\ . THE OMAHA DAILY BEESATU.RD \ Y jAjNUAKY 28 , 1882 , FINANCE AND COMMERCE , 1'lNANOIAl , . Nr.w YORK , , lam-nry 27. Mi .Nn. ' \ Money closed at 3 per cent. , < ! KxclmiL-i closed ( i'ln t 1 S.'Cn. I ! > 0 ( tovirnmont bonds clond fntii. Currency C's 1 ' V > bid 4'a couponi 1 1st blii 4J coupniH t uj bid r.rK Cuntiiinul 1 02\ bid C't , Continued 1 01 bid ItAUIIOAl ) BONDS. Pacific bondi elofed a * follows : Union M * 1 ir.jjtf ? 1 1 ? . ? Union l.ind Uranls 1 13'ml 115 Union SinUm , * l.'mi'l I . "JJd'd Ji ; Centrals 1 u l 114 STOCKl The rtrck uiirkc thimorn'ng ; was ntiong.uid | under 1 r.c ; biiylt R there J wns a gonsn. ! , and in some ci .es a sharp aihfMice ; in the * { eiior.\l li < t the Improve ment ranged from i to 3J per cent. , and was lead by the Northwestern , Milwau kee it St. Paul , St. P.ml & Omaha , West- em Union and Southwest shares. After 1 o'clock there was aomo reaction , but in late dea'in ' s thu market becAino ttroiif- ai , " in nnd liwed at an ulvan o of J to 2 per ceut. , in licneral lUt , and 1 to S per cent , for spuci titles lik < > iJiolinioud &We.-t Point , und Kichrio id A Allegheny. Tha follouuiK are the closing bids : Northwest rn. . 130J Krie -I - < TATK IIO.NDS Stu'u bonds dull , Tcnn'hbeo CI'K old , de clined t.i71c. CMIOARO MONET MAHKhT. t/itiUAiui , .lumiiry 27. The ilem nil for ninnoy was only mod erate , and all the A 1 pa er pron'iiteil was shouldered piomptly at ( ! @ 7 p > 'i c-nt. per . nimm. ' n.ist ru exchanji' ' 'ctwieti rity bankM s we.ik with Miles at r.0 ( ; 80c discount pji SI,000 , and currency \VIH oideiedfrom Xcw Yor1 : . Thu cli\irims of the associutud ban' w we re SH.OOO , W ) . Tlie 11 i v of o.irivin-y to w l rn iioint w.ii only m ) der..te r 01THS OMAHA UKH , ) Wo li."j < day KvunhiK , January 27. J The only change ! rttpmitcd in niarketH to-day wan in > ; raiii. Win\vt decline.l 11,0 , for No. 2 . .ml 2j fur No. 3. Uc-jecled de clined lo. Corn declined ic. OaU was nlmtit the same as yesterday uoc.tl Cirnln IJoalnif8. \ \VJIIAT. : Cash x . . " . , i io ; > - h Vii " > , ! IO'c ' : rejec'ted , 7HJc. HAJ.l./iY. Ca.-h No. 2 , Hie ; No. 8 72o. llV3-Cf.h : , SOJc. CO1JX.-I'lt-h No. 2 , I7c. STIJI'.lir piirUICSCorn455550 ; o.iis , IIAY-- CMJli ! iO per Ion. Yi : FLOUK-63 25. " MLI.I.S i tJi'l'S L'.r.vn , per owe 100 .psr ton li > OJ $17.'IO , , rccninys , per cwt. 80c ; ritiorts. p.- v , > 1.00 ; chopped fi-ud , per owl. ! ' : m-a' ' 'i-3d. ' yelloiv , 1 10 : wliito. ftl OU. 'OTA'l'oKS ' N' , l > asUaK , 1 101 20. \ ViiI1 : PO'lMTOKh OemuneMnhCi * ] * ( " 11 . KKKSKOat of mirUut. [ UUTTIill Cimiiv , 2Jfe-J ( < c ; pooi , .0 t. : fair , l.-feUJ ; c.viinii'ry , ! ! ( ig,3 ( c. 'LKiiiotl. ( . oop.inl , \c-ry HO-.ICU . , - . 7-Vffl'i 00 per bbl. , , fLi.MONn : Steady ; per bofi ia4 ( ) ? ' - f- &I ALT.AO A ( . IIAIMJS IV'r bbl8 r.O ; pel half bbl. , Sii 50. -jffiEKSWAX-Yiillow , 20@22u. jO.XION'S 10ru.l 11 j ) r biisbol. lOl.AXUMUIMKS bbl. , $10 OOto CHIilJllY - I'll il > t. , ( j fl < ju , l > ii.SSr.I : : > ( JI.I..SI.-P r lb. , D llc. _ OYSTKItS .Si-lectM. l.w ; utandanii , , .Tw. Jt ' * 4 > .11KSSi : I ) ( 'I1CRiS.Steady [ : at ' KKSK-IO'J. Mo. Grocers List. I'l'M' . Ki. . , , Mir , it : > c ; Itio. guod , ii.4 Kio prime to rholtv , ll c ; Old R.iv't Jt it ; A.l.CiJJJi . , Aloi-h.i . , 2SJjc ; Arbuckle's , .17 AI 0 ! oO 315 35I , , - Jc ; J'owderud , lSn ( ) I ? j.nw I. ed. IliiStaiiilnrd ; ( ! olfee \ ; Ni v'oil , C'.iufiutioiier'a 0 ] > v Ktandurd c , OoiKl A , ! ) fr ; Prairie Ritra 0 , 81b Bl l'h. > ii.ir : , i'loiisc , bbls , ire ; la'f b 17c ; ktyu , t alloiH , S' ! lUj choice ta . , ) , 12c ; , Ho , kuK.J2 10. * DA. 1-iwitfht'h li ! , SSOfl : Do- Jo , JOO : Clmrch's. ? : . 00 ; Kna Sfi .VlU'll. Pcail , 4Au ; Hlher Olonn , Si & \V \ Corn Sl-uch , fygfOcj Jlxcchiior ; l7c ; Corn. 7iu LT. Dray loa.li , per bbl , 2 IWj AHI ] * n'eacJ.-H , 3 50 ; bbln dairy ( X ) , fw , 3 4.1 ; iafry , 103 , . ce , new crop , fijcj Kv.iporated Applux , v-f , IHc ; .M ichii-in , 8lc ; A'ew ' .i- , 8jc ; PrmiBH , old , lijc ; now , Ourr.u.t , , li/ / ' , , , nuw , EI > f. Full ( 'ro.im , He ; KNWAKK-Two hoop .yOtitohuan tiftih. . , 2 20 ! No. 1 . . . . . s < 45 ° ' ' ' tu"3. . K ' " V' . 'I lul.rf. 7 > " ; ' ' " ' " ' ' ) "lll'U' ( " * " " ' T'WeVl'blifll.cL."IJ2l' ! : ? - 13ar , 81 05. - - { ' , lit ; Allnplco , We : . QJ | JQ , ' ' 'iC'OfiHBiU , , 55,10 , . ; 12 } * holce lard , 14Sc : dried beef , 13Jc : shollld em , IV : hams , 14Jc : bacon , sldec , lie. NKNV PlCKliI.S Meitinm , in barrels , $10 W : do in half bhl , 5 75 : small * , In bbK 12 00 do , in half bbh. 7 CO ; Kherklns , In bbK H 00 ; do , la half bbls. 7 60. VINKOAll Pure apple extra , IG'i pure apple , 13c : Pni slmj mire nimlo , ICc. HOMIN Y-Ncw , SJ5 50 per bbl. P HANS Medium , hand picked' M 75 per bushel ! navy , S3 75 ! calcf navy , $3 75. UOPK Si al , i inch and larger , SJ@ Oc ; } inch , 10u SOAPS-Klrk's Savon Imperial , 830) ) Kirk's satinet , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard. 3 tiSj Kirk's white l.u < lnn , 500 : Kirk's Kntocn , 2 05i Kirk's Prairie Queen , ( ICO cakes ) , 3 JO : Klrl : ' * magnolia , I 5,1 ® 10. I'ANDIil.S 15oxe , 40 lb < , 111 nt , S < , ' lliobi : > xcs 40 lb * . , 16 or , , I'M , IGc , I.YU American , 3 40 : Greenwich. a 10 : Western , 2 75 : North Star , ' . ' BO ; Lewi * ' lye , I CO ; Jewell lye. 27ft. POTASH Penn ylvailia cans , 4 doz. , In ca-e , 3 35 ; Halibut's Hall , 2 doIn case , I HO ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in ease. 1 50. KIl.T.D SKl-ID-Ued clover , choice nuw , $ ( ! 00 per ( nicliol ; m.unumth clover new , S700 ; white elo\rr , new , 31100 il alfa clover , new , $11 ! f-Oj aHke , new , S1300. Timothy , p > .il. nev\ , ? 3 00 ; blue ( , -rass , extra clean , $1 M ) ; blue ( jrapn , ulv.tn , SI 2."i ; orchard Kr-'s' < ) S0 ! r * ' toi ; choii-p , 1 0 ; ) ; millet , eommon or Missouri , 80c ; millet , ( ivimnii , flOO to SI 2ft ; Hungarian. 