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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1882)
1JLE OMA11A DA11A7 BEE : FRIDAY , FEBKuAlVY ! 5 , ibb * . THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUDLI3HINQ OO.t PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Streett , TEUMS Of SUIISCRIITIOK. no cory 1 yrar.ln iU nc ( postpaid ) $10.00 I months " " 6.00 month " " 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE , roci CRD CHICAGO , tr. rirt , MosurcLts KD OXAIH RAILROAD. Leave OraMia PaAwnecr No. 2 , 8:30 : . in. Ac- wminodatlon No. 4 , 1:0 : ( p. m ArthoOratihA PiiMonKor No. 1 , JM : p. m. Accommodation No. 3 , 10M : > . m. UAVtNd OMAHA BUT OK COtrtll ( OCRT. C. , B. & 0. T : < 0 . m. 3:10 : p. m. , C. ft N. W. , 7:40 : a. in. 3:40 : P. m. C. , R , I. it r. , 7:49 : ft. m. 3:40 : p. m. K. 0. , St. J , i C. 3. , lc \ < at ft . m. Mid 8:80 : p.m. AiriusatSt. Umlsat 0:30 : . m. nd t:62 : P > W.i SLL. 4 P.lcm t8 . m. anil 3:40 : p. Arrives & St. Louis te:40 : . m. nd , : so m \rwT on nocriiwiwre.1 B. fc M. In Neb. , Through Kxprrm , 6:60 : . m. D. A M. Lliifoln Kiprcss :20 : p. re. 0 I * . 0\erlanil Kxprw. 12:16 : p. in. 0. & K. V. tor Lincoln , 11:45 : ft. m. O. < fc R V. for Osccoh , 0:10 : . in. U. I1 frcklit No. 5 , 6SO : iv. rn. U. P relent No. C , SSO : R. in. P. V. freight No. IS , 2.60 p. m. U. P. frcldit No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. eieit ! : nt. . .IP. Denver f\pr * , " ' 35 p. in. D. P. freight No U , ll'SO p. ra. D. P. Denver f ri-ieht , 8:2ft : p. m. ARMVLMi FROM lASt A ) > D HOHH. C. B. A V 6.00 . in. 7:25 : p tu. ( fe N. W.,9 4u n. m. 7'26 p. m. C. U. I. & P. . 9:45 : ft. m.:06 : p. m. K. C. . St. Jou A C B. , 740 ! . m. 8:45p. : ARRIVING FROM HIR * Ml AND 0. fc R. V. from Lincoln lOS : p. ra. U. P. Pacific Express 3:25 : p. m. B & M.ln Ncl' , Through Evprcm1 4:1 : 1 p m. n. Si M. IXncoln Express P:40 : a m. U. P. Denver CAprc * " , 7:35 : n. in. U. P. Frcluht No. H-2M : > p. m. U. I1. N'o. 6 6:20 : a. in. Kmlgrwit. U. P. IrclRht No. 14 , 12:1 : ! p. in. U. P. N'o. 8 9:00 p. ui. U. P. So. 12 1:15 : a. in. U. P. I > tii\cr freight , 1:10 a. ui. O. & H. V. mixed , ar. :4& : p. ui , SCMilt TEALS8 mmtlM OHA1U AKD OOOMIL BLUVre. Lwae Omaha at 3:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00 m. ; 1:0 2:00 : , 3.00 , 4:00 and 5:00 : p. ra. Leave Council BluI ( at R:25 , 9:25. : 10:25 : and 1J6 : . m. ; 1-26 , 2:26 : , 8:25,4:26 : : anil 6:25 : p.m. Bun'laya The dummy lcn\ca Omaha at 9:00 : nd 11:00 a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4UO : and 6:00 p. m. Lcavca Council Ulufla at 0:25 : anil 11:26 : a. in. ; 2:26 : , 4:26 : nd 6:25 : p. m. Through , and local paascnpcr trains between Omaha and Co'vi 11 Blulls. Leave Omaha 6:16. : 7:46 , 8:60 : a.m. ; ; l:40 : , 6:46 : , OKX ) p. tn. Arme Omaha 7:40 : , 11:35 , 11:46 : a. in. ; 6:40 : , 7:06 : , 7:16 : , :40 p. m. _ Opening an3 Clotlng of Mr Hi. ROCTl. OPFS. CLOBH. . m. p. m. a. m. p. m. Chlcaco&N. W . 11.00 0.00 ftSO : 2:40 : Chlcaco , K I. fc PaclflC. 11:00 : fl.OO 6:30 : 2:40 : Chlcaso. U. fc Q . 11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 : 2ilO Wabaah ! . . . . 12:30 : # .30 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacific. . 9:00 5:80 : 2:40 : Union Pacific . 4:00 : 11:40 : Omaha&U. V . 4:00 11:40 : B. * M. InNch . 4:00 8:10 : Omaha * Sioux City. . . . 0:00 7:30 : B. AM. Lincoln . 10:30 : 6:00 : D. P. Lincoln. Suudaj. . . 1:30 : 11:00 U. P. DcmcrExo . 0:00 : 6:30 : O. , Sioux City & St. P. . .11:00 : H40 ; Local mails for State at Jowa leare bnl once a day , viz : 6:30 : a.m. Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m. THOR. V HALL P M. Business HirectorY. Abstract arid Real tttnto. JOHN L. MoCAQUE , opiwelto Post Office. W. R. BARTLETT 817 South 18th Strott Archltectt. DOFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 14 Crclghton Block. A. T. LARQR Jr. . Room 2. Crclehton Block. Boots and Shoe * . JAMES DeVINE & CO. , line Boots and Shoes. A Rood assortment ol home work on hand , corner l'2th and Harney. TDOS. EHICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Dowtlw. JOHN FORTUNATUS , 005 10th street , manufactures to otdci good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Bad Spring * . J. r. