37J for February
18674 for March ; 1 0 for April ; smal
lotu , 18 05.
Lard Nominal at 11 30.
Itcu'U. Shipmts
Flour 1,000 7.00C
Wheat 27,000 I2.00I
Coni 135,000 03iOC (
Oats ll.OOi ) 2.00C
Kye l.tOO 2.00C
Uarley ' . . 1,000 mm
Poorla Prod uoo.
I'KOIIIA , Fobiiiary I.
Wheat < Jniet , with an active inquiry
for good milling samples ; no sales nt
Coin ( Juirt iiud i-uiy without notabl
char go in pi ices ; No. 2 white , filicellow ;
58.c ' : high mixed , 5Mo ; mixed , 57jc ; N <
, ( ; rejected , 57Jc.
Oats Dull , C.IKJnnd lo er ; No. 2 white1
l.'Uc ; lisht mixed , I3r ; rcjic wl , l-c
Rye f jiiiit .ind Inwi" lilijc
Itnrley ( ! o < nl p > nnil | s u ° li iti'i /ruili-
ill ilem.ind , liir | " > IM < | ii . . - ; nn HHO |
rel A't.eil , . . .
iiiinttill 1 IT.
! ' . ( t Hliip'ts
Wheat. . . . l'1 nn
Corn . 11,150 . "i.'l,5IK
OatH . < iMM , ) 11,37
Hye . 1M)0 ) 5HK (
Ilarley . 1,100 M
Illglivvines . none 33 (
Cluolanatl Prodnoo.
CINCINNATI , I'obruury I
Mess Pork Firm at 18 75@18 bO. -
Ijtid Firm ; prime steam , 11 071.
Imlk Meats Steady ; clcnmldcn , ! ) 50.
Uacon-Clear sides , 1002J.
Flour Family , ( i 10@7 70.
WheatNn. . 2 red , 1 10.
Corn Finn ; No. 2 mUud sjiot on
track , IOc.
Oats - No. 2 mixed , IOc.
Itye No. 2 spot , 1 01.
Harley Weak at 7075c.
Whisky- 1 17.
Liverpool Produce.
LlVKlil'OOi. , Fehmary I.
Flour- American , lOtf M.
Wheat Winter , H'H ' Kd@10.illd . ; white for
10u@10 M ; spring , ! N lld@10 < t 8d"lub ;
-M. luu
Corn Ois.
Laid 55H.
0 ( )
Bultimorn Prodnoo.
JlAi.TIMOMK , February I.
Flour Quiet.
Wheat Southern , iiuiet ; full1 1 38(4
10 ; Longbeiry , 1 I-1 15 ; No. 2 ro (
mei at 1 3'lirtyl 3H4 for cash nnd Fell
Co n- White southein , quiet at Moyel ;
, qtilc't ut 70Jc ; mixed wcslern , firmer
7'i ' c for cash ; Mijc for February.
Pbilnaoljiltiii Produce.
I'llil.ADKI.rillA , I'ebniarv I ,
Wheat-Firm ; I IOfS/1 / II for cash am \
February ; 1'H 1 \ lot March. old
Corn dtettdy ; G7J@G8o for C.IHI ! am
I''ebniary ; C 'Ma > 7 u for Mar h. ing.
OatH-Firmj I8i f i caoh ; IHJd' l ! > foi this
Toleido Prorluao. that
TOMHK ) , I''ebrnary t. Fort
Wheat ' fillet ; Xo. BieJ , I II for a h Jei
aiidj'ebiiuiiyj 1 Ujl/or I April and May ;
38J lor Jinifi ; 1 2. | for .Iillv. '
Corn -jtliet ; Xo. 2 , l)3c ) fir cash and the
February ; Gljo for .March , ( WJc for
Enitliiberty Live Stoolx ,
EAST LinEiiTY , Pa. , February I.
Cattle Nothing doing ; receipts , 115
, ; shlimients150 hea'l. '
Hogs -Receipts , 3,700 ; shipments , 3,800 ; '
PhlladDlphlaii , 7 25 ; Yorkeis , ( i 00.
