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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1882)
OMAHA JDAIL i7 BEE : SATURDAY , JAJNUARY 28 , "THE DAILY BBM OMAHA PUBLISHING CO , PROPRIETORS. 010 F rnh m , bet. Oth and 10th Street ! . TKH.MS Of SUnsCIUPTION. ne copy I year , In ifhancelPMtpMil ) J10.00 t monlfi " " . . . 6.CU month " " . . . S.OO RAILWAY TIME TABLE. tlUI CARD CIIICAIM ) , at. rift , MISMKAI-OU8 AND DM Ml A RAILKUAD , LMVO Onnlia 1'awngor No. 2 , S:30iv : , m. Ac- ( Onnwdatlon No. 4 , 1:0 : ( p. m Arri'oOniali.i I'aiwnircr No. 1,6:10 : p. in. AccommoiHUon No , 3,10:60 : 5 , m. tliVIKO OMAHA 1A8T OR SOUTH 800X0. ( X , D. ft O. 7:40 : a. m. 3:40 : p. m , 0 * N \ < i , , 7:40 : a. m. s:40p. : tu. C. , U. I. i I' . , 7:40 : n. m. 3:1011. : m. K. a , St. J. * 0. ! . , leAVM t b a. m. and rtlSO p. m. Arrives at St. Ixmli at 6:30 : a. ui. and 5:62 : V. ! SUL. 6 P.lca > oi t8 a. tn. and SJOli. : . -.n. Arrive * a St. UmU at 6:10 : a. tn , ami 7.30 m K8T OR BOirrn XSUI. | B. * M. In Nob. , Through Kxprwii , ijiMl 01 B. A ) | . Lincoln Kxprc < w tt'20 p. ui. O P. Ou-rlnml Express , 12:16 \ \ m. O. & II. V. lor Unjoin , 11:45 : a. ui. O. A IU V. lor Oecoota , 0:40 : a. III. U. 1' . Irrlgtit No. 6 , iSO : a. m. U. P. trclght No. 9 , 8:20 : a. m. O. P. frclijht No. 13 , 2W : p. m. U. P. Instil No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. oinlertn * . -P. Denver oxprcus , 7:35 : p. m. ' .O. P. frclirht Nn 11 , 1130 p.m. O. P. Hcn\cr Irclvht , 8:2.5 : p. in. IktIVISu kiM KiST AM ) MOTH. a a & ( J 6.00 . m. 7:26 : p ui. 4 * N. W. , 9:45 : n. , . 7:26 : p. in. 0. R. I , 4.1' , . 0-15 n. in. I'.OS p. ni. K. C. , St Joe AC I ) . , 740a. ! in.-Bilbp. IKHIVINO PROM TIIH fflWT AND ROITIIWIUT , O. k It. V. from Mncoln 1.03p. tu. U. P. Pacltlr K\piu 3iS : p. 111. 0 & .Veb. , Through Kxprww tilt p m. n. & M. Lincoln Kxprcni 0.40 n HI. U. I' . ll < m\cr uxpri' < u , 7:35 : a. m. U. I' . Krckht No. 11 2:60 : p. in. O. P. Vo. ft 6:20 : n. ni. Emlerant. U. P. ( rolirlit No. 14 , 12:16 : p. in. U. P. NO. i B.cxj p. tu. V. P. Vo. 12 1:46 : a. in. U. P. Oem-er Irclwht , 1:10 : n. tu. O. & II. V , mlxitl , ar. 4:45 : p. ui. 8DVMV rRAINH imrWRUN OMAIM AnU OOD.'tUI. KLIIPrS. Lo vo ( ) nwh ut J:00 : , O.PO , 10:00 : nnd 11:00 : m. ; . ( i 2:00 , 3:00 : , 4:00 : aiul 6:00 : p. m. Leave Coitncl. Illuffa at 8:26. : U:26. : 10:25 ntul 1:86 : a. m.j 5 , 2:26 : , 3:26 : , 4:25 : tilvl t:25 : p. tu. ButiiTliu ilun'iny lca > CT Omali-v at 11:00 : . nd 11:00 D. m. : 2-iM , 1:00 : anil 5:00 : p. m. Lw vi Ooancll lUutfs at 0.26 and 11:2S : a. in. ; 2:26 : , 1:26 and 6:26 : p , in. Through and local passenger trattu bottttcu Omaha and Coun II Muffs. Leave Otnahix 0:16 : 1:46. 8:60a. : m. ; 3:40 : , 6:45 : , 0:00 : p. in. Arr\o Omaha 7:40 : , 11:36,11:45 : : a. tn. ; 5:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:15 , ; 40 p. m. Opening an-- Closing of Molls. BOUTK. OIT.N. cixmN in. p. in. ft. tu. p. m. ( Jhlcago&.N. V > 11.00 illK : > 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , U I. A I'ftc'iHi. 110 J-r.o 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , U. 4 y 11:00 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : VTatiaph 12.30 5:30 : 2:40 : Sioux Cit ) ind Pa lllc 9.00 5:30 : 2:40 : Union Pacific 4'00 11:40 : Onutha k 11 , V 4.00 11:40 : D. &M. InNfli 1:00 : 8:10 : OmMiA ft Sioux City. . . . 7:30 C. & M. Lincoln 10.W uiu 0. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . liO : ! 1CO : U. P. I > onr Ex p -00 0:30 O. , Sioux City & St. P..11:00 : 'J)0 : Local mall * lor Stat ol low * Ituvn buf once ( Uy , vl6 : 30 ft. m. Oilier oin'o SuniLtvi * from 12 m. tn 11 > . m. TIIOS. F HALL P Jl. Business Director ? . Abitract and Real fc tuto. JOHN L. McCAOUE , opi alUPotOmce. W. R DAKTLK1T 317 South 13th Street. Architect * . DUtKKNE & MENUELSSOHN , AHCniTKCTa Room 11 Crelghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2. Ciclchton Block. Boot * and Shoe * . JAMKS DIVINE & co. , Slat BooU anil Shooa. A good aesottmeat ol homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harney. THO8. ERICKSON , 3 E. cor. 16th and Douils. JOHN FORTUNATUB , 00610th ctroot , manufacturoe to order good work I lair prices. Repairing done. Bed Springs. t. r. LAKK1MER Manufacturer. 