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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1882)
HIE OMAHA DAliA" BEE : Kid DAY. FEI3RUAKY 3 1882- SUNDAY ON THE ROAD. A Trip Trough Throe Thriving B. & M. Town" . Attomllnp ; nn Artlntlr Entertainment - ment in Hnhhnll. Corrwpondcnci' ol The \lt-r \ Hunr.EU. , Neb. , .lanu.irj , ' ! 0. I.cnv- ng Wymoro for tlic wwt , I passed three towns of about the sainisixe and nppoarancc , viz. . Odoll Dillon and EmUco.t , bolore I struck the U. P. which took mo to Fnirbury , the county scat of Jollerson county. Odell is the Inrpcst of tlio throe , and evi dently docs more business and is in a bettor stage of advancement than the others combined. It has some very good business men and it in a good point , on account of its geographical graphical position. It contains nearly five hundred inhabitants , ban 11 well conducted school , tegular church ser vices , nnd an eight page five column newspaper ( with six pages patent ) called the "Odell Hoaeon. " Dillon , ni o miles west , is the nucleus ot what may sometime make a flourishing town. It is owned mostly , as are nearly all the towns on tins road , by the Lincoln town site company , which is composed of officers , of the 13. t. M. railroad , and the peo- pie who are there think thai the ac tion of said company in holding the price of lota so high has worked a great injury to the place as a business location. It has about 170 people , and its buildings are moro substantial than are boincr erected in many places , being - ing constructed as if their owners in tended them to last. Several very neat looking residences are among its latest additions. Endicott situated on it is , tit the crossing of the U. P. & B. & M. 11. R. , ought to bo a flourishing town. On the U. P. it i.s midway between Steplo City and Fairbury , each of which are between five and six miles away. The B. & M. has built a good depot and water tank hero and also has quito extensive coal sheds. It has also assisted the town very ma terially. But the U. P. will do nothing at all , will not build n depot nor make the town a regular station , nor even a Hag station ; and the only way that connections can bo made , is by get ting on the train when it stops be fore crossing the B. A ; M. track , which stop the law of the state re quires. Were this made n regular station , it would bo a fine tliinir for the coun try about here , as it would afford competition in through shipping. One man said to mo to-day , and that man is an extensive shipper from various points here , "that dictation , not competition nor healthy rivalry , aoomod to bo the whole policy of the U. D. road. " \Vondintf my way , withta crowd * of weary travelers , up to tlie crossing , no all prudently 'mount the train ana jrcaoh Fnirbury just in time for a good 'Cupper * at tlio' Commercial hotel , where , after matilro deliberation , I decided to htui up for Sunday. Fairburg is rather pleasantly locat ed , and has a good many very fine features , among which is the pre viously named hotel and its landlord. The public square is a fine piece of ground , and can bo made an orna ment to the city. Several fine busi ness blocks grace its principal streets. A musicalartisto , Celeste , was to ( rive an ontortaimUont on the piano and organ , and with the crowd we wont. wont.Wo Wo ( a few of us ) survived , but it was a tough match , and only the thought of the victims to bo cared for , and tenderly borne to the ho mos of their mour ning friends , traced us up to a sense of duty and necessity. Music ] Wo gathered enough from the manner nor of execution , and from the musu that was rendered , to indicate that the player was truly an artiste ; that she had received a very careful and extensive musical education , and that her conception of harmony and rytlini was almost wonderful ; but the instru mpnts wore horrible. The piano might have boon the one old Mrs Noah learned on , and prevailed on he hubby to take it into the ark will them on account of old associations Several keys would not sound at all and many that did sound would huv bt'on better silent. The organ was a little bettor , but i was one of the cheap class of organ of the present day , with one set o reeds and with octavo couples or sub basa } so that the expression of tin music was lost entirely. Sunday morning in country towns is the time for a display of the Bolf- uacrilicing iJiitimont Haid to exist in human heart , in the getting up early and attending divine services. Fear of losing my breakfast , however , was the strongest element in the cause which roused mo at an early hour , but I wont to church all the same. Tlio services consisted mostly of the singing of a few familiar hymns , a prayer of a few bible selections , and a few quotations from Bunyaii's "Pil grim s Progiess. " Listening under such circumstances is one of the tine arts , and the writer is not fuilltcitwtly cultivated artistically to Jo u fine job ut it. The audience wus destitute of pretty girl * , and the preacher made BO much noise that sleep was impossible , BO to grin and bear it was the order of the day. Twenty-four miles west of Endicott is liubbell. It is situated just where the IJ. & M. crosses the state line into Kansas. It is one of the bright est and-most business-like towns on the road. Several stage lines center there , and it is a'good shipping point , Tlio population is 800 , The town ha * been in existence about eight months and has , a 3,000 school house , an Odd Fellows' lodge and Masonic lodge , but has not even the * nucleus of a grave yard , and the people ple resent any suggestions about tluV / jxx > r showing in that respect for a r town of its age. The unusual health is accounted for by the fact that there is but one physician - sician in the place , and he is u hotelkeeper - keeper , so that his attention is greatly distracted from his practice. ScitiiiuiKit. The Liint D iT' Fri > ooo ltnR - The convention vras called to order at 0 n. in. tons' KKOH.V , of Killmoro county , said he had a few rein uka to make. The Slate Alliance wis fiunpoiud of men who produced the values of the country , He MBS in favor of an independent movement on the part of the Farmets Alliance , and was not in favor of compromises with any body ; ho didn t ask his neighbor to como and help him whip his enemy if he couldn't whip him self he would stay at homo. [ Laugh * lei' . ] Ho wanted the farmer to have equal representation in congress and in the legislature with other profes sions. Congress m made up of ! ) ! ) bankers and 180 lawyers. Who ! lo blame that the fanner and manufac turer are not represented ? You , gentlemen , sitting riuht here. [ Ap plause. J .Now no man can get an office without ho first pledges him self to a ring. Hu know u man who was elected to congress whoso wife had said to a neighbor , "If my husband is not elected we are ruined , for ho has mortgaged our farm for 81,500 to got money to pay the expenses of the campaign. " A neighbor of the speaker had boon bumming around all last summer and kept saying to him : "I don't want an ollico ; if my neighbors want mo to have an ofh'co they can give it to'mo , " but ho turned on him and said : "Don't lie so ; you're a church member. " [ Laughter. ] ITJirKOTINO OIUIAMXATION. The committee on perfecting organ- nation reported the following named us coinmittccmon in the various couii- osI Adams