Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1882, Page 8, Image 10

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* * - " "
Saturday Mornine. Jan. 28.
( Trw following ol ) ervi\tiorm nro Inlcen ftt
the -tamo moment ul time .it ftll the ta-
tionpn.tmcil. )
Wi * Or.rARIMl-NT , U R. Mii'At Hmiri , I
OVAIM. .IirniXT ) 27 , 182. ( I'M P m. ) I
Unnnwl G < HXM at Wholesale nt Klein-
Hull Flower and Sj > itwnlmrr ( < at
The tnooiillnlit Is nut turned oir now
until utter 2 n. HI.
The "Fun on Uio llrintol" pai ty will
Ixin Otn.ilin next week.
The Kftthcrinu ItogiTH troupe lift fur
DOT Mon ! < M ThurMlny.
Tlio tcachurn' inwitlnK of Uio r'iwt.M.
K. cluircli It pi > ttionwl | until Sntunlny
The | > y car of thu St. 1'nul A. Oinnha
linu IMIIILin fiomUit * noith lmt nl 'lit.
There will Inn imitkul ball ut
Svaolna'it hall In Jtohuiniantnun teA -
A private iniiwineinilu | > r rt ) taken
plucfl at Musonio hall on Thnrtdaj even-
inif , Kobrttary Dili ,
Mr. ami Aim I' . C. HimelMiUh/iiU' ; it
reception TlmrHtliiy ut their eliy < t re- !
ilonoe to a number of their friid ( .
-.JulltM.SchrtwIi.r. u xnliinn-Koeiier lit
MillAiel , has been nrre ted Airvinlating the
Klwunili Inw in not hnvliif ? taken out a
liiil-J ) ' Morty'ri lectuiu on Cntliolic
wine. * ! ' " " in ancient Unit's will attract a
laiy audience at the .Sunday
It inri' | > < irU-il tluit n Inrgo bath linui-e ,
liullt on Hit ) iiie tii > | inlitiiii plan , will lie
built in thin i.'ity nvvt minimurliyii wealthy
Ijentli'iaan of ( ) mili.i.
liuv. Mr. Cope-lnnd will deliver un
addrc-H Sunday t-voniii ( in the
"Truth About Thoina * IVnie1 it being
the 11'ith anniversary of 1'fiino'n bhth.
Hubert.V. . llcndentim , of Boston ,
MISN. , inn ! Min Ida B. IV 'i fminuily of
this city , but Into of I KM Mnine-it , lo\vi ,
wcru inuri led ivt King-tulle , Ohio , on the-
llth hint.
.Mr. Goiuge ' ' lloldrt'ge , general
Bupc-rintumknt of thu B. i. M. , in rejoic
ing over the advent of u tittle iirl ; thnt
ciniu to his icnide-nce fu\v ilajH xiucc.
Thu Union Pacific cim't enjoin liini in
thin umtler.
A reception , to take pliuiut Met7. ' t
hall onSiiturdiiy evening ne\.t nt H o'clock ,
ban been tendered Mr. Chat , Bankcx ,
whuitu itce-nt return from Kuropc wiut
announced in Tim BlK. ( The comniitte-u
cona.itn ! of .lohn H. Krck , lieu. M.
O'llrien , .T.w. lli-dmiin , .Toliu O. Brnmlt
and Carl Graiulpre.
ThlHiittlioliitewt :
Are you K ° 'UB % rr > ' f"r-
No , not > cry far ;
Only next door ,
Thu "lluiton ClothiiihStoic" will ru
move in u fuw dayn to Xo. 1-10 > 'uinhiin
Hln-i-t , one ilmir t'imt. jun"5-U !
In tinUniUnl Stilton cinut nt Lincoh
ycHti-iiUy , District Attonn-j lunibertHi > i
mtcred a demurrer iitfiiinxt thu plen n
ttlmtcmimt iniule by the defeiiHu of IililhiK
in thu ntar route CIWI-H , hut iifte-iunnl
withdrew it ,
Hnjjli Muiphy fi Co. , the ( ewer con
tmctuiH in the e-e'iitrid dlittilct , nixno \
cuiiloviiiK | forty ine-n on thu luti'i.'il uhic
it U e-xpe-cUnl h > finish in te-n il.iu
Thirty nun nip romplotliiK tininiilii KUWU
t tin- fool of ) ' mmiii ntu'it , mill ivct | t
have it doiii-by tlio HiKlof nu\.t ttt'vk.
Ohii'ttoplirr AlclCi'iinnmid .Mm. Mm
( pwct AMIIIIH , bolb of thin city , \M-I
uniUvl in in.irried on .htim.iry 'JL'il at tl
Church of tlm Holy I'uinlly , li ) lei !
Kitther II. A. Hhiu-lfe-1 , S. ,1. , p.utor (
Uiu church. The lu-nt wlshui uf Tin , 111
Miu'xUnilul to tin * lilh'li roiitruetiiiK pa
tie * , mill Inn , ; Hl'f and piospi-rlty hnpe-il fi
Simii' KH'.it inipiiiti'iiie'nti huu- lift
mrvlo iltmn ; , ' tlm liiftft-wilujh in thuconni
clcrk'ii uUltv. In thuaull t\vi-nty.foi
pluct-iifoi hoolcHhuxebt't'ii lultleil , and tin
urc. ii u .ur.ui.oil HD that thny may 1
, found uiidt-on-'iilUil by any citi/.t'ii. Tin
Imvv hi'itlifait' : ( l.iiu nil thu lloor in
nerved n it nti-p ladder. Mr , llaunii-i Ii
ttlwi udili'i ) a nuinlit-r of iinvv Jii 'onn ho ]
nnd pinch.iH'd u xte-ji liuliler fur liU uv
and thu public con\t'nlene-i' .
The county tifiwurrr U tt-ndin , ; ci
notices to ihlhirpirnt tii\iAUr [ piep.
lory to collecting bj ili tre D , The reen
UWH of 1K81 ( . SU , p , llfi. t-eii , hta
nmoiiK < ither tiling myn : "And if ai
; > erm niglvct MI to attend anil pay 1
pe/bonalty taxes until after the lt day
, KoeinU'r next , after such taxes becm
idclimnicnt , the Inuiurcr in directed
l * y ami collect the t ine by dlntrt-us , eti
Thin in an implied command upon t
treaHurer , und neither perHimal fauiriti
nor u dc Ire to retain popular K11HI (
can drier hhii from perfoiinln hUduty
Jf you wiali 10 iivtml gu-ut dam
and troublu , bomtli-n a , no Hinr.ll 1
of ) , t'.l tliu fci.uHon oi thu } ( - .
you bhnuld tnliu piuiiipi htupH tn ! .
