Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
VublWicd every morning , except Sunday
ffhe only Monday morning dnlly.
One Ycir $10.00 I Three Months.
Six Months. 5.00 | One . .
WKKKLY BKB , published or
One Year ? 2.00 I Tlireo Months. . 6J
Six Months. 1.001 One . .
COnUKSPuNDliXOK-All Commiml
Mtioni rclaUni ; to New * anil IMItnrlMinftt
ton should Lo nddreiwcil to the KlilTOR 01
TllK 1U K.
totter * nnd leoinlttnnrei should bo ad
dratted to TUB OMAHA rtmt.iHiiiNi COM
r\Nt , OM MIA. Draft * , Checks nnd l'o t
olHco OnloiR to lw imwlo jmyablo to UK
order of the Company.
OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , frop'w
OMAIIV will never bcooino bored ol
SunsTANTiAL pavomctitH , llko light
houses , should Imvo grnnitu fomteln
jXr.vr MEXICO linn novural bills pcnd
ing in her legislature looking to tin
regulation of railroads.
GUITKAU says bo 1ms boon receiving
mnny proaonU lately. The noxl
present ho mity oxpocl is n honi [
NKIIIIASKA'H fanner's nllinncos have
12,000 members on their rolls. Thii
is an army whoso atrongth in tbo com
ing elections will bo felt and appro
IT is suggested that ox-Senator Flnli
is the coming nun for the treasury department
partmont if Judge Folger receives i
acnt upon the supreme bench.
TUP. trunk lines are said to havi
nettled their differences but the nut
tlumont is more miKgeation of n truce ,
according to the Now York Time
than of a lasting poaco.
TIIK Herald calls the membcrn o
the Farmers' Alliance bucolic sni'oa
A little of that kind of sago tea wil
soon bo eagerly sought after by Ne
braaka politicians. It is n good ttpuci
fie for tbo monopoly fever.
TIIK nponing of the new elevator i
a long stride towards making Onmli
the grain market of the state. Nu
braaka cannot afford much longer t
turn her wealth into the lap of the
east and it neglect homo interest ; .
"INQUIKKH" The difference between
tweon Senator Shennan'R ' three po
cent , funding bill and the one introduced
ducod in the last congress is that i
has no force clause added. The eat
lior measure was a force bill , not
funding bill.
ONE hundred million dollars an
asked to moot the demands on tin
pension bureau for the fiscal yoai
beginning next July. According ti
Mr. Buntly , the predecessor of tin
present commissioner of pensions
"not less than ton per cent , of tin
pensions appropriations nro paid on
upon fraudulent nnd illpenl claims , '
BO that if the hundred million dolliin
now demanded are voted ono-tentl
of that sum will be stolen. Who me
these fraudulent pensioners ? Is then
no way to detect thuso bogus cluiin
ants who have boon fastened on thi
treasury by the pension ring 1 Tin
plan we BUggestod Rome time ntn o
printing and posting the names of al
pensioners in onch pension distric
would , wo believe , help to uneartl
those frauds. The ton millions tint
it is estimated Hill bo lost the IH-X
fiscal year would go far toward roster
ingour wretched navy. N. Y. Herald
There seems to bo no prospect fo ;
the repeal of the arrears of pension :
steal which lias been taken advantagi
of l > y pension sharks and bogus sol
diers to rob this government of ovei
ton millions of dollars a Still i
thorough local Huporvision of the pun
aion lists would result in the saving o
many millions of dollars to tin
national treasury if preceded by a lav
requiring the taking of testimony 01
the spot whore the petitioner for pun
aions resides. The ex parto testimony
feature of the pension business hoi
boon the most fruitful elements o
fraud and ought at once to bo jibol
ishod. When this is done Coinmis
aioner Bontly believes that \\itli tin
nervicos of four hundred special ngoiiti
for three yiars ho could wood out tin
fraudulent put monoro. AH the appro ,
priatioii for pensions ia nol
likely to duciease for u num.
bur of yiMra unless semi
such measure is t.ikon our oxpundi.
tun.B for will
pensions certainly con.
tiniio us they are now the most bur
donsonlo tax upon the public treasury ,
No patriotic American begrudges a
dollar of the amount appropriated foi
the maintenance and aid of those sol
diers who wore disabled in upholdini
the integrity of the nation or of those
widows whoso bravo husbands gave
up their liven that the nation nhouh
live. It is against the horde of iui
pustors and shyateru who never omul
powder , but who have ) fastened them
clvea like leeches on the nntioim
treasury that the movement lowardi
Buporvibing our jioiision uxpondituit i
is directed nnd this movement shouh
have the direct sympathy and supporl
of every boy In blue who 1ms merited
and receives pension aid from tin
The conviction of the assassin Oui
tc.iu will send a fooling of relit
throughout the country. It is
strong commentary on the distrust o
justice by jury that there should ovc
limo been any doubt of the result c
the trial of the cowardly murdered < ;
President Oarflold. The well-know
sning of a distinintishud picador thn
not even the foreknowledge of th
Creator's could reach the action of
petit jury , very well expresses thn
distrust. To this was added a trii
unusually lengthy nnd tedious , bur
donrd with technical testimony air
disgraced by the most shameful an
grotesque interruptions on the pnrt c ;
the prisoner and his counsel. The en
lire country has every reason to congratulate
gratulato itself that justice did tui
miscarry and that through the vci
diet of guilty the murderer of the lat
President Gnrfielel will meet with th
just retribution of an appalling crime :
The great trial will long romaii
one of the "distinguished CRSOS" o
American criminal annals. It will b
particularly important from the lin
of defense adopted by the counsel fa
the prisoner , the great nmoun
of export testimony upon meiitr
disease and the decisions of the judg
an to what constitutes moral irrcspon
aibilily. From out of the conflictin
positions of the counsel , the contrnelic
tory opinions of the experts and th
mass of general testimony conn
clearly the definition of murderou
insanity as given by the court , viz ,
"Such disturbance of the mental pov
ers as rendered the possessor incapr
bio of distinguishing between rijjli
and wrong when committing hw ol
funso. " This definition is not all no1
in the legal reports , lint its aflirmn
tion in the Ouiteau cnso will do muc
to render it more operative in subsc
queiil trials when the well worn pie
of emotional insanity is urged as i >
oxcusu for colel blooded murder.
