Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1882, Image 3

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910 Fnrnhnm , bet , Oth nnd 10th Streeti.
no cniiy 1)carIn ( | > i < 9ttwlil ) * * J10.00
8 months " " . . . 6.0
month " " . . . 3 00
Oiinha 1'iwiciiKtr No. 2 , 8:30 : ik. ro. Ac
comnioJMIon No. 4 , 1:0 : t p. m
Arr c Omikhn I'wwcnirer No. 1 , 6.20 p. m
Accommodation No , 3 , 10Mn. : m.
0. , n. t O. 7:40 : n. m. 3'40 p. m.
C. & N. W. , 7 : 0 . iu , 3:40 : p. m.
0. , It I. & I' . . 7:40 : . m. 3:40 : p. m ,
K C. , St. J. i C. 3 , U'.IVPS nt S A. in. and 6 ! U
? . < n. Arrl\o4 fttSt. Louis at 6 : JO a. in. ami 6:52 :
P. in. , t. . & I1. , lo.mtj at 3 a. m. and 3:10 : p
< u , ArrlrM n St. Louis iU 0:10 : n. m. ami 7:30 :
WIWT on Moruwnn. )
n. il. In Nob. , Thtouzh Kxptew , 6i60 K m
B. A. M. Lincoln Kxirtiu | 4l"Jn p. ta.
U P , O\prlnml GxproiM , 1 ? 16 p. in.
O. k II. V. for Lincoln , 11 45 ft in.
O. A H. V. for OpLiola , ( I 40 . in ,
U. P. 'nUht Ko. 5 , 6:30 - \ m.
D. P. ireU'ht No. B , i"X ) a in.
U. P , trclfcht .Vo. 13 , 2 TU p. m.
U , P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m , emigrant.
. . .P. Htii\rr cxprrsc , 7 35 p. iu.
U. P. No 11 , 1130 p. m.
U. P. Dcmir f n.ln-ht , 3:25 : p. m.
0 , It. * 0 6.W ) a m. 7:25 : p m.
I A .N. VV.,11 45 ft in. 7:25 : p. m.
C. K. 1 iP..fl:15n : in.-D.06 p. m.
K. 0. , St. .100 A 0 11. , 7:40 : a. m. a:46p. :
PIOM run mar i.vo noimiwusi.
3. it IU V. from Lincoln 1 .03 p. ra.
U. P I'ullle E\i'cs | 3.S5 p. m.
B ft II. In Nob. , Through Kxprosa 1:16 : p m.
B. & M. Lincoln K\iri ! * 40 a in.
D. P. Dcmcr oxpris' ) , 7'35 a. m.
U. " . 1'rtii.lit No. 14-2 W p m.
U. P. v it 6.20 a. in. Knilrrtnt.
U. P , IrLlrfht No. 14 , 12:10 : p. in ,
U. P , < 0 W ) p. in.
U. P. . . 12 lir : , a. iu.
0. P. Dim or freight , 1:10 : n. in.
0. A H. V. mixed , ttr. 4:45 : p. m ,
come it. rum's.
Lauo Oumh at 3-00 , 9 00 , 10:00 i\nd 11:00 :
m. ; D 2 00 , 3 CO , 4 00 nnd 6Wi p. ni.
Lca\o Council Illiiilj at :25 : , QM. 10 25 and
l : R. m. ; iS6 , 2:25 : , ' 1 5 , 4:25 : and 6J5p. : in.
SuinaIho ilninm ) Icnum Ouiiha At 9.00
and ll-oo i . m. ; 2 00 , l-OO and 5 00 p. in. Lnaveg
Council ll a at 0:25 : uml 11:25 n. m.2:26 , 4:55 :
and ( : r > n. m.
Through and local pisnenk'ir trains between
Onmln anil Conn 11 IllufTs. Lci\o Omaha 0:16 : ,
7:46 : , 8:60 : iv. m. ; 3.40 , 6:45 : , 000 p. m. Arr o
Omaha 7:40 , 11:35 : , 11:45 : a. m. ; 5.40 , 7.0J , 7:16 : ,
; 40 p. ra.
