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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. JANUARY 24 , 1882. IRELAND FOR THE IRISH. A Stirring Address from the Irish National Executive Committee. The Orntton CoiUonnlftl-Gnuiil Colo- bratlon to Tftko Plnco on the 22d of February. FELLOW COUSTUVMKX In accordance - anco with a resolution adopted at the Irish National convention , hold in Chicago , the executive committee re quest that the 'J'Jd dny of February next ho approjiriatply celebrated hy the Irisli people in the t'nited Stains , both' as the anniversary of the birth of Washington ami ai the contoinmry of the dpinund successfully niado by Jlonry Grnttan for the imlopcmlonco of the national parliament of Ireland , then sitting in the parliament house , Dublin. In order that our American follow citizen * may undor.itand the propriety of the two-fold celebration , the following circular is issued : National parliaments existed in Ire land at a very early period. The 1 English invaders recognized the free dom of these aABOinhlagon , and promised to thorn all the pnvileues of MaRtia Oharta a premise made only to bo broken. The menace of arms wore not aulliciont to prevent the people from convening as they were accustomed to do , and as the English crown could not at once abolish the parliament of the Irish nation , it sought ny an insidtotm policy to corrupt and enslave it. Lawn wore piiBaed in England and enforced in Ireland , restricting its powers. At the close of the ( if toenth century a statute , known aa Poyning's law , forbade the Irish par liament to meet , except at the mini' moils of the English crown and forever over prohibited it from inituting any legislation for Ireland ; itn solo and beggarly prerogative being thereafter that of approving the measures which the English crown desired pass ed for the government of Ire land in English In 108 ! ) , however , when the people espoused the cause of .luinua against William , a parliament , which was in ovcry sense national , assembled , and , proclaiming itself independent , pro cacdod to make lawa for Ireland , These lawa wore essentially a repeal of the Htatutos by which , in the name of the English crown , the Irish people had been robbed of their laud , nnb- joctod to every Hpceios of civil disa bility , deprived of voice in the govern ment of their country , and outlawed when they refused to yield obedience to laws expressly designed for their degradation. The Irish national parliament of 1089 , the only truly representative assembly hold for L'OU years , proved worthy of the name of freemen. It proclaimed perfect religious liberty at a time when toleration was the oxcop- .tion and persecution the rule all over Europe , It ordained that each eiti/.on should p.iy no tax for religion ex cept to the exponent of the faith his conscience ) approved. It pro vided for free schools. It niado appropriations for public works ; for the reclamation of wastu lands ; for the encouragement of im migration. It promoted manufact ures ; passed wise laws concerning navi gation and commerce : and declared void the confiscation acts of the J og- lish crown , , by which the land of Ire land had been boldly noised and be stowed on strangers without compen sation to the rightful owners. II remedied abuses and redressed griev ances. _ Its onlightment , wisdom and patnotiHin challenged the applause of an edified world. The defeat of the coward .lames put nn end to its brief but magnificent career. The victorious William pledged "the word of a king" that , after their submiKsiou to his authority , the people of Ireland should at least enjoy a measure of the civil and political rights awarded totlio subjects of th'j crown in either portions tions of the kingdom. This pledge , freely given while an Irish Boleliory still trod the native soil , wna infam ously broken on their dispersion. Poyning's law wan again deolaroel obligatory. Disqualifying statutes wore paused by which only represen tatives of a single creed were per mitted to Hit in the Irish pailiumont , thus reducing what had been : iniiiioii- al congress into a fanatical committee , chosen by the borough system from less than a fifth of the hish people ; nnd the agents of the crown HO manip ulated the pretended elections that n few individuals actually owned a ma jority of the so-called parliament , nnd controlled its action for theit iwn profit. Thcso individuals were landlords , many of them ab sentees and nearly all the proprietor ! of great estates in Ireland , obtained without price The poiml laws , passed during the reign of William ami hia successors , notonlyoxcludod