Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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Morning. Jan 20.
Wonthor Uoport *
( Thi followir.i ? ob < crvnilon < ire taken at
Uin i * utH.iiinieut I tinii1 nt .11 the itn *
&KII named. ) .
Wui nmRlMKMvt' , ' ' .Sin At , S'RVicit , 1
0 * iu , JitMury S . .8sg (4-U. ( P m. ) f
3 *
g *
.17 tll-k | Clc r
: .17u lrlk Cloud )
OnnhJt , . . ; csh Cloudy
d'm aim Clear
On Seine * M | h\V : 'rc h Cloudy
"J i 411 13 r'rmh rain
jtVff ! I7 cl'm Calm l.t ram
Si. 1/Nlll . Nl llrlik U oiuly
Jtuxt.ewl. Nlw w Kn nil Ka r
Tlnwnt 21 M 17 if" Kr Mi Clear
N\V Fn-ih iCIcir
21I.J7 \V Brl.k Uleir !
OoKrr . . . HB I.Uht Fair
Dntttavd. Fair
Ameitoltio , 21..7J 'NR ' llrli-i Cloudy
Ki ver Irozcn.
HKMiVI I'lhlM.
Tim wnnn woatlier ii IKV ! for the
.prrvl of the BUI ill | > ' > x.
A. neat frame vcnUlm-P hin liocn bull
A Ibs wmthw est entriiucc tn thu I'liitni Iai :
Oiphthcria nt jirc cnt ixililtf to th
3 | | KtliruHiinn ) of iiarentn. It U nn fntn
wnmall | HIX.
-11iL cimditlun of llcwliii , thu U. J
M ckmmlh , who W.IH hurt Monilny niyht
i. very fnvorublu for co el ) .
-JoJiu .Smith niul .John HroxMi , arrcstw
T il3V for lutixlcntloii anil fined 810
i-nch iludKiUtnckc -
vtui owU - by YCH-
vii-rit ciiiiunittnl in di fault of
A lmr larh > i prjlu , ' awny at
Ubrlufimlmv of .1 IIIIIIHV ill Ninth Oliialia nil
S unlay , iiiulit , lnul n ke of luad poured
irtrhiin fniiu ft Hucond-stor } window nnd
-.lolmS. lim been bold t"
luil in the mini if S"iX ( ) by .Muluc Hvnoku
lir ! oli.UK'i' "f i'iiibo//liii ( , ' fiom bU lain
aajJcijrr , W. M. UmluiMii H
M juL
CliiirltM IliiHwit/ wtll-kliDWii
ildHuity , m laid up nt hmne with
fool , which ho lecuivod In thu
rec nt accident oil the tlilw.iukeu \ Si.
CM ! rnilwa.i ,
Tim friundrt nf thu liiKhtutnlh utrcit
M. 5C chinch ttilllH'plu.iH.uitl ) untuitiiinud luiloirt ThiiiMluy uvuniiu ;
nilli AM oyHtri Niippur and miui.ibkHup -
Irr fn'tn U to ! ) p. ill.
-IHiuns "Ut that tin1 | U K UI'I who
wu nin over by thu wust-binind train
I { > aiistnii , on .Sutuiihiy , ilroppi'd him *
Ix-tiveiii thu cant with intunt to comA -
A puital c.ird in his pouKut
itjtluiiixl it.
Tinhicond annual ball of the A. O.
II. kind t.ikus plniu at Muxunio hall
Thnil.iy L'teniii ; , ' , .January tJ'ith. ' It h
friundx ttill lie pie L-nt on the
( iiiod inusiu U tiii-aHi-il and a
! tiniu ix L'Xpictt'd.
CJniruu Kitckhon and Miss Junnlu I/ .
KTcCanley , wi'ic inaiilcMl yeitiriliiy at It
oVJock , by iludh'u Siuuiii-1 Liipincott. ]
BMhnru ruHldunlH < if this city , und thu
(7r m in only -1 yearn of ( 'o , w bile the
bride tit invent nixteeu.
-TliuoldHettleiH nf DoiiKlnM county , of
( ! enuin descent , livid n xrmd ball at
flCeMler'M hall on Thirteenth street Tuu > -
Jay. About nl\ty couples were pruocnt.
A. 6no HUppcr wan nerved nnd excellent
MucfurBlshed by thu liohuiniau bund.
Unity lyceutn incctH a nin thi.s week
al tlie Unlt'uiau church. Mr. ( ieor u
> tuxnu uddrosH ; Mr. Cnpelnnd n
MIH. DinHiiionr nil usmiy on
"Work and Wnses ; " Mr. Copvlniul will
Hinn on thu iueHtinn | , "IIn.s
any exixtviice apart finiu his plijhlcul
jpujiialionV Tliene entertainnit'nts arc
iw. aiul all are int itid.
Quito a pleaHant hiirprii-e party occui-
wsJ ttho rt-Hldencu of Judgu Iiippencott
< nk Ilichteenlh utri'it Tuesday. A
mrmlirr of our piuminont ciii/eim and
Vtnx Uuly fiiendn buxie iHl thu judf'u'H
( hacarut an tarly houi. Thuy had pro-
titttS tlivniHi'h ent ith a line band of mil-
amq , jnil until a late hour all rnjoyi.d them-
aetrctt. The giitln'riiij ; vvim ouu of thu
MMul itii'e..ble ( anil that has
otocrml in that p.utof our city fur many
jrjuv. The occasion UUH the niiniveiHnry
nt Ihe juilne's fiiity-Kcciind birthday.
