Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1882, Image 1

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Verdict of tlio Jury iii tlio Biii-
teau Case ,
It Took Thorn but Six Minutes
to Arrive nt the Above
Cot elusion of Porter's Arraign
ment oi the Cowardly
'The Text of the Charge to the
Jury by Judge
BatLlttlo Emotion Bfnvlfoited by
the Prisoner-
National Assoc-i tc < l Press.
WASHINOTON , January 25. Al
though there was n snow storm the
court room was crowded to-day.
Guitonu remarked , on reaching the
dock , that his sister , Mrs. Scovillo ,
had boon doing some very silly tnlk-
ing in Chicago , but said she wns no
Judge Porter began by apologizing
to the jury for having spent so much
time in his argument , but said bo
doomed it necessary to carefully review -
view the evidence. Ho then pro
ceeded to dissect that portion of the
testimony by which the defense , to
use the counsel's word , tried tp place
the responsibility of the crime on
Luther W. Guitoau because he trans
mitted hie blood to him who is Gar-
tiold's murderer. Ho then risked the
jury this question : "Wns it deprav
ity or was it wickedness , or wns
it disease of the bruin that
prompted Guiteau to shoot Garfield ?
If it waa disease of the brain it came
not till the 2d of July. Before that
time it was malice. The viper struck
back at Blaine nud struck back
through Garfield. Ho struck b ick nt
Blaine with n menace at Garfield that
was unfortunately fulfilled. Ho wont
about the world defrauding women
nud swindling all he mot. The world
owed him a living , ho said. "
Porter continued that Guiteau did
not pay debts because hosaid Paul did
not , nnd ho chose to bo a vagabond because -
cause the Son of Man had no whereto
to lay his head.
This made Guitoau furious , and ho
stated that Porter was a liar , and was
working for blood money , etc.
Porter said Guiteau blasphemed
"Him who prayed for men at Gethse-
mnne nnd died for them on Cnlvnry , lut
' Christ never chentod a Jew and never
tried to trade a spurious watch. Porter
ter worked the prisoner to a white
heat of rage by his ridicule of the aim
'to a partnership with Jesus Christ &
Co. , and his alleged junior partner
? ,
GtMeau next t\irned on hi ! brother ,
-John W. , as the lawyer sarcastically
reviewed his testimony.
One of the most exoiting episodes
-of the past tew days occurred when
Porter referred to the criticism of
English papers on the apparent slack
ness of American justice.
Reed objected nnd Corkhill arose
to respond to Reed , but Judge Porter ,
who was in the middle of a line sen
tence , would not bo interrupted , and
continued to speak. Gnitoau shouted ,
and at one time tlio throe lawyers and
Guiteau and the judge were speaking.
Finally Porter reached the end of his
sentence , nnd Corkhill said that Reed
could only take an exception. Reed
said that he had n right to object to
the reading of what any English pa
per said. The court said the matter
may bo immaterial , and Reed satdown.
Porter , resuming hi ? speech , a con
tinual croas-fire between Porter and
Guiteau was maintained , and the
audience showed evidence of disgust.
Porter referred to Luther W. Gui
tcau's life. Scuvillo objected to cer
tain statements , and demanded the
testimony to bo read , Judge Porter
objected to reading the testimony ,
but was over-ruled by the court.
Porter then took up the record of
some of the exports for the defence.
In reviewing the testimony Porter
road the expression , "a tbird-claaa
shsy tor criminal lawyer , " and said Sco
villo might explain that but ho could
"But some your clients can , " naid
Porter ridiculed Reed's comparison
of Guiteau with CharloUo Corday.
Guiteau continually interrupting , a
deputy marshal endeavored to quiet
him , but Guiteau ordered him to shut
up and threatened to slap hi.n in the
face. Hero the assassin became so
excited that he rose in his chair , livid
with rage , and shrieked that Porter
waa "a lying whelp , and would go below -
low and be at the bottom of the heat
down thoro. "
Porter compared Guitoau with
Booth , and said that the murderer of
Lincoln was no coward , but Guiteau
was a cowardly , malignant , calculat
ing and coldblooded , sneaking , grov
elling murderer and criminal. As ho
said this , Porter pointed his finger at
Guiteau , emphasizing each epithet
with voice and gesture. Further on
Guiteau accused Porter of being an
absolute , devilish , wicked , venomoua
liar. Porter charged that the alleged
/I incidents hnd been concocted with a
view of indicating the insanity of
Guitoau , nnd BO far iu disreputod
preservations were concerned , there
was no proof except the assassin's
own lying assertions. Everything
showed that there was no disease of
hia brain.
\ At 1:30 : p. m recess was taken.
After recess Guiteau apologized for
interruptions to Porter's speech. Porter
ter replied the jury could pick out
the faults in his argument and act ac
cordingly .
