Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1882, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY JANUARY , 27 1S82. Deere & Comp'y. MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Moline Wagon Co , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere ft Mansur Co , Corn Planters , Stalk Cutters , fto. , MolinojPuiup Co , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Co , - Fountain City Drills and Seeders , Mochanicsburg Maoh , Co , Baker Grain Drills , Shawnee Agricultural Co , Advanoo Hay Bakes , Joliet Manufacturing Co , Eureka Power and Hand Shollers , Whitman Agricultural do , Shollors , Road Scrapers , &o , Molina Scale Co , Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to RE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. dccSmtSm DEALERS IN HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK CO Fire and Burglar Proof , G . 1020 Farnham Street , - IEKTI A o * ci ! el Rfl La b t k\tJrMl ' * > ' tii flUl il AND Mining and Milling Company. Working Canltil - Capital & .OCK , 81,000,000 1'or Value of Shares , t25,000. STOC . FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DU. J I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wj WM. E TILTON , Vlcc-Prcslilcnt , dimming , Wyoming ! E. N. HARWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wjonilng. A. 0. LUNN , Treaaiucr , Cummins , 37XC.T7 23O7Z1X3 S : Dr. J. I. Thomas. I uia lliller W. S. Drainel. A. O. Dunn. E. N. Harwood. Francis Lcacna. . fico. II. Kalos. Lowls Zolman , Dr. J. C. Watklns. no22me5m OEO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Anciit for Sale ol Stock ; Ilo- " " Neb. GRAY j WHOLESALE LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On Eiver Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEU. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraaka SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS AM IAMACTURED TOBACCO , gents for BBHWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & BAND FOWDEB 00 , SORGHUM UULTUUE. The Profits rind Possibilities of Sufffir- Making n-om this Source. 1'hiliJclphla Ttmo . Mr. Isaac A. Hodges , of St. \ * > ma , the author of a standard work on the manufactures of sugar from norghuni , and Into President of tlio Mississippi Valley _ Caiio Growois" Association , was in this city yesterday on his return - turn from Washington , \\haro ho Unil been attending the convention called by the Coniinissioiior of Agriculture , A representative of The Kecord nskiul Mr. Hedges what the pioseiit outlook of the sorghum sugar crop was. llo replied that it had passed through a , on of iinp.uallolot sovi'iity , linvI _ . lL-on subjected to a drought in the oust uiul wi'.st. lu addition in the drought , it hai' siilfori'd from the ravi ngis of tliu chinch bug , which has al most destroyed it in nuny suctions. "To cap the eliiuux of itsmisfoi times , ' said Mr. Hodges , ' wet fall sot in that producedin second growth , which had thoulloet to deteriorate the par- out stalk. Ittit notwithstanding nil these drawbacks it 1ms proved supoii- or to the corn crop , its ordinary competitor - petitor , and then ? is to-day a greater demand upon 1113 fur seed ilmn in anj previous season. There ate moro plans being laid and cstinutoa made for largo machinery tlmn U usual. These aio the results of the n any , comparative successes obtiiinod in the crystallization of sugar , as uoll as the improved quality ol syrups that luvo boon umilc. "Tlioro are aomo roporta , " said the ropoitor , "that those are grille sugais and not CAIIO sugars. Are these . true ? " "Such reports would bo laughed ut in the west , " replied Mr. Hedges , "uo had at dtir annual meeting sam ples from twenty the or thir ty dill'urunt patties from all points of the compass , the moat considerable of winch