Catholics , who were only four-fifths of the pop ulation , from sitting in parliament , but oven from voting for members. When the English manufacturers had succeeded in destroying all manufac tures in Ireland by the passage of pro hibitory laws in the Euglish purlin , nient.u spirit of self-defense , promptly echoed in the Irish parliament , began to awaken among the Presbyterians and Protostiinti. All productive industry - dustry , oxcojit the linentrade.had boon legally abolished. The Irish ships which had carried the national em blem over the waters of the globe , were forbidden the seas. There was left in la-land when the American - can war broke out neither freedom of conscience , freedom of property not freedom of trade. The country was aunk in ignorance , niado compuUory by English law ; in poverty rendered inevitable by EnglUh law ; and in civil and political bondage without n parallel. Henry ( Jrattan entered the Iriali parliament in 177& . Ho had contem plated for years the misfortunes of hit country and ho saw their cause. lie clearly perceived that there could In no liberty in Ireland until the Iriuli people possessed the right to nrnki ' their own laws on their own soil , with out interference or dictation from any foreign power. Jlo found the circum stances of the time highly favorable for the agitation which ho vigorously began , The English' crown needed ' all its troops in America. Ireland was suddenly freed from a foreign gar rison. Thu people formed a military organization Known ns the Irish na tional volunteorfl. Their expenses ore paid by popular subscription , 'hey ' refused commissions from the Jnglish crown , elected their olllccrs , nd made their own regulations. Their lumbers , originally -10.000 , rene to 00,000. They resolved to compel ho English government to abolish all he icstrictions which had baon placed in the trade of Ireland ; to extend ivil and political rights to the entire looplo ; and to repeal Poyning'fl law , n order that the Irish parliament hotild become frco and inunpomlcnt. nrattan , their spokesman in the Irish 'louso of commons with irresistible logic .ml . fascinating eloquence explored ho records by which the right of the rish parliament to make the laws of rcland had been taken away. Ho escribed the long catalogue of in- | uities which foreign legislation had nllietcd on the country tor her ruin , lo inspired Ins countrymen , with rma in their hands , drilled , equip- icd , generalled , ready for in- urrection , to seize the op- lorltinity which existed for lational emancipation. On April 10 , 780 , ho said "England now smarts -inilor the lesson of the American war. The doctrine of imperial legis- aturo she feels to bo pernicious ; the ovonuos and monopolies attached to t she has found to ho untenable ; she iaH lost the power to enforce it ; her nemies are a host pourim ; upon her rein all quarters of the earth. Her rimes are dispersed ; the sea _ islet lot hers. She hax no minis- cr , no ally , no admiral in vhom she longer confides , and no eneral whom nho not disgraced ; the inlanco of her fate in in thu hands of rcland. " He reminded his country- hat England had abandoned , under itroB.s of defeat , all her pretences to egislato for the American people. On ho ii'2ddayof February , 178ii , Orat- , an moved in the Irish houae of com- IKIIIH the declaration repealing 'oyning's law. Ho described the ight of England to make the laws if Ireland as the right of a grenadier .o take the property of a naked man , Hit , he added , "the man has now got- .on back his arms ; the armed presence if the nation will not bend. " Having 10 army to oppose the volunteers , the English crown yielded ; and from that , 'our until 1880 , the Irish national arliament was free and independent. For eighteen years its existence was .oleraled. The legislation of that loriod is a stilliciont answer to those larrow critics who allinn that the > ish people aru incap.iblo of self' ; oyernment. Like the free pailiu- nent of 108 ! ) , the parliament ol G rat lull proved enlightened , sagacious , Kitriotic ; it would havooxtomledcqua" ights to all classes of the people hat' t been permitted lo onduro. The crown , foreseeing that the Irish na tion would bo rehabilitated , rcsolvec upon the total destruction of the na- tioml legislature. To aecoinplisl this nefarious end , the volunteers were ordered to ( Unbind ; the country was darkened with troops no longer re quired in foreign wir ; Knglishmen and Scotchmen , dependents of nl > sentee landlords were given neata it the commons ; Lord Cornwnllis was sent over nw lord lieutenant tc buy the infamous , browbeat