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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1882)
THJE OMAHA DAILY BE ' : F , FEBRUARY 3 1882 , THE DAILY BEE. Friday Morning , Fob ,3 , Wnnthor Report ( The following olnervntionfl nro In ken nt the Ratno moment ot time nt nil the xt.v lions iintned. ) Win lKPAIirMIT , U. S. BintAli S'RTinK , t OMAIu.Kcbrmry 2 , 1BS2. (4:45 ( p. m. ) I If UIH ! weather continues look out for The Star route trial * begin ut Lincoln on Monday. VIIIHT CI.AHH Uwf nt HngcdomV. VACClNi : just rocehcd at Smc'rt to-tlay. UemU HUNTS HOUMMS I > ots , Fnnmr. f&c. LINUQUKST.The Tailor ISOOl'iirn- utn. 3-ljtn Thu fire boyh nrc Htiollluf ; for n nm. It In tlio nearest n tire famine tliut ban oc curred for yearn. A warrant has boon tworn out ngninut John Hr.indt for running hin miloon with * out a license. They ore putting new gong * on thu ese cattti in anticipation of n iwwililo fitu this spring. Tlie Hotel tie fJoim in to l > o onlargixl by the addition of a third fctorynml nn exlcn- i-ive addition on thu e.ixt Hide. The oflicc of the Omaha Post has been moved into the building of the Western NewHpn. | > r Union. A number of lulditional conchuri for the Helena & Wickes slagi ) line will paw through Omaha fliortly. A third child In the family ( .f Win. Brown , where the Bmall pox originated , ht been taken sicV with Kiimll pox , itH vaccination boms n fniluio. Don't forget , if you have uny old linen , t < ) Icuve it nt St. Jo'epU'ii hoipital or iilthuoHicu of Hon. John A. Cm lil" ! ) , for tine by the .SNtt-rs of Mercy. The latest army order Issue I in : "SocJ end Lieutenant 1' I > . DoililH , Ninth Infantry , now in thu city on public buni- lima , will return to h station. " Attiiched to the noon train woHtycnter. day were two car loadn of wilcllvrx , rccruiU , from Jefferson kurockH , Mo. , flmtinwl for FoiU llum * < : ll and Laramie , Theyweioin charge of Lieut. Vfelborn , of thu Fifth cnvalry. Mr. J. W , Callahan writes n card to Tin : BEE stating that JohnO'Connor , who died at tbo Bmall pox hospital , won not hia brotherin-Hw nor ruluted to him in any way as many Beom to think. * Uharlw A. Hankin , employed at the "Board of Trodo" for aoma tlmo past , baa Accepted a position with Mr. Qibler , of the European Hotel , Fremont , and left for that point Wednesday night. The B. & M. Athletic cl b went through their initiatory gymn Htia and allathcnlc exercises last evening , under the able instruction ! ) of Herr I'.ml Witte at Turner Hall. The attendance was very largo and enthusiastic. The examinations nt St. Francis Academy , Council IHutfx , have just con cluded and Kx-Gov. MacDommh , of the Watchman , vithout whose presence they would not feel that the work won com plete , has rotuinod once moro to his edi torial dutiut. f Tim cituciiH committee appointed to confer with thu Douglas county delegation to thu legislature : on the pro | > oacd amend ment to the city charter to admit of pav- hi ) ; , consists of .John 0. Cowin , Jam on CrcigliUm and Joseph Barker. , , Joseph Btein , a well-known citizen of Omaha , will shortly open nn Intelligence/ office at Iltmry riioit'o place on 1'arniuu etruet aud wanU all who know of vacan cies in any line of labor to lot him know BO that he may old in filling them and aid bia patron * at the Vaino time. The Scandivouian BaptUt church ol this city baa lately called a new pastor to occupy ita pulpit Tuochoica fell on llov , Mr. N. Hnglanii , formerly mini tcr al Woxtun , in Saundera county of thin state Itov. lingland nnd ( uuiily moved to Urnah. Uet wi-ck and took up their reaidoiico 01 Korth Nineteenth atrcet , There WOH a good Inul of Slocumbi \Vedueitday , seven rim In and arraign cd 'before ' Judyo lU'nckoywtcrd y. Two ol thwo were the fatmer'a boy wpokeu of 01 biing diiclmrgid Wedueuduy , Thu twt were Beat up fur twenty duyu. The othei five were lined 910 and ooaU each aud twi paid while thrte were committed . It i reqa twl that we Btato that tin property of the South Omaht M. K Church , which waa sold for taxea erron ooui-ly levied , wa the old church lte am not the new edifice It don't amount ti anything auy way except that the pur chaser will faave to get hU money bd from tbecoicmiaalooeni , MUit Alwine Heynold , the celebrate * German actre-4 , who HO recently dlatiu guUhed betfeU at tbn Omaha Germai theater , returu 4 yesterday from HI , Ixxili Bbe uyn she far prefern Omaha to * 8l Itouia. She vrta occoiupanled by Mi Kuesler , olio a oocnb r of the Genna. the'at r. Tie ludlvH ( who volunteered th ! , Bc-rvicw to nuroo tiie niek at thu BUI ill JKJ hospital , ATO not aa Jmu been crronooun ) ! publltluxl .Sirttora of Monsy , but are kl tei of the Frauclncan onltr. An the formi ba > e charge nf the Acadc/ny and of tl Convent , many