was a lotot four bartols , sent from Cedar Falls , Iowa. The sugar is a light colored muscovado , polarizing SM per cent , of cano-sugar , and pronounced by the sugar refiners of St. Louis to bo too valuable for thorn to buy for refining , as it is suitable - able to no directly into the market. This sugar , as well as all the other samples without an exception ( ono of which was from Western Pennsylvania - nia ) , was uuulu by men with no scion- title education and very little provi- ous experience , and in no single instance - stance was it the result of n direct eilbrt to make , but simply from an effort to nniku good syrup. I will take occasion to remark further that good syrup making in sugar making. Reporter What are tie ! profits of this crop as compared with other crops ? " Mr. UodguB Tlioro is no Hold crop that will compare with it , when prop erly managed , even forsyinp making. For instance , the cost of cultivating an aero of cano is no greater than than that ofj cultivating an aero of corn. An average yield of c.uio may be counted at 1'2 tons per aero. If the farmer sol's ' this to the manufacturer at2 per ton it gives him $24. Ho will also h.ivo 30 bush els of seed fiom that amount of cano. This seed is worth for any feeding purpose about the same as corn weigh ing as much per bushel. It is com posed of starch , at least 70 par cent. , and other nutritive properties in ad dition. The labor of cutting and haul ing cano to the mills will be moro than paid for in the value of need. Any person may compute the value of corn according to the locality ho is in , and compare the two results. To the manufacturer the mutter will stand thus : E.ich ton of cano will yield six teen gallons of syrup , which would bo at the rate of 102 gallons per acre , and soil at 50 cents per gallon in all country places. The cost of manu facturing as reported at our late con- volitional ! St. Louis by several ties present ranged from 17 cents to 21 cents per gallon. This will unable any one to sou what the profits of its manufacture will bo. I should say that in estimates the cost of the cano has boon included. In any case where the crystallization takes place or sugar making is efloctcd the profits will bo greatly enhanced. lloporter In view of this , what suggestion would you make as a guide to success in this nutter ? Mr. Hedges Every man engaging in the business should seek knowledge and qualify himself /or / the work. A man who should attempt to ph < nta largo crop of cane without knowing positively ho could work it up successfully or Hell it would bo a fit subject for n lunatic asylum. There have boon too many efforts from high sources to inflate the agricultural mind on this subject. Wo must deal moro in facts I am in hopes that our Agricultural Departmental UaHhing- ton will bo able to give the people moro information on this subject. That is the source to which the pcoplo have a right to look. It is duo to the present Commissioner of Agriculture to say that lie has had no opportuni ties for obtaining the information that the people demand. FHuhtfnl Miner ? Mr. Willi/nu IVniieroy , H ritPH ; "J liitvu for a IUUK tiiinHiilfVnd from contmnul constipation , ninkiiif , ' my llfu a mittr y , and rnusiiu , ' lifiuliiclu H mid frightful ci-itniM. Mr Tioiiiuwin , wlio IIOH been l.ittily vinltinir ItulTal" , Induced me to try the SPUING HLOHHOM It Imx I > erfeal ) cured me , " 1'rli-i fi i cuiln , tnnl XO cent * . NMw A Marvelous Invention for tlio Pro- rontion of Railway Accidents. The Philadelphia I'msnliiH thu fol lowing regarding n noiv invention , which it is claimed will mnko r.ulnmd collisions almost an impossibility ; A marvelous invention for piovont- ing railway accidents , which WMJIIIH in theory and promises in jv/iotico to intiko uveiy