1617 Doarlanet. Qookt , New * and Stationery. J. I. FKUEIIAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggi. lotillANK & SCHHOKDKR , the oldest B , and E. bourn In Nebraska cstablUihcd 1876 Omaha. CKNTItAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAW , iDitxwcdt corner IBtband Dodge. Bmt Board ( or the Money. Satisfaction Ouarantee-J. t all noun. Board hy the l > ay , Weak or Month. Good Terms lor Cub. Parnltihfd llnomg Bupplled. Bi and Road Wagon * . WM 8NYDER , lith and Harney Streets. Clothing Bought. J. JIAUHH will | ay hi ho8tCa h price ( or Hccoiid nand clothlnc. Corner 10th and Karuhaui. jewu or * . JOHN IIAUMKK 1314 Faruham Street. Junk , n. UERTUOLD , llaija and Metal. Lumber , Lima and Cement. ftiSTER & OH AY corner tjth and Dougha Sta. Lamp * and Ulastware. J. BONNRU 1309 UoiuUs St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailor * . 0. A LINDQUEST , One of our mewl rcpular Merchant Tallora In ro- celvlnit the latest deoipna ( or Hprlnj ! and Sumiucir Goods ( or Kcntluincn'a ' wear. StylUli , durable , and prices low an o\cr 216 13th bet. DOUIT.&Ftrn. Millinery , UBS. C. A. KlNGEIt , Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Goods In ( jroatarlety , Zephyrs , Caril Boarilu , r tlodery , Glovet ) , CorMcto , ic. ( Jheapeat Uouuo in 4he Went. Purchasers save SO per cent. OMei bT Hall. 116 Fifteenth Stroot. roundry. JOHN WKARNE&SON8cor.l thftJark on t Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 6th and Parnhtm Sbt. , WeUians Bros. , proprietors. Urocera. t 8TKVEN8 , ! lit between Owning and Iru T. A. UcSHAKK , Corn. 23d and Cumin ? BtiecU ) . Kardwaie , Iron and Steel. 3LAM & LANGWORTIJY , Wholesale , 110 inc1 12 Uth itreet A. HO LUES corner IBth and ChlHornU. Harnew , Saddle * , &c. B. WK1BT 20 15th Ht. bet F m. 4 lUrney. Hotel * < , ANF1ELD HOUSE , Geo. Canfleld , th fc Farnhaoi DORAN HOUSE , P II. Gary , 913 Farnham St. BLAVKN'B HOTEL , F. Slaven , 10th St. ii fkmthern Hotel Qua. Hatnel 6th & Ltavcnwortb Orugi , Paint * and OIU. KU11N & CO. fhannadst * , Fine rano Goods , Cor. 16tn k Douelit .trceta W , J. WHITEHOUPK , Wholee te& Retail , 10th Bt. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Sldo Cuuilntf Street. PARR , Urucirist. lotn and Honard Streets. OentliU. OR. PAUL , Williams' Block Cor , IBth 4 Dolje , Dry Qood * Notion * , Etc , JOHN II. F. LEllMANN & CO. , tfew Yotk Dry Goodi Score , 1310 nJ 1312 F rn- him itr-ct. U a Knvwold also boot * and eboei 7th & Pacific. ruruiture. A F. OROSS , New tnd Suond Hand Furniture o/l Stovea , 1114 Dcnclai. HlgheU caib price aid ( or second to63 zooo * . BONNKU 1B09 DjnrU it. Floe voodi , 4c , fere * Work * . OVAKA. FKNCK CO. 4D8T. rBIES 4 CO ms Harney Bt , Imprar * d Ice Boxet , Irtr and Wood Fence * , Offlc * ? -T. Ooooltti rtoe uui Walnut. Olgan and Tobncco. FIUT3CDF.K , m.Miiifactiirera ol mil \Vholr ! c lc.\ler l n Tolvvccod , lJOMMnilM .V. IT. LOUISXZKy _ niaiimtfturdr 1410Farnhi > m FlofUt. A. Donaijhue , flaitg , cut flowers , t M etc. N. W. for. 1C th an J Uoiiflu ulrocto. Civil Engineers ind Surveyor * , AKPUKW H03KWATKH , Crelchton Block , Town Suricyi , Onvlc * nd aewcrace Sjftcnin Specialty. Uommltilon Morchivnt * . JOHN 0. WIL L1S.U14 t'o.Uu Struct , t ) K limiKR. FonlptAllsolirc ! ft.l\cttl3f mcnt In tvjllv ami WcfVb Cornice Worki. Western Oornlco Uorku , MMiutwturere Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and SUtu lioofllng. Order > from MI > locallt ) promptly e ecutt < l In Ilia lx > t iXiMincr. Factor ) and OlUco 1213 llarnc ) St. 0. SPKCIIT , Proprietor , lianlted Iron Cornier * , Window Cup , etc. , manufactured ami put up In vi ) pa nt thn raulitrv. T. SIN1IOL1) llflThlrtronth utrett Crockery. J. IIONNhH 1SOO Dousias * trcct , Gooil line. Clothing nnd Furnlthlng Ooodi. OKO. II. PKTKUSON. Abe llMt , C l , BooU , Shod ) , Notloni ami Cutlery , SOJ S , 10th street. _ HetrlRorator * , CanHeld' * Patent. 0. . GOODMAN lllh St. bet. Karn. A lUtney Rhow Can Manufactory. 0. J. W1LUK , MMiulacturer anil Divxlor In all kinds ol Show Cngro , UprUhl Cft"oa , A . , 1317 CMJ St FRANK L. GKUIIARU , proprietor Omahi 1howCasoin.inufM.tory , Sid South leth street , between Lo.i\cn ortli and iUrty All warranted flrst-cH * " KOSKHFKLU , 10th St. . hot far A ll > t btovc ana inware. A. UURMKSTKU , Uwlei In StoM'S anil Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Hoofs and .Ml kinds of ItutMliii , ' Work , ( Mil Fellows' Block. .1. 11ONNKH. 1SOJ Doutflfw St. Good and Cho-ap. Secdt. J. KVANS , WholOM Io nnd lloUill Seed Drill * aud Cultivators , Odd Follows Hall. Physician * an1 W S. GIBBS , M. 1) . , Room No t , Crrlghton r.loili , 15th Street. P. 8. LKISKN'HING , A | . D. Masonic Block. C L. IIAKT , M , l > . , EJ-I and Kir , ojip. IH , L. U UllAUDY. OcnlUtand Aurlnt. S. W 15th and F.irnham Ste Photographer * . GEO. Hl'.YN , PROP. Urauil Central Gallon , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. Flrst-cla ? * Work and Prompt -sa iriunntacp PlumblnK , nnd Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & . CO. , 21B 12th St. , hot. Karnlmiu nnd DoiiK'lM. Work pruiii ) < tly attomlcd to. D. i'lTZPATKICH. 