partmU iiavo bccou alarmed aud are keeping their chlldr : away from whool. Tli re In no oceanic for thU , at the order * one entlrtjy teparal and tbeHi ter tit Mercy arolu nowUc e. poteil to ( lie coutai-Ion. Forty yeurrt' trjtn 01 jirovwi "BLACK DRAUGHT thu bc t liver uit-did 6 i tUw world. A TRAGIC TALE. The "Lono Fishorman" of the Lalco Ohargod With Hoin- . oua Orimee. Ills Wlfo Tollri n Terrible atory of Vustordny n diiuiuutivo littlu woman , of nninifltakablo Gorman lift- tiouality , put in an early nppoarauco at THK BUB otlico. She WM iiccom- { uiniod by two utalwnrt friondA imd follow oountryinoi ] , 0110 of tiiom n well-known juatico of the pcaco in a product adjoiniiiR the city , nndnidud by their norvicc * as interpreters anil by n skillful two of the littlu K Kliflh nt lior command , procoudod to toll thu tnlo of "Tlio Lone FiBhornmn , " of Uroighlon fnnn , n thrilling fllory in Boveral notn. About three montlia notliowoiutin ) , whoso name in MrIleyur , nppoarod in police court nnd complained against Gottlieb Jlyyer , hur husband , for criminal intimacy with another wo- uinn , for cruel treatment , failure to provide , etc. , alleging at thu time that uho feared for hur life. She had a child of k'HS than two yenra with hur nnd wan in great dintreaH , but when Gottlieb appeared and bugged for mercy , promising to 'bo good in the future , she throw up her hands , and exclaimed : "Oh , 1 will forgive you if you will only bo ti good man ! " Huyor in the individual known HH the lone lisorman , whoM } \ lived in the old house near Creighton'a on thu north mdo of the lake for several years , and lum peddled fish about the ntreetn in Hummer. He had a vvito before this one , and on \uguat 21 at , 1878 , ho ( then living down the river a short distance ) took her and wont across thu Missouri to gather grapoa. A big storm camo'up , accompanied by lightning and hail , and when Hey or re turned ho was alone. Ho claimed that the lightning had struck his wife whtlo standing in the boat and hurled her body overboard. The body was never recovered and his present wife say HIU thinks he murdered the woman in order to marry her , as he was already in love with her and they wore married two months later. The union , aa might have been ex- pnclud under such unhallowed cir cumstances , was an unhappy one. Hoyer neglected his wife , would not provide for her , and when their child was born left them alone in the houeo , the mother starving nnd the child unprotected from the cold. Thirteen days after its birth the baby died froze to death. The mother's lifo was saved by kind neighbors , who discovered hur in time , the inhuman bu.iat having threatened to kill nny one who came near the house. Since that they have had another child , not a year and two months old , and a third is expected m a few months. Mrs. Hoycr sent to hur lather in Germany for some money which was sent and nome passed into lloyor's control. Then a rival come and things wont from bad to worse until on Saturday last , with the aid , as it is claimed of a third party , Hoyor disposed of the personal ef fects , pocketed the cash , a tow hun dred dollars , aud disappeared , it being - ing believed that the woman who supplanted his wife's place intends to follow him to-morrow. Mrs. Hover has brought suit in Judge Vrandes' court to recover the property pur chased with her own money. Hoyer is but 38 years old nnd his wife , thus deserted and left penniless in a time of special noetl , in still on the morning side of 22. She bus found temporary shelter with a Gorman friend and will probably not bo allowed to BulFor nor compelled to go to tbo county farm. One reason , she says , which contirms hur in the opinion that Hoyer murdered his first wife is that just be fore she had him arrested ho threatened "to throw her in the lake and drown her , too. " This is the story told by the woman and corrobor ated by bur oomp inions , and if one- tenth of it is trim the follow , if over caught , should be dealt with to the full t-xtuiit of thu law. Two Oman * . Regulate first the stomach , second thu liver ; especially the first , BO as to perform their functions perfectly , nnd will remove at least nineteen twenti eths ot all the ills that mankind is heir to , in this or nny other climate. Hop Bitters is thu only thing that will giyp perfectly healthy natural actions in those two organs. Maine -I'nnnur. f-1-15 BLUE QKANITE- A Flno Paving Stone ut Our Vorj Doors Worthy of Investi gation. . i Mr , L. J. Ourrie , of South Bond on thu line of thu B. & M. railroai in Nebraska , and about twelve miloi below Orcapolis , won in the city Wednesday , called at TUK IlKKotlic and explained at some length th great qualities of the stone to bo founi in hU locality , which , ho thinks , 'i