THE OMAHA DAJLi JBEti : WEDNKSDA'f JAJNuARY 25 1882 P. T. MAYNE , SUBSCRIPTION BATES , Manager Council Blufla Circulation , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. By Carrier , - - 20 Conta per Wook. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA By Mail , S10.00 per Year. COUHCILBLUFFS. _ Offlco : Room Five , Everett's Block , Broiulvroy. II.V. . TILTOK. City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS The mn qncrnJe of the colored | > co- pie Ust night drew a crowd and proved a ncce s. A. number of C.IROS < if diplitlieri * . ate reported , indlcallnR thftt the illceMC In Rainlni ; iln linlj , The director * of the public library have i.eclilcd to rooms of Mr. l'\er- ett , oxer the Glolie office , Superintendent Farnham provided an Intctwtios schoil exhibition at the llloom- crbtxli cctiool rooms l.iat evening. -Thi funeral n rvce ! of Mrs. H. H. Killxrt Wfrc held yesterday nflcrnoon , and wcri largely attended by friends. of the ice men claim that the rirerice i < not fit to cut yet , being uiicv. tn and otherwise nut up to the standard A light Know bc nnfnlllnt' here yi'.stcr- J j noijn , nnil ( lkci Haw Ht InU'rvtiMan'l ' jrally until the utrcets were Home what whitened. A street broil Is retried at ImviiiR oc curred nt Nccla , Monday nl ht , in which the c ntostanta rcccivpd come ugly wounds uidona of them a fractured skull. -Union mo tingH nre IIO'IIK held night ly at the lUptlsl chinch. Special H' rvice" r nlw > beitiff held In the Mcthoiltst church ercry evening thl ? week. The churches loein ti bo waking up. Trie city fnthera meet again to-morrow arcnm to condilor some Important mat- tern , tanimg them tlie r.ulc of Oaklauil of how b t to aroniif , an I the i | eitinn Mcurua g'lvainnienl ' Imildliif , ' , Mr. and MM. Conrad ( Jc ! e we-o Imp- pily surprised MOM ay evening bv a visi tation of about neventy-fivu friaidn , wlio orcrecci cd.indcnreil for mot liospJln- bly. A merry evening resulted. .Turner * Collins , of Woodbine , was before - fore ITnlud atatuH CommlBsloner Key jBstordAy morning , charged with culllns tobacco ithout hnvinK paid the ftat. Tlic case was net for u hearing nt'xt ifolurdtxy. Tlio following committee h.m been ap pointed to cotmlilor the liest w.iy of cecur- in , " ; * now o | oru hoiiRO here : .1. W Chiip- mwi.,1. J. llrown , I' . TJ. , L.V. . Tullcys , N. II. t'usey , J. M. 1'wlmcr and John Dchany. A gentleman fr in Atlantic , in the city yesterday , reports a nil nhiir of new canoaof Htnall pox there.Vlth small pox em each slilo the people of this cicy HliniiM takoeitr.v procautiDnt , and 11 Hliould at cast me toil that they are properly vac- cinaUil , It ttecnis inoro dilficuH for man ) to get nt" jail than tn got out. About , o\uiy olxht there ar applicants for ! dgings nt the jnil , by hoinek'Hs wandcrerH. who find Bleeping In the alleys nnd dry goods h'-xca ' imther chilly. The pullco have to keep u ; guard at the do r to pr v nt the plate beg - g iwarmed by frea lodgom. Nugent and Ilaliiu , the Omaha young if- : fallowH wlio broke thu peace HO badly here lout Sundny , by chasing n co ored man manned Johnson , have failed to appear , and their friorin of the Itlue Jay Baleen , who went Hccurlty for their nppcuranoo , liu been left In the lurch , nnd has had the Usfactlon of paying their fines and costs , which badly broke a tan dollar bill for uch. Thu necessary pa pern have been oeruxl applying for an injunction to prevent the city authorities consolidating the park fund with the general fund , following th-- exam ple set by the diiving park association to pro * cut the consolidation of thu l-vo fund will ) the gcnend fund. The < e Interested n other funds for which levies have been made wi'l ' probably follow milt. In fact the city council Necmx to lie in but