1409 Doudai Street nlntlng nn auur anglni ; . HENRY A. KOSTiUS. HI DO < ] RII Street. 6 lion tuoroi. Phillip Lang. 1320 Farnnam Bt. bet , 18th ft Uth. Second Hand Store. PKKKINS & LEAH , 1410 IiotuhM St. . New m ! Second Hind Furniture. Home Furnishing Goodii , . , liourht and Hold on narrow IIKNKY KAUFMANN , In tue new brick block on UOU IOH btrGft , hwi Just opened a incwt elcpuit Uuel Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 m cry day. Caledonia "J FALCONER 679 10th Stroot. Undertaker * . CHAS. RIKWE , 1012 Farnham hot 10th & lltd 00 Cent Store * , p O BACKt'S \'IM F rnhnm St. . ? ncOoodi PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl No Our , Wood Suffer ! A eurocuro for Illind Illdedlny , Itching' am Ulcerated Piles h&H been discovered by Dr. Wil liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A elnicln box baa cured the worst chronic cases of 2fior SUjraro standing. No ono need suffer llvo minutes alter applying this wonderful soothing mudlclnu. Lotions , Infltru merits ) and clcctuarius ilo more harm than good William's Ointment abnorbs thu tumors , allays the Intense Itching , ( partlculaaly at night nftci gcttlnp ; warm In bed , ) ncta aa apoultlco , ilvrs In stant and palnlexa relief , and 10 prepared only (01 ( Piles , Itching of the private pafts , and ( or noth Ing olso. Read what the lion J. M Ccfflnberry of Clavo and eaya about Dr. William's Indian Pile Olnt merit : I have uned scores of Piles cures , and 1 aflords mo p euauru to Hay that I hac never foum aiiythliiK which gave such Immediate and pcrma oent rencf aa Dr. William's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt ol price , 91.00. 91.00.HENRY HENRY & CO. . Prop'rs. , CblVKUtND , OHIO. Forealoby C. F Goodman. 1 t HO Innd < rwAnwl v NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Cnro Guaranteed. Dr. K. C. Wont's Ncrvo niul Ilrntn Treatment A Bpeclflc ( or Hysteria , liizzlni'ss , Coiiviilsion-i Nor\ous Headache , Mental DcprceBinn , I/jsio Mi > rnoryS | < frinatorrhiinIuipotcnjr , Inio untarj Km i-slonu , I'rcmaturu Old Auo , caused by onr- excrtioii , self abusu , or nvcr-iiidulfenuc , uli'cl ' lends to misery , decaj nnd death. Ono box ull euro recent cnscs. Kn li lux contains ono month's treatment. Ono ilolhr n liox , or clx IIOXUH lor llvo dollars ; sent Iiy mall pri'palil on rucolit | of iiricu.Vu Kiiaranltu six boxes to LUIC any case with each order rcculi td h ) us ( or six boxes , ac' conipanlvil with five dollar * , will cerid the pur chittr our written Kiiirantee to return tin money II the treatment doen not ill Ltauure C. r. Goodman , IJr.ic Ut , Silo , Wholesale anJ HcWll A 'ent , Omaha , lsib Orders Iiy maUat regular price. d& ly Free to Everybody A Beautiful Book for the Asking , By appl > lnjf pernotiMly nt tne noarobt oWco of THE aiNUKK MANUKAtne CO. ( or by postal card Hat a dletanco. ) any AUUM pur Ron Wllhopruicntej | with a heautifully 1IU | > rated copy ol a Now Book entitled G-ENIUS RE WARDED , - OU THE - STOEY OF THE SEWING MACHINE containing a handsome anil coutly otccl rnKr IIIK ( rontUplcrce ; also , 2d flncly nira\e < I wooc cutu , and hound In an elaborate blue and i ; lltliok'raiihed co > cr. No charge whatever la m for thl handsome Ixiok , uhlch can bo obUlncc only hy application at the branch and subor dlnate offlttn of The Singer Manufacturing Co. TUB SINGKK MANUFACTUHINQ CO , , Principal Office , 31 Union Square , New York oct27-dmtc-tlw IP TOUsr OfCuhllU- . cnnlb/tlia ( train of your dutiei avoid nl/lit ork , to n- tUnulontianil u * ( on-hmlniiprvfinC Hop Bittero. [ , UMI Hop Oi If youaroyounil nd | . erinif I rom mir l Jiiiilloii or diijUu I ( lull i If jou nnnimr ricd or . ! ! , old or i-rotinff tiliferlnK fror. . poorhettllhorluifulfh iliiir on a IKMJ Jf l'-k UCEO. rtlr " Ho pi 1 BltUTA. \Vhoortr yon ri' . J al.fnerir you ftii \i \ uit that your njrrtem JJ ii d clwiniiln .ton. Irif 01 > tlinulntlnit , Hituoutdilwfca i tlinuly u of .akti Hop Hcp 'Ittere Bit te . D , I. O dlieL iA ILU KbHOllltL tualnit mid Irrealbla of Ilia itotiiucn , ! no ? jlu cum fui . Utcdi , dloail.t i ( JniLkenneflH ltv ruTntr\ { of opium , You will be aoooL o1 * curedl'ynu" ' ' rwrcotlu Hop Bitter * If jrouar Hm . , , \j \ wc l nil loSr NEVER ClicuU.r nlrUilti7 Ui It may uuh urniai iaveyour FAIL HTM CO. life , ft hat , lived hun- B < k * UrB. I dredt ttmmm FASHIONS IN F1NOKB UINOS. Ooma That Arc Doalrccl In Sottlnpg i\nd Tlioso Tlmt Hivvo Hntl No Sale Li\tol > * . o * York Suti ' Thcro is not much loft on hand unv , " sriul the jowollur , lookincvitli luHtroronco ovur ft nnllion aollntu vorth of diAinouds , tubics , onii'mlih , iul other brilliftiit ( joins that jjlowod nd tlaihcd in tlio light. "At pros- lit wo hnvo only n few tluiusiiiulatylos if llni r rin > ! 