THE OMAHA DALLY BEE : THURSDAY , JANUARY 26 , 1882. THREE MEN LYNCHEl Seattle Vigilantes Deal Ov Swiit Justtco to the Two Murderers of Reynolds. Tnltoii front Court anil Ilnnrjod i Ono Mlntito Another Crim- liinl SwttiiK Up Botworm Thorn' Spcchl to the Sn rnuir-K-o Chronicle. SEATTLE , W. T. , January 18. Tl death of George 15. Reynolds in th city lust night caused the moat intcni excitement. Ho had been foully inu dered in the street , on his way lioiiu by two men , nnd it was determine that his death should bo avenged. Tli fire boll tapped three times three , an two hundred men m&t at the pngin house , determined that speedy justic ahould bo moled out to the porpotn tors if found. A vigilance commitU was formed and its members told of ! ' i squads to aid the police in finding tli murderers. About ! ) : ! ? 0 o'clock ' tw nieu wore found on Harrington i Smith's wharf , answering the clescrii tion of those who hud committed th murder. They wcro taken botoro Jut tico Coombs and thence to jail. Mon bora of the committee wont to the ja nnd demanded the prisoners. The elli c ( promised that the men should L taken out of jail this morning an brought to open trial. Early thi morning groups of men might be sec about the streets engaged in earnoe conversation. It became apparen that should the mon captured ho guilt , they would never live to see the BUI go down to-day. At ! ) o'clock Yealpr' Ilall wns filled to its utmost capacity When the prisoners were brought ii there was perfect silence. W. II White and Judge Jacobs represontoi the county , and W. W. Holcoml appeared for the defense. The pris oners gave the names of Howard ntii Sullivan. Twenty-eight witnesac were examined. The testimony wa absolutely conclusive , and they wcr proved beyond n possibility of dou'i to bo the mon who mutdcrcd Roy Holds. The examination consume ) about three hours. I'llKr-AKINO THK (1 ALLOWS. While this was taking place withii the hall , preparations were m.ikinj by the vigilantes for final notion Every arrangement was cnmplotot and men wcro stationed at ditleron places. The ollicers wore to be soizec und thu prisoners carried away. A Occidental square a largo scantlini was placed in the forks of two shad trees , about eighteen feet apart , tli scantling being about fourteen fee from the ground. When the ovi dcnco was all in the prisoners , b their attorney , said they had nothin to say. Tlio Judge said : "I now re JiiRtid the prioners , and " N further words were heard , a wil shout arose , the olllcurn wore seized the prisoners grasped by us man resolute men as could got about them Iteeistcnco wus useless. They wet hurried through the alley back of th pavilion to Occidental square , wher the rude gallows stood. THE UF.3TT.IMB OX KKCOltl ) . Ono of the men made seine resistance anco in the hall , but in a twinkling h was thrown upon the ground , and i another moment both men were uu dornoath the bar ; a rope , ulread prepared , wn about the neck of oacl the other end being thrown over tli timber , nnd in one minute from th time Judge Coombs remanded th prisoners to the custody of the oflicor they wcro suspended between heavoi and earth. VNcithor mon said u word or if anything was spoken it wn j , drowned in the terrible rour of juat iv ' * dignsition that carried them on. Jtidg Green attempted to cut the rope thu held ono of the men with a knife Ho was hustled about with muc haste , and rather roughly tre.itcd. HOW TIIKY MKT DKATII. When the men were raised to tli timber over which thu lines wei passed , their heads came in violoi contact with it. The smaller mui Howard , died nt once , his neok bein broken by the force of the blow. II throw up his hands and escaped tli rope as ho went up , but they at OIK foil loosely by his aide. IIo gave a tor that no indication of life. Still van waa undoubtedly strangled i death. His feet twitched , and neve : al tunes were drawn up. After Howard and Sullivan hn been told to-day that they were to I hanged , and that nothing could iia\ them from the gallows , that oven i the latjt testimony was being given tl rope had been procured and the tin ber irom which they would short ! awingjud been put in place , they ai mitwnuuit they were the mon wl had murclored George Reynolds la night. ANOTHHIl MUUnr.UI'.It DOOMI'.ll. Last October onolJ ciijamin 1'ayi shot David Sires , n special polii oflicor , in cold blood. Lynching wr thou talked of strongly. Ilo lit since that time been kept in th county jail hero. At about 1 o'cloc the lire boll again gave three time throe taps , calling the committee tc Rothor again. The lapping of th boll carried Payne's doom. Abou five hundred men wont to the jail tore down the tall fencing on th south aide nnd gained admission t the yard , The bolt was ehoj ' . ' ped out of the door ca1 . j ing , and the first door t I' i the jail swung ofwn. The second on was harder to conquer , but it yieldc to the repeated blows of the sledge But ono door yet remained nnd it n quired hard labor to get it open. ' . 