water , I'V I'Vu and there m ovcry iniilc.tion tliut the pot into which th y IIHVC dumped all ttio frndn will ho kept rx > IIInk' . Changing Hands. The following transfura of real catutu vcro ruportud from thu county records bj J. W. Siuiro | * t Co. , abairaolord of titles , real uatiitu nnd loan agutita , Council Bhill'a. J. W. Davis otul to 11. Stovt-jiH , lot 12 in block 5 , Avocu , $1100. J. W. PHMH | to A. K. Stiiiseii tola 9 , 10 in block 20 , Harvnrd'a a Ul. , city , $225. Jutiu-a Kilpnck to 1'utor Hollhmii , no IMJ 'M uud nw , aw 'MTii'8liBO \ : , Ilobcrt E. Mi/iiigoinury / lo JiunrV , Sqnin1 , part of out lot fi.liick8oii'a , mU city , | 1,500. 0. & S. Mann to J. IJynis , BW 10 , 77 38 , . 700. .1 , 1) Kdiiumsoii to H , J. H\th , v 1 , Bo 2 , 76 , 41 , Sl.-lOO. K , U. i. \ I' . 11. H. Co , to C. Kruno , n i , uw 28 , 77 , 40 , 8640. A. 8. lirynut to J. W. Hquiro , lot 1 in block 7 , Jackson's add. , city , S27C , W. F. Abby to J. W. llodifor , loti 10 , Hand 12 , in li , FlominK * D-ivia add. , city , ? 072. II. I iwia to H. VuKt.n. - . , 13 , 70 17$850. M. Wioka to J. M. Phillip ! , , lot 'J ii Mib. 41 and 45 , O. P. , city , $1500. M. F. H. llubor to J. McCord , a , w. , n. w. , 22 , 77 , 4I ! , 81. W. U , Ci-chraii to T. Mounton part n. w. , 21 , 77,41,81,725. T. ItowiiMii to J. T. llurloy , lot- in blok 10 , Kaylisa it Palinur'a add. city , 8100. JSnoB Cole to J. McCord , loth 1 , : B'i and 3 , in block 2 , Miiidon , § ' . )25r ) > r . C. U. T. * P. H. H Co. to I ) . Knli ozclicn , o , J n. w. ] , 1 , 70 , 89 , jiiiU 50 Avoca L L. Co. to J. U , Ltmir foldt. lot 11 in Hub. of part of 9 , 77 39 , * 2GO. M. J. Giddingu to J. 11. Junta , U D. Works nnd O. Hiickinitn , u. u. , u w. and a. A n. < < , K. w. nnd n. \ n u . . , fi , 77" , 89 , § 1 800 , A. II. Weatto W H. Uoiluau , a. ; n. e. , 24 , 75 , 40 , ? 800. John W. DOIMIB to .r.niH's Kullcy part n. u. , n. o. , 31 , 70 , 42 , $ G ( ) . Hunry Jjanu'iiutck to John Clitea , i < in.e. , 10 , 74 , 41 , $0:50. : TRADE TALK. The Members of the Board Moot to .Chnt Over the Boat Interests of the City Complaints About Telegraphy The Now Wngon Dridgo. An ndjotirnud mooting of thu board of trade wui held Monday ovonini ; to consider various innltors pending. While waiting for enough members to nut | , tliu ball rolling nn infornmt talk wnn had , thu chief tlicmo of which wnn thu ninnncr in which the telegraph intutcats of this city were neglected. Sovurul tmrratod personal cxpuriunccs of dulaya nnd mistukos made in thu traiiRiiiiasinn of tuluitrnma , ciuainj , ' in- convoniunco and oven loiaof buBinoia. Ono ffpiitloman produced a telegram just received by htm , which wan twelve hoitra or HO late in reaching him. In fact there svcmed no end to thu complaints , and soinu went BO far as to claim that in dninj ; husincfm at local points near here letter writing was speedier and surer than light * ning. The question of securing a govern ment building heru for court and poitollico purpose's A'ns brought up again and the recent action of thu council reported It was suggested tlmt some of the aldermen wore hesi tating about sending delegates to Washington to help aecuru the appro priation because they doubted their legal right to do BO. There were pre cedents to hack up tlio Bending of del egates add thei'o had nuver been any grumbling on thu putt of citizens , as thu benefits necured had far out weighed the necessary expense. The members of thu board argued that an thu s'euuring of n govurninont build- ng huro wan a matter public benefit , n which all had share , all should aku a like tdmro in seeming it. Thu city council has had so many njuiictions , and had so much finan cial trouble , that at its meeting rc- ently , when thin matter was brought ip , some aldermen rtiiggustud that if