1JE OMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY. JAM/A-RY / ai \ TUB DAILY 13BK. OMAHA PUDLI8HINQ CO , PHOPRIETOH8. 010 FarnhAm , bet. Olh and lOlli 8lrcU. 7KK.MH Of SUIiSOtUITION. oe copy1 y < Arln M > AnM > ( rn < tYvltl ) 1.0 month R.ro RAILWAY TIME TABLE. . CIIICAOO ; w. r u , , VOCKEJU-OUI ISD te vo Onmba I't pngt > r No. S , HlMx m. Ac- eoinmodMlon No. l , iw I p , m Art' c Oinnhn t'umeniror Xo. 1 , 6M : p. m. Aeconiraalftllon No. S , 10.M > A. cu burnt ) OXAIU IAST OR eorai BGVKK. C , a a 0. 7IO : n. r.u-SJO : | \ ra. Cl. & N. V ? . , 7 : 0 ft. tn.-8 : > ito. . U. , K. I. & P. , 7:10 . in.-84o ! p. m. K. 0. , 81. J. A a 3. , Inxrc * at 3 . m. Ind 8 : p. m. Arrivot v3U Ixnilnct CSO : ft. m. toil 6:62 : p. ra. VT , . Br. L > i r. . ! MTI l 8 ft. on. acJ 3:10 : p . AtriTM Ht. Lonlo M. 0:10 : i. in. nod 7:80 : r , m WE8T OR U. A U. In Noh. , Tliroufili Ksprua , S II. f , U. Lincoln Lxpron C'ZO p. iu , U 1' . ChfttUnd K\iiv | i , If.16 p. tu. O. & I ! . V. for Lincoln , lliS : . ri. ( ) . A U. Y. for OnoevU. tIO ) : . in. U. V. freight No. i , 6:80 : % . m. U. P. frolirht No. 9 , 6 : d a. m. O. P. fright No. IS , 2:60 : p. in. n. P. freight No. 7 , 6:10 : | > . m. + V. Doiivcr oxprcw : , 7'SS p. m. U. P. frolrht No II , 11 30 p. in. O. P. Domor frctchtS:25 : p. in. a a A O 6:00 : ik. in. 7:26 : p m. IAN. W. , 9:46 : a. m. 7:50 : p. re. a 11. L&P..9 : < Ii a. ni. 9:05 : p. m. K. a , Ht. Joe & o ii. , 7 : < o . m.:4i : ; > > jLurrrxci rnoti ins mat U.T 0 , fc R. V. from Lincoln LOT p. m. U. P. Pacific Fair < w-3:2t : p. in. B * M. In Neb. , Thtoiyu Kiinv | * 1:14 p m , 11. i M. Lincoln U\i > rc.s-0.40 a m. U. P. Denver cxprcfw , 7:26 : a. in. U. P. Freight No. li-S.M p. m. C. P. fo , 0 JK : ) B. m. KmLrvanl. U. P. frfteht No. 14 , 12:16 : p. m. ' ' U. P. So. d-H.-OO p. m. U. P. No. 12-1:45 : a. DI. V , P. f > om cr freight , 1:10 : n. in. 0. & It. V , inlxcJ , M. :1S : p. in. mnarr Tiutss turrets rmiu MB oousca it-crrs. Lenro Omthft Rt 3:00 : , PKW , 10:00 : Ud II : W m. ; t.-O 2:00 : , S.-OO , 1:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. L .ve ConncL. HlufJ at 8ii. : VE6. : 10.73 sod 135 k. m. ; ' 25 , 2 : 6 , S26 ; , 4:25 : anil i:2i'p. : ra. SunXij-9 Tno dummy loaves Omtha Bd U:00 : ad 11.00 ii. m. ; 2.-00 , 4 X > and 5:00 : p. a. IXM ComidJ niufla at : 6 and ll : i a. m. ; th& & , 4:82 : od S : 6 p. m. Through and local ptuwn er traliu txtrrton Omxh.\ and Coun 11 Btuflt. UHIVO Omiha 0:16 : TUB , 8Ma.m. : ) ; S:40 : , 6:46 : , 0 0 p. m. Arrre OmiOia 7iiO , 11:26 : , 11:45 : a. m. ; SM , T : s 7:16 : , : W p. m. _ Openlnu anl Oloclng of Maltt. corn. orra. OLOSB. a. m. p. m. a. iu. p. in. Chicago ft K. W . 11.00 C.-CO 0:50 : fc40 Ohlcxiro , K I. 1'tctfc. 11:00 9.-00 6:30 : 2:40 : USX ) 'OflO & : IW 3:40 : 9:40 : Bloux City and I-sciP.cr. . 9:00 : 1:30 : 2:40 : Union PaciBe 4-00 11:10 : Omaha tK. V 4.OO 11:40 : aU.lDNJ ) * 0 8:10 : Oiuihttft SlotixCity. . . . 0:00 : 7.-30 D. AM. Lincoln 10:30 : 0:00 : C. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:80 : 11:03 : U. P. Denver Ex f :00 : :30 : O. , Sioux City * St. H. . . 11:00 : ' U:40 : I/xxvl mnllrt for Stntocf low l bnfoao8 day , viz ; 8SO : n , ni.- Ollloo nrxn Riindtf" from 12 m. to 1 p. m. Tiin . v HAM. P M EnsinesIrector. Abstract ar.d Real JOHN L. McCAOOK , op | ( Ute Pott Offlcn. . W. K. BARTI.KTT 317 South 13th Sfrfat. Architects. DUFREJIB & UBNDELaSOHN , ABOHITKCTS Room 14 Crolah'xja Clock. A. 7. LAROE Jr. , Room 1 , Cielehtan Boou and dhoen. JAMES DIVINE & co. , line Dooti and Show. Anood MAortirtnl of homo work on hand , corner 12th and Hiuney. XHOB. BKICKRON , 8. K. cor. 16th and JOHN FORTUIf ATTJB , COS loth strvxit , manutactnrai to ordoi fooH work M ( air prloon. KcpoJrlnjr done. ' Bad Spring * . I. F. LARRIJJER Uanufocturer. 1617 DauH * t. Book * , New * and Stationary. J. L FRUEHAUF 1016 Famiuun Otroet. Butter and Egg * . MoSHANK h BCmtOEDEU , the oldest a and K bouM ra Hebnwka entobllKbod 1876 Omaha. CJUmiAL BS9TADRAKT , MRS. A. BTAJI , ootjnrert cornet IGthud Dodifc. - Drat Board for the Montr. SkUiiMtion Qtruutfei. Kotti t * Q Boun. BoArd by th * l > ay , Wcoc ! or Month. Uoorl Term * fai C uh. Furnish * ! Road Wagons. WU HNYDEU , 14th and Horney Streets. Olotliinj ; Bought. i. HA Kill 1 will ray hlghootCaoh prlM for tooocd nand ciuulnr. Comer L L and rarnhaa. JOHN UAUilEB 1314 Kamham fitrrct Junk. II. JiKI'-TJlOLD , Rain aud Metal. Lumbar , Lime and Cement FOSTKR & OK iY cornur 1Kb and 8t Lainpaand uia j are. J. BONNF.n 1309 l > ouiUu ) St. Good Variety Merchant Tailor * . 