Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1882, Image 1

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'Yesterday's ' Proceedings in the
Senate and House.
Disposition of the Funding
Bill in the Senate Expected
The House Hammering Awny
on the Poatoffloe Appropri
ation Bill.
The Judiciary Committee Now-
Ready to Report Shallen-
berger's Mormon Bill.
MliocllnnoonN News FromtboNn-
tionnl Capital-
Jr * ? L
National Associated l'rc ( .
WASHINGTON , February 2. Ih the
senate this morning Senator Ferry
presented the adurso report of the
committee on postoflice and postroads ,
on the resolution respecting extension
of the franking privilege ; also , the re
port of the same committee on Mr.
Voorhoes' resolution regarding regu
lations of the Cincinnati and Boston
ofticos , which excluded union soldiers
from employment therein. After de
bates , the reports wore accepted and
ordered printed.
Debate on the funding bill was re
sumed by Senator Bayard. Ho re
gretted that the question of specie re
sumption should have been brought
before the senate , as well as the
amendment to the bill which was not
gcrmain. So grave a question should
be the subject of separate , careful and
full consideration , and not passed upon
hastily byjits | engraftment on this
bill which would commit the govern
ment to a policy against which ho
stood in opposition , lie argued that
there should bo a clearly defined law
regulating this subject , and that what
ho called the rule of the thumb of
the secretary of the treasury should
coaae. It was not safe for people or
just or right to the officer in charceof
public funds that there should not bo
a rule of action controlling him and
protecting them.
Mr. Davis ( Wa. . . ) offered an
amendment to Mr. Plumb's aniend-
mendment , making thu reserve § 120-
000,000 instead of § 100,000,000.
Hu strongly opposed the amendment
of Senator Plumb'as dangerous to the
best interests of- the nation , t ] ' > j
Senator She j man suggested that
this question should be rmost fully
considered by the finance , comaiittoe
before acted on by the senate , . „
Senator Sauuders said that the bill
should not be trammelled with any.
The amendment of Mr. Davis was
Senator Bayard offered an amend
ment to Mr. Plumb's amendment ,
that after the word "dollars , " re
ferring to the amount of reserve , the
words "of standard coin value" should
bo inserted. The amendment was
carried yeas , 37j nays , 14.
The president nominated George
Fisher , surveyor of customs at Cairo ,
111. , and George E. Bugont , postmas
ter at Madison , Wis.
Plumb's amendment was rejected
i'V yeas , 25 ; nays , 27 , Messrs. Davis
(111. ( ) , Ingalls , Plumb , and Teller voting
ing aye , and Messrs. Bayard , Jones
Fla. ) , and McPheraon voting no.
Senator Hoar moved to amend Mr.
Ingalls' amendment ratifying the acts
of Secretary Windoin in extending
bonds at iU pur cent. , by adding after
thu word ' 'bonds" "which arc herubj
declared legal. "
' Mr. Vest did not see any benefit tote
to derived from meddling with thin
Mr. DaweB defended the policy of
the late secretary of the treasury.
After prolonged debate Mr. Mor
gan's funding amendment with Mr.
Hour's addition was adopted.
At 4:15 : p. m. a motion to go into
executvo session was voted down , Mr.
Sherman urging that a vote on the
bill should bu taken this evening.
Mr. Teller ottered and subsequent
ly withdrew an amendment and ad
ditional section to the effect that a
minimun reserve not exceeding § 120- ,
000,000 bu But apart for the sole pur
pose of reducing United States notes
1J in gold coin and bullion , and the
remainder in standard silver dollars.
Mr. Hawley renewed his amend
ment that national banks should give
thirty days notice when desirous ot
withdrawing thuir circulating notes.
Mr. Vorhees made an attask on Mr.
Windom's refunding scheme.
At 5:10 p. m. the senate adjourned.
It is expected the bill will bo dis
posed of to-morrow.
The house spent the entire after
noon i'i discussing the postoffico ap
propriation bill. Amendments were
off-rod favoring the increase in the
pay of auxiliary letter carriers and of
fourth-class postmasters , but no ac
tion was taken.
Adjourned at 5 p. m.
National Associated Pro * .
WASHINGTON , February 2. The
sub-committee of the judiciary com-
mitteou to which was referred Shal-
lenberger'a bilt on Mormonism , is
icady to report to the whole commit
tee recommending passage of the
measure with samp amendments. The
bill provided originally simply that
no polygamist should hold any office
of trust or profit under the govern
ment. Thoamendments makeit include
the delegates to congress especially ,
an iron-clad oath is prescribed , which
ho must take before ho can draw any
pay , wherein he swears that he is not
a bigamist or polygamist. It provides
that ho bu subject to investigation by
Jquo wurranto before the United
Ebtatea court in the territory , and that
wives or alleged wives almll bu
competent witnesses ng inst him. U
is believed that the whole committee
will authorize the report ot the bill to
Lho house , and that it will pona.
