Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1882, Image 1

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Gould's ' Eecent Purchase Hoggin
a Bonus ,
The Scheme to Obtain Enor
inous Pay for Carrying
Mail Over the St.
Louis Bridge.
Eighty Thousand Dollars Pay
the Incidental Expenses of
Garfleld's Illness.
MUoollnnoons News FromtJioNn-
tlonnl Capital.
Nation * ! AaaocUtvd Press.
WASHINGTON , February 4. Ther
woa a long discussion regarding th
section of the post-oflico appropria
lion bill authorizing the postniastc
general to expend a nually horeafte
§ 25,000 for mail transfer over the , SI
Louis bridge. It is claimed that n
ordinary railroad rates are pai
through the Huosac tunnel , the Balti
more tunnel under the Susquehanna
arid other costly structures , there wane
no reason why extreme rates shoule
bo paid hero.
Mr. Robinson offered an amend
niont tcquiring mails to be carric
over the bridge on the fastest train
run over it without extra rates
Mr. Cameron offered an amendmon
in effect that hereafter when railroa
companies refuse to transport mail o
their fastest trains they shall bo required
quired to do so , and their pay for sue !
services reduced ono-half.
Mr. Mohnan oflored an amer.duien
requiring all railroads which hare received
ceivod grants of land to carry mail a
one-half price.
CAPITA ! . NOTES. Associate * ] Press.
WASHINOTON , Februarys. A dole
gution of Peunsylvaniaiis are here to .
secure recognition by the house com
mittco on claims of $250,000 in claims
awarded by the state committee to
people for damages inflicted by Leo1 !
army of invasion
The committee on expenses attend
in the illness of President Garfield ,
yesterday agreed to appropriate $80-
000 for these incurred by the sergeant-
at-arms. Dr. Bliss sent a statement
of services of himself and associates ,
leaving the matter of compensation
entirely wi'h the committee.
The committee on civil service re
form considered the proposition to
form a department of agriculture and
. ono of commerce , and favored , with
put action , a joint resolution request
ing the president to give notice to
Great Britain of the termination of
the provision of the treaty of Wash'
ington relative to fisheries.
Hon. D. B , Eaton .made aa argu <
inent on reform in the government
service before the senate cominitte on a
civil service.
The president has confirmed the
sentence of the court martial in the
case of the throolndian scouts charged
with mutiny ot Cibicu. They are
sentenced to bo hanged March 31. 11.
The monthly reports of the director
of the mint for 1880 and 1881 show
the character of the deposits of gold
at the mints and assay offices as fol
lows for 1880 : Domestic production ,
$3,537,454.85 ; United States coin$3-
709.824 ; foreign bullion , $20,531,975-
98 ; foreign coin , $42,729,789.13 ; jew by
elers' bars , $12,094,385 , ; total , $100-
378,703.20. The actual deposit of
gold of domestic production exceeded
the estimate made by Mr. Balentine
by over $4,000,000.
Up to the close of business yesterday
United States bonds had boon re
deemed as follows : One hundred and
fifth call , $19,280,000 ; 100th call ,
The orders to Lieut , J * . J. Brice , of
the navy , to the United States Ship
Independence are revoked and ho is
ordered to take charge of the naviga
tion department at Mare's islandCali , A
fornia. in
Last week it was charged on the
floor 01 the senate that the rules of
the postoflico department practically the
excluded clerks in ppstoflices and letter eral
carriers from" appointment from the The
class of Union soldiers. A resolution the
was adopted asking the postmaster
general to explain. Yesterday Post
master General Howe in a reply stat ire
ed that the rule , limiting the appoint . '
ment of clerks to a certain ago was revoked -
vokod in Juno , 1880 , and that he has
made an order that
any person over
21 , years of ago is eligible if other by ry
conditions are complied with to ap
pointment as a letter carrier.
The comptroller of the currency
yesterday received from the Eastern
national bank , application for the first at
subscription of $600,000 for the new
3 per cent proposed in the senate
funding bill. The bank now holds vh
nearly ? 500,000 in 3 A per cent The ap f
plication was referred lo the secretary. rihi
Severe Snow Storm. , f&
National Associated I'lfss. of
PJULADKUMUA , February 4. A lier
blinding snow storm , accompanied by
a gale of wind , has been prevail Do
ing since an early hour this morning , ti
and to-night the snow is over a foot
deep on a lovol. Travel by street ui
railroad has boon slow and thu streets Ire
are deserted by pedestrians. reo
Dispatches from Pottatown , Harris , ui
burg , Williamsport , Sunbury , Head nor.
ing and Pottsvillu , and the northern
part of the state generally , report
that the storm is extremely violent.
