Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    OMAHA DAILY BEE. MONDAY. J VtJAUY ; ! ( ) , 188 ;
010 Fiirnhnm , bet , nth nnd 10th Streeti.
no copy 1 yc.irln fti1 anr > cv > < talil | )
t months ' . E.0i
month " " - 3.00
tlMR CARD rtllCAOO , ft. PAVL , MINNKAfDLla < M >
Lwt OniAlm I'ftgsoiiKcr No. S , SMa : , m , Ac-
comuiod.itJon No. 4 , 1:0 ( p. m
Arrl < p OmMm Vawcncct So. 1,5:10 : p. m.
Accommodation No , 8 , WM a. in.
C. , E It 0 , 7:40 : A. m. 3:40 : p. m ,
C. & N. W. , 7:40 : . m. 8 : 0 p. m.
C. , W. I. & p. , 7:40 : a. m. 3:40 : p. m.
K. 0. , St. J. & 0. 3. , leaves at 8 B. m. and 0:80 :
p. iu. AtrhcSftt St. Louis at 0:30 : a. in. and C:62 :
P'w ! ! 81.1. . & P. , Ie vp < t8 i > . n. anil 3:40 : p.
D. Arrives ft St. Louli at 0:10 : a. m , and 7CO
wiur on aotmiwiisTs.1
B , < t 11. In Nob. , Thioiuh K prc , filtC . 01.
11. & H. Lincoln Kxprcot 8:20 p. m.
0 P. Overland r.x\iro3.i , 15:16 : p. in.
0. & K. V. for Iliuoln , 11J5 a. in.
O. A 11. V. for CHceola , 0:40 : a , ni ,
U. I' , lrflr'ht No. 6 , 6:80 : a. Iu.
U. I' , fttlvht Nn. 9 , 8iO : a. in.
V. V. freight No. 13JfH : ) p. m.
U. I' , freight No , 7 , 0:10 : p. m. crnlcran' ,
. . .I' . Diiux-iT cxprct" , 7 y * > p. iu.
U. P. frelrhf Nn II , 11-bO p. iu.
U. I1. Dciiur lrthjhtb:25 : p. n. .
AlklVLSb-CKOM < A r A.ND Mill ) ,
C. U , it V tivO : u. ic. 7:20 : p m.
t A N. W , 9:15 : n. m. 7:25 : p. re.
C. II. t.&l'.Pl6 : n. iu. 0:05 : p. m.
K. 0. , St. Joe fcf B , 7:10 a. m. :46p.
FXOM 1111
O. ft H. V. from Lincoln 1.03 v > m.
U. I1 , Pacific IAJIVVVS 3:25 : p. in.
B ft M , In Neb. , Through Express 4:15 : p in.
B. ft II. Lincoln Kxprtw 9:40 : a m. .t
n. P. Denver express , 7:3h : a. in.
n. P. Frolzht fo. 14 2DO : p. m.
u. P. Vo. R6:20 : a. m. .Emlfrnnt. |
U.'P. freight No. 14 , 12:16 : p. fn.
U. P. So. a:00 : p. in.
U. P. S'o. l-l:45 : ft. in.
U. P. Domor ( night , 1:10 n. ru.
O. A U. V , mlkLxl , ar. 1:15 : p. > .
H-nit mms.
LCAVO Omaha ut 3:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:00 : and llPo :
m. ; 1:0 2:00 : , 3.CO , 4.00 mid 6:00 : p. m.
LcaicConncl. Ulutl * at 8:25 : , :26. : 10:25 : MiJ
1Z6 : a. m.j i:25 : , 2'fll , 3:25 : , 4-5 : and 6:25 : p. in.
8un4afliu ilumruy 1evea Omaha at H.W >
and 11:00 a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6ix : ) p. m. Lenv M
Oounill IHuHs at l > :15 : and 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:26 : , 4:25 :
nd 6:2t : , p. m.
ThrouKh ami local pansciieer trains bct c n
0 moha and Conn II lllulfs. l.e.iv e Omaha 0:16 :
7:46 , 8:60 : a.m. ; 3:40 , 6 : ! i , 00 p. in. ArrAo
Omaha 7:10,11:35 : , 11:45 : ft. ui. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:1B : ,
:40 p. ui.
Opening nnn Closing of Mf ll .
HnvrK. OPUS.
. in. p. in. a. m. p. Di
Chicago AN. W. .11.00 9.00 6:30 : " - "
Chlcat-o . , H I. .V Pi.i-111. n:00 : 9:00 : 6-30 S:10 :
- , H. X < } . .11:00 ftrsn 2'AO
12-30 5SO :
Bloiu. City nml llu'iilc 8.00 6.30 2MO
Union Pncillo 4:00 : 11:40 :
Omaha&H. V 1:00 : 11:40 :
B. AM. in Noli 1:00 S:10
Omaha & Sioux Cit ) . . . . i > :00 : 7:30 :
B. A M. Lincoln 10.30
D. P. Lincoln , Suiidu ) . . . 1:30 : 11:00 :
U. P. Dcmcr l > u 0:00 : 6:30
O. , Sioux City i St. I'.11:00 - : *
Local mails lor Htatu ot luua lra\u but cncf
day , vie : G:0a : , m.
