Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1882, Page 6, Image 6
ft T11E oaiAHADALLi BEJ4 : FRIDAY JAJN uAR'f 27 , P. T. MAYNE , SDB30RIPTION KATES , Manager Council Bluirs Circulation , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. By Carrier , - 20 Cents per Wook. COUNCIL BUJKFS , IOWA By Mall , $10.00 per Yonr. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OSoo : Room Five , Evorott's Block , Brcwidwiiy. U. W. TIIVTON , City Editor. M1MOH MENTIONS Kronen and Juliet to-night. The loeincn nrc Macklng up on work , flnm booto were In much demand yen- Tbc QumUn In ect fora I > estto ! tlio otnrni yesterday tlio trains tniaxscil to K t in on time. A mluntrel troui > o i 1 ehu organized \m U tUit out Boon on tlio road. Th r wcro Ihrco * ly fellows trying to work Uio town yesterday on rne tricks that ro dnrk , Imt they met with little arairagement. The tnutccH of tlio library association vnct to have met ycitcnlay afternoon , Imt ooncludoil to postpone thu same until next Moml > y afternoon at1 o clock. - A. number of teams from hero were ntnl acnuw tlio river yesterday , to ho atrVl * l from Omaha , to polnlH nn the H. & M. railway to l > o Hot at work in con- Many point * nro looking to Coum.ll janffn for their nuptly ; of Ice for next i < oa- am. If. If. Liunti , an Ice dealer at Kort So tt , lias been here for n few days , trylnir ftvunmge for a supply. An oynlcr mippcr an ! plcnBlng cntor- tnhitocat wax given lant evening at the xvoUcneo of Mm. V. Uailolct , on Onklnnd -BVTBU * , nnder the auspices of St. Paul's .tx2d- Among ether plejnlng fcatiiren vu jktinmm drill , given liy n company of Jiang IndleH in continue' , who executed with the 'i 01 movements Tlir i > ccilrelltflonn ! cervices lielng Ibdlnt UioMetliodlHt chnrch and the union nerri-c-iat the Uaptixt clmrch are lii'iiig nrore largely attended than meetlngo of Dice mtu'O liavo been In the pant , and tlio foUrett HCOtnR on tlio Increate. Hov. Mr. ffijTX preached in th latter church on TrVAneaday night. tiiu church folks having ttaVen advantage of IIIN prcnence hero on o riul tn iwcurc lilx amiliitanco In thu meet- ibp , he Wing an uhlo and cuccemful Tutor. George 1'hillipx , the colored man ar- lotted by Officer Sterling for Inrcony , wan Itcconlcr llnrko ycHterdny , nnd guilty to Htcallng a coat from Cmy 4 Menu's livery Htahlo , nlHii HOIIHJ from a laundry. He wax HO drunk be wan rim in that ha could not ta 1 & : > pwn name , und wh n ho got nohcrcd : anJ wat clmrgod with Htcallng the cloth- xiefnij ho couldn't t-11 how ho Impvoned fto have them , but thought from past ox- Unrtunce that ho inudt have utoltn thorn- Ho will now upend one and twenty days aajan. ample time for reflection. One tigning himself ' 'A. O. " hand ) tfiiui P KK n commnnlcntion which gives vace to cn'it plaint which can bu given Sn Cewcr wonln tlnn those used by him , BteiUiut that last Sunday h visited thu jtl ad Uiere found thrvo boyn , rach norv- MS a acotunco of three months for violnt- 3si l' * revenue law by selling cigars with- < mt * licence. Ho thinks it hardly a fair iunA when there are from eighty to one Smired places in this city in which divine azriimnan law nro violated daily with topnrity. The stringency In enforcing Jfcetrrenue law on cigars and tobacco and xity in letting low places of all sort' business are in too strong. oualcait and the writer of the communlca- Sjo cian s the | > eoplo themselves as being ttlnnafponsiblo ones. Ho for ono wants to . ut | &lio Bentlment braced up BO that jjtwtiEO may be moro evenly dealt out , and SaUiH want flnds many nymiathzors | ! , Tko iiroposltlon of llvo capitalists to attarta w ( ( on and carriage factory hero Is 831 awaiting the nctfon of the citizens. 