vii if THE OMAHA DAILY BE0 : TUESDAY , 3 , THE DAILY BEE. Tuesday Morning : , Jan 31. WMthor Report- ( The following ob rv tlotvi MO taken at th Mmemouioutt > S time nt nil the stn- tiooi named. ) Wia DKTMIHWT , U. n. 8i AJ. SHIVICT , 1 OMAHA , January 50 , ! & . (4:46 ( : p. ni. ) f 8 JTAHOKB. Oc Denier , . . . , row Clear Cbeyenrx. . NW drink Clo.r . . . . . W : icr Omahit. . . . 0.111 S rre h lt. Hnow Yank ton. . 20 t7 8\V llrsk 01 ar "Dot Uotnt * 31. 0 sW rVoh Cloudy Davenport. SO.Ot Fnih Pair st. Paul. . . Frc h ( Star m. toula . 30.111 SRW fresh Cloudy Moorbefcd. . IH.73 W Fresh Fair Tlncent. , . 20.01 aw froth Fair W.76 H llrl-k Clear Buford. . . . 9.M W Clear Onrtor. . . , . HW IlrUk FMr 10.76 NW Ftf.h Clear Jtalnlboine 29.B1 Illsh Clondy Illver trozcn. LUUAL BREVITIES. County court b gina n week from yea- tvnlay. tvnlay.With With Uia exception of the gmivll pox the health of tlie city for the pout month trill show up quite good la the mortality report. report.Tho The only CMC of mn&ll pox In Lincoln terminated fotally this tnorning by the death of the patient. N > other C.ODCH ere A Sundon , ft Swale , fell off n coal shod in the B. & M. yard yoaterdiiy and dUocnted hia oliouldcr. The damage was euily repaired. The district court will convene on Monday next , February 6th. The docket , 'Ljrjultca heavy one , about five hundred and Bfty CODCR .being net down for trial already. A partner la * wanted In a well estab lished dally now pai or , In o growing west ern city. For particular * apply nt the office of C.'U. Hounel , 317 South Thir teenth street. 2t The Unity clnb will give the last party ol the present scriefl on Wednesday evening - ing , February 1 , at Standard hall. Holders of aeaaon tickets ore requested to bo pres ent by 8 o'clock , Wo have a special article of Vnplo Syrup which can uot be purchased clue- hero In the city. We guarantee It pure and furnUh at a. little moro than ordinary cost. FLEMING & CO. , drocern. Mr. George Hough , formerly of L'leas- ant Lake , Ind. , hau leased the Omaha Uuropcan llcstaurunt , No. 1100 Farnain street , and is rt < furnuling ! it thruughout in an elegant manner , and will keep n lirat- clasa place in all reHpcctn. ) The county treasurer la going for thoM who owe peraonal taxes , nnd all who know themselves to be delinquent had 'better attend to the matter at once. The law in very strict in this regard , and the treasurer proposes to enforce it without lear or favor. , A private masquerade party taken plaooat Matoniohall Thursday evening , February 9th. Invitations have been jwued , the recipients of which alone will be admitted. 0. 0. Field is manager , and O.U.Ogburn , W. J. Whitehouse , Mell Smith , Win , Onburn , C. H. Picker and S. fi. Farnsworth , the executive committee. Stanley waa removed from th city to 4he county jail Sunday When Sheriff Miller went to iicarch him he protested that ho had already been searched several times. Notwithstanding thin a big knife WM found concealed on his person and taken away from hist. He notified , , the officer * that he nhould "beat the jail" if lie could , and they might count on that. The ministers of the directing board and xtcutlve committee of the Swi dish KT angelical Lutheran Mimion Synod of the United Stateu are holding the semi annual conference at Omaha , un > \ minis- ten of the same have been preaching from day to day , Thla will'be the Ifcut evening , half-past seven o'clock , at the academy of auslo. All Scandinavians are invited , It is stated on good Authority that Mr , Ji. D. Collier , formerly in the U , P. freight auditor's office , has recently fallen heir io $0,000 by the death of an aunt living at hiu old homo in the cant. He received a letter Sunday notifying him of 'the fact , and noon after got a telegram requesting him to send a power of attorney. Inntciul of dolug so ho will leave for the cast thU week and look after bin legacy in per- on. His many fricndu will rejoice nt hlu good fortune. , Did yon ever know any person to be ill without inaction of the stomach , liver or kidneys , or did you ever know ono was well whou either woa obstructed - od or inactive ; und did you ever know or hear of any case of the kind that Hop Bittern would not euro ? Ask your neighbor this oamo question. Tunw John Baumer , county clerk , h * * gone to XJaooln on otOcInl bus utu. Joi.nti Taylor has returned from an ctended trip to St. I uU and tther points cast. H6 . B. M. Bartlett , of the law firm o O'Brien & Dartlett , returned y mterday from * vi t to Albany , N. Y. , and Washing -toa. toa.II. II. M. WelU , of the firm of Baswitr Wells , returned from the cast Sunday JTro a what we had heard wo hardly ex fwctod to see him return alone , 17 , 8. Htnhal | 3ierbower ; who WM r ceiitly daDgerously' (11 ( In m pneumonls iuw almost entirely