Otflco oixsn Sundajs from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
Business Directory.
Abstract and Real tmte.
JOHN L. MfCAOUK , ojposlte I'ost OOlce.
W. K. BARTLETT 317 South 13th Street.
Architect ! .
Room U Creitrlitoa Block.
A. T. LAKOE Jr. , lloom 2. Ciflitliton Block
Oooti and Shoe * .
HIM Boow and hhc-os. A ( rood assortment ot
borne work ou baud , corner 12th and Harnev.
TBOS. EKICKSON , a E. cor. Kith and Douslaa.
606 10th street , manufactures to order k'Ood work
at fair prices. KcrialrlDg clone.
Bed Spring * .
J. F. LAUUIMKll Manufacturer. 1617 Doru-lnai-t.
BooU , New * and Stationery.
i. I. FKUKllAlIF 101S Faniliam Street.
Gutter and Egg * .
MoanANK & SCHROEDKR , the oldest B. and B.
berate In Nebraska established 1B75 Omaha.
KOihwest comer lOUnnd Dodtc.
Heat Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed ,
Heals at all Home.
Board by Uie Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Caeh.
Fnrulrhud Knnmn Supplied.
( Jan-laces anrt Ro.ia Waxen * .
WM BNYDEll , llth and Harnoy Street * .
Clothing Oought.
J. HA HIU i will ray blghestCosh prlcti for uccond
oaud cJothuir. Corner 10th and Karnham.
Jo we en.
JOHN BAUMKH 1314 Faniham Strttt.
H. BEimiOLI ) . Ilajre and Metal.
Lumbar , Lime and Coment.
FOSTKU & QK.iY corner (1th and Douglas Sts.
Lamp * and Ulaiiware.
J. BONNEK 1809 Douglas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailor * .
One of our moat fcpuUr llcrchant Tallort Is re
ceiving the Utcst dcslpns for Spring and Hiirami t
Goods for Kentleuienr8 wear. Stylluli. durable ,
ad prices low &g c\er 21513th bet. Douir.&rini.
MU8. 0. A. ( UKGEK , Wholesale and HcUII , Fan.
cy Oooda In great \aricty , ifcnhyn , Card Board/ ) ,
Iloirierr , Gloves , Corneta , Ac. Cheapest Houno In
the West. Purchasers oa > e SO per cent. Order
bv Uall. 116 Fifteenth Street.
foundry ,
JOHN WEARNK & SONS , cor. Hth & JockoonsU
Mour and Feed ,
OMAHA CITY MILLS , Hth and Farnbaui SU ,
Welahaiie Uios. , proprietsrs.
Urocur * .
t BTEVKNH , ilst Lctuceu Cumlnk- and I f
T. A. JlcailANK , Corn. 23d and Cumin ? Utrecto.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel ,
OLAN & LAKOWORTHr , Wholesale , 110 am'
112 16th strict
A. HOLMEa corner IQtb nJ CJalltornU
Harneik. Saodloi , ike.
B. WKI8T 20 18th HI. b t Parn- lUrney.
Hotel *
, ANFIELD HOUSE , Goo. CanOeld.Mh b Farnhmi
DOUAN HOUSE , F I ! . Gary , 918 Fynham Ht.
SLAVEY'S HOTEL , F. Slaren , 10th St.
Bouthern Hotel GUI. Hamcl 6th &Le rtnwortb
Drug * , Paint * and UN * .
Pbarmactot * . Fine "auc Uoods , Cor , Itin t > nd
Don li ttreeta
W , J. WHITFilOUPEVboleeale & Retail , Uth St.
0. FIELI > , 80i2 Worth Side Cumin ? Strret ,
PARK , DrueifUt , lOtb and Hoirard Streets.
DR. PAUL , Williams' Clock Cor. Uth k Dodge.
Dry Good * Notion * , Etc.
JOHN II. r. iEtlMANN & CO. ,
Hew York Dry Goods Store. 1S10 and JB1S Fani.
him itrut
I. 0. Knew old l o boot ; and ehoes Tth A Pacini- .
A F. GROSS , Kew and Slcond Hand Furnlturo
od Siorvi , 1114 Dcoila * . Ill.'bcit cash price
aid for ftucond bil/J goooi.
BONNEK 180 D3MU St. Fine izoodi , fcc.
f f rc Work * .
OUST , f IUK3 * CO msHaraeySt ,
d Ice Boxw , her and Wood leneet , Office
aUlUBje , CouDtlll Itae uul Walnut
WEST & rmTSMKKnmiur ! < t < lrcMOt Clgar\ ,
nd WhoWlc I ) x1cm n TobKCco , 1SOJ I > ouitl\s.
V. r. I < lHRX7F.JMnanuf ti trr UinFarnhiud
A. I > nichii , phiitf , nit ( lower * , dccils , ooqnct *
tc. N. W. cor. Ifith itn.l loui-lft etreot .
Civil Engineer * nnd Surveyor * .