kind of dwaHtei impos sible , has just boon perfected by Wil liam G. Shaffer , and will in u few days bo on exhibition T/ie / invention makes it impossible for trains on the same track to approach witln i tliu sarno dintanco of an optw switch , or 11 broken rail , or an open draw bridge , or a wreck ur ntanding train , or any other danger , even if liiemon , on i- neers , and signal-moil are dninl. ur -uluep. In short , thu human ulu- mmit is removed entirely. Thfso iniirviiloiiR rebuild are wrought by alnctncity mid n nyfltcin of loi'urn , workfd automatically by p.uhiug trains. The essential fcuturun of the appanitiiK are ncunont of oluctruiity , gcnoMU'd by a dynamo machine , and Hint along ono rail for any given dij- : tanco , fti for 100 milog , and n return a wire , strung on poles , to complete the circuit. The current along the rail is interrupted i by boxes placed _ at arbi trary I intervals , at every mile along the I track , and containing n magnet ami i an armature. With these the re turn I wire is also connected The magnet in each box is connected by u wire and rods with a lever by tlio side of c the track. Another level in a locomotive 1 , as it passes over the Juvur by 1 the track , depresses it , opens or breaks 1 the circuit which was before closed , deprives the mixgnotin thebo\ of i its attractive force , which hnd before 1 drawn to it the armature The ainmture falls away from the inngnet. The tram rushes by , and the It \er by the I trick springs up ft tin. Hut the armature t , by tailing timiy from the magnet i , has thrown out a danger sig nal i by the side of the track ami Inok- ed a catch winch holds the le\rby the I track rigid , so that it will ii"iild to i the pleasure of a follow inn 'lueo- niotiu1. i Instead , Iho now iunnahie lever 1 by the track forces up the lever in the locomotive which is always movable , but which would have suffi cient resistance to force down llu-lever by 1 the track , had it not been lucked by the preceding train. The h > u < r in the locomotive being thus forced up. by its simple mechanical connections , automatically blows the whistle shuts oil' thoHteam , and applies air to tlio brakes. Meantime the train which passed lushes on , .secure from ft rear-end col lision. It mil-lit stop with perfect safety , oven if no flaiMimn went hack on the track. If it goes abend , it passes another lover at the mat mile , which it also automatically locks , putting - ting a second guard between itself ana i danger from the rear. When it leaches i the second mile , there in n box and lever that lever is locked by the engine as before. Hut now un ingenious device unlocks the lever two miles back. At ouch box there is n second lever by the other rail of the track. A projection on the roar ear of the passing train strikes this and i forces it down. The current in the I returning wire is at once closed ; the magnet in the box two miles i back is once more nivon its at- tiaetive I power ; its armature is drawn homo I , and the first lover by the track is unlocked. A following train can now pass this point without interruption i , but as it passes it again locks 1 the lever , and is itself secure from I the roar for two mile * back. These boxes with their interlocking circuits i ore placed every mile along the I track , mid trains are stopped twice if they attempt to approach within two boxes of each other. Switches are included in the sa < u curient. A switch closed and safe leaves the current closed , and does not alfcct the levers by the track. Hut , if the switch is misplaced , or if a rail is broken , or u drawbridge opened , the circuit is of course broken. The armatures of the boxes two miles away fall away from their powerless magnets , and the levers by the track are locked and unyielding , and