recovered , * and Is agal able to auume his duties. He left fo IJaooln yesterday to attend the Unite State * Court. _ _ DO NOT BE DECEIVED. In these times of quack inudicin advertisements every whore , it is trul ] gratifying to find ono remedy that i worthy ot praise , and which roallj does as recommended. Electric Hit tore , we can vouch for as beinj { u tru and reliable remedy , nnd ono . "tliu " will do us recommended. Thoylnrari "bjycurou stomach and liver complaint diseasea of the Kidneys and Uritian difllcultica. Wo know wlioroof w * apeak , and can readily nay , givu then a trial. Bold at fifty coma a bottle In Jail & McMahon (3) ( ) THE PAVING QUESTION , Tbo Small Proprietors Ask to bo Hoard in tbo Matter , And Fnvor Letting Posterity do Its Part , To the Editor of The Omaha Dee , Your sensible and suggestive article on the boutl question in tho' 'paving problem in opportune. In the meet ings at the board of trade it has been studiously given out by nearly all the speakers that it a largo proportion of the paving waa to bo dona by bonds , it would bu dofi-atod nt the polls. In conversation , how ever , with ordinary people outside , I find thorn of a vtiry different opinion. They don't want to pay everything a they goj they wont to leave part to bo poid by pos terity , and they want the present pay ments to bo so moderate that every street of nny importance could partici pate in the benefits of thcao bonds. In fact , they endorse your proposi tion of Boventy-fivo per oont bonds and twonty-fivo per cent for proprietor ) , and I believe if a public meeting oi the citizens waa called , that plan would bo endorsed. It is iiuite clear that it is to the interest of the owners of valuable property to pay tor the paving themselves with as little in bonds aa possible , as their frontage in proportion to value is exceedingly araaJl , compared with other portions of the city. The gentleman from Sixteenth street who npoko at the last mooting was the first to open the writer's eyon to this fact , and a public meeting ought to bo called to give iho bulk of the people ( the small propnotorn ) a chance to express their opinion. The interest on five hundred thous and or even ' 'one million dollara in bonds would press extremely light on individuals , and the rental nnd value of their property would bo wonder fully increased , and wo would got the city paved quickly and well In the best regulated communities , it is held that the streets belong en tirely to the public ; that the property owners have no right whatever to them , and cannot make any use of them moro than the ordinary publio , and are liable to a fine if they UBU them at any time so as to make the slightest obstruction ; under these cir cumstances it would seem that if the publio own the streets the public shoud | pave them , and if the whu'o city could bo paved at once it would bo fair that all should be paid with bonds. But as all cannot be paved at once , let these proprietors who gut c.n immediate advantage by hav- ing.their street paved first pay 25 per cant. This would iict as a check on comparatively unimportant streets in sisting on being paved , and as they have to pay entirely for the curbing ami guttering ( a pretty expensive af fair ) it would bo a strong chock. The put lying streets that were not immediately paved could well iilfbrd to pay the very small additional amount per annum these bonds would add to their taxation , as every addi tional street paved would odd to thu value of the whole alty. The truth of this is seen very plain on Tenth street , the paving of which is of auoh im portance to the whole city that it waa proposed ut a mooting of the board of trade to pave it by subscription , and large amount * wore parties who live somewhere near it. Let ua hear now from some of the ordinary proprietors , Mr. Editor , and publish their letters , and wo will got nearer public opinion than half a dozen speakers at the board of trade can get for us. Yours respectfully , A GmzBH. F. S. It is also very important to note that if the money is raised on bonds it will bring capital into the city , while if paid entirely by the population , it will only servo to em barrass them , and prevent the much needed and desired improvement of their property. Money ia none too plenty now to meet the wants of the rapidly increasing business and popu lation of the city. It is well known that there ia not nearly sufiicient house accommodation for the popula tion , and it is only want of money that prevents improvement in that direction. MM. Partlngton S y Don't take any of the quack rostrums , as they are regimental to the human cistern : but put your trust in Hop Hitters , which will euro general dilapi dation , costive habits nnd nil comic diseases. They saved Iiune fromn severe extract of