Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE 0MAM.A , Drt7LY BE : WEDKESUAlf , JANUARf 26 , 1082.
s Wednesday Morning , Jan 26 ,
Wonthor Keport-
( Tlie following obfcrvftllnn nre taken at
the nAme moment nt time at all the at.v
ti raw named. )
W Tmr.MltXRNT , U , S , SlfltAt. S RVICf , \
VS OMAHA , Janinry at , 1332. (4in ( : p. m. ) I
; *
J > imer 12 S llrlak clmr
2flSl ! sw llrl L Cltar
" 1.84 17 I rr h
Oniha . 2fl S S lllrl K
Twtlitoii . 27.87 21 si : HrUk 'cloudy '
Br MoltiM 27 'S ' C mid *
DivctiiorL | . III ) . II ) Ir'alr '
91. Paul. - f. 'Cloudy
n. Louis 3'-Z2 SK Frih Cloudy
SK Y'rt nh l.t. now
Tmrent 21 HI ! 11 'MO *
.l # > .77 SK Uirht Cloud )
S r'r nil Cloud I
" K llrluk CV.U'
r > vl rxil . 50.71 sw l.'Kht ' r-Vt
Airinllxiltio. . ! 21)XI ( S Clear
1l ! cr Irorcn.
-,1. _ JHi'Vr."IH13. '
Thu Iliirni hanfiuct at .Maionio Hall
! it
crpBlchorcnnClnl ) jiartv at St.inilnnl
.rrr r KI.CKIVKD l''ie h Vaccine Vlrn *
l Schrrt-tf r fr licclit't.
1'liilliin ha * ( loodrd liin rink again and
lia nt preient tin ; bent ii'i1 of the reason.
Two Pullman cir * . lightly loaded ,
vmt went on No. ,1 yeiterda-1 ,
WASIKII To rrnt u d' ' li'ilile dwelling
home. AddrctH box Hi , city. janiltl
- Now I * n Rood tune for m-rvolis people
tr-road I'IIO'H " .Mask ot tlio Hctl Death. "
Mnchants and I'hyiciatu tlnoiiglii
IV fctato fiirniclic-d with Vaccine Virtual
iTtt'-riiiikhlo rat' : * , hy Ki'niiHid Ittos. 'Jit-tl
I'nro Apnlo Cidi-r .Icily in "Kip Van
Winkle" cnw. | St" tlifin t I'lill. .
- 17r. ° II."idli t Oil iii lue and ten
jriVnn li > ti nt reduced prici- l-'IciniiiKH ,
A HCiiriof uniiiii mci'tiiis wailin nniii
tlit Itiiptislchurch , at ( ! onncil lUuffK , last
TO with a Hi'iinnn liy the Kev. U' . ,1.
nf Onialin.
The Oinnha ( ! lco club held a rcliean < al
in fjytlc'n Mock Monday. They are
luiVing hii ( prnparatiimH forth ? npiiriinch *
itif oimert. .
The freight biiHinciH on the lr , 1' . is
j.i < rtcil very Kooii fnr this ipason o the
> ror. An iivernge of l"iO loaded carper
3 > y are sent went ,
Seteaiit ( KrcyHsig , of fompany C ,
XV/hlnfantrj , left for Kt. " nderB , W.
T , yentcr.loy , In charge of 12 recruits for
tlitItli and dth ItcgiineatH.
- The now ice lioime near thv IT. 1' . de-
jHil , which IntH a capacity of lr > 00 tonii , in
brang rapidly filled up , heini ; now ahout
vne-fouitli filled.
I'ionoer Hook and I/udder Company
Kn. 1 hold a npcciat mi ! ' ting tliit evening
at 8 o'clock.
Yonnghlood and Hall , of Atlanta ,
Cv , are in the c ty buying im-at for Kliip-
srait In the .Southern wai nurd. One car
purchased from Hoyd and onetroiii llarrin
tt Kshcr , wore forwarded yesterday.
Mlin IFclen Wof , latu of O uulia , lias
bcrti coiiuniHHioned a notary pulillc at
Uuid City by Oovcrnor Nance. .She
In Id ? the piniHoii of teller in lur brotlior'j
ha-ik in fiat t > wn.
The State auoi cy of the John Ilan-
t I
cick Life Insurance Company , of Matsu-
cbiiwttB , Ins been lillcd by the appoint *
tmatof A. D , It , Crnw'ortl , EDO , . The
pmitlon was formerly tilled by Mr. Jamci
H. Xynir.
Mr , .ToHOjili Kontcrn , a reitldont of thia
city iiice 185G. andMi-H liaumgardner , an
Ahnuhlu young lady from Iowa , w. re
vmitt'd in inurriaKo ye tcntay. Tlio
cutfjratiilutioiiH of THK HKI : are tendered
JH the inteicHling event.
- The department encampment ( i , A.
II. m eU ut Lincoln to-day and to-inor-
ftw , ilia Council of Admiiiihtnitinn being
in atrtnion. Col , Chan. H. Fitch ,
Cu ) t. J. 8. Wood , Capt. Sam B. Jonen ,
Mark llansoii and othon left to attend it ,
y' train.
Tlio Union Klovatoii * aio loadlni' 7fi
XT * of com to-duy for St , Louis , via the
V binh , this licing tliu d.ii y au'rnxe.
Afaut 25 cam per day , which du not gn
tbniagh the olovatiiru , nre brought in hy
tlit U. I' , utul forwnnlrd by the same
nuto to the xa nodeatlnttion.