Mails will bo seriously delayed at
many points , and snow reported three
. feet deep. . ro
WAS'ciwo.s' , February J. WashIngton -
Ington has not for many years soon a
heavier snow fall than that of to-day.
The snow began at 3 u. ni. and con.
tinned steadily through the day , an
up to a late hour to-night , reaching
depth of from twelve to liftoon inche
on a lovol. Travel was greatly im
peded , street cars blwcknded and 01
some lines travel is entirely suspend
LO.MI BIIAMMI , N. ) . , February 4
The severest nalo and snow stern
BI inco the terrible gale of Februarj
ItJ , 1880 , has boon sweeping the NOA
Jersey coast since last night. Th
velocity of the wind at 4 a. in. wn
fl forty to fifty trilos ; at 6 o'clo !
it blowed sixty. Towards night th
storm increased in violence , llig !
tide is after 0 p. m. , but at o p. m
the tide was the highest known ii
years , The damage to the bluff am
dwellings fronting thu beach will b
great , the avenue fronting the ocea
being ftrewn with debris of roof
blown away. The beach is badly cu
for mile * , causing u toes of many thou
sand dollars.
NKW YOHK , February 4. A snp\
storm prevailed hero all day , begin
ningatOn. in. By Op. in. live inche
of snow had fallen. Later In the o\
oning snow began to fall again , and i
now a driving storm , with n gal
blowing. At least eight inches ha
fallen to-day.
POUT JKHYI , N. Y. , February4.
There is snow hero two feet deep o
u level and it is now drifting. Th
storm is extending along the Eri
railroad and so interferes with opera
lions that all trains but those in trail
sit with passengers and live stock ar
A severe snow storm is raging. Al
trains are blockaded on all roads ii
Ihis vicinity.
NEW LONDON' , Conn. , February 5.
Tlio heavy snow storm and north
easterly gale prevailed hero all night
.Boats of the Norwich and Stoningtoi
lines abandoned their usual trips.
LONO liiiANdi , February D. Th
country hereabouts is blockaded will
snow. Tlio heavy blow of yesterday
destroyed the now hotel of II. J. Dobbins
bins , of Philadelphia. It was 7t slO (
feet , the frame of which was being in
closed , and is a total loss with the exception
ception of broken lumbar. The Lon
Branch railroad and the New Jersoj
Southern division have been blockad
ed all day. The train on the Lout
.Branch division which left Now York
ut 0 p. m. last evening was abandonee
liero at 1) ) p. m. , and the passengers
cared for by tlio railroad people at the
Central hotel. Snow plows are en
deavoring to keep both roads open
ind the managers expect to have then ;
: lear by morning. The beaches are
Jadly out up.
NEW YOHK , February 5. The storm
lassod on" early this morning and the
weather is beautiful. Thormomotoi
at 6 a. in. , 30 ° ; at 3 p. in. , 1)2 ) ° , and
it midnight , 25 ° .
/ Fire * .
National Associated freu.
NEW youK , Fduraat ,4. , Airo to-
night in the - > nTe-st6ry cotton ware
house , 52 and 54 Greenwich street ,
caused an estimated loss of $65,000.
Eight or nine hundred bales of cotton
probably burned , and the greater
part of the remainder of 7,000 is
damaged five per cent.
PiTTSiiURo , February 5. Yesterday
fire at Four Mile , N. Y. , near
Uradford , Pa , destroyed the depot ,
telegraph oflice and adjoining build' '
ings. Loss , $15,000.
BAWIMOKE , February 5. Early
yesterday morning the residence of
. W. Campbell , coal merchant in
Baltimore , near Druid Hill park gate ,
was destroyed by firo. Loss , $60,000 ;
insured. The family made a narrow
escape by means of ladders.
WASHINOTON , February 5. Jeffer
son school building , Sixth street and
Virginia avenue , was totally destroyed
fire , cause not known , between 3
and 4 o'clock yesterday morning.
Loss , $130,000 ; insured.
WAUI-AC-A , Wis. , February 4. The
residence of J. Pope , seven miles
from this place , was burned last
night. Loss , $10,000 ; no insuranco.
DKTHOIT , Mich. , Februarys , Thu if
Nelson house , at Port Huron , was
destroyed by lire at an early Ijour yes
terday morning , and one of the guests it
badly hurt by leaping out of the win-
ilow. Loss , $ J,000. o
HIOHTHTOWN , N. J , , Februarys ,
disastrous fire broke out at 1 p in. .
Kearce's dry jjoods Btoro , in the
heart of town. Two stores and two
dwellings , Downs it Finch's factory ,
Knights of Pythias hall , and sev
small buildings are destroyed.
town having iu fire department (
flames raged until
assistance ar (
rived from Trenton. Ono hundred
hands employ'id by Downs & Finch
thrown out of employment. Loss ,
S.'K,000. )
BALTIMORE , Md. , February 5.