typhoid fever. They are the no plus unum of medicines. Boston Globe. M-15 THE GERMAN THEATRE- First Appearance- Omaha of the Now York Actor , Franz Roinan , In "Intrlffuo and irf > vo. " Sunday quite a largo concourse of people assembled in the German theater to witness the first performance anco in Omaha of the celebrated and gifted comedian , Ilorr Franz Roinan , and at thu close of the drama it wai unanimously agreed by all presonl that they had boon amply compensa ted for braving the inclemency of thi weather and attending the perform anco. anco.Mr. Mr. Franz Roinan is unqueotiona bio a very fine nctor and althouol till quite a young man1 hoi traveled very con idorably. Ho hoi pUyed in nearly all the leading then tera in Germany and iri several inAua tna ; he has also visited England am hoi everywhere met with a very fim .reception. The piece represented Sunday "Intrigue and Love , " U n very thrill ing drama by Bchillor , and then are some very beautiful idea in it , clothed in exquisite language The role which Mr. lleinan sustainei BO ably , is a very long and dilltcul ono ; in fact it was generally concedoi that never since the German tlioatr in Omaha has boon in ex isteneo was there such a f s for trun Jovem of the drama If the manager of our Gunnun tlioa ro can always bo fortunate enough ti * ucuro brilliunt actors like Fran ; Ucinau , the fnmo of Omohu'a Gormai will apread all ever the atato. Misa Grossman deserves n word of commendation for the diligent care with which slio rendered the part il- ntt d to her , and old Mr. Grossman , w t'rraidunt Walter , fnlrly eclipsed ilm olf. Want of space procludpB the poeai- > ility of paniculariz ng the minor mrta of the play , but BufTico it to ray hat they were all exeelleu'ly rendered. THE STAR ROITIERS. They ore Making a Dooperute 1'iwht for Pofltponomont. Tho"caien of Corbin , ladings uid } laroy , the indicted ntir route men nnd Sidney , postmaster , arj exciting n irreut deal of interest in the United SUtos court at Lincoln. The do- ondauts are ably represented by counsel , and they are making n dea- Mirato fight for postponement or abandonment of tho'ir caws. Every toohnicality IH buing taken advantage if. It appears'that the indictment agaiuat Oorbin arraigned ' 'Edward Corbin. " The deiendaut by that name comun into court and ploadit .hat he isu't the fellow , aa his imm < Edwin. The object of securing n oontinu- anco of tlio caaea ia claimed by the United > tatcu to bo to atavoiffthu trials until something turns up to furnish a pretty plausible dtfonno or until come of the witnessesfor , the prosecu .ion die or ' 'got out of .ho country. A number of vitnossea ha > o been BubKiMi | < wd rom Now York city , Philadelphia and iVaahington , and all of theseuro much vexed at the delay which compels hem to atay nt Lincoln and away from heir business. It ia stated that ono of the witnesses for the government gees < out in the roar of tho.Couiuierciul every morning and swears until the ulpnur produced thereby drives all of the people out of the block. A hot imo ia expected when the casoa do inally come up for trial. < Y. M.C. A. Well Attended Sorvlces-Rov. Mr. Reference to tbo Asso ciation. The services at the Young Men's Christian association Sunday were well attended. At the nicotine m the afternoon lUv. Mr. Hiiraha spoke of some of the historic ilcuetoiun referred to in Paul's letters to the Ourinthoans showing that some of those thiiipo "hard to be understood" were not so hard after all , when these customs are known. Next Sabbath afternoon he will take up Paul's second letter to the Corinthian * . The evening ser vice for men only waa well attoudid , and short addresses were made by .Messrs. Meyers , Reynolds and Bo- zard on the text ' -What shall it profit a man if bo Hhall qaiu the wholu world , and lose hisovru soul ? or what nhall a man give in exchange for hi * soul ? " , At the Eighteenth Street M. E. Church , at the evening ser vice , the pastor , Rev. J. W. Shank poke very encouragingly to his con gregation of the Y. M. 0. A. and ita work , and expressed himself aa being in full sympathy with it , and asked his people as far M possible to encour age it and sustain the enterprise. He spoke feelingly of the lonlineaa of men away from home , and the temp tations and allurements to which they were subject , and referred to the as sociation with iU open doors and social benefits as a place where young mm could find friends and not bo d riven nto places of sin and prostitution , [ t's interests should bo in the heart of every father , mother and friend of young men. A COLORED MAN'S PLEA- Ho Thlnka'tho Lubor Union Doea not Q vo all a , Fair Buow. To the Colored Voter * of Omaha : The politicians uro beginning to sot the pot a boiling already und it | behooves us to organize at oneo