Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Be <
Published every morning , eicoptSunrti
The only Monday morning dally.
Ono Yew $10.00 I Three Month * SI
Six Months. 5.001 One . . 1
THE WRKKLY BRE , published i
Ono Year , ? 2.00 I ThrcoMonttm , .
Bli Months. . . , 1,00 I Ono
.OOKRKSt'tiNDKNCK All Comnui
tationn n > lfttin < < to News ami Kdltoriixl mi
era nhould bo nddrosaed to the EDITOR
Iictlcn nnd Rcinittanrcfl nhnuld bo n
PANT , OKAIIA. Draftn , Chock * nnd Po
office OnlciH to bo made | > .iyablo to t
order of the Company.
OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , .Prop' . ' :
E > ROSEWATER. Editor.
Tin : proposition to renew the frail
ing privilege to congressmen nnd BO
atom 1ms boon laid under the table 1
the aonnto.
MK.H. LINCOLN ia said to bo n inon
maniac on thoaubjoct of herpovcrt ;
She haa $55,000 in government bond
915,000 in cash and a ponnion i
$5,000 a year.
THE people of Arizona nru entitle
to our sympathy. Ilobbins , the Ink
Ocean woah-stand man , ' ia boin
pushed for the surveyor goneralshi
of Arizona. What Ilobbinn dooan' '
know about surveying in acarcol
worth knowing.
Ir a recount wan ordered by th
census bureau of the inhabitants c
Dakota , they would nhow a marke
decrease in population. A nmjorit ,
of the inhabitants are now. in Wash
ington lobbying for the bill to admi
Dakota into the Union.
THE locking up of thousands o ;
bushels of grain and corn by specula
tors has diminished exports to such r
degree that the shipment of gold U
Europe from thia country haa begun.
Over ? 1,000,000 were taken out froir
Now York this week to balance trade ,
TUB persistent otl'ortn of Sonatoi
Saunders to straighten the northern
boundary of Nebraska has at last been
successful. Now that the northern
boundary line bill has passed the BOH.
ate there is a very fair prospect that
it will become n law before the end of
the present session.
IT is claimed that the census for
1880 represents fifty times the labor
bestowed upon that of 1870. The entire -
tire report will make 20,000 quarto
pages , comprising a vast amount of
statistical information relative to the
industries , labor , products and devel
opment of the country.
died on Monday in Now York was
the president of the sanitary cominis-
aiwl during the war , and attended to
the disbusomont of over $3,000,000
in money , and enormous amounts of
clothing and supplies. Eighteen
ycara agohopoasod through Nebraska ,
bringing with him $1,000,000 , Cali
fornia's contribution to the sick and
suffering soldiers.
Omaha dooa not nlmro in the crusade -
sade against the Mormons which is
running riot over the land. Omaha
ia,110 , doubt influenced by numerous
bills of lading from her wholesale
houses to the land of saints. Lincoln
Omaha is actuated by no such mer
cenary motives. Omaha never haa
taken stock in crusades which run
riot over the land against any real or
imaginary evil. Omaha does not bo-
Hove that such emotional demonstra
tions accomplish any good.
Senator Edmunds' anti-polygamy
bill is a well digested measure , but wo
fear it is destined to prove a political
failure. The problem in Utnh haa
not boon to devise a law stringent
enough to strangle polygamy but to
devise moans for executing minting
lows. The ( lillicully haa been to prove
the fact of marriage in Utah. Mor
mon marriages are secret , and are per
formed by MormoiiH. IJigamous and
polygamous marriages could not , on
this account , bo established by legal
testimony. To obviate thin trouble a
heavy penalty is provided against the
simple act of cohabitation with moro
than one woman , without reference to
marriage. To try this it is provided
that no one who has lived in bigamy
polygamy or adultery , or believes that
ny such practices are to bo tolerated ,
shall bo competent to ait as a juryman -
i man , Hight there the bill breaks
: down.
How can a jury panel bo filled in
Utah when both Mormons and Gen
tiles are made incompetent to sit on
juries. 'It is self evident that every
Mormon that adheres to the belief
that polygamy is sanctioned and com
manded by the Deity would be dis
abled from jury duty and BO would
every non-Mormon who religiously
believes polygamy to bo a crime , be
cause such men could not render an
impartial verdict. The trouble in
Utah as far as wo are able to observe
' has not been a want of law but the
. .I
. inability to enforce oxiating statutes
for the reason that conviction und
them cannot bo procured. The parti
guilty of polygamy cannot bo indue
to turn state's evidence nnd tin
wives refuse to testify ngaii
them , nnd the magistrates tl
license such nmrriagci cannot
forced to give testimony that woi
criminate them , and renders tin
liable to prosecution as ncccsnorii
All thesediflicultioa cannot bo reach
by Senator Kdmunds * bill or n
oilier device. The only thing tl
will blot out polygamy is moral mei
urea backed by public sentiment , u
that can only be worked up when
largo majority of the people of Ut
shall bo composed of non-Mormoi
or Mormons that reject polygamo
marrinifo as a divine ordinance. T
problem which Senator Kdmunds ai
others are trying to solve U in o
opinion nearer solution than they it
agine. The rapid extension of tl
railway system through Utah w
soon bring an influx of non Merion
settlers into the territory , and nt i
distant day the Mormons thomselvi
will bo forced to abandon polygan
as n relic of barbarism which canni
thrive side by nido with monogam ;
just as slavery nnd freedom could in
thrive side by side.