Another important oflico has bee
served by the trial just brought to
close , The interminable duplicatio
of export testimony , and the dullest
repetitions of the same subject matte
by witnesses is likely to call attontio
to the necessity of a reform in th
method of securing and. introducin
in our courts the testimony of eu
perls. In Franco the court appoint
a comniiniiem for the purpose of ternl
ing the mental responsibility of th
accused , and they alone testify as t
the result of their inquiry. It i
becoming a serious question whellie
the ends of juitico would not be but
tcr subserved by some such method i
our own courts , and whether the mill
implication of expert testimony , uhus
only object seems to be to confuse th
minds of judge and jury , is not
growing evil in our legaluystom nine
calls for some immediate remedy.
lint with all thu failings of the tri :
of Guitoau , with its horrible coined
of. a prisoner daily abusing the com
and blackguarding the opposing com ;
sol and playing the blasphemous bar
loqitin over the fresh made grave c
his victim , thu American people ha\
cause for congr.itulation that eve ;
with such strong inducements fo
going boyonds the bounds of law th
law has yet boon permitted to take it
course. That such has been the cms
ut onoo lelievcH our counliy of th
odium which would certainly hav
rested upon it had the attempts t
lynch Ouiteau been successful. N <
thing no iv remains to complete tli
sequel of tbo tr.igedy of last July bu
the ( { allows BCOIIO. And this willcei
tainly not bo delayed any longer tlm
is nosoBsaiy under the lawn of th
Dinhict of Columbia.
The heaviest ekclino in our imlieinn
exports for the past year vvns in th
line of bri-aelatiilTs. Accoulmg to th
recently published report of thu bu
renti of Htntistics the urination of experts
ports iiinoiintud to 8221,118,5(50 ( , > vhil
in 1880 they rim up to 8275,930,859 ,
dilloreiico eif 851,818,2 ! ) ! ) against 1880
The tables hhovv u falling oil' in over
nrtiolo oxcupl corn meiil , of wine
101,385 Imrrols wore exported in 188
nnel 385,240 in 1880 Thi > export n
hurley in 1881 WHS 223,001 bushel
nimiiist 1,247,509 , in 1880 India ;
corn fe > ll oil from ll. ,055,329 bushel
in 1880 te > 72 , . 7101 bushels Inn
your ; rye foil from 2,325,2 ! ) ; ! to ! )85 ) ,
007 bushels. The exports of whoa
amounted to 118,203,000 bushels
airaiimt 113)3ri,3l5 ( ) ( bushels in tin
preceding your.
Wheat Hour to the ninoimt o
(1,715,837 barrels were exported ii
1881 , uuil (1,703,1(55 ( ( in 1880 , but th
valuation of hist yt'.ir iimounted ti
$39,013,114 , against 839,233,79 ! ) ii
1880. Those figures combined HIOWI
total broadstufls exportation of 1880 o
281,670,234 bushels of Krain , men
mid llom ngniiiBt an exportation o
those nrtioli-B in 1881 amounting ti
$215,545,1550 bimhols , the decline be
09,1:10,575 : bushels.
A separate return is made for th
month of DuLvmbcr , in which oat
and barley shov\ Home incrpusu. Th
export of the former increased fron
11,313 bimlielH in 1880 te > 1,44 ! ) ]
bimheU in 1881 , nue1 of ( be latter fron
1,20(5 , ( InuholN to J5.550 bushek 1 ,
corn me il there m n sliyht fnllhiK ol
in ( | iiaiility , e-ouiitorhilanceid by ni
liieie.uio ! from 8 ! > 210 , the price o
2 ! ,450 lurrols nliiptel | in December
1880 , to § 92,48(5 ( , the price of 27,92 ;
VM . . i1 U . , *
' II
bnrrels sent abroid In 1881. Hut , ir
all the principal articles of brcadstuf
exportation , the falling off is quit <
marked , the decline in corn beim
from 4,001,804 bushels , worth $2 ,
.1(52,739 ( , to 2,210,0 : 7 bushels , wort !
81,582,728 ; and in wheat Hour , fron
887,078 barrels , sold for $5,120,515
to 101,178 Inrrela , sold for $9,25(5 ( ,
111. In December , 1880 , there won
9,007,090 bushels of wheat , valued a
S10 , 12,178 , exported , while in lasi
month the export amounted to88'.l ,
'MO bushels , valued nt ? ! ) filiO.SliS. Ii
December , 1880 , < hn exports of rvi
were 1211,851 biisheU , valm-dat $127 ,
708 , while in December , 1881 , wo ex
ported only 10,1 17 bushels , valued a
§ 15,001.