for the approaching campaign. We should not wait until the fight begins , but act at once as a united people- . This is the time to look out for our own interests us citi zens of this country , nnd our zeal should not bo confined to National H Hairs , but extended teState State , county and municipal matters aa well , The spring election , oloae at hand , and the fall election following it will result in many changes in the city council , school board , etc. , in which wo ought to have something 'to say. This should bo dpnu without regard to color cr nationality and the men who represent the Republican party and Republican principles will best repre sent us. Such men will give all whu are capable of holding pflico a chance. Perhaps everyone is not aware that there is u society known as the Labor union among machinists , union among themselves to deprive colored inou that huvo n trade of all chance to secure work , Nc matter how good ho may bo in his trade he cannot got work on ao count of this union. We have a fen machinists among us who are tht equal of any ono. Wo niuat beware that none of thoao union men art hoisted upon the ticket to bo supported by us. Our pwn interests must tx looked after in this matter , and I hope that the president of the Garfield clut will aid in uniting the colored men ot the subject. Let every man ccmo oul and enroll his name in this club anc work for a common aim. E. S. 0. WORTHY OF PRAISE. Aa a rule wo do not recommonc patent medicines , but when wo knov of one that really is a publio benefac tor , and does positively euro , then w < consider it our duty to impart that in formation to all. Electric bitter * an truly a moat valuable medicine , nnc will surely euro Biliousneus , Fevoi and Ague , 8ton\ach \ , Liver nnd Kidno ) complaints , oven where all other rem cdies fail. Wo know whereof wt sneak , nnd can freely recommend tc all. [ Ex. Sold nt 00 cents u bottle. Ish & McMahon , (7) ( ) BEFORE BENEKE. A Well Attended Levee Held by the Jud/je / Yesterday. Wlltti l/ovrli ; , tbo Young Tramp , Sent < jf * Uomont Last. Tlio police court room was moro crowded than usual yestfrdav , a'- though the proco-dings included noth ing of unoflunl intercut , unices it bo the trial of Adam Ports , who was ar- roatt4 several days ngo on the charge of cruelty to anlmala. Ports is the man who throw a cleaver at "Keno , " the Scotch tonior belonging to engine company No. 0 , and such a great if a- vorito with everybody. Thin case did not cotno up until the last on the docket , when it waa discovered that the complaint was defective , and n now ono was filed by Jerome PonlaoJ. Itvaa noon before the papers were got in ship shupo , and consequently nothing was ac complished in the way. of hearing t stimnny during the forenoon session. Throe drunks were arraipnod # nd fined the usunl amount. One paid and two wore committed. run IIOYTKAMI * . Willie Lowio , the bov who created a sensation in Council Bluffo by the story > f his wanderings , and who * M sent ever from there to Omaha on Saturday , wan run in Saturday nieht by Office r Blaok. Ho is a dimin utive specimen , not over eiuht years of ago , but his un washed face , unkempt hair and ex- CMcdinuly dirty hands all mnrk him as the gnnuino vagrant. Willie ran away from his grandmother , who liven near the fair grounds , s' weeks aifo and has ninco that time tramped ever Ewtorn Nebraska and Western Town. I'ho search instituted for him by hii grandmothoc waa unavailing until the boy was captured hero when die was at once notified of the fact. The young run away found himeolf confined with a hard crowd in our city jail. The sight of men with handcuffs on , locked up in cells and not allowed to cotno out to the fire , the hard language nude by several drunks , terrorized the boy and ho bogged Officer McOluro yesterday toullmv him to co , promis ing to return homo at once and never run awaj again. Ho was kept until yesterday und brought into court with the other prisoners. Huaflectcd indifference f r a time but finally went np to thu judge and with main tears bcggod to be allowed to go homo , promising io bo a good boy in future. Ho waa allowed to go , and started off up Sixteenth street at a lively pace. Whether he will gr > homo or not ia doubtful , but the officers .think 1m experience of Sunday has thoroughly frightened his tramping proclivities out of him Ho ia a bright buy , and if unmanage able at homo , should be sent to the reform school. "PI. " Jcuh DIlltngB HIVH : "Thare Mnt no pi in natr l hi-try that haz hern et more. a d th t more oft than apple pi , nd no mediclri k n ura iuif ye-tun and lllo.iae- ne n haf to wel ao SPRING BLOHHOM. " Frtca 50 cents , trial bottle * 10cent. 3lw BURNT BY BENZINE- Lady Teacher Narrowly Escapes a Horrible Fate. On Saturday last Misa Clay , a young lady who teaches in the Omaha public schools , met with an accident which came near resulting moat seri ously to her. She was in the act of cleaning a pair of gloves with benzine , both gloves being on her hands , and had poured a quantity of the iluid into a wash bowl. Having saturated the gloves , she stood by the stove rubbing them together when the } suddenly took fire Turning to the wash bowl , and thinking in the hurrj of the moment that it contained water , she plunged both hniuU in. . Thu re sult was an explosion , und the flainoi- leaped up , coveting her head and breast nnd setting her c ethos oi > lire. "With great presence of mind she seized her dress and throw it about her , smothering the lltmos al most instantly. Miss Clay escapes with a burn ori boih arms nnd n burned dress , and was able to go t > her class room yea torday as usual , She rooms at M a Pettingill's , on Chicago street , be tween Seventeenth nnd Eighteenth street * and boards atGen. Eatubrnoks the accident occurring nt the formoi place. _ ALMOST CRAZY. How otten do we see thu hard-work' ing father straining every k nerve anc muscle , and doing his utmost to sup port his family. Imagine his fooling ) when returning homo from a hare day's labor-to find his family prostrate trato with diseaiw , conscious of unpaic doctors' bills and dobta on every hand It must bo enough to drive one almoa crazy. All this unhappiness could b < avoided by using Electric Bitters which expel every disease from tin system , bringing joy and happiness tt thousands. Sold at fifty cents a bet tie , Lm A MoMahon. (8) ( ) FRANZ KOD8EK Imposing Funeral OorteBO T/he / Ttolr < Victim of theColfax County Murderer. . On Saturday last' Franz Rouse ! died iu Bohomiantown nt the ago o fifty years. Rouack was the husbam of the woman who was killed bi Horalecky , in Colfax county , a fev months ago. Heralooky waaRousok'i son-in-law , nnd killed his own wife n the same time , bt-ini ? now in4tho poni tcntiary serving a lift ) term for hi double murder. Rousuk was in feoblp hcaltl Ht the time , and this broki him all up , so that ho hui boon sick over cinco and died from tin i JlVctn of the tragedy , thus nUkiiif Hi-rnlocky a triple murderer , The funeral took plnco Sun- day under the direction & Mr. Cliarloa R'owo ' , the under taker , on lower Farman street and was \ cry imposing. Tnoro were six most clcgitnt carriages , and the hcarao was drawn byour matched horses , while a brass band was , in accordance with the wiahes of the deceased , in attendance. Rouaok wnK quito well off aud leaves a son who will bo heir to his property. ' A Remonstrance Against Monopoly. To the Honor hlo Major ami C iy council o ! ttio iIty ct Uiuaiia : Thu undersigned , citizens and property own > ra of Omaha , hearinc tint an ordinance was , on January 17lh , 1882 , presented to the city council , granting to the Union Pacific railway company the privilege of lay ing two or moro railroad trucks on Jucksou atreet , between Sixth and Ninth streets , in auid city , and be lieving as wo do that said 1 ail way company dooa uot need the said privilcgo , and that the granting of the same by the passage of s.iid or dinance ia against thu beat interests of the city of Omaha , and would Bunously cripple and retard other 011- terpriao * in which the city of is materially interested ; wo , thiru- fore , respectfully but earnestly ro- mciihtruto and protest against the maaago of said ordinance by the lonorablo city council. ( Sinned. ) 3toeo ) A : .Jolinuon W J Kroatch Tootle , Maul \ ; Co W V Alorao & Co tJ ron 11 oil & Co Lewis Reed MeUord & Ururty W C B Alton J M Woulworth H \ \ Vutua lohn A MoShano W F Koniitdy JHaitintn Max Meyer & Co Ualdwell fc Co Gee W liointtu J Stnekler F D Cooper a it Gurrtitt llainea Urea & Co S 11 DulTctt 0 S Goodrich C U Karbaeh P .1 IvHtbacti Cru.ckshank . & Co E T Duke [ I Kinglium & Sou J U Kull > m donry i'uudt F A Schniedor D A Piorey J J Urowu James Oreighton John Bracken Louis Beindoif A H Gladstone Timothy Kil ey O H & J S Collins Vleyor & Uippko Henry Uickman L' J B ard & Bro John Withnell ineo Viore Owen McCtifFioy iV M Cualiman Wm. N Wuitman Sdholm&EiicliaonC M Connoyer j B Wiliiuuia &Soii8 Lewis Brash lobort S ein S J Btirgainun iunry Lehman John W Lytlo j J ) ' Gooduiuu W T Seaiuau , Gto E Barker B B Wood , Gee W Doano N W Merrill , L'hos Gibson J S MeCormick O F DJVIB M Hellman A ; Co F L ) Oroightou Peyeko BreaM M Elyuttor A Polack S P Morse & Co Little & Williams rhomn3 Curmody J F Shueley E P DUVIB C R Turner Jotan & Co W M Y-ttoa Martin Conner Wm A Quyer A J Simpson John Miller. Gently Does It. Eugene Cross , Swan Street. Buffalo , writes : "I have used Sprmc lilotso i. for lyspepsia aiM indi eati 11 , and hav fnutid t to i.t admirably n a geutle aperient aud bJooi puritier. I conoidur it vwequi'td ' ; you at liberty to use iny iiuma aa a reference. " ' Price 50 cents , trial botilea 10 cents. 