4 HE OMAHA DAILY BEE KLEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA TUESDAY MORNING , JANUARY 31 1882. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Yesterday's Proceedings in the Senate and House * . . * . The Fundiu * Bill Still Fuuimered. U on in the Branch. Wbllo the Low r Body Spends the Day , aa Usual , in Intro- Now Bille. MiM llMie < ma News Front tba No tional Capital. CONGRESS. rif > CBtniitOK IN TUK WAMHINQTOK , January SO Mr. Edmunds reported from the ju UcUry cotnmittou the bill stabliahing the court of commissioners on the Qonovn award and to distribute the amount remaining tothoovtnora of vessels do- atroyed by the exculpated cruisers. Mr. Hour offered an amendment to cover 1 < MCS by the same owners and including war premium men. The funding bill came up , tut un- tinished business. Mr. Slierman argued thnt ttui ro enactment of cec- tiona 6159 and 5160 reported by Mr. Vest would compel cloven banks in New York doing bubineea without circulation to at once withdraw $10 , 000,000 from commcrciaL purpoaea and invest in thrau bondri , causing much commercial derangement. The senate discussed Mr. Yost's ' pro | OBed amendment to the funding bill without action. An attack and a defense of national ban IB wire tliu principal features of the discussion. At 3:50 : p. m. the senate wont into executive session and BOOU after ad- journed. In executive session , the sonata confirmed a number of postmasters , among them being Paul Schmiiiku , of Nebraska Ciiy. PnOCEKDINOS IN TUB JJOO.SE. Mr. Cubbtiered a > bill providing for the unit ) of lands herotoforujjrantod railroad companies and unearned by thorn and appropriating the funds thereof only to rchool purposes. Bills were introduced aa followa : By Mr. Carlisle , permitting the importatinn of iron ores from Canada frooofduty. * By Mr. Robertson , giving the Mississippi couimmsion powers of con demnation of property for rivur im provement. Bv Mr. Van Horn , appropriating 250,000 for an outl t of the Missis- 7 aippi river into Laku Borguo , the tnonoy to bo paid John Camden on the construction of such outlet half a mite wide , carrying 200 cubic feet of water per second at high water. By Mr. Hardonburg , removing the duty on mtwgpapore and periodicals. By Mr. Pottibone , limiting thotime within which to begin prosecution for violation of the revenue laws By Mr. Ainslee , providing for the admission of Idaho ; requiring mail oars be heated by steam to avoid fire ; fixing the term of internal revenue collectors at four years. By Mr. Robeson , a joint resolution directing the president to confer with the Government ofthe Hawaiian Islands regarding the creation of a union treaty , providing for the ad mission of American goods there free of duty. The appropriations committee re ported the consular and diplomatic appropriations bill , which appro priates $1,198,530 , being § 11,025 less than lost year. A resolution was adopted calling for derisions of the secretary of the inte rior , attorney general and others reg.krdinp th'e Northern Pacific rail road lands , tit3 to which hid been forfu ted and afterward reaffirmed. The bill to'rednco letter p stage to ona cent was adversely reported on by the committee. The bill rouulating the importation of Chinese labor was fuvor.ibly reported by the committee , and made special order for * February 7. The bill for a comiiiusioji on the liquor traffic vai favorably reported. A resolution asking if thetirift" consular rates have been revmed as requested. by the last congress was adopted. CAPITAL NOTES. National Astotlatod 1'rmi CONHUES8IOXAIJIECOHP. . WASHINGTON , January 110. Two of the seven mouths usually allotted as the duration of the long session of congress have nassod , and only one appropriation bill hai passed the house , and that ( the fortification bil ) is with the senate committee on ap propriate , i , Formerly there wore twelve of the general appropriation Mils , but lately the agricultural and District of Columbia have 'won ' added , und it ia now urged that the Missis- ippi river improvement appropriation bo made a bill by itself. There are many contested election eases that will develop u good deal of acrimonious debate , and there is a fooling that the prorent session will bo noted mainly for the number of bille introduced and the small number dis posed of , In the senate Sherman's funding bill is still the order of bu inesn , and may occupy two or three days more When the funding bill hua bon ilia- posed or rejected probably , but possibly - sibly amended so aa to pass there will bo a struggle for the floor. In- galls will insist on consideration of his resolution declaring the arrears of pension net ought not to bo re pealed , and