The delegation of Dakotians here
urging adniLssion of south Dakota as
a state called un thn heads of depart
ments tliie morning to pay their re
WASIIINOTOX February 2 Colonel
nel Bliss appeared in court this morn
ing and said ho had just been served
with subp < tnas ti produce certain bids
and contracts in court , lie had all
the clerks in the postotlico depart
ment that could bo spared set to
work to comply with the subptunas but
ho would bo unable to comply until
to-morrow. Some of the bids could
not bo produced until nuxt week.
Col. Tot ten We may want other
bids and contracts in a few days.
Col. Cook I would not bo surprised
if you would issue subpu'tia to have
the corner stone of the postollico
department produced in cotiit.
"Sutlicient unto the day is thu evil
thereof , " interjected the court.
Adjourned till 1 p. m. to-morrow.
The full committee on appropria
tions this morning considered the In
dian appropriation bill'and expect to
bo ab.'o ' to report it to the houno to
morrow. _ ,
Laniur , republican contestant of thu
seat from the Third Louisiana district ,
whose caao was'adversely decided in
the committee , is preparing to present
a memorial to the house , charging
bulldozing , and Asking special investi
gation of the casf.
National bank notes received for
redemption , § 330,000 ; internal rev
enue receipts , § . ' 572,58 ! > ; customs ,
Mrs. Ada Grli-t' , of Eaton , 111. ,
was before the gland jury this after
noon , giving her knowledge of star
route matters , in which Dorsoy , Beck
and others arc alleged to bu impli
Mr. Scovillu defied that he has had
any conference with Gen. B. F. But
ler in reference to hia entering in the
Guiteau defense.
The house committee will take up
the bill to establish a mint at Chica-
co. St. Louis , Omaha , Louisville and
Cincinnati will bu contestants for thu
W. H. Schenizi1 , of the navy , who
was appointed to-day to go to Siberia
to aid in the search'for the Joannutto
party , is from Missouri.
The quarrdl between ox-Secretary
Blainp and the administration touch
ing his foreign policy , is becoming
very < bitter. Thus far ho seems to
liavo the bust of the fight. The course
of IJVelinghuyscn regarding the letter
to the Sonth American' Iropublics. is
unfavorably commented on.
' LIt is said a' Secrerary Kirkwood
if packing up.prep rj tqryta fempving
to Iowa and that Sargent is to be
nominated soon , as Kirkwood has
given his decision in the Colorado land
case. *
The Jeannotte.
National Associated tocfu.
WASHINGTON , February 2. Lieut.
G. B. Harber and Master W. H.
Schentze , of the navy , have been detailed -
tailed to proceed to Irkutsck and the
Lena and aid in the search for the
missing members of the Jeannette
party. They leave on Saturday next
from New York for Liverpool , and
thence by the quickest route to
St. Petersburg , whore they
will purchase their outfit for
their arctic journey. Harbor is from
Ohio , and Schuutzo from Missouri.
Thuy have each had about ton years'
sea experience Lieut. Harbor at
present commands the torpedo ram
Alarm. Ho was an intimate friend of
thu late President Gartield by whom
he was appointed to the naval acad
emy. Hu accompanied Mrs. Garfiuld
to Cleveland with tlio remains.
YOUNGSTOWN , Fubruary 2. Lieut.
Uarbur , of the United States navy ,
commander of the torpedo buat Alarm
just detailed by the secretary of the
navy to assist in the tcarch for Do-
Lomr of the Jcannotto , is a resident
of this city , his parents residing here.
Lieut. Harbor's friends are pleased at
this mark of recognition. He was a
poor boy with plenty of brains , Garfield -
field know him and assisted him.
Famine Down in "Egypt. "
National Ahmciated f rc *
CIIIUAOO , February 2. Governor
Cullom is continually receiving ap
peals for aid from tlio inhabitants of
the southern part of the st-tto , known
as' "E-ypt. " Tne prospects of famine
Uiis winter in that p.irt of the state
were vividly portrayed last fall
by Senator Tanner , of Clay
county , but were branu-
ed at that time as sensational
and overdrawn. They are now fully
realized. The counties suffering most
are Crawford , GallaMn , Hamilton ,
Jefferson , Lawrence , Marion , Perry ,
Saline , Union , Wubash and Wayne ,
all in the southwestern part of the
state. The condition , as depicted by
.the petitions sent to the governor , is
pitiable. They are almost entirely
without food for themselves or stock ,
which is starving to death. The
famine is caused by a total failure of
the spring crop.
