Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1882, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Published every morning , except Bnndn ;
ttho only Monday morning dally ,
Ono Year. . . . . $10.00 I Three Month * .
Six Months G.000no | . .
HIE WKKKLY HEK , published o-
Ono Year.$2.00 I ThreoMoriths. . I
Biz Months. . . 1.00 I Ono . . ' .
lions relating to News and Editorial ma
torn Miould l > o addressed to the Kniion c
Loiter * and Remittances should bo w
drctsed to THK OMAHA 1'unLiniiiKfl Cos
PANT , OMAHA. Drafts , Checks nnd Few
office Ordem to IHJ made v y blo to th
order of the Company.
TUK free trade cry is very weak ii
the present congress.
THE rcgonla of the univuraiiy hav
put an end to the factionalism in tli
faculty by requesting the resignn
tions of tlirou of the professors < > \
poacd to Chancellor Fairliold's policy
This is a stalwart way of dealing wit
the difliculty.
"Sroi1 this everlasting talk and # i
to work" was the excited remark o
Mr. Briggs to the Now llnmpshir
legislature a few daya ago. Mr
Briggs ought to bu sent to congress
There would bis plenty of room for hi
goapol on the floor of the houao o
SCOVILI.K prcsontn to-day a bill o
exceptions , asking for n now trial fn
Guitcau , on the grounds of lack o
jurisdiction in the District of Colum
bia to try the murderer of Presidonl
Garfiold. It is safe to aay that if pro
cccdiiif.3 had heun begun in Now
Jersey the gallows acono would lmv (
been concludod'Bonic weeks ago.
K developments of Jay Oould'i
judicial purchase on the New Yorl
bench continue to bo made by tin
Now York Times. The disclosure !
are said to bo startling the ontirt
state. If they startle the state Ivgia
laturo into enacting suitable laws foi
the protection of the people ag
unscrupulous stock gamblers ,
will not bo thrown away.
"I MAKK u special appeal to tin
ladies of America to come to m\ ,
rescue. Some of them have ivrittet
1110 delightful letters , and I aak cacl
and every one to respond to the extent -
tent of their mentis and see me in per
son , if possible. ftinVmu'.i inl < lrti.i tc
1hc American jxo ) > lc.
The ladies' that have -writton those
delightful letters ought to respond in
person , by all means. Guitcau is jus !
too lovely for anything. % ,
The February number of ThoNortl ;
* American Koviow , Professor C corgi
P. Fiahor , of the Yale Divinity school ,
whoao writings on tlto supernatural
origin of Christianity and on ecclesi
astical history are well known" , cornea
to the defense of the Christian relig
ion against the attacks of modern
doubt and infidelity. Other articles
in The Review are : "Do the fipoils
Belong to the Victor , " by President
Andrew D. White ; "A Komody for
lUilway Abuses , " by Isaac L. Rico ;
"Repudiation in Virginia , " by Sonutoi
John W. Johnston ; and "Tho Lancol
and the Law , " by Henry Uorgh.
TUB now Brooklyn churtor in re-
cowing its first test under tlio nmyor-
alty of Mr. Seth Lowo. By it'a pro.
visions all rosponsibilty and power if
concentrated in the hands of the
mayor , and ho is the real executive
head of tlio city government. Within
a few days Mr. Lowe , who is n younjj
man of excellent coinmorcial oduca-
lion , elected outside of the part }
lines , will bo called upon to suloct hu
lieutenants. Ho will appoint conimis
aionors of police , fire , city works ,
health , buildings nnd excise , as wol
as fill other oflicus. His success will
go far towards proving the merit elli
li system which certainly requires at
its head a man of unusual honesty
and executive ability to administer it.
TUB howl which n number of oui
exchanges throughout the country'nre
making over the probable kdmission
of Mr. Cannon as delegate from Utah
aooms to bo founded on little more
than prejudice. So far us the fiicU
in the case are concerned Mr , Cau
tion appears to have ovcry legal advantage -
vantage over his opponent , and it it
Hot surprising that thu committee on
elections nan decided to give him tlu
oat in the IIOUBO fur which ho in tlu
contestant , The contest does mil
ccessarily include the quuutioi
of polygamy , The claim niadi
-against Cannon was thnt he ii
ineligible by reason of non
citizenship. If investigation of\liii
< ; hargo proven it groundless ho ough
to bo admitted , I'plygamy c.m bi
dealt with from another , stnndpoln
"entirely. If it is docTduil that Mr
Cannon is a Hulf > coiifosvcil oH'umli'
against a national statute congriiaLa ,
the power to debar him from u sen
on this ground. But tmlu b ( ho tom
of Washington society has greatly im
proved within the past eiijUiontWiucJ
n proceeding ppli jl to tint HIUHH oi
con r'os'jriioii Mvoiiltl * J 4vlflli3' lifJlut
vi'.Ji a ratJicr Beauty quorum.
Onmlm and Council Bluffs want , an
ought to have , a wagon bridge to co :
noct the two towns , but how can the
have n wagon bride , unless it bo
high bridge , or suspension bridgi
ncross n navigable river like the Mil
Bomi nnloss it can bo built in cotinci
nection with a railroad bridge ? .
