Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    UMAiJLAJLAlL3L ) J-SJfiJfi MlJMA ) ) ( > , Ibb * . 3
010 Furnrmm , bet. Oth nnd 10th Street ! .
no copy 1 yearIn iulvftncopotttnlil ( ) J10.00
J jmonlhi ! " " . . . 8.00
Tnonlli " " 3.00
TXMVO Onifthn r.vucnccr No. 2 , SiSOn. m. Ac-
eoramotHtlon No. 4,1:0 : ( p. in
ArriveOiujxha I'nratnirer No. 1,6:20 : p.m.
Accommodation No. S,10:50 : x m.
C. , 1 ! . & O. 7:10 : n. m. 3 : 0 p. m.
a * X. w. . 7:10 : , in. 3:40 : p. m.
C. , R. I. & I1. . 7:10 : k. m. 3:40 : 11. m.
K. C. , fit. J. i C. ' . ! . , Irnvcs At 8 a. m. ami 6:30 :
r > - Arrives MSt , IxmUat 0:30 : . m. nnd 6:62 :
, V. m.
m.W. , 8U L. A P. . ImvM at 8 a. m. and 3:10 : p.
ArrUci d St. Loulu t 0:10 : . m. anil 7:30 :
B. * M. In Xcb. , Through Kxprow , 9:10 : . m.
II. ft it. Lincoln Kxprea * 6:20 : p. in.
U 1 * . Overland KXIIHWH , 12:16 : p. m.
0. & R. V. foi Uncoil ) , 11:16 : a. m.
O. A K V. for Onccoln. 0:40 : . m.
U. 1' irclnht N'o. 6 , B:30 : a , in.
U. P rolghl No. 9 , 8:20 : a. m.
U. P. freight No. 13 , 2:60 : p. m ,
'U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant.
iP. Denver express , 7:35 : p. m.
U. P. freight N'o 11 , ll'SO p.m.
O. P. Denver frcluht , 8:25 : p. m.
C. n. & V t > M r& . 7:28 : p m.
( & N. W.P:46 : ii. m. 7:25 : p. m.
'C. It. I. AP..O:15n. : in. 0:05p : , m.
X. C. , St. Joe k 0 11. , 7MO a. m.-6:16p. : m
O. a R. V. from Lincoln 1,03 p. m.
U. P. Puciflc Kxprcs * 3:25 : p. in.
D k M , In Neb. , Through Express 4:15 : p m ,
B. & M , Lincoln Kxyresi 0:40 : a m.
' TJ. I * . Denver express , 7S5 : n. ra.
U. P. Freight No. 14-2:60 : p. m.
U. P. Vo. 0 5:20 : a. m. Kmlgrant.
U. I' , freight No. 14,12:18 : p. m.
'U. P. Vc. S 9.00 ii. in.
U. P. N'o. 12 1:45 : a. m.
U. P. Denver Irelcht , 1:10 : a , IL.
O. At K. V. mixed , ar. 4:15 : p. m.
council. BLurra.
Leave Omaha at 3:00 , 9:00 : , 10:00 : ami 11:00 :
m. ; 1:0 : 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m.
Leavu Council lllulle at S:25 : , 0:25. : 10:25 and
1:25 . in. ; 1:26 : , 2:25 : , 3:26 , 4:25 : and 6:25 : p. m.
Sunrlava The dummy leaves Omaha at 9:00 :
and 11:00 : a. in. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leaves
'Council Bluff. . ) at 0:25 : and 11:25 . m. ; 2:25 : , 1:25 :
-and 5:25 : p. in.
Through and local passcnecr trains between
Omaha and Count II muffs. Leave Omaha 0:16 : ,
,7t6 , 8:60 : a. m. ; 3:40 : , 6:15 : , 0:00 : p. m. Arrive
Omaha 7:40,11:35,11:45 : : : a. in. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7lfi ,
! 10 p. in. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Opening ant Closing of Mrlli.
.1. m. p. m. a. in. p. m.
Chicago&N. W. . , 11.00 0:00 5:30 : 2:40 :
ChlcftKO , R I. t Pacinc. 11:00 : 0:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 :
HJhtawro , B. &Q 11:00 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 :
12:30 : 5:30 : 2:40 :
Sioux City and Pacific. . 9:00 : 5:30 : 2:10 :
Onion Pacific 4:00 : 11:10 :
Omiha&Il. V 4:00 : 11:10 :
iB. &M. in Neb 4:00 : 8:10 :
Omaha Sioux Cltj. . . . 0:00 : 7:30 :
B. AM. Lincoln 10:30 : 6M :
D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. , . 1:30 : 11:00 :
U. P. Denver Exw 9:00 : 6:30 :
O. | Sioux City & Wh. P. * .11:00 dtiU
Local in.ilN lor State ol Iowa leave but cnco a
d y , vIt:0SOa. : ra.
