6 THE OJMAJhlA DAlLi BEJti : TUESDAY JAJLN uAHY 24 , P. T. MAYNE , SUBSCRIPTION HATES , Mfuingor Council BlufTa Circulation , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. By Cnrrlor , - - 20 Cents pop Wook. By Mall. $10.00 . COUNCIL BL.UKFS , IOWA pop Year. j COUNCIL BLUFFS. Offlco : Room Flvo , Evorott's Block Broadway. H. W. TIL/TON. City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS - -Tho Hock Muml pay car glndilencd the lx > ys yesterday. At Plntmr' . . hull on S nthy nlnlit there w snluppy gathering o ( Ocrrruru. Mayo Ut Co. recchrd ycolerdfty ft ear-lnncUf broom corn from Module , In. T'cnentlic'RBVO t > ervl > dy rather a raw deal } wtenlny. It milted the icemen though , Wo k on I'ulim nventie lim ntnrtetl up nRflln In a cordancewlth the latonctlon cf the cniiticll. -The Light giia-ilmftllvftt tliclr ar mory thl * cncnlnR , find tlio c ilexlrlni ; to join the rtinliH should I e prcHiil. A ntrnngor in the city wa < yeHtcrdny trying to pawn a watch. Heclnlmed tliat he hud been flctccil on n little K.itne with a few acquaintances nnd had to resort to going on tick. James liroinloy , nrrented lioro an a vagrant , and Miipec cd of limincr stolen , in Omalia FOIIIO linndkcrcldefr , and ether articles , which lie was trjlng to soil here , was yentmlay dMiirfH liv Recorder Itnrkr , ho pnnniHliiK to hurry out of tha city. Chief Kicld < IIM nnionKhlit trophies of war , captured nnd retilncd at police head- nnarter , , a fully-fed HONen-Hhootor , which ho gobbled from a > oung man who attend ed a manpicrado in the rola of n cow-boy , nrnl thought a lovled nhootor wan a neco < - iry pirt of the outfit. rPfiHiiw who was arrowed together with Jack FhlodK , for at-HauliIng Mr. JcnningH , wan discharged ycntordny , there ! Ixing no evidvncu tliat ho louk nn ncthe I i I part In the iu Miitlt .Shields has already j | betn belli to awnli the net on of the Krand jury , it appouiriK lint ho wan the chief actor. The bo.i nl of trada mot again ln t evouiug. The committee appointed to advise - vise with he Omhha board of tiadc con- comirn thu building of a wagon bridge acrosn the river were unable to report any thing definite , OH the Omalm committee h d nut been appointed , thobo ird of trade of that city meeting for that purp mo last night. -Mm. Filbert , wife of S. H. Filbert , died on Sunday night at the h"Use of .1. 1 * . Filhirl , consumption being the catuc of the prolonged IllfiuHH and death. She wan a.ed twenty-nino yiarn nnd leaves , besides her himbniiil , two Hinall chihlion. The funeral will bo liflil at 'i o'clock tins afterno n from the residence of if. I * . I'll- bert , No. 710 First avenno. Charles Moore ha been mully itlllictcd by the death of his little on Charles Cur tis Moore , who WIIH muhlcnly taken away by coniiVHtion of the lungs , af or nil illness of only two dajs. 'llu funeral er\ices were held Sunday nfternomi , many f rlundi of the family being In attendance , and I ! llev. Mr. Clcland , of the Presbyterian 'church conducting the horvice. At a icceut Huclal gathering hero the I ether evening the 'dancu wus broken up mildenly by the appearance of u rot In the room , The ladles wcreiitnoil and the gen- 'tlomnn showed their gallantry by Hoi/Ing brooms itrd other weapons of warfare and taglnning an aggro slvo'fightupon Ida rat- ihip. licfore the dnath the rat looked about the ei/o of the kitten , but the menu- urtment of the cui | e WOHII little loss. Joe Scott , a bootaik ! , bought a shot gun for $3.5) ) to bo paid for in weekly in- Inst.illinent . Now , that after struggling along to Have the needed money , ho had I secured the gun as hU own , he claims that bo ban been robbed of It. Two burly brutes mot him while out hunting at the lake , and asked him to l t them neo the gun. ] To did NO , and I hey refusoil to re turn it , threatening to ahoot him If ho didn't rkip out for home , J o'n heart Is nearly broken , and if his htnry is correct , the big follows have no heurU to break. -Mr. and Mrs. Willhin Garner , IMng