"draw" wngon bridge over such
perilous stream with a shifting bed r
is the Mis/iouri ia one the things whic
our iunornnco of ongineorinjf elocs IK
nmblfa us to imagine. The fin
thing is to get another railroad bridg
and built n wngon bridge on it ,
possible. Eton in this casa the rui
road bridge would have to bo a big
bridge so as not to hinder the paiaag
of boat * , and so far as on
best effort to ( jot knowledg
upon the subject Imvo ROIIO , wo kuo1
of no railway company which woul
think of building another high bridu
with the nccoRsnry approaches at thi
jioint. To know Inw a low railron
i > ridge and a wagoh bridge could b
mado-to operate together wo shoiil
bo compelled to consult the etigin
corn.But the trouble in to got the otho
railroad bridge , This is the firs
step. It is not our belief that oithe
the municipal authorities , or the citi
zcni of Omaha , or both logo thor. wil
build either a high or low railroai
bridyo until tliey can find an lowi
railroad company to run its train
over it after it ia built , and oven wen
the fact otherwise it is not likely tha
iiur good Twin brethren and ulston
over the river would join us ver ;
heartily in that kind of nn undertak
ing. Omaha Herald. '
Nobody hereabouts will bo sur
prised nt the attempt of The Uorali
Lo throw eold water on any scheme t
build a wagon bridge across the Mia
Well informed people have knowi
For some tinfo past that Dr. Millorha
\ direct income from the U P. hridg
monopoly as a silent partner , will
Mr. Wells , contractor of the bridgi
transfer , with n third silent partite :
in The Omaha Republican con
: ern. Hut why should Tin
flerald make tha absurd asaertior
hat a wagon bridge between Omahi
mil Council IJluHs must bo a higl
> ridgi ) and u railroad bridge. Mon
Imn : i domi draw-bridges t span tlu
ho Mississippi at points where mon
itenmbuats pass in a single week
luring the season of navigation thai
mas up and down the Missouri at tliii
loinl in a whole year. There nro low
> ridgcs at Atchison and Leavenwortl
iscd both for railway trains am
.earns. What obstacle \\ill u lov
Bridge encounter ut Omaha ? During
'ully nine months o'f the your tin
Iraw need not bo opened a aingh
hue , and during May , June and Jub
hero will hardly bo an average of mon
ban three bouts up or down in ain
, vook , *
AH u mattorof factthebridgo clmrtci
if the Union P.icilio rofpnires the con
truction of n wagon bridge in connco
ion with the railroad bridge , bii
) m ha and Council Buir ? have bem
lationtly waiting for ton years for tha
jridge to bo built. ' After BubmiUini
o the most , outrageous imposition tha
ias over been practiced on any com
nunity in this or any other country
ho business men of the two citiea huvi
onio to tjio , conclusion that the Lori
iclps those who help themselves. Wi
iroHiiino limy uro sorry their projee
nil interfere with ] ) r. Miller's income
tut they would rather pay conaoqtion
ial damages than give tip the sehemi
if a wagon bridge.
( < ' , ,
K attacks on the free passayston
in railroads continue frnn vnriour
luartorD throughout the country. In
[ own , the lower house of the Icgishi'
, uro by u vote of 'M to 40 has pasaoi
i resolution , introduced by Mr. Aid'
ich , requiring the railway coiinnisHior
if the state to report to the house bj
February 15tlr whether free passci
iver railroads should bo given to nil )
ilass except paupora , mondicautK 01
ithor objects of charity ; whether per
ions elected to ollice , members of tin
) roas nnd of political convention !
ihould bo nllowod to accept the i
avers and whether the railroads should
> o prohibited from granting them. Ii
mr own atnlo the Fanners' Alliunoi
ins raiaud its voice against this evi
n one of their strongoat reHobitioiis ,
) ho ! in moving in the matter throng
tor legislature and ( ho uiiti monopalj
eaguo is bringing strong inlluencu ti
> oar upon ita members in Albany ,
ticking to a prohibition of the pr.iu
ico'ln Novr Y6rk ; State. The frui
tasaayatiun is used by the railrondii ai
chuiip form of bribury ,
Vholhor given to , u member of tlu
pgialaturu , a senator or conyrosHiiinn ,
inder the veil of uourteny uiinl | viiliu
B in every case expected in return ,
rho mere senan of pursomil nblig.itioi
ncurrcd i no small uoight on llu
Hklaneo when u single vote may do
tide a matter involving thousands o !
lolhirs for the corporation who hai
ixtomled the favor. 'I'horu nro need <
; oed roasonit why st.xtn legislators nnd
'odoral olliciala should hot piy thuii
'anvon the railroads. Milia b IM u !
owedthom fyr ll
l iuMiiiKNT AiiTiU'i ; is rffd i awi m
liopo for tho"soiitli fiom thi < > < iiTfflin <
republicans und atlvooiti'iiuvuiy
nition of the imlopenduut '
EIo isoroJitodith the btnlnurt in
mark that "a pi-rmammMy ilnfAitoc
rojmblie , ii par'y in of lutlo vii'no ' u
id/led that Hi chief value BIHIUU ti > hi
H\V1Jm \ ) [ > S'lltiiuT ' l'Vh if * * * hid
n rojuiblicua coiivoiitiona ulu-r ? lid d
vote of a democrntionlato counts oftc
for more than states that go atrongl
republican , Take the Chicago con von
tlon for oxnmplo , whore the dolegn
tions from the south who were utterly
torly unable to furnish n sinulo dec
tonil vote to the candidate of the re
publican party and yet wore accorde
n prominent voice in the choice of
standard bearer for the national cam
paign. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TUB creation and growth of grea
monopolies is one of the most alarm
ing features of the present ngc. Tli
spirit of monopoly docs not scorn l <
confine itself to any one line. It ha
pervaded our railroad and telegrapl
system , laid it * hand on the publi
press , tightened its coils around on
financial iiiilitutinnn , and ia now extending
tending itself to the control of larg
real estate properties. Amonj ? sonv
recent purchases recorded nro the fol
lowing , the figures me.iniiig acres :
lloi-1 ( In VIorMn ) . . . 'J.OOO.OO *
II. IJifHim ( in Kloildn ) . 'AOOO.OO
ICnrl of Dunr.ivutl ( iti CuliirAilo ) . G.1,0 ,
3'Ix-Hennt'ir Dorfey ( in.Nuw Mu\
ice ) . r.00/0
llukonf .Sutlicrlnnil . 110,00' '
Colonel 1) . U. Murphy * . . ; . . I.OOS.OOI
1'hlUiiH , Mnrrtlmll A C' u I'"ndnn
Knglniid , ( In Miwllniwl ! > lj . 1,300 00- -
Knrluf Diinninrc . . ' 't ' . 100,001
Colonel Clmrcli , ofew Ynrk ,
180 farmf , ( froni EOO * tn r > 0 ( )
ncr < -H eacli ) , f 'i-'i
Mr. Clark , nf Xnw Y3rW ; . . . . M.OOC
H'nniUrd ' Oil Comity ( ta
dtntei . . . lOCOnni
Mr. Scully ( ! n llliii < > Unh ) ut. . . I.HO1
Dr. Clenn ( In C illfini ( J . 0 1.OOl
It will bo noticbd''Uu > t the nbovo ta
bio makes no niontpfiof ) the enormou ,
wheat farms of Dakota , amounting t <
thouannds of ncreV' Without these
wo find that 11,01/2 / , 660 acres of lam
nro controlled Ki' JfJ/irte'i1 llen | nu
corporntioiia exclii o if 105,000,00 (
acres denoted to railroads.