the timid and inllumo re igiona bigotry. By these shamofu iiuuiia , by such detestable methods the Irish parliament was abolished Had thu volunteers not been disband ( id , the stupendous vilhinly could no have bcencon.Hummutcd. To-day Ire land stands the conspicuous oxceptiot among the dependencies of Or on Britain ; she alone is .still denied the right to make her domoHtiu laws upot lior own soil. In ono of his great speeches Orat tan declared that ho woidd never bo satisfied so long as the meanest cot tuger in Ireland hud a link of Uu Hritmh chain clanking to hia ra 's. Ii this spirit let un celebrate his inos memorable achievement , dotorminc ( that while wo live wo shall watch fo the opportunity of which the voltni tcers of a hundred years ago wer robbed , solemnly resolved tha should it not bo vouchsafed to on dajr , the name obligation shall descent a binding legacy upon our children "Nation-said Edmund llurko , "is moral essence ami not a ueogniphica arrangement. " The Rod-given righ of every nation to perpetuate niu govern itself , no man can lake away Whovnr would advise insurreetioi in Ireland at this critical juno ture , when the people .ate withoii arms or personal hbuity , would ho traitor not to the Uritiah crown bit to the Irish people ; but the hitUoryo mankind proves it in emly to 01 gani/.ed force that tyrants succumb it is only armie.s that have reseiu1 * and maintained liheity. Thosupiem lesson of the conton.iry of ( irattai and tint volunteers is organization. Your National committee deem i thuir duty to draw your attention t ! the approaching 17lhof March. Whil than -100 of the more - first citizens o our country -tho chosen and intrepii leaders of the nice nru compelled b thu foreign element in Ireland to mil for the torhiru of condemned felons although guiltless of crime , doniot bail and refused trial ; while th tenantry , in still greater numbers are being cruelly evicted fo unpaid back-rents , notwithstandin the vaunted advantages of an ullegei beneficial land act , "and a sontonc of eviction , " nays the patriot prelate. Bishop Ntilty , in a reconl letter , "i equivalent to a sentence of death i a country where , if you are to live a all , you must live by industry o thu land ; " while vast for eign military establishment lower upon every roof , and armed invader have totally destroyed the liberties o our kindred , the spectacle of guy jm cessions on St. Patrick's Day in th United States , and the icvolry of th banqueting room would bo alik repugnant to propriety , and painful if not InimiliaHiii , ' , to every oarnes son of our suHoring country. Lo us feast after Ireland 1m ceased to famish ; let our bannoi float in thu fieo air of on adopted country after they Jmv waved in the recovered fieodom o our native land. Thu pledge of § ' . ' 50 000 befoui the 1st of February , t which thu honor of the Irish nationa convention at Chicago is committed renmins to bo redeemed. May wo no suggi-gr , Unit Hi liiui of proces BIOIIS mid banquets , each sociot immediately assess itself the cost of regalia , than , music mid caterers , and traiiBinit the amount ut once ? 1 ho day would thus be nobly observed ; and the sound morality and good senne of the method should bo emphasized by holding public meetings nt a mini- mm expense , In which the ust claim of our country and 10 infa'hiy of her foreign government ould bo ofibetivoly sef forth , t. Patrick's day festivities have too fton seemed more dawdling in the lories of the past of Ireland by those vho felt no hope in her future. Lot s who are animated by that hope ommemorato the day according to its orvont and glorious Inspiration. MH HAKt. 1'oi.AN'n , Chairman. L. K. BKOWN , Secretary. January 21 , 188'J. PACIFIC JUNCTION. A Thriving Town at the "Q" Cross RoadB. The Now Dopot.-nunlucBH Change * Noted Ex-Nobrimlitin * . orrr < i < ontlcnro of Tun Ilicn. I'Acinc Jt'NCTiox , Iowa , January 1. Of all the many small towns of western Iowa which your correspond- nt has visited , none seem to bo innk- ng such rapid strides forward aa 1'a- ific Junction. It is entirely n ailroad town owned and controlled iy the C. H. AQ. . railroad , and they eom to have selected it as their head- imrtun ) for southeastern Iowa , and H a consequence the Junction ia en- eying quite a boom. A NKW DKI'OT. The junction at present is undergo- ng ono of the many inconveniences o which all towns are subjected that ire "run" by a railroad company. Some years ago the railroad company ocated and erected their depot _ and he business houses were built in a close proximity. For some reason the comp.iny decided to build a new do- > ot , and located it