The decline in our exports of hi end
slulTi win largely due to thn Ion ;
drought diminished vropi , and in
creased demand for burnt ; comump
tion. Hut it was also largely the re
suit of the t-xcussive speculation ii
hcso coniiiKiditiuH which locked up n
elevators and warehouses millions o
niflhels of grain while the battle o
.ho bulls aid bums win being carriei
on "on 'change. " The exact iiinoun
of injury to the people of this countr ;
which was committed last summer b
a band of ruckles ) speculators wil
nrobably never bu known. Some o
-hem have learned long before tin
, ho damage done to their own pocket
books. _
The railroad system of Illinois i
probably the most complete and thor
ough in the country. The great com
mercial center of the lake's is tlu > hu' '
Prom which innumerable railroads rn
diato to every point. A railroad ma' '
of the state resembles n spider's we' '
and so closely woven a pin' '
licad can scarcely rest on uncoverei
land. The report of the railroad com
missioners for the year ending , lun
110 , 1881 , which has just boon com
pleted and printed , is an uxhansti\
and elaborate document , co\enii |
every form of receipt and expense1
pasnonger and fieight tnllic nnd roll
ing stock. 'I ho tolloning figuruH wil
nhow the eiiorinons amount , of liusi
ness trans icted to the above date
There are 82 1 , PJ.'I miles of road in tin
Htateand 1,899 stations The lollmi
stock employed is1,711 locomotives
51,1(50 ptim'iigor c.ns , and Il0 , ( > 0i
freight and working ciri.
The earnings of the roads We're
follows : From passengers , $7,07(5 ( ,
Gt,79 ! ; from i > Ypn HS and exti.i haj <
gage , § 0rjliili , ( 55 ; from mails , § 728 ,
121 18 ; other sources , $ . ' (72,280.751 (
total receipts from passenger depuil
incut , § i > , 128 277 n : ! . Tno total re
ceipts faun the tieight department
of all the roads W < TO 85(1 ( (59li07.25 ( : ,
Some idea of tlu ti.iflic of thuroul
cm bo gamed fnnn the following fig
urcs showing the number of tons o
freight earned on their wholu hnui
during tbo year covered by their re
ports : Total number ( if tons o
freight ciriied , (57,518,575) ; nuiiibe
of tons of freight carried one mile
10i87,80,8H : : ( : ; nvor.igo receipts pt
ton of freight per mile , 1.50 emits
averagu test per ton of freight po
mile , l.lOceiitu ; proportion of freigh
carried in Illinois , 77.05.
The total number of p isscngora cir
riod during the mitno jioriod by tin
same lines was 5)5it78l10U ) : , the num
ber earned one milo being l.SOIijGlili ,
020. Tbo iivuragu iiumbor of jii
tiengeis in a car was 20.158 ; tbo nv
erau'e number of miles traveled b ;
each p.issi'iigir nas ' . 14.7 I ; average ru
coipts per passenger pel mile , 2 8 !
tenth ; uveraio cost per pasaengur ] io
mile , 2 51 ! ) eeuto.
' 1 bo nggretjato capital stock of tin
Illinois loads foots up § oOI,989 ,
003 89. Then aia-rejato funded deb
amounts to $515,7515 200.05 , and thei
floating debt to § 2 ,00 ( ) 853.80 , tin
.iggieputo amount of their stocks
bonds and floating debts being & 1 ,
0 1 1,725,00 1. 10 , while their iig rou'ati
cost for construction and oquipiuon
was & 99Gt781ii : ! ( ( 50 , an axerage o
8IO(55ri08 per mile.
Of the total ameiuut of $501,98 ! ) ,
001 ! 89 of capital stock issued by tlumi
reads , but § 10,117,2(55 ( is hold ii
Tbo railroiiels doing business in thi
Htato employ on then- whole lines it
the aggrtgato 125,807 pursons , wheat
aii r. Hiilo yumly siilauea uuuunit ti
§ 0(5,5 ( 10,050.58. Of these , 18.C75J an
emplojid in Illinois , and are paid an
mially § 24,75)1,058 ) 10
The total amount of taxes paid it
Illinois by the lailroads of the stati
for the years named WHS as follows
1878 , $2,772(15.12 : ( ; 1879 , $2,5107 ,
019.75 ; 1880. 81,1:07,500.80 : ; 1881
$ l,0t5il5t.87. : : The tet.d ) amount pun
in these fjuryimrs was § 8,091 , 2 15. 1)8 )
The list of accidents leptntcd by tin
nuds of the state as declining in Illi
nois give's the following totals
lulled , 419 ; injured , 813. Of thoai
killed , 22 were pattsongera , 170 em
| ) lojts , and 227 ouUidura. Of those
injured , 02 were passengers , 51(1 ( em
ployt's , and 175 outaidors.
O > Kof the most objectionable form
of railroad bribciy was brought inti
preiminenco a few dajs ago in Nov
York City. It is u part of the duty ei
the District Attorney to kuopanoji
0 i all coroner" inqiioita. Distric
Attorney MeKuon wis a'miit ' to xene :
an assisUiit with t.u ononor whe
was te preside over the Spuytoi
Duyvil disaster inquest when a pass
gewd for u year e > vor any of the Vaa
dorbilt roads , was handed him. The
pass came from Clmuncey Depow , tin
attorney of the Now York Contra
road , Mr. McKoon ordered its re
turn ut one-e , and indignantly do
noiiuced its tender as an attempt ti
bribe him from the performance of hii
public duties.
