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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1882)
1- t. , , ! nf th i 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. FEBRUARY 6 1882. THE DEATH SENTENCE , Guiteaii to be Hanged on the 30th of Juno , Upon Being Sentenced the As- snssin Makes a Wild DernoiiBtrfttion. But Cools Off When Taken to Juil nnd Tnkes a Hope- fxil View. A Small Pox Incident of the A - Mull. l Awodatcil I'rc > n. \VA-HIN TOS , February I. .ludgo Cox this morning decided against the motion for a now trial for ( iuitcaii nnd sentenced him to be hanged on .Juno ; ,0th , 1882. Court opened nt 10 o'clock. Ciiiiteau's face had n pinched look. His eyes showed much loss of sleep mid his expression absence of con fidence. Scovillo opened the pro ceedings by asking more time , as since adjournment yesterday he had learned of a bailiff whose allidavit said that the jury were in their room the l.'Hh of December , at the time Snyder testified. The room was emptv and they found the paper therein. There was only one bailiff in charge of the jurors at that ; r.lso that he learned that Curtiss , when ho was informed of the finding of the paper in the jury room during the time ho was absent from his post , said that if the fact became known he would bo compelled to jump the town. Scovillo urged that all this ahowod that delay was necessary and juat.Corkhill Corkhill protested against any fur ther postponement baaed upon the al leged anonymous communications to Scovillo , as they would make the case perpetual. After .ludg o Cox ovorrnlott Mr. Scoville'a motion far a new trial the latter moved for a stay of oxecuution. The courj promptly denied this. There was a slight demonstration of applause when Judge Cox concluded , but it was promptly suppressed. The court said ho had ruled out nil relat ing to Snyder , excrpt what touched upon his credibility UH a witness. Ho did not think , however , that the reference to Snydoriin the jurorHafii- davits were improper. "I will now tile a motion for arrest of judgment , " said Mr. Scovillo , " handing a document to the court. The court glanced at the paper , and said that it contained the same ground presented in the other papers. This was overruled and Scovillo took another - other exception. The district attorney then rose , and asked that sentence bo passed. Guitcau jumped up excitedly , and told Corkhill not to bo so fast about that. Ho said : ' 'I ' desire to ask your honor on my own behalf if there is anything further to bo done to pre serve iny rights in the court in bune. i ,1 , expect two or throe of the beat lawyers - / yors in the country to represent mo A ' there , but I " want the record perfectly Btraisht. " . _ _ _ _ . _ , -'eACoption sliull bo ro-j d , r replied the court. "How much time have I to prepare exceptions ? " asked Guitoau. "Never mind , " said Mr. Sroville , impatiently , "Wo haven't got to that yet. " After a brief colloquy it was agreed Hliat Mr. Scovillo should have until March 1st to prepare for the court in bane. "Wo may want six weeks , " cried Guiteau. "Ho still , "said his counsel , sternly. "I will not bo still , " was the nngry response. "lam going to talk as well us you. I am not going to leave tins matter to you. You convicted me by your nssinino stupidity and jackass theory. You seem to have no BOIIHO y und I don't want my cnso prejudiced * f ugain , and you had better keep still. " The prisoner said all this bawling at the top of his voice and pounding the table with his clenched fist. * "You had hotter " kccpatill , ronion- titrated a bailill' . "You shut up , " cried Guitoau , turn ing around savagely. "I will not bo still for you or any body else , sir. " In answer to a question by the pris oner the court aaid : "The sentence is passed and the cxoiition deferred until the court in bane has considered the case. " Guitcau did not seem to like this arrangement. Ho wanted the pass ing