Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday Morning. Jan 27.
Wonther Koport-
, -v . . .Mowing oWrvfttlon * nre taken at
tfianune moment > ! tints nt a'l tlic t -
H * an a dull night for the cops.
The uiud ( raze tip n nia Uit evening.
Unl n I'nolfio trnln No , I nrrlvcil nn
- JUBT lUcmvKIi Fresh Viiccine Virus
.USchrteterA UechtV
Good weather to start the county
privmerii on thentono pile.
ITie cnsn of Ticliy v . Kre Ker , for
llu l ninK the lifo of hii hey , has liein
-Merchant * uml Phynlclnnn throuluiut | {
furnished with Vnccino Virnn lit
m Mul > le rales , liy Konnnnl Hnw. 23-tf
The Mnntii I hat ( illcil n on
> fpjn t Anderson , n 10th street denier , for
pcrmiltiuK minors to play hlllinrds in his
Nebrnnkn Potatoes ( ahovc the
iruility for the Bcimon ) on 5 nnd 10 bushel
latn it fftTornble prices nt KLKMtNB'H ,
11th and Douglas.
A pli-fii int Btirprife party was ( , 'iven
Juil B fV. H. Rlloy and his estimable
tiife it their homo on North Twelfth
tret on Wo 'nesday evenint ; .
- A man named .Tatnei Hyde fainted on
'At jwitollice utepj Wedncmlay nnd was
rirrieil Vo his rooms by Cant. % T. , T. Nelili ( ;
nrl I'mtm-ifttr Hall. Ho bad an ntt-ick
f hrart dlstiiae.
Thu adjouinud meeting of the North
lulta i > eoiile , ii i the Huwor question , will
laVe pl-ico lit 7M : shnri | this oven-
Iff , at I'rof. llruiier'n Hjimnl botim. A
general attendance ix de-iiied.
Thecliildreuof MiH IAIOIIUH' 1'rivuto
Schod will K'v ' n . 'nvenllo ' Uraiuutio Mn
t rU nuiciit at Mnsonio Hall thi
A Hiimll lulmission fuo will bu
iticoverthu expensCH of thu hall.
Th Stanilnul vlub'H Hovonth muh'
lmfTM\o \ "all will he held nnl'Vibriury inth
TUe coiimittee of nriatiKemunUionsiiiti * n
Momni Jolim Mwycr , D. H Sllvt-wtino
A. IWler. H. Haswitr , U. Schlnnkand 1J
H. Withnull.
The IOKI t of the rnilwiy commix
utonBr nf Town , just publlshod , b
tkero are 5,500 miles of road in oporiitlon
iothat Btnte , find tlmt the Mg rcgati bust
iMM < 1une by all the rnwU unountitt
J > , nt $2S00,000 | annum.
Another complaint wan Bwnrn out by
tt Marshal yeHterciay againBt Henry Siort
dbaiKinj ; him with xolllntr liquor withou
a Kccate. S'frt IH very c.iroful imw nn t
who are admitted to the oxidation rooms
or permitted to become gtockholdern in thu
Thin in the latest :
Are you going very far ?
No , not very far ;
Only next door.
TJie "Boston Clothimr Store" will re
aim in a few days to No. 1210 Karnhni
tired , onu door cast. jiin'2.-It !
Tbe Union Pacific l.nllway Uomiumy
'fc * KCOb'nizeil the long nnd faithful nor
T-Ian of Conductor W. T. Kelly , by pn
Eaottag him to thu Htiperintt'iuluii
cy I tlie ICiinsas Central division of th
Union Pacific , from 1/cuvt'iiWorth to Clay
Oaltr , a ( iistance of 150 inilus.
Mr. I'M. Kiemiimiii , who iomomonths
zigootarted thu Hotel Garni on Tenth
olreet , near the Union Pucilic depot , lias
out the establishment to MIWIH ,
: & Prince , the clothicrH , who will
i to tun thu hoimo. It is their in-
ttctiou to put in an ex i oriuncod manager
to CODilucl tliu biihinesH for them.
Tbe Kcv. liifhop Moity , of Dnkotu , Kc-
bwe * on "Catholic Education One Tliim-
miod Yturs Ago,1' nt thoC..thedra1Sunday
avractng , for the binrfit of thu Union < 'nth-
die Library Aiwociatlon. Thu Hiibject ii
araro and IntereHtlng one , mid in tliu
EunUnf one who hut inuilu rducatioi , n
if ciol htudy , will uttnu.t u largu iittond-
A very dillicult and delicate turgic.i.l
ay ration wu performed yt-Hterduy at the
titoiiha Mtflicul College. A ludy from
Arajuhoo. Null. , was tuko.i to the Collegt
with n d > nillf ovarian tumor , iiggregatint
ut ucivhubont f i rtjfivo pounds. J n tin
afternoon the patient was put under the
irfaenco of atmuithetic Mild the tuiiiort
iore uccostifuly removed by the f acuity ol
ttcollege. Inonlcr to uccompliah tbit
dUEmlt operation It wan necessary to ope n
Uu&bdouieu for several luchen , lift ti [ the
iileatinea and then llk'iito the base of eacl
tata r until It could bu cut oil. Tin
Calient in doln well
to-day nnd will pro
bUjr recover ,
The thing di-uired found at la t. Atd
ttruggitl fur "Jlough on Itiits. " U clfui.