A nti-Polygamy.
National Awocutod 1'rwu.
RoouEHTKit , N. Y. , February 2. A
large and enthusiastic anti-Mormon
meeting was held hero this evening.
Strong speeches were made by Dr.
Anderson , president of the Rochester
university ; Rev. K. J , Grocy , pre
siding older of the Methodist Episco
pal church , and others. A resolution
was unanimously adopted asking con
gress to take all constitutional meas
ures to suppress the evil.
A Pennsylvania Coal Affair.
National Associated 1'rtMS.
NEW YOKK , Fubruary 2. The New
York , SuHquohanna & Western rail
road directors have voted with but
one dissenting voice to sign the contract -
tract with the Do'aware ' , Lackawaium
& Western rail road company by
which the latter will bring all the
formers' coal from Scranton to
Strandsburgh , Pa. The Now York ,
Susquohauna t "Western Co. own
about 6,000 ncros of valuable coal
land in the Lackawanna Valley , and
also over the Now Jersey Midland and
extensions , giving n continuous line
from Hoboken to Straiidsburgh. By
this arrangement the Lackawanna
will secure perpetual tonnage from
these great coal holds , and will also
prevent the building ot any compet
ing lines to Soranton
John Knlljr Triumph * .
National Ancodfttoil I'rvoa.
ALIUNY , N. Y. , February 2. Tlio
doad-lock in the lo er house of tlu )
legislature wan broken on thu second
ballot for speaker to-day , the Tam
many democrats withdrawing J , J.
Costello , their candidate , ivnd voting
so idl > for ' C. E. Patterson , the can-
didute of' the lopulur democratic cau
cus , giving him 5 ! ) votes , the necessary
numbur to elect. The result was
accomplished by a conference com
mittee yesterday from the regular
democratic caucus agreeing to Tam
many's demand that nil thu nomina
tions except that for speaker mntlo by
regular caucus bu withdrawn and
Tammany bu guaranteed thu asked
for representation on the railroad and
cities committee : ) , and the clerkship if
their clerk. George MCHB , remained in
the field. John Kelly made thusu
demands at the beginning of thu ses
sion six wuuks ago and lias adhered
to them uvur sinou , having loss than
ten followers in the assembly , and has
by the solidity of his following and
thu Bolidity of the republican major
ity thus far prevented the Tilden
democratic majority from organizing ,
and finally made his point.
Mnrlno Intelligence
National AKnociatod 1'rcM.
NEW YOKK , February 2. Sailed
The Suevta for Hamburg , the City oi
Paris for Liverpool , thu Htato of
Nevada for Glasgow.
LONDON , February 2. Sailed - The
Denmark for Now York.
SODTIIAMITOX , February 2. Arriv
ed The Neckar from Now York foi
LiVEiivnoi. , February 2. Arrived
The Wisconsin atuHho Uolvetina from
Now York.
SiilcdTho England for Now York.
QOEKNHTOWN , February 2. Sailed
The Celtic for Nuw York.
iNntlonnl AsuochUtl I'riwK.
WAHIIINOTON , D. 0. , February 2.
Guiteau will appear in court tomorrow
row while the motion for a new trial
is being arguod. It is expected Judge
Cox will deny the motion at once ,
and that the prisoner will be sen
tenced on Saturday or early next
It is certain that neither the gov
ernment nor the friends of the pris
oner will permit the body to bo ex
hibited after execution. Hpoville now
says ho should not i ivo his consent.
The prisoner's cold is bettor , and he
has regained his cheerfulness.
Small Pox.
National Associated I'rciw.
CINCINNATI , February 2. At Oak
ley , a village near hero , an old color
ed woman died of small pox. The
citizens burned her cabin , property
and the dead woman's remains ,
Henry E. Spencer , one of the oldest
and most prominent "business men ,
and sovoial terms mayor , died to-day.
WAOKJIGAN , 111. , February 2.
Notwithstanding every precaution
has been taken by the city authorities
to prevent the spread of small pox ,
thu disease continues to increase.
Ton cises have been reported to date
and two deaths within twenty-four
hours. The bodies were buried at
Frige Communications Wanted.
National AuuocmUHl I'u'ita.
WASHINGTON , February 2. The
treasury department has received a
communication from the Royal society
of New South Wales oH'uring prizes
for communications upon numerous
scientific subject9) ) , mostly relating to
New South Wales and its production.
Clear Maker * ' Strike.
National AnnwlaUxl I'rox *
MILWAUKEE , February 2. The
union ciuar makers otthis city are
htill out on a strike with no proba
bility of a settlement of the difli
unities. The strikers receive about
$2,500 per week from the Interna
tional Union to p ly oil' idlu men.