"O roif ; the etcnin hu was u illcd upiui fin
a upueh , and lei-pouiled In a brief but
An "lniiiliei" | fm pioperty imneiH in
tta rfiatrict write. * Tin : llKUs "A nhort
) n poll ion was Hi ned 'in I handed
: ( ! : illlin ( , ; , dimpllining of the 1'ost
HVLctinj ; u'jinpanj mi Twelfth Htreit.
fidBoxlay night , fiom ! l to U p. m , , n Ihunu
bma fi-pthlh'h lushed into thu air hum
tarirttmoke Ht.u'k , anil uindeiH and Hpiik
wrtr Hyiiif ; in all dirtctiuns , Duwi-y A ,
JUonp mid ailjiiiniiih' htnre.s cnming in foi a
ciMxl Injuulit. How limy can ttiix Institii *
Uon run enJan eriii ) ; liiiman life and prop-
vatjr , and whu of our city ollieials havu
Uc iiht | to check Hiich KIIISH caielusmuwi
tu justice thu paitie whu aru
uini ; the concern at once. ' "
A narrow escape , and one which
lAwnM prove a new warning to all who
Scuidlu medlclnei < , was uxperiencexl by Mr.
BVtrrCliambein , HviiiK > n Kinhtt'oiith nnil
C-ultllar HtreetH , TucsiU ) ' . He haa
Vtoi Kick for five or hi\ weeks from an
IMVIU tinder the arm , but wan Ketthif ;
omvAle.-xient , whin , about 8 o'clock lant
nAcut. M rs. Chamberi ) w ent tu ndminUter
a da of medicine tu him. My MOIIIU nib.
UleUie Kiiii b'lttlo ' taken
{ was up and a
il nt caiholic acid and ( jlycciinu was
K > tt-D thu nick man.'liu / on orusdU -
oomiid at oiicu ami nu emetic in the hapo
ef dUHturd and waim water was prompt ) * ,
and with tmiicdiitu relief to the
, whj wu. all rlHhl a aiuye-iluidiiy ,
TluJHuv. ISiHhop .Mc.ity . , nf Dakotu ,
BJUT vuitint , ' thu Ili-t. Illxhup O'Cmmor , ii
UOucity , lia con eiitiil tudelitei a lectun
a&Uie uithedral next himil.i ) uMiiinK u1
So'dock , iindei the nu pice > of thu L'nloi
tttiholiu Llbiary atM.iiatinii.
. Thl IH i
ctmliniiutlon of the M-iiVs < if dlmu It'cture
aifpirati'd by thu usioclatJon , whlcl
proved bo iwjiular and itucct'Hiifiil lout win
ter. The eiibject choHi-n for thin i > ccaHini
"Catliolic Kducatlon One TliuiiHam
Ytaiw atf < > , " which tliemv thu ruU'reiK
Rnrtlruian In pnrtlculirly fitted to eluci
uUA * .
A rformanco at the Acndomy
Not Down on the Billa.
Cntlmrino Hn
Hnlbortof Swlnill.nR Hnr , nnd
tlio Crowd Illim Him Down.
Katliurine Rogers nnd her dramatic
Iroupo appeared nt the Acndumy of
Mimic last evening in tlio sensational
piny of "Uniiiillo.1 As on tlio pre
vious evening thuro was an rxcocd-
iiiKly unpromising nttoiulnnco und the
curtain roau on what might might bi-
tunned onipty benches Thin apnrao-
ness of people , liowovor , did not du
Btroy tlio ( .nlhusiasm of these who
wore BO forlunato to attotid , nor did
it BOOIII to dotrnot in any way from
thu conscientious rendering of tin
piny. As "C.imillu" Miss Honors
demonstrated herself to bo in truth n
great nctroas , nnd BIO compared very
fnvarably with thu nm t talented stni
actreasefl who have attempted tlio dif
ficult rolo. The Biipport , too , wn <
belter than on the first night nnd on
the whole the play was deoidedlv i
succor and it was highly appreciated
by the nudionco.
At the conclusion of the fourth no1
Miss Ilogura appeared before the cur
tain and stated that aho deairud t-
inako an explanation. She then Raul
in purport , that if the nudionco ha. '
observed any touch of mnroBouosH
or irregularity in lior piny
ing it had boon duo t <
the atinoyanco she was fooling ovui
the net of .1. H Ilnlbert , tlio iiMtiagui
of thu ncadutny. In a well wordoi"
acciiHition who churned him with hav
ing deceived and i/oguilod her am'
lior company to play in a house n
which it was impossible for the best
troupe to draw a paying nudionrf1 , ho had Blanderi'd nnd abused hoi
mid her support during the time nil
WIIH hero , and tlmt ho was now addm * .
tlio Inflt straw to the load by defraud
ing her out of the money justly duo
Imr from the receipts at the box- -
W11 on Mi 8 Houurfl concluded am
nindo her bow , thoaudiotico applaudot
her hoirtily , and it hueanin eudaiv
that aho had undo a not , unfavorable
improssiun for horRelf , and hat
prepared a reception for the
manager Bhnnlil ho appear. Ho dir
appeaOibout thin juncture and os
Havcid to apeak in explanation of liiin-
Hi'lf. Hut the ininiito ho came it
Bi ht tin1 gallery nods hooted and
' iiMod , tlio du'BB circle groani'd anri
the pnriiot ( | hooted. Ilalbert , liow
ever , stood his t > roiind , and after
nwhilo it became pimiih'o for him to
oxpl.iin bis ni < lo of the controversy.
Ho Raid thai he had held out § 10 of
the box leceipts for tlio purpose of
piyinif n Witlincll house bill which
had been pu' . in hia binds for collec
MJBS ll'igerH nt this juncture con
fronted Ilalbert ami pointed lior lini- ;
oral him IIB flho Bud that his state-
inont was falfe in the entirety , ami
that ho had robbed lior of the nnionnl
to pay for advertising which ho had
never performed.
Tronauror Moalio , of the academy ,
was then called out , and he stated that
the inoiioy had not boon retained by
the manager for the Witlincll house
bill , as ho understood it. At this tlio
urowd became so boisterous that Hal-
bert was obliged to leave the stage ,
and Miss Rogers the mistress of the
situation. She stated that she woulc
finish the play for the benefit of the
audience , and did BO in us olTbctivo a
manner aa possible.
Proof Poiiltivo.
Wo have the iniiHt ponttive and oonvin
ng proof tlwr THOMAH' KCLKCT w Oil , lr
nuiHt ulftotual Hpecilio for bodily pain
n canon of rheuinaiihin and netir-il ii. i
veu iiiHtnnt rt-licf. W-lw
Au It Is and us It May Bo.
