ING A CON' ' THE OMAHA DALuY BEE : TUESDAY. JANUARY 31 1882 , ALLIANCE SPBBOHB3. Continuation of the Speeches ot Delegate * and Others Bo- 1 fore the Recent Hoot- Meeting. AU.HX BOOT , being cnllod for io present Iho viowa of the greoiib ck party on the ques tion of natiouftl finance * , delivered n nddroM of connidoMblo tonttth in which ho Mmignod the bondholders anil na tional bank system wi boln& to a prcat extent rmpoiuilblo for the panic of 1873 ftnd the diswtrous depression that followed. Ho wound up with nn attack on Deb Ingors. > H' dollnition of money , which ho pronounced un- eound find untenable. KDWAIID ROHKWATKU , in raiponeo to calls from the convon tlon , uaid in the absence of Hob In- gorwll ho would refute the charge made by the previous apovious Hpcnfc r. Ho had hoard Bob Ingorsoll in the national republican convention of 1B70 niako the declaration that this country could never bo prosperous un til it recognized the fact that money could not bo made bylaw , but by labor. that it had to bo dug out of the Hell by the rattier and tho'-faruiur. [ Ap- plauso. ] In regard to the tax question , ho wished to add Boinothiiig to what President Ingcrsol , of the alliance , had 6 iid , to nhow the trickery to whicli the railroads had resorted to cover up their property , taking his figurcn from the report of the railroad auditor of the United States , who ob tains his tiguros from the railroad compank'ii. The cost of building nml equipping the 1,038 miles of the Union Pacific is there given , for 1878 , nt $116,000 per mite , while during thu year it was taxed at less than $10,000 per mile. The Burlington & Missouri IB put down M costing $42,000 per milo ; it.taxed nt 88,000 per milo. The former was endowed by the gov ernment with twelve million acres of land and n money aubtidy ; the Inttor , with four million acres land and sub- uidies in bonds voted by counties through which it passes , and each waa mortgaged for the cost of construction , nnd that bo taken into account to know the actual value of these roads. Every dollar received in in terest over and above that duo on the money actually invested in the roadi was highway robbery. [ Applause. ' The original act of 18G2 provided that nt the expiration of three years from the completion of the Union 1'iicific the lands granted the road , then un > oold , should bo eubjoct to homestead nnd pro emption entry , the same ai government lands , the money received thcrojfor to go to the railroad. As t matter of fact the railroad WUH completed ploted to Promontory Point , where ii connected with the Central 1'iiciGc , May 10,18G9 , but by some Jocpr ; < 'r. . main charanteriatic of these railroads they managed to delay its nccoptanco. Government commissioners Tore going over the road , inspecting champtigt . } bottles and other incidental ! ) fur * Ta * > - * 'faftrud Mum Jiy-6ho mdroad company and concluded that the road was no completed until 1874 , so that tin three years did not terminate unti 1877 , when these htids rovertei legally to the people of the weaten country. Looldng over a copy ro Gently of the Omaha Republican , ' n Union Pacific organ , ho found an < ' < ! ! torial article therein printed in 1871 admitting that aid lands would si revert the following year , hence that was evidently the opinion oj the com pany themselves at that time. Tliei Mr. Hitchcock and Mr. Sargent trim : , to got a bill through congress pro viding that the government shouli buy all the lands buck at $2.50 at ucron but failed. ' This matter was pretty wi'll umlor stood through Kansas and Nobrnska and a Kansas farmer named Dudjino Bottled upon one of thi-so railroad BUC tionaand made application to thu lam department fcr hin papont. Gunyrn Williamson , formerly land coinmU oionpr for the Union Pacific , wusthei United States commmissioiior of lurid and he decided that thu man haum right to preempt the land. Tlmtduoioio was referred to Mr. Marble , asuiBUti attorney general , and ho gave