Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1882, Image 5

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, F.'Mrt , Jnnuary 30. According tit The
Bolr nn important moothii ; of the PnrU
bivnker.1 wa.1 held Saturday to o insider by
what meuna the threatened financial d | -
ajtor on the Bourea could bo l > wt arnlded.
Among the gentlemen pre ont were Baron
'Sorabeyran , Baroti Itoth child , Joubftt
Mallet and representative * from evn or
eight oth-M of the rieho't banks in 1'arii-
Iho banks represents ! at the meeting
ftfiresd , says The Soir , to advance If nece -
aory a sum not oiceodlng 85,000,000 francs ,
iho repayment of the wd sum to te guar
Jintoed by the official Paris brokers collec
The Union General bank of this city
* iipended ! this morning ,
NEW YOIIK , Jouuary IX ) .
Trtndon telegrams confirm the suspen
sion of the Union Generate , and mention
that another prominent lank there U in
.trouble. The rumor U current In London
that the Bank of England tnay put its
note to-m > rrow to 7 per cent. The bank
ol Belgium 1m further advanced its note
from 7 to 9 | or cent. Gentian banks ex *
pect to see shipments of about $5,000,000
gold this week.
NEW YORK , J anvary 30.
Money closed at (5 ( percent.
Exchange closed fum at 4 ST > @ 1 OOi-
Government bonds closed firm.
Currency 6'n 1 2(5 ( bid.
4'a coupons 1 178
4Vs coupon * 1 14S
5. ( Continued 1 02
( Ve Continued 1 011
Pocifia bonds cloned aa follow * ;
Unionists 1 15J@1 15J
Union Land Grants 113 bid.
Union Sinking Fund 1 2.'J
Centrals 1 14 < 1 141
The tock market opened easier and only
moderately act'iTe. The decline ranged
from J to ? per cent. Stocks Vera active
and irregular during the forenoon and
quotations current at noon were generally
J to 1 per cent , below opening fUureB
Burlington & Quincy was exceptionally
weak nnd sold down 10 per cent , to 135 ;
Danville terminal advanced 5 per cent , to
The stcck market to-day was weak
throughout and under grest pressure to
sell fcises docliuo'l ' sharply. The depression -
sion was dtta chiefly to advauco m Bank
of England discount rate , the failure of
Union Gotiorale b mlc of Paris , and the
talk of Rold shipments to Europe on
Wednesday next. Thorc were frequent
rallies' , buU losing prices were generally
to ? per cent below theRe of Saturday.
The follmvms are the closing bids :
Am-r.Dist. . . . . 32 Jl P 101 i
A & Til . 3. MunhattanEl. . 5S-
Prefe rod. . . . 80J Prof.-rrod. . . . 95
Boston . 0 Met. elevated. . S4
C B&Q . 131 Man. Beach. . 2"i
C S . 51 M &O 32 }
C C &IC . 10 NY C 129 ]
O P . * . . . . - 8 2 NJC 04j
Col C < rl . 41 Nor. Pacific. . . . 41
O I. . .it.- . 31 $ Eroforro.l . . . . 71t
O S &O . 50 Northwest rn.ilSil ;
G CO & I. . . . 80 Preferred. . . . 139
Chic & Alton. . . 132 J Nor. & W. pfd. 54J
( JonCo.V . 30 N YKovated..l09
CStL&NO. . 80 Nash.'hat. . . 81) )
C& O , . 21 Ont&W 25
1st pfd . , . 34 O C
id pfd . 251 Omaht 35 :
U i KG . 70 Prof erred. . . . 100 ;
DL& W . 1251 Ohio 33 ?
D & H . . .10fli OreNav ex-div.125
Erie . 39 OTC 55
K & W 33J Pull. Pal. Cor..135
E Tenn m PM 411
Preferred I. . . . 13J PD&E 34
Adams . 14U Quickilver 12
Fargo . 128 Preferred. . . . C9
American . 92 Reading G1J
U. S . 70 HI 132
Houston & Tex. 82 RiWPt 1991
H&St J . 04J K&D * 210
Preferred. . . . 107 H&T 25J
HomoHtocka. . Rich , ft All. . . . 30
IB&W St Paul 107
1C Prefered. . . . 121
K&T StPM&M..109
1,8 San Francisco. . 41 :
1 , 1 50 1st preferred. 100
osj T&P 40J
N & C . 70 TD&I5 1-U
Cen'l d' > ? Union Pacific , .lie ]
MIiS& W. . . . 4Gj Wnbash 35
Al & E . 121 Do pfd
M&C . 74 WcatcraUnion. 7Uj
- CHICAGO. January SO.
The week opens with a fulr demand for
money by all classes of borrowers , and as
our hading 'discount houses have a good
supply loanable fund * all the AA 1 paper
offercJ was readily taken at C@ per cent ,
per annum.
Extern exchange l > etween city banks
WAS Bold at 80c per $1,000 , and currency
was ordered from New York.
The clearings of the associated banks
Oidera for currency were only moderate.
Omalia 'Wholesale Morbet-
Monday Evening , January 3i ) . (
As is usual on Mondays , everything wan
very quiet In the markets to-day , the
-only change noted being an advance of lOc
per skin for green calf weight under 8
pound * .
Local Uraln Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash No. t > 1 ] ( j ; cash
No. 3 , 90k- : rejected , 78Jc.
BAULKY. Cash No. 2 , 91c : No.
72c. .
' UYE. Cnsh , SOjc.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , 47c.
OATH. Cash. .Wo.
STKEKT PRICESr-Corn , 45@r,0 , ; oa'.a
HAY ? 0 00@C CO per ton.
FLOUR Sprinu wheat , straight grad
P3 25(33 ( 0 : "Pioneer" California , $4 ( X )
patent , S3 75@4 M ) ; winter wheat fctralfih
graxle 83 85 ® I 25 ; patent- 1 50@5 00 ; gra
ham rye , 82 KO ; Wheat , M 00 ; Queen
Bee. $4 25 ; Jinper , 53 87 ; BIS Kioux
$3 50.
RYE FLOUR-53 25.
MILLSTUl'U'S Bran , per cwt. 1 00
j > erton.10 00@17.00'screenings ; ' , per < iwt.
80c ; shorti , per wt 1.00 ; chopped cd
per cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40
white. SI CO. .
POTATOES-Ncbraskas , 110@1 20.
tine.4 @ 5o per Ib. , ,
WILD GEESK-Outof market.
EGGS 15c.
UUTTER-Choico , 28@30c ; po"iX0 | >
market : fair , 18@2) ) ; creamery , 3J@3.'c (
APPLES Good , sound , very scare
t 85 00@5 50 per bbl.
LEMONS-Steady ; per box , ? 5 50 ®
, per half bbl. , 84 50.
BEKSWAX-Yellow , 2022c.
yNIONS 1 10@l 40 per bushel.
CUANBEUKIKS-Per bbl. , 810 00@
11 to.
CELERY Per dot. , 6 , & : c.
DRESSED GF.ESE Per Ib. , 9 ) llc.
