L TEE UJWAULA UAIL BEE : WEDNEsDAV JANUARY. 2B Deere & Gomp'y. \ MANUFACTURERS OP PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Moline Wagon' ( JoFarm anil Spring Wagons , Deere & Mansur CoCom Planters , Stalk Ontters , fto , , MoliuePniup , Co , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Co , Fountain City Drills and Senders , Mechanicsburg Maoli , CoBaker Brain Drills , Sliawnee Agricultural Co , Advance Hay Rakes , Met Manufacturing Co , Eureka Power and Hand Shellors , Whitman Agricultural Co , Shellers , Road Scrapers , fto. , Molhie Scale Co- , Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Raoine Buggies , , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. dec3mc2m WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS , ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUG-LAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. ; The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. 16-m 5 WHOLESALE & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , . to. -DEALERS INS - S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proof 1020 Farnham Street , t * AND 1 i I I W i H I mJLma. Mining and Milling Company. CufiUUa oik , - - - _ _ iljOOO.'i 6d Par Vftlue of Shires , , - - - - - - - i20MO STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMEL MINING DISTRICT. UK. J i. THOMAS , President , O-Jinmins , Wjoraliiff. WS1. E , tl'I/TON , Vlit-IVcaidcnt , Cummins , E. X. H/iitt'OOD , Secretory , CuiimiisV ) online. A. Q. LU.N'N , T/ottHurir , CtiMiniliiH , Dr. J. I. lliomu. Loul Ulllor ' . S. llrimi.1 A. O. Diii.n E. N. Harrood. Francis Lea ena. < /o IKMo / * l-enl * Zolraan. lr. ) J. C. Watklua Do22meEm GCO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Agent /WJiUuof Htoclj UP- " " > - Vi . Nub. STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and \ All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS ABB MANUFACTURED TOBACCO , Agent ! for BENWOOD NAItS AND LAFL1H & RAND POWDER 00. I EXPRESS IIOBBEKS TRAPPED. Seven Trunks Full of Stolen Clothing and Jewelry Uncovered. Viwotk Slur Two men and a woman were brought ; o police headquarters yesterday , hav ni ; been arrested by Inspector Hyrnoa' ili'tectives fur the recent robbery of i Dodd's express wagon and its con- cuts. A greater part , if ho misMiig property ua also secured. The ri tibery occurred on the evening f Uere'.nbot L'S , while the express wajon was standing in front of No. 7JI Fifth avenue , tlio dtiver havimj ,0110 into the house te deliver a pack ige. Vl)0'i ) * ' return the wagon had lisajipcaied. It contained seven tttniks unil a leather bag. Ainonir the stolen iroperty woio many ovpensivo articles if ladies and gentlemen's clothing and i lar o amount of costly jewelry. Rewinds amounting to $ ! ! ,000 were tiered by the express company fin ite capture of the thieves and the recovery of the stolen picipony , and lie c.iso was immediately placed in he hnnda of Inspector Barnes. The latter selected several loguea fiom among the iinini'iiMj number who crowd the city , who ho thought might liuve committed the robbery , which ivas an unusually bo'd ' one , nnd de tailed Detectives King , U'Connot , Ilickoy , Maloney and Koilly to watch them closely , The first suspicions as to the trno thieves were aroused by the reported disappearance of two of the sus pected moil a week ago last night The men were both professional thieves and ox-eonvieta , well known to the police , one of them being Mar cus Raymond , and the other Henry Hart , alias lirown , alias "Stuttering Joe. " It was learned th.it the moii had both gene to Philadelphia. Lust Thursday afternoon it waa telegraphed to the central ollice by the detectives who had followed them that the lost trunk had boon discovered. On the same day the olliceis in Now