8 , ranging in value from ! ! to SoO ( > . I'robixbly the most in urostinij class of rums , for young > oolonl ] ) least , nto thoao known asun- ; igcinont rin s. Kashion iiroscrilu-s hut they ahnll bo snlituiro iliiunoiul * , nut nn Biniily | M possilik' , so us to iliow but little gold about the stono. , lore they tire of all values , from § 50 , o SolH ) . Sometimes a ruby it pro- 'errod instond of a diainond , and real- y line rubies of good 8izu are mine costly than diamonds. Their value lepends wholly upon their enlnr. Hero is ono of throe carat which is worth S2r > 00 , and another fully half is lixrgu which is worth only ? 7i"iO We nro now yetting a good many en- .Ktclum rubies that IB , atones which arocut round and ainonth instead of with facets. Very beautiful novolMcs they are , too. It is a style wliieh hna long been popular in India , but little soon in Europe or this i-nuntry nntii late years , especially in large and line stones. Hero are some cobochon ixpphires also , which havoa very pret ty olltict. Wo hi\c ; sold this winter < i great nmnysuts of rings , three in each , meant to bo worn together , ono of them set with rubies , another with sapphires , and the thitil with diamonds mends , graduated Hies : , live stones in each ring. Tluiir ooit has been from $1000 to SI'JOO per set. Of course the stones at that price cannot bo very large , but worn together in that way Ihuy are very haudsomo. Hero are Lvvo vnriatioiiH on the idea ono a Krunuh ring which in solid on the nn dor akti * , hut cut to look like thieo ibnve , with a good sized central ruby surrounded by twenty small diamonds clumsy , absurd looking thing , which nobody wants , the other a trip licate ring in which the nibiea , sap phires and diamonds are placed in square settings , vhicli lit together and make the ring HOOIII n solid ono , sus ceptible of sovcral modifications of combination. Thu old fashioned pu ? y.lo rings liavo entirely gone out of fashion , the combination ono being the nearest present approximation to it. A number of years ago there van iiiito | n ra o for cmnplic-ited tvistul wire rings. The originals e.xme from Mexican pattern , and even improve upon it , making a still more ontan1.- locl donble-and-twis'ud thing , which when taken apart looked moro like wire nightinaro than a ring , but when put together by ono who understood the trick seemed plain and solid. "Horo are n few magnificent opals glorious stones , but thcso i.s no side for them. Hardly anybody will veil ture to buy an opal. 1'eoplo have n superstition that they are unlucky , and wo scarcely sell one a year. Still their nominal value continues to bo voiy high. 1 mny s.iy , of to-day , the cat's-oyo , a. greonish-brown stone with a line of light through it. There are ditleront kinds of them , but the bust is the corundum , or base of thu fip ; phiro. Hero is n. ring with a cat's-oyo flanked by a small diamond on each side , which is worth § 000. That cat's eye is only four carats weii'ht. Here is another of nine carats , which is worth , unset , $1000. Pretty expen sive stones , you see , and yet their value is moro a matter of fancy than is that of stones butter known , such as rubies and dianmnds. Their worth depends upon the clearness nnd sharp defining of the line of light through them. Here , for instance , is one a ( juartz cat's-eyo almost as biir as th hrst I showed to you , yet worth hard ly a quarter as much , because the light in it ia dill'iiBed. Hero is a tur quoise ring worth $1400 , and here an other , not set around with diamonds as the first is , yet worth § 1200. Look at this infaglio , a lloman warrior's head engraved in a sapphire. It is a pretty piuco f work , but only worth § 125 ; and simply call your attuntioi to it to remark that both cameo and iniiiglio rings have gone out of fash ion.Vo Inivo a puck or moro of them , antiques and modern , cut in many varieties of stone , and some of them quite valuable , but there is hardlyany sale for thum. The popular ta to now riiim to the gypsy style of ring-liko this , a cat's eye with a ruby on oacli side imbedded in tliu solid yellow dead gold ; or this one , uhoro the rubies ure replaced with diamonds. Any kinds of stones may bo employed in tho.