of sentence deferred. Ho jump ed up wildly when Mr. Scovillo es sayed to address the court and shout ed : "You keep your mouth shut. I do not intend to let you do anything else in this case. You convicted mo by your asainmu conduct und foolishness - ness hero. " His fnco became purple with rage and ho Hung hia arms wild ly around , banging his fist down vig orously upon the table. Ho contin- cd : "You canto into the case and have done all tint mischief , Your intention may have boon good , but I want brain and experience , not' in tention. Lot mo alone and I will pull through. You , air , " shouting at the ton of his voice , "got mo into this trouble. " [ laughter , ] Mr. Scovillo bore this tirade pa tiently. The bailiffs put the prisoner forcibly into his seat. Ho tried to atriko Tully but was overpowered The audience roue to BOO what was going on. The few ladies presou turned pale and the court crier shout od.for order. It was several minutes before the infuriated murderer was pacified. "Tho duly now devolves on mo , ' fi&id the district attorney , solemnly "to ask the court to pass sentence , " "I want your honor to defer tlm its long as you can , " shouted the prisoner onor in a terrified tone. "Stand up , " said Judgu Cox. Guitoau would not stand up , bu insisted on haying the pronouncing o the sentence' delayed , Ifo was finally lifted to his feet by the bailiffs , onoo whom stood on either aide of him am held him standing. "Havo you anything to nay , " asked the court , "why aontonco uhould not be pronounced ? "I am not guilty of the charge set forth in the indictment , " cried Gui teau , struggling to got hia anna frco. His guard * Kept a firm hold on him , but he managed at last to frco Ins riuht nnn and employed it in hisusuix stylo. He continued wildly : "Tin was God's net , net mine , nnd God wil tnko care of 1110. Every oflicor , every lawyer and every one engaged in in ; prosecution will bo cursed by th lyord for their conduct towards mo This nation will roll in blood if m ; body goes into the ground. The mill of the Rods grind alow hut they grim sure. Christ wan cruciUcd but Oo < did not forgot it. The destruction o Jonmk-ni forty years afterward showed that God got oven with then and ho will not oven with Corkhill am the othorB that prosecuted me. have no fear ot death. I am God' man and ho will taku caroof mo. " When Guitcau paused the court speaking slowly and solemnly , said "You have boon convicted of a crime BO terrible in circumstances that it lias drawn upon you the horror of the whole world , and the execrations o your countrymen. The excitement produced by sunh an offense inatlo il no easy task to secure for you n fair and impartial trial , hut you have had the power of the United States treas ury and of the government at your service to protect your person from violence and to procure evidence from all parts of the country. You hnvo had n fair and as impartial u jury iw over assembled in 11 court of justice. You liavo bueu defended by counsel with a y.oal and n devotion which merit the highest encomium , and I have certainly done my best to secure a fair presentation of your defense. Notwithstanding all this you have been Found guilt ) ' . It would have boon comfort to many people if the verdict of the jury had established the fact that your act was that of an irrespon sible man. It would have left the people the natisfying belief that the crime of political as sassination was something en tirely foreign to the institutions and civilization ofnr / country , but .ho result lias denied them that comfort and the country will accept as a fact that tliu crime can bo committed uul the court must deal with it by mposing tlio highest penalty known o a criminal court to serve as a wani ng to others. Your cose ( nut been so extraordinary that people might well at times doubt your sanity , but one cannot but believe that when the crime was committed you thoroughly understood its nature and consn- "I was acting us God's man , " cried , ho prisoner , "nothing but good came 'rom the act. " "And that you had moral sense , " continued the court , "and conscience enough to recognize the moral iniquity ) f such an act.1' "That's a matter of opinion , " inter rupted Guitcau , "Your own testimony , " resumed fudge Cox , "shows that you recoiled vith horror from the idea. You nay hat you prayed against it. You liought that it might be prevented. 