county , II. Armstrong ; leone , W. A. Pointer ; Buffalo , C. A. Jordas ; Clay , A. M. Latham ; Don- laa , Allen Root ; Tillmoro , J. L. ) avis ; Franklin , J. L. Cook ; Gage , Daniel Reed ; Hall , J. Jl. Andrews ; lamilton , P B. Reynolds ; Johnson , 1. M. Irwin ; Kearney , J. M. San- ord ; Lancaster , T. F. Barnes ; Mer ck , II. McCoy ; Otoo , 0. R. Stead- iian ; Platte , J. Scuddor ; Polk , N. C. ? ay ; Saline , .1. W. Phillips ; Seward , W. Warnerj Thayer , W. , T. Uannn , 'ork , C. Brown ; Cass , D. D. John- on ; Butler , II. C. Strik-jr. m.snucrriNu THE KTATK. The state was districted as follows- First Douglas , Washington , Dodge , Colfax , Stiuiton , Cmning , Jurt. Second Dakota , Madison , Platte , iVayno , Pierce , Antelope. Third Dixon , Cedar , Knox , Holt , iVheelor. Fourth * Sarpy , Cass , Lancaster , "Hoo , Seward , Butler , Polk. Fifth Richardson , Nonmlm , John- on , Pawnee , Gage , Saline , .leilerson. Sixth Thayer , Fillmore , York , .lamilton , Nuckolls , Merrick , Nance , Jlay. Seventh Webster , Adams , IJall , Judaic , Kearney , Sherman , Franklin. Eighth Grooloy , Valley , Ouster , Dawson , Boono. Ninth Pholps. Frontier , Gospor , larlan. Furnaa , Rod Willow. Tenth Chase , Hayes , Hitchcock , Dundy. Eleventh Cheyenne , Keith. The report waa adopted. i HTATK CONVENTION. Mr. _ Starling offered a resolution cquosting the organizing committee ibovo named to call a convention for ; ho purpose of nominating candidates o boivotod for at the next general ilcction next fall , for congressmen , nd state ofticors , the convention to bo iomposod of delegates from the vari es counties. J. M. HANFOUU , if Adams , addressed the eonvontioi at some length , claiming that the re publican party had elevated the negro 'o u condition of freedom and had lien degraded the laboring white mot : , o a condition f slavery. Ho urged the Alliance to render the subsidizing of monopoly papers a worthless in vestment by its members refusing to patronize such shoots , but to patronize such papers at Tin : OMAHA BKE , The Western Rural of Chicago , anil Th Garotte , of Hastings. JOHKl'lt OII.MA.f , of Kearney county , said that thii mooting reminded him. of the times before the revolution when the patriots of Vir ginia assembled to listen to the thunderings of Patrick Henry. SYo feel to-day that we are being oppressed by the railroad and other monopolies. Wo have no desire to crush out railroads - roads for wo know thorn to bo one of the greatest civiliaors in existence. If this state of affairs is to be permitted - ted nfuw years longer , may God in his pity look down upon our grand children [ Applause. ] Ho appealed to the farmers of the state to support and retain Senator Van Wyck at Washington. UIHTJIKrr COMMIIIKKH. The following were appointed mem- burs of the district cominittooH , the vacancies in the list to bo tilled here after by the executive committee : Fourth District T. F. Barnes , Lin- coin. coin.Fifth Fifth District J. Burrows , Molroy. Sixth District P. B. Reynolds , Aurora. Suyonth District-.I. M. Sanford , Hastings. Eighth District .1. 11 , Andrews , Alda. The consideration of Mr. Starlings ; resolution being before the conven l- tion , Mr. Root moved that the time for holding the state convention bo fixed on the Grat Wednesday in September next I , the date of the next annual mooting of the alliance , and that said conven i- tion bo composed of one member from each alliance in the stato. James Porter ollerod as a substitute a resolution instructing the organiz ing committee tc call at the proper time u convention for the purpose of nominating state oillcers and congress men , Tabled. ' A lively discussion then ensued upon the adoption' the resolution