hey look nuuh action ns was desired > y the petition of citi/.ena , they might ; ot into further trouble. In older to n-nco them up thu bo.itd of trade nt bin meeting panned a resolution avow- ng their willingnend to buck up thu council if they took thiH action , and o .stand bettvuun tliu council and any rouble. With thi nsaunuico the council will doubthiBa feel warranted n going ahead. The matter of a bridge connnctii'i ; his city and Onirtha as called up , > ut nothing could bodoiu1. Tliucom- nitteu appointed nt the last meeting reported tlmt they had wiitton to 'resident Clark , of thu Omaha board > f tradu , requesting a conference with he hoard or with HOIIIU committee. A otter hud been received from him stating that the matter was one of ini- mrtancu to Oiimlm , and action soilld be taken at thu next nceling of its hoard of trado. . 'ending that action nothing could bo done by the .board hero. The > lnn for a wngon bridge in its pru- .nmimrius . at least scenm to moot with Jio hearty approval of the business man of both sides of the riyer , nnd ihoro in good ruaaon for believing that "hat the project will actively pushed o n successful completion. After talking ovi r thuso matters , idjournmont was taken to meet at the jail of thu president , it being under stood that such call would bo issued so BOOH as the committee on the wagon bridu'o had anything now to report , as it is the deairu to crowd thu ilan along as rapidly ns po.Mible. LOOK OUT FOR THEM. A Trio of Biul Onoa Who Mood to be Watched , for They nro Up to Tricks thai ivro Dink. There wuro three very slick confi- ilunco game woikera who arrived in thin city yesterday morning , and began gan their labors in earnest at tin transfer depot. They ere quickly spotted , nnd ono of thorn waa rucog- niod as an old-timer whoso oxploitt gained him a briuf nativity huro a few years ago , At that time a burglary was committed a short distance east of there , and a quantity of juwolrj nnd rich goods taken. Ifu managed to escape with the plundur and pissed through the city in safety , Ho had n httlo troublu in getting across tin river , nnd threatened to shoot a man for refusing totaku him over inn boat. Uo succeeded , however , in crossing the rivnr and made good his ojcapu , Hi > is known im a crook , and wfii'i : ho was aeon at the transfer yestordnj morning , waa recognized and watched , Lhero woru two othuia with him , ovi dimtly of thu aiinie ilk , and they bu nan worlungsomoof the more Btiseop \ ° "fithiu 8tnul era j" t arriving , and tackled BOIIIU uf the umigranta , They liad hardly begun to make then approaches before they received warn , ing that they had hotter let up on anj attempted game , nnd they hurrieii nway singly for up town. lu the citj they came together luuin , and after f consultation they slatted out to worl as be/it / they could. They approachet several strangers who wuro wendiiu their way to trains , but did not sue ceod in finding any uncouragemon aufhcicnt to show up their pi-ciilini gamo. Disgusted with the conditioi the field , tln.y . pulled out for acrosi thu river , where they will needs bi watclu'd , KB the leader of the trio n well known as a bad ono. whilu ( hi companionship of the two others indi cates that they am of thu same stripe Experiments In Foedlnu Hops. An Iowa farmer out up thiily rnt ! > ear old hogs for fattening , nnd fo I lie lirst twenty dajs fed them 01 slulled corn , of wliich they ate 8 ; busies. Durii.g tljs , Ierj0l ( tl,0 , gained 827 pounds , or upwaids of tt l pounda to the bushel of corn. H then fed ihn H-UIIU hogs for fourti-oi days on dry corn meal , during wjic , ] tinio they consumed 47 busTu-la am gained 535 pounds , 01 Uj pouuda t the biuhul. Thu B.UIIO hog nuxt fm fourtetn daya on corn meal and wato mixed , conaumed 55A buuhels of corn and gained 7.)1 ) pounds , or l.'U pounds of ] > ork to tin ) bnsliol. Ho then fed them fourteen days on corn meal cooked , and after consuming 45 bush- uls of the cooked meal tlio hous gained 79 ! ' poundn , or Very nearly 15 pounds of pork lo thu bushel of meal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "POOR NANCE. " ClmrloB Dickens , Oliver Twfat , fro- Hontotl under this Name to n Crow ded Houso.