Office open SunJuys Iroui IS m. to 1 p. m.
Business Birectory.
Abstract and Real bitate.
JOHN L. SIcCAOUE , opposite Post Office.
W. 11. BARTLETT S17 South 13lh Street.
Architect * .
Room 14 Crclghton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. . Boom 2. Cielghton Block.
Booti and Shoot.
BtDu Boota and Shoes. A good assortment ol
iinm. ' work on hand , corner 12th and Harney.
TliOS. EIUCKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Douclns.
902 10th street , manufactures to order good work
at fait prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LAURIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Dourlaaet.
Books , News and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
UcSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and R.
'honw ' In Nebraaka cntabllnhed 1875 Oumha.
lonthwent corner ISthand Dodge.
Best Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
4Ie * ! > at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Furnished Itnmna Supplied.
Carriages and Road Wagons.
WM SNYDER , 14th and Ilarney Streets.
Clothing Bought.
J. rtAlUU 4 will pay hlghestCash price for second
n.jJ ciuthinf. Corner 10th and Farnham.
Jewe ers.
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street.
U. BEimiOLD , Rags end Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & Oil AY corner bth and Douglas SU.
Lamps and ulassware ,
J. UONNER 1309 Douclas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One of our moat rcpular Merchant Tailors Is ro-
celvlng the latust designs for Spring and Summer
Goods for gentlemen s wear. Stylish , durable ,
and prices low an over 215 13th bet. Doug.&Farn.
URS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards ,
Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , tic , . Cheapest House In
Jhe Weat. Purchasers save SO per cent. Order
far Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street.
JOI1N WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jac-ktonito
Hour and Feed.
OUAIIACITV MILLS , 6th and Farnbam SU. ,
WolahAiis Bros. , proprietors.
Z. sl'EVENS , 21st between Cumlng and lur
X. A. MoSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Streets.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel.
OI.AM & LANQWORTIIT , Wholesale , 110 ant1
'IU lith street
* HOLMES corner IMh and California.
Harness , Saddles , &c.
B. WEIST 80 18th St. bet FarpUarney. .
i ANFIELD HOU8E , Geo. CanJeld.Bth & FarnhaDi
OORAN HOUSE , P II. Cary , 013 FarnhoraBfc
BLAYEN'S HOTEL. F. Slavon , 10th St.
'Southern Hotel Gus , Hamel Bth & Leavenwortb
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
'Ph rtn ct t , Fine "anc Goods , Cor. 16tn and
DoutriM .treets
W.J. WJUTEHOUPK.Wholeeale&ReUtl.iethst.
C. FIELD , 2022 Hortb Side Cumlng Street.
PARR. Druggtst , 10th and Howard Streets.
" "
OR- PAUL , Wllllamg' Block Cor , 16th & Dodge.
Dry Goods Notions , Etc.
Now York Dry Goods Score , 1310 and 131 ! Farit.
him struct.
L. C. Kncwola aluo boots and shoe * 7th & Pacific.
A r. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furniture
nd Sloven , 1114 DcuitlM. Ulghett cash price
aid for second t t > 3 zoooi.
BONNER 1S09 Djurla it. Floe goods , 4c.
F tree Works.
> 8UflT , FRIES4CC 1S1J Harney St. , Imprors
lee Box * * , Ircr nd Wood Fences , Offlct
. Countctl Etna and Walnut
Cigars and Tobacco.
( VKST .V FRITSCHER.manutiicturersof C\tn \ ,
nd Wholesale Dcalerol n Tobae n , 1305 IVnicIa * .
V. F. LOIIKNZ tnanufat-turtr 1410 Farnham
A. Donashuo , plant * , cut flowers , pottli , coquets
etc. N. W. cor. ICth nd DouclM itre t .
Civil Enfilncer * nnd Surveyors.
ANDREW ROSEWATKU , Crclghton Ulock ,
Town Survcyi , Orado and Scweraco Sy tom § a
Uommlitlon Merchants.
JOHN R. Wit , L1S.1414 DoJgo Street.
D H. I1KEMKR. For details ten large aihcttlj
mtnt In Dallv and Weekly.
Cornice Works.
Western Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate HooilliiR. Orders
from any locality promptly executed In the best
manner. Factory and Olllcc 1213 llarncy St.
U. SPKCI1T , Proprietor.
Oalvanlicd Iron Cornice * . Window Caps , etc. ,
manuf.tctiirnl and put up In any tvtrt of the
country. T. SIN1IO1.U 416 Thirteenth stteot
J. nONNEU 1309 Doiulas street. Good line.
Clothing and Furnishing Goods.
OEO , II. PKTKRSON. Also IlaUt , Cnjw , Boots ,
3hoce , Notion. * and Cutlery. 804 S. IQUi street.
Refrigerators , Onnfleld's Patent.
C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. A Harnov.
Show Case Manufactory.
Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show
Coses , Upright Cases , & ' . , 1317 Caia St.
