Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1882, Page 7, Image 9

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Deere & Comp'y.
Wholesale Dealers in
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Moliue Wagon Co , Farm anil Spring Wagons ,
Deere feMansur Co , Corn Planters , Stalk Outtors , &o , ,
MolinoiPunip Co , Wood and Iron Pumps ,
Wheel & Seeder CoFountain , City Drills and Seeders ,
lleohanicsbnrg Maoli. Co , Baker Grain Drills ,
Sliawnee Agricultural Co , Advance Hay Rakes ,
Joliet Manufaoturing Co , Eureka Power and Hand Shollers ,
Whitman Agricultural CoShelters , Road Scrapers , &o , ,
Moline Scale Co , Victor Standard Scales ,
A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies ,
All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock.
X * 3EO3EC O-flk-T-A-
Address All Communications to
Council Bluffs Iowa.
, ilit.3iin.Jm
Fire and Burglar Proof
& .
1020 Farnham Street ,
T :
Mining and Milling Company.
Worktop CapiUl - 3 K ,000.
Capitals ot-K , $1,000,1 00
V P r Value ol Slims , $25,000.
DR. J 1. THOMAs , I'rwjiilent , Omniums , VVjomliij , ' .
WM. E TlhTON , Vice-President , Cummins , Wjomlng
K. X HAKWOOI ) , becrUir ) , Cummins , Wjomiiifc' .
A. Q. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins ,
Dr. J. I. Ihoirti. I outs Mllltr W. S llriunil. A. Q. Dunn
E N. liar * cod. Franda Letting Oeo. H. Falou. LoftU Zolmtn.
Dr. J. C. Wntklni.
noSJmrlim OKO. W. KENI > AI < L , Author zed Ani-nt for Sale ol Stock ; Be- " " n. . , h e\t \
LU : &LIME ,
On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned deeds , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Bebt Brands of
When the stnto ; ciuch froir Stock-
tun , bound for Mokulonmo Hill ,
turned oil'nt the ainnll mining camp
of Dry-up , Arkansas , llnnk , the
driver , snn out in ; t lusty tone :
whoro's that young nn for
Kinnigan's. Luck alive , nnd out \vith
you , my 1ml , for I'm ning to do this
down grade n c.tllyluwtliiu' ' "
Tliu youth whoso hasty descent from
the atngo top ho had ussiatod r.tthor
niicoromomously in his hurry to bo
oil' dotMi the hill , and out of the camp
on to the main ro.ul to Mokulonmo
, was a lad of sivtoon , or Ihuro-
abouts , though romarknblytoll
grown and developed for Ilia age.
Hoiis too duity to bo judged by
his nppeainnco at first Right ; his
clothes wore plain working oni's , and
his nuuuior was as uonfinod nnd nun-
during as if ho had dropped from the
The building buforo which ho had
alighted \tis the most pretentious in
the town. It had a poich over iis
doorway , and within wna a largo cot
ton-lined room tint served the inhab
itants of Dry-up us a grocery , liipior
saloon , iiostotlico , coach and t'\press
station , and an assembly hall in which
was transacted all public business of
whataooMT tiatuio.
Before its door stood its owner , Tip
Finnigiui , a small red faced iiinu with
a cuniiiii ! ; eye and a connpiu ( | > ntnl
smile , and behind him was his wife ,
drawn from her kitchen by Hio clatter
of tlie i coach. and evidently disappoint
cd at its spare deposit
"Tip , dear , " she said , as she duoil
her arms on her apron , "why but yea
a\ yon lad who he's after wantint ; '
Ho looks as if ho dead b.xto will
the jolting ho'a hud , and sorr.i a won-
dci. Arkansas llitnk never niisaes a
stone in the load. Sure , I thought
I'd bo churned to death the day ho
drnv mo up hero. "
She had approached the door as
she Bpoko , and her kind , mothoily
voice meant to roach the atrnii -
ei's ear. It wont further , it touched
hia young heart , and ho drew ;
and his air , though full of timidity ,
hud nothing of cowardice as ho Raid :
"I came all the way from New
York. T slopped hpro hoping to find
work. Do jou think there is any
thing T can et to do/ / "
Ho turned to Tip , and the tone of
thuituiuiiy so toiy earnest as to
bo almost ti emulous.
Mr. undo a somewhat
lofty and comprehensive uesture
toward the yellow rherand its broken
and acrratud banks.