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Douplairt. Books , New * and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUT 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. HoSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest K and B. bonio In Nebraska catabllnhed 1876 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , lOQthwcat corner IBthand Dodeo. Best Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Meala at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms ( or Cash. Rnnroa Supplied. Carriages anrt Rood Wagons. WM SNTDER , 14th and Harney Street * . Clothing Bought. J. HAKRI i will piy hlchcatCash price for second band clothlnr. Corner 10th and Karnhiuii. Jewo ers. JOHN 1JAUMK11 1311 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BERTHOLD , llAR and Metal Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & OR lY corner ( jth and Douglas 8a. ( Lamps and Ulatswaro. J. BONNEU 1809 Douglas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. G. A LINDQUEST , One of our matt popular Merchant Tallora la re ceiving the latest ilculirna for Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemen's wear. StylUli , durable , and prices low as over 216 13th bet. Doug.&Karn. Millinery. MRS. C. A. RINQKR , Wholesale and R UU. Fan cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , CanV Hoards , lloelory , Qlotcs , Contvts , ic. Cheapest Uowm In the West. Purchasers nave SO per cent. Order by Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN WKARNE & SONS , cor , llth & Jacknoneta Hour and Feed. OUAUAC1TT MILLS , 8th and Farnhim Sta , , WeUhans Bros. , proprietors. Urocers. Z. BTEVEN8 , 21st betwccu Cumlng and liar X. A. McSIIANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Btreeta. riardwaie , Iron and Steel. OLAN & LANOWORT1IT , Wholeaale , 110 lot 112 street . HOLMES corner IMh and California. Harness. Saddles , &c. B. WKIST 20 18th St. bet Farob Harney. Hotel * . * ANHELD HOUSE , Goo. Canfleld.Mh & Farahati ] DOBAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 818 Farnham SI. BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Blaveo , 10th 81. Southern Hotel GUI. Uamot Oth & Ltavcnwoitb Drug * , Paint * and Oils. KUHN & CO. f haraidife , Fine Vane Uoodi , Cor. 16th and Doucin ttreflU. W. J. WHITEHOUPE , Wholesale & Retail , 18th el. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlng Street FARR , Druggist , 10th and Howard Streets. Dentist * OR. PAUL , Williams' Block Cor. Dry Good * Notions , Etc. JOHN H. F. LEliMANN & CO. , Mew York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1812 Fam him itrvct L.C. Know old alao boots and ehooa 7thPadflc. . rurulture. * r. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furniture od Stotee , lilt DccurUi. Highest cash price aid for second ban ! ( tooai. , BONNEU 1808 DauyJa st. Fine goodi , he r rrco Works. OL'AIIA FENCE CO. BUST , KRIK3fC 1213 Harney St. , 4 Ice Boxei , lice and Wood Fence * Offic * Flue and WaloutOffic Olgars and Tobacco. ffT.ST A , m nnl ctnre of Cigars , inJ Wtioltmle Dealers ! n Tot'iccc * . 1S05 l > oUKfl . . A' F LOU a7.KMtnanua _ ( ti rcr 1416 V iih m Florlil. A. PonnghuepUnt , cut ( loners , ttvAn , oooutts , rtc. N. W. cor. 16th an J Doui > la etrrct * . Civil Engineers nd Surveyor * . ANDREW ROSKWATKR , Cn-lqhlon Block , Town Surveys , Grails and Sowcrage Systems a Uommltjlon Merchants. JOHN G. WIL L1S,141I DoJgo Street. D B. IlKKMKH. For ilcbvllt see large ad o tl . mcnt In Dally and Weekly. Cornice Worki. \Vr Urn Oornlco Work ) , Manufacturers Iron Oornl.'t , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofllng , Orders tram any lomlltj promptly exrcutnl In the best manner. Factory and Olllce 1213 Harrcj St. C. SPKCIIT , Proprietor. Galtanlred Iron Cornice" , Wlnilow Caiv , etc. , raaimt.utuml and put up In any l tt of the counttv T. SINIIOLU 410 Tlilrtccnth ( trett Crockery , J. RONNF.R 1309 Douglas direct. Good line. Clothing nnd Fuinlihlng Coodi. OKO. H. PETKHSON. Also Hats , Capo , Boots , Shot , Notions anil Cutlery , N > 4 S lOth street. Retrlgerators , Cantleld's Patent , C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Karn. A Harncy. Qhow C.110 Manufactory. 