Go Tell Its Daddy.
N' ' tlonal Ann idutud Frtx.
BitiDrtKi'ouT , February 2. P. T ,
B.irnum's elephant Queen gave birth
hum at 3 o'clock p. m. to a femalu
elephant , weighing 45 pounds , Thu
other baby elephant weighed 12fi
pounds at its birth , Mother and
baby are doing well.
Benefit of the Sufferers-
National AaaocuUxl I'rtxu
NAHHVIU.IC , Tonn. , February 2. -
The Lebanon Pinafore company gave
an entertainment last night tor the
banefit of the backwater sufferers.
The house was packed and a good sum
was realized , The river is slowly re
Ran Orer and Killed.
National A
KANHAH CITV , February 2. At the
Union depot of thu Kansas City , St.
Joe & Council Blulfi railroad , a tram
r.m over an old German named Peter
Frank , severing thu legs and other
wise injuring him so he can't recover ,
A Dakota Bank.
National AaaoclaUxl ruw. '
WAHIUNOTON , February 2. Comp
troller French to-day authorized the
National buik of Waypton , Dakota ,
to commence business with a capital
of $50,000. _
He Will Not Die-
National AHfcOclatttd fint * .
PiiiLAiiELi'iiiA , February 2. J hn
McDonuugh , the act or , was reported
so weak at midnight that his local ad
visors doubt whether hu can last un
til daybreak ,
A Couple of Students Carried the
Joke Too Far.
A Dubuque Man , Acquitted
Yesterday For Killing a
Circus Employe.
The Kansas City Grand Jury
Find the Tax Collector'B Of-
flco Very Orcokod.
MUcollruiofmii Criminal Now * ol
the Day >
KntloiuU AmociaUil i'rrn. % WR
Svu.vcrsr , N.'Y. , February C F.
B. Ingalls nnd 11 P. Disforest , of the
sophoinoro class of Cornell umveiMty ,
at Ithacii , were arrested th's ' nftiT-
noon for havingi kidnapped Ii , 1L
Blood and 0. W. BpIfeBhoro of the
freshman cla 3'of thob mo institution
at " ( o'clock in the morning from limit
rooms. The whole iwplioinoro chine
issistud in gutting tliOPtwo froahmon
on the train bound for this city. The
qniirtotto mil no\v at police lu'iulquiir
tura uwiu'ting the arrival of Itlmcn
olHcurs. The freshmon. class WUB t < i
luxvo n class supnor tomorrow night
iind Blood and Boleshow are ollieors
of thuir class. Thorp is considerable
oxcitcmunt of the affair in Ithaca.
NEW YORK , February's.Thegraiul
jury of the court of general sessions ,
who huvo had boforo.tliom the Spay-
ton Duyvil disaster , to-day returneii
indictments against Oooj F. Hanford ,
conductor , and Qco F.Molius , brnko <
man of the wrecked' train , chnr im
them with manslaughter in thu fourth
degree. The jurors recommended thai
all cars should bo provided \ \ ith nxci
and other tools , and pails ; also thai
the granting of free passes to legisla
tors and others liolding ollicua is con
trary to proper idoaa of good policy ,
WiLKBsiuiuiK , Pa. , February 2.
Janu.iry 27th was thtj coldest day ol
the season horo. Daniel W. Gntlith ,
tire boss of the Manticoko mine , per
nnttud the pipes tu freeze no that fin
from the blast could not bo oxtin <
guiahcd , An explosion of gas consequently
quently occurred and throe minors were
killed. The coroner's jury lias just
found n verdict which makes the tire
lions technically guilty of manslaugh
ter. This is the first finding of the
kind under the ventilation laws , and
is of thu greatest importance tc
CHICAGO , February 2. District At
torney Loake presented an order U
Judge Blodgott this morning from tin
president commuting the sentence o :
Edward . Gaskins from one year ii
the penitentiary to six months in tin
county. jttil. . Uaskjuu xj TConuctei
of embezzling letters whilo' a subati
tuto letter carrier.
NORTH ADAMB , Mass. , February 2
A largo party of students from Wil
Hams college were so boisterous ii
Wilson Hall last night that the polio )
had to bo called upon to suppresi
them. The night before ten Wil
Hams students took front seats at at
entertainment in WillianiBtown , am
with fifty fog-horns and whistles tjioj
stopped the entertainment. Thoahor
attamptod to arrest some , but wet
prevented by others.
OTTAWA , 111. , February 2. Tin
testimony in the Miin Oavorly am
Or. Campfield scandal C.LSO closed thii
evening. A largo numbur of prominent
nont ladies and gentlemen have beer
witnesses , and the character for virtue
tuo , truth and veracity of more thai
one person has been Imdly damaged
The excitement lias boon intense , and
during the nine dayH1 trul the cour
room has been packed with people.