1 was literally battered to pieces , an 1 < gave admission to thu determined me without. "Whore's Payne ? " was tl word first spoken. The prisoner who were In the corridor , who. Pay no nlso was , pointed him out , in lie wus ( seized , THE SECOND QALLOWH SOKNK. The committee brought him dow to the Biiaro | , When his eyes read on the ghastly spectacle of two fori uuspended from thu scantling , wi blackened faces aud protrudti tongues , lie gave no sign of fear , o copt that his face was perfectly cole f less. When the rope wiu about Ii f , | nock nnd his hands tied , some oi " ' called out from the crowd of 800 1,0000 men bUnding about , "Did y < fire the shot that killed Ofilcer .Siren I'ayuo cried out , "If you hang n you will hang an innocent man ITo said nothing further th could bo heard , for several hu dred voices raised a shout that drowi od all else.nd his body look ilfl plai between the murderers of Reynold His logs twitched and drew tin , at : his breast heaved convulsively fi some moments. Ho evidently slrai gled lo death. Finally his llml alraightcncd out , and the three fern hung motionless , gazed at nnd con monlcd upon for about forty minute when they wcro cut down and throw into nn express wagon. Thin wi hauled by men around to the undo taking establishment , THK .nmv's The verdict of the jury nurmnnnr by acting Coroner Coombs was brii and to the point , In each case tli jury returned the following verdict : \Vu , the jury summoned in tli above caso. find that ( hort his naiiu came to his death by hanging , hi : from the evidence furnished wo nr unable to find by whoso hands.V are satisfied that in his death niibitnr tial and speedy justice has been HU ! served. The following dispatches from Per Townsend and Olympio , received thi afternoon , give additional evidence ( . the justice of the citizens of Seattl in vindicating real law and in BUIII inarily punishing these murderers : OI.VMPIA , January 18. To the Citir.otm of Seattle : Olympia congratulates your on 01 : lie prompt manner of suppressing th awloas rowdy dement. ( Signed ) CITUK.N * or OLVMPIA. PoiiTTowNHENi ) , January IS. To the Citizens of Scuttle : We , the citizens of Port Townsend ndorto your action in executing th hreo murderers to-day , and congratu ate you on your prompt notion in sot ing evil doers a lesson. Kvorybod ; cjoicing and pleased with the action ( Signed ) MANY CITI/.KNB. Qormnn Emigration to Amorlcn. Consul Schocrlu , of I3armen , Ger nany , sends the following intorcstiiij lispatch , under recant date , to tin tate department : Emigration from thu fatherland irincipally to the United Slates , hai .isumed giganlic proportions in tin ourso of this year. This nnpreco lonted exodus is engaging thu serioui tlention of the German economists ml especially that of the impurin hancallor. The former have beei alculnting the working value of tin average omigrnnt , and state that Uu orvicoB of every laboring man loavim .ho country may bo valued at 81,000 There can be put little doubt Um every emigrant is worth that yoarlj miount to the United States. Com niting the wealth the United Stiitei icquiro by the influx of population on his basis , nnd cut hunting thu numbu : if emigrants to the United Stntei hiring the year J881 as Imviii ) reached 000,000 , the country wouh lave gained in Hint period § 000 , 000,000. As a matter of grave consideration and in order to call urgent attentioi 0 the extraordinary drain on tin roung men population subject to mili iiry duty , Prince Hismnrck hai atoly submitted to thu Dundosratl federal council ) a series of table ihowing that during thu year 1880 m ens than 11-tS , I young men liable t nilitary service have loft Germnny fo ho United States , and , as in th iourso of this present your the num > er of emigrants was unusually largi 1 seems not unlikely that the arm may bo deprived of at least 20,00 Doling men. 1 In order to chqck thia tide of em { ration , the public posting of placard mm emigration agents and formg iteamship companies hai boon prc libited in Durlin , and n bill throwin ill kinds of technical diflicullies