30-lw Forty years' trial mi proveu "BLACK- > RAUGHT" the beat liver medicine ia he world. MEM'S HEAVY WOOLEN MITTS and GLOVES AT 15c , BUSHMAN'S. , _ . tJ - - - j - - - Book Auction to-night at Cumings' . EGGS Six dozen for one dallar at J. I. NIGHOL'S. Jan30-2t. The Annual Masquerade Ball of the Omaha Turnverein will take place at Turner hall SatuJday , Feb. 11 , 1882. Tickets 81.00 each. aat&mon The only reliable Vaccine Points in the city * "GUAUANTBED , ' and Just received at John W. BellV , 820 Tenth Street. j27-4t Fresh vaccine virus just received at Panter'a Drug store , corner 12th and Doughs streets. EGGS Six dozen for one dollar ai J. I. NICHOL'S , Jrn30-2t. HICKMAN'S ' HEADQUARTERS AFTER FEB'Y IS I' . WILL BE AT 1305 FARNAM' ST. , j26-5t Jas. Falconer has removed to th basement of the ' 'Bpyd , " where ho ia prepared to seo-all his old friendn nnd patrons and "moro too , " Ho cer tainly keepa a first class place and ia doing finely. Between the acts , when you have to go out "to sec a man , " drop down. _ _ janl2coo > 10t GROCERIES , Now Stock , Fresh Goods , fine line , corner 13thand Webster stor strcota , H. G. KRAUSE. M. R. RIHDON has nioyud his insurance - suranco office into Boyd'a opera houao , corner roomover * drug store. Theatre entrance. janl9-lm. Mr. Joseph Rosonateiu has asso ciated himself with Mr. , S. Motz in the Fish and Game buamess at 1213 Doug'as ' atroet , at Motz'a old stand. The atoro has been thoroughly over hauled and fixed up in first-class stylo. They will do a wholesale and retail business in Fish and Poultry , and will no doubt do an increased business aa their present facilities and remod eled store will add greatly to their trado. The now firnf will bo known as Motz & Roaenatein. Telephone connections. Goods delivered to all parta of the city. MASKS , all kinds , at Mrs. C. 0. Sclmoflor , 1202 Homey , Cor. 12th street. Gold and Silver Trimmings at Mrs. 0. 0. Sclmotier , 1202 llarnoy , Cor. 12th street , "WINF IF CARDUI * for Ladies only. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS- HoBolutlon Relating to Employes lit the Poet Houflo- Justices of the Poaoo Appointed. The weekly mooting of the county commissioners was hold on Saturday. Commisaionora .Corliss nnd Knight were present. A resolution wrw paaaod concerning the peat houao inmates , as follows : Resolved , That any employe or pa tient connected with the post house bo and they are hereby prohibited from visiting or goinij in the vicinity of the county poor houao on any pretext - text hatever. The following appointments were made : W. H. Small and J. B. RoBonfiold , jubtici'B of the pcaco in Omaha pre cinct No. 0. A. G. Allen , juatice of the peace in McArdle precinct. The bonds of the two firal justices were submitted and approved. A number of accounts were allowed. CLOSING OUT A SAMPLE LOT of Men's , L'ldtca' and Children's Glovea und Honiury regardless of their coat at BUSHMAN'S. TIIKY MuMTiin SOLD. Book Auction to-night t Gainings' . BARGAINS I HOSIERY ! BARGAINS - GAINS ! Ladies' , Men'a and Children's hose at from Cc pur pair up , at Bushman's. Frcah vaccine virus just received at Punter's Drug Store , corner 12th and Douglas Btrceta. FroBh vaccine virua just received at Panter'a Drug Store , corner 12th and Douglas at recta. ei De Meyer's CATARRH CURE. The a tldotal theory , now admitted to lie the ni'lytrnatrnent which-will eradicate Catarrhal - rhal Polaon. i.uv. Chaa. If. Taylor , 140 Nolilu street , Brook lyn , N. Y. : "Ono package cflicted a radical euro. " Kev. Oeo. A. Ilcti , Coblcskl'I , Scboharle. Co. , N. Y. : 'U restored mo to my ministerial la- borO Kev. W II. Simmer , Frederick. Md. : "Fnc reoults In six owes In my fimlly. " Rev Ova E. Pratt , St. h'cpbon's rtoctory Phi a. : 'Quito wonderful ; let me distribute ynur 'Trcail e , " Clna. II. Stanhope , Newport , K. I. : ' I waa too deaf to hear the chinch belts tiug ; hearing itstored" Otorgo W. Lambriph , 73 lllddl B'n-ct , BalH- more , lid. : "Suffered 0 years ; perfectly Mm. M. E. Bhcnncy , S' 22 Sar&ti otreet , Ht. Louie : "Tho first natural in 0 ye rs- " Srrs. J. W. Puictll , Oalduu Uty. Col : 'Uso.l . nlv no package ; entirely ured ; BuBorcd 24 eart. " Dr. F. N. Clark , Dm list , 8 Montgomery st root , Rill Francisco : "BuffiTed la ears ; perfectly cured , " etc. Dr. Wel Do Meyer's Popular "TREATISE" on Cater h mallwl fnThu gr at Cure IB de livered by DrugfdsU , or by D B. Oewey & Oo , , lt-2 Fu.tun street , Ne * York Ior I 00 , mou-wod-lritBat&weukoow SPECIAL NOTICES. IO uUAM MuratY. NOTICE Auvertutmun ? It ) tx > u , tor bale , Lot , Found. WonU , Boardlnsr. Jtc. , will be In- Mited In these oolnmni once for TEN CENTO per line ; each eubaoquent