it u his opinion that these lands had reverted vortod back , according to the Ian guago of the railroad charter , an thereupon an order was' given re storing them to entry. The Burlin ton & Miesouri Itivor had taken ou their patonta and disposed c \ \ their lands to a company witl in itself and they Imvo boo putting the lands on record and pa ) ing tuxes on them. The Unio PftciGo trusted to thuir cheek to carr them through. Farmers in Saundoi county and elsewhere , had settled o their lands at this juncture ; the : land agent at Grand Island , Wn Platt , brought suit against the con pany for not allowing him to sett ! on their lands ( laughter ) . Then 'tli company hired a lawyer for him am I imagine , paid all the costs. TJi bogus suit was brought into tl ; United States court before Juii Dundy. On one eido WHS Judj. McKeloy , formerly assistant attornt for the Union Pacific , with 15111 Pint agent of the company , KB his cliei mioing the company , and on the othi was Mr. Popploton , the regular a tornoy of the company. Tlioy mat out riomp sort of u case there wart i "impeding to the couao of justice" ] that case and the case was at otice d cidsd in favor of the Union Pacil ( laughter ) . The caao was pushed t 'to the higher courts , and 1 wrote Secretary Schurz that the nrgumen , made had all boon on one side a et of jug-hnndio business , you kiu ( laughter ) , and that they would pro ably bo the same in the higher cour But Mr. Schuns was powerless ; Gt Dorena , attorney general , was \ only man who had the rif to appear for the people , . hod boon at ono time v < friendly to the Credit Mobil crowd , and had boon attorney for i Amw family the saiutod Ames , whom they are building a monum up in the Kooky mountains ( Isughti The aguments wera not very exha tivo , und again the decision was favor of the Union PaciOc' With due respect to the old gentlemen v compose the United States Buprn court , I would cay they are clot BOIUOtimes ; dinner hours lust fron . t ' to C p. rn. at Washington , and bro - fut dou't coma ou until 10 in morning ( laughter ) , and they dc have mtich time to look uti CMPS , oopeciftlly where the attorm-yn on both' ftidt.nocms so harmonious ( laughter. ) Bo thin most important CMC , iuvovliuul million * , WAI thus decided againit the people , and meet nioustn UH wrong waa perpetrated , I huvo heard Ro-v coo Conkling and Wi limn M. Ev rt ay that sometimes the supreme court reverses itenlf , nnd if a strong ofiort w > ro mada I hare IK > doubt that de cision could bo rovonod ( laughter ) , THK ARNDT CAWI. In Saunders county a party of farmers who hsd scttlrd upon U. P. lands combined together to defend themsolvoH agalnut ejectment. They had taken lands under the decision of the rocretary of the Interior , and m < lo improvement ) ) unon them. They thouaht thny had rights the gov ernment was bound to respect , but Imvii sirico found they wcro mistaken f'lpplaus. ] Ono of theco men was Auvunt Arndt who had improved his i.uid and put his family upon it and then loft the state nn businow. The Union Pacific , with the ansiatanoo of a vi-ry nccommodationg United Sutos Inantnal took auvatitagu of his uboonco and throw his family and goods out in the o 'Id ' , ami whoti ho camu back ho found himself ejected from his form. I To also found upon an ex amination of the papers in the case that a mintako had been made in the di Hcription of Iho land , and hu brought unit againnt the company to | recover poiscssion of his laud. Huma a poor man ho came to Omaha and worked at his trade M black- stnitn , and parties who know him then have told mo that ho wan an honest , industrious man , ns far a they could judge. But ho waa very bitter towards the Union Pacific , as ho naturally would bo under the cir cunistancea , and un effort has been made to make Him out a very Guitouu. Falling into the handn of lawyers moro or leas under the control of the Union Pacific , the court throw his case out , or neglected to try it , and