Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WfcDAESDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 188-4. THE DAILY BE 13. OMAHA PUBLISHING OO , PROPRIETORS. BIO FarnhAm , bet. Olh And 10th 8tr eti. TKUMS Of 8UUSCUHTION. * tm copy 1 Jr < vrn ! a > lM\noctio < tnlil | ) (10.00 e TOontfu " " 5.01 month " " 8.00 KAlLWAY TiME TABLE. TIHKUARD CUICAOCI , HT , VIH. , VC < NralMU3 ND ( UUUS HAILKOM' . tc > o Omnh ra-sjcnRtr No. 5 , 8:30 : x nu Ac- coimnotLttloti No. 4 , 1:0 : I jt. in AIM-P Oninha-F.vftiurcf No. I , 6M : ) \ . m. Aixniutuoilntlon No. S , 10. W a. in. LKAMXd OVIAUl IA9T OR BOrtU.MUNX 0. , K & 0. TMO . tr. J:40 : 1 > . in' C. . N. W. . 7lO ! . B > . 8:40 : p. m. . , C. , R. 1. 4 I' . , 7:40 n. m. S-.40 ] > . m ' 1 K. a , S . J. & 0. S. , loavr Hi H n. m. anil CM : p.m. AirUca.itat. Uiul M 6SOa. : iri. oinlSlW L. ro. - ' ' i j W. , St. I. . A P. , ICMCI t i v ru. ftn.l Silriji. ! Arnus a Sjt. Loun at 0:40 : a. in , nd 730 wnr OK II. k M. In Nrl > . , Thrmuh K.Jiite j , 8:50 : k. w. II.II. . tt M. Lincoln Kni'ri s-4.-.lfO . j ) . \ . II.u I1. OvtrlMiil nifrV * , I2t&p.tu. ! II.a tt R. V. foi Lilian , 11:45 : . in. a A U. V , lot . 11:40 : a. m. u.u. . P. trcletit No. S , fcsn a , m. u. I1 , tre ht No. , t-SO u. in. u.u. u.u. . I' . ItclL'lit No. 12 , V 50 p. m. u. F. IroUlit No. 7 , fl)0 : ) p. in rmUr ; < tnt. . .P. ' Uomcr rxpio , 7-SS p. 111. 6 ! P. freli-lit No II , 11-SO p. lu. u. I' . Dtlnrr frr U'ht , 8A6 | i. in. ASI AKD 0. B. & O 6 CO a. m.-7 : & p < 0.I 0.C. I A N. W.BI6 ; a , m. 7:46 : p. iu. C.K. . IU I. tl'.Di : : a. ni. 0:06 : p. uu K. C. , St. Jo il ) 11. , 7:40 : a. ni. : lfp. K.O. ul ! tin WRIT A.SO IKJtnilWMt. O.U. b IU V. Irou Lincoln l.OS p. m. U. I1 , fadflc hxptftw 3SA : p. m. 0B. A M. In Noh. , Through Kxptiw 4:15 : p in , B. A M. Utifolu K\t > n i > 'J 40 a m. 17.U. . 1 * . Jicnierpro > i < , 7:85 : 111. U. I' , might .No. 14-2.50 p. in. U.U. . I' . So. 6 6:20 n. m. Binl.r ) nt. U.U. U.U. . P. freight No. 14 , 12:15 : p. m. U.U. . P. No. 8 D.OO p. i' . U. I' . No. 13 1:16 : ft. u > . U.C. . P. Oemcr Irvl-tht , 1:10 : a. tu. C.o. o. & R. V. mlNod , ftt. ! 46 p. m. DUHUT VKAItH Mtrw lf < OMAIU AMD COD.Hta BI.DPFS. Lmra OuiAh at lOO , 9 0 , 10KW rvnil m. ! l:0 ! :00. : 3:00 : , 4:00 anJ 6 : 1 p. m. Ixmo Council Bluda at 8:26 : , 0:2t. W'M anil I'M . m. ; l:2B , 2:25 : , 8.25,4:45 : nnd 6S6 p. m. buii-'n.Mi Tliu dummy U < a\t4 Olilfthd kt 9KXI nil llnxl a. ra. ; 2:00 , 4:00 : Mvl 6:00 p. m. L 08 Cloiuicil BIiiBa at B:26 : ami 11S6 a. m.iS-,26 , i:2i : n < 1 6:25 : p. in. Through and loonl pMscnjir trains hctw-ccn Omaha and Coun 11 Illuffn. IXKHO Oraihi--C:16 : 7:46 , 8:50 : a. m. ; 3:10 , 6:15 : , 0:00 : p. ui. .Ur vo Omahv-7IQ , 11:116 : , 11:46 : a. ra. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 , ; 40 p. in. Opening an < 3 Closing of Mll . oriK. cww * . a. m. p. m. a. ui. p. m. W. 11. CO ! > :00 : 6:30 aio : Chirac , K I. & l'M-lflc.UCO : l:00 : f:30 eiileuro , It. & Q. . 11:00 9:00 : 5:30 2:40 : Wabarli B-.SO 2:40 : sioux city M.d I'.cinc. . o.oo 6:20 : 2:40 : Union Pactnc 1:00 : 11:40 OntahtJsK.V 1:00 : 11:40 : H. &M. InNol 4:00 : 8:10 Omiha t Bloux Cit > ( . .00 7:80 B. ft M. Lincoln 1USO : 6:00 : U. P. Lincnln , SumUy. . . 1:30 : 11:00 : U. P. Utnver Exi ) :00 : 0:30 : O. , Sioux City & St. r. . . 11:00 : i : 0 1-or.M uiallrt for btato ot Iowa \e\t \ but one * a day. vl :0SOa. : : m. UXcu uiwn SuniAja from 12 iu. to 1 p. m. THOS. r HALL I1 M. Business Abetr.ict arid Real titato. JOIIN L. MoCAdUE , oiijioolto Poet Office. W. H. DAKTIJ2TT 817 Bouth IBth Bt-catL Architect * . DUFRENC & MKNDKLSSOUN , AnCHlTECTH Itaoiu 11 CrolKhton Hlook. A. T. LAHOE Jr. , r.oom 2. Cicluhton Block. Boota and 8hoo . JAMK3 DsVINE ft CO. , rino Boots and Shoes. A rooil iworttnonl ol homo work ou land , corner 12th and llanier. IIIOS. KKICK8ON , a E. cor. 10th and Douglas. JOHN FOKTUNATU8 , 85510th Mrtet , manufactures to order gtxxl wort ai fair priced. Rcpalringdone. Bad Spring * . i. r. LARRIMEB Manufacturer. 