80c , JIKDnKSKKP-Osaso orange , 1 to 5 Im-heK .J5 00 ; os ijje ownne , 10 misiu > lH or o\er , S-l 50 ; hnnoy hxinst , pui lb. , 3. " > o ; per f..i 2riOO , tns .i-Kttinllv white fish , IK ) lb hf bbK ? 3 75 ; * .o , 1 white fish , "O lb hf bbls , 15 30 ; No. 1 < vhite llsh. in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family 10 H ketf , bia i Hank 94c ; boneless lish , 5jo. MACKKHKlv H. lfhlInnn-isiii. clerol , 100 Ibs , S12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ox chore do , 100 Ibs , C 00 ; hf Mils , fat family do , UH ) Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackeic ) , 12 lb kits , 22 , ' ) ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 lb do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do. 75c. CANNKl ) GOODS OystoiN , 2 lb ( Field's ) , per case , SI 00 ; do 1 II. ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case , 3 70 ; do 1 11. ( standard ) , per case , 2 30 ; do 2 lb ( slack ) , per ca o , 2 7-r > ; do I lb ( slack ) , per c.-we , 2 00 Onions , 3 80. Salmon , 1 lb , per dozen , 1 fiO ( il 70 ; do2 Hi , per do/en 25" ) . Sardines , small t'sh , imported ono ( runrter boxes per box , Itjo ; Ameiican , ipiarter bo\cs j or box , llu ; do half boxes , per box , 21 0. "Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen , 1 SO. Tomatoes. 2 30 ; do 3 U ) per e.se : , 3 30 ; Corn 2 It. ( Mountain ) per ease , 3 ( .0 ; f-o.nked corn , 2 10 ; do 'i Hi ( Yarmouth ) , per c.iae , 30) ) ; string beans , per c.ve , 2 2" > ; Lima beans per cane , 2 20. Succotash per ca.se , 2 25. Peas , common , per case , 2 00pe.is ; , choice , per case , 4 50. Ijlackberrie.s , 2 it. , per case , 2.SO ; strawberries , 2 lb , [ wr ua-c , 2 75 raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 27r.ft300. Damsons , 2 IK per case , 2 t.'i Hartlett pe.irs per case , .HOofrtjIOO. Whortlebcr- virs p r case , 2 SO. Kjfj ; plum2 lb j.er c. . < e , 3 50 ; do. choice , 2 lb , per c.i-'e. ' < fit ) . Gri't'ii Ki et,2 lb per c ise , 3 "iO : do choice , ' ? lb | > er OHM' , I T'O. ' Pint' Apples 2 lb , perc.ise , O0'n)5 ) 7. " > . Peaches - lb Pcr t ; ; : < 1 ° : do 3lb , c-ise. ( i ODMt ! 50 ; do , ( pie ) , I ! lb , pel ias ' .38."i ; do pie , ti lb , per do/til , . ! 50. IU'l'--t'.n-oliiu , ( / } ? > ( ' : Louwiau.i , 7J @ 8 ! , < : \ fair , ( iJC7. PKANUTS-KnusU'il , choice , n-d Ten- iie.ce , ! 'c per lb ; fancy white , 10 < % per lb ; ruuxvliite Virginia raw , 10 ; ii\iled , lljc. Dry Goods. HUOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , SJc ; Appleton XX , 7e ; Atlanta A. So ; lionlt FT , fi\c \ ; luc ! ! ; je IL. 1-1 , 7c ; C'abotV , Ho ; ChittvnaiiL'o A , 0c ; tjrcat Falln K , K c ; Hoos-or , CJc : Honest Width , 7ic ; In- rtian Head A , "H'Jc ; Indian KUndaul A , R'ic ; Imlian ( Orchard d. w. , Sc ; Lawieuce IA , , 7e ; Myytic Kiver , 7ic ; l'eiiot ( A , 8 c ; SlmwmutAj \ , 7c ; Utica C , 5icVncluin ; - t-tt K. 7i : do A , 8Jc ; iio E 48 , 12io ; Wal- cott I5U , R.\c. \ FINi : nUOU'N COTTONS A llcmlale t J ; 7ic ; AlliKator : M , lie ; Arjjylu 4 , 7fc ; Atlaulic lAj. t'4c ; IS.iducr Stat" X'l-4 , 7c ; IJeimintjtun C 4-1 , ( ijc ; UuckoyeS. l-ltcc ' , Indian Orch'int A A ' .1-8 , bic ; Lauonia O 30 , 8\c ; Lehiuh K l-l , .lie " ; Lon'diilu 4-4 , 10c : I'upiwicll X 30 , 7c ; d"o O 32. 7c ; ilo 11 HO , 7fc ; do K H9 , SJu ; IVcass-t C 1-4 , 7Vc : Wamtntta 41. 1. 13c. IJLKAOHKD OOT'L'OXS AndroHcog- f.in L 1-1 , lOc ; lilackstnne A A in perial ! lc ; do do half blenched 4 , ! ) ; Cabot I-4.SJ ; Fidc'lity4-4 , MR * ; Fruit of thnLnnm , ! ! ; i\i \ , ran brio l-4,13ilo WuterTuint,10U'Orent FallsQ , I0iclndi ; in Hcndimnink 1-4,12'c ; L < ns'ialp ' , lOJc ; do c.imbtio 37 , 13c ; New- York Mills , 13c ; Peipuit A , lOc ; Vepperell N G Twills , 12ic ; Pocahontiw 1-1 , DJc ; Pm-asH t 4-1 , SJc ; Utica , llu ; Wauisutta O X X , 13c. DUCKS tJnbleached Atlantic , lOo 17c ; Baltimore do , Kic ; l one Star , 8 HZ , 12c : Sav.fjo , 18c. ( Colored ) Albany K brown , 8u ; do C , lira1" 'lr 'InA , Htiiin'H and plaid.-- , 12c " ; do XXX lirown and drab , htiipe an < "l plaidH , 12Jc ; Arlington f&ncy , I'.lo ; I'rnniiwiuk bro\vn , 8Ju ; Chi riot fancy , 12Jc ; do extra heavy , 2c ( ; i'"all ' lUvei brown , extra hea\y , llic ; Indiuim A bijwn. 13c ; NepoiiseL A brown , lrio. 'TICKINGS AninMtong A C A 32 , 17 u ; do XX bine 32 , ISJc ; Arrow.inna , KJc ; Cluremoiit H H , in.Jc ; Cone.tofa ex- tr.i , 17Jc ; Ilainilldii D , ll.Jc ; Lewiston A ! tO , 15c ; Alinneliaha 4-4 , 2lc ) ; Onipga miper u\.ti.i 1-1 , 2Hu ; Pearl Itivcr 32 , lic ( | ; 1'nt- nain XX blue Htritio , 12c ; Sht-tuclcct , S lOJu ; do KS 12c ; Ywiman'H blue 2 ! ) , SJc , DKN1.MS.Amnskeak , bine and brown , lO.ic ; Andovur DD blue , 15Jc ; Arlington lihu- Scotch , 18ic ; Concord OOO , liluu and blown , 12ic ; d < . AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX do do 14Jc ; IIayiriakcr'n blue unit blown , ! ic ; My tiuli\i'rllr ! triie ] , KJ.Jc ; I'earl Ifivor , blue and brown , 15Jc ; Uiicasville , bluu and brown , ljc. ! ! CAM15U1CS Itatnnnl , . " c ; ICddyatonu liuhiK' , 21 inch double fact1 , fijc ; ( Janicr A Klii/rd , 5c ; Manhattan KO\U iininh , .r'c ; Newport do Oe ; do ( { huetl , Tii/c / ; Pi-quot do 5 ? : Lo k oed kid tinish , Oc. CJtSKT ) JHANH Amorv , Sc ; Andiw | , ' ; hatteeii. SJo ; Clarendon , ( : JcConoM- ; toifa Ratteens 7lc ; Jinllowell , 8c ; Imlian Orchard improved , 7Jc ; Narra ansutt , 7Ju ; Pepiiorill fatteen Kin ; Uockport , 7 PIJINTS- Aliens 6Jc ; American , 0c " ; Arnold , 7c ; ISerwiuk , 4'fc ; Cochcro , 7"c ; Oonestoga. fiAc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnull , lii@7 Kdilyetone. 