OY8TKKS-Selocts,4r c ; standards , 3T c.
DlllCSSr.D TURKKYS-13l@l3e.
Qrocera Lilt.
COFFEE. Klo , lair , lyjo ; Rio. good ,
( c ; P.lo , prime to choice , < 141c ; Old gav'i
lava ; ! i@28lc. Mocha , 28i ; Atbueklo's ,
7 %
TEAS. Ounpowdor , good , 45 55c ;
Jajwn , choiws , 60@7rc : Oolong , good ,
40j Oolong , , 4055 ; Souchong ,
[ txnl. 35 a40 cholcfl. 8-V445C.
SUGARS. Cut loaf. lOJcj Cru-ihed
ftjc ; Granulate.1 , lOjic ; Powdered. lOJr. "
fine powdeaxi , lljc ; StancUrd Cotfco A !
Jc : New York Uonfcctlouor'a Standard
\ . Oiio ; Good A , PJo ! Prairie Extra C ,
bbla , 45c ;
47o ; kcg , 4 * irallnnr , $2 10 ; choice
table oynip , 42c : half bbl * , 44c ; kcgo.Sa ' 0.
SODA. DwlRht's ID papers , 83 00 ; De-
and do , ? 0 00 ; Church's , $5 00 ; Keg oda ,
STARCH. Pearl , 4J ; Silver Glens , 8 }
Sc ; Cora Starch , 2@8c ; Exuelalor
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 2 OB ; Ashen -
on , In sacks , 3 50 ; bbl dairy 00 , on , 3 46 ;
Ms dairy , 100. 3i. SW. (
DH1ED FRUITS Choice halves ,
, xwlic , now crop , SJc ; Evai > orated Apple * ,
Ib boxec , 13c ; Michigan , 8o ; New
fork apples , 8\c ; Prune * , old , GJc ; new ,
c ; Currants , Gj8o ( ; Blackberries , new ,
CIIEKSE Pull Cream , Me ; Tart
Skim lljc ,
WOODENWARE Two hoop pall ,
v 9. > ( three hoot ) palls , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub *
9 00 ; No. 2 tuba , . 8 50 ; No. 3 tubs. 7 50 ;
ilonpcr w&shboards , 1 85 ; Double Crawn ,
290 ; WcllbucketK , 325.
LEAD Bar , $1 65.
SPICES. Pepiwr , 19 ; Allspico. 19o ;
Jlovcs , 40c ; Nutmegs , 81 00 : 2ooCa ; aia ,
Mace SI 00.
MATCHES For caddie , 90c ; round
cakes , ) : fniiarp.cruses$5.10.
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , 12U
jhoioe lard , 14c : dried beef , 13Jc ; should-
era , 9c : hams , 14Jc ; bacon , sides , lie.
NEW PICKLES Medium , in barrels ,
810 00 ; do in half bbls , ' 5 75 ; smalls , in bblx ,
12 00'do , in half bbli , 7 CO ; gherkins , in
bbls , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls. 7 50.
VINEGAR Pure , , apple extra , IGj ;
mro apple , 13c ; Prusslnir mire annlo , ICc ,
HOMINY Now , 55 50 t > er bbl.
BEANS-Mcdlum , hand picked 53 75
> er btiBhol ; navy , $3 75 ; ralef nnvy , $3 75.
ROPE Sisal , 4 inch nnd larger , dji ®
9cJ ; inch , IOo.
SOAPS Kirk'a Savon Imperial , 330 ;
Kirk's Ktttinet. 3 30 ; Kirk's standard. 3 05 ;
Kirk's white Russian , 5 00 : Kirk's
Eutoco , 205 : Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
100 cakes ) , 3 JO ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 D5@
CANDLES Boies , 40 Ibs , 10 or , 8s ,
lCcboxes ; 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , Ga , IGc.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis'
ye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
n case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in caae ,
. 90 ; Anchor Bull 2 doz in cnwe. 1 50.
FIELD SEED Red clever , choice
now , $ G 00 per bushel ; mammoth clever
new , $7 00 ; white clover , new , $1100
nl alfa clover , new , $12 50 ; nlsiko , now ,
S1300. Timothy , good , new , ? 3 00 ;
} luo grass , extra clean , SI 50 ; blue gram * ,
clean , $125 ; orchard grass$2 50 ; red top ,
choice , Z 03 ; millet , common or Mixcouri ,
SOc ; mlllot , German , 8100 to 9125 ;
Hungarian. SOc.
HEDOESEEB Osage orange , 1 to 5
bushels , $5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
over , 34 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per
100 fte. . 25 00.
FIS jt-Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbla ,
33 75 ; So , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , G 30 ;
No. 1 White fish , in 10 Ib kits , 100 ; family
10 Ib kits , 75c ; Now Holland herring , per
keg , I 85 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colui"-
bia river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; George's
Bank codfish , 6c ; Gen , bonelesa codluih ;
' , c ; boneless Gah , fijc.
MACKEREL Half bbls messmackerel ,
100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hfbbl No. 1 ox shore do ,
100 Ibs , 6 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 3 85 ; mesg mackerel , 12 Ib Idts , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib de , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do. 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per case , S4 00 ; do i Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standnrd ) , per case ,
3 70 ; do 1 lt > ( Btandapl ) , j > er cace , 2 30 ; do
2 Ib ( alack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
Ib , per dozen , 1 601 70 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
2 55. Sardines , small r'sh , imported , one
quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American ,
quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxoH ,
pur box , 2l.c. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
1 SO. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib per
case , 330 ; Corn2 Ib ( Mountain )
per case , 3 CO ; soaked corn , 210 ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 3G ) ;
string beans , per case , 225 ; Lima beans
per case , 2 20. Succotash per case , 2 25.
I'eas , common , nor cane , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per caho , 450. Blackberries , 21b , per case ,
280 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per * cane , 2 761
raHpbcrrien , 2 Ib , per cane. 275@300.
Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
pearn per case , 3 Oo@t 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 Ib per
CJ.BO , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per ciwo. 4 50.
gngos,2 Ibper case , 3 50 : do choice , "
; t > ) > er case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case ,
4 00(35 ( 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , case , 6 00@G 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , par
case.385 ; do pie , C tb , per dozen , 3 50.
RICE Carolina , 88 c ; Louisiana , 7i
; fair , GJ@7.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , 9o per Ib ; fancy white , lOc per Ib ;
ra'V white Virginia raw , lOc ; roaoted ,
Dry Qoodi.
BROWN COTTONS-AtlantioA , Sic ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott
Bjc ; Jloosier , ojc ; UOIICHS wmui , i c , indian -
dian Head A , tf'fc ; Indian Standard A ,
BJc ; Indian Orchard d. w , , 8.c } ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River.yic ; Pc.uot , A , 8'Jc ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5.Jc ; Wachus
ett B. 7jc ; do A , 8lc ; do E 48 , ISJu ; Wai
cott BU , 8 0.