York , who had been working on the- clue thus given , hail ascertained the abode of Raymond's mistress at No. 100 South Fifth avenue. The detectives obtained rooms directly opposite the house , where they established them selves , watching the house by night and by day. It was observed that the woman only went out at in lit when she was seen to be dressed in the most elegant and costly garments and adorned with valuable jewelry , \vlnch were found to coriospond to the dcsctiption of the .irticles in some of the misbing trunks. On Sunday night a telegram was re ceived from Philadelphia , saying that Raymond was to lolmn to Now York on the following day , and arrange ments weie iminedi.itoly made to bring the game to a close. The \\oumii was ofc orved returning from an early ex cursion yesterday morning by Dctec tnxs Ilickoy and Reilly. As soon as she had entered the house they went io the door and demanded admission , which being refused they nroho in the door by force and con fronted its frightened occ'ipaut ' in the midst of her plunder. bi.of the trunks were found up stans and many of the articles , having been taken out of theiii , lay about th > room. The woman was at once arrested. Mean < while Marcus Kaymond had been arrested in the Bowery by Detective O'Connor , by whom ho had been dis covered ! t No. 15 Delancey street. They were all quickly briught to police headquarters , as well as the trunks and stolen property found it South Fifth avenue. When tliu thieves were confronted with the confederate , the woman , 11 the detective ollice , and the evidence which had been collected against them , Raymond at once confessed that ho was guilty of the crime , negro who says he recognizes Ray mend as the man who drove the homes from the house in Fifth avenue has been detained by the police as a wit ness. The recovoied property is now in the detective ollioo , whore the owners will bo called to-day to identi fy it. Why It Pays to Advertise. Ikwton Journal. . A reporter dropped into one of our largest retail establishments Wednes day and hold a conversation with the i propiietor. ' "You have a great rush , " remarked the reporter. "YcH , " icplied the propiietoi , "a bit ; ruiili partly because it m holiday season , but mainly on account of ad- voitisiiij. . " "How can you tell whether advi'r- tising pays , and what papers aio good mediums ? " "I can tell that advertising payH by afoppiiig my advertisements. I've tried it. Trade drops , not at once , but the tide of purchasers flow Home other way. Tlio ouh receipts toll the story. " IH there any difference in the sharpnesi of the buyers I mean do they hiigijlo much over prices ? " ' 'Ol. , no ; we Hell at one price , and all the best stores in Huston do the aiiinu. They will sometimes say they em buy Hiiuh and such : in article cheaper cluuwhuru. When they men tion the place wo mind and flee if it is truii ; and if so wo mark our Block down. " "Suppose yon should give up lul vortinimj/ / " "Well , I should save a big pile of money the first year , but 1 Hhouldloso a bigger pile the next two years. You must keep the boiler heated if you want Htuiiiii. If you bank your lirca too long it takes time A .1 i . . , ? . - . I . to , start . . . up Advertisi.ig n I In ; ft cam which keeps business moving ; I'vo ntudiod the mutter. " atlclc to tfto Farm. farm ami Firenidc. \Vi in-rd i > i tlic oni'ii'-y ' , -iniI MM Hit ( faiiii , tlio very clad * ul ttiduuwultu < ii ( . J energetic boys that.at the beginning of each uintur ncamm thnuglitliHsly at hurry ol ! ' t > > the largo cities with n view of obtai iMg some moro " ( 'on- tiscl" occupation than that of f.innini. ' . \ The projiiiHi-d "diploma" from thu business college iu the "igiii.s fntii'js" ( that hires him from a pin suit in which ho