ii ho way of emigration in likely to b ntroducod in the next scusioii of th leicliatag. In addition to this , tli irovincial authorities in Prussia Imv juuii ordered to iiiiiiru ( [ into , mil report on , the extent and causes ( i this alarming emigration. The following table show * the prc . ressivo scale of omigr.ition from Got many for the last eight years : In the year 1875 , nliout 3fOD ) , In the year 1870 , nbcuit ail 00 In tlio yuar 1H77 , nhmit li.l.OO In thu year 1878 , about L'.j.OO In the 18711 , about Ill,1(0 ( In thu yuar 18SO , about 110,00 The emigration fever has , to th amny.omont of the local authorities spread to such regions during tlio pn sent year as have hitherto been fro from it. This has boon especially th case in the Rheiiinh Wostpimliun coal iron and mining districts , to an oxten which promises lo prove n seriou drain on the labor market of that lo cility. Exact Htatistics of the movement mont from Hhinolaiid nnd Westphali nro not available , but it is calculate ! that at least : i'J,000 pontons from thes two provinces h.ivo embarked withii the slimmer season , and that the con minus in Westphalia alone have al likelihood lost from 0,000 to 0,00 operatives by emigration during tint period. It is of frequent occurronc that thu pioneers of the movement re turn ixs recruiting labor agent imongst their comiunlons , and ther a every prospect that the exodus wil je on a largo scale in the comin year. The movement is by no moan restricted to the ignorant , inexperienced enced or destitute persons , for th xvoragu amount withdrawn by one 'amily is estimated at from 12,000 t J.OOO markb. That Germany , on account of th jxtrnordinary increase of her ponuhi tion , and her consequent over-popu latiou , will have to give up from tim to time to foreign countries a certai portion of her inhabitants , seems t bo a spttled conviction amongst hu statisticians and economists Em ; uintiou is considered n necessary con Boquuiice iii the nature of events But the principal object of the riilin powora hero in to prevent the 01101 mons waste of capital and labor con sequent on emigration , to open u now markets for Gorman uiiumfiu tures , and to check thu exodus to tli United Stales , whoio free in Htilutions cotmtiluto BO slrong a attraction to Germans. Tli question of requiring trans-allant torntory for colonizing purpoes is i present very elaborately discusst und ventilated through the press , i commeicial circles , und in publ meetings. It is proposed to organ ! : suttlements on n largo scale in foroh territories , whore Germans should r main dependent , to a certain degro on thu fatherland , and where the n tional spirit and customs ahould 1 uphold nnd cultivated , and Germn manufactures bo consumed , nnd tin utilize the trans-Atlantic brothers i xho economical interests of the mothi country , It is calculated that tli colonists should mainly devote thru selves to agriculture and send the pn ducts of their soil tothooldcountryi exchange for Gorman manufacturei The movement is undoubtedly gainiii in extent rapidly nmotigst the peoplt and the chambers of commerce an hoards of trade have submitted tli feasibility and expediency of the culi ninl policy to Prince Hismarck in thei respective annual commercial report ! The imperial chancellor , howovoi keeps at present aloof from the tnovi meiit , nnd seems to regard it in a loft way , but still with some inclination t favor and encourage it unofficial ! } He has not yet manifested any dispt sition to invest the matter with gov eminent authority , and it is hardl expected that lie will do no in the nea future. So far , thu colonial policy i restricted to private enterprise , and i fostered nnd ngitnted by different sr cieties , ( lisiuminated throughout th length and breadth of Germany. A ihu head of thcRo organizations stand the "Central Society for Commerciti Geography , and Adi aiiceineiit of Get man Interests in Foreign Conn : rioH , " having its field of operation n Berlin ; next in impoitance is th "Went German Hraiich Socinty fo Joloiiinition and export , ' ' which hn Is sent in liurmen. Ueside thcs here have been organized , in further ancu of these colonial schemes , abou a dozen other unions , in all parts o lormany , working very earnestly am larmoniously in promoting the move nunt by scattering gratuitous p.imph ets over the country , by advocating i n public prints and by public speak urs , and by striving to popularize it ii uvery possible way. Tlio southen > art of Brazil and thu Argent im lopublic are proposed as