The lu'ut ding Ktoio on the corner of
7cnth ami l > ouglaH , which has ndded so
4Mcli to the peace and iiiiet | of th it neigh-
Uihuod , hits jiiht had put in 11 net of very
ina thow bott'c-H ' in its wiiidow.i , Thu
vun'-colort'd llghU may now bo Keen for n
I : IVf dozen bloc' n in either direction , on
the darken ! nightx.
YcHti-nluy Jtuiney Sliuiiiion wont
Man Judge Itonok mid puid the cmU In
tS * two en cs against I'.vtiick Kord , botl
f which were pr < nomly ! dliinisiied. .Mai-
ital Angel I Imviin ; tiikuu legal iiiKko 01
tie Hubjoct , thercu.on uithdrew thn com
jJaint ugaiiiHt the ex-cotincilinan fur fend
JH , ' a clrdleiige. The wur it ciiiiKeruentlj |
ner. No jjore.
A nhort time Hiiico , a linn in Onialu
fcjrought unit againht J. M. I'lillllpa , KHI l-i ]
ffClmcil UliilfK , in relation toaceituli
lot anil shoe transaction. The c bu a
tiicn to the Unltwl StntvH court of N
lna ka and e. hearing wus given the mini
nlay. Mr. I'lilllipH and n numbf
, Including Jno. Hnimntr.Ccn
Hetwlf , A , J. Crittendcn , ,1. M. i'almt-t
' M. L. Henry and others , left for Llncoli
Monday to appear In the tiial ,
-At Fr xl. Wlrth'n City } | oti < l opeiiln
us iHaturday , two thotiH md tic' otn wcr
5Ten away , each of which entitled tli
lolder to t chauce on a beautiful la ly'
p > ld watch , Tliodriwirg for the wutc
tcciirred Monday. Ticket Xo. r > 'l7 w '
lie lu ky one but an yet thu holder uf tlil
valuable | iece of juitjboaid hitn't ui
jari'd. Whoever U may bo , It nxurite |
to > h' ' y up uud claim tin prl/i- .
TUIB HOlUflNO AT KujJ/S. ! F.S1I. | | | :
\ H1 Bcarlut vt ! ta ! IDo ; ohi'iin t
Gimbol the tailor hun retuovod t
Wo.v400 South Thirteenth utrect.
Death Hnulo Down Quo and
Pestilence Puts Up Two
Gradual Incroaaoof the Small I'ox In
This disease , which it WM nt lii l
hoped would bu confined to onu "i
two persons , is spreading every daj ,
and it now looks ni if Omaha was
bound to stiller severely from it befon' '
it can be eradicated.
Monday a lieu casu WM u-
ported , of Frank Kirklitnd , n I
1 * . shops inaii , who resides with I- *
sister on the corner nf Jones Hint
Sixth streets. His doctor , who \ \ '
called to si-c him Monday. ) ' )
nounced his sickness to bu small pox ,
and at once turned his case over t
the city physician. Mr. Kirklaiid
was vaccinated nine days ago , an
his vaccination is working nicol } , < nd
hcnco his caseis a very light one , >
doctor pronouncing it to bo
Daniel Noilson , the lirst victim > f
the small pox in this cily , who MH <
yesterday reported better , died Mi
day , and a messenger was sent V-
fore daylight to notify the city phjei
. \\ i'\sn.
About U o clock ycHtetday
Hag was hunt ; out from a honso OIM
Eleventh street near the uos uoil.x.
The patient m ruportud to bo nanifil
O'Connor , and his business in that ol
teaming. There are vniioui : rum > K
t'f concealed eases of small pox at < l'i '
leading hotels in thu city , but all mo ,
eo far as ciu bu iisuirtttined , witln nt
Work in the new pest , Imuso is i
ing pushed with redoubled vigor IM
it is hoped to have it ready for MI
reception of patients by WednevJUA
night. It will bo carefully papon-d
on the inside and uil : bo tightly
boarded on tin ; otit.sidc , and will be
furnished co fortably with bids ,
stovcH , etc. , and a eorpH of computi nt
nurses and attendants will be engaged.
No time should be lost by the buaid
of health in completing these neces
sary arratujemontu. All possible h nli'
should be made to cbeek the sptcad i-f
the disease.
Proof Positive.
We ha\c theiwmt poflithc and convin
cing proof tliatTnoMAV Kru.cT 10 On. >
a moHt elfcctuid Bpecjfic for bodily pain
In eaten of rheumatism and ncnraUia it
glxen iiiftant relief , lii.lw
The City Hued for Fifty ThouHiuiU
Dollars Damages.
A fovv months ago Mrs. Judge ( Ira-
liam , of the iilack Hills , who was in
this city on her way east ' .o fill an im
portant engagement , met with a ver >
serious accident. Shu was juat leav
ing the Occidental Hotel , on Tenth
and Howard streets , to catch the
train , when ahu fell on a defective
piece of aide walk and dislocated her
lower 'limbs , injured lu < r spine and
suffered severely in other ways.
She was confined to her bed for
weeks , and her life was for some time
dispairod of , but at length she is able
to got about again by tlio aid of a
crutch. She haa just brought suit
against the city for $ r 0,000 damages ,
the papers bavin ? been filed yester
day in the United States court at Lin
coln. Messrs. J. 0. Cowan and Con-
neil are her attorneys , and they will
make a lively fight for her.
