6 'THE OMAHA DAILi BEE : SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4 , 18 2. P , T , MAYNE , &Irvnngcr Council DlufTs Clrculixtlor COUNCII.ai.UFFS , IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS. OQlco : Koom Flvo , Evorott's Block , Brondwar. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. A notable wedding Is on the tnpls ( or to-morrow. The outgoing trnln this ivlUrnoon for the c.vt IK over the Chicago , Hurlington < t Qulncy road. The bricVUycrs nm ! miuons mwt this evening ftt .Tolin LiniitV office to perfect the organization of a union , Justice Abbott yestcnky tied the knot which made Wni. H , liydo and M ! t Isabella Lee partners for life. The Ancient Order of United Work men expect to occupy'the new hall in Uutnham'H block Momlny nigbt , The colored voters nnnnnncc n moot ing next Tuesday evening to consider mai lers of Interest concerning the coming elec tion. Atkinson'fl Jollities nrrivsd yc tcrilay and booked thcmsclvcn at the Ogdcn bonne. Laot night they nppeared heforo n largo mnlienco nt Dolmny'n. The committees of the Council lilulfH and Omalm boards of trntfo meet in the latter city this afternoon to confer con * ccrmng the proposed wagon bridge ncrow ; the river. The circuit court had ltd time taken np yesterday with the case of the Klrat National Hunk vs. Johnson & Oo , , the arguments being commenced yesterday afternoon. It Julys to renovate and rojnvcnnto. Since Mymtor K Adams have refurnished their law olfice they have captured u client having n million ot money , and so eccen tric an to pay cash for ecrvices rendered. I'hilliji Kentz has hecn grantcil a dl- vorco from his wife , the latter not appear ing in the district court to defend it. The charge of incest placed against the wifc'a jiamowas the foundation of the claim for freedom on the husband's part. IH it poRsihlo that thoscliewo f or tart- ing a wagon and carrifgo factory hero is being allowed to slumber itself to a , still death * A plan that is worth taking hold of ia worth lunging to , anj should be pushed to speedy and Hiiro NUCCCSH. The present city government will have a good deal of figuring to do between now and election to get up any sort of a flnnn- cial allowing which will prove satisfactory to the citizens. Tlio iiicricx | and scarcli for facts nre.arising thick and fant , Frank French still languishes In jail , JIo ii charged with having stolen , last No vcmber , SIM from W. V. Kdgar , of Har Ian , with whom ho was Bleeping at n hotel in this city. Word has been sent to Mr , Edgar that French has been nabbed , but no response received. Mr. Brad Smith , of the Biggs House , lias commenced suit against I. Strong foi an unpaid boardbill , and the latter liai put in n claim on the other hand of SUX damages for falno imprisonment , ho bavins T > een urrested and jailed cm Smith's com plaint. This alight mutual difference wil form a nut for n jury to crack in Justla Balrd'u court next Tuesday. The mayor says the Hcrdic line wll be started us soon aa the other Herdlcs now on the way , arrive , and that ho I now getting harneu'.es ' changed over fo Kinglo horses to draw them. This is th only crumb of comfort that there is afloa at present for those who have ptirchosei tickets by the bunch sometime ago , am who are now anxiously waiting fora chanc to use them. An indication of how quickly house for rent are taken up occurred near th school house on the bottom the other da ) Two men concluded to build five cottngei nnd in the morning went down to stall out the lot * . Jteturning in the aftornoo they found blx other men waiting to rei : the proved houses , and ono went HO fi as t pay a month's rent in advance , thur not having been a stroke of work don It will bo some time yet before they ai completed , but they are nil spoken for. I. Justice Tralnoy rises to explain tin lie did not n .e any undue intimidation 1 making Mr. Halit turn over to him tl order Mr. Long had placed in the lattoi possession to nettle sundry bills with , Tl justice says the only thing douo on Ii part was to issue a warrant for arrest f contempt of court , and demand the ord of Mr. Halst and , that the Utter up > npjicaring gave uu the order , and took receipt therefor. Mr. Halst BOCUIS to 1m got into a bail pinch , nevertheless , In ha ing a finger In Tong' buginiMM , us ho h the burden of the other garnlshocs to bci -Nettle King and Blanche Dare , i account of whose arrest wui given in yi tcnkty'i BIT , Btill refuse to B , , acrosn