Political economy is usimlly connic
orcd too dry a subject for the goneri
render , The facts and figures wit
which advocates of free trade or pn
toction usually fortify their argi
inents convoy little practical know
edge to the ordinary reading publi
who have boon content to catch sue
driblets as fall from newspaper dit
cuasion or wore hoard in one sidoi
political hnrronguos from the stump
It is on this account that w
: ordially welcome the little volunu
> eforo us entitled "No Moro l'roi (
Glides on this Jackass ; or Protcctioi
? orovor and Every where , " by Fran !
loiowator , of Cleveland , Ohio , whicl
or the first time presents in populai
orm a keen analysis of a question o
ho highest importance to ovorj
American. Mr. Ilosowator'u boo !
lossossc's all the charm of a novel
.t i a itrong , clear and incisive nr u
nont against free trade , carrioc
hrougha medley of stories , which an
Hummed by a fund of overflowing
lumor. The author never for a mo
lent IOBOS hiw grasp of the object
loforo him. His argument is
urtifiod by facts drawn from all
ourcos which throw any light upon
ho question. Mr. Rosewater showa
ory clearly that a properly adjusted
rotcctivo policy is something more
tian a moro local policy. Ho up-
olds it as the regulator controlling
10 distribution of population , corn-
oiling that diversity of employment
hioh is essential to the greatest bone-
t to the greatest number. Notwith-
Landing the contest belief of the
uthor in the necessity of protection
10 arguments of the free traders nro
resented in a fair and impartial man-
jr to the reader , and the book
rounds in liberal quotations from the
> lost writers on both sides of the
The chief merit of this work is the
isy and graceful narrative style in
hioh ho presents his clearly defined
ows. There is pith and point in
ory story. The interest of the
ador never flags from beginning to
id. The method of attack is so
iw and original that it compels at-
ntion while the humorous cartoons
liiuh ndorn the pages of the volume
sist materially in illustrating the
oas of the author. The book is ovi-
intly designed to have a largo sale
its merits dosorvp. At once in-
ructivo and entertaining it can bead
ad with interest and profit by every
ador of a daily paper nnd THE BKE
inmonds it to the public an one of
o most valuable contributions of the
ess to the study of a great subject ,
jpios can be secured in Omnha nt J.
FruohnifT , .John ,1. Caul Holds or by
closing 50 cents to the publisher ,
rank Hoaowutor , ! )8l ) ! Woodward
o , Cleveland , Ohio.
The now French cabinet formed by
. do Froycinet is beyond question
m of the ablest in the history of the
publio. It contains two ox-premiers ,
Jrry'und Froycinol himself and
ur ( itlior ullicors who have hold
sta in previous cabinets. It ia
kiiowlodgml th-it M. do Froycinet is
man whose abilities are above the
oragoof French statesmen of the
st class. His administrative
ivo boon trained and ripened in po.
Lions of publio and private responai-
lity ; he is moderate in his policy ,
it firm in his methods , and enjoys
0 respect of liiu own countrymen
id of the representatives of foreign
itions with whom ho has hud ieln-
aim. An minister of foreign affairs
s udministration was characterized
f wisdom mid dignity qualities
liich were conspicuously ranting in
10 administration of hid successor in
> st , M. llurtholomy St. Hilairo. The
rcumstancos under which ho resign-
1 his oflico as premier in September ,
IBfli utter ho had honorably filled it
r nine months , wore creditable to
m as u consistent and self-respect-
statesman. M. Gambottu was
yfng then , as perhaps ho will try
iw , to dictate the policy of the cabi
Seeing that the influences
favor of an uncompromising cxccuti
of the decrees against the Jesuits nether
other unauthorized orders , a course
which ho did not approve , were I
strong for him , ho resigned , J
Ferry , who succeeded him , is now 1
minister of public education.