Horrill will urge consid eration of his tariff cornum sion bill. Both these subjects have been partially discussed. Edmunds has a bill on the calen dar for the suppression of polygamy which ho hus given notice he will prii s. The senate has consented to the nominations of I'naiclon' , Vnhurtuih great unanimity. The rejection of a Doftmuster whoso nomination was ad versely reported from the postnflice committee and two army nomina tion' ! , action on which is suspended on pnrely technical points through sune informality , were the only hi oh os that have occurred thus fur. Senator Muhono having returned the naino of Str.vtha m for poetmnstei at Lynchburg , it will bo reported teen and lend to notno partisan debate , but no protracted delay , in confirmation of appointees ia expected. HILL TO HHnUCB H.ALAltltCH. ( Congressman Warner , of Tennes see' , having been iuipfosnod with the necessity for reducing the salaries of office holders , 1m introduced into the house a bill to accomplish his put- pose. Ho propose * that the president hereafter shall draw $30,000 instead of SoO.OOO. She salaries of the sev en members of the cabinet ho pro poses to reduoo to $7,000 par annum rein $8,000. His bill providoa that he assistant secretary o.t state and Uie asBiHtAnt secretaty of thn in- rior shall each ncoive S3 000 md the ik'sisiatit secretary of the reasury1 000 per annum. Tht- itv'ary ' of the Bpeaker of the 'homo ho would reduce from $8,000 to $7,000 per annum. * The compensation of eunatora , inerunorn and dole iitos in oongresalie thinks should bo$4,000in- stead of $5 000. Ho proposes to cut down the Btiurtoa of the ujaocluto jtn ticea of rho supreme court from $10 , 000 to $9,000 oaoh , and the Bolary of thechinf justice from 810,000 to $0- 500. Ho in particular , however , that the act shall not apply to the milnagc of Donators and repro ontatives , IUTIO the $125 for stationery , nor tq the franking privilege as now tiiOd by law , but to the annual salaries alone , ' MIWKLLAKKOUH. James Oleghbrn has boon appointed stxiro keeper in th ; First district of IllillOH. The postnflico department has ordered dored all mails for IVni to be sent to Payta , a northwoatern port , still it : the possession of Pern. Mr. Berrv Introduced in the himso to-day a bill mating the president in eligible for a second term , and giving him an annual pension of 90,000 after the first term. To facilitate the withdrawal ot mn tilled coin from circulation , superin tMiclontfl of uiintB are authorized tr pnruhasn United tJtatnB nilver coin of B'nndard fineness in sums of 3 and upwards without melting and ami ) a paying t the rate of ono dollar per ounce for standard silver contained. Un account of the rect-nt xppoint- merit rff a new aeaociatu justice , the following supreme rcnsficnmonts are announced : For .the First circuit , Horace Gr y , associate ; for the Second end circuit , S.jJ. Field , asFocitto justice ; for the Third , circuit , Joseph P. Bradley , associate juu icR ; for the Fourth circuitMorrison B . Waite , rhief justice ; for the Fiffh circuit , Stan'ej ' Matthews , associate justice ; for the Seventh circuit. John M. Harlan , nHsociate justice ; for the EtL'hth cir cuit , Samuel F. Miller , assr ciato justice - tico ; for the Ninth circuit , Stephen J. Field , osociato justice. In consequence quence of the resignation of Justice liunt , Juatico Fio'd ' has boon temporarily arily assigned to the . .Second circuit , this assignment to continue until a successor to Mr. Hunt is appointed. The entire Missouri delegation , he signed a memorial which was pre sented to the president to-day , anking the appointment of John F. C iliill , of St. tionis , as minister to Mexico. The appointment is asked on commer cial and not political grounds. Leave of absence has been granted Gen. Hurlbut , minister to Peru , to return to this country. Mexican Matter * . National Aoortotcd I'reen. CITY or MKXIOO , January 39. The state of Fociensco , bordering on Gua temala , is being rent with internal troubles , brought on by the boundary line dispute between Gantcnmla anil Music > , the population of F cana cn being one-half Mexicm and the other half Uuatenulian. Continuid ( lisputcH ariHO between them , which fiiquont'y ' end in free ligHis a d very often in bloodshed. This bitter fend 1ms been carried to such a high pitch of lute thntURfmimmon is becoming fro- quttnt , the latest buny that of Timothy thy Loon , a rich Mtxicnn cofl'oo planter , who waa allot through a win dow of his rem'douco , expiring almost immediately , and there is no clue to his assHHiin Curloa Grin , another in fluential Mexican , has notified the au thorities that unices something is done to protect Eociety from these marau ders and to quiet the public mind ho will dispose uf his property in t lie Btato and take up liin residence in the Ciiy of Mexico. WAfliiiNBTON , January 30.It has boon ascertained thut Lieut. McDon ald , recently arrested with a pirty of Indian scouts atAscenMon by Mexican authorities , showed thut huh.i'l crofHcd the frotif.