the clerk forgot to file his papers and the man very naturally expressed himself in terms not very compli mentary towards the men who had do no thuso things. On the night of the 4th of last No vember the clerk of the United States court was murdered by some un known parties. Great excitement was created , rewards offered , and de tectives put to work , but up to De- cumber li ( no clue had boon found aa to who did it. On thu 10th of De- 11 comber a peculiar acone was witnesoid in the Umttd States court at Ora-ih : . [ Hero the 'opeaker road from the Omaha Herald an account of Judge Dundy'fi fltntumont to U'i < Var , to thu effect that he could not try the cueo of Arndt vs. thu Onion Pacific , us lib had .received mttera from Arndt threatening nis life ] Well , this HI- tlo fane wan performed in that court that''afternoon , and thn grave and ' fBO counsel for the Union Pacific , . | who hud had several fuvorablo duci sioun fiom that 8imu conrt , expressed tliPiuselvea as perfectly willing to risk a decision under thu ctroum- tt'incfo. That very afternoon Arndt wna arrested , and for one day at loaot , no ono was allowed to see him. My reporters were refused admis sion to hia cell , aa was also his own wife , the ronson given being that ho was suspected of h ivinc ; murdered the clerk of the oourt. Under the pressure brought' the grand jury Arndt waa next day in dicted un the clmrgo of threatening the court , but lifter mlting two noeka the grand jury adjourned without in dicting Atndt for the murder of Wat- ou U. Smith. For eovcn weeks Arndt. was kept in jail , hinbuil having been first fixed at § 10,000 , and was then taken to Lincoln for trial , and I wit wuuk they Hunt to Kans is for ci judge and thu whole machinery otthu government was put to work to try n man for u misdomeiumr. [ L.nighter [ No witiiL'ssm wore brought in a him excepting parties whom Arndi had employed us attorneys mill Jud t Dandy hiniBelf tuatificd that ho had in fcir of the mini. Finally he wan con < vicjcd on thu cliAriju of "impelling the course of jiiitico , " whi'ii the fact ii that hu hud been all the time urging thu court to decide hia case , [ Laugh II ter. ] . IIt I consider this one of the groatcttl 8 . over hoard of in tbla country , [ Api > luiiKu , ] It ia an ovidunco that tliia ( jruat curporution wants to tyraii HIM over Iho people and ohow then that it in dangerous for nny man k antagonize their road , [ Applause , ] The Lincoln Journal says tlmt Arndt ia i bad man that hu ia at the head of f band of communists nnd nihilists it ; Humidors county who want to runkt war on the Union Pacific and rcoovoi certain bouda voted the company ii that county nnd also to pru-einpt tin railroad lands. Six youra ago the Union Pacifu wanted to force the people of cmitr.i Nebraska to help thutn build tin Omaliu A Itcpubhcan Valley railroai * and Baiinderii county was nnkud t < vote several hundred tliousand dollar in bonds. There wno such atrong op position to thin tliat the road iiu ported KovL-rnl huiulrcd labororn frou Omikha into that county , kupt then thorp thirty daya and voted thorn n the bond election , In the great ox citoniont they oven built a gibbet bi , t ui public sijuaro nt Wuhoo and pu jr upon it this inscription : "Any mai t , . who votoH a aiimt boiuU willbuhuiiR. ] u A young man who had come up froi 10 Ashland , where there \v\u ; LTt'iit oppi in sit ion to the bon a , was seized upo 0. and nearly Imati-n to death. And no1 j0 the men who opponod the payment c m thu boiula obtained by fraud and ii to timidation ni-o pronouncrd commui ( „ ists and nitiiliata. .rt . In the Arndt tlial District Atto > w noy Lainborts'in said "show mn n mn > b- who is constantly tallcing about co ( a. poration wrongs and I will show yt > n. u Bcoundrul and a liar , " ( Hisses ho Ilo Bald this \\asainostamiablujud } ; : ht whoso only fault was that "ho waa h lie tuan and waa a friend to his friund > ry but who would harm no. man. " Uu ior gentleman , hero