Thu practice of tendering passes to
ofliciaU is said to be as common ii
No York as it is in Nebraska , Ne
one doubts its object , The thii
veil of "courtesy" under which it ii
veiled deceives no one. Kvory cor
poration making such proffers expecli
more than a full equivalent in service
to bo rendered , and in nine cases ou
of ten it obtains them. It is safe ti
say that if ofllemls were forbidden ti
accept free tr.msportntbn , the rail
roads would got more justice fron
courts and legislatures than they nov
is nn interesting nnd attractive num
her. It ia filled with pictures , hav in
no less than six illuitr&tod article
with sixty-nine fine wood engravings
including a full pigo picture of Victo
Hugo , The following is the list ci
contents : "A Clover Town Huilt b ,
Qniki-rn , " George- Parsons Lathroj
"French Political Leaders , " A. How
man Uluke ; "Valontinta , " Mrs. T.V
Dowmg ; "The American Lifo Savin
Service , " Martha J. Limb ; "Tho Wil
son Industrial School and Mission ,
Miss F. K. Fratt ; "An Idle Poet
a poem , " T. II. llobortson
Henry Irving nt Home , " Josep
llntton ; "Hy the Wm'er'a Moon , "
lory , Harriet Prescott Spolford
"In Kehalf of Crime , " W. L. Alden
"Tho Solo , " n poem , J. W. DeForest
"Commercial , Social and Politicn
Mexico , " \S. II. liishop ; "Anne ,
a novel , Constance i'enimoro Wool
son ; "Personal llecollections of Danic
Webster , " John II. 13. Latrobc
"Wild Weather Outside , " n poem
Margaret E. Sangator ; "WitchUn/.el ,
a utory , Lirzic W Champnoyj'Th
Romance of the Spanish and Frcnc ]
" John Fmko "Prudence
Explorers , ; ,
n story , Part I , Mrs. John Lillii
"Gnrfiold , " n poem , F. D. Morice
Besidu this attractive list of subject
and con'.ributois , there are the usu.i
editor's departments "The Eas ;
Chair. " "Literary Record , "Historic.- !
Rtcord , " and "Drawer. "
Ht. Nlcliolaa Tor February
Opens with a story of the adventure
of a Mexicin prince , illustrated with
beautiful frontisp ecu by F. II. Luu
greii.Other - slnut stones ; "Tho Man ii
the Moon , " , i tale full of humor , b
Sophie Swett , witli | iiuiin hGIOIL
D. Bmsh , "The Round b one , "
llunuunun Folk-storj , uontnbutcd b ;
the Hon. .Icrennili Cur in , and untk
ingly illustratud by Alfred iiitnniu
' 'Cornwullis's Buckles , " an inculoii
of Revolutionary IIUUH , in whiuh tig
lire u tunall tirla ! cow , and thu Eng
lish coinmaneler-in chief ; the illuatra
tiems being by G. W. Edwards , ai <
"Lady Ann's Valentine' , " a tale ful
of interest and tendei feulmir , by Sir
Unlit Flint , with a fine picture b'
Frank T. Merrill.
"Mon-nnd-Aniinal Shown , and IIov
Tlioy are Moved About" is the title e
nn onteitaming article by William 0
Sloddnrd , crammed wnb infoin atieu
about the doings and ( lutings of cir
cus menageries. Theiu are many il
lustrations to this , the firat hulf o
the article ; the concbmion , wliich i
to bo ovun more fully illustrated , i
promiseel for the Miiicb number.
Mrs. MaryMapea Ddd o the Edi
tre.88 , relates in this month's installment
mont nf her serial , "Donalel and Djr.
othy , " n gallnnt rescue by the heio
who bravely stops a runaway hors
that wns bearing oil the heroine , ;
picture of the excitn sci'iio litnij
furniHhed by Frank ' 1 Morull ; am
Edward E ikstoii ; , in i.m , "Tin
lloosier School-boy , " tariies the
younj ; people of the story througl
stirring scenes of frontier school life
UK it was in his own boyhood ; a I'm
picture , hj George D. Brush , adorn
the piui-ent inntnllinent. Dr. Eggle
ston also describes , in n short nniclo
"A Cm ions Drama" which he saw ii
London , and in which Dr. Gungi
MatDonald and bis family represent
ed weeiita fiom the second part of tin
"Pilgrim's Progress , " of John Dim
yuii Jlr. Hairy M. Keifor , in "Rec
ollectiona of a Drummer boy , " give
graphic necounis of camp life in winter
or ( lining the late war , ami of tin
toirible Hconcs on the hold iif or ,
battle ; the illustrations .no by Allei
C. Redwood.
Several poems and humoiousorse
besides comical single pictures , hel |
to enliven the pau'en of this numbir
The "Very Littlo' Folk's Department1
has u short illustrated stijry by Chas
Hainard- "Jnck.iii-tho.Pnlpit , " tin
"Letter box , " mid the "Riddlo-box1
nio full e > f short nnd interesting pira
graphs , letters from young readers
pu//lo8 , etc. , and there is a long re
port concerning' the St. Nichola
Api'siz Association , wliich now hu
1,700 nuubers.
A fir .t cl m liot-1 is \ > v\ug \ erected at th
rulboul di'Hit | at llutlo.
Tlio aoiitiM , | | valuatiiin of pronertv i
liutto i * lj ut 32,200,000.
The bullion output of Muutuia for 188
IiloiultieM lo be 6.10,000,000.
( ilenilnle haw ha I lit funerali , only tw
of which were oceMniuiipel by imtuni
cause * .
A HX f > ot ledtto of ri > imtone | lias bee :
did ovrnd in Cranlta ( inch , Madluo
About two hundreil ( jridern of the Utal
nnd Nnrtliein niuel are at work in Kllvc
low ! canon.
The ratk on the Northein raclfio I
n ou' bulni. laid to u point tw ritty niilcH thi
ielei of Mile Citj- .
The now tnun of Coulnon threaten * t
depoiiilato | Mien | City T n vulooiu luf
the litter titt in teven elijn. The ne\
tmvn in curiomulixl by the riche-st
Ian I In the territory.
The c ntnlnitiouB for tlioGarfield nioin :
inent in ml sent to the centnil coinmittr
at Helena , umoiint 11 3IU2.30. : llealite
thin uinount , Hutte cantrilmted uimar.l n
3.00. Helena' * iihare of the totiil fives I
* l5S.20noieinan'ii81 ; < JI.)0.
Sioux Falls county ia In de'ot $40,500.
Yatiktcm Iml a $ i,27ri ) blaze hint week.
Four hundred nnd nine pupils iitten
thoiulillQi.iliiolK | ( In Sioux 1'alln.