- rings , thuir diatinctivo feat nro bunif : simply the cloao setting of the stone , which lir.s no visible clasps , and haidly uses above the surrounding surface. "Of pearls it ia woithy of remark that some of the purest and moil beautiful , even excelling genuine Ori ental pearls in their brilliance , are out of frcsh-waterinusscln found in Tennessee. Hero u ono of that kind , of exquisite perfection of form , beinii a purtt'ct uphuro and of absolute puri ty , which is worth , without its set ting , § 550. Some of them havu the most delicate tintings possible to imagine agino , like this , for Distance , whicl has the shade of a blush rose's petals. None , however , have such depth ol color as this big oval pearl , of almost coral rod , which comes from a concl ahull , and ia worth in itself $000 , 01 as it stands in the ring , Burroundud by diamonds , $050. "This is the most curious prucious ntono in all our collection. It is known .is Aluxandrito , and in found ii very small quantities in Russia , am' moro frequently in Caylon. Uy day it iaas you seea dull ohvo greenwith mprcly n ougguHtion of acriniDongloan glinting through it ; but by artificia light at night it glows with a ruby rod , and not a tracu ( 'f the ohvo green ia visiblo. Costly f Only moderately so. This nine-carat stone , tor instance , is worth only $ ( iOO. It is just begin ning to bo appreciated and becomin ; fashionable. "Tlioso are sapphire astorias , oratar stones , HO called because of the five pointed stars of light they show , am here are a couple of ruby asturias much moro rare nnd valuable than the others , All thi'fco are fashionab B to n CM now , but their ware is general ly confined to gentlemen. These grooi gamuts are confined to Colorado They are real gurnets , notwithstand ing their color , and cannot bo con founded for a moment with oinoralda of all nizea and great variety of tint here is not ono approximating in col r to green garnet. Tlio emerald , by lie way , is M much in fnshipnnblu fa- or ixs over. Many people tlcoin it n ucky utono , a superstition in which hoy"nro as lirmly grounded us others ro'in their confidence in the fntvful 'haractor ' of tlio "Sorpt'iii rinus nro disappearing - opt in some chcnp forms where value loponds oiitirnly upon workmniialup , ml the serpent scale allbrd opportn- lity for some ( < \iiii4ito | euiuuollini ; hit the old styled "orj eitla with jvnols n ( ho their ho.ids are out of d.ito ' 'nshion approves now , by proforanco , f the novel Japanese rings which wn utrodiicod , ixnil which are ipiito euri- .us. Here nro some , formed , in plaint ] ! semi barb.iric style ni you i ill observe , fr ni tnn metals , gnld , nd n bronze-coloied alloy , of uront inrdnoss , c.illod by thu Jap-mono sha- < odo. The eoinpi'sition of that metal sa secret known only to Jap.inoso. t does not change its color by time or , ny ether agency which will not af oot gold. Tlioso are comparatively honp , only costing , with their hand- onio sottiiiKS , frtnn $80 to $ lTiO o eh. I'horo bun boon iinto a donmnd for 11 tylo of rings which wo got out in \hich the settings nro supported by niall retires , at the sidoa mudolhnl iltor Cypriote oriiiiiiilii. "Thnao urcon stonus , rosomblin ho uroon ynnu'ts nf Colinndo , nnd list about of the valin > , are spoc- inons of lithin I'liiiUMlil , or lliildi liiio , rom Stony I'oinl , N. C. U Inw boon onnd mnvhuro cKo , and the ntipily ] hero nuoniH to be oxliansit'd. Of ( Ui- jhoapnr sort nf linns , thoaolnoh do- icnd for their viiluo upon the novelty if dosiKii and \\nrlviiiiiibliip instead ot ho costly gems set in thum , the viiri- i.y is nlnuist undlih They are cold , ; iild and platininn , enaniellud gnld , to , nnd ruiign in piico from $1 up to ? -f > . A popu'ui fancy jnst now is for irndaiits attiiehed to si ndor rinus , inch as these , Inch have minnto nr row head * of jaipcr , nbaidian , etc. , dan lim ; from them Iiy ininuto chains. And this , thu mmi'it ( if all , the 'IV : ieiico' linu , the | > uuilant nt which is in uimniullod sin.lower. . ( All sort of iniplonumtH , insturinentsand toolHand ) innmonts nf haidly moro thanmicrti scopioal siV.o ale niadu ( o adorn and dandle from theau piotty trillo rings. ( Siiiird rinyi ? Oil , yes. is one , a now ono , a nuw tiling , and ono ol the daintiest and prettiest nna inablu A complete circlet of diamonds , set botwot'ii slender b.unls of yold. " A Bowery stre"L dealer , in reply ti in iminiry us to the now styles in thv ur rings , said : "Tlioru are none si Far as 1 know , except that wo have nuw much liner imiiutums of the pre cious stones , and at far UBS oust than wo used to. 1 e.m soil you n di iniond for ? 