Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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AD Episode of the Early Min
ing Days nt Grizzly
The Mnn Who Plundered nt Hcmos
Mlnora-How Ho Was Suspected ,
Detected and Punished
Cnmp Lynch Law.
San Tranche ) Call.
Grizzly Flat was excited. ISrery
botly had quit work , ntul nn ui lj
crowd of rough-looking minors jath
ored nrouncl the "Long Tom" B.ilooi
and Gather's stoiv. From thu npprnr
nnco of things it evident thai
Romothint ; voryMimisiml Imil happened. .
No ordinary ahnntitiK ixn" f or mining
nccidont would liavo kicked up Hiioli i
fuss , and as for "a Blriko" or "i
find1 , Biich things were of too fro
qiient nccnrruncu to make the boy
knock oir work and leave tlioir claim
nt this limn of day. The fact in
Grbzly Flat was enjoying its drat rotl
hot sonsation. Everything that pro
ceiled it , not excepting the murder o
old man Moore nnd the lynching o
Sydney Hill , wan tame in comparison
nnd the occasion of it all wm
the arrest of n Mexican callei
"Gringo , " for robbing nluiccs , Thii
rascally work ban been going on foi
months , the claims being visitecl dur
ing the niulit , the rufllrn taken up , am
the boxes raked and scraped an if will
n fine-tooth comb. In spite of overj
prccaulion , such as a "clean-up" al
the close of each day's work , instoac
of on Saturday night , ns usual , the lot :
was considerable , tonay nothing of tin
trouble and worry caused by it. Several
oral companies stood guard with shot
guns night after night , but the ntcal
ing wont steadily on , and the norpo
trator or perpetrators could not bo do
tooted. Naturally enough , the mysterious
torious midnight visitor puzzled tin
boyH awfully , and more than one mat
In camp began to bo looked upon will
In the midst of this anxiety and
RiispeuBO , while all wore worrying ovoi
these nocturnal depredations , wore :
ran like wild-firo alonj { the camp and
through the surrounding country thai
the tliiof had been caught at last.
Sam 1'ritcher , who had been hired U :
stand watch over the "Gold Minors'
claim , was the successfulBontinol. and
immediately became the hero of the
hour. Sam was a tall , lank , lantern
jawed Misaourian , comparatively r
now man on Grizzly Flat , and verj
few know anything about him Hi
certainly didn't love work , althougl ;
doing a little occasionally in the waj
of mining , while his vicious disposi
t if in and gambling propunsitiei
woi-o not calculated to win him nmnj
friends. On the subject of elince
robbing Sam had been onoot the 11103
indignant , notwithstanding ho novci
owned a foot of ground , nnd was of tei
heard to swear that the miscreant win
would rob an miner ought t <
bo strung up like a dog to the nearoa
tree. Very likely it was because o
his zeal in this respect that caused bin
to bo one of the first men placed 01
guard by the minors to protect thoii
property nnd discover the guilty part ]
or parties. Unlike several others
who wore selected for the same duty
Sam proferrrd to ' 'go it alone , " stub
bornly refusing to stand guard nloni
with anybody also , and swearing , wit ]
a terrible oath , that ho didn't proposi
to share either the regard or the glor
with any man. Bis account of tin
discovery of the thief , nnd the manner
nor in which ho effected the capture
was that ho hud hidden himself be
hind a pile of railings , from whicl
point ho could have n good view o
the sluices without being soon by tin
robber. About 3 o'clock in tin
morning , or botwcon 2 and 3 , ho sav
A man spying around in n stealth ]
manner , as if to make sure there wai
no danger , and then deliberately pan :
up and down the long line of sluice
boxes , bonding over in a stoopiii )
position , and scraping up the dust a
ho wont along. Bringing his sholgui
to bear upon him , when ho had conn
within close range , Sam made him hi
prisoner , nnd brought him into canii
This was substantially the story o
the capture , its told by the long Mis
ourian with n liberal ombolishmont o
oaths. The way of it was that tin
Mexican n lazy , idle , worthless ful
low wan always cursing the Ameri
cans ns "d Gringoos" ( Yankees )
and the latter , probably for this re.i
eon , and because the growling black
guard disliked it so much , faatenci
upon him thu name of "Gringo" ii
return. All over the camp , niuoii ]
the miners , he was called nothing else
and the boys delighted to shout i
after him wherever ho wont. Hereto
fore , however , whatever might In
"Gringo's" shortcomings , lie had neve
been suspected of being a thiuf. Stil
there was no very great surprise min
gled with the popular indignation a
finding this particular Mexican luu
boon caught in thu sluices.
