Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1882, Image 3

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010 Farnhnm , hot. Oth and 10th Streets ,
n copy 1 jour , In ft > hancoiiaiUuld ( ) J10 CO
8 months " " . . . t , 00
month " " . . . 3 CO
LCMO Omaha PiuwcnKcr No. 2 , 8 30 . ru , Ac
commodation No. 4,1.0 ( p. m
Arr veOtnahv-Tas.'enKor No. 1 , S JOi in
Aci-crumodatlon No , 3,10 fO a. in.
C. , n .A O. 7'40 a. m. 3'40 p. m ,
C. & N. VV. , 7:40 a. m. 3 40 n. m.
C H. I. & I1 , , 7:40 : a. m. 8:40 : n. m.
K. 0 , St. J A C. 'J. , Icaxes at 8 t. m. and 8:10 :
( P.m. ArrhcaatSt. Louis at OSO . tn. and 6:6 : ! ,
p.tpV \ , St. L. & P. , loan * t 8 a. m. and S Dp ,
. Arrl\CT at St. Louis at 0.40 a. m , and 7:30 :
D. M , la Neb , , Throuili Kxprem , 8:60 : k m ,
D. a II. Lincoln Express 0 20 p. m.
U I' . 0\ctland Pxprcw , 1 ! 16 p. tn.
0. & H. V. ( or Unjoin , 11:16 : a. m.
0. X , K. V. ( or OceoU. n 40 a. m.
D. P. Irelcht No. 6 , 6 30 a. tn. '
U. P. ( relent No. 9 , 8 20 . m ,
U. P. frelttht No. 13 , 2'W p. in.
U. t' . freight No. 7 , 6 10 p. in. emigrant.
. . .iP. Tremor cxiiren , 7 35 11. in
U. I' . Ircli'ht No 11 , 11-30 p. tn.
U , P. Denver Irclcht , 8.25 p. m.
0. fl. A 0 b.UO . ru _ 7:2S p m.
I A N.V , W 46 x in. 7:25 : p. in.
C. K. I. & 1 > u | 6 . m. 0.06 p m.
K. C. , St. Jew & C U. . 7:40 : a. m.-4:46 : p.m.
0. k R , V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. m.
U. P. Pacific Eiire"W 3 2ft p. in.
D & M , In Nob. , Through Rxprom-4:15 : p m
B. ft SI. Lliuoln Kxprun D 40 a tn.
D. P. Denver express , 7J5 : a. m.
U. P. Freight No 14-260 n m.
U , P. No. 6.VO a in. Knilgrent.
U. P. freight No. 14 , 12:16 : p. m.
U. P. No. 8 9 00 p. in.
U. P. Vo. 12 1:46 : a. in.
U. P. Demor frelnht , 1:10 : a. in.
0. & R. V. mlxul , ar. 4:45 : p. ru.
ootHtii , mum.
Lvo Onuha it * 00 , 0.00 , 10 00 and 11:00 :
m. ! t.O 2 00 , S 00 , 4 00 and 6 00 p. m.
Leave Council UlutTn at 8 26 , 9,15. 10 25 nnd
1:26 : . in. ; I i2B , 2 25 , 3.26 , 4:26 : anil 6.25 f. in.
Sun-laj The dummy levnew Omain rt B 00
nd 11-00 a. ui ; 2 00 , 4 00 and 6 00 p. ra. I.IAVCS
4 Council Hindu at 0.26 and 11:26 : a. m. ; 2.26 , 4:26 :
"ind 6.2,1 p. m.
ThroitKh nnd local passonccr trains between
Omaha and Coun II Illulls. Lca\-u Ouuha 0,16 ,
7:46 , B 60 a. m. ; 3'40 , 646 , 0 0 j ) . in. Ar o
Omaha 7:40,11:36 : , 11:46 : a. m. ; 6.40 , 7.06 , 7:16 : ,
; 40 p. tn.
Opening nn Closing of Mplli.
a. m. p. n. . n , tn. p. in.
Cblov'e. & N.V 11.00 000 630 2-10
Chlc-vc , H I. & Pacific ll'OO 0 CO 6 SO 2:40 :
Chlcnifo , a t Q 11:00 : 900 630 2:10
ffubafh 12 SO 630 7:40 :
. Sioux Cltj nml ficlfic. . 000 630 2:40 :
Union I'lciflc 400 11:40 :
Onuha ft U. V 4-00 11:40 :
B. * St. In Nib 400 810
0mab * Sioux Cltj. . . . COO 7,30
B. & M. Lincoln 1080 0:00 :
D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 110
U. P. Dcnvtr Ex , fl-00 030
0. . Sioux City i St 1' . . . 11.00 -:40 ! : mM * for htate ol Io leave but once a
day , v Is 0 SO a , in ,
OrTii'p niwn Siindajn ( rora 12 m to 1 p m.