Sechler it Ililbrant's furniture facto
, No. 5 Swan street , was damaged
fire early this morning : to the
amount of about $7,500. Partially
insured. will
National Associated I'row
LONDON 1 , February 4. Yesterday
while Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan , n
tlio township of Ouro Doc , were
driving , a spark dropped from a
uhiinnuy and set fire to straw in the 10
wagon. ! The flinios caught ttie dress
Mrs. Sullivan and fatally burned if
DAYTON 1 , Ohio , February 5 , S.irah
Dooley , aged 80 , living on the charity '
the city , was fatally burned to-day
while endeavoring to extinguish the
llaines of some rags 'that hud caught
from a stove in her room. Her 10
Jlothing caught from the rags and
burned her in a most shocking man. '
About Going Under
ttlonal Associated I'rixw.
I'OUT WAVNE , February 5.-Evans ,
IcDonald it Co. , wholesale dry goods
on the verge of failure. Creditors
aye sent telegrams to close them up.
hey have boon
doing a business aver-
gmg 8500,000 on 50,000 , capital.
laViIitiea , 8150,000. lie
Proposing to Ohookmato England
in the East ,
By Taking Part ia the Settle
rnent of the Present Egyp
tian Question.
& .nd Intimating She Will Go
to War if Necessary to
Maintain Her Position.
The Fremont Mild Winter nni
Other Foreign Now * .
National Afwoclatod I'rcBS.
ST. PKTKHSiit'uo , February 5. The
Navoo Vremya , in cuniinontini ; upoi
the London and Manchester indigna
tion meetings ill behalf of tho.lmvs
denies the sorioiis charges broughl
against the Russian authorities , soldiery
diory and people , and says : "Tho
Jews have evidently sot themselves
to tie ! not very difficult tusk of exciting
ing Knglish opinion against Russia.
In this they m.iy likely enough suc
ceed , but the service they render
their eo-roligionists in Russia is a' '
least questionable. The Jewish question
tion hero is an internal one in the
strictest sense of the word , and no in
terference from without can or will bo
allowed. Its solution is not bo looker
for in England , but depends above nl
on the extent to which the Jews thorn
solves arn willing to abjure their pros.
out religious and social tendencies.
The Karaim Jews have never aroused
the poputoi hatred as ih 'ir brethren t
the Talmud , and if the present agita
tion in England shows that the latter
will not abandon without a struggle
the principle which leads them to ox-
plioit every one who is not a Jew , all
the worse for them. The Russian
government cannot make cor.cosHions
to this principle without serious inju
ry to the well-being and quiet of the
empire. " The Knr.iim Jews , existing
in' small numbers , chiefly in tlio
Crimea , and , comparatively speaking ,
but lately brought under Russian
rule , enjoy all the rights and priv
ilcges of Russian subjects , as the
central authorities took care to re
mind the people in a recent circular.
It is true they live peaceably enough
in Russia , and got on pretty well with
their neighbors , but the true conclu
sion to bo drawn is obvious , though it
may not suit the Navoo Vromya.
The tit. Petersburg Journal to day ,
speaking witli an air of authority ,
says ; that the settlement ot the Egyp
tian question will shortly become im
perative < , and will probably bo effected
by ; the great powers interested ,
namely ; Russia , England , F ance ,
Germany ; Austria and Italy.
The Journal goes on to
say that in the event
B0Oj England and Franco joint ! } , or
either ; of them taking a position an
tagonistic to that assumed by the
other great powers , the latter will in
sist upon their mode of procedure ,
oven at the risk of exciting the on-
nity of the other two.
The extraordinary warmth of this
winter season in St. Petersburg and
district is calling serious attention to
ho probable increase of epidemic dis
eases during the next few months , as
ho usual cold dry weather of winter
s immense importance here in con-
racting the unhealthy situation and
ho conditions of the locality. While .
hero is no winter to speak of in St.
'etersburg , the Trans-Caspian , where
he winter is usually very mild , is
his season visited by severe cold and
now. Working of now found nap-
lia springs has been stopped by it ,
and it is feared that the now Traim-
Caapian railway will have its
lirect communication with the son ;
ut off by the freezing of the >
Peasants have murdered six porous _ '
ous belonging to a Jewish family in >
-ho town of Proujau , in thu province
Grodna. They also outraged t'le
women. A renewal of the recent
nitbreak against the Jews is feared
Warsaw , and all Jews have boon is
n'dorod to keep within doors and also
close their shops General Igua-
iefi' , in receiving a delegation from
.ho Jews , said that he agreed to the
ormation of a Jewish committee to
ssist in the emigration of their rnce
ml also promised to open the western
rontier to Jews before many months.