The sudden change in the wealho
rein fruo/inir to melting in in perfec
coping with our climatic experienci
his winter. Tuesday us late as
eon the thermometer in the United
it.itos signal ollico pointed to the
'ree/.ing line , but after that
, began to itiodnr.itu until this
ooii the mercury has reached
fty degrees , with a light southerly
> \ind prevailing. The targe clouds
ibovo chasing each other as if hurry-
ng to escape" some other /iky , re-
nind one of a summer day when , after
heavy thunder btoriu , the HUH ills *
els the clouds and filunus bright
hrougli a tiumbling atmosphere. The
iiiowfall Tuesday afternoon amounted
u little , and theie was suirculy mi )
treuipitation reported fiom anywhere
lau. The \\arm weather in likely to
iiontinne for several diijn , but if the
nld biun is ti'ie ' , that the first throe
.In ) a of December mlo the winter
nontliH , then we shall make up for
lost time by a culd February.
Auiwur T
Did you ever know tiny person to
DU ill without inuclion of the stomach ,
liver or kidneys , or did you over know
Miinuis well vthunuiiliur was obstruct
ed or inactive ; and did you ever know
> r hear of any caae of the kind that
Hop Hitters would not cure ? Ask
your neighbor this same question ,
Times. _ j 1'j.f l
Another Little One ,
A little child 11 baby boy ! That is
all ; and yet how much , when mich u
treasure in taken away. Those precious
cious blossoms of humanity tlmt open
in their beauty und fragrance but for
a time and then are plucked by the
hand of the great reaper , are as haul
to part with as if they hud lived
longer. For the promises they give ,
which after ) cars i.iuht fail to fulfil ,
are as full ot bright hued tints for tin
future us the opening petals of tin
blushing rose , The many frieiuh
of Rev. , Iuhn Williams , rector < il
Ht , Uiirnukia church , and his cstiiiw-
bio wife , unite in tondeiing them tin
deepest nyinpathy for the losa of thoii
little KIII , John Silver Williams , win
lied Tuesday morning , from diptlc
thoria. Although not quite thrct
yt'ani old , the little boy was singularlj
bright , intelligent and mature , and lie
was the favorite of a wide circle of
acquaintances and friends. It was
Mr. Williams' intention to rear the
lad for the church , for which calling
1m remarkable mind gave great prom
ise. The funeral will take place from
St. H.irnabas church to-day at 11
The Scotch Cltlzona of Omiihn , Honor
the Memory of Their Bard.
The 12'lrd anniversary of the birth
of KobiTt Hums was celebrated in
this city lasl night by the largest
githering that has assembled to honor
the occasion for several years. The
Masonic lodge room waa thrown open
for the reception of the guests
the hall bolotv being oc
cupied by four long tables which
Htretcbod aoross the full length of the
loom. During the informal proceed
ings up staira the stirring notes of the
bug pipea were heard , being skilfully
produced by Mr. Fairclnld , of Blair.
At half-past nine the signal was
eiven to descend to the banquet room ,
-vliero some throe hundred peopb1
ivoio seated at tlio tables , which wore
1 tided with choice viands _ An hour
vns passed in doing , jus icu to the
foist , atiur winch tliu roguUr pro
ui 1111110 was taken up and carried
out without a single omission.
The following was the
\\ckoino by the Prcwidcnt.
Tuuitut HID i\cnlni : ; . .1 ho Meiiiorj f ( turn * .
Haul . . There wann Uilwa * born In Kjlc
It N | > on < io . Mr. Homer -Hull.
ion ) ? . .Itonnlo DunJot ) .
Mr. J. .Vortliru , .
Hand . . . . . . Yankee Doodle
1011 ' . Jo Anderson my Jo.
Ml n l\rr\a \ \ Calilurwootl.
Toast . ScotlanJ Aintrlca . ( ! oJ Saxu tha Queen tar Spixnulcd
Uc < i ino.u\ | [ . U. K. Coiilii ] > u.
hoiiL' . . . .Scotland Ytt
Mr. Chan. McDonald
I : mil . . . . \u UtnkHaiiilllraoq , ttc
na ; . lloiiulu HravuSi.ull.inJ.
Mini MigKio lleiiiltrwn
Ti > * t . . The Tro-w
Ilinil \ > i ii'i. . M in for i. tint -ld ( l/j nlih
Uuopjiisc . r I ) t. iirooUs.
SOUL' . Scotch 1 a clo Joa-i
Mr. J.V. . Ulllilim.
Ken . . . . .U , Natinlu wilt tlioil K 'K ' ! ' me
Toast . Tlio fatsli- .
Hand , . . .M ) l.o > o.Slio'Hlitit ft I.OBSIO Vit
Uc | orsu .Mr : A C Iroup
iiot'K ' . .Swoct Hcartx
Mr. W WilkliiH.
Song ardChorua . ( ir cn ( trow the IlmlicnO I
At the close of the literary portion
of the exercises , which katod until af
ter midnight , the hall was cleared and
dancing indulged in to an early hour
this inoriiini , ' . Irvine's orchcetrti fur
nished lirat-cl.vss music and the occa
sion was decidedly ono of the most
successful of the kind ever given in
Several Captures Last Night on Va
rious Charges.
The police did pretty well last night.
They first made a raid -on a youthful
gang of suspicious characters who arc
ften under arrest. Three were
aken in , among them "Duck"Dwycr ,
nd John Roach. The present
ihargu a ainit the boys is a theft from
amuel Burns of a quantity of cut
ory , including about a dozen pocket
uivcs. Two of the knives claimed to
ave boon stolen were found on D ivy or ,
ud it is stated that he owned to hav-
ig taken them.
John Bogno , n well drotsed and fine
mimorod young man , was arrested
n charge of complicity in a carpet
left. The carpet was found at a sec-
ml hand store Bog'ie asserts his
ntiro ignorance of the afVair.
Two drunks came in about 9
'clock , and then the light wont out.
Land Loncruo Mooting.