-jr by permission of the town authorities to purchru.u forage , nnd were released after U'TO days detention , their nnrn and property returned , and the Mcjlfuuw Thc arrested thoin were all placed in jail. , Fire * . NKW YOHK , January 30. Freddy Robinson , a little son of U. I ) . Rob inson , amused himself by playing with matches in his father's apartments in Florence Flats and caused ? 8,000 damage. NEWARK , January 30. Hnbbard's watch factory at Host Newark burned to-day. The loss is estimated at 812- 000. BIIOOKLYN , January 30. The fire marahul'd report atatca that there were 483 fires during the year and a total los of $ 27 , 143 ; total insurance , 82,002,820. Fifty nine lire * were oc casioned by koroiuno lamps and fifty- ais by defective fluea. v r.i. _ 1 , , | L , , , l New X'baHo of Ocorclu Politics AIL..U > T > , G.I. , Janmry 30. The -U-Appeil to-day publihhta the lofcolutnm adopted by thu republican state executive cotnrnitteu oiiportiiig | nnd t'lidorung the lihcrdl party in ( his stiite. PLENTY OF CRIME. Oroofceflness of the Kansas Oity Tax Oolloctor , Baooat Developments in the Infamous Pooploh1 Oaeo in Detroit. The Ohicnpo Grand Jury Invoe- the Whoa4 : Corner of August Last. Miioellant > onii Oriminal U vn of tha Frrn. KANSAH CITY , January 30. Tax payers are considerably exercised over the dHoovery of a systematically planned scheme to rob them. The allegation ) * are that Comity Collector Greene ban bi un increasing thu vnlu\ tion from $1,000 , to 810,000 , and when taxea were paid pocketing iho differ ctico. Thu increased v.'duaMon in Kansna City alone id about $1,000,000. It is impossible to determine without investigation how much money has boon fraudulently made. Thn gravest implications exist in the otli.'O of the collector of taxes for this county , and the excitement over the condition of aiTiirs has not in the cast abtted. Collector Greene now admits that there have been many or- rbr made , and probibly frauds com- mit'ed by his clerkr. Although the cnamination of tax receipts has only been commenced by the people , scores of inst mces have already boon found where assessments have been railed and oxccsaivo amounts col lected. The collector has abked the county court , to make in investiga tion , but Judge White , of the circuit c urt , has doomed the matter of sufficient importance to order a special grand jury to meet to-morrow to make a 'thorough investigation of the silTair * of the collector's oflicu. U ii biirmifod that systematic c rooked- lias been going on m this office for many yuare , not only in the col lection of licenses from merchants and hunincsH men irentrnliy , but there are the bist reasons for believng that tlie treasury has been defrauded out of several thousand dollars. The county atpcsanr is also thought to be implicated , and a large petition has boin sent to the county court de manding his removal. ST. Louis Jauutry 30. Mrs. Gon. Geo. P. D.irris , a member of a well known and aristocratic family living on King's Highvay and Oiivo streets , waa found murdered yesterday. All thu evidence points to her grandson named Ru's II Brown as the murder er. He called the lady into a room on the pretext of wishing to npuak to hur privately. Whnn discovered there .wcru fnwer matks on her throat and other evidences of a struggle , Part of the old lady's jewelry is missing. KANKAKEB , Jauuar30. . The iafo in the poatoffice was blown open by burglars last night , who secured $1- 000 worth of stumps. NEW OULBANH , Januriry 30. Chas. Paul ( coloru I ) attacked Eve Thomson , a young c "lured woman , on a street in Ascension Pariah yesterday and stabbed her to * death. Jealousy was the cause. NKW YORK , January 30. The grand jury to-day bi'gan * an inquiry into the Spuyten Duyvil disaster by examine Conductor Hartford , of the wn cued train CAILKTTSUUKQ , Ky. , January 30. In tlie Crafts murder case to-day uov- eral witnosais were exttnined for the state , all giving testimony damag ing to the defendant. Dirriiorr , Mich. , January 30 Dr. Holly-vood ciuid before a police jus- ticti tliirt nioining anrl swore tlnir in thfi first week in January , 1870 , K woman immud Martha Whiiltt c.iint to him for an abort inn. She lud n < i money , but did luvo a note ftoni William Peopled , upon which HIU ! expec'ed tu collect homo money. Alnmt a week afierw.trdu he was called to eXHinino a pttiunt of Dr. Cox , at