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kn ! < l of Show Cites , Uprleht Cases , & . , 1317 Caw bt. FRANK L. OEUllAllt ) , proprietor Omaha Sho'Ca o miinifai-torj' , 818 South ICth street , > rt\Mvn Lea\eimorth and Marcy. All warranted Ilift , Pawnjroktrs. UOSKVFKLP. 10th at..hct. far ft liar tjtovcs ana inwara. A. I1URMKS1KR , Jcaler In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer ol Tin Roofs and all kinds of IluUdltig Work , OddPcllows'Block. J. 110NNKR , 1S09 Douglas St. Good and Cheap. Bends. J , EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultlvatoie , Odd Kellons ilall. Physicians an i Burgeons. \V. S. OIDI1S , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crrighton Dlock , 15th Street. P. S. LEISENR1NO , tl. D. Maeonlo Block. C. L , HART , M. D. , Eje and Ear , opp. postoffite DR. L. It ORADDY. Octilltt and Auriot. S. W Uth and Karnham Sts Photogrnpners. GEO. IIEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt ness guaranteen Plumbing , Gas and Bteam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 21012th M , Met. Farnham and Dougla . Work promptly nttcndcil to. D. riTXPATIUCK. 1403 DouelM Street. alntlng an nper tinging , HENRY A. KOSTER3. UI Dodge Street. Shoe Stores. ' Phillip Lang. 1320 Farnham at. bet. 13th A 14th. Second Hand Storo. PERKINS & LEAR. 1416 Douglas St. . Now and Second Hand Furniture , Ilousn Furnishing Goods , . , bourht and sold ou narrow marrlns. Ualoons. HENRY KAUFMANN , In toe now brick block on Douglas Stroct , has Jast oi > ened a most elegant lieoj Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. " C U lonia " J FALCONER 679 16th Street. Undertakers. . CUAS. RIEWE , 101 * Farnham Bet. 10th & lltd SO Cent Stores. P. 0. BACKUS 1206 Farnharo St. . Pane * Goods Free .to Everybody ! A Beautiful Book for the Asking , By appl > Ing personally at the nearest office of THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. ( or by postal card U at a distance. ) any ADULT nor. son wjll be presented with a beautifully Unit- rated copy of a New Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED , OR THE STORY OF THESE WIN & MACHINE containing a handsome and costly steel engrav ing fronttspierce ; also , 2d finely engraved wood cuts , and bound In an elaborate blue and golt lithographed cover. No charge whatever is made for this handsome book , which can be obtained only by application at the branch and etibor dlnate offices of The Singer Manufacturing Co. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. , Principal Office , 34 Union Square , New York oct27-dmtotf&w WAR IN PASSENGER BATES I IIOBBIE BROS. . Brokers In all Railroad Tickets , Omaha , Neb. , offer Tickets to the East , until further notice , at the following unheard ol Low Rates : 1st class , 2d class , NEW YORK , $20.00 , BOSTON , 20.00 , PHILADELPHIA , 2S.OO , WS.OO. WAHHINUTON , 22.00 , 20.00. For particulars , write or go direct to IIOBBIE BROS. , Dealers tn Reduced Rate Railroad and Steamship Tickets , 809 Tenth St. , Omaha Neb Remember the place Three Doors North o Union Pacific Railroad Depot , East aide ofTentb Street. Omaha August 1 , 1231 To Nervous Sufferers THE QREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific It Is a positive cure for bpermatoirhea , Semlna Wooknoes. Impotancy , and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Lossi Memory , Pains In the Back or Bide , and diseases y j j j Consumption insanity an , _ earlygrave The tWclflc Medicine II being UBOC with wonder ful success , Famphleti iunt fie to all. Write for thom and get full par titulars. Price , Specific , (1.00 per package , or ilx pack i es for $6.00. Address til ordcn to B. SIMSON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and 106 Main St. Buffalo , N. T. old In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Rell K lib , and all arutrglsbieverywherc. _ _ _ i .gfcy KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA BITTERS ILER & CO. , Sole Manufacturers. OMAHA. MraskaLandAgeDi DAVIS & SNYDER , 1606 Farnham St. , , . , Omaha , Nebra QfcOO.OOO .A.OJE 1E1I9 Ctre.ully Mlectod land In Eastern Nebraska ( o ule Orcat Bargain * In tmprored fanes , am Omaha city property. 