5 that will look to ninnty-niiu persons out of a hundred just as stoll us ono you'd have to pay § 500 for. And as for rubies and napphiie. and emeralds , why wo have them down very line , I nssuro yon. Still , some- ho v , people don't tuko to thum voiy heartily. They g' ' > all right for breiiHt- pins and earrings , but for finyor rii s , no. 1 suppose a fellow don't care to Imvo all tlio timu whure ho see it himself - self what ho knows to bo a blamed fiand. Seal lings ? Ko , not much de mand for them ; nor for locket rings either. They .uo pretty much player out. In fact , I think the whole linger ring business has .dropped i : good deal in late years. The Slaughter of Gumo. Clioyt' ma LuatUr. It is the subject of frequent com munt that the game of Wyoming ii rapidly disappearing buforo the fear ful slaughter that has been practiem for the past three years. PiiorU that time elk and deer could be sect of a mornint ; from the door of any o ; the ranchus about Fort MeIvinnoy. But now these beautiful animals huvu disappeared some to the pastures ol the Big Horn mountains , but most ol thum to the hide shops. There has boim considerable hunt ing done by aporting parties , and usu- thcy have met with good tinucess. But this does not account for the de preciation of game. Sportsmen spurn to kill cows or heifers , thuir pride being - ing to down a sot of antlers at every shot. It doea not hurt the hurda ti kill oil' most of the bucks or bulls ol deer or oik , bocauoo enough will re main to attend to the increase. Hence true Hpoitsnmnship deus not rob tin foiests nfgour noble warJu. But there has sprung un , within the past tew yearsa , set of hide i > unt- crs , most of whom followed bullaN , slaughtering in Texas , as long as tin game lasted just to sell the hides for a misor.iblo dollar a niece. Tlieso men have been attracted to Wyoniin ; by reason of the abundance of doei and elk , and the fact that the hides ol these animals are very valuable of late. This makes hunting profitable. These hide gathers shoot , poison and kill th game in every imaginable way Male , femulu and yoim animals fall like swaths beforejtbeir slaughterer , am : the carcacscs loft to rot. Tlio result is that the forty or fifty men in thu mountains , who are engaged in this nefarious practice are fast ridding the country of game , and , unless some thing is doneand speedily , too , Wy oining will be ua scarce of deer and elk as Illinois. It is true there nro laws on our Into books which prohibit thu whole , sal ) slaughter of game under penalties. But it can bo Been at a glance thitow ing to the wild and unauttlud nature of the country in northern Wyoming , it is a matter of immuiiHo difliculty tr , apprehend the culprits , in the tirs places , and still more dillicult in thu second place , to obtain auflicult tcsti mony to convict them , For these two reasons these hide grubbers have boon suffered to go unmolested. However , a way has been to prevent thin slaugthurud , by pro hibiting the traflio in untanned liideM , and thus taking away the speculativi feature of the businoHs. Lot the islaturo enact a law prohibiting any person or corporation from selling or purchasinging untanned hides of deer or elk , and that will stop the sluught or. Why ? Because the hide grub burs have not means much less the in dustry , to tan the hide * they father Honceif tliuycuu't sell thugreun hides they Iwvo no longer any induuomen to kill game ; their occupation's gone If wo could present the exact lig ures allowing the transactions ot suv oral houses in Wyoming in hides o deer and elk , they would astoniah th reader. Wo have been assured , b one of these very dealers , .that th amount ruua into many tons , aniiuti , . Thin indicates the fearful extent i which the id.iughtor had gone. Thu main facts embodied in tliM ar- icle were involuntary contributed by gentleman who has been engaged in urchasini ; hides in connection with is regularly established business , lt < has felt all the time that the sya- l istong and his suggestion is lint the sale and purchaftti nf green ides be niado unlawful In thiswny 10 profitable feature of hide himtin ill bo destroy I'd and thu hunters willet ot over tax themselves in killing any lore game than they nuud for meat. Thu matter i.t very important , and p trust that our legislators will so- iously consider the pro | > osition stated bovo , a * it promises the only safe , ertain and cheap method of pro uiving our gamo. IMPIETIES. "Ohc mo n show mid I am nfrnid of llibij' , " ny * .lorry MoAuloy , re > ivi llit. VrlmpK ho had bfttortnko Mr. llarnumV. [ Klnilra 1'rco I'to-n. ( Jen. Tliinnni Cunway wa o\ielled | from HrmiWyn church la"teok. . It I'not nown ( . 