alxmt eix miles o > nt of this city , weru hup- plly mrprluud Satunlay evening by a gath ering of frien Is anil relatives , who re- mindeil Mr. Oarnor that It was his sixty- fifth birthday. Yuri us gifts uero pro- Milted , ninong them being two elegant eftsy cliiiiin from Iho children and graml- chllclien , Mr. IMiert I'orclval , of thU city , making tlio vi > ecch. Air , Garni r h IH lx > rn a resident of this county for tld > ty. five yerH , and besides the friends there were prowiit to express th ! r love and es teem for hlnibi'lf mi I ulfc , eleven uldldren forty-one grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Just In the re.trof ltr > itclvray and neM of 1'earl street urn two ortlueo hlgHttimpi- nnd roots , \\hiuh parties yo > toiday after IKMJP nought to upllt Into tire wood by lining pun powder. One bias 1 lew elf eeveial jjooilly hired chunks , c.ttorinn' tlit-in ii v rlnu dhectlons , much to the danger ol theme happening to bo pasting by , and ol till im re danger to uin ows In the imtiie dlate vicinity. One chunk Hew across tin alley and struck a Httbi house Htandini Utere. It broke through the clouixl blind and smashed the Klasn. The recklessnoH which characttrizeu thosovAho neck to d < Ua'tlpg in the nddstof the moat crowdcc portion of the city nicih to be more thai limply chlded. There was a lively scene on Hroadwu ; Sunday afternoon for a few minutes. TVNI Omaha follows , named James Nugent am Lewi * Uerling. alias I ) . Uurn , seemed t have some antipathy for a follow of col named James Johnson , aiidafUrfollowhi him and Indulging in rllnglng hard word 1" ; which Johnmiu tossed back with eal , tli parties cuuio to u clinch , Jimt'co ' Abbo ! ( teppod to the front just an a giettt crow , had gathered to teethe row and In 11 name of the state of Itiua ordei'cd a cesti Uon of hostllitle . The Omaha fellov arid Johnson were all locked up , Yeate day the latter was discharged , it upptiarh that he wan the one tinned aguln t. Tl ' two vl ltorn got a friend here to be the security , but yesterday failed to appea and their casea wtrn coutlnuoj to-da ; while their friend went across the Irvi W Investigile and ice whether they Intend- 0 I In leave him In the lurch , and compel him to pay the lines anil coils for the ns naultwith which they stand chargid. How flight a cati o doth move , etc. There was an excited rush in the p ictolllce ycsterdiy , the women wnien'cil , tlie men Minuted , and a general comnlntlon cniued , and a 1 bccatisc a white bull-dog grabbed a blj Newfoundland by the neck , nnd made the Bha gy fur fly. The owner of the bull-dog expl Incd that on his last visit to thl * city a big , black d g jumped upon hl pet bull-ilog , and the latter had been sighing for revenge ever sln c , and when ho struck th town yenif-rday he tackled the first dog of tint description , which he niet. Of course he g t the wrong one , but h held on like grim death , until cho cd 1 If. The bull-due ; proved to b long to J W. Murrty , of the Cartlniui .Murray com pany , and his ma tci took due c.irj of him for the rest of the day. WINE AND WOMEN Ilov. Dr. McKenzIe Ttilks About Po lygamy und Tomponinco Socur- Intrllolpfor hla iSntorprlso In Salt Lttko City. For a few cluj s p.ist Hot. Dr. D. McKun/io lias IIPUII stopping in thin city , nnd on Sunday occupied the pulpit of tlio Haptisl cliurcli , both morning nnd evening. In tlio uvon- ing the nnnounceiront tint ho would lecture on tumpi-rii'ice eauiod the liouao to bo HO filled that it wan noc- uisiiry to placu chiutH in tlio aisles to accoininodatu thu audiunco. This practice , by the \vry , in onu winch should bo dhcouuigud. A panic is 1'- nblo to arise in any plauu where many people arc ? gatht-rod , und in case of , such a patuc it is highly essential that tlio aisles Hlitiiild bo in condition for n. ro.uly uxit. Nothing it much moro dangerous in case of a p.inic thiin IOOHO chairs , as they nro liable to bo tipped ever , and in any event form Htuinhliiig blockn to a crowd on a rush. Tlio