Mrs. Graham is a well-known ac
tress , whose stimo name , by which
she is best known , is Ida Living
stone Her husband lives at Dead-
wood. Mrs. Graham was about to enter -
tor upon the practice of her
profession when the accident
occurred , a very advantageous contract
having juat been closed , so that nlu >
Hull'ored financially in moro ways than
one , losing .ho entire season , The
case will probably not como tip until
the May term.
The thing di-Hlrod found at hut. Auk
, for "Rough on Itatn. " It clears
Obtaining u Suit of ClothoH on a
ForRocl Order.
One of the coolest pieces of trickery
which has lately been reported is that
- practiced upon Fred. Moudor , a tailor
on Sixteenth street , the other day.
A man gave him an order for a coat
and vest , on which one-half was to be
paid when the clothes wore made.
The party ordering the goods ciinn
around about the tune they wen
finished and desired to got them with
out paying the half stipulated. This
however , he was unable to do am
110 went away.
In about an hour or so uftorwart
, another individual entered the shot
and introduced hinisell as M , Con
neil , onu of the employes of tin
Union Pacific railroad. Ho wantoc
to got some clothes , and , after look
inn around a little , hit upon the con
and vest made for thu other mini m
lie just what ho was most in search of
' Ho picked out , in addition , a pair o
pints and took the whole suit at tin
ch price of $ ; ifi , for which he tonderoi
H an older tin the Union Pacific
Ilia master. Thu order , ho stated
would bo duo in about ten days
U-d and ho was so kind an to give tin
tailor explicit instructions as how ti
present it and in what nuinnurtu drav
rn ihu cash ,
When the order \\nii presented on
day last week it
was not accepted , a
at there was no such man known to bo ii
the employ of the U. P. company
and the most diligent inquiry failei ;
to find him. Thu name nharper ob
'U. uir of |
a l > BIOOS z
> u ells store on presentation of anotho
to order , which was likewise refuse
payrcoat ,
A M p o' 'he Lon Wall "Whi.-h he Union Pacific
Has JJxv ted jKoa" the River Front.
1 ho P0rjnrty Purchneed / tbn B. & TVT. D-pot Equal Rights
to . \l |
'l'hi ' > : ittoiui > l on tliu pni't of ihu
Union 1'nuilic nulwiij1 company to cut
the B. & M. foil oir in the up
proachcs to their newly uciuircd |
property in tliu lower part of thu cily
is creating ; i grout deal of imligimtion
among our buHiimsa nii'ii.
Tliu cut which huailu tins uolmiin
alioWH tlio nitiuitum very acuuiululy.
Thu Union I'nuilio hiii Ukon up . ( onus
struct , which , as well as the alley way
between Jones and Jackson , is filled
with its side-tracks , yiviu < { it ready
accflss to the warehouses , elevators
and steam mill , nil of which lire lo
cated on Jackson atreet. This street
the 1) . & iM. ill-sires to havuKoptopen
so that tennis nmj ho tumbled to
reach their depot "rounds on
the blocks marked ' ' 15. M. , "
which have K'un si-cuiod by tliein
either ilininyli pmclmsu < ir by con-
deinnation. Tlmy iiho wiint to SOOUIT
an approach tn thu warehouses , etc. ,
in caae they should wish to lay n &idi-
uack to tlii'inut any future tune , and
HO thu U. I' lias its ( nicks on one
aidn they think it no moro than fair
chut they should have thu nthur. As
will lu aeon , they own two entire
A Magnificent Bill Presented Lust
It is doubtful if any aiidienuit thut
ever assembled in the Academy of
Mimic in ita palmiest days had yieat
er cause to congratulate th ( > msclvH
upon having received their money's
rorth , than did that of last evening
Fho occasion was thu re-appoar.ino3 of
vatherino Rogers , and thu bill wia a
loublo onuincluding Gilbert's famous
> lay of Galetea and Lu.ili , the Jewish
Maiden , Miss Rogers assuming ( ho
itlu rolu in both.
G.t'otio ' , is a gem in itsulf , and it
wouhUbu impossible to produce in a
niinnur which would carry out the
utthor'a ideal moro faithfully than was
.lono list night. Miss Roger's Gule-
to.i is perfect in conception , and ni-
turu has endowed her so richly that
no sculptor's brain could croatu 11 moiu
[ lorfcet iinago of font do perfec
tion and loveliness. It is not
to bo wondered at that the gods
granted thu artist's dream and on-
( lowed her with life , but the snrprisj
is rathur that I'ygniulion was no'
willing to accept blindness even as a
price for her love Mr. Murray as
Pygmalion wnu good , and Leueippe ,
by Mr. Tannuhill not less so , whilu
Herbert Jones as Chyros convulsed
thu nudionco with laughter. Miss
Nellie Morelti as Cynisuy was very
pleasing to thu audiunco , .and Miss
Matliu Ferguson was a charming
Miss Ilogors in lur tratiBfornuition
into Leah , was changed from a perfect
blonde co a brmmutte. In this play
she was not less successful than in thu
lit at , and held the audience spoil-
bound to thu ringing down of the
curtain oi > the lost act , which was not
until nearly midnight. She was grand
in the "cursu scene , " and at its close ,
as onceor twice during thu first pluy
of the evening , she- was enthusiasti
cally called before the curtain.