U a mnn who w the convicted and sent to u felon'a ct for for simply defending his rights , ai 01 hero is a United States judge wl takes trips to California with bis fat ily and friends , riding in a apoci palace car at the expense of the Unli Pacific , his eatables and drinkabl being also furnished him by the sat generous corporation. ( Laughto This judge being human , will ho 11 also bo very grateful for these kin IIOBBCS 1 My personal relation to Judge Di have nn unfiiond'y feeling toward him now , but if hu wai my brother I iihould cxprcfls disapproval of thin prosecution nf Anuunt Arndt. Otto of our lending Rttorneya told mo re cently that it WHS no longer nny use to nook ri-dresi in onr United Stntea cour n for men who have been wrong- cd by thu Union Pacific , on account of the pressure brought to boar by that company upon packed juries , Some ot thcso men arc merchants whohave nnd rebaten and others are furnished by the company with p&soos to attend court free of expcrwo A volco "Who composed the jury that indicted that mnn Arndt ? " Mr. Rowwatcr The jury that in dicted him did so under the impres sion thit hu waa on ansaenin , and the main thing'wan to hold him at that time. There nro 80,000 voters in Nebraska , and under our lawn the United States juries are supposed to bo drawn from theno voters , in nil purta of the s'nto , by t'wo commis sioners , ono from the republican nnd ono from the democratic party the greenback party not being recognized by thu United Slates government ( laiiehtor ) , Now you easily find a U. P. republican and a U. P. demo crat to look after the interests of those corporations. On the last jurv there were dinvyn thu mums ot J. 'i. Clark , superintendent of the U. P. , and of Mr. IIoldroio ; , manager of the B. A M. Mr. Starling Which party do these railroad own ? Mr. Ilosewoter They owa their men in both pnrtirn , - Mr. Starling Which party was it that changed the govermunt mortg.igo on the Union Pacific from u firot'to a second mortgage ? Mr. KuBownter Tiiat was a party by the name of Jamoa lirooka , a democrat from Now York ( lauijJitor ) . Mr. Starling liy what power did ho do thit ? Mr. llosowatcr Well , ho had a sort of power of attorney in the slmpo of Credit Mobilior stock ( luughtor ) . But it ia no use to go back to 18G2 ; you may aa well oak who discovered A'merici need not go farther back than 1880 , and let us look nearer homo. I want thla alliance to adopt a resolution with regard to the find- in i { of thu Buprumo court for one thine , nnd also to require the Union Pacific to take out patents for thuir lands , und that would piv-'i ua the tax on four million acrer of land in this state , on > whi'"h Iliuy have -buon pay ing np ' tax. The company claim . icy have disposed of their lando by mortgaging them a most preposterous assumption. Under auch a proposition a homesteader tould toke a quarter section , put a mortgage upon it , and claim that by this dis- poinl the land will not revert to the ijovernmynt , ovoii if he duca not live upon it for/ivu ycura. By the same reasoning , a m in who leased n picco of land to a party for tun yeaty could not reclaim his property nt thu ex piration of thu IORRL' , if the leascu had put a mortgage upon it. If these four million acres of land are worth only a dollar un acre , wu would bo entitled to $800,000 in taxes from thu Union Pacific , and that amount would go a Ionic wayn for building wings for the capital at Lincoln. [ Laughter. ] Judge Crouneointroduced a bill in the house nt one time to compel the Union Pacific to take out pntenta for their lands. The bill WAS approved by the house committee but that eminent statesman Mr. Fry , chairman of the committee , at down upon the bill and it ia still fryiug. Liiuuhtur. ] In closing Mr. Ilosewator naked the alliance to petition thu president for c pardon for Arndt and in that con nection road an admirable letter from a lady of Ashland , Nob. , in Arndt't bolmlf , the writer requesting that il bo not published , and uluo that hci niuno bo not given the public. Mr. JnuioaV. . Abbott , of Hastings , followed with nn eloquent tint lengthy nddroaa , endorsing the ob jecta af the alliance and expressing i hopu for ita HUCCOBS. The convoutior then tidjourned until i ) n. m , Tluirs day. B. SmnllCoxufort. When you are continually coughin ; liiljht and day , nnnojin ; : cvpryt od ; uroiind you , a > d hojiiiv It will K ° nway o itrt ou n accord , you are runnini ; a danger IIH rlak better 'e ' lr. THOMAH' KI.KO liny On , , iiu ynfalllng remoily Jn nil BUC ! COSCH. 