'hrtntlan deed on the ( u'li. ril'ninti \ rctidcrod till * nctlnn necoH4nry , Two .Mormon elder A niftilo forty-two iiM'rli In IVnmylviuitix In fourtcon ny , and ro ntlll at It. 1'prlmpn tld < Ii IDMiy to xolvo thu Molly Mu iilro prnb * m. lIlixino.iH l IninlupxH. Wlicn a Clilcnpo readier wauls a now church nil hli own. nd 'i Hi , ' eon 'rOK'uttoii , lie hat lilnincll mvlcled of horiMy. [ St. l.ouU Po'tdN * \ ch. Yovui oltTKyninn do not now tocolvo i iiiiiiiviift \ \ of workfl HIHTH | | IIK form- ily. Ili huf art COIIHH in , niul the i ( Muher iniiv expect moio pointed jugs- N O Vlcnyun * . Tlui following lioiniletlo hint Ii reported , Imvlni' oonio from 1'reMilont lilnuobii 'I don't like to hour cut-aud-driod nor. iioiiJ , No , when I hear man | uvach , i i o tno hint net M if he uoro t'iKlitiiii ; H'Ot. " lieorga C. Mlln , who left the MotliodUt n nlitiy to becotna ft Co'ijrogationlit , \nd the Con > ; r B. > tiniinl ministry to bo- um Unituriiui , lm now luft the Uni- nrian nilnlrtry and nnnnuncoM hN put- into to beooiiio iv lawyer. And thorn In n Rood retort from the Cutli. ille Hide : A French girl OIHO nxkod the nient : "Why In It , father , that wu auk M'iy day for our dally broad , iimtenil of nlciiii ; for It a week , iiinontli , 01 n year ? " Why. you tittle goono , to Imvo it frcnh , , o bo Huro,1' was the reply. An Kliiiira clergyman report * that the wir nn mutilated coin ! m bei'ii a ( jood , b in : for tlic coiitrlliution box. A mini ulm Ins tried in vain to paiin halfdollnr with a liole in it , finally K'VOH ' up in de > Hiiair and dron | it into tlio Himdiiy oollec- ; iii ? > . to which lie was formerly in the mliit of lOiitributiiiK nothing , or at mimt i dime. Such coin the churches soil us llinii , tit mi average rcdnetiou of fi per i'iit. > f lhoi' f.ica value , mitrli to the nil- u' KO of foreign iiiiniiloiiniSen and poor ) i' | homo , Wkou TltornV Will Thorn * * n n Wuy An\ one who IIIIH the will to try TlloM- \s' III rerunOil. . , will muely tind thn way .o i-olmst health , in ea < n of hronchial at- 'uetioni , Hiiro throat , piins , oct. ; and nx an nternnl remedy It is invaluable. I'.l-lw A FroHh Young CoiiBrosamun. lenten 1'ont. Ho was a fresh young Coiigrcssinan 'rom a rural district , and when ho got : o Washington ho found every other number had iv private secretary , so ho liied ono. But. though fresh , he was energetic and a man of vigorous ideas. One day ho said to his secre tary : "Mr. Skucle , to-morrow 1 shall speak on the tarih"question. . " "To morrow , " said the secretary ; "that'a rather short timp , but I guess I can do it. Which side are you on ? " "Tho free trade side , sir. " The secretary left the room , and the Con- pressman was rather puzzled to com prehend his remark. Next morning , bright and early , the secretary ap peared and handed him a paper. "What is this ? " asked the member ; Your speech. " My speech ? " "Yes ; I've written out what you're to say on the tariff issuo. " "You misoratile wretch ! " cried the onrngod member , "do you assume to dictate what I shall say ? " Ho drove the amazed sec retary into the street and would hear no explanation. Indignant , ho wont down to the Capitol and told a friend , an old member , the story. The friend was ahockod at the fellow's impudence , but they looked over the speech and Found it read very wall. "You did iust right to discharge th conceited rascal ! ' ' said the old member , und the next day the young member , was unaned to learn that the discharged secretary had been employed by his Id friend. Buokim'B Lrnion Snlvo. The best salvo in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , chillbhiins , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. Thin Halve ia guar anteed to give perfect Batisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price , 2oo pur box. For sale by Tun , fe MoMAiiof * . Omaha , Private AbUrio of a Newspaper. h.uiK . Some people think they are very Hinart when they abuse a nowapapor or editor. They forgot that many pa- iiers have largely profited by becom ing the objects of these attacks , and that some editors have thriven on being - ing assaulted. Aside from this consideration , it should be remembered that an editor is often obliged to carry a very delicate - cato position. Ilia sense of right will BOinotimos cause him to attack or de fend a man , a business , a chnu or a oauHo at the risk of making enemies of others only to find those in whoso in terests ho has labored display ingrati tude. tude.Of course no level-headed editor ox- pectB to find much giatitudo or chari ty. Ho must generally bo content with the approval of his own con- Hcience , and pursue th course ho be lieves to bo right , regardless of cither frowns or Hmilea , supported by his conscious rectitude. It will comu all right in thu end. It ia hard to be misunderstood , and to find thoao whose support you have earned H right desert you to meet alone the attackn of those you have in censed in pursuing thu course you were convinced was right , but you will therefore loam a leanon of self- reliance , and form a habit of judging for yourself that will bo invalui'ble. You will bo ablu to tell the truth , Jiowevt-i disustoful , and refimu to ut ter a falsehood , no in itter how much pleaBimtur it may promise to make things go. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Waruer'i Safu Kidney and Liver Care. THIS NS3W AlfD CORRECT MAP joyonrt any roasoiiahlo qncMlon that tin CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN . \u , ii\ . A if < i nn .mil iil'Ot'the Principal Fold's in lM Wot' North and Northwest. ' ' ' * mifii o n MIDI' thi . Yap 1lnVrin ififtl D'IMO ? Hi" OM'AI. . ' N.i.-O biM. in > hl < ronit ' " > ' " " ' jb tra' ' u w k fiottti 1 0 ( run iu. ' < ! . r ln of ill imirtum | I aViah x : Sf r. i r\ ? / v-rv Vvv re S8 S&rr ? THE CHICAGO & . NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. K teM ' "ii'iPllllliilN , IVnver&C.'ilironila Mile. " "Wliioua , Minnesota ft Central Dakota I.lnOf ' r.limx. . { . | KNor < is ( lii-HHkri& Vaiiktim Line."Olilcniro , SU I'nill unit Minneapolis I.lao. 'Niir.llllniilt/l reriiuitftDiiliiniiin Line. " "Mllwaukeoreenllay ! i I.ako Superior Line V lu'kets OUT tills 1 1) ) stilil h > all Coiiiion llckel AKOIIII fu tlio Uultud States aaJ Ucmcinbrr to ask for Tickets via tlih road , tie sum they read over It , anil take none otheivj UAUyiX Ulitlinn' , Oen'l ManaKur , ClilcnKO.V. . U. STHNNUTTOen'l raas. ARont , OUIcatc.v IIAUIIY P. WIKL , Ticket A cni0. ; | % N. W. lUllway , 14th and FainhimklrooU. D. K. imtllALL , AM Unt ticket Airont O. H N , W. lUllway , UlhUnd Farnhattilltritll * J. 11KLL , TlcKet Agent 0. ft N. W. lUllway , U. P. n. n. Dopol. BAMK.S T. OLAUK Ooneral Aronk. Ac S1MCIO7J OF THE NEW YORK WEEKLY , Arc linppy to inform tlu-ir BULLION of romlors , and THE MILLIONS that nro to comu , that at "rent IUIILMISO they Imvc secured u Blrnti ely real nnd loworful story , untitlud Calamity Jane , THE QUEEN OF THE PLAINS. A Tale of Daring Deeds by a Brave Woman'siHands. Tina story is from thu pun of n NKW GONTUIHUTOU , A GKEAT TllAPPER AND HUNTBRi A nmii who lives amid the BOOIIOS ho deacriboa , and know ? the mou and womuii lie writes about ; u ntory which lacks some of thu beauty and finish , which a practiced pun would give , but nrnken up n thousand-fold in Wild Reality , Truth , Originality and Power of Doncriptinn. The writer has ox- crtod his best clforts , and comes to r THE NEW YORK WEEKLY , With n vivid fruahuoaa which will nmko the nnmo of Reckless Ralph , A household word with the rondure of the NEW YORK WEEKLY. The dramatis poruoum of CALAMITY' JANE nro iiiiido up of rond-agents , train robbers , gold di gor/a , Jluathon Chiiioao , oto. , oto. No atrnngor chnractor limn Which will npponr in NO. 10 of the NKW YORK WEEKLY , haa over ox- i ted , nnd her during doedn will bo road with intoimo iiitorost. The ctitiro Btory in now in ottr hiinds , and the first clmptora will tippoar in NO. 10 of the NEW YORK WEEKLY. Nowa iigontH , sulwcriborH , readers all bo ready for the best story of bor- dorlifo , that THE NKW YORK WEEKLY has over given you in all our uutivo yv > aru of litorury toil. Don't forget , Will appear in NO. 10 of THE NEW YORK WEELY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY in the embodiment of all that ia chaste in style , correct in diction , iinil pure in morals. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY might with propriety bn road in any- family circle , even in that of a clorKyiimn. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY pays more for manuscripts than any journal of its claim , and is the Greatest Story and Sketch Paper in the orld , SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. TERMS TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS : 3 months , ( postage free ) $ 75 2 copies ( postage free ) 8 C Oft 4 months 1 00 4 copies 10 00 lycur a 00 8 copies 20 00 Any person winding $20 at one liinu , for oiyht copies is entitled to a NINTH copy I'RKK. Gettora-ui ) of clubs can afterward add Single Copies at ? 2.50 each. All letters should bo addressed to KKAMCIH S. STKF.F.T , \ STEEET & SMITH , FUANCIH S. SMITH. J Proprietor ? . | . O. Ifox 27.'I1. 25 , 27 , 21) and 31 Rose St. , Now York * Jan24-d&w4t TOWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , aiiuit HALLADAYiWIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BEL A. L.8AANa ! .205 Farnham St. , Omaha *