t : riv r to appear as witnest.es . Jutho ICosto murder case , of which they are suppc * to know more thnn they oem Inclined UI1. They nre kept under the charge an officer at one of the hotels , while t : necessary wiulsitluns ure bolus nbtalnc One of the pair cooly remarked , "Th cm take UK over the river , I auppoje , I they cau't make us talk. " Thu girls t evidently not in the best of nature and t parently Intend to prove as obstinate pomlble. A most Ingentou ! and curious clock to be seen at L. H all's , No. li2 ! Bro , way. It represeots a church with a b upon whose waters appear a nhp ! motion. A windmill , a bridge will ; train jaMlng over It , a balloon sail through the clouds , a village on the bai of the lake , in fact life U made to app in all forms nnd ia motion. The cl was manufactured In 1'ariii , and at gi expense. Tills clock is to be rallied off the evening of the 18th lust. , thu conn tee Chosen being W. 11 , Vaughnu , J. GI ucn , Conrad Oeluc , J. Keil , W. Sictenl and 0. BarxhauMiu. Two fttinllicd occupying the HI bouse in Baptown have had some d culty In preserving the peace , owing 1 I the juarelling of the children , who in crowded condition of uffairn ore tlin wo closely together In the day tluie t when night cowen they have many # rl i to narrate to their re jxjctlve ft SUBSCRIPTION RATES COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. By Carrier , - - 20 Cents per VVook. , By Mall , $10.00 per Yonr. erii. Tlic Kfllletrmil of tfcc'o causes lliofftllicr to quarrel , nncl lust Sun day onc-yf them , .Tack Scntt , wns nrrestcd ( or MMiuiu The cane \vni continued un til next Tncwlay on I he iiromlso of jicnco liclnc ? kept , but wnr has broken out n ftln , nnil nil rmmU nro ( inlly Inking n clutter , causing the oflioors to run down there f re- fluently to quiet mutters. Keeling on both MdcH i Hi > cnnKrom ! word * to blown , ixnd cnch side In roelanB to net those or the other arrested. A BAND OP BOYS. They DlBccurso Excellent Music and Give the Promise of Still Better Things. Thia city lias in its inidBt a youthful musical drganii'.ation , which liaa boon quietly nnd modestly at work for sonic montfcs , but , though dofiorvirig of it , has neither sought nor had public notice. The orgnntailion is nt present known as the Council Muffs Hoys band , nnd consists of fifteen incinbora , who rfro anppliod with excellent in- strurncnts , and by their persistent practice liavo boconio quite proficient. This band commenced only last July. Prof , llerry being the organizer and instructor. The boys nt that time know nothing about music , but they applied themselves with a will , and under his able instruction have gained BO much is not only to reflect great credit upon him but to entitle them to honor. The members of the band are all boys , their names nnd instruments being as follows : A. A. Covalt nnd John Koslor , K 11 cornets ; Frank Withcroll and Julius Goldstein , H 1 } cornets ; 1) . D. Pattern nnd Alva Me- Callcstor , K B tromb nos ; Hurt Toa- levin , I' ] It alto ; Charlie \Vurd and Charlie Green , B B tenors ; Hugh Drown U B tronibono ; I'Ved ' Tickner , IJ base ; Arthur Spare , EJitubn ; 1'res Clark , snare drum ; Charlie JIarter , bass drum ; Jim Baker , cymbalH. These boys moot for practice twice a week , and have now a repertoire of about twonty-iivo pieces , and are taking up new ones with readiness. Last night the representatives of the press dropped in upon them nnd were delighted with the mimic given. In time , particularly , the boys arc nboul perfect , and in hitrmony they an doing Homo excellent work. It is tin intention to soon t procure unitorniH and their public appearance is not fai distant. Among the plans on foot it one for attending the firemen's tour namcnt at Muscatine next June. TWO PICTURES. A StrmiRO ContriiBt in the Life of Om of Council Blull's' Citizens. One of the old residents of this city now enthusiastic in church work , am of respected standing , narrated th other evening at the Broadway Motho dint church a change in his own mun nor of living. Ho pictured two scone quite glowingly. One of them wa years ago , when he , a young man was allured into the "Ocean Wave , which tlion stood on the present sit of the Methodist church. In thi "Ocean Wave" ho became channel with the flash of a fast life , and wai led into n life of gambling , which In kept up for years. Ho finally sav that there wore two sides to a gam blor'H life , and that while one wa brilliant