= , - "
IK some of tKo" ( ippresaed fomtilpi
who nro clamoring for political uiinalit )
with men had been drawn on tlu
'luiteau jury , we should have hud i
fair test of their fitness for the dutiei
md responsibilities which they anHI
inxioUH to assume. How would t.wi
irthrou of these strong minded funiiili'i
ik'i the privilege of aitting throi
months on u jury ( with nine or toi
non , and how often would an adjourn
iiient have been asked forf
The revolt in the southern Slavoni.
nn provincoH ia causing ooiiBiderabh
ilurni in I'uropo. ] The Europuai
jqiiililmum in balanced nn auch :
slender point that the slightest dih
Lurbanco may precipitate a genera
[ tolitical conljiotion. | Tlio Austriai
impire contains far more Slave th u
Ciernians nnd M'ngynra. The projinr
tiona are lifty-hine to forty-one Tin
recent accessions of territory incream
their number. Nothing could add t <
their disgust nnd indignation at thei
treatment. From Bohemia down t <
the Montenegrin frontier , the wholi
of tlioao millions nrO agitated by op
prcsaioii and insolence , the Mngynr
boini , ' far to them than tin
Germans. During the rccoi.t jttrug
lo for tJieX'iiiaiicipiition of oppresaei
peoples of their own nice , tlipy pav
Vienna and Pcath hiwtily nnitod it
Iho supjiort of the Tuikhh bond
master. TJioy are ni.ido to fool nt even
turn that they nro nothing in <
2ount for nothing in the councils o
the Kmpiro. Tlio piiprr uinvncy IK
longer benra its di'.nomiimtion it
-Slavonic ni well an Gurninn am
Magyar Whcro they bolon" to tin
Circok church , nn overbearing pro
lag.iiulu is carried on for their con
, 'erfiion lo Catholiuiam , and the K ° V
irnmcnt nivo * it eve y support. A
aat , the Slavs of Bosnia luivo brokei
tut in revolt , ami no ono can toll hov
'ar the conllngrnMon may aprcnd. Tin
S'ienna papers nncnk of it rs a thini
> f no importnncu ; but they cnnno
jonceal their nn\iety. It , may miioutt
: o nothing this year , or next ; but
loonur or later , Aimtrin-Hungary wil
ese their Slavonic provincus , and thi
t.vlkun runiiiHiiIii will be in the hundi
if a Slavonic confederation. That ii
IliiHsin'a piogrnnnnu.
The French panic has proved i
lorioim niuttur. It began in wuul
itouka as that of the "Union ( lonorulc ,
i now speculntivu bank , the aliuroa o
ivliioh have bnon nin up JLH high in
, 'JOO. It extended to all sroelci 01
.ho bourse , whidi have boon
nllatuil by a Hpuculutivo
, \Inch Imi bcon in progri'ss Jor ovr
.wo years , and infhiuh -ill ela a o
) ooilu ] have iii ) .igcd. 1/ni on niu
N'ew Ynik hud tlmir bull porjin ) , nftoi
: ho good times ranu- , but 'jjut i
uontliH ago. The crnyo Instod
n i'arit ) , nnd the reaction is cori'OH
, ) ondingly violunt , & > . . .luublo n atoc !
is SuefallitiK 40 fr.incn in two dayn
Fho incitement nt Paris iw noiioul >
linstuncd by the Dxiatjng jioliti
; nl norvousiieHD. There had ln.iu
joiuu decline in state ( loeiiritiiu bofun
the apcuulittivo on accoun' u
llio Tunis utl'air and the uncertain
ty c.f ( Jambctt.v's juilicy. Then
liaS bean for sumo inonihw i
tiowinij ! diulniit in Kuropo
bootm 1,111 Innk , the Union
itartud by tlio Catiulic ] nu a rival d
Ihu Ibiwiciul influonui of tha Uutlif
lihihh , but ii WHS huidly antiniut | > i
Hint its M'lll p'a would bo followed bj
tiiiuli u uiimnuuvul cunvnbiiviif us h.u
awip' .ivnr tlic CHtbolie eountwu *
i'hi bank'w a7nrfi'Wfar pot > f An *
Lrft , RTtliou h'lioaviiybjajkCKiiby'cler
icol otpitsbsU in 3'Vauc ' .
country , where cvorrbody speculate
a sudden drop in iia stock from 2-lC
to 1Son francs per nlmro muat wij
out the aavings of many thrifty bou
goois and laborers , At Ron
tinny moat loyal sons of tl
church nmomf the noblomcn have bst
bitten , and it is said that 1'elor
pence will BitfTtir some reduction froi
being invested in the shares of Hi
threatened bank. The panic wnonnl
ttjiyed , Saturday , upon a nurunci
from the bated Rothschilds that tl
JUWB would coin ! to the relief of tl
m.irknt and olR-r an oxtoniion tin
the A'ieiiiieao liabilities of the Unio
Ouncruk * .