"Thoro it is , bcfnrit yo , " said ho ;
' 'up wid jor jnck and down wid yor
long torn. Tliim that digs goold wins
it in Californy , and there's plinty to
work for , but not the si/.o ov a mulgc
to bo had for axing. "
"Suio the young man was only nx
ing the way ho must begin , Tip , dear , '
uined Mrs. Finnigan. "If ho could
jist waali the dust out ov his eyes a
bit and sate himself till ho finds < xipe
xfter the joltin' ho wint thro' in
Hank's stage , it would bo a bless" , so
it would "
' Then show him the well , and lend
lint the jack towel , " obsurvi"1 hr
insband with dignity.
Kindly M"rs Finnigan , who owed a
uood deal of her intluonco over her
husband to the nhow she made of de
ferring to him , hastened to obey his
command , and , as she gcnetally did ,
to improve on it. Whim the new
comer appeared a ain in his presence
so great was the nnpioveinont wrought
by washing , brushing and hair trim
ming that impassive as ho titcd to bo ,
Mr. Finnigan was moved to compli
ment the change.
"Now , yo look like n Chiistian ,
young man , " said ho smiling , "and u
purty nato ono too , if good looks was
any "count nut hero , which thoy'to
not Snro Hank's the boy to raise
dust ; his passengers illicit all bo na-
gurs when they leach Dry-up ; if a
minor cxpicts a fiiend in the coach
ho takes a liiush wid him so us to
swapo the dnat off before ho rocog-
n\7cn \ him , "
Then pausing Binldenly in his dis-
ciiuise , Mr. Finnigan ran a
eye ovui the youni ; liguro before him.
' 'Yon are mil uted to the wotknii ;
clothes you weir , my young lad , "
said he. "What did you come out
bore for , and have jc any friends in
this camp T'
The sharpness and severity with
which ho nil ted thtse questions in
vented the grocer of Dry-up with an
air of authority which the stranger
did not attempt to question. Hu
glanced at Ins hanilH roproauh fully , an
if accusing their mnoothnoHB or be
traying him , but hind in a fiank and
mitnly way :
" 1 will toll you just lliu truth , Mr.
Finnigan. " Ho had toad the name
on n strip of canvas pvor tint door. Its
owner nodded encouragement , and
the boy continued :
" 1 hvo in Now York I mean I did
live there before I wont on the utoam-
or Northern Light , four weeks ugn to-
duy. tJust three days before 1 started
I found out ulmt an expense T was to
the family. My dear , good mother is
u widow ; I am her only boy ; but I
Imvo threooldot sistera , who weio m ik
ing ull HOI IB of Hacrilicos and working
theniHelvoa ill to keep mo at a high
priced academy , dressed and provided
for as if I were a rich man's HOP. . My
father'H coimin , Mr. Mark Franklyn ,
IH a prosperous merchant and ho hits
charge of my mother's small fund .
Lituiy ho hit * treVed nus quite coldly ,
tmyigh lui danitoi , my omsin Nul-
lie , is ahruyH kind and good to mo.
T hut Saturday I moiin the ono before
the day J aailtd 1 ventured to ask
him what I hiul done to foifoit his
good opinion. I Hhall never foiet
thu shock and surprise of his answer ,
Ho just apokii right out and
told mo I had been Hunt , ' for
three years on the daily meii-
ficos of my mother and SH-
tora ; that I was an exacting , selfish
follow , and and " Hem thonurru-
tor suddenly rhoked up in u waj that
Ht'iiined H out of character with the
Spirttin cunrago he intended to display
that h.H pride and Hunsituom.HS had
quito a conflict of it. Those > w lo
monta of his ti-iniiurainont fought i >
out in a series of Hlrangled B ha and
coughe , while thuir vic'jm walkuit up
and down the utoie , striving to gi in
the mastery over both. Ho HOOII BUG-
ceodod , and , without entering again
on the subject thnt Imd overcome him ,
jumped at oncti to n practical point.
"As soon at 1 saw my duty 1 started
in. Mr. Fnniognii , " nid ho , nml al
though ho addressed the grocer , li
kept Inn line , frank eyes on the gro
cer's wife , having dlscoveted from n
largo cup of froth milk that aho had
given him tint she wna n valuable
member of the linn ! "but no follow
knows until ho has tried it how hard
it is for a boy like mo to got employ
inont 1 vviit too bijto begin anything -
thing , they mind , and I wasn't old
enough to bo trusted with anything
that vtns boijun 1 was almost ready
to give in , when 1 met a lad with the
chills who had hud a berth as cabin
buy on the Octun ( Jiiocm , but was too
sick to go. Didn't I jump into his
place , though ? Hut tlicro was
I'aninm and thostonmor on the Pa
cific side to manage , and I hml to
chance them. 1 was in luck. A San
Francisco gentleman was sick. I
waited on him , and ho paid my way
on the North Star. I hail just money
enough to Icing mo hero on the stage
not a penny moro , and so I hud to got
oil. "
Mr. FtnniuMti laid down tlio pipe ho
had boon Mui > king , and , uoiug to the
door , motioned his young companion
to follow him.