. tdu iiu.onun juiir liixibulKild , ' 1
' ' y luin fhnuld 1m ulbaiiBinl , bin |
Unl , anil .f pruvi'iil aii'd euro
nrisiiig iiMJii sjning nmlnri.1Vuku \
of nnthint ; ( Imi vtitt A < < ( x-ifi-ciiy
Bun-ly du thin ; IH l tivtria lliltura , n
* t the tiillim ; c bt o [ fifty cunt a li
n < , Uu. [ Kxclibiii'u
uli 7
BLACK-UnAUOHT" uiukca chl
The Board of Trndo Bnnquot at
Stundfird Hall Ltiht Nij'ht.
Three Hundred Viaitorn and
Invited GuostB Fnrticipato.
After Bohi ; ; Diuod aud Wined
Numoroua Speeches are
Indulged In.
Predicting the Uaurtl Orllllant Tutiiro
for thia City.
The incoinini ! trains from tliu west
and south yunturday afternoon brought
a largn nuinbur of visitors fniia vari
ous points throughout the stiile , who
cntno to iittund the banquet given by
thu board of tradu in honor of thu
oiling of this now elevator by MeBBra.
liimebiiugh and Mi-rriiiin. In pursu
unco of ths cull iflHiu-d by thu neoro-
tary , thu vinitors and mi-inborn of thu
board , with their invited HUestu from
the city mot at this Wird of tradu
rooms in Lytlc bnck ! at (5 ( o'clock to
hoar thu address of uoluomo.
Pending this opening of the even-
ing's oxurciacH , tliu VLSI tors wore nil
ru < iuc.Htod to rogisti-1 at thu sccri'tary'f which thuy did , thu following
iinuH nppoaiing on thu Migistor :
A. PnrduoVnoily.I ; K. IvulHoy ,
Gibbon ; L. .J. Ulowurt , ( .hceola ; L. P ,
Duckur , Atdilund ; J , li. Davm , ( .Jib
boiij D J1. AHhbiirn , Gibbon ; 1' . 0 ,
lUbull , Jtoll Orcok ; O. P. Unthunk
Hull Crook ; F. II .Joiie-n , Hohuylur
D. McLunnan , WuliooiC. U. Ivundrou
N'urtb ISend ; Janiu.s Doll , Divid City
,1. 0. Huril , HiMiii ! Cilj ; .1. T Dun
niiiK , Shulby ; 0. X. Adunis , K. Unit
AOII , Uoiitral City . ) . M Snoll , Ash.
hind ; L. W. Puller , Y , lk'y , H. 11
KnulKncr , Plum ; .1. Juiieein
Wood Hivor ; ThoB , Ottm , Iluuipliiuy ,
J. K. North , Uolimibtm ; A. lj. .lohn
HOII , iMudiHun ; ( J. 8. .liiliiisoii , O'uuoln
\V. A. AfuarB , of Loian Glaik it Uo
Albion ; 0. C. Vonuin , L. W. Robert
son , Kxutur ; It. II. DjiliIriio (
Kivor ; W. 11. Wilson , Aldu
\j \ .1. Riiinuly , ( I'rnnd iHlund ; , ) . H
Fox , Hrnimird ; Alux Voorhoe-s. St
hvaril.s ; ( Juo. H. Warrun , . ) . A ,
HH. ( iiaflon , O. OstunborgVahoo :
F. .1. Clurk , Wjiturloo ; II. A He-aton ,
WfHtnii , .SaniiiulCotnor , Millard ; A.
\V. Clark , I'.tpillionV. . H Morm- ,
ClniksjO. II huu , SilvmCitck : K.
ii. .loliiiHon , Valparaiso ; . IHimorH ,
lluinpliruy.s 0. \ \ ' . Pliulps it Co. ,
Clear Crook ; II. . ) . Ruhlfti , Klkhoni ;
.lohn I ) . .So.uimii , Kuunuy ; JNI Dow-
liny , North Bund. 0 I1' Hpoonor ,
Oniulin ; ,1 I { Runny , Fort O.dhoiin ;
Guo. 11. Oriavvold , Clripnian ; O. A
IliniL'biUij'h , lloopi-r ; ( JliiiH Waainur ,
St. Paul ; C. NVugiue'r , Gram
Island ; NV. U. Dickinaoii , Wahoo ; D ,
Iv. Gibboiw , Viilpar.iisi ) ; S. S. llt-y'
iinlda , Daviel City : R. A. llawloy
Gco. Scott , Sutton.
Ab nt 7 o'clock the assembly
which by tluil tnno inunbt-rod ubon
two hundrtid gt'iitlcinon , wuu culludt
oreleir und tlio fullnw ing addriHD c
wi-lciimo dulivt'itjil by Muyor Uoyt
lion. U. G. Clark , the president c
the biui.d being ubsout on account t
OKSTI.VMKNCuiniuutcd : with tli
dutiuj of mayor of a ynuiiK and thrn '
ing city the uizu of this , ai
many unpleasant and many vor
pleasant dutieu to perform ; but I a
Huro you that , thu niOHt pleasant dut
that liaa devolved upon mo Binco
have had the honor to bo mayor ia I
bid you gentlemen , citi/.uns of 01
own beloved Nebraska , \U'lcoino I
Omaha ,
On such as ocuaaion us thia , thure i
puilmpH , no man who could tal
Creator pride in welcoming you thu
I do myaulf. Coining here near
twont > - BiyearHiigo , to what waatlu
looked up > n by many as thu grei
Ainotinin detfort , romiiiuinK hurocyi
since and witnesaiug thu altnoat nnij
ic gronth of our atato , alvaya tiikii
mi active interent in Ha vvolfare , an
p.irlicularly in Omaha , which ropri
a large proportion of itn weak
and huBineus , at lirat by a free ut :
unroatniined HBO of muorlu , ofvhit
God ondonud mo witli my full ( dial
and which 1 not afraid to use , a
turu-in < 1 by iixpcrienco and rupiU .