_ _ _ _
Opening ant Closing of Mplli.
or/w. CI.OHB
u. iu. p. m. a. iu. p. in
W . 11.00 9:00 6:30 : 2.40
Chlciro , 11 1. A Pacific 11:00 0 CO 6SO 2:40 :
Chicago , 1 ! . ft Q . 11:00 9:00 : 5:30 : 210
Wabnsh . 12:30 : 6:30 : 2:40 :
3Ioux C tj ind Paurtc. . 900 6:30 : 240
Union Pacific . 400 11:10 :
OnuiVi&K. V . 4SX ) 11:40
B. & M. Ill .Veb . 4.00 8:10 :
Omalift t Sioux City. . . . 6 00 7.30
B. & M. Lincoln . 1030 6tO :
U. P. Uucoln , Sundaj. . . 1:30 : 11:00 :
U. P. DemorExo . BOO 0.30
O. . SlouxCltj teSt. P. . . 11:00 : 2:40 :
Local iinlla lor State ot Inn * lca\ lilt oncu n
day , viz : 0 30 a , m.
Ofllco oni'n SunJajs from 12 ra. to 1 p. m.
Business flirectory ,
Abstract and Real bitata.
JOHN L. McCAOUE , opiwslto Vest Offlc .
W. 11. BARTLETT 317 South 13th Strcat
Architect * .
Room 14 Crcik'liton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Ciolifhton Block.
Doola and Ohoot.
rine liuota nnd Shoo ? . A good aaeortmcnt ot
homo work on hand , corner 12th aud llarney.
rnO < 5. KRFCKPON , 8 K cor. 16th anil DouclM.
106 10th nruot , rannufacturca to order good woik
kl lair priceB. Ropalrlrg done.
Bed Spring ! .
1. 7. LAKRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Dowlas st.
Books , Newt and ( Stationery.
. I. PRUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street.
Butter and Eggi.
MeSIl.VNK & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and E.
Nebraska establUhod 187G Omahiv.
n hwenti corner lethand Dodge.
Bent Board ( or the llon y.
Stttslactloa Guaranteed ,
v Ufklc t all noun.
Hoard by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms ( or Cub
Furnlnhml Uonma Supplied.
Carriages anrt Road Wagons.
W.M SNYDE'.l , 14th and llarney Streets.
Clothing Uocight.
UAltlU i will pay hlghcstCaeh price ( or second
ciutiilntr. Corner 10th and Farnham.
Jowe en.
JOHN 11AUMKK 1311 Farnham Street.
Junk ,
n. UERT1IOLD , Hairs and Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
POSTER & OH Y corner Bth and Douglas Sta
Lamps and ulatsware.
J BONNER 1309 Doiulas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One ol our most rcpular Merchant Tailors la re-
mi ring tiiij latest Ueslitui lor Spring and Suminor
Qoodu ( or Kiiitlcmen's ' wear. Styllvh , durable ,
and prlciu low aa otcr 216 13th bet. I > ouK.&Frn.
MRS. 0 , A. IUNOER , Wholoeale and Retail , Fan
cy Oomle tu # rc4tarlcty , Zuplijru , Card BoanU ,
llo lery , tilatts , CorotU , & .C. Cheapest IJoueo In
! boVuut. . Purchasers t&\o 80 pur cent. Order
br Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jarknonrts
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , bth and Funhim Sto. ,
Wolahine Urea , proprietors.
Z. tITEVKNS , 21at between Cumlng n > l lui
T. A. McailANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng atrccta.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel.
OLAN & LANGWORT11Y , Wholeeale , 110 tn <
112 Utb Itreet
A HOLMES corner IMh nrt OalUornl *
Harness , Saddles , &c.
D. WEIST SO 18th St. bet Fain. S H rnev
, AMFIELD HOUSE , Oco. Canfleld,9th & Farnhum
OORAN 110USB , P II. Cory , 913 Famh mHt.
SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. SUven , 10th St.
Southern Hotel Cue. Hamel Oth & Leaven worth
Drug ! , Paints ana Oils.
Fine Vane Uooda , Coi. Utb ud
Pougln otrucU
. J. WHITEHOUFE , VYholerale & Retail , leth ot
0. FIELD , 202J Nortli Slue Cuuilng Street.
PARR. Pruifglat. lOtn and Howard HtrceU
OK. PAUL , WIlllaraB1 Clock Cor. 16th A ; Dodge.
Dry Good i Notions , Etc.