Business Directory.
Abstract mid Real fcatato.
JOHN L. McCAOUE , oppoelto Peat Offlco.
W. R. BARTLETT 817 South 13th Street.
Architect. .
Room 14 Crcl hton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Cielirhton Block.
Booti and Ohoo .
Fine Doota and Show. A good assortment of
home work on hand , corner 12th and Hartley.
TOOS. KR1CKSON , 8 E. cor. 16th and
606 Ibth stroDt , manufacturoa to order Rood
I fair prices. Repairing dono.
Bad Spring * .
1. r. LAKRIMEK Manufacturer. 1(17 DouflMBt
Dooks , News and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street.
Butter and Egg * .
IfoflilANE & SCIIROEDER , the oldest B. and B
benne In Ncbnu&a established 1876 Omaha.
itTk'h'Tettt corner IHthand Dodee.
BeutXoard ( or the Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Uc > l it all Hours.
Uonrd by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms ( or Cash
Fuml'timl Knnnig Supplied.
Uarrlagei and Road WnRoni.
WM SNYDER,14thandHarnoyStrceta.
Clothing Bought.
J 11AKIU I will pay hl 'hostCaehprice ( or oocond
uund uochinp. UoTTicr 10th and rarnham.
Jews ort.
JOHN IIAUMUR 1311 Farnham Street
H. BKIITHOI.U , Rags and Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & OIUY corner tth ! and Doutflaa SU
Lamps and Ulasrfvare.
J. BONNER 1S09 'uouzlas bt. Good Varlct >
Merchant Tallori.
Ono of our most f cpular Merchant Tallore la re
latest dtsL'na for Spring and Bumintr
Gooda for cntlomcna uiar. btjlUh , ilurablt ,
and prices low M over 215 13tb bet. louif. & Farn.
KRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
cy Goods In great variety , Zcph } re , Card lioardx ,
Iloslcry , Glo\e8 , Coracta , ic. Cheaptut House In
the Wont. Purchascrii sa\o 30 per cent. Onlcr
by Mail. 116 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE&80NS , cor. Hth& Jackson Bt
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnhtni 8M ,
Welshans Brog. , proprietors.
Urocer * .
K. BTEVENS , 21gt between Cumlng nd Ir > r
r A. McHHANK , Corn. 23d and Cuuilnif BtrocU.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel ,
OLAN & LANGWORTIIY , Wholesale , 110 tat
112 16th street
/ HOLMES corner 1Mb and California
Harneu , Saddle * , &c.
U. WKIST 20 18th Bt. bet FaroIlarney. .
Hotel !
, ANFIELD HOUSEGoo. Canfleld.Oth & FarnhAD )
DORAN HOUSE , P H. Cary , 018 Farnham St.
SLAVEN'8 HOTEL. K. Slaven , 10th St.
Boutlicrn Hotel Qua. Hamel Oth & Leavenvrortb
Orugi , Paints and Ulli ,
en rtniclst8 , Fine "anc Uooda , C'or. Iltn nd
Douzin ttreeU
W.i. WIIITEIIOUfK , WholwaleiRetail , 16thet.
0. FIELD , 2022 North Slue Cumltig Street.
PARR , Druiwist. 10th and Howard Streets.
DR. PAUL , Wllllame' I'lock Cor. 16th ti Dolge.
Dry Qoodt Notlont , Etc.
( Jew York Or ) Goods Scon. , 1310 and 1812 Furn-
him utrcct.
li. 0. Kncwold also tootd and shoe * 7th & Paclflu
A F. DROSS , New tnd Suond Hand Furniture
nd Stoves , 1114 Dcuclil. Highest cash price
aid ( or Bccond toK ) zoom.
.BONNER 1S09 lisnrJ * at. Fine goodi , Ac ,
f rrco WorKt.
OUST , FRIES * CO 1813 HarneyBt. , ImproT *
d lot Boiei , Ircc and Wood Feneet , OfEe *
, CotuU n Pine and Walout-t
Cle r < and Tobacco ,
( VEST tt FRITSCDF.R , manufacturer * of CUars ,
nd Wbolpnale D altrii n Totco , 1305 Doocliw.
If. r tiORRVERN manutaclimr 1110Kurnhum
A lX > r > a hueplMil , cut flowers , lefvli , ooqoot *
tc N. W cor ItM an I Douclai direct *
Civil EnRlneer * nnd Surveyor * .
ANDREW R03K\\ATER , Crrlchlon HlocX ,
Town Siirio9 , OraJoand Sowcrairo Sjjtcmo
Uommlulon Merchant * .
D n 11KEMER. Fonlctalli wo lareo aUertlw
naont In IHII\ and Wcokli
Cornice Work > .
Wcntern Cornice ork , Muntifacturcn Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofllnit. Orders
from RIIJ Ic allt ) prompt ! ) fxrcutol In the Iwel
manner. Factor ) and Oll'co 121S llarnc ) St.