'Tfiiof rt-n proiMtsed to put 850,000 Into Oius enterprise provided tha citizens would amxr for them the old agricultural ma- works and the throe lots necen- to complete the block. To secure K would nccestltato a subncrlption of aivai $2GOO. The work of securing thin been left to about the same as thnt which secured some ftine ago a nubicription for a wind-jdll x&utn'.eovhlch fell through. It U ( lV.n > jbt that many who hlibtcribed to this ilCTj < i will transfer their mihscriptions ftcCUinuwonterpri-to. The citizens will , bo givvu a chance to oxpruns in dollars and ccntH by pur- .imJ Interviews with nuno of thocnmmlt- Oe auvl it is desired by the men -making 'ilit rnvpoiition that tvlintoverh donu m > y lUiVxie promptly. They iiromiua to com- Offocf laj Ing brick so soon iw the btib- kaiprUon is complotei1. The following Sura the Kimmlttee : Mayor Vnughan , T , ttirin , K. II. Hi | tmaii , K. H. Odell , V , 31. Orcutt , K. K. HarknuddV. . ! ' . Hush. mrfl.J. W. llodeffrnnd J. M. Palm r. THE licit U hfarttly In favor of all jwtdul public improvements and enter- BWUU which will help tha city or advance tftanterestsof its jicople , and in this ru < : ui wUl take no second placu to any , but 3lE i2atoB e the need of ranking n new luftd a * amonpr the wants of this city. It & * ! * ? named a < amou the great wantu lilulft , but evident y MI nameil those who desired to give a sly , ( ling in tatlsfactlou fur a per- naal pique In which th * cltlze- take m tsaon. The fact l , this city needs nc lartitr hotel accomnuxlLtions at \ renent fit M to bo hoiHxl that it will outgrow tin giwnii , bu * . that U for the future. Then i < iuw the Ogden hoHtc , a ( ino and vow aa& uM building , which ii u credit tn tin ttfcy. aad which rank < eijual to any hott in tlu part of tie country. To cry on ftta&thl * city needs a new lintel In view lAxtuutence of uch a houao seems Billy 3Vea there Is the 1'aclfio houxe , well con tSctUd and with ample accommudutloii ! Htfufsh not pretentious , Then there is th 2&N ra IIOUHC , the Mrtropolitati and uthe maJtur IIOUSUH to mett the wunt. Thl ltjrLk hoteU enough and some of thui au 0xx ) enough. Thu motive behind th nilrfli' feeble call for a new hotel Is palpi of one who seeks to tliun shot , ! ujo t too petty for recognition , TUE WAGON BIIIDQE , Some Anxloty Among the niifllnosa Mon to Dot the Plnn Wall Started , The rccunt notion of Uio board of trndo of this city concerning the pro curing uf n wn on bridge ncross the river RUUHIB to moot with ( jonoral npJ provnl and haa incited tlio duniro ainony thu btisinoBa inun here to Imvo' the plan pushed alon ns speedily ns possible. The board of trndo hero nppointod a committed to confer witli the Onuha l > onrd of trade , or a com mittee appointed by that body , and Hinco then action lias beun pending seine action on tlic other side Act ing Secretary J.V. . Haird has now received nn olllcial letter from Thomiis Giimon , aecrotnry of the Omahft board of trndostating that the presidunt , II 0. Clark , and the members of the executive committee , liad boon appointed to confer with the committee from this city , nnd niiugi ! tiii | , ' thnt the conference bo had at aome da < o after the banquet ivun by tlio Omaha board of trade , there being no time for any such conference sooner. This Omaha committee com mittee consists of John Evans , Max Meyer. Joseph Shooloy , J. A. Wake- field , T. W. T. Ilicharde , J. S. Hrndy , and John A. MeShane. It in to be honed that the conference - once will bo held at an early date and that it will result in stops being taken which will look toward the practical starting of the plan. ROI1UERSIIN REYNOLDS. They Blow Open a Siifo and Secure a Reward or$13OOO-Tho Cool ness of the Unexcelled. Davenport Oatetto , 'J5. Tlio little town of Reynolds , n few miles south of here , was nil ablaze yes terday with excitement over a most successful cafe blowing operation which was performed there at ono