about two blocks , outheast of the old ono. The now depot is a handsome structure , two stories high , ! t2xl30 foot , of Gothic architecture , and probably cost 810- )00. ) The moving of the depot has caused considerable dissatisfaction , as hose who liavo erected buildings in ho "upper p.irt" think they have teen very shabbily treated. In con- loquoncu of this change several IIUSINKSS CIIANOKR are reported. The first is the hotel ormerly under the management of Miles Underwood , who lias disposed jf his interest to David MeArthur , a gentleman who has "pulled the throt Llo" on the 0. , B. efc Q. for many ye.ira , and who will take charge in n few days. The Laclcdo house will change proprietors on the first of next month. A change will be made in [ iroprietors of several utores hero in a ihiit time. A : * OL.D-TIMI : nuiiND. Hero wo mot Mrs. William Wood- liurst , who is still running the Eclipse liotel , and who will bo remembered by all Nebraskiins for the bravery and , 'ood judgment she displayed during Llio insurrection at the state peniten tiary "whilo her husband was warden of that institution. Mr. George W. Cole is clerk of the hotel. Your cor respondent hud a long talk about oil Union in Kub > aska and found nu many things about the penitent a ] and the present warden that we never know before , Mr. Cole was deput ; warden for a short time under Wood hnrst , and wan also a member of the constitutional convention. Ho know the inside history of the Weber case which u'flectcdsoBovorolyon thoguber nutorial administration of It. W. Fur HUH ; also that of Me Waters , and make some otrong charges which he claim ho can substantiate. Mi.vou .MINTION. : Nathan ( ioidon , who has hold th position of foreman of carpenter worl on the "Q. " road for several years , is building a large hotel hero , which will be under Inn immediate 8)I. It is located opposite the new dpcot , and will catch a good uhnro of the p.itronagu. To show how fast the town is im proving , wo will state that ono yeai ago last July the census gave Pacific Junction but 75 inhabitants ; now it is over 500. This place now has a republican postmaster. 1'or more than four years Mr. Alder , a , has hold that position , but a short time ugd WIIH succeeded by Mr. F. A. Sherman , u rising young republican. Mr. Sherman is also agent for Tun BKI : . The capacity of the round house heto will soon be doubled. The regular stock yards of the U. A M. road are located hero , under the ; management of Mr ( ! . W. Coburn , The yards are constructed on thu "model iilan , " and are pronounced the best in the west. CHASM. Dnu'l Throw Up NVIie-n miiraiini ; Immunity me e'litluriii ) ; limrorx f tlynpe'iiHia , iiieli.'e-htiun , etc iiervmm mill el. Mlity , the-y uro ton often inclined t > throw up tin i-ponge mill rutltn thonmeilvo to fate. WP wiv , don't d it. Tiiku-lli IIDOCK Di.oon 15iriKiislhe imfallliie ; u'lnedy. J'lico , $1.00 , trial hl/.o 10 centH. _ _ _ _ _ I" lw Competition in n HOR'S Eyo. Halliiol'oiiutj Stamlanl. Thu millennial day of competition between the railroads , that the State Journal , Omaha Republican and Omaha Herald tells us ia the only remedy for reducing enormous tariffs on transportation , has evidently not arrived. If wo are truly told from press dispatehe.i , there was great brotherly feeling nt the Iowa pool mooting held in Chicago recently , and a satisfactory divy was agreed upon. The Wnbosh gota one-fourth of the earnings. If eight more trunk linen wore run from the Mis ouri river hi Chicago , we picsu . .o each vv-mhl share ono-twi-lith , in- -i. ctii"U made high enough IM.VO . U p.iy. Yes , this is competition with a ven geance , the kind these papers an most interested in protecting. ALMOST OHAEY. How oiten do wo see the hardworking ing father straining every nerve and muscle , and doing his utmost to sup < port his family. Imagine his feelings when returning home from a hard day's labor , lo find hiu family pros' tratowith disease , conscious of unpaid doohra' bills and debtn on every hand , It must be enough to drive one alnu l crayy. All this unhoppincss could be avoided by using Electric Bitters , whi'jh expel every disease from thu system , bringing joy and happiness to UIPU sands. Sold at fifty cunts a hot tlo. lull it McMahon8) ) TRUTH ATTESTED. omolmportantatntomnntfl of We Known Ponplo Wholly Verified. In order that the public may fully rwvllzo the enulncnooi of the utatcmcnt * , M < ! ) M the xiwcr nd vnluo of the article of which they icak , we publUh herewith the fae-nlrnllo n'Rna- ' irc of parties who < o olnccrlty In bcv on I qucn- on. The Truth of thwo testimonial * If at/so- ito , nor can