Land rent reduction goes forwnr
BO much and so noiselessly inScotlan
tha' . it would almoat appear as it th
lairda hoped thus to avert the thrca
uned legislation at the coining scasio
of ] ) nrliamont. In Kast Lothiui
whioh is described us the home c
hitrh fanning , nine farms recentl
were re-lot at a reduction in tots
from 10ni : ! ) to .C7(53J. ( The rur
of onu full from 1,000 to 1,000 ; fo
another from oUO to { J200 , and thsi
of a third from 1,500 to 1)50. )
The Oambettfi plan for the rovisio
: ) f thi ! aemte , which haa been nude
Boiiftidorntion by the committee i
thirty-thrc-e of the chamber of dcj
uties , and has been ropoitud nnfii
vorably to that body , will bo th
principal topic of discussion in Frenc
political circles for some weeks t
some , The plan includes the abel :
Lion of life senntorshipa , leaving th
uxiatimj holders of them untouched
uid the substitution of a teiiu of nin
years. The life senators are no' '
jlocted by the senate nlone ; thes
now ones are to bo elected by the tw
louses in joint convention on th
tVmerican plan. Ho propones also t
tnko away from the senate the powt
> f passing on monuy bills. The ol
jcct of all this reform is to bring th
ioiinto into accord with the assembly
> r in other words to proven
its opposing the aasombly. This ca
liardly fail before long to raiao th
lUL'fltion. What is the usu of th
Senate ! The object of n PUCOH
jhnmbtir is on tbo oxtromu coiiHorvn
tivnviow , to give oithur propeity an
tic or noino corporate orginixatio ;
represi'ntitii'ii in Hit' legislature i
Lhe belief that it will Bomotimco Ink
i dill'tiront vii w of the public ques
inn from the lower house , anil thu
it so nro delay and dohbur.itio.-i
But a Sonatu which wis orguii/.cd t >
[ irovont its ever having a difForon
now would , on any theory , bo a lift
wheel in the coach. The creatost ; do
[ cot of the now French conatitutio :
looms to bo the case with which it ca
bo aipcnded , for there is nothing i
politics the French iiocd HO much t
learn as the art of discussing things
long while before changing them.
CSenn in olliuinl atatintics of innigr1
lion dut'intj the piwt ton years nho' '
that the bulk of einignuttR civmo to th
United States , and thu next hxigt
number wont t.j Bra/.il For 187'th
total for all countries was 125,050 ; fo
1873 , itVMH tOU.IWR ; for 1877 , it ha
Fallen to 21.WI , ; but by 1880 , it Inn
risen to 20(5 ( , IM , wliilo for .1831 thor
was a further unurmnus iner''nso. On
> i 105,0J ! ! ) omigr.ints15,177 were uu
ior twimty years of ago , an
! iO-171 worn over. The most . '
theno omigr.intn luvo saved inonoj
Mid wuro from the agricultural dis
tricts , or belonged to thu artisii
slasiew. Uiamarck nacribcs this movi
the ' ' iui
inont to strong 'wandering
[ iiilso" of the German people. Th
true solution is not hard to find
rii'miniis know that the conditions <
lifo nro better in Ameiiea than i
Ciurmany , where the kim ; clnima t
rule by inhnrited rights. That is th
reiiHon they conio. mid wo hope the ,
will continue.
Pailiamcnt niuota this week and th government muat fnco it wit
thit'o mumbeis of thu. house nude
lock and key , charged with no ciim
"or which they will ever be tried nn
imprisoned , mid niulor a luw whio
Miild not , have touched tlu-ni had the ,
itayed in Enxlumi. Mr. ( .iliulstonc
iftcir Urn months of powur , his noithe
killed nor iiyved in frelaiid. Ho ha
mot ontniKCu ua they usti'd to bo mi :
it the Hoiith with "more troops , " nn <
thi ) only result IA inufii outragi'a ; ntiii
in the f.U'o of thin ( . tiidition of all'urn
the ( { iivorunu'Hl lisa lad ( > ut
[ iiogrammo lie ins with ti
modeling the buaiiic. of parliamuii
by intriKlneiiig the prwioim questioi
nnd iiroposiia to IUK ! by rumodolin
Hngliah voting by \\holoaitlo \ oroatio
in"voters. . Thu stotmy seaaion of
j'ciir ntji > in likely to look palo by eon :
I- .n u with the piuliumentnry ten
P.JI no y browing.
The depth of feeling ngainut th
continued oulrauerf which the JIUSH i
Russia are un"oiiiig at the hands t
their opproaaniH hhowod itaolt in
innmmoth petition presuntod to th
lord mayor of London , asking hin
Among the naiium .11 u those of th
irchbibhoiiof Cnntmhury , thu biahoii
if London , Gloucester , Mnnolu'bte
uid Oxford , C.irdinul Manning , nn
.ilso I'rofusiior Darwin , I'rofosso
ilowett , Si.muel Morlcy , M ttho <
Auiold , and finally Lord Klchn nn
tUtl'cl ! uf fShaftonbury.