o'clock in the morning. The work was done in a masterly Hlylc , and netted the thieves the h iiidsomo num of between nineteen hundred and two thousand dollars Mr. McLaughlin , the poslmi'stor at that village , is also engaged in the keeping of a store for the sale of gen eral merchandise , his pirtner in thu concern boini ; Mr. Miller. The store was plentifully stocked nnd the sifo was usud as a depository for money not in use in thu hiiHiness. At one o'clock yesterday morning , the fami lies of Messrs. I'augh and Noeeklur , who live over the store , wore awaken ed by the sound of tlio explosion , and hostmiod out of bud to ascertain thu cause. They found the store to bo filled with smoke nnd were unnblo at first to discover thu c.iuau of it. Hut soon an investigation was made and it was discovered that tliu safe had boon blown open. Analtrm wns given and within ton minutes fully twenty people ple were upon the ground. A more thorough examination re vealed the fact that thu front door of the ntoro had been unlocked and that thu burglars , of whom there wuro ovi duntly two , had nude an entrance in that way. A hole had boon bored in the aide of the safe , near the front , and about a foot from the bottom , and n heavy charge of powder had been placed therein. The subsequent explosion had blown th safe door bodily , hingoa and all , to a distance of twenty footjand the charge had been ao heavy as to entirely demolish the windows , carrying away oven the sash. In the safe wore $100 in gold , Bovon 1 hundred in silver , and Rome paper money , aggregating almost $2,000. This had all been carried away , together with a largo rod leather pocketbook , in which some of the money had boon kept. Thu burglars had made ample ar rangements for escape , as it was after wards discovered , so that no clue could bu obtained as to who they were. They had stolen a horao from Ferdi nand Sohindlor and a buggy belong ing to Mr. Millur , one of the firm , and had skipped off. The money bulonged partly to the firm and partly to the individual member * thereof. The robbers drove straight to Itock Island and to thu stablus of thu Itock Island Lumber company , where they turned out ono horse to make room for their stolen animal , leaving the buggy outside. A receipt belonging to McLaughlin & Miller and somu gunpowder found in the buggy , prove that to bu thu fact. Every niotns was used to discover the rascals hut without avail. They had undo a good haul , and will not likely bo soon in those partH nguin. The Reynolds people nro particularly y anxious to catch the safe blowcia. IOWA ITEMS. Hod Oak was scared by a cuau ol salt rhuuin The propriotj ; of Hluimnnting Tip ton with clotricity is under discus flion. flion.Tho The other day a woman in Crestoi waa arroatod nnd fined for promeiwd ing the ntrcots in nmlu attire. LioutonUnt Governor 0 , II. Man ning is S3 years of ago. Ho ia tin youngest puraon who has hold tint position. Small pox ia raging in Olnrinda ami ono victim haa diud. The town honn of health have employed Dr , Knliolt us health ofllcor and pliyaioian , at i salary of 850por day. Ho will dovoti hia entire time to the aniiill pox casei and suppress it. Judge Love has conctnrod in tin opinion of Judge IVrcCrary , in the casi of the Chicago , Milwaukee it St. 1'au railway company vs. the Sioux City J St. Paul railroad company , involviiij the title to over 180,000 acres of lam , in northwontcrn Iowa , valued nt alum § 1,000,000 , deciding in favor of th complainant , the Chicago , JlilwnuUt- it St. J'aul coinp.iny. The Wan on nrldgo AKltatlon. Cr itanU. ) The question of a wagon liridgo he twocn Omaha nnd Council Hlulla i being vigorously agitated in bet : cities. \ \ hen ono knows the sullorin ' w each place endures on account of th Union Pacific brid o monopoly , h will wonder how tlio matter