LONDON , February 5. The English
earner Kosnio has foundered in the he
lack sea and twenty-four lives \vore
It is reported through Candahur
liat Russians have taken Merv , and
Iso that the ameer of Bokohara is
ead and that Russian oflicors have BO
usurped the government. 01
The queen's message on opening
jarliainont will deplore tho'continu. ha
nice of lawlessness iu Ireland , but boM
point to the hope that the aymp- M
oins are improving. She will ask wi
lie house of commons to give thu sub. au
cct its best attention , and also for the ve
ntroduction of bills looking to reform
the London municipality and
ounty government and the bank- Nil
uptcy Jaw , Only briei reference will
made to foreign affairs , declaring Ca
iat the government seeks settlement mt
the Egyptian question only on the he
msis of thu common interests of wi
Europe. sa
I'Aiti.s , France , February fi-- turu
'hrough the French ambassadors ba
the Vatican the pope denies that was
10 Holy See had any connection with lec
Union Goneralu , tin
An insurrection occurred atGeiiien , CO
irincipul division of Arabia , and thu pr.
'urkish troops have joined the iusur- tin
jents to hold chief towns. tin
OAIKO , February 5Six hundred " 1
dicers of tlio Egyptian army wont in used
body to the khedive's paluco and an
eclared that they recognized su/ur- is
inity to tlio khedive and Egypt. The isab
chedivo's guards joined in the demon. Utl
tration. that
Mahomed liroudi , thu now proai- and
out of thu council and minister of lec
interior , Las usviod tv circular in on
which ho promises an organic law ,
guaranteeing internaMonal obligations
and says that the government wil
meet the engagements of the public
debt , and also determine the limits oi
ministerial responsibility ,
LONDON , FqbruftryR.Advices fron
India state there is a serious de
ficiency in the crops in the provincool
Mysore , and fears of a famine in thai
section are already reported. Thi >
province has frequently been visited
by disastrous and long continued
famine , It has an extent of about
27,000 square miles , and is densely
populated. In favoinblo years the
province is extremely fertile , ami
yields the finest cotton grown in In
dia. The extent to which cotton is
cultivated limits cereal production in
the province , and there is seldom any
reserve of brcadstuffs left on hand to
provide against such contingency as is
now feared.
Railroad Mnttom
National gsoctatrtl I'rwn
NKW YOUK , February 5. At
President Dillon's office yesterday
it was denied that there is anything
in the reported consolidation of the
I'nion Pacific and Central Pacific.
At the Central pllico 0. P. Huntington -
ton , vice president , said the only
foundation for the report was the ( act
that consolidation was talked about n
your ago. There was then a differ-
once of opinion about value , and no
agreement was over reached , and for
several months the matter has not
been talked of.
CinuAdo , February 5. At the in
stance of prominent citi/.eius a call
.has boon issued for a state convention
at Springfield , March Ifith , to con
sider the railropd question. The idea
is to district the state and locate violations
lations of the tariff and other laws
with a view to their , 'prosecution.
NKW YOKK , February 5.At a
meeting to-day the trunk line execu
tive committee resolved that first and
second class passenger rates , east and
west bound , bo restored to the follow
ing basis on February Oth Chicago
to Now York , limited , $20 , unlimited ,
.except by the Pennsylvania
nnd Baltimore iV Ohio , which are
$20.50 ; second by all lines , $17.
Now England rates will bo imulu on
i basis of $22 , limited , Chicago to
Boston , via all routes crossing thu
Hudson river north of Now York city :
New England rates through Now York
city willbo made bya'dding Now York
and local rules and 75 cents transfer.
Pool Commissioner Fink says the
liree men selected as abitrators for
inal settlement of the freight war
lave accepted on condition that the
managers of the trunk lines accept
iboir decision. Their names are not
OAMUKN , N. J. , February 5. It is
understood that Messrs. Vanderbilt
and ( iowoii are endeavoring to secure
control of the Camden it Atlantic
railroad , which runs' from Ibis city to
Atlantic City , with the idea of m king -
ing connection with'Long ' Branch and
other watering ph' < % ; i via the Now j
Tersny Southern , in opposition to the ;
Pennsylvania. Mr. ( jowon will proba-
: jy ] bo elected a director of the road
at its next meeting ,
Roadv for Tiioiday'n Fight.
National Associated I'rt"u.
3Tnw OULKANS , February 5.Ar -
ruiigomeiits for the Ryan-Sullivan
ight are complete , but the utmost se
crecy is maintained as to the situation
if the battle ground. The govorn-
nent reservation at Fort Macomb ,
wenty miles from here , is supposed
.o bo the place. A train will leave
his city for the point at U a. m.