Daylight saw the little camp fuirl ,
boiling with excitement. More thai
one rough-looking miner , even befor
knowing anything beyond that "
greaser had boon caught robbin
sluices , " fiercely domnndod that h
be swung up without judge or jury
"Jiang him ! " was the general verdict
without waiting for the evidence o
going through the forum of tiial. For
tunately for thu mihemblo wretch
there wore cooltr houl : among th
uavago crowd that cursed nnd nco\vloi
lit him ns he lay there , tied like i
dog to a heavy bunch in thu cibin o
John Martin , one of the "colid" mei
of Grizzly Flut , Martin had In
bunds full that morning. Ho wai
heavy loser by the sluice robbing , am
probably for that reason the unfot
tunule ' 'Gringo" had been turned ovc
to him by his captor. But John Mat
tin did not believe in hanging a mat
first and trying him afterwards , ns di
BO many of liis rash and excited new
ciates , oven if ho were "nothing but
greaser , anyhow ? " It wan no oas
task , however , to restrain the ponulu
fury , particularly when the cliuii
lightning whiskuy began to make i
/self felt us the day wore on. J'rilcln
Hindu hiinaolf particularly active i
demanding summitry vengeance , an
the glory of lii exploit gavu him git'i
intluenuo with thu ox.ispuratiKl mult
tudo. "Lot'a hang him t < > tree , " li
shouted , "and you bet wo won't ' lutv
any moroHluico-robbnig in this ouum.
'J'hut bio advice would huvo been fo
lowed there can bo no question , had
not Mr. Martin and a few friends he
had called to his assistance bravely in
terposed between the Mexican and the
jury of the mob , for such it might
fairly bo called. Through their active
exertions and earnest appeals it was n !
lait determined to
For this purpose a minors' jury waj
formed , then and there , under a hig
oak tree , with John Martin for judge
of the impromptu court , lint littii
time was wauled on technicalities 01
anything else , nnd the whole trial did
not consume an hour , The principa
witness was Pritcher , who detailed
the manner of the discovery and
arrest , and added that "Gringo" had
ollored to give him five thousand dollars
lars to lot him go. The prisoner ,
through nn interpreter , was permittee !
to make a statement. Ho declared
that there was not one word of truth
in 1'riteher's testimony ; that ho wa
going up the creek to his cabin , hav
ing been down at ri Spanish danco-
houno until after 2 o'clock in the
morning ; that he had been drinking ,
and hardly know what ho was doing ,
until Pritchur grabbed him by the
collar , and threatened to blow his
brains out ; that all this occurred on
the public roul , and ho was not inner
nor near the sluices. One or two
minors testified to having seen
"Gringo" nt a late hour in the fan-
elango , where he was making n nuisance
of himself as usual--drinking , quar
reling and cursing everybody.
AN UOIiY t'llH'OMWANl'i : .