practice it HO common in all places of resort that Tin : Bi'.i : takes this oc casion to go a little out of ita way to give warning. Dr. McKunziu , in the opening of his discourse , stated that several citi zens bad expressed : i duiiro to have him say something concerning thu condition of all'mrs in Utah , and ho did so ana proludu to hia tompur.uico address. He denounced polygamy fctiongly , and cited sovural instancefl in which family relationships uoro badly dumorali/.od by this system. Ho spoke of two classes among them ; onu , the bettor cdueitud and moro intulliu'ont class , who , ho thought , would bo really glad if some bridge were built ever the chasm which separated rated them from a belter civilisation nnd a hotter social orgamr.Uion. Then there were many who were ignorant dupes , who were the slaves , really , ol the priestcraft , and who needed emancipation , and would wolc mo il an did the colored puopluin thu south. There waa little hopu of securing any change save through the people , an the bead of the uovurnmont would not act in advance of the Honttmunt and demand of thu people. There was too much jobbery and too little prin ciple among politicians to hopu for ruliof. The people must rise nnd de mand it. The speaker then proceeded to talk on temperance , his line of thought be ing on the philosophy of reform. His talk waa an earnest one , and ho spent little time in nnrrntint ; anecdotes or merely entertaining hia listeners , but applied himself to the handling of principles which needed to bo carried out to secure reform. lie deemed the efforts to secure personal reform , but an incidental feature of the work , for while some were thus being saved ( lie evil uxistcdiind olheis were being drawn in. Incidentally ho npoko ot the Into railway disaster in New York state , and sarcastically spoke of thu attempt to throw the blame upon the poor brnkuman , when the GI.USO of the accident waa a drunken assemblyman , who in huriahing and carrj ing on , pulled the cord of tboair-biakes. lie thought the chances weie that the brakesman would bo bung , and tlio drunken asaemblymati would bo re- elected. - A collection was taken up to aid - in the Salt Luke enterprise , of which - DC.lcltun.ii ! \ ) ban clmrijo , and which t lias already been given in full in Tin ; - llKf. There still roiiminn about SC.OOO to secure in ordet to complete the SI 15,000 building erected by the re . form association of that city , and Dr. MoKciii/.io'jj mission eastward is to secure - cure that amount. , bUMMBR SMILES , They nro Sitld to Hnvo Sud Uocolloc- tlona for u Young Lady Who - Complaint ) of n , YouthtXil Companion , , Yesterday afternoon there appeared before Justice Abbott a young man from Coining , named I'M N\ratsonwhc had boon called noon to iuisvor a poft impeachment laid against him by n young lady of ninotetm summers I , , i amuil Katie Liopert. The young lady'a story in brief is that tlio young man wbilo in this city last Juno atonu. \ ed her affections and won her conli- dunce , under the pretunsu that id iu would marry her , nnd that ho had failed to do us he agreed , tjhu did not propoau to have IHT honor trilled with so ruthlessly and so caused his arrest , the now dt'puty sherill' , Hiloy Clink surving tlio jmpnrs. Tlio young man w.w represented by Attorney liusaull I , and a , hotde of wnnnsscs appeared 1. , ; The defendant sticuiud n change 1.if " , \enuu , nnd tlio case was emit to He he coaler lluiko , the nearest justice DU. At Kr.unoy huing lu > i n sub | miiand as i rd witness and considon-d thurciforo a he interested.