30-lw , Two Chrgaa > - Kogulato first the stomach , BOCOIK the liver ; especially the first , BO as ti purform their functions perfectly , am will remove nt least nineteen-twonti otlia ot nil the ills that mankind i heir to , in thia or any other climate Hop Bitters is thu only thing tha will givp perfectly healthy natura actions in thcso two organs. Main Farmer. M-15 Sioux City A Pacifli THE SIOUX CITY ROUTI Hun * Bolld Trvln Ihroufth from 11 1 Council Blutls to St. Paul 11 ' t Wllhout Clianue Time , Only 17 Moun. IT IS fl. O < n > WltKB TIIK JWORT1C3T UOUTl COUNCIL BLUFFS . ro OT , PAUL , M1NNKAFOUB UULimi OR D3HAH01 ind till p&lnlu In Northern town. Ulmionot * M lUUoU. ThU lluo In ( XiulnHKl | 1tli Uio liuprari n WioUngliouae Autoinr.tlo Air-brake utiJ XI111 fUUorui Coupler ami Duller ; and ( ur , Sl'KKI ) , 8AKKTV AND COUXOUT la uumiriuuKod. Vulliiuii I'aUcv blccplnc Ca run through WITHOUT C1IANU1 ! Iictwuon Kiv fta City tuj St. 1'aul , via Council HluHa ai Bloux City , Tralni leave Union I'oclOo Trannler it Cou r , i ctl Uluili , at 7iU : > p. m. dally on nrrlval ot ICain I City , IU. Joseph and Council llluflu train ( re Uiaiauth. Arriving at Hlonx City 11:35 : in and at ttto New Unluu Vcjxit ftt bt. l' ul at IS : noon , EN HOUna 1H ADVANCK OF ANY OTUl IIOUTK /4TRcuicmb r la taking tha Sioux City Rot you not a Through TrMn. The Hhortoct Lit the QulcLotTiuuand a Comfortable Hide In t Through botwiitu COUNCIL IILUKKU AND ST. 1'AUL. tyiim that your Ticket * road via the "Slo as City and l acino iUlIrood " ill 1. a. WA1TLKH. J , U. BUCHANAN Buporlntondent. Oeu'I l'u > . Agent , id V. K.TIOU1NBON , Aw't Uca'l fva. Af"t. " , lie Missouri V&llcr , lawn J , 1L O'lillYAH , BoutbwMteni Agcjit , 11- Oouuci llluO * , iol 911 7 C H > . ulWU lea no BYRON REED & CC ' OLDKar BiTiBUlUUI . ) lot Real Estate dill - igenc IN NEDKASEA1 ill * Kttft coairleta fthetract ot tills to R Svtilo ID Ouuh n Dout-las eauatv. nu BITTER5 In HcxrU of Fnmillo * HoiHctUt'N Bioinnch llltleH It M much retr&Mod BII a houHohold lu-coraity euu r or coDuo. The rcaiwn o ( thli In thut of fljporluiiM hwe proved It to he purftjct y rollaUlo In the a'uoc < of cmcnroncy where a prompt Mitl convenient rem edy IN dumtndod , Cpnitliatlon | , liver uinipUInt , dyn | rMUt liKllgejlion and othtr troubloi or * overtomeby It , Kor nile by all BlfiiKjUts and Dealers , to vrhom apply Jpr ItoetrtU'r'ii AUnMiii" fnrW2. Gentle Women Who want glossy , laxnrlonfc anil Tvnvy tresses of abnndant , bcautliul IIair must 11 so LION'S KATHA1BON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair crovr freely and fast , keeps it from filling out , arrests and cares grayness - ness , remotes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it n curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sore result of using Katliairon. Free to' Everybody ! A Beautifal Book far tlia Asking , By applying personally at the nearest office ol TIIK SINURIl MANUKACTUUINO CO. ( or by pastil curd If at a dlttanco. ) any ADULT pur. ou will be presented with a beautifully 11U3- [ rated copy ot a Now Hook outltlod GENIUS REWARDED , OP. THE STORY OF THE SEWING MAOHINE conUlulDs ; a handnome and costly etoel oigrav- luit ( rontlHplorce ; also , 28 Dnuly cu ravc < l wooil cuti , and bound In an cliborato blue and gold lithographed cover. No charge whatever U made tor thia iiandaoine book , v.