There was one circumstance in the
case which looked particularly bad
for the Mexican. When first brought
in ho repeatedly declared that he had
no money , while on being searched ,
to his appaiont nstoniahment ind
consternation , nearly two ounces of
coarse gold was found upon. Ho
could give no account of how he got
the dust , nnd swore some ono must
have put it in his pock'ot. The "jury"
laughed outright when the poor
"Gringo" told his story , in which the
host oFspoctators joined with hearty
500d will. From that moment thu
prisoner evidently realized , as the
hoys said , that ho had "fjono up thu
Hume. " Even John Martin , who had
asked Sam Pritcher n good many sus
picious questions , as if ho did not. feel
entirely satisfied with the truth
of his statement , was clearly stagger
ed by this circumstance. Neverthe
less , when it was proposed to hang the
Mexican , Martin strenuously objected
and urged some other kind of punish
ment. "You see , boys , " ho said ,
"there may bo something wrong in
this matter , after nil , though it cer
tainly looks bad for Gringo. I know
he's n mean , worthless , good-for-noth
ing fellow , but I don't like the idea
of hanging n man on this evidence. I
don't exactly know why , for ho cer
tainly appears to be guilty , but some
thing seems to say within mo that wo
haven't got the right man yet. " Homo ,
how his eyes mot those of Prtcher as
ho said this , and more than ono
noticed that Sam turned pale and
cowereel beneath that meaning glance.
Martin's eflbrto finally prevailed , so
far ns the prisoner's life was con
cerned , notwithstnnding the ominous
murmurs of the angry crowd , who
were evidently disappointed at the
prospect of his escaping thu oxtremu
penalty of Juditu Lynch. The dis
appointment was not of long dura
tion , however , as the jury speeelily
resolved , as a sort of a compromise ,
that the prisoner should be stripped
and given fifty lashes. This wan
doomed satisfactory nil around with
the exception of the wretched victim ,
who seemed to have a mortal horror
of the whipping proponed. Up to
this time ho hud sullenly refused to
nsk for mercy ; but now , with terror
dppictou in every feature of his
vicious , ugly face , ho begged franti
cally fpr thorn to hang him. He war.
not afraid to die , but grow nick and
fnnit at the very thought of receiving
fifty lashes. The poor cronturo'n
nndings wore un'availing , nnd muic
d than alive , ho was driig <
gud to thu improvised whipm'ni.
post. Some dilliculty was an
ticipnted in gulling anybody to do tin
flogging , but Pritchur stopped forward
nnd volunteered for thu woik ,
No onu disputed his fitness for tin
job , nnd thu zuixl with which ho pur1
formed his horrible task was testified
to by thu agonizing groans and yells ol
the sutlerim ; wruteh , whoso blood
spurtud nt every cruel blow. Stroi. ) .
men gruw sick at the horriblu Bight ,
and Mr. Martin's interference , nftui
thirty-live lashes had been given , mel
with general npproval. ] ) lu ding am
wounded , hisb.iek blistered withthiol
livid welts , showing the fearful vigoi
of hix punishment , the crushed am
trembling victim \uw led nwuy tor
neighboring cabin. Kindly hands ns
mated nil they could to ruliuvu hii
pain , and in a nhort whilu ho mink ol
towards the Spanish quarter of Grig
zly Flat , muttering as hu uuiit tin
most fearful imprecations on thu au
cuiaed Gringoun.
Tli 100 months rolled away , am Flat wan nt rust. Tnu terri
bio oiMinplo nindu of "Gringo" luu
bornu good fruit. No muru aluicu
hoxis wore invadt'd ; no more mid
night raids madu upon thu claims Pritclivr meanwhile had growi
quitu dhsipnlud after his famous exploit
ploit , and spout the liberal reward ro
cuived in drinking , caroimng inn
gambling Thu c.ipturu of pee
"Chiiiyo , " although netting 81,000
had done him no good , that \vne uvi
elenl. Strangely enough , at the ex
piration of the time mentioned , not
withstanding the bloody lesson tiiugh
to ovil-doorH , and tint additional fnc
that "Giingo" had disappearei
immediately after thu whip
ping , thu minors discovoroi
that the old game was beiii (
played ngain by somebody. OMCI
iiioio thuru was disappointment mu
cursing over rilled Muicon ; niiuu mori
there could I HI neon indisputablu signi
of the boxes being scraped and despoiled
spoiled of thuir golden store , nigh
lifter nielli ) nnd oneo itunin the angry
outraged minors ntton-d curses hot !