- it understood that tin > oungmau accused , claims that tin iill'air is n put-up job and purpose er. jo resist the cliaigo and ostablisb hi iiinocoucy. The case was adjournoi : until 0 o'clock this morning , Watsui 'he ia 11 clean , business-liko Junking fol elr low , nnd ii uccoinjiiinii'd by u numbe of friendly witni'ssos from his owi town , who seem to think that ho wil 1 pull out of the ugly scrape. BROKE HIS NECK. J , W. Cook Thrown from a WnRon nnd Instantly Killed. His Body Found Beside the Headway After u Hunt by Hla Frlondfl , A fatal accident occurred about three miles south of Woslon , by which a man named < I. W. Cook mot with instant death. Lie had for some time boon in the employ of Mr. Nixon , and on Saturday last Was went to Weston to get a wagon repaired , Ho seems to have accomplished the mission satisfactorily , but along towards evening the team nnd wagon came to Mr. Nixon's ' place without any driver. The suspicion waa awakened at once that some miehitp must have befallen Cook , and a search. was begun along the road. The search was kept up until the body of the missing man was found lying beside the road in a piece of timber. Life had boon extinct some time , and it was evident that that thu man had come to his do.t'.h by tumbling or being thrown from the wagon. Coroner ner Kiiul , of this city , was sent for , and mi examination of the facts lud to this conclusion. The roadway wan cut down a little , and as it is but wide unough for onu wagon , it is sur mised that the team either becoming frisky or being misguided , the wheels struck the cmbaiikmont and throw thu driver out , breaking his nock. The presence of n pint bottle of whisky about emptied aroused some conjectures as to thu man's condition as ho drove along homeward , but aside from the clues there was noth ing to definitely determine thu details. The deceased was a mm of no family. PEHSONAL , . J. W. Itodefer left last evening for Tyrone rene , in this ntato Mr.jor Lynnn started yesterday to at tend court at Audtibon. Mi > s Ciraco Cartland and John Murray arc stopping at the Ogilen. Joel Katcm , the gas company's secretary , has go o to Chicago. A brief stay only. llev. Mr. McKoiuie , of Halt Like City , left yesterday for Chicago , whoie ho will put in a few days work and will then pro ceed o-Htwaid. Mrs I ) , li. Clark in now quite ill , and her condition is i-onsidorod quite critical. Her husband is now recovering rapidly from hisHovoro illness. Deals in Dirt. The following transfers of real estate were reported from the county recoids by J. W. Squire & Co. , abstractors of titles , real estate and loan agents , Council Bluffs. 0. , R. I. & P. R. 11. Co. to A. Pit- kin , n. J , B. w. | , 27-77-42 , S720. W. R. Vaughitn to C. 0. Cook , lot fl , in block 24 , IJayliss' 3d add. , city , $50.C.R. C.R. I. & P. R. R. Co. to A. Uock , s. w. J of n. o. j and n. A , 11. w. . , . o : } , 12-77-42 , $000. " O. Rosnor to Il.Swogor , w. L s. w. 4 , 15-74--38 , 82,200. T. B. Fuller , admr. , to G. Resner , w. A " , s. w. J , 5-74-38 , $800. J" W. & E. W. Davis to John Cronkora , lot 2 nnd part of lot 33 and lota 34 and 35 , in sub. of 9-77-3l ! , $1,190. O. Diodorich to Peter Ehlois , lot 4 in blk 8 in Minden , $350. E. O. Morgan to L. J. Martin , lota 5 and C in blk 5 , Minden , $250. Win. U. Patterson to Chaa. F. Shaw , a A of sw ] and no j of sw | 8 , 7s , : ) , and part of no [ 17 , 74 , 39 , $1500. W. J. Goodwin to J. W. Downs , s A so 1 19 , 7 , 42 , $490. J. W. and E. W. Davis to E. A. Consigny , lot 1 in DAVIS' park add. Avoe.i , $1 N. P. Dodge , trustee , to W. P. Wobslor , lots in sub of Ruldlo tract city , $1,5GO. , S S. Hust to E. V. D.ivis , no j , aw | and w A so , nw 4-5 75 , 39 , $2,200. T. R. Chvon to 0 Ryan , part HIV I so 1 8 , 75 , 42 , $1 C. Ryan to T. H. Owen , part aw I , so | , 8 , 75 , 43 , 81. J. Alartin to J. A. Raines , s A , B\\ J and part n A , nw J , 27 , 75 , " 41 , 552.COO. J. Martin to D. E. it J. T. Willo ford , w A , no \ , 27 , 75 , 41 , $ l , < 100i Badly Boaton. A grievous assault occurred a Laura Sheldon's bagnio Sunday night the victim being a white man nainei Louis B.tcher. Ho was in the yitrc when two colored men pounced upoi him for some cause known best h themselves , and knocked him into ai insensible condition. One of tli colored thumpers carried him into tli house , whuro ho soon recovered hi consciousness and idontitiod thu col ored man as one of his assailants. Th ' dnrkoy hurriedly nkippod out , and u search for the oH'ondurs yostorda ' proved in vitin. One arrcist was mad yesterday , but it proved to bo tli wrong coon , Corning Condensed. CorrunponJunco of The l > eo i , COIININQ , January 21. Themarri t'o o Mr. / \Vldnert' ) MU IlettU Water , man , which happened nn the 18th hist . was the soiil.il event of the week. All cit Izeim unto in vvMiing them a hann - future ' . On January 19th them were three warrants - rants Usucd for one J , ! ' . Mlildlegnte , id I on the charge of larceny , committed by dUjmning of mortgaged property. 