4-4 ; 7ic ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Arjfylo 4-J , 7'/c / ;
Atlantic LL. Oic ; BadRer State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Benninston 0 1-1 , O c ; Buckeye S. 4-1 ,
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , 8Jc : Lacnnia 0
39 , Sic ; Lchigu E 4-4 , Ulc ; Ixin dftU < 1-1 ,
lOc ; Pepperefl N 30 , 7c ; ( lo O 32 , 7ic ; do 11
30. 7i'c ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; Pocassd C11 , 7 c [
Wnmsutta4-l , 13c ,
tin L 4-l,10c151ack.HtonoA ; A in perialflc ;
do do half bit-ached 4-4'Jc ; Cabot 4-4,8 ;
FIdelity4OicFrnii } ; of tluJjonm , 11 ; do
cair.brio4.,13odyWaterTKi8t,10Jcreat | ; ;
Falls Q , 10icImli'in ; Ilewlslinink14,1210 ;
Lonsdale , 10k ; do cambrij 37 , 13c ; New
York Mills , f3c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Peiijicrell
N G Twills , 12\c \ : Pocabonta 4- ! , SIJcj
Pocasset 4-1 , 8Jc ; Utica , lie ; WamsutU
O X X , 13c.
DUCKS Unbleached-Atlantic , 10 o r
17c ; Baltimore do , Itlc ; I.ono Star , 8 oz. ,
12c : Savf-Be , 18c.
)3\jOKK ( Colored ) Albany E bro\vu ,
8c ; do 0 , ilrab. llru do XX , strifies anc
plaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes nnd plaids , 12Jc ; Ailington fr.ncy ,
19c ; Unmswick brown , SJc ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
brown , extra heavy , Hie ; Indiana A
brown. 13c : Ncpon et A brown , 15 < " .
17ic ; do XX blue 32 , ISJc ; Arrowanna ,
9Jc ; Claremont B B , 15Jo : Conestoga ex
tra , J7Jc ; Hamilton D , lUc ; Lcwuton A
30 , l.rjc ; Minnehuh ; . 4-4 , 20c ; Oineya super
extra 4.J,2Sc ; Pearl River 32,10c : Putnam -
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Hhetucket H
lOJc ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman' * blue 29 , 8Jc
DENIMS. Amoakeak , bluennd brown
ICJc ; Andovcr DD blue , 15ic ; Ar.tngtot
bine Scotch , 18ic ; Concord 000 , blue and
brown , 12Jc : do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX
do do 141c ; Haymaker's blue and l.'own.
DJc ; Mystic RUer DD stripe , lOJc ; Pearl
River , blno and brown , 15Jc ) UncasTlll * ,
blue and brown , ISjc.
CAMBRICS llnrnanl , Rk ; Hd4ystono
Hnlng. 24 inch double faeo , 8jci Garner A
glared , 5c ; Manhattan glove fmMi , 5Jo ;
Nf wj ort do Cc ; do gWed , f > Jc ) IVquot ilo
5c : Lo kwood kid finish. Go.
CORSET JEANS Amory , So ; Andros-
cogin Katt n , SJc ; t'Urondon , CJaiOonM *
toga Ratteen * . 7Jc ; Hallow-oil , Ro ; IndUn
Orchard Improved , 7Jo ! Narragatwtt , 7JJ
Peppertll nattoen ' . > Jr ; RookK | > rt , "Jo.
PRINTSAliens. . Cfcc ; American , 6 o ;
Arn-ld , 7c | Betwlclf. 43c | Cocheco , if
Cnnrotoga. OJo ; Dunkirk , 4Jo ; Dunnell ,
CJ@7c ; Eddyntone. 7cj Gloucester , 6c ;
llnnhony , r > Jc ; Knickerbocker , OJo ; MM-
rimrvc D. 7c ; Mystlo , CJc ; Spnurues , Go ;
Southbndgis 6c ; do. GlnfrhAni.'s 7o ; Marl ,
bore , 5jo | Oriental 6&c.
OINOHAMS-Axnoflkcftp , 10J ; Amos-
keiq dreiw 12 - Anrj-le , lOJoi Atlantic ,
9o ; Cumberland , 7jc ; Highland , fl c ;
Kcnllworth , 8o ; Plun kctt , . 104 ? ; SIM-
BOX. 8c.
COTTONADES AbWrvlllo 13Jc ;
Agate , 20c ; American , lie ; ArtUIan , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , 13Jc | Clarion D and T ,
17Jc ; Dpccan Co.Htrii > cB DnndT , IGcj Key-
ntone , 13Jc ; Nantucket , 19o ; Nonpareil ,
IGc ; Ocean D and T , 13Jo : Royal , IGic ;
Sussex , 12c ; Tlogo , 12Hc ; Wachunott uhlrt-
ni' ) becks. 12Jo ; do , Nankin , 12l < s ; York.
ilain Nnwkin. 12lr ; do , check * , Ptrit > efl and
ancy. 12c ; do , 8 oz , SOc.
.274o ;
in 924o ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C
42 , lie ; Fniit of iho Loom 10-4. 27i ! Now
York milli 8 , 35o ; do 78 , 30ci do W. 22Jc ;
Pcmbroko 1035c ; Pcquot 10-4 , 2 % : do
7-4 , 19o : do 49 , IRc ; Pcpp < > rell 9(5 , 29o ;
lo C7. 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utlcu 90 , 35c ; do
58 , 22Jo ; do 48 , 17o
ClRara and Tobacco * .
CIGARS. vSeeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut ,
225.00 ; Mixed , $ ; t5.00 ; 8ccd Havana ,
$50.00Cloarllavana , 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Goldnu Rule ,
24 Ib , COo ; Si > ott xl Fawn , Clc ; Our Roj > o ,
[ quality , 62c ; Star , tmunds , 24
, b , butts , COc ; Horse Snop , pounds ,
24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Ihirity , 24
b. butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 24 Ib , butts. BSc ;
Gilt Edge , pounds , 2J Ib , buttn , GO ; Army
and Navy , pounds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds ,
COc : Lorillard's Gliuiax , pounds
FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Boat ,
75o ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountatti , 80c ;
b'avorito , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , liOc ;
[ ' 'ancy , 55c ; Daisy , rilkj. In tlufoil
atllns O. S. , 6 Ib boxo , per Ib C5c ; Ix > ri
llard's iMgor , 65c ; Diamond Crown , COo.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
S3c. Granulated Blackwolls Durham , 1C
07.51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 ox , 50c ; Seal ol
North Carolina , 1G oz , 40 ; Seal of Nobras-
tn , Iti oz , SSc ; I/ono Jack , 4 OK , linen baga ,
lerlb , Sl'.SS ; Marhurgs'Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , 55c ; Dog Toil , C5c.
Palnti Oils and VarnUhot.
PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; whita load , O. P. & C. Ca.pure ,
Jo ; Marselllea green , 1 to 5 It ) cans , 20o ;
French zinc , gr in seal , 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst ,
20c ; French zinoc , in oil a st , 15c ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; ravr ant
burnt Sienna , 13c ; vandyke brown , 13- ;
refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black , l"o
> ory black , 16c ; drop black , ICc ; PnissLon
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
. . . .