0. r , DAVIS ! & .WKBSTKH IfNVUEB t Land Cccc'i U. P , A LOST HEIR FOUND , * Hnrd n ( , Work iu n Pnpor booking for n Sluvo Now Olio of the Heirs to Ills Former Muster's Ksttito In Mnryliuul. . . Onu wuok ngu thin uiorniim n pnr- advertisoinont ajipoarotl in The Dispatch , asking for intornmtion ro- jardiiig the wlioroalwuts of Peter Ircon , formerly the slave of Col. ,1. .1. Sutlierlniid , in St. Mary county , Maryland , ' The ndvurtisumont ftirthur itnted Hint Voter , when last hoard 'rum ' , wasatllariiiursvillothiHcounty , uul nskod tlm1 infonnntioii conuoruini ; lini ho nont to Jnlin Oreon , in Hiilti- noro. Shi ? is tlio mother of the man n demand , Colonel Sutherland uas , in unto- iiollnm dayn , ono of the wealthiust .ilantora and most extrusive landown ers in Maryland , his plantation on the Iwnks of the Maryland river compris ing 12,500 acros. A slave-holder on a Inrgo acalo , and a bltiuhlood , ho had commanded a regiment iu the Moxi- win war , find at its conclusion retired to a life of alllncnt dignity on his plantntioii. When the emancipation proclamation sot his slaves froi ami turned them loose to shift for themselve in the mid winter of 1801 ! , they se.itteml to all parts of the cou try. Some , with the character is tie dependence of their race , drifted into the \vnko of the southern armies and followed them to the south , while those in whom the love of liberty was strong est turned their stops to the free country toward which their faces had been set for many years. At the eon- elusion of the war Colonel Suther land foitcht his way back to the old pluce , where ho died recently , and by will left the bulk of his property to his former slaves. The friends of those interested have been seeking for thom over since. A l.OSr limit KH'MI. Peter Green , then a hobble-do-hoy about IT ) years old , parted from liin mother in January , ' < > ; > , and strayed oil'after the confederate military. She heard of him at intervals subsequently the last time from HarmerHvillo , until last Saturday she received u telegram signed with his name and dated West Newton , thirty-iivo miles from this city , where ho is employed as a lire- man in the paper mill. A friend in this city Imcl seen the ad vertisement in the Dispatch and sent it to him. Quito a number of residents at West Newton also noticed the advertisement , and when the writer went to that town yesterday to have n talk with the ebony Jason for whom , reading the classic story back ward , the golden lleeco had boon chaaing through the land , the fortu nate man was well informed of his good fortune. They are a sociable people , the West Newton folks , and touch elbows with each other through all the financial and social grades , from the capitalist who owns the principal manufactory to the odd job man about town. So everybody know Peter Green , and nearly all had heard of his good for tune and wanted to know more. Ho worked at the paper null , they said. Did the fortune amount to much ? At the oflico of the paper mill they said he was over at the evaporator. Did Colonel Sutherland leave him much of an estate ? His swarthy alternate , whoso duty it was to attend the fires at the evaporator , said Peter had gone homo a few minutes ago , and how much was it the old man had left him , anyhow ? There snuinod to bo a unan imous doairo for figures on the dimen sions of Peter's fortune. A tall , well-built * black man mot the reporter at the door of the little oiio-story frame house to which ho had been directed , and smiled clear across his hearty-looking face when the object of the call was stated. Yes , he 'spccted ho was the man they wanted , and ho readily gave his rea sons for the faith that was in him , I'KTEIl'K 1'KHKOUIKATIONH. "Julia Green is my mother , " he said in the rich , soft dialect of the true southern darkey. I was