C , SPKCIIT , Proprietor.
Qihanl/cxl Iron Cortilaw , Window Cajia , etc. ,
manufactured and put Up In anj part of the
country. T SINIIOLU 416Thirteenth strret
J DONNER ISO * ) I > ouitla elroot. Good line.
Clothing and Furnlihlng Good * .
GEO II. PKTERSON. Also llatfl , Capn , ITooU ,
Shoo , Notions and Cutler ) , EKM 3. 10th trcet.
Retrlgerator * . OanHeld' * Patent.
0. F. GOODMAN llth St , bet. Farn. A lUrney
Show Cate Manufactory.
Manufacturer and Uo.\lcr In all kinds of Show
Ca c , Upright CMCS , 0 ' . , 1317 Cans St.
FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha
Show Case niinulactorj , S13 South 16th street ,
botttecn LoMcnorth and Marcy , All icoods
warranted flrn-claiw
Pawnbroker * ,
ROBKNFELP. 10th St. . hot. f A lltr
Utove * ana inware.
Dealer In Stoves and Tlnwnrr , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs and all kludi of Building Work ,
Odd Fellow a'Block.
J. BONNER. 1309 Douglas St Good and Cheap.
Seed * .
J. KVANS , Wholnnlu and Kett.ll Seed Drills and
CultUatore , Odil Follow * Hill
Phytlclani and 6urgoon * .
W S. QinitS , M. D. , HooDi No 4 , Crelghton
Block , 15th Street
P. S. Lr.lSllSKlNO , I. 1) . Manonlc Block.
C. L. HART , 51 1) , Ejr and Eiir , opp i > osUlIlic
Dlt. L li GUADDY.
Oculletand Atirmt. S. W 16th nnd Farnham St
Photogrnpner * .
Grnn 1 Central ( lallcr > ,
212 sixteenth Street ,
near Maoo-ilc Hall First-elva Work and Prompt' '
Plumbing , Cut and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY \ CO. . 21012th bt , , bet. Fnrnham
and Douthiork promptly nttcndc.1 to
1) 7ITZPTKIOK. . 140) ) Douelai Street
alntlng an npor
'IENRY A KOSTERS. 141 l > edie Street
Slioo bcoro * .
1'hllllp Lang , 1820 Farnham Bt Aiet ISth ft 14th
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR , 1410 Donclm St. . New and
Second Hand Hitniture. House Knrnl hlnpOooil ,
\c. , lioiu-ht anil sold on narrou nan-Ins
In tne ntn brick block on Douglas Strict , has
Just opened n most dopant HICJ Hall
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
cvtr > ila ) .
" Caledonia "J FALOONKU BT9 16th Street.
Undertaker *
CHAS RIEWE , 101V Firnhaiu hot. 10th i lltd
DO ( Jent Store * ,
f O HAl'Kl'l leoS Farnham St , P ncv Onnt-
A Sure Cure Found at Lastl
No Olio Nocd Suffer !
A sure cure for Dllnd Bleeding , Itching and
Ulcerated Piles hislxicn discovered hj Dr. Wil
llam , ( an Indian reined } , ] called Dr. William's
Indian Ointment A studio box has cured the
woret chronic cases of 25or SOjcars standing. No
one need suffer five minutes alter npplj in ) ; this
wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions , Instru
ments and electuarka do more harm than good ,
William's Ointment absorbs the tumors , alia ) H
the Intense Itching , ( partlculaaly at night after
getting warm In bedacts as a poultice , gites in-
otftnl and paliiloa * relief , and Is prepared only ( or
Piles. Itching of the prhato parts , and for noth
Ing else.
Read what the lion J. U CclHnborrj of Cle\e-
and sa > s about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oint
ment : I ha\o used scores of Piles cures , and it
affords mo p oaaure to gay that I hat never found
anything which ga\o such Immediate and perma
nent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment
For sale b > all druggists or mailed on ruculpt of
price. < 1 00
HENRY & CO. . Frop'n. ,
For nalo by 0. F Goodman
A Care GanranteoiL
Dr. K C Wcst'H Ncnu and Iliaiii Treatment
A specific for Iljdtcrin , liizzlncfs , Contulslons ,
Nir\om Headache , Mental Ooprobslon , Losaof
jU'uior > , SpermatorrhaaImp3ten-y , Itno'untar
Km tBlons , Primaturu Old Ajo , caused by 01 < r-
cxortion , self abiiHo , or nvcr indulgente , ulicli
lends to iniuerj , dicij and death. One box "III
euro recent cases Ha h box contains one month's
treatment. Ono dollar a box , or i-K boxen for
Iho dollars ; sent > > > mall prepaid on ricdpt. of
price. \ \ ogunranieu six boxes t > curu an ) cisc.
uith each onkr received bj us for tix boxes , ac-
coini auitd with live dollars , ill send thu pur
chaser our urittin gunrantcu to return the
money if the treatment does not til ct ac ire.