Tuesday. Roth Ryan and Sullivan
are in excellent condition and hk'h
ipirits. Evidently they moan fight ,
[ 'he former weighs 188 pounds , and
Sullivan turns the scale at 187. To
all appearances they are equally an
xious for the battle , and equally san-
uino of victory. Hotting is in favor
f Sullivan , 10 to ! ) being offered by
u's backers on the result of thu fight ,
5 to 50 that he will gut in first
lood , and 25 to 100 that ho will
knock Ryan out of time in eight
rounds or less. Tlio city is crowded
with strangers , who have thronged
hither to witness the fight. Sullivan
kept from all visitors except inti
mate friends , and they lire allowed to of
see him but a short time. Most of
his work has been in private , for the
reason ' , it is said , that he was practie
ing a'blow that might kill his oppo
nent. Ryan has reduced from 2'M via
pounds in two months' training. Ho a
thinks that ho never fell as near per bo
fect physically in his life , and is sure sic
Ciin whip Sullivan. He said ho El
had not sought the battle , but now the
that ho was in for it he intended to Hp
win it , and then never ru-entor the toi
riiii : under any circumstances. Ln
For referee no one has been sug a
gested except Sherman Thornton , of im
Chicago. ; fa
The rumor is untrue that Sullivan bo
boon arrested and placed under El
bonds. Tliis evening Hurry Hill and ki
party from * New York arrived to and
witness the mill. It is said the Sll
authorities will take no steps to pro * Jc
vent the fight.
- ha
Oicar XV lido
National Auaoclatod 1'rcni.
NKW YOUK , Februuiy 5 , D'O > 1 } his
Carte has resigned thu autivu manage
ment of Oacar NSilde's affairs , that is ,
simply makes terms for Wilde mi
with lyceum bureau managers. Carte na
saysho'was ; offered 81,500 for one loo- nij
in Chicago , and ho closed the
bargain quick , a > > that was more than Cr
cleared from Wilde's Now York to
lecture. There IH quite a demand for bu
young man from managers of ly- vie
ceuin I courses , who regard him us a and
profitable . curiosity. Everywhere in \ ecu
east ho in thu laughing stock of
audiences. I'ooplu go to sou him cu
apparently for the same reason they ing )
to attend the dramatic perform inTl
ances of the late Count Juunics. Ik Tl
conceded that he has considerable saw
ability , but ho in so very soft , and so ita1Di
utterly lacks strength of character , Gt
; ho cannot help making himself Lee
his "inovoinonta" ridiculous. Ho
lectures in Chicago on l' < o 13th hint ,
the English Renaissance.
Jesse Crawford Miotod for the
Long Pine Murder ,
- -
Progress of the Work of Thin
niug Out the Graveyard
Insurance Companies.
Philadelphia Republicans Hold
for Committing Frauds nt
a Primary Election.
Criminal NOWH of the Day Gener
S | > < -d l DNpitcli toTlie Moo
O'NKiLCirv , Nob. , February .
The Holt comity grand jury to-da ;
indicted Jusao Crawford for murder ii
the second degieo for the killing o
Hartley Kane at Lone Pine in Docein
bor last
National Ammciatctt Prn
LKIIANON , Pa. , February 5. The
receiver , appointed by the courts to tuku
charge of and write up thu afi'airs o
the World Mutual Relief association
a graveyard concern , has concluded
an . . inventory and hnda there is vor >
little loft to diRposn of. The tota'
auia luiiijulnu > tbuul 8,000 , whioll
will hardly pay the o p'H8i8 ( ! incurred.
The policy holders number about 1OOC
and will got nothing. They have pniil
in already over several hundred thou
sand dollars , out of which but few
assessments have boon paid. The
oflicors of the company Roubuii
Hobb , president ; H. Bowman , secretary
tary ; E. Hilibort , general auent , and
the directors , 11. Lorodo , Thomas Lo
redo , Adam Forney and George Iml > eden -
don have boon put under bonds for
conspiracy to defraud policy holders.
Several more of the grave yard com-
tanies which have headquarters in
: his county , will shortly como to grief ,
as policies are falling'duo and they are
niablo to pay.
PiiiLAiiKU'iiiA , February 5. War
ants have been issued for the arrest
if John O. Hermann , John N. Cohen
ind James H.irry , election officers in
ho Twelfth ward , on the charge of
lorpotratiug frauds at the recent re-
Hiblicmi primary election , and of not
laving been duly sworn as election
In the burglary case rupor ed yes-
erday the defendants have been cuin-
nitted to prison without bail. Thu
, eels which were captured fit the
narks in the doors and shutters of
sororal residences in Philadelphia and
3aindcn , whore burglaries have recently -
contly been committed , and the large
luantity of silk and jewelry given up
by the prisoners has boon identified
by a largo number of oflicors.