Miss Ilogors is undoubtedly onu of
the most talented oininotional actres !
ses now living and deserves aucli
overflowing houses are nccordod to
Maggie Mitchell. Lawroneo Barrett
mul that class of artists , with whom
! shu must fairly bo classed. In thu
play of Camilla , which shu presents
this evening , she will have a fnu
chance to display her power to great
cst advantage , and those who fail ti
eo hvr will losu a rare troat. llei
support is excellent throughout , ami
deserves thu warmest commendation
le Mr A. lloinrichs , a wcll-knowi
118 and highly-esteemod Gorman eitizoi
in of Omaha , is now prepared to give
( j after the moat i-pproved moth
oil , lessons in the Germai
embracing reading
or writinij and conversation. Partioi
jd wishing to avail thomaolvoa of thia op
portumty , can rest assured thut
block * < > n hi * not h M'ie ni MCNIU-I
in diHMitu. | wink * \hi I I' (1 i s
not IMVII a fit vl ; lot M lai 'is i
The latter road now comes in with
the request for thuri ht. to lay "twoor
more" trucks on Jacl < Riin from Sixth
to Ninth , the tividcnl object being tt >
cut the 15. iV M. oil' from i-omieetiiui
with thu cit.y by way ot that street.
It is a piece of audacity that is hi
keeping with the whole chnr-
nctur of that corporation , ami
while the ordinance iniinruceil IIHS
piuwd to iUrlmd riadin . i' is ti > ) > <
hoped ihu commute" on strops iid
grants , to which it IIHH bun H-tYm-d ,
will report advewtily us to it nisiM - .
The U. P. luis been permitted to
take up street after street and has
been ( > iveii all the room they asked or
doaiied , and now 1st them stand buck
.Mid give somebody a chance.
This matter will comii before the
council at its meeting on Tuesdiiy
evening next , and it is understood that
they ilo not propose to take any in--
tion whatever either by i"vin' ' the U
P. lint it wan'n or th 1) v i\l \ whui
tluiy have a right to u k Tliu former
has already monopolized all thu terri
tory that is desirable or can ba made
useful to them and probably this will
Miif them as "veil as anything that ea'i
bo done.
will obtain a thorough knowledge of
thu Gorman lam ; 1111140 , as Mr. H. in ,
in every respocr , a competent teacher.
Applications can bt > made at Parker
& ( Jo. s apothtciry , corner Twelfth
and Douglas ntru ts , at J. I. I/rue-
Imuf'a book store. * Fiirnaia atreut , bu-
tweun Tenth and Eleventh , and at the
oflico of the Oninlni Post , corner
Twelfth and Howard streets.
W , K. Miliner , of Chicago , ' at the Uc-
ciilcntal Hotel.
lev. ! Shorrill left yesterday afternoon
fora brief trip ( uxt.
MrH. 8. L. Cox , of XeluaAa Citj , ii in
the city , a guent at the Witlmtll.
O. It. O'Jinnnnn and f.nnily , of MDI'I.
tana , aio registered at the Witlmell.
J. J. Leas , of N' lis-h , arr'vpdln Uu-cit )
lost e\eiiiii ( ; . Ho ia at the Witlme'l. '
Win. II Kly , ' f Fipinim * , w H i mon ,
he arrivals at thu Witlmell House } enter-
ilrr. Kd Haney roturiieil yesterday af-
.ernoon front a week's visit un-nn - fr ends
a lied Oak , lown.
Mr. Carter , of thu firm of die S. Cai t e ,
tli-contractor or the Unijn l'uifiu rail
road , nirived in Omaha last uvi-n ng.
T.I. . l otter , K. I' . Rip'ey ami I' . Iow.
ell , the well known niagtmtiH of tinC , , H.
Q compiny , are in tw ! c'ty , stoppl t'at ,
the With. . fll.
Gen P. K. Connor , of S.tlt lnko , au
extenaivu iiiino owner , parsed thriii h
thu city yesterday en route to New Yor < .
Mr. and Mm. Squire' , of San Fran
cisco , went cast yeiterday on their wed
ding tour ,
Aiui&tant General Manager Thomas L ,
Kimball. General Freight Ajcnt Viiming
and Chief Knglncur Hllckeiitulerffr left
yesterday afternoon In a special car fur
the east. Messr Kimball mid Vlning go
to Now York City.
Real Estate Tranafors.
The following arc all the transfers
of real cslato recorded at the county
clerk's oflico during the five days end
IIIR Friday , as reported by John L.
, McCaguu , real estate agent and con-
vnyancor :
G. 0 , Hobbio ami wife to J. H.
Spotnmn , lot a , block 20liA ; ocd. , , § 25 ,
M. Tootln and wife to John II. F.
liohinann and Ohas. M , Ilansen , 32
: ft , in-lot 7 , block 120 , Omaha ; wd. ,
M. Dully and wife to Henry John
, son , part ot nw 1 of so. | of sec. IM i
twn 15 , range Kl east ; wd , 8175.
Wm. N. Kyers and Elizibeth
Byors to Ed. W. Morgan , parcel in
nw. J of BW. | of no. \ , tea 'M , towi
15. range 11 ! east ; wd , , § 550.
A. M. Clarke and wife to Ilarlaii
Barlow , lot 4 , block J2 west , Omahu
add. ; wd. , gUOO.
The HURT is < ho Best Shoo in an > :
market and a full stock of thorn an
always to be found at
Friday Evening Chosen for
Celebration of Trnde
About Tlireo Hundred Invitedat
th o Board of Trndo Booms-
nt 7 p. mt
The rKcation | concerning a hoard of
ti-ado banquet , ( to take place this
week wao carefully deliberated upon
yesterday by the uxctati vo committee ,
but when the hour of its settlement
wns at h nd the committee was atill
M undecided oa over.