AMO.VO the noteworthy facts
which attention has been recent
called is the marked change \\liich ii
migration to this country from t
Hritish islands ia undergoing. Whi
the exodus from England , Scollai
and Wales is increasing , the numb
of immigrants from Ireland is d
creasing. During December the nui
bur of immigrants from KniliUi ;
Scotland and Wales was i ) , 181 , win
the number from Ireland was 2,01
For the six months ending Dccomb
III , the Emerald isle sent us ' . .7,07
while from the other iilnnds 52,7 !
persons came. The apparent renat
for this is the Iiirgoinvcstmontn mac
in this country by the English ai ;
Scotch , and the increase of silver an
gold mining nnd reducing enterprise
that form nn important industry i
Wales. Colonization schemes in th
country are being undertaken by EIIJ
lish philanthropists and others , an
extra inducements nro offered tho1
people to migrate. On the otlu
hand , the disturbed state of Irish n
fairs has rendered it impossible fc
many who would come to obtain tli
necessary means to do .so
The most pressing matter which th
now French Cabinet has on its bant
IB the commercial treaty with Enj
land. Uy mutual concession in r (
spool to the woolen duties and othc
points of difference , the rapreaentt
lives of the two nations had brougli
the prolonged and frequently intoi
ruptcd negotiations to the verge c
igreomont , and the treaty was roporl
ad to bo ready for the exchange c
lignaturos at the moment when th
irco trade Ministry of M. G.imbott
went out of office , and was succoodc
by a semi-protectionist Cabinet
ivith M. Tirurd , the author o
.ho now tariff of which England com
iluins so bitterly , ns minister of com
norce. It is not easy to believe tlm
> I. do Froycinet willl abruptly changi
.ho . commercial policy of his predecea
or , who , in that respect at least
ruly represented Franco ; but the np
jointmont of M. Tirard will causi
uuch anxiety in England The Eng
ish government may , in fact , justlj
omplain that satisfactory commorcia
nd diplomatic relations are impoasi.
110 with a country of such capriciouf
ompor. M. Oambotta , moreover ,
rould find in n policy of strict adho-
ion to the tariff a fine opportunity to
lake himsoly very troublesome to the
Baron Von Schlo/or , Bismarck's
miasary to too Vatican has sot out on
lis momentou * journey to Rome. It
i ten years or moro since the Vati-
an has hold direct communicatione
'ith an accredited envoy of Prussia ,
'ho ' present renewal of relations do-
ivos its interest and importance
ithor from the treaties already agreed
pen in principle , than from any con.
nuont exactions or concessions from
ithor of the two potentates , William
r Lee XIII. The mission is the pub-
o acknowledgment by Bismarck that
is policy has bconn failure , and that
oino is still a power.
What to do with the arrested mom-
jrs of parliament now in prison is a
iry serious problem which has been
azzling the British ministry. It is
atod that Mr.
Parnoll will give no
edges , and if ho wore lot out on there
ro of the parliamentary meeting , it
feared that ho would have a series
ovations , and would preach tin
No Rent" gospel afresh , before sot-
ng out for London. On the other
md , it has a very ugly look to keep
embers of parliament in Kilmain-
im jail while that body ia in session ,
111 still moro so as they have not
en and are not to bo tried ,
ich a thing has not hap-
nod in the British Islands since
o middle ages. The very nttcmpt to
rest the "Five Members" for n
lilical offense in 1(511 ( was the out-
eak of the civil war ; and , while theme
mo arbitrary king kept Sir John
iot in prison till his death , it ia uho
10 that no parliament met between
J arrest and his dnath. Mr. Glad-
> no ia about to force an atheist upon
o house of commons , on the ground
at Nottingham must not forfeit her
presentation. But he is quite will-
i ; to BOO Cork deprived of it by his
m act. Once moro there is one
sosuro for English affairs and quite
other for Irish.
Austria now has a full Hedged ro
It on her hands in the insurrection
the Balkan provinces. The im
esaion in military circles is that the
tire Austrian army will bp niobil-
) d in the spring. The direct cause
rtnolt was the Austrian law enacted
it year by which compulsory military
rvico was introduced into the pnn
: es of Bosnia and Herzegovina ,
lis was a most convincing proof that ,
mtovor subterfuges had been om-
jyod at the Berlin congress , and
mtovor formalities had boon ex-
augod between Austria und the
rte in the convention of April ,
70 , the territory had passed under
o absolute ewny of the northern
power. Not only had the finanoi
administration been established i
Viennese principles , but the ii
perinl conditions nf military sorvi
had been imposed. I'nins were taki
to make those now obligation as elf
tic as possible. The wealthy Chri
tians of Bosnia were known to dial !
barrack life nnd military tactics , ni
the privilege of furnishing substitut
on easy terms was accorded to thci
The Mohammedans , on the oth
hand , were soldiers by birth ai
trade , but were unwilling to rend
military service unless they could
allowed to choose their own ntn
drill nnd fight in their own way. ni
pinctice their own religious right
The Aualrinim , who hvvo acquired 1
long experience a reputation for fn
dcnling with nations of mixed bloc
nnd diverse creeds , nppenr to hnvo a
ministered thia law with caution ni
discretion , and to hnvo succeeded :
overcoming race prejudice in Busni
In Herzegovina the garrisons hni
not been able to preserve order , an
revolt is spreading like lire in
A vnst religious gathering has n
contly boon hold in Allahabad , at tl
junction of the Jumna with tl ;
Ganges. It is known as the Mag
Mola , and this being the twelfth yet
of its holding , the attendance lit
been unusually largo. Visitors ni
estimated to have numbered betwce
1,000,000 nnd 2,000,000. Fears hnv
been entertained that n pestilonc
might break out among this groc
multitude with frightful results.