iti mire to inako n good living , and if diligent , ultimately Hccure a com petence. It ja a fatal mistake on the pait ol thnnaandfl 01 farmers' bojn ( o . Buppoio that iiftor a few months' study in a commercial college they will be fitted for a position in some flrat class wholcsalo ustablishmont , supersede some of the old clerks , and march right on and become head book-keeper anil then partner in the establishment. No greater mistake could bo innde mi id business is so different from mere theory of it , that it is neces sary to completely drop the letter from the mind before it is able to Urasp in detail the former. Real sue cess in any business depends upon ox pivionco- the beginningat the bottom and step by slop working one's waflj ' up. A few days obsetvation in a laryo city at the present time will at one- roeal the startling fact that thoiifn id * of clciks , book-keepers , nietiaeiigers. agents and professional young men aio out of work , and are dailj seen seeking employment , or are oigorly watching the "Want Column in the leading city dailies in the vain hope that there may bo no opening for them. There are by far too many win are looking for easy and lucrative po sit ions whoso services will neverbure quired to fill them. Their name is le gion. Better slick to the farm , where brain work is needed as much aa else w here , nnd command success by de serving it. Cultivate the soil deep and thoroughly. In the meantime cultivate the mind , make farm life pleasant and attractive and it will be sine to be .profitable in the best BOHHO of the word. Mr William I'omeroy , Uangor , Me. . wrltcR : "t have for a lonj * tluio Bullcrrd from mntinnnl comtipntlou , making iu > life a mUe y , and caushiK hcnrinchrs nml frightful crninpv. Mr. Tnoinason , wt > how beotilUoly viMtinir lluiralo , Indurvd 1110 to try tlio SritlNo Utos o.M It lias porfcttlv cured inc. " 1'rloo fiJ ccntc , trial bottle * tO cents. Itt-lw Kansas Wool Growers. rt rpiii-o Journal. The Wool Growers have had their second annual convention at Topeln , as our telegrams have announced. Thorn were some very solid men at that convention , some very excellent addressee delivered , nnd some valu able reports made. The lion. J. S. Codding , the president of the Wool Growers association , gave nil address which was full of practical thought , from which wo take the following sug- gostiona with regard to the moans of securing the best returns for the wool grown , lie says : Our slieop have increased in tuo yeais three hundred fold , and mil wool-clip the present year will not fall short of 10 000,000 pounds , and can bo sold leadily on its own meiitn in any of the leading markets of the country. One of the most important questions for us to decide is : How can wo secure the largest icturn m the simplest manner and shortcut time ' Wo have throe modes in common uso. Soil to manufactories at home , HOIK ! to commission men , or sell t wool buyers. Our homo manufactories can use but n Miuill fraction of our clip ; hence their prices are based on a largo mai gin for shipment of surplus. The same can bo said of wool buyers , who would not enter the field , unless confident fidont of gains. Soiling tluough the commissioned men then comes net. Now I am not one of those who think commission men are simply sharks , for I know to the contrary and firmly believe commission men aie just as honorable a class as any other , and in view of the fact that wo lea\e everything in ( heirhands , a little mom so. The wool grower furnishes the capital and sends it to the commission men with the implied agreement on their pait to let the commission men take out what suits them and rot tun what is loft , and no questions asked. Is this jmt or right to grower or c6tn mibsion men ? No. ' ' 'hen lot mo