UubumiD p irtlt > have just inu-stoil ? 1'J ,
000 In \ unLton count ; leal estate1 ,
Real e > < Ute in Hylni ; MK'I in Vanktoi :
much to tht ) dUcomfoit of the citliuim.
Sioux City capitalist * olfiT to in\e t | A ,
000 in K butter packing e tut > lt hincnt I
Viviikton if the citiieiid donate two loU.
fee of IVmbina county I
S2.V ) per annum. Mnnly nnd Mlnnehahi
nnd HnHikliiKA chnrRe 8200 per jenr
Turner county chmven STi
The noc'idftluoof nil property In tin
terrtuy in ? 313 870 39 , with threi
conntie-i to liinr from. The bullion pro
duct -if tli Ulntk HI In It n t taxed and I
amount * to $1,1)00,000 ) p r year.
The Innnl of coiiunli < loiier < of
county have ordt led a Hucial election ti
be held on the20th of 1 cbrnnry , 1882 , t <
\nti' upon tliu qiipstlon < > f building n 820 ,
000 court liuu o on the- block owned bj tin
county In Mitchell
A Yniikton capitalist contemplates tin
erection of twenty-five tenement b n es
to co t about ? 2 fi n oath. Sil h lieu c
would rent iintncdlito'y forS2"i jicr innnth
In'Omaha they would b in , ; 31 to ? . )0 , nc
curding to Incntioii ,
The Hibcrnit mime at Leaihille it ii
the hand * ' f the theiilf.
The Colorado 1'xpos tion compMiy ha
ilinrxned of snllicient Block t' ) begin vuirk
TtiobtilMiius will bu located In JJcnver.
'Iholl hcrt H. I A o mlnf nt Lcadvill
jlelils S7'1,000 ' a niMith , aid much tlcvel
npiiitM t work is 'clnR ' d IIP , HO tint tli
available nnd vl < lblf > resolute * of thu i
dtpijsit are not diminished
Texan Angel is ono of the
members of th II lley bar.
Stimuli City Ins jnut erected a hand
K mo nnd durable peliool house , at a coa
of 83,000.
It in Hnid that a v aluablo ciiil lode
hn been eli covero I ncnr Jordan r.incli
claimed to bo authrncltc of the tics
Itnwllnfl is to have a new bank.
Tjiramic printer * have organized n unio :
with thirteen member * .
The ( -real "Unknown" pugilist of Haw
HnH , challenges nny man Jn the territory k
H free Htand up nnd knock down for S21I
to 8500 a side.
James ISrnndolph , n brakcsmnn nn tli
r. 1' . , xlinpud off the top of a inovinc trail
near JtawluiH , and fell under the whcelH
Until lef8 vveroBevcreel from tlic body nea
tbo grnin.
The nrteninn well nt Uawllna , eve
which The Journtl crowed ciuite freiiuent
ly , has prove I n anything but a blessing
to the slaughter home , tfie waste watei
seriously iiiipedinj , ' work.
Tne sife of the county irensurpr of Car
bon countv was robbed of ? 2,100 In money
note ? 500 , two checkHSMW , and it Sweet
witter county wirnmt S13G , ujwn whicl
pa > incnt has been stopped.
A fail nccictent occurred on t e emi
lrint train mar Kawlinn last week. A
little girl .1 god 14 jears , vvliose parenti
vnr vvcstwa'd hound e i igr.ints , vvhih
jilayinjf about on one of th < > freight cir' ,
in attempting to cro s from one to tlu
other , hlipped and f 11 betwetti them , tlu
vvhteln of one f the c ir pastiii , ; over hei
and seving her le-s just above the knees
Shu was brought on to Knvvlin , where al
tint m di-nl > "Ki I roul ' do fo h r wa
ilotiihim livnl lill ( ! o'cl ck. llvrnaiiu
wa liv . C llini.
Th titliiif the Monuon rhiin h fool
up.\0'J ,0K.i ( ) mull .
A bill has p i sul the New Mevicin leg
islatnre looking to tke suppr iiuin ol
bunko men nnd ci ntulenie < > | er.itora ii
that ten itoij
Ot-ib II.IH ' 'OO.nrO lunil of e ttle am
0(5' ( , 00 be1 ill of bh up Dm inthu ] > n
j nr the ttnitoiv h ( ipe I "i 1,000 bccve
and jiro'ucail " ,000OCO pounds of wool.
A in n in Vim , California , vvai fine (
? 7 fiO the oth i daj for kmmg a girl win
litd clmllen/tcl him to ilono. Her mothei
was the proxccuto' . Thn 'voung ladi
didn't appear to I c s-iioiulj ofTundeel.
A railroiil cnni | > an > lias bu'eu oignnizei
in Armi a to build n road fiom 'I'liesoti t <
' the Gulfof _ Cnlifoina 210 miles. Thi
term of incoiporutim i to bo for fift'
jeirs the i a ; ital htoeik lias been iix d a
83,000,000 at $100 par tharj , and 5331 , ( Oi
lnvo be-n Milk-ci iheil.
The Carson i C < il > rado riilroad wil
soon ir.irh > andvlaiia , 18' ' ! miles Ninth
we'teif Carrun , 15efore the close nf th
jo-ri' is expected to ( oin cf vvith tin
Southern I ncihc railnxd ntoi near M
javcHtatioti , pa sing d " n UwcnV river
through .Mono , Injo and Krn 'Oiinties
Califniii a
THRLE lf J A R ) A' .
Crete , Wilbur nnd DeWitt
Their Educational , Religi
ous and Business
Rouiarlinlilo Progress and Pros
Corrtfcpotulcnco of Tnr IKK. !
DK WITT , Saline county , N"ob.