FRANK L. OERIIAltl ) . proprietor Omaha
Show Ca" o manufactory , 818 South 10th street ,
between Leavcnworth and Marcy. All goods
warrantwl flrst-class. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ROSENFKLD , 10th St. . bet. Far. A liar
titovea ana mwarn.
Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work ,
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. BONNER. 1309 Douglas St. Good and Cheap.
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and
Cultlvntors. Odd Fello s Hall.
Physicians on 1 Surgeons.
W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crelghton
Block , 16th Street.
P. S. LEISENR1NO , jl. D. Masonic Block.
C. L. IIA11T , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofBu-o
Oculist and Aurlst , S. W 15th and Karnham Sts
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic Hall. Flrst-clasa Work and Prompt-
mwa guarantees
Plumblnc , Gas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY it CO. . 218 12th St. , bet. Farnham
and Douglas. WorK promptly attended to.
D. 7ITZPATRICK. 1409 Douglas Street.
alntlng an aper anglng.
HENRY A. KOSTERS. 141 Dodge Strcol.
Shoe btoroa.
Phillip Lang , 1320 Farnham st , bet , 13th & lith.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS A LEAK. 1416 Doughs St. . Now and
Second Hand Furniture , HOUIII Furnishing Good * ,
&c. , bouirht and sold on narrow marplns.
In tno new brick blocl : on Douglas Street , has
Just opened a most elegant IlccJ Hull.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
every day.
" Cale-Joma " J FALCONER 670 10th Street.
CHAS. RIEWE , 1011 ! Farnham bet. 10th i lltd.
00 Cent Stores.
P. O. BACKUS 1205 Farnham St. , Fancr Goods
Some Important Mtntomo < tR of Wt 11
Kno-wrn People \Vholly
In order that the jiubllc may fully realize the
gcnulnencBS of tlie statement' ) , as well as the
power and value of the article of which the }
epcak , we publish herewith the fac-Blmilo signa
tures of parties whoso sincerity la beyond ques
tion , The Truth of these testimonials Is abso
lute , nor can the facts they announce bo Ig
OMAIU , NIB. , May 24 , 1881.
II. H. WARNER & Co. :
DiARSm : I have frequently used Warner's
Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure for local affections
attendant upon severe rheumatic attacks , and
have always derived benefit therefrom. I have
also used the Safe Nervine with satisfactory re
sults. I consider these medicines worthy of
Deputy Treasurer
OMAHA , NRB , May 24 , U81
II. P. WARNBR & Co. , Rochester , N. Y. :
QRNTS : I have used your Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure this spring as a Ivcrlnvlgorator , and
1 flnd it the best remedy I ever tried. I hnvt.
used 4 bottles , aid : it has made me feel better
than ever I did before In the apring.
U. P. U. Shops.
OMAHA , NKB. , May U4 , 1831 ,
SIHB : For more than 16 years I have suffered
much In onvi'iilenco from combined kidney and
liver diseases , nd have been unibluto work ,
myurin y erR ns also being affected I Tied a
threat many uiudlcincH and doctors , but I grew
worao and worVeday by ilay. I was told I had
lrlnlit' ! Disease , and I wished niysclf dead If I
could not have speedy relief. I took your Safe
Kidney and Liver Cure , knowing nothing cl e
uascvcr known to cure tha disease , nnd I havr
not been disappointed. Tht1 medicine has cured
mo , and I am perfcc ly well to-day , entirely
through your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure 1
wish you allsucc us In publishing this valuable
remedy through thn world
U. P. It. K. Shops.
Thousands nf equally B'n.'ngcndomemont'i '
many of them * In cases where hope was aban
doned bavo been voluntarily ( rlvrn , showing the
remaikablo power of Warner'v Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure , In all d ecaso * of fhi kidneys , liver
* " If any ore who reads thl
trouble rcipc'iilxu the great
To Nervous Sulterers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
II It ft positive cure ( or Hpermatoirhea , Heralna
rVooknooa , Imjwtuncy , and 11 diseases resulting
from Self.AbuHO , ai Mental Anxiety , Loam
Memory , Paluilnthe _ _ Back ofBUu , and UUeaae
- ' " " ' jjmj 1 1 jg
insanity an
early grave
'ho Upuciflc
llccllclno la
with wonder
ful B11CCC80.
if * * - * : i * * * - f" _ - I'aniphlctA
Diit ( roe In til. V/rlta ( or them and L'et lull jnr *
I'rlcc , fiptcllii , ri-OU pel jackage , or li pack.
tirea ( or jD.OO. Ail'lruw all order * to
Kot. lot aud 106 Main Ht. liurtslo , N. Y.
o'd In Om ha by C. K. Goodman , J W Hull.
K lib , and ill driuxletgeverywhore.
i .diw
Cuming Street.
J , J JOBES , Propr.
Fresh and Salt Meats of all
. Kinds , Poultry'Fieh , &o. ,
in Season.