0. A LINDCiUEST , Onocf ourinoct rcpular Merchant Tillers Is re calving the blest ileeiL-iia for Spring and au-i'tuoi Ooode for Kontlcmeii 8 wear. Htyllth , durublv , and pricwi low iw ever 216 13th hot. Uoue.&Kuni. Millinery , UKS. 0. A. niNUER , Wholonale ar.d RctMl , fn\ \ ej Oooda In jjroat variety , Kcphyrs , Card Doardn , Hosiery , Ulotea , Oorbc-w , &c. ChuipoHt llouw in the We t. Purchasers wtve SO pet ccct. Order by Mall. 116 r'lttoenth Htrcct. foundry. JOHN VYRARNK & HONB , cor. 14th& Jariwn U Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th aud Farnhau Rt& Welahani Jlroe. , proprietors. Urocer * . T 8TEVBNB , Slut between Coming ami bat T. A. McSJIANE , Com. Ktd and Ccmlng HtrctU. Hardwaie , lrii and Btc l. OLAN t LANQWOUTUr , WholraJe , 110 am * 112 loth rtrcet A. HOLMES corner 1Mb and ( VUornta. HarrwM , Baodle * , &c. B.WOBT WlBtaat. bet funlUmoy Hotel * , ' ANflELD HOUSE , 0 o. Canfleld,8Ui & Parateau 1X)1UN ) IIOUSK , P. II. Gary , Bia I mihara Hi. SLAVEWa HOTEL , f , Blavea , loti Bt. Southern Hotc4 Out. Harncl 9th & Leare < mtHb ! Drug * , Paint * and OH * . KOIIN ft CO , Flna Vane Goods , Cor. It in ud W , J. WBtTEHOL'f H , Wbolenle * UeUU , Iflth K. C. FIELD , $ OK Morth Bide Curaln ( { Btnot PARR , Droindit. 10th and Howard btreota. Dontltta. ( DB , PADL , WUlUnu1 Block Cor. 16Us ft Dolje. " Dry Oood Motion * , Etc. JOHN H. f. LEltJIASN k CO. , New York Dry Oood > Swrc , 1S10 uxl 1318 tm Lim irtrtt- L. a Enewold Jao UooUftndahcxa Tth&Ptdae. hurtuiure. A P. QKOH , New acd Eevoud Hand rumlrnro nd Elavs , 1114 Dcual.il. Hthw ! c h price aid for v.-conJ tai/J KDOOS. l .IIOKNKR 1308 Dwyja It. Ona K0od , ! te , f free VVorKt , OIV.I'A KCNCK CO. GOrtT , ridESfrrC ISlSllarui-ySt. , til Ju Uo/f- ' ' , Ircr an < l Wcod Tw.cts , OtSc lU.lii.cr , Couatiu V > oi and WcJuut. Olc r and Tobacco , * BST ft FRirsCDEll , mumifacturcr * o ! Clrar\ J Wholrrale nnxlcntl n ToUcoos , 130f.nouKl . V. V. LOUKNZRy mannltfturfr 1 10 t'.irnlivni Florist. A. noruishne.iiliiila , etit flowers , iwoJs. M n t * pte. N. W , cor. 16th an J IViurlan trfct . Civil Ennlncers nd Surveyors. .AKBHl'-W nOaKWATKR CroluMon mock , jpccltlty.SurVtjr , OrvJe oad Sowcra e 8 ; toroi a jpccltlty. Uomrtilstlon Merchant ! . JOI1.S ( I. Wit. LIU.HH Del u aticck. 0 B. UKKMKIt. ronltUlId mxUnroft'Jvcrtlw i r.t in Dillv and Cornlca Works. Onmlra Hntki , VMmtactiirert trot. Ooml'e , lla , Iron and rflal UooDlnp. Order * iroia any loolltj promplJy nxwuttvl In U\o Vwi > * nctor } and OfUcc 1S13 llamvy St. CX HPKCHT , PropiloUir. Iran Ccrnlci > . Window Cap-1. * ' oi.\niil ctured Mill J.ul up In nn ) ( ttrt of thi x-Jittv. ! T , 81NIIOH ) JIB Tlilrtcc Oroc > er > I. DOXN.KH 1S09 IHiuiivi treot. Good lino. Olotlilng and Hirnlthlnx Good * . vJKO. 11. rKTKRQON. Also llat , Car ' , Itootn , incus. XotloiH and Cutlery , bOl 8. 'lOth'ntract Refrigerator * . Oanfield't Patent. I C. T. GOODMAN llth St. hot. rani. & IUrno > | Bhow Case Manufactory. O. \\1LUK , Mvialacturorand Dwvlor in a ! ) klndi ot Bhon , A . , 1317 CMS 8t | FRANK L. UKRHARD. proprietor Omaha ihow Ca/wmirmtoctor ) , t > 13 South letli gtroct , betwotn Lca\cnwortb and Uarcy. All > < warranted flriit.cl . Pawnlrot or * . ROSKS'KBLD. IMh Ht. . hot far Hai 'Uto e Una inwnre. A. DUHMKSTEK , Doaltr In Btovoa and Tinware , Mid Manufacturer M Tin Roofs nnd nil klnd of DuUdlnK Work , ( Xld Kollowj' Block. J. DONNRR. 1S09 Doustiui 8t. Ocol uid Chnip. J. EVANS , WhoIiwUe and Rvtall Seed Drills and Culthatora , Odd IVllom Hall. Physicians nrVl Curgoons. tt * . 8. Olltn.S , M. D. , KJOU No I , Crelzhton UlAck , 16th Street. P. H. LK1SKNR1NO , d. D. Mntonle Block. 0. U UART , M. D. , Kyr and Ear , opp. poitoObe 1)11. L. B URADDY. Onilrt ! and Auriat. 