i 'A fe. y uuk n o it was vcportod b ;
Jh t on *
Jewish pickpockets" had created
panic in the Church of the Holy Cro
nt Warsaw , in Poland , whereupon riu
broke out , during which the housea
Juwa were sacked and many porao :
killed and injured , while the Iroo ;
and police stood quietly undi-r am
without interfering. Advices by mr
leave scarcely any doubt that , i
panics broke out in several church
at the same time , and were every win-
clmtgcd to Jewish pickpockets , the
was : i conspiracy ngninat the Juwa
the bottom of it. The cry wont for :
at once that the Jous , having causi
the panic' , must "sutler for thi
crime. " The riots thi-n began ut
contined from Sunday until Wudm
d > iy. The military did not interfe
at all , and the police but little MM
Christians of stundiiifr in the commm
nityo.specinlly C iiholic pru almT' ( > P
ernetic olforts to proU-ct the Jews fro
violence. On Tuesday , the third d :
of the riots , the Jews formed thci
solves into defense nsRociatioiiK , an
armed with iron stnves , in many i
atniicos bent back the asaailnnts fro
the districts principally inhabiti-d 1
Juws. The disturbance * ccnhi-d i
Wednesday. But during those foi
days entire rows of houses had boi
robbed r.nd demolished , whole stree
devastated , and six thousand , Towi <
Fatniliea reduced to beggary , the
losses amounting to over two millit :
rublea. It ia said that several of tl
instigators and lenders of the rioto
were not I'oloa but Russians , soareol
nble to speak the Polish language.
Co-operation aeems to thrive i
Germany. The annual report of Hoi
Schul/.o-Dolit/.sch , the well-known pi
liticnl economist , shows that at tli
end of last year there exmted , ' ! .2C
associationa , of which 1,805 were loa :
or credit socii'tioa , people's bank * , etc ,
074 industrial societies , ( i 15 stores ft
kho sale ot goods and ; ! ( ! building si
cioties. Then there are several ngr
cultural associations for making at
vances to small farmers , nnd about
luuulred "stores , ' ' which HorrSclnuV.t
D ilily.soh eoinideis to bo outeide tVi
limit of "co-operative. " It is eat
nmtml that these number IJOC.OC
niunibois , or neaily n thousnnd mon
ber * eneh , and that they have a shu :
. c'uiivod fiom the
c.ipitsil--niiJstly sai
ints of their niombora of more thn
l',000)00 ! ) ( ) , the deposits reaJuii'S20
300,000 , the niiinunt of biiMiiens tnini
noted by thi'iii during thu yoir boin
estimated nt ? ! 00,000,000.
t citizens of I'liiladelphlu bin
[ letitioued ilie bcln'itl b > . d In asaist in tli
i of a trchtiuaiKiu > 1 schonl.
The action of the ritt&lmrg Unaid <
IMiicatinn Increasin r the touchert > n\ \ >
rii.s has been recnn-iilereil a id tdp pra'-eti
ularie4 Ii ivu been udhrred to.
A < lepnrtnient i to bo idilt
to Oirard Co'b'Rp , 1'hila < elbtn [ , in wlik
ntuilentrt may litcoma adept * in Mrpcntr
machinery , mid other liamiicr.i'U
The lialtlinoru te.icliern nre n'rpiireil t
report twici n week tliu iitnues ami nun
bor of pupil cnntshfil Tlio tvnrhi'i tin
n-verwhiH | into tb-J fe\\-e t gci.viici
Two free kin ierjfirlen Irniniiiif K-hi'o
lnvo jmt b.'ii esralilislied in f'hiritf
w'liisti ' di'Cim a p fii aiitpm | > ut f ii
struct on fur tlie ncyketed little erie i
that city.
The HutnboMfKom'.s ' wiys that tl
te ichi'ro of the public i > chnol < of that tosv
uiado a laid > u thu boys' pocket.s iccontl
anil fdiind fnur woll-1 ado < l revnlveis n
hnyii umlor 15 of nyi.
Of the sc ent i'ii hchools in the Uime
BJ V of VirKini.t one M fully .mil tlirce pa
tmllvt-'ii lowed. Thu yo.xrlv expanses < if
student for the H hiion of nine month * ai
: H7f..r'0. : ' TbiH include * board.
The | i ij" of the pfchth nvndu male teac
PM \Vaihinj , ' on ha been inef.ised t
§ 1,000 for thu tiri > t jvitr with an nnmr
ri e to $100. A proposition to in jioai
the pay of f iiinlu tenchera was lost in tl
Kchool lio.itd.
The Unix i'v of '
erf I'ennsylrau : prom
sen to cctablich fifty fie schiil.tuhliiH fi
( itiliiUoftlm l'hiladet' > liia puhlio hcliooi
ntan ninitril value f .i ( ItMst $7,500 , in cm
si.lerntiiiu of the elty's Felling to th i
a mil-ill p'ot of M'limd H'joinintt their ii
Some people in LimUyilU , Kv. . nre tn
i K to Ht.ut a now mcdic.xl huhool , but tl
Ciiiirier-Joiunil f\uluims uuninst ii
There are Hl'oftily five nr institutioi
of the kind in th" city , it s. yn , ami tl
tendency of Hiicb tnultipllcatinn is to tin
them all into meie cnmck fncturiex.
It has he n proposed by the Allmn
lioaul of pn'il o in'trnctioiiH to mnko
rule that no pupil hhould h ititaincd nfti
school linurB. The principnlH of the va
inuH ( ' "clioolH Imvo hold a mcetii
at wiilch they d < ? ulnrctl mi. h nn action u <
wipe , They ngreeil tint detention wan
useful pnnltilnnent.