1C17 DouyUant. Books , Newa and OUtlonery. J. L FRUEUAUF 101S fTamham Stree * . Butter and Egfi * . MoSHANE & SClIBOEDrlll , the oldest B. and K. botuo In Nebraska eotrtbllphed 1876 Omihx CENTRAL KKSTAURANT , MI13. A. RYAN , MMlthwut corner IfithiuJ Dodite. Boat Board for the Monny. rutUlactlon OuaranteeJ. Meall at all Hours. Boiml by the JUay , Week or Month , Good Tcnua for Caeh. Futnlntird Unnnm HnpplUxl. Uarrla ei ancf Rcun Wagoni. WU SNYDFIl , Hth and Harney Stroela. Clothing Bought. J. n > ItUI I will | < aj liljrliwtCafhmlco for second iu.nd ciutlilnir. Corner 10th and ranihain. Jewe en. JO UN DAUMKH 1311 Kamharu Street Junk. II. BEBTHOLP , KJW ) and Metal. Lumbsr , Lime and Cement. & OKAY corner Bth and Douclan Stc Lamps and ulaisware. 1. BONNER 1209 Uonclaa Ht. Good Variety. Merchant Tallom. 0. A LINIK2UEST , Ono of our most rcpular Merclunt lUlora la ra CBltlug tbo latent dcdigUH far Spring and Summiir UooJa lot ifontlcincn'a wear. Styllvh , durable , and wloui luw ax ever 215 13th bet Douic.bKarn. Mllllnoi-y. MRS. C. A. niNOlIR , Whole-tale and Retail , Fan cy UoodB in great \nrlety , Zo ] > liyr , Card Board i , llosicry , Glovea , Corseta , &c. Cliiapost Hoiue ID thu Wwt. Purchasers m\o 30 pel cent. Order bY Mall. llSj'Iftoenth Btreet. r-ounary. JOHN WKAUNB & SONS , cor. 14th tJa < A onrt rlourand Feed. OMAHA CITY HILLS , 8th and Varoharo Hid. , WulBhani Bros. , proprietors. Orocera. Z. BTKVKNB , 21st between Cumln and Izr T. A. McSnANE , Com. J3d and Cumlng tfeeU. Hardware , Iron and Steol. DLAN & LANQWORTIIY , Wholeaale , 110 am * 112 16th street A IIOLUF.8 corner 10th and California Harneia , Saddle * , &c. B. WBlfiT M 18th Bt. bet Karp-A Harney. Hoteli . ANriKLtinOUSEaeo.Ci nneldtHh4 rtmhain DOHAN I10U3K , P II. Cnry , 913 rarnbamHt SLAVKN'H HOTKL. K , BU\cn , 10th. St. Banthern HoUl Qua. Hamel 9th & I/eavoiiR-ortb OruK > , Palnti and Olla. KUIIK & CO. rharmaUati , Fine vauc ikiod , Cor. Htfl and IWueln treeU W. ) . WllITE1IO VtK , Wholeaale k ReUU , 10th ft. C. FIKLD , 2022 North HIJa Cumlng Btr < et. PARK , Drui > t. lOtband Howard Streets. Oentliti. DK. PAUt. William * ' Uloclc Cor. llth U Dod -e. Dry Qocds Notlont , Etc. JOHN II. F. LKUMA.V.N & CO. , Nee York DO Oooda Score , 1S10 aud ISIS K ni biro ttrvet. b. C. Enevold l o boot * aud iboel 7th & Pacific. ruruiture. A f. OUOSE , New and Suond Hand Kurolturo nd bta\M , 1114 Dctulaa. IIlKtctt ttali jjjloo kid for recond tc&3 ( oooi. UdNNKK 130.1 Dmrl * t. Flue irooda , ic ( tree WorKt. OK/.HA KEKCC CO. OUST , KRIK34CC ISlSIUrncyBt. , Imrrovo Ki Ice Koiei , l cr and Wood Pence * , Ottc * B illcs , Count ( i e I'loe and \ \ alouU OlK r and Tobacco. nttTi ClKllm ) mitactut r o ( ind Whdwwle Uoalprol n Tot o ) . 1SO& DouRlat. . V. UKKS7JUt naiiufattiirff 141B Famlium A. DonariupUiitiiciitflowi ( r > , e0a , ooqnet * etc. H , W. cot. 10th and tkiudm itrret * . Olvll Engineer * nnd Surveyor * . ANDUKW ROSKWATKR. Crtlchton Wock , 'o n Bun ey , Orad and Sew raie Syitema a Specialty. _ _ _ _ Uommlnlon Merchant * . JOILV Q.VIL LI3.1414 OoAge Strtol , D 11. DKKMEK FonletAlls coo larco aJi ertlle- la l ) llv and Weokly. Cornice Workt. Vrv rn Cornice \\orkn , Uanntacturor * Iron Jonili-r , Tin , Iron and 8l to Iloofllng. Onlfn from MI ) locality promptly cxccutoJ In the beat maniM r. Factory and Office 141 $ Harnfy 8t 0 , Bl'KOHT , Proprietor. > alMUil > nl Iron UornlotVlndaw Cam , etc. , mAnufaoturod and put np In anv patt ot the T. SINHOLU 410 Thirteenth ttrcct Oroekery. J. liONNKR 1S09 DouulM lrwjt , Ooixt line. Clothing and HurnlthlnE Qoodi. OFX > . II. PCTKRSOJf. Al o Hat , Cajw , Uoot , them , Notions and Cutlery , S04 8.10th ttrcet. netrlcerntora , Canfleld'a Patent , a H. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn , & llatney. Show Oa e Manufactory , ! 