itathoiod through yoaiH of unceanii
iuiliHtry , i.'ciu } oti wiindor that itgivi
mo ple.ixuru to e\U > nd to you , onuai
til , on behalf of our puoplo , u hum
Hut , guiiUemun , I have a very B
vero eold , and .m there are othe
horn \ rop.iri'd tu uddrunG you on tl
advaut.'gin * of Omaha an , i market fi
your gr.iin mid iroilucti ) < , I will n
undertake the tank , and only niy th
iy our | iuoplu nre ghid to meet you , in
wo hope your MHit will rcbiilt in genet
not only to Onmhu but to toursulv (
lion. W. U. AInr . < f < . 'lurknvil
responded on lu-hiilt ot the viaito
He I'xprui-Hud great pleasure in t
perfi rmanco of a tank which he v
unuNpi'ctudly c.illud upon to till a
rci.ondeti | heartily on behalf of
pitMcnt whoBii intrreutH hu bulicv
to bo identical with thono of Omul
ut AH u roaident of Nebninka for thu p
ton years hu had noted with plouat .
thu growth and increnHing prowper
of Oinuha , which had already at tail
t. )
thu proportions of n young gia
ny Che erection of thu new elevator t
its the fnciliticn it g ro could not 1
of cement nioro firmly the bonds
friendship already existing on
to p irt of Uio peoplu of Nobrn
towards this city. Oni < Uia hiu a gr
he future buforu it , and the speaker
joicud to nay that the people of
ill , state had helped to build up thia pi
porous city at the gateway to the
cific. Ho had alwajs favored Cm
and did not de ire to aei ; one poi
oj produce 010110 order for moreh
jer disu sunt ount of , lie MisBnuri ami
this uxpH'Hsion hu liclie\ed he eeh
arop thu hontiments of thu ja nlu of
; ' op slate , llu behoMit the business i
'hu Mill thu city would increase from year
year. On behalf of all present fi
l ! " * iibrnad hti cordially thanked
mayor for hia kind wonla of wolco
( UV After bhoit delay the nancn
was formed by twos and nuirchecl 1
Standurd hall , wlieiu the Imnquet
Hpu-ud for the guuHta , Ik-ru I
long taben ) were nt-t and weio cov <
with u collation that hun never I
BurpaiiHC'd by HIJV set out in the <
The gueuU and their hoeta full to '
a will , nnd an hour was occupies
r,1 the dolicaciiiS of the Benson
wliich were spread in abundance on
the groaning board. When the Innt
course hud boe-n xcrveil the ninnies
were filled with champagne and Hon.
C. F. Goodman,1st vicoprosiduntof thu
board , of tmdo and acting president
in the absence of Mr. Clark , pinprosod
the first toast of the evening , which
Omihinnil Nelirvki Their ( omininlitl It.ter
tt . lluiponiu - \ Hun Win A Uwvtr
Mr. Gwjorspokoas follows.
Mr. President , ( Jent'i men of the Hoard of Trade
and ourjU'iUof the ul tiling ,
The duty has devolved upon mo to
respond to the toast "Omaha and Ne
braska their commercial interests. "
I think thin might hnvo been assigned
to abler hamlx , but like a oed col-
dicr , whoti called upon vo perform u
duty , I will not shrink from the ro
pponsibility. What are the commer
cial interests of our city and state )
They nro briefly to foslor and build
up every enterprise which may tend
to make thin commercial mr-tropohs of
the young , vigorous and prosper
ous stitto of Nebraska. Other oil
tea there must and will bo , and
ought to bu ; but from the prestige
which we hnvo already acquired , the
foundations already laid , and the commercial -
mercial facilities which are clustotini !
around us we will keep in advance of
all others , until thorn will arise here
on the banks of thu Missouri a city
great and powerful. A city which
will command the admiration of all
First , the pritno factor in pioducing
results is agriculture ; and second
end , commerce fucilitit-H for moving
the crops , and when moved , a placu
to store and nnrkut them.Ve hiivei
railroadii extruding their iron iinna
into all parts of our state , bringing
lilthur the trame-red wealth of our
farms and Holds , and now wo are
hoildmu olevatorn , atul atoro houses ,
to facilitate the transmutation of thu
golden grain into uoklen dollars.
The phihupher'a atone which the
Alchymisla of ancient days so long
sought for has boon found , It is ag-
ncultiiru and comnu'rco. Libor
cluiniroa the prim il elements ol nature ) ,
earth , air and water with agricultural
oToduuts. and c unnierc- converts
thorn iui > i gold 'L'ho countruction of a
gigantic aloro hou'o holding millions
of bushels nf grain is thu imuiudnite
11 caimo of our nBMunbliiig hoiotii-night ;
it is the tuK'inniirx ' of a , grand ontir-
pris which ia destined to enlarge nnd
expand us time rolls on onward , us the
ripple o j uidf ) on thu mirfaeu of the
watem. It in tin olu utlugo that btisi-
nuns bogota businofeR , the establish
ment of one kind of l
> usmga mvin"
facilities for tiansacting others When
millions of bnahols of grain arc pouu , ]
into Omaha and her manufactures * in-
cre-asu , as they will , wo will need
cheaper facilities lor transportation to
tint seaboard , und tlit-n biugu lines
and a navig.iblu wutur route will be
come a ueceaaity. Pi jross is now
buing made in that directiun , and the
titno is not fur distant vlie-n HO will
have a water route and cheap iraiiB-
purtation for all this northwester
Standing hero ab wo do , at the
gateay of the great Platte valley ,
stretching ( iOO miles westward to the
Rocky niount-uns , with an average
width of 10 miles , a rich and prolific
if I soil , an area of country capable of
sustaining n population of 10 millions
of pooploanu then bo no more ) densely
if populated that the state of Maasn
uhuautts is to-day , who among in all
10 in his wildest imaginings can picture
' - the wondrous resources of thi'stite ;
o and all this and nioro are in stcro for
y us. Dakota on the north , Wy-
soming , Calorudo , Montana , Idaho
y and Utah on the wi-at , pouring
1 their coal and mineral productions
to along thia great highway , tlio 1'latte
ir valley , which the hand of God traced
to nnd scooped out , nnd the Union Pa
cific railroad utilized. Work on
s , gentlemen of the board of trado.
co Peace huth'hor victories , no less re
in nownud than war. The interests ol
ly Omaha are the commercial interest , '
> n of the sta'o ; foster them all legitimate
nt enterprises ; build elevators , built
> r railroads , build manufactories , built
L { bargts. Do all things to facilitatt
ig commercu and trade. Lay your plain
id broad and comprehensive , liavo IK
u- selfish policy , and T verily believe tin
11 commoruo of the statu will respond ti
id your efforts , nnd the inttre-sta of encl
: n will bo indivisablo forovar.
10 Hon. , ) , \Voolworth was oxpoC'
fted to respond to the iuixttoastwhicl !