equal , aud perhaps superior , to an ; other granite known. Before Jeavin the city ho called upon Mr. W. C. H Alton , late secretary of the board o trade , and presented the matter t hint in such a light tlut at the nei meeting of the board the followin will bo submitted : r OMAHA , February 1 , 1882. Ouiih * llo r 1 ol Trulc : GEKTLEIIKN 1 inn authorized b Mr. L. ! , Curriu , of South Bent ! r Neb. , who operating the stun er quarries at that point , Ui nuke th 10 following otatomont in rt'gatd to th le new paving stone culled "Blu len lem Granite , " which ii submitted Uur m with for your consideration. Th te claim made for this stone IB that it i x. far aupurior in durability to the ord nary lime ttono used on our atroel for curbing and macadam paving. Th quantity is inexhaustible , andthufaci tiut uHorded for supplying thu cit of Omaha with paving muturiul ar equal to thoio of any other poinl Iwlh as to economy of working and in transportlm ; this stone to this point. Thu expanseof laying this material down in Omaha , on the cirn , will ap proximate § 25 per cnr load of ten porch , weighing 100 pounds to the cubic fool. This will malco 105 feet in loncth , one foot wide , nnd one foot dcop. I ask for this Nebraska "BIuo Granite" the most thorough tout and oaroful investigation , and will say that the rates quoted heroin include n haul of two miles at present by team. In n Bhort time it is expected to have n side track to the quarries. Respectfully , W. 0. B ALLE.V. AN IMPORTANT MOVE. McMahon , Abert & Co Suc ceed lab & McMnhon. Tlio Flint and Only Exclusive Whole- wile DT-UK Housoln Nobnwkn. As a family is always congratulated on the advent of a i.uw mombur , do a live community like Omaha , is pleased and gratified nt the nppoarauce of anew now busiiiesH firm which promised to tnku a leading place in ita ranks of active and euergetic business men. In July of 1880 , Mr. Lawrence McMahon came to Omaha unJ bo- e.imo a member of the firm nf IHI ! it McMahon , in the I'loncor Drug atoro which had boon established by Dr. loll early in tlio existence of tbi city. Mr. McMahon assumed frVju'i ' the start the active busincHH inatmgomort of the concern , into which he infused now life and vigor. The large estab lishment was refitted , thu atock ro- plunishud and the Pioneer drug store rejuvenated entirely , when the fire of March , 1881 , came , and this firm with others in Central block wore for the time driven out. With characteristic energy , however - over , they secured now quarters and the following day saw them installed in a now business room filling tlioir orders aa fast as they came in. It was then determined to drop the retail tr.ulu entirely and devote thorn- Holv'es exclusively to the jobbing busi ness which had alreadv attained mammoth proportions. This design was at once put into execution , but hardly had they prepared IhomHulvea to meet fully thowante of the dru yists throughout thu trans-Mississippi coun try whan the senior member of the firm , Dr. Tali , died , thus entailing the greatest calamity which had bi-fallon them. The establishment continued , nevertheless , to run \vitlu ut interrup tion until the estate of Dr. Is 11 was suttled , and yesterday dissolution of the old firm was announced , togethir with the formation of a now partner ship , under thu firm name of AUc- Mahon , Abort & Co. Mr. Olios. E. Abort , the now mem ber o the firm , is a thorough , practi cal business man , who , appreciating the growing importance of thia gate city , has came to join hands with the old whcolhorse , McMahon , and push the business as it has never been pushed before. The firm now starts in composed entirely of young , live and energetic business men , who combine 'genuine western vigor and enterprise with all the cap ital necessary to conduct a first-class jobbing trade. They start out with a better foundation than over before , with improved facilities for the transaction < Jf business and will enlarge and perfect ths stock in every department. As wo learn it , all the accounts dmo the old firm are payable to the now firm who also as sume all liabilities. It may bo safely assumed than no busines partnership has over boon en tered into in thm city , which started out under moro favorable auspices or promised to take a more prominent stand among the substantial , progres sive and popular business houses of Omaha , and when it is stated that it is the only exclusively wholesale drug bouse in Nebraska , thu import ance of this now di'p.irturo to thu city and state willbeupprcoiatod by all. " "Pl/T Josh Hillings Hays : "Thnre nint no pi in natral hUtry Unit Imz been et moro , and tb it more oft than apple pi , and no modicin l < an - ure itul K0tun and billoiinc- noi-B lint H ) wul as SI-KINO BLOSSOM. " Price 50 cento , trial bottle * IQcent' . 