and seemingly jolly , tin other was shadowy and sad. Whil in one of his dejected moods h strolled into a religious meeting am there became convinced that the ben thing to do was to quit and lead a dil fcront life. Now after the passage t years ho wan standing on the old sit of the "Ocean Wave , " and was prnj ing and pleading nnd taking ran among the godly. Ho said ho soldo ! entered this church without being n minded of the two strange contrnsl in his life , as suggested by the bit ( ground on which two such strange ! different buildings had boon erectc on the same place , PEIISONAL. Minn ( inimon , who broke her arm by fall at the Itevoro honso , la getting aloi nicely. City JuilerMcCliiroaiull ! > ctecti\c.slIu7 < nn 1 Nollgh , of Omaha , were In the cl yesterday. Mm. Drown , wife of Foreman lirow u ( The Nonpareil bindery , who him be nick fur Homo time , MKH ! Slu'pliord 1ms taken tlio position teacher In the lirnt grade of the Streu \IUoBchool , to ( ill the vacancy caused thu rculgnttlon of Mini Slytvr. O. It , Woodward , of Clinton. Wis. , n hit brother , arrived in thu city yestordi nnd made headquarters at thu I'ncll They nro looking over the city with t . idea of HtartiiiK in thu wholuialu dr Inmitiemi hero. Newly Mntoa. 0 There was n happy gathering frioiula ut thu liouso of A. E. Slyt ( l on Mynstor street between Boron and Eight streets , Thursday ovonii the occasion buing thu joining nmrriiigo of his daughter , Miss Kmi .1. Slytor , to Mr. J. J. Stowart. T cuni | > any numbered about twont thu invitationa boin limitud io t ke rolutivos nnd u fuw intiinuto frioin | n Hov. 1V. . Brosoo , pastor of t a Muthodist church , olliciatod , n after duu uxprusaion of congratu lions and woll-wishi's , the coinpa wore served with tempting n abundant refreshments. The now ! married ones wore rumomberod bj sat largo numbur of beautiful and HI on atantiul pruuents , it. Mr. Htowart ia a young attorney ill- ability nnd proniiso , und is n gradn of thu uUto university. She wh ho has wed is a graduate of the h me scliuol of tins city , and has served Hi. about five years most acceptably ai Hi.to teacher in the public Hchoola In town They will nuw tattle in u now ho on AlyiiMtur street , recently purclm wn by Mr. Stownrt. wnmt . Many frionda t mt side of these present fit the coromo sv will hi'artily join in the oxpresbiom th- wull-wishea and congratulation ? , "FUN ON TUB BRISTOL. " The Fun was There But no Brlstol- I The Awarding of the Trumpet. The promised entertainment by the Jarrett and Hico company of the above title drew one of the largest nudieiKcs over gathered in Dohanoy's , and at times the utmost enthusiasm was shown. The sta-0 , room was so limited , however , thai no chance was Hivan for thu ship named "Tho Uris- tot , " i the cabin of which was laid the Bcono of the play. This crippled the entertainment greatly and led to much disappointment on the part of the nudioncc. There is little plot to tno play , barely enough to string the incidents upon , nnd to servo as an ex cuse for dragging in sundry jokes and ludicrous situations. Suveral of the parts , cHpecially that ot Sheridan , as Widow U'Bricn , excited much merri ment. As one of the advertising schemes of the companyit was decided to give a silver trumpet to whichever fire company received the largest number of votoH from those buying tickets to the entertainment. An a result of thii voting thu lilulf City company re ceived 180 and the Rescue company ! M'f ) . The majority of lie gave the trumpet to F. II. tiuanulln , the fore man of the former company , who re ceived it in person nnd responded ap propriately to the presentation speech made by one of .larrutt t Rico's com THE DAUB WIRE MONOPOLY. Details of the Recent Sale of the Coon Patents The Farmers Unlto for thor The following is trom the pen of lion. L. S. Collin , the agricultural editor of the Ft. Uodgo Messenger : \Ve have given in the agricultural columns ijuito extcnsivo extracts from different pens in regard to the barbed wire nuiddlu , but as many of our readura want to hear our own version , wo herein in aa few words as possible sot forth the facts : The monopoly succeeded in buying Mr. Coon , whom Messrs. Carpenter it ( Siren has proteged for years. Do wan an inventor , and like mont ouch , was poor. Carpenter it Given fur- dialled him muana to experiment ; af ter aoveral yeara' trial ho at laat brought out ono of the best machines for barbing wire , and had it patented Ho also