Notes of a Weok'a Social
Pleasure iu Omabi\ .
A Plonsixtit Surprise Party ut Miwonlc
Hull The Impofltil Club Kocop-
tlou on Thursday Social Notes
nnd Pollto Porsoutxlltlos.
Little tnoro thnn two wouks ri-iiialn
before Lout atul the devotees of see inl
pleasures are proparittg to niftko the
most of the time th it i-oinnins tin til
church ( login\ , atul social custom ,
which is nowadays much moro power
ful in intlnouoiun opinion , closes thu
doors for six weeks upon nil g.vy oty
nnd frivolity. The I'lcaaant Hours
will nive ono tnoro reception before
Shrove Tuesday and several of the
other clubs will follow suit. The
Standard Club maaqueriido which
tnkus place on the fifteenth of the
present month will bo followed on
the 21st by that of this MtiMinorchor
socioty. Several private masquerades
are also contemplated. From the
present outlook the coming two
weeks will bo unusually gay in a
social way , allording a diversity of
amusements which outfit to be sulli-
ciont to satisfy every lasto.
The past week in Omaha can hard
ly bis called a dull one if compared
with any other of these of the past
season , the holiday week alone ox-
copied. The following account of a
private party which took place on
Wednesday evening at Mus mic Hall
is furnished by a It lend of Tin : UKI :
A social event which will long bo
remembered most pleimntly by all
who participated took place on Wed
nesday evening in Masonic Hall the
occasion being n Gorman by MrVil -
linm K. Annin , associate edttorof Tun
Bni : to a number of hid Omaha friends
in honor of his twenty-fifth birthday.
Unknown entirely to tha host , the
ladies who were to take part prepared
to give him a series of hearty sur
prises the first of which was found in
the elaborate and beautiful decora
tions of
which for tastofulneas and novel
ty hayo never been surpass
ed in Uinnh.1. A broad band of
bunting formed a handsome cornice to
the room relieved by heavy festoons of
evergreen and ornamented with
groups of depending Hugs. Ho
tween the windows were rich
banners bearing the anna of dilforent
empires , while stretched from chande-
lor to chandelier hung heitvy
ropes of evergreen twined
with bunting , from which de
pended innumerable Chinese lanterns
casting a subdued light over the
brilliant sccno. Upon the walls at
equal intervals were hung a number
ot heraldic shields bearing across
their face in uilt lettering the names
of the gentleman guests of the even
ing , among whom were Messrs Rosa ,
Morris , Wakoloy , McMillan , Me-
Cornn'ck , Jowott , Remington , Carrier ,
ruterson , Beach , Hurkiilow , Ilon-
dricks , Crary , Kingwalt , Sharp , Ber
lin aud Brock. At the roar end of
the room a shield with Mr. Annin's
name across ita bar was
happily relieved below by
a banner bearing a lurgo pair of
shears , symbolic of editorial labor.
The arch over the stage was draped
in the national colors and immediate
ly below upon the platform was the
second surprise of the evening con
sisting of an exquisite.
the gift of the ladies to the giver of
the party. It consisted of n lovely
bank of flowers four feet iti length
and two feet in width , built of white
carnations , tea and Mureschal Neil
roses and calla lillies relieved by
smilax. The centre was composed of
a bed of white immortelles upon
which was worked in purple violets
the inscription :
; 1857V E. A. 1882 ;
The beautiful and costly gift wits a
complete and overpowering surprise
to the host , whoso bewilderment was
only broken by the necessity for re
ceiving the guests , who began to arrive
about half-past 8 o'clock , bringing
with them hearty wishes that he might
live to have irany tunes twenty-live
birthdays , and each one prove as happy
as this.
At 9 o'clock the inspiriting strains
of Holl'inan's oxcL'llent orchestra broke
the silcnc" of expectation and danc
ing begun.
THK coriLMO.v
was lead by Mr. W F. McMillan and
Miss Dollio McCormick , assisted by
Mr.V. . E Annin and Miss I'.idtloct ,
Mr. A. Remington , an.d Miss Mishap ,
and Mr , J. M. Ross and Miss Ruutin.
At the west end of the hall stood a
table upon which wore arranged with
much taste around a pyramid of Mow
ers the favors for the occasion. Per
haps the prettiest of these was u set of
satin souvenirs for the ladiee beating
a monogram and the dale and hand
somely illustrated by one of the gen
tlemen present whoso abilities in the
artistic line are well known in Omaha
social circles. For the gentlemen in
the same set the favors consisted of
handsome satin pin cushions boautu
fully painted with sprays and buds of
flowers. The other favors wore novel
and quite handsome. From nine
o'clock until refreshments were served
a constant interchange of these favors
took place while the in
direct favors -with their graceful
innzo.s' harmonious blending * and
novel representations made a brilliant
picture which was no less enjoyable
to those who formed its outlines and
color than to these who witnessed it
as spectators.