Hew York Dry Goods Stori , 1310 and 1312 Kirn-
htm itruct.
L. 0. Enewold alto toot * ndehoe Tth&Ptdflc.
& F. GROSS , New stid Suond Hand Furnltuto
Dd Stovco , 1114 Dciurlia. IIIho t caau price
ld ( or Becoad b i/3 goooi.
.BONNER 1S09 DswU t. Fine geode , 4c ,
rerce Works ,
OUST , FRIESCO 1213IltrneySt. , Improve
od Ice Bozei , lice and Wood Fences , OtCco
fi Counliii Ptoe tail Walaat.
WKST A KRITSCll KH , ln\nutnctiucra ol C1r' r ,
tnd VVhoIosalo Di-ftlcMl n ToMcco' , 1SO&IX > URM |
y. FLOUKKy _ _ imnufftotun-r Ulfl ratnhmn
A. Donftshue , iiUnte , cut ! lo ff , \HI | , .loqnet *
etc. N. W. cor. irlth knd 1'oui-Uo direct"
Civil Engineer ! nnrt Surveyors.
ANDREW ROSKWATKU , CrolRhton lllock ,
Tonn Sunejd , Grade and Scworaro Sictcnu a
Uammlnlon Merch.inti.
JOHN 0. WIL 1,13,1114 lV > J o Street.
D B 11KKVIER FfirdftAlla nUrge feltcttlro
monl In Dalh and \V ookU
Cornice Works.
Western Cornice \\ork , Manufuturtn Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron Mid Shto RootlliiK. Order *
from mi ) locnlltj | iromitl | ) oxccuUil In the tn-st
mnnncr. Factorj &nd Oltici > 1213 Hnrncj St.
C. Sl'KCIlT , I'toprictor.
OaUanlznl Iron Cornice * . Window C l * , etc. ,
manuUcturcd aiul put up In ahy iwrt ot the
country. T. 8INIIOI.U 4leTilrtfcnth Kttcct
Orocl < orv
J no.VNKH 1S09 DoueiM tttcct. Good lino.
Clothing and Furnishing Uoodi.
OEO. H. I'CTKKSON. Al o Hat , ( Jai , Roots ,
Shoeo , Notions and Cutlery , S04 8. 10th utrcet.
Retrlgorators , Candeld's Patent.
C. F. GOODMAN llth St. t > t. Kftrn A H nev
Show Oase Manufactory ,
0. J WILDE ,
Manuncturor and Dealer In all klndi ol Show
Case * , Uprleht Ciwes. A „ U17 Cuss St.
FRANK L. GERUAIU ) , proiirletor Omaha
ShowCaiominufactorj , 818 South 16th street ,
l > ot ttn Loa cnworth and Mnrcy. AH
warranted tlrnt-tliw
ROSKNFELD , 10th St. tiot Ftr ft Hat
Utovei ana mware.
Dinlor lnSto\cannd Tlnnnrc , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roo(9 ( and all kinds of Building Work
Odd Follows11locK !
J. IJONNEK. 1309 Dciulas St. Good and Cheap.
J. EVANS , Wholcvxlc nnd RcUil Seed Drills > nd
CultUntors , OJdFiltOMU Hall
Physicians an j Surgeons.
W. S. GI11B3 , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crolghton
lilock , 16th Strict.
I' . S. LEISENR1NO , M. D Manonlc Block.
C. L. HART , M. D. , E > e and Ear , opp postoOko
OuilUt and Aurlst. S. W 16th and Fnrnhaui Sta
Grand Central Oallerr ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic IIM1 Flret-clasa Work and Prompt' '
nuns guarantcci'
Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY A CO. . 210 12th bt. , bet. Fnrnham
and Douglas. Worn prompt ! } attended to.
D. ? ITZPATIUCK. 1401) ) Douelos Street
alntlng an opor
1ENRY A. ROSTERS. HI Oodgo btreet.
Shoe mores.
Phillip Lane. 1120 Farnham at. bet. ISth A 14th.
Second Hand Store.
I'KUKINS * LEAR , 141(1 Douglas St. . New nd
Second Hand Furniture , House FurnNhlng Goods ,
&c. , liou.'lit and sold on narrow marvlne
In tne uu brick block on Douglas Stroct , baa
Just opened a inont elegant licej Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
. every da ) .