Mm. Schri'Her'rt houao. The wonian't boweln were leveiish nnd bloated. Hi told Dr. Cox it uns a dangerous CIIBO. He recoun xvd the patient us the sunn woman who c.uno to his oilicu after an abortion. On this evidence the chiel of police dIFored to nutke complainl against Cox and Schrcidcr for Mai the Whitlu'fl murder , but the police justice tico and proseciiiiinattorneywould ] no < accept the complaint on ( inch llitnsj evidence. The chief theiuforo had ti release hin prisoners , who had been arrus ted on suspicion , The tupidit > uf the chjof of police is denounced in a scorching article in the Evening News , which declares that he waa drunk when ho had thn arrest made ; that he m the liabit of gutting drunk and abusing and assailing peaceable and well disposed persons. LKAVOWOUTII , January 30. Chas Letcher , who dots chorea about stores and boarding places , attempted a bold tobbory of n dressmaker , Airs. Par sons of this city , about 4 o'clock this afternoon. The lady has rooms in Laing'fl block and Lvtcher sometimes brought water for Her , Ho went into her parlor At ( ho time menlined and handing her a piece of paper , said , "Major Laing sent thia note to you" She took it to the window to road. Finding nothing in the paper she turned to ask wlut he meant , when uh.o was sei/.cd by the throat and in spite of her resiatence strangled to unconaciouHtieHs. Latchor then ransacked the room , obtained aboat $19 in money and left , locking his unconscious victim in the room. Mica Parsons became conscious in about two houri } nnd wai retained. Her friend * apprised the police and in leas than two hours Lutchur was nab bed , Much indignation is oxpreescd at such an a'uault in th < i hnait of the city , and hu will gethix full ( baeiu. LoAii.ssi'OUT , Ind. , January 30. On Saturday afternoon a trump nnmod William Hte-J , c.illed at Mrs. Kuell'is house , twelve miles from hero , and i ked for supper. The fiend then necked her down and outraged her or person , The neighbors pur- uiul and captured the mis- truant , and strung' ! him up to n reo until dead. They then piled inshwood under th dt-ud body and irod it. The sheriff , arrived from Vru aiuljtook po g Jonof the corpao , nd turned U over'to the coroner. NKLSOJJVH.UB , Texas , January 30.J J Tliero is proat caciteuicnt over the ilopomcnt of a bonutiful girl , aged 15 , named Pauline Blanks , with a toung mulatto named Brown. The loving couple took each a horse from their parents and fled to the prairies. GALKtuiUKCi , 111. . January 30. Thieves plundered thoCatholie chinch lantnipht of the eommupion sorvite and valuables. , CiiHVAflo , ilanuwy 30. A telegram wns rccoived at police hradquartern his morning colling for the arrest of itrick MuGIen , who left last night K ithin an hour. An officer was for- iinato enough to moot McOlen in a Moon ; he waa personally known and n.tdu no resistance or attempt at con- loaling hin identity. The oflicct lodged lim in the armory to Ariat a requisi tion from 8t. Louis. McGlen lived n Chicago about four years ago and worked as a bartender.4 During his residence in ( St. Louis he has been employed in a similar tenacity. He halt been identified with the criminal olnsnoB nil his life. He it wanted for complicity in the murdefc of the old lady Mrs. Dorria at Rt. loois on Sat urday night. ft'1 CIUCAUQ , January 3d , The cases acaintt Franklin and Hon. Way no Mac Vuagh and others , charged with sell ing fresh fish without pfoper marks , will oome before Justice D. Harry Hammer Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock , lion. Wayne Jt cVeftgh has an interest in his brothWa wholesale grocorj' store and sorvicttwas had on him. The case attmctB' considerable attention. CHICAUO , January SO , President Duuhum , Secretary Kaidolph , George M. How , Jusiah Protto Jr. , J. B. Hol > b3 , Archie Fisher and Mr. Hunt , of Hunt , Seymour & Go t/bf the board of trade , Elms Colbert and Guy Magee - gee , of the Tribune , and L. II. Bis beu wore before the urand jury to-day to ttstify in ro.'nrd to the corner on wheat last August. Thoinvestk-ntion crows out of a deal between Hunt , Seymour it Co and James A. Baker , in which the latter lost $90,000 The whole ma'ter is .now pending in the ciril courts. Mr. Hunt testified that ho had Bold ' 'abort" 100,000 bushela of wheat fur August delivery to men at the head of the corner , but when the timo'camo for delivery ho found it impossible to buy the wheat nnd hia principal in consequence jipod to lose 890,000. The object of the grand jury in investigating the August deal is to find out if the men who managed it can be brought within the range of the criminal statute against iho archi tects of corners. WASHINGTON , January 30. The star