has stood i in abeyance * o Innir. Those who have lived in Omulri , however , will understand it exactly. The Union Pacific is to Omaha what the 0. , H. , fc Q is to Creston. Its employes are j p a grunt factor in the city's business , ! government and society , and the man , who cries out aaint the monopoly J rrcoivpi littlu or no sympathy. TIIK BKB is thu only newspaper in , i the city which is not subsidized by the cnnioratinr , dnros to sjionk its mind , and p fu en all oilers nt iii'inuy to und'iiHU the course of thu ; Kriiii' ' overland oppressor. It is great ly through its oflorts that thu ques tion ot providinu a means of freu com muiiiiation between the two places hitft ln-i'ii brought to its present status , though at this buay time the need of a A-nyon bridge is felt moro generally than at any time in thu history of the twin cities. Tlie casei of Omaha and Creaton ate very similar. We , too , nr at the mercy of a railroad , but , unlike Omaha , have at present no pos sible means of escape. The A dyer- It'er , like TIIK HKB , is not subiidizcd and will agiUto a computing line of i nil way until the line isKccurcd or the imp T is suppressed bv public opinion , a voiv unlikely occurrence. ROLLING STOCK DESTROYED. Vnluublo C. , B. & Q. Property Burned at Aurora. The Chicago , Uurlington it Quincy suffered thu loss of some very linu and expensive rolling stock nt an early hour on Tuesday mottling , ac cording to The Chicago Times. A fire broke out at ' 2 a. in. Tuesday morning in the north end of thu dry liimliiir shed , which soon communi- Ciiled to the shed nnd a number of C.UH htaiiding closu by , completely do- shoving the fine private cir No. 200 , lately built by thu Pullman company 'it an expense of about § 15,000 , the uinint ; car St. Charles , two now and improved smoking c.irs , coach No. 70 , ono box express car , a wrecking car , a tool car , and a car loaded with trucks. There were also destroyed coach No , 2 , mail car No. 3 and way car No. 4 of the Chicago it IOWA railroad. All this property , together with the shed and a largu amount of dry linii- bur , was totally destroyed. It is esti mated thnt the ions will foot up from Slfi.OOO to 850,000. Although the property burned is covered by insur ance , yet the loss will temporarily provo n serious inconvenience ) to the railroad company , especially that of the dining car St. Charles and the two fine smoking cars. The origin of the fire has not yet been located , but it is believed to be the result of incendiarism. School Boys' Sculllo. A week ago Thursday night there was a lively session at a lycuum hold in Mindon. Some of the boys from across the line in Uarrison county came over in a body , and there being some feeling between the lads of the two sections , it broke out in a row at rocosa timo. Ono of the HarrisHn county boys , named Tuppor , son of 'Squire ' Tuppor , objected to the way he was mauled on this occasion , and caused the arrest of three boys of the Fuller ! on family. The accused were brought before Justice Abbott to-day. Each of them were given a separate trial , and as a result Ii. F. Fullnrton and U. H. Fullerton were discharged. The other brother , II. L. Fullerton , commonly called "Link , " was found to have been the one who thrashed young Tuppur , and ho was taxed $30 , and called on to pay ono-third of the constable's fees and the witnesses for the defense. A Night of tlio Knlffhts. St. Albnii'a Lodgu No. 17 , Knighln of Pythias , hold their regular meeting Tuesday evening , and the following olHcers were installed by J. D. Nichol son , deputy district grand commander : Jos. Spauldiim , P. C. ; Chester Tib- bets , C. 0. ; J. A. Herald , V. 0. ; F. 3J. Patton , K. of 11. and S. ; J. 11. Stagg , M. of F.jV. . L. Young , M. of E.j J. A. Herald , M. of A. ; Thomas Hull , I. G. ; J. U. Coon. O. G. The trustees elect are E , J. Abbott , J. A. Herald , and Jos. Spaulding , District deputy G. 0. , E. J. Abbott ; representatives to grand lodge , E. J Abbott and J. II. Stagg. It has been decided to hold the an nual ball Thursday oning , February 1C . The lodge now numben Hoventy members , and thu roll ia con- utantly on the increase , Torrlblo Fato. ' .iivnport ( Jarctic. News romea from Dos Moiue.s of i terrible tragedy having boon enactet near that place. Henry Clear , i Norwegian , his wile and two children Henry i. . . and i William i , both . . small . . chil . . ilron , livud near tliu city , tlio fntho buini ; employed in the packiii ) liuusoa which are pituntod about i ( { imrtor of a milo from the housu About 9 o'clock yesterday moriiiii ) Mrs. Clear went to call on n neighbor locking the doors and leaving lie children in the house. During ho ubaencu the children , it is euppoaed J bo an to play with the fire , which ro suited in setting the building on fire j3. When the neighbors discovered tin fire it woa breaking through the roof f and before it could bo quenched tin building was destroyed. Tlio charroi remains of the two children wor taken out of the ruins and the mothu went nearly wild. The father of tin children is an lunest , hard workiii i ] , ' mini , nnd has the sympathy of hii j I neighbors , it I 10 ' A Switchmun Killed. o ' About 7 o'clock Tuesday ovuniiij E. K. Morrison , while switching ii j the Chicago , Uurlini > ton it Quinc railroad yard in Hurliiigton , la. , wa struck by a switch engine , knockoi o- ' down and , dragged some distanc along the track , sustaining injurio from which ho died about two hour 'B iafterwards. . JIo was a young nia\i u and had boon residing with his parent 10 in Burlington. CHIN MU8IO. Ono Chopper Clmrgod With Tnkinff n Mouthful of Another Chop per's Chop. There was a lively scrimmage night before lait between eomo moil un- gagod in chopping wood about two inilofl from this city. The two moat concerned wcro William Puckot and , Ed , I'ncu , and the ditputc arose about the quantity of wood chopped by the former , und the p.iy due him , the lat ter serving M foreman. Words ripen ed into blows , and the two men clinched and fell together. In the row Pucket sot his tooth into Paco's chin , Ukini ; quito a mouthful of hu man Ill-all , bufliilos gouging his eye and inflicting other injuries. Puckot was arrested , charged with maiming and is now 1 idgcd in jail , awaiting a heiriiij ( to-day before Justice Abbott. On the part of the accunod it is claim ed that Pace was the nssuiltiti p.itty , nud tha' the biting and gougini ; formed n pirt of a justifiable. ' aatault on Pack et's part Both num wore nt thu time of tint in w pretty well sot no with drink. Cartliuul ns Camlllo. Laot evening the C.irtland Murr.iy company , in acourdanco with the expressed - pressed desire of many , presented Camille , in which Mi" Grace Cart- land won so much favor on her former appearance in this city. Many who seen her aa Camille before gladly availed themselves of the opportunity of seeing her ng < u'n in thii character , and these who seo.i her for the first time found thuir expectations fully met. Slu > is indeed wonderful in thin , and HO IOSUH herself in the conception of thu cbtractor that she becnim-H Ciunillo linrsf'lf The mippott im excellent , nnd did butter woik than on any evening yet. This company has won its way into popular favor hero by real merit and givint ; enter tainments which hus proved enjoyable to the masses of the pcoplo The increasing attendance which has greeted them on the evening of their first visit to this city , and still moro on their return , shows that the amuse ment lovers appreciate the effort niado by the company to please them. To-night the company will present Romeo and Juliet. Changlnpr Hands. The following transfers of real estate were reported from the county records by J. W. Squire it Co. , abstractors of titles , real estate and loan agents , Council Bluils : Maria Mynstor to J. /Vndorson , part so ] sw | 18 , 75 , 43 ; SCO M. 11. & A. D. Borchers to M. Oeg- hen , lot 4 , in block 14 , Howard's ad dition city ; $85. E. 11. it S. P. Ilankins to M. Or - hon , lot 3 in block 14 , Howard's ' addi tion , city ; 885. M. Finorty to H. Fleer , no 32 , 74. 