being favor Mo loculities for the establishment o Herman colonies. Whether these various coloni/atioi chemcs will ultimately be shaped int < i tangible plan of operation is yet i natter of mere speculation. Bui iinny Gorman idealists dream that ii imes lo come n great sister Gerinat mpiro will arise , wherein German } ould not only transfer bur ovor-popu ntion , but wherein nlso coi tain mar < ots for her industrial productn will bi insured to thu manufacturers of tin atherland. Don't Throw Up When hiitrcriiiK Immiiilty are ( minimi inrrois of dyMiitniiiu , hidi'it-slimi , o icrvoiiH and ; deliility , they nro to iften inclined t throw up the H | > ni'e am t'fclmi theniHcIvu tn f.itu. Wu sav , ilmi" In it. T.iko lit miock ISi.oon ItiTiiusth : infiiilini ; remedy. 1'ricu , § 1.00 , trial ni/i OcontH. 10 lw Tlio Library orCongrosB. A short paper in The Ji'ebriiar Midn inter Cuntuiy on "The Pto losed National Library Huildiin ; , ' ; ives the following account of Uu iontents of the library of the Unucc States : Having risen from the ashus of twi conflagration ! ) , the last of which , ii 851 , spared only twenty thousnm volumes , the government library hn. grown with rapid atrideH , until i counts , in 1881 , upward of lour bun drod thousand volumes , besides on uindrednnd fifty thousand pamphletn Hid several hundred thousand copy right publications , other than bookt- [ u thu histoiy of this progress , whicj lias raised the collection in thirty year From twenty thousand hooka to fou bundled thousand , the marked uouiic of increase have been fourfold : first a liberal appropriation by congress , i : 1852 , of eight-five thousand dollai in one aum for the purchase of book LO ropuir losses by fire ; second , th icqumilion of the Smithsonian Scion tide Library in 18ii ( ( , with nil its an nual accession ninco ; third , the put base of the Force Historical librnr , in 1807 ; and fourth , the enactmeii of the copyright law in 1870 , mnkin this library the national recoid oilic for copyrights , and the depository c nil ] ) ubhcation to which oxcluaiv right of Multiplying copies is secured The law of growth of this alroad largo collectionaside from the vui modest appropriations for purchasi ( varying from live thousand dollnra t fifteen thousand dollars pur annum for the last thirty years ) , is such n t give emphasis to the fact that it is rt quires moHt nmplo provision of spue for its orderly nrrnngement nnd pret ervation. Tliis library not only pre nents itself as the great coiiKorrator of American letters , but there is add ed , by careful nnd steady minimi pin chnso , a selection of the bust Uteri : turo of other Innda and langnnger It is , besides , t1 e ussiduou gatherer of books , periodicals , doct ments , and maps rolatini ; to Americn Its collection of newspaper tiles us tends to over seven thousand volumes embriicing The "London Ga/.otto from 1005 to 1881 ; The "Times from 17 % to date ; The Gorman "All gemoine Xoituiig , " complete , from th clone of the last century ; full sots u The "Moniteur Univorncl" and of Th "Journal des Dubats , " from their ori gin in 1780 ; The "New York ISvonin Post" from the hrst issue In 1801 with complete sots of every impot taut English or American review o magazine , and an extensive collectio of periodicals , scientific , literary , ote. of other countries. ALMOST OKA/A' . How otten do wo see the hardworking ing father straining every nerve an muscle , and doing his utmost to sii | port his family. Imagine his feeling when returning homo from a liar day's labor , to find his family pros train with diseas' ) , conscious of unpai ( ? ol irs' bills and dobta on every I mm ! It must be enough to drive one iilmna cnv/y. All this unhiiiipinecne'iild ' b avoided by UBing 1 ] uctne Bitters which expel every diiK.iso from th system , bringing joy and happiness t thousands. Sold nt fifty cents n hot tlo. Ish & McMiihon. (8) ( ) DISEASES -OKTUB- EYE & EAE DR.L. B. GRADDY , Ocnlist and Aurist LATE CLINIOAU A88IBTANT IM ROYA LONDON OPHTHALMIO HOSPITAL. IUfereucc all UcpuUlle yildani of Oirjaiu rpmc , Corner loth nd Farnh.m 8ti urnano , ntb , U > M . TRUTH ATTESTED. SomoImportnntbtAt mn > * tii of Wo Known People Wholly VorlUcJ. In onlor th&t the iml lc tiny fully rcullje 11 UtnnlncncM of the itAtoncnti , . well M t ! power ml luc of Iho article of wln'h thi | K'ak ' , apuMlihhtriWlth f-o fao-siinilo I ifn turciof pnrllrfi wlioio ilnurlty 11 licinn.l rjuc tion. The Truth nt tlic o trntlmonUlt U nl > i lute , nor c n the factd Ihcy announce \ > o I nortil. . . OMAHA , Nm. , Mnj 24 , 1M1. „ . H. WARNPR&CO. : IiinnSin : I h.ivo frequently m l Wnrnrr SAfe Kltltinj ud Uvcr Cure for locM nffcctlai nUenilint upon o\cro rhaunmtlo atuckii , < ir hatoaUny * ilcrUcd licncnt therefrom. I hai M o lined the 8 fo Vcrvlno with atl'f c ory r iiiltn. I cotnldcr thcno inedlcliics worthy ( confldo .co. Deputy Trenmircr , . . , . OMAHA , NM Hay 24 , 1:81. II. " . WARS-IB & Co. , Kocliestor , N. V. : OPNTH : I \\\\o \ meil jour Safe KUncy an Liter Curi thli uprlntf an a lurlnvlROrnlor , an 1 flh < l Ii the best rcmuly \ ncr trlcil. I Imv iiHoil 4 l.ottlt * . a il It IIM niMlo nio fool bttti than c\cr I dlil biforu In the U. P. II. Shorn , . . OMAHA , Nun , May 21 , ibsi , II. H. WARNRR&CO : SIKH : for more than 15 y am I ha\o < uHcrc' ' mu h In onveiilunco from combined liMnry ani Ihcrilliiaiicfi , nd have liccu uniblo to work my urln ny orj ( nn also buliijf affected I Tied jrrcat many medltlnn and doctors , but I nm worno and worte day by ilay. luontolrl I hai llilfhl'H Illnea e , and I wished niyielf dead If could not h-wo speedy relief. I took } our Hat Kidney and Lhcr Cure , knowInK nothliijr il wao over known to euro tha dlseaic. anil I hav not bctndii > piolntd. | The medicine hiacurw me , and I am perfcc ly well to-dav , entlr.l' ' Ihro'i ' h your tto [ Kldjioy and Liter Cure * l holi all sticc SKln iHibftShtrfiT this rcmc.lythroiiKh < ho world. U. P. H. II. Shopi. Tliousands tit equally n'ronjt ' cnilorscmcnt'- ' nanyofthcm In cosoi where h-ipo was aban loned bavo boon \ohmtarlly uUi-n , howln | { tin cmatkablc power of Warner' * Safe Kidney ani Liver Cur.e , In all ilKCB o of Ibq kldncjx , live > J" If any cn who reads thi ( troiiblo rdt'r'i.bor the groi In Hosto of FnmUlos Hostctti-r'H Stomach Hitter * Una much ro ardw a household neccfHlty an a\\y\r or collce. lh > rcaitoii of thin U that jcar of oijierimco h \i | irovoil It to bu perfectly rellablo In tho.--o canes o cmcreeiiey where a prompt and cunrcnlciit rem rdy U domandwl. Constipation , liver tomplaint djspqMia , IndlKestloii and otin r trouble ar overcome by It. V'or silo by Ml lriiKfI ( < taand IH'.ilers , to w hoi : apply for Iloatotter'a Alman v f jr 183'i. "Whovatit glossy , Insnriant anil vrayy tresses of nbnndnnt , bcaiitiinl Hair must nso LYON'S KATUA1RON. This decant , cheap article always makes the Hair Rroir freely and fast , keeps it i'roui falling out , arrests aud euros grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair ntrong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau- i If ul , lioalthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathairou , WESTERN CORNICE WORKS C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA NEB , - - - MANUFACTURERS OF GALVANIZED HOI Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials TIN , IRON i SLATE ROOFING , Specht's Patent Motalio Sky light. Patent Aduttul | > lt > Hatchet Dar and BRACKET SHELVING I aui the Koncral State- Agent lor the al > o\ line ot KOOils. IKON l-'KNCINQ , Oraitlngi , Daluitrades , VerandaiJOfllce nn Dank Ralllnc ; * , Window and Cellar Guards ; alto GKNKUAL AOKNT Peerson and HIM Patent Insldo Ollnd , novltltl DexterL.Tliomas&Bro WILL HUV ANI ) SKL.L AND ALI > TK1NB1CTI0.1 OONMKCTEO TlllIUvTITII , Pay TftXflB , Rent HOUBPS , Bte 'If YOU * At > r TO H'T ' 0 tRU' 011 at Office , Room 8Cr Vt < ! 03 Jon Buffer from Dvcpciwiane IIUItUOOK I1LOOI ) IllTTL'H If jou arc afflicted with 1illou ! < ncn , uno HUIIDOCK IILOOD lllTTKIl If you nro prostrated with Mck llcadacho , take IIUHDOCK I1LOOI ) IlITTEIt If jour Ilowclsaro dl-wrdcrcd , rcgulato them wl UUItDOUK ML OI ) IIITTEll If jour nioodli mpiire , purlfj It with UUItDOCK HI.OOI ) f youhivo Indljtcstlon , jou will Imdan antldo IIUIIUOCK 11LOOU I1I1TEH f you ore troubled with Sprlnjj Complalnlii , t idlcato them with UUItDOCK IILOOD UlTTEIt f jour Llvcrla torpid , rcitoro It to Iicalthy actlc * Hh DUHlJOCIv I1LOOI ) UlTTEll f J-our Liver la nflcctid , ou will nnd a sura r toratlvoln 11UHI > OCK 11LOOI ) I1I1TEH f you have any tpotlcs of Humor or Pimple , fn lot to take IIUHDOCK III.OOI ) II1TTT.H f J ou hav o any sj mptonn of Ulcers or Scrofuloi iorra , n curatlv o remedy will bo found In DUIIDOCK 111.001) IlITTEKi 'or ImpartlniT Blrcnxth and vitality lo the ey cm , nothing can equal I1UUDOCK 11LOOI ) IJITTEU ! "or Ncrvouii and General Dcbllltj- , tone up tl jstcm with IIUIIDOCK IILOOD IJITTEU ! 