The complaint o < The 1'ittnbur ) ; CSaietl
In rfgnrd to Huhool director * ml > ; ht wit
ju tico be echoed m ninny other region
"School directors , " it > iH i > rt < i , "are notot
otisljr uegliKent and incftiulent and do ni
make the bent tinp of the pnwerx wit
which they , ire clothed. If tioimilawcou ]
lie ennctwt rnlniiiK the ntunilard ot iiial |
iiH for diroot < ii , the effect up nth
t-rhools ct-uM mi i f.'il to be bei < i-ticin
Ainon tincrent evilx are want o ( tidelit
in tliH ilischurt't ) of the dutlcH of tlio ntlli
of director. More nUuutinn is paid to tl
h&mllim ; of tbx money , thn letting uf cm
tru-u for buildhtpi and iiiplie | . aad tl
finding of platen f r friendH or f vorlte
than t > > the ipmlifieiitioiK of tenehent , tl
hrnltli nnd coiiifort of tinptipilw , and the
adv-nnccnient In thuirtii'lieu , "
Alniut 810,000 u year nre now paid 01
hi hchnUrxhiM | ln.uis and other pecimiai
aidt to poor student * , ut 1 1 an .it d , Aboi
niio.eiglitli i paid to ftudenU of theoloK ;
It K Niid to be the nmiiln
of siliolarships opens to Imtlieliim of nr
or ( donee Hhnuld lie doubled or tiehle <
mid that fifteen or twenty endowed acholii
Hhiiihtihould be founded in the law cho
and tuici * that miinber in thu medic
helool. The need of tbe/ie / t > cholanilii ]
K-IOUH out of the luillcnl changed whic
h.ue taken place in the university with !
ten yeara. The r.ii'hu ; of the btimdai
fur Kiitduatiou hns duuliKd the time i
iniiu'd forotudv , and , ire'nted the eujo ;
mi-lit of the pii\lli'0'ej uf the unlvunrfty I
htudentovhii hu\n to Hiipport then
seisin by te.ichiiiK or otbi
produetixf lither ontKide of the
.M. O. MI'l ' * . Jr. is enuiiKcd to JU
Huth llviii't ) > ton , nnd New York uxpecl
n brllliitot w ddlii ) ; ,
A go ( > d umiiy ymui luen don t kno
Hint a woman uaU four mrnU a day whf
e\\e \ haii fully entered u.jou uuktriniouy ,
A terrlljd 2iew York vuiiiun
Hive bond to keep the t' * co for * !
months ,
Younu Mayor I.iw , of Brooklyn , m
tied hl tint couple on Weilnexl ly h
thlrty-necnnd birtlnhy , by the w v
min'c ' t--ftchcr of the city nnd ft llhrx
1-lan 1 ulrl nnd did nut for et to clnltu Ii
p n'n 'to ' of ki siK ! the bri le.
A North Cnrolin.i jui'tco of the pcm
reo ntiy tnnrrleil n couple M hu wit ei
throned in stnteon iho bixclt uf H nml
and the nnlnml for unco roHreil thnt thei
waibi er trouble e inc on ihnn be coitl
reduce and qt , his hce > itlll.-Ne [
Mr.veil ltffe'i ter.
Thc"litiirin1 rooim of The Clnclntm
( I.i7-tle were the cene of n wo'id ng tl
other'Iny. ' The cler ynian for whom Hi
lovers were H el ng wn niiintltiR The 'Ji
7e'toin r poitiiiR thr- Harrison rc\i\i
inee In " 4 nn i thi'v ncfmlltigly went t
t'ie new piper ottke nil weie married i
the presence of the reporter .
' 'There ute inv three other duijjbter ,
von cm tnle your ) tnir picks tii-i ! Ii tli
beet I cnn < l" , ' B ul nn hfinst elon i
Scrnlilim , 1'enn. , the nthrr'Uv , to aycimi
'i nn who nnpe.ireil 'it what Jie suiipmc
wiwi to b hiiwn \\v \i\\\s \ \ \ \ jiiit in time I
HI-C his I ( l.ivetf . tnnrriu'l to another tuat
The ije'irrn m f tftfr Mn < acrepli'd tn th
spirit in which it wa < ttmile. nn 1 th
youno } ! t of the thri"-iemnlnlii ( ; i < ti-r .i
proinpllf eh' ennnd in.iriitd on the H | > O <
A petition nl npd bv SIaniBnlm * tt
tler vin-'ii W H iirientt'd In the Mvr
chu-ettt boini ) , aikl-irf for such n ihmiu
in the mnniiiK'e law n will permit clergj
incu to h'jemnj/e ! mairinfieM in my tow
in the Kiftte , without ic ard to the d"in !
cile of the pirtie * to be jnirrled. _ 'l'h
present Inw provide" ? that nil uinirinm'
nhill be Hob'inni/e'l in the city or lo\\n i
which thp iienon tolcinnt/ltiK them re-ide
T In which one or both of the pernima t
b ) marricil roKldp.
Cedar Rapid * Itepublic.iu , 17 : "Beitiai
had A sensation li-t : week in the eloin-int'i
of Hi-njniiiin Aneutt nml Miss Nluir
Kinith , Thu young lady liu'd with In
biotlur , Chnrli-i Smith , who bad htion
objections HO Auetitt for n biothcr-in-Iav
The iirdcn yining lover , mined with
licuiiH1 , put in nu nppeaianeent thP honi
of hie Kwecthcart to he ninnied , but hi
brother drove him elf at the edje ) of n
nx. The brother's victory did not cor
tnnie Innjf , for a day or two later thu ( , 'ii
eluded \ifjilunce , and the two lovei
ran elf to a minister and were MMMIIU ]
tied m the noose matrimonial. Tli
brother is naiil to lm\e objected to tli
wuiiur on account of his habits. "
Larf-e , fat women often { > about wil
nil * least hustle.
Too inany "ponies" of biainly will pit
Inee iiin
In union tin-re is strenatb. oo
Tom'rtn cold , " but Tom and .terry's ho !
There ire no puinpi where thu oiicojun
row.s , which , peihai ] > , accounts for tli
milU in it.
A Ver. i imt farmer bet S"iO tbivt the dia
tun i" to thu HIM u wuiii'to\pr seven inilHs
unit wlit-n suul fi r the monev the juiy sui
t.tin'.d hin , .
Texnu uipitol is t- > bt-'tii ( ! ftet hi h
"if , ( ! It.nir nn 1 L'S.'i Ve i nnd won't iher
In- : v nil-- lot of IrilN to 3 = t Iu b f ire it i
i'1-iiipl te I !