will at once stop any train approaching the danger. The lovers , when applied tea a single track road , can of course bo electrically connected with other levers two miles ahead of a train as well as two miles behind , so Unit there will be warning of danger ahead as well as in the rear. Baolciin'H Arnica Salvo. The best salvo in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chillblains , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo ia guar antcod to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price , 25c per box. For sale by Tu i & MoMAiioN. Onmlm. GREATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption is certainly the groatout medical remedy over placed within the reach of suffering humanity. Thou sands of once helpless millbrcrs , uojv loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful discovery to which they owe their lives. Not only does it posi tively cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , ISronchitis , Hay Fever , Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat , Chest and Lunga yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er as if by magic. We do not ask you to buy a largo bottle unless you know what you aso getting. Wo therefore earnestly request yon to call on your druggists , ISH A ; MoM/MioN , and got a trial bottle free of cost which will con- \ luce the most skeptical of its wonder ful merits , and show you what n regu lar one dollar si/e bottle will do. For sain by lsh A' MoMahon. U ) ifiiyi'iiiTiitriiiii < Tf V 3 ? iVrVtc'llliiKOTarnifd ' JF lIlllllH M 111(1 WW Ill-It ' > ll. to ! ! . ton hi till n l vtt nlu Hop Dittura. wiu.t. , u. < Hop Q. i nlfi rlni ! from miy I. rtUc iitlun ur illaflim J Own i If yiiunrii > nai i ini or vim ; ! " , "M > " < oHiik' . mitt i In ? tror iuurlitftUliurlaiiKUlnii nut un a lutl of Kirk | , nljr on Hop , . _ V > limm r I o n i P. fPrfc Tliumanu" "if i. ; r Jr /uu fn-i ftyis i.jj . ; > { r- * ' liif& W fS& f w'lllioutdiNwril/iiol IjRrB.1' ) ' 'I"1" ' * ' ' " " " ' ini-o Hopgj3N. ! . Hep1 ; tter it iryoni'K * ' o , i. eon i u , naiutom- on ubxohu nml IrriuIMn HOP llu o u r i ) lo ltiKI IjltOHB t af upluin Vou 'till I'd U liuocu , e' pun d if i on net Ho | > Qittore , , IT w. n U ii'i'l > , . Hi lit ) d ' , WM nil. MM | id It may , mi i iiirifi. onveourl ho. It Ii to ro in. u ii' J tiun-l liotht.lrr , K I ar O. X " < i ' " i. riiTinnii HMMMUJII DISEASES OK Till' 1 1 DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist. LATE CLimCAl ASSISTANT IK HOrAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Itifcrtm-o < i | IUiitiU | ywliUna ot Ojriklm. t-JrOII.Le , Coni , . ictli .ir.l rarnham 61 * Ornah.i N ih . FAST TIME ! In Kolng Kjmt taku the Chicago & Sorthwest- s-feAjea. ] ] . rf.lalna I' . ' , u O'rnh 3.40 p MI nrul 7 40 ft. ru , Kor lull liilr r. ationcallcn II 1' IiUKI/'liikit Ak-"t , lltli . l-'arilhall ) tola J. llii.l : , , U. I' , l.illwny li".olcr | at JAMP8 T Cl.AIIH , ( Jcncr | NKW Y011K , JANUARY , 1SS2. lor l si ronvnvKHl l r million one I'limlrcil ' niul nlnctj.four thoiwiml thrto htm- irnl mul nllittone ) (4,11)1,301) ( ) | > om ( In ot print \ f | | H < r In In llAllj , Mim'iu , anilVrrM > trillions. Thin 1 iMjiwl to l\ty million r\rii Immlreil nml \cirj.t"o i thousand lx hiuulriil MH ! Mont ) OUMI ( W.Tf-.OT ? ) conn ot the ihll ) The notuM ciniilntlon ( or tlict | < t jtikr wn : O.illy 30 701,101 Sunday 7,037,004 Weekly 3,400,104 1hl Kf tor onoh it\j In 0 p > i\ir the tollon Copies of the Dally edition . 120,1141 Copies of the Suml.w rclltloit . . I3r > , j.)0 ) Coplc * ot tlio Weekly edition . 