3rlce , l. 00 po i Settle ; Trial Dottles 10 Ct FOSTER , MILBURN , & Co , , Props BUFFALO , N , Y. Sold at wholesale by Inh & McMahon nnd C. 1 loodman. _ ] a 27 cod-mo 880 , SHORT LINE. 1880 KANSAS" CRT , 3t , Joe & Council Bluffi in ma U.MA Direct Line to ST. LOUI AKUTHKKASr From Omaha and the Weut. Jo ch nfi' cf cart hetwiun Omaha uut' ' ob. L.OU ! ' \\n hut one lictwoon OMAl'A ani ! - Daily PexssengerTrain ; V.IIACIUNI ) UIi t/.HTKKh AMJ Wi'siKujf OITIK'th ! l.n.s OHAHOIH anJ KN AIIVAN'iT ot Al. ' . OTi.M , JhKb. Tbi _ tnurlinu n i-Ui.d with I'ullin&n .f i slrepnir Can , 1'iKox iitt" Coaobca , Miller I.'L'.V I'Ktform and Coiiplei nnd tiu ivIMinli ' , tV Si-n thit mm tiU'-t fji\p \ VIA i-i'V. ff. . ' ( K l-ir e C ( ) > Mil , DLUt'l'SRa u , vl. > at. Jodtph mil ; Ini\n . it -I it for 11.1 c.1 ill viiiDOi' dtatiditp in th .1 F.'IIAUXAUD , ( I'AVMI'J , ( in > ' > pt , Ht. Jo'inh , Me- lit K-- r.tid 'i .1 het A-t , Si. Joseph , Mo. IM Rriu , , TicKet Atrent , luut Farnhaui street. . H I'.R.JRP Ornoral Ak * 1 1 , OMAHA. Nl" Cuxning Street J , J , HOBES , Prop1. anri Hslr MentM of a ] , Poxil ry , Fiub.&c. , i'- _ _ _ _ _ 7rn ORO r : G H E i > JERSEY LCIVS & HEIFER ! , & ; --iS\ ' P i ? i < * > 't ' For Sale By ( JBAHAM P. BROWHE _ To r ervojs Suiterers THE ailtAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J , B. Simpson's Specifl It U ft | idbUt-.i.uru lor aiwrmatoirheu , fimlin : \VuokuoBf , liupoUni y , auil all dlsoastg nfliiltlr. Irom SelNAIm'o , n Mvntnl Anxlctj , Losni Uunoiy , I'aim lu thu liaik or iililo. and cllsoosi * ' . " ' J ' " that load I H& > t. . 'X /N-"V-.N Uonsuniptlo / * VO5 J f > 'j' > tj\ ) in-tanlty an "jS-s - < c < iitlte.itJr > - . , earlyjrni ( The Spccll Iap $ ilodldno plg * > i being usi tF5 i tfe , ? with uondu i fal BULCCRH. aBetfe * . a iL Pnmphlo 5"iit ( roe to all , Write ( or thorn iud gee ( nil pa ttcularg , I'rlco , PpuflOc , (1.00 per iiacUkgo , or < lx pac SC6 lor (6.00. AJJrrmi all ordcn to U. SIV.SON MEUIC1KK C'Q , Nos. lot and 100 Mnln St. lluOalo , .V. Y. old In Omaha by 0. P. Goodman , J. W. llo K Ub , and all dru elataeverywhere. THE KENDALL PLAITINfi lACHHE DRESS-MAKERS COMPANION , DRESSMAKERST TIt It plait * and premies perfectly ono > aril p minute , It plalU fro.u 1-lUof an Inch tel l-l Inches vv iilth In the ccur e t felU or tliie t vllkt , It docs ull kinds and ntjler of plaiting In use. No lady that doe * her own drew making ci a ord to do without one an idea plaiting n ver.uut of fashion , If mill It tells Itnolf , F Miuhlm , Circulars or Aunt's turms addrosa CONOAU & CO. , 113 A.tliim St. , Chicago , 111 , UF.O . W , KKNUALL , Axcut Omaha. " s'lBBBTT iSf PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT / via omr NEH IPllilMP t""Ni . -rrjwir- ' / * t . . No Changing Oars i Where direct coiinectlon arc mido 8LKEP1NO OAK LINES for NBW VOUK , 110STON , n.V.TlMOHE , WASH1NOTOH AND ALL KASTKKH The Short Line via. Peorij Ecr INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUII V1LLE , and all poliiU It ) the tni HMT UNI For ST. LOUIS Whore direct connections are made In the Unto Depot with the Through Sleeping Car Lines for ALL POINTS SOTT-J-JBC. NEW LIKE- DES MOINR TIIK FAVOHITE ROtrTK POR Rock Island. The tinoqvalod Inducoruonta offered by this 11 n o travelers and tourists are M follows : , Tl co ! l > nit d PULLMAN < 10hcel ) PALAC BLEEPING CARS run only on tills line 0. , 1 & Q. PALACK HAWING UOOM CAHS. wit1 lorton'e Hccllnlng Chairs. No extra chirRO fo oata n Reclining Chalra. The famoua C. , It. . Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cui uttcd with elegant hlch-backca rattan rorolvln haln.forthc excluatvo ueo of flrst-cl&ssiwwen gen. gen.Stcol Track acd sui rlor equipment tomblrr 1th their Kir&t through car arranucinunt , nvslii his , nbove all others , the favorite route totu Zaat , South and Southeast. Try It , and you will llnd traveling a luxury In tend of a discomfort. Through tickets \lo this celebrated line for ft. } at [ .II olllcca In the United States and Canada. All ntoriuatlou nLout rates of fare , Slcurlnt Car accommodations , Time Tallies , etc. , will 1 > hcorfully cl\cn by npplylnc to i t'EHPEVATi T.OWKC.I Cpnoril nii r Airent , t hli w . J. I'OrrKU , Ho Mftimp-pf Chi . - v ; * \ t * . a' f\L.I < " * - * ' "r J-ir 1 - ; b : - \ ; > / - itf \ .v\/ir.V ' ' t $3 $ ( itiK ± t'S vsv-rVMvM i ' ' ti belni : the most direct , quickest , an Afeat line connecting the ( rroat Metropolis. CHI CAO ! , und ti EAETEKN , NOHIII-EASTKRN , i cirri vnd aouTii-KAHTKUN LINUS , which tcriulnntvt here vith KAIIHAB Cm , Lnvvr.NwoMTn , Arcnisnv ( irxcit Rt/uif * bnd Oruiii , tha , CcWvriji NPTBBKom hlch radhto EVERY LIME OF ROAD J-ui jn'fcctrUtB theContlucnt from the Ul-four v