It nindi ) oui colored crentlem iri ami'i
when the doctor told him that getting ; v.ic
cin ited wjs simply tnkin matter from nil
c.tlf lo i > ir , int > niiMthur.
A Inn K'ir ' K"t into the IKIUMof , i conn
ti-v eilitor the other niuht. After a teiii
bje htruuKlu the editor ciuceeiled in robhin
lini. [ rhil.idelpliia NUWK.
Iti-i etti .1 newspaper mai
can't Hue from here to .St. 1'aul on hi
: beek iviihiiri' having it ; pnni-bed liy thi
c'liunitt'ir. [ Slillw iter Lninbeinui .
A in the regular army at Waili
ini.tcin is to be court-maiti.ilL'd for not sec
iu } ; bis c.ijitain through n brick wall am
halntin biin according to ix 'iilatioiiH.
Ic is unhealthy f r two pe.iub' . tT fie ]
Uige her. itnil The 1'bila elphiu ICtw.-i uni
chid s tjint tlii" i\ the tuaton wliv tliu X < - \
York lUpartmenL never put- ' two ofiicu
on thn hiiino beat
1 Ike Ins an irriaatin ; ; skin di eas *
Chirlntfe rue hioko out all o\er him
rtndif he h.idn'n w rn the Injun beadn a
sn fiinolt'fc it wmiM ( loiihtle-is have ciilum
ni ted f tally [ M.w. Partinjjt'iu.
A int'dical Ct-itirifalo isuinonjr the lieu-
uieof the I.nnilim general po-tollici :
w inleil follim : "This I'M to eeitifvtb.i
1 attondcd .Mw. _ - in her last illnesx
and that hhe diu 1 in consetiucnce thereof.
At Hejenw ol , Tcnn , t n liteen-cen (
dnjK jotilito a tight. A twenty-cant IIIKI
tried to jmit them , w ien a fivc-ufnt loafe
couie alon ; ; and "hot him This in th
l.itut commercial tr.niHiction in thn
st te.
Tin. pe' U irr dually ( { ottim ; nwa ;
with the ill ter. Them are sevi-n wchiK
Mluerlnleudeutf , twenty ministers
twenty-Kile phyi > iulnn < < , four lawyers nn
three editors of the feminine i-ex i
lle lipped quietly in at the door , but
catching ui ht of an iinpiirint ; face a\v
tliu htair lail , K.iid : "Sorrj uo late , in
dear ; couldn't Ket a car hefoie. " "Sn th
oars wiitfull , too , " said the li dy : atv
further remarks weie nmieccssary. [ Ii ! >
ton Bulletin.
An exchange IIIR nn : uticle he de l
" ( Jet Hold of th 15oy'rt llcnrt. " Tha
wil ilonellemm hif it i a girl you ni
) ii < % ivin > , but w hid rather Ket bold of
h ty c eollar , with onu hniid and MH iiinti
pocket with th other. Von can ream
with a boy moiu tli it way.
There is always something happeninu ti
the true Ohio man John JjjHle. of IMI
Centre , in thnt co'iinioriHoath , has beci
total y blind for eight yejr ? , but the otlie
day hn felt a nneer HcnKution in hi eyes
nnd the next tiling hu i-nuw he could ree a
well nn hu ever did in his lite.
Mr. Iluuhai ; was only LM when his eldes
wm was born. Wo remember thu da1
well. We congratulated him. But h'
didn't feenieryjollv. . Not lint what i
was a tine Imy , nnd lat'ba ! ( ; was wealthy
HO n family wan no hunlen to him. Uu
bu H.ild : " ( iiicil Lord , old friend , jus
think of it * Here ut the ngu of L'U I'v
Kilt to be in Hettiiit ; a good cxample- !
[ Boston I'ont.
A man with u mlxuplated double bncl
action coin holder came into the xanctun
the other day , and cnmmenco'l cxpluinini
tbs beanticB of the article for holdin ;
cilver huh en , tc. , an ' ho hud got en hal
throuvh before he found ho wan in a print
iuj , ' ofli e. When ho aaw bis inUtnke , h
wiutt _ Oie iloor , eadly lopened it , cm
kicked himself detrduwn stairs [ Kvana
The > Icisaitude of country jourtmtinn
are many and vexiitimiH , and n miutlme
the heart of the nuiutr. editor i < itunot In
blamed for Minklnj ; under tbo I'lieipia '
fight It is obliged to 'iiaintnin. Wo wen
forcibly r-inliiod of thin fact by the aniva
of nn exchange thin week from the n i th
ern part of the tat . with one of the nt reo
fi'll'U of u kti.rv | . t-d hi Itoin i''n ' lip
I'tii'iile h\e no ilu > .i ttiy c a.ule.i
Btralii there IH on an editor' * brain-
IPeck'a Sun.
"Do you believe in Bronson Alcott'i
theory of aethetiu eating ? ' ' aakeil n lioxtoi
huly of her Chicago admirer. "I don'
know wlut Bronnon AIott's theori n
lethetic eating in , " but when I'm hungry
a brace of mutton chop % eome ji rt-ihoiiKi
ntt-nk , , i dozun or t\\o buckwheat uakiw
four fcoft-boilfd ergs and n 1'ljtn uf lnul
make a Meal that is icth t'o enough fi >
me. " "Yi > "f ye- " , lint you don't uu ler
Htandine " nniiatlently ndd'il hi * f'irin
terrogator. " .Nlr Aleott'i- theory bin refer
fiiea to p > i > uiiK , not plfiBrooUiyi [
Pretty Good
.Tun. Bucon , I ipirte , Ind , , uritrn
, , Vour 'Sl'KlNn HiM'HOtiMHull you crack
ed It up to be Mydynpupnu has idun
i hed ; why don't y u mtveitlce it ? Who
allowance will you mnke if I take a do& > i
botth > , soHli .t J ooiild obligu my frlen-ti
occasionally } " 1'ilco iO ccnt , triil hot' '
.Ua 10 ( 'flits. . . . f -l".lv
SftlnSnry'u "Troubadours'1 are to play in
Booth's Theatre In March.
