Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1882, Image 1
THE OMAHA > DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR , OMAHA , WHDKESDAY MORNING , JANUARY 25 1882. NO. J85 cv f I THE NATIONAL CAPITAL * Yesterday's ' Proceedings in the Senate and House. Very Little Business of In terest or Note Transacted in either House. A iMumber of Land Ofllce Confirmations , but None of Them Nobraskians. Mi < oollanoon Notes From tlin Nn- tlonnl Cnpltal. CONGRESS. National As oiUtctl 1'ros * I'llilCKKDlNtlS 1.VTIIK SKNATE. WAHHIXUION , January 2t. Mr. Edmunds , from the judiciary commit tee , reported a bill to amend the re vised statutes for the punishment ol polygamy and for other purposi'8 , with sundry amendments , and gave notice that an early consideration ol the bill would bo urged. Mr. Allison presented the ciedcn- tials of James F. Wilson , as a senator from Towa , which were laid on the ta ble , and Mr. MoUill , electid senatoi to fill vacancy , was sworn in by the president pro tain , The senate passed the bill for the relief of the widow of Pros- dent Lincoln , giving" her _ § 15,000 cash and increasing her pension fron ? 3,000 to 65,000. Mr. Call then addressed the senate on the funding bill. Mr. McPhoraon withdrew his pro po ? J amendment extending the time for payment nnd increasing theamoun to be funded 84,000,000 , , and said hi would support the funding bill will Mr. Vest's amendment. Debate on the funding bill was con tinuud by Messrs. Bayard , McPhorsoi and Beck , and at 4 p. in. the sonata wont into executive session and sooi after adjourned. rilOOKEMNOS IN THE HOUSK. A resolution was passed calling 01 the secretary of the navy for his rcas pns for refusing to establish a coal I in ! . ' station at Panama , as directoJ by i the last house ; calling on the state department for all correspondence be tween the department and govern ments , companies and persons relative to the Chili-Peru trouble , and asking the heads of departments for opinions as to the best way to improve the merchant marine. After further discussion the bill ap propriating 8375,000 for harbor ant coast defence passed without amend mont. The report of the cjinmitteo on ac counts , giving clerks to the various committees , was taken up. The dum ocrats opposed the appointment of so largo a number , and after discussion the house adjourned at 4:45 : p. m. CAPIXAI. NOTES. BTAK nOU.TK t'A8ESt , WASHINOTOK , January 24. The star route cases were resumed to-day. Hazoby , an editor of M rgan county , testified that Cabell owned ; 23OU , ( acres of land of n voidable value ol 25 cents per acre and assessed value of 50 cents per acre in that county , and Maxoy , clerk of the Morgan county court , identified on the map the plats of the land owned by Cabell as per record of the court. Nothing of importance was elicited. NOMINATIONS. Among the nominations sent to the senate to-day were Solomon S. Mat thews , of Michigan , to bo _ United States marshal of the East district of Michigan ; Sullivan McCutcheon , of Michigan , attorney of the United States for the East district of Michi gan ; Htnry M. Lewis , of Wisconsin , attorney of the United States'for the West district of Wisconsin ; Samuel Post , of Michigan , pension agent at Detroit ; Frederick K. Jones , of Louisiana , coiner of the mint of the United States at Now Orleans , La. CONFIRMATIONS. The senate in executive session to day confirmed the nomination of D. T. Bownton , pension agent at Knoxville - villo , Teiin. ; C. B. Luco , of Illinois , White Earth , Minn. Registers of land oflice John F. Fisher , at Topeka , Kns. ; B. J. F. Elnnna , of Kansas , at ' r Wa-Keeney , Kas ; M. J. Saltcr , of Kansas , at Independence , Kas. Re ceivers of public money Henry Booth , of Kansas , at Larncd , Kns , : Henry M. Waters , of Kansas , at Independence , Kas. Postmaster W. II. D. Noyos , at Carthage , III. MISOELLANKOUS. The charges against Oen. Carr by Wilcox have been laid before the president. Secretary Folgor says that ho will remain in the cabinet until the end of the presidential term. All members of the eibinot were present nt the mooting to-day to con sider the bills on Indian affairs pre pared by Secretary Kirkwood. Sev eral important nominations were dis cussed. Commissioner Rauin heard commit tees of the National Distillers' ' associa tion and the Wine and Spirit Traders' Bosioty on the details of the bill pro. posed by thorn pro\idingfor n reduc tion of the tax on whisky to 50 cunts , on imported spirits to $1 50 , and bund extension on bwth. PropnrluK for Rynn and Sullivan. National Atnociata ! 