The reference of the matter on
Monday night to the oxecutivu com
mittee wa a fortunate one , for that
coinmittea by vcaterdny noon had secured -
cured a a-jflkient amount by subscrip
tions to carry the ba.aqu > t through in
U-reat style , and itas conscHiently
( loterinin d to make the occani3n one
of whicluboth the board tuidiGinnlin
should bo proud.
Itv.s dutermincti that tlio banquet
proper should bo give-n in Stundird
hfill , n < - I three hundred invitations
vere agreed upon f > bo issued or the
oi'uut. Previous to thu banquet
Mayor Doyd , at tliu board of trade
ooni' , ' , vill duliver an addroes-nf wel-
. to the visitors from other places ,
mil u"ll iiiinlcr th m the hospitality
of thu city
The ha > ( ( tint ill litcf .J > i ! most
uia oi-iti'kin i. as ihf ntmiinLrteo have
ivcn Mr Mraiiliif1 , thu np t\ house
ros'au.-no'er , cartj blluuilio 111 every
\viij ) , and Hnidloy a reputation as a
atrr r juatifies 'IftiK JJiui in compli-
non jiig f'o boA-nl and tlmx > who will
iuvc file-iliaiur ] < t of atu-iidim ; upon
he \.i t \ \ Ineh will bu sjLoad botoro
Jfjuonjj ; the tnreo hundred invita-
tuxis which haio been aunt out the
ijriin shippers along the linns of rail-
i-rods have especially been retntm-
V > tu'd , as thsy will b expected to
: : ttend on F > i < lny to also view the-
: . ammotb new elevator.
The New Union orcilstra , of seven
teen pieces , have been engaged to
furnish tliuic enjoyr.iJu music UM > n
the occ.iaioix
Toasts and responses will , of course ,
be one of kho principal features of the
occasion , and several gentlemen are
already busily scratching their cintii-
urns to dig forth original ideas. The
follawiti are the committees :
John Evans , John S. Brady , John
A. McShftiii' , J. \ \V. Kefield/L\ .
P. Riehatds , Jo > < Shucly , Max Meyer.
l-fiJIMtTl'Kt ! ON UGCUTIO * .
II 0. Clark , John McCtirmick , T.
C. Thimobaugh , l < > ank Colpelaer.
John Evans , \V. \ * . Morse , N E.
Getting Vaccinated.
Monday afternoon the city edi
tor's room in THE BKE office was tem
porarily turned into a hospital , over
which Dr. Gibbs , the well known
young physician , presided. The ob
ject was the wholesale vac
cination of THE BEE'S employes ,
who from the least to thu
greatest inarched up , bared their
anna , and had the virus put in in
good stylo. Too doctor vaccinated
about seventy-live before ho left , and
in a few daya asoro-armed set of
newsboys and compositors , pressmen
and editors , may be seen in thia lo
Severe Accident.
A itriker at the U. P. shops named
John Bearing met with a severe ac
cident yesterday afternoon while
working on a bar of iron. A piece of
iron flow off as Doaring struck it and
pierced his nook. The carotid artery
was severed , and it was forred that
the man would bleed to death. Ho
was promptly treated , however , and
at last reports was doing as well as
Just received a line of manufactu
rer's eamples of WOOLEN HOSE ,
and I am selling them leas than they
can bo made for.
See the line at loc and 25c. per pair.
See thu line of wool mitts at 25o per
Tlio finest goods for wear over
offered at any such price.
Do you want RIBBONS ( See
them. Your choice for lOc. per yard.
DRESS GOODS right over here.
10c. , worth -Tic.
12i cents , worth ! ! 0 cents.
15'conts , worth 05 cents.
25 cents , worth -10 ccntr.
Oh , BOO the Silks , ir.d the prices
In fact in this linu of st-aai.imblu
Drers Goods I ollbr you bargains that
are genuine. In Ladies' ' SCAltLET
YES I'S a rare chance is ottered. They
are soft , and will not rub your vac
cinated arm. They are woith § 1 < iO ,
but having bought a largo job , I
am selling them for DO cents.
This cannot bo matched in this
market , CLOAKS and DOLMANS , n
few loft will bo s"ld at prices no\\.i
dreamt of befoio , COMFORTS and
BLANKETS , a ft. . o assortment , all
now L'oods , see them , ptice them be
fore buying elsewhere. Call early
prompt and pohMi attention to all cut
customers. A desire to pleuao tin
public keeps our prices down ami
everybody good natured around us
Cor. 15th and Dou his streets
Take your money to BUSHMAN
and gut Sl.fiO worth of goods foi
, , every $ .
M. R. RISUON haa moved his in !
surancu otlico into Boyd's opera house
corner room ever drug store. Tliuutr
entrance. JanPJ-lm.
y .
Dr. Stone ( oflico opposite postotlice )
Oflico houra for vaccination from Ii
to 12 a. m. and from 2 to B p. m.
Tlio D , & M. Extension nod Prepara
tions for Its Opening.
