Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAJU/f BEHJ : SATURDAY. JANUARY 28 1882. I SOUTH PACIFIC NEWS , Close of thoTontli Session of the Australian Parliament , Small-Pox Scare Railway and Steamboat Collision Per sonal and Political. Now Zealand Elections An other Massacre Shakou Up by an Earthquake. Xnto Advloon from Knlnlcaua'c Klnfjclom. N tlon l AMOctoted Via * . SAN FiUM'iHCO , Jnmmry 27. The Sidney HornUl of December Hist stvys the second session of the Tenth pur- linmont closed on Tuesday , December 20th. UotlK-houses mot at 11:30 : o'clock. Several formal matters wcru disposed of , anil in legislative as8em- bly the government withdraw nil their business yet ramainitiff. Hta excel- Jonoy then delivered the closing ad- dress. The session just closed com menced July 5th , since which time the assembly sat on ninety-seven < c- cnnlons. Fifty-one public bills and 24 private bills originated in the assembly , and 2 public bills ori inatcd in the legislative council. Twenty- four times was the business of the assembly intercepted by motion for adjournment of the house. The Victorian team defeated the Now South Wftlim cloven in an inter national cricket match , winning easily. The English eleven defeated a Vic torian eleven at Melbourne. A violent thunder storm and hur ricane passed over Central Australia in December. There are fears of small pox at Melbourne. On December ISith u telegram was received from Capetown stating there wan small pox on board the orient steamship Garonno when aho loft that port lor Adelaide. She was shortly duo at the latter place. Necessary precautionary measures were being taken here. A railway disaster occurred Dccom- lor 21st near Dalclmthn. A tram ran into a horao and cars , some fifteen in number , were thrown down a ten- foot embankment and badly smashed up. Stoker Woodstock , a young man , was instantly killed ; . lames Black wood had n leg broken. A collision took place on the morn ing of December 26th , between the otcamers Nelson and Julia Percy , ton miles east of Capo Otway. The night was fine and tho'liglits fully in sight. The vessels wore about five miles off shore. When the steamorsdrifted npart "boats wore lowered from both ships. Fifty or sixty persons were tranship ped from the Julia Percy to the Nol- aon , it being thought that the former would sink. An examination was made , however , which showed that the Julia Percy's plates wore not frac tured but only bent in and the ship was making no water. The two ships remained in. company and the captains torminod to return fo jaoioouniu 'HI r-"V Sir Joshua Peter Moll , while driv ing in Queen's street , Brisbane , De cember 20th , took a fit and was car ried into a cheiinst'H shop. Dr. lien- die attended him immediately , but found ho was dead. A few days ago Sir Joshua was in Sydney in apparent good health. * An extensive fire occurred Decom- bor23d , at Forbes , Now South Wales. Five shops wore completely destroyed. Total damage estimated at fully § 20- ; 000. Two persons were severely in jured by the fire. . The oloctionn are over and the Hall government is ahead. Sir Oeorgo Groy won his election in Auckland by a small majority. Several of the old political leadorn have been relegated to private life. The entire colony is prosperous. Sir A. Gordon , governor of Now Zealand , is about to resign , Ho will proceed to Fiji and after finally wind ing up his business there in connec tion with land claims ill go to Eng land. Lord Augustus "Loftus , at present governor of Now South Wales , is spoken of as the suucesHor of Sir Arthur Gordon , hut on this point nothing certain is known. Intelligence of another atrocious -massacro in the South Sea Islands was brought by the Guga from Fiji to Sydney. Five incendiary Fires occurred in Auckland. On the night of December Dili a Bovero shook of oaKhquako was felt throughout New /calami. A portion of the cathedral spire in Christ church was disturbed and the cross was damaged. G. J. S. Wilkinson was drowned by the capsizing of a boat inCorio bay. The natives on the coast are in great want of food. The crops of the rebels at Parilmta have beondostroyod. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. On Christinas morning a Chincso cook on the British steamer Anjor- Load , named Lo Quan How , was acci dentally shot and killed by William Davis , Bocond ofllcor , a citizen of Santa CruK county , Cal , For four weeks Hilo had a liberal supply of rain. The First Cttir. It is of tencr the case when n heifer has her first calf , aya the Indiana Farmer , that the farmer thinks she will not give ntoro milk tluu will keep her calf iu good condition and lots them run together to teach her the mystery of being milked when aho has .her next calf. In thin decision there are two mistakes that go far to spoil the cow fur future uaufiilncus. Cows are largely the creatures of habit , and with their first calf everything is new and strange to them , end they readily submit to bo milked , and think it is all right , but suffer thorn to run with the calf the lirttt fcason , and a vJcioua habit in established that they will hardly forgot in u Jifotjmo. If they ever Bubrnilt to bo milUd ( jtiiotlr , ft Li evidently under nr0U ; t But there u a greater objection than this , Tht calf running with the cow draws the milk every hour or two , so that the milk vessels are fit no time distended with inUkthough the quantity aet-reiod in. a ! given tiwo may bo largo , But this Is the natural tinrt to dintomi the milk ducts and expand the udder to a good capacity for holding milk. When , with her next calf , you require the milk to be retained twclvo hours the mldor becomes hard and painful , and the milk leaks from the tcatsortnoro likely , nature accomodatcs the quan lily of the milk secreted to the capac ity to retain it , and the cow becomes permanently a small milker. Much of the future character of a cow there- fern depends on her treatment with her first calf. POETRY OP THE TIMES. KnoofnrloiiB Surgery. 0 th limping I ) the winulcd limb ! 0 the cruL1irim ! I ) tlio i Hlmol tin ; \iclnns Hiiryenn ? Send him to hi * fntc ! un , time , and heal ti | > i vacclimtv ! A Man IB Very Llko u Tree. A mnn Is very like tv trcor , For Itifttunco : Crnoki-d littiln II.IH lie ; He IIIIH a trunk ; IIUKIOUH Homuhow , Anil when htcu \ \ CH IIP mnl > is a bow ; lit' can 1 > u cut ; will often lean ; la always saiipy when lie's green , Hi' hnlHi.ird when on the HI-.I And lift a shaving , ton , I'M hu ; AVIien ho is frixlitfiu-d quite a lot , liiko tii'CK , IIC'H rooted tn the xput ; If lie In nxcd ICHI ninth he'll Ho And often will , like a treoi , Rut "high. " lie ha * lil lumber In tii > nl ht , IM H.vlly wnrjied ami fculH the blight , Ho "chips" for Htukeif , though ho nh < ml < l not And ban IIH ! chop * , n'jmctlinen A lot ; Ho jjetB "deadwixxl" on him , IK woo'd , In knotty when lie nhould lie K od , And when he ( Hex IIC'H mire tip Ivarn That he , like trecx , IIIIH K'ot to burn. -Detroit Kicu Pri'Ki. Bonding a Vulontlno. 1 inlKlithiwIn , "Tlic WHO In red" ( TlinuL'li that In not HO very now ) , Or thin the Ixty * nil think In K odi "If you lovu me a ? I love you. " Hut , HcernN to me , a vnlcntlne In nicer , ulicn yon dn not Kixy The Knme nld tiling that o < urv ono Kee PK Hiiylntf , In the nnmu old uny , And I oHkcil Jnnc , the other iiif'ht , What untwiMip pcoie ] ) write about. She would not anflwer mo at lir t , lint laughed till 1 iK' an to pout. That Htnppul her , for hho mw L meant The < | UCHtion ( nnd HIU will nut teaxu ) . "Why lot c , " HIU n.ilil , "nnd Hliliiiiiu'eyoH , A kiH . Heft hair just what they plenne. " ft can't bo hiinl , If that IB Ml , Ho I'll l > ej'ln by Kayiiif ; this : To my dear Imly beautiful , I fluiul a viileiitinu and kins. Thualelitinc , because nhe II.IH 'Flit1 Invellent hiilcnnd Kuiitlutit eycx ; The ! ! , bcuiUHo I lov lier more Than any onu liencnth thrHkiun ; Bcc.'iiHe nho IK thu kiinli'xt , hunt , The Hwculewt hulvuvir kiiimn ; And every year I'll nay the name , The very name , toher alonol Them ! Now U'H finished. Who will do ? I've thought , of one nril then another. Who in tliero like It ? Why , of course , l'l | doml it right nwny to mother ! [ Kuto KelhigK , In St. Nicholas for Feb ruary , 1K L' . _ HONEY FOR THE LADIES. I'oarhftre HtUl the wont popular jewels worn , Thcro are 203 female millionaires in Uo - ton , HO It ! H Haid. The coichiium' capo of black fur Is more in VORIIO than ever. Kjnaro. A novel trliiuniiif , ' for a short Janciii ) ; dresH in a wreath of ro.nes placed around the bottom of the. skirt jnnt over the Inco ImlayoiiHu. 