Sheej ) Kather olow ; ruceiiits , 1,200 : -
uhlpmentH , 1,000. to
Nowlforli 1'rodnro
XKwYoim , IVbntary 6.
riour Steady nn I In modprato demand ;
Minnesota cvtra , 5 7.fii-"i S.ii city mills ,
i 7 ( < f't Kl ; soiithftn Hour flnrtuatos but
tradcommon ; to clioict'trn , fitM SOO
Wheat Opened fevi-ri'h , unsettled and
nwer but ( uibsiqiiently became lronc and
losed with mo t of tlio drolinr recovered :
Vo. 2 red. 1IJUci 1 1 II ; N" 1 white , 1 T.ll
l 3 > J ; N. . . 2ml , February. 1 i : | ( ii ' II :
. Manli , 1 lilfiil Ifij ; do ' \iril 1 I7to
ISJ ; do May , 1 IOC" I 173
Corn Opened lower hut
nft < rv\aitU ri >
overod from the dfollm- and . , o.'d voiy
inn. unsradoil uiKc'l. ' )7iiii74c ) | ; X , , 3 ,
; No. 2 , lilt c ; No. 2 ! VI > nurr. . < > < , d"
March. " ( V ; do , April , 7h'7 ( ' , <
Oatic higher.
IVirloy Ai-tlvi'iind tirm. N , \vhiti I > ,
ilc ; No. 2 do , IHn lltfe ; No 1 nix.i | , Ko ;
Vo. 2 , I'.Uc ; No 2ml\ed , IVlniary , I7J
iM | eiln ; Mar h , l 'c. '
K > u Unll.
Poik ( .Jnic-t nnd '
s'cailj ; iu > spot ,
0 ( X ) @ < 1S 25 ; do February , iS 10(1 ( ; 18 20.
I am Stunig and iiicdcrntrlv nrtivc ;
1 12 } for cwh ; 11 10 for February.
WbUkyNominal. .
Petioleiiin HtrniiBpr ; ri 1 nci' ' , no otfor-
n gs and n anted nt M1 ! ; cnnlr in bant'N ,
? ( " } ; rtlined in liairrlc , 7 .
Turjioiititin Mnrlint
WII.MIMJTOX , N. C' . , February 4.
* - ) at 51.
'ParStoi.dy nt 1 IH ) .
Tuiprntiue At 2 26 for hard ; 3 , ! 0 for
oft ; 3 00 for NMigtu.
BufTnlo Llvo Stooli.
KAWT Hi'PVAto ' , February I.
Hogii A flindo cailer . , 60
r-iii ; roceiplR
iivj i tin
, , ii i t iVA.i'l'irt t'\t cirn ;
hipniPiitx , 80 cars ; light to good , ( i M' ' :
i envy , 7 'JOfii ( ! > 7 II ) .
Clovoliiiul Mnrhct.
CI.KVKI.AAMI , IVI'niary ' I.
Petroleum Firinur ; standard white , 110
est , 7c.
"nciainrnto mills ] iatunt Ihur ( red
iraiul ) . Our bent Eureka patent Hour
Jiluo brand ) . The only patent tlmir man-
ifaclmed on the Pncihc const. Wo I'laini
t Is the whittst , strongest and bestfoinlly
lour In thu state. Ask your grmer for it
Try It and you will USD no other.
T. .1. EVAN * , Agent ,
Crystal Mills , Couicll ltlutr .
Small Pox.
National Anaoclttoil t'rcua.
Loxn BiUNCH/Fobrimry ft. Three
tvuukauuo thu town elurk , .las. Wooloy ,
was taken with n violent case of
vnrioloid. A vvcok lalor ho loft hisbod
uul wont to work. To-day tlio
loiilth authorities were informed
Wooloy'H mother had a case of mimll
> o.Thu houau is to huiuariiutinud. |
1'hoie IH n grout BOiiro in town and
ovcrybody in gutting vaccinated.
February o.Tito
[ UitlioritioH at Macomb ,
count } ' , Imvo OHtnbliahod ( | uaruitinu ;
ngaiiiHt thu village of Catlotaluug ,
auvuii miles distant , because of mimll
pox thuru , and lufuau to allow any in botvvcun the plncon. The
people are indignant nt being iiiaraii |
antinud by Mauoinb.
VOIIK , Fobruiiry L- Thirty
BIX cascB of Hinall pox are rupoited in
thu city tins wuuk , n iluciousu ( if four
as compared with the previous wook.
The number of caHOB of scarlut favor
reported during thu vvuok IB ItKI , do-
creiiEoHi , comjiarud with the previous
wuuk. 'J huru nru IK ! canes of diph-
Uiuria , a ducreiiBu of 10 ! ) uoinmru ( ]
with the wt-uk before
Pa. , February LTvvi
ainall pox canon liavu apjcarud in thu
county workliHUHU liuro , there are fiO (
inniiituB , and thurc in great uxuito
Niuv VOKK , Fobiuiiry 4. - More
than a wuuk ago cunes of Bimill pox
broke out in thu orplian IIOIIHC aiu ;
aRyltini of thu Protuntiint Episcopn'
church , containing MO children.
MoaaluH were upidumic tlieru and i
vvun thought a child had thu mciialen
Shu was in n room vv itli twunty othura
The child wan sent to the hospital Is
but. to day two inno eaten broku out
AH prucautioiiH nru taken.