A well attended mooting of the
and league was hold in Kuony's hall.
f ice President Reagan presided. The
ihiof business of the evening was the
ottling of the fair and lecture tick-
its. About GOO fair tickets and 300
or the lecture by Hon. T. P. O'Oon-
lor arc still out and have not boon
accounted for. It is earnestly re
quested that persons holding either
tickets or the proceeds therefrom will
report before the next mooting of the
ague on next Wednesday evening.
The leport of the auditing committee
, va received. It included the ac
counts of the league from May 28th ,
1881 , to January 1st , 1882. During
his time about 81,000 has been re
ceived and forwarded to the secretary
f the national land league.
Dotting Vaccinated.
Monday afternoon the city cdi
or's room in THK BKK office WAS tem
porarily turned into a hospital , over
which Dr. Gibbs , the well known
, -ounir phy8ici.ui , presided. The ob-
ect was the wholesale vac
cination of THK BKK'S employes ,
who from the least to the
greatest marched up , bared their
arms , and had the virus put in in
Hood atylo. The doctor vaccinated
nbout seventy-five before he left , and
in a few days asoro-nrmod set of
newsboys and compositors , pressmen
and editors , may be soon in thio lo
cality ,
Exeter Free.
A report was spread abroad recently
that a case of small pox had been dis
covered at Exeter , Nob. The fol
lowing communication is sent in de
nial to the sumo ;
ExKTiui , Nob. , January 2-1 , ' 82.
To the Keillor ol THK II KK ;
DKAU Sin. It was thought at onetime
time tlmt we had the small pox in
town and BO reported. Wo have noth
ing of the kind here.
Yours ,
0. II. lUiioooK , P. M.
The Military Headquarters.
Tuesday Mayor Boyd received the
hllowing dispatch , which explains
itself :
January 21 ,
J. K. I10)J , Oiuaho :
We are n mired that Omaha need Imve
mi ppr < ) henHlou m to the removal o
military headquaitvn.
0. 11. VAN W\CK.
Tlio O , B. A : Q. OHlclala Makoa Flying
Tour oflt.
General Manager T. J. Potter , of
the C B AQ railroad , General
Passenger Agent Porcival Lowell ,
Gonotal Freight Agent K. P. Riplcy ,
GencralSuporintondBMtof thoO. , B. it
Q east of the Missouri river II. B.
Stone , General Superintendent of the
| { . & M. in Nebraska .Holdrogo ,
General Passenger Agent Ktistis , Gen-
er.d Freight Agent Harris , and Mas
ter Mech mio Huwksworth , arrived in
this city jesterday afternoon in a
special car , ivfter having completed a
Hying tour of inspection of the new
I ! . & M. extension toward Denver.
Thuro.ul was found to be complete tea
a point alwut 100 miles west of Oul-
burtson , whore work was commenced
last October. There are being em
ployed at present about five hundred
teams , and twice that number of
laborers under the management of the
contractors , E. P. Reynolds & Co.
A like force ore working east from Den
ver under Contractor Streator. In
addition about leO men are working
at track lajit g and surfacing at this
end of the extension.
The fu'uiu intentions of the C. , It
it Q. e mp.ui ) Huem to be of the most
decided character. Tlio Denver ex
tension will be of nearly the saim *
length as the Union Pacific line and
at places the roads will run within
two or throe miles of each other. It
m thu intention of thu company to
run their trains thiough on the came
time adopted by the U. P. , whether
it bo 24 or 18 hours. In a talk with
Mr. Iloldrego ho admitted that
it is probable that the C. ,
H. & Q trains from Chicigoill
litforo long bo running direct into
Om ilia , crosing the river at Plaits-
mouth , lie stated that the freight
deput on the bottoms would be com-
mtnccd as snon as it is tinssibo ! for the
engineers to complete t'leitxoik
Thocjiitr.xcta w.ill then be let and tin-
fu nd ti < . .i of t .u c'opH be Ir.ul Hi
ahort order. There will be no shops
built , except at Plattsmouth , where
sumo now ones will bo erected. In
answer to a question concerning the
ru iiinig of trains on the now exten
sion , Mr. Iloldrego said that dining
cars would not bo introduced west of
the Missouri. Those on the C. , B. &
Q. road to Chicago will bo kept up ,
but they will not bo run on the new
division. The object of the now ex
tension will bo to give the quickept ,
pleasautest , and safest route from
Chicago to Denver.
Fntlior in Getting Well-
My daughter says : -'How much
better father is since ho used Hup
Hitters. " Ho is getting well after hia
long BiiHoriiig from a disease declared
incurable , and wo arc so glad ho used
your bitters.-A lady of Ruchestei ,
N. Y. [ Utica Herald jl-fl ! )
Reflections of a Dull Day and Month.
Noting the many peculiar features
of Omaha , not the least singular ono
among them is the cosmopolitan na
ture of her inhabitants. Listen to the
strange variety of languages spoken on
our streets , and ono will almost bo in
clined to ask if Babel has been turned
loose in our midst.
But ono does not stop and listen on
the street to anything , not oven to the
divine Patti , wore she to give a free
exhibition of vocal sweetness in front
of Boyd's opera house , for the little
snowfall of yesterday has stirred up
10 mud to its usual ( which means un-
sual ) proportions again , and what
nut means only an impassionite his-
oriau of the future will bo able to tell
ur luckier posterity. While we are
iscussing the question of street paving ,
'Inch by the way should be done , like
Ju'U'Ru's liiuming , first , and discuss-
d aftorwatds , why not remind our
rovident city fathers that our streets
re unknown by name as they are un-
: nown to fame , save in the memory
f the "oldest inhabitants. " A strail
, or coming to the city looks in vain
o the street lamps for a guide in his
liscelhineouB wanderings. Not every-
iody likes to halt a person at each
treet corner to aak where such und
uch a struct is , only to bo told that
'ho , alas , too , is not aware. "
A gentleman who is a now arrival
n the city one recent evening lost his
nagnotiu bearing , and could find needy -
ody to direct him to his residence on
'leasant stroot. Desperate , ho was
about to u'ivo himsolt up to tlio police
us a viigrant or a crank , when lie dis-
ovored to his amazement that there
was no policp in Omaha , or one only
hat travels incognito like Jay Gould
, nd the quean of England.