Town Siir\o } , Or deMidScner co Hj ttm § a
R | < ocln1t > . _ _
Uommlulon Merchant * ,
JOHN 0. WIL L1S.U11 DoJse Street.
D II UKKMF.Il. For iletalln c * Uritca < l > DrtlM.
mcnt In Dally and
Cornice Work * .
WwU'tn Cornice Works , SUnufacturer * Iron
Corntfc , Tin , Iron and Slate Kooning. Orders
Irom any locality promptly vvwutcd In the l > eet
ra nIlcr. Factory and Ofticc 1215 llnrnej St.
0. SL'KCIIT , 1'roprtctor.
( lahanlrpil Iron Comlcca , Window O\p , etc. ,
ounutacturcd anil put up In any | urt of the
country. T. S1NIIOL1) 41B Tlilrtccntli rtroet
Crockery ,
J. UONNEIt 1WJ Dniulaa > tirct. Oood line ,
CiothlnR nnd l-'urnlshlng Ooodt.
HBO. H. 1'CTKIISON. AlBO 1UU , Cnjx , Boots ,
Shoe * , Notion * and Cutlorb _ _ < M 8. 10th jtroct. _ _
MotrlgerAlon , Canlleld' * Patent.
U. 1" . C100DMAN llth St. lx > t. Farn. & Hatnuy.
QhowCate Manufactory.
0. \V1LDB ,
Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds ot Show
i Vkcs , Uptlsht Ciwcs , A „ 1317 Casa St.
FRANK I. . OKHHAIU ) , proprktor Omaha
SliOM UnoiMuanulactcr ) , SIS South ICUi street ,
tutftwir. Lravciiworth ntid Mircy All K001' '
Miirtnt d iirHt.c.lam. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pawnbroker * .
Hf > sKVFr.L11. 10th St. . net iT-it A lUr
Utovcaana inware.
Duller .n Stoics anil Tinware , and Manutncturoi
of Tin Kiel. ) and nil l.lnda ot Bulldlni ; Work ,
Odd FtJIott 9' Block.
J. UON.VKH. 1303 DouKlo.1 St. Oood and Cheap.
, deeds.
J. F.VAXb , Wholesale ami HottU Sce.l Drills ami
CnltUstors , Odd Kellons Hal ! .
Physicians an t Surgcont.
\V. S. r.IBlS ; , II. . , U om No I , CiolRhton
Illook , IBth Street.
P. S. LKISr-NUlNO , rt. D. Masonic Block.
C. L. 11AKT , M. 1) . , Kyr and Ear , cpii. postofflte
UK. L. B flllADDV.
O > nli-t Mid Auriat S. W 16th and Farnham Stn
tlrand Central Oallen' ,
21'J Sixteenth Street.
nrar SlnMMc Hall. Flr-jt-cl.'uis Work and Prompt-
Plumbing , Ga * anil Ktoam Fitting.
I1. W. TAHI'V & CO. . 21U 12th St. , hot. Fnrnham
and DoiiKlas. Worn prumptly attended to.
. U09 lQUL-li\s btrrct.
HI > aper
iKNUY A KtiSTKIlS. HI Ooili-c Street.
Phillip LAIH : . JJ20 Kixrnnam St. bet. 13th ii Htb.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LKAR , H16 Donirlw St. . New and
fcuoml Hand Furniture , UOUBO Furnishing Goods ,
tin. , bought and mid on nnrruw nmrt'lns.
In Inu niw tirick block on Doutlvt Rtraet , bu
Just opened a most elc ant'Iicui Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
every day.
" Caledonia " J FALCONER 079 l th Street.
Undertaker * .
CHAS. DIEWB , 101'J Fauiham del. 10th & lltd.
00 Cent Storea ,
P C. IIACKUB. 1206 Farnham SI. . Fkncv Qoodr
Soxaolmportont ! > taiomoj ts of Wo
Known People "Wbollj
In order that the public may fullj realise the
enulntnet < 8 nf the -taloiiii-ut" , AS Hell a ? the
poucrand valuu of the artklc of which they
speak , \\o publish hcro\\ltli the fac > 8imilu Bltna *
turca of parties u hose sincerity It be\on < l tjues-
tion. The Truth of thet > c t'sUmonlnla is abpo-
lute , nor can the fncti they niinoiinee bo lg-
OMAHA , JJm. , Mnv'JJ , 1SS1.
n AR Sin : I hare frequently used Warner's
Sato Klilnu ) aud Liver Cure for local affections
attendant upon nc\cre rhciniiatio attacks , and
hat u .il ays dcrhed licncflt therefrom. 1 haxo
alpo used the Safe Nervine lth satisfactory TO-
eult * . I ( .flnsidir tlic c luedklnea tsorthy of
contjilt ce.