pileied by Mr. Starling , participated .in by by quito a number of speakers. They following was offered as a sub- stltutoby Mr. Barnes : Resolved , That wo have looked in vain for redress for our grievances to the political parties as at present or ganized ; and wo BOO no indication that our future in this regard will bo any brighter than our past. Wo therefore - fore ompowur our state committee to assume nttch an altitude and institute such action as it may , after conaulta- lion , deem most ufllcacious to accom plish such redress. The substitute was adopted. _ _ _ _ S n , o. 111:110 : KVO.V , of Hamilton , being called upon for a song gave the following to tlui tiinouf "When Johnny Comes Marching Home1 as his own composition. We're irUlicretl licro n jolly band , Hur rah1 Hurrah' . , , Of dusty tlllermf tlic sol ) , Hurrah ! Htir- ruli ! \VVin KalhtrhiK "P the fragm lit * "f tl * men To llfjlit the rhitfM and railroad ICARIIM tlint'H ruling now < mr latjil. Our flfoitH , sliH , they cannot full , Hurrah1 Hurrah ! 1'iiH KtlcMvo will not n snil Hurrah' ' H nrrnli ! When jtwtlco it-fani Miprctnu nml our lights lw\e IHCII redeemed , Then wu'H laytlrmii nml rest by the lanrelH we li \o won. 1'rcim lakcH to rooky iiiDUiituiiiH they will come , Hnrralil Hnrr , > 1i ! Anil swell tlio tanks of Ifnnbnimmcii , Hur rah ! Hurl alii We'll ( five tliu rhiL'H their lione-l dues ami herald wide tlie joyous newii ; And we'll all Icol gny when Jomiic COIIIOM marching homo. TbelawjcrH anil the bankcro they will foam , Hnrrahl Huriah ! For thone we'll elect to tay nt home , Hiir- rnbt Hurrah 1 And we'll civo them ample time to arrange their favorite olilne , That'll hurled at fimnorh' meeting that In HcntUred o'er the land. Hut the year of jubilee has come , Hurrah ! Hurrah ! No more to railroad mle Huccumb , Hur- r.ih ! Hurrah ! No more tribute pay to those who on the hcdt of ease ropOHO , But ntuntl by farmers nido and help the C-UIBO No more to oorporatloni bow , Huirali ! Hurrah ! Jiut buckle on your nrmorH now , Hurrah ! Hurrah ! .Wo lom ; have been their tooln , Yea they even call us foolnj fint now be ( inn and trnu and the victory in won , The song was greeted with great applause , and , on motion , Mr. Beruo- ion waa requested to furnish a copy for publication in the report of the pro ceedings. The secretary reported the sum of $50 contributed to the general funds of the State Alliance by those attend ing the convention , upon which announcement Mr. Roaewator , of Tin ; BEK , informed the convention that if the secretary would draw upon him for a like sum the draft would bo hon ored. , The proposition was received ' vcJth applause and a vote of thanks. H. C. Ostorhant , of Morrick , stated that just before leaving home he had received a railroad pass to Hastings and return from the LT. P. management , but he hao ! not used it , as it was his intention to remain at home whenever ho became so poor that ho could not pay his way. [ Ap plause. ] . - T. 1. Barnes , of Lancaster , said that to his mind one of the most startling evidences of the power of the railroads was the fact that all our judges ride up and down the earth on free passes. Ho waa corrected in this statement however , by n Omaha man present who said that to his personal knowledge Judge James W. Savage of the [ Third dis- 'triot ' , paid hia faro in journeying over his district , having refused passes which had boon ofterod him by rail roads. Mr. ! Barnes said that ho had always hoard Judge Savage spoken of with respect , and waa glad to bo cor rected in this .regard. President Ingorsoll said ho wished The Lincoln Democrat included in the list of papers which the farmers ol the state are to support , as