Inaertlon , FTVK CENTS per line. The first Insertion neier lea thu TWKNTY.FIVK RKNTR ONKYTO LOAM Call at XwOtneeo M L. ThoitiM Boom 8 CnUrhton Block. i To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent _ _ 'on ' ( rood real eitatoeecurlty , by DR. ISAAC EDWARDP K09 T X > I/JAM At B per centln- „ tcrwt In sums of 92,600 and npw rd § , for 8 to 6 yean , on Brst-cUM city and farm property. Buus Ran , EaiATX and Loui Aawtcr , Uth and DnuaUn Bta. HELP WANTED. I. Ulllu ky a Oo. nave ubrcnwud WANTED buainws of H. Derthold , at 1020 ouglaa itrrot , wi'cru they will continue tht builnew , and b } fair dealing and PI.MHK K" < " 1 prlo they propooe to Increase thn trade Thcv solicit parties who have old Iron , nyt , Junk 11 1 mntal" to itlve the n call. 7981 mo To inform the public ihtt I have WAfTE s.'M to J. ( ia.inei y It Co. my rig anil mct'il nu iiict > 8. but cn'y ' 'rented Ilio bama lora xh'irtperk-d. All kin if goods In the junk Una w i be handled by m ut my new p'o < o of t > xiiiecu , corner toth and llarnoy i-i . 11. Hurt- hoM.prejirietor i'mah.Ir. ' . n and Motel Vnnl. 7-tf I'/iTANTED / Sltuition to do general nous - W w rklnrtmnj u llj. Inquire at 1) . M < uckln , 10th and I'ainhnm Si. a51 * ANTKIIrl Imdlat < ly , at 1708 Cal'for- nla "t. ; niusi te if.od cook , wothor and Ironcr None other nortl apply. 31-tf Kmplojmo'it ) < y wrnan cook WANTED II. Ma nweilur , tmpl'.imo t A t , lltli St , near 1'urnlum. 33-1 * Kmplojnient l > y a yoimj * wan In WANTED Apply . Manuwe Her , Kmploy ment/go t , 1 tht. . . near Faniham. 31 1 * "VITA 1KD To excha o fnr city propurty \ V BO or 16 a ( rtb of Kood farm laud Improv ed , with t rub r und running natt-r Hltuated In York countt , 4 rail ) < irnm railroad town. Ad- ( ires * , J. liluctt , 1716 izard St. , Onmha - ' , from 12 to 1C jearJ of WANTFD-Fourt'lrU Knitting factory. Ap ply at 108 N. Ilth street. ! ! > a sober , ntcady man , a rwr- WANIKD si uatlon ; wllllnj ; to take hold of anything. Dint of rtftrcuce. Atldrots K , , lie * oflice. r - 'or gjiieral housework WANTKD-Ooodgirl , between I a\enport and Chicago , Uood rclerincuH rtqulrcd. 27-tf. \ \ * ANTl'D-A irooJ woman caok. Inquire at VV Mrs. McO y , on Populoton a > mue , hot. 2nh ami 22nd tr ! t. IS- * ' * iwt-ciasii coou , ono wno uuder- WANTED < i meat rooklnira cli upii r- ; none but fint-claos ntt-J ai > Ale n uood "cy vraltsr. "Apply itlloiV rnhaa ' Ml ei < ll To buy a huu * < and lot or two WANTED on nne lot KOIUI vi here Dei wtv Kth and 2d itreeU , bel < ire Marcn l > t. Lta o word a the B. E. cor. ol Ilo ard > ud8th. P-1 ASTKD A good rtrl for general rjouw- work , aim a tnull lrl tu take c ro of a Uby. Inquire noitQWwt corner Vid and Uurt .treit. PMU IANTKD-A woman cook at the Kmmct W llou.o 037 30- ImmeUlately , a drl to d ) enur- WANTED . Apply at northwest cor. nerof Hamilton and Pier bla. , Bhlnn'i addition. Funding bridge and chool bou < l WANTED Clark. IttlUnif. W-U ANTED To rent a ilvolrallo dwelling W boutv. Addrcu Box 40 , City.071 tt A few day boaruers ran be ac. WANTED Qras-daMi table board a' a \ery reaionable rote. Ii quire ai 135 Howard , beUceuUth and IQih il . 886U Nl'ED- iblldren an boarder * In oselfct Mhool , at 10th and Califamb St. L. I ) 767-tt Fan RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. OU HUNT New home , 7 room * , 25th and J Chicago St , 33 4- ItEVr- Ton - ri land Uh j ou , three 1HOU ' c ty on Military ical. Apply 10 J. JJ. bhuly , 0-3 . SPKUIAL NOTIOSS-Contmnffi .1011 KKNf-Kootns In Jscob ' block , I 903-1 f 1U2JT-4 mom * . Inquire at N. c < r. FOR nnd Coliron U St. t > | .30 * JlENT-lloom partially furnl.h'd Caplto ; atomic , bet. 17th MI I ISth , > ou h s do.l _ t . IlFN'l Uncllln/ howe llh 6 rofiins , at I.1W eornir llth and Jonei. Irvinlie of G. W. Korean. 12 tt V. HKNT-fMC ly furnUhed rooniK , at 1016 . Chicago at. iVtl "I70R Kf.NT l' < uriil lipd cottiutc , OOJ N. IKS Jj bt. 'Cull aftoi fo-.r 13-31' T OR HENlX-ttotlPO of Mght tonrns. Kniinlro X1 J. 1'UlviM Itoc , 1512 b. Fifth ft. 077-lf KENT Fob. > t comnodlcuf brick rwrt- FOR , corner H'th ' and Firiiham S t , Ar pl > tojlr * K.A. Ittner , Tabor , Freuont Oo , Innti. H"m'iirca ( dmlrcil. 9 < l'tf rj1"H HUNT One of the bout rtnn > cu u nine L1 Bt. Mxtl. hy January 1.1882. SiXi tf L1OJI'HI > .M * lurtn flfu rooiiK ort > i jua E < * nta'Eti.h nKeN.K ccr. Ifllb and Vods- ftrueta. " FOB WKNT-Nlocly furnished rooms with or without board. Reasonable prkos , 201B OttMBt. 769-tf FOR RENT Furnished roonn , north nldo of California St. , 2 < 1 door wort of 21nt. Inquire after i p. m. 434-1' T7IOR RElsT Oottoico of a room * , well ai < > X ! cistern ; 23rd and 8t. Mary's avenue. Enquire - quire of > t. W. Kennedy , 312 S. th Bt , 749-U "OR SALt . i Oil SALK OK KENT A ( food Frying bui > l- noin , BiiltibJu for imy or > e lent Si per tuontb. ( food location. Terms tnoJimte. Ad- dioss "Guttlnctii , " lice olBco. 