1'lnk crnpo bnll drcf o nrniHhod with rnillcH , and co < | uilles of cream \vhlto Inco nnd cliiHtuiH of triuhod roaex nnd foliage are exiiiiixitely bcmitiful. Pearl filngcx , wlilto sillc. chenille and ueecl appliipics In ulnbornto Jlower diiHlgtm , mid cut cryntal frlnKcn , are lavishly em- ployeil upon costly nnd elegant bridal toilet * , It U Htntod on tht hlK'hoHt modicnl au thority that trout cmi hu inherited. Thin allow * the Chicago gir ! to lay the blntno for hnr swelled feet on her aldcrmaniu father , [ New lta > uu Kegltiter. The nowust hitH nro Hhajiod something liku a ( lour nhou'1 , hut they are not nnlio- cniuiiu to frexli fivct'i ; they aio mi im provement n the wide lirimn nlwayn turned - ed up nt just aucii an ntih'raceful angle. It is quite impiw llilo to wear the Now- market cunt i r , indeeil , any tluht-h'tting ouUiilo jacket over thu full bodices , p.n- lerH or gnnged xkirtH nnd sleeves nmv in vo uo. Any attempt to rrciuicllo the two di Htroyn nil thu chiu of either. Now nrtlelen in jewelry nro of onyx mniked in dt'llcnto linen , sot in Nllver ; sllvnr ! H aluo united for the lirnt tin e with diireient cnlorH in gold ; but thc u ant ' I i ported duHignti , nnd fcnrca nnd liifj'i coinpiirod nitli their iutrlnxle vuliio. Alining thu novt'Itit'H In neck dressing which give espccltd cnehet to full drenu toIlotH nre thu deep rolling collar nnd high KH/iilietlmii rulf ; thu fcimer nuulo of JIBIIVV brocndfuUet , or witin , the latter of widu Inco of HIIIIIO riuli pattern , plaited up uxeeedingly full insMo thu rolling vol- lur. Komnii Krinfn , on d.irk self-colored materials , hnxu a vutv Htyllnh clfect , nnd piTHoiifl hownver ipiiut In thuir taHtrn need not ho afraid to adopt them. Dark nllvu groun , coinbined with thix orlental- loo'iing ' tiimmlm , ' , in in ndmlinblo tisto , and > uiy cheerful-looking for the dark diiyx of winter. A novelty in bonnets 1ms a pnlfed crown nf ( ilmiled velvet , chenlllp or plush , and n uhlireil brim in u Bolld color , Theno am initially trinmiiKi with mnooth plensjuitu' breft-stn or wings , Jiolil by n mnixitli ca ! p of polished invtiil. A great convenlome < if the beaver nnd largo furred udgu felts iu that they can be med ] an lintx or bonnets , riouncnover Jlo\mco \ tlwcribcd ann sort of ncnlToMtiiK i * wnru at the bac1 < H of undeiBlciitH to nld the nppear.mco of ( hit ovorxklrt. TlieHu nro for evening wear. They lierln nt thu skirt live Incheu deup mid the firitt Is completely covered by , one tun inches deep , huth beliiK' cuvcrud by one fifteen Itivhes divp , and HO on , jjoiniiiK live IneliCH on every llounco , A haiuUonio bonnet , worn with n clnict colored satin nnd plush walking dresj , .vas of deep ruby plnnli All over the ouUldo of tbu bilm wore upplliiieH of | pink plush Itijveu ( inrtly covered with gold and ruby beti'ls. Thu only trlininliiK on thn bonnet 1 nilvn the le.tton wut" " a long Unify ontrich iilitnio which nrcded nvor tin top of the bonnet liku ft rexth : , nhnttbiR' from u deep claret color to tin * | ) itlet pink. The bin id btrliiL'rfof ruby plupli wuru faced and 1 "or dered witli iiuillinys of pink nutln , The Hale of Imitation lion urn for diwH and collfure garniture IB IM great a e\oi , und the deui'ind of exotic * , hlthuiju unknown - known to th inniiufucturiM ui tloxteri , is coimtuntly lnciua ing Hut Io\eu of HaweiK do not conliuo tlirnmihiw t ib > use of the nitifii'l.d. TJiu \ rei > iit nutf n ftibuloiiti Hrunn nf hu money a heuiHpuit both f ir boiiaa nnd | nrKoilil ! a'lor inient , und throiighout Nine Vnrk ' ho llori t' < bill f i un olio of thu luiKttttt UOIIIK nt evit- tme , -\tuny ' l.nli'ti MI wcuilii ) ; ) r nil * ' mo u'tx , ino'iuive of i , gulf * aii < l mnlf , m.tdu uf dark vclu't burdend wltli bnlllant feather * . I ) cUn' , phraK nu' ami ' pru- gockk' ft'iitlun me nil [ ( fill ; Hit ! plimiuuu ut ndul for trimming bonuUs iind | ml it lUo 1 UJi.u-od and taken to jtiecon to Iccurntu otlivr ui Id > t ofvoai , miulo of l ng ostrich fenthcrn are n nor