-ulch can bo obtained only by application at the branch and subor dlnato oClcci of The Singer ManulacturlnK Co. THE SIHQKB MANUFACTURING CO. , Principal Office , 31 Union Square , New Totk 3JUDKS if * If Tt.'j flrft a man 7 ofinulnd.m.mwL' , rned by the nUrutn nt your iliitlu * arcld work , to ret wlinulonUanrt uc toro brain ncnre nnd Mop Dlttoro. KiUiO Hop Oi If jou ro yourft nd erin from rtiy Ii. dUcitllon or UUjipa tlon i 1C youorurnar- tied or hlnrli ; . old or jounir , snlforluir fror.i noorhrMth ur uiiKUUh tlna ou a beU of SICK DNS , rtlj on Hop o ittert. WhoflTer yoorc. Tlio > u < no oie n- ffliem-rer jou tvrl naully from aimu that your system I ii of Kidney , nilxl'v ncida clMuulne. too- c o that utimuutlitBi have Iwicnprotentea Inif or nliboutn/orca a. by timely use of ' . nko Hop Hep ittoro : BlttO" . o. > . orui'nurufont- . dlwawj Isand juatriV. and of the ftnmarA , bio cure for . HOP d.iirfl * , itliioll , drunkeimoa { ( ivroriurtvtf. uw of opium , You "HI be tcbaoou , cr CTircdlfyou * o narcotics. Hop Blttor * KjolinroB'm . .vnJfui wenlc ud HIT lowaplrluil.try NEVER ClreuUr. ut It may uoh ninxu onvoyour FAIL BTQ 10. , . llfo. It has nuved hun Botkeii rn.l Orado AToronle , Oni. DISEASES OF TUB- EYE & EAB DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Auiist LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAI LONDON OPHTHALMIC ) HOSPITAL. IWerencea all Reputable yilctani ot Omahi trOfflce , Corner 16th and Farnham Oti . . . . . Omaha. Neb * - * Wn 8. GIBBS FHKHOIilAND AND ANDSUBBEOM Room No4 , OrolRhton Blooli , 151 Stroot. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Omoi ; llouus : 10 tol'J A. M. , 3 to 0 r.i Tt'lciilinne connected wltli Central O < lc | NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Care Guaranteed- Dr. II. C. Wc t' Ncrvo and Bmlii Treatment A fpnlfle for Hysteria , DIzzhiuM , Con\uUloi Ner0111 liraJaUie , llontnl Di-protslon , Loss McnioryHiicruiatorrhui , Iii.iioU'inyl Invo'.unta Em Mlonn , rreinaturtf Old Aao , cau o.l by ovt c'lfrtlon , tell liwo , or ovcr-liidulienec , wli ! leidi to mUery , ilocay and ileatli. Ono box u euro lucent ca o < i. ' : a ' box. contains one montl treatment , Ono ilolUr a liov , or tlboxoi I mo ilollui ; tout I > y null rrcpild on rwcclpt price. We L'uaraiittsJ njx boxrs to euro any en With each order rocvlltd by w for fclx boxes , i coi i > anted \kithllva dollars , will cond the jn cbiuwr our uritUsn ( .niarauteo to uturn t money If Iho treatment does not fit ct a cure. : B 0. F , ( loodmau , Urur l t , Bole , Whploialo a ' " Agent , Omaha , Neb. Order * by mall PASTJIME ! In going Kait take the Chicago & Northwest ern iw- * . . . and 7:40 : a. STTralns leave Omah 3:10j : > m. For full lnforni tloii callon'll. 1' . .DUEL. . Tie ! Aftcnt , Mlh and Farnhem 8U J. Utl.L. U. llllay De | > ot , or at JAMES T. CLAKh , Oon al Accn ) , Ouiaha , _ ] al7m&o t y D. S. BENTON , ATTOENEY-AT-LA' ' ATJ3AC11 BLOCK , BITTERS Mm. J. O. Hobf r ( on , WtUburjr , Pa. , writes : "I wan luffcrlnz from gp-ncnd debility , want of ap petite , eonntlpntlon , etc. , HO tliat life vna n bur den ; aft r u/ilng / Ilurdock Hlood Hitters I felt bet ter than for yerun , I cannot pml < a jour UUten too much , " K.OIbbs. rf nuffolo , N. T. , * rte ! : "Vour Dunlock HI01 Blttom , In chronic dlecMCi o ( tlio blood. ll\cr a..I kldne\n , ha\e bc n nUfnivlly mnrke < l with micc . Ihavo Umxl them mPoll with brFt results , for torpidity of the Iher kndln casuof a friend of mine Buffering from Oropoy , the effect waa nianeloun. " Hruco Tumor , Hochcdtcr , N. Y.iwrltf : ' ! have been § uhjoet to aerlotu disorder ot the kidney * , and unable to attend to hufllnw ; Ilurdock Illood tilttorti rellcM-il mo beforelialf abottl * uaa UMM ! I feel confident that they will entirely cure mo , " , K. Atenlth Hall , lllnghumpton , N. Y. , writes : "I miffortsl w-ith a dull p.Un through my eft lunjc anil rholihler. I/0"t my nplrlM , appetite and color , and could lth dlttlculty keep up all duy. Took jour Ilurdock Illood Hitters fn