7 ! Glonci'Htur , < ! o ! llarmonv , 5lc " ; Knickerlxicker , OJe ; Mcr rimac D , 7e ; Alyhtie , Sjc ; Sprat'iics , ( Jo ; lyi ; , ( ic ; do. Gin 'hainH , 7c ; tlarl. bore , Me : Oiiontal ( ijc. GING HAMS AmokeiK. lOJe ; Amo . \ dre .K 12 ' Aivyle , lOJc ; Atlantic , Oc ; Cumberland , 74 ! Highland , SJc ; Kcnilworth , 8Jc ; Pluu kett , lOic ; Sus- HOX. 8c. COTTON ADKSAbbervilia KUc ; Agate , UOc ; American , llr ; ArtUian , 2B ( ) ; Cairo O and T , 13Jo ; Clarion D and T , 17Jc ; Dercan f'o. ttripcHDamlT. lOc ; Key- hU.nu , KIU , N'n ! ; .i | I'.lcNonpaiell ' , Kio ; Ocean 1) ami T. l.ijo : Koyal , llijo ; SIISHPIX , 12c ; Tlojja , 12ic ; WachtiKett uhlrt * inv jbrcltH , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York , phi in Nankin , I2.jc ; do , chuckfi , Btripen and fancy , 12c ; do , Hoz , 20u. ' ' l llKETINS-Andro : ; < coS inlO-l.27 .c : 7-1 , li c ; do 4(7 ( , i o : " ll'enpuVeii' ' , 2-.ii do f.7. . 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Ttica W M < " . dc 5S , 22ic ; do IS , 17o Cljcari and Tobacco * C1GA US. Seadn. 81B.OO ; Coi.uoetii.ut , OK T l. Tflun.l Anr stf. i. . . . Shoo , pound * , J'urlty , _ ' ) lb , bull * , 5''c ; Queen J5et , 21 lb , biittB , Kin ; ( Jlt ! IM > 'e , ixiumN , 21 lb , butt . ( jQ ; Aiu.y wid Navy , I ounuX D5c ; JJulljfon , i uud. , COc ; L.jnllard'i CUinnx , pound * , Olo. FfNK ( JUT-Iii palh.-IlwU to "fta ; Golden Thremi , 7tV ; Vonnlatn , 80c : Favorite , UVj li'ocky MxnnUiu , ( XX ; ; Fancy , K > c ; Dal y , oOo. In tin foil Catlinn 0. 8. , 5 lb boxp , per Hi l > 5c : Iri - Illard's Titfer , tW ; lllair.onil Crown , tWs. SMOKING All rad. Common , 25 Ui 33c. Granulated ulackwello Durham , 10 or. Me : Dukcn Durham , 111 or , 50o ; Seal of North CaMlIna , 10 f , 40j Seal of Nehru * * ka , 10 or. 3So ; l/onc Jack , I o ? , linen bnp , IHT lb. 51.35 ; MnrlmrgV P"ck , 'i oz , tin oil , 55c ; UouTMl. Me. Paint , Oil * n < 1 Vnrnlthp * PAINTS IN Oil. White lead. Omaha P. P. . 7c ; whllo lead , O. P. .t C. Co.puro , ( > : Marseilles inven , 1 to 5 lb cans , 1S.V ! Kn-nch zino , I'-n eal , 12c : Pronch zinc , ml teal , lie : French nine. In varnish i\ i , JOc : French zince , in oil asst , l.V : Uaw and burnt umber , I It' c.tn 12c ; raw and burnt Sienna , 13c : vamlykc brown , 13 ; i-emied lampblaok , I''c ; co.u'b blaek. P c ; i 'ory black , ll > c } drop black , lOc ; Pnwlan blue , ROe ; nltnuuailno him' , Ho : chrome Kiveni. \ . M. & D. , He : blind and flint ter itrconi. . M. & D , He : Palis \ iive18o ; Indian red. 15c ; Vvnelian red , lie : Tuscan lilt , 2''o : American Vermlllod , I. & 1ISc : chrome yellow , ! < . , M. , O. & D. O. , 18o ; yellow ochre , Do ; golden ochie , Ui ; jiatont Ilryer , Cc ; Draining colors : liiht ; oak. dark oa t , walnut , ehostnnt and RS'J 12c Dry Dalnt Wilte lead , ojc ; Vroncli inc. 10c ; Paris whitebiK 2Jcj whitiiiK Kildcrs , lie ; whiting com'l , lie ; lamiiMaek German * town , lie ; lampbl.ick , ordinary , Sc ; Prx\s- KI.UI blue , I5o ( ultiamaiino , 18o : vandykc , brown , 8e ; umber , burnt , le ; umber , raw , tojslcnnn , burn t , le ; sienna , aw , U- Paris ureen Kenuine , 35c ; Paris j-'cncom'l i"c : ehromo f-reen , N. Y. ' "Oe ; chrom- Riven 1C. , 12c ; vonnilllon , Kiig. , 7c ; \tr * million , Americn , ISc ; Indian red , lOo , rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , CooksonV "jo ; Venetian red Am. , Vt' { ! rt'd loml , 7Je ; chn > n , e yellow , genuine , IXlo ; uhiomo vel- low , K. , 12o ; oohve , rochelle , 3e : i > ufiti' , Fiench , 2 0 ; oehre , Aniciiran , IJc ; Winter's mineral. 2je ; eblKh brown. I ! Jo : spam'sh bniwn. 2 e ; Prince's mineral 3o ; VA11N1SHHS Uariels per gallon. b'tirniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; furniture , U , 85c ; ( . 'oach , extra , SI 10 ; Coach , No. 1 , 31 20 ; Damar , $1 50 ; .Tapan , 70c : axnhaltnm , 70c ; shellac , S3 50 ; b.vrd oil finisli. SI SO OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , llicir ; > 0' headlight , per gallon , l'o ' ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , Kic : crystolino , iter gallon , 20c ; linseed , iw , perpdlon , litj ; lin-ord , boiled , tier gallon. ( ISo ; lard , \\interst 'd , per mil- liin , 1 05 ; No. 1 , 0c ; No. 2 , IMC ; castor , XXX. pi-r Kallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet , per ( illnn , 85c : opermV. . U. , per gallon , 1 3Ti ; tisliV , 1J. per gallon , OOc : neatsfont , extia , per .illon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; bibri- catinf , ' , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; o den machine , No. 1 , per Kallon , 3. " > c ; No. 2 , , SO ; sperm , ni 'iuil , per gallon , SOoj tei- pentine , per K < < Hon , * > lc ; naplba , 71 , pur Kallon , 30c ; Cf. 20c. Lumber. wnoi.K8.VLK. KKNCINO No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , § 20 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , lit 00 ; xlicvtini ; dro-Hod , No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , Hi 00 ; common boards' . drenwd. 20 00. FUA.M INC. If ft. raid under , per M , 20 ( K ) ; 10 ft. htuddiiu ; , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ; 24 ft. 25 Ou. FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , 1J and 2 inch , SoO 00 No. 1 finish I inch $45 00 ; No. 2 , fini-h 1 } , 1 j and 2 inch. 1500 : No. 2 finish , 1 inch , S1000 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inoli , ,535 00 : O. G. battcm pui iOO feet lin. , SI 00 ; well curbing , > 2L'00 ; rough J ami 2 inch battens per 100 ftut lin. . r,0o. STOCK P.OUDSA stock , 8-10 00 ; U SH : . 