At twelve o'clock the tables were
brought in and spread , and the guests
sat down to a substantial and well-
served supper. An elegant birthday
cake , thu uift of Mrs. Charles Shiver-
ick , encircled by twenty-five burning
tiipurs wan cut and a gold ring , thim
ble and a coin ( symbols of a speedy
marriuL'o , a life of toil and
a fortune ) were drawn there
from by three young ladies. As
thu ( Miosta were finishing their supper
Mr , II , D. Kstnhrook aroie , and on
behalf of the gentlemen present , in a
happy little speech , presented Mr ,
Annin with a set of Dickons' complete
works In fifteen volumes , elegantly
bound in half calt and handsomely
illustrated , also n set of the llindy
Volume poets , bound in Russia
leather and enclosed in a beautiful
case of the same. Mr Annin wns
entirely bewildered , nnd as ho was
completely "broke Up" it wns not sur
prising that he completely broke down
in attoinptiug to thank his guests for
tlieiroverwholmiiRsucct' iiui of kind
The hall was then cleared and dune-
ing was ngain roanim-d. The priv.o
favors were'drawn by Mus Uoddisand
Mr. Geo. G. .lewottand presented by
thorn to Mr. H. Borliu and Miss
Woodiu McOormick. This was the
last tlguro of the cotillion which closed
shortly after three o'clock , when the
t-uests departed leaving with the host
their congratulations aud the remem
brance of an evening to whoso pleas
ure they contributed a linn's share.
The following was the
ritOtllUMMK :
t. Serpent ( i.ilnii
' . ' . Him Hum I'olku
K. Target W lt7
I. Souvenir * ( tipple
r > . Whip and Iteim. . . Knciiitet
. Hrtiitim-ti 1'olku
" . Citcle-t Walt/
HKKlfKsllMKSIt ,
S. Simllower * mid lVncock- < ( { limit-
II. ItmilHTllall * . . I'olka
10. Cigar Cases ami Van * Kncuuet
11. Aln.ks WalU
! ' _ ' . C..ik . uiul I'ltf Ulpplo
lit. Pri/c I'Mka
Those participating were : W. K.
Annin and Miss I'uddock , W. U , Mo-
Millen and Miss Dollio iMcCormick ,
.1. M. Ross and Miss Uustin , A.
Remington and Miss Bishop , 0. Mc
Cormick and Miss Lehmor , Gt'o.
.lowett and Miss McCormick , R. R.
Ringwalt and Mrs , Rmgwalt , R.
Carrier and Mrs. C. 1C. Stjuires , L. S.
Reed and Mrs. Heed , C. E. Beach
and Miss Browusou , N. Harkalow
and Miss Etta Wells , Colonel Sharpe
and Miss Balcombu , Mr. Brock and
Miss Wells , Mr. and Mrs. E. P.
I'eck , A. Wakoloy and Miss Berlin ,
R. Berlin and Miss Rmldis , M. Itixrka-
low nnd Miss Chambers , C. II. Hen-
dricks and Miss \Vakeley , W. It.
Mori is nnd Miss llossVill Redick
and Miss Wood , J. It. Lehnier and
Msis Hurley , Geo. Patoraon and Miss
Shears , N. N. Crary and Miss limns ,
T. L. Ringwnlt and Alias Hall , .1. R.
Hingwalt and Miss Ringwalt , 11. U.
Eatabrook nnd Mrs. Estiibrook ,
Among the invited spectators were
Mrs. Judge Wakeloy , Mrs. .1. H. N.
Patrick , Air. ind Mrs. Lyman Rich
ardson , Mrs. Ilorb.tuh aud Miss Htir-
bach , Mrs. nud Miss Shiverick , Mrs.
Ed. Balch , Mr. and Mra , J. S. Me-
Cormick , Mr. nud Mrs. Geo. F.
Mayor and Mrs. Bruce , Mr. C. E.
Squires and Mr. Luther Drake.
THK 'ruii.Krs
were as follows :
Airs. II. D. Estiibrook , an elegant
combination dress of garnet silk and
Persian brocade ; cameo jewelry ,
Mrs. E. P. Peck , black satin with
flounces of black Spanish lace , scarlet
Aliss Lewis Reed , pale lilac silk
with overdress of white tulle.
Alra. C. E. Squires , a beautiful
toilet of heliotrope satin light shade ,
ornamented with sprays of heliotrope.
Airs. R. R. Rtngwalt , white dotted
muslin , white sash.
Aliss Uustin , a lovely dress of helio
trope satin , elaborately flounced ; diamond
mend ornaments.
Miss AlcCormick , a handsome white
silk on train , trimmed elaborately
with Spanish lace ; diamonds.
Miss Wood was prettily attired in a
dress of blue organdy , with blue satin
bodice , trimmed in white IUCP.