0. J. WILDK. Manufacturer and Dealer In all klnda ot Show Ca n , VprtKht Casog. ' . , 1317 Oaw St. FRANK L. OHIUIAUD , proprietor Omaha Show Oiio manufactory , 818 .South 16th ttrret , > et\tcen Lovxenworth and Marcjr. All good ) v trrartixl first-claim. Pawnbroker * . ROSKKKHLD , 10th St. . hot , far , ft tlar Btoveiana inwara. A. DUHMlSTKlt , Duiluln 8to f andTliiviaro , and Manufacturer of Tin IlooN and all klndu of Building Work , Odd Fttlovrj1 Block. J. 1IONNKU. ISO ! ) DouzU * S . Goo < l and Cheap. Seud * . J. KVAKfl. Wholnate and ItoUU Seed Drllla and nUown U ll. Physician * an J Burgeon * . W. 8. 0111113 , M. D. , R om No I , Cretghton IllooJt , 1Mb StTMt , P. S. LLIS NHINO , d. D. Maoonlc Block. 0. L. I1ARV , M. U. , Kye aud Ear , opp. poetofflcs PR. U B (1RADDY. Onillirt a'xl Aurlit. S. W 16th and Farnhnm BU Photograpner * . OEO. 1IEY.N. PROP. Orand Central GiUlcry , 21'J Sixteenth Street. OKU Mn oiUc HalL Fxrrt-clwa Work and Proinjit Qteam Fitting , P. W. TAUPY A tX ) . . 218 12th St. , hot. Karnham aad I > OfeU. . Work promptly attended to. 1) riTZPATKICK , 1409 Douclas Street. alntlnR nn npor nnRlng. UKXIIY A. KOSTKRS. HI OodKo Btreet Shoo titores. Phillip Lang , 1820 Farnham Bt. bet 18th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LKAR. 1416 Douijlaa St. . New and Second Hand Furniture , Iloune Furnishing Goods , tie. , ) < nuht and eold on narrow ninn-lnn. Malooni. HFJJRY KAUFMANN , In tno net * brick block on Douglas Btroet , hat lust opened a most olcfrant Iteei Ilall. Ilot Lunch from 10 to 13 every day. CaleOoau " J FALCONER 079 Iflth Btreet. Undertaker * . ClIAS. IUKWK , 101 * Farnhnrn bet. 10th & lltd. DO Cent Store * . ( X BACKUS. 1X05 K-iriiliain St. . Fancy Oood * TRUTH ATTESTED. Somelmportont&tntomcMtii of We Knovrn People \Vbolly Verified. In ordef that the public may fully reMlio the genuineness of tlio Rtatcmt'iif , a * wt'll a ? the powur and value of the article ofhlch they speak , we publish hcrt , 1th tl'O fac-slniilo s'Ktm- turea erfiartic3 _ whoso sliuenty In beioiiil ques tion. Tlio Tnith of thoao tuetlnionlala la abno lute , not con ( ho lu.ts they announce be IK- noruu. OMAHA , NEB. , May 24 , 18S1. II. JL WAiLM-RiCo. : DKIK SIH : I have frequently UKd Warner's Safu KUnoj and Liver Cure for local affectlous attendant upon oo\ere rheumatic attacks , and luio oJ * B'd iIorl\iKl benefit therefrom. I have alto Ui U th Safe Korvine with eatltfnctory re- sulU. I consider thcso medicines worthy of Deputy Trcamircr OMAHA , Nisu , May 24 , 1(81 II. " . W/n-Mm & Co. , lioohiwter , N. Y. : Gurr * : I hu\o uaed jour hafo Kidney and Livc-r Cure Uils tiprliiK OK a her Invigorator , and 1 llnd I thu best leincdy I ever trlod. I Imvt ustxl S IwttkH , a"d it hufl uivlu me feel better than ever 1 old before in the pprini. . L' . P. U. Shop . OVAHA , N > , SIay 24 , 1881 , n. II. WARNER A Co : HIPB : Kor more than ly / urs J hiue suffered much In omc.nienco from combined UMnuy and ll\er illHu.isnH , Hiid Ime uinbloto work myurln y or ' iwnlso belni ; affoc'eil I ricd a ( front many mediclncn and doctorx , but I gtv * worse nnd woiioOty by ilay luastold I had Brluht'aliiHiJwe , nml I wished tn.M-clf dead If I cauM not have Mjiuody relief. I took your Bale Kidney und I.hcr t.urc , Knovlri nothingel e utui-vvr known to ciirotha disease , and 1 hav not been dmapiioint d. Th > mddiclnvhai cured me , and lam jwrfce ly well I0'htntirtly ' IhroiRh jour halo Kidney and I.hcrCuro 1 wish you all unco w In piibiiiihlM thli valuable rcmo-iy through Ihenorld. ff U. P , R. K. Bnops. Thou and of-equally H'roiiendot6i'nieiit | many of them In cuooi where hope waa aban. donwl Iwvo been \oluntarlly irlM > nBhoulni ; the remaikable rwwtr of Warner' * ' 'afe Kidney and Liver Curu , Inalld8ca u of Ihi kldnvyg. liter - * ' " If thin o- any cp who reada itroullo r < rrontijr tlio roil KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA S % Hi * , XL tS S O H fc S (3 ( \ ' < r iftl l 54 = C In 1 W g Wjj / e m * * p V.iiw j r.V J.Art uV f fc3 rH M > \ / / g : \1/ i S - S BITTERS ILER & CO , . 