Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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I \
010 F rnh m , bet , Oth nnd lOlh Streeti.
TEUMS OK sunscntn ION
no copy 1 ) carIn * il\Rticc ( | > o < ti M ) (10 00
8 months " " bO-1
month " " S 00
IXTMO Om hii PweiiRcr Xo. 2 , 8 30 in Ac-
eommodfttlon No. 4 , 1-0 < ) ' ln
Arr c Omaha I'wwonirer No. 1 , 6 .00 p m.
AruumiiKxUtlon No , 3 , 10. W a , m
0. . B..A 0 7:40 : . m. J'lO p. ni.
U & N.V . , 7:40 a , in. 3-40 n. ra.
C. , K , I. it P. , 7:10 : R. m.-3'4b p. m.
K. U. , St. J , i O. 3 , IOMCI at 8 A. m. nnd 6 SO
if p. m. ArrtvciatSt. bouUat 6.30ft. m. and 6:52 :
p , tn.
tn.W. , 8tL. & P.lfUc3&t8 A. m. And 3. ( Op.
" 3V. Arrhoa nt St. Loula At 0.40 n. m , and 7.30
WMT OR BOtrrtrowiTO.i
D. k 41. In Neb , Through Kxprcsw , 8H ) * m.
U. & M. Lincoln Express < 3 20 p. m.
U I * . 0\crlinil Kxprctei , 12'16 11. m.
O. & K. V. ( or Lincoln , 11:45 : a. m.
O. .b U. V. for Osccob , 0 40 A. in.
D , r. freight No. R , 6:30 : n , m.
U. T. freight No. 0 , 8:20 : a. m.
D. I' , freight No. 13 , 2.50 p. in.
U. P. ( night No. 7 , 0.10 p. m.
„ . ) ! . Dim or express , 7 35 p. in.
'U. P. freight No 11 , ll'SO p.m.
U. P. ltmertrLlitlit,8:25p. : m.
0. n. & U 6 00 n. in. 7:26 : p m.
( t N.V. . , D 46 ft. m-7:25 : p. in.
0. K 1. 4 P. . 0:45 : A.m.
K. C. , St. Joe & 0 11 , 7:40 : & . m. 0'46 p.m.
Aauvtva FROM rim rai AND BOUTHWHST ,
0. 4 K. V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. m.
D. P. 1'Adfic Exprctw 3 26 p in.
B t. M. In Nob. , Through hxprau tl6 ! p m.
. B. & 11. Lincoln Kxiirin 0 40 n ra.
' U , P. Dcmcr express , 7:36 : n. m.
U. P. Freight No. 14-2 DO p in.
D. I1. Vet 6 5.20 A in. Emigrant.
O. P. freight No. 14 , 12:10 : p. m.
U. P. > ri S-000 p. m.
U. P. Vo. 12-1 45 a m.
0. P. Dcmcr freight , 1.10 A. m.
O. Ofc K. V. mixed , or. 4'45 p. m.
COU'.UI. BUim * .
Lcnvo Onnha At 3. CO , 0.00 , 10:00 : anil 11:00
m j i 0 2 00 , 3 00 , 4 00 and 6:00 p in.
Lcivo Council Blutfi ftt 9.21 , 9 26. 10 25 and
1:26 ft. m. ; 1:26 : , 2.JO , 3:2o : , 4:25 atui 6:25 : p. in.
SunjAjs The dummj lra\cs Omilin t 9.00
* nd 11 00 A. m. ; 2 00 , 4 00 .Hid 5 00 p. m. LCAea
" -Council llluffa at 85 and 11:26 : a. in. ; 2:26 : , 4:25
nd fi'25 p. m.
Through and local pasaongcr trains between
Omaha and Couu II lllulls. Lui\o Omaha 0:16 :
7:46 , 860a.m. ! 3.40 , 6.46 , 0-tiO p. m. Armu
OuiuLa 7:40 : , 11:36 : , 11:45 : a. m. ; 6.40 , 7.05 , 7:15 : ,
:40 p. ui.
Opening ant Closing ; of MHIi.
IUTR. arts. CLoaii.
a. m. p m. a. in. p. m.
VV 1100 B.OO 580 2:40 :
, u i. & I'udnc.iuoo o oo B so 2:10 :
H. & 0 11:00 : 800 630 2:40
12.SO 6 30 2:40 :
Sioux Citj and Pacific. 0.00 630 2:40 :
'Union Pacific . 4-00 11:40 :
Omaha & R. V . 4:00 11:40 :
B. &M. In Neb . 4-00 810
Omaha li Sioux City. . . . 000 7.30
B. &M. Lincoln . 10-30 0fO
0. P. I.ln-oln , SuniH } . . . 1:30 :
U. P. Den * er Exu 0:00 : 6:30 :
fit Sioux City & St I' . . . 11 00 -I 0
Local imllH for btnto ol Iowa leave but once H
day , \ Iz : 0 .10 a , m.