Returns of the recent census i
Franco give the following popuh
lions for the cities named : Lyoni
332,894 ; Bordeaux , 221,690 ; Nnntci
121,905 ; Rouen , 104,730 ; Havn
103,063 ; Douai , 72,900 ; A er , 04 ,
714 ; Grenoble , 50,1)07. )
The nihilists in Russia are moro ac
live than over and the strongest prc
cautions have boon adopted to incrcna
the safety of the Annitdhkoff pnlnci
the fnvorite residence of the cair i ;
3t. Petersburg. All around the palac
i subterranean passage hna been con
jtructod which can bo patrolled b'
lentinols , nnd bo placud under wato
it will from a neighboring stream
tfegotiutiona to purchase thieo house
> ppoBito the palace are now going 01
jotweon the minister of the imporia
luusohold nnd tno 'owners. Amonf
ho houses ia the one in which Sholin.
> ow , who was nfterwards hanged , per
octod his plans , and in which Tri.
; onij was arrested lately. The second
LOUSO was selected by Kobosow as a
onvoniont place to start his mine.
from the third , the hotel Bellevue ,
onted recently by the ministry of the
mperial household , one can overlook ,
rhon the trees are leafless , the impe-
ial gardens. The price demanded by
ho proprietors ot these three douses
s only 0,000,000 roubles , but this , it
s thought , will not deter the author-
lies from buying the property and
onyorting it into huge barracks. Th
umor that the buildings are to be
ifl'ered by the czar as lodgincs to offl-
ers of his household is discredited ,
irobably in view of the many dofec-
ions which have lately boon discover-
d among his immediate attendants ,
nd the question naturally suggests
Laolf that the success of all those prc-
autionary schemes depends , after all ,
pen the trustworthiness nnd loyalty
f the czar's largo retinue of attend-
nts , officers nnd soldiers.
The practice of head hunting still
rials in Borneo , though dying out in
10 districts in which the Dutch have
ny control. No youth is allowed teen
on the tokens of manhood or pay hia
Mrosaea to any Malay maid till ho
as been able to bring in two or three
t his enemies' heads. Births , mar-
ages and deaths , and many other
. 'outs in the lives ot these half-savago
Joplo , cannot bo properly celebrated
ithout the presence of a few froah
jads ; nnd in almost every house one
moro of those trophies are atowed
vuy winppod up in banana leaves.
appears likely that the custom is
mply n survival from cannibalism.
uleod , among the few remaining can-
ibal Daka in ICootoi it ia still the
latom to teservo the head for the
lief ; the remainder of the victim's
jdy being divided among the coin-
on people. _
Thvro am more IICHIM uncut In studying
story than any other brunch at Ihuv.iril ,
More than I'.OO puiiiU lm\o just B\icce \ > a
Uy u.ihHcil lliu oxiuniimtiuua of the Jtui < -
u 1 Ugh H , html.
Thorn in u movement In the Wisconsin
ijUmturu fur the exteimioii of a HVKteui
nl ht sdmuls in thu country districts.
Two primary schools in Baltimore have
en clopeil fur the nfteriiixn during the
nt of thu u inter , Iwcaune the Kuhool
ninn wtni KO poorly tahto'l ' that the pit.
Is wcie mining their tiyeA.
The C uiibriilh'a Museum of Coiupura-
fa Zoology now has the right to end
fry > one student to Wooda'd Hole
enjoy the facilities for study at the sUn -
> n t'Ntublished there by.the Unitetl.SUtes
uh Comtnitisionor ,
ihe proprietor ot a furiiishing-KixMl
> ie in Kenton his been lined $ 20 for cm-
lyiug a cash boy under fourteen year * of
o , \vly hail nut attended school at lenat
'enty weeks in n year. Tdis wiig thu
t cum ictiou under a new law.
They are complaining of the new sunor-
ti'mlvnt of | , ubliu instruction of Virginia
nt he docxii't know how to njH-11 , and
i > y Instance ' 'Weilnwdy , " "loosen" fern
> * n > , "tilitora ! . " "colnm , " "correspond-
t , ' "imtramuiled , " nnd other \uints ,
To teach the Spanish language In the
noricnn high schools is a plan promised
The MtvnphU Appeal , which argues
nt at no distant day Mexico will become
ait of the United States , und that that
way fortune lieu for voting n.cii who c
Ulk Srianlh.
Thp IHJnoJi supreme court has decid
that the Qulncy bonrcl of education hiul
authority to enforce the rule requiring t
colored children of the city to attend o
particular school set apart for their HI
Ihusanhes ! from Illinoi.i the tcpurr
Hchool for colored children.