it had rendered the Alliance excellent service. On motion it was arranged thai memorials bo sent President Arthur at once praying the release of Arndt. On motion it was agreed to have the time of calling the next meeting of the Alliance ( formerly fixed as thu first Wednesday in September ) to the axocutivp committee , the place ol holding it to bo Hastings. Adjourned. _ B. Gently Doe * It. Kimono CroHi , Swan Street , Hulfalo writes : "I have used Sprint' UlosHOin fo : dyHpopsla niul inillgcatiim , and hare fount it to act lulinirubly nn a geutlo anerien and blotxlpm-ilier , Iconsidor It uncyuiiled 'you are at liberty to use my name us a reference. ' " 1'rfco 50 cents , trial bottle 10 centH. 30-lw BOSTON MARKET , Cuming Street , J. J. NOBES . . , Fropr. Fresh and Salt Meats of al Kinds , Poultry , Fish.&o. , in Season. -A-TWJO SKI B Dlitolutlon of Partnerihlp Notice. Notice U hereby Klveu that the firm of Wcollcv i Davis , tUttloiu'rs and p.ipcr dealers of Omaha Nebraska , It thU daj dlmtolied by mutual con unt. Thu btialncM o | the Utollrm will l)0 ) net lied by ( lllman It. Davin , who ailonu It atithorii cd to UKO thu linn tuuie for that iuir | > o o , who a auiuc ull lUbllltlrs of tlie 'atullrm. A. 0. , it. DAMS. Omaha , Jan. 3UI , I herorcbv yh o notlco that I luvo purihaiw the stock of ( rood * of the Mo firm ( Woollc ) Davis , and will roiitliiiio thu > imu line of him ! IH' * at 'hi ) old ! .ii il , 10S ( j. IMh st , Ojn > , P. I ) IHVI'I , Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY ICth and Oodgoets. , Omah , Neb. Thli ncy does aincTLTa brokerage business. TX ntijwcuUte nJ Uivrcforn QV btrtcalni t filir nf lii urfil to mil ln > t * , l NOTICE. lli'iir ) II , Wool ! willtaku notice that on th 22d day ol lc.cciul . > < r. 1W1 , the County Jud oo Douxliu County. Nebraska , Iwiucd an ordir o attachment for the sum of ltt.OO In an actlo IKiidlni : before him wherein Parker 1' . Clark ( leorjro II , Clark and Klllah F. Clark , partner \\oolfdefendant " ° > V' ' lntin , nd llctry I ; that proiwitr brionirlnu to jot him been ! underpaid order ; that laid iux > " " " "itlnuedto the Fcpriury , IbSl. term o Mldiourt , and that > ou ate rixiulrcd to apin-a ami aii.wir by the Oth day of Fcbruarj. ISs- ' Datwl Onialia , Jaruai ) 14 , IbsJ , ' . . , . UtAKK IIIIOH. Uy CURKbos * lli'yr , . ST09IACII f BITTERS In Host * of FnmlHod oitcttcr'H Stomach Hitters Is ai much regarded Ji a household in ccc iU njf sii. r or coflev. The canon of thin is that joars of oxpericnco tmvo rev cd It to bo perfect y reliable In these cases of mctvcncy where n prompt and convenient rcm- dy Is dcmandod. Con'tlpatlon , liver compUInt , ) - pepHla. Indlgcdllon and othir troubles arn vercomo by It , Kor .lo by all DruiwMi and Dealers , to whom pvlv for He tetter's Alinanao for 1832. Gentle Women Who trent glossy , luxuriant and WHVV tresses of abundant , beantifhl Hair most use LION'S KAT1IAHION. This elegant , cheap article always makes the lluir crow freely nnd fast , keeps it from fulling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving It a curling tendency ana keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kuthairou. The Great English JRpinedy TMAOI Never f.ills to uito ScrvouaDcbllifj , VI tal KxbaUDllon , llmls- dons , Hemlnal WcaK- nc9 < icsLOST MAN HOOD , and all the [ evil elicits of jouth- 'ill ' ( oil l us and c\et3- leg. It flops peruu- [ ncntly all weakening , involuntary loss sand trains upon the BJH 'cm , thelnovltnblo re- - . " " " jultof thcsoovilprac- Ices , which are so destructive to mind and body nd rnnke life miserable , often leading to Insanl- y and death It strengthens the Ncrvca.Uraln , : iicinor } ( Illood , Mu-c.lcn , lilRoathc