00 : C , $ 'M 00 : common stock , S22 50. KLOOU1NO No. 1 , 810 HO ; No. 2 , SvW 00 ; No , 3 , 'J2 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , S1000. SIDING No. 1 , $21 00 ; No. 2 , $2200 ; No. 3 , SIS 00. SHIP LAP Plain , S22 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , -$3200 ; No. 2.82200. CKILING $21 00m37 ( 00. LATH AND SHINGLKS A etarbcst ( ) Hhitmles S3 85 , No. 2 , S2 50 ; No. 3 , 82 00. Lath , 53 50. Heavy Hardwarn List. Iron , riituH , ! ? ; i 50 ; plow uteel , cast , 74r. ; cast tool do , 15(0)20 ( ) wajon ; apokew , nbt. 225@3 00 ; hubs , pcrfet , 1 25 ; felloes , Hawed dry , 1 10 ; tongues , each , 70 ( < fS5c ) ; r.xles , each , 75c ; wiuate nuts , per lb , 7@lle ; wnshen , jxir lb , 818c ; nvelw , per lb , lie ; coil chain , per lb , < > @l2c ; malieaile , Su ; ron wedges , ( > c ; crowbai , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; hoMCshoes I'or ' keg , fi 00 ; sprini ; Btccl. 7 < 5Sc. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 375 ; Oil , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d , fine , II 50 ; clinch , all hi/es , 5 2."i ; lid , casing , 4 75 ; 8d cabin : ; , 4 fif ) ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOil finisli , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; fVl finish , 5 25 half keKs lOo extra. SHOT. Shot , 81.8. " ) ; Buck shot , $2.10 ; Oiieiit.il Powder , kegs , JJG. 10 ; do. , half kegs , ! t > 3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , SJ1.88 ; Want ing , keint. § 3.3.1 : Fuse , ner 100 feet 50c. Horaen and Mules. The market is brisk and all grades are celling well at i' flight advance in pi ices. The demand for good horhcs cxcefdn the Hiijiply considerably. Prices range oa fol- lowb : Finn single drivers , S150. to 300. ; Kxtra dr.ift homes , 5175. to 225. ; Common drait horses. S100. to 150. : Kxtra farm horses , 3110. to 125. ; Common to good farm borse.i S'JO. to 8100. ; Kxtra plugs , SW. to 75. ; Common plu n , ? 20. to $40. MUI.KS. 15 to 15J handrt ( extra ) , 8125. toir.O. ; 14J to 15 liumls , 5100. to 140. ; 11 to 141 .lands , S7f , . to 100. ; 13J to 14 Iiuuds. $ UO. t.o 75 Liquors. ALCOHOL 187 proof , 225 per wine gallon ; extra California hpirit-i. 1S7 proof , 1 3 > l per jiroof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 1 7 proof , 1 21 per proof gallon ; re-dixtillcd f binkies , 1 00 ( < wl 5ii ; line blended , 1 50fej 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200&700 ; KHI. tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , i 0'7 ) 00 BHANDIHS Importeii , SO 00@lfiOO ; domestio 1 ! ( ) @ 4 00. GINS j. . : .wiied. 4 50@0 00 ; d.mpstii : , 1 40ffl3 00. KUA1S Imported , 4 50fG 00 ; New England. 2 00r4 00 ; dome-ilic , 1 50@3 50 PKACH AND Al'PLK HH ANDY 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNKS Imi'rti > ( l JUT case , 2G000.4I O-Annr's-u case , 1200 ® CLAHKTS Pr ciise , 4 50@10 00. WINKS Rhine wine , per case , (1 00 ® 20 00 ; Oalawbn , per ca.se , 1 00@7 00. Dulldlre Malarial. LIMK Per barrel. 91 35 ; bulk perlm. , 35c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plaster , bbl , $2 50. Hair per bii. "Wo. Tarred felt 100 Ibu. $3 50. Struw iioard , ? J CO PAPJ-1U Stiuw paper , Sjc ; lajr paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; mamla paper , lOo ; newH | iapor. Ko COAL Cumberland blacksmith , ? 12 ; Morris Hun IMoiiMbiirg , $12 ; Whltebrcast lump , ? li 50 ; Whitebrwist nut. ? ( | f 0 ; Iowa lump , $ < ! 50 ; Iowa nut ? ( J50 ; Ilo < jk Springy $8 ; Anthracite , all sizes ? 12 00 12 50. Wool. Hld Hurt , Etc. HIDK8 Green butcher's hhle , 7c ; green cured hides , 80 ; green salt , port cured hides , 7i7'/c ( / ; ilrj- Hint , Mjiiinl , 13(5)1 ( ) le ; dry calf and kip , PJwI.te ; dry wait hldenKomil ( , l < a)12c ) ; gwii calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs lOfeil i lu ; giecm calf , wt. nmlc-r H HH , per slfln , ( JO- gicenj Hs , 81 00(3 1 15 ; grorn lamlmklm , SI 10@125 ; damaged hidoa , two-thbd ni.e , cut pcored and unr gnib , clnsHcd two . , ii'ic ; short * tiii , 4W" ( narrow utriim bnnxl stilp- , (0e ( Tallow , 5JB. DllUGS AND CjTriMICAL.AM , [ 'arlmlic , KOo ; Acid , Tartarir , ftflo ; liaJM O'opivbla , per lb , 75c ; Duik , rjimufrai' , i lb , P.VCalr.mel ; . , per lb. 75c ; < lnrhrf f.i i > or o81 00 ; Chloroform , \ > et lb , 1 00 ; Dover' ! powders , per lb , ? 1 10 ; Jljwrj ; , per lb , UJ ? ; Ol/coflne , pure , imr ] J ; 45e : 10.11 ! , Awtntc , IHT lb , 2lc ; Oil , Ca-tor , No. 1 , per b'a1. * 1 35 ; ( ll , CauUr , No. 3 , | x > r gal , $1 25 | Oil , Olive , ix > r gal , $1 50 ; Oil , Origanum , r-Oo Opium , S4 50 ; Oulnlne P. ft W , * 15. A S. , | wr ox , s2 75 ; I'otaoslnm , li < dldc , per lb ; 52 40 ; Salacin , per or , 40c : Sulphate of Moriihlne , per oa , $3 t > 1 ; Sulphur Hour , per lb , 4Je : Strvchnlno. ncr or. St 45. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Council Bluffr Mnrhot. CotMMt. lLi ) < > TH , January 27. Klonr Manufactured by Crystal and City Mills. 3 75m 4 50 : Kansas and Mis. simri Hour , 3 Ml ® I 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; rye Hour , 3 40. l > ran mid Short . --l."i 00 per ton , Chop Com 22 50 per ton. Whe.itNo. . 2 , $ 1 20 ; No. 3 , We ; re jected , 70c. Corn No. 2 , M ) , , rejected 48c. ( HtsXo. . 2 , lOc ; reiectwl , lOc. Harlev N. . . . 2 , ! Ho ) : No. 3 , "fin. Uny-li-Mwe. 5 00j ( li 00. Wood 55l > ir 7 W. 1 .i\e Hogs 5 256 ; 5 75 Cattle- Shipping , I riO5 00 ; mlleh cows 30 OOfiilfi 00 per head : Imtcbcrs stock , 3 tKK-3 M. Sheep-37512.V G Hld w-r.cGS : hides 7o. \Vool-15fc. 5. Hutter Creaiuf ly , , " 0e ; In lolls wrap. pud , 25e : i-'ON ' nowrapi'e ' < l , 20s ; mhisl e < i'ors 15ci".20o. ( I'Iggs Piiuked. ItV ; fn h , 20o. Potatoes 1 lOfii I IK ) ; Salt l. . ke , 1 51. Ouiom1 25iil ( 10 Dressed Poultry -Chii kens 10 ; ducks , 1IKgeive : , IVIJitur : e > s. 12jc LU e Chickens 2 25 per dozen. JfroUmio. Ciurvuo. Jninniry 27. On 'oh nge the unrkets wore fe > cri < h. Tin ? leceipU of grain wo e 4l > ti cur buds embracing ( iS of wheut , 273 f corn , 8S of eMs li of rje mid 3 of bailey. Flour- Steady and linn , but no si > eciil deiunnd ; common to ehoicoHprin. ' , western , 4 ri''C'7tH ' ) ; Minnes tit , 500 ( < ? 