loudnmldeep , setmunuof theirnumho
to gu.ird thu claims nt night , tux
named du.iih at this time to any OIK
eaught in lliu act of icbbory. Join
Marl in , us befuro , uns .main onu o
thu ht'iiviutt HUll'eivrs , and Piitche
was in the habit of lnightngly tmyini
to him til * ' bnttorhm "saving tin
d d KruuKur , tliere would havu heui
an oud to uluuu-rubbinu ; on ( ! ri//l
Flat. " Martin necopted tlioso prei
voking taunts < | uiotly. Ho said noth
ing , and took his place at the wind
less and down the hole as usual , bit )
a close eibsorvor would have noticed
that ho was very earnestly
thinking about something ,
Ono day , after they had all knocked
off work , ho went down the creek to
the cabin of A man named Iloguu ,
who had been once n well known detective
tectivo in n Inrgo eastern city. After
shaking hands and taking n scat on
an old rickclty bench which served fern
n chair , Martin said : "Hogiiu , 1'vo
come down to got your opinion on a
matter that has been troubling mo for
some tiinp. You know , as well as I
do , wlmt has been K"ii'g ' on in this
camp in the way of aluice-robbinj , ' .
You sw that poor ilovii of n Mexican
whipped noirly to death only u short
timu ago. HoIM \ left thu Flat , gene
the Ixird knows where , and yet the
stealing goes on jn t ns bad as ever.
Now , you have had some experience
in this sort of limit , ' , and 1 want to
tell you what 1 think and uest your
advice. I mny do a certain man
wrong by my suspicions , and that is
why 1 have cumu to you. "
Ho then related to hinrhnw hu hud
lever been fully aatislied of the Mexi
can's guilt , di-spito of nppu trnncoa to
, ho contrary ; that hn had from the
Irst a suspicion in hia mind that Sam
I'rilcher himself wns the guilty party ,
ind that hu , now , in the light ot what
tad occurred sine" , thought so more
.ban uvur. Thu ux-duteutivo listened
latiuntly to the end , and then said :
'When I was in the old busmen * to
lomo wo had just onu wiy nt thu bu-
{ intiinu to treat a emu like this.Vo
watched our man. Why , sir , day nnd
light , for months nt a time , I've fol-
owetd rny man like his shadow. Some-
, iniL's hu would get nway , for some-
imes they beat the best of us , but
ihio times out of ton wu would bac
lim as suru an fate. Now , Mr. Marin -
in , you havu roused my old profoa-
ional feeling , ns it wuru , nnd if } on
say the word I'll toll you buforoyou're
i weuk older whether Sam Pntclior is
doing this business. "
The two men pupnratud , John
Martin wont hick to his claim as
usual , but HiigiiD hud to "lay oil" ho
aid , n few eLiys , on account of n spull
of sickness.
Forty-eight houn h id not elapsed
rom the date of John Martin's visit
x > the ex-detectivu , until Gnz/.ly Flat
tad another soiiiwtion This timu it
was not "n dirty Greaser , " but Sam
L'ritcher , himself , who was dr.igirod
juforo thu rough jurors of thu mines
HI a chargu of robbing sluices. The
evidence wan overwhelming , lloguu
ind donu his work wull. Thu guilty
wruteh , caught in the act , whilu plun
dering thu very claim hu had huen
mid to guard nnd tlofuiiel , con-
'osscd hiti crime and begged
) ituously for mercy. Tliuio was no
mod of u trial in his emu , except to
say what should bo the punishment.
Judge Lynch wait inoxor.iblu this time ,
i'liu jury decided unanimously that
Biich n man Wasn't fit to live , and g.ivo
lim noticu thu next morning at sun
rise to pruparo to meut his Maker.