oct rat , mice , roadie * , ililM , Iwd liugi ; ir
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" umkea cliilli
A ( Mil Ml AII
Duaior , Woyl & Go's fiimuun Crackci
iuit received , at
Duucr , Wuyl & Go's f.iuious Cracku
jjiart received , nt
llubber Booti uiid Slioca ut li
Iha & Son's , cor. 10th nnd re
Plenty frobh Fwh mid Oyatcn
wlkobstalo and' retail at the rsah
1213 DouKlaa stroot.
Scotltind's Lnda nnd
Pay Honors to Scotia's
An ImmonBo Oathertncr at Mn onlc
Hull to Celebrate DUITIH' 123d
The proceeding nt tliu 1'urns ban
quet , on Wednesday evening , which
were omitted yesterday for want of
space , wore M folluws :
by Mr. Thos. Falconer , the president
of the club , was brief , but well
worded , nnd ho closed by announcing
the toast of the evening ,
Mr. Homer Slull being not down for
tlio response. Mr. Stull gave a
graphic description of the lifo of
Scotia's hard , his youthful pursuits ,
hia boyish love , his first poems and
the part ho took in tlio church qtmrivl
of that day. His filial success , and
triumphal nppoar.uicu at Kdinbtirgh ,
were described , nnd tlio adilruss
closed as follows : "His place in liter-
nturo in doinonstrated to bo in thu
very first rank by these two-folu
tests first , becausu the people of tht
country loved him us a pool win
never loved before ; and second , by
the grateful homage pnid to him b\ ,
niicli inun as Wordsworth , Scott anil
Carlylo. "
"Tho memory of Burns has Buf
fered unjustly by two shmdora , origi-
nnting in thu mnlico of men who had
sulfured duop wounds from the satiru
in conflicts with him. Ho has boon
charged with being an enemy of re
ligion , when in truth ho WHI the
enemy of hypocrisy and superstition.
Neither wan ho guilty of excess in
the use of drink in any such dugrot *
an has been charged against him. "
"It is the crowning glory of Burns
that ho wan throughout hia lifo nn
earnest friend of liberty. Although
ho was an ollicor in tliu civil service of
the British empire and wull know the
injury that such a course would do
him , ho was the outspoken admirer of
Washington and the American cause.
On ono occasion he boarded a brig on
the coast of Scotland , caused it to be
condemned as a smuggler , himself
purchased the guns that constituted
the arnamont of the vessel and sent
thum to the republican loader in
Paris with a lotlor expressive of his
love of liberty , equality and fta-
tornity. "
Uov W. E. Copuland responded to
the toast
Mr. Copuland s.iid : "Certainly nt
greater contrast can well be imagined
tliiin bulwuon the mountains , braes
and burnt ) , and lakes of Scotland anil
ilio broad prairies of Nebraska , with
no mountains , and hardly a tree , lake
or stream ; between the thick atmosphere -
phero and even climate of the Hea-girt
tnlo and the thin bright air and vari
able climate of the plains ; between the
narrow streets lined with high
houses of the largo Scotch cities
and our wide streets and low houses ;
butwoon a country where the tide ol
civilization him reached so high n
point as in Scotland and a country
like the frontier on which wo dwell ,
where the tide of civilisation ia stil
at n low ebb , and has readied but n
little ways on the shore of progress
between a homogeneous populatioi
such aa dwells on mountain side am
in valley at homo , and the mixed pop
illation of Nebraska , into which , as
with the witches' cauldron , 1ms been
thrown something from every people
in the world , not always the host
Great na are the contrasts , greater are
tlio similarities. Natural surround
ings will always bo dilleront. Worl
wo never so hard , wo cannot change
Nebraska into Scotland j bu
natural surroundings play afto :
all only a small part in tlio drama o
life ; the actors , their action , and not
the scenery make or mar the play ,
llmnlot is Hamlet , whether put on
the stage in nn opera house like
lioyd's or on bare platform , if Booth
acts the leading purl. So the drama
of lifo which you are acting in this
now world amid such dilleront sur
roundings is , after all , much the same
drama aa you played homo. The
Biuiio nets follow ono another , birth
and death are much the Hamo hero as
elsewhere , friendships just as swuot
and lasting are formed in the now us
in the old country.
In Nebraska as in Scotland wo have
freedom of conscience ; wo are free tti
think and to speak out the thought ;
the proHs is unfettered ; education is
provided for our young people ; Hidt
by side , as at homo , are tlio church
and the school house.
Hut ubovo nil other similarities , are
Iho niuuluritioH ot character. The
- Scotchman and the American aru
much ahko ; the likeness is partly due
to the infusion of Scotch blood ititu
the strange medley which wo call
American , partly to Iho inlluonco ol
Scotch thought , which has been full
the world ever , and p.irtly to the ro-
; HL'mblmicp between New Kngland and
Scotch life. The natural surrounding
in Now Kngland are quite likt
tliOBO of Scotland ; the typo of roligioi
wns once the sanio , and the though1
nnd lifo very similar. Now Englaiu
Inn impressed herself on nil the Uiiiloi
States , and so it is that the Scotch tint
among the nutivo Americans so man ;
points of resemblance in frugality
thrift , independence , persovoranci
and energy , that the notv world scorn
not BO very strange after all. Nov
Enirland , so far us the character of it
people is concerned , might hotter b
. called new Scotland.
Such is my admiration for Scotcl
lifo and Scotch thought that I can ii
. conclusion only express tlio hope am
the wish that as the years roll by he
land yo have como to may over mor
closely resemble the laud yo hav
comu from ; that America may ovu
'IB grow moro like Scotland , and that th
Now Scotland which yo have foundo
on this hemisphere may pn-sorvo a
that ie best in auld Scotia , which hu
so much that is good and desirable ft
all puoplo. And as the years roll b
muy Amurica bring forth men wh
shall direct the world as profoundly n
huvo David Hume , Adam Smitl
George Combo , Thomas Carlyle an
, Robert IJurns. " .
although not down on the programm
for a tpcecli , waa called upon by tl
president and responded briefly M
follows :
"Ladies and Gentlemen ; My name
is not on the programme and I shall
regard the request to speak on this
occasion as a complimo t to the ofllce
and not myself.