and Itcpro- luctlro Or uin , It restores to all thu organic unctlrn * their former vifor and vitality , ma- Intr life cheerful and enjojable. Price , $3 a bottle , or four time * the quamity $10. Sent by xpreM , secure from obairratlon , to any address , on receipt of price. No. C. O. I ) , sent , except on receipt of SI as a guarantee. Letters re quettlng ; answun must incloso stamp. Dr. MirMiu'a Dandelion Pills are thu but and cheapest djepopsla and bllllous euro in thu market. Hold by all drug-gists. Price O cenls. DH. HiSTir'a Kiovxr HKMI-UV , OKIMIETICIW , Cures all kind of Kldimj and bladder complalnto. Kouorrhua , Klcct and leucorreca. For tale i y all ii.-jC sta : SI a bottle. KNOLISII SIEUlCAIj INSTITUTE , 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Jan25-ly lt/oann < F man of I lour duties UTOU * nlKlit nfki tci "rei ( tlinuliiitiaiKt n tnrulirnln net VP line Hop Bitters. rutt ute Hop B. If joiinrujoiMiij I mifTriiiiK 'roui any u dlKii tlun ur cl Itlnni iryniiuiviiiar rlcd or ulncie , old or I yuiiu . eutft'rlntr troi poorhf altli or lunRinin I I1 nir on a bed of lick uce % nljr oa H O p I 1 Dlttera. . Thoun&nas Oln an Whoever younrr. irlienuicr jrou fill j jiaally f r i > m BOIDO tlmt j o n r f7rtiiu I format Kidney nrcd clcun lnifton. > disease tlat mlul'l liur or Ftlmiilallnir , bave lfenpreenti'S without iiit I by timely ui ul .alto Hop K Hcpt'lttor * Bitter * . D , I. O oruriuruomil Ita an ftbaolutk o'f tlia' acAr anil IrrciUta f , . HOP bio cure tot txmtli , blooil.l I drunkenness IHirurnrne t\ \ lUMOf opium , You will he Itcbaoco , a1 * cun-dlfyouuse { [ narcotics. Hop Bitter * Ifyouarenlra , . BoldhydniR . t'ly weak and ( Tl.K HenUrol ' lo > y iilrltidtrjr NEVER | Circular Ut It may | nor nve your FAIL co. . , life. It hn * saved hun dredt. * Toronto. Out. JOHN srABtvn , rnoMR sciuur , Picsldeiit. Vlie Prcs't. W. S. DKimiKii , Sec. andTreas. THE NEBRASKA MiNUFAGTUEIG 00 Lincoln , Neb , MANUFACTUllKHS OK Corn Planters , Harrows , Farm Rollers Sulky Hay Rakes , Bucket tlevatlng Wind mills , &c. U'o are prei arcd to do Job work and nianufac turn v for other partica. Aililri'i nil onloN .NKIlllASKA MANUr'ACTUJIIXa CO m. | anl9-8ni NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Care Guaranteed- lr. K. C.Ve t's Ncrvo nnd Ilialn Treatment Ae ] > eciUc for Hveterla , lilzzlnuJs , ConvuUloni Ken out llradacho , Mental IK-prosslon , Ix > sso lli > morjfi | ; riiiatorri'D-i.Irupotc'iiy ) ' , IinoluntArj Km'fsloim ' , Prcnmtiiru Old Ace , cautod by our exertion , sell abtuc , or mer-lndulgence. h'c ' leads to misery , decay and ileath. Onu box vv I curoie cnt ca o , I'M h bnx containson month' trt'Atmcnt. One dollar a box , or six boxes fo lite dollars ; sent by mall prvpatil on receipt o price. We KUiranlco six boxes to cure any case With each order received b ) us for fix boxes , ac compauled with five dollar' , lll send the pur chaicr our written nu-inuitio to return th money If thu treatment do * not i'ff it a cure , C. f. Qoodmau , Druin.'lt. Sole. Wholesale am Retail Aifont , Omaha , Neb , Orders by mail a rgifular price. JAMy THOROUGHBRED JERSEY COWS & HEIFERS For Sale By GRAHAM P. BROWNE Burdock BltlERS Mrs .1. O. llohcrteon , Pitt burir , Pa. , writes : "I M siiHerlntr from Kcneral dibllltv , want ot ! ! > ittltc , toiifltl | tlon , etc. , no that life was a bur- en : aftir u ln llurdock Bloo.1 Hitters I felt l < et- cr than for jcar . I cinnot praise lour Hitters oo much. " K.athlM. of nuffalo , N. Y. , writes ; "Vour unlock lllci TSUturn , In chronic dlica cn of the looj. llxcr & , , J MuncjH , ha\e licen nlzmlij arkcilwlthmicctst. lha\o used tlum im-clf Ith best rnultf , for torpidity of thelHer , Midln unco ! a friend of