.1 , wun ;
lir Hal roads AK'fitilii tltvtlopli if the rt-Hjurcf
of thufctnte.
id In thu absence of Judge NYoolwor * !
ty .Mr. Leavitt liuinhain , land coimnia
rtioner of the Union 1'ucitio mil way
0- consented to make the response.
0ra ftfr. Biirnham , after an apology fo
ne attempting to UHj-ond to an
a bentiment on five minutc'H noticu , begin
ot gin by recalling the eonditi n of nf
otat fuisH on hin arrival hero in 1807. Th
atml city then had a population of ten o
od twelve thousand and the new enter
odH. priae , the Union Pacific , was th
le , theme on mciy tttiguo. It WAS the.
rn. eompletid to a point , 250 miles wo ? f Om.ihi unil was pushing on towar
run the I'lieitlu an rapidly as energy an
nd eapit.d combined could carry the wor
nil of coiihtritction. To-day the U. 1
has approximated to 2,000 miles <
road and is pushing its extensions n
an I tapidly as the line was pushed fein
.ire teen years ago. All wcro nciiuainte
ity with the result of the building of thread
led road and the rapid development ot tli
nt , country which had followed. Ho pn
iml dieted that thu future extension <
but the road nnd the benetitn thorefroi
of would bo still buyond the accomplisl
thu nients of the post. The railroad
the pioneer of civili/ntion ; it pen
trntea thu valleys , mountains an
hillc and in ita wuko
re- , following conn
thu the plownwn , the echool house , tl
ros1 1 village , and the city. With foi
IV great systems of railway etrugglit
aha for supremacy in the state what n
11 lid not our possibilities for thu future ,
Mr. W. 0. B. Allen , responded
n the tount
oed The prcklurU ot the BMo - Onuliu's rt-lat on
Uu * Mine
the Mr. Allen naid ;
of Thia occasion nnd thia moat fruit !
to theme ia enough to inauire the pou
loin tongue. Ceres , thu goddess of co
the and tillage , ia ( lie presiding genius
me. Nebraska"Land of the wnndori
ibly sun
to Agiiculturo is the basis of wualt .
was nnd agriculture ia pre-uniinontly t
Four characteristic clement in the pn
purity of our commonwealth , T '
dry BtutiHiicB of Nebraska's progn
slly. grow juicy when examined with t
with enlarged viulon of
philosophy , a
I in Vith regard to thu ultimate relati [ products will austnin in feeding
the world. Forty-night million acres
comprise our stntu domain , In 1800 *
less than i"0,000 ncres were tilled , and
thu grain product was about " , ,000,000
bushuls ; in lfil ! the acn-ago was 3uO-
000 and the yield 10,000,000 bushels ;
in 1880 corn und wheat alone
exceeded 1100,000 acres , witli n pro
duction of 72 000,000 , and with oth
er products reached 85,000,000 to
00,000,000 btnlielT i-day Nebras
ka htu ids on the thrcahuld of a HOT
era of development and ailvnncemnnt
Look at her resources ; 1,000,000
acres , or one-twelfth of her extent
only utilized , nnd yet her aurunltu-
rd products will exceed one hundred
mi lion bushels of golden grain. Then
compute nt the satno ratio prevailing
for the past twenty years the growth
of the next two or three decmlia.
The B.imu density of population , tin *
aainu thorough culture ns in Etmlnnd
and Europe , and ultimately Nebraska
will both contain and sustain
in comfort , tiftoon million pee
ple. Her productions may then ag-
giegate n billion bushcla , and Onmhn
arrive to the dignity of half n million
souls. The richncHa and depth of our
nlluvi 1 soil ; the wide range and
nutritive quility of the natural
grasses , thu clear skies , pure air and
water , enhance tint attractions of life
in this young state Over three hun
dred varieties of cerc.tla and vegeta
bles thrive nnd urow to perfection in
this climate , while animal lifu lime
reaches thu highest r.ule
"llo s and liuininy" are humely
but expressive words , and they tell
the story for Nebrtaka. Ni xt to the
ceif.tls , thu Hoiks and heuls , comes
thu hay crop , nnd in fifty > eirs thia
will pay the national debt if natuie's
free covering on these white rulhnu
prairies weie all utilized and turned
into mutton and beef. L m and
beat of all her | rodtictiiiPH aiv
thu men and women of this atato made
Htront' nnd intellectual by the g and
opportunities around them ,
Omaha's lol.itions to thesonie to
aid in their development , and how
she is doing this I ask yon to examine
for proof the HOW o.evator system , the
picking hou.sia , tin1 Hinultiug works ,
the wlutu luid , the lull and iron
works , thu oil factories , thu tanneiies ,
furlili/ing works , the browoiiea and
distilleries , the wire works shops and foundiit > s , 0111
wholesale hoiiaus , and a multitude
of industries springing n ) on
every hand -and s-mn I trust ,
you will sou rUing the new
glucosu worlcH , thu otareh works , thu
fruit and vcgotalilu prcBoiving works ,
the woolen and flouring mills , and
other nJjuncts of n great homo mar
ket. These ate s.nur of the product' ,
' iv | Omaha's relation to them is to
oncoiivaye and improve the clmuinX
of c uniiiurco and extend n Imlping
hand to ever } section of thu state.
To the tiller of thu s n\ tinpiu -
ducor of this wealth. 1 give a.l IHMHH
nnd to his health I drink in spaiUimg
water -from this labor and the ir.illio
nrising therefrom , Omaha curried on
fifty million dollars w itli of trade in
U , her banks handlid over two
hundn.l million in haid ciah , and bo :
citizens i-xtK-ndtd over two million in
buildings and pu\ic , enterprise , aml
her iiulro.idB brought to our d.iors
between three * , , d four million
p ) unds of tomigc.
The fourth toast ofU ( ) ovtnc , ;
was :
ThoSt.N ; of Nthroflfa , Us fertility anJ cajiabll
ltlu ot proihiuLn.
In the absence of Col. C. S. Chaao ,
wlio was to have responded to thif
toaat , no apuoch was made on thu
lion. E/ra Millanl responded to thi
toast ;
Tliu prtMpcrlt ol Nthriska untl Its u.vtropolb
am ! tlulr v\ander l ro\th.