8. W 16th and Parnham Ht Photograpnor * . GKO. HBV.V. PROP. Grand Contra ] Gallcrr , 212 Sixteenth Street , near lltsonle Ilatl. sjntrcuua Work and Prompt' Plumblnu , Gas and Steam Fitting , P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 Mth Ht , bot. Karnham and Poutilas. WorK promptly attended to. H. JrrZI'ATIUCK. UOS Douelas Btroet. olntlng on aper ' 1KWBV A. KOSTKR8.141 DodRe Stroel. Shoo scores. PSilllIp Unir , 1820 Painnam t. bet. 13th A 14th. Second Hand Otoro , PERKINS & LCAR. 1UB Dotit-lwiBt. Now and Sncund Hand rurnlturu , llou3 ( urnlshlniQooilf , tc. , bonirht aud Eold on mrmw umri'lne. Uaioont. HRKKY HAUFMANN , Ic tut nuw brick block on DouRlM Strwt , hu Juot opcuud a moet olc > s'ant Uooj Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to IS every da ) . " dWouia " , J FALOOVEK (170 ( 16th Street. Undortr.kera. ClLtS. KIEWK , 101V Farnluai Hot. 10th ft llto 1)0 Cent Glares. O DA 'KUH IWlft F mh m St. , r nrv Onoti. . TRUTH ATTESTED. SonioIrnportantStatomo tsofWo Knonm People "Wbolly Verified. In order that the public may fully nwlle-o the jenulncne a of the st-vto out * , in well as the power and riUuo of thi article ol'which they speak , wo publish her with t o faslmllo KIIH- t urea ofparl lea whoso sincerity la beyond que tlon. The Truth of thoxo t atimonlnls U abgo lute , _ nor can the foeta they announce be Ig < noru'd. OMAIIX , NIB. , May 24,1881. H. H. WAUSBB fe Oo. : DEAR Km : I hare frequently a ed Warner1 * Solo Klduo ud Llrer Curt for loc-il affoctloin attendant npon MTCJ rheumatL- attacks , and have oJ < aye derived bonedt therefrom , t have also un-d the Siifa Vervine with BatWuctory re- uh& I consider tbew luodldues worthy of Deputy Trwwurer OMilli , NKII , May 24 , li-Bl H. " . W iumi ft Co. , Kocherter , N. Y : OKNTH : I have used your bate Kidney and Liver Cure this i-prlntf us a h or Inriporator. and 1 find I the ben remedy I cvtr tried. Ihtvt iwcd 4 bottle , a d it lioa mode rnu f ( l better than ever 1 aid Iwforu in the U. P. R. Shopa. OMAHA , NKB , Uny 24,1881 , II. II. WAHurn li Co : BI B : I'or more than 16 ) era I liove f uffcred much In onvcnlo'ico from combined lildnc'j and liter iiUcuiiH , id liavo been tin bio to work my ( irln y oiv nsalao bcln ndrc-ed I rlcd 3 ? r'cut many niedlcln * a and doctom worse arid nor o iluy li ) day I uas told I IlrifJit'fl l > ii < e.n , and I wished my.ilf duad if could iKt hue npcu'iy rellcl. I look your Mate K < iney and Liver uro , l.iiowli ) ; nothingcUe waa cM'r known tocnrutlm dl aie. ami I Imv iii.l Iwt'ii dicappfllnti d Th in , d I tin o has cured mr , and I am ptrfcv ly well to-ilav , entirely ihro K" Jour * ao Kldnsy and LKcrCuru J v lull juii all RUCC tulii imblUhlng thU valuable rciiuuv through ho orld. o U. V. 11. H. Shops. ThnuKinda ' .f o > ] iiitlly n ran ? endorsement many of them In caao < vhcro h po au nban. donid linvc been voluntarily plvi'n , uhowint ; the remaikable power of Warner1 * ' < afu Kidney and Uver Cure , In all d 6ufHiof II" ) kldneya , liver v J If any cr" wbo reads tlila jtroubla riirp'ubor the grent CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE ) The Or cm 'Englbhrem ' eiiy. Anun- falling euro for Bernlnal WfakncBB , Hpcrmatcr , mpot er.oy , arid all SJ3 ft BEFORETAKIRB.-oauence of AFTER TAIINO. Holf.AlfiiwjM Loi-s of Memory , Unlit-real Lum < tude , I'xln 111 the r ar > , Dlranens of Ylilon , 1're mature Old Ave , and many other JiUnuM * that ked to Intanlty or Oonsumptlou uid a > ture Urove. far Kul I particulars ui our pamnlilct , which we dwlro to itnd fre I r mall to ercry one tOThe Specific Uedlcl.no U told by all druggtir at | 1 per iiaekaKe , orB jack cB fee irj , or will be tent free by mall on reoi pt of the money , by iddrtvilng THE ORA 1EUICINKCO. , Uuflalo , N. Y. or sale by 0 V Goodr rx-7rne. v1 DB. T. JAOKSON PLiANliiR A Graditatofiom ( he Unlvmltv cf I'onn ) I. \ nlu at Philadelphia of thv Clu * ) of Ib4 . ) Tenders JiU profemilon&l tervlcratothe cltUeos of Omnha and oil other * neoolnj , ' the tame , | > re- dlcallin ; hl cl Jm therefor from 4 ? } ( Ji ' ex. pcrlencr , tliftn ) ear of uhlch time he upent In outh America , from which tountry ha lias jutt returned , calnlii'uhl'et ' In the province many rcm.dl. for tarlou-i dlKatu ) coinmoii to this country from thgnillnuol tic The Doctor mikein tpoclalty of all Chrori'c Plumes , partlcularlly that o of ftiiralu He may > cf und t hi * ronniu ai ll.u I'lantjr < ' JIouiv , cointr of Dod''u and Mxtcenth K rttti. BIDBBTT & FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , jf VIIJ CITY CUSTBn ANDUAHNEY. $ CompnrlPon of the Two Oront Indian Plfflitora BrlrThnm Yovinff n Prleonor. IV nrls. "You must have scon conBulornlilu I of . Gnu. UuitiT during your lifo on tlio fnniticr ? " roimuked lln ropntlor , in- 1'iiringly ' , nn tliu fcotit li htud IIIA pipe antl cuntiid liiineolfopiwailo. "Yu , Ivas witli liu coiniuittu l illy fr DI ilio tiiuo lie cunototho l > luiiifl ( o tliu iiiuu of IIH ( loath , 1 orkud for hi iu l various liiuos. 1 at tlnv U soliul Agency at the tiino ho "Ilu waa n good Indian fighter , was 10 lint1 ? "I'llit deiMMirJA on what you nu > nn > y n no'id ' liuliitn fighter. Ho was n , -iiry bravo in ui , liut n nulily bntvu mail. I do not think the Indian waa born tlmt Ouster wns nfraid of. Ho 1 appeared to tnko pin-foe t delight ittt exposing himself to duiker , nnd of tentimes there was no USD or SOIIBU iu hia BO doing. Ilu used to li.Ut his com mand nt ight of Tmlmus , nnd hiiiHitlf tide forward to rcconnottor. Ho would ridu up so ivjar thuin thnt thuy uould fno on him , nnd then hu would turn ! in hia siddle , swiiir/ his Imt for the troops to come on , and , without waiting for tht'in to conio tip with him , put Bpnra to his horse nnd dash down upon thu Indians witli the ballots fair ly raining nrnund him. "Now , such h'slitim ? ns thiil win * for nn ( illicur the nnino of boiiitr. very liravo , but I call it foollmrdiiit'ss Whua liu ni'ido nueh it ohm-go us thnt ho know ab-olutely nothing of what dimmer menanced him Thi-re might ho fifty Indians in ninluHh in front of him , or thrro might bo COO , and for miyht ho knew ho might bo loading his c'linniiind ' to certain ilcstructicn. It is nil very well for him to go out and make a target of himself for In- diiiim to shoot at , but it is sheer rock- Anybody who 'think the Indiana nro not good marksmen uro mistaken. They are continually prac- ticimrtuid they have the best of urins , moat of thorn having repenting rifles. " Cuator sucinod to "think ho bore a i charmed lifo. I hftvo hoard that ho enid that the Indian didn't live who could hit him. "Now , my idpa.of u bravo man nnd a good Indian tiu'htur , is ono who first ascurtains the strength of the enemy , and then , if ho thinks ho can win , mike the attack with coolness and judgi muni. Then let him show Iris brt\vry by fiuhting like mad. In my oui'iion i' is poor generalship for the otliuor to iicudluasly put in a position to bo shot ut the very outset of the cnpngomciit , and ilum take a chanc < ; of 'wiving ' his com mand without a 1 tader If to boafr.iid > f nothing in to bo bravo , Custur was the br.vveat of the bravo. Harnoy waa the bent military leader for the plains L over mot. lie was cool and deliberate in his bravery , but was alien lion in u light" "When were you with him toll mo about it. " "I was with him in the tnno of the Mountain -Mi'iidow massacre. When ho heard about it ho sent out ecouta to find out who the murderers ivcro , and when ho reported to him that they wore Mormons , oil' ho went'with his entire command for Salt Lake City , swearing every rod of the way that ho would hang the murderurB if ho had to Jiaiiij every Mormon in Utah Ho intended to give IJiigham Young twenty-four houra to surrender the tnurdorors , and , unless that was done , Latter-Day Saints would bo mighty scarce around there. Borora wo reached B< Lake a moBSonger over took us with orders from the War Department to return to camp that the civil authorities would attend to thu massacre business. "He thought the matter over for a little while , and then declared that ho had started for Salt Lake City , and ho would go there if he was courttnartial- cd and shot for it. And lit * wenttoo ; and if the War Department overheard of it no action waa taken. Wo camp ed a short distance out of the cityand staid n few dajs to yivo the animals rest , nnd they needed it sadly , for we