Pointing up the low gulch that
formed the main mad or opening to
the town ho indicated with his stubby
forefinger a shoit polo stuck in the
tnrth oiHho river bank , on top ot
which was an old tin pan.
"Dutch .lake nnd Squatty Hoggs
tuck their htvo ov that claim yonder
tlint very moiiiing"saiitlio. "They've
gone prospoctin' , and any onu that
strikes his pick in can claim that dig-
gin' . You've como a good stretch to
find n job and the sooner you begin
the latter. I'll lend yo the tools till
yo can buj wans ov yor own. "
Thereupon the enterprising Mr.
Finnigan , who had taken trom Dutch
.lake an old cradle , spade and pick ,
because he could not get a throe-
dollar liquor lull owed by that foreign
bankrupt , miite n entally an uxcullont
bargnn for himself in transferring
those articles to the boy miner.
"And now what's jer name , when
wo want to eall jo t supper ? " hu
asked after ho had helped the youth
to transfer the tools to the scene ol
operations , ami given him a first les
son in diugiug and cradling.
The boy hesitated a moment , and a
bright color rose on his smooth , j'outig
"Och ! don't bother yor bond on that
score , " ciied the Irishman , observing
hia embarrassment , "Jack or Jill , it
is all vvtm to us up hero. "
"My name is Jack , " said the boy
"but T "
oatiorly ; thought
Thatin plinty ; Jack it is thi".llll(1
now good luck to yo , aii'l rminmbor
that thnn that finds gold him to look
hard for it. Yo'll know it when yo
count on it , after thu instructions 1
gev ye. "
Mrs. Finnigan was waiting for her
"O , Tip , dear , " she siid softly ,
"that bojr hasn't broke his fast tin *
day , and it seems hirdlike to fnvo
him in at the work before lie's fanlj'
on his feet in the pl.tco- '
"Tut , " roloiti"J "or husbind coolly :
"it's a BomI chance to show what he's
mitdoof. Lot him wrestle a while
with Jake's pick before ho cuines to
Ins lav. or 1 suppose nothin' will do
> .t f > ut ho must board wid us till ho is
able to sot up a cabin for himself. "
"Och , thin , but yo have the kind
heart , Miles Fimiigaii , " cried his wife
in tones of fervent admiration at her
husband's yielding generosity ; "and
sure yo'll niver lose a chit by it , " she
hastened to add , knowing well his
fnndness of gain. "Our own little
Murtagh , had ho lived , would have
been just the morrow of this lad , and
troth I falo a mother's hear * to him ,
soldo. "
The latter part of her speech was
low. The tears that sprang with it
were hidden ; and Tip ao cillod from
hubirthplauji'ipporaryresumed bin
pipe and rocoiyod the conjugal praise
with a discriminating nod.
It was early in November. There
had been ono very heavy rain , but it
had rathur beaten down than loosened
the soil of the abandoned claim , and
in Jack's untutored grasp the pick
swerved as it struck the clayey bed ,
without dislodging much neil during
the fiict hour's hard labor
Then the boy stopped to real , for
ho could work no moio ; the potspira-
tion streamed down his f.ico , every
noi vo in hia body thrilled from his
unwonted exorcise , and- though ho
tried to hide this last fact in on fiom
himself from his lack of food. Away
up the river aa far as he could nee
minors worn busy plying their picku
or washing theii dnt , HOIIIO of thoin
wore at Hilling up to their middle in
the swift-running Htri'.iin and roaring
snatches of MOULTS us they rocked their
long toms , whilu others on higher
ground contended with the bud rock
that sometimes ( lew oil'in HphnterH
and threatened thu liven of
their comrades. Hut they didn't
Huoiii to mind danger. It
m.tdo Jack's Hcsh creep to natch their
reckluiis movements , to see Ilium
mount a high , unsteady walei lluino
in their nnmunso mining boots and
run half way iiurosi the liver ( Hi its
top to empty then waste dirt in its
bud. AH hu noted their exhaustion
vigor ho siiemed to fuel linnaelf grow
stronger again ; hu recalled Mr. Km-
nigan'fl woids , and seizum the pick
ronuwod the struggle. The soil must
h.ivo grown softer ; it cank in the side
ombinkniont at the thiul stroke , and
down came a crashing , rattling , tor-
i out-liko fall of earth , which gavuhnn
barely time % o spring aside to aa\u
himself from being buried under it ,
"Loosen hero , j' miig 'nn , " bivvlud
out ins noaioHt neighbor Iioni the
other side of a broken and disused .