Before Judge Brings yesterday on
investigation , was hnd relating to the
impersonations , of tlio colored boy ,
Alien Harris , before the grand jury ,
and the assault which was made on
the ollicors while attempting to servo
process on the impersonator in the
basement : of a house on Lombard
street. This wna the case in which a
mob of colored people put a
posse of oflicors lo llighl onVodiios -
day evening. Tko investigation
was protracted and resulted in John ,
W. Harris being hold in $1,000 bail
for impersonating and assault , and
Jno. E. Johnston in the same amount
for conspiring to personate and persuade -
suado witnesses from testifying bo
fore the urand jury. A largo mini-
bor of colored people concerned in <
thu affair have yet to bo arrested.
GALYKHTON , Tex. , Februarys. The
Mexican NOWH says the ox-editor of
the Trial D'Union and a young aristo-
tml fought n duel. The editor was
fatally snot near the heart.
The celebrated bandit Juan Tala-
maiitus was shot and killed by the
cavalry at Piedr.iH Negras. In the
same town the jail guaid persuaded a
prisoner to escape and when ho did so
the guard shot him dead. of
AUSTIN , Tux. , February 5. The
district court at Rio Grande City sen
tenced ( Juice Uainirur , the murderer
Prof. Lindsay , and Satapino
Sifuunotos , the murderer of Marcos
liraco , to bo hanged February 21th ,
CIIKJAIIO , February fi , Private ad
vices < from Hrownsvillu , Tnxas , report
bloody I encounter near iianta Maria
between a party of Mexicans on ono in
side and Sheriff Boyto and posse and
Electrician Summers of Chicago on
other , The latter party were in
specting a route for the proponed ex
tension of the Western Union lines to
Laredo. Enrouto the sheriff received
warrant for thu arrest of two crim
inals. Ho tracked the latter to a
farm : house , but before an arrest could
made the criminals , Jose Maria
Klizado and Folicita Lopez shot and in
killed ! Francisco Flare ? , Momora Koaa
Leonard Floron. The sheriff
succeeded in shooting and killing
Jose Maria Elizado.
BIIOOKLVN , Fobwaary 5. Charles o
Sachs caught two boys for snowballing
last evening. While struggling with
them Thomas Tyrell passed and struck
with a hammer , fatally fracturing '
skull. Tyrell lias not been found.
ATLANTA , February 5. Kd. Gun- "
niiigham cut thu throat of a negro
named L. Thomas in Worth county
night before last ,
Loi'iKViLLB , February . ' ) , -Ellis
Craft wan pronounced gtiiltyof murder
to-day in the circuil court at Cutlotts-
burg. Thin is the second party con
victed of participating in the outrage
murder of the Gibbons girl al
Ashland. The penalty is death.
Four men were sentenced in the
circuit court in thin city to-day , hav
been convicted of manslaughter
various degrees. Also to the pen :
Thos. Ash , for killing James Brad-
; Goo. Ililoy , for killing Anthony
Dumas ; Harry Young , for killing Goo ,
Goru , and LOUIM Kohror , for killing '
Merrill ,
NKWAHK , N. .1 , Fobruarv 5 , Anther if
thor doficil of $5,000 was discovered UHO
yeatorday against ox-Auditor Palmer.
The total stealings of public ollieiali
in the last six months is $5,000,000
PtTTSiH'HO , February n. Miller
postollice registry cloik , defaulter ( <
the amount of 27,000 , was released
on bail yesterday.
OTTAWA , 111. , February 5. The ease
of Miss Fannie L. Cavarty vs. Dr. . ) .
11. Campliold , which linn boon on tria
in the circuit court for two weeks ,
terminated by the jury bring
ing in a verdict of damages a1
$50,000. Miss Cavarty claims that
while on a visit to the doctor's office
in 1870 for the purpose of having a
surgical operation performed she was
drugged and while in an unconscious
state the physician outraged her per *
son , and that as a consequence she
was delivered of a child.
MII.BANK , 1) . T. , February 5. The
county seat contest of Grant county ,
which was decided in favor of MJIba
tin aiminst Big Stone City , is still con
tinued by an armed mob of , ' 100 nior
at Big Stone , who swear they wil
shoot the first man who attempts ti
remove the safe containing the records
of deeds , etc. The streets are barri
caded with bales of hay mid pickets
on duty night and day to watch for
Milbankors , who are expected U
swoop down any moment.
CLINTON , la , , February 5. Lasl
night two masked men entered the
Chicago A : Northwestern depot al
Lowmoor , gagged and tied K. Mc
Neil , the operator , to a chair am"
took his , gold watch , revolver , twontj
lollaiH and alio forty dollars belong
ing to tlio companies' freight and
ticket receipts , while u third guarded
nitsido. This was McNeil's ' first
light. While gauged ho freed ono
land and telegraphed what had trans-
lirod to the homo of the day opera
MILWAUKEE , \\'is. , February 5.