1'rcaH. JACKSIN , Miss. , January 24. The bill to prevent and punish nrizo fii'ht- ing in Mississippi passed the senate. CIIICAOO , January 21 Charles 0. Davies , "tho Parson , " leaves tomorrow row morning for New Orleans to ef fect the concluding arrangements for the Sullivan-Ryau fight. Ho stated that the proposed laws prohibiting prize fighting in thu state of Missis sippi would probably not bo in force in time to interfere with the proposed mill , but should it be , the affair will tnko plnco in Louisiana , where the olleiico is a fmo of only $25 on prin cipals. The report that Mike Mo Donald is putting up on aullivan is denied ; it , seems ho is opposed to Harry Hill ns stakeholder , and for thntreasinhas not taken an interest in the light furthnr than to run an excursion twin to Now Orleans , which leaves hero February Jld , nnd holding n bet of n couple of thousand dollars open on Sullivan , which has not been taken. Mr. D.ivica estimates that nt least a huh'drod thouwnd cVlnrs will change hands ever the ovent. The State Alllanoo 8v | hliJI patch to The Hio HAHTIKO'R , Nob. , January 24. One year | ago this month the Farmers' Stnto Alliance was orgaiii/ocl at Lin coln. At the mooting held in Sep tember llicro wuro 204 subordinate alliances represented , nil hnving been organized in loss than nine months. There nro probably 1150 in the stnto to-day. To-morrow thu Stale Alliance moots hero in special session. Mos of the delegates are already liore There will probably be an attendance of 250 delegates and the convonlioi will doubtless last two days. If tluiho now in the city nro fair samples of the membership of the organization , the time of thu convention will bo dovotoi strictly to business. Arnilt ( Jots Ninety Days 8 | > dispatch to Tin1 llkK. LINCOLN , .lanuary 21. Arndt np poured in court this morning ant received n sentence of three months the county jail of Lancaster county. Mr. Rodick argucd u motion for a now trial , which was overruled. * Fires. National AiMAi'lutod Tress. t BuAiNKiti ) , Minn. , January 24. The explosion of a lamp started u tin. in a saloon on Laurel street , which soon destroyed the entire block be tween Fiftjj and Sixth streets. Al the buildings wore small frame struc tures , belonging to J. L. Starchor. Loss , § 0,000. TEKKK HAWTK , Tnd. , January 24. A lire in the wholesale notion house of Havana & Guades caused n loss 01 buildiiiL' of § 2,000. and on stock of 818,000 or 820,000 : fully insured. AuuoitAull. , January 24 A di rectors' car valued nt 814,000 , two smokers , a wrecker and sovora coaches , valued in all at ? CO,000 , were burned this morning at the C. B.'A , Q. shops. The lire is supposed to bo intendiary NEW YOUK , January 24. This evening a lire , causing a loss of 815- 000 , occurred in George Tieberg's furniture - nituro factoryNo. 197 Chrystio street. The building is in the icnr of the London theatre , nnd tor a few mo nionts there was somu pxcitemen among the audience , butboin nssuroc by the manager that there was no dan ger , they loft the theatre in good or der. LONO BRANCH , January 24 A fire hnre to , dfr < - destroyed the cott-ago o David Kinjf"of Now York. Loss 815,000. The adjacent cottages o George W. Pullman , John Kooy and others were saved by the firemen. Railway Matters National Associated I'rutw. PHILADELPHIA , January 24. P.rosi- dent Gowuii , of the Heading road , it is announced , will sail for Europe February lOUi to complete a scheme for taking tho.road out of the hands of the receiver , lie expects to BO' euro the removal BOOH of the injunc tion deferred bond scheme , to which ho claims he has already a 8200,000 subscription from ono European bank ing house. NEW YOHK , January 24. The officers of the trunk lines who recent ly agreed to a partial settlement ot the railroad war , held a meeting to day at the ollicu of Commissioner Fink to perfect the details of the agreement and also to select an ad visory commission , The names of the gentleman to form the commission are agreed upon but will not be made known until their acceptance is re ceived. WASHINOTON , January 24.A con ference of railroad men was hold at Willard'a to-night , said to have been brought about by Mcflortun , of Phil- idulphia , and attended by Cossatt , of the Pennsylvania ruad and Vail , of the New York Central , and otlun. It is repotted that it was decided to in crease the passenger rate from Now York to Chicago from 810 to 812 and ; iut first clans freight rates up to 70 cunts. H > | h Water in Toiiuestioe- NASHVILLE , January 24. The river continues to fall slowly. The damage done by this rise is estimated at $100- 000. 