"Tho man the anniversary of whoso
birth wo colobrnto wild : 'A man's a
man for a * that. ' Thin in the sentiment
nnd fond dream of those who founded
the American republic. It wnn their
desire that in ( his country there
should bo nn lord , nn peasant and that
all should bo on ono level. That the
people of nil nations should have
equal opportunities ; that a man should
be measured by 1m integrity , by his
wmdi'in ' , by his intelligence , by his
ability and nut by the accident of
birth. That the way should bo open
to nil to attain n grand and ulorious
career , whether born on the bleak
shores of Norway Sweden , Denmark
or Russia , beneath thu sunny skies of
Italy or on the vino-clad hills of
France , whether in the beautiful
Rhinelnnd , in the green Isle of Erin
or in the highlands or lowlands of
"liomiio Scotland , " it matters not ,
for hero "a man's u man for a' that. "
Wo all love the land of our nativity.
Ho who docs not love his country can
1'ivo nothing.
"HmitlitM 'lieru a man with foul no dcnd ,
W io never to h'inself ' hutli H.iid
'I hln U my own , my natlvo land. "
Knglnnd , Ireland , Scotland and
other countries , are but the places ot
nur birth This country is now our
country , and while we meet to cole
br.ito thu ono hundred and twenty
third anniversary of the birth of
Itnbort Hums , let us in our hearts
silently cherish and bless the memory
of the great men of our adopted coun
try who , by their wisdom and bravery
established a government where all
men are free and equal. "
"TUB I'liww. "
The fourth toast of the evening was
responded to by Mr. D. 0. Urortks ,
who made a humorous speech of con
siderable length , closing as follows :
"I will cut nhort this rambling talk
by ti.ipri"sing thu hope that when you
ru.ul j our journal in thu morning , and
every morning when you road it , you nmku your own the line addressed
by IJurns to a friend who had sent
him a copy of his paper ;
Kind Hlr , I've lead you pnpe through ,
Anil , fa th , to me , twus really now
llnw KuuHsed yu mo what malst I wanted ?
And 1 will close with making my
own and uskingjyou to inako your own
your compatriot poet's ' wish
lleru'n freedom to him that wad read ,
Hera's freedom to him that wad write.1'
was the closing toast of the ovcninc ,
and was responded to by Mr. A. C.
Troup , the secretary of the club.
After an npoluiry for his temrity in
undertaking thu delicate task of responding
spending to such u toast , Mr. Troup
said : "liut all this , how over , doca
not avoid another objection , tlio
grounds for which will go far to show
that I am not thu man for this
This is an ( esthetic subject and the
lassies are lesthotic creatures ( those
that are ) , natural disciples of Oscar
Wilde , nnd in this ( esthetic ago , when
vusthoticism ( bugging the pardon ot
Mr. Wilde , of course , for the use of
this somewhat umesthotic term ) is all
the rage , I think it highly important
that this Bubjcct should bo treated
only after the most approved ( esthetic
manner , and by a carefully selected
( esthetic young man , and this I am
not , and I have no doubt that Mr.
Wilde would readily declare , after
about a two minutes' experience with
me , that I am the most unusthotic :
individual ho over saw.
/Esthoticisni beholds its greatest
beauty in the works of art , whilst I
find mine in the lovely faceof n pretty
girl ; lesthoticism devoutly worships
the goniua of man , whilst if I worship
anything hero upon earth at all it is
the genius of God as Hj lias stamped
it upon the graceful form of n noble
woman ; mnhoticism n-lores the cast
of a Hmilo on the engraven
imago , whilst I prefer to admire -
mire the happy out-right laugh of n
rollicking maid. Ksthoticism hum
bly prostrates itself before the painted
form or sculptured bust , whilst I
stand up proudly by Iho side of the
lassie I like.Kathoticism in its soul
embraces the chiseled marble or plas
ter cast , whilst I , with but the slight
est delicacy of feeling , with tangible
arms embrace the loving damsel
herself ( when I can ) . vKathoticism
impresses it kiss upon the cheek of
the dead cold atonu , whilst I struggle
to implant mitto upon the fresh , warm
lips of n most intensely live girl.
So that you see these unfortunate
little peculations of mine incapacitate
mo for treating this subject in thu
latest style of the day.
But 1 believe leathotics never trou
bled Robert Hums , nor did ho permit
his lack of knowledge of Jio science
of the beautiful to interfere whatever
with his sincere devotion and passion
ate lovu for the essence of all beauty
of ull things us ho saw it , conccn-
tratei in the form of woman.
admirer iu thu person of Robert
DuriiH. No other spring of joy proved
- such a prolific source' ; no spell o'or
charmed hia muse with sued divine
bliss ; no theme moro quickly moved
his harp to sweeter notes or waked hie
lyre to ecataoy moro pure than that
allbrded by the rural Inssio of hie
native land. And ono of the
characteristics features of hie
poems to-day is the numer
ous ballads hu has sung about and
dedicated to the lassies ho has loved
Their companionship was perfect blisi
to him , so much BO that at those timei
toward all things else ho became in
different and oblivious , and in thia hi
< sing just us ho thought and full.