725 : natoiits 7 oOCi. " " . "i ; winter brands 505j)7 ) 2J ; buckw bea' tlonr , 5 50Ti ( ti 50. Whs t-lu No. 2 "pring .iggregato bu i- ness transarted in tin * market wa1 * very fair , ami piii'i'H ruled higher \\Wt feeling omu\\hnt niiFPttled , and a good demnnd d'lilnj- ' most of the s ! n Openti r. were nudai-ided an to .ilncb coinse to jiursue , an.l watched the marUtt closely for any n w development- which miiht appear. Tlio market opened about V-3 hikher , r * ' ceded Jc , rallied { , and afitir some fluctu ations declined IJo , again milted , thictimt- e. I somewhat , ami fiimllv c'o ed liS U1' higher > egul. r boird , and o > i call at 1 31 } for o..sh mid Jnnuart ; 1 3ljj for I'Vbuary ; 1 35 } for March ; 1 : ! J for A iil ; 1 .IS ! for M 'iv > 1 l'foryeat ' ! / ; No.J3 spriiKimlet at 1 17i ; i ejected se.idy at JJ7fell7o , ac cording t ' location. Corn - Kvldbl'ed a little more Htiemti ; ! at opening for more deferred deliveries. Tim olferiugs , lim\e\t'i , WIMO unite tree , and feeling became weaker accompanied with a re nctiVn of { ( ii' ' c in piices. Ship- ning demand modeiate ; No. 2 aid high mixed chif-ed .it > lc | for cash ; tiljc for .Innn.iiy : 01 | o for Kehrnary ; 'il'io ' foi Mnicliliijc ; ! for May and .lime ; d7c | f"r .Inly ; lejected in < J od uiiiu > t at 57G' ! | 57ic.U.ith U.ith Sternly and a moJeiate business was done ; N.I. 2 cloud at 43ji | ! for cash. .lamia y , and rVhrnary : Iltu for Murcli ; 153c fi.r Mny ; ITijo for .Jim. * . Uve-Steadv.No. 2 , ! iio for c.ish ; illiic foi J.inna'v : SMfor ! / Manb. l.xrley--Very ! ipiiet , mid no particular atl ' .ion I'hen to the market ; No. 2 cb sod at 1 03J for .lannary : 1 01 Januai } ai d I'Vhuury. I'oikModerate y active and steady ; mess cliiKod at 1 5frilS2i for e.ifli ; IS 0' ' for tlaimaiy ; 18 15 for Kebmnrv ; 1H37J for Maieh ; 18 GO f..r . April ; 18 H ! ' for May. L-ird Vuirlv uc'ive and steady , clo'ing at 11 aifalll 27-J for citHli : 11 22\ for K.-b- nmry ; 11 40for March ; 11 52 J for April ; IKi'i for lay. HullcMeatH ( Juict ; short ribs 'J 10 for cnsli ; ! l 12i for I'Vliiinry : ' .I27i f"1' Maich ; n 12' ' . for Apri' ' ; I ) 50 for May Whisky Steady at 1 IS. I'utter In demand and good light sup ply ; citiamerv , cboico to fanny , 38@IOu ; fair to good , : < 0ffino ( : : dairy , H035o ; do fair to coorl , ! Si22 ( ; fresh made puck- irg stock , 10i ( ? > l2c ; ladle pack' d , comment t Ka id. l.Vtf.lHc ; roll. 1324c. ICggs Olfurings ampht for the present reiiniiomcntx of the local trade at I' ner do/en fi r strictly fresh , and for ica house. * Keo'ts. Shipm'ts Flour . ! > ,57 i 15.S51 \Yhcat . 2o,9fi , ( ! ls.41.7 ( \irn . 1112,403 Hifi.2 Ifi OatB . Sli.Snii ! I5,4SS Uye . . 3iP.I ( 181 ISuiley . . . ril8 ! ( ! 10,137 v i Stoelt. CHICAGO , , Tanuarv27 Hogs Receipts , 25,00 < l he d. Con-id- eiul 'na whole , the nriikct was fteady. Conimim to go dmived inlud a little slim- . Coart-e , rough hogs were in very libeial niply | and they weio hind to.ell at rathei I'.iny prices ; the range WHS 5 l)0i ) ( ; (1 ( .10 ; ho * vy packing and shipping active and nhipptrs bonglit pietty freely , thougli our home buyers were a Jit'le indifferent. They ere not disposed to pay tlic htronger rates asked. Ilntvv packiiu and Hhippiii ; , ' hogs weld at I ! 55o ( , ( ! llil , and few fancy Kulectmim cold highrr ; PhdadclphiaH ami J-inl hog , " HOJ" " 25 ; light hogn , mod- orate'y ' netivo at ( J 00ftli ( ) 50 j skips and cu Is , 3 OQ& 3 70. Cattle KecdptH , 4)00 ( ) head. Shipping grades steady. Very few clioicu mi Kile. ( Jiiiiinmn to fiiir , 4 'AZOf-l " IK ) ; medium. 5 00STi ( 20 ; good , 5 20r/,5"40 ( ; choice , ft li'i 6 > 5 80 ; mixed hntchen ) ' block , feeling better - ter ; COWH , U 25 ( < ( 3 115 ; bulls K 75l/ 1 75 ; steers , I Ollfe 1 40 ; BtocktM und fieders , not WHnted ; pnrticnlar Ntockorx , 3 Wa 3 75 ; fu'iitiri * , 3 8."ijg ( J 00. Sheep lleceiits | li.800 liuud. Market is htill Hwamped with common hcep afid very few good an imalH are coming. The market to-day was weak mid H'OW. ' Com mon. 3 00 ; good , 4 50&4 75 ; choice , 5 ( HI (11,5 ( 25. Kanarui City Produce Murliot. KANMAH CITV , ,1 ami try 27 Wheat Hecoipts 7M8 In : ; withili.iwn , 3,014 In : ; intore , 228,518 bti. Thu market was weak and slow ; No. 1 rush , I 01 bid ; .ramt.ry. 1 01 bid ; March. 1 ( ) ' . ' ; No , 3 i ash , 1 OUi bid ; Jan nary , 101 ; Feb ruary , 1 Olg bi.J . ; Mnreh , 1 OiiJ I i I ; April , I 18 ; No. 2 , cwh , 1 U l.i.lj . . , | , , mury , 1 2C bid ; Kebruaiy 1 21 ! bid. Corn Keci-Ipts , 5,1115 1m ; withdiawii , 1,1101 bn ; In Htore , M'.l ? : . bu. Thu market was active i.ml a HliadH higher ; No. 2 mixed iash , ( idc ; .lami'.ry , l0c ! ; I'Vbni ' * ry , 5,000 bn. , Wlje , 10,000 Im. , 5Hu ! ; March , liojo bid ; April , IJI u bid ; May , liHjc bid ; N . 2vshito mlxml ca-b , i.r.c | ; .laniiary , ( "ijc ; Muy. Wo OatsKmiplB , Dllliii. : withdi.wn , s bu. , in btori3i,820m. , ; ! . ; X , , . CU8l , , | % bid. bid.Uye No. 2 O.HI | , ! KC { . bid ; .Inmi.iry , City il\n Stuolc KA.NHAS Cm. .January 20. fli.tlln . ItrceiptH , 211 head ; the mar- kut wan ( juiut to-day at yesterday's i r'c'- ; fhlpp.-rn of l.I'OO 1U. , ri 30 ; footi-m . .f . 1- , 10011m , lf,0e-olco ; teei of from ! , . ( ( ) ' to l.v'OO lb' . , 4 50 ( < / I ( ij ; . .tool-- ; , 1 00. j II g Ittcn'iits , 5 4H ( ! Ill-ad th > > mai.i ! I ' to-day as active ml n.unIdghwi th. n yimteiday , r n , ' , Ti 4"i ( li Ii7i ImlU , ( i 1 < u \ li 10 , | Toledo l'riilm , ( , Toi.nm , .liiiiniirj 27. N\ heatJliisfei ; No. 2 n1 1 1 4H for cui-h and Fi-l ruary ; 1 13 for .M rth ; 1 I | J f.jr Ajril mid ' 'l Vi I 42j foi Juno Corn O.iit . : N . . ' , i3Ju ; for IM h , Iiimiuiy unJ I-'cbnuti } ; liljo for Murchj Kiiii ' 'or May. Oil > Nutl'fl ' ! } , liolll , ' , . - . Clovoli.uil r.liicJuit , OI.KVKI.AAII , tiamiiiry .V. PfjtrolunifiJ'niiw / : nt. . . . < Im.lwliri * , HO ' U-st , 7o , St. Iiouln Prodnnn. ST. l-ot'H. .lammry 27. Flonr-UnchmiRcdj XXX , 5 OOM5 80 ; family , 0 IVjfti 30 ; ch.ilco to f.mcy , 0 f-0 ® 7 15. 