CniCAfio , February 2 A dispatcl
from Philadelphia stated that dotoc
liven in that city wore of the Ixjlie
that the stolen body of Earl Crawforc
had been taken to Chicago by acoupli
of Nuapulitans. The story is a gauz ;
one and the Chicago police ridiculi
the idea.
DKH MOINEH , February 2. Pouta
Route Agi'iit Van Ilornu , OH the Chicago
cage & Northwchtern railroad , wa
arrested on an order of a judge hold
ing court at Nevada , he being wantoi
an witness. Van Home protested , ni
ln ru was no other pnstitl olerk on tin
train and he had no knowledge of tin
case bif ire the court. Ho was forcec
to go , however , being suizud and takoi
oF ( the car. The rcwult was the clou
ins ( if the postal car and all througl
mail from Chicngo and all way mai
and connecting routes Iwing brongli
hero last night in confused rdor. 1
special mail ngentU'ft here this morn
ing to attend to that judge , who fine *
Van Horne 850 for contempt of court
KANHAH CITY , Fubruary 2.-Tin
special grand jury , which lias been in
vcstigatiiig thn raised rsscssmontHani
excessive tax collections made by ox
Collector Oroono , have found that lii
crookedness is confined entirely t <
Kansas City , the collections ho mad
from people outside being uniform ) ;
correct. This shown his work d
raising assessments and illegal calloc
tions have boon deliberate and ays
tematic , and there is no doubt , if hi
had not been so suddenly chocked , In
would have enriched himself by thou
sands of dollars during his term o
office. The grand jury to-day do
inanded his cant ) book , when he declared
clared it wan lost , which , being re
ported to Judge White , of tint orimi-
nal court , hin arrest wai at once or
dnred , and he was taken in custody
Subsequently he expressed the belie
that he could iind it to-morrow , and
he was released on bond.
PSDuiiUQUE , Iowa , February 2. - Tin
Clark minder trial came tu a uuddei
close to-day , the jury rendering aver
diet of not guilty without leaving thoi
seats. Clark wan indicted by tin
grand jury for shooting Huzulton
Furepaugh s groom , last July , he ex
piring the following day. The evi
donee adduced was in the prisoner' ;
tavor , and viewed in thu light of so !
defense ; honoo he was acquitted.
GIUYHON , Ky. , February 2 , Dur
ing tight at n dniioa in Klliott coun
ty last night , W. T. Neckel , United
States ballitl' , iwuwuiltod loa T. Oliver ,
aged 18 , whou Oliver shot him
through thu hwvrt , killing him in
Cituvuio , February 2. ilaoobSunlh ,
n charge of spicon , etc. , at Sproguo ,
Warner t Uriswold's , is a defaulter
lo the amountof several thousand dol-
are. His scheme was to make cash
sales and ii-jnirt them aa credit ,
NKW OHMVVNM , February Si. A
mob of colored nuin took Alph. Da
venport colored ) from hut homo in
Union parish , boat him with clulw
and left his dtsail Inidy in thu road
Mexican Alfnlrn-
N'ktlortt ) AtMH-laUxl I'mw.
CITY oc MKXICO , Jamiary 20. A
diapat ch from Uuadalnjara nayn that one
of the results of the roeeut ekvtion
in thn Htato of Jalisoo , in which mobs
iKed a number of ballot boxen at the
canital and other towns throughout
thu ntato , killing several men during
the fracas , will bo the installation ol
two logiMtituroH and thooatabliahnumt
of n dual government. Thu independ
ent legislature when called on refused
to recognize the authority of Stmoi
Uiestravho , was counted innal ) inj (
elected governor , and whom the ov
position legislature recogni/o as tin
duly elected governor. It claims thai
Senor Iliuatra , and a majority of the
opposition legislature were counted in
by fraud , and that on thu day of elec
tion , seeing Unit their party wan likely
to bo defeated by a largo majority i\t
the polls , thuy were instrumental in
bringing about mob violence on that
day in order to destroy the proof ol
their defeat. Senor Uiestra convoked
u meeting of the morchantn of HUE
city to protest against thu action ol
the independent legislature and a ma
jority of them attended the muohng ,
hut refused to participate in the pro
cession which escorted Senor llicstri
to the palace , the only escort beinj.
thu federal forces. The people art
unanimous in their oppressions of op
position to Senor Riustra being al
lowed to assume tliu duties of thu ox
ocntive oilico. The independent legislature
laturo ban appointed a provisiona
governor and the vote on the mattei
will bo referred to the fedural govern
meiit for settlement. Meantime botl
governments will continue in force
neither being willing to give way un
til forced to dp so by the decision ol
the federal government.