This reminds us that Jay Gould
passed through Omaha thu other
day , and ruined such a stir
or , to use a more technical term up-
> lying to him , such a fluctuation us
> nly the threatened removal of the
department headquarters and the np-
learanre of small pox in our midst
lave created since. Well , Omaha is
ike every other city , and for that
natter is like every individual as
well. It is bound to have its periodi
cal excitements and abatements as n
sure preventive against torpidity.
Only keep cool and bo vaccinated , and
til will end sorono.
The thing desired found nt lout. AflV
dniKb'i t fur "Hough on Hatx. " It clean
out riitH , mice , rmiclies , tiles , bed buga : 15 <
boxuH , (1) ( )
Army Orders-
The latest special orders issued
from thu headquarters department o
the Plutto , Omaha , Neb. , are as fol
lows ;
Recruit George Wornmld , eulutei
nt Fort Omaha , Neb. , is assigned t <
company K , Sixth infantry , and wil
be sent to the station of his company
on the first favorable opportunity.
Leave of absence for one month
with permission to apply to the adju
taut general of the army for an oxteii
sion of two months , is granted Gaptaii
George F. Price , Fifth cavalry.
Recruit William L. Shaw , onlUte <
at Fort Bandem , W , T , , IB assigned t
company E , Fourth infantry , station
ed at that poet.
The leave of absence for seven 'days
granted Second Lieutenant William
E. AI my , Fifth cavalry , by orders No ,
12 , current scries , Fort Sidney , Nob. ,
is extended to twonty-threo days.
Ho Protests That Ho Has. Not Doon
Qlvon a Square Deal.
The following account of the clos
ing scene in the Arndt owe , on trial
in the United States court , at Lin
coln , will bo of interest hero and is
from The Daily Journal of that city :
At the opening of the United
Status court Tuesday morning a mo
lion for n now trial in the Arndt case
was made by Charles Redick. The
argument was based upon an alleged
error in the instructions given by
the court to the jury , in which it
was charged that the defendant
is presumed by the law to have in
tended the natural and probable re
sults of the threats made , and that the
intention was to . .be inferred from
the accomplished result. Mr. Redick
claimed that this was not the law in
the case. His doctrine was that when
u man doe an act in itself unlawful ,
the presumption is that the intent uivt
unlawful , but in this case the threats
ngiiinst the life of Judge Dundy are
innocent nnd indifFercnt nets in tlio
cyis of this court and the state courts ,
and the law docs not presume that a
nun by reason of innocent and iudill'
ereiit i cti inten led that an uil.inful
result should occur. It thurefuio de
volves upon tlui prosi'cuuoii to { rove
the unlawful intuit.
Judge Foster denied the motion on
thu ground that in another part of the
charge it was rlearly stated that the
intention must be catithli.slit-d ns well
as the facts of the tlneats nnd their
results. It was impossible to exam-
mo a man's mind to find the inten
tion. That must bo inferied from
circumstances attending the act.
Arndt was then asked if ho had
anything to say why sentence should
not bo pronounced upon him
for the crime of which the
jury had declared him guilty.
The prisoner replied that ho had no
fault to find with the cour > or jury ,
but thought that the prosecution
had done him great injustice in pro-
Tcnting him from bringing forward
the strongest proof of his innocence.
The court then proceeded to pass
sentence upon him : "Tho evidence
has very clearly shown that you made
these threats against the lifo of Judge
Dundy in connection with your con
troversy with the railioad. Your
rights in this cant nto as good an
these of the Union Pacific railroad ,
and you should seuk these
rights in the manner proscribed by
law. The sooner you get rid of this
idea of communism and nihilism and
of getting jour rights by any other
way than the duo process of law , the
bettor it will bo tor jou , for it serves
you no purpose except to got you into
difliculty. Now , if you have beau
wronged , ! have the utmost confidence
that you will receive your just rights
in the same way that others do. What
ever rights you may have in the mat
ter under litigation I am sure that
Judge Dundy and this court will pre
serve for you. I sentence you to im
prisonment in the jail for three
months. " Arndt was removed to tiie
county jail.
Visible Improvement-
Mr. Noaii Bates , Elmira , N. Y. , writes :
'About four years ai'o I had > n ait ck of
bilious fever , and never fully recovered.
My digestive organs were weakened and
I would lie completely prostratsd for days.
After usiogtwn bottles of your litmnocK
BLOOD BiTTKiis th improvement was to
visible that I was a-tonifhcd. I can n"w ,
though Gl years of age , do a fair i nd reasonable
enable day's work. ' Price SI 00 , trial
size 10 cents. IMw
A Protest Against It by the Minister
ial Association of Omaha.
To Hon. AUIn Saundcrii , Hon. C. II. V n WjcK ,
U. rt hcn.itors , Hon. U. K , Valentino , M. 0 ,
WimhlnKtun , 1) . C. :
GESTLKMKN" Deeply impressed with
the importance of immediate and of-
fectivo'legislation on the vexed ques
tion of polygamous Mormonism , we
most earnestly request thH you , as
our representatives in congress , will
by all means in your power help to re
move absolutely and forever this foil1
stain from American civilisation.
By rder of Ministerial associatioi
of Omaha.
A. F. SHEUUILL , President.
J. W. SHANK , Secretary.
OMAHA , Neb. , Januarys , 1882.
] ) i\VKY : At Cedar HapMH , I iwa , Jau.
nary 20th , li'B' ! , in her .Vith yeai , TM.
Kimim 1' . Dewey , mother of Mrs. Will
Kicrittead of tint * city.
She had but lutely iiiudu Mr * . Iviemtuml
u \i it , and seemed in her u-iul health ,
Klio w Bcoufiuoa to h-r ' ed but two weeds' ,
when dentb relieved tier of her Hiitferings.
JL. good and faithful uife , a Kind .aid lov
ing niothvrand a tiuo friend , he wan losed
by ull uho knew her , lined u ot b > tho.e
who knew her beet. A minUtering anafel
to all in their hour of troiiMu , her clrcloof
friends wai only limited by tier acquain
tances. Always thinking more of the hap-
other' than of herself , her relig
ion wan that of humanity and lumhiem.