The citizens of Omaha are inter
ested in anything pertaining to the
now line which will double our facili
ties for trade with Denver and Colorado
rado points generally , and consequently
quently the following will bo read
withmlerest , being from yeoterday'a
Lincoln Journal -
Quito u delegation of away up B. t
M. magnates passed through our city ,
eastward boundlastSunday afternoon
on n special train. Among the party
were-T. J. Pbtter , vice president and
general inanagtr of ! the C. , B , & .Q. ,
and n number of thu local otllccrs of
the 21 it. M. in Nebraska. Jl\oy \ had
been on a five dap' tour
of inspection on thu linu of
the Bctiver extension , and were returning -
turning home , Troll pleased with their
trip. The Journal cmbasnadon who
always makes it ; point to call upon
the prominent nvilroad men , of the
cotiatry. when they visit Lincoln ,
misicd this distinguished party by one
minute ; but fortunately for him tliu
colored gentleman who waited upon
the mugnutcs fsi m Chicago to the end
of ' ; ho track , and from that point to
thia city , got left hero , tha.-v giving
him an opportunity to apply hi pump-
ingnpparntus mid learn the latest news
from the front. The colored man
says the party have been on the roadi
liva days , parsing through Nebraska ,
the wind ; but letting up a littlc-
when they camu to tlio rough load
clvso to the Nebraska and Colorado
lino. Fromwhat ho huajd'them ' say
they are in ecstacies over the oxtpii-
siou and think tbo work is. progressing
moro raimlki than they bad reason to
expect. 'I Jin chief purpose of P.Jr.
Jotter's trip seems to Isothu estab
lishment of stations and round
houses. "I/hero / is no. round house
west of Culbertson , the initial point
of the extension , and ilioro is great
need of one. Up to last Saturday
morning AQ miles of siew track &nvu
been laid west of < Culbertsoi. , and
construction operatiMis have com
menced from Denver eastward * . The
neathot-thus far has been very favor
able , Mid grading and. track lay ing
has nci stopped ruoro than a few
hours at a time.
Thu amount already expoaded by
the eoQipany for terminal g. ) unds in
Denver is about $300,000. Negotia
tions for joint occupation o khe Union
paeswngor depot ut Denver with other
roads have not ywt botiu completed ,
bui will bo befojru long. The com
pauy will erect ita own depots. At
the present rate cf progress the - Denver
ver extension will bo ready for througlu
trains by the first of nest August. .
Visible Improvement.
Mr. Noiii. . Bat * , Kltuira , N. Y. , wiitw :
"Aliout four > ears ai'n 1 had u : itt ck ot
biliou-t fever , and nc\er fully recnvecud.
My digestive organs were weakened and
1 would l > e completely prostrat d fonliyn.
After uninp two bottles of your Hi ut ccii
Hl.pon linTKHstha imiirovement W.IH M )
visible that L was a-tonidied. I can a w ,
though 01 year * of ge , do a fair lid iwas-
onabie daj' s vvork. ' 1'rice § L flu , trial
size 10 cents. 10-iw
"Are you going very far ? " "No ,
not very far ; only nest doorj1 The
Boston Clothing Store will remove in
a few days to No. 1210 Farnham
street , one door cast.
eiDe Meyer's
Jlio Only Known Raal Cure.
NOTICE Advertisement To IXKLD , Kor tia.\e \
Lost , Found , YVnnta , Uoardlntr , tc. , will bo In
turtod In these coliitnns once ( or TEN CCN'Tt-
per line ; each eubaequont Insertion , FIVKCENTb
IHir lino. The first Insertion naicr ICM than
TO LOAN Sums ot SliUI to iTifft
MONEY time , rial eatnte occurity. Alluit
Suartzlaiidcr. Attorne ) at Law , S. K. corner 1611
lid UouRla-s. 051.V >
TO LOAN Cr.ll at Law Otttctof D
L. Thomas Itooin 8 Crck'hton lilaoX.
* Sf ? A AAA To 'oal ' > ftt 'ronl 8 to 10 l > or ce" '
3 > 0.WV/U on good real ontaUMOcurlty , bj
1 > U. ISAAC GDWAHDH 1109 Farnhr.m St.
' / \ f\f\f\Tu LOAN At 8 per contln
? * , JtU.UuU tertst In sums of ? 2BCO , and
upwards , for 3 to 6 yuarn , on nrst-cla3 city and
lurir property. UKMIS KKAI. KSFATII and LOAN
AaiiM-Y Iftli t"1 Pnuirl.-H StH
-A uoman ccok at thu Kmmc
Homo US7 30'
{ I'rl\ | * a lespcct-blu . _ . . | r < oii _ _ sltualio .
. i i -.1- 1 ltllt.I LVn
' . u o iiia'd , AjijilyJ. Mlllaril ,
Farnhuni St. 9 "
"V7"ANTKDSituation to Urlio team l > y a
W tfosil bteady man. Hurt ol ( ro c cue
KltiMi. A ilrett 'K/'Hi-e olll o. 81 Sfi
ANTED Woman inok and din I R rom
WA , a IhoO'C'nnnell Houuo , 1UB 1 t St
b t. L'ouylat ami I odfe. ! ) i3 25
\ \ / A TKIJ- Situation ny a SwdU ( 'i'l to do
\V coi oral hmisework and laundry wcrk.