000.John John Drake ( colored was drowned last night ; no other lives have been lost in the city. At noon there was Ifty-threo feet four inches , showing a decrease of ono foot eight inches. This is given up to bu the highest rise in thu Cumberland in the history of Nashville. Telegraphic reports state that theTcnnmico river is rising. S'o trains over the Northwest division as yet , and it will bo several days be fore they resume. Thu poor fund lum reached about 812,000. Oliuohlnc Tlieir Election. DKH MOINHH , January 21. A bal lot was again had for United States senator , resulting in thu election of .lumen F. Wilson for the long torin and James W. C. Dill for the short erm. This was done because of doubt as to thu legality of thu former elec- .ion. . A Bad Man- Vnt'onal ' 1'reaa ociutlon , ST. Loi'ia , January 24. Sylvester lenderton , nn ash gatherer , fatally : ut Richard Hindi this evening [ 'ho crowd put a rope around thu luck of Henderson and were about o lynch him when policemen ruahod lim off to the station , DOWN OUT OF SIGHT. Tlio Mercury Skirmishing Around the Bulb , And Paralyzing thu Cold- Blood jd Deniaens of the Cold-Bloodod East. The Satno Kind of Weather General frotn Hiohmond to Manitoba , Ami Cold Enough to Frcorn the Urns * Ball * ot a Pawu- Sign. Nitloiml Associated Prew. ALHA > Y , .Jiinu.iry 24. Thu ther mometer was between 12 and lit de grees below vsoro in tliia neighbor hood ut LO n. in. WooNsorKET , U. 1. , January 24. Tlio thermometer was 20 bi'low in this neighborhood this morning. During the night it went to ISO below CiiicAiio , January 21 - The wea.thor at this point ia moderating rapidly. At 8 n. in. HID thermometer stood tit 18 degrees above , but by half-past LI it had risen to 118 above. Clour and moderating weather ia repoilod ginor.illy fiom the northwest. SAU\TOUA , .lanuary 21. The ther mometer at 8 p in. yesterday was lit bolnw zero ; at ti n. in. to-day , 32bo - low. No winds , and the air is cool. NnwYoiiK , January 24.-Tho ex traordinary cold snap in this locality culminated to-day in the fall of the murcury to two below , which point was reached at G a. in. , roin.tinin sta tionary till 10 a. in. , whim it began to rise , and at 3:30 : p. in. marked ton above and at midnight eight above. A number of persons wore frozen in Brooklyn. Lowest thermometer ono below. MONTUKAL , January 24.Voimor , the Canadian weather prophet , made the following prediction to day : Tii my opinion the weather will moderate toward thu 25th , 2lith and 27th days and sudden ly dip again to low readings , possibly with snow falls on thu 28th , 2'Jth ' anil 30th , the last dip moderating to general - oral snow falls chii'ily to the west ward with my almanac , but I must say T did not look for such aspioad of the cold wuvo. The mouth of Feb ruary is likely to follow in the track of either 1878 or 1881 , which T cin't yet determine , but in either case the picture * presented is about thu name , namely very cold weather. MONTHKAI. , January 24. The cold wave still continues , with slight signs of abatement , the thermometer rang ing at various points through this nrovincy and lake regions from 20 to 40 bulow. "Vennor's success is BO pronounced ho is about to issue a monthly bulletin pamphlet. RICHMOND , Vu. , January 24 The weather to-day has been colder than at any time this ye > r. The thermom eter this morning stood at 12 degrees above zero ; at noon , 28 , and at G p. M. , 22 degrees. At Williamson , on the Richmond and Allegheny railroad , at 6 r. M. , the weather was reported clear and cold , 18 above , with similar reports from Lexington and Lynchburg , allen on the line of the above road. BO.STON , January 24. The weather throughout New England has boon colder to-day than a many yeara. The thermometer in this city ranged from 10 to 30 btilow zero tliia morning and in some sections ot Now England went to 40 bolow. At G this evening it was 5 degrees below z-ro hero. PoTTrtviLLK , Pa. , January 24. Re ceived here uhow the state of the thermometer ns fillow-H. Itmford , P.i. , 24 below zero ; Tilusvillo , li below ; Eist : Mahonry Junction , 40 below ; Pottsvillo , ( i below ; Allen'nmi ' , I3olh lehem , WillianiHpnrt and Sliamokm , 5 below ; Noiiihttiwii , 3 below ; and Reading I above -/oro. leo in from 9 to 11 inches thick in this vicinity. WINMPJO : , Minn. , January 24 The weather has been intensely severe for the i ast four dajs , the tlicrmninu- tor ranging steadily from 20 to 40 h low. Tiio mercury is now rising and it is snowing There is good sleigh ing but not much done. Small Pox. Na Innal As-iocmed 1'rtns. PINE UUJKK , Ark. , January 24 - Small pox is mill raging in Hamhur/ ! and the surrounding country. A ho- lel where three cases have broken out lias been quarantined. LAKAyuTTK , Tnd. , January 21 The city authorities are erecting n small pox hospital here in order to propiirly treat expected cases of thu disease. CiiK'Aoo , January 21 , - Eight now cases of small pox and ton deaths are reported for yesterday. Peiir JKKVIH , N Y , January 21. small pox in spreading fait. There lave boon G7 cises thus far toportod and 7 of them fatal. WASHINGTON , January 21 , The mtional board of health has had re- jortod to if. for the week ending the ! lst , 23 deaths from small pox in 'hiladolphia , 1 in Illion , N. Y. , 1 in Crio , 1 in IndianapoliH , 1 in Moline , II , 10 in Allegheny , Pa. , and 2 in > t. Louis. WILMINOION , Del. , Jiinnary 24. I'ho cily is to-day reported t < bo cn- irely frco from small pox for thu list time in 10 months. There is not a ciso in tiio hospital. J'JULADKMMIIA , January 24.-Dr. rtalcomb McFurlund , a prominent West End physician , was fined § 50 y the health board to-day for neglect- in. to report a case of snull pox Mrs. Helmboldt , proprietress of n a-ihionnblo boarding house , wastnkun II with a malignant typo of the din- ease and di d in throe days. The body was kept in the IIOUBO several lays before the funeral took place , .n the building were twenty.five boardora nnd servants vim were ig norant of the C.IUKO of her death. Tliis was followed by the death of ono of the servants , when the facts be came known. Three of the boarders were teachers in the IVunsylvdiiia Charter school , a private ( junker in stitution , and in order to yrovout contagion the school was closed for three weeks. St. Lorts , January 21. Four deaths from umal pox at qturmitinu and ono now CASU in the city \vai re ported to-day ; none in Kwt St. Louis or suburbs. PiTTsntno , January -Fourteen now cases of small poi are reported in the city to-day and 0 in Mloghany. Efforts to Liberate a Thlof. National AnMclatnl I'm * . OTT\WA , Out. , Jnmmry 21.The friends ot James Carnil alia1 ? Jones , of Chicago , confined in the Kingston penitentiury for complicity m thu col- ebr.itod § 10,000 robbery , emitiiiuo to make every effort to sirurohis pardon and liberation. Hi * brother-in-law paid a visit to him in 1m cell at Kingv ton last Friday nnil delivered a mes sage from the prisoners wife , who , it nppoara , is well conn ' 'cd She mort gaged herhouso for S I.MX ) and placed the money in the hiu ls of Montreal lawyers to defray the \nensos of got- tin her husband out On tin-strength of tliia , the brotlior-iii lnv had crime to Kingston expecting < very mommit to receive the necessary p.ipora. llo had on hia person ? . 000 in bills which ho was prepare * ! t. . . spend in the interest of the oonvii-t Me is a small , genteel looking man tux ! is siid to bo very wealthy. Ills ncti. > n in thu matter - tor is in behalf of his < iatervho is living at his homo in Chicago. Riotous Fro limou. .Vatlotml A .soc atcd I'rc-a. TiiKNTON , N. J. , January 2t. The JVlercor county iji.uid jury has found twenty indictments against students for malicious mischief. All the culpritu are frcshiuun of ' 85 , and their special crime mis smashing sixteen street Iniuos. Tlmy had per sistently indulged in other amuse ment , but not to such extent. Among thu indicted are youi.g ItiggJ , son of the Washington banker , and Ilnlsoy , nuphuw of Congressman Halsoy. Ell'ortH will bo nindo to keep their names quiet , but all will have to plead to the indictment on Frid.iy. Marino Intcllicouco. N'ntlonnl AxnocUtoil Piaw. NKwYouK , January 24. .Sailed The Wisconsin for'Liverpool. PLYMOUTH. January -Arrived The IJoheinia undJlio Frios.iw from Now Y'ork to Hamburg. HEI VOKT , January 24.