9-tf SALE HniMe , 7 rooms , clowt. cl r rn. EH ell and lot ; COS N. 13th Ht. U2 4 * liOK SA1 B 'Ooi l will and fixtures i f a Hret- fj clasniUoon end Mlllard hnll , Mtu ud In the town of Do Witt , Clinton Co. , la. Will kiwi Iliu Inilldlnfrfor n term of five ) cnr. OomUt- Ing of a larve bar-room ni'd dwcJllrg roome. The IK-HI location In the city. The pltu-n ha * . b n doing a One buolncx * forton uar * . A'so ' a taree Ice iioU-o nilod with Ira. Addnu Itro. W. Kuduch. Do Witt , tllntou Co. , la. 2Sdit It 8ALB HOUBO nnd full lot in ( rood loca FOK tion. cheap. Trice , H2W. Eosr terms. llcCAGUfc , Opp. poet btlloe. 16Lf TJ10RS\LE Beet bnlldlnjr lot In Shlnn'o ml. J ? d'tion , 142 feet front by ISO feet depth. McCAO t ) E , Opp. poet cftlco. 1 4 M E8K SALK , CHKAP-EiiKlicer'g tooln , com- pricing of a theodolite and apparatui ) . Iji- qulre of C. U. , 207 S. 13th St. IB-tf T EOR BALK A good biifrgy horse , eiiilalik- for a lady lo drive. Inquire Ko. 1109 Howard reel. P78-4 _ FOK HALEMy place , the French Onffeo Ilotieo and neetaurant , Kb. 620 South 10th Btnet , v.111 be for fti.i In the catly part of tlte summer , reasons for c.rferlng the eaine at thu tlm Is tr inablubujor to arrange bin burinogg In time forbujlng. p. WIiO. 942-tf _ _ _ F OR SALK 1 a itrd stallion , Clydodale. K jcaraoldvtliiltij ( 16CO pou dIMak lon , j .Norman J Voig&n , C years old , Mclv h- li'E ICSOpunds , took fin prru.lum at Kobiaska Matu Fair , 1831 , 1 Kei.tu ky Jftcli. bla-k , weigh n * ; about 900 pounds , 4 yra oii1 , tooh Hret premium at Ncbra ka State Kafr , IBaO and 1S81. Inquire of Chan Nebcr , 1'arm. > a MOUBC , Cilv. B33-tf FOR'SALK Four scctlnnii cf fihtlrlng and 3 good tounter * . Inquire at n n opera lloueo I harmocy. OVJ-U _ SALE OR KENT A grocery store and butcliorBhop , doinjra uod b lntm. In quire at this , H12-U I" non SALE 2 nlco counters and 2 gilver plated ' ch'iw cases , at G < .o. U. Peteieo I'D , 1-01 South 10th St. _ 74l-tf riOH BALE Orwillrxcha go for Omaha pro- JJ pertyanlmprotidBoc on of land adjoin ing a ( t&Mon on U. P. R. R. 11. DUNHAM. 141 ! Farnham 8t.jpmaha. _ zai 8mr T7 < OR SAL12 < r trade for city property , on J } pan o horses , harness and wagon , Addrta B. Y. , > hl ofllcM- _ 723 IWK HALE A good govcn-juar-old bone \ JL1 Warranted to drhe single or double , En quire of George C&nUcld , Contlold houno. . covia-tf ItlCh FOK B 20.1-tf RSTAKKOOK * 4 i MIBOELUANEOUci IOsT A Lutidlo of print paper , lost b < tw en J U P dep t and 1'ih and Denj > rttt : Finder w 111 ) Icanu return to The Kcpubltcaii of- fi cc na be icwardwd . , 30-30 * TpUPNISHED KOOMS FOR RENT-S. W. CoT. E 19th and Davenport tt. OM-tf rr\VfO FUHNIBHED HO MS FOR nENT-In- 1 quire at Haspo'ti Art Emponom , IblD Dodjfo It rot U LUM-U T O3T- New pocket-book , betwxn rest ofllco \J and Lan > r grocery store , containing about JoO. 'I h finder pleave lee at Bee otSco , where the owner will pay reward of 810. ANAO WENT OF 8UALlT "uaiNr.8S wanted by experienced man. Small salary. Boi 602 City _ P&Uf Far the next 30 doyc , we wUI , on the SHIUTfl of glxty cento , tend to any oddrtes , po > tpild , one of our unUtmdrud duns Shirt- Positively only one Shirr tent to one address. EUHEKA Bill TC < 1. . 040-1 m Marseille * . 111. Within three blocks al JJ poatoflko. Inquire at 1610 Dod e. 0 6-tf O'l ICE TO I ONTItACTV RS5 Scaled proposals - sals will i.e iccel > cd until 12 o' lock , noon , Junuarj 31 , IBS' ' , lor the erection and cotnplo- tlon of bulMliii ; for the Avauemy of the Sacred Ileurt. Pianx and tpeclQcatlonH on lew at ollice oflurcne& Miniifcltwlin , Arciilicct , Omaha , tial ) , whtru bide vll IHI rccehtd. The right ia rcaatved to reject any or all bids. 02t31 IJUJK.NlSircuOOSiS -ForDin lo gentlemen ; J > also ono front room with piano , Bouthwest corner lth and Capital avcnuu. _ fco6-tf BEMI"B : "NKW ciry MAPS. ioo. iiounto ilapa. 8 .M ) . _ ntO. I' . HKM1B. IN CltAtUM fuatilu and Oil , " S 1 . IHO decorative imlntlriff. 21118. 1) . IU nAKTINKII , room 1. Jacob's Hlock. M2-U h HAY At A. II. bandur'ii food btorel BALKU Harney Ht. 8l9-tf EMia UKAI. KbXATK KlOliANUt , tiED B luj pajrc. ED W AUD KUEHL MAOIUTEll OF PALllYBTElty AND CONDI TIONALIHT , 403 Tenth Stroct , between Farnham and Hainey. Will , with the aid of guardian uplrits , obtain for any one a glance at the pati aud pruaent , ami on curtain conditions la the fu ture. Bootu aud Shoes maJo to ; rdur. Perfect " ' Nctlcnrnariuteed v T ' POWDEI Absolutely Pure. lhUlowl'er"c5trare' ! < Am r > elof purity , 4 itr'n.'thond hole ouicne88. , .Moro ccouomlcti than thnrrdiniryliniis , anil cannot btt cold In oo'i P'titlmi v.nb tli imiU'tiule ' of lew tett , rtort Mtlilit , alum or pho-phate powdfra oU uily In can * . KOYAL OAKUiQ IWPF.H CO. ,