"Tneru'n n ujht hut care on ci ery luuid ,
In etcry rmotlutpaws , Ol
ill Whtt nk'iilttis thu Ille o' man ,
And 'twe.o im ( or thulasales , 01
"Oio mo a canii ) hate nt o'cn ,
My rm about my dearie , ( i ;
And worly can * and norlv men
Ma ) u' jr u top'Oltcrlo , O , "
0,1 If you wish to avoid grout dange
! and trouble , besides a no small ill
ins of expense , at this season of the year
for you should take prompt stops to kco ]
by disease from your household. Th
ho system should bo cleansed , blooi
as purified , stomach and bowels ro/ula
, ted , and prevent and cure disease
nd arising from spring malaria. We kno\
of nothing that will BO perfectly nd
aurely do thia as Electric Hitters , nd
at the trilling cost of fifty cent a hot
mo tie , [ Exchange ,
ho Boldbvlah& McWahon , 7
S P. IJrnwn , of Idaho , U t ths With-
Mr. nnd Mm. W. CS. Maul arc cast on a
.T. Kbcrly , of Htanton , in nt the Cnnfield
home ,
! > < . O. H. PecblcK , of Uavid City , Is In
M. M. McKunney , of Blair , in In
MM. CharleH Schlank has returned from
the catt.
H. M. Itimhncll , of rintUmoiilh , H In
tliu city.
W. Tymn , of IJlalr , ii a guest at the
C. 0. A'k us , of Ujceidi , In a , gueiit at
the Canfield.
Hon..John 1'eterx , clerk of Uoone county ,
li in the city.
Frank Ireland , of Nebr.inka City , is
again in the c'ty.
H. 1 ] C awiion , of Salt liikp , arrived In
the city yeotcrday.
Jniic-i IMvifl , of Kllsworth , arrived In
the city yerfierday.
Ueorge t'nrrick , of Usceola , arrived in
the city I ant evening.
.M. Hnrii' , of La amio City , IH regix-
teird at tli ( 'unfit ? d.
T. M. Iktibler , . f Ar.ip.ihoe , w.w an .
rival at the Withnoll la t night.
B. D. Ilcnt , of Cudar IUpldis in the
cityilsltlnKhlu frleni.r. H. Uunloln.
Max Meyer went ciwt yesterday to
bu alnent two weeks on husliicKi.
M. A. H.irtlgan , Ksq. , of I'latUmo ttb ,
is in the city registered at thu Or-igbtim
H. Haax , of Cheyenne , ! ) in the city.
1 , . At , Otborn , of lllair , ix among tli
Withncll hoimo arrivals.
( } . It. Smith , of Ulynses , i-t in thu city.
1'iitnclt MuAtdlu and .Mm McArdle ,
of McArdlo precinct , are gueitsat the
Mrs. L. W. Tovuie , wife of L. W.
Tnwnc , miperintendent of the Port Scott
X. Gulf railroad , Kansas City , in visiting
her cousin , Mr * . J. M. Mctcalf f thin
city.J. .
J. H. Hoatharington , 0. S. liailoy , S.
A. Hanks nnd John Smith , of bholton ,
Neb. , all good ( Jrand Army boys , are in
the city on their way home. They are
registered at the Creiyhton.
C. S. Shcrwin , of Missouri Valley , chief
clerk to HondimiHtcr Mar h , of the Sioux
City & Pacific railroad , wan in Omaha.
K. P. 1'osdyke , formerly with Cruick-
Kliank & Co. , arrived Wednesday on bin
it.'turn from the coast , and will remain
about two weeks before ( joint ; on to New
I * B. OMJricn , of Ijeadviile , is in the
city on hi-t way to Minneapolis , where lie
ineetH Mils' Phoaa McAllister und her
company and thence precedes thorn west
ward. MBH ! McAllister is a well known
actress who is to bo the star of a st"Ck
coui ) any in Leadville. The troupe will
play nt certain points , inolu ins Om.ih i ,
on their way to thvir mountain home.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following are all the transfers
of real estate recorded at the county
clerk's office during the five days end
ing Friday , aa reported by John L.
McCaguo , real estate agent and con
veyancer :
Goo. T. Mills toJ. O Slattor , parcel
in no j of tiw ] sec 15 , town 15 , range
1JJ east w. d 81,050.
Union Pacific 11. R. Co. to Mrs.
Engor M Sonson , lot 7 , sec C , town
1C , range I ) east ; deed $100.
Ed. W. Morgan to Webster Snyder ;
parcel in sw J of no \ sec 33 , town 15 ,
ratiuo 13 east ; w. d. $ COO ,
Win. Shields and wife to J. W.
Shank , lot 30 and A 37 in Kountze's
add.w. ; d. $1,100.
John E Gould and wife to Jane
Laty , s i of lot 15 , block 11 , E. V.
Smith's add. ; w. d. ? 585.
S. D. Bangs and wife to D. L
Thomas , lot 10 , block 5 , Swecsy's
add. q. c. d. , 8500.
Same to Win. F. Sweesy , lot 3 ,
block 5 , Swoosy's add , q. e. d. , 8100
Si Samuel Ellingorand wife toStephor
I > . Bangs , lot 3 , block 5 , and lot 10 ,
block 5 , Swoosy'sudd , q c. d. , § 500.
Goo. H. Guy , commissioner , to W.
A. Richards , ono-sixth interests it
the east -11 feet of lot 1 , block 118
§ 1,800.
H. G. Clark and wife to W. B
Workman , lots 3 , 4 and 5 in block 18
town of Waterloo , w. d. , 875.