sug gcst one lomcdy that has been tried and proved successful. Sent anaccreditcdagcnt of the asso elation to the maikot to represent ' growers' interest ; see how it is handled ; establish n just and friendly relation with the disposer and con sumer of your wool ; note the faults of each clip ; manner of handling , quality , etc. , and make report to the growers , and lot us all profit by the wime. By this plan , "tlio simplicity and cheapness of which" is its strong' OHt point , we piotcct ourselves , and more than this , we have the assur ance of the commission men them aohos that thin plan moots their unqualified . qualified approval , ( I moan all honest ones ) , as all mistakes and niistmdor- fitandings will cease or bo explained. uolim. j rmcu Salvo. The best salvo in the world foi outs , bruises , tiores , ulcers , wall rheum fever sores , totter , chapped hando , chillblains , corns and all kindn of uliin eruptions. This salvo is gimr anleed to give perfect satisfaction in every ease or money refunded. Pnco Jf c per box. For sale by tu'i A' MoM/uioN. Omalm , VaiKlorbilt's Now HOUHO. Win. I ) . Vandcihill. has moved into his new house on Fifth avenue , and it was opened to friends ot thu fain ily , Sumo idea of the cost may bo Kiithmnd from the fact that between liOO and 7'JO men were employed upon the interior decorations for a yearand a half. Sixty foroig carvers and fculptors were employed for two JVIIIH , having been engaged in Europe tor two yeais and brought to thin country under contracts which assured them pay at an average rate of < > 0 a week and passage botli ways. ailEATKST HKMKDY KNOWN. Ur , lying's Now Discovery foi Con sumption is ceitainly the greatest medic.il remedy over placed within the reach of sufluiing humanity. Thou sands of oncu helnless stiflerurs , now loudly inoclaim their pniisu for this wondeiiul discovery to wliich they owe their lives. Not only does it posi tively cure Consumption , but ( ' .nighs . , ' 'olds , V < thma , HroneliiMs IJ.iy i-toi , J.'i .litii-ne.Hand allailctn > ns of the Thro.it , Chest and LIIII H yields once to itn wonderful curatni' pow er as if by magic. Wo do not .nk you to buy a largo bottle unless you know \thatyouiiHo getting , Wo tht-rcfoio e.iriKJBtly re < jiiest you to call on your IniifgistH , Lsn \nAlAHo.v : ] , and got i Lii.il bottle free of cost which will con- Jico tlio most skeptical of its H'/ndor- ful merits , and show you what a legu- lar one doll.ir size bottle will d" For s.ile by Ish it JMcMahon , < " ) J. L WILKIE , MANWAtTUHKHOK PAPER BOXES 218 and 220 S. 14th St. M i > < l S | | ; flj [ * y-i jj r l ( No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , Whpto direct connection r < i m/Klc with T > * Miitf SLKKIMNQ OAK LINKS ( Of NHW YOKK. BOSTON , ntnAnr.i.riiu , AND ALt , K.\smN 11 1 KM , The Short Line via. Peoria far INUIANAPOMK , UINUINNMI. I.UUIH VILLK , and kll I'Olntai In tlio jpK3t-a : tMH K T 1,1.11 For ST. LOUIS , Where direct connections ro iiiivlc in the Union Depot with the Through Hlivpl Llnca for ALL I'OINTS MEW LINE DBS MOINE ? TUB FAVOIUTK HOUTK KOll Rock Island. The unoqvilcd Indticciuonta oflcroJ by thlit Miu < to travelers nnd tonrluto uro iv < totlawg : Tlio cololiratwl 1'ULLSIAN (18-whccl ( ) 1'ALAOU 8LKEPINO OA11B run only on thin line O. , n & ( j. 1'At.ACK . 'ItAWINO HOOM OAKS , with llorton's HrclUiiiit : Chulre No ixtrn dilute Io' mvits In Rccllnlni ; Chair * . The | I IO\IB O , II A I'nWa DlnlliK' Can. norKTOiiH HinokliiK' ( . 