flume that divided the "Dutchman's
chim" from what HUH turmoil the
"Hivor Diggiim " "don't ]
, HIIIUHI cioa-
tion right a-top of IIH all without sing
ing out a word of warning. Dun t
go tlirrugh it all at once , sonny. "
Jack full abashed at his iinlonkod
for achinyoinont , and know it could
not have boon his blown that did thu
work. A great body ol mould had
boon ready to fall ; his pick had lee *
onod u Hfonu tint lu'd ' it b'ck ' , and 10
down it c.nno. According to instil.
tions , ho began at OIK ito tout tin-
vnliio of hii dirt by n < idliMjt hut b -
fore ho had pouiod one die [ > of the
muddy rivur vv.itur into tlio mauhiiiu
a thiill of joy shot tln ii h hiu fiumo
like an ehxtne KI ) .tk
Jlo had found gold1
Not in the tiny , dull dual that Tip'o
dwcrintion Jed him ( o look for , but in
bright , ycllott tlnkos all thnmph the
grayolly soil that M.ono . mid sparkled
as clearly as ho lnd , cr men the , ml.
iihod metal n. a jeweler's window do.
A doyen foohsl , fnncuis rushed
the boy in the exultation of the upon mete
; . , ,
| ( to cry out , tn
fling up his lut it , thi > air with loud
biu/ta ; to uishshium , to the Fmri-
gans but the tniu-ly recollection of
his mother wine to his mind and
sobered linn
Quietly .is to outward appoarauco ,
though he trembled and shook with
excitement all the , , , | , ( l,0ciadlod ,
and panned out tin- dirt ho had Mm\
olod down , and , wrappim ; then-suit
in a canvns Inn he liad found , corned
over the rich ? , il mtli a loose sprink
ling of COllllIlnn clftj
My this turnit WM growing dusk ,
and ho had luvn four hours n minor'
Jack was unit „ hi , ami when ho
ontorrd Fnuui'ms ton > , w hero souif
of "the bojs wore already gathornl ,
the temptation t , . boast of his great
luck wns stinnupon him. Hboenmo
stronger Mill when Tip said , rtlher
sharply "Well , my line young gen
tleman , joint' 01 niiu luck empty
handed , 1 auppoto , and I'\o cut an
other bender like Diitoh Jake "
"No , imli'od , Mr. Finnigan , " ho
exclaimed , pnmdlj , "l'\o got onougb
Ho felt a touch on hi * mm and
turned quickly. Mrs. Finiiigan was
"Come m tosupnoi"ithoBaiilkiiid
ly ; "Tin will follow when ho has
san-ed the bo\s wid their whisky. "
Whou tliojeroalonointhokitchen
she told him to sit down Iniforo u pile
of slapjack ) and a bowl of collbo , and
"get a start , for ho must bo nearly
famished with hunger. " Then she
laid her mot hoi ly hand on bin shoul
der "Yoii'tomet with luck ; Heaven
bless jou , 1 sue it in yor fnee , " she
said , "but keep it to j'orsolf , dear ;
thej-'ro good boys , thiin,1' nodding
her head in the direction of the store ,
"and as for Tip bo's iust n jewel ; but
kape jer luck quint liku ; it will bo foi
your good '
Her significant ghtnco added force
to hoi words thick felt bo could nafo-
ly dust her and soi/ing the opportun
ity Iwforu Tip came in , lie told im
It 1ml liappotiod in the Dutchman H do-
lorted claim and showedhor thobrigbt
dust in Ins bit' . Mrs. Finnigan was
I pioneer "a fi.rty-iunor , " as they
weio called nml no one in the mines
[ letter undeiatood plncor or snrfaco i
L'nings than horsolt.