LlltAIJkll f CVI , A./V ; T VUUb > .lll AVtfu , A UOVK.A
itt , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. & P. , IHc ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1C ; paten
ilryer , Cc ; graining colors : light oak , dark
oa c , walnut , chestnut and ah 12c
Dry "alnti
White lead , GJc ; French rlnc. lOc ; Paris
whitciug 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc :
u hi tint' com'l , lie ; lampblack German ,
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinanr , 8c ; Prus
Minn blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke ,
bro -n , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , rawt
lcsienna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c
Paris croen genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'
25c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom
green 1C. , 12o ; vomiillion , Eng. , 70c ; vcr
miUion , America , 18c ; Indian rod , lOc
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson'
'Vie : Venetian red Am. , ISc ; red load , 7Jc
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chroma yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochclle , 3c ; ochre
French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , lie
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lohigh brown. 2jc
Spanish broxvn , 2)c ; Prince s mineral
VARNISHES Barrels per gallon
Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1
31 ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , $1 40
Coach , No. 1 , § 1 20 ; Damar , 81 50 ; Japan
70o ; asphaltum , 70c ; ehellac , 83 50 ; nan
oil finish. SI 30.
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , llic ; 150
headlight , per gallon , 12jc ; ; 175 * hcaalight
per gallon , IGc ; cryntoline , per gallon , 20c
liiwecn , raw , per gallon , GO ; linseed , boiled
: > or gallon , l)8c ; lard , winter Bt 'd , i > er cal
on. 105 ; No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2. 65c ; castor
XXX. ppr gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 115 ; sweet
per gallon , 8flc ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon
1 35 ; fish , W. B. per gallon , COc ; neatsfoot
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri
eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , Ific
vo den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 3.rc ; No
2 , SO ; bporm , bignal , per gallon , 80e : ter
pontinr , per gallon , Cc ; naptho , 74 , IK ) '
gallon , SOc ; 01' , SOc.
FENCING No. 1,12 to 20 ft , 820 00
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 19 00 ; sheeting dressed
No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common boards ,
dressed. 20 00.
FRAMING 1C ft. and under , per M ,
2000 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00
24ft. 2500.
FINISHING No. 1. finlnh 11 , 1J and
2 Inch , 350 00 No. 1 finish 1 Inch 845 00
No. 2. finish li , 14 nnd 2 inch. 845 00 : No
2 finish , 1 Inch , 840 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 Inuli
83500 ; O. G. battens per jOO feet lln.
$1 00 ; well curbing , 822 00 ; rough i and 2
inch buttons per 100 feet HP. . 50c.
STOCK BOARDS A stock , $40 00 ; B
335 00 ; C , S3000 ; common stock , $22 50
FLOORING No. 1 , $40 00 ; No. 2
* 35 00 ; No , 3 , 822 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1
SIDING No. 1 , 82-100 ; No. 2 , 82200
No. 3. 818 00.
SHIP LAP-Plain , 822 00 ; O. G. No. 1
83200 ; No. 2,82200.
OEILING-S24 00@$37 00.
bblnglos , S3 85 , No. 2 , 82 50 ; No. 3 , 82 00
Lath , S3 50.
Heavy Hardware Lttt
Iron , rates' , § 350 ; plow steel , cast7Jc
cant tool do. 15@20 wagon spoken , tcl
225(5(3 ( ( 00 ; hubs , per net , 1 25 ; felloes , sawo <
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axle * ,
uauii , 75c ; unnaio nuts , per Ib , 7@llc
washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , ) > er Ib , lie
coil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 8c
ion wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Cos harrow
lecth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; ' -
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 CO ; 8 to 10 , 375
fid , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d
fine , Q 50 ; clinch , all nr/.ca. 5 25 ; ( id. casin
4 75 : 8 < 1 cftsini. , 4 5'i ; lOd caslni , ' , 4 25 ; ' l
fiiihli , 4 75 ; 8.1 . fintHh , 5 00 ; Cd finish , 5 25
half keiu , lOo extra ,
SHOT. Shot , 3il.85 ; Buck ehot , 82.10
Oriental Powder , kegs , § 0.40 ; do , , hal
kcgt. & 3.4P ; do. , cjtmrterkegH , S1.88BlaHt- ;
iti | ; , Kotcs , $3.35 ; Fuse , per 100 feet 50c ,
Horses and Mulet.
Tlte market is brisk and all grade * nr
nelllug well at imlight advance In piices
Tlie cldinand for good horse * exceeds th
supply considerably. Pricei range an fol
lows :
Fine single driven , 81CX ) . to 800. ; Extr.
diaft horses , 8175. to 225 , ; Common ilrai
horses , 8100 , to 150. ; Extra farm linrxev
$110. to 125 , ; Common to good fa nil hordes
8W > , to 8100. ; Extra plugs , 8 < Xt. to 75.
Common plugs , 820. to $40.
MULES. 15 to 16i hands ( extra ) , 8125
to 150. ; 14 } to 15 hands , 8100. to 140.
H to 14 } hands , 875. to 100. ; 13i to 1
hand * , 8liO. to 76.
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 225 per win
gallon ; extra California spirit * . Ib7 proof
1 3D per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
187 proof , 1 Ulncr proof callrui ; -dsllle ! ! <
vblikles , 100&15U ; line blended , 150 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00
1JRANDIKS Imported , 80 00@1COO
domestic 1 40@i 00.
s ported , 1 f XpbOO ; dciu nic ,
406A3 00.
ROMS trnportcd , ' 4' KK9R ; S > w
' .nsUnd. 2 00 4 00 ; doaxutlc , I .V@S ) 80
VMl'VAIlk \ i * > T AUi | r * - * | -v V * r * .
2rtOOeW4 0 ; Anwr'jia , w * S 1200 ®
it 00
OLARKTS-lYr Cftws 4 KXglfl 00.
WINKS UUine wln < v ptt CMC , C
20 00 ; CftUwb/s p r civ c , 4 00@7 00 ,
DulldlPK MatarW.
LIMK-ror banI , 81 Mj bulk
.Vic. Cement , bW , 8J W ) . Inwn
bbl , $3 60 , Hair per bu , See ,
felt 100 llm , 83 WX Straw board , $4 CO
PAPER Straw paper , SJo ;
4 ; dry goods t > ap r , 7c ; marula
newt paper. 80
COAL Cumberland blacksmith ,
Morris Run Blovibuix , $12 ; Whitol
lump-SG IW ; Whltobnwt nut. M 0 ; Inwn
imp , 5 < 5 BO ; Iowa nnt 86 50 ; Rock Spring * ,
$3 ; Anthracite , all slwv , 513 00@.12 fH ) .
Drur * .