born and raised about half up on Col. Sutherland's place in St. Mary county , Maryland. As near as I can remem ber lam about 94 years old ; but-Miss Mollie Sutherland will know , for she put all our ages down in the Bible. When emancipation came to us I was a chunk of a boy. What ago does a boy cut his jaw teeth ? I remember I cut mine after I loft the plantation and it made me sick. After I left the place I got on a boat they called the Mary Washington , which carried pro visions for the southern soldiers. I nnd a fellow -named Joe Thompson piloted her. Ono day wo run her in at Millstone landing urid u lot of union cavalry that had been hid in the bushes watching the boat , scooped down and captured us. They had cannon , and we weren't a fighting boat so the captain had to Hurrender. The follows who captured us belonged to the 3d Indiana cavalry , Colonel Carter. ] went with the regiment and cooked for the colonel until ho was shot from his horse creasing the ford ul Frodericksburg. I stayed with the ropimont until it was mustered out ut Columbus , Ohio. Then I worked for a farmer named John Garbison for two , years. After that I came to 1'ittsburg and carried a hod for Jim Francis and John Atkinson , Then ] drove team for J. F , Bruggomon , ant afterwards drifted up to Sharpaburj , and finally to Hancorsville , I curm to West Newton two years ago almost got married and settled down. M ] wife died a few months ago and I aui nil alone now , " 1IIK OU ) PLANTATION. "Do you remember much about the old plantation ? " "I mind the old colonel , lie wat baldhcadod and used to ride a bald faced sorrel mare named Mollio. She was a rackor. Uo was n good mai and kind to his boys. " "JJow many acres of land did h own't" "Now you're too hard forme ; you'n too hard for mo. There was tlu 'Chisel hill farmland tho'Jtivorfarra , whore the nmsaa lived. I 'sped al together the place was about tw ( miles nnd a half square. " "Have you any marka or Beam ci your body by which your mother will know you' ' ' "I have n soar on tin- top nf my rinht foot whuro 1 cut it null nn n.xe , nml one above the ri ht ntiklo whuro a tree fell on it nnd bioko it. But bless yon , bow , my old mother won't 11 coil dose BCAi-fl , She'll know Pete. " Then Peter turned the tables nnd beiinn to nak questions about the sire of his aha re nnd the chanccH of his getting H , nml , soon _ exhausting the reporter's supply of time and knowl edge , the interview cnmo to nil end. Peter is well spoken of by hit em pluyers and neighbors ns an iiuhmtvi- OUB , honest follow , lie is n prominent member of the colored Methodist con gregation of West -Non ton and n tvt - ulnr church-goer. JUSTICES EAST AND WEST. 'ho ' Beauties of tlio Ijiuv Tersely Kx- plained by ft Victim. nit I.M. . Trilitinc. " 1 hate to live in a m > country , " , > id Jones , "where tin-re isuolau. " "Yer bet yer , " chimed m Thomp- on. "law is the only tiling that > i pi ui out of ovorlii tiii ( : chaos. " "Yes , indcou , " said n h-u'il gentle- nan present. "It is tlu > bulwark of ho poor man's liberty , tlu > shield vhich the strong mm nf justice brows over the weak , the snlaco nnd lu < hnlsam of the unfnrtuuntcd nnd vroniji'd , the " "Oh,1 stop'or , " rounded u man with mo eye ' 'I won't hnvc it that way. "jiw is the boss invention for rauuals if nil grades. Give mo n country rhoro i no law'nnd 1 can take earo > f myself every time. Xnw , for in- tanec , \ \ hon 1 lived in Ohm 1 got a lose of law that 1 will never forgot , wns in partnership \\ith a man rimed Butler , anil one mnining wo ound our cashier miasiiujith &i,000. lo dragged the nnfo und put nut. \Ycll 1 htarted nfter him and caught lim in Chicauo where \\asiipliujiug nround on the money. 1 got him ar- vsted , and there was , ui examination , Well , nil the facts were .mmght out , and the defence noved that the case bo ilin- .nisHOi . ] , as the prosecution did not uake out a case in the name of the tirm , and that if there was a linn , the copartnership had not been shown by any evidence bofpro the court. To ny astonishment the court said the > lea was O. K. , nnd dismissed the case. Before I could realize what was ip , the thief had walked oil' . Well , ; followed him to St. Louis , nnd there - tackled him again. 