C K Goodman , Drifrgitt , bole , Wholesale ami
llctail Agent , Omaha , ] Seb , Orders by
regular price.
ree to Everybody !
A Beautiful Book for the Asking.
Hy appl > ln porijonallv at the nenrcnt office
by postal card If at a distance. ) anj ADLI.T per
soil ill bopresontcJ with a beautifull ) lljus
rated cop } of a Now liook entitled
- OH TUB -
containing a Immltomo and cotly steel i ii'rav- |
Inir frontlnpicree ; also , 24 finely un'ra\od ( wood
: uts , and bound In an elaborate blue and gold
llthOKraphed e.t ) > cr. No Chirac M hatocr Is made
( or this handsome book , which can bo obtained
only b > application at thu branch and subor
dlnato olllces of The Sinner Manufacturing Co.
Principal Omce , 34 Union Bquaro , New York
oct27'dmbctf < fcw
mi m
BT 1
ILER & CO. ,
Bolo MQDtifaotnrerH. OMAHA.
Geo. P. Bern is
ICth and Dodge Oil. , Omaha , Nab ,
Tbli gene ; aotaBTiut7l.Tabrolteri.KoljUJilnn3.
Oils ut ipoculaU tnd thercforn n >
rtnnVii ftra n nrM' ' t/i nn
The \VowlorfUl Wonlth of ft
Society Near Pltt burcr
Ono of the most rotnnrk.iMo mon in
tins country is Jacob Himriei , of Hut-
iiuiny , n lloumlutiK town on the ua t
bank of the Ohio river , iibout liulf bo-
twcon I'lttsbiin ; nntl tins city , lin-
ngmo nmi 78 years of ngo , inudiuin
sir.o , who in his youth must 1 ftvows
Hoasiul a woll-knit , muscular friunu.
but whifh now shows the utlocta of
ngo anil atnoro toil in bout shuuliluis
and slow niovomunts , his lioiul , liald
on the top , frnigud with a profiioiou of
snow wluto hixir , chin vlnikcrs of tlu >
snniB color , largo fuaturos , benoMilont-
ly cast , ck'i\r blue cyui , a voice musi
cal , although hivx'ini ; n ( itroiiiOurmnu
nccont , auu you have a faint likenesi
of Mr. Honrici. Add to it a loosely
fitting suit of dnrk blue broadcloth of
nntiqimted cut nnd an uinnonao broad
brinnncd silk hut , nnd the portrait is
more complete. Although llnrmony
is his home , Mr. llonrtui divides his
time about evenly between that place ,
I'ittsbnrj ? nud IJonvur Rills. He H
coiistixntly tni\elini ; backward and for
ward betneen the plicos muntioned ,
nnd is always apparently overburdened
oned with work. Ho ruptcsonts , with
an assistant , intoresta estnu.itcd to bo
worth $40,000,000 This enormous
sum of money has buen accumulated
siuco 18125 by honest labor snd shrewd
investment , lively imssmj ; day adds
thousands of dollars to tlio fortune ,
and its possessors bolievmi ; in the
second coining of Olinat. hold the
money to expend m His ulorillc.itmn
when Ho shall appear once more upon
the onrth
In 1805 n colony of Gorman Luth-
oians , numbering hundred ,
gathered together their olfects nnd departed
parted from their homes in the fath
erland They souuht in America a
spot where they might enjoy the ro
hgiotis freedom of which they wore de
prived in Jacob Jlunnci
was a child among the number. Tins
colony first settled in H.trmouv , PH. ,
and afterward , in 1815 , mo\ed , 1.000
strong , to a place christened Now
H.umony , on the banks of the W.i-
bash ruer , in Indiana. The colony
\\.i3 managed on communistic ] > nnci
pies. Its inumbcrs ow nod and enjoyed
the products of their labor in common.
They married , had children , h\ed
plnmiy and piospoiod. The iinctoat
economy w.xs practiced , no idlers were
allowed in the fami'y ' , and had it no !
been for the pestilent fevers of the
W.ibnsh , Indiana in all probability
would have enjoyed to-day the posses
sioiiu which the Harmointea brought
back into Pennsjlvania. Two or three
hundred of the community died of
malaria fe\ur before its manau'ers , by
n majority ofote , decided to mo\o
to Economy , the present site of the
community. With the change of the
name of the settlement from Harmony
to Economy the members styleil thom-
sulv'LS Kconomites , instead of llnr-
moiutes. An attempt was made on
one occasion to st.nt a rival society in
Ph llipshurg , only : i short distance
from Economy , by a disullected fac
tion of the old community , but after
a short time the organi/ntion died.