Carlwllc , TOc ; Acid , Tnrtarie. 60o ; Balaam
Jopabla , per Ib , 7501 lUrk , Sassafras \ T
b , 12o ; Oalo-uol. Per Ib , 75c | Cinchuuirtla ,
> or 01 , SI OOj Chloroform , per Ib , 100 ;
) ovor' pow.loN , per Ib , 81 40 ; Kjwrr
alts , per lit , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pnro. per Ib ,
Ix ) d , Acetate , pr Ib , 2lc ;
, Castor , No. 1 , per rfnl , ! 35 ;
Oil , Coctor , No. 3. per gul , 81 ! * . ; Oil ,
Ollvo , per gal , 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , We
Opium , 84 Ms Quinine P. A W. & U. A S. ,
K'r or , 82 75 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ih ;
! 2 40 ; Salacm , per or , 40cl Sulphate of
Morphine , per or. ? 3 9 J Snlpnur Hour ,
x > r Ib , 44c ; Strvchiiine. oor or , M CO ,
Merino unwashed , light , 14tfloj ) ( ! heavy ,
-J@lf > c ! medium unwashed , Injht , IgO'JOc ;
ub-wasncd , choleo , 32c ; fair , SOo ; dingy
and w. , 2Sc ; burry , black and cotted woo&
Hide * t-un. Etc.
. , DES Green butcher's hide , 7ogrwn ;
cureil hides , 8c ; croon salt , pp * cured
ildes , 7 < S7So { dry flint. Bound , 13@Mc | dry
Mlf and kits 12@l3o ; dry salt hldotsmmml ,
Il(5ll2c ( ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 It * . . 10@llc ;
green calf , wt , under 8 It * , pet ikln , 5 "
rrcon pelts , 81 00@1 15 ; grc n Uuib nkitw ,
li 10@125 ; damaged hldoa , two-third rate ,
nit Bcb're'd and ono'grub , oiasHtd twi > -
1 Irxta rat \ ) branded bides 10 per cent > > ff.
Co.m skins. No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2-Wfl ; No. 3 ,
J0 > ; No. 4 , lOc , Mink , No. 1 , 50o ; No. 2 ,
1Wc ; No. 3 , I5o ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , No. 1 ,
COc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
5T > c ; short stripe , 40o : narrow trixs | 2fio ;
bniad stripe. IOo. Tallow , 5jc.
CooaoUBlan Market.
CoD.NOtt. BLCFFH , January 30.
Flour Manufactured by CrynUvl and
City Mills. 3 75fo4 50 : Kansas and Miu-
nouri ( lour , 3 50@4 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; rye
flour , 3 40.
Bran and Shorts 15 00 per ton.
Chop Corn 22 50 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , 8120 ; No. 3 , SOc ;
jectod , 70c.
Com No. 2 , 50. % rejected 48c ,
Oats No. 2 , 40c ; rejecte < t , S5c.
flarloy No. 2. 90o : No. 3 , 75c.
Hay 1,00-e , 5 0 < I@C 00.
Wood-C 50 © 7 00.
Live Hogs 5 25 ( < tB 7C
Cattle Shipp ng , 4 WX fi 00 ; milch
cows 30 00 ® 15 00 per head ; butcher *
Block , 3 00@3 60.
Sheep 3 75@4 25.
G Hides-5c ; G S hldec , 7c.
Wool 15@ fi.
Butter Creamery , 30c ; In rolln ,
ped , 25c : r.'lls not wrapied , 20 ; mixed
co or15@20o.
EggHPacked. . IGc ; fro h , 20. ' ,
Potatoes 110@1 30 ; S lt Lake , I 61.
Onions 1 25 ( 1 40 "
Dressed Poultry Cliiikfn.J , IOo ; ducks ,
lOc ; ; geese , 80 ; tur' ovi > , 12io
On'change them.rkets w.'ni uno rtuin
The receipts of grain weio 723 ur loadi > ,
Atnbracing 99 of whet , 44J . .I corn , 14 > l
of outs , KO of rje und 3 of bailey.
Flour Dull and neglected ; vty little
demand ; common to choice nprin/west
ern , 4 5i'7 00 ; Miunet tu , 5 00@725 ; n
touts , 7 508 50 ; wicti-r tiratiiU , G 60 ®
8 25 ; buckwliea' . Hour , 5 50@G 25.
Whe t No. 2 bpiinga iiecl Irdly w > aker
feeding wns developed in this market am
prices ruled lower all round. The prin
cipul reaxon Ohsigiied fur > he weakncs was
the condition cf .fort ! n fina ci l affiirs
nnd rumors that the bank nf Eoglamd hiu
advanced the rate of intercut TUB apt cu
lative offerings wer large , a-id there wai
quite a strong pro-euro to re.ilize , und thi
maiket ope ed about gffljc lower , rallie :
i , then ile clined gc , nyvn rallied , ud
yuneing jjc , and tlion under librrul olfcr
ini.8 receded ? .j@2go | * erliiiihvl , tluctini c <
and fina ly c'o od Hb nt 2Jc lower on tin
regular board ntnl on cm I nt I . ' (01 ( fo.
cash and Januar ; 1 SO for F buary ; I SOI
for March ; 1 312 f-r A r 1 ; 1 31 } for M , y
1 CO/-for / thu Jiunr ; Nn. , ' ) | nin h.tuady
1 Mijl ! 15 ; icjectud , 5 ,950 , uccoidmg t
Coin A fair speculative demand WIIH
roper ed in the market f r c > r < i early in
ti ! day , nnd price * were c"mparatiol ! >
within nliout Satunl.'iy'w ( l u OH
At the close , hnwcvrr , lie feeling was
en.ilur and priced recede' ! iJTSic , No 2 u t
high mixed plosimr on call nt l-OJc f r
caxh u.i d January ; C0o for Fe runr\ ;
for Marc ; C.1j lor M.ty and Jiue ; G5J
July ; rcjrctod rjuiet at Gc.
Oata Quiet nnd about unchango I , with
very little doing ; N . 2 dod at 42J 'o
cash and Januaiy ; 42Jc for Febniary.42Jt
for March and Apn > ; 15i@IGyof "rM y
15o ! for .Tun ? .
Rye Dull nnd oiIer , wl h no dcmun' ,
No. 2 , 954c for cash ; and Febru rj j 9&t
for March ,
Birlcv-Nothing d lug ; No. 2 , 1 05 ; No
3 , 82@83 .
Purlc Steady ; mcsn slow ! at IH 10(3 (
18 15 for cash ; 18 17Jior l' < ii > iuarys 18 26r < r )
18 274 for March ; for 18 47 ] April ; 1 C5
for JSlay.
Laid Unchanged , piice.i clo-ing a
1112J@11 1C for caslu January antl Frbr
uary ; 11 7jj forMurcli.
Bulk Meats-S endv. but mil ; alior
riln close I nt 9 10@9 15 for < o h nnt
Febru iryi .I 2 J for March ; 0 374 to
Apil1 ; ! )45 ) for Muy
WliUlcy Quiit at I 13.