Mr. Millnrd said that ho had just
rururnod from n trip e.iat nnd had nc
aulliciont notice of what was oxpectet
of him to gather facts for a suilabli
presentation of his theme. He con
aequently would not dotnin his hear
era wiih any figures. The words o
the toast were , "Tho wondorfu
growth" of Nebraska and its metrop
olis. When he contemplated the vas
capabilities of the state nnd city am
considered their advantages in regait
to markets for produr
and the facilities possewsed b ;
the people he could only nsk ho\ \
could wo do anything olsu but grow
When the fact is considered that th
cream of the young life of thu coiintr.
is coming hero to m ok fortunes in thi
comparatively new land , the wonde
in that thia now metropolis , backed b ,
all its grand nnd countless resources
does not present a more wondorfi :
growth than wo seo. Mr. Millar
said further that l.o duly nppivci ite
what our merchants are doing and th
growMi of the city , but whe
hu ojiisider * " ! our needs and th
wonderful future Onuha hai bufor
it , lie . ughod to think that he hu
grown old nnil could not , with th
yonng Hfo hero , wresi'e ' with destin
iti this most primming field
The "Our ( Siii'-its , ' was n
spouciod to by lion U 1 * . Anhhnri
of Gibbon. Mr Ashburn gr.ieufull
uxpressed the thanks ot thu visitot
for the courtesy and kindness show
them by their honU and s lid ho hup :
tlio present occasion would bu i )
menus of uniting thu citi/.rns of tl
state nud city still more firmly in tl
bonds of friendship which ha >
always existed between them.
D. 0. Brooks responded to th'i ton
"Tho Press. " Mr. Urookssaid ;
"Tho toaat to which I am cdli
upon to respond ia n very short one
in words , but I think porhape it is ns
lj.ii a ono oa any that haa been respond
ii to hero to-nighi. I fool very much
0' the man did upon being asked uni
ides what theme hu intended apeakin
es Ilo said ho was going to api
10 upon hia feet. [ Luighter.J I f
ii r very happy that I am a I
{ „ bo in 'hat ' pjsitii :
rote Iidw.ijB fed n goud deal honoi
when I am cnlled upon on an oecasi
to like this. I am reminded of the 1
tin boy who had just indulged in
largo dinner , bbintj addressed by o
ot his ninnuna's friends in the co
id pnny of lady guests : "Why , my lit
t'a ono , what n line largo head you hu
rn got ! " The little boy etrutchud hi
of at'lf , and said : "Your ought to j
( -eo my stomach ; it is ns ' big ns i
heitd. [ Luughtor. ]
.h There in a B.tymg that great riv
.hhe always ( low past urcat cities , nnd
us. may be uaid that good newep.ip
'he always happen to bo in great citi
IBS i Citiea become great because they h
hu pen to bo located ou great rivers , i
ml it is BO too with newspapers. Tl
on Ibecomo great by virtuu of boiu >
cities thus situated. Tt ID , perhaps ,
not too much to tmy _ that thu news
paper bears something of the same
relation to the city that other natural
and artificial advantages do
The pen is mightier than the nword.
Tt is sometimes the power behind the
throne that is greater than thu throne
itself. Wo have elevators , munufnc-
lories of all kinds , nnd lawbeautiful
public buildings and a great nntiy
other things eith'sr actual m prospoo
tivo. The newspapers have had mitno-
thing to do with the building - f these
and have stimulated enterprises of
this city and state t > > a wonderful de
gree. Wo are content to grw with
the growth of the city and gain
strength with its strength , and wo
enjoy the advantages that you do ,
without giving to ou'solves too much
credit in the matter.
I feel to-mghl like npoaking a good
word for a class of newspaper men not
often rccogni/.i'd. A good newspaper
editor should have public spirit ; but
if ho does run against the wall in his
opinions , the wall is not likely to suf
fer , ami ho comes out the wiaor for
his experience.
The opinion of an editor is worth I o
more than that i f any other'nmn. The
nlasa to which I refer to is the reporter
The reporter after all is the genius ot a
great and good newspaper. The pub
lie want facts and care little for the
e liter and his opinions Of the reporter
porter there is required skill in put
ting exact information , a spirit of en
terprise and a general knowledge of
the world. With the clergyman hoi-t
to talk as a chrgyimin ; with the
h inker ho must be a businessman ;
with the farmer ho must bo an agri
culturist nnd with the major ho iiinst
Inn public 11 in i ted man. The lust
in-iyor nf Omaha is thu ono wo now
IHMI It him always been so. [ Laugh
ter J I u ill cull upon the reporters to
ptint the rest of my speech. [ Ap-
nl.lll'O ]
The toast , "Tho Judiciary , " was ic-
apoiieli-d to by Hon. John D. Howe.
Mr Howu referred to the impor
tance of the profession which was
nmdo ono of the three distinct > ranches
of the government. It was a branch
in which commercial men wore deeply
interested , ami while we might have
all the resources in the world it was as
naught if wohnd not a fearless , reliable
and incorruptible judiciary to assist
ua in our extremity. Mr. Howe then
proceeded to call attention to the
alarming tendency in thia country to
ward cenrrnliKitinn of power and the
ownplo shown in the conflict between
the Federal and stale courts. IIn also
gave thu jury system a lively turning
vor ami characterized it as n relic of
iho past which had served its timeout
ti d outlived its usefulness He ml-
voci'td the substitution of three
chulnih , wise1 und intrepid jmlgts
f r thu tiiul of civil C.ISOA in place ot a
jury of tv.uho mm , who too often
i-ommittfd larceny in the name of
justice .
This closed the list of toasts on the
prngiatutno , but I'residt'iit Goodman
called on
onMil. . f. C. IIlMKHAUnil
for a few remarks , to which that gon-
tluman responded ve-ry happily. He
hud learned in hfu two facts. First ,
that everything must have n begin
ning , which is generally small ; and ,
second , that all should aim high ii
they over expected to attain to great
thing * . The success of hia firm , ai
\\u\\ \ aa of other successful firms in
this city , was caused by their reach
ing otitand Booking ufterbettor things ,
and the elevator would nevurhavobei-ii
built but for this. Ho had work < > ( !
hird for whut ho had accomplished
and believed that the success of over }
business man was possible ) to an e.v
tout beyond conception. Hu believed
that in fifteen yeara Omaha , wouk'
have a population of 100,000 people ,
. would have twelve railroatls where il
j now has five , with switch yards to ac
commodatu all demands and tha
wheru two cars are now transforr-ie
there would bo transfers by fifties
and hundreds.
Col. E. F. Smytho was callud upoi
by Mr Goodman to spuak a word 01
behalf of thu Omaha board o
tiado anel made a very pleas
ant and apt address. Hu tool
occasion to answer aomo of Mr
Howe's arguments and deolare-d th
jury to bo thu bulwark of America !
liberty. Ho nrgi-il thu board of trndi
to join in the work of building up th' '
city unit assured them that their efforts
forts were appreciated.