Continuing hu address to the jury
ho said the prisoner on examination
denied that he over had a devilish
temptation and thus paraded himself
aa the only perfect man in existence ,
Porter nlluded sneeringly to GUI'.van's
stibptUution of the term "removal"
for"issassiimtion " Judge Porter road
from' the prisoner's statement ! "I
don't care whether it was right or
wronit or not. "
"lUad the rest of that , " said Sco
"I-road nothing nt your imtanno , "
replied Portor.
Thou spoke up Guiteau ; "That
BottleS vou with that jury. It shows
you to be n liar and thief and I hnvo
caughl you. "
Potter jaid no attention , but went
on to'traco the conception of the so-
callcdj Inspiration. Ho argued Gul-
tc-au will never fix the data of this in
ception , nnd declared that no ono else
could. In regard to Guitcnu's anaer-
tion tlmt ho would accept no position
nftor the inspiration seized him , Porter -
tor quoted Heed's nsseition that Gui
tonu had told him tliroo days before
the murder ho would see his name in
n few I days mentioned for tlio Pnris
consulate. Porter wont through
Guitcnu's tottimony , piekinq out hero
nud there portions to ohow the crime
wns tlio promodintodactof a depraved
man.Guitcau's interruptions of Portot
continued until ho laid down his
books of evidence nnd began his cloa
ing remarks. The text ot' tlio poror-
ation.iWfts ns follows : "Gents , the
time has como when wo must close.
The t vernmont has presented its
case bbforo you. Wo bnvo endeavored
to discharge our responsible duties ns
well 03 we could , ilis honor has en
deavored to discharge his duties as
well as ho could. I know you will bo
faithful to your oath , and will
discharge yours well so discharge
it that by your actions at loaat politi
cal nsaassintuon shall find no sanction to
make it a precedent hereafter. Ho
who has prdtinod that 'human life
shall bo shielded by human laws from
human crime , presides over your de
liberation , and the verdict which shrill
bo given or withhold to-day , will bo
recorded where wo all are to moot. J.
trust that verdict will be prompt , that
it will represent the majesty of the
law , your integrity , and the honor of
the country , nnd that this trial which
has so deeply interested all the nations
of the earth may result in n warning
to reach all lauds that political murder
shall not be used as n means of promoting
meting party ends and revolution. I
trust the time may come in consequence
quence of the attention which shall
be called to that consideration grow
ing out of the trial when by interna
tional arrangements between the
various governments of Christendom ,
the law shall bo strengthened
that political assassins shall find
no refuge on the face of the earth.
The tissassin who shot O.irtield know
that against the law of God ho was
breaking with bloody hands. Ho did
not know that over his grave if
grave he is tp have will bo written
by mankind in dark letters 'the grave
of a coward , a swindler and an assas
sin. ' The verdict ia to be found in
thia inscription. Ho did not know
what to ' do that even though by a
lingpr- t death the president yielded
p hi 3ufi } , 'that' tlio hum ! That aimed
the pistol at hia lite at the same time
would , if I may ba permitted to bor
row an illustration from Attorney
General Browster on the occasion to
which I referred of the dedication of
the statue of Alox. Hamilton , in
some respects akin in its reminders
when the assassin pointed his weapon
at the life of the patriot , though he
did not know it no wrote the name
of J. A. Garfield in characters of liv-
inc light in the firmament there to
endure ns , radiant as if every letter
wore traced in living stars. "
During the delivery of the nhovo
Guiteau kept very still , but watched
Porter closely all the while. As tlio
counsel concluded Guiteau said :
"That's all very lino. Porter , put me
in as a patriot and you are correct.
Lea e out all that boah. "
Scovillo aroao nnd said ho didn't
know that the court had intended to
charge. He had sent to the bench an
incomplete memorandum of points
he would have charged upon , but ho
hoped to have a chance for further
consultation before the jury should be
Corkhill said the poin ts of law had
been argued and the case now should
bo with the court and jury.
Judge Cox said lie would consult
the convenience of the jury in the
Foreman Hamlin turned to his tel-
low jurors and presently said they
would listen to it. At oncu the win
dow shades were raised. At . ' 1:15 : p.
m. , Judao Cox began.