Anti.n Gaudymski was to-day con
victed in tlio criminal court of Imv-
ng slaughtered folly diseased hogs
and placed them on the market for
sale. The infamous act had no mili-
jating circumstances. The penalty is
i fine of from $10 to $300 , which is
, 'ory alight for so heinous a crime.
[ t is believed this business is carried
in to considerable extent both hero
and in other cities , and that much
licknoss is propagated in consequence.
PiTTHiii'itn , February 5. A Chinese
; ambling dun was raided to-night by
.ho . police and about a do/.un celestials
vero arrested. They all claimed to
bo lookers on. Wall Lee , the pro.
iriotor of thu establishment , was at a
Molican" Sunday school when his
shop was pulled.
Sr. Louis , February fi. While
Officer Toubleaux was attempting to
arrest a gang of roughs this evening
ho was knocked down and dangerous
ly hurt. Thu officer then shot and
fatally wounded .John Mackay , one of
the gang.
OmuAuo , February 5. Win. Mix-
toll quarreled with Thomas Barry this
evening about some trivial matter ,
when Barry stabbed Mixtoll throe
times , inflicting dangerous wounds.
National Associated I'rosa.
CITY OF MKXIOO , February 5. A
dispatch from Guadalajara flays the
election difficulties in the state of
Jalisco ( are increasing , Senor Iliostra
has boon appointed by the legislature ,
controlled and upheld by the federal
government . , but is not recognized by
the people , who refused to support
him. . Senor Iliostra has surrounded
hinmolf at the palace and has boon
issuing proclamations to the different
cily i councils , requesting their recog
nition of his right to the executive ,
but as yet has not locoivod a single
favorable answer , II is stated Senor of
Uiostra has expressed his intention of
abandoning the governorship if he )
does not receive favorable answers of
from city councils , to whom
ho addressed his proclamation. From
expressions of opinion in this city and
news from different towns and cities
through the state , opposition to him
aooms to bo pretty general all over the
Cirv OK MEVIOO , February fi.
Senor Itiostra , governor of the state
Jalisco , has telegraphed the secre
tary of war for troops to quell the ro-
hellion in Guadalajara , the state capi
tal. The president and cabinet have
refused to grant his request , stating
that mioli action on thu part of the
government is unconstitutional ; thai
the federal forces can only interfere1 in
cases of revolution , and this is only a
question of which of tlio legislatures
Uio slate is legal. The matter will
come before the federal senate for dis
cussion and adjudication. Governor 1
llesitra has boon impeached by the o
opposition legislature , Tlio report
thai ho has boon imprisoned is denied.
Gen , Toloiitiiui' commander of tlio
federal forces in the state , haa boon
instructed to preserve order , but to
hold strictly aloof from interfering in
behalf of either party. All business
Guadalajara is ut a stand-still ,
The Dying Actor.
National Associated I'ros. .
February 4. Much
thu surprise of physicians there :
was a alight improvement in thu con-
ition of .Jno. McDonough , the actor ,
Ins morning , During the day , how-
ver , ho suffered u relapse. At 11
'clock to-night it was reported in the
ity that he was dead , hut inquiries
the li ct llial this
uvolopud > was pro-
laturu , although his condition at
liat hour was such that his demise of
vas looked for at any moment , > f
February 5 , Jno , n
iIoDoiiougn was still alivu at inid-
ight to-night. At u consultation
liis morning tlio physicians agreed
jiat dentil would result from starva- in
ion rathur than through thu cancer
euching febo vitals , the condition of
inoutS rendering it impossible to
dminuier nourishment. In his do
irium ho imagines himself on the
tago and fulfills las cast inM'Iiss arid
othur plays.
A Marvolonn Cure of
'or all bodily ailment * , urUItij ; fioiu fui
nirlty ( if blood , u torpid llvor , irregularity
thu bowel * , luillgeutlon , cuiittliuitlon , or
llBordored kidnoya. U warranted iu u free
Of ] llUIKCK ) IlLOOl ) JIlTTEIW. 1'rlco
11,00 , trial alz 10 c nU , SO-lw
Finding the Boilios in the Mid
lothian Mine ,
The Shaft BO Filled With Deb
ris That lilntranca ia Al
most Impossible.
But the Hnrdy Miners Succeed
in Recovering the Remains
of a Few Comrades.
Showing Evidnnoo of Suffocation
From the Qnii of the Exploiilon ,
National Atnoclatnl I'reM.
