Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1882, Image 1

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At the Sessions of tlio State
Farmers' ' Allianoo ,
Adoption of a Platform Yester
day that Has a Sound
Ring to It.
"Wednesday's Pession in Detail
Remarks of President
The Addresses of Allen Boot
and Others of the Lead
ing Members.
Suggestions by Secretary Bur
rows as to Work for
the Alliance.
The BniinoRR Transacted at the
Hooting Oanorally.
Special Dispatch t > tlio Hoc.
HASTINGS , Nob. , January 26.---The
state farmers' alliance completed its
labors here to-night. The nowa of
Guitoau'a conviction was received dur
ingtho day. There were great demon
strations of joy. Three rousing
cheers were given for the jury.
The following resolutions were
adopted without n dissenting vote :
Ilcaolved , That wo advocate and
will support and defend the rights of
the many against the privilegea of the
few ; that corporations , the creation of
the state , should bo controlled by the
state ; labor and capital are allies , not
enemies ; in accordance with these
principles wo allirm that the public
welfare and safety demand the follow
ing measures of relief :
First. Law a compelling transporta
tion companies to base their charges
upon the coat and risk of service ,
with u fair profit added , instead of the
now theory advanced by them of what
traffic will bear ; the laws to
prohibit the establishment , through
construction companies or ether
devices , of a fictitious cost
for works of a public nature , prohib
iting unjust discriminations against
cituena and localities ; railroad com
missions , state and national , with adequate
quato powers to see that theao laws
are enforced ; a liberal policy toward
our water ways which during tlio sea
son of navigation are potent in preventing
venting exorbitant charges by rail
Second. Moro efficient laws against
the crime of bribery and for the pro
tection of the purify of the ballot a
prohibition of free passes.
Third. A public service founded on
capacity and integrity.
Fourth. The public lands , the com
mon inheritance of the whole people
should bo reserved for actual settlers ;
Fifth. Currency , the measure oi
values whether metalic or paper ,
should bo equal to coin and bo issued
and controlled by the government
Sixth. The known benefits of the
postal systems of ether countries to be
adopted in the United States , includ
ing the postal savings bank , the pos
tal telegraph and the telephone.
Seventh. A free press , the bulwark
of our free institutions , must bo main
tained. Leading journals have boon
purchased by monopolists who are en
deavoring to control the thought of
the nation ; the journals which are not
thus controlled should bo sustained
by the people.
Resolved , That it is the scnso of
this alliance that a legal rate for pas
aenger tariff shall in no case exceed
two cents per mile , for freights shall
not i-xcecd two conta per ton per milo
for distances of 100 milea or less , and
ono cent per ton pur milo for greater
distances ; that any poison accepting a
pass from any railroad in tins state
shall be held criminally liable , and the
company offering such pasa shall be
equally liable und puniahablo as the
law shall direct , and that the legisla
ture bo requested to enact such law u
as shall conform to the foregoing reso
Resolved , That as a largo portion of
the railway lands of this state pay no
tax , oven after they lire gold , but the
party buying said land is taxed upon
his payments as personal property ,
that wo momoriah/o congrosH upon
the question that the railroads bo required
quired to either pay their just portion
of tax on lands hold under the grant
of congress or that said lands revert to
the government and bo thrown open
to homestead and preemption ,
Resolved , That the state alliance
unequivocally condemn the bill in
troduced by Representative Valentino
tine providing for a contingent con-
grosamau from Nebraska with back
pay from March 4th , 1879 , as such a
measure would bo fraud upon the
people , relleot discredit upon the
state , and confei no corresponding
benefit ;
Resolved , That wo heartily com
mend the action of Senator Van
Wjck in hia cilbrta to protect the
rights of thu Bottlers on thu St. Joe
& Denver railroad ;
Resolved , That tlio arbikraiy
and tyrannical treatment of individu
als by the railroad corporations when
their interests contlict , oxcitcs our
lively indigiiiation , and that the ease
with which our courts are made their
oupplo instruments excites our pro
found alarm.
Special Corrciondoiicu ] ol The i > io
HASTINGS , Nob. , January 25. The
state farmer's alliance met in this
city at 10 a , in. yesterday in special
session for the purpose of perfecting
? ! f ? )
ita organization , and was called to or
.lor by President Ingcrsoll , of Tccum
On motion the following committee - '
too on credentials was appointed
Messrs. Matteson , of Fillmore , Mo-
Graw of Adams , IJcrguson of Hamil
ton and Upton of Thayor. Upon the
departure of the committee to prooaro
its report
briefly stated the object of the meet
ing. Ilo said that the farmers of this
country had been justly reproached
with shirking many of their duties.