The directors of O'rard ' college Intend ,
M repoi ted , to organic n school of tr
chanlcnl handlworK like thntorlc is m
in successful operation nt Spring fJnnl
Institute in 1'hllr.delphln. Thi ttclu
has from ! K ) to 100 pupils in lt wo
roonn ; nml it hni drnuinj claine' ( with fi
pupil" .
The Ohio tate school commissioner
his lajt report urges that the coun
school gysli'tn be BO organized as to in *
the tcnchcr'fi term of service longer. I
decmw that nt present teachingisao pi
carious nn tmployment that only inexpei
diced youn ? men will take it up. 1
mlviscH that the jmblic schools slum
give n knowledge ot the element * of tl
Hystem of the government of townchli
cilicH , stales nnd the nation , together wi
thoou'ltnesof United .States history ai
of individual nn 1 social economy. "Coi
inHsinner Do Wolfe suggests to reinei
the ntdli of fanners' oni Into cities tl
establishment of uood schools of ngriev
t ifflHo . state * that there is n remar
able increase of nenr-Hightcdness in pupil
A Vermont connle have married after
cmittsliji ) nf twelve juarn , during whic
the bride H father has put seven sets i
ninifes on the front gate. [ Boston l os
It is n tiine-hdinred custom In ( Jninr
1 lorltln , to salute n new vmnrricd coup
hy firing n cnn n. This is to rcmiii
them tlmt thu buttle of life is fuirl
liegun ,
An Illinois man with n foresikht worth
of abettor cause , popped the question u
n railroad train , ami now thf maiden In i
loss to decide ns to which county el
Ind better commence proceedings in for
In each of promise.
A North Carolina justice of the peac
recently married n couple as ho sat ct
throned in state on the back of a mule , nn
the animal for once realized that there wi
higger trouble goini ? on than he could prc
duce , and kept hta heels still.
The Mnrylrnd senate in retreatin < froi
is antagonism to making marriage cheapi
hy reducing the charge for a license froi
$4.50 to Sl.fiO. The three doll irs saved t
young couples will just about buy u n
spectnMo cradle. [ Baltimore American.
Mayoi Cniter H. Harrison , of Chicagi
has received a letter from a lady in Uosto
who says that fho lives on Sliawmu
avenue , is cultivated , has a taste for tli
( esthetic in literature nnd art , and S100.0C
in hank ; is but 38 years old , nd is anxiov
to lie made a Mayor's bride.
Vor over iifty-fcur years S niirc Shelto
nf Aberdeen , Ohio , the "Gretnn ( *"i
America , on the Ohio river , performed th
marriage ceremony for runuuny couple
from Kentucky and other States , itiakin
Four thousand persons hnp.y ; ormiserablt
Hi ? successor , Squire Ueasley , who hew
twelve years ago , has married twenty.nin
liur 'red couples , mostly under age.
A couple had just married by a Justlc
it Columbus , Gn , . nnd were on their vviv
> ut of the oilice , when a man matched tlii
ihnvvl from the bride's back nnd ran avva
vith i' . A policeman gave chose success
ully , and the purloiner , being asked Co
M explanation , said that the shnwl was s
; ift from him to the girl ; that at the tinn
if making the present ho was a fnvorec
niter , nnd he did not propose to let hei
irear it on a bridal trip with another fel
The sale of tickets for the Cincinnati
) pern Festival amounts to $70,000.
Mme. Albani is highly praised by Berlir
ritica for her appearance a few weeks ages
s Elsa.
Ill health has caused Adelaide Fh llippt
o retire tempornrily from the Ideal Opera
! omp.iny.
Edwin Hooth i layed § 7,000 in 'four per-
irmances in Memphis , ilia Saturday
latinee was $2,500.
Sophie Menter , wlio is perhaps
ne of the most brilliant lady pianist in
lie world , will make an American tour in
B82oo. .
The dramatization of Victor Hugo's
Ninety-three1 * in Paris is said to he a very
, rong drama , fctm-.tionul , hut full of
uman interest.
A new departure in the first part of a
iinnle minstrel show in Boston the other
ight. When the curtain went np the
iris were found suspended from the ceil-
is ? by s wings.
1'atti offered to sing one night in Peters.
urg , Vn , for S8OiO. The Petersburg
eople think that when Patti writes a' out
rices she slings too many uuinerjls inter
; r correspondence.
Gary and Litta will appear together in
rand concert in < hicago iu June. There
ill lie a chums of 200 voices , and an
rchestra of fifty-five pieces under the
lanagc inent of Henry L. Slayton.
Denver has got and opera all its ovn.
, is called "Brittle Silvir. " and it was
ritten at home with Colorado scenes ,
laratters nnd incidents for its make-up.