A gentleman whoso nainn the re
porter failed to got tendered a vet
of thanltR to the board in behalf
iho guests.
Mr. J. Wesley Wilkins lo.l thein
, i sombly in singing "Auld Lang Syne ,
which elo.seel the oxeichesof iho ovei
" T11U MOII- .
The Musical Unieui orche-.slr ;
d was engaged for the occisim
di-c uiricd Home apleiielid inus.c win
the guests were ajfembling in tl
y hull , during the supper ami
the spot
i , ' ' '
y The Biippur was uue-Miuptioiiab
and was pnij ured and curved by M
.lohn K. Hrmlloy , proprietor nf t !
Optra HoURi ? restaurant. The ci o
1114 was donu under ( he piipt'rviniuu
Mr William Lucas Mr. Sam S.vurt
the head-waiter , did hi * duty mo
etliciently , looking after the guea i
mi'Ht ' nesidinuidy and taking e'apeci
, t care that the representation of t' '
press did not sull'iir for lack of rufroK
, , ] mentc , either of a solid or luiuid chi
iu acter. Sum is tin A No. 1 mating
on such occasions.
soul JfOTIl'K.
All the grain men now in the ci
fro n ) abroad nro requested to muut
the hoard of truelu room1) this morni
ut ! ) : ! H ) , to discuss the aiibjo'ct ol
im cliango of Bood wheat.
in.od The site of the ntivv uluyator is ji
nii th of the Union Pacific tracks . <
nil ct t of elevator "A. " It id a In
it- trnniu structure , very Hub-itantin
u i-KiiHtriicted. In its iondinu-tioii : thi
nu fe.'t of In
him bt-en uawl 1,700,000
in- her , an > l the co&t of the building \
tin Sl-JO.OOO , It IB ono of thu moat i
IVO pnitiuit nnprovonuiiits of the y
111- 1881 in Oiuahii. Tim
lUt thu atrncturo nro 1115 feet widu :
my 170 foot long , and the highest par
thu elevator is 112 feet high , v. !
the storage part is HU feet hi h , r.
entire building has nn ouuidti cia
of corrugated iron.
ind The engine and boilora occup ;
lioy aopnrato room a tire proof bi
building at the trvet eud. of tlio
vntt.r , the brick smoke stack being 85
feet high. The engine in eighty horse
power. The machinery throughout
the entire establishment ia of the lat
est and moat approved designs , noth
ing having been left undone to nmko
this elevator perfect.
The storage mi > in c ntnina 114 bins ,
holding r > ,000 bushels each. There
nro nlso 1-1 ship ; ing bins , on the
north end , holding GOO busluls each ,
nnd MI the elevator pnrt there are 2t
hhipping bins with n capncity of 800
bushuls each , ninking the total capac
ity very nearly tiOO,000 bushels. A
car can be unloaded by nieana of n
stenm ehovol , innido of three minutes ,
and can be loaded in about the sninu
titnu , nnd between 150 nnd 200 cars
can bu handled in a day. The
gram ia taken from the car
which runs into thu elevator
nnd is run into n hopper scale
tinder the car ; from this scalu it goes
into n clenner nnd thencu to the ule-
vntor nnd is cniricd to the top of the
building where it is chnueil again , and
from this second cleaner it goea into
another hopper scale and is ro-
weighed , and from this scnle it ia run
into the spiral convener nnd deposited
in thu storage bins There are 15
scales , five under thu inilroad track
nnd ton in the topmost story. There
are ton cleaners , five being the im
proved duplex Barnard & Lee , nnd
live being "Shakers. "
The elevator is built upon the pinna
of Chasu it Co. , elovntor architects
and builders , Chicago , whoso superin
tendent , A. A. Talinagu , por-
sonnlly supervised thu construction ,
Thu ollicu of Messru. Himub.umh .t
M erriam , who are members of thu
com iny nnd the business miinngcra
and operators of the elevator , ia
located just west i f their old elevator ,
and in supplied with evi ry conve
nience for the trnns'iictum of business.
They hnvo nu independent tele
graph ollico with their own
operator , and they rccuivo the
daily niarkotH ilirtct from nil the
leading pointH ovcry lifti'L-n ininutuBO
They got out a daily lepoit "on their
own prE8 and send copies to over ono
hundred customers. Their arrange
ments are so complete that no one
now need to go east of Omaha to do
businiBin options or any other
transactions. Any one can now buyer
or sell cm load lots through them up
to 10,0X ( ) bushels , and do business
with thorn thu tame as with the Chicago
cage board of trade.
Till : UUhl.VKvS 1)O\K.
Messrs. Hiniebaugh & Merriam will
continue to oper.itu tin ir old elevator ,
which is quite sum1 ! as cout [ un.vl
with the nev one. They did about
the same amount ot lnisnn.'H- 18S1
as in 1880 , hiving handled about 2 ,
000,000 bushels of gniiu of all kinds.
During the present vein- they expect ,
with their enlarged capacity , to yicat-
ly iucreiso their business , particularly
in storage , they never linxing done
any etcr-ico worth mentioning on ac
count of lack of ucuommodntions.
Proof Foaitivo.
We ha\e the moat positive and convin
cing [ ironf thai Tiio i.\V KCI.VOT 10 On , .s
ft m'idt I'tfectiidl pt'e.ilit ! for r .ittily pain
IncaHtnof rhciima i"in and neunil i.i it
gives inntant r lief. 19 Iw
The thing desired found nt last. A sic
tlnvgi t fur "l.uugh on IatR. ! " It clears
out rnt , mice , ro.ichrc , flietbtnl titles ; liic
boXDM. (1) ( )
Orsiiiitea anil Lemons 30 cunts per
dozen at BUFFETT'S.
B'ack ' Ctishmero Suits from 85.00
up , at McDonald's Emporium of
Closing out Fall and Winter suits
less than what they cost , at McDon-
aid's Emporium of Fashion.
To haul Ice when weather is suitable.
Wages § : $ 50 per day. 1-njiiirc at
Boyd's Packing House. l'27-2t
NOIIC'K Ailvirtleemmi 'lo Loan"tothalo ,
Lout , Found , Wanti , lioanilug , & < „ , Mill belli-
portixl In these columns oiico lor TKN OKVfb
| > cr line ; inch MibKcquent imettlou , VIV UhNTS
| wr line. The flrxt tnticitlon no\cr la * * thnn
' TO LOAN CMI at Uw Ollln. ol D
MONFA' HuoinS ( 'rclghtnii Ulofh.
