Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA JDA1L , * J3EE : WEDNESDAY. EEBKUARY 1 1882- BEATRICE AND WYMORE , Remarkable Prosperity of fioth Towne , Financially nnd Intellectually. iUilroad Bn ln And Matlonl Matten C rrcspondcnc * ol The Boo. WYMOIIK , Nob. , Jan. 20 , 1882.- Beatrice is situated in the weetcrn edge or Oago county , is one of the most enterprising towns in the gtato , nnd is certainly ono of the most social places I have cvor foinid. Owino ; to tlio warm winter , the heavy dry goods and clothing trades liavo Buffered , as in other parts of the country , but nil other lines of busi ness report an excellent trade and some of them a trade that has hardly boon equaled. Money is nlonty , which fact is shown by the readiness of the people to pay for Tim HER when their subscriptions happened to bo in arrears. Arriving in town yesterday at noon 'I I ono of the first centlomun I met wasJ J Mr. Brown , editor of The Beatrice | I EtprcBs. liro. Brown made it vary pleasant for mo during my stop at Beatrice , extending to mo an invita tion to attend the musical convention given by the Apollo club , wh'ch I gladly accepted. The convention is under the leadership ship of Prof. Seagpr , of Now York , and the class is making rapid progress in the art of singing by note , as well as in that of shading which in said to bo ono of the difficulties of vocal music. The chorus were rendered with a degree ot exactness and beauty which'showed careful loading , and an ability on the part of the singers to follow a good loader. The convention numbers about eighty members and is the best chorus I have hoard in a long timo. After the rehearsal was concluded , the Apollo Olub , which consists of about a dozen young men , mot for their private rehearsal. They were all good singers , and the practice was very pleasant. The musical interest here is very good , and some of the voices are par ticularly excellent. Political affairs here are somewhat mixed , sumo of the ox-machine mun here are two honest and have been beaten or ousted , nnd the machine itself is getting somewhat dry from want of oil , nnu fails to work har moniously ; the result is , that at the last election two or three of the nutt- machine candidates were elected. That element is very strong here nnd TUB BP.E is found in favor with them on account of its position on the question of whether the rings , monopolies and corporations or the dooplo shall bo the ruling power. The officers of the U. P. railway arrived here yesterday on their special twin and were conferring with some of the prominent citizens hero ns to whether this place or Uluo Springe , twelve miles south shall bo their di > l vision point. As usual , the road re > ! quires a heavy contribution froth the people. I believe that the matter is not yet decided , but it is to bo hoped1 ! that the people of Beatrice will dis play too much judgment to pay the company for the establishment hereof a throo-stall round house , and , per haps a couple of engine wipers. Blue Springs is in a very eluted state of mind on account of the pur chasing lately of the mill power and privilege by the railroad company , who have evidently added milling to their already estiblished lines of busi ness. The price paid was $10,000. Wymoro , ono and one-half milca from Blue Springs , is ono of those prodigies which spring up and got nearly grown before the ollicial world knows that they are born. The growth of Wymoro 1ms boon al most unprecedented in the history of Nebraska. Where about nine months ago was only a barotractof land , now I find a busy thriving town of more than a thousand inhabitants ; hero are Bomo facts and figures which will give an idea of the importance of thonluco , The business houses are as follows : Throe hotels , three boarding bouses , two printing offices , a postoflico , three drug stores , eleven general stores , two hardware stores , two furniture estab lishments , ono clothing emporium , two shoemakers , ono harness maker , four wagon makers , two blacksmith ehops , four livery and