The Now York Flro.
National Annex intcJ 1'rtKu.
NKW YOKK , February 2. Soarcl
for thu bodies of persona known U
have perished by the destructive I'm
in thu old World building had no1
been commenced up to nightfall fron
the fact that the debris in too hot t (
bo removed. It is thought work wil
begin to-morrow. It is believed tha
but small portions of the bodies ol
these 'who perished will bo discovered
owing to Ltho * intonw ? J eat { ' whiol
knelled an' ihimeaao stoho s'iab un <
twisted the girders as though the ;
wore mode of wire. It is not definite ! ]
settled as to the number of lives lost
but it is behoved the total will road
from ten to twenty. A gan of lifti
men is engaged , and stand in readi
ness to enter the pit when ordered tc
clo so.
The latest compilation shows tha
nine persona are dead and ten an
missing. 0. 13. Potter , owner of tin
building , will commence search foi
the bodies of 'the unfortunate victim ;
early to-morrow morning , under anp
orvimon of the tire department.
Railroad Matter * .
Notional A ocl tHl 1'ri-tw.
BOSTON , February 2 A bill wan
was reported in the legislature to-day
by the railroad commiteo to ruquin
railroad companion to equip each cm
of every passenger train , includiiif
mail and baggage cars , with two set ;
of tools , consisting of axe , sledgi
hammer , crow bar , hand saw and pail
all such tools and appliances to hi
kept ono upon the inside and OIK
upon thu outside of each car in mime
convenient place , and the manner ii
every car used on railroads in tlm
commonwealth in which any hoatinj
apparatus may bo placed shall bo pro
vided with such safe guards for pro
tcctinn against fire as may bo ap
proved by the board of commission - *
who shall have power to require rail
road corporations to equip their C'lrn
with such appliances as in their judg
ment shall be deemed necessary foi
thn further protection of life in al
passenger trains in this state.
Pennsylvania Pay Grabber * .
National AijXH'laUxJ 1'rcat ,
PHILADELPHIA , February 2. Argu
ment was heard in thu superior cour
to-day in the appeal of Clnu ) . I. Wol
on behalf of himself and a number o
his fellow legislators from u docre
of the Dauphin county court refusin ,
to grant a peremptory writ of man
dainus on the ntato treasurer compelling
polling him to pay members of th
state senate and representatives an ex
tra $500 for fiB days' service addition
al to thu 100 days. Members wer
paid $1,000 , which they claim enl ;
compensated for 100 days , leaving th
additional service of 58 days unpaii
for , and they contend that for over ;
day's service not exceeding CO the ,
were entitled to bo paid 810 per diem
Nation * ] AjuocUtod i'ruM.
CHICAGO , February 2. Abrahar
Netter was swamped in the barlo'
deal. Liabilities , 20,000. Recentl ;
Netter haH buen buying grain by th
car 1'xid and shipping the same Th
grain , it appears , was not paid foi
Curl is loses 10,000 ; P. U. Weaso i
Co. , $22,000 ; Oregg & Bon. , $ l,00t
and other purlieu about 820,000. ,
The Puddler'i btriko.
National AwocUUxl I'tom.
PIKKNIXVILLK , February 2. Th
puddlers , formerly employed by th
Phdinix iron company , went out on
strike a few days ago and were paii
elf to-day. A committee waited upoi
A. II. Ravens , manager , and pro
posed to go to wet k aiul make si :
heats when they could within thro
hours , but the provision w us not ulki
getber satisfactory and no defiuit
conclusion was reached , The com-
wnyIA not disposed to have an out *
udo association say how thuy shall
conduct business , and hence the works
will bo idle until such time as they
can be started in n natisfuctory man-
ler. Thu puddlers will leave to-
nomiw *
Slnlnn and Old Man Chrlntlnnoj--
N tlonnJ An'oolAtol l'rt .
WAHIUNOTON , February 2. Mr.
Dluiiio sent the following telegram to
Mr. Christiancy at Lansing , Mich , ,
o-dav :
"Your tirsl tuloin ? n was not under
stood by nui. Your confidential com-
nunioution , whoso imblication you
complain of nannddronacd to me as
secretary of state and related wholly
to public atlairn. 1 had no right to
remove it or destroy it. Its informa
tion wiis an valuable to my successor
in to myself. The tilus of thu state
.lepiutiuent . are full of ocpnlly conli-
lotitial ) tnpura , never intended for
publication. Your note , no doubt ,
tsas inadvertently sent to thu suna < o
jy SocroUry FrolinghuyHiMi with tlio
remainder of ( he Chili-Pern corres-
[ mndence. 1 ivgret thu nntoward
jvont , but had no po oi'to prevent it.