-Tho Murrnv Corn- pnny here for n wook. The Cartland Murray company opened Monday night nt Dohany's. A Urge audience giving thorn , an en- th'isiiiatic ' welcome on their return. The play preaunted was"Poor Nance , " n dr.nnati/.aton by Mr. Murray , of "Dickons , " "Oliver Twist. " Miss Cartland tool * the title rolu nnd did aoino excellent work. Mr. Murray sustained the diflicuU 'cliara t rs of ira ic very well. Tlio play is a high- y sensational , there being almost too ligh a strain in it , but the thrilling situations and climaxes seemed to carry the audicncu by them. As a re suit of too realistic n presentation of : ho murder scone , one of the lady auditors fainted completely away , causing quite a stir in thu audience 'or a few moments. The company ms one strong attraction , it being Vliinn Bros. Orchestra , wliich nlHrds i musical treat runnini ; along equal .o the dramatic ono. The company ast night presented "Tho Avalanche , > r the Child of the Alps , " and will continue thu rest of thu week with a lightly change of bill. A ROUGH CHARGE. \ ConstubK ) AcctiHod of Using Force on n Woman Whllo Her Husband Lay In Jail. Yesterday afternoon a case found Ls way into Justice Abbott's court , n which the charge of rape i laid g.xinat F. M. McGuinsuy , a constable n the town of Luyton. Tlio woman vho claims to have been thus mis used by him is Mrs. Addiu 1) . Wash- ngton , who with her husband live n the samu town. Mr. Washington cecps a little atoru and restuuraut , ind fiuinu time last year waa arrested or defrauding thu revenue , his deal- nga in cigars and tobaccos not being loomed in accordance with the law. lo was lodged in jail and there re named until Jiia discharge in September or October. The claim is .hat in Juno lust , while ho was lying n jail , his wife was left alone to run .he business , and that one night a orciblo entrance was made and this uriovous assault committed upon Mrs. Wauhinaton , and for which Constable McOlinaoy is now arrested. The later - : or stoutly dunies the charge nnd ho iml his friends are confident that they will be able to knock thu bottom out Prom under it. A uhnngo of venue was taken from Juaticu Abbott , and the case will probably bu on trial to-day , when the facts on both sides will bu more clear ly brought out. TEMPERANCE REFORM. Enthusiastic Mooting at Emerson- The Boys nnd Their Horns- Other Items. CorrcHpomlonce of The Onmhn Deo. EMKUSO.V , la , January 24.A largo and enthusiastic temperance meeting was hold nt this place Friday evening hist. It , was addressed by the veteran temperance worker , Isaac Kelley , of Hilladalo , and by Frank Shinn , Eaq. , of Emerson. An amendment club was organized , with nearly fifty mom- bora and the following oflicors : Presi dent Mr. Van Ausdale , ; vice-presi dent , S. Thompson ; Secretary , F. P. B.irtlott . ; treasurer , W. S. Goodoll. The club holds itn nuxt mooting on the evening of February 3. An invi tation waa extended to any who do not favor the amendment or ita sub mission to bo present and en gage in ita discussion. An interesting fu.itnru of thu meeting was thu music funnelled by thu boy band of Enmr- son. Wo challenge- any town in the atate of Iowa to produce a hotter brass band , thu inumbura of wliich ahull bo boys under aixteen yeara of ago , than ours. Nearly § 80 have boon raised during thu present school