F. L. Packard and wife to E. M
Hornsby , part of lot 8 , block ll)8i ) , w
d. , SHOO.
Putor Coggins and wife to D. W
Morrison , lot 12 , block 22 , in Wilcox
second addition , w. d. , 8500.
Dorothea Martins and husband t
M. Donovan , 2 3-40 acres in e A o
no . ( of no | of sec 31 , town 15 , rang
13 east , shoriira deed , $400.
Mary Dunk and husband to Williai
Reeves , block 128 , lota 1 and 2 in
block 137 , lota 3 , 5 and 7 in block
138 , City of Florence , w. d. , 882.
Minnie Hayden and husband to J.
0. Punter , lot 7 , block 1 , aub-div. ,
lot 5 , Cassudd. , w. d. , $300.
Brown Young and wife to Byron
and Lewis Rood , lot 8 , block 3J3 ,
Omaha , w. d. , $1,825.
Army Orders-
The latest special orders issued
from the headquarters department of f
, the Platte , Omaha , Nob. , are aa fol.
Iowa ;
, Leave of absence for ono month ,
on surgeon's certificate of disability ,
with permission to go beyond the
department limita , and to apply for
an extension of ono month , is granted
Second Lieulonant Arthur 0. Ducat ,
Jr. , 3d Cavalry.
On the recommendation of the en
gineer otlicor of the department ti
Private Ernst Wagner , general servicu
detachment at these headquarters
( topographical assistant ) is honorably
or discharged the service of the United
States , under the proviaiona of Army >
Regulations , paragraph 15'J.
] ) _ -
AnrurerThi *
Did you over know any person tc
labo ill without inaction of the stomach
. liver or kidneys , or did you ever know
ono was well when either was obstruct
ed or inactive ; and did you over knov
or hear of any case of the kind thin
JtHop Bittora would not cure ? Aal
your neighbor thia same question.
Timoa. jlO-fl
Election of Officers and Other Im
portant Dualnoss.
From n returning delegate from the
Grand Encampment of the G. A. 11. ,
Department of Nebraska , it ia learned
that at the meeting of the grand body
in Representative Hall , nt Lincoln ,
Wednesday , eighty- four posts
were represented. Reports were re
ceived and read from the va ious
dopnrtment and atafT ofliccrs.
Thu location of the next annual re
union formed the principal business
of the afternoon session. A lively
competition took place by the repre
sentatives from Blair , Seward , Hust
ings , Wilbur , Columbus , Central
City and Grand Island. Bids for lo
cation for reunion at those points
ranged all the way from $1,000 and
grounds to $3,000 andgrounds , Grand
Island capturing the prbe at the last
mentioned figure.
The day for the opening of the next
reunion is fixed for the week com
mencing AuBUst 28 am ? continuing six
days. A lively interest was manifest
ed by each of thu respective points ,
the contest finally narrowing down
between Seward and Grand Island.
The following officers were elected :
S. J. Alexander , department com
mander ; L. W. Oaborn , of Blair ,
senior vice commander ; J , S. Miller ,
of Aurora , junior vice comm.inder ;
Dr. M. J. G.ilian , of Grand Island ,
medical director ; P. Hurst , of St.
Paul , chaplain.
Council of Administration-- . M.
Day , H. E Palmer , .Jtihn Hammond ,
0. A. Abbott nnd J. W. Wilson.
Delegates to National Encamp
ment - J. O. West at lirgo , Sam B.
Jones , J. C. Uonnoll and II. G.
Board of miiimueri fur luunion for
1882 , Ch'iiiucy W. Wiltx , chairman ,
J. 0. Went , S. B. .l.mes , C. L
tlowcll , J. D. Moore , J. 1 * . Hammond
mend and Col. Webster.
Resolutions of smypathy over the
assassination of Col. Watson D.
Smith wcro adopted.
Proof Positive.
We have the most positive and convin
cing proof that TnosiAS' lcr.KCT ! io Oit , m
n must effectual specific for liodily pain.
In cases of rheumatism and neuralgia it
gives instant relief. l'J-lw
The News of tlio Conviction of Gar-
flold's Assaasin.
The news of the voidict of the jury
in the Guitoiu uu MMS received in
this city 'ate ' Wednesday and being
bulletined sproid like wildfire.
There a general expression of
satisfaction at the result and many
who had made bets on the
result paid them over most
cheerfully. When the Chalk club mot
every member of the jury was unani
mously eluded honorary members for
lifo of the organization.
A reference to the verdict at the
Burns banquet elicited hearty ap
The editor of The Herald on receiv
ing the news rent his garments , and
with dishevelled hair , wrote his
editorials from a seat in the ash-pile
back of the office , being protected
from the cold by a Back-cloth thrown
negligently across his broad shouldois.
EIo ropreaonta the society for the pre
vention of cruelty to animals , and
hence these tears.
Af Lincoln when the verdict of the
jury in the Guiteau case was an
nounced to the Grand Army boya as
sembled at the state house it snomod
as though pandemonium had broken
loose , and the bravo boys who had
been accustomed to rigid military dis
cipline , for once forgot orders and
broke forth in a round of applause
thai might have been heard blocks
away. It was plain to bo seen that
the assassinated president was not for
Father IB Getting Well-
* 'How much
My daughter Bays :
better father is since ho used Hop
Bitters. " Ho is getting well after his
long suffering from a disease declared
incurable , and wo are so glad ho used
your bitters.-A lady of Rochester ,
N. Y.-Utica Herald jlO-fl
A Ploasnnt Party in Honor of Mr ,
nnU Mrs. D. Kawll'mun.