15.Wheat Wheat -Oi ened higher and deelinod , closed -.lightly better : N" 1 ! red , 1 41 for cih ; \\t \ \ > i ( r February ; 1 112 for March ; I I..J f"f Ap. and May : No. 3 do I 3 i : No 4 do. 1 18. Corn- Dull : ( Hie for c.ish | CUc for Febmarv ; ( "n'o for March ; ttfli'T ( * ' < } e fr Mav : rejecte'i , tiOif I'd e. Oats- Dull ; Ilijc for cash : IS.o { for May. Hyp Dull at ! iijc ( bid. llarley Vnehanged atMcfiJll 10. MutterI'nelmngid. . KirgiUnehatiged Uwl-tjiiiet nl 185. Uhl ky-Ste-dyatl 17. Poll : Dull lit IS 0 for job lots ; l 40 for Miirch , LnnlNominilly 11 20. 20.llec'U. llec'U. ShlpmU. Flour 42t\H ) 8.000 Wheat r.0,000 00 000 Corn 58,000 73,000 O.Us 11,000 10,000 Uyu - Uarloy 20 ' i 2,000 St. Louis Live Stnott. ST. Lotus , January 27. Hogs Active mid firm : vety llihi ; Mdp * tilmr , f.O ( IT tl 10 ; Yorkeis , li 1 n ( < > ( I tit ; pael-im. . Ii20iiti80 ; bn i-I.ers to fuioy : , ' fi 85ii ( 7 30 ; p.g . , . ' ) 7.Vn 5 ! H ) ; skips mid cull's 425(1. ( .25 ! receipts , 3,700 ; tliipment-V 100. Iilvortiool Pi-uditoo. L.VKHrouu January 27. Plour--Aiiiorienn itlitil.td. - - , 10s ( ( Wheat Winter , 1" * : UCiilflslld ! ) white. 10s 4dfifllOs 7d ; spilnj.- , ! l. IbldrlOs < d : club , lOslUfrftls. Corn 5s HJd. Per < 77s. Lard 57s. Kei-eipts of wheat for three days , 2U'i- IXK ) centals 7,000 : ' being A merle n. NowXorlc Prodnno NKwYoiiK , Jnnti-iry 27. Flour IJniet but s'midy. Sent icrii flour stendy ; common tuclio.cn extra , 550 ® M ) ' . Wheat -Feverish and unsettled and lower : No. 2 red , 1 ! 7S)1 ( ) 4SJ ; No. I white , 1 1H ; No. 2 red , February 1 474 < ! < 1 4SJ. Corn -Hea'y , lower and nnsettled ; nn * graded mixed , U7Jfu72o ; No. 'J , 70 1,7 0 ; do. February , 70JC. ' < 7le. Kye-Firmer at Dt J < , OSo. liailey Ouiet Oats Did ; No. 2 mixed , January , 47Jc h.d ; d. . . February , 4Si" . Pork Dull and weak ; new spot mess , is 25. Lard We.xk mid dull at II 10 ( ; lt 15 ; I'Vhrunry , 11 57Jfill ) 1 > 2J. Whi-ky - Nominal. PetroleuinMarl.ut linn 'ml quiet ; I'nited , 8 e ; crude in burels , > ij'07 > i ; 10 * lined in barrels ic- Oinoiiinnil Proilnro. ClNclNVATt. Janmirv ' 27. Mess Pork Finn ; IS 40 < M18 f.O. Laid -Dull ; prime steam , 11 20. Hulk Mo.itn-Q.iii-1 : clear sid.'s . , ! ) l. _ > J ( < ' V 75. lUcon-Clearside- 510 371. Flour Dull ; family , li 3Vf ( 7 75. Wheat Kasy ; No. 2 red wi > t , on ti.ick , 1 II. ' oin Firmer ; Nn. 2 mlvuil , spot , fi"e | O.its No. 2 mixed. IHc. ICye-Dnll ; No 2 , 1 < ) i.ci ( I 07. Barley Dull at tfwCi 1 < l.\ Whisky Firm t 1 Hi. Poorirt Proilnc i. PKOHIA. January 27. Corn Virm ; new high mixed tiO'ifyl lil'1 ; mixcil , ( UKc t0&i- ! & . O.itH Firm : No. 2 white , * 5 ( i-1&c. | Rye Firm ; JKIi. ( JKlJc. Highwines Uunchange I at 1 Hi. ICeo'ts , , Ship'ls. Wheat . . 4llOO , noiu Coin . -1,50.1 31,0111 Oats . 3 ' ,550 1,12 : Itye . 4,15(1 ( 2,5 ( Harley . 1,050 ( ' . ; Baltliuuro Pruttiiuo. DAI.TIMOHK , January 27. Flour Steady. Whnat White Moiithern ipiiet ; Fnlt/ , 143145 ; Luigbeiry , 1 47 ; No. 2 rei xvinter easy mid iiii | > H at 1 42j | for cash am : January , Corn'-Whito Honthcin dull , S01'8lc | yellow Rtend > , 71c. E"iHtLlloi-ty I lvw Stock. KAST LuiKiirr , Pa. , J.inuarj-27. Cattle -Noiliing doing ; iocoiptn 1 0,17 ; shinmenls 1,5 ! < 0. HogH Faii ; icciiptH 27l > ; shipmentH 21)0 ) , Pliihililph .1 , § 7 25m7 ( 40 ; Voik- ers. 57 II. . Sheep Nothing doing ; rnctiiptH 2CO ; fchipments 200. _ Turjioiitiiiri Mnrltot Wn.Mi.Ndjo.v , N , ( / ' . , Januniy ' . ' 7. I.o in IJnll ; ktiidii | . 1 ! )5 ) ; nooil , 2 00. Spirits Dull at ffOfrfnojc. Tar Stuady at 2 W ) . Turpentim Iiregular ; hard , 2 50 ; Heft , 3 fill ; Virgin , 3Ki(350. ( ) ( PhllitUoliihlit Prndiico. i'llll ADUl.rillA , Janiiaiy 27. Wheat Casier ; 1 424Cnl H for c.-mli nnd Jami'iri ; 1 IKjftnl II for l-Vliin.iry. Corn K.isitr ; ! ! | ( ( ) ! u foi uiuh and January. O.itM I.iniki ; I'.li'fe.lOiu ' f r cash mid January. ItyoCollet. . BniTuIo Llvii tUoolr. 1 < AHT IlilKKAI.O , Janiiaiy 27. Hogs liicoi tirilhhpm ; ! < > ntH32 ; \ ' rk- ITS ? li 70iy ( li HO ; medium und heavy , J1 1 ! IQ ( ( ,7 0(1. ( . . . - - - * NOTICIJ. OMAHA , Nob. , .l.-iuu.-iry U7 , 388- . 'i'lio W. ( J T. U. Jmvo riiiitcd u room in .lacohB1 Muck for the nnu of thu Hnuiuty anil n inihliu iisidiny iniiiii. Tlio ] | \ : { coiiiiiiillco wiii-o iiji- jidiiituJ in Hiilicil inuaHiirirx tfi furnii.h it ; IMrH , lIuinjn liH , MIJ Hull , Mm. Iluniyiir , Mm , \Vilkur..M'R : : , ( JJiur.tuii. 'Hi. ) inly o'iiiblii ' in tlio city Juet ixouivutl nt lohii \ \ ' . Holl'B ' , SL'O'l'uiilli Htiout. J27-H lihiult Silk SuilH ftom § 17.50 up , ut Hpuuiil Cloainy nut Kile at JMcDuii * uld'H KiiiM ( > riiiiii of . 'Wiion ' , J'108 r'ariLim , opiiihitit ] OtiuiJ ptnlrJ Ji'itol. BuitM and Clo.vl.H poHitivcloy fr JUMH tlui" what Uiuy cnal , lu room for fipii'it ! K"1" . Nolisl blyli'.i uun'iutl ovi'i1 , cuiniu- pivHiiut ntorl : miiHt ho iinliJ KH of o'flt. A lot of fov ; > ( ] , iiutsful am ! Htylioli atull'ituilH Mill bu Hilil fur § . ' , ( ) ( ) , bliiuk nill. nulls from 818.00 up , wiMpiiuiH nwl jackijt- * tit ( iL-cidiiil ! ) 'jrL'uiii'i , u Cow ijucl ; w-tkin | jackttH frmii i ti 00 npwiiriU , uinlor- wiMl'i lii'iinry iiiul K'WVWI ' wjll bo itl | ut reduced price * nUn , unrjy and coyuru WJSI , 1HB Tlic Ninth Annlvuniiiry of n Moat Uf > o * tl l Society. Thursday mm uf tlio ithorings of tin- season was hold at I'drnor hall , where uboiil sovonty-livo couples assembled In do hniinr to tlio liuth anniversary of tliu Tunior aocioty. Preceding tlio ijriiiid ball was an ex cellent conoort by I ho Musical Unum .irchi'tlr.i and the Tumor ( \uaitcllo , in the cotirao of which nit exhibition ) f turning by the two olii rt'H und n very iippiopriixlo nddrim by tlio prosi- lout , Mr. II. F. Willrodt , woto plow- int fc.itureft. The proyr.imno opened with tlio Pui'iieM * AnnivorH.uy Muiclt , " n , ) ieco of innsio composed for hif > especial occasion by Prof. Stein- liiiuscr. It was \ory line , und wol , roooivod by the uitdioncc , Tlio exhibition liyt'io ' jnvonilo class , lliu c'dost of which ms not over twelve J ' ! M of itt'o , WHS very tine , in deed 10111:11 : li.thle , and was j-ro.itly en joyed nnd appreciated by the muli- OIlCl1. Kollowitn : tliiH o.