invented and patented ono or two others. His bargain with Carpenter it ( liven was to give them each a one-third interest in thcso in ventions , but there was no assign ment of the patent in writing , as there should have boon , and put on record. Carpenter it Oiron pur chased all material for making the machines , building nnd power for running thorn , and , in fact , were the nionpy part of the firm , which firm was in the name of J. H. Coon , with which the Farmers' Protective asso ciation contracted for making wire for its members. As said above , this one individual man , Coon , was approached stealthily , and stubborn , without the consent or knowledge of his partners , or any members of the association , ho sold himself and patents to the monopoly for , as is reported , $12,000 , and agreed to deliver up to Woshburn it Co all the machines. The plan was , as wo now understand , to got posfumion of these machines in the night time by stealth , and deliver them to certain parties in Due Moines , on the delivery of which he ( Coon ) was to receive § 6,000. An. r other § 0,000 was to bo paid down on the signing ot the contract and as. sijjnnicnt of the patent , which inline diatoly wont on record at Washington Carpenter it Given , getting wind o what was going on , iruardod tin huildingnmking itinipossibloforCoon to carry out his contract to deliver tin machines. The assignment of tin sale was then made to parties in 111 ! nois , making it possible to HUO out i writ of replevin in the United State courts and lake the machines , whereupon upon a compromise was made witl Carpenter it Given by giving thei : K § 1,000 , and they allow the machine t go and a decree to bo entered in th court against .1. II. Coon , individ unity and alone , tearing Carpunto it Given and the farmer's protective association perfectly free nnd at HI erty to go on manufacturing wire th same as though none had been mad by thorn. The association now stand of better than uror , both in the court and in the mind of the general pul lie. It has now mndo a string cor > y tract with Carpenter it Given t manufacture wire , and by the first c March they expect to turn oiit a en load a day nt least. Of course wo oj poet to bo sued by thu monopoly Arory well--wo are willing. The fai murs of Iowa are nut going to sto until the mat ter is fully invoatipa-'ed i an honest court. In auuh a com they have nothing to fear. In tli meantime we are asked how are tli fanners to get win ) . Not a poun of wire made by order of tl association can bo sold except only t members of the nssomtion. lit who are members ? Every farmer wl : n sends his name nnd his dollar to tli la secretary of the association nt DC 10 Monies , G , H , Crosby , becomes y , member , nnd can buy wire at 7i con 10 per pound , delivered on the cars , s. Now , will every farmer in the coui 10 try who understands this , take hoi ida and help with his name , his dolli a- and his influence ? The real questic is , will the fnrmorH of Iowa and tl great west submit to the impositic ya attempted by the monopoly ? Tl yb. a principle at the bottom of all this b. the thing to bo coiisidorod. Has farmer the right to live and breatl of thu fruo air that blows over Americii itn soil ? If we tamely submit to this ii ( inh poaition wo seriously doubt if wo n h worthy to breathe it , orn As the matter now stands , Was n burn it Co , must contend with almu ro. universal acntimont of Iowa. If \ ISO mistake not , ninety-nine out of-uvo led ono hundred men in the west who u ut- demtand the matter nro in sympatl ' ' ' with the farmers in this fight. Tli of moat contemptible of nil method recently used by the monopoly , givii § : ! 0,000 to buy a iloTco m court , just Much a judgment as they might wish to dictate by buying up by stealth ono parly to the defense , has so enraged the common sense of | Usticc aa hold by all men , that n universal indigna tion has been begotten that must sooner or later fall heavily upon the head of the monopolists. So low down and abjectly did this reat , wealthy monopoly ( loop and crawl along in its filthy slime to secure its end , that to-day it is hard to find an nttornoy in Iowa who is willing to own ho had any hand nt all in the transaction. The old saying , "give thu devil rope enough and ho will hand himself , " wo think in this case would prove true. Farmers of Iowa1 lot us all bo ready to give that rope a tight pull , for we expect to got it around the right fellow's neck soon , Justice holds the ccales in the United States courts yet in Iowa , and God bo praised. IOWA NEWS. The Methodist society at Malvorn are preparing to build a now parson- aye at an early day. There are seven priionora confined in the county jail nl Sioux City to await the action of the grand jury. Olarinda is to have a line of Hurdic coaches that will run from the depots to the various hotels and different parts of the city. The chief engineer of the Daven port fire department receives a salary of § 1,000 per year and the firemen are paid SCO each , per month. John C. O'Drien , a brakeman on the Northwestern , was killed between Whcatland and London on the ! ! 