'I he clalm against him amount to about $ GOO , The othcor succeeded in captmhig him near Lewis , Ones county , In. , wheie he had rented a farm Wo hope the charue * may nroie gr umdleim , and Mr. M Im re leased. Came * were continued until Jan. tiarv 0 , at U o'clock. Ou this evening it U the Intention to 10- move the postolhcu to tlie nen building of A. It. Turner , on the corner ol Davis , . avenue anil Kl litli gtroet , uucli mine ma- klnn it more th n e.Khty . r.xli from the de- I > ot , and thorvtoio the KO > eminent will her after pay for carrying the mall to the trains. OneWounpidnvotcnlatt wnne parties who wan'td togttt their provisions will out put * ting ui > any collateral for tlio name , entered the mill of T M. Davis , at Corbin , and took f crefroinall the flour , meal , etc , In thcsunc They will probi'Iy ' live high the rest of the winter. There Is no cluJ to the parties who iitil It. Circuit court adjourned lait .Saturday night after oldlng no week . The board of lic < dtt have ordered all r-artle * In town wh htvonot bet nsm ces- fully vaccnatci within five ye n , tn be re-vaccinate I within tea ( 'ays. ' not because there it any xmall | > nx hero , but ns a pro- ventailve. WP > . not want any , and do not propone to have It , If wo can keep it away. One of our merclnnto has a new pointer op , and the old adage vvill probably noun ) c Illustrated : 'That a man may ho truth- ul and hone t , but wi'hln ten days after e become the owner of a pointer dog , ho eve opi Into the wor < t liar In town. _ NKXT , Iowa Horns. The corporate limits ft Pacific Junction over ISO acrej. Kaitcrn capitalists are about to start a lump factory In Sioux City. J. II. Le i , of Crcston , had hU leg Token In two id ices whilu p-iiklng ic.o at 'acllii Junction , A lewil and loose resident of I'hllpot ow , Crcnton , has bctn juggtd for kick ng hN iniitrcs ? ( 'own ' stairs and tickling icr rlbt with a potatoo manlier. The. al- egcil wife IK keeping him company in an djoining cell , The publishers and printers of Creston olebratod the nnnivcrstry of Franklin' ilrtlulay last Tuesday cvoidu with nurand lanquet and the Crcston house Thoxc yprs of majily beauty lumbered up an hampignu and discoursed on the virtue ) ndIcci of the profession. The trial of S. A. lloikins , who was ocently captured in Denver ami brought lack to Sioux City on the ch irge of de- aiiltlnrnnc of the banks out of 31 , ' . ' 00 , csulteil In the discharge of the prisoner , "here as a fatal discrepancy between lie Info in Uon and the evidence. Next iay uuw information was filed and a varr.tnt iHStieil , hut Hos-ins 1ml eared. 'ho Polo Bimlunfm iu "Novr York. fational Associated Press. Nhw YORK , January 23. In order o g.un Hovural .seconds in time the ire department is uxperimonting with iss poles placed with a slight incline rom the lloor wheio the men sleep to he engine tloor , for thu men to slide [ own at alarms , instead of run- ling down stairs. The poles pass .hrotigh largo holes on each lloor und mi from near each set of bedsteads o thu position on the engines or rucks where the Bloopers of those ) cds belong. The experiments ox- libited yesterday in engine house 33 voa a perfect success. Young men weiu placed on beds to run down .stairs tnd older ones in' beds to slide down : lie poles. The ithirni was sounded ind the polo men reached their posi- ions in half thu time taken by thu others. Snrgont