To loan it from B to 10 per ctnt
_ . . , . on fcood nolKtat iociiritj. t > v
fill 1M.AAC KIIWAIIDS HOT Fiunliiim Ht.
TO L.OA.S At per ctntlrv
. ttrist In sutniot U'J.titO tin1
aiwanlii | , ( or ! . to 6.tviro . , im GrFi-cUM clt ) nn'
n proiHTt ) . liFiiw HXAI K.iTAra n > ( '
Aorscr. isth nml l > r iifl SM _ _
\\ANTK1) A xood Aoniiiieiok. Impnri ul
i JlrH MII'JV on Ptpi'Mon uvtiun , bet
i 'ill ' .HIM iiml i-tr.ot. 1 > , 2'
\\rAX1H ) Two furn'shiil ' or uiifurnUliri
> roomer \ thlol \ > i-l > cii > inr' \JJreni
Ii s J7 < ! ( i Hj . I1 * 2 > i'
AN1'K l v | K.nterutiilli j at \ \ I uett'
k 'JV'
nts \l * ANTED To liuj a lieu o .mil lot or t
s > \ IIIUMH on nnu lotrniniMhrru IICUMLV , Hi ]
at and i J xtriAt * , liodtrr Marcli Ht. I.ti\o war
MTK-i To inform UK. tnililie ih it 1 h.iv
III W nonol I to J. ( inlliny A t'o. my r > K an
IK- until liniiiiu'it , hut on > rtntud iht > umu inr
* h > r | > All kin s ' f irord In thu jun
line H u ho hJiullfdli } ni" at my new p'oin c
O'mmrtoi. corner 10tli llarntv t-l . h. llerl
; er lioldi'roirit'tor | Oin.ilu lr > n mid .Metal \ nl " '
\\7\v5iThl ) A ( fbtnlfrl for gimeral houi
\ > work , also a nnall ( tlrl to take euro of
lab ) . Inquire northue t corner -M and Ilui
slirwt. Pil-tf )
ANTKIMin to do rhorfj nnd like cat
of hone * Ap | > lj S. K. Cr bth an
Ilowttrrt. l. 7' _
.1 .1A woman looK at thu Kmun
W 'iO *
ImMiidUtt'lj , H iorl to do ctnr
List i V alliomenoik Apch at noithrtc-st roi
, uu , cf 11 aim tmi'iim I'ur its. , &hlnn' iiidtloi ] !
lltl | ( ifl. , , |
. . , - rir > t t 11.CJMIK one Miouudi
ily IT i-t.uvi riokilUAivv iisji.iflrv noi
, , hut lii-t tl w mill ai'i'l ) A.ft'no 'J ' i ,
01 * - waiter A , > 1 > JtllUJ I'.fu'ii n t oi , i
1111' -
: > - r'uii'lliu brldirtji.d cl.nol I < <
vaa WAMii rur > . . Hi-lit rue. MC-H
" " '
' " " VA.1K.11 .I'/'i" ' ' " ' ' } Co rmo j.iir-ti'i *
ear thv junk ) > u ln nol II liirthuM , jt lu
earof utriutilnri ! they will oontinuu t !
. and li > fair dnallntr and | > I\UK - ' "
] > r ices thfj | rcji'U ) | thu tr lo 1h
t- solicit | rtln lie line old Iron , ra.-a , Junk i
illo mH l to ithp them will. TftMwo
L'hu To itut a ( it".rablo d < li
lou > v. AiMruv , llox < 0 , Cit ) . I'M ' tl
\ \ ANTED A ( ew da bo < enin
\ \ i'Oiuu > olatid lth Unw-
ii Inh and 10 h ' .
rick \A rANTKU I ctUdicu u IxnlenvU a ml
VV niool , U lWi p4 CuJUursU au L.
elo- LOOillS. 7S7-W
Known In .Inroh T block
Infill lir.NT-rnrnlt.htd room *
L ftnr ( too , ! lot-atlon ijulto'3M Jnckson.
1,1011 IM NT-4 ivoin . Inquire ftt N 0' < r.
I.1 lithimlCnlifor : > laSt.
ITIOIt IIKMItonm | nn Lilly ( urnl-he.1 Cdpltol
; a < cniio. liet 17th in i IMIi , " " h dt * U-t (
.1U IUNI D-M-IUiu hoiifo rooms , nt
corner llth .Mid . .lonciIniiuluof 0.
1 toman. 12 U
1 I1KVT furnished rooiw , nt 1010
17 t (
T.IOlt 111 NT KuniH'ifd eottbitv , ( X K ISth
JL1 St CMI nl ( l ( o < r 13-31'
] 7OI ! T-huwcittn-o : with 6 rooms , 1813
J ; Wtlmtir St , lt. I8th nnd Ipth Kin Kn-
quire of II K. Hume , Cin X. IDtli fct P S-t (
011 HhNT llou'o of elf-ht looinf , Knqulro
I ; J. I'hlptM lid' , 1B12 S. Fifth St. B77-U
U EN r Flh" t"coinniodlou brick riwT.
POIl , corner 10th iind Firnhnm Ht Ajv
i > li to Mrs H. A. lit cr , Tnbor , Kreiiont Co
I nwn. U-d.TeiifimlcHlrid. Oil tl
IlK.Vl' Otio o ( thu bewti'tiri'M en < mulng
Ht. ! iOxl. I ) ' Jiimmry 1. Iwt. " 20 U
t rurmstiuii n iu > nii ) '
i'h nt ' i hani.'o\ cor. M b * nd Dodg.
IT OU 'KNT Xlcilj furnished roonw with or
L ut hu it bonrd. Kiuioimblo prices Ml 3
Vn * St
FOH HEKT Furnished roonw , north IUol
OnlKornln St. , 2d door uiHtol 21st. liintrc |
alter 1 p. m. _ 4 4-tf
r. Ol HE.\T-eottn ; < e of S rooms , * cll b.if
JL clftern ! SSril anil St. Jlnrj'i" axenuu , Enquire -
quire of M.V. . Keniicdj , 312 S lath HI. 740-tt
SAI.K House mil full lot liiKOmlloe-a.
JriOJl , cheap. I rlto , tl'JM ) . Hiiy ttnns.
MtCAdL'i : , Opu. postolhte. Ulf
TTlOlt BAl.r liistbnlMliiflot In Shln'-i nJ-
JL1 d tlon , 111 ! leut en , t front by 10 fe-et depth.