I had not intended that your note
should bu included in thu volume of
my diplomatic correspondence. "
Fire Atiioctutul I'tvi" ) .
111. , February 2. A
Hisiiies.i block burned yustorday.
Li vn.LK , 0. , February 2.
Miner's buck works burned yesterday.
AI.USNTOWN , I'n. , February 2. Ho-
twoen 1 and 2 o'clock this morning the
soap and candle factory of E. M. E.irl
was completely burned out. Loss on
stock. &lHK ( ) , and on building and
machinery , ? 5,200 ; iimuruneo , $2,500.
The lire wun of incendiary origin.
Kight dogn perished in thu llanies ,
Oiiic.uio , February 2.A fire
started in the wholesale paint and oil
store of Whitney , Johnson it Co. , 21
Lakontrout , shortly after midnight.
It will bo totally destroyed. Loss ,
$ 100,000.
Spoolnl Woatlior Bulletin.
National Antoilntt'il I'riKH.
WAHIUNNTON , February 2. The
chief siirnal ollicer of thu army fur
nishes the following bulletin
to thu press :
The barometer is highest in the
southern status , and lowest in the upper -
per lake region. Since yesterday fair
weather has prevailed. Thu tompurn-
turu lias risen from 5 to 10 degrees in
thu gulf ntatus , and in the other dis
tricts has remained nearly stationary.
It is generally above the mean for the
month in thu northern status , and be
low in the southern states. Westerly
winds prevail in the northern states ,
and southeasterly in the western gulf
Stock Board.
Notional Amoclktvd i > ri tf.
CIIICAOO , February 2. The Chicago
stock board is considering the advisa
bility of quietly lying down to die.
Tlio board of trade will soon begin a
war of extermination on the bucket
he city commission merchants will
not receive or sell wild game rfter to
Tlio Northwestern Wrapping Paper
manufacturing company held an ad
journed meeting in the Trumont
house this morning for the transac
tion of routine business.
Tlio "Wlro Monopoly.
National AtwoclaUxl 1'rnin.
Dun MOINKH , February 2. Wash-
burn , Moon & Co. hare notified thuir
attorneys hero that they intend to
immediately commence action against
the Farmers' Protective association
for infringing tlio barb wire patuntN
by thu present process tlio association
is lining. Thu aiisociation professes n
desire to test the validity of the \Vuah-
liurn p.itcnts in courtu , and claims
that was the object in view when the
manufacture was continued about n
week ago. _
Choppluu Off Head * .
National Aisnociitod I'roM.
( JuitiAup , February 2. At the cus
tom house to-day the official guillotine
went into operation. Seventeen sub
ordinates were removed by the now
collector. The mourners are all Ohio
or Iowa men. Among those decapi <
tated were Major Austin , chief of tin
department of inspections , who is t
relative of President Hayes. Anothei
victim was John Utillwull , who is i
distant relative of President 11 ay is.
Joint B. Gnuili Liable to Go Ofl
National AnttOtUittil 1'rtM.
JiKLOiTVis. . , February 2. Johi
1) . Ooiigh , the lecturer , is BoriouBh
ill at thu residence of Rev. Dr
Ouorge Hunhnoll , this city , with nuu
ralgia of the stomach. Ho dolivoroc
a lecture last night , but sullored ex
cruciatingly before its finish.
Bettiagon t
National Pros * Association ,
NKW OHLEANH , February 2. Bet
ting on thu fight is getting lively will
Bullivan slightly thu favoriUi say K
to 9. One but of a thousand dollar
was made lost night on Ryan by i
local sport , which was promptly
covered by a Chicago man ,
Miami Indians.
National A * ) clatcd I'taam
WAIUHH , Ind. , February 2. lion
Calvin Cowgill yesterday finished pa/
ing thu last annuity to the Miami In
dians. Many got drunk mid whit
sharpers secured much money.
Flrat Blood Ifor tlielCalilo Oars.
National Awtodatvd 1'roxi.
Cnit'Ado , February 2 , Daniel M c
Cleary , an employe , was killed b ;
buing struck by the "grip" of the uo\ \
cable ca.H this evening.
National Auoclattxt I'riwi.
WAHHINOTON , February 3. For th
lo er Missouri valley : Fair wuuthoi
winds mostly south , stationary o
lower barometer ,
of tlio Union Bonor-
ale Arrested ,
of the International
Billiard Uamo Between
aud Vignaux.
A New Cabinet Being Formed
in B ypt Hostile to
lanrt and Franco.