dl- rcckd , nnd Imvo felt no i > aln elncc flrnt neck af- tct talag them. " Ir. Nonh lUtci , Klmlro , N. Y. . writes : "About four ) earn n o I h'td MI attack of bilious fovcrnud nc\cr fully recov ri > U. My dlgcutlvo"organj wore weakened , and I would be completely pros trated for Unja. After u ln tno bottli'H ol jour Ilurdoclc lilood Hitters the luiproxcmint wa BO \llhle that I was astonished. I con now. though 61 years t a e , do a fair and reasonable day's work. C. Illackot Itoblnson , proprietor of The Canada Prortbjterion , Toronto , Ont. , wrltee : "For j tan I BulTernl grintly from oft-recurring headache. I used jour Ilurdock Illootl nittern with happiest rcBultx , and I now find mvnCU In bitter health than for years last. " Mrs. Wallace , Huffalo , N. Y , writes : ! have uwd Ilurdock UUxxl Ilittcrd for nonous and bil ious headaches , nnd can recommend It to anyone requiring a cure for bllllousncas. " Mn. Ira Mullnollnnd , Albany , N. Y , writea : "For several yoaro I have Buffered from oft-recur ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com- nlaluU peculiar to tny sox. Smco using your Ilurdock Blood Hitters I am entirely relieved. " Price , 91.00 p i flottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Cts FOSTER MILBeH.&Oo Props , . , , , BUFFALO , N , Y- Bold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. P. Ooodman. je 27 cod-me Tnla great I pacific cures that most loathsome diseases SYPHILIS "WTiuthor lt > its Primary , Secondary or Tortlnry Stuge. Itcmorcs all traces of & crcury from the ayg- toai , Cures Strofula , OM Sore' , Ithcuma- titm. Eczema. Cftir.rrh or any Blood Disease. Cores When Hot Springs Fail ! Maliprif , Ark. , May 2 , 1831. \Ve hare onsen In onr town who lived at Hot nd wore dually cuicd ulthH. B. d. Memphis , Menn. , May 12 , 1S31 Wo have sold 1,200 hot' ' leu of U.S. H. In a year. It baa uiveu universal BiUsfictlon. Fair mlnued phyalclana now recommend it ns a positive specific. y. MANsritLO & Co. Unisvllle , Ky , , Mixy 13. 1S31. S. S. has given better eati faction than any uictllclr.o I hao over foldv J. A. l'L XMpa. Denver , Col. , May 2,1831. Ktcry purcha-eripcaksln the hlxnest tcnni Of 8. H. S. L. Mciejolrr. . ayll , 1881. You can refer anibony to u < In rcsjrdtotho mcrita of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co. ! I.i > c never known S. ? . S to fail to cure a caae cf Syphilis , when j.ropcrly taken. II. Ii. Dcnr.ard , li.rr. . n. . iii : Warren. JUrrj.Ua. The nbo\ eljfners nreuciitlouion of lilsh stand- ins. A II COLQUIIT , Governor IF YOU WISH WE W M.TAKK Y UIISE CA TO 1E ! 1'AIU FOK WHEN CUIIED. Write for particulars and oopy of little book 'Jlcssaio to tbo Unfortunate. 81.OOO Ro-rtrnrd will bn { aid to anj chemist who will Hint , on rjnUysis UK ) bottloi S 8. S , , ono particle of Mercury , lodlda 1'otao alum or any auhstancu. SWUTSPECIKIC CO. Frorn. Atlaniu , Oa. Price of regular slio reduced to ? 1 7S per i ot tlo Small Bze'holding half the quantity , price , 91.00. Sold by KENSAIID & CO. , andDrugciata Generally. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDI ILKR & 00 , . Solo Mftuafacturera , PILES ! PSLES ! PILES ! 19 , ASure Curc Found at Lad Of " ry No" Ono Ns fl Suffer ! Amuocura for lillnd , Utovdlni ; , Itching an 5 Ulctratoi 1'lltjhiiiibeeridlBi.ovirtfd by Ur. Wi Him , ( MI Indian rcuu-dy. ) cMlid Ur. WillKni ll' Indian Ointment A single box has cured t ! lor wont chronic cues of Ser 30jcars alandlng. > lorof one noi'd suffer fho mluutcg nttor applylni ; th uonderlul soothiut ; medicine , Lotions , liutr uicuU and electuaries do rcoro harm than goo ir- \V'llllMu'a Olnuuuul absorbs tne tumors , allv irhe the Intonee Itching , ( prtteuLuly at nl bt afti getting warm In bed , ) Rets aa npoultlce , given I nd > tant and nalnleM relief , and burcparod only fi ndut Piles. Itching ot the private parti , and ( or not : Ing el o , Kead what the Hon. J. It , Ccf.lnbcrr > - of Clev and ar * about Dr. Wllllom'a Indian Pile Oln ment ! lha\ou > ( dE < : orc3 of Plica euros , and torda wo p eauurc to eay that I have never foui njthlu Vhlch fi\o eucn Immediate and perm neut relief ai Dr. Wllilim'a Indian Ointment. For aale by all drugghta or mailed oa receipt prlco , 11.00. HENRY & CO. . Prop'rfc , CLIVILIMD , Oiuo. Tor laloby 0. f Goodman. I" . tor- I DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , f HOTELS. ' 1 ARLINdrON , 3 , J. 0. MctNTlRE , Uncoln , Nffc / SARATOGA. HOTEl ) , J. S. BTELUNrUO , Mllford , Neb. WOODO HOUSE , ' W. P. ELLIS , Otceolo , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAH , Olromurg , H , i AMERICAN HOUSE , GCO. H. McCMn , Couth Bend , No HALL HOUSE. A. W. HALL , Loultyllto CITY HOTEL , CHENEY , & CLARK , DUtr , Heb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O , 0. HACKNGY d , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. WM. CLEMMOHB. COMMERCIAL HOTEL C EVANS , 05elll , Neb , DORCHESTER HOTEL. A. 8. KINIU.H Dorthetter , N b COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Nollgh , N t > CENTRAL HOUSE. JAB. MoKICLIP , York , Neb. TUTTLE HOUSE , W. H. TUTTLE. Aurora. Neb. OAQE HOUSE , A. R. OAQE , Republican ChyNe DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS A W1LLIAMB. Hasting * , NB GRAND CENTRAL 1. BEYMOUR , Nabrailb City , No SANDERS HOUSE , OHAB. E. Me l8HX Friend , N b WOODWARD HOUSC. WARE * WOODWAJID , 'Exeter , Nab. MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THOHP , WeoptngWnter.Nob E8TE8 HOUSE , N. T t8TE8. Grand Itland , Neti. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W..WILM8 , Kearney , Neb. WILDER HOURE' THOMPSON HEED , Wli'jor , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , HArdy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE. a W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbui , Nob. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J , 8. QREGERY , Central Oltv , Nd SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKETT. Ortaton , l u JUDKIN8 HOUSE , OUDKIN8 & OnO , . Red Oak , IA. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALPH , ExlrJ , la REYNOLDS HOU3E. . O.M. REYNOLDS. Atlantic , In , \ WALKER HOU-E , D. H. WALKER , Au ubon , In. BURQEOU3 HOUSE. ' D A. BURGEOUS , Neota , la. CITY HOTEL , DI D WILLIAMS Kirlan , U , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMIN03 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J. L. AVERY. Ctanton , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , VUllsca. la. PARK HOUSE , W. J. QARVIN , Cornlne , la. OUDKIN8 HOUSE. FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , MERCHANTS' HOTEL , W. I. BOULWA.RE , Pacific Junction , la. . O. WHOLESALE GEOGEB , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Nf .h _ H. M. & M. PEAVY , CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street. J4 ' 20eod-mic6m WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AMD DBALKH N Wall Paper and Window Shades * 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. EDHOLM Give tile Bargains CT ALL KINDS OF WATCHESOLOCKS , SILVERWAEESOLID AND PLA.TED WARE AND DIAMONDS. At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who EoallyiWishea a First- Class Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclusively by us. ALSO WESTERN AGENTS SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CIVS ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. 309 South Tenth Street. QUALITY AND FIT GUARANTEED. French Calf-Tongue Boots , Sewed , - - $9.00 French Calf Boots , Pegged , . . . . 6.00 American Calf Boots , 5.00 Pegged Alexis or Buckle Shoes , - - 3.50 MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR FEET OUT OF 1SHA'PE , .All Orders Promptly Attended to und Filled With Ois'putch J. A. WAEEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKAJ.ER IH Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , Li ME , CEMENT : E xA.tsianEHEt , xnc-a. W8TATI5 AQEN * FOR MILWAUKEE CEMJJNI COMPANY } Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , 2EB