January 2 i. I arrived in Crete yesterday
torday and found it to bo u brigh
town of 2,300 people , situated on am
extending across the Mil ley fiom tin
east bank of the 13ig Ulue liver to thi
dixido , briniin < r the beat lusidonci
portion of the city on a gradual , ye
commanding oluvntion , which , nt tin
distance uf about half n mile from tin
river , is about a hundred foot abovi
its level.
On arriving in town and gutting i
good supper at the Cosmopolitan ho
tel , I niado inquiricsfor an old friend
Mr. Manville , with whom and hi
family I was acquainted in "tho day ;
e > f auld hint : syno. " I found that hi
lived out of town about a mile , and '
started to walk the distance. I
pre > \ud a longer walk than I ox
pcctod , but ut la&t I arrived ane
met with atry che'orful wolcomi
from the tirnt old friend I have soui
in this nection of thu status. Ho is
staunch republican , a man of wide in
telligunco and information , and up
predates the position of TIIK lir.H. 01
the various topics of public interest
Crete is the central hotbed of politi
cal alhiira in Saline county , I\H it is itt
metropolis , The situation hero n
> ery much mixed , there I/UIILT so\era
democrats elected last fall , wlnlt tin
county has a straight icpuoIiLMu ma
jority of about one thousand \atos
I'hero suKina to bo here , us in aomt
other places , a growing prujudiui
againM the boas \a'nni , nnd a rulna
' 'Bitting down em" tliu butd ll.ia beui
going on here for a yeat or so ; but tin
fact does not seem to dampen hi :
ardor , as ho is said to have nspir.itioni
in the direction of the uluiir of tin
chief executive ) of the btate.
Quo of thu prominent institution !
of Nebraska , Doano college , is locatce
here. It started in 187" , with a fuv
preparatory students , and has alroad )
graduated five classes. It U foundei
on Christian principles , and hus a per
niunont endow mont of about $00,000
besides the suction of land on the wua
side of which thu college building n
placed. This lanel is now quite vnlun
ble , and will become moro so as tin
town improves.
The eighty ucies of the original ( J4 (
which bounds the ) city on the ) mat ha :
boon act apart a college campus atu
adorned with avenues bordered witli
friiado trees.
Merrill Hall , which occupies a own
maudlin ; site upon thu campus , is tin
present col lego building. It is n sub
stnntinl brick structure , tlioro storic-i
high , nnd contains the library , cabi
net , recitation rooms and thu elorini
tones for joung Indies. The liav
from the observatory is very fine , cov
ering an n\erogo radius of nearly 01
quite twenty miles , and showing n1
line n scope of country ns any lane
can boast of. Prof D U Tony ii
the president of the institution ; a mm
of wide education and experience he
is well fitted for tbo responsible posi
tion ho occupies. The libinry mini
bcra over 1,700 volumes. It include1
the lending English nnd
cyclopii'dias , the standard historic.- !
works , and many recent nnc
standard works on philosophy
science , thcoloyy ane ) general litcra
ttiro. The students and friends < i
tlie institution nmint.iin n reading do
partmcnt in the same room , and Tin
Hi'.K was corelmlly united to con
tribute to the list of newspapers. The
cabinet is one of the finest in tlu
west. It comprises nbout 1)5 ) (
species of animals , 2,000 species < i
dried plants , a largo number of rocki
and minerals of the \nrious species ,
and fossils representing almost ovcrj
period of geological history. Thu
elcpaitmeiit in tinder the immediate
supervision of Prof. Swoezoy , popu <
Urly called "tho biigoloeist. " The
art dopnrtmcnt ia in charge of Misi
Ida L. Chapin , whoso enthusiasm it
tier profession is among the noticeable
features of tbo institution. Thu lies
perian is a literary society composed o :
and managed by the students. Il
has aonii-monthly sessions and civet
annual exhibitions. It publishes
The Doano Owl every alternate montl
in tbo school year. This ce > llego ha1
attracted to its vicinity ninny highlj
refined families , who give to tbo so
cinty of Crete a grade of intelligence
surpassed by that of no town in tlie
west , and equalled by that of fow.
Crete boasts a good deal , and witl
good reason , of her mills , ono ol
which is running and has a capacity
of 250 barrels of flour per day , and
the other ia in course of construction ,
wliich will turn out 200 barrels
Both are of brick , and fitted with the
improved degeriuinators and reduc'
tion machines. They nro tlio mosl
expensive mills and the only ones ol
the kind west of tbo Missouri rher
This city has a public library from
which over 3,000 , volumes wore drawn
during lost jear , the record shovinu
most of the renueia to bu youni' pi-o-
There nro hero six churches , w tli
chin ch piopi-ity uud in the.i _ i o-
5.ito a * § 13,000.
Ten miles south of Crete is Incited
Wilbur , which is the
It contains nbout 1,000 people , is : i
busy litHo county , and cont.iii's some
voiy well posted men , aa ia abovvn by
the fict Unit about fifteen copies of
tbo daily KKR nro received through
ita post poatolh'ce.
The shipments from this port dur
ing 1 ist year in car lota amounted tc
oil cars , and tbo receipts in carload
lotK amounted to 484 cars. This etoea
not include merchandise in packagoo.
A twenty thousand dollar court
house qr.icea tbo eminence back of
town , aiiei seven thousand schoolhouse -
house presided over by Prof. Royce
assisted by Misses Hughes , Coopei
ami Crow ley furnishes excellent edu
c.itional advantages.
Several line business blocks and elc'
vitora show tbo business energy of
thu in'op'e. ' The stocks of goods of
-il l.iiu.M .ms heavy
IhiTis a l.irgrsettlement of Bubo
mm ' " inhe vu-initv Thev an quid
i > l tidal , .uid in.iko excellent uti
Traveling southward seven milei
and I arrive in Do Witt. Ilero every
body soema to bo busy , so w e join ir
the regular rush nnd cull on a few old
subscribers of 1'iiK 13uK. They al
want it continued nnd aay they can'1
do without it , and they back theii
ideas with their pocketbooks wher
'heir subscriptions nro due.