Deputy Treasurer
OMAHA , NRU , Mny 24 , lebl
H. ' . WAHMLII & Co. , lloclii-stcr , N. Y. :
ORMB : I ha\u used juur Snfu Kidney and
M\i.r Cure thit eprin ; , ' as a i\crin\ixorator , nnd
1 flinl i the beat remedy I e\cr trioil. I 1m t
used 4 liottlrs , a'd It ban made me feel better
thin ever 1 illd 1'et'orr ' in the
V. V. It. Shops.
NKB ' Mn > ' 2I' I8" '
H. It , WAK.NKR & .Co :
HIRR : Kor more than 15 y am I hutosufluod
much In ouicniincc from combined Kidney and
Iher il ! e.iBLS ( Hiul ha > o been unibluto work ,
my iirin j or in al o liulnif affected I tried a
great h'any ini'dkincB and doctors , but I grc\v
erse and morieday by day. I was told I had
Urlaht'H Disease , and 1 wished m.Uclf dead If I
coiihl not Imvu ] icil ) relief , I took jour Safe
ICIdnc\ and I.lUT cure , knnulnR nothlni ; clue
wanr\er known to mruthn dlHeano. and I ha\
not been ilisappointcd. Tlu niedkinu has cured
mo , nml lam pirfeuly uell to-day , cntln-ly
through jour Sa'o ' Kidney ami LherCuro 1
wWijouall Biifo ssln publishing this valuable
rcmuiiy throuifh ( he world.
L' . 1' . It. U. Shops.
i > l dpiallj t ron ; cnaorbcmcnU
many of thorn In easevhcru h pc was aban-
dnniil have bien voluntarily K' ' 'Mshowing the
runaiililuK ! | ti.r of WarncrV ' < afe Hldney and
Llur Ourc , In .ill < i fcM8e > ol I In Utdncjs. Ihtr
< ! ' II any cv bo r ui this
trouble rLii' < "iil > nr the reat
Who want glossy , luxuriant
anil wavy tresses of abundant ,
bountiful Hair niusfc nso
decant , cheap article always
makes the Hair ptrow freely
and last , keeps it from falling
ont , arrests and cures grayness -
ness , removes dandruff and
itching , makes the Ilair
strong , giving it a curling
tendency and keepkig it in
tiny desired position. Beau
tiful , healthy Hair is the sure
result of using Kuthukoa.
The Profits of Painting Bruisi-d
Humnnitj- .
The Looks nml the Lives of Our LimU-
Inp Citizens Imuorlloil by
KorooUnis ruriiltuvo.
S. I'hronlilc.
A S.ui Francisco sign-painter , who
dot's n'lar u business in disguising
blnck oycs , sailed for Eurojio ycstor-
d.\y , the prolits of tlio liiilidny tnulo
liuvinK justiliod him in taking aiiloas-
nro trip across the Atlantic. Holoro
leaving the city the prosperous p\int- :
ur imparted to n Clminiclo reporter
soinu of thu suerota of the roiuuiioni-
tivc tradoin eye deoovatiofi.
"Nothing in my busintss pays so
well , " said the painter. "If yon got a
good run of trndo and establish a ro-
hablo business you uro fixed , ly
charge. f'ir painting u blaek eye is
S2.00 , and 1 generally have topainl it
four or live times buforo it geta well
to do without freezing. "
" \Vhatdoyouincan by eslablish-
init-n reliable trade' " naked the re
porter. ' 'You don't mean to say that
yon hnvo steady cu tomcra/ / "
" \Vliy , to be sure I have , and plen
ty of thoin , Somu of them are lirst-
class mini and woiiiun , too. I've got
a whole lot of eustonu'ra that \I can
count ou ncodini ; my auivicoa tliroo or
four times n year. Some of thorn are
ijiiito regular in tlieir attendance.
There's u Kcniny street doctor that is
iood for S10 a month , at I've
got a whole raft of lawyers who want
to bo painted nearly every week of
their lives , but there's \ory litllo
inouoy in them. They giftiorally try
to make it up to mo by Bonding around
battered clients that want to bo
patched up , und then como in and ask
fora commission on the job.
DAMAdlll ) FACES IN COl'lir.
"Sometimes they send mo around a
fellow that is suing for damages and
wants to have a black Vyo and three
or four big bruises painted on him.
Chinamen are very fond of that kind
of business. They want a big dab of
asphaltum paint under thotr eyes and
a quart of vprmillion spilled in their
hair Then they stick a yard of plast
er on themselves and rush down aud
not out a warrant for assault to mur
der for aomo fjno that throw a tomato
at them. ' OHO police court shyster
brought mo three Chinamen last week
that had been kicked out by their
white employers for stealing. There
wasn't a mark on the follows that
they dare show when they came tome
mo , but after I'd got through witli
them , they looked as if they'd ' goiio
up with the I'inolo powder explosion
and had ju t struck ground again. I
understand that when their employers
caught Biuht of thorn , they compro
mised by paying each of them three
months waL'es and giving the shyster u
now suit of clothes and an order for it
month's ' board at u two-bit restaurant
for keeping the cases out of the po
lice court. "
"What do you do when customers
won't pay1 ? asked the reporter.