J'uttnr Fiiin and in i'n ( > > l demand ,
crcamerv , cli'iico ' to f.inov , 'tfkifllOc ; fair t <
g.'od , . ' ! 0@31c ; dairy , c Iniicii tit fJtiuv , . ' 0@
'Ma ; do fair to t-ood , IHgi5 ( ; frenh mmli
jiackir.g btuck , 10@12c ; lul : a | iatk : d , com
mon to goid , l.ii.1Uc ) ( ; mil 132'c. '
Eggs Olfi-r'n ' 'H of strictly desli nn
largv ; demand fair und holilem In lined ti
furco prices n ; , but the liberal Hiinnly o
fmit hoiiso prevent any l > ugo mlv ce
fru/h mid i.i 18o per dti/cn , withnno'c
H onul bale nf strictly ficthat a Irillo nioru
ice houto nt 1317c ,
Rec'ti. Hhlpm'ti
Flour 1.V.IJ2 l,4' i.
Wheat M , C7 18,33'
( 'orn , 2Si' ' , 10 1H105 !
OaU 132.77 ! ) 109.207
Rye 7.1 I 1,93 !
' "
Chicago Liiva Stoolr.
CMICAOO , January 30 ,
llogn ] tcceirits , 10,000ho d. Compara
tively lew prime hogs were offered and tlio
average quality of the receipts was of
rather low standard ; pa'jkerx bought pr tty -
ty freely , but shipper * were the c lei bid-
( ItTH nn choice heavy hog * . The market
was pa'riahly active and prirei upon an
average , considering' the 'puallty and -ort-
ing , wero510c higher ; cotmnou to gooil
mixed , 50 Olfcl ! . ' 15 ; huuvy packing and
nhippln ; , ' , ji GOftf.7 00 ; I'll lodulphias nnd
lard hoK ,7 , C5@7 25 ; II ht liog * ,
aiM nnd cu IH , C 00UO ( 00.
Cattle ] fcelit , 2,800 head. The trod
\vaa not very active but thuro wax u lal
demand for choice fat cattle and the ar
ket wan KfncrAlly ctca ly ; fxlr uhtppinK
cattle , 4 f > S@i85 ! medium. iaO@C25goo.J
5 83 ® ! 50 ; inixe < l butcher * ' * txk-ln ; thi
branch of the mat ket them wan more c
tivity and value * rultd firmer than at th
do to of last week ; poor to fair cattle wor
n > t iiu itubly diller nt ; butoht-t loUact'v * I
y Ink on nt tronir r txloHi o < > w . ' ' COW '
00 : bulls 3 OVJ.2 67. | UX < rN 4 30(814 ( 75 !
U > ck r < 5@3 75 ; f cdorn. 4 10fe4 35.
8no ji-Uoct < iptii , l.MX ) head , MnrVot
nui.-t ; ulr , 4 00 ; inediu n , 4 10 ; coorl , 4 40
( g4 ! 5.
St ItonU Proiln CO
ST , Ix > tJis. Jonunry 30.
About 5o lowi-r
r nd v ry uni ttl d | Nn.
r < xl , 143 ? < l 14 fur oibht 1 13 f. r Ffb.
runry ; 1 42J | . .r MarcJi ; 1 42 f"r Apiil ;
1 42 f r May ; 1 13JJ f-r the yenr ; No. 3 Ho ,
1 : V > bid ; No 4 do , 1 1C ? bid.
Corn nwer ; 021 for o sh ; 63J for
February : CIJo for March ; C5o bid for
April ; C73@i'7io for MHT. , v *
Oat * 1.0war at 46J , according to loca
lion ; 47jo for May.
Rye-95i < 3)9 ) c
Barky Quiet at 8.VW110 ,
I * . * ! Bolt- at 4 85@9 CO.
ButUr Unchanged ,
Etfu * Unchanged.
w hUky Stolv at t 17.
Pork Very quiet ; 18 10 for Fobruaryj
8 37J for April.
Lard -Nominally 1115.Rco'U.
Rco'U. BhlpmU.
Vheat 75.000 fi COO
Com 1770 * ) M.OOO
Oatd U2000 18,000
5yo 3,000
Barley 2'OJ
8t Ixmln Live Stock.
ST. Loom , January 50 ,
H us Slo dy ; Hi1 lit ti > gn < xl Yorkem ,
00@G 30 ; pac Inj , 15 21X3JG 75 ; bu c f nt'
o fancy h-avy U8i@7 15 ; receipts , 5,700 ;
hipmenU , 1,000.
City Prodnoo Market.
KANBAS CITT. Jnnu iry 30.
Whcat-Kccelpln , 1 ,032 bu : with.
Irawn , 5,47 bu ; in into , 232,495 bu.
Pho nut ket wan w > ak and Inwi-r ; No 4
a. < b , ! ll(2l97c ( ! ( ; Janu rv ! M1j bid ; Fob-
uarv , OiVblit : March. 'J'ifi No. 3 a h ,
.00 : .January , 101J ; Fedr inry , 10' ' ;
March , 1 Oi ; April , 1 O.'iJ ; No. 2. canh ,
1 23 id ; January , 1 21 J I'M.
Oorn Kfciptx , 0,212 bu : withdrawn ,
3,010 bu ; in "tore. 13 0 3 bu. The
narkot was wank .ml trftillni ; limited ) No.
n h , OMo ; J nu\ry , 51 > c ; February , C8Jo
ud ; Mi rch. u'\c ) bid ; April , 0 ( > c bid ;
May U2ic bid ; N . S white mixed ca h ,
OaU RectlpiB , 708 nU. ; withdrawn , 911
. , Inatore , 3fly 4 bu. ; No. 2 oanh , 4.r Jed
d ; January , 4Ca
Rye K eel tn , 8J4 ; In Btor.8.332 ; No.
o.nh , ! Kj ) bl l ) January und February ,
no biiln.
Kanuu City Ltr * Stock.
KANSAH CITT , Janu < ry 30.
Caltlo Rpceiptu , 178 head ; shipments ,
33' he 'd market butolTor
> ' ; the wan i triing ,
ngs light ; Miip + n' 1,40 > Ib5 75 ; btituh
jr ' st ff , 1,201 HM. , 4 50 ; o > w , 1,000 lb . ,
„ . ! Rcco'pU" ' , 2,951 head ; shipments ,
8-tO ; tna market was ntc.nly and active ;
range , 5 80 ® fi 65.
NawXork JProdnoa
NKW Yonic , January 30.
Flour- Dull ajd in uy rVH favor.
Southern flour quiet and tinchai'goil
Wheat Dull nnd unchnnu'rd. No. .
d. 1 4 4@1 4CJ ; mixud winter , 1 40 ®
I 41J ; No. 1 white , i 4 . } ; iNo. U r il
Junuary , 1 I 4@ " &
Cor Heavy and doillnlne ; nngrn'eil
mixed , 67a)71c ( ) ; * canicr mixed , " " -
No. 2 , January , C 3(5fiflc. ( , |
Oats Lower , iiu and h avy ; No. 1
white , 50o ; No. 2 47i@a 'c No. 1 mixed ,
- ' t 9299c.U
Ba < ley Firm. No. 1 C nnda , 1 15.
Pork Dili ; nowHMtmen > , 11 75.
Lard Dul and weak ; 1115 for cash ;
II 5 ® 11 27 * for February.