Mnrlno Iiitolliijoiioo , -
National ] 'iesHtssociatlou ,
NKW VOIIK , Fubrimry .Sailed
ThoGermunic forLivorpool , the Ode ;
for On mull , the Iklguiihmd for Ant
Will ] ) .
Oi.AMiow , Kobinary ! . Arrived
The Tyiuin from Nuvv York.
NKW YOUK , Fubruary . Sailed
The FurnusBia for Glangow.
Arrived Thu Kupublic from Liver
pool. (
' , February fi. - .Siiilod On JJ
the Ith , thu Xualand for Now York.
Arrived Tlio Wuuuland from Kuw
HAVIIK , Fuliruury ft. Sailed On
the 4th , thu LvfiBing from Hainburj , y
for Now York , thu Canada for Nuv
Fubrimry 5. Ariivo <
TJiu Adriatic and thu I'urthm fron
Now York , the Illinois from I'hila
February C.Sailcc
-Tho Gullia for Now York.
Coi'KNHAOKN , February C. Sailet
Tlio TliingniBlu for New York.
liiir.MKN , Fubruary ft. Suilud- Tin
Klhu for New York.
National AI O < tadul I'rvuji.
February B , Map & San
ford , general ntoro ut Milludguvillu
huvo failed for $20,000 , but Imvo as
HUtJ to cover.
&IONTKKAI. , Oft. , Fobruiiry CThe
. Io
co-ourntivu ( aBsociation
| has bucomu It
liunciully emburrasBcd , owing to thu
over purchnaing by thu iigont ii
England. Thu general manager
ntatod that it IB only temporarily am
that it would bu able to meet any
emergency. Its notca were protested
bank yoetunlay , '
A. Dciorted Waif.
National AsoOtlfttoU I'rMx , d.
Dunugi'K ' , In. , February f > , A few
\veek ago a littlii waif but a few days
was lound by a policeman in ai
upper hallway in a Main atroet build
. It WUM ailojited by a lady ol
city , and ut tne iiibtuncu of the
Uotno for the Friendlesu its pedigree
triiccduj ) . Itliimbouii diacoverei
the mother of the babe lives ii
Dodge , la. , and in the oxpectoc
heirets of a fortune of $100,000 ,
HtupH w ill be taken to fully ostahlhd
maternity of the child. The i
mother is the divorced wife of a mat
living ut Pomoroy. Hunt tlul
OXeary iu Now Orloam
Nktlarikl A oclit < xl I'reu.
NKW OHI.KANH , February f > . Dai
O'Luury has arrived and hua nmdo i the I
72-hour match with James Downuy Ia >
coinmonco on the 10th , nt-Bd
VCjQ * .
No Changing Onis
Vhcrn direct commotion are iiuulo wl
Vr.W VOttK , nOSTON ,
ItALTlilOilK ,
The Short Line via. Peoria
VILL , and all points In tlio
Vhrrc illroct connection ! are made In the Union
IH'iwt Kith the Through Sleeping Car
E * O TT'X'JET .
Rock Island.
The un i\aled InJucemcntt oDofml li } thle Ho *
a tnvolorn nd UiurlaU ru M ( OO ! | B :
The cclotirotoa rULI.MANlO-whcol ( ) PALACE
SLKKI'INQ UAU8 run only on tills line O. , D.
lorton'f ItrrllnliiK Chftlrt. No extra cJiarpe lot
Mktd In llcclliilnjr Cluvlre. The ( ainoiu C. , I ) . A
) . 1'ilAco Dining Cam. Gorgeous Smoking Can
_ tt il vtltli cli'Knnt hlKh-twckixl rotUn rmohlng
chain , for Iho onchiiiivo tuw of flrat-clMa iKumcn-
ora.Htcol Track and niporlor rquliiiioiil | fomblrcl
ilth thvlr K'ic t through car arrangement , in K <
hl , R ! > OV f all otliorn , tlin laiorlto route ia trie
Cant , Houtli i nil KnnthoAHt.
Try It , mi J J on 111 fiml lliiKlusuryln- -
it < < ! ol a illKcnnitort.
Tlironuli tickets vlo IhlH L'i'loliratuil line lot nle
it all oi'iim In the Unltitl HUtM anil Canada.
All iilornmtlon ivujut rotUH ol laro , Slceiilng
0 r accaiiiiiiixlatloiii , Thuo Tnliloii , oto , , w 111 M
-liccrtully ilvcn li ] niipljlni ; to
iluural niit'ir Alt nt , Chlrapl.