3j-lw SUBURBAN STREETS. Morcor'a Avonuo" nnd "Lowe Avo- nuo" Added to Omaha's Aristo cratic Thoruffhforoe. At a mooting of thu board of count ] connnissionoEH , on Tuesday , the fol lowing members were present : Com missicmera Corliss , Drexel am Knight. Thu following resolutions is on adopted ; Iluaolved , That the road callec "Ouming Street Extension , " from tin city limits west to thu Lowu road , and the road callo-1 "Platto Vulloy Road,1 from the Lowe road west to a pom 74 feet west of line between section , 17 and 18 , township 15 , ratiKol3east bo named "Mercer Avenue. " Resolved , That the road 'calloc "Lowe Road , " from Davenport stroe ( north line of Smith's addition ) nortl to the "Cumiug street extension1 nnd thence north to Hamilton strut ) be uatncd "Lowo avonuo. " The county surveyor was instrucfei to correct the ofllcial map iu accordance anco with the foregoing rosolutioua , Thu oiiioial boiiua of 8 , A. Knapji ; t constable Flatto Precinct ; W. O . Sanders , constable Ouiaha Prccinc ° 1 No. 3 ; 8. J , Allen , justice of poac McArdlo Precinct ; W. D. Kadoj West Omaha Product , wore a [ proved , DO NOT JJE'DEOKIVED. Ju these times of quack uuvlicin udvertiaeinontB uvoryvrhuro , it in trul KnitifyitiK to find ono remedy that i worthy ot praise , nnd which null dot'n aa reconimended. Kluntriu Uii tern , wo can vouch fur aa boiuij a tru and rttliablo remedy , and ono thu will do at recommended. Theyinvari bly cures eiomacliniid liver complaint diseases of ( he Kidneys and rinur difficulties. ; : Wo know i . whuroofv BiR-ak , and can readily say , give thoi a trial. Bold ut fifty cents a bottle b Ish & McMahon (3) ( ) WEAVING THE NET. Oftpturinpr Supposed Important - ant Witneeeos iu the Sorters ters Case. Two of tlio Omaha Demi-Monde Who nrc Supposed to "Know Some thing" nroArroatod In Council Blullfl. The tragedy of Christmas morning , nt TroStschko's saloon in this city , which sent a shock of horror through the community , has been well nigh forgotten by nearly all except the parties intorestcd , The officials , how ever , have been alert , and it is claimed that they have discovered sufficient testimony to make a strong case against the man accused , Charles Kostors. But some of this testimony is exceedingly slippery , as recent events have proven , and is liable to get owoy nt iilmuit any moment. Among other parties whose evidence has been considered to ho aomuxvhat valuable are two of thu Omaha dcmi- monde , Nellie King nnd Blanche Duan. Ono is the proprictiess of a "quiet resort for guntloraon. " and the other luu heen for some time an inmate of Annie Wilson's hoiuo. On Wednesday afternoon these par lies loft together on the four o'clock train nnd went cast for their health. They atoppod , however , nt Council Blulfa and didn't got any further. Their attendance before the grand jury of the coming court being deem ed very dcairablo , yesterday afternoon Detective Hnzim with District Attor ney Burnham and Judge Bunucku crossed the river to the Blutl'a to bring the wayward children back. But thu wayward etc wouldn't ' como and como they didn't. This rufusal to recross to the Nebraska Bide made the ntliir moro sure that the girls possessed some information worth having and they were accordingly left under guard un til a requisition could bo obtained from Lincoln. When thu officers first found the girls thu latter were enjoying the lux uries of a medicated bath. The fair but frail onus discovered that Ilazon was around and they endeavored to tire him out by remaining nearly two hours in the bath. Whey they finally did show up , Detective .lames Noligh put in an appearance and demanded the prisoners on the ground that they were valuable withnesscB of his in a case which ho had nt Council Bluffs , llo threatened to procure a writ of habeas corpus on which to tnko the arrcHted females , but he did not present such a writ. It m talked on the outside a part also coming from the citj that thu girls have been tlio hear era of a con fession on Kojtura part and that they wore paid to skip and avoid be ing brought , before the grand jury. Whatever there may bo in this rumor it is certain that their presence will bo required. E. Cahn , a well known young man , was held to bail yesterday afternoon to also appear as a witness in the Kostora ca o. What , ho is supposed to know is "one of those things no fellow can find out. " PERSONAL F. 0. Dodge , of Wool River , iu in the city. . K. F. Powers , of Grand-Island , arrived in Omaha yesterday. J. B. Voot , of North Bend , h iu the city on a brief business trip. * It , O , Baker , of Ogden , U among the rei'istries at the Cantield. Chas. S. IJurko and wife , of Grand Bland , are registered at the Cnufleld. W. W. Butler , of Denver , is in the ity. He ! B registered at the Canfield IUUBC. T. K. Kitzgor/ild , the well known travel ing man for K. J. Kieaol & Co. , of Toledo , a in Omaha , on 1m way we t. Hid vit- ted bin relatives , among wlmm are the Memrs. McShnne and Cici hton , ycstet- [ lay. 0. II. Dodje , treasurer and pavmastct 'or the contractors of tbo Grand Centra ! intel building , wan summoned to hUhomc u Hock Inland yesterday , by a dinpatch , relating to some Important pi operty mat U.TS , lie will be absent a few dayi ) . Bnakim * Arnica Salvo. The beat solve in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , totter , chapped hands chillblains , corns and all kinds ol skin eruptions. This salvo is guaranteed antood to give perfect satisfaction ii every case or money refunded. Price , 25o per box. For sale by 1u & McMAiKW. Omaha. THE LAND LEAGUE- The Weekly Mooting Wodnoeda ; Evening. The regular weekly mooting of Uu Laud League was hold Wednosda ; in Kuony's hall. The attendance wo. largo and was characterized by th preaonco of a number of the mom bora of the Ladies' Land Loaguo. Ii the absence of Mr Gray , the president dent of the League , Mr. Reagan , th vice president , occupied the chair Reports from several committees a regards the proceeds of the late lee tare and fair wore read and adopted It was sUtod that the 93000 , the sun netted at the latter , had boon for warded , and that it had boon ac knowlodccd editorially in the Iris ! World , and the interest of the Loagu in this city commended in tne earn columns. A committee consisting of Mess * ! Di novan , Ilarniran and llcilly wa appointed to confer with similarly cor stituted committees from the Emnu Monument association and the A. C U. , with a view to making arran < inonta for the celebration of tli 22d of this month , at one the birthday of Washington an the anniversary of Ilonry Grattan famous fdoohirutionil'jf Irish righti The joint conimiUno will mi-ot i Kuony'a hall on Sunday next , at o'clock. l Jn the matter of the probable r turn to the city from the Pacific coast of Messrs. Lloaly and O'Connor , the advisability of requesting thesu gentle , mun to address n mass meeting , to bo held hero en their arrival , won re ferred to the executive couiuiitiou , aud power given to not. FUN ON TIIE BRISTOL The Entertainment nt Boyd's Opom HOUBO Friday and Saturday. On Friday aud Saturday ovoi ings of thin week and in a Saturday after noon matinee , the "Fun ou the Bristol" party appears at Boyd's ' Opera House. Tlio Loavenworth Timofl of January 31at says : Gnu of thu happiest audiences that han over assembled at the now opera house was present last evening to hear "Fun on the Bristol. " As is usual , whenever The Times promises the people of Loavcuworth an entertainment worthy of patronage , thu house was crowded throughout , and it is fair to say that not a aim > lu one of the countless comical situa tions , witty sayings and pointed puns wore lost upon the vaat audience ; scarcely had onu hnppy burst of laughter died away nntil it was sue ceodod by another. Thu company wuru all in splendid shape , and in thu grand musical olio in the second act the participants were encored lopoat- edly. There isn't any particular plot in "Fun on the Bristol ; " it is only in tended to maku.nuoplo laugh , nnd ns such it la n brilliant success ; and to Messrs. Jarr .tt nnd Rico , tlio pro prietors of the company , and Air. Uoryiltui T. C'raig , manager of thu St Joseph opera house , tj whose eutor- prise i.s due the fact that "Fun on the Bristol" appears in Missouri valley towns , Leavenworth lutuma thanks for lost uvoning'a thorough enjoy ment. CREIGHTON COLLEGE. Conclusion of the Soml-Anrmo ) Ex- ivmlnaUon. The following names and numbers represent the studonta who anawered seventy-five percent , of the questions propounded in the semi-annual ex amination , which was brought to a close on Tuesday last : Class of Second Huminitica John Reilly 93 , Pat Burke 80 , Phil Mor- gin84. Glass of Third Humanities Frank McCroary 03 , John McCreary 92 , Robert McDonagh 8G , John Whaluu 85 , Oscar Kuibncli 75. Fir t Grammar , Division AChas. . Donahue 90 , Dan Tobin 87 , Hermi Stuht 82 , Richard LawlenH 77. Division B John D.ivis 80 , Peter Corrigan 80 , Frank Durr 70- First lludimenta - Clark Rcddick 9 ! ) , Emilu Nemetz 98 , Gustavo Hello 97 , Charles McGovern 97 , Peter Sher lock JJG , Milton Drost 95 , John Flan agan 94 , D in Muldoou 94 , Louis Bar- aum 92 , Jas. Flanagan 92 , Walter La- gcss'in 92 , Emmett Cavanuugh 91 , Ed Credon 91 , Ed Dailey 91 , Thos. Mc- Givoru 91 , Robert Sullican 91 , Joseph Werba 90 , Joseph Barta 90. William Mooney 89 , Fred Dellono 88 , George Ko&ters 88 , Mart McGrath 87 , Charles Gibbons 84 , Bart Lynch 83 , John Johnson 82 , Thomas Swift 82 , John