Miss Balcombe were a lovely dress
of pink moire antique , witn overdress
of pink surah , trimmed with pearl
passamcntoric , lace sleeves , embroi
dered in crystals ,
Aliss Wells w s lovely in n Spanish
muslin , trimmed in lace , b.idico ol
white satin.
Aliss Etta Wells wore n pretty cos-
tunio of light blue silk and satin ,
trimmed with white laco.
Miss Bet lin a rich costume of gar
net velvet with overdress of white
Miss Roddis was dressed in fawn
colored satin with white lace trim
Aliss Iloss , a pretty costume ol
white muslin and Ince trimmings.
Aliss Wnkoloy was nittrod in a gar
net brocaded satin and silk.
Aliss Luhmer were a lovely cameo
Aliss DollicAlcCormick was dressed
in a quilted skirt of light pink satin
with overdress of pink cashmere , and
diamond ornaments.
Afiss Bishop were a dross of while
cashmere and s.itin , alcoves embroid
ered in pearls.
Miss Paddock was becomingly
dressed in a lovely light blue silk with
white luce trimmings.
AIiss Hull wore n stylish brown
Aliss llingiviilt , an elegant while
satin , overdress of Spanish lace.
Aliss-Chumburs , dove colored satin ,
with white lace overdress.
Mips Shears , wliito organdi.s trim
med in Valenciennes , blue satin waist.
Alias Ijams , u handsome combina
tion toilet of cream colored satin and
cashmere , .wide cream sash.
Alms Burley , a lovely white silk ,
scarlet llowers , diamonds.
Miss Brownson , a quaint and pretty
toilet of lavender silk train laid in
wattcan pleats ; diamonds.
i.MriatiAi ,
The Imperial club gave their second
end party of the past holiday season
at Masonic hall on Thursday evening ,
A largo number of the club members
and their friends wore present. In
many respects the party was ono of
the most successful of the season.
The music was excellent , the Moor all
that could bu desired and the supper
up to the usual standard. The Im
perial club's season now clnmng to n
close tins boon ono of the most fortu
nate in its history , which is largely
dni ) to the earnest labor of its enter
prising mau.igement.
Illh I'ltATT J'AUTV.
On Wednesday evening Air. and
Airs. Augustus Pratt gave n party tea
a number of their friends , which was
in every respect a most enjoyable
affair. NOILO know better than Air.
-me Airs. Pratt how to entertain , nnu
every one present appreciated to the
utmost the genial hospitality ot their
entertainer. ) One of the features of
the evening was the charming music
rendered by Miss Boulter. Thouo
present were Dean and Airs. Mills-
puugh , Dr. and Aim , Alercor , Air.
and Airs , Cniickslmtik , Dr. and Airs ,
Chubb , Air. and Airs , Alontgomery ,
Air. and Mra. William Paxton , Mr.
and Airs. W. It. Bnrtlott , Air. and
Airs. G , AI. Ambrose , Mr , and Mrs
P. 0. Himebaugh , Mr , nud Mrs , F
Tnft , Mr , nud Alra. Atinor , Mr. and
Airs. Northrop , Air. and Airs. Grolf ,
Air and Airs. Thomas Gibson , Air.
nnd Mra Goodrich , Mr. K AI. Hurt-
lett. Air , nnd Airs Slurps , MM. Col-
netr.or , Mrs. Gray ami Aliases D\y ,
Monitor and Tnft.
sociAi , NOTK- .
The "S\n ; Coroiuonie" pf.rty takes
place on Tuesday next at Standard
A little ' ' "
pleasant 'commerce party"
iVixs given on Friday evening by Alias
ItiMia Rims.
Vista Chapter O. E. S. gave the
lixth party of their series at Masonic
, Inll on Friday evening.
The "Entro Nous" give their next
'Gorman" during thn coining xveok nt
he residence of Air. Win. II. Ijnins.
Mtev. Ilauhxnd , of the Scnndauavian
taptist church , was very pleasantly
surprised on Tuesday evening by the
nembers of his congregation.
F. B. Fosdyke , Into of Cruickshnnk
V Co. 'a , nnd now connected with a
S'ow York house , was married to Alias
Lizzie Webb in this city on Thursday.
They started east on their bridal tour
n the evening.
.losoph Urnssel , in the employ of
Max Meyer & Co. , has gone to Now
fork , where ho is to bo married on
' 'obruary PJth to Aliss Olga Calm.
le will return to Omaha with his
> ndo about the 20lh.
.1. H. Dotwilor 1ms gone to Now
Air. aud Airs. Wm. Maul are visiting
n the o.xst
Air. and Airs. A. F. Shernll have
oturnod from Clifton SpriugH , N. Y.
The friends of Airs. 0. F , Davis
vill bo pained to learn that she is
ying seriously ill at her residence on
) ouj'his street.
United States Marshall Hierbuwor
ins recovered from his illness , and is
iblo to ahako hands with his friends
and attend to business ,
Mcr.xsi : * ts.sfKi ) itfitiM : TIII : WKKK.