city , an Imported one nhowing nothing hut three long jdumcA placed Bide by nlilo nnd Brncefiilly helil together on tbe outer dhle by a bin ! holding the three dernier | iiUn ! of each feather In his hill. An n rule , brown tinted fentheri < , Mich M the part ridge , or golden phewant , nnd Blmilar phunayc , arc most in request. Short hnir is ngain in fashion , And , In lllc of all thnt cnn bo or Imn taen Kild t < > the cnnlrnry , Ift'lles nre nacrificing all that rcinalnn of their "orownlita glory" is left from the ravages nf Imndollne , hi'nt- ed nlnto prnclls , nnil crimping piiif , to the Moloch of the present fnshi n. Theie short , rirjilltu | , ' locks nra to thu Innt degr > < > charming on HOMO bend" , I ut to n > nnv Ift'llen it iiifar from v ( cArnlng , nn It JVPK them n mnicullne nppc.irnnee not nt nil prcpi > s c * iiiptnd ; even the prettv round , rony fnced girls who tutu tliutriiiulM's intxi bewitching little Omitds by this ctyle tii coilftiro niuxt rcinckilicr that they uill b oblictd t" resort 10 the lne\ltablc Derby hat for n heiul Lovureng , HH bonnets , hnt , nnil the rtylish little ! < icnch tniien | cannot very well be kept n-uiiru without colno foundntioii to which they mny bo Don't Throw Up the Spoiin. | When KiilToring liuuinnity nro enduring horrors of djvpciisiti , Indixestinn , or ncrvoiiH nnd iMilHty , they nro too often inclined t thtow up th > > Rpongu nnd renl n thenineUu to futo. We wtVtdmi't do it. Take Bl HlifX'K ljLOd | > UlTTKIts.the unfailing remedy. 1'rlcc , § 1.0(1 ( , trial nl/u 10 cents. ll ! Iw RELIG-IOOS. There nro in the Canndlnn ninety-one CoiiKregn'tloniil chiirclic * , with fifty-onu panti rs nnd 3J3"iiiemiieni. ( . Nearly threc-fourtln of the churchcH in the .Kpi'copnl diocewu of centrnl I'eiin- sylvnn'a ha\o their ncfttH free , or ! > 'J oul olSO. olSO.Within Within the punt nix monthn three Con- gicgnlionnl cinirches hn\e been dedi cated in Denver , CM ! . , all of them free from debt. The Kvnod of the French I'rotentnnt church nan appointc ' n commission to consider n now r vUon ! of the 1'iunch trinsliitloii of the Diblo. The new DiHcljiW church at Marshall- town , Iowa , wan dedicated on tlie 15th , The froperty cost ? V > 00. 'J1'o society u-iiuhcrs about seventy-live incrnbcrn ] ! isho ] > Andrcwn will nhortly visit Mexico ice to Inspect the Tninslons of thu Metho dist Kpincnpil church in that c < untr\ , mid preside nt the infusion confertiKe to bo held iu the City of Mex co , Febiu nry 2d. The JUv. Dr. Manning , of the famous Old South Church of Huston , hnstmehed n gano-ovin chord In bin congrcgiition. They hn\e voteil to give him for ti'o rest of Ins life nn annual pension of SIM ( > 0 , work erne no work. Thu Aiknns-iH conference of the I'niim iVfricnn MetliiKliwt Iiisvoinl ! | | ( hiiicli linn liven nliKiirbed bv the Littlu Kock cnnfvi- encu ( aldo colored ) of the. Mi thoditt Kpiv church. The former conference em- br.iccd L' . " > iireiichirs nnd inOmembuiK. Cardinal Hownnl , who hus just been mined bv the Pope to the dignity of ArchPriest - Priest of the Uns'iliua of Si. 1'cter'x. wiis in IIIM youth u uoldier. It was in nn oil ! ccriu the Life Guardi thul he led the pro- cescion at tbo funeral of the Dukeof Well- ingtnn. Thu Pirst Congregational chinch of Chicago has not only paid . * : I8,000 dining the pant year to frep itself frnin debt , but HiipportH tluee iniHsioiiH in vaiioun p.irts of thu city , nnd in wlditinn has given tnnii - ouHbenevoleBl objects § 7i > ll. Its | ncMiit membeirhip M 1,158. The Protvotntit 1'pincopal C'hurth Al umnae fur 1882 , gives the follow ing > 4ntis. tics : clergy. 