. . POITRU ,
Un. Matiai'ur
\Vcst for tiolng the moat direct , ijulchvat , ui
ufrRt Una cnnnoctlng the proat Motropolli. CIII
OAOO , and tlio KASIURN , NoitTii-KiSTiHH , 1 1 ic
and SoiiTH-Ki/iTiiRN Iin , which tormln tct here ,
UKNTIIRII from which rndlato
thKt pcnctrntrH tlin Continent from the UlMwuri
itlvo to the Pacific Sloiio. The
Isth onlj lltio from CliicaRO owning trncK lota
Kmifuvs , or which , by Its own raid , rriuJuf. the
ixjlntu aliovo namml. No THANHKKHB. nr C.iiikuaa !
No MISDINO i cONNRLiiONBl No huddling In 111-
vcntllaUHl or unclcnn cars , as ovcry iiajscrigvr la
carrkid In roomy , cluin &nd vrntllalcd coaihw
upon Kant Kinrvw Traluu.
DAT ; C'JIUH of unrivaled rtmnnlDiunco , PIIUHAH
I'AiiACH BLnxriNU OAKS , and ourownwarld-famotK
DININCI CAIUI , iMKin which minis are served of un-
Hiir | > asHod oxcollcnco , nt tlio low rate of HnRHTT. .
i CUNTS IACII , ivlth Arnplo time for healthful
on JoTI ) incnt
Througli Uara between Ohlu&Kn , 1'corU , 1111
wniikou and Mlsmurl Hhor Tolnbi ; und clone con
nccttons at all poliita of Intcrm-cUon with other
road .
Wo ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to ovrry
prac of lininrtaiica In Kansas. Noliraska. Itlack
Inn , Wjoinlnif , Utah. Idaho , Nevada , CalllornU ,
Orccon , Waslilnifton Tnrrltory , Colorado , Arlu > n
and New llmlco.
Aail bornl arranKomintq rvKnmuiir batKaK < > af
any other line , and rates ol fare al n.j a | .ow U
tompctltori- , who furnlin but % ' ( tbl'Q ( he row-
Doviand : tack lo of uportunivn / < ) .
Tickets. niMxj and foldort at all prlnclpi
olMcoa , In thu United tntt * and Canada.
Vlco I'rcii't & Oon flu : , . TI. I nd 1'aHn'r Ag
II you .in-tin.iu lf yojnm
jffMi lm- , i'jl mini i'f IPI.
nlli ) llioiitiiiliiiir li-intollliiuorcrriili.
j.iiir iliitlm uvulii it H.trk . , t < > ri i <
.1 ( milljauunil u i ImilniK ir , nn
Hop Dittero. Hi * Hop O.
If inuarajuuiiK ml
dlicittluu or ilI"Nlia |
rk'il or Dlnitlii. ulil , or
liuurhraUh or lantr' '
UOM , r ly vii H lttora.
xviirwiTcr yonuit1. Tlinunnndl ale lv
vliuiuvrr } OU fill irjally rrom eoiue
tlint jruur nyrtur form of Kid nay
dlM'UB that u.llfhl
Intr or ftlinnli " liavo Ix en | ir triiT i
Ur tlmulr UMiof
take Hop HcpBHter *
iv ; . ( .i . ,
O. I. O
ut ut tnaru cnn * '
IMilm , < II eiii0 U an abooluU
of til' ffoifitfrn , ana Irrckhta *
txiu-rti. Koorf , tie on re tot
Itur urntneit ilnmktnne ,
UM of
You will be tcbaoou *
, or
curvdlfyuuuM | narcotic * .
Hop *
Ifjouareilro Boldbyrtraj
P17 we k unit " " '
) It may
Ufa. ft tin * MTU CO-
aved hun
dred * A Totoulti , Osk
Corner 10th and Howard
Streets ,
Rates , Two Dollara Per Day ,
Dluolutlon of Partnerthlp Notice.
Notice la hcruliy glvun that the llrm ot Woollfy
Duvln , tlatloncrd and paper dcalcru ol Omaha ,
Nvliruku , U thin ilay JlsnolveJ by mutual con-
, Thti biislnwta ol tlio btutlnu Kill Lu act-
liy ( llliuan It. Iavi , who alone Is authork-
to u u thu llrm name ( or that purixwe , and
Hliottsuuiucsnll llabllltleuolthulaiollnu.
A , V. Woouxr ,
Omaha , Jan. UUt , IWi.
htirerthy t\o ( notice tliat I have nurchas < t
tock of Koodi ol the late firm ol Woolley &
l8 , and will continue the tame line ol busl-
at th ; old tUnd , 10H H. 16tli St. , Omi. 1 . 0.
j3ijt OILMAN it. DATII.