OHlce npeii SumU\ front 12m to 1 p in.
BUSJEGSS Directory.
Abstract and Real fcitnto.
JOHN L. HcCAOUK , oii | 8lto Peat Office.
W. K. BARTLETT 817 South 13th Street
Architect ! .
Room 14 Crclghton Ulock.
A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Cioiehton Block.
Boot * and Shoes.
Ftno ISoots and Shoea. A Rood assortment of
homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harnoy.
TOOS. ERICK50N , S E. cor. 10th and DoogUs
80o 10th street , manufactures to order good work
- t fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Spring * .
J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 DouplMBt.
Books , New * and Stationery.
J. L FRUEHAUF I01B Farnhom Street
Butter and Egg * .
H03HANE & SCHROEDEH. the oldest B. nd E ,
boom ID Nebnuka catabllfthed 1876 Omaha.
loo'hwest corner IQthand Dodee.
Best Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Mralft At til Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash
Fiirnl h < l Itnnmn Supplied. ,
Carriage * anct Road
WM SN YDER , 14th nnd Harnoy Streets.
Jowo er * .
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street.
H. BEPTHOLD , RaR8 and Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & ORY corner tith and DougUs 8t
Lamp * and Ula * > ware.
J. BONNER 1S09 Dounlas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailor * .
One of our moat fcpuhr Merchant Tailors Is re
celvlui ; the latest dealpns for SprliiK and Summer
Goods for Kentleiutii H wu r. btjllkh , durable ,
am ) prices low aa o\cr 216 13th bet. Dou&Karn.
URS. C. A IUNOF.IlVnole8ile and Retail , Fan
cy Goodn In great \ariety , Ztphyrn , Card Boards ,
Hoskry , Gloiea , Corei-U ) , & .c. Choaiiest House In
> 4ho Wtet. Purchawera na\o 30 per cent. Ordf r
br Mall. 116 Fifteenth Strict.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. Hth & Jackson sts
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , Bill nd Frnh ra Sfc ) ,
Welthans liroa. , jirojirletora
iS. BTKVKNS , ! Ut hetwoeii Cumlng nd I'Jir
T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumin ) ' . Streets.
Hardwaie , Iron and Bteel.
OLAN & LANOWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 ni'
112 16th Btrcet
A HOLMES corner 1Mb and CallfornU
Harne * * , Saddle * , &c.
B. WHIST 20 ISth St bet FarnlUrney
Hotel *
ANFIELD HOUSE , Geo. Canflcld,9th & Farnh m
DORAN HOUSE , P H. Cary , 013 Famham Ht.
BLAVEN'S HOTEL , F. Slavcn , 10th St.
Southern Hotel Ous. Hamel 9th &Leavenwortb
Clothing Bought.
C JHHAW will pay highest Cash price for second
biuid clothlnf. Corner 10th and Farnham.
Drug * , Paint * and Oil * .
rina v'ano Uoods , Cor. llitu mil
Donitlfi ttroeta
ff , J. WHITEHOUPEVholcealo4 , Retail , IBth St.
C. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlng Street.
PARR , Drui'k'lst lOtn and Howard Streets.
' 1 OentUti ,
OR. PAUL , Vfllllatna' Block Cor. UUi & Do-lge.
Dry Qood * Notion * . Etc.
Sow York Dry Goods Score , 1310 and 1812 Fam-
him itreet
L. 0. Enewold also booto and ehooa 7th & Pacific.
ruruiture ,
& f. GROSS , New and Suond Hand Furnlturo
nd Sto > cii , UK DOUKU * . Ulgbeot cub prlco
tld for ooconJ baud room.
BONNER 1S09 Doul et. Fine cod , fcc.
rence Work * .
flUBT , FRIES A CO. , U13 ni y
ad Ie Bo , Iron nd Wood Offleo
B iinyi oounttrt of
WEST A FIUTSCDKH , mMiufacturereo ! ClRrs.
udVholenAlp Drnlcrxl n Totxiccos , 1SO& Do\vli .
K , F. LOKKN/.KN inonufvturer 1410 rarnhuro
A. DonachupMiUnUsculfloweni , * * ! * , ooqaets
etc. N. W for. Iflth in J DouclAs utrecto
Olvll Engineer * nd Surveyor * .
ANDREW HOSEWATKR , CrcUhton lllocK ,
TOMI Sur M , GnvU Aid Scwcraijo Sy tcm a
Uommlitlon Morchanti.
JOHN OML LH.UU IXxlife Sturt
1) n IIKKMKR. FArddtAll * < yil\rir ojvor
racnt In Itll % and \NcckL )
Cornlca Work * .