" Caledonia " J FALCONER 870 I8th Street.
C11AS. RIEWE , 1012 Farnhim bet 10th & lltd.
09 Cent Stores.
I' . O. BACKUS. 1206 Farnharn St. , K.ncv Ooodt
A Sure Cure Found at Lastl
No Ono Nond SulU r !
A aurocuro for Ullnd , Bleeding , Itching and
Ulcerated Piles has Iwtn dlico\crci by Dr. Wil
liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. WllHara'H
Indian Ointment. A vliiglo box has cured the
w oral chronic cases of 25 or 80 } ears standing. No
one need suOer five minutes alter applying this
wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions , Instru
ments and electuaries do more harm than good ,
William's Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays
the Intense Itching , ( partlculaaly at night after
getting warm In bed , ) acts as apoultlco , gives in-
jtant and painless relief , and Is prepared only for
Piles , Itching of the private parts , and ( or noth
Ing else.
Road what the Hon J. U Ccfflnbcrrj of Cloto-
and says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oint
ment : I hav e used scores of Piles cures , and It
affords mo p eaauro to say that I have nev or found
anything which gave such Immediate and perma
nent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment
For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt ol
price , Sl.OO.HENRY
HENRY & CO. . Prop'rs. ,
ForealobyO. F Goodman.
A Care Guaranteed-
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment
A specific for Hktcria , Dizziness , Convulsions ,
S'crvoui Hcadaehe , Mental Depression , LOBS of
tIcn > orySperniatorrhaiaImpotcnH } , Involuntary
Kin talons , Prcinaturu Old AV.U , caused by our-
cxertlon , sell aljuao , or over-Indulgence , which
oads to mlacr } , deca ) and death. One box 111
cure recent cases. Ea h box contains one month's
rcatment , One dollar a box , or iboxe * ( or
five dollars ; sent b } mall prepaid on receipt of
: irlce. We guarantee nix boxen to cure any cvio.
With each order received by us ( or blx. boxes , ac
companied with live dollars , will Bend the pur
chaser our written guarantee to return the
noncy if the treatment does not ell ct a cure.
C. r , Goodman , Druirn'itt , Sole , Wholesale and
tctall Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orders b } mall at
regular price- . divl )
ILER & CO , .
Sole Manufftoturers. OMAHA.
Free to iiverybodyl
A Beautifal Book for the Asking ,
Dy applying personally at the nearest oillce
ly postal card If at a dlatance. ) any ADULT per ,
1011 vv(11 ( bo presented with a beautifully llus- |
rated cop ) ol a New Hook entitled
containing a handsome nd contly steel rngrav-
ug frontiiiplerce ; also , 24 flnel ) engraved wood
ruts , and bound In an elaborate blue and gold
Ithographcd cover. No charge whatever Is made
or this Iiandnorne book , which can bo obtained
only by application at the branch and subor
dlnate otllccn of The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Principal Office , 31 Union Square , New York
Tl ( t site.
Eeal Estate Agency
Keep complete tUtrtct ol title to Real
Kfteta lo Oman * aa DowlM couatv , maytl
A Chapter of Sooinl Lito nud
Married lufolicity in
Dlvorofl Proooodlnix * Ponillnts nud
a JJniilc Aooouut of 3Jf ! > UO
ut Stnltc.
Denver HopuMlcm
Two Lu.ulvillu jihjsicimifl nud n
former \titiuty nctruss nro ju t now
liminni ; in a cnsu Unit possesses u
KttAt nuiiy flcamluloiis fi'ntitri's. Tint
fucts C.UHU to tlio notice if n Uupub
lican reporter yesterday , and tlioro ia
a tinge of roimuico iibout tlio nltliir
Hint nukes it inorotlmn ordinarily in-
torestniL' .
Ill order to properly distinguish the
parties , and to oimblo tlio rcndor to
intelligibly follow the thread of the
story , one of the M. 1)'a will be cull
ed Dr. X. and the other Dr. / . Soon
after the Leiuh'illo oxciteinunt broke
out Dr. X. emigrated tlnthur nnd lo
eatcd in the town. He was lucky , ns
many a man who wont to Leulvtllo
has been , and before u great while lie
had amassed a eompotoney in ready
c.ish , beaulea being the owner of
some valuable properties. He is
now ix nun about fifty jears
of age. About two ye.ira ago n
young and handsome variety actress
appeared in Leadville. She took the
bloods young and olu by storm and
was the talk of the town among the
circles had sporting tendencies.