routes operated by ox-Senator Dorsey hnvo been the subject of in- vostiization by the grand jury the past three days. Among the witnesses examined about these routes have been J. W. Coles , of MilcH City , Mont ; Jos. Petrel ) , of Junction City , Mont. ; M. Cain , of Gilbert , Mont. , and Joseph Broderick , of Porcupine , Mont. Free Delivery in Idaooln- SprcUl Dispatch to The Roe. LINCOLN , January 30. A dispatch has been received from General McBride - Bride , postmaster hero , who is now in Washington , that Lincoln will have a free postal dolivdry after July 1 , 1882. Foreign Ncwf. National AtuKM-titted I LONDON , January 30. Yesterday a BBungur train collided with a freight train on thu North London railway. Ton persons wore kil'cd ' and injured. It ia rumored that eevoral ragi- wilts that have bean recruited with Irinhinun luivn become disatlucted. A disp.itch from C.ibul aaya that a reign of terror exists in that cily. The Amoir ii executing all the load- e.rH of th" ivcont opposition ( ind cou- -.eating their estates. He has 1 , 100 political priHoners confined in prisono awaiting his orders. PAIUS , January 30. Lullieritw sentoncud to two months' impriaon- myiit for ati'assault upon hia old cap- tiin , M. Hibour , whom lie connider- ed rcHponeililo for hit ) expulsion from the French army At the close of the proceedings a sensational scene occurred. Sibour publicly declared to Lullior that hu believed : him incapable of thu infamous offense with which ho had been charged by Paul Caesanac. The prisoner and prosecutor then shook hands in thn court , amid great excitement. As he was being removed to jail Lullior ex claimed , referring to Cansanac's two refusnlu to fight him , while ho lay un der the suspicion of dishonor : "This shaking of handa given me by my commandant means a sivord thrust in CaBsanac's bosom. " Loon Say has accepted the portfolio of the minister of finance , but has coupled acceptance with certain con dition * that are nut yet made public General Billet has been given the ollico of minister of war in the now cabinet. VIENNA , January 30. Austrian Field Marshal Hohenickstein is dead , Vtru-ChtU. S tlon I Aaicctitod fittn. WAKUINOTON , January 30. The morning papcra la-re will to-morrow state , on diplomatic authority , that Mr. Goday , member of the Chilean cabinet , just arrived , and who loft Santiago directly after General Kil- Patrick's death , had feared the effect of Trescott'fl miution and had been despatched to Washington to c'mnter- act thu inlliioncu and keep the United SUtcq floin interfering on behalf of PI-HI When Mr. Gwday landed in New i'oil. on _ Friday hoi found , IIDW\ over , lli.it his wutk nadull bcun done for him in tiio revocation of Treacott's and ho will return homo , SCOYILLE WEAKENING. Ho Wants Money to Conduct the Oaso. Ho Etna Put in Pour Menthe * Time at Qroat Pecuniary L06R , And Cannot A fford to Throw Away the Two Months Moro Neoeseary. Ho Wants Money to Plnoo the Oaee in the Handa of Other Mon. A d Virtnmlly Thr at ini to LAAT XtirNotBtiyplled. KiUoiul AjaocUtM Irm. WAHHINQTON , January ! JO. Mr. covillo appeared in court this morn- ng and asked that a comtntathn bo .ppointcd to examine the names ol he jurors alleged to bo on the nowa- ajior proRonted by him as ono of the reasons for n now trial. Ho stated ho had uot the least doubt of thu genuineness of the signature and asked that exports bo appointed to compare the signatures presented. The court said it would sit on Friday for hotting the motion for a new trial , at which'-tiruo ho would have the ju rors in coirt , whoh they 'could be lioard und6r oath on to the aigiiaturoa upon tha newspaper. Scovillo as senting , Friday -wan agreed upon. Guitoau puMcd iho night reatleMiy. Ho woke up with n very noru throat , and it hu. 'rowbled him nil X'ny ' Otherwise his houlUi ia good. A prominent roMiiiuuii knoucrl > < re- ntatoR that Hayden , vrho rlaiuir n have discovered that tliu GUiteMi yny road papers , has recently boasted of u eqhonie by which ho wan going to se cure Guiteau'n new trial and his story is now totally discredited. Sitivillo says that ho will make the most of it. He says that hereafter no letters ad dressed to Guitenu will be opened. His time is too much occupied to at tend to Itttora sent to the prisonoiv The counsel gives the following fur publication to thu American people : "I have faithfully defended Guitenu on the plea of insanity to the best of my ability. Tl o opinion entertained by me at first that he was the victim of a controlling delusion Ima grown to thorough conviction from the evidence adduced on the trial and f mm my own intercourse with the prisoner. I know that such is also the conviction of many candid , intelligent