The Economites arc very reluctant to
give any information to the ptiblie , re
garding the details of the infernal or
ganization of the society to-day. Ja
cob Henrici and Jonathan Lonye are
its trustees , and they do all the busi -
ness of thu society. Mr. Ilenrici is
in reality the hond of the concern.
There is a council of nine men , to
whom all questions to which the
trustee sfeol unable to decide are re
ferred , and in cases of very grout im
portance , aiFccting the intutests of the
entire community , all of its members ,
male and female , are admitted to thu
council , and they have an equal voice
in the decision. But very few people
outside of the society know of how
many members it is at present com
posed. Mr. Henrici has , upon sever
al occasions , when the question was
put to him , evaded it. From a gentle
man thoroughly familiar with the so
ciety , I learn that thu original mule
members , and possibly tuico that
number of females. Recently SON oral
people who were children of diccased
members of the community Imyu been
admitted to membership , but it is not
probable that fifteen years hcncu any
ot the original memberu of the society
will bo alive.
Should their woildly wealth bo di
vided pro rata among them , each of
the membeiii of the society would
probably have § 1,000,000. Owning
this vast wealth , they hoard it as a
trusttobodevotudat Homo time for
the glonlication of their Sivior. There
is much curiosity among the pcoplo of
thoMirronndin < , ' country to know w lint
will be'como of the Euonomituii' mon
ey when the mi'inburs of the society
die. No ono Huems to think the com
munity will bo perpetuated. The
inomlnTH of the SOCK ty , however , bo
hove that if the second conni'g of
Christ is delnyed beyond the putiod
of their lives it will cartumly como in
thu future , and they expect to ute thu
society in a state of flourishing htu before -
fore ! thuy die , and duv ( to thu money
to the oiigmal purpose of its found
ers ,
Some idea of thu extent of thu pos
sessions of thu Economites may bu de
rived from thu following partial utatu-
ment of thmr propoity ; Economy
Township , 2,800 acres ; City of IJtav-
or Falls , 700 acres ; Tuliout , Warren (
county ( oil ) , 0,000 acres ( on this land
some of the first oil discovered in thu
Warren region was found ; it sold for
815 per barrel ) ; Michigan , 5,000 acres
Farming lands ( bought for n commun
ity which afterward failed ) ; the Par- 1
lington coal mines , Heaver county. In
this city alone the value of the Econ-
omites' property ia closely estimated
at $5,000,000. They own the Heaver
County Hank , thu cutlury works , steel
works , car works , pottery works , a
majonty of thu stock of thu shovel
works , they are interested in the gas
tnd waterworks , thu magnificent wat-
- r power of the city , and thu Western
file works. They own many dwellings
uid stores in Hettver Falls , an im-
nense tract of land in Dakota , one-
fourth of the cipital stock of the
Pittsburg and Lake Erie railroad , foi
which they have been offered doublu
its par value , and of which Mr. Hen-
nci in President , they alno own thu
Little Saw Mill Hun railroad , which
does a big business , thu Pittsbun. ,
CJhartiers and Ooughloghuny railroad ,
now in process of construction ; they
arc stockholders in thu Hirmmgham
Waterworks of Pittsburg , the Hridgo
company at Uoaver Falls , and they
own the Heaver division of the Erie
canal i now vacated.
Ton years ao this plnco was almost
a wilderness In 1808 ' two mnginti-
cent d.iins were built ncrim the Heaver -
er river by the PitWiurg nud Erie
canal company These dams ga\o n
tremendous water power , the \nluo of
nhich for mnmifactutn > purpoies the
CcouomiU's were quick to see. In
1870 they began _ to build works and
luu' indented their investments over
since. Other gontlemi'ii were asso
ciated with them , nnd ma majority
of cases the milla bear tlio names ami
are managed by those who have no in
terest in the society ln-jmid using
money. Nature has IKM-II \ ory gener
ous to the now city. N itural gas and
salt have been obtained bj drilling ,
and both of these _ products are used
In the manufactories. The adjoining
hillsides vunld coalf limestone and sin
eral variotiei of cliy The heaver
Fulls Cutlerjcompauv is the most mi
portunt industry heie It is one of
the largest establishments of thu kind
in the country. Vlnladolphians will
probably remember its exhibition at
the Centennial , and jnrticularly its
great kmfo nnd fork. I'lmy are the
larueat ever madu in the world , and
of mmelous beauty and tinuli. The
kmfo is ! > feet and 7 inches long , nnd
the blade 10 inches vulo The hand
les are of solid carved ivory and the
whole cost SI,000. The works cover
two acres. The buildings aie of brick
and ntono. The comp.mj omplo } 'JOO
men , and the rapidity with which , by
means of improved m ichtnory , knives ,
forks , scissors and sluars are nrndo is
marvelous. The steel from which the
cutlery is manufactured is nmdo at
thostuul works hero , under patented
processes owned exclusively by the
company. The iuventinii is such that
in rolling long strips of steel the bo\
els of the kmfo and shear blades me
norfected by the single operation , do
ing nwny wiih the mcessity of foig-
ing the separate blades These strips
of steel , as they como from the mills ,
hear minks : it thu pi nits whole the
blades are to bo sopirated by shears ,
after which , by Other sheais , they
are cut lengthwise , thus making two
blades ready to bu uniinid and pol
ished. Two-hundred ot these blades
can bu cut in a minute , xnd , although
about forty ditlurent processes must
bo applied before the kmfo M limshod
thu company can prodiiio 1'JOO do/on
of finished goods pel d.ij llem.v T.