mine minerlng fromdroiH } ' , 10 effect won man clous. " llmco Turner , Hochestcr , N. Y.i rltes:4'I : hft\e Mien subject to Bcrloun disorder of the kidneys. nd unable to attend to huxlnuui ; Jiunlock Illood Ittcrn rcllexeil me before half n bottle was used fed confident that thev U1 entirely cure me. " , Awnlth Hall , Blnghampton , N. Y. , writes : I suffered with a dull pain through mv eft int ( and shoulder. Lost my nplrlt , npiietlte nd color , nnd could with difficulty kcip up all ay. Took jour llurdock Blood Hitters an dl- ctttl , and hav o felt no jxxln elniu first v. cck at- ir usliur them. " Mr , Noah Tati-n , Klin Ira , N. Y. . writes : "About tir > earnnio Iliad Mi attack of bilious to ; cr , and etcr fully reco\crcd. My dlRcstlvc orjrans ere weakened , and I would lie completely proa- rated fordajn. After uslnif two liottlcH olour urdock Illood Hitters the Improvement wan no l-lble that 1 was astonished. I can now. though 1 } tnrs of HKC , do a fair and reasonable da ) 'B ork. C. Hlackct Itoblnson , proprietor of The Can d rcHbjtcrlan , Toronto , Out , writes : "Ferjcara suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I sed j our llurdock Hlood Dlttors with happlutt C9U1M , and I now find inipclf In better health ian for ycara past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : 4lJ.ha > o ncd llurdock Illood Hitters for nervous and 1 > II- oua headaches , and can recommend It toan > one ( .quiring a cure for bllllousncss. " Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , K. Y , writes : For several jeari 1 have suffered from oft-rtcur- inir billions headaches , d > spewla ) , and com- lairils peculiar to my BOX. Since using jour lurdock Ulood Hitters I am entirely relieved. " Price , SI. 00 .pet Bottle ; Trial Bottlei 10 Cti FOSTER , MILBURN , & Co , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMilion and C. F. oodiuan. _ _ ] o 27 ood-me nls specific cures that most loathsome disuico SYPHILIS JlThothor in its Primary , Secondary or Tertiary Stngo- Itcmovcd all traces of .Vcrcurj from the BJU' tern , Cures Scrofula , OK ) Sorcu , Hlieuma- tlsin , Krzcma , Caurrh or an } Illood Disease. Care * When Hot Springs Fail ! Malvcrn , Ark. , ilay 2,1831. \Vo hare cases In our town who lived at Hot l > t\ng \ and wore Unally cured with S. S. d. HcCAMMON & HURRY. Memphis , Menu. , May 12,1831 We have sold 1,230 hot les of S.S. S. In a year. t has given universal satisfaction. Fair rnlndejl ihjslcmns now recommend It as a positive peclflc. S. MAXBFIIILD ft Co. Louunille , Ky , , May 13.1881. S. B. 9. has given better eatifaction than any medicine I have ever sold , J. A. F Uenvei , Col. May 2 , 1831. Every purcha cr I peaks In the highest tcnni f S. 3. a. L. Melssetcr. Illchmond. Va. . Slay 11 , 1881. You can refer anvboily to us In regard to the merits of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co. Ha c ncv cr know n S. S. S to fail to cure a case f Sjplillis , when properl ) taken. ll. L. DciiLard. ) lerr . Ell Warren. [ > , The above signers are gentleman of high stand itf A II COLQUITT , Governor oiGcomU. IF YOtI WISH WE W LbTAKEYOUHSE CA TO BE PAII ) roil WHEN OUI1KD. Write for particulars and ooiiy of little nook 'Message to the Unfortunate.1' S1.OOO Reward 1 > o paid to any chemist who will llnd , on analysis 100 bottles S S. Sone particle of Mercury lodUo Potas slum or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. I'rops. Atlanta , Go. Pricoof rcitularalzo reduced to $1 75 per lot tie Small size , holding half the quantity , price , 81.00. Sold by KENNAKD & CO. , and DruiOflsts Generally . 