1 aunt for my minor and wo made a complete case , ; oing for him in the name of the commonwealth nnd Smith , Butler A ! o. Well , the lawyer for the defense claimed that the moimy being taken "rom n private drawer in the safe was uy money exclusively , and that my urtner had nothing to do with it ; , hnt the case should be prosecuted by no individually , nnd not by the firm. The old "bloke , " who sat on the jonch , wiped his spectacles , grunted round u while and dismissed the ease. Vwny goes the man ngain Then I jot another hitch on him nnd tried to convict him of theft , but the eourt told that he should have been charged vith embezzlement. Some years ifter I tackled him ngain , nnd they et him go. Statutes of limitation , you ice. Well , 1 concluded to give it up , ind I did. "But about four years afterwards I was down in Colorado , nnd a man pointed to another and said : 'That 'ollow has just mad' ; a hundred thou sand in a mining swindle. ' I looked , ind it was my old cashier. I fol lowed him to the hotel and nailed him u his room with the money. Now 1 iays , 'Billy , do you recognize your old joss ? " nnd of course he did. Says ] 'Bill , I want that throe thousand you stole from me , with the interest and nil legal traveling expenses. ' 'Ah , you do ? ' says he ; 'didn't the courts doido that ' 1 D n the courts , ' sayj I , puttin' n ilr-shooter a foot long under his nose , This is the sort of legal document that I'm trnvelin' on now. This is tin complaint , warrant , indictment , judge jury , verdict nnd sentence nil com bined , and the linn of Colt it Co. , Now Ilaven , are my attorneys in the caso. When they speak they tall straight to the point of ypui mug , you bloody larceny thief , This jury of six , of which I am the foreman , i liable to hi discharged nt any moment. Nt technicality or statutes of limitations hero , and a stay of proceedings won't last over four second. I want $10 , ' 300 to spuare my bill , or I'llblowyotn blasted brains out. ' Well , ho passed over the money right away , and Bait lie hoped thuro'd ' be no hard feelings , "Now , there's some Colorado lav For you , and it's the kind for mo ! Eli boys ? " und the crowd with ono accord concurred in the cheapness und elli cacy of thi < plan by which a man could carry his court on his hip instead ol appealing to the Blind Goddess ii r'hicago ' nnd St. Louis. A Marvelous Cnro Kor nil bodily ailmcntH , nrli-inj ; finin iui nirity of blooil , a torpid liver , inc iilnrit ] if the liowelH , iniU entlon , coiwtiiiutlon , 01 ( Unordered kidneyx , in warranted in a frei UKO of liuiilM ) , K liixxjl ) KITTKIIS , I'riui ? 1.00. trial uh 10 cents. 'IMv Th * Castor Oil Bonn. A pamphlet issued by n Now Vorl tallow and map manufacturing concern corn gives the following brief inslruo lions regarding the planting nnd cnlti vation of the castor bean thnt may hi Huvgestivo to growers of the plant n its appropriate latitude : "Almos any soil thnt will produce Indian con will answer for the castor bean , but i sandy'loam is preferable. The soi should bo deep. This crop does no thrive in heavy , wet soils. Th ground should bo well ploughed , nni harrowed throe or four times. Th seeds should bo planted five or si : foot apart each way. Between th nth and seventh rows the distant should be eight feet , to admit a ligh cart or slide in harvesting the crop Hot water , a little below th boiling temperature , should bo poure over the beans twenty-four hours bu fore planting , und they should remai soaking in this water twonty-fou hours , They germinate much qnicki by using hot wiitor. Eight or to seeds should be dropped in each hi ! and covered to the depth of about tw inchea. The beans should bo plante us soon as all danger of frost in past or about the time cotton is plantot Cultivate shallow , keep the weoi down and the surface well pulvorizoi Ono stalk in a hill is sufliciunt , but c not thin out until the cutworm net son is past. When the pods begin to turn brown it is