feea stables , three butchers , three milliners , two news depots , ono laundry , ono pork packory , a broom factory , two eleva tors , two coal yards , three lumber yards , a brick-yard , two billiard ealoons , and a bank. Besides these , there are three preachers , throe lawyers , three doc tors to attend to the health , wealth .and morals of the town ; two teachers and two music teachers , four real estate dealers , thirty carpenters , six atone masons , six brick layers , eight plasterers , four printers , two dray- men , four painters , ten teamsters , two well drillers , two tinners , two grain buyers ; ono brick maker , ono jeweler and ono barber. The stone quarries here , belonging to nnd worked by the B. & M. Go's contractors employ about twenty-live men , who turn out a great quantity of an excellent quality of blue mug- ncsian limestone. It is the best and most durable building stone in this section of the state. The B. & M. shops in course of construction employ about fifty build ers ; they will bo completed in from four to six weeks. When completed they will employ from thirty to fifty men. men.There is hero a permanent musical Msociation , formed for the further ance of musical interest and culture in this city , and they purpose giving musical soirees occasionally. It was organized December 20 , 1881 , with the following oflicors for the ensuing year ; J. B. Lininger , president ; Rev , Hoag , vice president ; Mrs. Ashby , secretary ; Mr. Darling , treasurer , and Mr. Johnson , librarian. The first work of the association has been ft convention , led by Prof. Kolsd , which closed to-night with f.a concert , of which we will speak later. The membership fco is only twenty- five cents , and there are already up wards of eighty members. The convention has been at work during the week nnd hai been Very successful in ttuching those who wcro unable to rend music to _ do so , and what is of moro immediate interest , to most of the people hero , it furnished an oppoitunity to these who do sing to practice together , and enabled thorn to render pure music in a creditable manner. The town is filled with people , hard ly any of whom were acquainted with each other , and this association tends to promote social ns well as musical harmony. The audience began to iwacmblo early school hall to-night to listen to the conceit given by a company of sin gers who were almost total fltrnngorn to each other. The homo wa * com paratively well filled , nnd thonudionco quite enthusiastic. The programme included twenty numbers , alt of which were well given t , nomu of them particulnily well. Among those de serving most praise were , "Como Where the Lilies Bloom , " sung by Mr * . Craig , Miss Hong , nnd Messrs. Liningor and Kelso ; "Oily of Our God , duett obligaio by the Missel Brummolls ; "Como where "My Love Lies Dreaming , " the Misses Jlrtim- mclls nnd Messrs. Liningot nnd Smith , and "Drifting with tho. Tide , " sung by ) Mrs. Ashley , MIHS Hoag and Messrs. Liningor and Kolso. The song , "Wo All have a very Bad Cold , " wits well sung. Al- together ( the concert very far ex ceeded the expectations of those who listened to it. Some pf the above named parties have moro than or dinarily fine voices , and in a atnta of cultivation that indicates an education received in localities remote from their present scone of action. A dramatic society linn lately boon organized , with Mr. Ernest Scott , as manager. The school here is in charge oi Miss Franco Darling , with Miss Etta Mitchell oa assistant. It is a private school , ns the town is in the Blue Springs district , and the ollicora ref - f use to support a school horo. Now Year's day was observed hero , eight ladies receiving and ton gentle men making calls. Ono young lady says , "It was just too jolly ; wo had lots of fun. " The societies of the two towns , Wy moro and Blue Springs , do not pull together at all ; It is to bo hoped , however , that all this fooling will pass away and the tiwns work in unison for , their mutual benefit. SoitlHIILKU. LIBERALITY THE PRECUR