We t ru Cornice ork , MAnufiwturer Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron * iul SKto IlooflliiK. Onlcr *
Iroin * nj localltj iironijitl } otrcutnl In the brM
manner , tVtor ) unit Uttlci 1213 llnrne > St.
C SPIX'IIT , Proprietor.
Gahonlied Iron CortiUtn.Undow Cniw , etc. ,
nuvnulacturi'O And put up In any part of the
countn , T SINHOI.l ) 416 Thirteenth tn-t
Orocl crY
i 110NNEK 1.W1 l > outi * utri-ct OooJ line
Clothing and HurnlihlnR Good * .
QFX ) . II. PCTKIISON Also Hat * , Caps , HooU ,
3hOf9 , NotlotiB Mill ( hitler > . Wt 3 10th street.
Rotrlccrntor * , Canlleld'i Patent.
0. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn & Hkrne > .
Show Ca o Mnnufnctory.
Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show
Coses , Upright Coses , ft . , 1317 Cvw St.
FRANK L. OERI1ARD , proprietor Omaha
Show Case nnntifictorj , SIS South 16th street ,
botwoin lAia\eimorth nnd Marcy All
w-arrantixl first-claw
Pawnbroker * .
ROSKNFELD , 10th St. hot tu tt liar
btovct nna inware.
Dealer In Stoics .ind Tinware , nnd Manufacturer
nf Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work ,
Odd Follow 'Block.
J. BONNER. 1300 DouiUu St. Good and Cheap
J. EVANS , Wholcmlo and Retail Seed Drills and
Culthators , Odd KcllowH Hall
Physician * nn1 Surgeon * .
W. S. OinilS , M D , Room No 4 , Crclghton
lilocl. , 1Mb Street.
P.'S. LKI GNK O , A. D Mnsonlc Block.
C. L. HART , M D , Ej c and Har , opp poatotllco
-ullst and AiirUt. 8. W 16th in 1 Farnham Sta
Phutoitrapner * .
uio. : in\N : , PROP.
U ratal Central Qallirv ,
212 Htxtecnth Street.
ntar Mnaonlc Hall Flrit-clatfi Work and Prompt-
tiOKi guinntun
Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , Dot. Fnrnham
and Douglas.Vork ) irom | > tl > nttendtxl to.
U riTZPATRICK. 1409 Doudiw Street
alntlng an apor anRlng.
IKNRY A KOSTKRS. 1 I Dotlge Stroet.
Shoe titorot.
Phillip Lane. 1S20 Knmtiam st. bet IBth & 14th.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR , 141B Douclaa St. . Now and
Second Hand Furniture. House Kuriilshln ( ? Goods ,
&c. , bourht and Hold on narrow man-lna
tialoon * .
In tnu new brick block on Douglas Strict , boa
Just oi : ned n most elegant llcci Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
o\cr > ila > .
" Caledonia " J FALCONER 879 16th Street.
Undertaker * ,
CHAS RIEWE , 101B Furnham bet 10th & lltd.
UO Cent Store * .
n BAf'KUH 1OB FarnhHm SI . K ncv Ooodii
125 Lasalle Street , CHICAGO ,
Grain and Provisions Bought
and Sold on Margins.
duc7mo o dim
Oculist and Aurist.
References all Reputable yslclang ol Omaha
larORlce , Corner 15th and Farnham Sti
Omaha. Neb. , . .ot _
A Sure Cure Found at Lastl
No Onn Need Sofforl
A euro cure lor llllnd , Bleeding , Itching and
Ulccrattd I'iloa has been dl co > ercilbj Ur. Wil
liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Ur. William's
Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the
worst chronic cases of 26 or 30 5 cars standing. No
ono need sutler fl\o minutes after i ppl > Ing thin
wonderful BOOthlni ; medlclno. Lotions , Inatru-
mcnts and electuaries do more harm than Ktxxl ,
Wllliam'e Ointment nbsorlw the tumore , allaje
the Intense itching , ( iiartlculaaly at nllit ( after
getting uarni In bed , ) acts oa apoultlco , gi\cs In
stant and mlnloAa relief , and is prepared onlj for
Plica. Itching of the | > rlrato parts , and for noth
Injr else
Hood what the lion J. M Cclflnbtrry of Clove
and na > H about Ur. William's Indian Pile Olnt
ment : I liao usul scores of Piles cures , and It
affords mo p caauro to say that I Im c nev cr found
anthlni ; whlch ( rate such limn&ilito and pcrma
nent relief OH Ur. Ullilaui'u Indltn Ointment
Formic. byalldriiftrlgt or mailed on receipt of
price , 41.00.HKNRY
HKNRY & CO. . Prop'r * . ,
KorsalobyC. F Goodman.