The Greek Play will IHJ offered at Booth's-
Theatre , on Hie the 39th intt.
John MeCu'lour-h bat been brilliantly
Biicccsffnl in Philadelphia and Boston ,
"Mot'icr-m-Law" Jim bo n sucoecsfully
produced in the Opera Corniqne , London.
At Memphis thn advance sale for
Kdivln B otn'Rcngiscincnt exceeded Bern-
Imi ill's by SSOO ,
It in reported tint Miss Minnie liauk
may benl an U'lRlish opera comp.ny in
this country next winter.
Mis * Marv Anderson's engagement at
Booth's concludes to-day , It | . s been a
remarkable successful one.
Sehott & Co. , of Mainz , are repor e 1 to
have bought the piano store of Wngner'a
"Parsifal1 for 7-'i OOOmark- .
Mr. Booth sent a handsome
check to the mother o thlnt Samuel
Pii'icj' , who died recently o'sirmllpox.
Mangle Mitchell seems to have gained a
new louse of popularity this season. She
i < dtnwlni ? crowdtd houses at the Park
t.l ea're , BoUmi.
It IH Bald that Mr. John A , Stephens
will ii'smmthe management of the Acad
emy of Music , Nuw York , next etnion ,
when Maplcpnn is not giving opera there ,
The chief "sensation" Incident in Pet-
tit' * ni'W melodrnlni , "Tnkfii froin Life. "
is a reproducti'in of the explosion In
Cleikenwell prinon. The htro is played
by Charles Wainer.
Arrang ments ba\e been perrected for
a fcas n of Italian opera in New York
city , with Madiune Patti as the prima
donna of the company. It will I eein
vry soon ntter the Opera Festival in Cin
"Jerome Hopkins , " Music says ,
"llireateua Ohicng t with a piano tourna
ment , in which Henrietta Markhtein ,
Blind Tom , Oscar M Newell nnd J. N.
Pitleron are to be Ihe principal per
formers. "
The r.Um charged by thoulntine In Paris
nre as follows : Ordinary applause ii franc ? ,
warm npplnusu 15 , ono recall- , " ) , unlimited
ri'c.ills fiO , xrinniii ) ; o , laughing 5 , Involun
tary Hugbtcr 1" , expressions of , How fun
ny ! How interesting ! lo. etc.
The New York Chorus society will give
ittHirxt public rehearsal and concert on
Friday afternoon , January 27 , and Satur
day eyenintr , January U8. The Boloiat
will be the Misses Schi > U , Wurmb , Win.
ant , and Iho MessrH , Toedt , 1'reumann
and Kennii rtz.
. ' < , . < ' 'i ' > & * ' $ ' " - -irrafc
M K vfo frvi pwv- : - - > S
, g.-v fJi Hr.-L ; * l-
SVhcire direct crnnectlun fcm nuu'o with f > " - > uib ;
, \LL
The Short Line via. Psoria
VILLE. Mit ! r-Il poinlD In the
Where ( lltix.oiinuctionn rc Jiacto m ( So Unloc
r-i nt Ith tlio Thini.f It Sloonbg Cir
l.tnoa for AT.Ti POINTS
Ti-"K r.otrrn you
Rock island.
I'hi tlni > | v.lwJ lintucjiiuviiM odcrol bv * Ml lice
to travelers and tourUta : > vo M follow n :
The ti-lebntod PUI.UIAW ( IB-whrnl ) PALACE
SLEKPimi I'AUS run otilv on thta line C. , B.
fc Ii. PALACi : 'HAWIVO noOM CAM , with
Horto'i'i ) llecHning Chairs No pxtm chirjjc tat
utMaln Rmttnln ; Clmira The famous C. , B. A :
C { . PalniM Dinlnit C'ini. Ooiifoiiw Smoklni ; Cars
tlttod with clcifiuit MifU-tvu keJ ruttin revolving
cfinlix , [ or th. oxiliio'.vn iuc of Entt-clasi j
SUol Tf.n t KI-J bui ( i.r equipment cymblrel
ith their tfJtnt through y\t anonBeiu-nt , mt'ita
thlt' , aljcvi ) Ml otlit-rs. the 'I'.orito loute Utnu
Ha-t , no'ith an-1 SoutlxMH *
Irv It , and > nu rflll rtml > nvellni ; u loxury In-
'toil oti il < nnlort
Thrash ril : ( \ L < thlv ci-Iebritu I llnuoi file
it all a'ld > ' in IPO UnltoJ .Starts uiul CHMV-A.
All nluri'mLon ai.jut r ti of Urn , S'o nlru ;
Uar At linu Tnbk , ft"- , - 1ll bo
' -.en by to
nitei Aiiiil ! , Chi'-i o ,
X&murei i ;
of Fd
llontittfr'nKloiuath lilt'i r > Ii as much rocarilcd
x n household noc nstv ! uu tin ; r or d lt. > . Tlic
reason ol IhU It that jir ol tmiurio i.-c luio
| irov l It to IKJ p rk-tt ) lullablj liituoji ! co .80f
iint-rw ihj ci a | < ioinita | < i cnon lit rom-
nl ) in tKnuii.ilii ] i ui , .i , jt | > n. In. r on.plslnt . ,
< l ) li'lK , , ( , ti i ami oih r tinutilot are
3\cr ome | jj t
IViiiU , ' j | l ruvi | < ui < nil liealtn , to whom
i | > pl\ for llo.tittir'd Alnun * toriw.
State Gazetteer and Busi
ness Directoy ,
Containing H dtweription and ull tufal !
liusl iei-8 en In the > U4e , ill
wrly iu 18K2 Triee SI X )
Sautti Fourtsinlli