"Oh , I ve not a patent on treating
that kind of customers. If its a dead
sure proposition that they are going
to beat me , and I can't got a cent , I
paint them up circus style and turn
them out on the street without letting
them look in a mirror. After they
go about a block and find everybody
looking at them , as if they had just
escaped from a menagerie , they gen
erally come back mi the dead run and
pay up. There was u Deputy County
Clerk who used to stand mo off regu
larly until I painted his nose blue and
his oyc-brows red and sent him out to
give a free show. He was back in
about two minutes , and caiiio up the
stairs six steps at every jump , followed
by about three hundred uxfcited citi
zens and seven policemen. I had
hard \sork to keep them from hauling
him oil'TO the Commissioners of Luna
cy. He was so badly scared that hu
oll'ered me his warrant for his month's
salary , but 1 only charged him .00 per
cent more than ho owed mo. I nuvor
knew but one follow that didn't weak
en after being got up menagerie style.
IJe stood mo oil' several times , so I
made up my mind to give him a bone-
lit , and the next time he came in with
a pair of eyes hkotho bunghole of n
tar barrel. I painted the stars and
stripes on one of his jaws , put. the
sunburst of Ireland on thu other , and
streaked his Huso orange and green. I
had great expectations of his makinga
first-class sensation on the street , and
kept the door open so that ho could
come back ou the jump , but hu didn't. '
Late in the evening ho surprised me
by sauntering in at the head of un ar-
mj of small hoys. 'I'm very much
obliged to you for your kindness , IWr.
Smudge. ' ciijd he. I've just been up
to ThaddciiB Klannigan , and got an
engagement as the drum-major of tliu
Ancient Order of lliburians. Couldn't
you put a few- more streaks on my
chin so that I can hire myself out
evenings as a barber polu ? The
cheek of the follow paralysed me. I
neud hardly say that ho didn't belong
on this'side of the bay. He in an
Oakland politician.
U.NItl'JA .
"All of your customers are men , 1
suppose ? " remarked the reporter.
"By no moans , Tlio muj irity of
them are women. "
"Not respectable women ? "
"Yes , sir. Highly respectable , an
tlio world goes. know ,
will happen , in the best regulated
families , and the feminine weakness
for black eyes muit bo gratified in
some way , if my information is cor-
root. It's always either apioeo-of
stove wood that jumps up and hits the
unfortunate ladies , or a piece of brie-
a brae tha # drops down and caroms
on theirlovelyeyebrow. Pool-things !
It's aHtoniiij-ing what dungura ( hey in
cur iu performing their hoiiBohohl du
ties. It's astonishing that the Legis
lature or the Hoard of Supervisor *
doesn't do tomothing to suppress the
luarrolsome disposition of steve wood
and brio u-brac. There's a collection
of old plates and miit'n in a hoime on
Van Ness avenue that I'd back for
5UOOO to whip Ruddy Uyan , or any
other pmo lighter in the country.
Last year this collection laid the mis
tress of the house up in bed folir
times. One day when she wis dust
ing oh" an old blue soup phitoit jump
ed oil1 the Hholf and gave her such a
whack in the left eye that I had to go
out six times nnd paint it before the
pew Indy was lit to bo seen ncims the
stive * by her noti'hboi. ' . It took three
weeks before she was able to stand
eliHO iuopcctiou. Another time the
poor lady was shifting a or.icked vnao ,
when tlm miier.iblo pieeo of oi-.n-kery- .
ware hauled oil' and gave her sucl/a
b.uig that both her oycs cio black
for siweeks. . 1'vo got UMI tlier uu
fortunate fouulo cmtomor HH ! is be-
inir constantly attacked by her wood
pile. If tho'novoinnuint only knew
the pugnacious energy of that pile ot
wood , they would buy it up at any
price , and pond it out to li ht the
liulinui. Not long ago she wont to
* pilt a stick witliatuunll hatehet.wheii
the piece of wood How at her , 1mm-
meting her at frightly that it would
take nearly a gallon of my bout paint
to make her' look like herself. I've
worn out about ton brushes trying to
ellacc the cvidciics of the biutality of
that woodpile , aud still the rulli\iily
timber is as bad as over. I've left my
foreman instructions to hue .in extra
maiiif any furtheroutiagesof wmiilpilo
arc reported. "
uu : isn.rr.NcK or noiii.s. .
"Have you noticed these inhuman
aits uf briia brae and si > \e oed are
allecled in any way by the seasons' "
" \Vell-ycs. Such fcstuc ocea-
sions ns i'lnistimiH and New Year
seem to excite the biulal instinct of
both to its highest pitch. I have no
ticed , though , that dtluir ailiclcn nui
much more alleeted by neasioiis nnd by
outside events than brie a br\c and
stnvownod nro. Tlio latter arc always
tilled with au implacable animosity to
married women , and gratify their ha
tred whenever the defenseless victims
give them a chance. Hockinchairs ,
Imtracks , lairways , mats , dnois nnd
mantels are the only mortal enemy to
the nude sux , and do more to Keep up
the price of sticking planter than
tlarr > laynard'suyiiinasium , Hard
ly a day passes that 1 don't have to
fetch up some worthy citi.oiilio had
been knocked oil * his pins by a rock
ing-chair or garroted by a hatrack.