This town , though small , is ono ol
the most onenietic towns I have seen.
Everybody is busyno ono has time
to waste talking unless the converaa
tion nii'.un something
Another ffuturu hero is the com
pnr.itively laijje number of prtttj
young ladiL-s. The writer n
very miioh addicted tt
noticing jounjr l.ielioa , but one would
luvo to bo blind to fail to appreciate
the claims of DeWitt in thig direc
The amount of nionoy received ai
this station for freight received ami
shipped during 1881 was § 11,048 31.
We think this as good a showing a'
any town of its si/o in the st.ito.
Do Witt's prospects are re.illy verj
fine. Surrounded by as good a regioi
of country as lays "out of doors , " am
that country being naturally tributarj
to it , and being settled by a very prosperous
porous and ene-ru'etic set of people ,
the tewn ia Luund to grow ,
Se-itinm KH.
Pmtty Good
Ino. lUciui , Lajurto , Ind , writH
, , Your 'Si'HiMi J io-hOM' ! H all you crack
ed it up to be MyilynpepKia JIIIM al van
lhed ; why don't joit ndvi-ti e it ? Whai
allnwiuiLe will 3011 imiVu if 1 take n dozer
bottle" , t 1 tonhl oblige m > frieu Ii
oecnHinnalljJ" 1'rico 0 e-niitn , tritl hot
tllH 10 CI'lltH. I'.l.l ' *
iboGrea. , English K meiiy
vs s = < i HVv < r falU to eini
iMervmm Dulillu.v.1 .
I il i\liaii4tion : , I'm n
liloilH ' UIlllMll Wujk'
HOOD , and all thi
IvIlifT ctH of jnuth
ill foil m ninl exit i
cs It tois jcrni *
lUnth nil H aKi-i in ;
rtlu * - In * n '
irtl b ilk * u ihu bH
.S.V.Mh . Jl.'l'n
tke'H , hi ill UIUHO dintrne'hc to nilnrt anil loilj
antii.aVt > l ( u iiil.tribli.oitc i Icadlni ; to liuani
) ami tie till It n rui.tlioim ihv .Smu.lluln
( uieinorU Illool Mm Ki > , l'l'u-li\c ' ami Itepro
iliutlvu Or , IH , It loit nm to nil the ortrarli
tunetinu llielr former vlor and vitality , ma
Ink- life ill tidil nut i jojali'v 1'rieu rt
lioltlo , orlour lliiiK i > e < | u u It ) * 10 bent lij
cxpre'ii , hveure In/iu oar ution , to am uldrtii' ,
Oiireitlptof ) > rl > e o e e ) 1) ttiit , rx < p1
ourtcilit | nf gl At a iriiirv t e tettei * ru
rueitn g ulHrtiri ii lint I ilu-ii tump.
ADr. Win i 's 1 'a-x-i lion Pills
am tl u I u < t iiul ihi.iK ] t iv. pn t ami til liom
cu iiithuuurk l v * tl lij a I tlrii i/liiti. Jrnt
III ! iIl\TIK KlU\t1 UKMUI ) , UHKI.Tlrlkl ,
tun null 1 Inilof K tint ) in I bUildircoinpUlntt
1.0 i r' a , K't'it u il i m-Orfua ; \ al
dau g st : 31 a liottlt
. aLISll ilUIICAl , INbTlTtTK.
7ib eliv b : , at. LouU , iij.
Lots ,
For Sale By
No 2 > 9 , F'lll lot feintxl anil w 1th smnll build
Ing on Capitol Avenue ncnr 25thtnct , S700.
No. 257 , 1 artfo lot or block 295 by 2JO feit o
Hamilton , near Irene etrcct , 2DOO
ho 256 , Full corner lot ou Jones , near 1Mb
street , 83,000.
No 253 , Two lota on Center street , near Cum-
Ing street , 8900.
No. 252 , Lot on Spruce strict , near Oth eirect.
$ 50.
50.No. . 251 , Two lots en Seward , near King street.
No 2M } , Lot on Scward , near King street ,
93 > tO ,
No 249 , Half lot on Dodge , near 11th street
No 247 , Four beautiful residence )8l , near
Crclghton College ( or will 8ellsiparatoSOCW. )
No. 240 , Two lota on Cbailec , near Cumlng
strCLt , 8400 each.
No. 21lJ , Lot on Idaho , near Cumin , ; street ,
9100 *
No 245 , Ono acre lot on Cunilng , near Dutton
street , S7BO
No 244 , Lot on Farnhatn , near 18th street ,
No 213.1 ot CO by 133 feet on College street ,
near St. Mar'a Avtmie , 8550.
No 242 , Lot on Douglis , near 2Cth street ,
No 241 , Lot on Farnham , near 20th reel ,
8750.No 240 , Lot 60 bv D9 feet on South Avenue ,
ncir Maron strict , $550.
No 239 , Corner let on Hurt , near 2'djtriet ,
iso 233,120xl3J feet on Harnc ) , near 24th
strio ( will tut it up ) , 82,400
No 235 , 71x310 feet on Sherman Avenue
(10th ( strut ) , near firact , 81,000.
No " 01 , Lot on Douglas strict , near SM S760.
No 232 , lat on Pier sircct , near Seward , S500.
No 2J1 , Iot40zOO feet , mar C pitol Avenue
nnd 22d street , 81TOO.
No 227 , l o lots on Uccatur , mar Irene street
8200 and 8175 each.
No 223,1 ot 143 30110 by 441 feet on Shirnmn
Avenue ( ICth str-ct ) , mar Orace , ? 2,400.
No 22U , Lot 2Jxt a fcit on Dodye , neir 13th
Htrcct , make an otler
No 217 , Ixt on Sid street , near Clark , $500.