'hia shown that , your conscience warned you against it. Hut in the wretched sophistry of your own mind you worked yourself up against this ilain protest of your conscience. What motive could have induced you 0 do this act must bo u uatUr of conjecture. Probably men will think there was loino political fanaticism , or that mor- > id desire for oxaltatSoi was the / ] J nspiration of the y&ryCar'ovm estiin.qny noomais \ contradict some of 10 theories of"your counsel. They iavo maintained and thought honestly hat you was druwn against your will > y some divine impulse to this act , nit your own testimony showed that 'on deliberately resolved to do it , nid that your own deliberate , mis- ; uidod wit was the sole impulse. That may seem insanity to Homo per sons , but the law looks upon it as a villful crime. You will have an yp- wrtunity of having any error J may nxvo comimlto < llurina the course of tour trial passed upon by thi > court in ) iuic. Hut moauwliilo it is necessary 'or mo to pronounce the sentence of ho law , and it is that you bo taken lence to the common jail of the Dis- .rict , from which you came , and there : o bo kept in conlinemont , and thaton Friday , the JtOth day of Juno , A. D. 1882. you bo taken to the place pro- larod for execution within the walls > f said jail , and there , between the loura of 115 meridian and 2 past meridian , you be hanged by the neck until you are dead , and may the Lord liavo meicy on your soul. " "And may the Lord have mercy on yours , " shouted Guiteaii , "and ho liad bettor have mercy on your soul , Mr. Judge , to this jury , and to every man engaged in my prosecution. I urn not afraid to die.1' Aa Guiteau was evidently ubout to branch out in another tirade of abugo and blasphemy the guards tried to force him into his seat. llo struck atTulloy again with hia list , und there was another scene of wild con fusion. "I won't sit down till 1 am ready , " ho bawled. "I know where 1 stand on this business. I nm hero as God's man , and God Almighty will curse you all. " The bailiffs tried to tug liim into his chair , but ho turned upon thorn like a wild boast at bay , life was finally seated , but could not bo kept nuiet , "Nothing but good , " ho exclaimed , "caiiio from General Garfleld's remo val. Everybody is happy lioro except a few cranks. " Mr. Scovillo took exceptions to the judgment and sentence of the court. The assassin broke out again : " 1 would rather a thousand times bo in my position than in the position ol these devils who are hounding mo to death , and I shall have n quick Ilighi to glory , and I am not afraid to o. Hut that man Corkhill is afraid. There will bo no lot-ii | on Corkhill and the other scoundrels They will have a permanent job dowi below , but 1 shall go to glory. When ever the Lord wants mo to go , I wil go. J shall probably bo hero u goo < many years yet and go to the white house before I go to glory. [ Laugh ter.J And don't ' you forget it , ye devils , " snarling und shukiiiK his ( is at the prosecuting counsel , "tho Lori will pull mo through. 