The other night 0110 of the most se
date mercVaiits on California street
was iiiiutl.\ | crawling upstain to his
familyboots in liandxvheu a tivaohor-
ous hatstaud dealt him a hlu\v under
the ear tuat nearly lifted him out of his
stockings. Before the astonished cil
i/.en could defend himself , the stairs
joined in the brutal attack , aud bela
bored him HO mmimoifiilly ( hit when
ho dropped into my shop next day 1
thought ho must , have come down
head lirat through the stovupipu.
This is 01 u ) instance of thu murderous
inntincts of thu articles 1 have men
"It seems that very few people are
injured in personal eiicouutcis , " said
the reporter.
"Scarcely any , you may say. Some
of the dangerous glasses , such as book
agents , policeman and reporters , are
sometimes assailed , and como to me
for assistance , but the majority of thu
blaek eyes that 1 treat are caused by
the hostility of stovowood and furni
ture. Sometimes a woman who is
more handsome than modest owns up
that she slipped out of a buggy and
fell on her oyobrowor that some awk
ward individual thrust an umbrella
in her eye , but such c.iacs are rare.
Blue soup plates and ciacked vasee
make most of the work for mo. They
take mo all over thu city.
"Sometimes I get n'delicate littk
note from Neb Hill asking mo to bring
up uiy brushes nnd paints , and some
times 1 got a letter in a big buff en
velope from some damaged esthete on
Mission street. Thu most of the aris
tocracy , whether on Neb Hill or Jessie -
sio street , want 10 have their cheeks
frescoed at homo , but after receiving
the first coat they are able to comedown
down to my shop aii'l got the finishing -
ing touches. It's a profitable busi
ness. If it wasn't I couldn't take this
trip to jDuropu. "
A Prosperous Your.
1'hihul. lj > lii.i 1'rcb- .
To those who pi edict a panic bu-
cause stocks do not boom , it may bo
well to state that panics do not tollow
a peiiod of prospenty such us this
country enjoyed last year. The ofli-
iliinl statistics show that the past year
was ono of substantial pionperity to
this country. In fields , foi cuts , minus ,
fisheries aud manufactures , the nation
has prospered. Our cereal products
are estimated at $1,000,000,000 ; our
hay crop ut § 1)50,000,000 ) ; potatoes ,
$80,000,000 ; and tobacco , $25,000-
000. There are no exact statistics or
uven close estimates of the tim
bur felled for lnmio consumption
and foioign export , nor of the
product of our fisheries , but the
amount is very large. The cotton
yield is over 0,000,000 , bales of - iiO
pounds each , of which one thousand
million pounds have been consumed
at homo and twice as much exported.
The cash value of this is not less than
SUOO.OOO.OOO. Our wool crop has
been not less than L''iO.OOO.OOO pounds ,
worth about i ? 100,000,000. Thu
sugar , rice and muLiHScs produced at
the couth is valued _ at { p,000,000.
The output of coal is estimated at
r > ,000OUO tons as against ( Jl,000,000 !
in ,1880 , nnd this at three dollars
pur ton will aggregate § 225,000,000. ,
The output of gold and silver did not
fall below § 75,000,000 , Thiou million -
lion tons of pig iron were smelted
during thu your , i ( 'presenting n still
greater value. Tlieu $250,000,000
may bo added for provisions not in-
eluded in the above. The sum total
thus reached exceeds § 2,500,000,000 , ,
n vast sum to bo added in one year to
the national wealth. Taking all the
items named it has been a year that
fully cijuals the average iu the pro
duction of wealth ,
Hut this only partially presents our
national prosperity , Shielded by our
tariff manufactures h.'ivo prospered ,
and the export of manufactured pro
ducts has been very large. Of agri
cultural implements our exports were
nearly # 1,000,000 } clocks and thuir
partBl,500,000 manufactured cot ton
goods , $10,000,000 ; articles in iron
and fituol , $ li,000,000 ! ; leather nnd
its manufactures , $7,000,000 ; musical
instruments , 100,000 ' ; relined min
eral oil , & : irj,000,000 ; ordnance and
' stores , $1,000,000 ; wood ami'its ' maii-
[ ufacturcH , gl7.000.000. These repro. HurpliiH pioducts over and above
j wlmt was nucusHary for the supply of
our needs and wuro bold at lucrative
| irice . Added t' thusu uio our ox-
potts of fiuitu and living animals , Of
thu latter our exports have aggregated
817,000,000 , while bread nnd breadstuffs -
stuffs have been ox purled trf thu ag
gregate of gHOO.OOO.OOO. Over . ' . -
000,000 worth of fruit has been sent
abroad to supply the duficioncus of
Kuropo Mmi , gL'-JO,000,01X1 of cot
ton to keep their looms busj. Cot-
toiiMfd , ImscH'd and other souds , in
natural ot uunufacturcd form , have
been exported to the amount of SUM-
000,000 , while bacon , butter , checso ,
lard , etc. , totlu'niu mit of SUIO.OOO-
000 have been shipped abroad. To-
luccn to the \nluo of § 20,000,000 luw
been OAportod. Taking nil our ex
ports n gr.uid toUl of nearly SM)0- ! )
000,000 was reached in 1881. This
evcccded our imports by uo'\rly $250-
000,000. Those figures might bo ex
tended to include other items , but
assuming that the production of such
large amounts of wealth and tliu expert
port of so much , after supplying our
own needs , u evidence of sound ptoa-
[ ii'rityo reach the conclusion that
the conditions for a panic do not exist.