She met Dr. X. anil completely fas
cinated him Tlio old gentleman
danced iittond.uico upon her and
made her a Lugo number of valuable
presents The girl was only 1 ! ) years
old , a finely formed blonde , who
dressed elegantly , waltzed divinely
and talked vivaciously. It was not
long before Dr. X. ullorcd the variety
actress his hand in marriage. She
coyly hesitated , and then consented.
The marriage c.tme oil' and was given
wide publicity as a notable social
event event. The now * Mrs. X. was
installed in one of the most palatial
residences of the Carbonate camp
and her every caprice was gratified.
Her toilets were superb and at
tracted the attention of every one.
She was da'z/.huu in diamonds and flue
jewelry , and was conceded to bo one
of the finest looking ladies in Lead
ville. She at once cut louse from her
former associates and conducted her
self ns butitted a woman of her social
station No suspicion was ditected
toward her , although she was inclined
to gaiety and a sort of reckless aban
don in the pntsiiit of the pleasures of
society life. She appeared to live
happily v > ith her husband and to ap
preciate fully the advantages of a lux
urious and respectable home.
It was not a great \\liilp after her
marriage when a physician from
Georgetown arrived in Leadvillo and
entered into partnership with
her husband. This was Dr. Vi.
Matters went smoot'ily enough
for a short time , but
for some cause Dr. X.'a wife ex
pressed a strong antipathy for Dr. / . ,
and she prevailed upon her husband ,
after a great deal of purauiuiion , to
dissolve the partnership. This was
eilected about six : months ago , and
from that time until the middle of
December there was nothing to ripple
the smooth surface of the domestic
The wife got restless , however ,
and becaino anxious for a change of
scenery and of climate. Her hus
band consented that she should come
to Denver to spend the holidays , and
during Christinas week she arrived
here , alone and unattended , and en
gaged apartments in a Lanmer street
"I lonesome and "
waa low-spirited ,
she said to a Republican reporter yea-
terday , "and tired of Leadville. I
thought I would come down to Den
ver and see if there was any enjoy
ment hero. "
In some mysterious manner Dr. 'A.
also turned up in Denver about the
same tune. He secured a room di
rectly acrosi the street from the
apartments occupied by Mrs. X. , this
being the ichitive position of the
party to-day.
From the date of the woman's de
parture from Leadvillo Dr. X. scorns
to have suspected her of various and
sundry indiscretions. This nuspicion
grew upon him after he had written
several letteis to his wife in Denver
and lecoived no reply. Ho know Dr.
/i. was in Denver and he believed hm
to bo a friend who could bo trusted
Therefore ho wrote him a letter , un
der date of January 2 , asking that ho
HOCUIO a detective to "keep on the
track of hm wife and learn what her
deportment with other men might be. "
Dr. / . attended to the matter , but
after a couple of days had pasted by
ho came to the detective and told him
to give up the case until fuithct or-
doin from from Dr. X. at Leadville.
Thinking him the confidential fiiend
of the Leadville physician , liin ouleis
were obeyed and nothing moro was
thought of the case until , about a
week afterwards , a letter was received
from Dr. X , , asking what had been
done in regard to gathering the information
mation ho desired. Then lor the first
time was Dr.i.'a ' duplicity made ap
parent. Ho had received no such or
ders from Dr. X. in regard to stopping
the search tor information. Then the
suspicion began to dawn upon the
minds of those acquuinto'1 with the
[ acts that Dr , / , wua not exactly the
'riund he professed to be , and that
Mrs. X.'s antipathy to Dr. 7 , was
nore of a ahitm than reality. Dr. X.
will bring suit for divorce as BOOH as
.lie necessary information can be se
Mrs X. holds rather a good hand
n the game , and ia deposed to look
it mutters in a philosophical way.