nnd the Soorotarynhip. National Sioux CITV , Iowa January 23. A { cntleman connected with thu land department of thu Central Pacific told > no of our citizens that ISargont was sacked for secrorary of the inturior by entral Pacific inlluunco und by the ntiro landed interest of the Pacific Coast , and would take the oflico as soon as Kirkwood decided a laud case in which Sargent is inter ested. lie said that Chalice , of Col orado , could have had the secretary ship but declined because ho did not want to rule on cases whuro ho had interests. Council Bluffs Market. COUNCIL BLUFFS , January 23 Flour Manufactured by Crystal and City Mills. 3 7fifo4 ! 50 : Kansas and Missouri - souri flour , 3 50@4 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; rye flour , 310. . Bran and Shorts 17 00 per ton. Chop Corn 22 CO per ton. Wheat No. 2 , SI 17 ; No. 3 , 90c ; [ ected , 70c. Corn No. 2 , 50c , rejected 48c. Oats No. 2 , JOc ; rejected , 35c. Barley No. 2. 90o : No. 3 , 75c. Hay Loci-c , G 00@7 00. Wood 5 fiO@ 7 00. Live Hogs T ) 25@T. . 75. Cattle Shipping , 4 50(5)5 ( ) 00 ; milch cows 30 00@45 00 per head ; butchera stock , 3 00@3 50. Sheep 375 ® J 25. O Hides Co ; G S hides , 7c. Wool 15 ® 5. Butter In rolls , wrapped and cream cry , 25c : mils IUH wrapped , 20j ; mixed co ors , 1520c. Kggs Packed , 15c ; fie-di , 20c. 1'otatoei 1 10@1 30 ; Salt Lake , 1 5) . Onions 1 2-@l ) 10 Dressed Poultry Chitkem , 9c ; duckn , lOc ; geihe , He , turkeys , I''Jc. Ijivo Chicktns 2 25 per dozen. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. . NOTICK. Spcilal aihcrtUtmoiits , such Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent Waiita , lloardliiff , etc. . will tic Inserted In thl column at tlio Ion rule ot TU.V UKNT8 PER LINK for tlie Rim Instrtlun ami KIM' CKNTb 1'Klt LINK for tm.li uulraccinunt Inttrtlnn LukVoiulMrtUiiiiuits at our ollicv , Hooin C K\irttt's lllock , llroailwnj 171011 HUNT Tao nlcclj furnUhod rooms , Mil- J } Rl * or en lultu Appl ) to Mrs. J II.StMt * ilviiHtof htrtot , houfi of bt'tcnth O.U.a.Jtn'4- 8.K Ouu IninJrcil ami II tj Ilionsant FOR , litnr > Delon r , J17 tit Council Itlulln , Iowa. Ku'Obody In Council HlufT Ic WANTKO TilK BKK , m centa per week , tin lltered by carrlure. Otlltc , Hooni 8 , Kurett'j Illocn , llroada ) . To bu ) 100 tons broom corn For particulars aildrvM Council IlluOt Uroom Factory , Council Illutln , Iowa. 063 9tf ANTKl ) A IIret claim broom tier. Mayne A Co , , Council Blunt , Iowa ( CO SO * SALE OM | nH.TB 40o per Imndrixl , at FOU Hoc olBco. Council llluBs. Bv27-tf mo DHICK-HAKKIlS , FOKriANK-6 airts or J. moro of land id Jo'nine tlio brickyard of llanner & Hal 111' on t'pinr ' llroa > lv\ny. For particular * appl ) to lUtld llalneit or t > lUnner'u ollicu at tbu Hoard tf 1 rado ronim , Council lllulls. 776-di2J 3m ' TICKKT OFFICK-War III railroad POTTKK'S c.-ontlniics to boom Uiii'rccwlcntwj ' low rut is to all i.istirii iwlntd K\irj tUkt-t Kiiaruutcwl , Onlors filled h ) ttlc-iihone. From one to ten dollars tatcd b ) imriliasliiB tlcktU of O.A. Totter , uci ser to I'ottiriSt I'almcr , No , 40 Kouth Filth striTt , four doors bclOA tlio { lout- olllco , Council lllulld , Iowa oUU tf ' HoMltli | < oii ) , to earn ' papers WAM'KD at Ilxx otllco , Council Illufla. octia tf Notice. Ouinc to the Inimuiuo nucoisa of thu new Qelatlne Uronild InstAntaneous Process at thu Exctlilor Qallery , Fifth ntr.it , Coun- ctl Uluffi , tlio proprietor cK'nUui tlioio w Children' * I'kturta to > all bctuccn thu hour * ot i 10 and 12 o'clock a. in. , as O | MK to tlio Frets of Business such srraDKcment la noi.c iarjr to a\old dulAr. jao-liu J. HARKE , Proprietor FACTS WORTH KNOWING , "Good morning , Mr. Jones. You seem in good humor this norning. " "Yes , I have been to the , nnd find anything and every thing I wnnt , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. ; toll you , I cun Save Money now out of my salary , nnd Live ? irst > Clnsa , too. It pays to go there. " "Whore did you say it was ? " BOSTOB TEA COMF1 FINE GROCERS. 