A Gnra Ganrantrod.
Dr. K C Wmt'n Ncrtound IS aln Treitini lit
Ai-puciflc for Iljeteria , Mzzlncns , ComultiloiiH ,
NerioiH Hcttdaelu , .Mental I ) proshlon , LoMof
.Miiiorj.Sieriimtorrlii ] ] In pten ) , line unUr >
Km HHloiH , 1'rematuril O.d Auc , t iisuil bj ovir-
cutrtlon , Rilf iibu-c , or o\tr Indtil ; ; ! ncc , uhth
loids to miser } , decay anil death , Olio box will
cure lucent cusm. Ka h lux eonlalnsoruiinontli'M
Iri-atinent. Ono dollar a box , or 'lxl > oxe for
llvu dollars , m.nt by mall prepaid on recelp nf
pricu Wu nuirantce elx boxiu t euro an ) CIHO.
With each order rucvl id b > IIH for i-lx hoxeu , fte-
comiaulod with five dollarx , will Hind the pur
chaser our wntUn Kuarantto to return the
money If the treatment does not ell eta euro
U r , ( Joodman , UrnirKltt , Sole , Wlioktalo and
Iletall Ak-ent , Omaha , Neb , Orders by maM at
regular price , d&wly
Free to Everybody !
A Beautiful Book for the Asking ,
By applslnir personall ) at the'nearest office
by postal card if at a distance ) any -iDULf nor
toil will bo preitenteJ with a beautifully IIiu |
rated copy of a New liook entitled
containing a handsome and costly eteel < n rav-
liig frontlsplirco ; also , 21 llntlj ennned ( wood
cutfl , and bound In an elaborate blue and gold
lithographed cover. No charge whatever Is made
lor thin handsome book , vMilch can be obtained
only by application at' the branch and ul < or
dlnate ottieee ol The Binder Hanufaeturlnif Co.
Principal Office , 31 Union Square , New York
oct27 dmietf&w
Real Estate Agency
K p t eomplet * betrvct of tltli to ft u
btat to OvMh n DowUa couot * .
The Remarknblo Progress of
Calvert and Its Uuiou
The Comliiff County Scat A
of Urownvlllo ixnd Noinahu City
. . . , omliiiHJOf Tilt lln >
CAI.VKIIT , Neb , .lanniiry 17.
Nomaha e unity , the garden county
of Nebraska , is undergoing a sort of
revolution , politically and socially.
Wo cannot toll the outcome of it
"No kuowoth these "
man thing * .
Entering the county at the northeast -
east corner by way of the .Nebraska
ra'lway , I first found Pom , the so it
of the Nebraska Suite Normal school
This being a mnall town , I was ver\
much worried ever our prospects in
the hotel line , as the movement of
tr.iiiiscompelled mo toroinnm hero until
morning. Imagine my joy then to
find hero ono of the best-in.inaged ho-
tola which I have over seen in a
country town. A good bed and meals
which make a traveler wish that he
could oat enough to lust his whole
trip , so that ho could give ordinary
hotels the "go by. "
During the evening 1 called on Mr
Curry , the of the
school , lie reports a better begin
ning this ever before , and
predicts a gr.ind future for the insti
tution , lie docs not think , as does
the of the blind institute at
Nebraska City , that his school is
well provided for and supplied
with all the needs , but yet he
reports a good hci inning in the
vv.iy of philosophical and chemical np-
par.itus , the nucleus of n collection of
geological specimens and a libr.iry ,
which , thouuh mnall , contains aoino
excellent works. The buildings are in
a commanding positicm , are conven
iently and substantially built , and are
worth about § 50,000.
Travelling south a few miles I
c.imo to Brownsville , ono of the oldest
towns in the state , and the present
county Everything seems to be
dead hero , and almost ready for bur
ial , h.irdly any one to bo seen at their
olllces or on tliu streets , all kcupmt ;
out of sight of thu universal dullness
which prevails.
1 called upon the lion. W. A. Pol
lock , ono of the veterans of Nebraska
politics , and very pleasantly en-
tort.iincd , with a description of No-
malm county politics ( on which the old
gentleman's views are very ) nnd
some renioniscoiiBcs of the old times ,
when he first foimcd the acquaintance
of the editor of TIIK BUB , on , i Mis
souri river steamboat , in war timesas
she was tied up rep.uiing her rudder
A drive of tivo miles over a hilly brings us to Nemaha City ,
a very pretty little town of
about 300 people. Business seems
livelier here than at lirownville , but
the talk is all the while about
Calvert , which place the people hero
regard as a wonder. I made inquiries
and found that that town is Bituiited at
the end of this division of the II. &
M. R R , , about fifteen miles away ,
and that the train goes there at two
o'clock. Five o'clock comes , ditto
tle ) train , ditto a traveling grocery-
man , and your correspondent. On
the train I found The Omaha Republi
can man whom I thought had been
left behind. Wo arrived in Calvort ,
but night , with its cloak of darkness ,
got there first , so our first impression
of Calvort was not an impressiononly
a blank. There is a hotel in Calvert ,
a now , fine hotel , which I will describe -
scribe later. But , unfortunately , the
new hotel is nota hotel , onlyan empty
building. It also has a restau
rant ( with a big R )
Calvert was started in August , 1881 ,
was laid out by the Lincoln Land com
pany , and lots began to bu sold imme-'jly. At that time there was not a
building on the town site.