Whis' < y N"ininttl.
Bu ttr nndnal.
Peorla Prodaoa.
PUOIIIA. .T-nuarv 30.
Corn Now dull ; high mixed , 591@GOc
mixml , 59)5 ) < r .
O.IH nul uud Domiiial No. 2 white
Rye-Dull an > ' nominal ; No. ' 'nt981o
HiffhwintH Uunchango'l at 1 1G.
Roc'U Shlp'ts ,
Wheat 0,125 none
( torn 121,95" 71.&H
Oa- 28.7W ) 27,12 :
Barley. . . . . . . . . . . 7,125 none
CinolnnAti Prodnoe.
' 'INOINNATI. J iitinry 30.
Mew Pork Firm18 ; 12 @ 18 15.
Built Meats-Firm ; clear sides , 9 C2i@
9 75.
llncon Firm ; clear ride * , 10 3'10
Flour Dull ftt'idly , G G'iat7 75.
Wheat-E f\er \ ; No. 2 red , 1 41.
i om S eudy ; No. 2 mixed np t 01
trnck , C5o.
Oats-Dull ; Vo. " mixed , 48Jo.
Ryo-Dul ; No 2. 1054
Barley Sir. * 1 ; No. f l [ , 1 03.
Whisky Mr n t 1 17.
PlttsburR Oil Market.
I'lrniuuiio , January 30.
The oil ma k'top n d"tH5Jc' , ivdva cei
SCJc and clo cd at niton nt Bin1 ; for Ffiluii
aiy d'llvtrv 8''lc ' , fur Murrh 88 0 , lo
April 90je : New York , 7ju ; Antwerp , 18Jf
T o shipiuentH were : tinilcil , 311,871 bit H
si i menlD , tidowutor , 5,878 bbls < hart rn
59017 ; I'lU-Iiunr ualen , 411,000 bbls
Pittsburf ; exchange Rtnck , 105.
- it Liberty lilvo Stock.
EAHT LIIIEIITY , I'n. . Junuary 31) ) .
Cattle Fail demand and n > high *
tr : rcielpts V',289 ; Hhipment'1 411.
TTugs SI w ; rcc.lptH 0,800 ; uhlpmcnti
2,800. P'dlod 1 h a , 87 27 40 ; York
cm. GGOC r tiO.
Sheep Fnlr demand ; itcuiptn 2,400
bhlpiiHjntn Git ; prlceii liighDr.
Philadelphia Prodaoa.
I'liiLAitKU'lilA , January 30.
Wheat-Stead ; 1 41 @ 1 42i for
and Jnnu < r ,
Corn Stc-wly ; C G'.lc for cush ant
OiiU Firm ; 49@50o f r caih and Janu
wv ; W\GH \ Oo "
Uy < t-
_ _ _
Liverpool Produce.
LiVKKi'iKJL , Jantiary 30 ,
Flnur--An oilcan , HH ) GdW13ii.
Wheat WinU-r , I H d ( < 5lO lid ; white
Corn 5 < I lid.
Per -77H.
Lard 57 .
ToUMlo Proauno.
'l'oi.iiii : , January 'M.
Wheat Vo. 2 red , 40c for canli att
Junuiiry ; 42ju fur Mu eh ; 42o for Atri
Coin Piinie No. 'i , Oulofor cash , Jan.
uury .ii'l February ; CUc lorM.y.
Turpontlno Market.
WII.UINOTO.V , N. 0. , January 30.
Roiin Dull ; utralnc-d , 1 95 ; goitd , 2 00 , *
HplriW Firm at f.Os.
Tur-Steuily at 1 90.
Turpentine St wly ; hard , 2 50 ; neil ,
3 75 ; Virgin , a 00.
Clovolatid Market , .
CLKVI.I.A.VII , January 30 ( >
Petroleum Firmer ; utandnrdwhite , 110 ,
7o. _ _ _
(10 South Thirteenth Street , with
' M.
Clarkson & Hunt ,
8UCUW lo lltcharili ft Hunt ,
- - LAW
S UlbStrwil OIP ha ,
Proprietor ,
1213 Harney Street ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB ,
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finials ,
Speoht'B Pfttont Motalio Sky
Potent Aduit | ble Rntctiat Bar and
I am Die xvnoral Btata Agent for the aboro
D60t MXla.
roatlnt * . BdluttredM , VerandaaOmc | and
Dank Ralllnga , Window and Cellar
Quardi ; nlio
Petrton and Hill Patent Intlda Dllnd.
latter of Application n ( C. II , Scott
fur IJipior Iitcenmi ,
Not'cc U hertiy irfvi it that C. II.
lit upon tkn ISlh Ji\v ol January A. D. ,
H31 , IH hlii M'l' Iratlon to the Mayor luiJ City
\ ini II ol Omaha , for Ucmmo to irll Unit , Rplr-
ttiCKwand VInoun I Iqumr , At No. 110 aouth
Tvnth trwta TnlrJ wanl , Omaha , Neb. , ( roiu
the 27th iUr of J.inuary , 1H3S , to ( ho 10th day
I A ril. ISM
II there ho DO objection , remon tr > nc or pr3-
Mt fllml within two WMik * from 13th of JIUHI-
toy. A. D. IHSi , the mid llconno will ho RrontcU.
Apjl leant.
Tun DAIVT lims newspaper will publlih the
bert notioa one * each week for two weoka at
ho axp nM ol the anpllnnt. The CKy of Omaha
a not to bo hari .u vhuruwltb.
J. J. I , . 0. JKWKTT.
jaaEl-8t Cltr Clerk.
latter ol Application ol Frank 1'Iyoukn for
IitUor | IJooiVHo.
Nol'ca In hereby irlven that Prank rivotiLn
Id upon the 18th ilay of Jiuiuary , A. ! > . , I8 < S ,
flle hi application to the M yar and Cltr Coun-
U ol Omaha , for llwnw to mil Milt , Hptrltuaui
nJ Vlnou * Lbiuon , at corner 7th unit Mercy
Btrrcto.rlrnt W > rjiuuhnN ; b.from tha ! tOth diy
if Januari , 1B81Z , t the 10th lUy ol April , IHSi ,
II tlurolwno otijccllo , rumon.tranra or pro
t < Ut ftlod wltliln two wcoka from Januiry Idtli ,
A. D. , 1882 , thn eUd UccnM will I'O irrantnl.
Kl-.lNK 1'IVODKI ,
Tim DAitT Dun notrirpnpnr will I publ i h the
above notlco once iviclt week for two worki at
bu expense ot the appllcint , Tlio City ol
> mnh Is not to bo cha R l themwlth.
JSt. Oily Clerk
It plaltd and pmuoi pcrfoetljr ono yard pel
It plalt ( root l-lOol an Inch tel M Inches In
width In the coanwwt folta or flnoit nllk' .
It dot * all kinds and t ) lool plaiting In uso.