Others had said "Lot the tailor stick
to hia ; ooso and the farmer to his
plow. " llothoughtall farmers Imd
the God given right to think , apeak
and act upon every question that
could possibly como within the ranuo
of human thought and action. Ho
thought Senator Van Wyck had given
them aonio peed suggestions in his
address nt the state fair at Omaha last
fall and had also given thorn some
just criticisms not loss politics but
moro politics for the farmora had boon
the senator's advice. Any question
concerning the welfare of mankind
could bo strained into a political ques
tion of the effort were made. Many
of the evils complained of grow out of
the neglect of organization. Ho had
been requested to prepare ap-xpor on
the subject of organization and . had
done so , which paper he would pre
sent Inter in the proceedings.
of Omaha , being called for , said that
it was unnecessary for him to discuss
in a doctrinal point of view the prin
ciples of the alliance ; they had como
hero to discuss the question of "how
to do it , " not "how not to do it. "
They had to-day to draft wajsand
means to carry out their views. The
question must predominate in the
minds of those prcsont whether they
should have n soperato and distinct
organicxtion. [ Applause ] If you
wish to niako a compound , , it ia neces
sary to select the ingredients , put
tin-in in a mortar und pound them up.
Some of the counties in the state are
already prepared to make their com
pound , but he would say to these
counties , "Hang up your herbs and
lot them dry until other counties get
roxdy their herbs to go into this com
pound. " The ingredients are com
posed ( f republicans , democrats and
groenbackers ; take thorn away from
their old politic xl haunts and vil
lainies [ Applause ] Have them got
out , and let us have something that ia
of the people , for the people , and by
the people. Lot us wait until sixteen
or seventeen other states are ready to
move ; lot not your compound bo
made until all your other ingredients
are prepared. 'I ho whole object of
this meeting was to sot in motion
some means whereby these counties
can bo organized. I would nay , "Got
your organizations first , and then at
our next annual mooting , in Septem
ber , arrange to make selections from
the other tickets of state and county
officers. " In our last senatorial elec
tion wo made no fight , but out of the
muddle came ono good man. [ Ap
plause ] Though it was the merest
chance that Senator Van Wyck was
elected , ho stands before the people
of the state of Nebraska in just the
attitude we desire. [ Applause. ]
Wo don't want farmers' organiza
tions only , but we want to include
other business interests the laborer ,
mechanic , business man and mer
chants. Wo wish to have others be
sides lawyers represented in the busi
ness of the nation. To-day every
man in the cabinet ia u lawyer. Are
there no business interests in this
country but these of lawyers I Put
into the republican , the democratic ,
and the greenback conventions as
many alliances men as you can. If
those parties will not nominate alii
ance men after you have asked them
to , then it is they who ha\o driven
you from the party , ( Applause. )
of Caas county , being c tiled for , said
that he had been in Nobnska foi BIX
years , and for four of them had bi-un
workiny with his neighbors , urging
them to array themselves against the
opprcnsionsof monopolies. When the
legislature fmet in 188L ho wont to
Lincoln with a petition , but found ,
upon consulting with Mr. Elton ,
editoi of The Lincoln Globe , then
considered ono of the org ins of the
alliance , that ho w is in adv.tnco of Mr.
Eaton in hia \ iuws.
Ho waa in favor of squeezing every ,
drop of water out of railroad stock.
Thu bonds and lands gi on railroads
weto not gifti outright , but were
simply a basis of security for thu men
who should choose to furnish the
money to build those railro.ids , and
ho did not wunt the railroid men to
bo allowed interest on those bonds oren
on money duo them on Ixnda Ho
hud bought a piece of railroad
land and had paid u good rate of in
turest for it ; ho had paid out and hav
ing gone through the mill ho didn't
propose to pay the railroxds any morn
interest in that way. Hu wanted that
railroads should rectivo interest only
on the amount of money they had
actually invested. It had been stated
to him that the mini of fifty million
dollars had been given the H. it M
road by the people of Nobrtskii.