It is situated twenty miles from
Nebraska City , twenty miles from Tecumseh -
cumsoh , twenty miles from Ilumboldt
and twelve miles from Brownsville.
It is one mile fiom the old town of
Sheridan , through which the prospec
tive Missouri Pacific railroad will piss.
This is ono of those wonderful
towns which , possessing the advantage
of a need location , spring up and
mature HO rapidly.
At present the town contains about
; )00 ) inhabitants , mostly men , , is the
residence portion of the town has not
kept pace with its business. There
are about one bundled buildings ,
mostly wull and substf ntially built
and there are arrangements m.idu for
about seventy-live moro as soon M
spring opens
Among the buildings already occu
pied and m.uly for occupancy are BIX
two story stoics , twenty-four by
eighty fcot ; four others , twonty-four
by foity feet , also two atones high ;
a new hotel , thirty-six by seventy
feet , two stories , which is one of tbo
best buildings to be found in a coun
try town in the state. It contains
sixteen sleeping looms , ollice , thruo
family rooms , dining room , kitchen ,
sample room and basement , It cunt
nearly live thousand dollars and watt
built in fifty-eight days.
It is well finished in walnut and
oak , and will be opened about Feb
ruary 1 , 1882 ,
The best depot on the B. & M.
railroad , except at Lincoln , is at this
point , it is twenty-five by ninety
feet nnd i very well appointed
Rev Fitzgerald ( Catholic. ) has pur
chased ono of the most eligible nitou
in tlio town and built a parsonage
worth Sl.fiOO and laid thu foundation
for a church which will coat from
83,000 to $1,000. It will bo completed -
pleted as HOOII us spring opens ,
A Presbyterian church was organ-
i/cd in December , and have regular
Heryices , the Methodist and Congre
gational societies also luwo occasional
'I'ho school district was organued
in November , and will open in the
Hpring , Good looking applicants , ( of
the feminine pumudsionj for the po-
sitif nof teacher will | lu.isocallon Mr.
Moore ,
A union Sunday school has an en
rollment of about forty pupils.
There are hero , also , a dramatic
association , a Good T mplara lodge , a
public library and many other thinga
which go far in show ing the life and
onercy that the town contains ,
Sheridan , ono iniin north , is quite
and old town and up to the present
haabeon almost , but the near np-
proich of the nulnnd has scru > d to
unliyon them noinon hat and prepara
tions art- being mndu for extensive
improu-ments as * uwn R& spring
opens. Tn o good stores hn * o already
biM n elected.
Tliero has been , BIINV Calvort was
well started , a tight Mweon the two
towns for the count ) scat , which is
now at Hrownvillo , and such wan the
estimated condition of atlairs , that
those who assumed to K > posted , said
that each town would rum t'ie chances
of the other in that
, UMpoct , but now
a compromise has boon agreed on ,
which settles the dithculty.
About midnny bo'weon ' the two
towns is ono of the rises m the rolling
praino which constitutes thia county ,
it ia a very sightly place , gi\ing a
view of almost tht < whole county
Hero is where the political bosses
have decided to Wito the county
buildings and each tm\u will diop its
cognomen and the wlu > lo will bo chris
tened as one. This solution seems to
ijivu universal aatisfictuin
Tliero is a ledge nf line buildim ;
stone almost surrounding the town
i Calvert ) within n mile from its center ,
which promises to boa source of revenue
onuo for n 1 mg time to come , as the
rock is of a very suponor duality
The town contains the largest stocks
of dry goods , groceries , hardwarennd
agricultural implements in the county.
There are nowipinois published
both at thia p'aco ' and at Sheridan.
I ho Calvert Courier and the Sheridan
Post aio bright , iun\sy sheets , and re
flect credit upon Unit management.
S ( Huuar.u.
When Tlicro'ii Will Thorn' * n
a Way
Am oiu who lias tlu > will to t'y THOM
AS' III KCTIUV On , will Mirc'j ' find tlw w iv
to tnlmst hu.dtli , in > is s of hionchlivl nf.
ft-cUon * , H'ire throat , ) i iins , t > ct ; anil I H .111
iutvriml romedv it is imntunhlu. U ) l\v
Ilolnwn'a Land Oiunt lltll.