the facts they announce bog \ - ored. . . WARNI-.R k Co. : IrR SIR : I Imo frequently tisctl Warner's afo Kidney and Liver Cure for local affections ttcmUnt upon ravero rheumatic attacks , and avcalmys derived benefit therefrom , t hate to lined the Safe Vcrvlnc with tutlthctory re- iltK. I consider these medicines worthy of onfldcncc. Ucrmtj Treasurer OMAHA , Nrn , liny M , I'Sl. I. " . WARNH.H & Co. , ItochfDtcr , N. Y : OHMS : I have used jour hafo Kidney and Ivcr Cure this uprlng Ma ItcrlnviRontor. nnd find I' the beat remedy I ever tried. Ih-vvi cd 4 bottloH , ard It his rnado mo fc l better han ever I did before In the spring. U. 1' . U. 8ho | . OMAHA , NM , HAJ34 , I. II. ARNIIRCO : SIKH : Xor more Umn 16 j- urn t have nuflcrexl much In onvenlctico from combined kidney find IvorillHciun , kinl hivvei bcoii un'bleto vtork , ny urltiuy orpins aho biini ; affected I tried a rcivt innny niiiUclnra anil doctors , but 1 ( frew worse &nd wortoilny by day. Iwutold I hnd Irlvht'H Uiiteaw , nnd I l hcd mytclf demd Iff could not have ] icoly relief. 1 took your Hale Klilnoy and Uvcr Cure , knowing nothlnc cLsei vita ever known to euro tlm dhuwo , and I liavo lot been ilnv ppolnt < ( l. The medicine han cure'U ne , and I nm pcrfoc Iy well to day. entirely lno' ) h Jour f-no ( Kidney and LlvorCuro I wlnhj on all mice win imblljhlnif this v uablo emeuythrouKh ho world. u. r. n. it. Shop * . ThoiiKindi rif exiually s'ronjf cndorscment'i ' winy of them In cone where hi > | w wan nban. loned bavo been voluntarily tflvon , nhowln the cmaikable power of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Uur.e , In all el npniwn of the kldnojs. Uvcr " " ' " If ony ono who reads thin .trouble remember tha groit Gentle Wlio want glossy , luxnrianfc nnd wnvy tresses of abundant , bcautiim Hair must use LYON'S KATHAIRON. This clccant , cheap article always niaues tlio Hair prow freely nnd i'ast , keeps it i'rom fulling1 out , arrests ami cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , innkos the Hair ntrong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Hathuiron. In HontN IIOHtcttcr'HSlom&ch ItltteTH In us much regarded as a household nrrmHllj- uar or uoffc-e' . 'Ihu rc-ONon of thu la tbat jearx of eixpcriinciIvue jirovcil It to bo pi rfcct y rcllablu In thobo ca cb ol cmc'ru'i'iic ) where a prompt and ci > n\cnlcnt rtiu- id ) biilc-iiiunded , Coii8tlittlon | , liver c'Ompl.iint djHi'C'pxlii , imlln'cfetloii and otiicr troublef. an ovenomu by It For Hilu b.v all Drii Klxta and Dcalcrn , to w horn apply for Uobtcttcr'H Aliiianuu lorlbhi. 1880. KANSAS CITY , SUOG& Council Bluife U 1IIII OM.Y Direct Line to ST. LOUIii AND THU KAST Prom Oinnhaand the Wont No channo of i > n betuoon Omaha unJ bt. uoul , iul hut one betvvucn OMAHA mil NKW YOIIK 3353X32 = . Daily PassengerTrams SCACIIIN'3 JILL KASTKRN AND WKSTEHK CITIKS with LKSS CllAUGis : and IK AUVANUK of ALL , OTIIKK LINKS. Tills entire line u ciiulnwJ | with Pullman1 ! I'alaco Bleciilii ) ; Cars , 1'alacu 1m y Coaches , Ulllor'i bafety riatform and Coupler , and the celebrated WeBtliiKhouao Air braVo. MffiM that vour ticket reada VlA'nANSAS 01TV , BT. J03K1-K & COUNCIL ULfrVS 1U road , v la Kt. Jew pli and Bt. Louis. 11ckoti ) for silo % t 'ill couiion aUtlons In the Went. J , F. HAItNAUD , A' C DAWKS , Oen. Supt , St. Josc-iih , Mc | Oon 'Mw ml Ttc' i t All ! > ht Joseph , Mo. \ r' ) lr' lc . Ti i > tt Aifnut , 10' i'ui iil-Oii Direct. A , U , UiSMiun Oenorvl Ak'ont , OUAIIA.NK FAST TIME In Kolng tal-e the Chicago & Northwestern - ern "Tralna leave On aliv S:40 ] > . in ami 7:10 : a. inTer Tor fulllnfaiuutloiicallon U , I1. OUKL , Tie-In" AKent , Ulhninl Kariihain Ktn J. 1IKI.I. , L. r lUllwttj lU'iiotor at JAMKST. CUAlllv , Oener al Aveni , Omaha jalTm&o tf Clarkson & . Hunt , BUCCXMV to Hlchtrdi & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW B ) UttatrMt. dm b * Neb. 5011 suiter from lll'UDOt K IILOOD IIITTKIIS. If J oil arc' nfnirtcc ! with IlllloiKncfv-i , u < v Ill'UDOCIJ I1I.OOD IIITTKHS II j mi prostrated with sick Hrmhrhc , take IIUUDOCK inooi ) iiirrins : II jour Ilowclsare dlsordereil , reguhtc- them with HUltDOCK 1II.OOL ) HITTKllH. If jour lllooJIi mpuro , purify It with IIUUDOCK III.OOU IIITTIIIIS , Ujouh-vvo IiicllRc'tloiion will tindnn nnttiloto in I1UHDOCK HI.OOU illTTlIUH. If you arc troHblcd with Spring Comphlnto , cr- udlcJito them with HUHIJOCK 111,001) ) 11ITTIHS. : If j-our MvcrU torpid , restore It to hc lthj action with IIUUDOCK IlLOOLUllTTinta If jour Liter Li affected , > ou will ( ln < l n xuro re- stontlvcln I1UHDOCK ni.OOD IliTTiniS. If > on havcany pccie < iof Humor or IHmpIe , full not to t-ikc I1UHDOCK 11L001J HITTKHS. jou have any Hjmptomsof Ulctra or Scrofulous ores , t curative rcmodyvill bo found In IIUULiOCK 11LOOI ) UrTTKlUS or Imparting titrcngth and vitality to the SJTI- 'in , nothing can equal nUHDOCK IILOOD IIITTKIIS. 