The court began by pointing out
the provisions of the constitution in
lucli cases , and expressed the belief
tlmt not ono of those sacred guaran
tees had been violated. If ilio ac
cused was guilty of the crime charged
no ono deserved the benefits of these
provisions less. If innocent , no one
hud more need of thorn. Ho referred
to thu repeated declarations of the
prisoner as to the weight of public
opinion being in his favor and he told
the jury that ho would not insult
them by warning them not to bo in
fluenced by the lawless gabble of the
prisoner in regard to the opinions of
the public or press. To convict of
murder , malice aforethought must be
proven. To do this it waa not neces-
aary to prove ill will. It was hardly
necessary to say that there waa noth
ing in the caap to make it manslaugh
ter. The prisoner was either guilty
of murder or innocent The question
was narrowed down to ono of in-
eanity or ns to whether the ac
cused know his deed to bo u
wrong OIKI. A man was supposed to
bo innocent until proven guilty , but
with regard to insanity it was differ
ent. The government waa not com
pelled to show that the defendant waH
aano. It rested with the defcnso to
allow that their cliontwas inaano. The
crime had three elements- the killing ,
the malice aforethought , and the
responsibility wf the mind , The pris
oner Wiis entitled to the bciuficof any
reasonable doubt , should grounds be
found for the same on uny point.
There was little need ol comment on
the evidence in the case , except on
ono point. Tlmt the prisoner did the
shooting , tlmt the ahot produced death
ami that there was mnhconforcthought
if thn prisoner wns responsible , it
could ecarcoly bog. uaaul. That the
testimony filled all requirements to
prove murder , except for the plea ol
insanity , fl" the nccuiod of sound
memory and discretion M is technic
ally expressed. The defense of in
sanity had been abandoned. It wns
nocess.irlly regarded with suspicion.
The court proceeded to define the
different forms of insanity. In thin
anne there there was no question of
total insanity in which nil exorcise of
reason was wanting. A man did not
nlwnys booomo irresponsible by beini ?
insnno , Ho might be insane on the
subject of orinio and insane in aomo
other respect. The outgoing of judi
cial minds on the subject ot the char
acter of insanity has not always boon
satisfactory , nor in accordance with
the knowledge of medical people.
The greatest possible view of n per
son's liio was relevant in iU contain
ing his eanity. Loiters written spoil
tauoously wore good indications of
the mental condition and the insanity
of ancestors waa to a certain extent.
The jury were to satisfy themselves
ns to the condition of the prisoner fern
n number of years before the not
wan thought of , ns to whether his
ordinary state was such that ho could
not distinguish between right and
wrong. If so , ho was a lunatic.
They should satisfy themselves ns to
whether , if another man had com
mitted the crime , the accused would
have .appreciated its enormity. It-
wns the reliance of the defense that
the accused was Inboring under nil in
sane delusion which so possessed him
that it incapacitated him from distinguishing -
tinguishing between right nnd wrong
in this particular case.
The court oil oa eminent British
opinion that ono of the commonest
instances of insanity was that the ac
cused had boon acting under direct
command of God. It was not always
insane people who had delusions. Sane
people Jiad thorn. All absurdities
had their supporters , who became so
either through mental disease or per
verted moral sentiment. It must be
known in this case what was thu con
dition of thu prisoner's mind at the
time of the act. It makes no differ
ence what was hia conoition before or
after the act. They had heard a gre : t
deal ot evidence respecting the pecu
liarities of the prisoner during his life.
The only value of such evidence was
that it might tend to prove a liability
to delusion. He referred to the pris
oner's own utter.uices at the time of
the shooting , showing ho had made
up his mind that the president had
conspired with Secretary Blaiue to ruin
the party nnd must bo removed. The
testimony of Gen. Reynolds showed
the prisoner had made similar utter
ances at the time of Gou. Reynolds' '
visit to him. The prisoner had road
an address to the American poonl * in
which ho reiterated the same utter-
ancoes. On the following day he
wrote another similar address. They
were to consider if these utterances
correctly represented the prisoner's
toelinjj pt.thc time ehooting ,
If it was BO , it did not answer Any
judicial decision of insane delusion
lie had read. His conclusion
that President Garfield had be
trayed his party was the re
sult of reasoning. A man
might believe an act to bo right and
yet know of it would be contrary to
law. A man might reason to himself
: he inexpediency of the patriotic char-
ictor of assassination , but to endeavor
.o shield himself behind that belief us
a defense would bo simply monstrous.
If the idea that the president had be-
: rayed his party and must bo removed
were the whole of his opinion , it fur-
nshed only one of these vagaries of
opinion for which the law had no
.oloration , and which afforded no ex
cuse for crime. While the accused
> , irty could not make evidence for
auiHolf by his declaration subsequent
to the crime , ho could make evidence
against himself by his admission.