Aii < lyat.S .1714 Jackson ntwt , bo' . ITlliond
I \ \ \ ' TEll ) -To cxclia ire fir city property
WTEll t 10 airei ofood ( farm / land linprov.
ed , with t-mlicr and runmiiB watt-r 'Sitmtwl 1
York count * , 4 milfu from tailroad town. At
dress J. llluett , 1715 'rard St.Om tia 871)25 )
\\r\NrKD lui'iiedbtfly , ft irl to d jrciie
\ \ al hoiivuvtoik. Apply at noitli i-jt 101
nvr ol Ilaiul tun and I'li-r Sla. , ahlnii'smldltioi
, . J'.IA wood i-o L , email I , M
Co ) t , ii arnoiuriiiiifiit crrull uuj i
V\r.\N PBI'-Klrit-clma cook , one w o u
\ ' \ bt.iu > inui-it : iookinni tl < a < pi-'rj ,
but Mrit-L-'aiD ' need apply Alto u iood , i > i < >
wilt r. Ani'l. tlHrtViriihvn l 8e it I
" \X7"ANTHD ruuctm. : Uriil i"nin - 'iii > iil immii
W H.T TlftrlHflli'viie IB-tf
fATAXTKl ) I. fillliiKky Co. M\v purrhasiil
V\ the junk budnen ol H. lltrthold , at WM
' oui'lw 8trietwiere thi-v will continue ttu
1 uilnvMi. and b > fair dealing ; and pain ; ; irrxxl
prii'istlii' ) prpK ) > soto Inina e tn trade 1he\
tollclt parties whohmooKl Iron , r.i-'a , junk \ i I
thu'ii > rail ,
To ? cit
WASTKII ' < ldrp 11
- . , , A . fMU A ItM Hut lUJr ill m , Uv uli-
Vy ronin o uud with tritdass tillhoarjitt
\ery reMonablo rate , liqulm a. USlloAknl ,
litf.m-en Oth and 10h . Will
'W"ANTEH 4 children u burden In a leUcI
YY , xiiool , t 18U ) uA UiiloraU fit. L. B.
I710R RENT rurnl he4 rooms , Ne - houne
i. nd RooJ loctfion. In\ulr ia4 Jnck.-on.
IjlOll HUNT 4 room * . Invilrc.-vt * ' W * . cor.
ITUHt HKNT New cott.iff ( , f > roonn , floicto ,
linth r om , cilhr , ils'crn ' , * i Law Kirn ,
ifllchen hon e , &c. U ' 1" " r ntnith. Will jfltc
| xit cb"Hlnn am tfnic ft'tcr Hennmrj 1tli. . hn
iUHo at Uc oilke , 09S-tf
1.1OU IIK.NT Ncwootta-e wtr > ' "ffrooin , ISIS
; WilisiorSt , litt. Isth Mid 19 i aid Kn-
iiilre | of II K. Iliinie , 813 N. lOlli t. 9S3-tf
JTOIl IthNT lloiiso ol ciifH looan. Knqulre
LT J. Philips Hoc , 1612 b. Fifth St. 977-tt
1TJOUHB.NT 01IKU'-1Ioti c , 4 foomi , utiblc ,
J-J cutcrii , c , iioiith ct J lo.ii St. EmiUltc
J t. ± Vt 'nuiiP. QJIII. po.t njl-cp. _ 0(15tl (
ITTUlilthM Ftb. nt c riiiiolii7uHTirlck K'Sl
JL' iloiico , corner 10thaii < t Ifmiham St . An-
i > : > to Mrs K. A. lit cr , Tnhort Fren ont Co ,
ln\ri , U
"IJJUK UKNI One of the bcsteiorig on utnln <
JLr St. Mv21 , bv Jftlinar.v 1 , 1882. 820 tf
1.1OK HKiN 1 ) ! rurimnoo ruou n , , , ,4
J ; ch nts' Kich nsfON. K. cor , inih .n.l | ) ou-
atroett. Wi-tl :
"IT10K HENT Nlcel ) lurnlshsrl rooms lth or
J. without totnl , KiAsoni'ole l > rlce i > 013
C'ft. St.
FUlt KENT Furnished room * , north ldo ot
CMirortilaSt. , 2d door c t ol ' 'Ipt. Inoulre
alter 1 p. m. 4 4-t'
Tpoit KK.vr Cotta tel H nooiii * , wull and
JL cletcrn ; 23nl mnl St. MarxV nvcnuo. En *
quire nf SI.V Kcmicilv. 31 ? S liith St. 74il-tt
I , loll 3AIr. A uoinplotv tock ot urocetlcs nnol.
U iirotislinn. For trartlculars add csi lock
box S , llnrllivxton Junction , Mo. ( ' * 6-2s'
1OK SAl.i ; A huiM. , Kiiltitblu lor
al.idy toilrlvo. No. 1109 Howard
| 70i ! : MALE-M } ) .In.e . , tlio French Cdtcc
JL1 llouso ami Urstnilniit , No. 520 South lOtu
utrtct , will In ) forsa.i In tin ) e.nlj part ol the
fciimrncr , n.isons lor ( iilnrin the same at tint's-
tlnv IH to t liable bu.\er to arrange hl hmlniw. :
In tlino lor Imvliij , p. wi-o.
FOU AliB Missouri hickory WOD ! nt lieu-
nnti'i. Iflt'i ' st HM-iiS'
' .MIK s/M.h. I o'irri I suiiinn. ( . 'iMIi-iliiv ,
jmrsiolil , tlt" In * ' . H < UU | iniii d- 1 I'.a V
ht'MInn , J Norm in J * 'orvati , flj cars old , Mel h
InK 1BOT pnumlii , looklr * proiulllili nt NclnasKa
ftutu I'alr , IbSl. U Kontiulty .lack , liln - .