Hoironymus Kisolo , aged 120 , to
Aliss Clara Wirtli , aged 'JS , both of
Ira F. Lee , aged 28 , of Douglas
county , to Aliss Kinma L. Colby ,
xgod Hi , of Burl county.
.lolin Woodruff , aged 27 , to Airs.
S'otn Cornish , injod ! IO , both of Onin-
' .
F. P. Fosdyke , nged iM , to Alias
liliznboth Webb , aged iM , both of
Rasmus Peterson , aged " 7 , to Aliss
Mary Hawick , nged 'J'J , both of
John Harder , aged 28 , to Aliss
I'Vida Peterson , nged ID , botn of
Washington county.
Theodore A. ICannon , aged 28 , to
Aliss Alary Odonreiter , aged 2'both \ ,
it Douglas county.
W. B. Adams , aged ! _ ' , of San
Francisco , to Aliss Helen D. Adnmu ,
igod : ! 0 , of Troy , N. Y.
Purtloa ami Pmra.
I'ullorton will blow hur own horn hence-
'tirtli , with Hill WheeL-r as principal
Anthony Jnciilxon nud hi * briilc are
mckutKt. I'aul , after an extuiuleil lour
> f Wisconsin.
Thu resinous roico of "Little IJimimrck"
H now huaid at North I'l.itte. lie lead- *
Thu Odd ( MlowH of I'lullHiiuiutli mat-
incrniluil on thu Hint , in uharacturH both
olek'imt anil nmiisinj,1
Tliu'friiliiMoiiiu folk of Norfolk indulged
in a plmntom ball last wcok. The partici-
weru wrapfiud iu winding nhcctH ,
cbentiiik' u ghostly us pec t.
John ISlalii and Aliuu Itur , of Pawueu
comity , joined the majority on the "fith ,
receiving u Hiilliciriit Hiipmy of houHchold
eoodx to Block a full blooded pantry.
C. It. Clover and Mlsa Kltio Whitto-
more , of Aurora , liuvo lonn pitiotl for e.ich
other , anil lately concluded t > > uluixvo to
nnd go west to Long I'/no and grow ui
MI'HH Muzie Afaruh , of Itupuhlican City ,
: i tiny min-s of ix Hummcra , wan greeted
by lifty-ninu friends and playmates on the
'Kith itiid nresciitod with numtToim hand-
Hoiiiu liirtlitluy giftH.
Air. ami MM. II. J. Joliimon , of Kear
ney , weruHurprlHi'tl on the 28tli by n lixrgo
purly of friend ? , who pruncntcil thy in with
a beautiful silver castor BH u Hllght rccom-
peiwo for tlio intiUNinii ,
Khertir Miller , of Frontier county ,
plodded along the loncHomu path for iimuy
yearn liufuri ! Cupid H dart pierced thu ten-
tier spot. The tliuiKhter of dipt. Murphy
now xliarcs bin joys mid Kvcretn.
W. W. Damon , of UlyiweH. periodical
ly vitited "the emit" for bin liuullh. llln
luxt tilptook him to Jjovillie , Iowa , whiro
IMihH Alice C.i-ib leueiiL-d him wltli open
arniH , and returned with him to put bin
loonm iu order.
A I'hittumoutli girl was compelled to
chii' hclwect proApectlvu husband nnd
chewing gum. Shu chewed the iinld of re
flection for u < > uy or two and decided to
' Htick" to I er gum , The I * , g. evidently
put her foot ill it.
N'eimtba ( 'ity anil I'rownvillu lire , for
the pioseiit , on friendly tcinis , a feeling of
mnity produced by the man luge of Then-
dole Hill , nf thu forMcr , to Mr.s. I'unsio
Xook of tbu latter town. The rercmony
wns peiforined on the " 5tb.
l''oiirof Ked ( MoiiilH .Miutli puiied oil'on
thn tilth nml immediately nettled down to
MI lerruiliticiMjf m.irlfiil IIJo. Cur. in K.
ICvaiis and .Miss Anidnta Kiaur and W.
T. Iliglilnnil mid .MlHH Churlotta M.
Miwhur weru the principals In thu double
The mmtnlimt punster nf the Nebraslta
City NUWH cruelly Htabw 1'lnttRinoutb in a
tender -pot by aimouneliiK that a citizen
accidentally vaccinated Iilrt nouo and it
tonic BO well that Ills wife wanted to bor
row it nntl palm it elf an n red pluub lion.
net. Kho hail a pasiiion
"Wo Imdarattlintfuoml timu In Omaha , "
Hiiltl u young mini to nis wife recently , mi
letnrniiiu' from thnt city. "Yen , I imp
pose HO , ' Haiti BIC , "nhuklng dice for
IrlnlcH. Now you rivttlo the UMltot ) out mid
Iniiltl a lire , and xlmku dnwn town nud get
HOIIIU Htenk. " And hu tan led not. [ .Jour ,
nul.Tho most hnpoalng event of the week in
I'lattsmoiith wan th locking of two torinn
In a xiliglo chase at thu residence of Mr.