Speaking of the conceit of inspira-
.ion , the judge suid it was a mere bo-
lef founded on reasoning. It was
not an insane delusion , The
theory of the prosecution was
that the crime waa impelled by
revenge , and that he made no pro-
teiiHo of inspiration until ho learned
that his crime was denounced. It
was true the inspiration did not ap
pear in the papers first written by the
defendant nor in any paper before the
one ho tvroto on the l/.Hh of July. It
Wiia said in one paper that the shoot
ing of thn president was "an act of
Gjd , " thoiiuh whether ho meant an
act of God in thu sense that all events
are ordered by God or not , was not
clear. It became necessary to ex
amine the case on the assumption that
the prisoner's testimony w.ia true to
ascertain the nature of this inspira
tion. Dr. Strong testified that in
iuil the prisoner had laughed at the
idea of his buing inspired of God. Dr.
McDonald testified ho had told him
[ lie act was conceived by himself , but
10 had given the Almighty n
chance to interfere if ho was
wrong | to Dr. Gray ho uaid
; he idea had come to him
list and he WIIH afterwards inspired.
The question then aroao whether the
dea of killini' the president came to
inn in the shape of a commnnd or in
spiration , aa such deluaioim have boon
shown to arise , or whether it was a
nere speculation or theory. If tlio
attor was truu , it wns OIIB of
Jioso vagaries that the law did not
.olorato iiH a defense. Unquestionably
a man might bo inannoly convinced
that ho was inspired , but ho would
lot oflcapo responsibility by baptizing
lis own deliberate resolves with the
mine of inspiration , If ninan insane-
y believed ho had a command from
he Almighty to kill , it is difficult to
mngino as knowing the act to bo
.vrong. . The broad question for tlio
jury to determine was whether by
liaeiiHo this man was rendered inca
pable of judging between right and
wrong. It had been urged forcibly
1 defense that there were many
things in the conduct of the prisonei
which ono would not expect to find in
i sane man , Whether these thingi.
were trnm lock of knowledge of men
or a perversion of moral lunie , waa
for thorn lo decide. Indifi'erenco to
whnt'wns right was not ignorance , and
depravity W.M not insanity. They
must bo cnrofitl not to mistake moral
porvorsioit for hioutnl disease. It wns
important to-vtcw the moral as well
as tho'intollootualsido of the aamo , in
order to determine his insanity. Two
pictures had bfcou drawn by the couu
sol , ono roptesciitlng n youth of more
than nvorngc intelligence , surrounded
by ndvorao circumstances , selfish , depraved -
praved ; 4ho ether representing n
youth born under .malign influence * ,
with hinjwlild filled with fanatical be
liefs , Inijnched-cn the world , subject
to hia own impulses nud the victim of
surrounding influences. It was for
them to deoido which was correct.
No juror should yield his honest con
viction for the anlto of unanimity nor
for the sake of laving a mis-trial
Jurors had nothing to do with the
consoquonco-1 of their verdict. The
fact of the sanity or insanity of the
prisoner before or after the 2d of July
was not nn isMio except as it bore
upon the qiiqslion collateral. If they
find the prisoner \\a under nn insnno
delusion nnd Um in consequence he
wiU. incapable of aeoiug his act was
the wront ? thr.fjt > do , tlum ho was
an object of coiiipmion nnd not. jus
tice , and ought to bo convicted. On
the ether hand ; If ho was not under
such dolu8iouwhatever the motive ,
ho was nuiltyjjvif taurdnr.
While tho'jy.'l c wa-s delivering his
charge to tht juiy it began to grou
dark. There bouig no gas in thu room
lamps were brought in for the stone
umphcrs nndyijr the judge to lead
'by. ' While Juilge Cox waa apoaking ,
Guitoau , na tdfd everyone olao in the
room , liatonediinhst intently. Three
times ho interrupted , but the court
paid no attention , lit said , "I
claimed inspiration only. " Again ,
"That's the ca o , your honor , " and
thus when thS'ooiirt cited a supposi
tion. -I
When the jiulgo hid Unshed nil
eyes turned to thu jury. The court
told them they could retire. They
arose to go , .Mr. Scovillo asked that
they be instructed as to the form of
their verdict. , Jmlgo Cox said that if
they found the. licensed not guilty by
reason of insanity they could say so
in their verdioU
The jury nM0 : ! ! p. m. retired for n
few momontB.'t Tlioro was consider
able bustle in the room. It was
too dnrk for , ' thu prisoner's face to
bo ecrutinizod , but it appeared
to bo very uliehsy. He wns conscious
that nil eyes" , wore on him nnd had
evidently Tnad.0 up his mind not to
seem worried , nnd ho succeeded very
well. Very few of the spectators re
tired , it beintt'tho general impression
the jury would "t bo long out or that
the court wquld not adjourn until
morning. At a quarter to 5 the pris
oner , resting on thu dock , said : "If
the court pleoiuyR there nny objection
to my going to the nmrnlml'B ollice ? "
Judge Cox. saic ho thought not nnd
the prisoner WHS Liken to his room up
itnirs. Although court was in session
order was not strictly enforced while
the jury wns out } there was a buzz of
voices , n ihrut'tntors . discussed the
proWuillvl-a\Jfvhe CitaoJuat'befofe
5 o'clock u recrsa waa taken for half
an hour. Juduo Cox and the counsel
retired for luncheon.