She died believing in .1 future life , and be-
lloviiib' that tbo faithful following of the
commandmentdo unto othtrn an j ou would
that they thouldd.i unto you , ( aiommuml-
incut HIO ! never broke ) , was all that won
nectfHMry to secure n futurn hap ineus ;
nnd lot in how | that her belief wait true ,
and that he in happier iww
STl.WAUT-MrH Maili H'ewart , nijed
CI yearn , 0 nionth-iand 2 day * , d ed at
thu residence of hur urn .1. N. Slewart ,
on Seventeenth street , Jlnrtman's uddi *
lion , of consumption
Funeral on Thuiuday , Januiuy 2 < > , from
resilience to Prospect Hill.
If you wish to avoid great dangoi
and trouble , besides a no Bini.ll bill
of oxpenao , at this season of the year ,
you should take prompt atopa to koej
disease from your household. Tin
ajBtoin ahould bo cloanuod , blooc
purified , Btomach and bowels rojrula
ted , and prevent nnd euro disoasoi
arising from spring malaria. We know
of nothing tlmt will so perfectly am
surely do this an Electric Bittora , am
at the trifling coat of fifty cent a bet
tlo. [ Exchange.
Bold by Iflh & McU ahon , 7
The Wedding" HoconUon of Mr. cindl
Mrs.rtiHOph B , Kostora.
The marriage of Joeopti B. Kosters ,
of Omaha ami Miss Mary T Baum
garttior , o lietidorsou , la. , was an
nounced briefly in yesterday's BKK.
It took plico in St. Mary Magdalaio's
church Tuesday at ton a. m.
The odifica was filled with friends of
the bride and groom , Frank II. Kos-
tors and J , N. Fronzor acted as
groomsmen , anil Misses Teresa Bnuni-
gartnoi and Caroline Kosrsira as
bridesmaids. The ceremony was the
nuptiai high moss , and it was. appro
priately performed by FathorUlaubor ,
pastor of the church ,
Tuoodry a reception w. s hold
lit the residence of Mr. and Mrs. B.
Kosters , parcius of the grown , at the
corner of Eleventh and Ilarney
stroois. The Liederkranv. society , of
which the groom is a member , ren
dered splendid music , anil bountiful
refreshments were served. About a
hundred guests attended the recep
tion. The bride was richly attired
and looked very chainungly.
Among the many beautiful and ap
propriate presents worn the following ;
A gold watch and chain from thu
uroom to the bride ; a marble top cen
ter table from Pioneer Hook and
Ladder company , of which Mr. Kos
ters was formerly an officer ; a pair of
vases and oilier uit'tsfroni the groom's
associates of the Liedenkraiiz ; a set
ot china froni Fiank II. Kosters an A
Miss Caroline Kcwturs ; a silver but
ter dish from Mr. Ben. Knottmau ,
of Cincinnati ; a silver water set
from Henry Kaufmann ; a silver
castor from the bride's father and
mo hi'i ; a pair of silver vases iumi
Miss Clara P/eitler , of Council Blulls ;
a pair of vasts and other gifts from
Judge and Mrs. Lake ; a camp chair
from Mr. and Mrs. Bnckman ; a rock
ing chair from Win. Doll ; auhair from
Fred Krug ; a sot of silver nut crack
ers and picks from A. 13. Iluberman ;
a silver sugir shell from Mr. and Mrs.
W E McMillan ; n bed spread and
lamp mat from Mr. H. A. Kosters and
d.iughtois ; a silver pickle dish from
Mr Walter Pfeitler and Mifs Miry
Pfeitl'er ; a set of vases from Janus
Wesley , of Council Blufl's , and a Mar
seilles bed spread from J. N. Fronzer.
The a tldotal theory , lion admitted to bo
tinni h truitineiitnlchwill eradicate Catarrhal -
rhal Poison.
hcUhns. . II.Tajlor , 140 Noble street , I'.rook-
lyn , N. Y. : "Ono package effected a radical
euro. "
Itev. Oto. A. Utis , Coblcski'l ' , Schoharie , Co. ,
N. Y. : 'It restored mo to tuy ministerial la-
rs. ' ?
Hov.V H. Sumncr , Frederick. Jld. : "
ssults ill six casts in in } family. "
Kos Gco E. Pratt , fet. Stephen's Hectory ,
hi a. : 'Quite wonderful ; let mo distribute
our 'Treat ! e , "
ChH8.lI. Stanhope , Newport , R. ! 'Iftaa
lodcaf to hear thochu'ch bells ring ; hearing
stored. "
OcorKO W. LambriRh' , 73 Illddl. street , Baltl-
.ore , Md. : "Suffered Q years ; porfectiy
urud. "
Mrs , M. E. Shcnnev , 3022 Sarah street , St.
.ouis : 'Tha flrnt natural breath In 0 y is- "
Mrs. J. W. Purcell , Golden City. Col. : "Used
nlvne package ; entirely urcu ; suffered 24
'eart. ' "
Dr. F. N. Clark , Don list. 8 Montgomery street ,
in Francibco : "Suffered 16 jcars ; perfectly
ured , " etc.
Dr. Wei Do Meyer's Popular "TREATISE"
n Catar h mailed free. The great Cure la de-
vered bj Drugirists , or bj D B. Dewey & Co , ,
Fulton street , New York for I 00 ,
NOTICE Advertistmutu lo Loan , for Sale ,
oat , Found , Wants , Hoarding , &c. , will be In-
rtcd In these columns once for TEN CENTS
er line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
r line. The lint Insertion neicr leii than
TO LOAN Sunn ot 81101) to S2 > 0 * > ,
long time , real estate bccurity. Albert
iMarizlaiuUr , Attornij at I w , S E. eorncr 16ti
nd louglau. _ 051-24
ONEY TO LOAN-Call at L w Ottice ol D
M L. Thomm ItnomB CraUhton Illock.