The Standard club gave another of
their delightful receptions Wednes
day , the occasion being especially in
tended as nn honor to Mr. and MM.
Kaufimtii. Mr. Kaufman , who in
ono of Mux Mojor it Bros. ' well
known salesmen , recently brought
very ehurmimr lady to Omaha from
Boston , Mass , , and the club , of which
Mr. Kaufman is a member , took tin *
opportunity of thus cordially wel
coming the bride to her new homo
and congratulating the groom upon
his excellent choice.
About sixty couples were present
The ludic ? wore all handsomely and
many splendidly nt tired , MM. Kauf
man was dressed in a beautiful palt-
blue silk , and looked decidedly bo-
witching. Tlio music was furnished
by the Musical Union nrchostia and
was all new , ospeci illy designed for
the occasion. The program included
sixteen dances , an interval being taken
for lunch. The occasion was u most
enjoyable onu throughout.
" A. O. OF H. BAND ,
The Second Annual Ball Given In Ma-
nonic Hall ,
The second annual ball of the An
cient Order of Hibernians Band was
given last evening in Masonic hall
About seventy-live couples were present -
sent , who represented but it
proportion of the tickets sold , it
estimated that four hundred ticked
were disposed of. The music for tin
evening was furnished by Prof
Gwinner'a orchestra , and was moat de
lightful in its character. The dincint '
programme j was full and varied , inter
spersed by auppcr ,
The band , which consists of fifteen
member * , was organized about a year
and a half as o , and lias long been
recognized ns nn excellent musical or
ganization. It ia to be hoped that its
numbers will increase and its harmony
bo perfected.
VialMo Improvement.
Mr. Noob llntcs , Klnilra , N. Y. , writes :
"About .four j cars neo 1 had n attack of
liilioin fever , and never fully recovered.
My digestive orgjins were weakened nnd
I would l > o completely prostrat-d for days.
After n Itif ( tw. . bo'tles of your Ufln OCK
U1.00II BlTTKlirt tha
inipro > einent wu MI
visible that 1 was aUonhhed. I can now
though 01 yci\rn of age , do a fnlr ml rcas-
onabio day's work. ' Trice 81 00 , trial
size 10 senU. _ 10-lw
Board of Trrnlo Banquet.
Visitors and invited
guests are re
quested to meet at the board of trade
rooma at G p. m. to-day , where
Mayor JJoyd will louder them a wel
come to our city. Members of the
board will please attend ,
How otten do wo see the hardworking
ing father straining every nerve and
muscle , and doing his utmost to sup
port his family. Imagine his feelings
when returning homo from a hard
day's labor , to find his family pros-
tra'o with disease , conscious of unpaid
doctors' bills and debts on every hand.
It must bo onoUKh to drive one almost
crazy. All this unhappiness could bu
avoided by using Electric Bitters ,
which expel every disease from the
system , bringing joy and happiness to
thousands. Sold at fifty cunts a hot
tlo. Ish & McMahon. (8) ( )
Forty year * ' trial JM proven " BLACK'
the best liver medicine hi
MUDS' Rubber Boots.
Ladies' llubber Boots.
Misses Rubber Hoots.
Youths Rubber ISoots.
Boys Rubber Boots.
Children's llubber Boots.
Ilubbor Goods in
. .an Endlosi" "Variety
Con. ICth and Dodge.
CORSETS at the FAIR , loth and
Farnam streets.
Dox.icr , Weyl it Go's famous Crackers
just received , at
Rubber Boots and Shoes at Wil
liams it Son's , cor. loth and Dodge.
Ilubbor Boots and Shoes at Wil
liams tt Son's , cor. loih and Dodge.
Plenty of Good Butter and Poultry
Che Only Known Real Curo.
NOTICE Advortlatrocnt To Loan , for Sale ,
Lost , Found , Wanta. Boarding , &c. , will bo In
serted In these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVKCKNTS
per line. The Brat Inncrtlon never lea * than
TO LOAN Call at Law Otlice ol
MONEY & RooinS Crolithton Block.
To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent
on Koud odlatesccurity , by
DB. ISAAC1 EDWAHI ) " 110Q Farnham St.
w lJ A IWllV10 l-OAr At b per cantlu-
5 > / < iO\/.UUU terest In auma of $2,600 and
npuanl § , for 3 to 6 years , oil first-class cr | > and
' .inn pru | > erty. HEAL KnfATu aiH LOAN
Aofsry. ICth and DouglcH Sts
A peed lrl on C.ililornia Urcct ,
WANTED and 32J. No. 2115. S 23
To buy a homo and lot or two
WANTED on ono lot Hoinmhere between 14th
and 22ilutrcctx , before March lit. Lca\o word
at the S. K.cor. of Howard and 8th. 0-1 *
To inform the public that I ha\o
WttTBii to J. UalinsVy & Co. my tag and
metal bunlncaa , but only rcntc'd the sumo for ft
bhortpcrltd. All kilns it irocds In the junl.
line w 11 be hindlod by mn at in ) new placii of , corner 10th and Harney H . 11. Ilcrt
hoM.iiroprictor Omaha Iron and Metd Vnnl. 7-tf
\\rANTKO I'j jciinir l < ly , Ju t 'roin Pen-
> Y mark , place In small family. Ciiii'f-ixafc
t Mtr'l-Oi , but ilesiroUB of luirniiu' , lii'inlr.Oth
. . . *
an .Marcy. IP-Jill
i A good jlrl for gen < ral hoii'o
, . work also n miill iiirl 11 take eiru ot t
Inby. Inrml e iiotthtvi-t' ) ' umer3J mill Hurt
IW tl
ANTf.ll ! l i t-Joi'liorrn .i"'l tike i-an
ofh MLH Aujilj ) . U t'-r 8th anJ
Howard. 1-27 *
\\T.\NIKli A wcmaii cool ; at the Emmet
U iiou-o { ) s7io ; _
) - - to ilrlve team ly a
WANTKl--Situution . Hijst of ro ciento
. l\en. A ilre "K."lli'tiolll.i- . _ _ 8. ' '
\ IT.\NTRIl lui'iiedlatoly , a Kirl to d i gw
W al homuwoik. Apply nt noithnii-t .01-
noi of Huuil ton and I'lvr t . , fehlnu'sa.lditlon.