42 ; $3,000. F. Linden to D. K. Dodeo , part sw no 25 , Y5 , 44 ; 45. 0. R. I. < t P. R. R. Co. to F. Lenz , e i sw and mv , sw 17 , 76 , 40 ; § 840. N. J. Thompson to L Thompson , wj so 0 , 76 , 40 ; $1. J. Varkhill to H. and J. Campbell , se 11 , 75 , 41 ; 84,480. II. Chrisman to M. Minehan , so no 8 , 7 , 41 ; § 000. David N Kepley to W. T. Stogsdill , so no 8 , 76 , 38 ; $1,200. 0. F. Sluw to 0. Sw rtfau'or , o hf swand sw sw 8 , 74 , 3j ! ) $1,800. II. Fleer to H. Stnrtz , nw so and shfseSO , 74 , 42 ; $3,400. F. Dunham to F. M. Ball , s hf so 10 and n hf no 15 , 75 , 40 ; $1,000. L. Fouorhakon to J. Woodworth , pt sw na 25 , 75 , 44 ; $500. PERSONAL. J. W. Young , of AVatcrtown , AVis. , la ( topping at tlio Pacific. H. C. Allison , tlio tallest and jollleut insurance man in tliu state , dined at thu Ogilen yenterday. j H. AV. Maynnrd , agent of the Jolliticn and CliarleH Phillip' , assistant agent , were in the city yoitenlay , and Btoppcd at the Justice ISnird tied a matrimonial kno which haw joined for life C. 1\ Harrison of thla city , to Ms ! Mary A. Johnson , o Uo M Inea. The n-wly wedded ones set tie down In a hnme hero. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special luhcrtUciucnta , such ai lo t , Koiitid , To LOAII , Kor Sale , To llcut , Wants , Itoarcllnp , etc. , ulll lie Inserted In till column at tlio low rate ot TKN C'KNTS I'Ei LINK for tliu rs Insertion and Kl VK CKNTt PKll LINK ( or each eulmcKjucntinsertion IA'AVO a < ertlscmentu at our otllce , Itoora B K > rttt'i lllock , Uroadwuy. . K crybody In Council Bluff * Ii WA.VTKD Tll BK . 20 cent * | r week , do Ihcrtil by carriers , dllke , Hooni fi , K trctt' , HlocK , 11 road * ANTED To buy 100 toni broom corn , WAN particulars aJdrctw Council IlluOi ir Ilroom ftctory , Council JIluT ( , Iowa. 66S-29tf ir A Ant-clang broom tier. Mkyni , WANTED Council Illufl * . Iowa. 660.30 * j- T011 SALE Old patxiru 40o per hundred , . X1 The llco oltlco. Council IIluOi. eu27-tl 0f rno lIKlCK-MAKKItS , FOR SAl.K-6 acres o , _ L more of lanJ ailjo'iilnu tliu brick- ) aril o 10 llanncr & Hal < oi' on tlprar llroailH-ay. r'oi 10d particulars apply to Davlil llalnot ort llanner' oilicu at tlio iWrJ i ( Trade ronim. Council UluB o 776-dc22 Dm ir TICKCT OKKICK-War In rallroai 10 tkkcta contlnuua to boom. Unprucvtlcntci rate * to all ia tcrn polMta. K\c > ry tlckc iitivtl , Onloru IHUnl by tolcnhonr. Kroi : is one to tt > n ilolhirs Mtud by purchaxln ticket ' ' ' ol U. A I'o'tter , nuccuKoor to'l'o'ttor Si rainier , No 40 South Klltli etri'ct , ( our doom Mo * tliu IHDS ! ollloc , Council MutN , lo a. oitlS ti " \ATANTED Iloy , with ) xjnj , to carry pa pen : M In'iulro at UKS otllco , Council Ulutl * . OU131 Notice. Owliito ) the Immense nucccos cl thu nev Qetatlna Dronildn Initontanooui Procci at the Excelsior Gallery , tilth strict , Coun ell aiulft , the proprietor ilwlroi the o wlslilni Chlldren'i Picture * to tall between the hoimo 10 and 12 o'clock a. in. , tu owluf to thu Pret of Builncts ucb arrangeuicnt U iiecvutary t a\old delay , J. DARKE , Proprietor FACTS JfyORTHKNOWINC , "Good morning , Mr. Jones. You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STORE , nnd find anything nnd evory- hing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. tell you , I can Snve Money now out of mv salnry , and Live i'irst-Olass , too. It pays to go here. " "Whore did you eay it was ? " BOSTOK TEA COIFT FINE GROCERS. 