SOR. OF PROSPERITY. To the Kdltorof IhoUee. At the present time almost every interest has its representative ) organi zation. The merchant , the Inwjcr , the banker , the railway interest all make themselves heard , and felt , and obeyed through the eflicacy of per manent organization and concert of action , talent well cultivated and properly applied. Likewise , alco , the fanner , uftor many ngos of subordi nation to other interests , stops forth and demands a hearing. In like manner , the teachers , in a "still , small * voice , " ask that they bo per mitted to live. There is something peculiar , however , about the last mentioned class. Upon their effort depends the success pf nil ofhor classes. The ratio of patronage extended - tended to the teacher , represents the ratio of power and influence of the patrons. Now that the farmer is on- doavoringto secure the legitimate share of the benefit of his own labor , ho will do wall to always keep the above facts in mind. The fanners constitute the most numerous class , and their ballots count each for each , the sam'o us these of the other classes , but their power is not husbanded , their interests are not subserved. This will bo their condition until they shall arouse to the require > monti'of the occasion , and determine to educate their offspring until at lenst five pf every ton shall bo c.ipablo of administering the duties of any otlico within the yift of the people. I believe it wus J. .1. Astor who snid , "Any person may bucomo rich if ho will pay the price. " It requires n well trained oyu and steady nerve to guide a team and plow so ns to draw straight furrows. What good will a farmer derive if ho does draw a straight furrow and raise ono hundred bushels of corn to the aero , it ho does not "guide the plow" to so euro the full benefit of what ho has accomplished ? Our boys and girls must derive a kind of information outside of the barn-yard and kitchen ere they can compote with the merchant chant and banker , etc. Compare tin power and influence of the ngrioul turist with these of all other classes , except the toachnr and common laborer or , and you will find the exact ratio according to the price. A WOIID 10 TKACIIKKS. All other professions , when they moot , niako the matter of fmanen money getting and money honrdin S the solo object of their deliberation Tcnchors , when they moot , dovot their whole time to the subject o making themselves useful t their ombloyoro. I would no. dissuade them from their of l' forts in this line , but would simpl remind thorn that well clad and we ! fed teachers can accomplish moro tha a starveling or loafer. Tcaclioi should take action in regard to ( inane : ole and combine to drive the third gratK loafers from the schools. I am sorrj to scu some of the best trained mindi leaving the profession for moro remunerative - nerativo employment. Hence , many of the farmers' boys and girls are growing up in ignorance , to plod along the well beaten path of their uncos- tors , "under the yoke , " while the " "monopoly-cappers,11 with plethoric purges , send thoir'a to the best schools in the cities. G.m no method be adopted to make the country schools as good as those of the cities I Can the farmer obtain redress while ho docs not improve the source of his power and influence ? Is it wise to permit the best talent to drift into the en emy's camp , and then challenge him to open combat ? llcspectfully , J. MAKI.VSOX. Gently Dee It * llugciie Cross , Swan Street , lltitfulo , write * : "I have lined Kjirltii' llWwm for dvupcjMiia ami imligcBtluu , and have found , It to act admirably a gentle aperient ; and blood purifier. I consider it unequalcd ; 'you are at liberty to two my name an n reference. " ' 1'rfce 60 ctnt , trial bottled 10 centi. 