3,1011 : churches c n ecr.iti > il , 75j baptinms , 42,5111 ; cnnflrtnatiniiH , 'J ! ! II " , ' coinmunicnntH , 'Jl'i.b'JQ ; Sunday School teacherH , Si ! ) fitiS ; Kctiolarn , 'i.'i.rilHi ; cuntri- lyVor .S S'JP OW 09 ; i'n'l6ft/nlJif6.ft\Y5 ( \ ; 1,157. The Year Book of the Unitarian churches for 1882 gives no the whole num. her of I , seven mure thnn foi 18S1 , Vhu whole number of ministerx h 104. Uf the list for 1881 , 14 died tbe past yenr ; 10 were grnduntod from thu two di vinity schools , f ! from Cambridge , nnd1 from Moftdville. The names of font women nro in the Hi , t ( if ministeip , A D.ienport Democrnt repoiter had a coinvrsation with Bishop McMulleii , n few daj'H sinee , on the subject of the pro. iioHed now Catholic nee in Iowa , nnd the bishop unit ! lio'wax utteily ignorant nf any nioMimuit for thu creation of n new Nee ; that he had no doubt onu wo\ild bu cieateil In time , with Des MoineA or Council Bluir , no one could tell \\hlcli , nn bee citj , but judging by the lonifpciiod ieiuired | tu ciento the dioceue of Dnvmpoit from thu dlocoHo nf Dubiiinie , be thuught Hu\ernl j-enis iiiimt elapfu bufoio it would occur. The Snored college of the Cardinals nt Homo at this iiuiinont consists of liftvnino niembei , the vacant naU being efewn J\o lean thnn suv < n canliniiln hn\o died duriog the year 1881 vi/ : Iteguior ( archbishop of C'nmbrny ) , Kntscliker ( archblslii'p.of ' Vienna ) , ( ill ( n'dihishop of Maragossn ) . and ( . /i < rilinnla Itorromen , Morutti , Catiuini nud ( iianneli. Uf thu exls iiin' collar , thirty-two me Itdlans , nine AiistiiuiiK , ir ( lerninns , HIHTII 1'iencb , three .Spanish , tbuu Kngfisbi7 ( , Nuw- man , Manninj , ' and Hinvaul ) , onu Ameri can ( Me Juslcoy ) , onu Bulginn , nnd ono Uov. Ceorgo O. Hnrnen' heiisntionn ! e\- hortations attract crowds in Louisville. Ilia boll In of nil i Hlill In request , nud with it hu anoints tbo foreheads of all convcrtx. Hut hu is Momethiiig more tbnn gr > teMiie. ) llin power of oratory is ruinnrkublu. Ho can iniiko his nudlouco roar with his com ! . oal mimicry or weep by his pathos. Again hu corriiM their feelings by ctorm. "This in a poor body for nn oul , " lie exi'liiiineil , indieatiug his by no ineain robust pliysiijue , "but I Imvu in thj. bru ibt the element of eternal life , It is n poor hacked , nnd worthlm body but thu soul in there. I can feel It tliiubliinjnnd throbbing like n big emjtno in some buttered - terod old ship. With every turn of the grea' wheels , ' nnd bin hands , trembling with unurgy , describe thu revolution from. bin elbow , liii body vlmkiiuwitli MI p. prosned trains , and bin uye llghteil up with iuU'uso lire ' 'with every turn of the great wheels tlio old hulk trembles und groans and ijiilvers ; it may go to pieces , but thv engine throbs on stronger nnd bet ter than the hulk , full of power ami life. " Jlo tu | K hl cointTta tlmt thuy nued nuvor bu ill if they wil ) lend ptrfcctlyholy lives ; in which cnso they would be caught up to heaven without dying , Tatbur i. QotttilK Well. My daughter Kays ; ' 'How much hotter father i ninoo he used Hop IJiUom. " He Uu itin well after hia long mill'uring from a dieeane dcclnrc'l incurable , ami wu nru no ulml hu i fo your bittern. " A ludy of llocliosti'r , N. Y-Utic.i [ Herald jl-fl ! ) QUAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINEi TRADE MARKt.1 > ? e GrcAtsmAOK MARK fly. An mi- ( olllnir euro fur KOI n Inn ) \VoukneiD , K | > uriiiator * rlioa , Imnot' f--T\.i f * uu-y , n < lull & * < * . . _ , _ QErOKETAKIHC. < it" > "c otAFTEl TAIIHB. ho.iIHIMan ; lAJtuulMemory , Unhinul IJM | > tUilu , I .illi lii the IUd > , HliiiiifM ol S'Mnii , I'lo inr.iur . Olil AK , wid iii&nj other DUui.n lli&t tiiiudriiVK Ui Inanity or C'OMiimi | < tlon nJ I'riuik- 4i7'Knll paillculuu In our | uum > ) iltl , hlcb urn iiculro to M' fr-v I r mall tomrryant * . rdTnuhKultlc II i. J Id IN it lolil Iiy all ilruwliti it j\i \ .t lu.kaKf , or ( Spacefill lor 15 , or will Us ' IKII t ( rc < l-y null on Wl ntol the luoncy , by ul'ilrttnlnir ' 'JllKOItA JEUICJNK CO. , Duffilo. N. Y , 1 1 oi bule by U , V Coodi * eeTiuc cod , TRUtH ATTESTED. SomoImportnntbtntnmO'tii of Wo n People Wbolly Vorlilod. In onlcr thnt the public nmy fullr rcnllto the Kenulncncn nl the ntntcmtnto , M Mill as the power ami vnluo of the artlclo of which thcj iipcftV , we puollsh herewith U'C lie-nlmllo n'lrnii. ' tnrisof tinrtlcn whoMMnixrlty Is limonl ( pics' tloti. The Truth el thmo ttntlmonlnlfi In alira lute , tiar can thu factn tlay announce bo Ig nortd. OMAHA , Xm. , May 21 , 1S81. II. II. WARVKRtCo.l IUAR Hm : I hvo frcfiltntly | uswlVnrner' Hfkfo Klilncv nnil I.lver Cure for lortl ndcctloni tttcniUnt upon flciure rhruiuntli fttUckii , nnd tiaiool'n ) " ilcrUcil luiiitlt therefrom , I have nlfo uvil the Hivfo