800 if lie don't with the help of two or three of tin beat lawyers in the country , and al the men and all the devils in hull cai not harm mo. " Gui twin was ijuiot and composm when ho reached the jail after the nil journinont of court , Ho remarked the weather was bad und that the ex troine care the government was taking of him kent his feet dry on a etornr day like tlila. To a reporter ho do clurod that he was not surprised a the action of the court. " 1 did no expect Judge Cox would ( ( runt mo anew " said. "I did not think now trial , ho . , though , that lie would sentence me right off. 1 thought he would postpone - pone it for thirty days. " "Your hope is now in the court in bniic ? " "Vos , I Imvo no doubt but Hint they will hold this court hns no jur iidictiou nnd that this case cannot be tried hero. " "Then dn you expect to bo tried in Now Jersey/ / " "Oh , no. I can't bo tried in Now Jersey. It would be unconstitutional to twice jeopardize my life. Corkhill tjicd to put the case on"on the Now Jersey people and when they wouldn I have it , they went ahead here. That t. where wo got them. Wo did net raise the question of jurisdiction until lullin the case because wo wanted to shut off the New .Jersey people. If they nttempt to try me 1 will take the case to the supreme court and they will lot me go. " "What do you think will be the course of proceedings ! " ' The case will go up to the court in bane and be argued in May , I suppose , and decided by the 1st of June. I expect two eminent lawyers , and will bo all right yet. " While opening the prisoner's mail this afternoon Deputy Warden Russ came across a letter from Marietta , 111. , which contained the following message : "Here I send you some small pox. Tt is worse than the sen tence of .Judge Cox. Hub yourself with the seub and it will surely stop your gab. " In the cenore of the sheet was pasted something that look ed like a little black wafer. The let ter was burned. "I don't know but people think these letters tro right to Guitcau , " Biiid the wardon. "His letters have to pasa through the inspection of oflicors , and If there is any small pox virus in them , it might spread through the jail. " Four other letters said to rontain small pox were found in the mail from central Iowa , Chicago , .St. Louis , and one from Los Animas , N. M. The letters wore all anonymous. One let ter , supposed to bo infected , was re ceived from Stoubon county , N. Y. Both Scovillo and Guitcau have been vaccinated since , the "crank" fever has taken this form. WASHINGTON , February fi. Very few people went out to the jail to day. Guiteau was morose and did not euro to see visitors. His guards say ho tossed ubout uneasily in bed last night. His con fi ( Unit manner is leaping him , and his appetite failing. His fellow prisoners are speculating as to which of their number shall have the proud distinction of pulling the fatal ropo. Several have impor tuned tho.ollicials to allo v them to take an active part in the execution. Scovillo leaves for New York to night to attend to some private busi ness. From there ho goes to Chica go. Ho will return here in a fort night to prepare for proceedings in the court in bane. John W. Guitcau returns to IJoston early this week. - " CIIICACIO , February T > ' "mem bers of the various jintunl societies are aclivoly on .iged circulating a po- titioii a tiiig President Arthur to pp7"i'iiutb Guitcau's ' sentence for life , on the extreme humanitarian ground. t Gently Docs It. ' Kiigcno Cross , Swan Street , liulftilo , writes ; "I have used Sprint' Itlogxmn for cpsia nnil indigestion , and hare found t to net admirably as a gentle aperient nci blood purifier. I consider it imeqimlcd ; you nre at liberty to use my nanio ana eforcnce. ' " Price M ) ccntH. trial bottle * 30-lw GREATEST IlEMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption ia certainly the gieatebt nodical remedy over placed within the each of siill'ering humanity. Thou- lauds of once helpless sulloreru , now oudly proclaim their praise for this vondorful discovery to which they iwo their lives. Not only does it posi- ivoly euro Consumption , but Coughs , 2olds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Fluy nivor , Hoarseness and all affections of ho Throat , Chest and Lungs yields it once to its wonderful curative pow- sr : is if by