30-hv THE WHITEWASHING Of tno Government Directors of the Union Pacific. WAKIMNOTOS , Jan. 27. The Secre tary of thu Interior line transmitted to Oontrress the report of the Govern ment Directors of the Union Pacific Knllroad Company for 1881. The Di rectors claim that cnormmm benefits have resulted in the west from the completion of this railroad in devel oping Intent resources. The report contains a detailed statement of the progress made in the construction of branch lines nnd of changes in the main road itself calculated to increase its oflicicncy. There were 75,002 , acres of land sold for the nine months ending Nov. SO , 1870 , fit nn average of gI 03 per aero. The local earnings of the company are said to bo now 00 per cent , of the siirplui earnings , while nt thu beginning of its opor.i- tionn the through freight represented 70 per cent , of the earnings. The Di rectors have not considered it neces sary to go into the financial operations of the company , as thcso matters are embraced in the report to the Auditor of Railroad Accounts , whichhaa ] been published , Speaking of the general condition of tlio road , the Directors say the track from Council Bluffs to Oydcn could scarcely bo in bettor con dition. There is no smoother run ning road in the country , It is well ballasted with good croea-ti s at suit able distances apart , and all butabout CO miles has boon laid vith steel rails. Every effort is made to keep the road in complete repair. Between Con neil Bluffii , IOWA , and Otfdoii , Utah , there wore laid during 1881 , up to Sept. 1 , 17,550.54 tons of stool rails , which would bo equivalent to about 102 miles of steel track laid during the season Severn ! hundred foot of pile bridges have boon filled with embank ment , nnd thu road has boon raised and widened in many places. Tlio maximum grudo was originally 79.2 foot per mile. It has been a constant source of annoyance to the company , often requiring the division of freight trains to pass the stoop grades. It has been reduced to 21 feet per mile , and 50 cars will bo ns easily hauled as 18 were before the change. It re quired a largo outlay , not only to ro- niovo the earth , but to build the em bankment nocesflnry to overcome this grado. The unprecedented freshets in tlio spring of 1881 , and the long continued high water , worked serious damage to n considerably portion of the road in the Platte Valley , cast of Columbus. All these damages have been repaired , and the road bed has boon nuscd at exposed places to hich watermark , nil along the line through the Platte Valley from Klkhorn to Culutnbus. The Directors comment upon the great tide of immigration now flowing'to the west , mid say it is likely to increase for years to come. In conclusion the report says that there can no longer bo n doubt as to the ability of the Union Pacific Railway - way Company to pay back every dollar lar it ban received from the Govern ment for construction purposen. Small Comfort , When you are continually coughing night mul day , nnnoyint , ' every I ody around you , ivid hoping it will RO away of its own accord , you art ] ruuning a dvnior- < > us risk better u o Dr. THOMAS' Kuc- Title On. , an unfutltn ) ; remedy in nil Ditch onsen. 30-1 w. Slightly Surly. Detroit 1'roe Prcai. Ho came into Dick's barber shop , hung his coat and hat on ft hooktook off his collar , grabbed the Police Ga zette from the table , and awaited his turn. turn."Next "Next , " clicked the affable tonsorial - rial artist. 'Shave , sir ? " inquired the man of soapi and hair dye. "Do you s'poso I want a tooth pulled I" growled thu customer. "Fine weather " it 'No ' , it's too damp. " "For ducks , I mean , " said the bar- bur , pleasantly. "Haven't paid anything to the ducks myself about it. " "It Booms to bo the general im pression thut Arthur is going make n good president. " ' 'No , it ain't ' , Arthur's a fraud. Foci like kicking myself every time I think how I was obliged lo votafor him to got Garliold elected."isifVeSSI "Evidently you are not u stal wart. " "Not much. " Barber put the helm hard-a-leo , and stood off on the port tack. "I reckon Gus Haas will bo re tained as City Marshal when the new council moots ; don't you think so ? " "Gus Haas ? Not a bit of it. Gus has had too many coats torn already. " A pause. "Shove the back of your nock ? " "No , sir-oo. You