When the woman cm an to Denver her
lUBiMiid deposited 'ir > 00 to her
credit in the First national Lank ,
With a woman's shrowdnesH she in-
luced him to endonio the certificate ,
bus making the money payable to
lur. The woman has not yet drawn
the money from the bank , doubtless
considering it secure from molesta
tion. She holds the certificate , properly -
erly endorsed , and m without doubt ,
entitled to draw the funds. The en
dorsement was not secured by unfair
noaiiB , therefore the law cannot well
bo invoked in the husband's behalf ,
A stake cf 83,500 ia no small amount
to play for , but the woman undoubt
edly has the best of it so far ,
Mrs. X , can bo aeon at the opera
house almost any evening and at all
the matinees. She is a fine lo iki
Inily , 21 years old , nnd h nlw-n
dressed in the height of fnaliuMi Hur
it rosace , boots , hats and val-rkm
Ancmirs are the envy and admiration
of the fair sex who see her. She is
often attended by a well-known real
eatato clerk , whoenjojs the reputation
of being ladiea' man anil a masher ,
lust what figure Dr. / . out * in the
eiiso is not plainly apparent , but eu > rj-
body is at liberty to draw tlu > ir own
conclusion' . Dr. X. has goi > o east ,
Dr.and Mrs X. occupy apartment *
directly opposite each other , Mith the
street between them , the real mti\U
clerk seems to bo a prime favorite
with the woman ; proparatimis are
going ahead for a divorce unit -and
thus the case stand * .
There , it , without doubt , inure un
der the crust of society than m < st puo-
plo imagine
Where 11 Lnruo Proportion of Those
Landing In Now York Hixvo
Sew York Sun
Thu Sun is ublo to anticinto | tlio
report of tlio emigration commissioners -
ors in giving n tublo of the destitution
of the imimj'nxnts lauding at Custlo
Garden fur this pist year , whu-h , now
that thu emigration question it Inom
ing up hern nnd in Europe as thu
great question of the hour , is es
pecially interesting. The total mini
bor of the immigrants landed hero for
thooluvou months of this ji'irnow
olosing , and the portion of the hvolfth
month down to December 11 , was
110,120 , an itioroaso of HiMU ( l\or
last year in the same period The
commissioners of emigration i-Munnto
that these immigrants paid Si.olM- )
000 for inland transportation , and
brought with thorn besides nbmit § 0-
000,000. Of course many wlw guvo
tboir destination as Now Ymk only
remain huro a short time , afturuard
going inl.ind. A larger number h.ivo
gene to tbo southwest this yexr than
hurotoforo. The total number of immigrants -
migrants for 1881 , at this ] > nrt , will
bo about-110,000 , the largest number
since the establishment of thu com
mission ill 1847. Tlio immigration
thisyoar was not marked by any epi
demic or serious sickness nniotii ; tlio
pussongers during the ocean voynijo ,
.uul the nmjoiity of thorn arrived in
good health , and their condition was
generally bettor than that of thosj
landed in preceding years.
The following are the destitutions
for the year oiuling Juno ao , 1881 :
Arlfom . . . "l1
Arkansas. 8I .Muntaiii i *
AUbaina V exlco , 42
Austrnlh vnssiclm'cttn 11,01)7
llritlshCol Manitoba. , (2
Connuwtltut . . . " --0 Now Ilninp hlii 2.1 !
Colnrvlu . . 1,24' ' North Cnro 1111 , 12M
Ciili.1 12 Nebraska | , li4 !