07.273 Im a.Uotllnluc f\\ct \ to cell III the I'tl'i ' ittul Hunili\ > < lltlmi ri ( ulio tor onllnnrx il > ortK input * l 40 ctftitnivr nuntollno. I'm- lirrott | > oiltlonn niul < H > | iliMi | n nltir Irom (0 ( ivnUt to ft N ) l-or line In tlio WitKly M ronti nn np\to line of tAnno v\tm ihuito t T ill * I > U > . I'ritirml | K | | | PII < TS initt to SJut | lino. thNirlto ) aihtitlnlng In the cnil oill > lion * at Tillt Si > N ihoupi't tlmn ll < | > iili l-hor Iwiiiii'lc to nlittln In tn\ other nir Hum it l ho I n | unt hunttroiN ol thou unl < < tilolUr ln innkliii ; Km "ii TMK m N , niul the ul\niitnio < It otliM to the tiu < lno onn tniiult Tim his l4Milill iiiil i irj itn > In tinoir , n No * , ll'll , IrtS AIM ) 170 NiKMit Stroil , Now \ork Clt\ . I WIN .1 .1Mi , I'liMMiiT Jtnl'l ' JOHN SrAin.KH , JKIIOM I' itliKnt \U\i I'uVt. \V. S. DMIIIVII , Sio THE NEBRASKA IAMACTIMM CO Lincoln , Neb , MANUl'AOTmiintS OK Corn Planteri. Hnrrowt , Fnrni Dollcri , Sulky Hny Rnkoi , Bucket tlev.itliiR Wliul. mllli , &c. Wo nro prornroil to ilo joh uork ntul n > turn K tor otliirwrtU8 AiUlroaikll onliT * NKI1HASKA MANUFAl-irillNd CO 1.ISUIIA , Null , Tula ( ? rcftt iwcltlc euro that niont Inatiiinino Sv P "M"i i s r h I L Whether li > Its Primnry , Sooonilnry or Tortiiu-r Stage UomoiM all tniwiof''cnurj 'ruin thn HJB- ton ) , CnrrH .Kirotnh , 1H.I So u < , ltliollin ; | . tlmi , Ki/enm ( , ' ( i irrh or iinj Blood Illsi'i-w Ctiron Whoii Hoi SjiriiiisH Fall ! Maltirn , Ark , Mn2,1SS1 Wo ha\r i m In unr town \iiio lluul at Hot piluK * anJ ucru llnallj ciiinl uitli hi S. d. Mu AMSKIN A JU'RiiT Mcinphiii , Menu. , Maj2 \ , IhSl \Vo ha\o Kohl l.aitl hot Im of S S H Inajiiir It hiw L-Ucii unlMTMl Hitl Ui.lliii. i air inlnilid | ihjHlclniiH novrmoiiinitnil It IH a poillUu H'LillC. S M.ShHMll A CO lllp , KM 13. tbil. R. 8. K. ha9luii | hotter mil ( ailIon than any nicillclno 1 ha\u U\UT volil J. A. Ki , XNUI , Dunirt.Col. Mi ) i , 1681 K > ory purilia cr ttiraku In the lilL-nmt tinni ofH. S. S. I , . .M.iaictir. Ulchi oinl. Vii. . Jlnj 11 , 1881. You can refer anjlioiiy to IH In roiranlto the murlta ot ii. .S. 8. I'nlk , .Miller Jt Co. Ilivo noi er knonn K S. K to fall to euro a cnxo c ( S > phill , whin lirniiorl ) taken. II. l > Ocmmril. ) , , , - . n. KllWurrcn. j-1 " ) . The nlioio f.l'iiiin ( attLCiilliimn cl hluh ctanil I"K A II i.OI.illIT , ( Imiriioi ui ( ltnrili. IK VOI' WISH Wi : W I.UTAKKV 'I'UHi ; CA TO in : PAID Koit win.ft LUiini ) . Write for particular ) * and < i iiy o ! llttlu hook 'lliw < a.'u to tliu Ui fortunate 81M ) ( > Howard "III l.o laid to any cliunut who will llnil , un aintjHU l' ' ) ImttlcH 8 S. H , < > nu piirtlch of Mcrcnrj ImlMo I'ntat Hltnnorant Iliural Hiihtttuniu. HWII-TSl'JXMPIO CO. i-r < ip . Atluinii , Un. l'rl < oof roiilar | Hl7o rulucid to SI 75 per nt tlo Hmall Birr , holding halt ttiu iHMitlty | , pruo , * 1.1X1 .Soldh ) KCN'NAKD J.C I , , and DniKKlxtx < in rail ) W. K. MtJiH M Ml.ltltKU , W.E-TIftUS&DO . - , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasallo Strocfc , CHICAGO , Qrnin and ProviHiouH Bought und Sold on Mnrp ins dii7ni < i dim WESTERN CORNIC C. SPECHT , Prjpr etor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA NEB , - - - -AIANUKAOTIJRKIIS OF GALTAMEU IEOI Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON l SLATE ROQFINQ , Spfcht'H Patent Metalio fllcy- liU'ht. Patent Aduitable | Ratchet Oar and BRACKET SHELVING. I am thu Kuiicrul Htato A erit ( or the nliovc line ol KMila. IllON KKNOINO. Orettlngt , Daluitradet , VerandiiJOfTlce and Dank Flnllliitct , Window and Cellar Quardt ; alto AIJKNT Peenon nml HHI Patent Inilde Dllnd , nnvdltl Geo. P. Bernis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , ICth nrt Dod n BU. , Omaha , Nb Tliln KH'O i " > * lirokuranu huilntM. jy > - ) nt nrtL i , . t ami ihiri'forn ny bargain * ly.ukb ttu lii'Urudtxi p onn , DIRECTORY OF LEADIHC WESTERN HOTEL IIOTNM. 