Sail KroiuUco Chronicle'
llol.nan , _ congressman from the
Fourth district of Indiana , has initia
ted a movement for the forfeiture of
all land grants to railway corporations
\lnclihavu failed to comply with the
conditions of the grant. The bill is
drawn in all essentials upon the plan
often presented in The Chronicle du
ring the last two joira. It provides :
1. That where lauds have boon
granted to aid in the construction of
railways , and wlicio the toad 01 roads
ha\o not been completed within the
tune specified in the grant , sucli lands
shall be forfeited and restoied to tlio
public domain , subject , liKeotherpub
lie liui'lf , to pro-omption and homestead -
stead entry.
2. It directs the sccrotaiy of tlio
interior to report to congress at the
beginning of its no\l session the mini
bor of acres of land for which patents
have been issued to such delinquent
corporation for lands giantod for such
purposes , where railway companies
have failed to complete their loads
according to the terms of the grant.
U. It directs tiie attorney general
to bring suit for thu cancellation of all
patents issued to such forfeited lands ;
the meaning of which is that the at
torney general is to ditoct tbo United
States district attorneys to institute
and prosecute such suits in their re
spective districts.
The full text of the bill has not yet
reached us. It should , and probably
does , provide for the punishment by
impeachment of all officers ot the
United States who refuse to obey its
provisions. Otherwise it might remain
u dead law through the connivance of
the secretary of tbo interior , or thu
attorney general , or the United Statis
distiict courts with the railway
grantees. Our recant exposure of pro
ceedings in relation to the illegal pat
ents issued for lands claimed by thu
Central Pacific railway company and
its assigns , within the exterior limits
of the Moquolumnoa grant in San
Joaquin county , explain how such an
act , without a iniml provision against
such officials , might be evaded , in the
hope of its repeal , so that no good
would come of it to the Bottlers or the
government. The settlers on the
Moqiiolumnea grunt have a league
( headquarters at Stockton ) , and that
league should see to it that tboniithor
ot this bill is informed of all thu
details of their situation , and of thu
delays which pistico has suffered by
the tardiness of certain United States
ollicials in pioccodmg to have the
illegal pattnts canceled by the couit.
There is no doubt that this bill is
presented in perfectly good faith , nor
that Ihu author means to make a
strong li 'lit for its passage. William
S. Holman lung auo won the honorable
name of refoimor in congress. He IH
a democrat , hut never allowed his
name to bo mixed up with any of the
scandiilouH measures that h > \ . \ u dis
graced congress in the lust quiuter of
a century The machine politicians
of all parlies hated him so bitteily foi
his rumorst-liss exposuiu of their ras
calities that they consphod against
him a few yoais ago and cimsod
hia defeat. He is now back again ,
elected by a majority of nearly 1,800 , ,
and his first bill falls like a bombshell
among the railway forces collected at
Washington for the puiposo of gam
ing still further advantages of the
people and the government. If his
bill passes into a law. with such
amendments as we ha\u abo\o sug
gested , it will reutoru to the use of
settlers not far from 150,000,000ucies
of land now locked up from settle
ment by railway corporations who are
incapable of giving title to an acieof
it. And thtao 150,000,000 acres are
of the very bust agricultural lands yet
unsettled in the country.
From Holiimn's congressional record
there is no mason to believe that he
has made the movement as a demo
cratic or pirty measure , Ho very
well knows that there are ninny demo
crats in both houses who ovso 'heir
election and acknowledge supoiior al
lugianco to these land grunt railway
companies. These will unite with
probably an equal per cent , of ropuh
licaiiB to obstruct and defeat thu bill ,
and huvu dibate on it postponed from
session to session. But he also knows
thai the movement is popular and de
manded by > i large majority of the vo
ters of thu country , and that whoever
opposes it will be a marked
man , with diminished clmncus
of re-election. It is , in fact , the par
amount question of thu session. The
lonuer its decision ia nut off the more
it will excite the people and the harder
its final settlement will bo upon the
wretched poliuci&oa who haroaold out
; heir most uiluablo services to these
corporations. The aggregate value of
ho land they propose to steal by cor
ruptmg congress and go\ eminent oil- !
cials is almost inestinnble. At any
reasonable estimito the loO,000,000
acres ate worth ns much , or within
i\o years will be ns the whole
undod debt of tbo United
tales. It covers an ana equal
0 that of Franco and lioluimn , It is
nainly well watered , with n good pro
lortion of the best timber in the
\orld , and two thiids of it is as well
idapted to general agriculture as
1'onnsyhaiiu or Missouri. It is as
ustly the property of tlio I mted
States as the mint , custom house or
.iii'sulio of this city And yet , until
in act like Holman s , roatoiing it to
he public domain , passes , it nui t
remain segregated in the grip of these
corporations , incipable of transfer
Mtn title ; unless congress ahull take
he unpopular and execrable oppoaite
: ourso of renewing the lapsed grunts ,
I'ho party that 'takes that responsi-
ility ia doomed , The men who
ulvoeato it will never again bo heard
if in public life.