McCAOI'K , 0 | > i > . po.t olllce. 11 tf
. SA1.I' ' , I'llKAl' Mijilier' tool' , comprising -
1.1OII of n tluodolitti uml uiip.-Mtu-l In-
qillr of C. I ) . , iU7 ! . 13th tit. llj-ti
" 1.11111 aAIi1 ? A cmnplitu stock of irion-'la oiid
jirn\l-l ns. I'or tiartlm'nrt mid iS lock
hoJJ , I'.urlliuton Jtinitlun , ilo
> HAI.K-A In i't ( imrMsulKlli. . for
b liulj to ur lniinie | No. 110ll uil
] 70K SAI.KJly | ila > .i , thiFroniU VlTeo'
Jj Hoiihu nmt iirnt uiinnt , No. f.-20 . South 10th
t-tr it , will liu for fa. i In the tarlj pnrt 4 the
niiiiiiuT , rifiHQiis for ollcrii ( . ' the nunu a thw
i im litn.ililc bu ) cr to arrange his hulniHd
In tiuie lor liujliiL' . I'0. | .
04-2 t (
171OU SAI.P Mlt-sonti hlckorj wivid utjlrd
; maiiV. lUtn t _ OM2S _
TT ( > I' ' SAhU 1 mrrtl Bullion , Lhdt die , S
JU J t\n old , tllil ) IdOO IKJII iK IMa-'k
htiilhnn , Nornlnn 4 Voi n , fi > earn old , ic ! h-
1. C IfiSOpmi d-i , touk ( Irs prtniuni-.tNct.wka
'tut Fair , 18 1. 1 ICentiKky Jink , iHtl < ,
viil hn abtiut ! H < 0 pounils , 4 juunoli ! took
llrsl pri-niiinn : it Nilira ka Stitu I'alr , IbSaml
1SS1 Irninir. > t I hto. Ncbcr , r.inm rs luiic ,
Cv.i. D.i'j.l
! > AljlJ Four He iiona of nhihliu' ml 3
17IDK od lounlcr , lniiiirt' | at I ) W. iom ,
( jpcra House I hnruiacy. 92'-f
. HALE OH HE.ST A 1'Kicir ) storu Ind
1 hutchi'rshop , iloini a ( , 'uoil bu iticds In-
qulri at thif otilcf. 'Jli-J
. ijAI.K 2 intocounternandSMhor psled
J.iem ' * t-iscs , lit OLO. H. I'etersonX MM Seth
10th .Ht. _ 711-tf _
fAf.K Or will < ! > cha gu for Dinah i yo-
J710H , an in > rrn\i d sec on of land adjoi-
in > sUtton on t' . 1' U. II. M. DUNHAM. 112
Rinihaui St. , < ) inilia. _ _ 720 V
i r trade for Ut > ? iroKrty ] , u
iVLi ) , harness mid wr. 'on. Addn
a. Y.ilil ( illic.- _ ' 22 tf
> 0ll HAI.K A k-ool un-vear-old l JIfl
F Wftfmntod to ilriie Hinxlii or double. V <
qulr" of Oiw > e'inlli Id , t'anl Ik-Id ! IIOUHJ. V
Ii a red etr-et cir , a small poclit'
LOVT coiitalnlnir about > J5 In bills , an 'Kk ' ,
giM coin Alth loupnnd 5 onu dollar monogfa ?
A food rcMiird to tno ilridcrat Maxlleyi-fr
liro. ( , >
' Ct'Ki : for Small I'oxT
SOo. Address , W. K HIIIn , Lincoln , Nel
noons FOH KENT s.
19th and D cnpoit St. U9 <
_ 1 quire nt Hospe'H Art Kmponum , Ibll ) Dcu c
Street. 9U8-U
New iKcki.t-liooK ) , hitw , en | Kwt jdicc
10ST I .tin Htrotirj store , containing aliout
V-O. 'I hi-tinder plea'.t-ICIMJ at lice otliw , where
the o no ill pay runurd of jlO.
M u tilted bv < xperiincid nun. Small naUry ,
I' . i . Box Mi C'ltj _ 0 < 18tf
Tor thu next M ilujs , vu v.111 , on the A
SllllilS ol xtj tint-i , Bund to nn > addrtw ,
pnxtpiid , one of our unlaiindred ilrcm Shirts.
l'osltl\tl ) enl > ono bhir' wm to one aillrcss.
Mnr elHc.s , III.
71UIIMS1II-U IO ! Mo Within thrct blotks u (
InqulroatlBl ! ) llotl o 9'JS-tf
\r i > iii-i. K ) ed.N inAen'-ins-
XN bits will I e leeched until li o1 r > ck 'noon ,
.lanuarj 31,1.VS2 , tor the tree I Ion aid comple
tion of liulMliit , ' for Hit.-Atr.iloiny ol the
Heart. I'.aiis und i.pttifli.atliiii-'ion stwnt CHlco
ol lin'ic no i : JkiululHi hn , Arci iiciti , Oifahi ,
.Neli , u hin Id'li. Mill hu n-cciud Ihu I'll.t la
recurved .o reject nnj or all bMi. Mj31
I71fKiMSllT.ilOOM -For Hiiilti iftmuuui ;
1 } nl-oonu front rixim with I'Lino ' , outj c t
corner l-nji and Cai.til | anmo. . WJ tf
; > K 118 NK\V Cir > MAl'H , 10c. "ilawtiT
J _ , P2.H ) . Ol'O. P. UK.MS
) ' lit eMAlO.S 1-astllii uni Oil *
IOHTItAri'h - tantimr. MIIS. t ) V.
iv MtPNCII , rom 1 , . .laob' [ Hock. , ? -tf
. .i..liiJAJr h' .
JT >
7 Al.l.D H\V At A. II. anil.rii ) c l I .ril
I > Kits Ilarnot BlM
B Ui p
TIONALIbT , ( * Tenth Strict , Uclwiwn r' ibm
and llainoy. Will , with the aid of tflrdi&u
! > lnln , oliuin ( or an } our a &t tl i u < , nml on cerlau. conditions liine M
turn. Boots will Bliouo niiKln to rdcr. r l1" > 'i
* " ' \ cllcuusrjiiti'i'd anil"
Absolutely , PjufAt :
ThK i > o\idf r iw vf r virtu. A nmrrt )
ttr u/tli ainl nil IdormenoML lloru/
tlui. thn nl nj ) Hmw , ftnd tannil
co i n tUion ifrt the i multitude tl
t .rt tl.lit ! , lum or " - - '
cct Sold ouls In in .