The prisoner sat up stairs nnd be
trayed more nervousness than ever
before. Addressing the officers of his
guard , lie said : "Well , boya , what do
you think of it ? Don't you
think they'll acquit inof" Ono
of the officers replied that
he thought that it was nnoven chance
and aakod in return what the prisoner
thought ot the charuol "Oh , " said
he , "they can't help but acquit after
that charge. " Quileau refused to
a lunch , and sceinod heartily glad
when the time of recess had expired.
Mean time the few lights in the
court room had been augmented by n
couple of do/.en sperm c.indles in old-
fashioned sticks. Half a dox.en of
them were arranged along the judgu'n
bench , others stood on the tables of
thu reporters and counsel , ornlicd u
poor light m thopmonor'a dock.
Promptly at half-past 5 the prisoner
was returned b ick to his seat. The
candle Hum' showed his face to be no
paler than all day. His eye was more
fixed than it hud sometimes htt ! > nnnd
JHB whole manner carried out hia de
termination not to break down.
Promptly thu judge returned to the
bench , Mr. Scovillotook his old seat
by the table , and the counsel for the
L'ovorimiont wort * also in their iilaccR.
When thu jury entered the twelve
atolid laci-n that had defied
interpretation still betrayed no sign ,
although their early return was taken
aa evidence of their decision. Fore
man Haiiilin and thu clerk of the
court arosu aa soon as the panel had
answered to their names.
It was just 5:30 : p. m. when thu
clerk licked the usual question ;
"Gontlemi-n of the jury , luivu you
agroeod on .1 verdict ) "
"Wo have , " said Foreman llimlin.
"Guilty H.'I indicted ? " jinked thu
"Guilty an indicted. "
Some one in the audience started
applause ami n cheer was huird in it
corner , but it was quickly nuppreeHod.
"If the rotn t please , " Haid Soovillo ,
but he WUH interrupted by the clerk ,
who proceeded : iOn * . " " "
"Gentlemen of the jury : Hoar tin-
verdict as rendered by the foreman ,
who says that you find the defendant ,
Charles J. Ouiteuu , guilty as indicted.
So < tiy ; you all ? "
"So way wuall , " replied the jury in
in chorus.
Gnitcaii sat immovable nnd uttered
not a word.
Mr i-oovillo desired to have thu
jury polltil.
"John Hamlin , " culled the clerk ,
"Guilty , " cumo the response , and
on down through the piuiul , each 1111-
nvonng without hesitation the fatal
word that made many a shudder
Among those who did not bhuddui
was thu primmer. Ho kept his pil
lion intact , and as the twelfth juror
answered ho called out in hiu ordi
nary voice "Ood'a blood will bo on
the head of that jury , That's my an
swer to that , " Ho evidently intend
ed to say "my blood , " but the mistake
waa unheeded by him ,
Mr. Scovillo said ho desired to file
a motion for n tunv trial. The court
diiid ho could Iwo four days in which
to do so. Mr. Scovillo then naid lie
hoped that if there waa any privilege
he was entitled to in that time no
should nut ho deprived of it
Hu did not know thu customs
of the court. Judge Cox told
him a motion for arroit of
judgment could also bo tiled within
four dnyn. The court then turned to
thank tlio jury but Ouiteau's voice
was again hoard : "Ood will nvongo
thin outrage , " ho said , nnd that WAS
all. There waa no further scone. The
prisoner propim-d to go out. The
court thanked the jury for their pa
tience und attention nnd nasurod thorn
limy would take liom with them the
endorsement of their own consciences
and of the public nnd discharged
them. They received the congratu
lations of friends. The prisoner was
conducted up stairs again and thu
couit room was soon cleared. A little
later thu prisoner was led to the van
amid the jtiora and yells of a larger
crowd than uaunl and ho jumped
within the door as if lu > was glad to
got out of the way. The van waa
driven off at n rapid rate. Mounted
police guarded it on all sides.
The burly form of Deputy
Oiirwon guarded the door. Quito n
crowd followed down the street anx
ious to catch n gt.iuco at the prisoner ,
who remained in a crouching position
in the extreme und of the van. He
kept hia petition until ho readied the
jail , whij In- was hurried into the
outer dflieu. Ho seemed slightly agi
tated aa Crocker handed him a chair
und told him to warm himself. Ho
aat with hia ho.ul cast down and
seemed to be deeply absorbed in
thought. It was some time before ho
spoke and when ho did it was in sub-
du d tones. Ho thanked the police
o had beun detailed to guard in ilis
daily jotirnoyn , anying in the future
ho would not trouble them. Speak
ing of Cox's charge , ho Biiid ho re
garded it au able and with onu excep
tion just as ho expected.