No ladytuatdooa her own drom-mnklni ; can
a Jard to do without ono ta nloa | > Inltm | ; U
n rcrout ol fashion , II nuen It nollu Itmill. For
iUchlncw , Clrculani or AKont'H torniH addrtsj
CONQAtt & 00. ,
113ilam St. , ChicagoJ1L _
For Bale By
02MLA.3Ek.4k. BfTXI
United States Depository
" "
N tionalBank
Oor. 13th and Farnam Sta ,
OnrtiUod M & National Uank Aujput SO , IBftS ,
ItiBMin KODHTXI , Priunlont.
AUOIIBIUD Kuwnf , Vlca Preildcnl.
II. W. YATHH , Oanlilur.
A. J. 1'orruiTON , Attorney.
K. II. DAVH , Amt.
Hit Lank receives dujKxIta wlthnu icgard to
lssuo tlm cortincbteo hoarlnic Intercut.
Iraw < draltt on SJLII I'tititlKO and principal
cltlcH ot the UnlU-d BtaUs , alto /union , Dublin
Kdlntjurgh aul tbu j'rlucljal cities ol the contt
oent ol Kurope.
Bellaaueaset \ \ tlclcoti ( or euxlvnnUJby the ( n
man line uuyldtl
State Gazetteer and BUB !
ness Directoy ,
Containing n ileacrlptlon nnil a Iht of ell
InulneBH uicn In the utatu , vlll bo Utueil
early la 1882. i'rlco 51.00.
J. M. WOLFE. l nWI h r.
South Fourteenth Neb
Guming Street ,
J. J , NOBES , Propr.
Fresh and Salt Meats of all
Kinds , Poultry , Pieh , &c. ,
in SotiEon ,
Kor more th&n.a Uilrd of A cnntnry the
M txlMkf % W ti frtMiifp i ittim tt nix A OOCIK
Vnowii to mllllcnn nil ortr'tho vrorlil
thu only nafo rollnnco for tlio relief of
iircUlontn and pain. It W"n rnoilk-ln *
almvn prloo nnu pniUo th bint of It *
Klml. Kor uvcry form ofexttrnal jwv'n
t.lulmont In w Ithnutnn om
It pcurtrMra llnli niul ntuicl <
thr i rj' hour making tlio conUno-
iineo of pnln mid Intliitnmntlnn Impon-
Hlblo. ItnftlVctRilpnn llinimii MCHI ) and
tlio llniti * rirntlim nru rnuullv vrinuli'r *
fitl. Tlu Mexican
l.lnliiu'iit Is nwilcil liy noinfluxly In
I'vrry houric. K\ory tiny brlnui < IHITTII ot
tlir nK u > ° nf nil n rfiil at nlit or bunt B
xnliiliUMl. or rliTtiinntJe utarlyra n-- ! ;
Htotcil , or II vnltintiln Imrtr or > f
nvcil by thu hoiilliit ; power of this I
wtilnh nivrtMllly rut-os nurli nllturnU ot
Urn HUMAN 1 1.KH11 IIH
Itliruntnt t nii NtTflllngf. HtllT
Juliit * . Coiitmotcil SIu ri 4 , nurtu
ml Mrnlil > CtU ( l ru'm" end
prntiti. . V iiMiUOlia Illtrn unrt
Mlnci. f.tliTiiim , I.nrnri > f > , Old
nurri , iln < , froitbim ChlllilBlrt * .
More r\lpplr , Citttcil Ilrrait , mwl
linlr rvrry form of xtcriial dla-
rme. It tirnla rlthout irnr * .
Kor thu I Hum : CIUUTION It ctirrn
Nprntllt , Nwlnnjr. MtlfT JoInU ,
Foiiuilert nurttria Nor a. Hoof PU-
oaaci , ( foot Hot , Scittmr Worm.Hc li ,
llnlloxr Horn , NcrnteliraVlnd -
Salli. ( IpnTln , Thninti , Ittnahon |
Id Norei , I'oll K\H , Vllm upon
the Nlglit nnd evary othrr ailment
to iThlcli the occuimnta of tli
Mtnliln nd Htook Yard arc liable.
The Meilcan Muit ii | ( X.lnlmant
itlwuya curca ami uovvr ( UnnpiXinUi
anil it Is , posUlroly ,
Uvnry H. Woolt will toke nodcc that on the
.id day ol I > L iiilior , Ittil , the C'ountrJudeoof
iKlM Oounly , Niliruka , Imurd an order erf
uimi nt for lli mini ol $120.00 In nil action
MimllnK licloro him wlien-ln Parker 1 * . Cl Mc ,
Ucoriio II. Clark uiul EIHuh K , Ulntk , ) * rtnen
it CUrk I'roH. arc plalntHTn , and lluiry H.
Wooll ctpfemlnn' ; that propoity hclo , pintto you
iivi hiM > n attocnvd uniivrHAid Qruur ; that tud cauM
was contlni.cil to Iho FuOnmry , 1881 , term ol
Mtlilcourt , and that you re required to r > p ir
and aninvr by the Oth d y ol IrVbrunry , It A
Datixl UuubA , Jfti uiiy U , IBS'iOiAHIt
Ily CtARiixoK & HUNT. jauH vt U
Uo ui 4 , Crcl hton IllocL , Klftccuth HtrM * .
jr > nlC-3ro
DexterL.Tliomas&Bro ,
ooNNioriiD Tni wrrn.
Pay Taxes , Bent Houses , Ettv
Call ftt OlDc * , Roam 8 , Creljvhcn u'
Made to Order on Short Notice/
Harness Store ,
| nill8-d3nr
Joe Ilcckmnn Imii removed to No. 1D South
Thlrtoenth Blrcvt , between Fnrnlmm and
JKln. Ilu now' hag u line , roomy utore willi
an oxtcnelro c\fia \ rnanufnctorj In rear.
Physician and Surgeon.
A HPEt'lALTV. ' ' !
Oincc. Ko.l(12 1'nrnlmmHt , lufwccn 14th ant
lf.lli. Onulia. Nub.
OP ,
16th Street Grocer ,
Lemons and Oranges ,
Choice Butter and Eggs
IE06F rnh m St. , . . . Omaha , Nebra
, ,
Care.utly wiovUul Unit In Ki u > rn Nebraska fei
alu , Uruot HirKulm la Improved finns , and
Orutvha city property.
Ijiml PotrV ' ' f
. . 'Sli S. KiFiirBtwni MMtln.U
the toil tilt In ll KWI ( ill , run *
cuj , very buiioiu , quicl , ituiitiln.
ooufvalml , and poweiful.
C din trlii. fat if U
' 1,000,000 of tbli model
W V H hare wen wW. Aik fbretrcnt1-
f < ti l tcitlmocl&ti. Low Mlixi lo club * . DO
rhk U trj nl. Tbouiiudi do ererr jtu , n4 Itiuk
( ur tlit 10 to tBO Mtved ID builai ilfncl. Out lbl
out , od obea rou or t Mend uwd Hwiuj tfutlna t *
Corn tellers
llorso Powers ,
Wind Mills , CullUalot !
4 Corn Stalk Cutters.
Marseilles M'fa. ' CK-
JeBS-wly' " " " I ,