Stass 81 , James Rush 80 , Charles Kammer 79 , John Simpson 78. Second Rudiments- John H. O'Neill 99 , Wm Flannogan 98 , John Herald 98 , Pefer Powers 97 , Leroy Walker 90 , Araauld McCormick 93 , Wm. Quinlan 92 , Chos. Karbach 90 , John Lynch 86 , James Daley 85 , Wm. Bolan 81 , John O'Brien 83 , Dan Mc Carthy , 83 , Harry Cotter 82 , Henry Leary 80 , Stephen Bowea 79 , Wm. Crager79 , Harry Patrick 78 , Wm. Neckol 77 , John Connors 70 , Pat Me Million 7G. Too Fastldloiu- Some wnuld-bo Byrcna 'look on witl At the rliyme * of Kolecfrio Oil "i oet ; " But wo hnto the beet aiticlo known to tin _ wnilcl. And into' d that a'l porfoun hhall know it I tT cures COM ht , colds , aflthmn.ind catarrh Hr nchitix nnd courjiltuntH of that kind ; It tlocH notcoit much , though rhuuinutic it ctirt'H. 'Tia the bout Oil iu the world jou c n find 30-1-v BURGLARIZED AGAIN- Mrs. Jahn'fl Lodging Hotel a Fourtl Tlmo Ransacked by Thieves. ' The operations of ono or mor 'slick" thieves in the vicinity of th depot has been the cauao of nuwepa per report and comment in the paat No single place in the city has siiflei ed moro , however , than the lodgin hotel kept by Mrs. Elena Juhn , most estimable German lady , o Tenth street , adjoining the St. JAIIU hotel. Three limes burglaries hnv been announced tin occurring ; nt tlii place , nnd on Wednesday night m otlit r was perpetrated. The tliievt wont in through a window , anil ran Hacked u room or two , They tliei struck in at the bar room and tool about ton dollars in change , a thnu sand cigars and a number of bottle of good whisky. The money an other articles taken will foot upaboi forty dollars' worth. No trace of tli thieves has bien found. Wonted Intonnation is wanted of the wher abouta of A. Veairie , charged wit embezzlement from the Omaha Pu1 hshing company. Ho is about i yoara old , of medium height , and wt built. His hair , musUcho and eyi are dark. Ho was last seen at tl transfer depot in Council UlufFj , wii a satchel. Any information loadii to hia detection will bo thankfully r coived by the Onuhr Publishing con pany. Married. Mr. F , U. Forsdyko , of Oruic ! shank & Co.'s store , and Miss Lizz AVebb , of this city , woru married yn terduy at 2 o'clock in- the afternot ,01 at the residence of the bride's mot er. Uov. W. J. Hanlia officiated. 11 happy couple left for Now York : thu evening goiiij ; by way of the V.t dalia Jimi. Their trip will oxtei until March 10th. Mr. and Mi Foradyko will take up their futu reeiJenco iu thia city. A GENEROUS GIFT. A aick Mou imd nifl Bon Sent Free to the PadUc Ooiiat. For some timu past A. Courtney , an Englishman who ciiiuo hero . from Rochester , N. Y. , hns worked nt hia trade oa'n barber iu the shop of Sam Cornfield on Sixteenth atrect. Uu had- lost his wifu but had a little boy six years old loft him. Courtuny has the consumption bad and of late has been very anxious to got his boy sent to Australia , whore ho has relatives who would take earn of him in case ho was loft alone , but being without a cent in the world , or any chance of saving any , ho had no hope of accomplishing his wish. Recently the father becanio much worse , aud seeing that his lifo , if ho remained hero , would soon bo ended , n number of kind hearted persons went to work and raised money enough to buy tickets for him to San Francisco , fur nished him with n splendid nnd mam moth basket of lunch nnd a compkte outfit for comfort on thu traiu , such as blankets , overcoats , mattresses , etc. Wednesday ho was eacorted to the train with hm boy , their ticket * bought , baggage checked and they were sent oil in the most com fortable atylo. It would bo unneces sary to attempt to describe the man's gratitude and hard to say too much for thiskind-hcnrtedactof his friends. Ilia landlord , nt Ostliotr'a boarding house , contributed hia board for the past throe wooka and considerable be sides , while W. J. Whitohouao , Dr. Lunyon , and Messrs. Hnyea and Par ish were active in the good work , "HOUGH ON RATS. " The thing desired found at liu > t. Ask dniRffist for "Hough on KatH. " It clears out rntw , mice , rnacben , flics , beu bugs ; 15c boxen (1) ( ) eiDe Meyers CATARRH CURE. Tbo Only Kiiovm Real Cure. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONtY. ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Omco o M L. Thomns UoomS CrisleliWn Block. < 2 f fCff \ \ \ < * ' ° 'oan a' Iroru 8 to 10 PIT cent DtM'.wlM o" Kood real estatt-tiocurily , liy 1)11. ISAAC KDWAUDfi HO Farnhim t U LOAA At 8 tier _ teront In sums of ? 2EOO aud i , for 8 tii 5 > ran , on Urst-cL-iss city and farm proj > crt.v. Rums UKAL EJIATB anJ LOAN AQK.VCT , 1Mb nnd Uouclaa Stn HELP WANTED. Met and teams to woik In tec WAETED . $1.60 far iren , iS.61 for tearoB. Apply nt once near leitiliting wo tli 8. < nemle ! south of Bo d'd PKkln IIo uo , Bca Matuan. 