-Sailed The Walscottou for , New York. LivKKi'OOL , January 24. Arrived The Bavarian from liuatou , and the British Queen from Philadelphia. GLASGOW , January 24. - Arrived- The State of Florida and the State of Alabama from Now York. The Conductor Alto Arrested. N tlem l Aiwoclatod Tree . NKW YORK , January 24. George T. Uanford , conductor ofthe train run into mt S ; > u J.u Duyvil on the 13th , was arrested this afternoon and hold in § 3,000 for trial by order of Coroner Moikle , who said the evidence - denco demanded Hanford should be put on the defense for not strictly obeying the rules of the company re quiring him to see the approaching train was warned , and holding him equally responsible with thu brakeman - man Molius. Wholesale Capture Cof Tr mp National AusocUUd l'ru < . ST. Louis , January 21. Oakland , a station on thu Missouri Pacific , wna captured by a gang of trumps who competed the citi/.oas to supply them with everything they demanded , The St. Louis chief of police went on a special tiain and c.iptuiud the entire gang and brought them to this city. I'hey are charged with burglary and burning fourteen lrciglitoti , and h.ivo been a terror to the neighboiliood fjr Huveral weoks. Moxlcnn MuttcrH CITV OK Miixn n , .liiuuary 24. The nsigniiioa of H n ir Xiiaicana , Mex ican minister t < > Himhington , is at- tubutcd to the Inwtihty of Miriscil , Hecrotary of fureigu relations. The I ) mo , uoveiniiiL'iit organ , to-diiy de nies llii.'i report , .mil also the rumor that Sunor M.ti iac.d will succeed Vi mi- nc.icana. The piesident IH still nick , nnd will appoint .1 miniatur to Washington on hit recoveiy. Cattln to Canada. ftatlonrfcl ANHnoi tAtl I'rtn * . MONTHKAL , January 24. Corres pondence buiweeii the Canadian inin- i.stt-r of agriculture and thu votun- naty duparnncnt of theimpurial pi ivy council will result in permission being accorded immediately for the importa tion of cut llo for feeding purposes from the United States on tint Hamo terms a < to qiuiantino as cattle from England. Corporation * DodulnuPuyinout. PHILADKLI-HIA , January 21. Thu Huuruniu court to diy hoard argument. in thu 0,1 HO of thu St. Louis gaslight c.iinpany . and a rnal c'impiny in this city , urimng on the dei th of Mrn. 3inih Vintuii , UH to which should piy the income on ono hundred shares of stock for which tluiy are mutually re sponsible , DUCII-IUII was reserved. Ciillnotor itolibod- Vitlonal AiKOijlntc-j | 'ruH . OiiiOAOO , J uiuary 21.This after- loon a collector ot B. F. Murray , a argo packer , w.w robbed of 81,800. ! left the money in his buggy , ut he corner of Thirty-fifth street , and Yurnon avenue , for a moment , when .hreo young fellows drove up in a ) uggy and s.ole it. Awful Fute. National Ai oclatcil Viw . PnThiiuiui , , Jauuary St.--At the l'dgar ] Thninpson steel works to-night a man named Nicholas Moore full into the blooming null engine and was lit * erally gcpund to pieces , PORTER FEELS BETTER , And His Deep Tones Make the Assassin t Squirm Aa Ho Depicts iu All Its BaBouoaa the Vile Docd of tbo Villain. Fears Sntortixinod Last Bvou- inp ; that Quitonu Contein- plutod Suicido. ThoJniltroVlll ClmrRo the Jurj- To-day , ami tiio Jurv Go Out To-nttli | - \tlonM As oiiiti'd I'lvi" . WvsntNtiioN , January 21. ( tiiit- eau diu'iieit the proceedings by deny ing the genuineness ot u card published - ed nver his name , and a warning to cranks , two of whom ho understood liinl been nrioMcd thU morning : that ho was in tbo hands of the couit , and that any one attempting to do him harm would be shot down. Judge Portur resumed hisargnnient at live tuiimte.s past 10. Ho referred to the fact that the piisoner , us usual , opened court , anil then roitor.itod the stati'iiuMit of yesterday tlnit the do feline watt founded upon elutiu , that tlio disciples of fSuitoauisin wore eon- lulotit of | ) i rputuating the sham , but the jmv will probably learn that Giiit- eau was a li-ir and murderot from the beginning , and by culture a moral monshosity. Further along , Guitenu interrupted and called Judge Porter a "wine bib- blor" and asserted that Attorney- General j\lacAreagh \ did not think him guilty. "Thou , " said Judge Porter , "Whon 1 tell you , gmitlomoii of the jury , that MacVengh himself tnld mo his wish and that of the president and t tie cabinet , you may judge whether MuoVeagh dipped his hands in Gar- field's blond. " Porter said if the at torney general sent him word to stop the trial heonld bo as dumb as the dead Garlieldorastmomurdoror would be when the court hud pronounced the sentence which would follow the verdict. Porter referred to ono pub lic statement of the prisoner , which Guitean and Seoville claimed contain ed his lirst declaration of divine in spiration , and said the document con tained nothing of the kind. Scovillo objected to the introduc tion of the alleged contentsof the doc ument not in evidence , and was uns tained by the court. Scovillo also ob jected to Porter's citation