\hihitiin ) , the over- Into to "Pout and Peasant , " by the Musical I'niuii orcliuiitrii , was delightfully - fully rendered. Mr. II. F. Wilhodt , the [ iresideiit. of the Turner society , t en nmdo hin luiiinal iiddross , which , briefly omi- niHOiiius us follouti. ' ' \Vocelobriitetodiiy the bhthday of our Huciety ; it ix a reunion that in s forth our best wishes und reiigthons onrselvcH in the purpose toHik for the good of our society. Such eolobr.itioii' * we lind in all places , in the fninily circle ns well us iiiuiiin st nations , nnd there ; < well iw herethey rye the nauiopinpo.so to Mtriigthrn untoii nnd end felo\\ship | lumtng iiion , break up egotism , and brill ) ; forth the very best that is in human nature. Wln-n the TnnioM celebrate their anniversary , they do not claim that this is an happy mi event us n birthday celebration in ( ho fam ily ; neither dare they to com pare this to the grand clour it ion that our whole people t kes p.irt in on the Kointh of .Inly , but Mill wo chum iiBofuhieim und good purpose and ask the public to lake an intoiost in our \\urK , which is bcni- lici.il and him no nioioeiiury motived. Tnniinj ; U not llu only nm- even the most important object of our uurk , bill fn.iii . this as a lusia wo woiK for , ' , njiilitjhei.lth and beauty , fur order , e\iieliieHii , ) ) er.ievereiice , e iiii.i'-i' . iiior.diiy . nnd ynid citizin- iibip. Then fmi ! \ \ cololn-.ito and ask the pubii.tn liiKi' p.ut in our uolebiiitinii ui.d in our uo id v\firl : for Ilio beliolit of the whole. KiyhtjoulH lin.s our society worked in your mnltd , bin gi-ovMi in nuiiilii'M und in the fa vor of our U'llow-i.iiiy.i'iirt , und weliopu am ! foi 1 coiiliik-nl , tliut. thiiill : eon- " tinno The rein.lining poition of the jiro- r.uiiiuj wits a Ht-h-i'.tliin Ironi the "M.iseotto" bj- the Muxii'iil Union , uu exliibitioii by the ht'iiior ohm'i of I lie Turnerd which lelli-cted reiit in edit on their trainer , Mr. P.iul . Wille ; n HDII ; ; , "iMy llcuit in in the Hi hl.iwlH , " by thu Tinner Qiwitctli' , and the overture to "Lu Ch vii'ier ' Iti'utou. " by the oi-chu8lii , the linlo clorfin uiili n ( 'nunl taldeiin , in uhich all thu nuunboii ) of HID Hiieioly iippoarod. The diinco pro iMtnnio , inuliidin eiiliti ; en pii.'Crwim thi'ii bikini and ( In diHciplt'M of T < rpsiohnio engnp.cd iliomselves to n vui-y uirly hour thin To IlioOiii.ih.i Ltdii'H'souioly and tin cnniiiiil.tco of airui i'ini'iilB , coiiHinlin , of II. \Vilh-o.ll. . 0. C. HclmoHor , H. Kos.di-i , I'M. ' diipor 'ind I'Vin - b'lL'-ui , t'l-eat onIn H ( liiti fur making the iKXMUi'.n ono of t lu : numt , eiijuyablu "voi \ ! - : - nt Tunii'iii' hall on i Himil.ir nccinioi : ] . Mr. No.il Ili'e-i ' , Hlioiiii , N. Y. , wiitos "Alioiil four , i'iir m-u I hud n i.it cl : o billoiM fi'vn , and inner fully iiH.iM'rnl Mv ll ! ( tlvelll | . .llls ucii ) wonki'iiod , am I HnuM lu riimpli'li'li | iiontnit d lordayi' ' Afcei uting t.\vn t'ottleN ' ol jour 111 HI ( R'l Union IlliTI Us th. . iniprnviimeiit W.IK K \iniLiutl .P. i u.n a ti > ni hed. I i-an n w tli'iiigh ll ! vw.rH of ugi' , do a fallml iunn ontib i' iliy'n mule ' l'iii-H SI IIO , tria ni/u 10Kilts. . I'.Mw ' l'"UN ' ON TH10 Tlio M.if.jilllcunt Kiitui-tahnnont at ext Woolc. ( ) i Fiid.iy and Saluiday , ] ' ' . . 'In' null 'li.h , with u r.ind fiiiuily matiiiui mi iS.itimhiy afturiiooi ) , the f..iin < iii I''un ' on. Hit ) liiifitol' | iiity ; , limvii mid I'nliih.i'u own , will nppcm 111 Hoyd'n Opera ( iotmo. This wull-kiiiik'/ii ioiiii'uiy ; ] luir , ) : ; on the r ii'l for novoral ocnioim , ainl unc.i ! y.'iu ' i gruoted with largoi nnd nuilioiiwi. Tliu ( intcii'aiii- ' IK of Unit clmiiiitfor mont with the public iii ! < J th'i.H" wli'i < > nu allond iiro tiuro to I i ' . it untiling lilvo it. < . 'UiitK ] Luid it now ill tlui city piir- iiciiug vi , iijj.ir' II'H for llui advent of JH'II ct iii .itiy hem , HI id fidiu liini wo IHIXI-II tli.it n it only are all the wrlj/iuiU f'.i < in'cs of thu play pus * Biirved hut I hut it in rendered in hotter n'ylu than ever buloio , and thu company in compo.icd nf finl-fVr .inmlii The National Itupiibliciin , of in l ii , 1) . < ' , iuy/r. ' ' l''uu ' ou tliu l'/rmliil" h wull iiiinmd , Fur the porfnr n.incii in brimful < , f fun ind muiTii i'-iit. ' Tlio nlory i that of llu- ol-'pcHimiil nf the dnu htur i > \ Alrn. ( ) Drien , a widow litdy , who hud heiin inirricd twie" and i'i iinjfloim for u third term. fhu elupiu , .iriy and tin ir piii nois mutit on board the Fall lliver line Htonmar , liriitul. The "olop .rH , " in to avoid dctuctiun , IIHHIIIIKI dir.