'or ' Kcrvou * and General Debility , tone tip the stun with UUKDOCK IILOOD DITTKHS. rice , $1,00 pel Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 CU OSTER , MILBURN , & Co , .Props . , BUTTALO , N. Y. Sold at uholetulo by leh & McMahon and C. F. oodman. Jo 27 cod-mo t for hcinittio tuo-'t ilirca , quicm-it , an nafc t line irnnrtln thurcr.t Vclrf3 \ \ , CHI 'JAOO , and the I'ABTI-HN , NoRTii-KA"-"es , I OUTI iiid SouTli-UAsrkHN LIMIvvnitji tcinin.-iilhcro , ith KA\-4A3 CiTr , Ln.vvtTWi'nTii. ATIIITON , IOUNCII , HLVFM and OMAHA , hi'n M RotAi m which radiiUe EVERY L1NC OF hat penetrate * thuCoiiMnxnt from int tlvcr to the Pacific Sloix. . Die- CHICAGO ROCK ISIJLMD & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY n the only line from Chleo annliiL < rvx Into \ansan , or which , by Ita own roiul , ii > u.hc3 the TOlntn abov o named. No TRAMWI-M m ' MtruAaKl I'D Mismso NrcriONHl No hiulfJI'm' In 111. entllatcd or unclean cars , an every | > MdUiicr Is -irrlcd in roomy , clean and vo , 'lKu ooiche ipon Font Exprooi TraiiiH. DAY C'Ans of unrivaled rrujniflcr.u , ! 'DU.MAN [ 'ALACK RbKxru-a CAiia. and ourovvnv.orVl.famoua DINING UAIU ; , upon wbich rncviln uro sorted of tin- Burjxviscd excellence , at tha law r tc of SKVKNTT- Fra Citvra i ACM , with ample time fr > r hMlthful enjo > uioiit. Through Cars between Clilciigo , Peorla , Mil % aukee and Mbfourl Utvnr rolntti ; and clone- ron nuctlona at all polntu of intcrui.ct.Od wilh other road ? . Wo ticket ( do not forget this ) t < i every ilaco of Importance In Kansau , lNcbn.ii. . . Black Hills , Wyomlni , ' , Utah , Idaho , N'p\a < ! a , i iifnrnl , Orciron , Washiniiton liTiltory , Colorado. Arizona and New Mexico. Asll bcral orranvemi-nts rcijarrt'i ' . hi ifatfo ut any other line , and rates of Uru uiu.vt1 ow 8 competltora , who furnish but a tltbe o the com fort. fort.Do Do uand tackle cf fpcrtTUf free. Tickets , tnapu and folder ? at oil pr'nd ; a otllceH in the United SUtua and Canada. K. U. CAI1LE , E. ST. JOHN , Vice I'rcn't & Gen. Ot-n. Tkt findPa-'s'r Ac , Chluatro Cnlcaro. LECJAL NOTICE. the matter of the petition of Albert I' . Wyiiiin as LruiV.IIan of Henry \V\man and William T \\j man , minor heirs of Ilutilct 1' , W > nan , dcecasud. In MIC District Court of tliollilnl .In.lleinl Dis trict of the btate of Nc-brasKa , v\itliin and for the Count } of 1) ) u bs. And now on the 21ih daj nf December , A. D. ISSl.eomus Albert U. VVinun . , guardian of Henry 1' Wj man and William T. W nminforo-ald , and presented in opi n court Ins petition for Ucem o to Sell Heal Kstnto of his mid unr > ls for thuir ma'Dtcinince ' , education and for the payment of tuxcH asM-x-cd unit o 1m assented upon the real estate of hia cnld wards , nnd It tx'ip arln to thu ' ourt from au.h petition that , it is nuu.H-.irv that thureal tetateof siuh war IH eboidd be cold [ or the purpose's in HI ! ' . petition stated. AudUalrto appearing totho court that the nnid Albert L' . Wjmaii , thoMiU petitioner , is the na tural biitvivliu' par nt lenil ue\t of Hill of the - t-aid minor hc'lr * , nnd that there are no other \ er- , BIIIIH or parties mtercstul In thu c'statu of naid : imnnr ho n ns nt forth in bald petition , Ami it ulso appearing to ttie court that the s.Ud Alli-rtU U * > i , nn , not only In and by his i-aid lettltlon , vOilch iniludcs and e-micludes his rights in thu prc-misei as next of kin and heir at law of sxlil minors in hiu e-rxiion anilrrnmlnder , nnd tenant by eoiirtcA ) of tlie .tld llatriet 1' . Wjmaii , dcccnncdibiit aluobv his \oluiitar.v app - p .iraiiLU In ope n court , confcsMn ai iiiardian and ncvtof kin , andtlier b > accepting thu order of court herein , to show eausu h > liccnbo should neit b c-raiitc'lfnrtlieisiloof euch real ebtatoln Kild petition described. It U ordered that the nevt of Kin and all pel nous liitcrex c-d in bald estate appear bu'oru thh court In 'litmberti ' on the -Mnl da > of January , A. D. Ihsi , at thu court IIOIIHI ! In ald Count ) ol DoiuU * , InOnuhiCltv In taid Count ) , to hou uaiiso uli ) a lieeiiKo sli'iulil not bo Kmntc'd for the sale of mien rial estate ) liiHild petition eUscrilu-d , and tint copies of this notice be served Uun such persons us nfora-ald , J Third Distri t Court Sen ) , ) ( Douglas Count ) , Null. I JAS. W. SAVAOF , Jllel O. State of Nebraska , Dou Ui County : 1 , Win 11. IJ-iiiH , clerk f thu DUtrUt Court in and for said Siatoand eountv , elo hereby certif ) that I havu coiniaied the above order of salel court , with thu original order a-j I appears ol rec'ord on folio journal of hild court , and that the bainu In u correct triumcrlpt thcreiof , and the uliole of Kvid original order. 