magic. Wo do not ask you .o . buy n largo bottle unless you know what you aso getting ! Wo therefore earnestly request you to call on your Iruggists. IHII & McMAHON , and got a .rial bottle free of cost which will con- ince the most skeptical of its wonder- 'ul merits , and show you what a regu- ar one dollar si/.o bottle will do. I1 or sale by Ish & MeMahon. (4) ( ) NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Ciiro Guaranteed. Dr. K. 0. West's Nirvo ami llinln Treatment A specific lor Hjsterla , Dltxlnoss , Conuilblonii , S'crvom Ileadaihc , Meutal Depression , Lossol klcmoryjHpcrmatorrha * , Impolicy , Imoluntary Km'Hslons ' , Premature Old A no , caused t > y over- exvrtlon , "nil abuse , or over.lndulgenco , which loads to misery , decay anil death , Onu box will sura recent cases , Kn h box contains ono month's treatment , Onu dollar a box , or nix boxes far live dollars ; Bent by inall prepaid on receipt oi prlco.Vo guarantee eix boxes to euro any cane , With each order received by us ( or nix boxes , ac companied with flvo dollar' , will send the pur chaser our written L-uarantio to return the money II the treatment docs not eft ct a euro. O. F , Qoodmair , DruUt , Sole , Wholesale mid HeUII AKOIII , Oniuha , Neb. Onlerii by mail at regular price. iliwly Free to Everybody ) A Beautiful Book for the Asking. Uy aiipljlnif purwnallv at the nearest otltci ol TUB SINOfell MANUKAOTUHIMl CO. ( o by po Ulcard l ! t adUtanco. ) any iUULT per neil wll | tn > piusentcJ with a lieautllully Ilius rated copy of a New Hook entitled GENIUS REWARDED , OK T K STORY OF THE SEWING MACHINE containing a handsome and cottly steel engrav ing Irontlsplcrco ; alto , 2U fluclr engraved nooi cuti , and hound In an claliorate blue and Koli lltliojcnphod cover. Nu charyu whatovcr I * mad for thin handsome book , which can lie obUluci ouly by applltatlon at the branch and lubor dlu to offlces of The Blngti Manufacturing po , TI1K BINOEIl MANUrACTUUINQ CO. , Piluclua ! Office , SI Union Squire , New Vorl John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly ol OUbkJaooU , ) * UNDERTAKER In Host * of FnmUion lIoMcttcr'n Stomach Hitter * la M much regarded an a lioiiHchoM nccMtnlty uif r or coHre. The reason of thin U tliat lean of vxpcrluncu ham prouil It to bo perfectly rcllatilo In thopo canci ol emergency \Oicro a prompt and comcnlent rcm- Kly li demanded. Constipation. Ihcr complaint , iljBpciwIa. Indication anil other troubles ar oicri-omo by It. For Bale by all DrtiKl ; taiind Dtalcr , to whom applv for He tetter's Almaim" lor Ibitt. Gentle Women Who "mint glossy , luxuriant nnil vmvy tresses oi.'abundant , beautiful IIair must use JA'ON'S KATJiAIRON. Tlila elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy llalr is the sure result of using Kutbairon , Sioux City S Pacific THE SIOUX CITY ROUTE Huns a Solid Train 1hrouh ; ; fioiu Council Blutta tot. ! . I'aiil Without Change Time , Only 17 w ur IT IB ' iiiK HHOUTKST ' ' COUNCIL BLUFFS 0 31. PAUL , MINNKAl'OLIh DULCTH OH IJlliMAKCH nd all polnta In Northern Iowa. Minnesota anJ ) akota. Thla line la oquii'i ( i with the Impravi 0 fostlnghouuo Automatic Air-broke Dil llillo Platform Counter and Buffer : and for SPEED , SAFETY AND COHFOUT la unsurpassed. Pullman Palace Slocpln ? Car run through WITHOUT 01IANOK hctwcon Kan Baa City nnd St. 1'aul , via Council IlluiTs und Slonx City. Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer at Coun ell UlutTs , at 7:35 : p. m. dally on arrival of Kansas 'ity. St. Joseph and Council Illuffs train from the South. Arrhlnjc at Sioux City ll:3fi p. m. , uul at the Now Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:30 loon. TEN HOUItS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTIIKR KOUTK jCS'Ilcincinher In taking the Sioux City Route ou irct a Through Train. The Shortest Line , ho QuickuotTimo and a Comfortablu Hide In the ThroiiKh ara between COUNCIL HLUKFH AND ST. PAUL. fJTSco that jour Ticktti road > ia the "Sioux City and I'aclllo llaihoad ' J. S. WAT11.KS , J.U. BUCHANAN Uuporlntcndunt. Gcn'l Paad. Aucnt. P. K. UOlilNSON , Aes'tOcu'l 1'aaf. A t. , Mhmourl Valluy , lovta. J. H. O'CHVAN , SouthwcttoniAKcnt , _ Conncl HlnllH. Iowa 1880. SHORTJ.INE. I88D , KANSAS CITY , St , Joe Kouncil Bluffs U Till ONLY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDTIIUKAST From. Omaha and the West , No chuio | ol ran hctwcon Omaha /.rd s > . i.cul nil lint one between OMAHA -nil HKW YOKK _ . , _ . DailyPassengerTrams IHACIIIMQ ALL KAM'KHN AN'D WKSTIUIN CITIES with LKSii Oil AllO KS and IN ADVANC1C ol ALU OT1IKU LINKS. This cntr ! line U cqulppod vlth Pulluian'i Palace ttlecpliiK Can , Palace Day Coachra , Miller' * Scfetv Platfonn and Coupler , and the celebrate , ! Wratluirlintuo Air-brake. X-ff'Beti thit jour ticket rcada VIA nAN AP orrv , CT JoHiU'ii & COUNCIL BLLFFSJ null road , > la St. Jooi-ph and St. IxjuH. llckntti lor solo t nil couiioii btatlouu In the Wtwt. J , F. BAHNAKD , A O , DAWK3 , Oen. gupt. , St. JOMph , ilc ( Ocn. Paw. and Ticket Agt. , St. Joncpn , Mo. ANDT UOKDKN , llcket A ent , 1020 Karoham etrcot. A , 11. lUaiuui Oeneral Airent , OUAIIA.NK CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE * TRADI MARK Ttlu OrratTRAOK MARK - _ . Kiillahreiii- e.UAnun - falllni ; curd lor Seminal Weakneg ) , Spermator. rhea , Impotency - ency , and all ' " " " " " " " follow as a IUORETAKIIia. o'iuenco of AFTER TAIINB , Self 'Almiiu : an Ixjaaol Memory. Unlicrsal Lassi tude , Pain In the Hack , Dlmnru of VUlon , Pro- inature Old AKB , and many other BluoaKeii that load to Inuult ) or Conmtinptlon and a Prcuia- turodrave , C4TFull particular ! In our pamohlot , which o dnlro to send frt'o I v mall to everyone , Jens MrAiiLKH , ritoux bciuur , PiftUUnt. Vice Pri's't. \V S , Unsiirii , Bee. andTrcaa. THE NEBRASKA MANUFACTURING 00 Lincoln , Neb , MANUFACTL'ltr.llS OK Corn Planters , Harrow * , Farm Rollers Sulky Hay Raket , Ducket ElevatlnE Wind mllli , &c. We are prepared to do Job \tork and manulac turli'K for other lurtlw Addres ill Older * .VEUJIABhA MANUFACTVWNO CO J.1.NCOIN , Kt.S .Mrs , .1 0 Hol .rtflon , Plttihurc , Pa. , vvrltcs "I win dultcrlnir from general dtbHit > , wixnt ol ap petite , constitution , etc , no that life ua a bur den , after mlntf Ilunlock Illood Illttcri I felt hct- Icr than for j cars. I cannot pralso jour Hitters too much. ' It Olhhi. nf llnffalo , N. Y. , rites : "Vour Ilurdock IIICL Hitters , lu chronic diseases o ( the blood , liver a.J kldncvl , have been ult'nally marked w lib succcn. I have tucd tliLin injiefl with best results , for torpidity ol thollvcr , and In caiool a friend ol mine "jjprlng from dropiy , the iflcit was marvi'lotu."aiOi ( 'n3iB" lov'on ' : - - - - ' Iinieo Turner , Hochentcr , N. Y.iwrltci : 'I ha > c IJCCN subject to Bcrioni disorder ol the kldnojg. iiiduniblo , to attend to builnti.s ; Burdock Illood liittcrs rcliovod mo before hall nbottlu wai u cd I ftcl confident that Ihov will entirely cure me. " , K. Aiculth Hall , IlliiKhampton , N. Y. , writes. "I suffered with a dull | xln through inv ctt InriK and shoulder , Loit my spirits , appetite nnd color , and could with dillluiltv Keep up all day. Took jour Ilunlock Illood Hitters a-f dl- rc-cttd , and liavo-felt no pain since first \\cik al ter uslnir them. " Mr. Noah Kates , F.lmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four j cars ajo I had an attack of billons fever , nnd never fully reeovcrul. My digestive orirnna were vuakcncd , and I nould no lomplctvly pros- ; ratcd for days. Alter lining tw o bottles ol jour Iturdock Illood Hitters Hie Improvement was so vl iblo that I was abttiiilslii-d. I can now. though Bl years of ttgc , do a lair and rcasonablo daj'g work. C. Ilhckct lloblnioti , proprle'tor of The Canada I'rosbj terlan , Toronto , Out. , rites : "Kerycars I suflercd ( 'reatly Iroin oft-recurring headache. I useil jour Burdock