0th , by falling off the cars while in mo tion , Shcnandoah stands with open arms to receive manufactories of all kinds. Any legitimate enterprise will meet with a hearty welcome and a warm support. Gpv. Sherman has issued a procla mation for an election in Page county on thu 14th inst. , to fill thu vacancy in the legislature caused by the death of Hon. Watson E. Webster. On the night of the 20th , about 12 o'clock , Watkin Rice , a resident of Beacon , Mahaska county , was knock ed down and robbed near Oakalooaa of SloO and a valuable watch and chain. The Chicago it Northwestern pro poses to extend its line now termi nating at Li Croaao , diagonally across Iowa to Council Blulla. Decorah is ono of the towns on the route and she is perfectly enthused and has gone to work heartily to _ make the plan win. The Dunlap Reporter greets THE UKK as "a newspaper whoso circula tion exceeds any on the slope , and is securing a reputation for indepen dence in principle and fearlessly ad vocates whatever in its judgment is right and for the best interest of the country. " Smoke t Near Lisbon , Cedar county , a sad case of accidental shooting occurred. A young man being about to go to town undertook to load a revolver in order to leave it with his mother and sister for protection during his ab sence. While loading the weapon it was discharged , the ball striking his sister in the breast , inflicting a danger ous wound , The Chicago , Milwaukee ) it St. Paul railroad company has issued a bulletin notifying all its employes that any ono of them who should horaftor allow the company to be gar- nishced on their account , would bo immediately discharged , and wo notice - tico that several roads have either fallen into line or are disposed to re gard the practice with favor. What the Trnfllc Will Bonr. lunlai > Reporter. The railroad managers cast have learned that the farmers are getting 15 to iiO cents for corn in Iowa , Ne braska and other wescorn states , and have concluded that the producer is getting too much for his products ; hence have concluded to take thu benefit of high prices to themselves , by raising freight rates to the sea board , the same as they did some time ago \\liuu corn advanced 8 centa per bushel on foreign markets ; rail- nad freights wore raised to gobble the entire arise. So will it bo as long as individuals or companies control the transportation of the country. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , such a Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Itent \Vants , Hoarding , etc. , Kill l > Inserted In thl column at the low rate ol TKN CKNTS PHI UNI ! for thu llrst Insertion and FIVK CENT ! IT.ll I.INi : ( or cnch subsequent Inccrtlnn Lonvo a < U crtlscmcnU at our olllcp , Itooin S Ktcntt's lllock , llroailuay. \\t AN'I'KD- rent A ton room homo Ii VV some L-ood neighborhood < > r two simile houses uulii hulilo , Aildrctu I * . O. Hoi 7U7 Council Hindu , or npiilp at HhK ollit-v , Couiicl 40-tf 11 " " ANTED E > erybody In Council Illuili I , . to take TIIK IlKK.iiO cents per lUered by carriers. OtuYc , Itoom B , Kuritt' ' lll'ien ' , llroad > Miy. . 'o buy 100 tons hroom corr For particulars address Council Illufl llrooin Factory , Council IlluBs , Iowa. 053-2311 ANTKD A flint-elm's broom tier , Mayn W & Co. , Council HluH , Iowa. 6CO-301 SALE Old pai > rs40 < ! per hundred , i FOIt lloo olllco. Council Ulna * . ui7-tl mo IIIIICK-HAKEHS. FOK 8ALK-6 ncros c .L more of Uml ndjo'nliiR the brick-yard i llaniicr & Hal io ' on Uppt'r llrcuUway. Fo paitlculari apply to David ilalnes or ti mnner olllcu at thu Hoard of Traderorms. . Council UluOi 77ft-de2j Sin ' TICKET OKKICK War lu rallroo tJOTTKH'H continues to boom. Unjireccilcntc low rates to all eastern iwlnti. Every tlcki k'uarantctxl. Orders tilled by telephone. Froi one. to ten