However that may be , ho was satisfied enough money had been given
that road in Nebraska and Iowa to
build it from Chicago to Keirnoy and
fully equip it , paying for oven every
piece ot blown paper used by the com
pany. '
The speaker had fought in the antislavery -
slavery ranka for foity years under
the most discouraging circumstances
liu had witnessed the unti Masonic
conflict , and had been a democrat
not a technical democrat but such a
democrat as our fjavior was. Ho bo-
liuved that a public sentiment iigainst
monopolies could bo successfully
created , but the organ ! /ation of a
political i arty waa a slow and expensive
siveprocess. . Four thousand million
dollars are arrayed against the alliance
and that sum cannot bo successfully
fought by ten cent contributions ,
In Caaa county there are 0,000 pee
ple who have no interest in favor of
the alliance. If wo nro forced into
nn independent party wo are killed
dead as rx muckered. The railroads
are robbing Casi cotintv of § 400,000
annually in passenger and freight
over and above a rate which would
return an interest of from 10 to 25
per cent , which is a great deal more
mor.oy than farmera nro making on
their inveatmoitta. Ho thought the
pnssongcr rate should be reduced to 2j
cottta per milo , aud ho wanted the
freight Uxriff reduced two-thirds. "
The support of the press of the
state ia a very important matter to
the alliance , and the attempt to form
n separate ptrty now might deprive
the alliance of that support. If Mr.
Rosewater , of THK BKK , were present ,
ko would like to known what position
his paper would take in case an inde
pendent party were formed. To
tight without nowsptpors would belike
like attempting to carry on war with
out anna or ammunition. During the
war thcro had boon a great cry of
"On to Richmond , " and Hull Run
and diststor to the union army was
the result.
said that the enforcement of soolionl ,
article 2 , of the atato constitution > < as
all that waa required in the way of
affording to the people of the state in
formation aa to what the railroads
were rculi/imr upon their investments ;
that an attempt had been mndo by the
legislature last winter to enact n law
to carry out the prousions of the con
stitution in that rcuurd , but that the
railroad experts had mitnaged to whip
around until the object arrived nt had
failed of accomplishment.
Secretary Burrows stated that ho
had prepared a abort ronort , giving
the status of thu organization , the
objects of this meeting , etc. , and that
perhaps this would bo a proper time
to present it. He then presented the
following :
A little moro than a your ago the
state alliance was organized at Lin
coln. By a portion of the press of
the atato , which derives its inspiration
from railroad managers , it was called
a foolish , weak-brained movement ,
and its promoters were denounced as
fanatics or demagogues , but the verdict
dict of the farmeia of the atato has
been of the nppoaito character. They
have rallied to the support of the
movement with a unanimity that 1ms
been surprising. Fully 300 subordi
nate alliances have been oiganized in
Nebraska in the year just passed , em
bracing a membership of between 11- ,
000 and 12,000. ,
A year ago the active formation of
alliances was just beginning. Now
they have an existence in the states
of Nebraska , Kansas , Iowa , Now
York , Wisconsin , Michigan , Missouri ,
Indiana , Illinois and Minnesota , while
then ; are st.i'o alliances orgam/.cd in
Nebraska , Now York , Illinois , Iowa ,
Kansas , Wisconsin , Michigan , und
Indiana. There are probably 1,200
subordinate alliances formed , with a
membership of about 30,000. This
growth is simply prodigious. And
when we consider that the largo ma
jority of the farmers of the country ,
whether members of the society or
not , are fully in sympathy with its
objects , and ready to join at uny time
when opportunity offers , wo dis.-over
still further occasion for congrat
ulation N\ hen wo consider , also , that
the alliance apparently attacks an iu
terest which all concede forma the
basis e > f notonly our well-being but our
very existence aa communities in the
west , it will bo plain to the most su
perficial observer that there must bo
aonie real und glaring evils existing in
that interest which form an almost in
tolerable burden on the .shoulders of
the people to impel them to unite so
generally for defence.
There nrn at this date in Nobtaska
332 chaitered subordinate alliances.
A portion of these are not , perhaps ,
in active operation ; but in aneli cises
the organi/ation exists , unl forma a
ready moans of communication bo-
tueen ita members and the state alli
ance , und an emergency nil ! nt any
time call it into uctu ity. The alii
ances are distnbiited thiough the
counties of the utato us follows :
Ada'i H 'il Kearney
Antec ! > pj . . . - Knot . . . I
U DUO . . fl Lancaster 10
BulT.'o ' 18M.uli-oi . 15
Hutlur 8 Merrick II
CiKrt , . 2 Kane * 1
flay U > Nunilix . . . . J
Colfiix . . . . ' - ' NueUlls . ! !