people , em bracing judges of courts , members of congress , lawyers , physicians , and all classed of society. The question now arises , What shall bo done. ? The defense has been niado by mo for thrco reasons : First , from loyalty to my wife , his sinter ; second , because I felt the defense to bo jut and there fore required by humanity ; third , to save the nation from the lusting dm- grace of hanging an insane man to gratify popular revenge , and at the same time of placing on the records of history , through a judicial proceeding , the solemn judgment that it was pos sible for an American citizen of sound mind to murder the president of the United States. Had I the means to carry the defense further , either of those means would bo amply sufficient to induce mo to persevere unto the end , but the first and second buing of personal nature muat yield to stern necessity. 1 he last is ono of HUCU general intenst that I have coino to the conclusion to submit it to my fel low citi/.oitB , and their rnplv will de cide my conduct. Motion for a new trial has been filed and will IMJ argued this week before Judge Cox , with a possibility of its being granted. If overuled , judgment and Hont'jnuo will be passed upon the prisoner to ho executed in the latter pr.rtof .luno. Several weeku will bo allowed in that event to rnako up a bill of cxcuptionn and present the C.IBO on appeal to the L'cnonil term of couit. In my opinion there are ample groumlH ft r aruvoiH.il of judgment on appeal. The qucr.- tion of public intercut presented is whether such appeal shall carneHtly and ably presented. That cannot be done without money. Other couiuul nhould be engaged and paid. Mr. Hued has ably ( insisted me Boldly through a laudable motive of humani ty to save an inn.uio man from thu gallows , but ia not ublo any more than I to give further time without compensation. I hnvo given four month'a time at a nicrifice in mybit.Hi- HUBS or at least 5,000 and at nil.ex pense of 8300 , and have incurred debts exceeding $300 for the ( lu'pport of my family , in addition to what has been paid out for that purpose. Aa an plfset there has boon received from friends in all about $250. My aged mother lies sick , probably in her last illness , and requires at least some portion of my time and resources , In these cir cumstances I do not feel called upon as a matter of public intercut alone to give an additional two montlw' time to a motion for a now trial before thu court in bane. My fellow citizimti , few or any think that the interests of justice , the cause of humanity ot the honor of the country require that this contest be prolonged , and that no effort bo spared to secure a verdict and judgment after passion ahull have subsided. Lot them manifest it by providing means and competent counsel will be secured at once. I ask for nothing for myself up to this time , but for roasonu stated I cannot give my own services hereafter without comnoiifiation. At leant $2,000 in needed. .Should a sufficient amount not be received the money will ho refunded on request. Address , until February-till , George Hcovillo , Wash ington , D , 0. " Foreman 1 [ amiin of the Guitoau juty , mated to niuht that each juror .vill prcaont an iilll luvit to thu com t on Friday tlonj ing opcclliuially nud in tote llio charges Out any of them nl- lowed thcnmolvrn to bo tampered * fth or tntlud with their oath in any form. Judge Cox will nolgh the affidavits ng4nnt thoooof Sooville and Guitenu. Tilft M ib nf R 11r ad Laborer * . NMlotvU AiooiUUJ Plw. Sr. PAWL , Jmninry 30. RolUblo advices from B'ipurior ' Junction Htato that the idle Portnge t Kuperior workmen , who have funned a mult for Ruvoral days patt , uro nor ( pro vided with rations and luuo erased their riotous demonstrations , They till demand back pay before re suming work , but ltw , thought they will bo pacified and resurno quietly. THE PAVING PERPLEXITY , Another Wroatlo With the Subjoot and Now Prop- oaitlona Snowing aDiverelty of Opinion Even Amontf Property Ownora , Moottrur of the Executive Oommlttoa of the Board of Trodo. A meeting of the executive commit tee of the board of trade was held last evening. Therv wore present Chair man KVMIP , Brady , McShnUo , Rich- arils , Shoeloy , and Wakefiold. The report of J. II. Ilrady , for the oommittuo oa banquet , wan filed , showing disburflemontn on account of banquet , 85D8 ; receipt * , ? OoO. The deficiency nan madu up by the oxucu tlvo committee. Tho'tvport ' of Mr. Brady was ac * aoptud , and a veto of tlwnks tendered Him for hia son'icos. The report of thu auditing commit tee " > f the flx-nocretary , and ex trcaaurel * wnn road , thoMing a balance on hand \ \ntlutu.trimmin- $2417 ; that there WK.I