dollars Kited by purcliaklnc ticket of C. A. I'otter , successor to 1'ottcr & 1'alnier , Ni 40 South Filth street , four doors below the pos olllce , Council Illutltf , Ion a. oet3 tl II " \\fANTKD Hey , with pony , to carry paper > 1 liniulri ) at IIm olllee , Council llhill . oumi Notice , O lm ; to the Immcnto Biiccocj of thu no delating Bromldn Inttantaiteout Proce ; at Iliu Excrlslor Qallery , Fifth itriet.Coui ell Dlufft , the iiroprlitor deslrn the o vlilili Clilldrtn' * | > ictur * to < all between thu hour * 10 and IS o'clock a. in. , wt ovlng to the Prei of Ouilnett such arraiiiiemeut U nceeaury avol I delay , jao-Jiu J. DARKE , Proprietor FACTS WORTH KNOWIN9 , "Good morning , Mr. Jones. You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STORE and flnd anything and every thing Iwant , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES , I tell you , I can Save Money now out of mv salary , and Live First-Class , too. It paya to go there. " "Where did you say it was ? " BOSTOB TEA ODMPT FINE GROCERS. 16 Main St. anil 15 Pearl St , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. ( CJasolInc Stove1. ) XX. DEALKR IN STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WARE , 331 Broadway , - Souncll Blulfs , In. DON'T I'A L TO SHE THE STCCK OP W. W. J3UOLTANAN WATCHES , CLOCKS , REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 202 Eroaaway , GDUNGIL BLUFFS. H. H.JUDSON , DRY GOODS 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Wo give special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORE ulll ii'cche prompt attention. A general at Bortmcnt of Brass Goods , Belting , Piping AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Goal CHAS , HENDBIE , President , MAURER & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY Rich Cut Oluss , Pine French Chinn , Silver Wuro &o. , 310 UROAPUAT , . COUNCIL IILUKFS , 10 V/ Drs. Woodbury & Son , ' 3 > 3a riar3csiaci s , I Cor. IVarl & lit AM- . , COl'M'IL ULVFI'S. W. S. AMK.NT. JACOI1 Sllli AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oounsellors-at-La\\ \ COUNCIL BLUFFS , JUWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN , Marble and Granite North Fifth St. , Council Oluifr W. W. SHERMAN , - MAM PACTt'llEtt OF - ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY Fine Work a Specialty. K. II. SHERMAN , IJtislncss Slnnnccr. \VM. CIWISTOPIIEK , Mechanical .Manager. 124 South Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. Jmckering , Weber. Mndeman , J. Mueller IP and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , Tabor ; and Paloubet Organs , $50 audupward. Musi 3VC cal Merchandise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , SheetMusict'oys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TJ JL tail. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com- plete. Musical Journal tree on applica S JLO tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : O J. MUELLER , X 103 South 5th Street. IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHREB & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol Produce. Prompt attention ? l\cn to all consignments. NOS. 22. 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . H. IFOSTIEIEl -WILL SUPPLY ON SHOUT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders promptly filial nnil cklliireil to Express oflicc free of charge. Send for Catalogue , EC. IB. -DEALER IN- PAPERBOOKS ! \ STATIONERY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. v \ COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of Grain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. Firat National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Council BlufTa ; William P. Harvey & Co. , Culver < Sr Co. , Chicago ; E. A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. , METCALF BROS. , - WHOLESALE DKM.EHS . IN - Hats ; Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. F las For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Ofllco with W. S. MAYNB. over Savings Bank , - CPU MOIL BLUFFS BIXBY & WOOD , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. H , _ A \ \ K CAUUY T1IK LAnOEST STOCK OF FIXE BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. . All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW.1 N . Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which has Begun to Arrive , Z. 'T. ' LINDSEY & C . , 412 BROADWAY.ECOUNCIL . BLUFFS , IOWA , And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLAB NDA , IOWA ,