\\TAXnD : rir-itc'assoooif , ono w o ntidir-
VV it.ui ' cookini/oHwel' ' a pa r ) ; none
lint tlrit f'at ' i.ffd apply Alton Rood "cy * s
, v il'r A nil ut lUlU'trn'itm t imi.e.idl .
AN'IKU ludiiu tirldKtiand idol wndb.
W Il.T. RUth t"l Mie. _ 16tf
- . ail.n-ky * Co. h io purchased
WANTED-1. husinew of 11. Ikrthold , at 1020
oujrUii fltri-ct , wpire they will conlliiuo thi
huslucM , and by fair dealing and ni > inf | peed
prleistlnvpr > o-itu incrm the trvlu Ihn
i jlldt parties whoh 11 u old Irjn , r-i.-s , Junl. i
' ' | SI" ' °
Ai ANTKU To tent a ilesiralilu ilwt _ < lliitf |
\ \ hotiti , AililrcH * Uox 4il , tr | > 071t (
Ijn ASTllI1 A u iliv boar ers "an be ac-
\ \ coiumolat il lthlril.v | UM KurJii
d very reawnablo rate. 1 qulro a. i3 , " > Howard ,
bctweuijlhaiu io h < 's. ' M > lf
ANTKII ihlMren as b artlen Inaiilcil
BOhool , at IVth and OUifornla St. I. . 11
1,00 SUS T"i7.t " _ _ >
JTVW lit-N - Kcoun In Jacob ' "Clock
it yjj'M
/ KENT KurnUlu-J rooim. Ntu house
F/H ( rood location , Inquire 1314 Jackson ,
ITIOU HKNT I roonr. Inquire at N W c. r
P lath anil Dvlllori.ta St. ( bi'-SO *
TTIOU HKNT- furnished Iirtio front r > in and
P iljKt lor nun a'fd ' wifu or niuyle per oiii
N. E. corner lUth ami Diiiitlu , i-Jd
IIENT lloom partially furnUhed , Capitol
avenue , bet , nth Mil Ittb , wmb iid , 6-tl
71011 HKNT-.Vcw etta c with 0 room" , IMS
; Webster St. lift. 18th and 18th Us Enquire -
quire of I ) H. llumy , 610 N. lOOi st. BSS-lf
71011 ItKNT HotiN ) of flfihl loom * Enquire
; J. I'lilpoi Hoc , 1612 . Fifth St. 077-U
IruillllruNT UIIKM' HOII-I- ronm , ttible ,
1 cistern , Ac. , Doiith ciJ 10th St. Knqulfo
J li. McCAifUf , Opp , po t nlllcn. Pr.6-tt
J1UK HKNT- Fell , m "coinnljTllcliii bllck twl
; deuce , corner 19th and Ftridiain Sts. Ap-
pl ) to Mrs K. A. lit' or , Talior , Frouont Co ,
11-fercncos desired. flll-tf
ITI'iK ' HEN P One of the lit > t .rts . en u ulng
L1 St. ZOnit , b January 1 , 18s2. ! 820 If
. 'OK KKM X rurtitstu-o >
' clunlfl' F. ch hKoN. E ccr.rtth nd
street * , iStf-tf
171011 t'VNT-Nlccly furnUhod rooms with or
.1 ; i hout bonr.l. . llwisonablo prices. 2013
Cans St. 700-U
IjlOIUlKNT-Fiirnlshed rootm , north ulcli. . ot
J. California St. , Zd door west ol il t. Inquire
after 1 p. m. 481-tf
Olt KE > T C'otla < P ol 3 rooms , well and
cistern j 23rd anil St. Mar ) ' alcnuo , Enquire -
quire of M. W. Kennedy. 312H , 13th St , 749-tt
FOH SALE A complete stock of procctlcmind
provisions. For partliulara addif' lock
box S3 , llurlliiKton Junction , Ho. 0 < 5-2S'
T7UJK HAI.K A ( teed bocBJ horee , KUltable lor
i a lady to ( .rlvo. Inquire No. 1109 Howard
s reel. 73.1
EOll SALE-My place , the French Coflco
House and Kr-staiirant , No , 620 South 10th
strict , will boforsa.t In the catly part of the
summer , reasons lor offering the iwno at thia
tlm > Isto nablobUcr to arranpo hln business
in time tor bujlnif. I1. WIiO.