8olo Manufacturora. OM AHA , FAS TIME ! In going I'jvst WVe the OMcago & Northwest- Trains Ic.avo O.roht 3 10 p. in and 7. 10 a. m , For full Iiiforaat'on call on II. 1' . Iil'Kl. , Ticket At'cnt , I4lh and Kurnham Hti J. 1IF.1.I , , U. 1 * . Hallway De-pot , cral JAME.1 7. CLAKK , Otner- al ARCII ) , Oiiiala. jal'iniulf TO ARMSI TO ARMS I The Professional Qulllors of Bhur Scmtching Vigorous ly for n Living. A Dnd Case of Motlior-ln-law , Sou-ln- law nml a Sklnnod Hog Other Horns , C rrc p0u'cl"e | ' ° ' T10 'loo ' > WLAIII , Jnnunry 2l ? . Comiilorablo excitement exists lioro at prosunt over a reported cnso of small pox , about eight miles west of hero iu the coun try. The doctors nro ditlotitiR on Iho case. The sicknosa IB in thu family of a Dmio , sumo women folks having lately come from Kimtpo. Ono woman 1ms died and another in the family is down with the same disease. The school ehildien in the neighbor hood have boon I'xj.osed. The doc tors are reaping n harvest by vaccin ating the unltio population of the county , the price being 81 per arm. On Saturday night hint sonto person or persons broke into E. H. r-roder- ick s rendering UHUbliahmont on Fish creek , near the city , and killed i'ml skinned a Inrgo hog , and loaded about ono ton of coal on to thuir wii on , with ; \ hoi ; , nml started homo. They left the skin of the hog on the ground. The tracks of coal nil along the roml led to the house of Airs. Lamb , about seven miles north of Blair. With a search warrant thoolli corn found the conl and hog , and ar rested Alts. Lamb and her son-in-law and claughttr. All three wore put un der bonds until Friday , when their trial will take place. NV. H. Fnrns- worth is prosecuting ; Dullard & Wul- ton defending. The trio of thieves arrested recently by Detective llur.on at and near Omaha seem to bo the garg that re lieved the City hotel and depot lately ut that place. lj. F. Hilton is building n court room to bo occupied by County Judge Tucker. In the Blnir correspondence in THK DEE of January 2t ! , some nugseativo and ludicrous mistakes in the spelling of the names of uur county ollicors occurred , cither through the mistake of the correspondent or compositor. Mr. Ed. Farr received a telegram on Monday to the effect that his sister was sick , and ho immediately started for Beatrice , her homo. Hix. A TRAGEDY. IIY A UKTKUTlVi : . There is a low ruined cottage on St. Anthony street , Now Orleans , wluiro the moss grows over the roofing and the rickety doors hang by broken hinges. Dust and ago have hid the tloor from sight , and the decaying walls are damp and moldy. Only ono room is inhabitable , and that shelters an old woman , gray and de crepit. Sitting on a low stool she murmurs a lullaby an old-time song. Ago has deprived her of reason , but the sorrow of a tragedy wrought is yet fresh at her heart. Thirty yours ago she was beautiful. The olive chocks were radiant and the glorious eyes Hashed the triumph of a belle. Tall and slender , ex quisitely formed , with a rich Audalu- siari typo of beauty , it is no wonder that she reigned regally over many hearts. At that time no society in the world was moro brilliant than ours. Wealth and hospitality wont hand-in-hand , and the most refined and elegant in the land d'd homage to the beauty of Now Orloans. To bo star regnant of such society involved more than physical loveliness , and Blanco Castollohad all the graces that intellect bestows. None know then she was married. A young clerk of the father's had gained her heart and hand. In this cottagi ) her infant son was born hero , when she stole away from the bewilderments of fashion , aha en joyed the society of the man whoso love she had ventured so much to win. Wedding him in secret , she had con trived to deceive her parents and friends. There woio few things the father would not have pardoned in his child , but not this. Ho was wont to boast that kingly blood was in' his veins ; that his ancestry had fought under the standard of Arrogon. How