are old enough to know bettor than to ask such a foolish question as that. Nobody with any 101180 allows the back of his neck to bo shaved. " "Oil ? " "Naw ! " ' Shampoo ! " | "Naw/1 "Fart your hair on the right side ? " I "Nawf Take mo for a confounded - od idiot ? No man of any NOIIBO al < ' i Iowa his hair to bo parted on the riRht side. " "Cosmetic ? " No man with the least < M sense ever usea cosmetic. " "Ah ! That's just why I thought you'd want a little. Next. " And the patient barber sprung the guily customer out of the chair , and . bowed low to the approaching " _ . . " * * | "subject. GREATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption is certainly the greatest nie'diciil remedy ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity. Thou- Hiuula of oncu helpless sufferers , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wondortul discovery to which they owe their lives. Not only does it posi tively cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthniu , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Hoarseness nnd nil affections of the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields .UV ivt once to its wonderful cumtivo pow er as if by magic. Wo do not ask you to buy a largo bottle unless you know what you aso gntting. Wo therefore earnestly icquostyou to cull on your dnimsts. Ia & MuM.uio.v , and got iirn trial botlio free of cost which will con- ! ! vlnco tlio most skeptical of its wonder ; ful merits , and show you what a regu- 'ar ' tmo dollar size bottle will do. For I sulo by luh & McMahon. (4) ( ) SITTERS In Ho t Iloittttcr'a Stomach Hilton li M much rcir rtl d M ik houicholil ni-ocHslty M guutr or coCTeo. The rcMonoflhl * In that jcarti ot oxtxrionco ho provoJ It to l < o perfect'1 ' rellaM * In the aatct of emergency whcro a prompt and convenient tern- cdy Is demanded. Conatlpitlon. liver complaint , dyipepala. IndlKWtlon and othir trouble ! are ovcn-ouio by It. Vor % le by all Driirirl ( t and Dealer * , to whom apply for lto t tter' Almanav for 1832. Gentle Women Who wrat glossy , luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beantiiur Hair must nso LION'S KATHAIBON. Ibis elegant * cheap article always makes the lialr crorr freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cares grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in nny desired position. Bean * tlful , healthy Hair is the ante result of using Kathairon. The Great English falli to cine Vcrvoiw Debility. Vi tal Kslmmtion , Kmln- Inns , Seminal \Vcalt- . HOOD , and all the u\U effect * of jonth- fill lollies and cxccj- en. It rtops perma nently all weakening , involuntary loss 8 aid trains upon the BJH- cm , thrlnexitaVo ro , , , 'dtiltol ' thesa cul prac tice * , winch are BO deatruetho to mind and budy and make life ml crable , oltcn leading to Insani ty and death It B'rensthcni the Nen en , Brain , ( memory * ; Illood , Mus.-lefl , PlKcstho and Kcpro- ductho Uri.'ns , It restores to all the organic function * their former ilffor and > itallty , ma- -Inp life cheerful and ciijojable. Trice , S3 a bottle , or four timen the quan ity J10. Sent by cxprcsH. secure from oba'rrntton , to any address , on receipt of price. No. U. O. U. sent , except on receipt of $1 aa guarantee. Letters ro- r\ic , tlii ' answers mustlncloso stump. Dr. Miniie's Dandelion Pills nro the I'C't anil cheapest djgptpiU and bllllous cu'u In the ourK.t. Hold by all druggists. Price HJdenls. . ' ' " 1)R. MlMM''H KlDNRY ItKURDT , QfrRKTICUU , Cures nil hind of Kidney and bladdcreomplalnto , fro lorrhca , gluet a' d Icucorroca. For ealo . > all ( lau/tf Ht * : & 1 a battle. KNGU3II MKDICAI * INSTITUTE , TlSOlheSt. , St. Louis , Mo. Jan25-ly _ PILES ! PILESI PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last I A sure cure for Illlri' , fiiociflntf , Itching and Ulcerated I'ileahaa been discovered by Dr. Wil liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box hao cured the worst chronic i-nscfl of 25 or DOyearu standing , No one nee < l gutter five minutes alter applying tliU wonderful