L'lioy wuro all siitmfiud now that thu
luxicm , who had been HO barbar
ously treated , wns an innocent man ,
ind wore ) indignant at thu
) urjury and brutality of the wretch
vho has got them into that ugly
scrape. As for Pritehur , : i moiu
cravuii-huarted specimen of a white
nan coulel not bo imagined Ho was
utterly broken down , and Boomed to
Jiink hinmalf onu utterly without
lope , uilhur in this worlel or the world
to come. After it wna known that hu
was to bo hanged at sunrise , hu ad-
mitlud to Mr. Martin and sevuial oth
ers that poor "Gringo" hud suffered
unjustly. Hu had beiun nfrnid of sim
licion nttnching to himself , nnd thore-
foru suited thu drunken Mexican whilu
on his w.iy home. In order to make
liis victim's guilt appear more certain
iiu had , without any trouble , put thu
gold dust into his pocket. Pritchor ,
unlike thu uiifortuuat > "Giingo , " bi'g-
gud lustily for lifu on any turms. ' 'Do
with mo as you did the Greaser , " ho
implored. "Why 'should you hang
inu , and let him got Ain't an Ameri
can as good as n Grouser ? " us if forgetful -
gotful that thu poor Mexican wns in-
noeunt of any crime whatever. The
diumlfiil punishment of thu lash , thu
biiru thought of which li'id frightuiiod
"Gringo" almost to death , was uiiger-
ly prayed for by the wretched crimi
nal , whose co'vardly whining and
pluading was siukuning to hear.
Till' KXKCU'IION AT hUMllhi : .
Slowly the night woru away , not
withstanding that many of thu boys ,
uiBtund of going to thuir cabins , got
on n big upruo , nnd madu Grizzly Flat
very livuly with thuir noisy ruvolry.
Long bofoiu sun-up thu Illinois came
Hooking in fiom all qmuturH. These ,
however , wore not the only specta
tors. Ttiu Spanish and Mexican pop <
illation wuro on hand in largu num
bers , whilu u sprinkling of Dig ci
Indians hovered around thu outskirts
of thu town. Onu of thu fust men ti
make his appearance in thu iiiormm.
of thu execution wan thu unhappj
"Gringo , " who said hu had conn
many a long inilu to "seu thu fun , '
Whun thu prisoner was brought out ,
being helped iilung by n stuuty niinei
on eneh aide , "Gringo" could ne
longer lubtriiin his vindictive joy ,
With Hcouling face ho pressed ii [
close to thu doomed man , mid begin
savagely showering noon him n tor
runt of Spanish bitliiigB atu. Thii
conduct , duspito his admitted griuv
inico was too cowardly to suit tin
dunizuiiH of Grizzly Flat , and thoj
soon drove "Guiigo" back , nnd guvi
him to understand that hu must keur
quiet or leave the camp. After con
suloripg the matter , howuvur , it wm
doomed no moro than fair to let tin
n vi'pgofiil Muxioin put the ropi
aiiiutidSnm'd neek , and it WOH obsorvui
that many of his countrymen engorl ]
cnmo forwiud tn n < ti i . i.u woiL ol
eloath , No gallows \vns erect eel , bill
when thu hist minute had arrived
one end of thu long rope was thrown
over the stout limb of an old oak trot
and thu other madu into n i loose , ant
securely fastened about Pritohur'i
nock. The miserable man was toe
iargonu to htand nlono , and butwuui
fright and whiskey ( freely given bin
by thu boys ) hu seemed to bo almost
unconscious , Suddenly , at n signa
ngroud upon , n hundred strong hiiiuh
Hri/.cd the fatal rope , and with a wile
tihoiit the guilty wretched was launchee
into eternity ,
A uioroys HOLIDAY.
After thu Imnging , but few of tin
minors returned to work , and GrirzJ ;
Fiat enjoyed u noisy , drunken , riot
) us holiday. Whiskey flowed lik <
water , nnd the fandango and gambling
dons wore liberally patronized. Atnonf
; ha most active participants in these
Miistoroua festivities was the Moxicat
"Gringo , " who succeeded during lh (
night fii starting n big row between r
; > arty of Americans and a number 01
iis countrymen , in which pistols nnd
< nivcs were freely used and more
hnn ono bully injured. Nexl
lay the Flat resumed its wonted ap
icnranco ; thu boys xvent back to theii
nbors , nnd thu claims presented the
mini scene of cheerful , happy , busj
ifu which characterized mining opera'
lions in tlio gexid oldoarly elnjs.