Hunter fi Utou . . . . 7
Dnwiton . . . 1 I'liulps "
DmlKH 2 I'lutte ii
Donijlx- " . . t To It 10
Killmnro "I KlchpnUun . . . . < >
rninUlm . . .Sdiiie 10
KunuH /"li Harpy 1
02 iijo , , . . .1S Hinders -
( nsper . ' Si wanL . 10
Hal 3 Tlinyci It
Tfamilt n . . . ,10 Wan ingtim . 1
Howard 1 Wnynu I
Holt 1 York 2'
.lolnmon. . , , 11
It will bo soon that of the Gl organ
ixod counties of thu utato 41 have al
Itances within their borders number-
nig from one > to twenty-seven , and
twenty three have as yet no alliances ,
This summary ia exclusive ot county
alliances. Such bodies were not au
thorised by the slate constitution un
til our late annual meeting , and then
by an oversight in the revision of the
constitution , it was nut made incum
bent on their secretaries to report
their oigani/ixtion to the state accru-
tary. I luve therefore no nu'uim of
making an exact statement of their
numbers , I believe , however , that
about twenty-five are now organised
in thu hUto ,
Of the counties having no alliance
within their borders , ten are east of
Adams ; nine are north of the 1'latto ,
and one south of it. Of the balance
of Hiich counties thirteen are west or
upon the line of Adams , and of these
nine are in the South I'latto country.
It will bo seen , thorefote , from thu
liven distribution of those counties
throughout thu state that there can be
no general local cause which has ro
tantcd thu formation of alliances in
certain counties. As there haa been
no systematic dibit to extend their
organization , but thia has boon left to
the impulse of the inhabitants of the
counties so accident can bo solely
chargeable with the lack of their ox-
'stereo in these counties.
The work to which your nUontiou ii
nvitod nt the present mooHinj is , first ,
: ho devising of some offoctivot method
'or organizing the alliance in those
counties in which it has nn yet no
'ootltold , and extending it whore it
ins gained only n fooblb hold. It has
3eon thought that a atato otgnnmnir
committee , miniating of ono member
from each county , with a chairmm
olootod bj this mooting , who inixj or
may not bo additional to the members ,
would bo perhaps ono of the nuwt
effective moana of carrying forward
this work. The cominitteom n for the
county can have nn advisory super *
vision ever the work in his count ) , it
being his duty to atinuilnto organize
lion and encourage members to con
tinue in the good work. Th6 Stixto
Secretary w ill thus bo afforded a reli
able medium of communication with
ouch county in the ptato , aud a reidy
means of disseminating information
It is also recommended that there
should bo established a Bounty orgui-
mm , ' committee , consisting of one
member for each precinct , whoso duty
it shall bo to see that at least one
alliance is found in each precinct in
the county.
It may bo well , also , to require each
subordinate alliance in the atato to
appoint a committuo to enroll every
farmer in its precinct upon blnnk of
a uniform character , to bo furnished
by the atato sccrot.xry , and forward
thu same to him , to euailo thu state
alliance to perform extensive mission-
arj work for the accomplishment of
its object , should it at any time become -
come necessary.
It would also , in my opinion , bo ad
visable for the county committee in
connection with the mombera of the
state committee , to lake measures to
ascertain and report to the state sec
retary for publication the former
political record of every person \\lio
may declare himself a candidate for
any inipoitant ollico during the approaching
preaching campaign , and that the
state alliance shall , ever the signature
of its oflicers , recommend the defoit
of nil candidates whoso records aie
adverse to the objects of the alliance ,
or who ate of such a character us not
to inspire eonfidenco in their profes
You may also think it desiiahlu ,
after discussion , to appoint a commit
tee to suggest aiibjecta upon
which you desiio enactments by
the next legislature , and per
haps to formulate bills upon
all or n portion of such subject. The
extreme shortness of the session under
the constitution , and the fact that nn
election of United Stxtes aenxtor u to
take place , which will probably for a
tune diatr.ict attention from other
work , renders it almost impossible to
nmtuio important legislation during a
single session. But the greatest oare
should bo taken in the selection of
such a committee , and the subjects
entrusted to it should bo expressly
stated. It would bo bettor that no
committee should bo appointed than
ono which would perform its dutWm
an improper manner.
Should you downline to make
special efforts to push the alliance into
these counties in which it is not yet
organi/ed , it seems indispensiblo that
a special fund should be provided for
that purpose. One mooting in i
county , with aufliciont prououa pro
parationa , would sot the hall in
motion. Such meetings would prob
ably contribute a portion of the ox-
ponse. The expenses of a speaker
going into such counties muat bo pro
vided for , aid the part not made up
by local meetings would ha\o to bo
found elsewhere.
The report was adopted ,
next addressed the alliance in ro-
spoiiBO to loud calls. He said he
came hero with the conviction that
this was to bo the most important
meeting ever hold in thia poition ol
the state. It is not necessary to state
why wo arc here. You all know that
you are being ground into dust by
railroad and other corponxtimis and
what the remedy for these evils is _
the ( i nest 1011 to bo considered UiuT
of the gentlemen convoyed the iden
that wo must not got out of the old
political parties , that if wo did wo
should certainly fail ; that to take in
dependent poaticnl action at thu
present time would bo piumaturo.
icgretted to hoar my friend , Mr.