0 Main St. and 15 Pearl St , COUNCIL BLUFFs , I A. STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WARE , J31 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , 'la. DON'T PA'L TO SHE THE STOCK OF W. W. BUCHANAN REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 202 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , H. H.JUDSON , DBY GOODS 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY OtMco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Wo K\O | special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces HOISTEKS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK Hill rocohe prompt attontlon A xemral an DTtmeiit o ! Brass Goods , Baiting , Piping ' AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooko , Ooal OHAS. HENDKL , President & OKAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , / Rich Outclass , Kino French China , Silver Wuro &o. , 310 IliiOiDttAV , . COU.SCIl , IIU'JTS , IO\VA Drs. Wobdbury & Son , Cor , 1'carl & let A\u , COI'NCIL IlLtTKH. W. S. AMENT. .1AC011 SIMS AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oouusellors-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , JOWA. KELLEY & M'GRAGKEN , Marble and Granite , North Fifth St. , Council Bluff ! W. W. SHERMAN , MASt FACTl'UEIl OK ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY IH.A.RN"E : ! s s Fine Work a Specialty. K II. SIIKHMAN , Iluslncsa Manager. WM. CWllSTOl'HEK , Mechanical Manager. 124 South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices , Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S Whickering , Weber. Lindetnan , J. Mueller and other Piano3 , $20O and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , Tabor ; and Paloubet Organs , $50 nnd upward Muai- 3VC cal Merchandise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , i'oys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TJ tail. Pianos > nd Organs eold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and coui- p'ete. ' Musical Journal Ireo on applica S tion Correspondence Solicited. Address : O J. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. O COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCFASING- AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol Produce. ' . Prompt attention eien to nil cons'gnmcnts. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 26 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. W _ ZE31IFOSTIEIIR , WILL St'PPLV OK SHOUT MITKL Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders promptly lillctl nul ile'Uirul to Kxj ret * ollicc freu of < har-c. Send for Catiloiruc , -DEALER IN PAPERBOOK , * oi COUNCIC , BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Buyer and Shipper of Grata and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. First National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Council Bluffs ; William P. Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E. A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. METCALF BROS. , - WJIOLtSALE DKAuERS IV - Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. CSOX3MWC5XX. REAL ESTATE AGENT , HJS For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Oflico with W. S. MAY.VB , over Savings Rank , - COU VOIL BLUFFS BIXBY & WOOD , PLUMBERS , STEAM ANO GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. _ _ _ _ J We Carry the Largest Stock of FINE SHOES SLIPPERS ETC. , . , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. All lail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , CUE PRICES AEE VERY LOW.1 If Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which has Begun to Arrive , ZT . T TWHCiir'V & ' JL &r 6 fifl . , 412 BROADWAY.rCOUNCIL . BLUFFS. IOWA , WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA , IOWA ,