7WAY AIILINQTON , J. a. MCINTIRE , Lincoln , Net 8AtlATOCIA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIUS , Mil ford , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , W. P.ELLIS , OtceolH , Neb. COMMtnCIAl. HOTEL JOHN HANNAM , AMERICAN HOUSE , CEO. H. MCCAIN , South D ndf * HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loutivllle CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & OLARK , Dlnlr , Mob. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O.D. HACKNEY Aihlend , Neto CENTHAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , Oakdale , Neb COMMEHOIAL HOTEL , WM. CLEMMON8 , Oeward , Itrd. COMMEI1CIAL HOTEL E. EVANS , O'Neill. Nftb. DOHCHE8TEH HOTEL , A 8. KINKLE Dorchettrr , Kr * . COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. O , MEAD , CENTttAL HOUSE , JAS. McKILLIP , York , NeU TUTTLE HOUSE , W. H. TUTTLE , Aurora , Nctt. OAOL HOUSE , A. R , OAOE , Republican Cotton DESVEIJ HOUSE OAiriXfl & WILLIAMS , H tlnR , Nn aHANDCCNTHAL c , SEYMOUR , Nobr.nk.i Cilf. Nebj BANDERS HOUSE , CHAS E. McNISH , Friend , Neb WOODWARD HOUSC WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb Miisoum PAciric HOTEL , P L. THORP , WrcplngVVjtrr.N b EQTES HOUOE. N T L8TES , Qrnnil Itlamf , t'cO CtlMMEHOIAL HOUSE , F W. WILM3 , Kearney , Neb WILllCIt HOUKF. ' THOMPSON REED Wll'jcr , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A 0. CAARPEH , Hardy , Neb. CmCENWO 'D HOUSE , Q W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , K < b HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbut , Hc4i. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J. S. OREQERY , CenlrAl Cltr , Nt OUMMIT HOUSF , SWAN & DECKER , Crctlon , U. JUDKINS HOU8E. .IUDKIN8 & DRO , , Red O.xV , U. HOUSTON HOUSE , OEO. CALPH , Exlra , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , 0 M. REYNOLDS , Att.intlc , la , WALKLIl HOUiE , D H. WALKER , Audnuon , IA. I1UHOEOUS HOUSE , D A. UURQEOUS , Noola , li. CITY HOTEL , Dl U WILLIAMS , Hnrlan , In , PARK HOUSE , MRS M. E. OUMMINOS , Cornlnc , UL OOMMEIIOIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , VllllicA , IA. PA'tK HOUSE , W. J. OARVIN , Cornlne , la. JUDKINS HI1U8E. FRANK WILKINSON Mnlvern , I * . BE. & M. PEAVY , THE 1309 Farnhr.m Street. i s WHOhKSALli BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND li\I.KH N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. .nv , -F. a. iMoRG--A.isr : WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Np.h. INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO HIS REPAIRED , IE ItT GE. . .A. 7 13ST G- TO HE DONE OR JEWELRY tpJJFACTURED. While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own ra ike. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamond a FOR THE BEST O-OQ JOS DISPLAYED , ETC Having latuly onliirgod my worliHliops and putting in now -ml improvtc 'f chinury , I liupu to ntill inoru improve thu quality mid finish "f our ork and till orduni with inoru promptnuHH tlmn m usual , ' Motto bus ulwavH huunand iihv.iyn will bu : "First t < gain aujionur lire und tliun advurtinu tliu fact not butoro no wild advortmuiuonu S ( IIIL iiiipriiiuiplitd dualuru \ > umg in thu habit of oipyiiiK my ariiDUiiroinuntH , 1 would boy you , thu reader of tin * , l > i draw a line buLwiiun uucli copiud advurtinuinuntH and thoflu of Voura vury truly , A. B. HUBERMANN , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. . Sign of the St-rikinp Towr No. 1 , No , 2 , British Oonsumption Physio , Brorapton Cough In Dottle * $1.00 viiuli , fl fur ? .r .00. In liottled 70 centa each , roinptoii whcncB thu ahnio iirrHirliitloiiH wcro procured It thu lrfoat | nJ UontJSactmfuiQc * ' urn iptlon IIOHpituI In thu World , us thu "Jlruinpton. Coinuiuptlon and Couili Homodk , "tk * U ililnn ha\u IOIIK Utn dutmcd lu KiixlaiiJ InfulllLIu Curu for ill CoiupWiita ol Ua laaf u4 Uilbt. OP. XKHB unlO-U