Root , aay wo should hang up our
horbj and let thorn dry ; that is like
the old woman who warned her sun tenet
not go near thu water until ho hud
learned to Hwim. [ Laughter. ] Have
we principles in tnia nutter' ' If wo
ha\o , let us carry out those
principles [ appluiise ] , and not tiucklo
down and ask if it it ia policy or not.
[ Applause , ] Duting the campaign
lust full I had thu privilege of spealc-
ing at Hovciul school houses an I I was
surprised at thu unanimity of opposi
tion to the two old parties , It la my
improsHiun that you will never gut the
redrusa you are looking for in _
pi esont political parties. Most of us
have heard of Jay Gould , At onu
time he controlled the New Vork &
Kr'io road ; there waa an investigating
committee , culled the Hepburn com
mi t tee , investigating the management
of this toad , and in answer to ques
tions us to whether ho had used money
in influencing elections or in bribing
legislatures , ho did not deny it , but
ho said they had a better v.uythnn
that that when they wont into u
democratic district they were demo
crats , in a republican district they
were republicans ; in an independent
district they went independents , bill
were all thu time for Krie.
"Mr. Gould , have uaod money in
thin connectionl"
"Yes , BI- . "
"How much' "
"I don't know. "
"Do your books show/ / "
"Yes Bir. "
"Under what head ? "
"Tho India rubbei account. '
[ Langhtor. ]
That Binii ) Jay Gould has stretched
hia rubber band over our itatu ant
you iiro charged ten dollarH a ton for
coal and you are taxed three bushels
of yrn for carrying onu bushel to
imkot vou are charged nil the
mtlio will bear. A moro handsome
country than Nebraska the ami never
ihono on. In onu direction wo see
ast herds of cattle , inakini ; such beef
aa the stall fed cattle of England can.
lot rival ; in another direction nro
locks of sheep , shearing the finest
tool. Go to your own homes ; on
'our ' own tables are found
10110 nf that brof or mutton , and ns
or clothing , you nro satisfied with n
mir of Boventy-tivo cent cottonrdu
ivoralln , but you nro taxed to pay
oven and n half per cent , interest on
xntoreel railroad stock. [ Apphximo. ]
lay Gould and the men who own
heae ) roads work threnigh the present
mlitical parties , and do you think
on can gain redress through these
mrtios ? Senator Sharon siiid , in a
poeoh ho mndo , that the republican
wxrty must of necessity uphold rail
ways , bank * , and other monopolies.
lo in a republican anel know what ho
\na talking about. It has been BUI-
vested that it IB possible to reform
he'so parties , but history htxi
lover recorelod such n case ;
ixll reforms come through Indi
viduals who K'uvo their parties
In thu section I represent they
.11 i.xy they want nothing moie to do
with the old parties ( nnplauao ) ; they
vunt their own convention next fall.
[ n our county lost full wo had 000
nnjority , ( ix voice , " 700 majority , " )
and wo elected every man on the
ickot except one , and that cxso is
icing contested now. ( Applause. )
In Thnyur county they had the name
experience. *
The f megohm report embiacos
about half of yesterday's proeuodinga.
A rousing meeting wan hold lust night ,
with n crowded houao , and the alliance
meets ngnm at 0 a m. to-day.
Three Prolomors Bounced Out by
the Board ol Ko outs
Spoclnl Dlsjiatch to Tlio Hoc
LINCOLN , January U ( ' . The regents
of the atato univeisity held another
suasion to-dny , and it was decided by
a \otoof3tol that the aorvicos ol
1'rofessoin Emerson , Church and
Woodburry bo dispensed with after
the close of the pioaent year. The
nowa of Una change produces considerable
orablo excitement in university cir
NVA.sniMiroN , January 20. Allen
Wiiuht , an ox-chief of the Glioctaws ,
wua befoie the senate railroad com-
mit'.eu this morning , urging ratifica
tion of the St. Louis it San Francisco
railroad contract. Ho argued that , in
addition to the general benefits , the
bonus paid would enable the public
schools to bo continued a year instead
of being closed seven out of twelve
Representatives of civilized tribes
Indiana visiting hero called on the
secretary of thu interior this morning
and had an elaborate talk about affairs
of the country.
In the star route cases , counsel on
both aidea came into court this moin-
ing in a spirit ot compromise After
a consultation it XMXS argued the do-
fonao should admit that Cobull put
inaiObiela , aggregating $1.TJ ! ) , 150 ,
which would make the averauo biel
$021 ; that ho obtained U ! ) contracts ,
which mndo the average con tracta 110 ;
it was also argued the defense would
not insist on the court upon pleading
separately ouch biel , but would admit
them as evidence. The piosecntion
admitted Cobell waa a good contract
or , and ho waa not paying out curtain
routes to sub-contractors more than
ho was receiving from the govern
ment , this announcement being put in
writing with the miduratnndhig iirgu-
moiit should piocccd to-moirow.