UilihliL' about 110(1 ( JOUIP ( ! , 4 jeaniuM , too'
first | iroinlniii at N'ejM ka Stntc I'alr , 1SMP ami
1881 Inquire ot Chaf. Ncbcr , F.irnni Hnikt >
iit\ . 1133-tf
I . ' 'Ot ; rtrtLI. A tlist-cliiss IIOUK and slat ouury
J1 businos , carrying a lull line ot toje , no
tions , 7cir > yn wsJl paper , moldings , In tact
uicrjthlntr : dolip.tni8iie -i nf 810,00(1 ( a ; . 'cnr ;
good location ; cluumnt ; can bu liouit | on
ea < < v tuitns by good part ) . Will scP , ijuc , not
trade. Addrtsi
Spl 014-tf Fremont , Neb.
Four sonifim of shfhlni ; and 3
( food louiitcrn. ln < | ulro nt I ) W. Suxe ,
llouso liarirac } . W7-tt
F011 SAI.K OK HUNT A trroccr ; store andi
Imtibcrshop , doin n KOCK ! biisl.icas. lu ,
at this Mllcu. D12-U
ITlOKSAl.E A nearly nu sliltbaricu buitK
cheap ; ca h or time , AiMrcss D. O. druu
ii.l. cltv
I701L RAWS Hull lot and : i pnnll .Vvusea nc
Jt ? ' . Vdjpot , Ti-'OU. MtCu uo , Opp. 1 * . o.
_ _ 8M-U _
71011 SA1K 2 nidi uountura and itlHtr
CMCD , nt O.n. II. I'etcissn.'s , 804 South
Oth Sfc. 741-tl
TtOllSALE Orwlllcxchn g\i \ tor.Omaha pw.
1 p tt > , an Improiril sec on 3l land adjpln-
sr s. atabon on U. I' . K. U. M. D'JNIIAM7H2
'urnham St. , Omaha. 72' " ii" *
T10R SALE ( r triule for ilt vropc-rty. , on
' p ul or horse * , harnuis ami wun. AMtc *
- ,
TTIOR SALE A K = M\3avuir-nl& ! her >
I1 Warranted to dri or , iloiiMa Hn
uire of Gcorgo Cantlcld , CarJitW hound.
BUSINESS MAN With some capital wants teL
L > pu chase or pet an Interest In a good pay.
ng busl cs . Address X. Y , lice ornco. 0 9-261
A OOOUliAUUKKCvjlilllld a steady job
CX app'ing at Loul < Kaist's , 'odxe St. , Irt
luor eat ol po t otfloc. 901-tl
JJTRAYFD Fro-ii my place , corner 18th and
J Jackson , one la > x < i horse about 7 yean
hi. Liberal rewnrU will bo paid for his rrtiiro ,
934-24' JOHN
A YOUNI > MAN , good iicnman and accurate
Xl _ at U urca w.tatj to have a situation as
hipping clerk or ia. some cJHce. I'cst C' ' IcaxQ-
efurence L'Uun. Address "K. 10. " lee ! olrlie.
977 24'
" "
wanted by cxpcrlenetd man. Small salary.
' . > . Box 60Z City. 003. tf
QHIIITS Km the next 80 dajs , e will , onWiB t flt '
j receipt ol sixty i cuts , etnd to anyaddresxx 'ji
> oi-tpiid , one ot our unUniidrcd drcsa SniiM. j'
, 'oaltivel ) only one Shirr Bent to one adJreiu. '
Mfi-1m JUrwlllcs. 111.
FURNIHI hi ) HOOMS Within three Mocka of
pont > IUic. Inquire nt 1619 Dod o. Si'S-tf
I uilCL I o i UM UAOT- KbStakd. . propo.
sals n 111 tie leeched until 12 o' lock noon ,
Januan 'Jl , 18SL' , lor the erection and comple-
; lon cJ buildlny for the Acadcuij ol tlie Sacred
lean. 1'mnn and f > pecincatlon on b\r at ottlc
of Uuficno Ii Mcndclssrhn , Arc'ilicitOm&ha ' ,
.Nub. , wlure hiila u-11 be recclMxl , The right U
rfBirM. ! < l to reject nin or oil Mdn , 02--S1
NSTi-UOTIONd gl'en on t > pe writers ; also
i niuchincalor Halo. UHLTj A : AMES 1508
> 'urnhamiiccnts Ucinlntfton TJ-JJO writers 881-20
ITU'UMSnhl ) OOU8 For in lo icntlemen ;
JJ olio one front room with jilano , souths cst
corner lt th and Capital ovtnue. bOO-tf
B K11IS' NK\V CITY MAPS. 10c. Mounts
Maps , S2.60. OKO. P. RKMIS.
) ' IK t'HAVUN I'astllo ana Oil.
iOKTKAn'rt l iiamtini : MltS. I ) . H. /
WAI'DNEK , room 1 , Jat l > ' Illock. E42-U
BOUM , bee 1st yj.fO.
B At.hl ) HAY At A. 11 , hanilcr'H Fluid morel J
1013 Ilarney St. ulO-tl
IBC p.U'U.
TIONAL18T , 493 Tenth Street , betwooii Farnb m
andllainey. Will , with the alii nl uird'an '
spirlU , obtain lor any one a glance at thu pu
am1 present , and on certain condition * lu tlit. fu
t'iro. Booti ind Shoos m.vlo to order , Perfect
Absolutely Pure ,
Thli jiowdir ne\er rltn. A iimi > el ol purity ,
Btr-TiKtn i > tidwlnli > ' omfutbi More pronomlcal
than the < > rln > rklndi , nnd cannot V tolil In
coiipiUU"n vtlth the .multitude ol low ttiit.
short weight , ulum or phouphatA poaders.
Sold only In c in.