'art il with oh'Kiuit hlKh-lwclinl rutUiii re\ol\liu nlf , lor tlio u > clnal\o IIKOO ! Hti't'l Truck aril superior e < | tilnuiMit | eainMrv . < th their KJont throiiKh car umnijinn'iit , milti ? hs , MJOXO nil otherx , the fiMvltc tonte to tin Ktuti , South M l Sontluuuit. TrIt , anil jnnvlll Hint trt.Mjlliik' MixurIn ( trail of a illncointort Through tlclicUlo tlilfl relolimtud line Inr KH i it nil olliux In the Ul'Hcil htn Mnn.l Oitnaila AH nluriiintlon aiont mlm ol fatu , SUi'iili t' r ncroiiunoditloiM , Titno Ti\MM , rtc , will In lioi < riill ( ) chcu by nj > | iljliii ; to PKKCKVAL LOWKI.L , ' " oiiiri > r Aicnt , Cl.lc.ipt. , J. l ( , rrmt. tin Vnnrv'i r I'll ! t.- > Sioiix City THE SIOUX OITY ROUTI ) UutionNollil Tnln lli.-ou li Inini Couucil Bluila tot. . 1 aul Without Change Time. Only 17 Houn. IT la 3JO t > MII.EU THK MHoitirsi iiomc fRO'l COUNCIL HljUr' i ? 10 T. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DUUJ'fll OK U-jMAKCK and all | x > luta In Noit'.ium Iowa. Wli.iiinuU. : ui i Dalotn. This line Is minil'l101' ' llli tlio Iniprat inl WrptliiKliousn A tointllc Air limloi vul Mllli > I'latform Ununler and BulTor : and lor 8PKED , SAFCTY AND Is utiBuquuweil. I'nlliinui I'nl ic < i Slooiilut ; Cnr run through WITHOUT UIIANGIMianiui Knu HUH City and St. P.vulla Council Hindu nnil Sioux City TralliM leave Union P.irlllc Tinniifer at Conn ell lllufTit , at 7:35 p. in. ilr.llj on nrrltrtl of Kanrix City , St. Jovcph and Council Hliiir * train from the houtli. ArrKliiffat Hloux Cltj HiSfi p. in. , and lit the yew Union Depot At St. 1'iuil at 12:30 : noon. TKN HOIIIU ) ID ADVANCK OK ANV OTIIKH HOUTK OTKcnipinhtrlri taHnf ' , the SInux Cltj Hoiitc } ou Kit a Through Triin. The Hhorltht Line , th e QuIcKiHt'lhnu : uiil a CoinlortaMii Uldu in thu iiKh ( nr latvvoen COUNCIL IILUIT8 AND ST. PAUL. Kia Unit jour TkkutH rwwt viu the "blonx City and I'aciilf llnlhoail. ' J. H. WATTLKS , J II. BUCHANAN BiiiiurintcnilLnt. Ocn'I 1'at-H. A'wit. | P. E. UOIIIKSiON , Aiia't ( , cn'l 1'iws. A't , MlH.-uiiirl Valley , loua. J. II O'llUYAN.SoutliwwtcriiAjruit , ( "omul Illuili , Inwa 3880. SK RTUH1E. l 80 , _ KAisfSAS cnrsr , St , JOB & Council Blnlfe Dii-ect Line to ST. Ultti.S AKDTIIK KAHI From Omuhaand r.hn * W * HJ No thtn e l uiri tiotv , 1,111 OHU.IJ MI.II it , . .on- , IUil h'lt IJPKI Lttltll'll O'.J''I \ " ' NI.W YOlth Dai ly Passenger Trains HAIIIM1 ! AM IIARTKKN AWU IVKS'IKKN CIH M nith LKh UIIAI.til.b.n.,1 IN AOVA.NUKof ALL OTIIKU I. IN I.- . Tllbi enllrc line IH ixlilji.y | | | wlt'i T'lllinxi ' i I'ul/un .SliyiiliiK Can , I'nlicp lnv Coithi * , MillirV t.UItPlatiorm ( and Cuujiloi , UIK ! ( Jii. i.Dli'b ' < atn' ' Xar.Si'f tlmt vonr tlcltd rovN VIA Cll'f , BT. JOtlKt'U t , COUNCIL HLtTta Hi rv.il , Oa St. Jo ) > h and Ht. Louin. Tiilet9 for tiuln at ! I rauinn .Kllonn In t ) c Went. J. F. IIAUNAHK. A' ' ' UAWI'.S , Oui. diipt , , 6t Jiwoi/li / , Mo ) lltm ! * ) . ncl 'JI < kdt Ant. , St JciMih [ , Wo Aim ItoiiurN , Ticket Ai'cnt , 1 WO rurnham direct. A. II. f4HVAXi ! > Oonuril Ai-oiit , OUAIIA , NB zmLaart If yo aiii iii ii\ It yojnn A r rr iixlniMiMfiiL i f ninn nf l i. rni'illiy tliontmlimr tl IHtOllilU'lltll Itll ' . your ilutliH in-old nlnlil niuli , ( a ri'M HiMiilantiniiil u u lout lirittii in i vi'nii Hop Oittera. Kuril , IIMI HOP D. If jrnimrn jouiiKuml I riiffrrlni ; from uiiy Ii illwiiilon cr dli < l | ( lluu i If you uti MU rli il tr ulni'ln. ia r [ youii mmi tint' frni limirlualtli nrlaiiKUlkU [ t\nu \ on a lnji % Uh ui > m. IIIvn H O pi llttitro. Wlifxvcr yonnri' . lliouRnnimnii * ah vtliiuc-vir you iitl . . . luinlly d o in > ' " Hint ymir fyiliui J form uf | ( I ( J n o > iiiciln ilrunilnif , tun * ' n'lHMaM ) Unil IlilKlil Intr ai tUin'il.'illmr ' , Iiavoli4'ni'ri ' > ui.t * < mltliouUiid'r/rnlOiir , i i by 11 nin I ) iib f of t ii It v Hop Hcijt.ltori Bltte'u. II if yptiifi/ / * fx/iivi , A/ii -y O I. O I 11. it'ir/citm . All 1.1 lUlllt . . 