Tlio MotmoiiH pioposo to show the
private iccord of some of tlioconiie3 ; -
men if thu question of polygamy IH
pushed They huvo had detectivea
working on the personal recotda of
membera who are loudest ngainnt
polygunyanci claim they have become )
poHsessed of most dunrigi ig fiictn.
Thuio in a qii iriel bi'tweun the com
merce arid foioign ntlaira committees
of the IKHHO , IH lovhich shall consider
or tin ) Inter Oceanic canul lulls. It
will doubt lei i rcHiilt in HIIIIIU sort of a
Jno. Ho ich , by sending to Franco
for four HtoamerH for the pioposud
Bra/.il line , BOUIIM confident of govern
ment aid.
'I ho uiiti-Camurona of Pennsylvania
aay that Hullei'a ' gubernatorial candi
dacy will 'hold the counties for Beaver.
The Pennsylvania loxialaturu will
probably noon re-district the state 0 | ,
the bams of one additional member.
The Illinois republican association
bus endorsed Rounds for public prin
'Iho atninp tax is pretty euro to bo
repealed thia season and many bills
will be introduced.
The proposed increased of pay of
letter carriers is not likely to puss ,
Every place ia being scrambled for
now.Eads' aiguincnt in favor of a ship
railroad before the mib committee
made a favorable impression.
The diBtillera are preparing for an
all winter light for a reduction of the
whisky tax.
Assistant Secretary of Stale Kionch
is atill ill.
National AHnoi.htu.1 I'rcud
LOMIOV , January 20 , The fiUd
regiment of infantiy , for aome time
past stationed at Manchester , ia ordered
dorod to proceed to Dublin. Several
regiments at Olderahot liavo been or
dered to hold thenmolvea in readiness
to .embark for K/ypt , if u military
demonstration there should appear to
bo .
_ _
Boat 17 ] ) tor
National AtwoclaUxl I'HM.
BUKKALO , January 20 , - Goo. Lopr-
man , for forgery , waa sentenced to
day to Auburn prison for aoveu yours.
Ho Looks Palo and Oaroworn , but
Fools Confident ,
And Hasn't the Loaet Idea
of Dangling from a
Ho JProparoa a Now Addrosa
for Publication , Whoront
Scovillo is Wrnthy.
Scovillo at Work on Hia Mo
tion for a Now Trial mid
Writ of Error.
Joyful Hoooption of the Ver
dict by Ouitonu's
"Pow Oranke. "
How tUo NOWH wan Roool veil tiy His
Victim's Willow.
NMIotiil AiwoeKtoil I'rwM.
\V\siitmnoN , January 20. The
criminal court room was a deserted
place lo-iiny. The oHioials who have
jboeii kept busyliy Ihotn.ilol Guitouu
iiro fulling alrnad } * into inoro manner
of routine. Tlio dialrict uttornoy in
in rocuiptof niivny congratulations on
the result of the triul. The jury were
paid to-dny. It is generally understood -
stood that Juror llamlin was the only
nmn against uonviotiou when the bal
lot wui tukun , unil hesitated not a
moment when liu found ho stood
alone Scovillo hail a consultation
with Judge Cox ; ho will Illo his mo
hou for a now trial on Saturday.
When asked about associate counsel ,
Mr. Scovillo linked : "I don't know
" liothor Mr. Uooil will contuuio with
mo or not. 1 have no right to ask
hint , Ho voluntouiod hm services
during thu triul , and I don't suppose
it would bo riu'lit or coiivoniout for
him iu view of ether engagements.
The prop trillion of motions and the
writ of ui ror will take my timo. 1 mil
as doup in the mire now us I ever
have boon BIIICO I cixmo horo. I sup-
piiao 1 will huvo to work us haul dur
ing I ho next two weeks tia nt uny time
during the trial. I will ha\o to do all
I can , and if I fail , of course , ho will
have to bo hunt * . I think uithor before -
fore liis death or after that people
will undoratand that thin man ia in-
snno. I believe they will como to my
uonohiHion , that hu ia half fool and
luilf cra/.y. " llohiif not yet noon ft
copy of the procoodinga of the last two
days , mid cannot yet perfect his writ
of exceptions. Ilo has some idea ot
writing a book on the trial. Mrs.
Scovillo is very much disappointed at
the result ixnd broken down. The
prisoner ia not inurh broken down ,
though ho reatod poorly last night.