Cuu'AdO , January 25. "I would
bo glad to see Mrs Seuvillu for a mo
ment , " suggested u ivp-ulor at the
barricaded front door of 5Ii ! West
Monroe , the residence of Goo. Sco
villo , this evening.
"Are you n reporter ! " queried Miss
Scovillo , in a tonu of nuivous anger ,
while her apcetaeles bobbed up nnd
down in a manner anything but se
rene ; "that is , if you are , that's
enough. 1 know you ate a reporter
md you can't gut in this house. I
mto reporters. 1 know 'em iu far as
[ can see "em. "
"So Airs. Scovillo bus given up nil
lopus , and undotstands that her
n ether must , hang/ / "
"No , sir , nhe hasn't done any such
thing. Shu said at supper thu ver
dict would not amount to anything ,
and there would be a new trial. "
"On what ground did she imagine
a now trial will bo granted ! "
"Oh , them nro plenty of grounds
left , and my father will find some way
to got n now trial. "
'JAnd what will bo the result of n
novf trintJ' "D'uos your mother think
Charles Guitenu will go free ? Of
eourso your mothorl olioves k wasjn-
sane nt the time of thu murder , then ? '
"Certainly. Everybody does. " '
"Just let me in for a moment to
sympathize with her , for I am "
"You clenr out. "
KK'clil.JI | . patch tn Tint 1)KK )
LINCOLN , January 25. The nowaof
Guitcnu'a sentence were received by
the Grand Army encampment with
Na'.lonal AHflOcmtctl Prim
CoLUMiiim , O. , January 25' The
announcement of the conviction of
Guiteau was made before the immense
audience at the Comstock opera to
night and elicited prolonged applause.
RpRnutn iii Sooret Sosuloii-
Sptdal IH-i'it ' It In Tun HXK
LINCOLN , January 25Thu board
of Hegenls of the university have boon
in sect el session nil thu afternoon and
evening. Thuro is a change looked
for in the faculty.
Star Ruuto Trlul.
tl'iual AnMiLi'itu'1 ' ' I'TI-HH
WAMMNUTON , January 25 , The
slur route canes opened this morning
liy Mr. Wilson insisting upon proving
thu ! ti00 ! huh put in by the prosecu
tion llu wni proceeding , when Col.
iBS charged that hu was making n
schedule tinder the pretext of exam-
ing thu witness before whom they
were proved. An hour was wasted in
counsel on both sides debating the
subject. They continued to wrangle
tintU the last hour , which was con
sumed in I ho judge examing the bids.
At thu conclusion , the defense said
they would insist thu judyo examine
each of the ,200 bids. Ho aaid ho
would then hold court from 12 to
morrow , and defendant counsel must
bo present. "I will put my power
of endurance against yours , " said
.Judge Snoll addressing Totton. Adjourned -
journed nt 2:45 : p , tn.
Suit for Heavy Damage *
National AttoiUtod Viem.
DKTKOIT , January 25. Mrs. Sarah
di-ofH , of Grand Rapids , brings
suit against the Michigan Central
railroad company for $20,000 for in-
jurie received by being dropped from
n train eighty rods from the depot in
the night , and who , in trying to got
to the depot full into a culvert ,
Hurioualy injuring her ,
Judge Drumiuimu to Retire.
Nttlotm ! AHUQC utnil I'ruiH ,
CIIH Ario , January 25. It ia report
ed that the voiiornblo Thomas Drum-
mend , United States judge for the
district of Illim is , Indiana and Win-
cousin , ia about to retire from thu
bunch , and that Hon. Milton Hay , ol
Springfiuld , ono of the ablest lawyers
in the tttute , will succeed him ,
National AeioclntcJ Ciuxd.
WASIIIWITON , January 2(1 ( , For thu
lower Missouri valley : Clearing and
fair weather , northwest to southwest
finds , rising barometer , with atfUion-
ary or lower temperature ,
Opening rrocooiliugs of tlio
Mooting at Hastings ,
The Secretary's Report Shows
tbo Remarkable Growth
of the Order.
There Doing n Membership in
the State of Nearly Twelve
Thousand ,
The Popular Sentiment in Favor
of Placing Pull Political ,
Tickets in the Field.
How Soimtor Booth Foil AntiMonopoly -
Monopoly Dooumoutn. Etc-
Special ll ) | ntcli to Tlio Itco.