6fi-B * . Imp'ojTnint by a good girl. Ap ply to H. Maunweller , llth btrctt , near 01-2- . A girl for. sroneral housowork. WANTKD HIT Howard Bt. 69-2 * . By a steady man a permanent WANTED . I'r.dcrsunds ' the care of horses. Good references If rttiuliod. Address K , Bir.olllco. 63-0' . WANTED A slti-atlon on servant girl. In quire 823 South 20th street or at Julius Trcltschke'o whole-sain liquor ttore , Utaa.rect. 01-4. \ ROOil housekeeper , German WANTED . Apply to Ii Mann'cllcr , llth streetmor Farnhuu. 001' . ' EU By a rccpo table jicrcon n n tua- WAN'l aa stconil tnrl Iti a iimct family. M- dre > H K. T. A. , Ilil3 , Capitol avenue , bet. llfh . Wi-3 * and 17th. - TopurrlisHB a dwelling l.nuoin . WANTKU . IhoHltuatHn limit bo di irable , thn house cunmio loux and the price rfiuonnblu. Addre-8 I. 0. Kiugniau , rooui Zl , ttrMg'e building. ? ity. 48 2" \\7"ANTKf > Ctrl forgentril houncwork ; Ocr IT man prelcrrciU Kr.oulro at (308 ( . 17th&t. 31-tf A few more ay tioirdcru can bo WAN1KD - with nibt-di i lib u board at $1.00 per wtt'k , HOS Capitol . .MM ue , bet. 14th and IOth 41-0 MUS I OSi. ASTKD A c.rria e pilntcr t Sluipeon's W carriage factor ) , 14 D nnd 1411 Dod o St. 44-4 To inform the public iht.t I have WAFTKO ; I'l to J , ( laline y \ O > . my r < g and metal bii-incca , but on y renteil ihe mme tor a short peril d. All Kliuu if cnoda In the Junk line Will bo handled by mn at my new p ! i e ol iiumncre , coiner 10th arid Harnev M , ll. Bert- lioldipiopnctor C'maha Iron and Metal Yard. 7-tl - Im'i cdat < ly , at 1703 Callfor WANTFD-Url ; bep.odcook , wat-hcr and Ironcr None other netd apply. 3-tf " \\rA TKD To txrn co fr city property \ V 60 or IU a < ten of good f.irm land ImproV' ' eil , with t mbrr and running water Situattnl In York count * , 4 inil.n irmn riulrnnd town. Ad ' , J , Jlluett , 171& uard & ( . , Omaha 21 SVod. Vl'ANThD-A liuod * ouiano.ol ( . Inqillroal \ > Mm. McU y , on 1'opplcton axnue , hot. . ii.lli on < -Jnd l ttri'Cl. lh-2' \\fANTlJD-rin-t-ciaiiii , COOK , ono wj o uudcr > > hUin Mim-atoonkliitroauel aspin'ry ; 110111 but llr-c c a > > H i. .d apply Alto a good r > < y ei ttuiur. Appl. tll06VanihAiu t Wl-ti dl . ) A gooil girl for g n ral liuu-o WANTl.l alsoann-illnlrl ti take ciro of baby. Inquire uoithwixt corner < 3J and liar mrcot. 1W4 U 8 ' \ rANTKl > Kuiiduiu bridKeundtfnool twndi W 'I T OUrk Hellflviie. 20-r > _ - lent a dra'rablx dwtlllni WANTKD-To Uox 40 , Cicy 071 tf A few d v boar..ere mn be at WANTED Hh Dnii-claw Ubl board a very rra enable rate , Ii qulr a' 185 llotard between Oth and 10 b ll * . B8itf " \ITANTKD 4 children as b arder tn a del < W school , at IBtb and U&llfomla Bt. L. E LOUUI8 76T-U FOR HENT HOU8EB AND LAND. 10 \ OK KENT Mtely furrUhul roonn to le h F reference oxcbangcd ; 1417 Howard tit.OtW ' 2 OtW > . 0' OU HKNT o fnrnUhed rooms with boarc iiF COJ North 17 h bt. 63 3 * . HENT llouie of "romn ; has FOIt hrvo liable , 12 h Hlrett , bttuce 11 ow ard and J * ck on. Kent , f 0 in r inoni Ii Iioftf. oftf. TTIOIl HENT rurnlelifd front room , N E. co JJ Uthand Jtcnwn , { ,2-tf , JI1 \ ItKNT Ono 1 r < e front ncm , furnl.hci JI1h J7\9R two gentlemen , ItJlSC'hlcagofct. M lie I10K HKNT Done > an plac , fouththd of 13t treut , Uuuhd , tulUblo for H-jjeta loira iu d Ti i ; a toi < l hruM ) w tb clutrrn , Biter , 4c , goo n- well ai it baru , a bearing orchard ab < ut 000 tea nid ix ) 1 1 < n , a lar e amount f gootvbcry an currant nurhe' , AC , Ac. For tirun n-J cond 8. tloun apply at the Crelxhtun HOUM. 42-11 ro iOn KK.NT-KurnUheu room. Jacltou St. 3j. ( [ SPEWAL HOTIOES-Oontinnefi I New tionw , 7 roomn , iMh ! and X' Chlcnpo St. S3 4 * HUNT 1Yn nrron Innd Ith I cuw , three 1 mill * from city on Military rotvL Aiiplr \ to J. M.Bhiilr. etliV. | T71OK IinNT lloom * In JfK-ob. ' blo-k. K 1V3-H "iJIOK 11KNT Hoom | rtlally ftiniMiiil. ( Vii'lto L1 ftnnue. bt. Kth niifl l Oi , touih Mo. 0-t 1710K HKNT Mi ) ly furnished notiat , at 1016 I1 Chicago Ht. 17 W T on HEKT llouw of * lfht ( t omn. I'.noultD j J. I'hlpnfl llo * , U12 B. rath Bt. & 77-tt "nOR IlKNf Feb. lot , eomnxxllous brick nsf. JJ dcnco , corner IBth and Punham Ht . Ap ply to.Mrs K.A , Ittncr , Tabor , Krenont CX > . . W-a. ll fereDfc dc lred. OH RENT One. of the best rtort * on lumloc F 8t. COxEl , bv January 1. 1832. 820 tf irtoit HKNT i furnUMxl rwaix over sim 1 * Kicb ogcN. R ecr. loth and i ia TTIOIl ItRNT Nicely furnlrfiwi rooms with or .E without bonrd. lleoaonabio priced. 201U 769-tf EOB HENT PurnlKhod room * , north Bldo ol California m. , d door xdt ol 21 at. Inquire ftftor t p. in. < M. FOR SALE TTXlIt HAL" OK K 'U 1'UIIUO U8K PnU JL1 IIloixlix ) Jor cy bull. IteJilom-o2318 De- Mtur HI reel , Ncrtt Omoln , tlto lilockn north * wtat of turu-tiblc ou Haumlurs etrttt , .Tail * Taylor. FOll BALI ! A first cl.v phaeton. Kn < ] ulraat 131U Luruey Ht. ( ) ! ; ) FOll bAI.K lloucrkrouf hy the barrel , chcnp ; iTKil. 