duo iA-3ocretary Allen ? t 25 , and that there uaa 102 duo the li rd from deli.'quout > : vnnibrru. Kt-Treasurer Hnunu wun instiMctod to pay over to Tica-uier Urdatch lhe balance on hand , 824 ! ? , nnd it wai ordered that the wecretary iau'io a warrant of $4 25 in favor of ox-tii-cra- Ury Allen ; also that the secretary of thogonoial board be instructedto col lect the duoa from dolinquei.t mum- bers. bers.Tho The bond of Ihn trensurpr'vfuifixed at $2.000 and of the Bi'crutury1 of the general board at 8'iOO and it nan agreed that ( hey tile their bonds for approval at the next meeting of the board. On motion tin ) executive board adjourned. TUK KBOULAK HKKTINO , The meotinu of inoiiibora and citi- swim at the board of trade rooms at 8 o'clock was not so well attended aa the preceding mooting. Mesartt Jtickson , Itartlott Bo1 In , Mullen and McBhane , of th'e house , and Senator Howe , were present , in vitations having been sout to all the legislative delegation to attend. Dr. Miller read a letter received yesterday frnm General Maudorson , Ix aring on the pavement quewtion , in which the general said that he had seen a good , cheap pavement on that morning , which had stood the test , und had all the dcairablo qualities for a pavement. The pavement waa compreBSfcd asphalt , n small specimen of which WHO nonf. The company clninm it ran lay the pavement in Oinwha at 81.50 per yard and guaran tee it for five yiuirti. Gdiiouil Man- derson had onguged to have several bricks Rent , with such pamphlet in- fornmtion AH could bu procured. Dr. Milltr also presented lint ( 'nui- Ito blockn mint by Col. M. F. P.itrick f i om Washington , to the bouul of ti.ulu. tilt , N. 11. Falcont.'i1 corrected thu ntatemunt of < < iiieial ) .Mandutson that the pavouionl cutild bu laid huro at § 1,50 | or yunl , Hu ntntiMl Hint itcnAt 81 50 pur y rd in Kt. Louin and the coKt , of 1 tying would bu ox'ra. On motion Mr. W. V. Morno the consideration of the -Ith , 5h ( and ( iih eectioitH of the report wan indefinitely poAtponod. Mr. Morao also moved thu recon- imlurati < n of eoction 11 and oflercd the following amundiiiont to tliu Hamo ; On petition ot the uitizoiui to the city conncjl auking the paving or ro- paving of any Ntroot or part of street , ot not IcHfl than two ( li ) blnckn ex tent , oxcupting it bu to adjoin paving already laid or ordered laid at the time of petition , the aid council shall give ton dfiya' nolico through ihu olli- cial nt'WHpapt * of thu city , notifying all porHoim owning property in said district of the filing of the petition. The notice shall also fltato the mate rial which the council dccidoa to u.io for piving said streets , and unlosu within ten daja after first publication of eaid notice , prottiotn are filed , signed by at least three-fourths of the owners of all the front font in wiid district , then thu council ahull have it in their power to have said street paved. If the material decided upon by the council for paving shall bo ob jectionable , then a similar protest shall in like manner bo filed , tigncd by three-quarters of the property owners in tlio district , us stated before. Said protest" shall also state thu pavement desired , and which shall bo adopted by the council , if requested by throo-fourtba of thu owtiora of front feet. Mr. Barker opposed the reconsider ation of thia Hcction , which is the one providing for thu creation of n board of public works , eta. Mr , Boyd wild that ho would vote for anything that would imuro the paving of the city und prevent the du- | ual if that object by an irnspoimihlu majority. Ho Uyorcil making thu city pay for tlio intL-rsection of tlio iitroutH and the UIMOJ oppo itu Ihu lit- II.JM and the propl-ity tnvnurawy \ for till tlio i"nt. lie uluo favored tliu is- MM of 200,000 in bonds , running ton yean iu d. : ton per cent , . 1 * coming payable each year. Mr. Boyd then proceeded tu giro some figures on the suhji-ct to show how the paving could neciitvd , which were as follow * : GF.NTLKMP.N : The more I think of hu pivinu question the more I nru cuuvinood that the property abutting * n the street paved nnould pay the ex- , pennon , and that the city should pay , for paving thu Intersection of the slr.'ota and the space opposite the alloys. UnluAS some plan of this kind is adopted thu people ntll not vote bonds , because , KB has boon often stated , the people living in the north ern , southern and western portions ol thu city will not vote to issue bonds unless thu law is such that p > irt ot the money can be spent in paving in iho outlying portions of the city. IWi- mntitig the cost of paving at $3 \ > l yard and the roadway of our ntnmut CO fcot wide , it would cost $105 COO o pnvo one milo of