16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St. COUNCIL bLUPPo , IA. ( Onsollnu Stoic ) OBC. DEC. Or O 3NT 33 S , DKJLKR IS STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WARE , 831 Broadway , - Council BluUs , la. DON T FA'I. TO SUE 1l\K STOCK OK W. W. BUCHANAN WATCHES , REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 202 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , H. H.JUDSON , DRY GOODS 4O5 BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENER AL MACHINERY Olllco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. \Vu give xpccial attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , JIOISTEHS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will rccche prompt intention A irencnl as Bortinunt o ( Brass Goods , Bjltiug , Piping , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal , OH AS. HENDRI ' , President MaURER & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut OltisB , Finn French China , Silver Wuro tec. , 310 DKOUIUAT , LOl'M'Il. IIU'FFS , IOWA Drs. Woodbury & Son , X > 3E1 3XT 3C I S OP S , Cor. IVnrl & Ut Ave , COL'M'Ifi IILITFS W 8. AMENT JACOll Slllh. AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oounsellors-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN ' , Marble and Granite , North Fifth 6t. , Council Dluffl , W. W. SHERMAN , M ANl FAITI Ilf.ll OF y ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY ] S S Fine Work a Specialty , K H. Slir.ItMAN , HuslncM Manner. WM. CIIKISTOI'IIKII , Mechanical ManiKcr 124 South Main Street , COUNCIL 3LUFFS , IOWA , My Harness are Manufactured trom A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S Snickering , Weber. Lmdeinan , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , Tabor" and Paloubet Organs , $50audupward Musi 1VC cal Merchandise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , 1'oys , Games , Fancy Goody , Wholesale and Re TJ H , tail. Pianos and Organs sold f > r Cash and on Time , titock is largo , full and com- piete. Musical Journal ireo on applica S tion Correspondence Solicited. Address. O J. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. O IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCFASING AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol I'roditco. Prompt ittcntlon irixui to nil cons gnuicnta. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL DLUFFS , IOWA. f "W. 331. IFOSTIEIR „ WILL si t M ON snoi.i j on i Cut Flowers , Greenhouse -nc Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders prompt ! ) Illicit ni il . i c-'hirul to Iptcrt ethic. IILC if charge. Send for C.it IOKUC , GOTTSXTGIX. IBTUXTEME'S , - - 3t . IE. -DEALER IN- PAPERjiBOOKS ! IY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. \ COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer , and Shipper of Brain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. First National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Council Blurt's ; William P. Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E. A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DKALEKS IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. * CHICAGO PR'CES DUPLICATED. f REAL ESTATE AGENT , _ Das For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , r * > and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Oflico with W. S. MAYNK , over Savings Bank , - COU VOIL BLUFFS. B1XBY & WOOD , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass \ Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings and "j ( Pumps , Kept in Stock. " < J No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS.x T i We Carry the Largest Stock of FINE BOOTS & SHOES SLIPPERS ETC. , . , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. I'i i i I'i ' All lail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW.1 I Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , whicK has Begun to Arrive , Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Ana WEST SIDE SQUABE , CLARINDA , IOWA ,