could ho accept a plebeian son-in-law I Months went by and the mask was persevered in. But a jealous rival discovered the deception at lost. And ono night the young husband foil dead from a shot fired by a concealed assassin. The bullet that pierced his heart des royed the life of the child ho hold in his arms. Who did it ? Mr. I and myself had the working up of the case. The city was wild over the tragedy. The unhappy wife , mad with grief , had not hesi tated to avow her marriage. It pro duced an excitement in society rarely , if ever , seen before. But who was the murderer ) This was the question upon every tongue. It was for us to discover. Months went by in incessant search. Hero and there a link in the chain ol evidence was picked up until at last wo were able to lay our hands upon the man. But , if the deed in itself was horrifying , the culprit , when known , occasioned a thrill of indig nant sympathy for the unfortunate wife felt by all. Before arresting him , however , wo deornod it advisable to consult the lady. For this purpose Mr. I. and myself visited her. She wus still at the cottage , never having lett it since the night of the murder , When shown into the room my hear ! turned nick as 1 contemplated the ravages a few short months had made , The form was bowed and bent the beauty which had been the toast ol brilliant society had Hud , Before us stood a lady whom grief hud all bul wrecked. "Madame , wo have come toconsuli you in rcfiTcnco to the murder ol your husband , " "You have found him " , then ? ho eagerly inquired. "Yes. " "And ho is " I could not help the Bad look that cane into my face. How could I in flict on a heart so worn and weary ad ditional Borrow ) "You do not tell mo , " she said , with an intonation of voice so exqui sitely aad that it went to my heart. "I must tell you , madam , deeply as [ grieve to do go , but you must pro- .mro yourself for a great ahock , " 1 ro omed. "What other calamity can befall non ? " "I'orlmps a i > i eater ono than you mvo yet encountered. 1 fear you will esteem it such. " "Speak , who is it " "Your father. " "My father ! -oh , no , not ho1 say it WAS not hoi" nnd her arms stretched Hit to mo so njipoalingly , the white ijis and anguished eyus were so bo- needling , tlmt I felt 1 would rather die than face such nn ordeal again. "My fthorl" "Yes , madam , the chain of circum stantial evidence leaven no room for loubt. Ho did the deed. " It peomcd as if this last sorrow had jroken her heart She stood up bo- 'ore mo , every trace of color Hod from ler face , with unutterable anguish in ook and gesture. "lA'avo hiinalouo with God ! " and fell fainting to the tloor. From that hour to this 1 have never seen hor. She holds no intercourse with any ono. All else ave a faith- 'ill servant is Kxnislu-d from the homo. From her I learn what 1 repeat to you. Her reason has no doubt tied , nnd _ she sits by tlio tireless hearth uirsing her sonow alone with her wretched memories. THE BEE ANNUAL. * "HnmlBomo Specimen of Art. " Sohuylor Sun Tin : OMAHA Br.i : Illustrated Annunl Ueviow is on our : ablo. It is a haiidsomo specimen of irt , and shows the solid , growing irospority of Omaha , and the enter prise of THK Hr.i : as well. "Clear and Beautiful. " Columbus : We have here tofore neglected to notice TMKO.MAHA DKK'S Annual Review , a 'nicely illus trailed number , dourly and hoaulifully setting forth the growing city of Omaha , as she will appear in the his tory of 1881. The enterprise of THK BEE is certainly commondnblo. The Klnoat Yet , North Bond Bulletin : THE OMAHA UKK Buppliment is on our desk , it is one of the ( meat pictorial editions ovorigotten out by that establishment and reflects much credit on the gentlemen tlomon who got it up and also the publishers. THK BKK deserves much praise for having the enterprise ) to getup up such creditable edition. The lithographed work is most excellent. THK BKE is the liveliest paper in tin. Htato and is always