Central America. 13 New Mexico j
California . . ' ,007 Nc\mla . Us
Ciitula 1,7(10 No v JCTMV. 11,681
Delaware MO New York 143 K12
District ot Cot. . awiOhlo iyio7
Dakota. . . . 1 , b2t Oregon . . . . nil
Florid-v 1.C01 Fonnijhntili an,47 *
Oeorgii . . . ' . . . 1,20" Illioiiu Island . 'J.iril
InilUin f',32 South Carolina 1,225
Illinois 41,440 South Am rici ill
Idaho 17 Saiiclwlt
lowu . , . 12,520 lemiU9M.U . . . 1'llHl
Indian Territory. 31- Texas 1,201
Kentuck ) . . . . 1,770 Utah . . . l,7o
Eatms . . . 3.SSI Vermont. . tot
Louisiana 1,207 Virginia 1,853
Maine 220 Woil Virginia l.f ! > 7
.Mnr land l.bUU Wisconsin . . . 16,701
Mlchliran . 17U8d Wo.sirnTi.rrlt ) . . 71
Mlisourl 7ii20 iV joining . bO
Mln no ota . 15,00 West Indlci 12
Totil a81),047
N. V. Tribune.
The number of immigrants who
arrived in the United States during
1881 is now approximately estimated
at 700.000. It is a movement of
population wholly unprecedented in
modern times , and cannot bo ad
equately explained as the result of any
single cause. It is a reswarming of
the European hives , and ia to bo
attributed to various disturbing influ
ences in foreign centres of population
as well as to the natural attractions of
now fields of human industry. A
single glance at the statistics for the
five months ending December 1
will disclose the fatuity of
hasty generalizations on this
subject. The heaviest contingent ,
100,179 , is furnished by Germany ,
which sulfers equally fiom the eco
nomic evils of impoverishment anil
the increasing burdens of militarism
and political degradation , but is ex
empt from thu distracting influenci-H
of agrarian conllicts. \ ot the United
Kingdom , where theie m noithorcom-
[ iiilsory military tervice , internal ox-
liaustion nor imperial suppression of
popular institutions , but where there
ire certainly disaffected agricultural
classes , sends out almost tin ninny
immigrants to our .shoies. The
arrivals from Sweden and Norway
number : ! l,7r > 3 ; from England
mil Wales , : f,805 ! ; and from
Ireland , 25,00 < i. Hero _ are three
countries in which the political , agra
rian nnd economic conditions are OH-
anntially dilleiont , yet they fnrnifih
loiiily equal quotas to thu iilien popti-
ation of the United States. The nn-
: > IIHO ! to emigiate springs fiom mani-
: old causes and motives.
The statistics of thu decade baflle
any attempt to find a common factor
in this emigration problem. Too
rapid increase may account for the
movement of population from Oor-
many , which has a hiuhur birth-rate
, lmn any other European country , but
not from England , where the birth
rate is very much lower ; nor will it
explain the phenomenal exodus from
tforway _ and Sweden , where the
iroportion of births to population in ,
ivith one exception , the lowest on
ho continent. Militarism , again ,
nay bp the commonest curse of Euro-
> oan life Why was it that between
18i5 ( and 187 ! ) the aiuiual public ex
penditure rose from $1,090,000,000 to
§ 2,925,000,000 , and thu national debts
romSirj.l.'JO.OOO.OOO to 821,620,000-
)00Wis ) / ( it not because there wore
from 10,000,000 to IL',000,000 men
rained to arms , in active service and
n the reserves of volunteers , torri-
01 ml army or militia' If 4,000,000
nen wine constantly under arms ,
.horo were military and naval budgets
amounting to $800,000,000 annually ,
and the aggiegate IOHH to the contin
ent has been computed as about $2 ,
500,000,000. If there bo a general
reaction againat the intolerable bur
deus of costly armaments and
Military oBtablinhmenta , and a
sominon impulse to escape
lorn barrack duty anil everlasting
Irilling and maneuvering , the United
States , where an army of over 1,000-
)00 men was quietly disbanded when
lie fighting was over , and where
.hero u no compulsory service and
only a miniature military force , would
seem to lie an inviting tield of indus
try. Vet when wo come to Hcnitiuiro
the statistics , we find that the Ku-
ropean country which maintains to
day the largest army and the most
expensive military oMahlMhment
solids one of the smallest contingents
to the horde of immigrants Mill-
tat urn ia rampart in Franco , yet'
there is no popular reaction againat it.
In lik" manner wo could ivisily de
monstrate that the impoverishment of
the lower classes abroad iloes not cat
islactonly account for the present un-
picccdonted mllnx of immigrants , for
there has never boon a year when the
now-comorshavo ' of so superior a
class or have brought so much money
with them. Indied , vvo question the
utility of any general deductions from
emigration statistic * . It ia either a
specific hardship \vlnehdri\e each for-
I'lunor ftom his own homo or a specific
attraction which draws him to a now
country. It is not that the inert-use
in population in Germany has been
1,180,1)05 ) during the decade , nor that
the corresponding increase in
Oreat Hritiun and Ireland has
been U,018,22-1 , nor is it because
the United States government has
oleaiod oil' $ m,0U,018 ! ) of the national -
tional debt during the last year , and
can easily count upon a surplus of over
8100,000,000 in its annual revenues.