; is pronounced n success by the local
It is estimated that 7,000 persons night-
attend the varioiiH theatres and placed
amusement in San Francisco. Of this
imber 10 per cent nre "free tickets , " or
y 700 e ch night , or aliout 20,000 for the
onth. *
"The Lena Pine ; or , the Christmas
ream , " is the title of the play of Western
'e which Mr. David Bolaeco is writing
r Mr. Vemnan Thompson. Belasco it ,
e young man who wrote "Hearts of
ik , with the assistance of an old play-
Minnie Hank in a treat favorite of thu
liionnblo society of Philadelphia. Dur.
g lier rodent stay there several receptions
id dinner parties were given in her honor ,
IB was also entertained hy Mrs. Paul ,
o mother of Mrs. William Astor , of Now
ork , Mrs. Jiexcl , Mian ititchie , tister of
munodore Kitchie , V. S. N . , nnd other
August Hou/otuu ) , the husband of
iristine NilsMim , who hasbccomo iuHanc ,
king to losses in speculation , was born
thu Me of Itourbon , nnd is n half cro-
i. UN grnnilfathei uuirrieil n Creole ,
d umaseud n lar e fortune , M. Itoiuu.
rl had n fortune of frunKO 00 J to , r > 00-
0 frnnrH , lie wax married to Mile.
llseon in Westminster Abrey nn the
th of .Inly , 1871. .
Mrn. l.niiKtrj'uuihtiuura in " .Sim Stoops
CoiKjunr" weio toouttcrly utter in thoii
nutv , but nil wrong for the pa > t Thu
st had nil amber pntm jupe , with panier
rM.igo anil trirn of the moNt vxiiuiiitu
Id'Coloied mtin , Htrevvn with rosebuds
d full-blown rosPH. The second , or
d'ing-dreiii" , was of embroiileied In inn
iilln , made vv ith : v .icnue , and worn
th Suede glovex , and shoe * and Htockini's
the mine wliudo , aii'l a I rimn velvet hat ,
th Sufilf'tinted faiithcK , and lirovvu
i. Tim third loutuino wns simplicity
elf , being made of gray cashmen * , with-
tany trlmmiiw , and wornwith a muslin
ron , fichu and cap , und a chatelino
on the left side.
How otton do wo BDO the hard-work-
; father stniiiiinu every nurvo and
isclo , and doing his utmost to sup-
rt liis family. Imagine his feelings
ion returning homo from u hard
y's labor , to tint ! hi family pros-
ito with dise.iso , conscious of unpaid
dors' billa mul dubta on every Imiul.
must ho enough to drive one almost
i/.y. All thia unhnnnincss could bo
aided by using Kloctrio Uitters ,
lich expel every discixso from thu
item , bringing joy and luvpm'ncha to
s. Sold at fifty cents n hot
Tsh & MoMahon. (8) ( )
Tlie Goneml Now tbnt Game OT
the Cnblo Ln t Nifiht
National Associated PrcM.
LONDON , Fobrnnry 0. A great i
dignntion meeting was held to-dny
JIanclicatcr to remonstrate rxgftii
Jewish oppression.
The Journal of St. Petersburg t
dny , the lending journnl of that cit
in commenting on the London hull
nation mooting in bohnU of the Jau
makes some stinging retorts. It t
marks thnt England would ho nil
prised if meetings were held in coir
nentnl cities to denounce Engli
legislation in Ireland nnd to call tl
indignation of the world to the ropoi
ed tyranny which has filled the jn :
of that country with people who n
guilty of no crime than that of o
pressing a dislike of the policy of tl
English government. The Journ
goes on to nay that it beliov
while the Jewish agitation in Englai
is intended to arouao a Uussophi
fooling , it expresses its regrut _ tlmt i
n state so friendly to Russia as En
land has been these attempts to i ;
tlamc the mind against her should 1
Mr. Gladstone has conferred tl
Stewardships of Chilteru Hundreds t
Mr. A. M. Sullivan , member of pa
liament for Louth. Stewardship <
Chiltern Hundreds is a Oction vhic
ia used to oll'ecl the resignation of
An extensive seizure of copies i
the United Ireland newspaper w ;
made at Liverpool lo-day.
ST. PETKIWIIUHO , February ! ! . Tl
Russian government haa expressed n
grot to Count Knlknpkay at certai
words used by SchoklifTa in a speed
on the occasion of the fall of Gee
National Associated Press.
FINDI.AY , Ohio , February 3.A fii
last night destroyed J. M. Huber
drug store and damaged other buih
ings. Total loss , about $14,000 , i
which Mr. Huber lost 812,000 , wit
insurance of $7,000.
BUKFAIO , February 3. The Con
morcial elevator , belonging to tli
Western Elevating association , w
totally destroyed by fire this afto :
noon , together with 15,000 bushels <
rye , wheat nnd oats , and $0,000 wort
of cement stored in the building. Tli
propeller Cuba , of the Commercir
line , was moored in front of the elov.i
tor , and was damaged $2,000. Th
origin of the fire is a mystery , th
elevator having been closed for th
winter. Aggregate loss , $125,000
insurance , $8,000.