She lauylioddolightodlynt theyoung
strau-nr's good fi > Hiino , nnd told him
ho hid struck n "pocket. " Tnn-u
other utiiKeis of the same claim had
] , P ( ( he same luck , nnd then each ,
after mouths of unropaid labor , had
ibindoni'd it to give a now worker a
chance to strike on n layer of gold
"Hut no ono over 'rovli'/o' as quick
iis you , Jack , " ciied Mrs Finnigau ,
giving him Ins name with mining fa-
iniliiuity"You're in big luck , my
dojf ; but. as 1 aaid , wo'll keep it to
niiselvos. And hero comes Tip. "
Alone , Jack ne\er could have preserved
served his secret , but Him. Fimngni
was a powerful itlly ; oho kept her bus
mid away ftoni the claim when thu
young miner was cleaning tip his tail
ngs ; she instructed him in the oaaies t
nodes of operating , initiated him ir i
ill the signs of the rock and neil , and 1
nided him in tincing the rich doposil t
ill its Inst whining r-.iiii wan npnrntt't 1 ]
'rom ' tin earth. After paying for hifi
nols , a month's bonid , nnd providing
limsolf with mining boota and water
iroof clothing , Jnck hnd nearly i
.housand doll.ira worth of gold dust
left !
Mrs. Finnigan was hm banker , am
she told Tip that the lad wna making
"paying wages. "
The claim mist lined ila ropuntion.
iio pocket exhausted , Jnck worked
mil toiled day after day without HOO
ing a apaiklo in the loads of uoil ho
lioat down into the rivor. Tlio rains
Imd begun in furious force , am
cariiud away the fluines and stakes
torn down "tho boys" liydranlii
works , and rendered placer digging
next Jo impossible.
Sqiiitfy HVgH ( and n pnrty of prospectors
poctors had discovered HOIIIO wonder
fully nch diggings higbor up on the
other bank of the river , nnd thu fever
For fifing had bioko out among the
citi/ens nf Dry up
Jack had boon idle two days ; tint
is , his hands went still , but bis nim <
had never been bnniur.
"Mm Fnmigan , " ho Raid to hi
friend and advisor ; "iinnbor cost
about 8-0 it hundred foot , doesn t it/ / '
"And what would you do with it il
it could bo had for mixing , Jnck { " hi
cried , astonished.
"I'd make n raft nnd start a ferr
right hoi o , " exclaimed thu hid earn
ently. "Thin in n narrow , deep rivorv
with u H.vift currentand , I could inakt
a double eablo furry worked will
lopiHand rings It came into mj
mind yesterday when I wan noai
diowning in it. "
"Whin yo risked yor lifo to savi
thnn hiiylhen Chiiiitmon and thei
miilo , " inloiiiiptod Mrs. Finnigan
"Suru the breath was it'moat friL'htun
od out of my body wbun I Haw y
plunge in. ISut yor plan go on wi <
U , JauK ; it't ) ilhgtint , nnd will jm
make yur fortin1 if yo cirry i
throui/h. "
Thith eiiconrauvd , Jnik : proceodn
with liis oxilnnation | As ho got o
his uuinpinum glow more nnd mor
onthusmstic ; its duvclopmunt wouh
increaRti then store nnd taviirn trade
and this insuied Mr. Finnigan'H cooperation
operation- iiniMirtnnt gain in hi
wifo's uyeH
Slut WIIR n keon-iiightcd woiinui and
a great aid to Jack in nil hw under-
tnkingH ; she nicogni/.od nt once the
\alue of hut now niiteririsi | > , nnd
showed him how to make it practical
.it thu least cout.
She b < trgainod wilh u departing
miner for the npriuhU of his cabin at
it low into , and of them Jack , with
Tijioholp , inailu and nut the H takes
for hm caUc to bu faiitcniiil on , The
L'lotei foiuH.ttc a brisk buHinesu ut thu
tvhiHky kegs tthnn his store became n
fuuy hoiiHc , hn ho urged foiwurd the
diitorjiiiau and did not spare his own
labor in HI Hiring its completion ,
J > < I it-is i niLchanio and bin
riii- , ; ) mul < < > ntri\amo wmo Clowned
with tiiuoiphant mii.cuBH. His raft
waft n innilol nf ijtiuiiijlh nnd lightness ,
and when Hunk hi ought Ihu rojiua
and ringa fioni Stockton the W'liolo
all.iir t\nii coinplulo nml ready for ac
tion juit four d iyH after Ihu idea wua
brouphud by thu uioif.iilio propiiutor.