People do not usually fail when they
lire malting mouoy.
"Wliou Tlioro'a r Will Thorn' * n ,
Am \\htilii\qthowlll to tiTIIOM
. \ - < % I'.i cciiiu On. , will ! < imOv limt tlic wnv
lo inbusl lu'.dth , iu fa tH nf bionehliil a ( >
Trctidlii , * "iv tui ! > U , | iilni , t > ct ; nml n * an
iiili' letiii'dy it is ia\ahmbU > , I'.I h\
How Some Wlilto Pine Sports Wont
for the Doiilor'H Stick.
S.ilt l.iKt lillnuip
There is a peculiar cede of honor
among gamblers which out.sidurs are
pu//.lcd to understand. Any way to
boat at cauls is considered sipiaro and
legitimate , but a sport , to retain any
standing in his profession , never takes
advantage of a man in any other way.
Ho aims to keep his credit pure and
unspotted nnd is as careful of IUK
financial icputation as the best busi
ness man in thu city.
Au incident which occurred at
White Pine iu the early days give a
very good illustration of thu subject.
A curtain faio dealer , who dealt a
brace or cheating game , was detected
by some of the parties who playei1
igaiiuU thu bank. Thu dealer was r <
careful thai when ho wont to bed ho
put his cheating cards in the box nt
thu foot of his bed , and literally slept
by it. The sports learning of this
circumstance , got hold of a putty
hircony thiuf , named Smith , and
otl'urcd him n hundred dollars if ho
Noiild go nnd steal thu cards used by
thu dealer. Smith * understanding
perfectly well tfluit was in thu wind ,
slipped up to the man's room , which
heas frequently employed in clean
ing , audvhilu , searching for the cards
found a sack of gold under the bed ,
amounting to nb ut $0,000. Secur
ing this , he hastened back to the
sports , his face gleaming with a self
conbciouHiicss of duty well performed.
"Did you got the cards } "
"Cardsquoth / Smith , with n
chuckle. "Cards/ / what do you want
of cards when you've got this , " nnd
ho laid the sack down on the table.
"Here's the sack itaulf. "
The gamblers opened the sack and
then Ihoir wrath burst forth like a
powder explosion.
"Why , you d-d ( ill-tapping
. ( let back to Itilly's room with
thatsacl or we'll make sausage moat
of you. "
"Do you take us for d d larceny
thieves ? "
"Got back , you dirty thiot , " roared
n third , emphasizing his order with a
kick. "Take that mouoy back to its
rightful owner , and bring us the
cards , you scoundrel. "
Smith , utterly demoralized , has
tened back , pitched the § 0,000 under
the bud , and then secured the cards.
The boys paid him his § 100 , doctored
the cards , and that night beat the
gamu out of thu § 0,000 in about fif
teen minutes.
Wiirnor'f ) Safe Kidney and Liver
Buolum'n .arnica Salvo.
The best Halve intho world for uuls ,
bruises , sores , ulceiH , Halt ihuiim ,
fever sores , totter , chapped hands ,
chillblainn , corns nnd nil kinds of
skin eruptions. This salvo is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction iu
every case or money refunded. 1'rico ,
25c per box. For sale by
To' < itj AloMAiioN. Omaha.
Huirni.itor- |
riicn , Inipot-
cney , ami all
follow aH a
Hclf.AIiiB ; a UIMI of Memory , Uniterm ! Lati
tude , I'nln In tlio Hack , DliiincHH of Vlnlon , 1'ro
inatnru Old AHU , nnd many other DlrrawM that
lead to limnnlty or C'onoiniiptlon and a 1'rcina-
3TKiill particulars In our pamnhlft , which
uu ili'slro In nciid fn > o Ivtnnll to everyone.
JTTIioHHinc | llwlldnu IH told liy nil ilruKKibls
nt f 1 jicr jiackuBc , or (1 ( | cl < i < i for iri , or vslll
ho ( tent frcu hy mall on roc ptof the nioiiny , hy
IliilTrilo. N. Y.
or pMn hv (1 r flooil oeTiiM'.orti ]
, ' , II. Vlfl .H M.
W , E , VMS & CO , ,
125 Lasallo Street , CHICAGO ,
Grain and Provisions Bought
and Sold on Margins.
d c7ino-eodlm
( A ( Irodnate from the University nf
vunUat I'Mliulilplrla of thli
( 'l.iHH of 1H4 < > . )
enilcrs Ills profiH lonal services totho vltUens
of Oinalia and all others ncc'llliK ' the Mine , | iru-
( llcatlnif his claim thorufor frum < 0 ) eats' rx-
IHrlencu , hlxteen ) ears of vvhlili time hu spent In
nontli America , from which country he lias junt
ritimail , ualnlnv vvhIUt In tlio pruUncex many
rtiiKdles lor various dltcases iniiunon to this
country from the natives of tliu lame ,
The Doctor maVoa speclaltj nf all Chronli !