had traveled fast. The inornii.g wo started -buck to Yunma young girl , about 17 or 18 years old , came out to campand applied to Brady , the train * master , to help her esc.ipu. Her pa tents wore English , who hud joined the Mormons not loni ; before , and one of tliu eldorn wanted to marry her. Her parents were trying to force her to this polygamous mariiHgc , and she could only avoid it by ruiiniiiy away. She had an nncio hnd aunt in Han Fmncinco , and to them she wunttd to 8 ° "Drady. wasn't ' the mini to say'no * cnder such circumstances , bit4 , ho stowed her away in the Hour-wagon by piling the barrels around her in such a way that she couldn't bo soon from either end. Wo hadn't yono far licfore a do'/en Mormons overtook us , the girl's father being nluug with themand they went through the train until they found the girl. After thuy had got her out , she luanod to I3rady and bade him good by , at the same time thanking him for tryirg to help her. That , of course , gave him dead way , and the Mortnotm arrested him for kidnapping the girl , and they all wont toward the city. Harnoy aw there wan something wrung with the train , and back ciimo a messenger to BOO what waa i he matter. As soon as Harnoy was informed of what hud oc curred , hu ordered the train to halt and hi ay there until he got back , nnd away ho and all the troops went for the Mormons. They had u long start of him , however , and reached the city gret. Io you suppose Harnoy slop ed when ho reached the city ? Not a bit of it. Right up the main street he went at a gallop , and when hu jumped from hia horse and cried "Haiti" it was right in front of Brig ham's office. There was u guard on duty there with a musket and fixed bayonet , but as ho brought his woap on to cnnrgo Harnoy gave it u kick that turned the guard half roundand thu next instant ho was disarmed. Harnoy strode into the office with half a dozen soldiers at hia heels , and two minutes later Brijrham was astrad dle of a horse and galloping down the street in the centre of u troop of cav alry."It "It was fun to see the Mormons aa they taw the o'd ' man in such compa ny , but before they could have time to act they were out of the city. About five miles out Hartley ordcied a halt , aud itwasn't lon before a lot of Monuoiia CHIIIO up , riding a fust au their horsed would carry them. When tl < oy got within Bound of hia voice,11 , Hauioy ordered them to halt or ho n would fire on thorn , and tlu > y Imltcil , Tiinn lie ordered Brighnm to toll them to go back to.tho city and bring Itnuly and the girl Kick with them , 'and' ho to Hrighiun , 'if they uro not in two hours I'll fill your carcass full of Oovornmont laid1" ! "Yon tltm'tilnro to " , nays Hrichnin , "Who , " eays llutmy , "I'll shoot you mj self ! " "Loin : 'bi fore , the two hours were up llr.tdy wid Un > ijirlvnro there , and when we got to Yutln H.trnny soht n i > ttardvith her to San liorimiulino , ( in Itnr way to S.m Kraiicisco. Tlntt'o the kind of a mini Ilnrnoy waa , " TUB QTBAf QOB3TION. Sotuu Humorous Instinct of Anklns Girls for Tliolr Hiuidn Through Ufo. llrooMjn lt ia snpiwflo ihnHrio My 1ms been out during the ovcmlig before tea a party. The gontlmnan Miirjht miy tlmt she looked fatimiod. On her re joining that this waa u foolish thought ho will get an opportunity of suying , "Not foo'ish ' , Emily ; I fool too much ntorost in you to permit my own wishes to run counter to your wel fare. " This n properly called the , magnificent style of beginning But very often tliu lady in cou idorate enough to nssiat her luahful lover I'or instance , there was once u timid follow who was fond of borrowing John I'hcunix's jokes ; when aho asked him how he felt , lie avenged himself according to the Pluvnix's plmi of being - ing very dotinita , and s.iid ho felt "about eighty per cent. " "Indoed , " she uaid with a demure look , "are you never going to par ? " And aliu gt in her work that evening. Another young man wua saying , as ho scratch ed a lucifer on the side of the home , "I like thcso houauH with sanded uaint ; nice when Y ° u " 'nut to strike a match , you know. " la that sol" aho naked demurely ; "Iish I lived