Ho tossed and tumbled iu his cot till
nil onrly liour , wlion ho foil into a
feverish aloop. The jail officiate
say Ilia appetite has declined , and
that of late ho has tnyod with t
food not before him. They endeavor
to kcop his spirits , but his fnco has
became drawn and haggard ainco the
verdict was rendered. A cotiplo of
roportora called on him nt the prison
thia afternoon. The privilege of ft
double cell is no longer allowed him.
Ho was found in the IIIB/ , cell of the
ailont corridor. There was n wild ox-
ureasion in hm oyoa , which bore out
the theory of the olllciala of want of
real and loan of appetite. Tie came
to the grated door and greeted his
viaitora with something of hia old
courtesy. In tximwor to ft question
ho n.iid "I didn't aloop well
last , night. I wan troubled with n lioud-
none. It was a long suasion yesterday
and there wan great excitement at the
close. " Referring to Scovillo's atti
tude since tlio verdict , he broke out
into bin mmppy runiixrkH : "Oh ! Ho
nlwayH had a drepi cased \iew of my
case , but it will come out nil right. 1
expected Scovilleto HOO me thin moiii-
ing , Ho will 111i ( his motion for
now trial Sitimluy and T suppose ho
is getting ready for that , " The ro
| ioitor H.ud ilolin W. Ouitonn linel
un up all hope "Oh , pahuw,1'
said Guiteau , "John's opinions me
lolworthuiiything. Ho imi'tauthority
in anything. "
In fill ther couvoisilion liOHuid that
10 expected to have two orthroo first-
( lusa iawyerrf. Ho didn't agree with
juovillu's theory , He admitted that
scoville did hiu boat , but lie needed
experience in thia kind of work.
The verdict was ix surprise to mo. 1
expected disagreement. I am decid
edly of the opinion that I shall finally
OHC.XDO. ' 1 ho American people don t
want mo hung and 1 don't expect t (
be , I expect that Merrick will bo
consulted in regard to my now tri l.
I underatand that ho has prepared
brief on the question of jurisdiction.
Iain in good health and my spirits ur
not doprosHod. "
At thU point Ouitoau slyly slipped
pxckugo of manuscript into the
hands of one of the reporters and
hastily said said ; "I am just as
Hunguino now the deity will vindicate
me an I ever was. I never had any
doubt about Unit , 1 think the jurors
wore not the right kind of meu teen
on that jury. Ono of the morning
papers 3iis ( rending ) : 'Wo ' ( thai in ,
the iury ) nil Imd a drink with IMC )
meal and cigars afterwards. ' Now
that class of men don't represent the
great ChriHtiuu nation of America
und yet they woio the kind of met
that brought iv verdict o :
guilty last night. That'll all J
can say now , gontiemon , " Will
that , the primmer turned away. Tin
reporter who obtained thu nianuacrip
allowed it to Gun. Crocker , who sail
Ciuitcau had promiiied not to nuk
unyurther atatementa without his
Hanorion. Siovillo camu in while th
wnidon wna listening to tholatust pro
duction of Ouitoau und protoutoi
vigorously against such Btatemont
buint ! issued. Ho said they prejudiced
diced the caao and throw sorioua ob
atacloa iu thu way of those utriving t
nvo liim. "T wanted him to keep
: ill from the beginning , not only in
10 press but in court , but I could not
ontrol him If ho docs not atop novr
will end tlio cnao. I would prefer
mt tlio jury had found him insane.
'hat , however does not nltor my
pinion , but under the circumstances
o should discontinue such practicoa. "
icoville wan handed the document.
lo read it carefully over to himself ,
troaking out into comments every
uiw and then , allowing the impru-
lotico of the prisoner in penning such
omiuunicntion to the press , "Itwill , "
exclaimed the counsel , "bo diflicult to
; ot a jury again , oven in Washington ,
xnd thia thing must atop. Hero ia
oiuothing ho wants to go to
ho public ( reading ) 'Scovillo does
tot understand my case and I w ill
iavo nothing inoro to do w th him. ' I
hink it ia time ho should bo treated
iko ether prisoners and internewora
< ept away from him. I suppose when
ho timoCOHIOB ho will bo iiung like
Anybody else and I want htm kept
iko any ono clso now. "
General Cracker remarked ho would
oo that writing materials were kept .