Ueeves is Proiidout of the company
and John Reeves Secrotaiy and
Treasurer. During the panic ot 187il ,
when industries of all' descriptions
every w hero were prostrated , the Econ
omites had the cash m hand to mis
lain their works bore They have do
nated lands and moneto the erec
tion of behools and churches , ; mil are
noted for their kiudmsi and libeiali-
ty towaid the workingmen , Neany
L',000 mon and boys are emplojed in
the dilleront works.
How a. Pnlr of Cow Boys were Unmask
oct by an Aged Stock Rulaor.
I'emvr Ne' .
The first thing that a tenderfoot does
when ho comes to Denver is to won
der where the mountains nroaml then
to look about for the standard desper
ado of eastern Moratino. The moun
tains are , of course , dimly discernable
in the distance , although the tender
foot is not ulwajs exactly certain
whether they are the bill or only an
insubstantial bank of cloud. A simi
lar hallucination is opt to bo expe
rienced with regard to the desperado.
The hirsute youth , with n cartwheel
hat , who is looked upon as embodying
all tlio characteristics of a dime novel
or literary weekly here , generally turn
to bo no more a nian-shijor than the
clouds are composed of granite.
The threatening presence of a po
lice station has encouraged th bold ,
bad man who kill for fun to emigrate ,
and the widu-hatted , long-haired ,
sauguary-lookiag follows who hang
around the Denver street corners are
for the most part hollow imitations of
the blood-tlnuty heroes of fiction.
Most of them , however , are ( unto
willing to bo mistakun for "Hitllalo
Uills , " and n u no little bragadoeio of
a harmless kind , with n view of giv
ing themselves .1 reputation for homi
cidal tendencies. This desire to ap
pear terrible is w ell understood among
themselves , and when ono of them
wishes to say smoothing particulai ly
il ittering of imoll tr , ho generally in-
dnlL'ts in lui'Ui''o which would by
ininy bo looked upon as extremely
Two of these worthies recently en
tered a tailwaj cir in which a NOWB
man was seated They weiu pictntes
quely atiiiud in Hombioros , nibbei
boots and po.ul colored suits of mili
tary cut. The ) glowered around the
car u moment and then seated them
selves and CDinnicnctid a whispered
convornition. Thoughts of train rob
hers Hashed thioiigh the minds of the
tender feet in the train , and a ton-
strvativo-lool.ini. old gentleman was
noticed to Bumptiously slip his gold
watch and pocket-book under the
cushion. Suddenly ono of the "Wild
Hills" stood up and there was a gen
eral movement among the tendui feet
to tnrovt U ] ) tin ir hands , and to allow
the supposed desperadoes to get
through with thuir woik , of acquiring
their booty as uxpuditiomdy as possi-
blu. Hut a general feeling of relief
was experienced when it was found
that the bloodthirsty looking fellow
merely wanted to borrow a chow of
"navy'1 from an acquaintance in thu
oppositu end of thu car.
JIo had Rcaicely left his sent , however -
over , when bin lompanum turned to
his nearest fullow-pusBunger , and re
marked ;
"That's the luudest man in Colorado
' '
"Has ho killed anybody ! "
"Killed anj body' You botcher
life. Mor'n you've got linger and
toes on you. Why , that's Di ad Shot
Hill , Nmer bus to waste a Htrond
cuitiidgu. Always takes'em ui inch
ubovu thu right oyu ' t
"Is ho a nil'bur ? " hesitatingly in
quired the passenger whom Dead
Shot Hill's companion had taken into
his confidence.
"Nuw1 Ho ain't nothin'of that
sort. Ho kills for sport , Wouldn't
steal nothin.
"Might I enquire if ho has allotuny
ono quite retuiitly ? "
"Waal , no ; not sincu a week ago Fn-
day that I can recollect on "
This wan carefully noted down by n
stout , fat gentleman , who appeared to
bu all ears and looked as though bo
might bu an English tourist.
"Well , don't thu authorities inoko
any attempt to- restrict hit nmuso-
ment' '
"Authorities' Ouess not. why he's
sheriir himself of tins county , and
since ho shut the last judge for lining
him for contempt of court when ho
shot a Inwjer that had the impudence.
ti say that n fellow the ahorill had
tnkon in foi stealing a horse wasn't
the right man , there hasn't been any
ih who felt like t-akiug his place. "
Then ho rose and joined his bloody
named companion.