Hallroiul Sociability ,
u.imlo HrtoincrMif
"Speaking about thu sociability of
raihoad ttaxulets , " said the man with
ho clutches and a watch pocket o\er
nsejes , "I nu\orgotso wollacqimint-
d with the passengers on n tram , ns
1 did the other day on the Milwaukee
V St. Paul Wowoie going
xt the r.ito of about thnty miles an
lour , and anothoi tiain fiomlhoother
lircction , telescoped usVoworoall
brown into ouch olliei's society , and
nought into immediate social con-
. ict , HO to speak
I went over and sit in the lap ot a
corputant ladyfrom Manitoba , and a
girl fiom Chicago , jumped over nine
seats , and sat don on the plug hat of
t preacher from In 0rosso , with so
iiuch unml , gniiHb ontbuttiain , that
t shoM'd Ins bat cle.u down over his
shoulder *
Everybody Deemed to lay aside the
usual cool lesoive of titnngeis , and
ITO made ourselves entirely at homo.
A shy young man A ith an emaciated
; ) il cloth \abse , lelt bis own seat and
: ind wont inornnd sat downiua lunch
luskot whole a budlo couple seemed
Lo be wrestling with their first picnic.
Do you suppose that leticont young
man would have done such a thing
on ordnury occasionsDo / you think
if he had been at a celebration at
homo that ho would have risen impet
uously and gone whine those people
wore eating by tbomsuhes , and nvl
down in the cinnbouy jelly of a total
stranger ?
I should rather think not.
Why one old who , probably at
liouio led the class meeting , and who
was as dignified as ROGCOO Conkltng'a
father , was o.itin a piece of custard
[ lie , when wo met the other tiain ,
uul ho left his own seat , and went
[ > ver to tbo fiont end of the car and
stabbed that piece of custaul pie into
.ho ear of a beautiful widow fiom
People tiavolimt , somehow forgot
ibo austerity of their home lives , and
form acquaintances that sometimes
last through life.
AnNwer Thin.
Did you ever know any person to
bo ill without inaction of the stomach ,
liver or kidneys , or did you ever know
ono was well whonoithor was obstruct
ed or inactive ; and did you over know
or bear of any case of the kind that
Hop Bittern would not curu ? Ask
your neighbor this same question.
Times. j'lll-fl
Shall Crook MiujtoiloiiB.
? olutn1ms.Nih ) Journal.
Charles Roinku has loft with us
what appears to bo the heart of the
lorn of a buffalo , taken out of a well
recently dug on his farm in the Shell
creek valley , at a depth of twenty-six
"cutfiom thu surface. Air. Roinko
oils us that on the farm of his neigh-
) or , Mr. Sivart/ , nearly the entiru
kcleton of n bnfl'alo was found at
ibont the same depth. Not far from
Jicso farms , on Franz Hengles' place ,
several years ago , were found thu
remains of a mastodon , a huge land
iniinal , allied to the elephant , but
low an extinct species altogether , and
tin-so remains wcto taken out of a
loplh of six feet only from the sur
face. Wo know of seveial insl'iices
in tins and ( Jolfax county of bits of
rocs being taken out at a depth of
wontj live feet.
In tho.Ho tunes of quack medicinu
idveitisumenlH ovuiywhoio , it is tiuly
giatifying to find ono imnody that is
north } oi pi.uso , and which leally
ilocs as iLCjimini'lided. Electric Bit-
, eis , we can vouch for as IMMIIL' a tine
mil tollable icniuly , : md one that
ill do as loconmiondod. Theyinvaii-
ly curbs stomach and liver complaints
isoaitLS of the Kidneys and Unitary
lillicultiL.s. Wo 1-now wbeieof wo
speak , and can readily say , give them
i trial Sold at fifty cents a hotllo by
Ish it McMahon. ( . ' )
Name Your Pl/.on.
Iiliron lininnl.