The Wook'n Failures
S'atloual Associated Tress
NEW YOKK , February . ' ! . Thor
ivero 109 failures throughout th
United States reported to Bradstreot'
luring the past week , a decrease of 1
'rom the preceding week and an in
reaso of 34 over the correspondin )
veok last year. The Middle statei
ud 43 , New England 27 , Southon
17 , Western 02 , California and tin
erritories 15 , Canada 15.
In Good Spirit * .
T. Walker , Cleveland , O. , writes : "Foi
he last twelve months I have sufTerei
vith lumbago and general debility. ]
ommenced taking Burdock Blood Bitten
.bout six weeks ago , and now have great
ileasure in stating that I haye recovered
ay appetite , my complexion has growt
uddy , and feel better altogether. Price
11.00 , trial size 10 cents. 30-lM
No Changing Cars
here direct connection are made with ! > mz >
'he ' Short Line via. Peoria
LLK , and all points In tha
: or ST. LOUIS ,
here direct connections are made In the Unlcn
D ixt with the Ihroueh Slttplnt C r
Lines for ALL POINTS
23 O TOT 17 33T .
Rock Island.
the unccpalctl Induccnienta ottered by this lint
trMclcra and tourhts nra us lollous :
ilm celebrated PULLMAN ( lB-wh Pl ) PALACE
KUI'INO CAllB run onlj on thin line C. , II
rton' IleclUiImt Chilis , No extra charge lei
t la IlccllnltiK Chairs. The famous C. , I ) . 4
Palace Dlnlru , ' Cars. Oorgcous Smoking Ca
ed with tlcifant hlith-backitl rattan rev oh In :
lira , for the cichifhe UM of flnt-claaa m n.
s.Itcel Track acd BUperlot equipment comblre I
h their gicat through : ar arr nc ment , m li
, above all others , the favorite route ta tnt
it , South and Southeast.
'rv It , and > ou will and tratelluv a luxury Iu.
4 of a discomfort.
trough tlckcU vlo toll celebrated line for talt
ill otticcs In the United State ! and Canada.
Ill uforoiatlon iLJut rates of fare , Sleeping
; accommodations , Time Tablet , etc. , will b
i rfully gh en by applying to |
Oeneiil nirer Aifent , Chicago ,
Oe. ManafCf Chicago.
iom No 4 , Creluhton Block , IfttL
Street ,
) mcE Honw. 10 to 12 A , n. , 3 to 5 r
lephone connected with Central Office ]
Lots x
For Sale By
No. 258 , Full lot fenced and with small build
Ing on Capitol Avenue near 26th street , g700.
No. 257 , Large lot or Mock 295 by 270 lect on
Hamilton , ncarlrcno street , $2,500.
No. 250 , Full corner lot on Jones , near 15th
street , $3,000.
No. 253 , Two lots on Center street , near Cum-
Inz street , $900.
No. 252 , Lot on Spruce street , near 6th street ,
vC&O.No. . 251 , Two lota on Sewanl , near King street.
No. 251 ] , Lot on ScwarJ , near King street.
No. 249 , Hall lot on Dodge , near llth street
No. 247 , ' Four beautiful residence lots , near
Crclghton College ( or will sell si parato ) , $8,000.
No. 248 , T o lota on Charles , near Cumlne
street , $400 each.
No. 240J , Lot on Idaho , near Cumlng street ,
9 > 00 (
No. 215 , Ono aero lot on Cumlne , near Dutton
street , $750
No. 244 , Lot on Farnham , near ISth street ,
No. 243. Lot 68 by 133 feet on College street ,
near St. Marj's Autmc$550.
No. 242 , Jxjt on Douglas , near 20tli street ,
% 376.
No 241 , Lot on Farnham , near 20th street ,
No. 240 , Lot CO by 09 feet on South Av enuo ,
near Ma on street , $550.
No. 239 , Corner let on Hurt , mar 2M atrout ,
No. 233 , 120x132 feet on Harnei , near 24th
strco ( will cut it up ) , $2,400.
No. 235 , 71x310 feet on Sherman Avenue
[ 10th street ) , near Grace , $1,000.
No. 01 , Lot on Douglas street , near 23d , $750.
ho. 232 , Lot on Pier sircet , near Seward , $5tO.
No. 231 , Lot 407CO feet , near Copltol Avenue
vnd 22d etreet , $1,000.
No. 227 , Two lota on Decatur , nrarlrcne street
f200 and $175 each.
No. 223 , Lot 143 30-110 by 441 feet on Sherman
\ \ enuo (10th ( street ) , nrar Grace $2 400
No. 220 , Lot 23xfcO feet on Dodge , near lth
itrcet , make an offer.
No. 217 , Lot on 23d street , near Clark , $500.
No 216 , Lot on Hamilton , near King , $800.
No. 209 , Lot on 18th , near Nicholas street ,
No. 207 , Two lots on 16 h , near Pacific street
No. 205 , Two lota on Castellar , near 10th street ,
> 150.