Early nn thu morning of its comple
tion Jnck tciitud hia ferry , und carried
ov u' just at uuntiiio \vliolo tniiu of
Chinamen and pack mulus , two nt
a time , bound for the now gold
diggings nt Dutch City. The
rains weio so met ssant that thf river
grow higher nnd lughor , and soon the
turn of the current at that pirliculnr
bend of the Moknluinno was almost
strong enough to s iiig the raft over ;
the only dilllculty laj in its leturn ,
and though the loads were light and
passengers helpful on the wnj1 hick ,
the young forij nun's nuusatlit'd so
fiom tugging at the cords that at
l\iilit ; ho could not sleep from their
pain. That wa to boi > ni with Tune
seiisoiiH oMirj'tbmi ; , and usage mudc
hm muscles almost like nun and the
tank grew easy
"That buy m fairlj1 coining ifold , "
slid Monte Muck to his ptrd Double-
Dock Dick ; "let's lay foi him. "
Ono night ,1m' L came in
from the river bank , llo had boon
out all duy , and , despite oilskin nnd
Indi.t rubber , was drenched to the
' ( JIM ! < him a hot toildy , bore's the
liquor , " mid Tip to hm wife. "Mako
it sweet und Htiong , nnd he'll bo all
right in the morning. "
Mrs. Finnn < an nodded ; but she gave
him hot o iflou , a foot hath and a dose
of qin'iiinu instead.
' N'lU'i a diop ov Unit soil shtll
01 oss yor lips if 1 on help it , Jack ,
mde ir , ' sud she , and next diij' who
pointed to poor "Tanvlofoot Ned1'
tumbling up to his o.ibiu , with no
moio hiinmniU in his appouance than
ono ol the beasts that polish.
"Onco and not HO loin ; ago , nay
( her - bo was young and hopeful like
you , Jack , " she said ; "look what
liquor bungs on it man , and fly front
the sight ov it. "
"Let's hnvo it little game light here
Tip , " said Monte Muck , that 01 oning ;
"yon pour us out j'our bust and plen
ty of it. If thoio'M ' u white man in
these mines it's Tip Finnigan , and ho
kno H how to soli tirnt clnsH liquor ,
too ; th it M whit I itlliitt say Dick ,
jou deal for a four handed game ; Tip
ami the yonnu ' > > "I1 Jillt , ' " ' J'1 ' flll >
spice Won't ' yo , bonoj I'
"No. ho won't thin , " ciiml the
frtMIH. . Finnigan , bursting in
them , and fin onto dining to as-
sell her.solf in hoi hmihind's domain ;
"t o'vo been afthor this lad wid jer
dirtj' caids over sineo ho 001110 to Dry-
up ; and if jo nor u\ him to taken
hand in thnn ulmtmi ; gamoA yur up t <
aum , suio III taeho jo < : both a new
thnck wid the mil ov mv broom , so 1
will- "
Tim g millions shniuk abashed bo-
foil ) the woman's Ili hmg ojo ; but
Tip wns much scindah/oil. llo was
a ( liseipliimimn and behoved in tin
intoiioiily of thu wo.ikorHov ; he had
always exacted fiom Inn wmo and
USD illy q noHotint wife Iho slnctoHl
obcdu'iico , und her late imsumption
of vtiHulncHs ttoko his disiilousiire night lioi i'\cs woio iod wh
J ike came I. HI ! a liltle while vtith
her , us he ilw.tyft did btloro leliiing
to his buiik in the back end of the
"You i iv m wnU < leltuiM nor rocavo
any , im I sn > , Jack , " she remarked ab
The j'outh's ojea tilled with sudden
touts ; ho shook his lit ml nnd bit hi
lips neivoimly , but did not reply.
llm qni'stionor wim u perHisted onu
She kept her ganto.iddy on him , am
ho could not nllect nucouuciousiiess
as hu tiled hind to do at first. It cos
n great cll'oit , but nt ln t ho gave in
nnd brokodown with Homothing liku
"Mis. Finnig.i'i , nobody know
whom T inn I lan away. "
Ho hung his bond in slmmo at thi
ooiifosHion , and lu.n face bln/ed into n
pi'ifort scarlet w lion his fiiond , laising
lier handK in shocked surprise rti
poatod :
"Run ' Lord pily '
nwaj j'our poor
distracted inolhoi , you wiong headei"
boy ! "
"They must all have coiuplainei
nnd talked ngunmt mo to to Mr
Fiaukljn and to Nellie , " he bur" ! on
in gieiit heal und ngitation. "Hi
Maid such dreadful things about nn
Holfinhly iniposiiigon thnn and nm
I just vowed I'd in vur wiifooi gi
back till I could pay up all 1 ottoii
thorn. "
"Well , Heaven bn pramed , yo cat
kaio | yor vtoid , imd start homo to
morrow. 1'vo nuvtij for yo Jack ; yi
can soil out yor right and title to th
fuiry at a Hindi foilin , and you shal
do HO and go homo to HOO yu mother
if my name IK II. tty Finnigan ! "
( hen in ipnotor and still niori < reso
Into toiins Mis Finnigan
to the lad that her gimtdinnship eve
him miiHt end ninco il had ahead , ,
piodiiLod ill fouling butwien horHoll
nnd husband.