1 1 tcBtiinony wheieof , 1 havu hereunto Kit nij html and cnui-ed thu Hial of said court to bo af- llxc-.l ut thu Cit ) of Omaha this 21th day of DC- ecmlicT , 1M1 I 'llilrd Distr et Court Heal , I Doutflaj County , Ne-b. ( WM. H. IJAMB , ile-20 e-v mit ClerU. ill IIOIIDIK 1IKOS , . Ilroki-ra In all lUllroHU Tlckc-U , Oui&ba , Nub , , offer TicVoU ) to the East \ until further notice , at too following unheard o daw Itntos' Ut cl&su , Sd clam NEWYOHK , J20UO , ISOSTON , 20.00 , I'HILADKI.l'lllA , 25.00 , WAblllNelTON , 22.00 , 20.00 For particulars , wrltccrno direct to IlOllIlli IlllOS , . Dialers In Iteduevd hatu llallroaJ am btcauibhlpTiclitts , bTO Tenth St. , Omaha Nub Itcmemncr the place Thrro Doors Ncrth o Union 1'aclflo Kallroatl Depot , Kast 6. do oiTciitl Struct. Omalu Auirunt 1. 181 _ H. SCHONFELD Proietorof the ANTIQUARIAN Book Stoi e ! The AiiUqtmHnn's Warning. Do nut tiwt Iiim , Bent lo reader , Though lilt shelves look trim nnd neat Do not howl the tilntc gloss window * , Shining out iipiiti the street. Gilded hackliiKon the volumen eon will f.icio nnd he forgot ; Uilrio'l ' flefiiH arc oft deceiving ( ientlo reader , tni t him not. Itc.iiler , once there lived a student , Who Ion ? sought for learning rare , And ho met him on the sidewalk , And he fnl ely led him there. And ho talked to him nf TRADE SAUW , 1'OTTEii'H hoo'iiB nnd SciiMttKKii'H lore ; And [ met him plodding homeward With a Irandlc to his door. Ocntlo render , I liav- wailed , Nightly I have walked the street , Lingering for yon on the corner , And tills huppv hour wu tnvctl Haijo > < iuruye to yonder window , Where our student , in the night , With a page > f ScilMUCKKii's history , lines up hit ) > ipt to liyht. Reader , turn not from mo coldly , The truth only have I told ; I would aa e theo from the book stores , Where the customers are " oM. " I w uld sliielil theo fram 'l d.ingcr , Qhiold theo from the plate glass mare- ; Shun , OInui the gilded conntem , I have wanted thuc now IIKWAUE ! H. Schonfeld. PROPRIETOR OF THE ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE Invltc'Htho attention o ( the IOVC-M of eioocl read- ini ; to hia extensive and valuable collection of the CHOICEST WORKS In nil ilcpartmcntH o ( Literature and Science. Not enl } nro thu most Knulleh and American v\ork to bo found in his shelves but THE ANCIENT CLASSICS , and the Standard Writers of MedLTsvalftRcs and Modern Kurox ) nrc wo 1 represented , On tni ; to his opportunities for Nceurin ? these Books .vt low ] irite , he cflcw them at lU'urce which ran not bo met by any other house in thla cit > . 1'artltn desiring Good Books at Low Prices ure requested to rail cl cuhcro before coming here that they maj prove the truth of this an- Qcrtlon. Dextrine to keepa stock of the very best worls , I cnrelulh eel-ct only such 113 could meet the ap proval of a cultivated taste. In these da ) 9 of cheap literature It Is very easj to hu > for a little money a Inreo clock of printed matter , bound In well uildcdcovcra and popular ly termed booKi , but which deserve the title In the laiiLjuajjo o [ Charles of I.-vmb , in Books' ' Clothing , " It H to lie regretted that BO man ) booksellers , illiterate and luenenar ) , till their shelves with thisK-pccicsof rcaiiluc ; maiter , thus lonvcrtlnjr their utorcH into Mere Oharnal Houses for the gilt-edited and hot-pressed mummies of forgotten or unhappily utitortfotten ecnblers. Let those who wi-h to read books of IN- T INH1C VALUE , tcp Into in ) btore and they will find whatever the ) want Itenicmber tlu.t by the choice of ) our books } ur chancier i judged. It is an axiom that "people will not bo butter than the booKa ti.ej rend,1' Ir ) A. 1'otter Tlie gi neral reader , the l.ivijcr , the classical , theological or mi dical student , the engineer cr architect the historical enquirer , Ihc lovtrof poetry or tlcticti , or those who look for work In Ionian language ! ! , can butupplled with what is dctirid. 1 have alio nlarfio and well selected fctock of elegant Little Books forChlldrenat home , who should be remembered In this holiday season. And those who wish for choice nnd richly bound gilt book" , whoso contents will he found worthy of their external appearance , will do well to call at the ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE 1420 Douglass Street. HEADQUARTtRS OF THE LITERATI. de20codlm THOROUGHBRED JERSEY COWS & HEIFERS For Sale By GSAHAM P. BROWNE , To Nervous Sufferers THE OF1EAT EUROPEAN I7EMEDY Dr. .3. 