v. > r to 11 n Pacific .Slope. The M1U < ; 0 ROCK ISLAND A P CIT70 RAILWAY < i - .i . I1 llri. Uon Ch. aifo o\\nlnt \ * ; tra"A * ns "i ( . rAhl' IN own rii 3 , rciehm tt Hjiutb ainjtu < iauiud . Nu niANbtKRa nr CAIHUAOK No MmeiNO ! No huddling In 111 \ piitibtuil or unclean cars , aa every passcriifcr 1 cr.rried In roomy , clean and ventilated coacncf U | n 1'ast Kx press Trulns. UAV CARS of unrivaled raagnlflconco , PCLLMA : I'ALACII Si.KKri.No CARH. and ourownvorldfamou IDii r > CAIW , utwn which miaila are served of un nurpaweed excellence , nt the low rate o ! SHVKNTY HNIC CrNW KAni , with ample time for hcalthfu enjui merit llir-ough Cars betwueu Chicago , Peorla , Mil waukce and Miefnurl Hlver Points : and close con ncctlona at all polnta of Intersection with othe roada. roada.We We ticket ( do not ferRet this ) directly to aver place of importance in Kaiisna , Nchraaka. Iliad IIIlls , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , California Oregon , Wathiii ton Territory , Colorado , Arlzon and New Mexico. Aall beral arrangement * regarding bai gage a uiiy other linn , and rates of fate aluays art -ow a compHtitora , who furnlch hut a tlthe'o the com firL lk > K and tackle of fx > rumi > n Ircu Tickcta , majvi and fcldcru at all priucipa'S In the I'n'tud titw and OanaJa. II. II. UABLK , E. ST. JOHN VKit 1'res't fcOuti. Oen Tkl ai.dl'asVr Ay VHnnirtT. Cbicrtcn nl icairo. Sioux City S Paciiii THE SIOUX OITY ROUTI Runa a Solid Train 'through Irom Oouucil Bluffs try t-t. Paul Without Chance Time , Only 17 Hour * . IT is S.O < Q UILIS TUB SIIORTK3T HOUTK VROM GODNOIL BLUFFS TO BT. PAUL , JIINNKAPOLIS DULUTH OR BISMARCK ind all polnta In Northern loua , Mlnnewta an Dakota. Thia line la equipped with the Improve WestlnghouM Automatic Air-brake ted Mllle Platform Coupler and Under : and for SPEED , SAFRTY AND COMFORT Is unsurpassed. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car run through WITHOUT CIIANOK between Kai : ma City and St. Paul , via Council llluffa an Sioux City. TralnH Icavo Union Pacific Transfer at Cour ell Hindu , at 7:35 p. m. daily on arrival of KaiiHfl City. St. Joseph anil Council liliiffj train froi thu South. Arriving at Bloux City 11:36 p. m and at the New Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:3 : noon. TKN HOURS IN ADVANCE OP ANY OTIIK ROUTK /3TIU member In taking the Sioux City Rout jou set a Through Train. The Shortcut Llni the Quickest Time and a Comfortable Ride In th Through Cam between COUNCIL I1LUFFS AND ST. PAUL. jtTl-'oo that v our Ticket * read via the "Slou City and Pivclllc Railroad. " J. \\A1TLKS , J , II. BUCHANAN fauperinteiidciit. Clen'l Pass. Agent. P. E. ROBINSON , A s't Oon'l Pans , Ag't. , MiBsourl Valley , Iowa. J , H. O'BRYAN , Southwestern Agtnt , Councl IlludJ , Iowa Matter of Application of J. Willlboort for Ltnuor Iilccnue , NUTIOK. Notice [ a hereby given tint J. Wllllboori did , upon tlio 13th day of January. A I ) . 1SS : f.lulil * upplltat on to thu Major and Cltv Com ell of Omaha , for llccnto to sill Mai Spirituous and Vinous Liquor * , at No. ,31 South Klltet'liih ktutt , Fourth uard , Oinah Neb , from tilt'27th day of Junuar ) , ISS2 , t the 10th da > of April , 1SS2. If then ) be no obecion ] : , remonstrance nrpn t" t lllitl within t o vvriksfrom ISthol Jaimai A. U. , ltw-2 , tlio t > ald licvnso vslll be granted JACOB WILLIHOORMK , Applicant. TUP Uiiiv | ! ! KB newspaper will puUlih tl above notice unco each week for two vvcki s the rxponso of the applicant. The City of Om : a is not to be chared there * Ith. j. j. L. o. jEWjrrr. i .2t City Clerk XKVt YOItK , JANUARY , 18S2. TUP Srs lor 1S91 consumtil f , ur million one hundnd and nlnclj-lour thoutand three lain- drc < l and nlicty-ono (4,101,301) ( ) pout ds of rtlnt In ? paper In Us I ) il } , bun ay , and Wickly dltlon * . This Is ciual | to sixty million BOVCM hundred and scvcii'y-two thou aiil ( sl\ hundred nml fovent } c\cn ( ( 'pO,7"2Oi7) cones of the dilly The notual ciroulatlon for the i wt ) ear wan : Dflllv . 3070I.IOI Sunday . 7,037,004 Weekly . 3.4DO.IC4. Tills g vcs for caili ihj In the ) car the follow. inf ( average : Copies of the Dally edition . 120,041 Copies of the Sunday edition _ 135,330 Copies of the Weekly edition . 