"And tho' next to my own boy tha
the b Haul iiiunlH has in thuir holj
kiipmg this ilay , I have n warm hear
for yon , Jack , " who uinfoHnid , 'ni
duly is to iiarvo Tip nnd phitm him il
ivoiythiiig , mid T cm'i mnmigo boll
yon and him , I find. Tins is no pine
for a lad ov your broi-dm' and boioni
ini'H I may kajioj'oout of the gnu
blurs' handn and u > viv from ti )
whisky cup ; but there's more an
tvorsi1 limpta'ionit ' that I can'l niche
See niiiiit jist lave thoin all buhini
.Sho b inked her argument wilh a
oflor from a tall Hoosier known itn
Lanky , who wns toady to pay down i
uooil hind diiHt an htiudied ounce
( SiKJOfl ) for Jack's right and title t
the "Foiiy , " and then added in
whisper that Jnck vmld pay a Unit
dims p mango nnd curry ? 5,000 , lioin
wi'h him , A few moments pussed
during which thu varying emotions <
the boy's mind wore easily lend Iv
her keen ojo on his tntii8iarent | face
Suddenly , over the changing lights o
H'indo ' nii'l Miuht , ambition , pri ID IUH
calculation , broke out n nwout , soft
beaming tondornesK , and yielding t
its infiiuinrou , Jack leaned his curl ,
head upon lair hhoiildor and iiuir
inured , "I'll go and HCO my mothei
"And ( Jod's blissin' go with yon
unclaimed ] \T/H. Finnigan solomnlj
"Her prayers hnvu been nbout jo Ilk
, i guardian nngel this far , and may the
iiamo blibBjii'go wid . 'o till life mil' ' "
' 'I'll ' write to you , Mra. Finnigan ,
you dear , good friend , " cried Jack ,
giving Ins landlady n secret nnd bin-
euro ombiaco behind the kitchen door ,
us Hank pushed his modest trunk in
which thu precious dust wua atorod
into u mifo plucu on top the Stockton
"Not n w01 il , dear , " said tlio host-
cm of Diy-np , controlling horoinotion
by u utrong ullurt , "not u word , dar-
lint ; for I could not road it if yu did.
I'll jist trust yu to the auinta us I had
to do wid my own toy , and muybo
wo'll see each other aoino day buy nut
"In that Vro parly a coiningl" hal
loed Hank from the ouch box.
"Horo ho ml' shunted Tip ; "nnd
more fool ho to lave a plnco thnl
would bo the nmkin1 ov him. I'm
starting a big btr , and I d have pud
him a small fortin' to wait on it ; but
the chap's head's turned wid tlio
prieo ho got for Ins ftc-ry. " The porch
was full of "bojs" come to see that
rate sight in tlmao dnjs n departure.
Jack waved his hit as he climbed up
the stage , but pnllod it over Ins eyes
as : he dropped into place beside Hank ;
ho had c night a phmpae of bin friend
won ] ing at thu kitchen pane.
Some time after the express hold *
pvckago directed to Mrs. Finnigan ,
and gloat wnn that good womini'n sur
prise when apprised of the fnct.
On being opened it proved to be .ut
exceedingly richly-mounted picture of
a handsome young man whom no ono
rtcoi < inivd until ita recipient cried out
in rnntnro
"Arrnh , sure it's Jnck1 Jnck , in his
own clothes , and jint as ho lookr
among thorn ho was born wid. Surra
a beautiful pictur nor this in the
Vi hole now ntuto of Californy , nml I
wouldn't Ijiko its weight in goold for
it , "
So naying , she hung it bcnido an
iinublor one of her dead child , nml
hoio they roiiminod together as long
is Tip's store stood near .lack's Forty.
Frlulitful Mliiory
Mr WllKnin Pomeroy , Kungor , Me-
. .rl'on : "I Imvu for it ImiK time nlTcrat
. 'nun continual coiiHtlpitlon , nmkltig my
Ifo a miso y , and cntfing litniinchca and
rightful crump' . Mr Tnmnitmni , who
IH bi'iiti I Myit < iti'i. llulfalo , Inducorl
10 to tiy the Sl'lllMi HI.OSSOM It luui
vifuitlv uitifd nm. " 1'rli.o 5 i contH , trial
iiitth > TO Ci-iiU. 10-lw
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con-
uuiitiou | is coitumly the greatest
nodical re.uodv ever placed within the
ouch of sutloung Immunity. Tltou-
ands ul once helpless suH'etors , 'low
oudlj pioclaim then pntiso for thic
ivondoifiil discoveij to which they
> \t o their bv os Not only does it IHISI-
.ivoly ciiio Coiimiiiiption , but Couglia ,
Colds , Asthma , Ihonchitis , May
l'\ ' > vtir , lloaiHoniSHitnd all nllections of
hoTlnoat , Chest and Lungs yields
it once ( o \\.iiiilnifiil eui.itivu | KIW-
'i as if bv nmgio. We do nut ask you
o buj a luiyo boltlo unless you know
it 1ml j'ou use gotting.Vo theiofore
aiiastly iequon ! ynu to call on j-our
linggiKlH , Kn iJNIrM UION , and get a.