40c , at Dutham Meat Market , ISUi St. , bet. , DouglMand LlodKO , 64 U 171011 SALK Onr loal of horH"8 nml niulcH , at JL1 Ulllrouco'a Halo stable * , U10 h. luth St. 1JUK SALK OH KENT A good | \ylnu btul- J ; noiK. Hultnblo for fny ono hcnt W pet month. Oocxl locution. Terms modirnt * . Ad- dtc 3 "Dui-lncBs" Bco olllct ) . 29-U FH HALB Houne , 7 rooms , closet , cl tvrn , well nnd lot ; COS N. 13th St. 024' ITIORSAI.E Good \\illanrt llxturoa ofn , P clnsH saloon and billiard hall , sltunted In the town ot Uu Witt , Clinton Co. , Ix Will U-aw thu biilldln ) ; for n term of flvo ycnr . Coublnt- tng of a Lugo bar-room mid dwelling rootna. Thp bi' t location In thu city , Tlio place hot b -i n doing n flno lusliiCNS for ten \ i am. A HO a 'largo lc hotiRO Oiled with loo. Addresw Mm. W. Kadtxh , DJ AVitt , Clinton Co. , la. 2ditwll ! TTAOH SALE Uoueo nnd full lot In Rood loctt- Jj tlon. cheap. 1'rico , 8K&0. Easy terms. McCAOUK , Opp. post cilice. 1 U 17011 BALE Bert building lot tn Shlun'e ad- JL1 d tlon , 142 feet east front by 120 foct depth. McCAQUE , Opp. ix > 9tollioc. 14 tf SALK , CHIIAP Knglncer's tools , com- E6K ' of a theodolite und apparatUM. In quire of C. D. , 2O7 S. ISth St. 16-tf FOR SALE A good bnppy horse , miltablo for a lady to drive. Inqulru No. 1100 Howard e reet. P78-4 I710K bALK 1 Barrel stallion , Clydesdale , a JL years old , weighing 1681) pouidi. 1 black xtulllon , i Norman J .VoigAii , 6 yearn old , wuiuh. Ing 1660 pounds , took firs preiUum at Nebtaakc. Mutii Fair , 1SS1. 1 Kuntu ky Jock , black , wtlghing about 900 pounds , 4 ycaraoll , took Ilrst premium at Nebra ka State Fair , 18SO and- 1881. Inquire of Chaa. Ncber , Fanmra House. Cilv. SALE Four sertlonn of shelving and S FOll good counter * . Inijulrc at D W. Baxo , Op > ra IIouw ) 1 harmacy. 027-tf 7\OB \ SALE OH KENT A grocery store and. _ but clior shop , doinRagood busfncsa. In- uir3 at thia olilcu. 812-tf SALK 2 nice countfra and 2 silver plated , ( how ca&es , at Oco. H. Pcteisou's , 804 South ,0th St. 741-tf SALE Or will excha ge for Omaha pro pel ty , an improved sec on of land adjoin ing a station on U. P. It. R. U. DUNHAM. 1412- 'arnbamSt. , Omaha. 72USmt "I70I18ALE i ir trade for city property , on JJ pen of horses , harness and wagon. Addrea " Y. , thlsofllcd 722 tf R SALE A good seven-year-old borea JP Warranted to drive singleor double. En ulro of Oeorgo CanUeld , Oonfield house.novlStf novlS-tf FOH ( .Abb. BK1UK RSTABKOOK ft OOE. MISCELLANEOUS. On January 24. dark porrel horst ) STRAYED years old , bra .ded with "L"f n the ght shoulder. 'Ihe person taken up tbo same ill please return to 800 Dodge , and I will pay all reasonable charges. M. A. DUUDALE. 67-4' Tf I01IKST PRICE paid far all kinds of Iron. Ll metal and rags , by I. Oalinsky & Co. , 1020- 'Jouglos St. 49-lra New pocket-book bctwtcn post omco IOST Lan-s grocery ttore , containing about K ) . 'Iho finder pleanc Icaie at liocoillco , where he owner will pay reward of 810. 37-2 TUJl'MSIIElTllOOilS FOR IlENT-B. W.Cor. 19th and laveni > ortst. oyu rnWO FURNISHED ROi MS KOllRi-NT In- J. quire at IlOBpo'u Art Dnponum , IblO Dod o itrett. OUB-tf ANAO'MEXT OF SMALL ' USINE88 wanted by exnericncid man. Small salary. ' ' . i ) . Box 60-J City 1IIIIITS For tbo ne t 30 days , wo will , on the retolpt of sixty contfl , eund to any addrtfin. w-tpild , one of our unlanndred du-ns Shtrta. 'osltivcly only ono Bhirt sent to one address. EUREKA SHUT CO. . 04(1-1 ( m Marseilles. 111. HI Ma Wlttmi three blocks of1 postollkc. Inquire at 1B10 Dod o. 0-itMf ITlURNIStlEU UOOMS For ulimlo gentlemen : . Jj also ono front room with piano , southwon. corner ixth and Capital avvnuo. bOO-tf EMIB1 NEW CITY MAPB. 10c. Mounto B Maps. 82.60. OKO. P. BKMI3. . IN UKAkOM 1'aHtilu and OIL. vine decorative painting. MRS. D. K. , room 1. Jacob's Block. 642-U ATK BOOM seil t kALEU HAY At A. H. Bander's Feed Store ] ) 1018 Harney St. sl9-tf EMIS' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 8 B In page. EDWAliJD KUEiiL MAOISTER OF PALMY8TERY AND CONDI TIONALIHT , 498 Tenth Street , between Farnbam indllaiuey. Will , with the aid of guardian Kplrits , obtain for any ono a glance at the past and prexent , ami on certain conditions In ths fa ture. Boots nnd Shoes made to .filer. Purfrct ' irtlrii iriiariiitecd Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ol purity. , ttrtngtb. and wholcgomeneu. More tconomloaT than the ordinary klndi , and cannot bo told In con petition with the multitude of low Ut , . ihort weight , alum or pborphate powden Bold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER OO. , NewYcrt. y