HASTINGS , Nol > . , January 25. Thu
first diiy of the mooting of tlio Stntu
Farmers' Alliance \vns marked by
great earnestness , s > .iv > l and intelli
gence. There \vna nit attendance of
nuarly four hundred , but few being
outsiders. President -
Ingot-noil pro-
Secretary Narrows presented n report \
port showing tlmt during the year
wliicli lias passed since the iiiovuiiiunt
was II rat atari od in Nebraska tbero
has boon charters issued to ! J2i ! subor-
dinntu alliances , nud that tlio total
inoiiibersliip wan iiunrly 12,000 , thuro
lining alliance organizations : in forty-
ono out of tlio sixty-four counties in
the Blato. Ho inadu uuvoral sugges
tions as to future work , ouo being the
drafting of bills for tbo usoof the leg-
ialaturo next wintor.
Addrcsaosoro inadu by Allou
Hoot , 13. S. Gilbert , Win. Starling ,
H. 0. Ostorhnut , Hdward lloaowaler ,
of TUB OMAHA llnu , mid U. Vaneo.
L. C. Floyd being called uponto
aing from the atago a song of his own
composition descriptive of the impo
sition of railroad and other monopo
lies , it wai received with ap
plause , buing a most urodituble eom-
poaitiou. j
The speakers wlio favored inde
pendent political action at the fall
elections when wo have 1111 entire
state ticket with supreme judge and
congressmen and n senatorial election
by the legislature wore enthusiasti
cally applauded , and it ia evident the
alliance directly favors forming a po
litical party nt once and making their
own nominations hereafter. They
rilnim that in the fovr Bounties whore
this ivas done last foil their auccoss
was beyond all anticipations and that
success can bo made general all over
the state this fall.
Mr. llosowatur opposed political ef
forts at present but urged thor
ough organization , as lie be
lieved thuro would be n gen
eral reformatory movement within a
short time , when the alliance could
count more on success than at pres
ent , lie referred to an interview ho
had at Washington with Senator
Booth , of California , who had boon
elected as an anti-monopoly candi
date , in which interview ho urged
him to support the ollort being made
to reduce bridge tolls at Omaha and
mileage rates , but Booth said it was a
bad thing to light corporations. Mr.
Koaowator reported tlmt lie had been
lighting them for ten years , and as foe
iuoth he would never have been son-
utor but for the war ho had made
m them in liin own stale , He no
ticud , however , that when liooth'd
orm was out he was not returned by
the people he had deserted. _
5 ; A largo package of anti-monopoly
locunients wore received from Now
York for frue distribution , including
i large oiigravinu' representing the
TOO prosy of America as u light
louse , various leading journals of
the country composing the atones of
which the column was constructed.
At the base of the column Jay Gnuld
and Oyrus W. Field were represented
us removing the stones , thus undur-
niiiing it , and Sage , Vamiorbilt ami
lluntiiigton were represented as
wreckers on the seashore. The con
vention is made of men of morn
than ordinary ability , and their
speeches would do credit to any or
ganization. Onu speaker said Ne
> rasku has more soldiers in it than
my other state in the union , and that
they proposed to fiuht the railroads'
mpoaitioiiH to the death.
A night session was hold , and tin1
convention will prob.ibly not adjourn
until to-morrow night.
Ponslll ) < > Inauguration of n Mom tor
National Associated I'rcsa.
January 25. While the
dismitisliod und grumbling collier }
operatives in the anthracite coal min
ing regions appear to luivu accoptet
the proposition us presented by the
mine owners , and in some intniicci
returning to work , the disuontoutei
mineru employed in the bituminous
coal works still present an aggressive
and determined front. Suvorol than
sand iiiun are now striking , and as the
labor agitators are zealously at work
'sowing the aoodi disunion and diacou
content aiuonq the diaaatisfiod col
liers in nearly every part of tlio
bituminous field , it ia not nt nil improbable -
probable that the culmination of the
trouble may bo a general strike. The
Knighta of Labor , the Minors' union
and other powerful labor organiza
tions nro the chief instruments in tlio
promotion of what threatens to boone
ono of the greatest labor Housings
tlmt Pennsylvania has yet wit-
nossod. It is oatimatod that between
25,000 mid ; I5,000 colliery labors will
Like part in the struggle when once
fairly organized and inaugurated.
i iDled i
Dlod of n Broken Hoart.
National AiwoclAtnl Prom.
Nr.w YouK.lanuary 25. In Mount
'loaaant ' cemetery , Newark , will b
buried to-day Miss Mary E. Conloy.i f
No. 2l ! Fulton street , Nownrk.n slater
of ox-Governor Conloy , ot Georgia ,
who died , so her relatives say , of a
broken heart , caused by the cruel ab
sorption of her fortune by the Me
chanics' biuik , under Oscnr L. Bald
win's shiuno'cfls ' miamanagomont.