- . \ liundrxd amuBiiij ; incidents ocuur , ( -opci.iily in innuiootioii with thu uldow'ts umtriinoiii.il aiuliiti.ui , and at hit tin jpiirtii n aiu discovcroJ , iii.d ftlrii. O'lirion having by vnrioiiB oxpt'ilionU butn bi-oiii ht In y ; mood , COIIHIIIIH ( to I ho w-d } ) ) hur dau lituis ire uuitcd wit'i MU inoii Ihvy luvo \M \ t , Jtj i in U'iiHlutlnlc.1)ln , nf tlui Uthicd tliat ( ill the fun takt-H plnco. Upon the thread of the story iuat told are atrmi" ; rare mu ical and drnmatic gviim , Kpi'ciiiions of eccentric nr.tinr ; , colection * from the opurnn , imrodiwi , nnd character sketches and songn. I'he fun of a huudrod performances mt boon tddmmud and is presented in hree actR , The fltai > o netting is su- lorb. The company is comnosod of eoniodmiis and aploinlid vocaiiatM. All if the mombura of the company arc tvrtista. AUIOST CUAXY. llniv oltou do wo scu the hard-work- US' father Htrainim , ' every nerve and uuicle , and doini ; his utnumt to nup- lort his family. Iiimiino ; hia feelings when lohmiing homo from a hard laj'H labor , to I'M id hiw family proa- : nitu with disca-sis conscious of unpaid doctors bills and debts on every hivnd. It numt bo enouuh to drive ono almr-iit era'/.y. All this unhnppiuoAS could IMS avoided by uaiiitf l.iectric Hitti.rn , which expel every diHoaio from tlio system , brinnuig joy nnd hanniinvsn to thounnndi ) . Solo at fifty cents a Ixit tie. Isb AiMi'Mahon. . ( H ) 1'ortN - "BLACK . veai-H trial improved * 1UAUGIIT" the bcHt liver medicine in ' .o world tnt ! ) > Mu'l ! in l niii . i. , I'AOO , kiul llv ) RAMIIK * . , Nowm KA ! > r iN I oim . . . I Soi m lUnrrRN I IM > I > , \li-h term ui ' 'mre , Kltli K AK CITr KUi-i'i > ( , \ ' - i.iium , 'ou cll ; IU.urt anil O.uiu. . ! hf ( - ' f < > , raAi 'KKIHH ( nm. . > iilcli ! rullit < EVEIJV i.iNf or- : l.\t ivnetrntix ttiiMViltH' . ' ' " 'in Mi V , , mri Hlvi r to tliu Pi. ' Ilo * > ! n | . f hi OniOAUO UDCK ISL.VN'U A TA- OllfTC UAJI.WAV 1 1 the out ) Iliui ( roui I'hl , i'40 'Mvnliif Hi into KahUA. or wlik'h , I. ) IN nun roi.1 , iiwtt.fy t.ir I'OllllK ftl'liu. 11,11. . 1 , -I. S'O tl n .M.JHH in l.Al.l.UKl I Nn MIMHIVI ( "iNMfiniors1 Nn l < t it " 'In , In 111- MMitildU'il or in.ulr..ii uur * . , i b\i.iv . , . . * > ' * v ( > t U innlixl In rtximy , rliiiiih ( i.iitln'l * } 'ij n Part Ki.niw > i Trvlns DAY O.Mia ( untit .litl u.t > itll < unit , i i 1'M.ni'K S.I IIIMI OAK-I. iin.l . mirown * vl ' nKUti UlMMI ( ? AI , IMM.n Mhll'h llimls AVI ) HITMUI t.l Ull- c-iccllfiini , ut tin. low r\li nl Mr-i-Mm * C'M > ncn , tU. snip' ' , tli ) . 11 tit l.ii iKnl t'liJOVII.-Ilt ll.niuuh I'.lin i.ut vrli Cl.lu. P , I'eoni. , All ) ' Hikoi.ixii'l Jllnnnttl ItlM-r I'olnts ; nil , ) .lo.i MKI ii. rtioii t all ( "jliilfl o' liilw , ' , Hon U ) . t.tli IDIlltH. M'I tlrXnl Mo no' liimi'i ilvuiulld'ru.- tmr * ' ( ill. u "I lniwrt.n ] ) hi K-iiw , f.'phrr.xk i , lllwli Mills \ > \31nl'V. Utftli. Malio , N'miuli , u..H'iinltt ' , ' . ) nX'H , W'wJiliithii. , Tnint. . . , Cnlnriito irlwiiu u. ul Now Mi.klco AH * ) iunil urriiii-i'.r JM-- ! * fvumik l. 'k i w 11113 t.th.r . h\i , i'i ' i-.li'ii * i ( 'ftr. . ! > l\i.t\H . rv ui i. iiiMll ] ( ) Uvl.o irnlsV l.nl * i ttlhn n th * ' iou > Jiifl , IIOKH M * l ti.rklit o ( Hwiit. | Kirn fri u TlcUntn , n.u | s MV ! 'nlili-M t nil | > r.ncl | U tlCI'HIII till ! llHUv.1 'Jt.Vln. I.H.I ' ! . Iln1l. K. II. CAIII.K , K. HT. .K-ltK , Vii-n I'ri'H't i ( inii , " ' I'M n < t P n i A ll-iiiaci i Ch ' * vt ' 'I i-ii-i * SHORT UHiE 813G. , KANSAS ) } ir..ct Line to ST. LOUIS AND Til H VAHP Krotii Onittltauiid tli W < vi. i < ' " . | , Imlwtci. OMAIlV t.i , * NKW Vl.llK. Daily Passenger Trains. KA TI'.I.N AN'ii WE-iTKH.N I'll ! . - > \i I l.S mil ( \iVA'l'l | "fAM , Kilj , .tutln ! ! r. ( li r rl'.iin. . viii , . . . l-u'.ni-p fill u.iii , ; Cain , I'.il vn Imy L'cucluv MiUi < s.ifi Iv Tlatu IMi ntifl ( V'Ui.1. " ! , r.tul thn 11 , tl im WMmjlwimic Alr.hnUo. tl'HiM that your U , . ' .i r-kiu ViA nA.VHAO CITV , HT. KIKKI'ir ft ' - ( ) ' N''IL ( IIU'n < - HaJI tinillbht. . OA'i'li ' am I ft ' u ! i 'IVIiitK lei v.lti at 9)1 ) inii-n'i . ' ! > " .c U Wi. . | J F I'AllNfUU. \ < ( J HAWLH , On. b-ij t. , Hi. .lnn.j.i | Mnf .i ii I'lu * Mill Tlcl t. AU , Ht Jo . | i | , lie. HI'V ll'ihl.'rv , Titkitc / il , : w. K. VKI s M. si. ; ' , W , E , VMS & 00 , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasallo Street , GH10AGD , Grain and Provibionei Box : bt nnd Sold on Marj'inH iIucTiM * i' in B9GGS & HILL IP/ti ESTATE BROKERS , Vi.M > bJr i > > ' y .11. vx , , l , | . n * | , , , | r , j , , , iila'.tcr nl Application nf C. ] ] . Scott fur r/liiiioi f.lntiim ; , NUT i OK. N'nlri. l l.i'ril.y . . j < lv n llir.t C. II. Kwtt i | | . | IIIHJII tlic 1'Jtli duj of Januarj A. O _ IhM , HlulilH frp | lotion to Lliu Mi.ytii uii ! < i r ( 'null II of Oiiuih.i , lor llrrnwi to.rltMull , H | > ( I. lluii'i ' * .mil Viiif/u" jiiioin | | , ut No. Ill , win ti Tontl' rlnitu , Tnlnl wunl , Oi.i.h.x , Nil .from thu Vf7lli ilu ) ul J.nu ry , IHh ? to tin JI'lli il nl A rll , Mi II tlurr bu no ol > J < jetl'j , riinoii ti nu p * ut > ti' t lllut wllhlti two VII.'IH ( rum lUtli ( .1 Juiu- III , , A. I ) ! K' ' , tllCVll'l llfllHP Hill U' Til.tKl. C1. II. Siorr Tim llAikr I'.n1 nrw > | Un | > wIM ) , ui.li > li tl * ulnin1 nutiof fjiiic i ( .h wink la VAO "tiku * l lliu I\IM | > O | tlivttm.ll anlliuCil } d In ml It la 'liiir/ul lutuitl' . J J. IC junVU. ? . . CH ) L'.f M.ittcr ol Application M r rank I'i Iihnor | Ijii'i.'iiHt. NOTICI : . s'ntio N liticby tf vn Dial I'.unk . . . illil niion Itic ICtli ilny nl Janiiur ) , A. P. , U , lliu hi i.iAlloii | | | | to lliu .M > ornnil l'it > C'xmu. ill of C'lnulii , foi llri no to yill Milt , U rltuaiu ml V IIIOIH UiilorH. | at intiur 7Ui unit AUrcv Utli' ' IH.I irit WanllOinaliuNi'li.licin tlii'.iOtlnl.y uf , J i'iu- , ' , , ! . ! , t. tln > lOlluUyol Ajiril , 18M5. If tin in oc no oiijuctln.i . , runoiiitiunu 01 | 'io- titiit Illi d ttlthlii two wvck frum Janiiai. . ItJtK A H. 1W ? , tin wvlil llci ii will ho c/anl . KlUKK I'J'Ul ) l , Aui > ) ii..nt. T IK DAILI IUK nc.v'pnpi'r will jiuMhh th ulioMi iiutitc oniu lacli wiilc fur lv > o uwknut thi' cku-iiue of tlui iiK'lcint. | | Thf C'ily of " iuili. U i.ct to ho ( hki - 1 tlicriwllh. j.j. L. r jiwirr : , .1 < . 'itj " ' Olarkson & Hunt , SiKiutM t. to Ml hr.ldl A I Unit , ATTOli-SfBYS - AT- LAW , B | UUiUtrMl ODI hi Nb ,