street. The city engineer informs us that there are ono hundred miles of street in tha cityK sixty-six miles of which are in con stant use. If bonds are tu bo issued by the city for pav ing purposes , the people living m any milo of the mxty-clx iniko would want their proportion of the money spent in paving in that par ticular locality , and , a I say , unlou the law wan so framed that thuso people - plo know thu money wouH bo spent in the \icinlty of their property , they would vote against and defeat tha Mind * . The only way , then , seems to bo to mike thu abutting property pay for the work and mko the city pay 'or its proportion by bondo , and whop the people know that the city at larsjo must pay for what by right it nl ould ] pay for , the. bonds will bo voted. Let the law \M \ so amnndud that the city have power to is no $100 000 , duo in twenty years , each ymr , if neoesnary , nnd in addition issue $200,000 each year to bo paid for by the property where the pavinc in done , at the rata of ten ner cent of thn cost oaqh year. Make tliu laut S200.000-duoand pay able $20,000 per year. Tn thia man ner the direct * in the businesa portion of the city , and principal stroeto loitd- ing north and south can bo easily paved. Every dollar rpont in public im provements is just so much taken from the ) 'iiMnrn capital of thooity. Suppose $300,000 wan npont annually in paviup , and the city ixmio the bonds this amount would pave about three -niles of ti'reots nnd it could bo done at a c ut to tlio property abutting on tlio tht < o miirs , not to exceed an avow go of fA , per year for ten yc r , ljuj iiaount wtmld ny for , the work , i tyiluiorcst'oti th imkbt , gpt y A HfJHa iH 'i eaSfc Who will kuy tmt ! _ almost any , tUreo , miles of pryjiurty in the center ot thoj * city cannot iiir6rd't6'pay ' $27,000 por" your. Three miles is15,840 feet , double that would be thoi fiontngu on thu three miles , ' 31,080 feet , deduct for thu city'a rharti n > .y ono third and it would leave 21,720 lineal foot , to pay , $27,000 , or $1.24 per foot front frontage per year for ton yeais. Mr. Biyd | moved aa an amendment that the adoption of Suctions 2 and 3 bo reconsidered. Carried. Mr. Morse then moved his amend ment in regard to the petition for paving to the city council. Mr. E. Koauwater aoid ' there neomod to bo two or three proposi tion ) ) in this amendment. Ono was that it required three-fourths of tha property owners to remonstrate against paving u atieet ; another that it required the same proportion to protest aiminut the material used , and the thiid that they must doaignato the material to bo used. Ho pro ceeded to diHciiBS thu advantage or disadvantage of the proposed amend ment and wild it virtually left the whole thing to the council. Mr. Boyd expressed hit * intention of voting uganiBt Mr. Morse's motion and in favor of. leaving the whole ) thing to thu city council. Messrs. Barker , Lininger nnd othur/i / npokuon the piopoBod amend ment. Mr , ItoKoualnr moved as a nub&ti- tuto to Mr. MOMO'H iiniciidnu'nt to ntnl.o out nil thai portion of section 2 , after thu words giving the cguncil power to pave the utreotii. Mr Hidn-nn moved ns an amend ment that thu wordn "Bo.nd of Pub lic Worl ; " buH'iickili ' out. Mr. Uoiuw ator'u motion waa car ried , Mr. Boyd moved that the words < > " tO nor cunt" be stricken out and that his proposition thai the city pave thu intersection ot Iho streets and the Hpiicu opposite thu alleys and loan its credit to thu property owners aa pro posed , be substituted. An uitinritt d discussion of Mr. Boyd's proposition followed in which nothing ot paiticulur interest woe elicited City Engineer Rosewater made a lengthy speech , in which ho o aimed that the city tthpuUl not undertuko to make any public improvement in a hurry , and gave Eume very convincing reuHonii , accompanied by statpmmita of coot in support of his proposition. A standing vote was taken on tbo amendment of Mr. Boyd , and it was curried with only one negative. It waa BU gcated that a ooinmittoo of Boven be appqinted tq confer with rrembers of hplegislature from thin county , uud'frumo un amendment to the charter. Suctions 2 and 3 were adopted ns amended. Mayor Boyd then moved the ap pointment of a committee of one , re questing that hu bu not appointed as a niuinbjr. Thu number of tha ooinmittoo , was changed to three , Mr. Ilowu said that he thought uonio competent attorney ought to draw up thu amendments in proper foi m. Tlie motion to appoint a committee was piiHHed , and the president an nounced that hu would appoint the same to-ilny. Adji'iiriad ' tu incut r.t the call of tliu president. Death ol' Dr. Hollows. NMV YIIHK , January { JO. Dr. Bel la SM died ia 11:15 : a. m.