And now , strange to say , in conclti' '
lion , within a year from the date ol
ho exciting occurrences which art
icro recorded , a sluice robber KM
Hhot and killed while puisiiing his vil-
lanous work in n neighboring camp ,
'ailing dead in his tracks in the boxes.
upon examination ho proved to be
.lio identical Mexican "Gringo" who
lad figured so prominently in the
tragudyat Gn//.ly Flat. "
Don't Throw Up thoSponRo-
When Milfcrint ; Immunity are emlurinp
mrroiM of ily iiCD'i.i , indi/oHtioii , 01
icrioiiB and ucncrjl d.'iiility , they nra lor
often Inclined t tlnow up tli > ! Bpougo nnd
ml n thcinmlvclo file. We Bav , don't
1 < > it. Tike HflinorK llool ! ) IJlTTKUS.tht
mfnillng rcincily. 1'rice , $1.00 , trial size
10 cent * . lt-lw !
Somolmportniittitatomowtsof Wo
Known Fnuplo 'Wholly
In onlcr tliat the jmbllc may fully rcillzo the
K'uniilni.noBD ot tlio titnto-riMit" , ai well nithc
ion cr nnd vnlnu nf the Rttlclu ol which tlicj
l > onk , wu iniMlsh ticrawltli tl o fai-almllo BiKtm-
urcsof jmrtlcs nhososlnarltv Is lioyon 1 qucn-
Ion. The Truth cf these testimonial * l ftlim
u to , nor can thu faUa they announce bo Is-
OMAHA , XtB. . Mny 24 , 1881.
DitAiiHrn : I have frequently used Wnrner's
Safu Kldno ) and Liver Cure for local aflcctlonB
Attendant upon srvcro rheunmtla attack" , nnd
m\oal ny derived licncllt thurufrom. I hate
Ino uard the Safe N'crt uio with aatUUctory re-
nltfl. I consldir thcoo medicines worthy of
Deputy Treasurer
OMAHA , NKII , Mny 21 , 1 HI
I. . WARNUI & Co. , Hoclii'stcr , N. Y :
xTH ; I have used > our Sato Kidney ( ind
.her Cure thin iprln ) ; as n hcrimlgorator , nnd
llnd 1 the best rciiudy I ever tried. Ilia\t
, -il 4 bottlcR , a d It his inado mo feel better
otcr I uld licforu In the
I. H. WAU.NKR Co :
Sum : For moru tlmi 16 y nr I have millcrtd
nui h In onienlcni.e Iroin coinlilncd Kldnc ) uml
i > er tilHeafni , > id ( mo been nn bio to work
ny urln. y or f nanlioliLlnifnlTuc'ud I rled A
rcatnunt incdiclma and doctors , but I ifrcw
worse nnd worm day by iliy IwnstoM I had
itlvht'a DiKi'asj , nnd I umtied 1'ijn'lt dead If I ,
ould not hat o speedy relief. I took your Siifc
vlilney nnd Uvcr lure , Itnouli'f ; iiotiiliii ; clit
MUH c\cr knoun tocurotha dlsi n e , anil 1 hav
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in- , mid 1 nni | ierfee ly tll lo-dav , rtitlnly
liniiKh ) our Sato Kldnoy anil I.ner Cuiu I
wlshjou all sine 9 In puliiUhlnif this v luablc
cmotiy through iho * orlil.
U. I1. II. It. Shops.
Thouoamli ( if equally 8'riin.c endorsement
nany of them In case * vhiro h po n nlinn ,
doncd luvo been voluntarily | -lM'nKliowini , ' tht
reinaikalilo power of WarnerV "ato Kldnuy nui :
.her Cure , In all dHcanoc of II" ) l.lcluc > B. ll\ei
< > ' " If any cf" who readK till'
( tronlilo rni'-iliur thu err I
Who Tvnnt glossy , luxuriant
and vrnvy tresses of abundant ,
beautiiul Hair must use
clecant , clionp article always
makes the Hair prow freely
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In HoaU of Famlllei
llo tittcr' Sloniacli Hitter * la an much regardc
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reason ol thin U that \enr of > porli'iicu ha\
pro * wl It to bo perfectly rtllablo In the e ca e <
emerk'incy where ft prompt and comtnlent run
cdy U demanded. Conitlutlun. | ll\cr ( .ouiplaln
d ) | ivMla. | tndl otlon and otlur troubled ai
ot rrcome by It.