and Mrn. Hhrynck. The job be.ira th
imprint of The . .Journal.V. . U. Sliryock
and Mm. Celia V. Irwln Hpuced out their
last lilies on vopnmto frames hint Tuendiiy
and together fmbraecil nuitiiinony Hiir-
lomulrd by numerous friend ,
The Lincoln Journal warnn glrU nf the
feaiful dangt < r they incur in marrying
Niilriiad men , enpeeially brakesmen. It in
rehilril that the other night u member rif
that Imitl-worldug fraternity , on being
aroused from u dieam of an Impending
crash , W.IH found by thu nuighbnrH Hitting
up In betl , holding bin wlfo by the earn ,
imving nearly twisted WIIIIIUII'H
head elf Iu bin liicffectiial attempts to
'tlown breiikH. ' "
The old Hettjera of Hall enmity , to the
number of boven huiidrt'd , held a leunlon ,
Kiipprr anil ba 1 iu ( irand Ii < lunil on thu
illHt. It was u delik-litfiil fcoclal gutherlng
of tlie nlonecni of that proHierons | comity ,
Lclderkrun/ hall was olfgnntly decorntitl
with evergreens , entwined with fringed
pink and white muslin , reaching over tbt
hall In the nlmpu of un X , ami notlot'H u !
years and tluten were tastily ariangei
around the wall. Among thu national'y ! '
emhluiim were the American Hug , thu Ocr
man Hag. ami the green Hag of Ireland
The liardnliipH of the early days wcpo caUci
up anil buried In fuumlug bowlij of R/iin
wine ,
, . . .
JOVtllltl ,111 } IcIIAOllllM. | i - * II Him .1
i. iiiA t , \ , ; , ir.i i.itako when tr.iTclliiclncilli r4ifectlonl.'i ( 'ir'r
4 i , at ! ofthe Principal Points In ; North and NorUiwesf
ritlfM.t trm Woslatm NorUmp.nurn < tiui
conntc.iow w'l'j ' " t > viaoj all'.ul" * (
Miisisa *
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
S u" "
: niVTTitf ! ' ? i1' , ' ' : :
- ' WW . ITItand
. .AKCII13 I and
, , . . . IISK r"rTlcklllvlatlll | < 1f - ' > l.l'osiirotlipyrfniltwi'rlt.nntl ' tnkotmim
naitm Ill'tltrn. < ! i n'i Mnmwor.CUIcaso. a W. H. STESSBTr.Hcn'l l\\as. Apcnt , IV
| IAUUk 1' HI' " . ' , , n-o Airoiit.aiH N. W. lUllwny. tlthunJ Fajnh mJ troot .
. M.I . > , SI V' ' " ( ' > , A'1''tvit'ri011"1 Avt " 'a * N W. lUllway , Ulhand | K rnham tr tll'
J. IIKI.ri , riftnt AirwtO A N W. IUIIw y , U. I' . K. It. Donol.
UAMK-S ' ! ' . OuAKK floiiorftl Atrout ,
Wholesale and
in'Omaha. Visitors can here IN THK WEST !
General Agents for the
find all novelties in SILVER
Finest and Best Pianos and
VER WARS. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured.
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our'prices are as Low as
Eastern Manufacturer
She Latest Most Artistic any
, , and Dealer.
and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold
PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of
WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe
ces as is compatible with Pianos , vose & Son's Pi
honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes.
and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smitb
Store Tower Building
, , American Organs , &c. Do
corner llth and Farnham
not fail to before
see us pur
Streets chasing.
Large Stock Always on Hand.
Everything In
Notions , and
It Will Pay You to Call and Compare
309 South Tenth Street.
French Calf-Tongue Boots , Sewed , - - $9,00
French Calf Boots , Pegged , . . . . 6.00
American Calf Boots , . 5.00
Pegged Alexis or Buckle Shoes , - - 3.50
OrdorB Promptly Attended to uad Pilled With Oisputeb.
No. 1 , No. 2 ,
British Consumption Physio , Brompton Cough Prosoription ,
In Kottlea 81.00 each , C fur ? .r > ,00 , In llottli's 75 ceuta each , C for S3.50. 1
" llrotm > ton whunco thu abovu iiroscrliitioiui w ro | irociif d l th Lurt'i'iit and Upitt ucct-Hful Con-
siiiuptlon Hospital In thg World ; as the "llrompton. fyondiiniption and Couifh Ucinodloa , " thualiove I
MedlcltiN have long been dwined In England liitalll'jlo ' Curoo lor U Complaints o the Luiitf " 4
rhc t.
a ? , xi. xj jECJElx < amc > , 1