time to Inrvest cm tor oil beans , They should bo spread out in the lint sun , on a hard , eloan surface , allowing twelve nr fifteen feet for the beans to tly when the pods pop. A temporary plank 'enee nrnund the drying-yard is best. " Another Fiunous Will tuso ! , Another famous will ease is soon to be brought to public notice , and it may involve a forgotten romance as well as a social Ruination , The father of one of the infant heirs under the will of the Into < lohn Anderson , the tobacconist , who died in November nt Paiis and left n fortune ol from three to the millions , sues to have the will set aside on the grounds that the testator tater was not able to nial.o a valid instrument nnd that he was under undue inlhuMicu. To the two infant children left by one of his deceived daughters ho bequeathed a legacy , coupled with a recommendation that they bo sent ton convent for educa tion , thus cutting the husband of his dead daughter out of nny searo In his propet ty. 11 enee nrihus the law suit , which might be unim portant in itself were it not for the announcement in certain itmrters | that 10 story of the "beautiful eignr girl" < to bo raked over to gratify public unosity. Kortv years ago John An- ersou employer ! iMnry ISogers , a lovo- blond , to attend his cigar ore nt Pine street and Broadway , attractions laid the foundation ir his fortune. Customers ( locked the uountur and money ( lowed iu ke a ton-out , when nuddonly the girl iBappeixrod. The oily waHsmall.nnd er disappearance matlo n scandal at nee , and this culminated in n fren/.y f excitement when her dead body as found in the Hudson Kivor uonr loboken , The body wa.i identified s hers , though there are many pur oimiHtill living who profess to have oubts upon the point , and who suy liat she eloped and is living in New orsey , happily married. . He that s it may , the body was identified and overal pel-sons were arrested , but long nd patient examination failed to re- eal the secret of her fate. It was aid nt the time , as it naturally would e , that the employer of the girl new more about her disappearance han anybody else , but all search ailed to connect him with it in nny ray. So the fate of the beautiful roman passed awny among the mys- cries not to bo solved in this world. 5ut now there comes a throat to drag lie whole ntlair once again bufore the rorhl in connection with John Ander- m's will with half-hinted , n - promise hat some important disclosures will iu made. It is said that the million- ire never got over the shock of the ragedy. though everything prospered abulously under his hands , and that ach fresh tragedy that occurred un- er his notice brought up all the old erics of tragic recollections. WclUlinowii "Wit's Emlomo- mont. ClliCAflo , 111. , May SO , 1881. H. H. WAKNKH it Co. : Sirs For ovcral years I have boon n suD'erer rom kidney disease , nnd never know hnt it wan to bo free from pain until used your Safe Kidney nnd Liver uro. C. H. IlAiiuw , "Carl Pretzel. " jao-iw. . Connecticut Legislator's Dllllcnlty. InilforJSpcolnl to the Now York Times. There was a funny scone in the -legislature today. Mr. Fuller , of Somcrs , presented a resolution to irohibit the pernicious habit of smok- ng in nny portion of the Capitol > uilding. He said that upon going ionic after first taking his seat in the legislature , his wife looked at him in nmaiujmont nnd sharply said ; ' 'Charles ' 'ou have boon smoking. " It became iccoasary for him to explain that ho vns only saturated with the fumes of obacco others had smoked. The Cap- tal was full of it , and so wore the ho- tola , and it was no wonder that his wife thought he had boon guilty of ho vile practice. During these re- narks the House was convulsed with aughtor. Mr. Fuller continued that t was a shameful disgrace to have so nuch tobacco around. At this point Hr. Cowles , of Farminglon , the old est member of the House nnd a lover of the weed , moved an amendment hat the chewing of tobacco also bo > rohibitcd on the Capitol promises. This cnusuU another uproar. The imondmont was voted down , nnd the original resolution wns indefinitely