A A To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent
tM/.UUW on rood n-al tstaUBccurity , by
" It. ISAAC BDWAKI ) * 1109 Farnham St.
KA I\\\1V LOAN At S per ccntln-
Ol/.l/UU tfu- in smnnof W.600 and
nlH , fm 3 to 6 years , on nnit-claad city arid
'arm ' propurt ) . HKMIH RKiU KUTATK and LO N
1 tth untl Dmurlnn St
rANrii > Good jir . liKiuinat 1011 lUvui *
port St. IWS-25 *
A good girl for g > 'ii ral home
work nisi a mull girl t. ' lake ciro of a
iabj. Inquire northue t corner .Ud and Hurt
ri.ct. OU4 tf
VA ANTKD-ll * single ladj , p'ace ' In mull
> totikukiiull'n - . In
- fa'inh Wlllli g o- *
I c at V. M '
: JUn tulochorisH and Uku care
WASVii rt.c > ) A | > i'lj d. K O r bin and
Inuniil. ' * ' - '
ASTI'H A svoinan uooK at Ilio Knnnut
W Homo 37 30'
ANTKII bitiutlon to dri\o tiain bj a
go -d ttinilip man. ll tt of re oreiuc
A ilreH 'ri. " line olllu ) . _ bit -2U *
NTr.D Woman cnok and dinirg roon
WANTr.D IhoO'CoMiclllIoune , 1U8 1 t ht
bet , Pouiiiaa ami I od f . PB25
- IKHTo'ixcha - IT cit !
\ trAIKHTo' e } proper )
> V M or 1(1 ( a < n of good linn land iuiprot
til , witli t iiil > cr ami running water. Situated li
YOM count , 4 niihi irom railrnart town. Ad
drea < . J Illutlt. 171IJ tard bt. . Oinatia 702i'
\NVKD Inm cdlately , a girl to d j gencr
W al hoiueuoik Apply at northwcbt ror-
no. of IIami ton and 1'ler Ms. , bhinn'Haildltlon
Firnt c'ans ' cook , ono wi o uudtr
WANTED iooklniranwi < l anpas'ry ; none
but flr-t t'asH 1,1-1 d appl ) AlfO a good - < ) o
wait r Aiml nt IHII Ftruhin t Hilled
Funding trld u * iU itficui IKIKO * .
WANTED . IMIeniu ZJ-tf
- . Olliiuk ) * Co natu pi r < niHO (
WANTKII-1. liusinctiH of U. lltrthoid , at lO C
Kougku Btrtit , wluro tint will lontinuo thi
uslnrkfi , and bj fair dealing nnd i > a\ing gnoi
prlct-H ihoj pro | ! io to linn-ate the trade 'ihot
eollclt parties ho hit a old Iron , ra s , junk 111
niitobi to irltn thi'in i call 7l)8liiio
WAMKD-To rent a iltslrablo iludilm
hnnm. A.t.lreii- \ 40. Clt ) 071 tf
t ir.i A uw uat lioar tr an he ac
roiimio atidulth llru-ilaw tabl'iboarda
nanonalle rata. I , iiuiroa iai Hoi.ard
liciwucn Dili and 10 h < .
\\7"ANTKI > -4 children an boarders In aiiclcc
> V school , at IDlh and California St. L. 11
LOOMIS 767tt
KOT-KuniMitd roomi. Now houi
' and gcxjj location , Inquire 1311 Jicksoi :
, It KST 4Voom Inquire at NV cot ,
1 mhnntlCftllforn iSt. PM 331
ITIUllhh.NT New cottrtKf , 6 room , clo t , .
X1 bath r oin , cellar , iNtcrn , Ac , Lnrpo t > wi , <
UikU-n hoiifc , Ac t lip r month. wllldno
IKIS-CI-IOII ntiv tlmo niter Kcbnmri 1' tljji S .
mi ro nt iiu-oiiiw. n.yy
. IlKNT New iittn u lth (1 ( ro inn , lxlt ;
1.1OU St , ! > U ISth nnd 19th Sta , En.
iiilrootl | > K , Ilium , dill N. 10th-t 0S-t (
1,101111KNT Hmuo ol fl lit looms. Knqulro
JL1 J , PhlpiH UPC , 1M2 S. Filth M , 077-tf
JVM HI-.NT uilh < l'ilont , 4 IIHIIH9 ,
cMcrn , , < ; ( . , KHitli r > J 10th St. Fnimlro
006 tt
IjUJlt IthM Kati. 1st c.miH.odioiiTbrlck . real.
JL' denco , cornci HHhnml r'lrnhain St8. Ap.
lilt to Mrs B. A. lit cr , Tabor , Frenonti Co
Ifma. li'fireii'fuilcslreil. H U
IJ1UI. ItKN r rNie n ( the l - t stori on "p-.n '
J1 St. MxJl , Jnmmry 1. 18b2 , ' & II
.MJK KKM-i lurinntitii roomoter MM
i hMiW1 Kicl ni0N , K cr.r. IBth nd Dodg.
tt * . 289 tt
710U liKN7F-Nlccly"fiirnl hcJ rooms with or
? wl'lioiitfcoim ' ! . Itraiionb ) price * 2013
C'a a St. 700 tf
[ 71011 HKN'J Furnlnhod room * , north nldu ol
L1 CallforaJa St. , 2d door went ol 21nt. Inquire
alter I y. nu 434-tt
T7OK lUwNT Cotm.'u of 3 roonm , ell nnd
JJ clstarn ; 23rd and St. Nnry's avenue. En-
Ulilru ol lif. . Kennedy. 3lii 3 13th St , 74B-tt
i A cninnlLt slouk ot groceries and
P ) iii\l | nns. Kor iihlirss lock
box 3.\llurllliKton Junction , Mo. [ H6-28 *
HALE A good bug ) ; ) home , nultalilc ( or
toirlto. Inquire No. 1101 Howard
H rcrt. 97b-l
neil HALKMj vbc . the Fnmh Codoe
JJ lloudo and .Imtauraiit , No. 620 South 10th
stritt , will beforsiuv In the u rlj part ot the.