It is because thu mass of the immi
grants have realised how hard was
their lot w hero they wore , and have
learned by letteis from relatives and
neighbors in America how easily and
securely they could hotter it. Thu only
safe deduction from the statistics of
the decade is that the world at large
trulls by the lodmtiibutun of popula
lion. Europe actually gams by its
losses from emigration , for the surplus
population was exhausting its produc
tive onuigica , and America does not
lese by what it gains , for the increased
[ iresHino of iMiiimation directly pin-
motes national growth
Whom Xhorn'n n Will Thorn's a
n \Viiy
Anv ono \\lio lias tlio will to tryTltovi.
AH' 111 Kcriiir On.ill miro'y ' find thn vvny
to robust hciltli , iu UIS-H of lironchinl m-
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In these times of quack medicine
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to tm\ii ! in nriil trurlitiimii i-ilollouu'
'llin icli I/rated PULLMAN ( IU wluul ) PALAOfc
HLKl.l'INO OAltH run only on thlH line a , II
llortrn's Riiiltnlng Oialru Wo extra charge | nr
nuitn in lt > j.lliiliig Clmlru. llio Inuioim ( ' . , II , &
( j 1'alaio Dining Can , ( iorgcoin Smoking Carr
titled with ulcKU'it ' high baiki d rattan re\olvlni.
chairv , for the oxtlumve utuof llrit-clawi pniwen-
gtru.Htu ( 1 Track rd ninrlor | u | ulmiont | conitilru I
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this , aliovo all , thu favorltn routa to trie
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Try It , and } ou will II nd travillng a luxury In.
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Through tlckUnlo this colehrutod line ( or nail
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All nforrimtlon ai.jiit mtus ol faro , Slooi > lnt >
Car sccoiniiiodatloiis , lime Tahlun , etc. , will Ix-
cheerfully given h ) ajiplylng to
General oncer Agent , ( 'lilwgo.
. J. I'GnKIt ,
Un. Uanafer ( 'lilctifo.
lluiiry II. Wrolf will take notice that on thu
22d day of Deurnbcr , 1HH1 , thu Count ) Jmlgu til
Ioiixlan Count ) , luliripku , Iwuid an order of
attaihinuit forIhominio ( 312000 in an action
pending before him wheiuln I'nrker 1' Clark ,
deorgu II , Clark anil KHJah K Clark , partucru
IIH Clark I'roi ' aru ) > clntlfTii , and llui ry 11.
Wooldefendant ) , that propeity helm KIIL' ! to jou
liiu been attachi < I miller naid order , that tal d cauxu
wan continued to thu rcmunr ) , IbHI , term of
H id court , and thiujou aru reiiulrud to appuur
and aimuer by thuUthdaj of Koiiruarj , Ibb .
UaUd Oinalu , Jaiuni ) 11,1H.H2CI.AHK
CI.AHK niios.
II)1 Ci.AiihHiif i HI.ST janllevii&tl
State Gazetteer and Busi
ness Directoy ,
Contiiiiilni ; n dencripliim uml a llu of nil
liiiuliiuBH inuii Iu thu elate , will be ' '
curly In 188U. I'rlce $ J.OO.
J. M. WOLFJi ! I''bot
South Fourteenth Neb
Clarkson & Hunt ,
Buccoawv" to HlchnrUi k Hunt ,
8) ) UtbBtrMt Om hi N b ,
> J voiu' Any roiv < oii.ibln quojlinn ttmt thn
' * M" " . dn ttio * > - . rT i fet jnu to fnko vlicn ( r.\rclluc In either rtlicrtlon brtvoo
i.MtiKo toil l-of the Principal Points in the Wosl , Nurlli nil
. Vnp llii'l'rlnclpAM'itipii.f tlit > Wntr.ii. ) S
Vjri . il" VM'MirmrimI ' ! " "OS. runs cnoli way daily from two to tourormoro i
i r.uiis it is tliii .
oiilj > \ MI of Chlmco tlmt met llio
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
> asl , fir ( \l.\thUroaillinsurotliey rrai ! nrrrlt.aml takfliionomlint
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IIAIUIV P. lH'iL. Ticket Aeoni O.U N. W nll - > y , lUh nnd F inh mnlrMl .
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J. 1IKLL , Hikct A 'ntO Jk N. VV. H ll * y , U. P. 11 K. Ihtpot.
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