Ncrvmo with mthfitctory re- iuU. ) I consider thera medicines worthy ol conflilo co. Deputy Treasurer OMAHA , Xxn , Mny 24 , 1-81 II.VARNfR Si Co. , llochi ntcr , N. Y. : OHMH : I liavo mcd jour hifo Kidney nnd tl\or Guru this spring ain her linlsorator , nnd 1 flnrt I. the Ixsr remedy I c\tr trkil , I lm\i umil 4 ) > ottlc , ar.d It ban maila mu lutl better than citr I ilia liclora In tlio cirin. | ; . U. 1' . H. OMAHA , NVB , M.IJ 21 , 1881 , It. II. Sixni For moru thiti 16 y are I hnvo suHcrcil much In on\cnlcnce Irom combined kidney nnd lluriilscaws , md hiuc licon uiKhluto work mj urln j orpins nho hclnn nflicttd I tried a lire it imnv modlctnrs und doctom , but I imv worwi nnd nonoday by day IwaqtoM I bid lirlliht's Dlnc-w , nnd I wished in joil dead IM could not hi\oepceiiy relief. I took jour Sate Kldnu ) nnd I. her i lire , knnxvlii nothing else Asu > er knonn tocurothn dlsinw. ttnil I hav not liccn ilmappolntid. Th mudlcmu has cured me , anil 1 am pcrtuu ly well to-dav , cntlri.1 } through jour fata Kldnoy and M : rCuro I wish jou nil siicu HS In piilillililiiK thin valuable rcuiouythrouih ihe A arid. ' U. P. K. 1C Shops. Thousandi nl cqtmlly s'ronjt endorsements nany ol them III cosos whcro hoHi ] was aliin- doneil liaxe licenoluiitarlly i-lM-nshotting the cm.iiknlilo power ol Warnir'rJ.ifo Kidney and M\er Cure , In all d suat-cs of Iho kldne > s , ll\oi " If aoy em1 who reads thti itrnnMo rciri-nilier thu urutil Gentle Women Who \fsmt glossy , Inxurirmt nnd wavy tresses of abundant , lioautiiul IInil" must use LI'ON'S KATIIAIRON. This elepant , clirap article always makes tlio Hair grow freely nnd fust , keeps it from fulling ; out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and Itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and Looping it in any desired position. Beau- The Grea1. English Vuicr fills to cuio Venous Deblll'j. VI ul i\liaustion : , IIU'H- : doni ) , Ktnilnnl Weak- ncsses.LOST MAN HOOD , and all the j\il tlinttt of jouth- ful lollitH and OMO- 'cs. It Ktojis pcnni. uently nil wcnkcnln , moliinUry loss sand Irolns upon tha sjs- em , tlielno ; Itiihlo rc- ; 7 Mult ol tin no eulpr.v- tkifl , wliuli aru HO dtHtnic'hf to inliiil anil body nnil make Mo ml < 5r.ilile , oltcn Ic.tilini ; to Insftiil- ly aiulilcitli It H'rfinthutis tliu .SeriesItr.iin , ( mcmorjf Illocxl , Mm kit , PiKostlvo and He-pro- ilncthe Or.-iiiH , It ruiturci to nil the organic ( unctlciii thulr fonnurtsor \ anil vitality , im- liiK Hu ( cliocrful ami enjcijnlilo I'rk-e , $ .la liattlu , or ( our times tl.c iimn it > $10. Sent ! > } exiiroiK Kccuru ( roni obi rvatloti , loanj aililrc s , on ruclptol price. No. 0 O. 1) , built , except on receipt ol jl an a simrn tec. Letlern ro- i iuitln ' OIIS.M rn must tncloso ntnmp. Dr. Minlie'a Dandelion Pills lire tiu ) best anil Llienpe t iljs'i.sli , ' | nnil billions ru u hi thu nuirkvt. Kohl by .ill ilrujjKlstx. 1'rko 60 tciiln. 1 > . MISTIK'H Kinsn KCMKUV , ClmiKnci M , Curuaitll klnilol Kliluuy ami blotlilcrcoiiiplalnto , Koiiorrlicn , Klrct and leucoircea. For ealo .lull iiii'K sit : il a bottle. KNGL1BII MBDICAL INSTlTtlTf , 718 Ollru Ht , St. l.oiilti , Mo. Jan25-l > - KENNEDY'S EAST - INDI'A ! i CD 3) 3 * = ; 2 i 1 BITTERS ILEB & CO. . Sole OMAHA. To NervoJS Sufferers THE QREAT EUROPEAN KEMEDY Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific . , IK ) > .tiivuuiiru | ( or H | > tTuuiUiiihe , Ecniln * > -I.DC , . linouuicy , onil all JiwasM resulting rimi tit'lN.Uiutv , < u < Mi'n UI Anxiety , Lo < ui " " ' ' i the llwK or Rlilr. anil dlai'MtU ( that ( rail to | Coniuni | > tloii Inmiilty an rlK ie SpoclHc llc'illolno ! with wonderful - ful euccdsi. _ _ _ PiinphktB Kin free to ill , Write U' them and fct full p r. tlruUr * . Price , gjHtl&c , f l.w | r i kCli Ko , or tix | ) ck' ir lei 16 CO. AiUiuM all orders to i ; . aaiso.N MKDICINK coNe No . 