lllool Hitters with happiest results , and I now find m < pelf In better health than for yuxrs | > aat. " Mrs. Wallace , Iluffalo , N' . Y , writes : ' -I have used Iturdock lilood Hitters for nervous and bil ious hcadachox , and cnn recommend It to anjono re < iulrinx a cure for bllllousncsa. " Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albanj' , N. Y , writes : 'For several joars I have sulTcrcd from oft-recur- rini ; billions headaches , dj-npcpala , and coin- ilalntH peculiar to my BOX. Since using jour Burdock Illood Hitters I am entirely relieved. " Price , 91.00 pei Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ctt FOSTEU , MILBURN , & Co , .Props . , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale bj Ish & McMahon and C. F. Jooilnmn. _ _ Jo 27 cod-me Tills ( treat iptclflc cures th-U most loathsome disease 'Wliotlior io its Prliunry , SocoiiJary or Tertiary Stage- Hcmovcs all traces of Vcrcury Irom the sjs teui , Cures Saoila , OI.l boiei , Uhcunia- tlsm , l > rcnia(7aurrh ( or anj Blood Disease. Curoa Wlion Hot Sprluc Fail ! Malicrn , Ark. , May 2 , IbSl Wo have casen in our tonri who lived at Hot Springs and were dually cured with S. S. S. McGAMVIO.N & MUKRY Memphis , Menu. , May 12 , 1SS1 Wo hnvo fold 1,210 bet lea of S.S. 8. in a year. It has given universal satisfaction. l-air jnlniled phjalcians now recommend it as a positive spcctllc. S. MANSMVLD & Co. Louisville , Ky , , May 13.1881. S , S. 3. has given better sat ! faction than any mcdlcino I hnioover sold J. A. FiitXNitn. Uonvei , Col. May 2 , 1881. Kvery purcha cr .piaka In the highest terms of S. S.S. L. Hlchninnd. Ya. . May 11,1881. You can refer anjboiiv tons in ruirard to the nerltH of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co. 'la o never known S S.S to fall to cure u cose f Syphilis , when properly taken. II. L. Dcm.aril. ) , r , . r-IIWarrcn. j-l'orrj.Oa. The aljoi o slKiiera aroKuiitleinnn of hlKh stand- UK A II UOLQUITT , Governor otOcorcl' ' . IF YOI' WISH WKV M.TAKE YtUHSK CA TO UK PAID FOIl W11KN CUIIKD. Write for particulars nnd ooiiy of little book 'MuBWvu'o to the Unfortunato. ' 81.0OO Rnward will bo paid to any ( .hemibt who will llnd , on anaijsls 100 bottles H S. 8. , onu jiartlelBof Mercury Iodide Potas sium or any Mineral substance. SW1HT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Cla. Price o' regular izo reduced to SI 75 per i ot tlo Small < ze , holdliiflull thu quantity , price , 81.00 sold by KINNAUI > & co. , and Druwlsts inerallj i. S T. JACKSON FLANiDR ! ( A Graduatu fioin the lnl\rielt\ Pcnim > l- \.ini.i at I'hllaiiolphlaof the Clas ] of 1S4H. ) enilira hit i > refer loiml fcriUcHtotlio citizens of Ointhit anJ all others ncoillnt , ' the Hamu , pro- illcalin ) , ' his claim thorefor from 40 jvars' ex- rlrnco , * UtM \eirx ol uhlih thno ho spent in uth Aineruu , lioin ulilili countrj he lianjuet ruturni'd , liulnln ; uhl'ttt ' In the pro\inecH many reimdl- for \arlotin illi'aMM coininon to this country frnm the native ! ) of the Ban e. The Doctor inaki'n n specUH.v of all Chronic ltiukOH , p.uticnUril > thofoolfcmalcH. llumay ! found at hit rooms at the I'lantcra' House , inrner of Oed u und Sixteenth Si reels. n'itc'Oil\\Mno ) uodlw * The Great English Remedy Never falls to emu Nervous Debilltj , V | . iul i\liaiistlori : , Kmls dons. Seminal Woak- .iesv .LOST MANHOOD - HOOD , and all the evil effects of jouttv | ( ul follies and e.\i-ea ' * . It stops pcmm nently all weakening , jinvoluntary loss sand drains upon the ajs tein , the Inevitable re * " " " " ult ol thcso il "J ; ev prac tices , which ure o destructive to mind and bodj and iVako Mo miserable , oltcn leading to In.ani- iy and death It alrenitheiis thu NervesDrain , ( memor ) ( Hloo.1 , Muscles , PU'ustlvo and Itcpro- ductUc Uri-in , It restores to all the organic Ittnctl'-ns their former > lror and vltillt ) , ma- Inir life cheerful and cnjojable , Price , gJ a bottle , or four times ue iiuamit ) jlO. Sent bj exproM , u-eure from obn rutlon , to anv address , on rtHclptof I'rk-e. No , t O D. sent , except on retcipt of $1 as a cuaratec. . Letters re- quettlni ; answers mtut jnvloso stamp. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pilla are the beet and ihe.MH.--t djaix-pila and btllloui cure in the nurkef. Sold bj id ) drusil ts. Prl to cenii. DR. MIMIK'S KlUMtv IlrvKUv , OrrnKTici M , Cure * all Ulndot Kldtiv ) and bladdercomplalntc , conorrbea , ulcct and leucorreca. For tale i } all " bottle. II MEDICAL 1NSTITUTK. HSOIheSt , bt. I.onU , Mo. Jiii25-lV FAST TIME ! In folng Kast take the CMcago&Nortliwest- crn. Trains Icive Oinalu 8 : < 0 p. m and 7:10 : a. m For full Information CAllon II. I'.UUKL. TltVet Aitwit , Uth and Karnhuu 8U J , HtLL , U. P. lt Wy Ik-pot , or at JAMES T CLAllh , Oentr , Omaha. Jallmte tf DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS , ARLINQTON , J. 0. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. STELLINIUS , Mllford , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , W. P.ELLIS , Oiceoln , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , 8trom lurj5 , No. . HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loultvlllo CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb GRAND CENTRAL e. . SEYMOUR , Nebraska Clty.'No MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WceplngWater.Neb- COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. ' GREENWOOD HOUSE , O. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbui , Nob. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atlclnion , Neb , MORQAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUBB , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Crcston , la , JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKINS & DRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , CEO. CALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , In , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. BURGESS , Ncola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl B.WILLIAMS , Harlan , In , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CUMMINGS , Corning , la , NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Stnnton , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllscn , la. PARK HOUSE , W. J. OARVIN , Corning , la , JUDKINS.HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvcrn , In. MERCHANTS' HOTEL , W , I. BOULWARC , Pacific Junction , la. . DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Idn Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , In M. & M. PEAVY , THE CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street. J.iniOeiHl-m&cGm -WHOLESALE- BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. rni-4-me IE1. O. 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Manufacturing Company , \ -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and fork The only and Uioiial plate that original firm of is giving for instance R o j o r s Bros. stance a single All ou > Spoons , Forks and plated Spoon a Knives . plated triple thickness with the greatest plate only on of cuo. Each the s e c t i o lot huing hung on a scale while whore expo d being plated , tc to wear , thereby insuru a full du making n single posit of silver or plated Spoon thorn. thorn.We wear as long 'as We would call a triple plated especial attention ono. tion to our sec- Rival. Oriout Tlooedi All Orders In th ( West should be Addressed to A. B. HUBERMANN Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , . . . . . NEB. SAUSAGES 1 Practical Sausage Manufacturer , ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES , Family orders attended to with despatch , and every thing promised satisfactory , I invite a call at No. 210 South Tenth Street. 'POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , IHNINO HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND. SCHOOL BELLS A. L , SRANG , 205 Farnham St. , Omaha