lostponod 112 to 14. MrsFartington Snjs Don't ' take any of the quack rostrums , as they nro regimental to the human cistern ; but nut your trust in Hop 'ittorn , which will cure general dilam- lation , costive habits and nil comic diseases. They saved Isaac from a Bovoro extract of typhoid fever. They are the no plus unum of mooicinos. Boston Globe. f-MB I860 , SHORTJ.INE. 1880 , KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Blnffs IS Till OKLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TIIK KAOT From Omaha and the West. So change of can between Omaha and bi. txmlt and Imt ono between OUAIIA and NEW YOUK. Daily Passenger-Trains EASTERN AND WKBTKRN CITIES with LKSI CUAROE8 and IN ADVANUK ol ALL { OTHER LINES. This entire Una U equipped with Pullman' Palace Sleeping Can , Palace Day Coachet , Miller1 Safety Platform and Coupler , and the celcbratoi WcstlnghouM Alr-brako. WHoe that your ticket reads VIA &ANSAI CH % ST. JOSEPH k COUNCIL BLUlTtti Kail road , via St. Joseph and St. Louis. Tlcketa lot uilo at all coupon stations tn th West. J. K. BARNARD , A C. DAWES , Oen. Jew > i > bMo | ( Jen. Pa s. and Ticket Agt. , St. Joseph , Ho , ABDT BOUDRM , Ticket Agent , 1020 Farnham ttreut. A. B. BikVikD General Agent , I'lUAHA.NK FAST TIME ! In ( jolntf KM I take the Chicago & Northwest- R .XX. BPIl -WA--IT Tralna leave Omalu 3:40) : ) ' . in anil 7:10 : a. n Kor lull Intortcatlon call on II , I' . DUKL. TUki Agent , Kth BDI ! Kotiil.ain KU J , UKU , , W , I ll&IUuy Depotor at JA11KS T. CtiAUK , Uenc i , Umaiia , JalTwku II THIS NTAV AM > CORRECT MAP qnr tlon that ttt CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN fi'V % i -tii ) . ' .AH . , ii.- it * j or loiako wirn trau'llus InclllicrOlrrrtloD ii-tw. * "I'lngr jn u'l.ofthr ' Principal Points ' the West , North and Nor'mwst i f it'timii.f nil * Vnt . Tlio Principal Cltlr nt llm W timt NortliM t anK. . .jit. ii i i > is in , . , ) it * UiriuiRl ) train" ui.uu elosi ? couucclloai wiito ' .lie traJtuuIvll rulr > - d t. imicilon point * . THE CHICAGO A. NORTH-WI-STErfN RAILWAY , ti > r n , > i of IN principal HlU'1. t\\w \ c.ii'li w.w dally from tn. . u > four or inorti I' mi rjiins it Hilioinilj mail MMtiirciilcnKollintusi'stlio The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. for Tickets via this road , Ixi sure tlioy reail over It.nml t ko none oinc * UAKVIS lU'umrr , ( Jcu'l Jlmini-cr , ( JlilcaKO. W. H. SIKNNBTT , Ocu'l 1'aas. Aptmt Chi. . w UAHr.Y P. Dt'lU , , Tlfkrt Aimit,0.i > N. W. \llway l , llth and Falnhainntreets. D , K. KIMIIM.U , A-HUUnt Ticket Aireut 0. A N. W. Italhvay , Itthfaad Ftrnhsm tlrontl J. HULL. Ticliot Agent C. It N. W. lUIUtr , U. P. R. R. Depot. SAMKST OI.AUK Ooneral Aircnl. The Oldest Wholesale and T1JE LKAJMNU Retail JEWELRY HOUSE MUSIC HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here IN Till : WEST I General Agents for the find all novelties in SIL Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARS. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer uhe Latest , Most Artistic , and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Enabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes. Also Glough & Warren , and see our Elegant New Sterling Imperial Smith , , Store Tower , Building , American Organs , &c. Do corner llth and Farnham not fail to see us before pur Streets chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES ! Large Stock Always on Hand. dlScodtf GUILD & McINNIS GREAT STOCK TAKING SALE ! Everything In DRESS GOODS ! * Notions , and FURNISHING GOODS , AT SWEEPING REDUCTIONS. It Will Pay You to Call and Compare Prices. 603 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. SAUSAGES ! Practical Sausage Manufacturer , ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES. Family orders attended to with despatch , and every thing promised tatisfactory. I invite a call at No. 210 South Tenth Street. 'POWER AND HAND XT 3MC I Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , VMNIKO HACHNEUV , NOS ( FIFE , OTUH HALLADAYiWIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A , I4iSRANG'J205 Farnham St. , Omaha