in n houao with sanded paint , " and then she looked thinca unutterable. If ho had asked "What for ? " she would have haled him. But he didn't. Hu took the hint and the match was struck then ! and there. This method of "giving a hint" haa been put poetical ly j in this way : Yonnjr V'roil , a hfivliful yet persistent sw ! n , Wa \ cry much In loto witli Mary June , Ono nlffht she Md Mm In tier t ndrrcrt lone , "It U not gojil for mini to liu alone. " KaM 1'icJ. Jiut no , you dirllnc little r > ; f , I'Vo ultcn thought of that mine thhi inytclf. " Then sxlil t' c IIUM , lille Frul WAK all Bipiff , " Von oiylit to buy yourielf n tcrrWr dog. " What may bo called a physiologaicl proposal in illustrated by the case of Miss Mary Flynn nnd Mr. Budd. The young lady iv Boston girl , by the way - was studying medicine , and Mr Bndd waa enurting her. Ono evening , while they were sitting together in the parlor , Mr. Uudd was thinking how ho should manage to propose. Misa Flynn ivns explaining curtain phyaiol- logical fact. ' for him. "Do you know , " aho said , "tlmt thousands of persona are actually ig < norant that they smell witli their of- factry pudunoloY" "Millioim of 'em , " replied Budd. "And Aunt Mary wouldn't believe mo when 1 told her f lie couldn't wink without a sphincter muscle ! " "How " unreasonable ! "Why , a person cannot kiss with out spinctor ' "Indeed ? " "I know it is so ! " "M y I try if I can , " 'JOh , Mr. Budd , it is too bad for you to make light of such ft subject. " Then ha tried it , and while ho hold her hand she explained about the muscloa of that portion of the human body. "Willie , " whiaperod Mba Flynn , very faintly. "What , darling ? " "I can hoar your heart beat. " "It beats only for you , my angel. " "And it sounds out of order. The The ventricular contraction is not un iform. " "Smnll wonder for that when it's bursting for joy.1 "You must put yourself under treatment for it. I will give you some medicine. " "It's your own pi operty , darling ; do what you please with it. " Buchiin'giriuca UaXvo. The best salvo in the world for outs , bruises , euros , ulcers , salt rheum , foyer sores , tetter , chapped handa , chillblainn , corn * and all kinds of shin eruptions. This nalvo is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every cauo or monuy refunded. Price , 25c per box. For nnlo by Omahn. A Street Car Romunco. "Oh ! how are you ? It's a long time hinco I've seen you * , " exclaimed a fino- looking gentleman to the conductor as ho jumped abpard an Albia ntreot car thu other day. The conductor re sponded like an old friend , and re marked tlmt it was nearly two years since they had met. The gentleman went through to the front platform to smoke hi * cigar , and the car went on. Ton years ngo ono oppressive numiuer night the same gentleman , who waa then and in now a dealer in teas and spiceH in Nuw York , was a guest at the Troy house. Hu asked thu clerk if there were any amusement * that evening , and , receiving a negative aiiHwor , inquired where he could find a cool spot to upend an hour or two. The clerk advised a ride on the street cars to Albiu and back , Thu gentle man boarded a car. Next to him sat a young lady , the daughter of a poor but respected Englishman , then a resident of Albia. The young lady was not very young , neither very handsome , but waa attractive and bright. Her occupation waa Dchool teaching. A remark by the gentle man led to an informal conversation , which became HO interesting that whan the young lady'a , roaidenco at Albia was reached she was not aware of it until 'ho conductor called her attention to the fact. } ( After nhe had gone the gentleman asked the conductor who the lady was , The conductor , who had Huppooed the twr were old fiii-ndfl , gave the young woman's name. Said thu gentleman , "I would like to moot her again , I am a widower with two children , niu live in Now York , I have never mo ! a lady in my lifo who looked , talker and acted so much like my wife UH tlu young woman I accidentally met 01 your car. " The conductor , taking or interest in the romiutio cuno , an the variou nuniuons of th widower , and finally agreed