of the de cision in the Colunan case in Now York , and Porter handed up the law to the court. Porter next paid attention to the people charged by Guitoau and his counsel its responsible for the death of Gariiold , reciting the list , which in cluded a president , an ox-prosidont nnd Mrs. Gariiold , Mr. Rlaino nnd Senator Conkliug , John II. Noyos , nnd the president's ' own father and relatives , and the press of the coun try. Porter also ridiculed thonti tempt to drag in the Ohisago conven tion as the assassin , and said : "The man whoso blistered tongue inado the chanzo murdered Gariiold na ho would a calf. " Porter eulogized the records of Grant and Conkliug and Arthur as stainless. Porter continued : "Arthur was not nindo president by Guitoau'n net , but by the votes of the poopjo , and he would have boon president if Gariiold had troil on an orange peel and fell and killed himself ; but instead , ho trod on a rattlesnake and the snaku marked his destruction. " Porter ter next miido the atiito- mnnt that Garfipld had paid after being shot his murderer was irresn msiblu because insane , and pro ceeded to show ho did Bay to Mrs. Edaon ho could never pardon a man for such a crimo. He told the jury hit they had been told they were empiiroiH and kiiiL's , etc. , nnd eon Id over-ride n rule of thu court , but it wai not time. At 12 recess was taken for half an hour. After recess Porter commented on lint conduct of thu prisoner in court , and said no man there feared death as he did. Giiileau interrupted by saying that Porter wan " .i liar , and a mean and low Hconndn 1 , ard God would nond him below. " Porter rung the changes on this before - fore the jury and proceeded to recall thu ruling of tliu court regarding the responsibility of thu nssasiin at thu time of thu shooting , and that if ho know the dilleronco between right and wrong , then ho was under thu law responsible. Porter 'vent on. "Ho was a good man , a thcologimi , but ho did not want to go to Paradise. Ho spent nix wouks planning the murder of thu president and lying plans for his own lafoty. He neglected no precaution for his own safety , unless it WAS the lufuiiBo of insanity , and that did not larry long. Hcovillo saw him two lays after the shooting , and since .lii'ii the press hax been filled with this den of iniunity , and that without its leing shown when insanity first bo- jan. She who could bent tell of his inentiil condition was uhu who loved lim. " "Hut I didn't love her , " said Guit- ' ! UI UI"Tho woman who married him , " iontinued Porter. "I'hiit was Hhain , " said Guiteau. " I'ho worn in who slept with him , " wont on Porter , "Sometimes she did and sometimes she did rot , " said Guiteau "Tho woman who gave money which 10 biuaiidercd | on street prostitutes , " enid Porter. "That's a lie , " concludnd Guiteau , "Such people , " said Potter , "know bust about his brain , Shu said ho w n never insane , and HO said hia own brother , while his counsel did not dare to ask his ulster what aho thought. " llo then argued the testi mony of the exports vraa in favor of the prisoner's sanity , and reviewed the testimony of Mrs. Scovillo , con tending parts in her statement were silly evidences of Guitoaifs insanity. "Admitting , for Mio sake of argu ment , the innanity of the prisoner , " said Pertir , "let lunatics learn they can commit murder with impunity , and General Sherman enn't collect troops ouoiigh to protect us. Hut he was not insane. 1 don't deny his claim to bo the most cold blooded murderer of 0,000 years , 'whoso shed- doth man's blood , by man so shall his blood bo shed. " " "That was two thousand years ago , " said Guiteau. "Vou hear the gospel of Guiteau" wont on PorUr , "nnd ho expects thn jury to endorse it. " Counsel then proceeded to point out the fallaoy of a mun inheriting murderous insanity from n cnnity that worshipped God to his dying day. "Tho prisoner's in finity was moral insanity , begotten of liis father , the devil. Insanity was a : liseaso of the brain which in his onse , nould hiivo boon cured sooner if an oppottunity had boon ollorod for him to put that bull-dog ballot in the back of the president. " Adjourned. Judge Porter now expects to con clude his argument to-morrow in time for the court to deliver his charge and the easogo to the jury bpforonight. Now that his end is near , the pris oner's fiveo bear.s evidence of great anxiety nnd his interruptions grow more ami more silly. Gen. Crocker Hiys an iippeaiiinco of depression in Guiteau was mine