FOll Ur.K Missouri hickory wooil at lied-
nian'a , 10th St PM-23'
IA011 SALE 1 sirrel stallion , chilu'dale , 8
JU jcaraolJ , wih'liltic 1CGO poui.d. . 1 Ma k
Htalllon , j Norman ) Moitf-in , 6 yinrsold. wtl./h-
lntr IfiCO pounds , took llrs preu linn at Ncbiaika
Matu Fair , 1881. 1 Kui.tUtky . Jack , bla.k ,
wtltfhnK about UOfl pounds , 4 j en r MO 1.1 , took
first premium at Ncbra ka Slotu Fair , IfaM ) and
1881. Inquire of Olios. Nebcr , Farnuis llouso.
Clt > . 0-IS-tf
SALK A tint-claw book and statonery
business , carrying a lull line of toM > , no
tions , zephyrs Kail paper , molding , In fact
o\erjthlnKilol"KabU8'icss ; ' of J 10,000 a year ;
Kord location ; cheap icnt ; can bo bought on
eaiv terms by peed part > . Will sell , iitit not
trade. Address
CiUrf eCllltAOK'3 11AZAK ,
SplOl4-W Iremorit , t-'cb.
1i i1iiUSAI.K--Four seciintu of and 3
Jj counters Inquire at 1) W. Saxc ,
opera House i harinacy. 027-tf
1J10U SA1.V OH UKNT A trroccry i-toro ami
_ L butcher iiliop , iloinir a 'ood business , in-
( | Uiri at this oluce. 012-tf
71011 SALI Fiill lot and 3 small houses near
i. I1 , depot , $22i Opp. P. O.
FOll S ALB 2 nlco counters and 2 Oliver plated
* hu cfttes , atOco. II. I'etintoi.'s , 804 South
10th St. 741-tf
"I71OK SAI < K Or will excha go for Omaha pru-
J ; ixitly , an hnproied KCC on of land adjoin
ing n station on U. P. K. K. M. DUNHAM , 1412
KamhamSt.Oimha. 720 3mt
. OrtraJo for city projicrty , on
Finn of horses , harness and wngon. Atldres
S. Y. , ihlsolllOi' 722 tf
SALE A KOOd teen - } cur-old horse
Warranted to drive Bitiglo or double. Un
ii of Gcoro | Caiitield , CnnHcld houac.
IllSKJh HiAl.iv
I ) im-tt COE.
1OST In a red str tt cir , a small pocket-
J book contAlnlii , ' about . ! " > Ill hills , an old
gold coin with louiKindfi oiiuilu11ar monograms.
A ( food rcwurd to the fli.durnt MiJlijer
Bro. ! 27
mAKKX Ul' Sorrul horw with i-odd'o on.
1 Owner can ha\it the Haw h ) inminir yrop-
< rty mil paying for IliU nctio . About H mills
nor I.\\csiot Florcneuon new K I. . tr < ci. .
RK SHINDY CUi Kfiir small t'oHeoipe ,
SI 30c. Address , W. F. Hills , Lincoln , .Neb.
1 19th nnd Davenport tt. 000-tf
TIWO at Hospo's Art Emporium , IblO Dodge \
street. IWS-tf
AYEII From b-rracl > 8 , Jan. 23 , oi'C rhone
ST mare. Any onu tlml'tig the said niaro will
bt > lllierall } levanted by Havluir tier at James
Stcpbcnsou'd Btablu , corner of 10th and Hartley
Sts. She had sadillo on.
Now pocket-book , bctwi in post office
LOST Lan-'sirrocery store , containing about
SbO. Iho finder | ilea e lent oat Hoc otllcc , u here
the owner will pa ) reward of $10.
\ GOOD IIAUHEIl Can flnd n steady job by
J\ _ app yiiiK at fxmii Faiut's , Dod o nt. , let
door w eat ofpo-totllou. 991-tl
MANAO by experienced man. Small salary.
1' . O. Box 60J City PfrUt
For the next 30 da > 8 , wo lll , oil the
SHIItTS ol sixty cents , fend to nnyaddriss ,
po-tpiid , one of our unUnndrud diess Hhirtu.
1'ositivcly only 0110 Shirt ent to one address.
010-lni Marseilles , III.
HOi Ms Within threw blocks ot
| KJitolli.o Inquire at 1610 led o.
"VTOJICK1O L'UMHAUT USbcaltd propo-
JM sals ulll he iccclxcd until 12 o'lock noon ,
January 31,1882 , for the erection nnd comple
tion o ! building for the Atadomy of the Sacred
Heart. Plans and specifications on view at olllce
ofllufrcnei Meiidels hn , Arctilect * , Omaha ,
Neb , when : birtH w 11 be rceciu-d. The rliht is
rescued to reject an ) or all bids. 02a-3l
UItNISllDI ) KOOJIS For ninKlu Kcntlt-iucn ;
F also ono front room with piano , bouthuest
coriiir IRth and C'apjtal aunuo. fM-tl
EMIS' NEW ( JITY MAPS , 10 . Mounto
B Maps. OrO. I' . II EM IS.
150HTItAn > 5 IN UKAIO.M 1'astllo and Oil ,
JL JlflO decorative pai'it'iiK' ' MUS. D. IL
WAUDNElt. room 1. Javob'a Block. 642-H
HM1S' UliAi rJMAie. IIUOMjtt > . -
HAY At A. H. Pander's Feed Store !
BALED llarnu ) at. nl-tf
> Is ; pat
TIOSALI8T , y Tenth Streetbatwcen l rnbnin
andllmnoy. Will , with th aid of Ki"rd
spirits , obtain for any one a Blanco at thu p.iv >
an , ' pri'icnt , mil on certain cnnditioin In thr f'i
tur BrotisHiilihoec tualn ta filer. l' if -i
futC" t-'Gff } ?
fe@ "
Absolutely Pure.
ThlJ iHwikr n ior varies , A maritl ol purity.
itrmirUi ami wholenoineiicM. More oconomleal
than the nrdlivm klinto , and tannnt l > ei > oldlii
competition with the 'multitude ol low t.t ,
ihort lht , lum or ] Jiospht powder *
Hold only i