V'or mle by all PrugifUU and Dialers , to who :
apply for lloitetUr'i Almanac for IBS * .
d. L. WILKIE ,
218 and 220 8.14th St.
cjk. - - anas
j on suffer from lppcptla , line
IIUIIDOCK iiLoon iiimns. :
f you nro .iflllctcd with iniloinncw , u o
f you are prostrated Kith tick Headache , take
iiuitDocK ni.001) inrrKiis
f jour Hovels are disordered , rcg-tihto them with
fjour Illoodln mptirr , ptirlfi It with
IIUHUOCK iii.ooi ) niTrniis.
f joulmo InillRCTtlon , jou will tindnn antidote
f > oui\re troHblcd with Spring Complalnta , cr-
illcato them with IIUIIDOCK III.OOI ) HITTERS.
f jour U\crl torjild , rcstoro Itto liciklthyBctlon
f jour Liver Is ixfTcctcdou 1H find a sure re-
f jou ha\cnny species of Humor or I'lmplc , fall
lot to Ukc IIUIIDOCK 111.001) IHTTnitS.
f jou have any sjtnptonnof UUcrs or Scrofulous
Sores , a curative remedy will bo found In
'or ImpartlnK atrcnRth and vitality tothosjs-
tern , nothing can equal
'or Nervous nnd General Debility , tone up the
Price , I.OO pel flottle ; Trial Bottles 10 CU
FOSTER , MILBUM. . & Go , .Props . ,
Sold at wholesale by Inn & McMahon and C. F.
oodman. ) 27 eod-me
880 , SHORT LINE. 1880.
St , Joe & Council Bluffs
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
Prom Omaha and the Woat.
o change of cars between Omahi fid nu. i.o\il .
and tint ono between OMAHA anO
Daily Passenger Trains
I a AU ,
niARnrsond IN AD\AKCIO ( ALL
fT.t , untlre llnu Is equipwd 'rtth Pullnuui >
ttlaco Mecnln ) ' . Car , I'alnco I ) ly Coaches , JJlllor'-
alit1''orrn und Couji'.or , and the eelauratei'
Viitlnjhouwlrbrulcc. .
| -XTSp that your ticket revls VIA i\AN3Af. !
ITV , til1. JO.Shl'It ii COUNCIL UMJFFS Ila ,
old , \ K lit. Jobeph ur.d St. Lo.tU.
Tlclsrt , " fnr ln t all ronimn " < tatlaiu In thr
A * C. L'AVVta , Gen. Supt. , St. Jo0cph , MoJ
On. Vaw and TlLket Act , St. Joseph , Mo.
ANDY BOCDXN , Ticket Aiciit ( ,
10JO Farnhaui street.
V. II HARNARD Ocnnral Auent ,
Sioux City & Faciiie
Huns a Solid Train Through from
Council Bluff's to St. f aul
Without Chance Time , Only 17 Hour * .
O MT I'At'L. MINNKAl'l'l Jb
nil al1 ) > ' > liu > u. .Vjicmrn | nt . iiinm-i tt it
) r.l.oU. This line f , Ui [ | . . ' \ . th tin i | irt u > -
Ve&tlnxhuuuii Auluiuitiu Aji-htuki : M , . | Alillti
'latform ' Coupler and Butter : and for
a untmrpasacd. Pullman Palace Utecpliif ; Car
run through WITHOUT CHANGE between Kan
Ras City and St. Paul , \la Council lllufls and
jioux City.
Trains leni o Union Paclflo Transfer at Coun-
11 Ulufls , at 7:35 : p. m. dally on arrival of Kansas
City. St. Joseph and Council liluQs train from
ho South. ArrlIng at Sioux City 11:36 : p. m , ,
and at the New Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:30 :
CJTRcinembcr In taking the Sioux City Itouto
rou < { ot a Through Train. The Shortest Line ,
ho Quickest Time and a Comfortable Uldo In the
Through > 'ars between
/UTSoo / that your Ticket * read via the "Sioux
! ltv and I'acinc Itailioid.