tml bottle fioo of cost which will oiti-
, nce the most skeptical of ita wondcr-
ul moiilH , and show vou what n rt' u-
, ai' one dollar m/o bottle will do. J < nr
.ilo bv Ish A MoMahon. (4) )
Sioux City fi Pacitc
Hiinonlnllil Trnlu llirou ti Iron )
Council Blulltj to f't. I nul
Wlthoiil Channel Tlmu , Only 17 Hour * .
ir lit
' O > < * Mill's 1111. SIIOinXST IUH1TE
ul all | wlnth In Nortlmrn town. Mlnmwotatod
I ) iknbt Thin line In iiilpi | > uillth the Improved
vVn tliihoti [ r Automatic Air limVi ! % ml Ulllt
Platform r unit Idilfcr nml ( or
la iiiifilriinwil. I'ullmitii I'nlaie hlwiilni ; Car
run tlirniili ( Wl 1101,1 Kan
HUH Cllj nml St I'niil , i la Uoiincll lllullBml
Sioux C'lty
I raliiH li.iuo Union PnUflo TraiiBler at Coun
cil llliulH , nt : > ] i in. iHllj on nrrhnl ol Kanui
I It } , ht. Jo'oph unit 1'oniKll lllnlla trnln from
tliu .South. Arrlvlnir nl Slonx ( 'lt > 11.36 p. ra
nml ill ( ho N'nw Union Dnjiot nt Ht I'ltnl ut 1230
jarKtinuiiilar III ( . .ikliijtliu .Sloiu C'lty Haute
Null Kit ft Dnoiiuh I ruin Tlio Shortcut l.inr ,
tliu OulckmtTlinuiuil _ u roinfnrtftlilu Klilvin the
lirniiKh ntx l > i < luicn
001 NUU. HUTU'S AM ) ST. I'AUI * .
/frhta that tour Tlilioti r"\ \ vl the "Slnui
city nuil I'nUllc Itull nml '
liipurlntincliril ( Jiin'l I'IIMN AL'onV ,
I' C lltllllN.suN , Aiw'tl-uu'l I'IWH. Air t ,
VIlNionrl Vnlli } , Inwt
3 H O'lllVN ' ! , SatitliHurtuni Atfint ,
( VMim I Hlnth. low *
oh i mi
Oculist and Aunst ,
riiKih all Kii | > utalilo yuklani , nl > nuia.
, Ournrr Kith < .il FnrM \ \ < jll
Chicago & Nortliweslr
"I'mlnn loavu Or. iiln 3 10 | i m nml 7 40 n. ni.
ror lull Inlotnntloii call ( in II I' DUI' ' , liilet
A ( ! jiit , Illh mul I'iriilmiii StM J. 111,1 i I 1 > .
I lllwoj IHmlornt | JAMI'.ST fl.AKK , < ltln.r-
A ! Aviin , Oninlm Jnl7iuAo if
IIOIIIIIK DUOS , llrol-.r. In M
tfl , Oninlm , Neb , , nfTor TlckoU to ttic Kwl
until furtlur nutlet , at tliu ; MiilK td a
xiiv Itnttu ;
l t dona , U
I10HTON , 211.0(1 ( ,
I'MII.ADKM'HlA , 2fW , tKS.00.
, mm.
fat partlculam , write or ( jo illni.1 to I1UIIU1K
IIIIOH. . Dtalvra In KoUiKoil Huto lUHroail iml
HtwiniBlili | TliktU , 8011 ' 1 unth Ht. , Oiimlm Nelt.
lleiiiiiiniiur ttie placu lliruu Uoora N ith ol
Union I'aclllo Unllroinl Dqiot , K.wt t dc orXuth
Omahit Aiiirunt I. mi
For Sale By
ne * .
Eeal Estate Agency
Keep complete abstract ol title ( a fla
KiUtt la OuuOi * KO Dowlu coaiitr. * uv