3. T. JACKSON FLANi'JB 'A Graduatefiom Hie UnlveiBltv of Venn * ) I \anUat Philadelphia of thu Clasa o Tenders his professional services to the citizen. of Omaha an j all others needing the same , pro dlcaliiij ; his claim therefor from 49 j ears' ex pcrienco , Hixtcon jcars of whlih tlhio ho spent Ir -outh America , from which countr ) ho has jusl returned , training whilst In tlui provinces mam remedies for various dlneascs common to thfi country from the natives of the cnmv. Thu Doctor makes a specialty of all Chron Discuses , ] mrtlcularlly tliosu of females He maj Vie found nt hli rooms at the Haiitem' HOIIHC , corner of Dodge and Sixteenth Streets. odhv * tine codlvv PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last No Ouo Need Salfer ! Asuroture lor lillnd , Illeedliu ; , Itclilnif anc Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Wll llam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William' ' Indian Ointment. A singletx > x has cured th worutchronlo ca es of 25or SOjears standlntr. N one ncixl suller live minutes after applying thli wonderful soothlnjj iniHllclne. Lotions , instru mcnts and electuaries do nioro harm than good , William's Ointment absorb * the tumors , alia ) : the Intense Itching , ( lurtlciitaaly at nlicht aftci e ttlnx warm In bed. ) acts as apoultlce , Ktvcs In ttant and iialnleu iclkf , and Is prepared only foi Piles. Itchini , ' of the private parts , and for noth ' " ' "ftoad'what the lion J. U Ccfflnberry of Cleve. and avs about Ur. Williams Indian Pile Olnt ment : I hav a used scores of Piles cures , and II affords ni p casure to y that I hav. c never found mj thlnif which ( five men Immcitlito and perm * nnt relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment Kor sale by all druintlsts or mailed on receipt o ' " " * ' " "HENRY & co. . Prop'rm. , CL3VILANU , OlIIU. For t le by 0. V Goodman. OctlOd * OKAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE * TRAD. edy. Auun- faillnir cure for Seminal Weakncis , Spur mat or. rhea , Impot- ciicy , and all Dlw.asC.that ' " ' " " ' 'u follow M a | EFORETAIINB."xiuence of AFTER TAIH8. Ixwi of Memor Unlvenal Latitude helf-Abubei ; aj ) ) , tude , Pain In the Hack , UimncM of VUlon , Premature mature Old AK , ' nd inan > othtr DUcineii that toad to Inunlty or Coiiiumptloo and a Prema ture Oravo. , . idTt'ull | urtlcular < In our panmhltt , which wo denlre to cnd Irte I v mall to every one. * < rrhe Speciac Jledlcine ii told by all dru l U at (1 P r package , or 6 packmen for J5 , or will 1 wilt free by mall on reoi ptof the money , by Iruwlnu THEOBA 1EU1C1NECO. . or sale by C , f Geode o 7me eod / WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEALER K Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. , . . * . IE1. O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , H. M. & M. PEAVY , CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street. . Jan20cod.m&c6ni WM. ROGERS' Manufacturing Company , \ -MAKERS OP THE- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks , The only and/ / ktional plate that original firm of ) is giving for instance Rogers Bros. stance a ainglo All ou Spoons , F o r k B and plated Spoon a Knives plated triple thickness with the greatest pl&te only on of care. Each the B o c i i o s lot being hung on a scale while whore expo d being plated , to to wear , thereby insure a full deposit making a single posit of silver or plated Spoon them. wear as long asa Wo would call a triple plated especial attention . one. tion to our sec- Rival. Orient Tinned. All Orders in the West should be Addressed to A. B. HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA' , NEB. Clearing Sale ! T POLACK'S PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE Is the place to Buy Bargains. EVERYTHING MARKED IN RED FIGURES. ed Ink Marks ,