No 210 , Lot on Hamilton , near Kinj ; , jbOO
No 209 , Lot on 18th , near Nicholas btrect ,
N'o. 207 , Two lots on lO'h ' , near Pacific street.
No 205T o lota on CasUllar , near 10th ntrcet ,
No 204 , bcvitlfnl rrsidenco lot on Division
street , near Cumin , ? , &S50
No 201 , Lot on Saundore , near Hamilton
street , 8850.
No 109 } , Lot 16th Htreet , near Pacifl'$500. .
No. 194. Three lota on faaunders street , near
Seward , 81,300.
No 193) , Lot on 20th ttrcet , near Sherman
835 .
No 104 } , T o lota on 22d , near Grace street
SCOO o ch.
No 11)14 ) , two lota on Kins , near Harailt
street , $100 !
No. 192J , two lots on 17th street , near Whlto
I cad Werks , 81.P50.
No 188J , ono fi.ll block , ten Iota , near the bar
racks. 8400.
No 1D1 , lot on Parker , near Irene street , S300.
No 1E3 , two lota on Cess , near 21et utreet ,
( Ifllt edo ) , ) 80,100.
No 181 , lot on Center , near Cumlng street ,
JOONo ISO , lot on Pier , neir Seward street , SC50.
No 175 , lot on Sherman avenue , mar Izard
ttrea , 81,40.
No. 174) ) , lot on COSH , near 14th , ? 1X)0. ( )
No. 170 , lot on Pacific , near 14th street , make
N'o. ICO , six Iota on Farrham , near 24th street
$1 45 to 82,000 each.
No IBS , full block on Sfllh street , nei
r u course , and tbrco lots in Oi e's adilltion
near Saun ers and CaFniua ttreeta , $2,000
No 120 , lo * on California street , near Crcigh
on collci ; , S125.
AO. 127 , aere- lot , near the head of St. llarj'j
nv cnue , SJ.OOO.
No. 12S , bout two acres , near the head of St.
Slarj's avenue , 81,0)0.
No. 120 , lot on ISth street , near White Lead
Works , 8525.
No. J24 , sixteen lots , near shot tower on the
liellcvue road , 875 per ot
No. 122 , lJ2xl3i feet (2 ( lots ) on 18th street , Poppleton'H , $ ltOO.
No. llii , thirt ) half acre loUin Mlllaril and
CildtMtU'v additions on Shcrmin avenue , Spring
and biratn a streets , n < ar the end of t re-cn
etn et ear truek , 8801 to 81,200 taeh
No. 89 , lot on Chicago , near 22d ttre't , 81,500
N'o. hS , lot on Caldueil , near bauudera street
? bOO.
bOO.No. . 80 , corner lot on Ch iiles , near Saundcri
street , 8700 ,
No 81 , lot on Izard , near 2Ut , with two urn
lion c ,82400.
No. 83 , two lota on lith , near Piereo stree
$ lf0.
No. 78 , three lota on Harticj , near 10th street ,
* 2OjO
No. 70,00x132 feet ou Oth street.near Leaven-
worti street , 83,000.
No 7. ' , e xb2 feet , on Pacific , near 8th street ,
.No. (19 , 60x132 fe-et , oil Dnuslas street , near
10th , $ i 600 \
.No. GO , cU-htecn lots on 21st , 22d , 23d and
Siumlcrs streets , near unco and Sounder * strce
lirgt. \ . SIOO each lith
No. Uone fourth Mock (180x135 ( ftct ) , nearulae
Convent of 1'oor Claire on Hamilton street , tire
thn mil of red Btrro car trai.k , SS50.
No. 5 , lo on Marc } , near Oth stieet , $1,200.
No 3. lot on California , ncnr lilht , $1,110- .
No _ lot on Can * , near ii2d street , $ * , * iOO.
No. 1. lot in Ilan.ej , neai Ibth , fJ.Mn ) .
I ols in Ilarhach'H llrbt and suond additions
also in I'urKcr'b. Shliin'n , f > elsoii'H , Terraee , E.
V .Smith'i" , ItcdltliX olKu'fl , I.ikcX and all olher
additions at a v price * and terms
sir' lnt i lluiiBconi I'laee' , near llanscom
1'orl ririie , rum JOO to JMO iath.
Onti huiulreil and IHtj-nmu Ixautltul red.
ilcneulot > , loiulidon llainllton htreet , half way
between the lurn Ulde ol tl e red Btreet car line
and the ater orliBie irior and addition , and
junt went of thu Con nit of the hmterii I'oor
tlalre in hhlnn'ii ad dllmi Prien miiire from
J76 toJIOOiaeh and will ho old on canv leruu.
Traiuof S Id , 15 , ! M , 4D or 80 cres , with
hu Idinga and other Itnprov einenta. and adjoining
Ihcc t , at all | rin
S WX ) of the best nu den -e ots In the cltj ol
' inalu an ) location jou du Ire * north , eait ,
iiitti or t , anil at lied reek prieun.
11 * 'hoke Immnei , ! * loU In all the principal
l > u > nie. 4ii > ritNif Onialui , tartlnehoui SMX ) to
r nn' . ,
luo till druu tiiiuMa and ou running from
' 00lo jlf.CHX ) , aul itirauil In uverj part ol tbo
Ijirife miinlwr of e i client fann in DoiiKlu ,
Sari ] > , b uiiderr , II. dgu Uoi > hlniUn , Hurt , and
thirnod tvnintlcn In rii > terii Nulirwka
o\i \ nO.1 airu * he > , t land < i'i Douirlas , 7OfH crf
Km Ian U In arpt eo'int ) , and largu tracts lu
all the eastern tien or countlcn
1 -m Hnel Dr ij' ' i Street ,