ready to moo every want. want.A A Mode ! of Bouuty. Plattsniouth Journal : The "Annuu Review * of THK OMAHA.UEK . is a model of artistic beauty , a'nd is eal culated to give Omaha a good "send- off" wherever it is circulated. Four full pages are occupied by thirty-twi handsome cuts of the city s most pre tentious public and private building1) . "ImmoiiHe. " Superior Quide : The illustrated edition ot Tin : OMAHA Bin : in its an nual review , nllccts great credit on its publishers. The improvements in the city during the uast year are im- meiibo. Shows up In Fmo Stylo. Fairmont Bulletin : THE BKK'B illustrated Annual Review of Omaha B out and in the hands of its readers. It is a credit to THE DUE establish ment and'shows up the metropolis ol Nebraska in fine stylo. As a ohooi for statistical reference it is very val uable anl will.doubtless bo preserved by all. A Hondsomo Edition. Sioux City Journal : THE OMAHA DEE , as is its custon , issued a hand some illustrated edition for Now Year's , Lithographic views of Oma ha's best buildings and chief indus trials interests are given , accompanied with a review of the yea/a business. "Handsonio and Valuable. " North Platte Telegraph : THK OMAHA BEE , with its charac- toiistic enterprise , issued thn first o ! the year its "Annual Review" for 1881. It is a four pnge , 8 column nheot , printed on heavy calendar pa per , the outside pages containing lith ograph cuts of all the prominent build ings of our metropolis. The inside is sot in nonpareil , and filled with sta tistics and other interesting data o ! Omaha's present condition and progress gross dining the past year. Alto gether the "Review" is a handsome and valuable publication , which re fleets credit equally upon Tin : BKI and the city from whence it in issued. "Dono Itself Proud. " North 'Platto Republican : THJ OMAHA BKK ha * done itself proud again with ita Illustrated Review o : the city. These Reviews Jmvo foi years boun the handsomest and most dtsevving evidences of newspaper en terprise , and this exhibit is a littlt ahead of former issues. Of Course Ho Does. Hall County Frontier : Tin : O.MAIU BKK'S "Annual Ileview" is a vor > creditable piece of work indeed , Rosowaler deserves credit for his en torprise. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A M-rvoloui Cnro For all bodily iillmcntt ) , Brining fiom hn purity of blood , u torpid liver , inegularlt ; of the bowclH , | ndi < entlon , cormtiimtion. o dlnorilciuil kiilneyn , In wairnntHlIu it fret u o of IlfimocK Hi.oou Bin MM , I'rici $1.00 , trial ! zo 10 cents. UMv Accumulated Wealth , Pcmer ltenibllcan. | One of the principles of the founders dors of the American republic wai that there ought to be no concentration tion of capital and no landed estates These two evila have caused come o the greatest troubles that Kuropuai nations have Buffered. But Europe cannot now correct what is a very nn portant wrong , for the accumulation ! there have rtsuited from yntoina ol aristocracy and monarchy syatenu which dated from the clannish wars o the middle ugcs. But if these vus estates concentrate in America , am become dangerous , it is the fault o American ? . There are already indi cations that the republic is running i liu/.iird in this direction , Some of the slates have , or Jmv < Imd , huvH preventing the concontra tiou of capital referred to , Unde those lawn the will of Ynndurbil would not have been permitted ; am that will id only ono of many instance whore money waa kept in the hanclH o 5nglc controlling power , and thu -ontinuanco of auch a custom uould ory soon place the government even nero thoroughly into the hands ol n uonied man than it i now. If \ \ , 1 , Vanderbilt , accumulating mmioy i * ho is , foil own his father' * method ; I Jay Uouhl does the name , the uturo will be fr.xujt.lit with danger to ho country such as has not been un- ountored in thu past. It is plausible ophistry to argue that Jay ( lould'n 'ouius fur