noticeable this evening than over before. It was so marked that upon Ins arrival at the jail nftor adjournment of court , Im was taken into the private olllce , and conversed with a long time to en liven him , as the keeper luul fours of tins committing suicide. He talked with him about death ; ho said ho had no fear of it if ho could only clio quickly. Forol u Mown. N'utiimul AtHoclatud PICKS. HKUUS , January 21. A tumultu ' ous discussion ensued in lleicl'istag , the occasion being thu thiid reading of the budget oil royal rescript. Prinou lUsiuarck , in explaining the provisions of thu rescript , said it was not intended to create a now consti tutional law but simply to prevent obscurities - scuritios regarding the old , insisting on Hovereii'ii rights which , ho said , wuio apart from ministerial preroga tives and could in no way be inter fered with by law. Doiails of the scene in lloioliAtag are as follows : Hurr Haunol , pro gressist , in his speech declared that the rescript presented pure absolu tism and is intended to cover the re sponsibilities of iiiinisturH by the king's will. Prince Itismarck , facing the left in replying to the iiboyo , said "If you buliovo that the ministers in tend to cover themselves against par liamentary speeches by the king's person you err. You overrate your selves if you reproach mo with cow ardice after my lone services to my country and it should bring n blush of shaino to your face to limko such as sertion. " Great uproar followed the princo's speech. Herr Haonol was protesting that that wio ricru- fancy of tho\.cliancollor. \ Prince Bismarck retorted , "No. " Iferr Hnonel denied oven hinting nt such expression as that made by the prince , and presumed that the princu had invented , it. This increased the disturbance the "Infa , right crying , mous. " Thu princu in great agitation sprang to the foot of the tribune nnd nccuHod Ilnunol of having insulted him , nnd said ho could not redress the injury by simply denying , and thereupon left the houso. The debate Immediately languished , nnd was ad journed. The tension of all parties is greatly increased by the nbovo dis cussion. LONKOM , January 24. Numerous fires in theaters in provincial townn are reported nnd there is heliovod t < be an orgamV.ud gang of pickpockets resorting to incendiarism for the pur poses of roblwry. Advices from Vienna state the of ficial journals say foreign influence in at thu bottom of the Her/.ogovinian tronblu and secret Russian aiientH are at work. PAIUS , January 24. GainboHa'n friends profess great confidence in his success in his contest with the cham ber of deputies. There was an explosion of dynamite in the factory nt 1'ort Vendren Pior- cus to-day and sixteen persons were killed. DIMIUN , January 24. The lord mayor of Dublin headed a deputa tion of citizens who waited on the lord lieutenant to usk him to release thu suspects now imprisoned under the coercion act. The lord lieuten ant in replying said he regretted it was impossible for him to comply. VIKNNA , January 21. Fifteen edi tors of thin city have been summoned iniforo the prefect of police and for bidden to publish the movements of troops. Jait Ijllio Spnyton Duyvll. National Annoclutod I'ruwi. UociiKSTKK , N. Y. , January 24. This morning an east bound freight ' .rain on the Now York Central rail road became stalled two miles east of Clyde , and n feu minutes later train following ran into the caboose , smashing nnd Hot ting lire to it. The Humes were ex tinguished before the tire cuminnnica- lud to other cars. It was then dis covered that Conductor Jno. Mo * Mnnus , of the stalled train , was in the caboosu and burned to dixitli. Thu lom of property is incoiwidurnblo and the tracks were clear in an hour , it Deems no flugiinin wont back from the stalled train , Ponniylvaulauft to Hau ( ; . National AHrtoclutuil 1'iutM HAUUIHIJUKU , Pa. , Jan. 21Gov. . Hoyt to-day issued death warrants for thu following , all to bo hangud March 24lh Jonathan MoycrSnyder Co.IIunry ; and Frank Pumburger , Dauphin Co. ; John W. Nuwlini ! , Olearliold Co , , Frank Small , Allegheny Co. audJohi ! Ooylo , YorkOo. YOUNG BLAINE IN PERU. Tlio Foiul Hopes Raised by the Natives , Thinking the United States Government Was About to Sldo With Thorn. But Blnino and Hia Follow Commissioner Leave Them No Consolation. And Depart for Chili to Honr the Otuor Sldo. NatlonM AMiodntul 1'rrM. PANAMA , January 24. The strike among the laborers on the Isthmus was brought to a clone. There were nearly ilOO men who held out