foothlii ? medicine. Lotions , Instru ment * and oUxttmrli'H do moro barm than good , William's Ointment nhiorba the tumorv , alia ) a the Intense Itching , ( lurtlculaaly at night after getting wirm In bed , ) acts 09 apoultlcc , itlvoa In stant and inlnlesa rollul , and Is prepared only for Piles , Itcmn ? of the i-rlv&te part * , and for notu Intr else. Head what the lion J. U Ccfflnberry of Clove- and u > * about Dr. William's Indian rile Oint ment : I have used scores of Flics cures , and 11 affords uiu p ensure to siy that I have never found any think- which ga\e such Immexllato and perm * ocnt relief as l > r. WlllUm't Indian Ointment For Kilo by all dni gUt or mailed on receipt ot price , 11.00. HENRY & CO. , Prop'r , GUVILAKD , Oiiio. , For tale by C. F Goodman. Free to Everybody A BeantlM Bnafc tor the Aakteg , By appljtnr penonally at the nearest offlci Of TUB dlNOBR MANUFAOTUKINQ CO. ( jr by poUl card Hat adlitanw. ) any ADULT r , eou will bo preaenteJ with a beautifully rated copy oi a. Now Uook entitled GENIUS REWARDED , - ORTIIK - STORY OF THESE WIN Q MACHINE containing a handsome and costly iteel vngrav Inir frontuplerce ; nlno , 23 finely i > ntrra\ed woo cuU , and bound In an elaborate blue and gel lithographed cover. No charge whatever Is uiad for this Widaotuo UooV , wlilch can bo obtained only by application at the branch and sulx dlnato offloeo of The Singer Manufacturing Co. TUK SINOKH JIANUKACTUUINU CO. , Principal Otllce , 81 Union Square , New Yor rk DISEASES rkt -Or-THK- EYE & EAR t DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Rcfcfeucea all KopuUble ) ilctani of Omaha. tVOfnce , Corner St It IGth and Farnham . . . . Omaha. Nab . . .u- NOTICE. lltnryli. Wcolf ullluu notice that on the 2dday of Uccvmhcr , Ibil.Jho County JmU-e ofof DodKlat Count ) , Nibruku , IthUtd an order of attic-lime nt for the lum of 12U 1X1 In an action pciiillnjr bifore him uhmlii 1'arkcr I' . ClarU , Ucoriie II. Clark and Klilah F. ClarK. ivirtnrrt as Clark Uron. are p.alntlil * . end llei ry U.on \\oolldcfoniUnt ; that propcity beloi jrhw to ) on has bcun attached undi ruid order ; that iiald i-auee uau continued to tlio touniary , lbi > l , firm itcof Mlilcouit , and tlutjoii arurcimlrcd to apivar and an v i t by the tth day of February , lbS2. Datinl Omilia. Jai uaij 14,16s' ; . CiAKI ? UltOS. 11 CunKbOXi HIM. itl BITTERS Mrs. J. n. IlolxrtMin , PltUburr. Pa. , wrlteg ; "I wan suffering from gtneral drbllTty , want of appetite - petite , constipation , ate. , * o that life WM n bur. den ; after lulu ? Uurdock Oloixl Bitten I felt bet ter than for > oars. 1 cannot praise your Bitten too much. " n.Olbbi nf nuffalo , N. Y. , writes : "Your Uurdock Illci bitter * , In chronic dlitcaMi of the bloodj liver aJ kldneri , have Wen slpnilly marked with SUCICM. Ina e uwxl them tnyself lth bcstroultx , for torpidity of tholltcr , mid In case of a friend of mine suffering from dropsy , the eQcct M marvelous. " BrucoTiirncr , Ilothcster , N. Y. , writes : 'I ha\e been subject to serious dloonlcr of the kidneys , and unable to attend to biulneti : Uurdock Illood Bitten relieve * ! mo before half a bottle waa used t ( eel confident that thcv will entirely cure me. " , K. Accnlth Hall , ttfriKhampton , N. Y. , wrIU * : "I suffered with a dull pain through my eft lunjf and shoulder. Lost my itilriM , aptctlt and color , and could vtlth difficulty keep up all day. Took } our Iluriloik Blond Bittern M dl- roctfd , and bavo felt no pain since first week af ter uslnu- them , " Hr. Noah lW s , Klmlra , N. Y. , writes : "About four Joan ao I had an attack of bilious fe\orand nettr fully recovered. Sly dlftostKe organi were weakened , and I would bo completely pros- traUd for days , After lining tw o bottles of ) our Uurdock Blood Hitters thu Improvement was HO vl I Mil that I was astonlihul. I ( an now , though 01 years ef ago , do a fair and reasonable day's work. 0. Blackct Holilnwn , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , ( int. , writes : "Forxears I Buffered griatly from oft-recurring headache. I Uled your llunlock Illood Hitters lth hnpplcBt rrsultii , and I now find mtnelf in better health than for } fan p t. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! hare used Burdock Blood Bitters lot nervous and bil ious headaches , and can recommend It to anyone requiring a euro for bllllouincss. " Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For several years I ha\o suffered from oft-recur ring bllllous headaches , djspepiia , and com- S'llntfl peculiar to my sc.x. Since using your urdock BlocdBlttvralaracntlrclv relieved. " Price , I.OO pei Bottle ; Trial Dottlei 10 Ott FOSTER , HILBUBN , & Co , , Props , BUFFALO , N. T. Bold at'wholesale by lib & McMahon and C. F. Ooodniao. ' Jo 27 cod-ma S.S.S. . . . Tnla grcnt epcciRc cures that moat loatasome SYPHILIS Whether to its Primary , Soooiidary or Tortlnrv Stago- Kemovoa all traces of ercury Irora the sys tem , Cures Hcrofula , CM So to ? , Uhcuma- tl m , I zuma , Cnurrh or any blood Disease. Cure * When Hot Springs Fall ! Mahern , Ark. , May 2,1531. We have canon in our ton n who medatllot Spriugi and wuro finally cured with S. H. S. Momnlilt , Menn. , M y 12 , 1881 We have sold l,2iw bet Ics of A. B. d. In a year. It has Rl\cn universal HitUf&ction. lixlr mlnueJ physiciana now recommend it as n positive specific. B. MAMtriPi n & Co. Louisa lllc , Ky , , May 13. 1831. S. 9. R. ha * ( riven better sail faction than any medicine I ha\oo\ur sold J. A. l > cmeiCol. Hay 2,1831 , Kvcry purcha cr ipeaks In the highest term' ) ofS. S. B. L. Meis-ofr. Rlcliiond. Vo. . May 11 , You cnn refer anj bony to in In regard to the merits of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co. Jia1 e net cr know n S. .S. s to fail to cure a dse ( f Syphilis , when properly taken. It. L. Dcni.tinl. lnrrrv tt\ . KlHVarren. j-Icrry , oa. The abotu slion areatntlcninn of liivh ctand Ing A 11 COLQUI'lT , Oo > ernor IP YOU WISH \VK W U.TAKKY'iUIlSK OA TO UK I'AID KOK WHCN CUUUD. Write ( or partlcnhia and com of little book ' .Mesxa.'u to tlio Unfortunate. 81.OOO Rnwqrd will l.n tixkl to atiy chemist hoill IIml , on ntmijaU KiO bottler S S. S.onc iwrtlcluof Mercury lodltlo 1'otvi giuni ornny Mineral HubHtaiuu. SWIFT SI'KCIFIC CO. 'roH. AtU'iiik , Gx Prlco of regular slic reduced to $1 75 per ot tla Small size , holding half the quantity , , fl.OO. HoldbyKKNNAnD&CO. , and DniKKtsta Generally , OKAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRACK MAMK.,1'1 " " "TRAD ! MARK English rcn > oily. Anun- falUnif euro for Seminal Woaknees , Hpermator * rhca , Impot- eney , and all ' ' o'f AFTU TAIIII Uelf-Attuse ; 01 Ixws of Memory , UnUenal Laml tude , Pain In the Back , Dimness ol Vision , Pre mature Old Age , and many other DIteucs that lead to Insanity or Coniumptlon and a Preuia turo Oravo. " tf u\l particulars In 0'ir pamnhlet , nhlcl we desire to Bond free t ; mall to every ono , OTrio Bpcciflc Uedlclne Is lold by all drutr at )1 per package , or 8 pack \ici for 85 , or I bu eent free by mall on reel ptof tha money , by addrewlnfc TIIKORA JKDICINKCO. , Buffalo. N.V. or Rain br'O F Ooodr ocimo.eod . T. JACKSON PLANiiR ! ( A Graduate from the UnUeitity of > anla at Phllailelplila of the Clm ; of IM'i. ) Tenders his jirofewilonal tcrvicistotlio cltUtnn ol Omahi ani all others needing tha name , pro- dlcAting his claim therefor from 4) ) c.un' ex- pi rlcncu , > earn ol M hich time bo spent In foiith America , from which i ountr ) lie haijunt returned , ralnlnar whl'it in the province many rcmrdUa for varlom ili ! > cisr3 common to this country from the nathcs of tl.o utu o. The Doctor makes a specialty of all Chron'c DUeuis , ] ttlculaiily thoto ot females. He may ko fouiul lit hU rooms ni the Planters' House , corner of Doilgoand SKtoonth Sireetf , Jan'JoecxlIu Jiiue iodl\\ W.T. VWS II. MhllUKLL , WE , Tunis * oo , , .L.S COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasalle Street , OHIOAGO , Grain and Provisions Bought and Sold on Margins. di-c7me-oodlm NEBRASKA State Gazetteer and Busi ness Directoy , Containing n description and a list uf all business men In thu state , Mill be lauueii early lu ISS'i Price $1.00. J. M. WOLFE TnMUlmr. I South Fourteenth N lib DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOT12L& TOlt'Xf ARLINQTON , J. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net BARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. STELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , W. P. ELLIS , Otceola , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromikurff , No.- AMERICAN HOUSE , QEO. H. McOAIN , South Bend , N HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loutivllle CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL. C. O. HACKNEY Aihland , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN CCOPER , Oakdale , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. CLEMMON8 , Seward , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL E. EVANS. O'Neill , Neb. DORCHESTER HOTEL , A. 8. KINKLE Dorchester , Nab COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD. Nellgh , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JA8. McKllLlP , York , Neb. TUTTLE HOUSE , W , H. TUTTLE , Aurora , Neb. CAGE HOUSE , A. R. OAQE , Republican City Neo DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Hatting * , Neo GRAND CENTRAL - . SEYMOUR , Nobraika City , Ne SANDERS HOUSE , OHAB. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb WOODWARD HOUSE. WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb , MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP. WeeplngWater.Neb E8TE8 HOUSE , N. T fcSTES , Grand Island , h o. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8 , Kearney , Neb. WILDER HOURE' THOMPSON REED Wll'jcr , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , Q. W. MAYFELD | , Greenwood , Neb HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbus , Neb. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J. S. GREGERY , Central Oltv , Ne SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Oretton , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , OUDK1N8 & BRO. , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , OEO. CALPH , Exlra , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUaE , D. H. WALKER , Auiiubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neolo , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl B. WILLIAMS , Harlan , In , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CUMMINGS , Corning , la. ! . * NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Ctanton , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllaca , la. PARK HOUSE , W. J. QARVIN , Corning , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la. MERCHANTS' HOTEL , W. I. BOULWARE , Pacific Junction , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt. la H. M. & M. PEAVY , CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street. jan20eod-ratcGm WHOLESALE LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , , \ cr. SIPOIRL , BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER , 309 South Tenth Street. . QUALITY AND FIT GUARANTEED. French Calf-Tongue Boots. Sewed , - - $9,00 French Calf Boots , Pegged , . . . . 6.00 . American Calf Boots , 5.00 Alexis Buckle Shoes 3.50 Pegged or , - - . MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR FEET OUTDOF TOPE , \ All Orders Promptly Attends d louod Filled With Oiapatch WM. ROGERS Manufacturing Company , MAKERS OF THE Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks. The only and | | tional plate that original firm of j ' ' for Instance - Rogers Bros. stance a single All out Spoons , plated Spoon a Forks and m plated triple thick nesa with the greatest plato only on of caro. Each the a o o t i o s lot being hung on n acalo while whore expo d being plated , to to wear , thereby insure u full deposit - making a single posit of silver on plated Spoon thorn. thorn.Wo wear as long asa Wo would call a triple plated especial attention one. tion to our see- Rival. Orient- Tinned. All Order * In tbe West should be Addressed to yM yMi i A. B. HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMA A , v NEB.