'fill' OMAHA BKP. is ono of the bust
mpors in thu west , and this is equally
; rue of thu daily and woek'y. ' It not
inly has all thu news of thu day , but
rircsoiils it in a crisp and readable
Onn. It is a staunch suppoitor of
.be interests of thu people , and is op
wsed to railroad interference in poli-
, ice. Tun BKH is too we 11 known in
Jiis county to need a detailed stnte-
nent of its many points of excellence.
li King's Now Discovery for Con
munition is certainly the greatest
medical remedy over piuod ! within the
luacli of sulleiing humanity. Thou
sands of once helnloss sulluiurs , now
loudly proclaim their praise f/r this
wonderful discovery to which they
owe their lives. Not only does it posi
tively cine Consumption , but Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Huy
Kevei , Hoarseness and all alloolions of
thu Throat Chest and Lungs yields
at once to its wonderful cuiativo pow
er as if by magic. Wo do not asL you
to buy a large bottle unless you know
what you usu gutting. Wo therefore
earnestly request you to call on you
druggists , IHU & MuMAiioN , and got a
trialnottlu free of cost which will con
v.nco the most skeptical of its wonder
ful merits , and show you what n rcgu
lar oim dollar sue bottle will do , Fo
by lull & McMnhon.j (4) ( )
't ii > . jojonA AIIJ roMOiinblo tncston | ! that tit *
> < , r .v i tor vnu to lake wlim > raYolliilii : < 1Uh'ir < lltcPtlon liMwci1- '
all'of the Principal Points ' Ihe West , North and Nortnwe (
i m IM Vnn 11i , I'rinrlpiil flti ! if tlio Wp tnln' VorOiKrit iff '
ni i ills Mad Himuli iraiii'i < uuko nose cot . -dloo * uuii * bo twlui oloJ'i ) Mi \ i
fits iirlnrliml lines , runs oich way < lillv from two U > four or moro I'.isc K
> Is tin * iini > wcstofi IW.-IKO iws l im
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
li ! nn-inlipr to n < ! c for rirkclsl.i tills ro.iillio sum they rend ever It.nnil t.iko noiui nrhw *
HAUJI.N lllUlim'ou'IMuiiaiur.nilc.iKO. ( ] jV. . I ! STKNNKTTCc ! 'l I'.iss. Apout , Oli
HAIUtY 1' Illii. : . Tlrln t Agent N W HMIwij , lllh and K inh m troet
1) . K 1UMI1AUnlrtinl Tla'iKliri < ul ANV IWlwuj , 14tli ( ml K ruh > it | < lrecli
J. lIKIil , , Ticket A'int C A N W lUllwn ) , U P. It U Depot.
SAMINT PI. VUK ncncrnlrent. .
\ro luippy to infoim their MILLION of ronilurs , and TII12 MILLIONS that
no to eonio , Unit nt riMt expense ( licj luivo aocnrcd u Htnuigelj' ronl and
.loflorful . stoiy , uulitlcd
A Tale of Daring Deeds by a Brave Woman'sHands. )
Tliia ntory ! H from the pun of : i Ni.Co.STliininon ,
A mini who HVUH amid tlio ncunua ho tloacriboa , nnd knnwi the men and
woniou lie writes about ; a story which lucks sumo of the beauty and finish
, vhich a practicwt pun would gtvo , but nuikun up a thouannd-tuld ia Wild
Reality , Truth , Originality nnd 1'owor of Description. The writer has cx-
urtcd hia boat ellbrta , nnd coinon to
iVith u vivid freshness which will nuiku the iiamo of
Reckless Ralph ,
\ liouaphold word with the roadura of thu NKW YORK WEKKLY. The
IrnmiitiB poraonu ) of OALAMITV JANE iiru niudu tip of ro.ul-ugunts , train
obbera , ( { old digjjors , Ilentlien OhinoHU , etc. , otc. No atrangor character
.Vliich will appear in NO. JO of the NEW YORK WEEKLY , has over ex-
Htud , and hur duriii doodn will bo re.ul with intuiiHo inturuut. The entire
toiy is now in our hands , and the lira I chapluiti will in NO. 10 of thu
News agents , subHoiihurH , le.ulorrt all bo ready for the best story of bor-
lerhfo , that THE NEW YORK WEEKLY has ever ivon yon in all our
ictivo yearn of htoraiy toil. Don't forget ,
Vill appear in NO. 10 of THE NEW YORK WEELY.
THE NEW YORK WEEKLY in Ihu oiiilxjdimont of .ill ia clmsto
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THE NEW YORK WEEKLY might with propriety bo in any
amily circle , even in that of a clergyman.
THE NEW YORK WHEKLY pays moro for JiianimcriptH than imy
ournal of itu clans , and is the
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I nnn tlm , ( postage free ) 8 75. 2 copies ( postage free ) S f > Oft
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HTII ( 'oi'V 1'iUK. GtltuiH-np of clubs afterward add Single Copies at
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P. O. ISox ' . ' 731. SiR , 27 , ' - ' ! > and ill Koso St. , Now York.
No.l , No , 2 ,
British Consumption Physio , Bromptoa Cough Prescription ,
In IJottlw ? 1.00 outli , U for § 5.00 , In HoUloi 75 centa each , G for gJ.50.
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