All her funds wore inveatcd in
the stock of the bank.
She , seeing that , and being
peremptorily ordered by the govern-
iiiunt to pay on much more as she lost ,
was more than the poor cronturo was
iblo to bear. Unable to sloop from
brooding over her loaa , her health
gradually gave nway with the result
itated. Kx-Govornor Conloy will bo
n attendance at the funeral.
Marino Intollignnco.
s' Associated I'ima.
NiYOIIK : , Jnnuary 25. Sailed ,
-ho Parthia for Liverpool , tlio St.
jlnrmnino for Havre , the Greece for
Umdon , the Wnosland for Antwerp.
Piut.AitKi.riuA , January 25. Sail-
id , thu Illinois for Liverpool.
LONDON , .January 25. - Sailed , on
-ho 21th , the Egyptian Monarch for
Sow York. Arrived , the Bolivia from
( low York.
SOUTHAMPTON , January 25 Ar
rived , the Rhein from Now York for
lli-omen. Sailed , the General Werder
'rum Hromon for Now York.
Extonalvn Embnzzlomotk
National AMoclntoJ Preen.
SAN FiiANriiu'o , January 25. Fur
ther investigation of tlio embezzlement
of John 1Best , olork of the light-
IIOUHO inspector , reveals an unexpect
ed excess of Iraud. Instead of $14-
000 an originally reported , the frauds
\lroady discovered aggregate nearly
§ 10,000. The investigation is not
yet completed. Failing to procure
the $20,000 bail , Best is still in jail.
Additional charges will bo filed ngainst
liiiu to increase the bail.
Amount of Property In
National Asioclatoil I'rnw.
GuiUAflo , January 25. It has boon
determined that real mid personal
property to the value of $32,000,000
is involved by Uio recent decisions of
the supreme court annulling the
Cook county probate court ; 2,525' es
tates have boon administered upon ,
484 guardianship cases decided , and
31 letters of connorvnte-rahip granted.
" " " "
i i
Cracked a Safe.
National Auoclated 1'row
l > AVKNronr , Iowa. , January 2Cn
The safe in the general store of Mc
laughlin & Lewis , at Reynolds , 111. ,
was blown open last night and $2,000
n money and 8150 in postage stamps
itolen. The door
of the safe waa
down eight feet away and every gloss
n the building shattered. The Ijur-
jlars also stole n horse and buggy by
which they oll'octod their escape.
Verdict ot the Spujrton Dujnril
National Associated Pioita.
NKW YOIIK , . January 25. The core
ner's jury this afternoon in the Spuy-
ten Duyvil disaster brought in u ver
dict ot guilty of criminal neglect
against Melius , Conductor Ilantord
and the engineers of both trains ; also
that John M. 'i'aucoy , superintendent
md others , were guilty of culpable
Juil Delivery in Texan.
National Awoclatod 1'roiw.
DALLAS , Texas , Jaiiur.iy 25. Five.
irinoiiurs encaped from jail last night
by digging a hole in the wall with
Bowie knives , supposed to have been
passed into the cell while the guards
wore asleep. The guards awoke in
time to stop the fiixtli niiin as ho was
about through I ho hole. The escaped
prisoners werecoiintorfeitors and train
Plato for Gurfluld's Collect.
National Annotlatc ; j l'n : s.
CLKVKLAND , Januury 25. Mrs. Garfield -
field called at the mayor's oflice yes
terday and examined the elegant
bron/.u pinto just received from Tif
fany , of New York , to bo attached to.
the leaf of the bronze casket contain
ing the remains of the president. It
was attached to the casket to-day.
A Valuable Paper.
Nation * ! A Hodatud Frew.
PiTTNiiuuo , January 25. The in
terest of John W. Pittscook , de
ceased , in the Fittsburg Leader , waa
sold this day at public sale for $45 , .
500 to the surviving partners. This
places the value of the paper at 8152-
Killed by an Elevator ,
National Atwoctatwl i'remi.
ANNA , 111. , January 25. Captain
James B. Fulton , an old river man
and for many years chief engineer of
the Illinois Southern hospital for the
insane , was killed by a falling olovntoc
yesterday. _
Dry Good * 'Houio Oloiod ,
National AnDOclutoU I'U'BH.
DANVILLK , 111. , January 25. Tlio
largo dry goods house of A. Obordor-
tur lias beun closed on executions in
f.ivor of Solomon & Henry Obordoiv
for , of New York.
CouHdorutod Bubop. '
Nutloral AK.-toolatuJ 1'jusa.
PiTTbiiuitfl , January 25Rev. .
Courtland Whitehead was conswratod
at Trinity church to-day bidhop of thu
Kpiacopal diocese of Pitt jburg iu the.
presence of a distinguished