rom Guitoixu in the future. "Ho
vnrinly behoves , " continued Scovillo ,
fter reading further , "that nil ho
ma to do is to Bond these cotnmu ica-
ioiiH to thu public and money will Itcxr
n to him and ho will bo able to
ngage the beat lawyers in the uoun-
ry. Ho says ho does not want any-
hing more to do with Heed and my-
elf , if ho is encouraged by the publl-
ttion of atich articles mm neither of
a can do anything for him. Ho says :
At any rate , I cannot bo executed
ntil .Inly , and might die a do/on
iinos before then.1 After n little tin-
lortuning Scovillo consented to thu
itiblication of the addroaa , stating
t should bo thu last to como from
ho piisonorV cell. General Crocker
Is i declared loportera should not see
lie unsajsin again until after sentence
roa passed. "This aort of thing , "
aid Scovillo , us ho handed back Mm
iiumtseript , "has been a source of
onaidorablo annoyance. His oxpoc-
ation that the publio will como to his
eliof makes him obstinate and con-
rary , and I can do nothing with him.
lo will not take my advice , and I
cannot get along with him. When
10 ( imls the publication of auoh mat-
era is cut oil' and the public won't
lo anything for him , wo will bo able
0 do what we can for him with less
HOW' MUS. ( IAHKir.1,11 KEUI IVK1 > 11112
NKW'.S ,
Oi.r.VKi.ANi ) , 0. , January 20. Tlio
jarllolds received the news of the
erdiet at their Kticlid avoiiuo homey
> y a private telogiam from Col. Hook-
vail. Mr * . Garliold snid the verdict
vixs not u surprise , The nonra did
lotaullico to drive from her face the
a J nens which has appeared there
over since the fatal day. She and
, raiidma have kept thomaolvos im-
nurcd in the house of late and refused
.o bo interviewed. Doth are in fair
DKS MOINEH , January 20. In the
loxvor houau of the legislature to-day , t ,
Mr1. Stout offered a resolution that the
ury in tlio Guitoau case deserved the
ilaudita of tlio American people and.
, hat they are hereby tendered the
th'inka ' of the Iowa house of ropreaon-
atives for their verdict. A member
.bought the resolution out of place ,
saying the jury had only done their
duty , and moved to lay it on the
able , which motion prevailed.
I'liKKroitr , 111 , January 2l . There
a great relief in our community at the
conviction of the usa.iHsni Guitoixu.
) u roof ipt of the verdict of the jury
there was univortinl rejoicing. None
xro moro hearty in tboir approval of
, he verdict than thoao who knew him
LONDON , January 'J ( > . The inorn-
ng iiapors comment on the close of
, ho tiial.
The Standard ata that the only
'filling the public * haii is that the
iideous binli'squo and inaninerade of
justice it ) over
Thu Tflfgrnph a > B that the trial
cust.s drtip topioioh on judicial pn/-
dni' rt in tlio Umtt'd Status. The
u'oime given Guiteau biinga the ud-
nmiutration of juatico in a cultured
Lomnuinity in contempt. Although
American junata are among the most
uaint'd und nccompliHhed in the
world , yet their learning and honesty
in thu bunch in not sullicient without
: lignity in court.
A Grnzy Juror
S'ntlniml Aimoclutu ! I'usi ,
IiurrAi.o , N. Y. , Janunry ' _ ' ( ! . I.i
Iho Thomas iimiiruncu forgery c.wo
Lhis morning , ilnroi Smith , who went
: ra/.y two or tlueo dnya ago and who
lias boon since Hitting by order of
ludgo Hamni'ind in npito of tho.voho-
inunt stu omunt that lie waa unfit for
Lhu jury , to-dny Ix-camo wild and
talked about being hanged. Ho said
liii had been tried twice and will go
into the box again , and finally had to
liu removed from the court room by
an ollicor and the case was adjourned.
The judge appears to bo doubtful
about hia insanity.
Counsellor Titus for Thomas , who
is accuaud of insuring Jno. W , Glaa-
nor , a consumptive old farmer , without
the hitter's knowledge , protested ,
g linst the jiuor Hitting. 'I'll i anti
mony iigaiimt Thomas ia so strong it
will be a great advantage if the ncci-
lent should break up thu jury. Jno.
/.iloch , fflw w accused of personating
iisBor , was called to the bar for con-
ti nipt in not answering the Hiimmons.
Ho plead HicknubH , Haying hu had to
walk ia f10111 North Collin , but the
judgu would not accept hia pica and
guvo him till 2 o'clock to find a bpHor
ono and consult a lawyer , requiring
$ JOO fur bin appearance.
Count Notes.
National Ansodutul 1'rwu.
SAN KHAM-ISCD , Januury 'JO. The
S in Franoisco gas light company haa
1 educed thuir rutea from $3 to SlDO ,
in order to froo/.o out tlie now Central
company , who have contracted to
supply its customeru at the rate of S2
fern puriodof two yonra. The fight ,
promises to bo a bitter ono.