No. 204 , beautiful residence lot on Division
treet , near Cumlng , $350.
No. 203 , Lot on Saunders , near Hamilton
troct , $850.
No. 199 } , Lot 16th street , near Pacific , $500.
No. 198 } , Three lota on Saundera street , near
taward , $1,300.
No. 193) , Lot on 20th street , near Sherman
35 .
No. 194 } , Two lota on 22d , near Once street
000 each.
No. 191 } , two lota on King , near Himllt
h-ect , $1,200.
No. 102 J , two lota on 17th street , near Whit
* ad Works , $1,050.
No. 188 } , one full block , ten lots , near the bar
icks , $400.
No. 191 , lot on Parker , near Irene street , 8300.
No. 1S3 , two lota on Cass , near 21st street.
flit edge , ) $0,000.
No. 181 , lot on Center , near Cumlng street ,
No. 180 , lot on Pier , near Seward street , $650.
No. 175 , lot on Sherman avenue , near Izard
; rcut , $1,4CO.
No. 174 } , lot on Cass , near 14th , $1,000.
No. 170 , lot on Pacific , near 14th street ; make
No. 100 , six lots on Farcham , near2lth street
1 450 to $2,000 each.
No. 103 , full block on 20th street , nea
tee course , and three lots In else's addition
car Saunders and Causing streets , $2,000.
No. 129 , lot on California street , near Cretan
> n college , $425.
Ao. 127 , aero lot , near the head ol St. Mary's :
cnuc , $3,000.
No. 128 , about two acres , n ar the head of St.
ar > 'a at cnuc , $1,000.
No. 120 , lot on 18th street , near White ' Lead
orts , $525.
No. 124 , btxteen lots , near shot tower on the
: llevue road , $75 per > ot.
No. 122. 132x132 feet (2 lots ) on 18th street ,
ar Ponplcton's , $1,000.
No. Ilo , thirty half-acre lota In Millard and
iltl well's additions on Sherman nretiuo. Spring
id Saratoga streets , near the nd of greeu
rcct car track , 880n to $1,200 each.
No. 89 , lot on Chicago , near 22 < 1 ntreet,91,500l
No. 88 , lot on Calducil , near Saundurs street
00.No. . 80 , comer lot on Charles , near SaunJers
rect , 8700.
No. 85 , lot on Izard , near 21st , with two Bin
.uses . , $2,400.
No. 83 , two lota on 19th , near Pierce strew
No. 78 , three lota on Harncy , near 19th street ,
,0i K ) .
No. 78 , 80x132 feet on Oth strcet.ncar Leaven-
irth street , $ J,000.
No. 7o , OtlxS-2 feet , on I'aellle , near 8th etreut ,
No. 69 , 00x132 feet , on Douglan striet , near
No. W > , eighteen lots on 21st , 22d , 23d and
uwlorn streets , near Urvcoand Haumlers streo
iilgo , $100 caili. bth
No , b , one fourth block (180x135 ( feet ) , maruiao
imunt of 1'oor Clalru on Hamilton etreet nru
u end of nil strfo car traik , { 50.
No. 6 , lot on .Marcj , near 9th utrcet , $100
No 3 , lot on Callfcriilt , near 21st , Jl.MW
No. 2 lot on C.ujx , near 22d Btrett , $2,500
No. 1 , lot ni Harne ) , nenr Ibth , 2,000
Lots in llarbach'8 Ural and Nucond additions
10 in I'arUrX Shlnn's , AiUon'n. Terraio K
fSinltir * . HedUI.X ( lltu's Uko' . , and all othur
dlttoim , at ai y pricts and terms
JU2 lota In Hanscom I'latf , near Ilanscom
rk ; prlu * from ! ( K ) to $ SOO inth
! 20 tholtu liusltiesii lots in all the
° ' "al"'r ' . 0 In * from
.a ' \ ° ranging fotu
n , and located In ctery jwrt of the
Urge iimiiKr of oxulltnt farms in Doualas
' i1 " V"1"-10" ; . Burt -S
lo ' > tlf III Kastcrn Ncbruka.
,7ffi . r.- ' teat Iai1119 ' Uousla. , 7,000 aero
it .JamU In
harpy couuty , anU largi traUs
the eajtirn tltra of countlcH.
) er 800,000 airci fl the btrt lands in Nrtraa-
or silo-In thUcgeiicy
> in lame amounts of suburban proper ! } in
to ten , twenty , forty uciu plc e < , ( ot-atcil
: hln onn to three , four orllvtmlleicf the
itoniia-iomo \ cry thcap plccm.
> K I ochKT lUrs OK OMAHA , publlshul by Q ,
jlcmls-ten (10) ( cents each.
loncj lofned on Improved furius ; also on Im.
ned city projiert ) , at the Jo .t rates of ln
louses , stort-8 , hotels , farms , lots , landej
ccs , rooms , 4tto rent or lean- .
15th and DC agla Street ,
- 330-33:0. :