year for the pur chase of an organ for the school. It is expected tlmtthu receipts of another school entertainment , now buine pre pared , will raisu the fund to thu re quired amount. The Goodoll & Shawl ) elevator , which him been standing unused for BOIIIO time , has been thu scone of nu littlu activity for a few daya. Why has it been allowed to stand idle BO long ? The primary department of the public school has been closed for two wooka , owing to the illness of the teacher , Miaa Campbull. Rev. Brown was quite ill last wook. lown Item * Chicken thieves nro emptying tin coops at Cicston. The body of a wliito male child , ap parently healthy , and weighing about thirteen pounda , was picked up in n back atroot in Hod Oak last Saturday. This is the fourth body that his heel found within tho. limits of Hod Oak ainco it Imi beun a city , Tan Ka Keo , an educated son ol the "Celestial Kingdom , " is ocifyiiu , the citucnaof Atlantic with songs am lectures of his "nutivu laud. " Children Buruod to Death Neai Dun Mo iu UK. National AuwMnUxl l'rv n. DKS MOINKS , la. , January 21. Two clnlren , Henry nnd William Oleor , four and tlneo yeara old , wen burned to death in their father's houn a abort distance from this city yester day. Their mother was only a few rods away when the fire broke out , and was compelled to witneaa then horrible death , unable to render distance. OAJZY AND GLAZY. Such Seems the Charge of Seduction Which the Comlnir Young Man Has to Answer. A goodly portion of yesterday was taken up by Recorder liurke in liaton- ing to the evidence in the case of Kd. Watson , of Corning , who had been arrested un the complaint of a young lady , Katie Lioport , who charged him vvitli reduction. The details - tails of the affair were naturally of such a nature that it waa wisely de cided lo sit with closed doors , barring out the public generally , not oven thu witnessess being permitted to bu present , except as they were needed one by one , and all baldhciidcd men being kept out despite their accus tomed privileges. The atory of the you g lady was to the elluct that young Watson had de ceived her under promise of marriage , and that he knew very wull that lie could not fulfill said promise , na ho waa already encumbered by a wife nnd Family. Shu had her auspicious n rous ed by a fortuno-tuller , who sometime before in gazing into futurity through thu palm of her hand , spied out the fact that she waa going to throwlior- ( aelf away upon a mariied man. She claimed that when Watson met her in ; his city she questioned him closely , and hu insistud that he was free from ill matrimonial tics , and that ho would surely marry her. Ho urged a more ntimato relationship , but she told him she had aworn oil' This opened up a clue to her past , which had rathur an unsavory look , She insisted that , her reform was broken down by Wataun'a Jroinmcs of honotuble wedlock. \mong other evidence produced was a etter which she claimed was written jy WaUon. To oll'iel this kind of a story evi dence un * introduced showing that ; hit letter was written by a joung man who rc.U'inblcd Watson somewhat in face .ind form , and that it was thi.s siiiiu semblance to Watson who met the young lady : it the time and place in this cay whun ahu claimed to have iven rein to p.isaion. In view of all these facts ( he couit discharged young Watson , and he ivturnud to his Coin ing home with a lighter heart. He is a young man just at.irting in life and getting a good hold on business , and was accoiiipaiiiudonhisunpleasnntvisit to tlna city by many friends and wit- nefnea who now claim stiongor than ever that the charge was trumped up in thu hope of frightening him into some financial bottleinont. PERSONAL , . Mayor Vanghan'H children aie sulfcring from diptheria. Mr. 