unmicr , reasons loro.Icrlii ) , ' the fame at this
tin Is tr inablo bu > er to arrange hla hualntsa
111 tlmulor Ijmlui , ' .
r hlonory 1 at Ked-
L innii'ii. Kit i"t I 2S'
LilOll bALh 1 nitrtl BUillion , ClMlusdalc , a
1 Jtnmold , MililliiK ICliO i > ounil . 1 l > li k
ntnlllnn , j Norm in i Mntr | i , 6)mraold , cl.'h-
\i \ > K If'M ' ) pfiuiuls look lirt iirciuiuni ut Nchiiska
-stiitu Pair , 18S1. 1 Kei til ) < > Jack , Mai k ,
wi'U'hlnuabout BOO pounds , 4 jcaisoiil , took
firm premium nt N'clira ka Htnto Fair , ISjO ami
ISM. llniultu ot ( .lau iNilu'l , t'nrin IH Hniisu ,
T Olt SiLK f llr-it-i.l.i < book und stat onory
I Imrino'e , carry nir a lull llnooi to\t , n >
tlnns , ! ] iijr ( n'l ' paptr , moldings In fait
CM rthini. . ' ; del ) ; a IMIH > is < of SlO.Ufli a jcar ;
iord ; l.citlon ; ilii-np lent ; can bo bought on
iavtitnw hj jjooil pait.i. \\lll sjll , nut not
? J
tiadu. AOdrtsi
Spl 014-tt rcmont , cb.
" 171UII SALtJ Four bcrilnn < of ihihliu' and 3
Jj 'ood counterInqulru at I > W. Sf.\o ,
Opera llouso 1 liarn ac.j. 027-tf
FOU SALE Oil KENT- A grocery store and
butcher Hhoii , dc bU lllCS9. Ill *
ijulra at this olllce. 012-tl
SAW : Full lot ami 3 stnill houses near
B10U . P. depot , 82JOU. Mi.Ca.rue. Opp. P. O.
OU SALK -2 nko couaicra and 2 sIHcr plaVxl
F eH , at Gro. II. I'cteiHOi.'s , 804 South
10th St. 7,1-tt
SATiK \\illcxcha go for Omaha Jlto *
FOU , an ImproKcil sec on of laud rJJulin-
ilf a station on U , I * . K. U. M. DUNIIA31.1412
-'an ham1 ! ! . , Omaha. ; 2U3ml' _
i ' rlruie for cltj proimrty , on
lorsea , hirnos and uagon. Aditris
Y. , thia oiHc 722 tf
SALK A ITJIU jcar-old hoiM )
\Varranto < l tn drl\o single or iloulilo. Kn
ulru of ( Itoryo L'antlblil , Cantlilil/xjiuiu.
noils tf
BK1UK A fOt.
II RKSPEIvDY Cl'HKFor snull V > \ "ccipe ,
SOc. Address , \V. } . II Us , i Incoln. Ntb
1)J7 ) ! 20'
; 19th and Du\-cuport f t , 'I1 ' tf
I'unxisiiKu ito MS nit I.I-NT inquire -
Tiwo at llospe'u Art Kniionuiu | ,
rjTJ AYED From h rracku , Jan. 2 ! , o C\jpno
j mare. Anj eno finding the eaid mare ll
o liberally rewarded by leatinu her at Jan/ , .
tcpbtnaon'sstablo , corner of 10th and Harnt -.j
ts. she had tad'ilo on ,
T OST New pocktt-book , httw tn post ofllcc
_ J and LaiUH grocery store , containing about
„ a. 'Ihu Under please lca\e at Ceo ollice , uhcre
ho owner will pay reward ol S10.
rjUdlNhSS MAN WithBOrrecipilal wants to
13 ] iu chase or Kit an interest in a good pay-
n = ' Imsl CHU. Ai drcsa X. Y. , Uce otfice. 0 9 25 *
A QUOD UAUIJUK Can llnd a steady job I-
CTL app } hijf at fxiuU Falst's ,
uorwcst of po toflloo.
1JL wanted by \poricnciU man. Small salarj.
' . u. IJox 602 City
UIIItrS For thu next BO dajs , wo will , on the
J receipt o ! Blxtj ieiit9 , Bund to any addrtss , , ono of our untaundml dicns Shirts ,
'osltit cly only ono Sliirr sent to ono address.
04n-lm iltrselllea , 111.
ITIUUNISIIKD KOi 'Ms Within three hloi s of
L' post tike Inquire at 1510 led e D'C
\TOIIUl.OiOMllACT ! Kbbtakd proK- |
_ \ | sals will ho recdxod until 12 o'lock noon , i
anuar ) .11,1SS2 , lor the erection and comple-
ion of building for Ilio Aiadcnij of the SacrcJ t
loan. I'.aiih . und'oni ] lew at olllce ij )
flutrciio& MLlidulhH hn , Arclilieit , Omalu ,
s'el ) , uhirt1 lilds w 11 bo reioitid. Ihe right is
ittil to rt-lcet an ) or all bids. 02b-ll
) ilOOMMror euulu gcntiuuLii ;
also ono front room v , 1th piano , nouth ct <
artier l > * tli and Capital atomic. SOQ-tf
| - > bMIS NEW CITY MAl'fa , 10c. Mourte
Map * . $2.10. OKO. P. .
IN i UA oa 1'astile aim Ci' |
POUlllAlIb painting. ilKS. 1 > . In
WAHDNKU. room 1 , Jni-ob'B Illmk. 842-tr '
> AI.Ul > UAt A. H. hander's Fwd Storr- '
) 1P13 llarney tit _ lilSlk * j ,
TIONALIHT , 4W Tenth 8tnitbttuten Karnhain
andllainey Will , with the ld of guirdian
spirits , obtain for any onoaglanco at thu pi"I
anil pri'tHint , and on corraln conditions In the fu ! i
, urc. Boots an J Bhoo * made to order. 1'crfi-cl
IhU powder neurArlcn. . Aroanilol purity
8ri > nuthondHhplcscuient6 More economical
than the nrdinut klrnU , and cannot b told In
cp j petition with Ihe multllude of low tut