"ln jou know these men ' "asled the
News man of a quiet looking , stock
man , who had got on at the same sta
"Know them' Well , yes , 1'vo
kiio\\ii \ tlinu for a few weeks , since
thej came fiom the east , and 1 hired
them to look nftor a thick of sheep ,
but IVo had to lot them go beouiso
they were afraid to leave the ranch on
account of thu Indians in their
When Thorn' * Will Thnro'n a
n Wiiy
Am ono who has the will to ttv THOM
AS' r.iKilliu On , will surely find thnwnv
to lobust health , in ia * < i ot luonchliU at-
fettliuiK , H no thnmt , pilm , eel. ; ixnd HH an
iiiteinil rouirdy It in nixnbmblo HI Iw
A coirrspondent of The Augusta
.i ' Chronicle tells the following an
ecdote of ( ! en. Uobort Toombs ,
' 'It soema that the general , some
httlo time back , took the cars at Union
Point for the ( .into City exposition.
Ho cr osu a back .seat , and placed his
carpet bag alongside himself. At ono
of the upper stations a man unac
quainted with thu celebrated Georgian
accosted him loughly as he entered
the car , saying 'Sir , take that ear-
pet bag uway , foi I want to sit down. '
Gen. Toombs cilmly pointed out to
this brusque stranger that there were
several unoccupied seats in the for-
waul part of the car. Hut the man
insisted tliat the general should put
his caipet bag on the Hour. This
Toombi i of used to do , but added
'If either the cm pot bug or myself
must go on the tloor. I mil go and
not the carpet bag Suiting the ac
turn to the weld , the general sat upon
the lloor and the man took thu vacant
scat. This athactod attention , and
some gentlemen appioached the
stiangcr and told him who Gun.
Toombs was. After this the man
apolngi/ed and ordeied the seat back.
Hut the guneral waxed him away , and
sail ! 'Keep it , sir , you are entith-d
to it for your rudeness. ' Then , turn
ing to the other occupants of the tar ,
ho said 'I will bet the diinks for nil
the dunking men that tbut man
( polling to the sttangor , who silt
aghast ) is fiom Atlanta , smcu it is ut
terly impossible for such audacity to
bo matched ulsuwhoio. ' My infoim
ant stated that the general's wager
was a safe one. "
r Tlii * .
Did j on over know any person to
bu ill without inaction of thustomach ,
liver orkulnejs , or did you uvur know
onuwas well when oil her was obat met
ed or nnctive , and did you over know
or hear of any case ( if the kind that
Hop HittuiH would not cure ? Ask
your nuighboi this same question ,
Times. ! ) -
Fluthoad Indians on tlio Kumpngu
llutte' , M T Tribune.
A gentleman who arrived fiom Dour
Lodgu last night status that abtcc < : o of
citement has been tuised on thu Flat
head reservation , and that the Northern
orn Pacilic engineers have boon'forcod
to lake a rest. While surveying on
the reservation , Unity-five miles
west of Missoula , the Hamilton
party vxa.s surprised by the sudden
appearance of an Imliiin , who shoved
one of the engineers aside. The above
was quickly reciprocated , whereupon
thu Indian drew his knife and was at
once reinforced by n do/.en wicked
looking bucks , who brandished their
weapons with unmistakablu intent ,
The .sin voyors , buing unarmed , indi
cated no desire for a light , and with
diow , leaving the savages masters ot
thu situation. Mr. Hamilton had pro
vioiirtly pucured permission from the
Flatluad chief to run his hnus through
thu reservation , but it appears that
the authority of that function
ary is not conceded by
hm led brethien who propose
to disposu him and substitute it mum-
bur of their tnbo of less civih/od prod -
d nit leu. At last accounts thu Indians
were in force , about Inu miliH from
the mono of their attempted intimida
tion and were engaging in a tirade of
abuHo against the oncioichinunts of
thu railroad company. Thu air is n >
sonant with w \vhoops , but no seri
ous d inger m behoved threatunsif pro
pur pietatitionB aie observed. Mi
Hamilton called on the Indian agunt
and later went to Minsouliilioru , if
necossaiy , a mil'lniy forcu willjloubt-
Itss bu ni'ciired foi thu protection of
In HIUHC times of quack mudicinu
adveitwfinontH ovuiywhuio , it is tinly
gratifying to lind onu lumedy that m
woitlij ot ptniriu , and which leilly
does as lecoinmundcd. Elcctnu Hit
ters , we can vouch foi as being a tine
and tollable lumedy , mid ono that
will do as recommended , Theyinvati-
bly cures stomach and liver complaints
diseases of thu ICidnuys and Urinary
( lilliciiltios , We know whereof wu
speak , and can reulily say , givu them
a trial Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
Ish * McMahon. ( )
Oculist and Aurist ,
Heltrunti a all IteputaMo julcl&im of Oinali *
, Corner IGth nntl Farnlmin Bt *
Olrldliu. Nl.l )
Dext6rLThomas&Bro , ,
Pay TP.XOB , Rent Houaoa , Etc ,
\t IOU WiNf TO HUT 0" "W.I
Oall at Oltlc-e , Ilnom . Crtl , I 'f i % , 0 naha.