104 and lOfl Main 81. Uuffalo , K. V old In Otmlis bv 0. F. Goodman , JV llcll K ( in , tnil all COUNSELOR - AT - LAW J. H. MoOULLOOH , ltc m i , CnlglitOD Ulock , filtoenth Street > on Biidcr from Dyspcp ln , use IIUKDOCK I1I.OOD IIHTKHS. Iljou nro nllllctcd with Illlioinncss , iito 1IUIIDOCK 1JI.OOD DITTKHS , II } ou are prostrated ulth sick Headache , taVo DUUDOCK I1I.OOI ) IIITTKIIS II } our Ilowclarvro illsordcrcd , rc ul.itu them lth in. oi ) mrrais. It jour Dlooil Is tnpiur , purKy It with IIUHDOOK 111,001) limT.llS. I ( you hate Indication , you will ( mil an antidote In 11UUDOCK W.OOD IIITTKItS. If you are troubled with Spring Complaint" , er adicate them with HUKUOCK 1)1.001 ) * IIITTKItS. II your Liter Is torpid , restore It to hcitthy action with DUHDOCK 1JL001) 1IITTKUS K your Mtcr Is nITccteil , > ou will nnil n flUre re- Btoratlteln IIUHDOCK 111,00 D IIITTKItS. If ) on Into any species ollliunor or Pimple , ( all not to take IIUHUOCK 1JI.OOI ) U1TTKHS. 11 you hat o nny j niptoma ol Ulcurx or Scrofulous Sores , acuratlturemcilj ulll bu ( otind In DL'HDOCK IILOOI ) IIITTEIIS For Impartlnj ; Btrcrijcth and \ltihty tothoBjs- tcm , nothing can equal nun DOCK ni-ooi ) IIITTEIIS. For Ncrt oua and Ouncral Debility , tone up the BjBtcm with nUUUOCK 111.001) IIITTEIIS. Price , CI.OO pel Bottle ; Trial Dottlei 10 Cti FOSTER , MILBUEN. . & Do , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by lah & McMahon and C. F. 'Goodman. Je 27 eod-mo NKW YOHIC , JANUAKY , 1682. TIIK Sis' for 1SSJ consumed I ur uillllon 0110 hundred nnd ninety-four thotmnd firto hun dred and nliii-tj-oiii' ( ! ,101,301) ) pnui ds of ] rlrit paper In Its Dallj , tun ay , and Weekly Millions. IiU id upsal to sKty million evcn hundred nnd mcn j-two thoupinil slliuiidrLil and o i.t > 1ieti (00,772,077) ( oj let ol thu dill ) sire The net Liieulntlon for the j as : > rar wa : Dally 00701,101 Sunday 7,037,004 Weekly 3,400,164 This Kts for d.y In iho M-nr the follow- \t\K \ \ n.\ cr.ftti \ > Copies of tlio D.-iIly edition 120,041 Copies of the bundny edition 135,330 Copies of ihc Weekly edition 67,273 IIIK SL.\ has mhcrtlblru spa'.e to sell In the Ilaliv and bumhr ulltinns i s pii u lor acl'rti uincnts Is 40 cents per n.'ixte line. Pre ferred positions and di pl.ijLd n.utttr Irom DO cints to S2.CO per line. In the Weekly .10cuts an agatoline ofsp-xce ; no extra chir'o f r dis play. 1'rcfcrrcil positions 75 couts to S2 pc r lihe. At this prlco oilv trtlsliig in the o\iril edi tions of TIIK 8rs is cheaper than its pub i-hcr has e\er been aWe to obtain In aiiyother mo dlum.nitlh. . . HD11J , jmniirejol thou aml9 cf dollars In making knon 'int. oi. , .1 the aihnntnxiu It oHers to the Inisiness eon muiiiti. TIIK Suv Is publitlicd o\cry ilaj in the jt-ir , a Nos. 100,1i3 ( and 170 Nassau Street , New York City. I. W. KXJLANH , fubllsher. JOII.N STABIHI , JKUOMH FCIKMI- , P e-diiit | ! Vicu I'riu't. W. & . lli.i > MHt , Sec THE NEBRASKA IMUFAGTUBfflr ] CO Lincoln , Neb , MANUFACTITHHKS Or Corn Planters , Harrows , Farm Rollers , Sulky Hay Rakes , Bucket tlev.itlnE Wind mills , &c. Wo are prepared to do Job work and nianuKc- turn K for other ptrtics. Addrcsall ordcrj NKIIKVSKA MANUFACTUUINQ CO I.iscoi.s , KKII. jiiilO-Bni Tnis Krcat i | iecille eiires tint moit loathsome dlsuuc SYPHILIS Whotlior iu ItM Primary , Sccoiiilary or Tortlarv Stnio. Kemo\c nil tracts of Mercury from the sjs- tem , Cures Scrofula , OKI Sores , Ilhcuma- llsin , K'zcina , Catarrh or an ) lllood Dlneaso. CnroiVhou Hot Spriuuw Fnll ! llahf rn , Ark. , Jlay . ' , IS l Wo have cases in our town who llicdatllot 8piliiK and were Ilimlly cnrtd with S. hj. S , MCCJAMIIII.N .t Ml'RRV Mimphls. Menn. , 51 ny 12 , 1SS1 Wo Imo sold 1'JW. lKt k'H ol M.S. d. In n jciu , It ha-s ulvcn unherx-U BitlHfaction. talr ininilcd phjskbna now recommend It ns a | > osltl > 0 specltlu. S. JlAMjUiaDiS Co. I.ouis\ille , Ky , , May 13. 1SU1. H. 8. R. has glin better * M { action than any medlclno I hiuu ter sold J , A. FLI > MIH. Denvei , Col. 5HIb81. . Ktery purcha er nvil-sln the hln | st of S. U. b. L. niihroonil. v . . Jlay U , 1881. You can refer ant horn to u In rtirard to the merits ol S. S. S. folk , lllllcr &Co , 'la e ncter knovn S. 8. N to tail to euro a cauo f Sjphllls , wlun propcrl ) ' taken. II. I , , IHnnnrJ , K. . . . . . Ierr > . ntt . iilVirrtn. : . } ' Thualxito BlL-nersoruucniieiiiin o ( hluh itanU Inir A II LOLIJUI1T , Qotirnor IF YOU WISH WK W LLTAKBYOURSE CA TO I1B I'AID FOIl WHEN CUHED. Write for particulars and ooiiy of little book 'JlcHsat-e to tha Unlcrttmato. lKn B wnrd IH I'P raU to any chunl t who will Hod , on aiuljeli 100 liottk'j 8 S. 8. , oil * jiartltlool Mercury lodUo I'otaa- slum or any Mineral nuluUiuo. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Vrcp . Atlanta , Oa. I'rlco ol rcjruUr site rcducud to $1.7& | > ertot tie Small B to , holdiii ) ; hall the iuantlty | , price , 11.00. Sold by KKNNAItl ) & CO. , And Dru.'irlntn Centrally SIBBHTT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY JfEBl DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS. PROPRlRTORti. TWA ; ARLINQfON , J. 0. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb 8ARATOOA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , W. P. ELLIS , Oiceola , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Qtromtbure , Nd. . AMERICAN HOUSE , OEO. H. McOAIN , South Bend , Nd HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loulivllle CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY Aihlnnd , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , Onkdnle , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. CLEMMON8 , Seward , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL E. EVANS , O'Neill , Neb. Y- DORCHESTER HOTEL , A. S. KIMKLE Donthester , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JA3. McKILLIP , York , Neb. TUTTLE HOUSE , W. H. TUTTLE , Aurora , Nob. OAQE HOUSE , A. R. OAQE , Republican Olty Neb DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Hatting * , Non GRAND CENTRAL ? . SEYMOUR , Nabraska City , Neb > SANDERS HOUSE , CHAS. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb. MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WeeplngWnter.Neb- ESTE8 HOUSE , N. T tSTES , Qrnnd lilnnd , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILMS , Kearney , Neb. WILDER HOURE' THOMPSON REED Wll'jcr , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A , O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , G. W. MAYFIELD , Oreenwood , Neb HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbus , Neb. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J. S. GREQERY , Central Oltv , No SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Cretton , la , UUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS & BRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. CALPH , Extra , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , C.M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. BURQEOUS HOUSE , D A. B'URQEOUS , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , DI B.WILLIAMS , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CUMMINQS , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J. L. AVERY , Stnnton , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. PARK HOUSE , W. J. GARVIN , Corning , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE. FRANK WILKINSON , Mslvorn , In , MERCHANTS' HOTEL , W. I. BOULWARE , Pacific Junction , la. . o. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , JT WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEA.LRU X Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. ni-4-mo a > v > 9xXi ! LviJL IERSI 1309 Farnham Street. JangQcod-mtcCm jr. jr.m m SHOE MANUFACTURER , 309 South Tenth Street. QUALITY AND FIT GUARANTEED. French Calf-Tongue Boots. Sewed ' , - - $9.00' French Calf Boots , Pegged , . . . . 6.00- American Calf Boots , 5.00 Pegged Alexis or Buckle Shoes , - - 3.50' ' I Jl MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR FfiET OUTOP 'SHAPE , / 11 Orders Promptly Attended louod Filled "With Oieputch EDHOLU E1CKSO Give tlie Bargains IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY WATCHES.CLOCKS , SILVERWARESOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS , At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who ReallyJWishHH H First- Class Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclusively by us. ALSO WESTERN AGENTS 'CSIITH AMEMCAN ORCAH OO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS. Opposite Jfre Post Office. J. A. WAEEFliBLD , WHOLESALE A : > U .v./I/.U. . DLAI.EB I. Lath , Shingles , Pu ' .ets SASH , DOORS , JLINDS MOLnilias , UHE , CE/ElfT ? / ! trmax AQKNJ yo .yj ' ,0'1 , Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , 4