1'iain. I.H a i1 0 ( tlio ( d/r/icir/i , Illll tlllklKtU lionet * , Moofi. tin cu ro tot Jnmliuiui'Hn l/urornmnl Uwi Cf uplUII. You "III lie touacuu n eiin-illf jnuuw uun'ntUt Hop ClttorB lf nunrciilin > " lily vvt-iik ami vM himif" lownl lill'il.tr ) ( JIlLUlLI- HI It muy BIIVO your Ufa. It line aiivud hun- dreda , DAVIS ft SMYDER , IC06Farnii m Gt. , . . , Omtha , Mebr Ctre.ully ntlu'ti-l Una In Kaatorn NebrMk * lei ! . CJriAt llur Blnn la ( uprated Itiua , nod Omaha cltyproKrty. 0. K. DAViM WKBSTKV KKYUEIl ift'c UnJCom'r U , t'.B. _ . DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS I'RWIttKTORS. J. O MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb 8AUATOQA HOTEL , J.8. 8TELLINIU3 , Mllford , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , W. P. ELLIS , Otccoln , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , StromiliurK , Ne AMERICAN HOUSE , QEO H. MCCAIN , South Bond.N ; HALL HOUSE , A. W HALL , Loultvllla OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Dlnlr , Neb' . EXCHANOE HOTEL , C. n , HACKNEY Aihtnml , Neb CtNTHAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , Onkdnlo , Neb. COMMEHCI&L HOTEL , WM CLEMMONS , ' B wnr < l , Neb. COMMEriCIAL HOTEL E. EVANS. O'.VfIII. Nob. DOIICMEQTER HOTEL , A 8 KINKLE Dorchoter , Noh. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q MEAD , NellRh , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JA8 McKILLIP , York , Neb. TUT TLC HOUSE , W. H TUTTLE , Aurorn. Neb. GAGE HOUSE , A. It. OAOE , Republican Cltr Neb DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , HattlnRS , Neb. OI1ANH CENTRAL f. SEYMOUR , NobrnikA City , Neb SANDERS HOUSE , CHAS E McNISH , Friend , Neb WOODWARD HOUSE WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P L THORP , WrcplnRWntcrNeb ESTCS HOUSE , N T L3TCS , Grnnd Itlnnd , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F W. WILMB , Kearney , Neb WILDER HOURE1 THOMPSON REED Wli'jer , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. C CAAnPER , Hnrdy , Neb GREENWOOD HOUSE , 0 W MAYFIELD. Greenwood , Nell HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columluia , Neb , CENTRAL OITY HOUSE J. S QREGE1Y , Central Cltv , Ne SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & UECKER , Crciton , IA. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKINS & UI1O , , Red Oak , U. HOUSTON HOUSE , CEO OALPH , Exlm , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , C M. RCYNOLDS , Allnntlc , Irt , WALKER HOUbE , D H WALKER , Aiiclubon , 1,1. UUI1C.EOUS HOUSE , D A uuitonous , Neoln , Li. CITY HOTEL , Dl U. WILLIAMS Harl.tn , In PARK HOUSE , MK3 M E. CUMMINQS , Corning , In. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , , VM. LUTTON , VllllacA , la. PARK HOUSE , W. J. GARVIN , CornlnR , In. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Mnlvern , la. H. M. & M. PEAVY , THE CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -\XI > Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnlmm St. , Omaha Neb. n,4mo \ O. 1213 Farnhstn St. O-naha , Sale ! .A. 'P Is the place io Buy Bargains. EVERYTHING MARKED IN RED FIGURES. Look for the Red Ink Marks. Special Attention JL Is Once More Galled to , the Fact that jr -i-F. anfc Rank foreniont in the West iu isjjrtuent * nd Prices of FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND OHILDRISN'S WWAR , ALSO A OOMI'LETO LINK 01' ' Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps Wo itru'pniiiH-l | ) to inent tlio ilcin.uiilK of the tr.ulo in nitiinl ; to Lut l til ( I'niti'i'iiM , Fine .Murclmul 'I'mliiniif. ' in Ciuii RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham'and 300 to 312 13th St 1 > OWHB AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UININU UAOIUNCIIV , IIKI.riM * . IIOSK , IIUAbH AND IKON KIVJIN08 , I'll'K , STEAK I'AlhlKU , AT WllOLKbALt AMU I1KTA1L. iiALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BEL A. L , .SRANG , 205 Farnham St. , Omaha , r