1'eriy Miller , of Corning , waa in the city yesterday. George Johnson anil T. ( " ! . Bennett rep resented Uurlington nt dinner nt the Pa cific yesteiday. D. N. Gibbs , of Ivy Wild , has started on an extended business trip along t.o ! Hue uf the Wabasli. Crortti.n was represcnti.l at the Og''en yesterday by George P. Wilton , ! ) . A. Porter unt C. H. Titus. Thomas , of Adams county , and Attorney K. J. Kiwsell , were among those hero on lesal busj esa yesterday. Court dolnga at Lincoln have drawn on th'a ' ci'y ' for at least th'eu witnesses , A. W. Streat John lla-n'ner and J. M. Pal mer. mer.Mr. Mr. JenningH ban BO fur recovered from the assault made u [ m him that he IH nt his place of bu lnc s as uaiml , though he H by no meani vigorou" , his spine troubling him fomowlmt as the roanlt of the kncck- down. _ Ono of Thorn "Will Swing. National Aiuoclatetl I'roon. OATLKTTMIIUHO , Ky. , January 24. The jury in the case of Neal , one of the Ashland triple murderers , ren- dorul a verdict this morning of mur der in the first degree nnd fixed thu punishment at death , As thu prie- onor was removed tht audience ap- piaudcd the verdict. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. . NOT1CK. Special ailturtlxonictits , such or latt , Found , To Lean , For Sale , To Kent , Want * , Hoarding , etc. , will lie Inuurtul In tlili column at the low rate ol TEN CK.NTS 1'KH MNK for the llret Insertion and I'lVK CENTt 1'Kll LINK ( or each mibsi ucMt Imcrtlnn Lvatomlvcrtlfccmt'iitii nt our olUco , Hooiii 6 Kterttt'slllock , HroaiUu ) . OK RKNT-Twonleel } fimilshoil roonin , uln- I ' gli or en fcillta. A | > pl > to Mr * . J. 11. Hlaij iljllsto htrc'Ht , Hunt Of bUU'lltll C.H.8. ] ' t 171011 SM < K Onu Imtulred ami ll'ly tlioucnm } < brick , Hcnr\ Oolong , JITUt Council Illi tin , IOUB. K.\erjboily In Council Illulls ic WANTUU Tim Ho. 2(1 ( ccnU per week , df llvcrcd by carrlcin. OIIUo , Hooiu 6 , Kmutt'd Illocii , llroad * y. A'TT'ANTEI ) To buy 100 tons broom corn. VV for particular ) ) aildrcoa Council Hluffi Uroom Factory , Council llhiff * , Iowa. 53-VUt ( A ( Iret-cliBj liroom tier. Maync WANTED Council lUullii , Iowa. MX ) SO * SALE Old rajHTt 40c iwr hundred , at POH lice olllco , Council UlulJi. ec'7-tl rno HIIICK-MAKKIIS , FOIl SAI.K-fi acres 01 1 mortiof land adjo'iiln the brU'k.tnrd ol llaiuiur & Hal o.1 on I'ppor Ilrcaluay. For imtlcubra o'ly | ) to David IIalnen or 1 1 Hanner' oilic-c at tlm Hoard i ( Trade rerun , Council Dlufl - i > 22 Sin TJOTTBK'S TICKCT OKFdJK War In railroad I tloliuU cuntlnuex to liooni. U | ireoisluiite < l low rates to all c-astcrn jwlnta. Ku > r > tlcktl Kuaranteixl , Order * tilled iiy teleiihone , From CUD to ten dollars nuu'd by | iurcha lii ( , ' tltkcti of 0 A. I'ottor , Biicciwsor to Totter A Taliiicr , No , 10 South Fifth stritt , fnur itoor * below the iio t < Qlllee. Council HlulT * . lo a. _ futlHtf . Hov , wltlijwnj. to carrs fti WASTF.O at llix otllcc , Council lllutl * . oitlS tf Notice , Owlnic to the Innuoniio sucoem o ( thu titiw Gelatine OromlJn Inttantanoout Proceti utth Exc-ltlor Gallery , Filth ijU'et , Coun ell Bluffs , the proprietor de lr - the u i iiln , ! Children' * I'lcturcB to. all between the houn o : 10 and 14 o'clock a , in. , us owlnu to tha Pren of Duilnf ud > nrrauKement la nucMury l ( FACTS JfpRTHKNOWINC "Good morning , Mr Jones. You seem ir good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been tc the BOSTON TEA STORE , and find anything and tvery. thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES , I tell you , I cun Save Mondy now out of my salary , and Live First-Class , too. It pays to go there. " "Where did you eay it watr ? " BOSTON TEA COMF1 FINE GROCERS. IB Main St. and 15 Pearl St. COU\ OIL BLUFFs , IA. ( Gasoline Store. ) . DEC , . DltlLKK IS STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WARE. 331 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , la. DO.VT FAT , TOSKE THK STCCK 01' W. W. BUCHANAN AM8NBS , REPAIRIHC A SPECIALTY. 