Huporlntundent. Qen'l Pans. Agent.
P. E. UOBINSON , Aos't ( Jcii'l Pas * . Aipt. ,
MIsHourl Valley , Iowa.
J. II. O'BIIYAN , Southweetern Agent ,
Councl r.lutlo. Iowa
1 o Nervous Sufferers
Or. J. B. Simpson'a Specific
It In coiUvecmc' | lor bpt < rumtoirlua , Scmlnat
.VcokiicfH , lm | > oUiicy , and oil dluvaucii rusultlaii
liitn Scll-AbUMi , an MonUl Anxiety , Losai
J.'moij _ , I'ulm . . ) In thu . Back or Sldu , and dlscaxct
MiiUy an
with wouJet-
( ul buccena.
> in Hue lo kil , Wilto lor tticui nJ get
Prlcn , Kpoclflc , Jl.oi ) par pncfcfcge , or ilx pack-
t.-bit lot ili.'Vlililrftw all orders to
Noi. 101 ai.d 1UU llaln St. IluQalo , N. Y.
old l-i O.nvha liy C , F. Oooduun , J. W. Boll ,
h Ui , < n I 'l ' ilruiritliUevtrrwbor * .
i 1dw
TRAD ! MAIIKT EiilUhrciii. | ' 'tin A01 - MARK
eily. Auun *
ralllnK cura
( or Homlnal
Woakneaa ,
rliea , Jinpot-
cncy , and all
8el-Aliuw ( ; as IXJM of Memory , Unhenal Ijunl-
tudn , 1'aln In thu It.vk , fllinnpaa ol VUI ° n , Pre >
inaturd r > h\ \ Age , and nvuiy nlhfr Dinnx " tint
load U > Iioaiiity or COIKUII.J tiun and a I'rcmu-
fcfKull particular * In our pamphlet , which
we dealro to lend free 1 r mall to every one ,
XJThe Spcclflc Medicine U told by all druroltti
at tl per package , or 6 pack\es ( or ? 5 , or nil
bo Knt free by mall on rest ptol the money , by
Buffalo. N. V.
or m\p liv 0 F Ooodr oc7me-eod
I10B11IB DHOa. . Ilrokera In all lUllroad
TlckeU , Omaha , Neb. , Oder TickeU to the hJut
until further notice , at the following unheard o
Low Rate * :
lit cl&M , id claw
BOSTON , 20.00 ,
PIIILAUELPHIA , 25.00 , 123.00
WAHIHNaTON , J100 , 20. " '
For particular * , write or go direct to 1I01I1I11
BUOa. , Dealer * la Reduced llatu lUllroad and
Btoamthlp Tlcktti , 809 Tenth fit , Omaha Nvb
Itemember the place Throe Door * North o
Unloo Ptclflc lUllroad Depot. East * do otTtntl
Omaha AutfUjt 1,1J81
jCs K X ifb
J 8 \ .
/ C5 8j W HC' , * ; '
s the first to make the announce
ment to his customers and
the general public.
Always sold at the lowest Market
We carry the largest stock and
make the Lowest Prices.
Orders promptly filled and every
attention given to patrons.
Tl T ? HP "W T T "W 15
JT3 . .U ill L W JL IJD J v
1313 Farnham Street.
; <
, - - - -
Special Attention
Is Once. . More Galled to jthe Fact that
Rank foremost in the West m Assortment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps
Wo aro'pruiwwl to moot the cluiimnds of the tradem regard to Latest Style *
and I'nttiTiia. Kino Murclumt Tuilorini ; m Conn ction
1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St
cr. siFcmn ,
309 South Tenth Street.
French Calf-Tongue Boots , Sewed , - - $9,00
French Calf Boots , Pegged , . . . . 6.00
American Calf Boots , . 5.00
Pegged Alexis or Buckle Shoes , - - 3,50
All Orders Promptly itonded to and Filled With Qiepntch