Xlsiiolluuoon * Nown That Ciitue
Over tlio Cabin-
fttlonM AivxxUtol I'nrfl
PAKIM , February 2. M. Huntoux ,
irosidunt , and Af. Fedor , manngor of
he sitsponded Union ( lenurale , were
o-day arrortted. Thov will Iw ar-
aigned on a strong indictment , mak-
; ig many nerioun charges auainst
hum in thu counduct of thu Union
Gambotta ban resumud the oditor-
hip of the Uopiibliquo Francaiso.
PAUIH. February 2. In the inter-
lationalnilliard match to-night , fourth
< \ cuing of the game , Slossun roaumwl
rum the point whom ho loft on" . As
hu play progressed , Vignaux brought
its score up to 1,800 and added 284
0 it , finishing with u total of 2,084.
Slosson added IKK ) to his score of last
tight , leaving otl'with a total of 2,400.
Slosson's average wore 7f > j Viguaux
average , 15. Slosson'n best run , ill ? ;
Vignaux'a best run , HOt.
HT. PKTKiwMi'iui , February 2. It
s reported that there has been a re-
ie"'iil of thu pursecutiuns of the
tews in the Pullawa dintriot , and that
1 numbur have been massacred.
PAUIH , February : i.In the chain-
iur of duputius yesterday Mr. An-
Iriuux proposed a bill in aid of the
ionise auttlumunts. M. Leon Say ,
ninistur of thunco , in speaking
igainst the proposed bill stated
iriclly what the government had
lone already to aid in .settlements ,
ind in concluaion said thu govern-
nent had already had all thu powers
t should luive in such mattui 8 , and
.hat any more concussions might re
sult disastrously to thu national troas-
iry , as if measures of this kind were
once begun there . telling where
hey would stop.
Mr. Lo\oy Winot , jurist , was ted -
d y elected president of the senate.
H. Oanibutta has gone to Nice for u
wo wquks holiday.
liourso settlumunts are progressing
very well , thu money market closing ,
easier , with operators meeting on-
; ngemunts promptly. The whole
itock market olosudwHh onadvanoo ,
BKULIN , February 0. Borthold
Auorbach , the Gorman writer and
wet , is dying. lie was born Febru
ary 28 , 1812. .
LONDON , February 2. A dispatch
from Cairo says Chorif Paiha and-tho
ministry have resigned and Anab
Buy and Mahomet I3arondi ( national-
stt ) are forming a new ministry that
will be hostile to Anglo-French con-
, rol.
A dispatch from Teheran says Rus
sia and Persia have signed a , Central
Asian frontier treaty , Russia receiv
ing thu whole of Kohlkete Oxis.
SOKIA , February 2. Yesterday a
lire destroyed the liulgnrian national
issumbly buildings. They were
of wood.
LONDON , February ii. In the eloo-
Lion at Preston yesterday , Mr. Raikcs ,
conservative , was elected , receiving
; ,0t5 , votes ; Mr. Simpson , radical , re
ceived 421 votes.
Miller Extradition Cnso.
AxHOflltUxl I'riWH
TOHONTO , Out. , February 2.
ouimul in thu Miller extradition
case to-day delivered argument before
Judge McKuii/.io , who reserved judg
ment till Tuesday night. >
Purtnor Pnrtlculura and Account of
tlio Accident.
Thu fat id collision at Fort Steele
between a f/eight train and the pay
master's train was reported in Tim
Dun on Tuusdvy. Thu Cheyenne
Leader gives the following more ex
tended account of thu disaster :
The pay cur on its return trip from
the west was run extra , hauled by
Engineer Rose and Fireman Seuley.
This oxi m preceded the regular pasj-
enger , No. 4 , by about fifteen min
utes , and was following the second
suction of the freight No. 8 , Conduc
tor llobart , all going east , Just out
side and west of Steele , thu freight
paused to sj do track , and was partially
in the siding when the extra came
around the sharp curve which had
hidden it from viorr , and , in spite of
brakes and reversed engine , dashed
into the caboose of the freight ,
Brakeman 8oeley'of , tlio freight
train , was faUlly injured , dying
within a few hours after the accident.
Conductor llobart was also severely
in ured , Buttering brumes about the
body , and having the flush of hia
hands nearly scalded oil' . His wounds
wore attended to , and at last nocounta
hu was doing as nicely as could bu ex
The engineer of the special escaped
harm , but Firnman Connor wns in
jured some. There was no damage
done to the pa-car nor its occupants ,
and the special would have been
stopped within a short distance , iU
speed buing so slew that those on
board could , as some did , jump to the
ground without losing their feut. The
wreck wuu cleared us soon as possible
to allow the naesiigii of No. 4 , which
was close behind thu pay-car , and of
which thu latter tiad been u part until
lUiwlins was reached and the special1
train was made up.