to tak I his cord to her nnd n k for an inter- iow nt her homo on the following voning. On the following uvtMiing fornnl introduction tooY plnco , tvhich w\s followed fill mouths later > y n nmringn , investigation of the gontloinnn'H statcim-nts concerning h ! Utidiiij' having verified them in avur.V lotnil. The forniiT widower now has ivo children nnd it hanpy homo in nil fapcct1 * , lie was rt-tviitly ttnyiiii ! a nit to hia puron's ! n > law. Wu mint ipt. omit to ntntii tlmt after the wvd ling the bridegroom muL the nrcoiu- uod.itii g'cmiductor , and said that tliu > llbr might expect io rocMvo n chest f choiuo tea on u little iit r oiiil ! t < keit " 'ho ciuiduulor , who JH ot only a man f sturdy I'oiHmon oonsn , but aUo it : ian of bliiir illdcpondonco , politely 'C/ipPil ' / that no Ruch favor bo oxtoud- 'd ' him. "For , " said ho , 'l only act id an a friend and did what I thought 'ns right ; it turneil but well.- [ Troy mien. _ aourn PDKBLO. Au Entorpriwiiitf Colorndo Town , With n Full Moiuu.ro of WlokoduoBB. > ) mvjionileni > o of Tim Itm ' SHUTII 1'imnt.o , Colomdo , .Tnnimry ! ( > . In my hifll I gave Homo account f the material . prosperity of thia , ouri hiu | ; young city. Splendid iridgos are now in the procosa of ruction. Ono of our bankers , Mr. [ 'hatcher is putting up a roaidonco on commanding emtnt'iico which ovor- : ioks an oxtoiided range of country. t is to cost 8100,000. Another ) anker , Mr. Holden of Eliuin > , N. Y. s putting up another rplondid homo , MI a high bluir with a frontage of 00 'ootin ( the town. 8leiulid | ware- houscn for the wholesale trade are , ng erected all the while. The mild weather dooa not interfere with ho atone nnd brick laying or planter- ng. The Denver it Now Orleans will soon 1)o in , putting n , dooot at East Pueblo , which is a portion of ho city which is to have an individu al dopot"of its own. But with all these advantages wo are passing through' that f rentier Htugo ivhich suenis to be the "teething ago" of these western cities. Though gamboling ban not uvon a shadow of protection from law , yet every imngi mblo device is in vouuo for getting money without work. The nmnunt of liquor selling ia snmothing appall- 'tig. This being a warm ntinny place n the winter , thousands Hook in Tom the milieu , and there are hun dreds of gamblers uho'ilook into iroy on Htrangora and miners. Just low there id a lull in their biiRinoM and as they muat live "hold ups" are frequent , and house breaking and potty thieving Ono trouble is our po lice and marshal seem to bo either ivu'l ' fed or in nyiupnthy with wrong doers. Yesterday they made a fail ( us I BCO by the morning papers ) on about thirty of our business ( i-inn for putting ashes in the back yards and lined them well , but Halooim and gambling dona which run on in dar ing violation of law are unmolested. How long our loading men will stand this tyranny remains to bo seen. A course of lectures now being do livcrod in the Congregational church on the moral connection of things , is drawing a crowded house. They are giving Sabbath evenings ; at thu last lecture several had to go away. Ad ditional chain are purchased for the next lecture. The speaker gives au unsparing expose of the condition of things , and loiters of commondaticn , and warm hand grasps encourage him to go on. A moat abominublo band under the name of theatre is doing much to demoralize the young men. The great trouble scorns M bo that the boat elements of onr society being etrnn gors , have not yet teamed to pull to gather , when they become acquainted then the right will assort itsell. Thorn no finer people in the world than Homo of our reaidonta , and they will BOOI > assort thonmolvcs. _ 0. S IlAltltlKON.j. Too FuntkUou . Homo would-be Ilyrcni look on with At the rliymo * of Kclectrlo Oil "i nut ; " Itut wo ha\o the bet aitlclo l.iunvn to tlio v/orld , And Intoi'd ' that n'l ' jier'orip nlin'1 ' know It. It curul counliH , coliln , OHthmaand I'atnrrli , llr nchltiH nnd coinplniiiu of tliat kind ; It doi'H not oo t much , ihougli iliuinu.tti it curc.H. host Oil in the wwld jducui find. M'-l * Jolt * Hr.ini i r , I' Calient Vtou 1'rcVt. W , H. UruiiiKR , Htc. r.nJ Treau. THE NEBRASKA lANUFiCTUffld 00 Lincoln , Neb , MANUl-'ACTUHKUS OF Corn Planter * , Hnrrows , Farm Roller * , Sulky Hay Rakei , Ducket tlovullng WlnU mllli , &c. We nru iHrerurod to do job work and inonutw- tum tr for otlur pirtlm , AddrM all oiiicfi NKIIIUHKA MANUKACTUIII.Va CO , N , tire. JanlB-Sm The Oldest Wataflushed BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Oaldwell , Hamilton & Co. , BulatM truiMcteJ MOM M tt l ol ta locoi porUod oank , , AecounU kept In currency or fold tubject to rirbt cfaoek without &oUr CertlflaUni of dopodl nucxl f v l > l In threw , dx and twelve months , j * rlugnterurt ( , or OD demand without InUrcwt. Adraneoa nuda to ciutomMH OD appiortd toco ritlM at in&tk t ntoe of Uitortnl. Oaj and toll void , tllln of exehaojfo , govern ment , itat , county and oily lionda. Draw lAg'nt JnfU on XngUnd , I/cUnJ , Bcot < tend , and all rarta of KuroM. | Bell Kuroan ] rowiaKe tickets. aticlill Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY IGth nnJ Ocrlxi lilt , , Omahn. llsb , Ttil utncy U0fiiuiiii. luoligr u biuiu D3M wt | W u'uto iiiJ litcrifPin uny U'.r - Me Uituri'l to r- ' bi , Itutt-i. 'Jl'HI , . . i IVTvjuiiii u" ) rv.TJ.iiiiuno ' ( iiCAanu intunn CHICAGO & NOftTH-WESTEftti fftf > . ' . by Hi' < vUi < tt. "C V.M vofc < Jot jut lo tr.Je : when iTArrlltiR In either illtecttcn betwec f .M.C ! ! Uof Ifco Principal PotntiTri the West , North and Nctl wrSf. ir fu.'o , ilfVur , IfhMYhflrw. . dii' ' fif th < WonwV VorthvMvnio.'Hi \ \ Ihh r\u < l Hj u.j-1' ttaLj ! wito ' . dtiW I unction ( Mint * . % tiwo C > iottkitif wJlb fifctriJahCil ylJ railto.td.ii . ' 5 r- ; . . , , tjg"1-1 " * IXI > . > * > ' . * M. > I.MI Mil i IPI t tf ii < .MaiMi .rtip w.iM iiMHM , aj a pncfSIft O'VSV i I A f tCj. iS V " " ciJ1 . L-U" V V r- - . ; / > ? u - , " . .C. fclrtmV < c'i On Xfl \rit stfy'i r > ' 'v > Qalnnteio fOM r # lTrflr / i > Rp 5' i ) N , - -s < N .r.Vv rinri- i s c\'blN \ > , a i * ft1' W" * . * Isr c. , Ar , ro Jt ! fairtSsD * Sr > ji * > Sft./ ' W J > % . , < ; V. v 5 ; 'q \ W 3 : _ 6 \ , . A > .AViVlroiil ltW ( > MO \V > jr nTOV /J. * ltWV " V "sioii , 0 ' , fc"v C * TI , o. 0 , 'JIV/ , , - OKM i-ilen" . cm. ij t tr ST , * ! < < fy-5 * . Sr V " 4"4U&f $ V1 ° VWA c1 ' $ ; i L l' FK r wr aiR , . . R .N iv IM. tAr > ' ClfTW&K THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WfcSTERN RAILWAY , Ovcfnllof Itv jirlndpal llnci. runs r-noli dnllv ' ' , . way frnm two to Jourormoro 'l'r,0iis. U U tlio ouly road w st ul UhlcnRu tliat Uses tlui The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. . . , . Htipcrln lloUt'ti ovi-r tills rocil are bold by nil Coupon Ticket ARcuta fii the United Btit : ) for Tickets la tills ro.ialo SUM they rend over H , and take none tft Jit ; BAKVIN Ul'uunT , ( k'u'l . , ( , . . ' ilon.iKcrIlilcaRO W. U. STKNSKTT , ( Seii'l rts3. Agout , Chl w HAItllY P.OUT.U , Tlcxol . . . . . ' . . Aironl O. k N..W. l\'l\v \ y. llth and Fwnn ni. lreet D , R. KIMIIAI.L , Anrlnbuil nekot Aanl U.L N. W. tUllway , lllh > ad r nh m lire Ji J. IlKLL , Tltketi Aifonl C. A N. W. l\llr. 0. T. R. K. Ioix > . T. OLAKK ( l < itjor l Airent. \ , CARPETS HAVE DECLINED. SLIGHLTY J Is the first to make the.announce- ment to his customersyand the general public. OIL CLOTH SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. J. B. DETWILER 1313 Farnham Street. OMAHA ' NEBRASKA. , - - - . T T * n""s * J TI * IP fft UIL cIHNIS SAtE ! Everything In I Notions , and FURNISHING- GOODS , AT SWEEPING REDUCTIONS. It Will Pay You to Call and Compare Prices. 603 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. No. L No , 2 , British Consumption Bysio , Brompton Oongh Prescription , In Jiottlen 81.00 each , 0 for W.OO. In Bottlci 75 cents each , 0 for 53.50. llroniuton whence the a.\imu \ nrcucrlntlotui wcro ] irocuru < l U tlio tnrifoat and Mout'BuccpBsful Don- miiuiitloii HcMiuUl In tliu Worluiw ; the "Ilroui | > toii. ( X > nauuition | nci Couk'h Kemodloa , " Uionboya H oil Iclnn line lout' IMMI dvomod lu Eiiiflaiid IrJailiblo Curtaforkll Comjilnlnts of tlio Luan aad llu t. t.V. . XX J n'O-tf B9GGS 1 J. L. WILKIE , No. X JZ WICK Hor.h ! Jo OBI f