IseisiH , jMitleulurlly thono or ft males , lie ui-iy
We found lit Ills room * at thu 1'lanlcrs' lloime ,
carniT of Dod 'U uml HUtcnith Hireitn.
A Curn Guaruittnoil ,
Dr. K. ( ; Wfnt'iiNcrvu and Iliuln Treatment
A Hpetlllc- for lljiterlu , lii//lni'M , Convulilons ,
Nervoui lluadachv , Mental Deprci-Klon , lxnsol
> lcMiiorKp.nn UrrhiLalnipateii y , ImomnUiry
Km nvloini , I'teinaturo Old Auc , cjumul by our-
uxertlon , self abiMe , or over-liidiilcn | ; < .e , vvhch
lead * to iiilnerj , dicuj and ilutlli. One box will
euro n cent lined , Ki h box < oiitalim one month's
Ircatinent. Onu dolUr u huxor lliuxui for
live dollars ; hcnt b ) mall prepaid on mclpt ol
price. Wu Hiiirnnliu sU buxuv in i uru any < ate ,
with each order ruulud by IH for kU IIOXCH , ac-
i niiuiilul | with ll cilolltr : , will rind the pnr-
( Inner our vvritttn umrantie In ictiirn the
menu ) If tbu treatment does not < II u a care.
C. If. ( loodmin , Hraitflil , Hole , U'holeialu : mJ
Ilitall Ai'ent , Omaha , .Nth , Orders by maUat
ri-jriilur price. _ _ _ ditvvly
'WINE 01 CARDU1" ( our UHICH n
df i luakuH : i liujijiy huurehokl ,
Jt' , . J'pnvt.v. H < VIII atij io.i > , 'i.inH niicstloii tinl Ilifc
l it Mit ixMiPbr . f ' . , . , . . " "
rus i ynii jo t ! U' vv'ir i rav.'llti ; > ilir .fectlon h < l c < i
l.hlcago ami all-oftlie Principal Points ' the West , Vorf' wi
n ) ! ' " ' . ! " Val , ? Ttl" ' ' 111' ' ' > \ .t Mi. ) S'or.i . , itri .suioti ! ,
| :
. . . . . . . . . , jts H llic jirlnrlpM mil ) niail HUM vnj , rim > , i ol'liicncttllint * i-.icli ' \\av iliil livsIlio ! ) from ' \M to ftmrnrwi > n "n
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
? H'u " OI"CURO-ukN
S5iv rJW ' . (
s , 'r iMi " 5s.1iux ! ' 'r f8 tyll/Krnla / I-l'- ' . " , . "Whi.iiin , MliniosoU it n.ilwt a l.ln
ii . ' ' | ' * ! % , : VniiKlntl l.lm'lilctiL'i * , St. I'aul nuil Mliitipnixills l.lnc. I
s i ' i i i , ' ; > ,1"irt , < Sll"1"lllM'lm ) | | > ' ' MIIwmiTjpi'.tlnH'iiltaV&l.nkoftiiiierlorUnt
rn H ro" "lo S ( 'IJ ' ul * ' ' " 'I' ' ' * * " Ticket Ki-nts iu tlio Dulled rttut-vj aoi
Itrint'itiliorlontU for Tickets via this roadli sure they rend o\cr II , timl ttiko none othw
DAIIMX IILUllin.Ccu'l Miuiai-cr.UlilcaRo. _ \ \ . U. .SttJX.MiTTOcu'l 1'iws. Ajtetit Olilcae
I1AUIIV P. IIUKL , llcket Afent.U.lJk N. W. lUllway , Uth and PunhamlstrocU.
D. a KIMI1AM , , Axilutant Ticket A7wit C fi N. W. lUllnay , Uthjtnd K inh m ilro > t >
J. 11KLL , Ticket AitcnlO. & \VlHllway , U. P. 11. U. Depot.
8AMKS T. OI.AHK General Aircut.
The Oldest Wholesale and | THK LKAD1KU
in'Omaha. Visitors can here IN TUB
General Agents for the
find all novelties in SIL-
- Finest and Best Pianos and
VER WARS. CLOCKS , jOrgans manufactured.
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
uhe Latest , Most Artistic , and Dealer.
and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold
PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of
WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe
ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warren ,
and see our Elegant New
Sterling Imperial Smitb
, ,
Store Tower
, Building , American Organs , &c. Do ' * * * '
corner llth and Faraham
not fail to before
see us pur
Streets chasing.
Large Stock Always on Hand. dllieod tf
Clearing Sale
Is the place to Buy Bargains.
Look for the Red Ink Marks.
Practical Sausage Manufacturer ,
Family orders attended to with despatch , and every
thing promised satisfactory , I invite a call at
No. 210 South Tenth Street.
It always gives satisfaction , because it m&kes \
superior article of Bread , and is the , Ohear
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
i money refunded. ;
M. YATES , Cash Grocer.