07,273 1 IIK Srshai nilrcrtlslni ; space to cell. In the Iiallv and Sunday editions its price for ordlnarv Bilvcrtlscnionta Is 40 conl.1 per agate lino. Pro- 'erred ' position * and dlsplajed mattir from to cents to S2.50 per line. In the Weekly 60 i cuts \n ngatc Him of space ; no extra clnrgo [ jr dls- lay. Preferred iHjsltlona 75 cents to S2 per ino. ino.At At this prlcn ailvcrtlslug In the several cdl- lonsot TiiKSus It cheaper than Its pub tOicr vn ever been aMo to obtain In any other me dium , and he has spent hundreds of thou aniU cf dollars in making kno m THK Srs , and the idvanta cj it oflerj to the ImMncRq comnumlty. TIIK St.N ispuhlljhed every day In thoyoar , at S < w. ICO , IGj and 170 Nassau Street , Now York L'ltj , I. W. KNOLAND , Publisher. _ janlfl-Ct Jens SrAiiLpn , JKROMK SciMstr , P csldcnt. Vice Prea't. W. B. DriHHKR , Sec andTreas. THE NEBRASKA MANUFAOTUEffld CO Lincoln , Neb , MANUFACTUUKIIS 0V Corn Planters , Harrows , Farm Rollers , Sulky Hay Rakes , Bucket Elevating ; Windmills - mills , &c. Wo are prerarcd to do Job work and manufac. turl' K for other partliu. Addrcs all ordcrj NEDItASKA MANUFACTURING CO. LI.M.OLN , NKU. JanlO-8m tpecidu cures tnat moot loatnsomc Whether io its Primary , Secondary ov Tortlarv Stao- Koniorea all tratus of \ crciiry trom the sys tem , Cures Scrofula , OM Son" , llhcuma- tism , Kzenia Cniarrh or any Dlood Disease. Cures'When Hot SprijiRH Fall ! Mnlvern , Ark. , Jlay 2,1SS1. We ha\e ca .cfl in our town who lixedatHot jptlnifaand were llnallj tured wlthS. S. S. McUAMMON & MURUY. Memphis , Jlcnn. , iTay 12 , 1SS1 We ha\o sold 1,2'JU hot lea of S.S. si. In a year , t has ghcii universal utitfactlon. Fair inimlcii ih > 8iciana now reconimend it as a positive Pecltlc. S. JIAN6WLL & CO. Louisville , Kv , , May 13.1SS1. S. S. S. has given bettor tati faction than any nedlcino I hav c ecr sold J. A. Fuxxnii. Uciivct , Col. , May" , 1881. Kvcry purcha cr i peaks In the hijilu-st terms > f S. S. b. ' u. Mclesetcr. UlchiMflii'l. Ya..Mayll , 18S1. You ean refer anj boilj to u In ruzarilto the iicrlts of S. S. S. Polk , Miller A ; Co. Ha o nucr knouns. S. S to fall to cur a case f fajpliilii , when properly taken. If. L. Deiu.nrd. ) „ „ Oa. j-Perry , Ell Warren. The abo'-o tlKiiers aiovuntlcnnn' f hlsh stand- ng A II COLQU11T , Governor otOcorcti. F YOI wisn w : w LL TAKI : Y i'usn CA TO IIK I'AII ) KOIl WHhN CUKKU. Write for jiarticulara and oojiy of little iook 'Mcxuuo to tha Unfcrtunatc. " Sl.OOf ) R wnrd " 111 Inlaid to any : htiirsi who will tind , on anaisli 1UO IxitHea 4 S. 3. , one of Mercury Iodide Potaa- iluni or any Mineral aiilmtancc. SWIbTSPKUlFIC CO. ropi. Atlanta , Ga. Price of regular size reduced to ? ! 75 i < cr ot lo Small n'zc , holding half the quantity , price , sold by KINNAUU & co. , mil Druggists ' entrallv W. K. vjoca M MKRRELL. W , E , VMS & CO , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasalle Street , CHICAGO , A to m Brain aud Provisions Bought and Sold on Martina dit.7mcitt dim QRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE * TRADE MARK,11,1" arcatTRADE MARK tiny Anim- faillnir euro for Seminal Weakness , Spurmator- rhca , Impot * cney , and all Uibeiefsthat" follow as a BEFORE TAKina. c > iuence of AFTER TAKIRQ. jell-Abune , nt Loss of Memorj , L'nUcrHal l.nssl. iudo , Pain In the Rack , Dlmnetw of Vision , Pro * nutur1 < > 'd Aue , and many other DltcaHcs that lead t I * . M or Consumption and a Prcma- tutu Uiavu iTJrFiill p. , nu.ilars In our pamnhlet , which wu iliblro to Acini free trmall to everyone , f Tlho Specillc Medidno la sold by all drumlsts at SI i r package , or 0 packets for ? 5 , or will Lie cent free by mall n rcc ptof the rnoncv bv addressing TIlKCiUA lEDICINECo : , Buflalo , N , Y. or Ralo by 0 F Ooodr _ ocTmi'.cod It you are t muni ntl ' innn it lei . J train of teiftteillii roi _ your duties avotil nlKlit wink , to r * s ttmulanuand uu toru tiraiiinerveniKj Hop Bitters. oMii , UM Hop B. If you are yuunii nn < l iilTerinic from any It , discretion ur illi i | > a tluii , tl youaiu'nar. rlnl ur > lnri' ! . old > iR.tuiriTlin' from tiaorhmltli or UiiKuU . on a bed oi tlclc * new , nlr on Ho Bitters. Who er yon arc , Tliousanai ale on- hentvcT you ( dl , luull } from at that your syrtim 'I ' form of Kidney in IH ! > elf uulni ; , ton * dUca o that iiil UI Inir 01 rtlmuluUnt ; , liavu bi-en ( iruii ntiKl " ' I ujru thnuly uwof taUo"rVop' Hcp jtter8 : Ditto's , , O.I. O orur'iiururotri * ftlainjf ill i'aiie U an alisolutti . of tha ttotnilch , anU Irrftltla. bairrfi liirruriifnfi , tfoad. ; HOP ilninkninoil bl cure for , UM * of uplum. You will be ttbacoo , w curi-iliryouute ' Hop Blttert . Koldbjdrug. Ifyouirerlm. l.ti. Boujfur w r Ic Aiid ply Iow nlrltwltry NEVER ClrcuUr it ) It may tioiiirmu live your FAIL TO CO. life. It ha , saved hun RMkwtir , H. I , dreds. A Toronto , Oct. f |