Orriun Front lloouu ( up utaln )
ot > w brick building , M. W.
krnham BtttxjU.
M > > w jcvotirt any reasonable. rjupstlan tlwi tlm
> x . . u lrt ti i > cvroftiforymi totflkn wtiou twvclltisln pltlicrrtlrrftlon l'tv eo : ' '
' 'lucago and ill-onhfi Principal Points Iko Woit , North jnd Nortfiweit
fiHii.plmt Vnp The Pif-uMi i ( 'it r. > f thr ttrit inrt N , > rtlnrst JwSuHonj
oiiiiroi < i l ii < ti < uili : ualiii tuuh cinitf in ocllon * wtUi luo trlns cl * i' ' MI IT. nU M
iV' ' > xA' , ' 'rAi v Jn .y M Q4w \r
t 3\oU& , $ ± < i
ftVBuyTrAlTrVVA .l
Utjirindiial tlnpt.rimt onoli way dally from two to 'our or moro Viw I'Muyi ,
Ulliooiil ) iii.ul wostof t'lilr.iKotliatiisi'stlirt
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
. . ' J1VlLr"'J I'"ll ' ? i SlcrpliiR Can Vnrth or N'nrtlixvfst of Clilrai ; > 1
, \ ; ; / , rj1'V'-v' , ' ' / , " ' ' . ' . ' " " " | h to | | " " 'K ' ' 'riii ' | | < ' -i" " " " "
4i , , . i-iJ vrs' lit.10l | < r't'il.fomllv | ' ' " " " "Wlnoua , Minnesota & ( Vntr.xl riikii i UL ,
-.v ' " 'M"K ' "C i'lwJiiiaukton l.lnn.'lilrnioSt. ( I'.uil nuilMlniip.iiuilh l.lm- . I
'iT'.i."lll > < 1' ' ljiV1 ; ° u,1) 1"limu l.luo. " "Mllu.itilvcp.tlrconll.iy * Iikn : auporlnr i . '
Cat ! iiUs ° U < r r "r ° Sl)1 liy "ll t"01l' | ' ° " 'Hi'ket AKLMIIS fu the Uultctl" " i
Iti'iiH-inlicr In ink for Tickets \li this rnttl.lio sum tlioy rrixd orrrlt.nnil take non < rm , '
BAiyiX UUUlUTT.acu'l Mun.iKur.Ulilcaio. ; W. 11. hIK.N.NKIT.Ocii'l I'liss. Apcut , I'm. * *
HARRY P. ! > UKI , , TlaVit Ajcmt U.Vk N. W lUlluny , 14th nnd FMnhMn/.trocu <
D. K. KnillAI.L , Aiwlnlnnt Tlikot AijontO ANV lUlw | y , Uthltnil K rnh it litrantl
J. Itr.M , , Ticket ARontO. fc N W. lUUwiy , U P. 11 R. Uofioi.
8AM KS T. OI.ARK Oonnr l Aircnl.
The Oldest Wholesale and Till ? I.HAINNG
in'Omaha. Visitors can here IN lilt \VKHTI
General Agents for the
find all novelties
Finest and Best Pianos and
VER WARR. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured.
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
vhe Latest , Most Artistic , and Dealer.
and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold
PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of
WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe
ces as is compatible with Pianos , vose & Son's ' Pi
honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes.
and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren ,
Sterling Imperial Smith
, ,
Store Tower
, Building , American Organs , &c. Do
corner llth and Farnham not fail to see us before pur
Streets chasing.
Large Stock Always on Hand. dlScodU
Give the Bargains
At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who ReallyjWiBhoH a Pirat-
Oluss Article.
Are also Sold Exclusively by us.
THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office.
No. 1 , No , 2 ,
British Consumption Physic , Broniptou Cough Prescription ,
In loUIen ! 91.00 ouch , li for $5,00 , In Hottlun 7f > cents each , C
llraniptoii wlionca thu nl > n > u preHir ptlons were procured I > thu Larifmt and lloalSuci-i'aiul | ( Con-
Minnitlon llewpital In thu World , M thu "llroinpton , Consumptiou umi Coiuli HoinexlliH , " tlioubovo
Mtilltliifj lutuloni ; huen dueiuud In 1 nxlaml liifalliblu Curu for all Complaints of the and
? . IJ.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
SASH , , , , ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NS3