for over a week for inereaso of wages. ' After mail ) ' days lost CMI either side it was agreed to pa ) * the laborers 81.CO per day.Latest Latest ilut os received from Lima are to the iifith of December. The United States oteamorLackawanna ar rived at Callao oil thq 2fld , bearing United Status ConlinissioiiorsTrcRcott and Ulnino on board with their aecro- tarios. Great plensuro was evinced by all as it appeared something dotinito will have been made public during the commissioners' stay there , but they jro disappointed. Great prepara tions had been made by the Peruvians * .o entertain Trescott nnd lilaine but they did not appear over- nleased at the idea of heing inado the lions of the hour. They were received on board by rep- _ resoutntlvos of the Chilean authori ties , and by a committee of Peruvian gentlemen , ono of whom , Senor Dor- tciino , ollerud them hia house. This ollbrwas rejected and the commission ers selected thu Franco-Angltorro ho tel for their residence during thnir stay in Lima. Nothing olliotal soonm to have taken placo. It is aniil every uord nttorod by the commissioners was caught up an indici\tions of the inten tions of the United States govern ment , oven the coiuulimoiitary remark - mark of Mr. Dlnino at lunch in Mr. Dorteano'fl house , in which ho express ed the wish that on bin return , in about throe months , bo would sou the Hag changed which governed the city. That was rapidly converted into meaning that the United States would at once order the withdrawal of the Chileans from Peruvian terri tory. The Luekawanna , with the com missioners on board , sailed for "Val- pariso on Christmas day. There has been an attempt nt revolution in Tacua , where the cav alry tried to turn out the colobrntod prefect Mass. They failed nnd eight of the men were shot. The move ment wan made in favor of declaring Tncna a free town. The TacunnoK have always boon moro Bolivians than Peruvians in sympathies and connec tions. Garcia Caldoron is still in Chili , where ho is in controversy with the newspapers and oven , it ia auscrtod , with the government. A fire occurred in Ciillao on the 25th , causing lossua amounting tto 50,000 ; no insurance. R llo of the ' 8O Campaign- Nations ! Adeodutod I'roa * . INDIANATOUHInd.,21.ThoTimen will publish an iuturviuw with W. H. English giving the facts relative to > the alleged claims of ono Murphy , of New York , against him on account of speeches in the late campaign , and. showing that Murphy was paid in full by the national committee , accom panied by a statement of prominent democrats showing that Mr. English contributed ovorjP,000 $ : ) to the domo- crntic campaign fund of 1880 , and that more money was spent by demo crats in this state that joar than in tun campaigns. Democratic defeat in this slate was owing to the decision of the supreme couit overthrowing the constitutional amendments , which made tins an October state , which de cision was made in the interests of Himdricks , ami was earnestly opposed by Mr. English. Bolt Among the Road jus tors. National Asooclatixl Frew ) RICHMOND , Vn. , January 21. There was a boll among the roadjust- ors in the senate thin morning. For the first time during this session all the HotmtorH wore in their places. Mr. Riddltiberger noininato'J ; on the part of the roadjusturs , Mr. S. Drown Al len for nuditor. Senator Nowbury , who is a ruadjiiHter , at once moved to adjourn , and the motion was carried. Patent Medloin * Taxe . National Amocltted I'rum PIIILAI > KUMIIA , January 21. Tlio annual mooting of the Philadelphia , drug exchange resolved to-day to agi tate for thu repeal of the internal rev enue taxes on patent medicines , bank chucks and matches and n gradual re duction of taxes on distilled spirits id tobacco until finiillv and entirely abolished ; also , favored the appoint ment of a tariff commission. Iiidioatious- Nttlonal AsHocUtod I'reHH. WASIIINOTON , January 25. For the lower Missouri valley : Light rain or snow , and partly cloudy weather ; finds mostly trom south to west , fall ing barometer and rising temperature during the day. Podtolllco Changes in Nubraska during the week ending January 21 , 1882. Furnished by William Van Vied ; , of the postofllco department : NA.MK C'llANOKD , Dull Creole , \Vaulnngtou county , to Arlington , ' ' ' . I'OhTMASTKltS Al'J'OINTED. Cloverton , Webster county , W. W. Howgatu ; Hubbell , Tlmyor county , Win , M. Cooluy ; Leonard , Hamilton county , Chun A. Betz ; Willow- Grove , llod Willow county , George White ,