2D2Broaaway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. H. H.JUDSON , DEY GOODS 4O5 BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MININC AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA \Vc KiM1 attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces HOISTEUS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORE will icti'ho prompt u'tmitlon A cnurtl a' BtUtmnit Ol Brass Goods , Billing , Piping AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Goal OHAS. HSNDril' ' , Pi'tsuieut MAURT3R & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY Rich Cut Glass , Fine French China , Silver Ware < Vo. , 310 IliiOAUftAV , COl'XCIl. 1IUTKS , Drs. Woodbury & Son , i - jODEHwarrErsTC-ss , Cor. 1'earl & l.t A\c. , LOL'M'Il J1MTKS. VT. S. ASIENT. JACOII SIM ! AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Counsellors-at-Law COUNCIL BLUFFS , JUWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN ' , Marble and Granite North Fifth St. , Council Dluff ) W. W. SHERMAN , / " MAM I'AlTtllKK OK ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY 3SS Fine Work a Specialty. E H. SIIKRMAN , Bmlnesa Minajcr. V . WM. CHKtSTOi' , Meilunlcal Manager. ' n 124 : South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices , Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S Jiiickering , Weber. Lindeman , J. Mueller IP and otjier Pianos , $20O and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , Tabor ; and Paloubet Organs , $50 andupward. Musi cal Merchan&ise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Shout-Music , i'oyy , Gamee , Fancy Goods , "Wholesale and Ke- TT tail. Pianos Jand Ortians eold f r Caah and on Time. Stock is large , full and coin- piete. Musical Journal ireo on applica s tion Correspondence Solicited. Address : a J. MUELLER , i 103 South 5th Street. c IB COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCPASING- AGENTS And Dealers in all kinds ol Produce. 1'rompt attention citen to all consignments. . 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. \ > \T. H. ZFOSTIEIR WILL Sl'Pi LY ON .SIIOKT NOTI > I Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders plomptl ) lilted 11 il ilclhu. d to Edicts tllae free of ihar/e. Stnd tot Cat ilo/ue. IEC. IE. -DEALER IN PAPER , BOOK a COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of Grain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. First National Bank , Stewart Bros , , Council Bluffs ; William P. Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E. A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. METCALF BROS. , „ - . ! * $ - WUOLrSALK DEALERS IV - S $ Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck GloVes. ' ' CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. BX * U Jc'Jt'S , - REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands. and 11 number 01 Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Oflico with W. S. MA.VNE , over Savings Bank , - COU VCIL BLUFFS BIXBY & WOOD , PLUM3ERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass Goods , Iron aud Lead Pipe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in" Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. We Carry the Largest Stock of FINE BOOTS & SHOES SLIPPERS ETC. , . , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. Ill lail Orders Promptly Attended To anil I Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. ' has Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 BEOADWAY/COUHCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , , ' ' And WEST SIDE SQUABE , CLAR-NDA , IOWA ,