IliriiMONii , Va. , January 4. No
IIOWB of a hopeful nature has been ro-
coivoil from the mtnu horror in Ches
terfield , It has so fur boon found im
possible to roach the point in thomino
whuru the explosion occurred , but
Superintendent Dodds , with a willing
force of minors , ia exerting every possible
sible rll'urt to nmko nil entrance into
the hill. This , however , is feared to
bu n ililliotilt task , nn nil the nmchin-
ory in the shiift win demolished by
the explosion and but very little can
bo done in the way of roaclnng the
unfortunate victims until aonio of the
apparatus , particularly that used for
furnishing fresh air , is replaced. Not
oven the most sanguine indulge tlio
liopo that any of the inon will bo rescued -
cued alive , as these , if there woroany ,
who survived the shuck must necessarily -
sarily bo suffocated or burned to death ,
or even if escaping they must starve
liuforo assistance can reach thorn.
Many of the victims of the frightful
lifwstor were married and they leave
n some instances large families tm-
iruvidcd for.
Up to I ) o'clock this evening all at-
einpts to got into Orovor shaft of the
Midlothian coal pita either to rescue
vny of tlio living thirty-two men en
tombed there yesterday or rescue the
iiodies of the dead , of which latter
alter there is doubt , have boon
; hwartod by the noxious and deadly
U.SOH. The appliances for descending
nto the lirst vertical shaft , ( iOO feet
deep , wore not destroyed , but when
-he explosion occurred yesterday it
caused displacement of n great many
if the interior .supports of the mine ,
iii'sidos cutting oil * ventilation and
clocking up the causeways leading to
ho minus. It ia now ascertained that
twelve of the
unfortunate minors wore
white and twenty colored ; twenty-six
if thorn bad families. Knowing from
experience tlio dangerous character of
such explosions as occurred yesterday
.ho relatives of the buried men have
resigned all hope of seeing them alive
again. All of thorn resided in the im
mediate vicinity of the abaft. One of
the unfortunates was a BOH of the man
killed in the name pit by a similar explosion -
plosion in 1800 and that man was the
. , . -
In the nkmf J&&I.Y
JlioiiMoNi ) , Va.'Fobruary 5T Th
najority of the uninjured coal minors
lavd remained from early dawn to
day about the month of the shaft at
Midlothian. Theno surviving minors
lave boon anxious to do something
o rescue the bodies of their late com-
ades. Late on Saturday evening a
irokon batticp , through which pure
air waa forced into the mine , was re
paired , when a body Hint of a cul-
irod minor-- was found some distance
rom the foot of the shaft. None of
ho efforts made to-day wore miccess-
ul in piuiutratinif far past the bottom
the shaft until a deputation went
down at 2K ; ! ) o'clock , when the body
f another man , supposed to bo that
the colored fireman , Sununols ,
vaB discovered. The man had evi
dently been killed by the after damp.
The Jonmiotto.
fatlotml Attsoclatcd I'rcm *
WAHIUNOTON , February ! > . Socro-
ury Hunt yesterday received tlio fol-
owing oableuram from J nines ( inrdoii
iennett , who is now in Paris :
Permit mo to suggest in reference
0 the request of Lieutenant Danon-
lower to go back to continue the
loarch , that in view of his condition
10 could be ordered homo. If he ro-
rurns to the north there is strong
Hissibibility of his losing liia eyes
mtiroly , but on his nay home lie
could have the best medical attention.
ind perhaps gain the UHO of both eyes.
or does it seem to mo necessary to.
Bend himorany ollicers from America.
could only put the government
necessary expense. An I have al
ready sent a man who is now on the
vay to Irkutsk and Mr. Leborakoir
mving kindly placed his steamer
jona ut my disposal , the search for
3o Long and the ship with
ho assistance of the Russian
authorities and nation will bo con-
inuod with all possible energy and
ellicienoy at tlio earliest practicable-
noment. If Danonhower and the
nvalida under his charge are ordered
tome I will BOO they have all possible
are and the best medical advice oiu
ho way , I maxc the suggestion en
tirely without Danonhowor'B knowl
The Hocrotary replied lust evening
hat ho had eont orders for the return
tome of Danonhowpr according to his.
IJuimott'u ) suggestion ; also sent two-
non to help as necessary in the cost.
injury to MolviHo and an a mutter
duty from the navy to its ollicora
NKW YOKK , February D. Lieut. .
jilea B. Hart sailed yesterday in the ?
lennuiiionndMiiitor William Sohullct *
thu Odor. Tlwy meet in London
ind proceed lo assist in the search fo'r
he crow of the Joaunotto ,
NBW YOHK , February 5. Tlio
Imdies discovered in the ruina of thu
World building yesterday wore those *
Alfred W. Harris , Joseph Cun
niugham and Robert Tread way , The
report that the body of a woman waa
found was a mistake caused by the
Binullnoas of tlio bodies and charred ,
bond ,