money-making otititltM lim to thn full control of this nillions. That may even bo fair nough logic ; but it is also f.xir to u.ik vhuUiertho custom would tend con- rolling railroads in alt parts of the ountry ; swinging an onormmtH mount of money ; cnp.iblo to appo.U o venal law-maker * to nn extent that nakoa temptation as nearly irrcsisti- > le as it ever becomes. Possessing hcso advantages , whore will safety Ini ound if the power of Gould in per- nit toil to remain in thu hands of ono nan from generation to generation ? Miuono Sue draws a startling picture > t the cumulative power of capital , , mt ho gives figures which show how a mall competence swells , with interest , o a massive fortune. The muno fiiet s illustrated in the history of the lothschilds , ytt even the Rothschilds inly limit their bequests of the fam- ly while the custom of our great nillionaires is getting to be that of caving thu entire fo'tunn to ono non. This danger seetim rarely to bo con- idored in the talk about money-got- in 11. Jay Gould is regarded as n genius and a i ewer ; but Inn son m re ceiving comparatively little attention. The impression prevails t that , \\ith Fay Gould , the great power will vanish ; ot young Gould , with this money in us graap , can hardly fail to wield an : qual power , for a cohmsal fortune ikt > Gould's is almost curtain to grow iwiftly , with scarcely any danger of lecroasu. The result will be some- .hing worse even than the "ono man > owur" so often railed at. Rediscovery of iv Loat Mine. \rlrotmCklrcu. Fifteen years ago -almost an ago in a frontier town , to jiuliio fiom the progosB made in that period of time - Mr. Isaac Goldberg , P. W Dooner , and others , made a prospecting tiip d the Santn Civtnlitms after fahuhumgold mines that wore supposed to oxisl somewhere ai'nong the summit peaks of that rocky mountain uml utmost in accessible range. To reach the higher or portions it wan necessary to take i circuitous route and ascend from the side opposite Tucson , In exploring thu dizxy heights and dismal canoni thu party lo t their bearings and nan dorod about the mountains for sovera dayp , until their provisions were abou exhausted , and in their wundorings discovered a huge lodgn of very line copper ore. At that remote period o time copper mines wcionot though to be very valuable , and but little at tention wan paid to the accidental dis covery , and its location waa nut accu rately observed. The party m.ido their way out of the mountains with a rapidity accelerated by the paupw ol hunger , and congratulated themselves upon a safe return to this city thai upon the resulta contingent upon theii discoveries. They , however , made four or live subsequent , attempts to find the copper ledge so curiously dis covered , but always with uiuforn want of Biiccces , and the nine days tiresome wandering of the previous trip were sot down as barren of al profit. Very recently Mr. Isaac Goldberg made up a party , including a number of the former explorers , and started out with the determination to find the lost ledge at all hazards. They were more fortunate this time than before , and succeeded in rediacoveiing tin bonanza , which is but a thousand fool from thu mountain stream which Ins- low the mountains is called Rillito Creekand but fifteen miles in a staighl line from Tucson , although eighty miles by the only feasible trail. The croppings brought in were very rich , and average specimens gave by afu } over thirty per cent , cupper. The ledge is eaid to be enormously wide , with strong and bold croppingH. Oh : minors who have hoard the particulars of the find and have seen the oto sny that it is the moat important discovery cvor made in the vicinity of Tucson , and ilti value to the ovMieni m boyoiu computation. Thu romance of its or iginal discovery and the sulrnvqiirnl search for it have woven an intoresl about the mine that will be an laitin ; , as the wjndorfiil lode itm-lf. A Well-known Wlt'd nilor e. mn&t. CiilCACio , III. , May HO , 1881. H. H. WAHNKU & Co. : Sira 'For ' several years I have boon a nullbrei from kidney disease , and never knew what it was to he free from pain unti I used your Safe Kidney nnd Liver Cure. C. H. HAIIUIH , "Curl Prutwsl. ' j80-lw. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oar Home * . Iiinlaia. | ( ) ltc | > ortcr. Much has boon said upon this subject joct , but there in volumoH remaining untold. It is i.ot the wealthy alone who can have beautiful homes , as nil ] lady of culture nnd taste hns withii herself the power to make her homo beautiful , The "host room , " or draw ing room , should bo the nleauantna room and used most by the family nnd should contain the brightest nix choicest gems , a few choice llowerinj , und foliage plants always muko nroon look cheerful. Brackets on the walls for vases , email pictures in frames needlework decorations , und man ; other ornaments , all within reach o thu umatoururtut. Brackets , frames nnd n great many things can be nude of hollywood , and the tiny naw in the lady's hand is HS pretty IIH any otho accomplishment. There are man ; other decorations for our homos tlu might be spoken of , but we have no time and space for them all , Yet w will not close without mention of the one great , yea , thu greatest uttructioi in our homes , which is u choerfu greeting , a kind word , und true cor dinlity , for all friends on well a guests. Booklln'i Arnica Halve. Tile best salvo in the world for outs bruihes , Bores , ulcers , salt rheum fever sores , tetter , chapped hands chillblains , corns and ull kinds o skin eruptions. This salvo is guaranteed antood to give perfect satisfaction i every case or nionuy refunded. Price 25o per box , For sale by lun & MuMAiio.v , Omaha , THIS ITSW AJTD CORRECT MAP t'M iv JCyond tiny rc.vwn.iMo question tht Uia CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN . . . * ; i un < > " < io ( , ' . . ! jmi to tike p-tarn tmellnR In direction bet ? ec ; T .uliMgo ami t'l ' of tlie Principal PoinN in lha West , North and Northwest. . . . V.ii. | Iln t'tlnrliui Olt.r of Iho Wr < Uml Northwest wo SU' tiu toul U l fni. . > train * make rio. . ) ooptinctloai will * the trains ol all mll o Udh lminimi * w THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , - - , jii | , | np < .rmi ; cndi way ilnlly from tno to fourormoro ranmprr.1 10,11 ! w jt ol ClilunKO tnat uses tlio The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. iiiMiiriiilior to ails for TU-UoU la this roml , ho sure tlioy rcml ovrr It , and take none ot heu AUV1S rlllirrlou'IMuiniurOlileaKO. ( ! ; W. U. STBXSBITacii'irassAg ntChles. < UAHRY P. DinU : Tlcki'l Ag nt.0.1l N. W. Hillway , 14th and FalnhamJitnieU. D. U. XIMHAMiMl , tJvnt flckot A < on4C. A N. W. luilwiy , 14lh ; nJ Arnbam ilreeta > J. DKLLuTI.-kot Aitenta , * N. W. U llwvy , U , P. R. R. D ixl. 8AMK.S T. CLAUK OMIL rat Arenl. The Oldest Wholesale and I.KA1HNG Retail JEWELRY HOUSE HOUSE in'Omaha. Visitors can here IN Till : General Agents for the find all novelties in SILVER Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer ie Latest , Most Artistic , and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Enabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers , Call anos , and other makes. and see our ElepantNew Also Clough & Warren , Sterling Imperial Smith , , , Store Tower , Building , American Organs , &c. Do corner llth and Farnham not fail to before see us pur- Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES ! Large Stock Always on Hand. dlSeodtl GUILD & McXNNIS GREAT STOCK Everything In Notions , and FURNISHING GOODS , AT SWEEPING REDUCTIONS. It Will Pay You to Call and Compare Prices. 603 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. THUS GKRIEJ-AJT Clearing Sale ! -A. POLACK'S PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE Is the place to Buy Bargains. EVERYTHING MARKED INRED FIGURES. Look for the Red Ink Marks ,