8. iSimpHou'u Specific It la a | KL'H | < . > jrci lit ormr.ioirhcn , Scm'r * Woaknupij , Impotancy , nnd all dlswca reoultlnt from Soil-Abuse- Mcii'.tl Anslctj , liOW Mcii.oiy , l'litf In the U ; . ( I , or Side , r.tul diieasoi - " " ' " " ' " " f "that lead tc Consumption Inn vnlt } rkn enrlycjnre' TM hpcciflt \culcnc ! k. * ith under fill HIIC-CP6II. Famnhlct ! tf to all , V/rlt < . for them tnd Kct full par tlf ularu. 1'rlco , SiwelUc , il.W per lockage , or six pack. KCS for { .00. Addrcu * all ordcrn to II. rflMRON JIKDICINK CO. .Von. 101 and 100 11 n in bt. ISuOalo , N. T. i 1 In Oniiha by C. K. ( Joodman , J. W. Boll i lab , .id all .ItuirL-lhttoveiywhcre. t SS-dw WESTERN CORNICE WORKS ! C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , NEB OMAHA , - - - MANUFACTURERS OF GiLWIZED IRd Cornices , \ Dormer Windows , Finials TIN , IRON | SLATE ROOFING , Specht'a Patent Metilio Sky light. Patent Adjustable Ratchet Oar and BRACKET SHELVING I am the K""cral State Afent for the &bo\ line of gooda. IHON FKNUINU , Crettlne * . Daluttradei , VerandaiJOftlce am Dank Ralllngt , Window and Collar Guard i ; alto GKKEUAL AGENT Peerton and Hill Patent Inild * Blind , novldtf NEW YOIIK , JANUARY , 1SS2. Till Si N for 1831 consumed four million one hundred and nine-four ! thousand thrtc hundred - dred and ninety-one (4,104,301) ( ) pour ito of print. ln paper In Us lull ) , Sunday , anil Weekly edition * . This Is equal to > l\ty million cven hundred nnd scvcntj-two thournnil sl\ hundred and scvcnty-dcvcn (00,772,077) ( ) cones of the dally lire. The actual circulation for the past jenr was : Dally. . 30701,101 Sunday . . .7,037,004 Weekly. 3,40BIC4 , , 1 This g vcs for each diy In the jcJir the followIng - Ing average. Copies of the Dally edition 120,041 Copies of the Sunday edition 135,330 Copies of the Weekly edition 07,273 Tint Si x hat advertising | > .ice to cell. In the DalUnnd Sunda ) editions lit price for ordlnarr advertisements Is 40 cents per nitntc lino. Pre ferred positions nnd dliplajcd matter from M cents to S2.50 per lino. In the Weekly 60 cents ana atc llnoof spaccj no extra chnrgo for dis play. Preferred positions 76 cents to S2 pci line , At thla pricn advertising in the several edi tions of TilK Sl'.v Is cheaper than Its pub.bhcr has ever been able to obtain In any other me dium , and he has spent hundreds of thousand * of dollars In making knonn Tim Hen , nnd the advantages It offcm to the bxulncsw community. Tin Sl'N Is published every day In the ycnr , at No . ICO , 1C3 and 170 Nassau Street , New York City. I. W. KNGLAND , Publisher. jdiilP-Ot JoiivST.vnt.XR , JKHOMK SCIIAMP , P.csldcnt. VIce I'res't. W. S. DKHIIKH , Sec. nndTrcas. THE NEBRASKA IIMAGTUEIM 00 Lincoln , Neb , MANUFACTrilKKS OF Corn Planters , Harrows , Farm Rollers , Sulky Hay Rakes , Bucket Elevating Windmills - mills , &c. We arc prepared to do job work and manufac- turli g for other parties Addrcs all onlera NKI1UASKA M/VNUKACTUH1NO / CO LINCOLN , NKH. janlO-Sm Tnla Rrcat fpecitlc cures that most loathsome disease Whotlior In Its Prlmnryi Socontlary or Tortlnrv Stago- Kemoves all traces of J'crcur ' ) from the 8)8- tern Cures Scrofula Olil SQ-CJ , , , Hheuma- tism , Hizcma , Catirrh or ail ) lilood Disease. CUTOB When Hot SpriiiKH Fall ! Jlalvern , Ark. , Hay 2,1S81. We have cases In our tonn who lUcdutllot Springs and were finally cured with S. K. S. MCC'AMMO.N A Ml'KHV. .Memphis , Menn. , Jlay 12,1BS1. We have sold 1,200 boflcs of S. S. S. In a jcar. It has giv en unlv er al H.UIsIaction. fair minded phslcians now recommend It ns n positive specific. S. JIANSHKI.U & Co. Louisville , Ky , , May 13.1881. S. S. S. has given better sati-faction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A. FLHXNKR. Denver , Col. , Jlay 2 , 1881. Every purcha cr fpeaks In the highest terras ofS. S. S. L. MclBsetnr. lllihinpnil. Va. . Slay 11 , 1881. You can refer am boils to us in regard to the merits of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co. Ha e never known S. 8. S to fail to cure a case cf Sphllls , when proper ! ) taken. The aboi e signers are gentleman of hl 'h stand ing A II COLQUITT , Governor oiGcoruIa. IF YOl' WISH WKV Lli TAKi : Yol'USE CA TO HE 1'AID KOK WHKS Cl'HKD. Write for particulars and ooiiy of llttlo book 'llchsau'o to the Unfortunate , 81.OOO Rownrel will be * paid to any chemist who will lind , on anujsiri 100 bottka S S. S. , ono particle of Mercury Iodide Potas sium or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SI'KOIFIU CO. I'rops. ' Atlanta , Ga. Price of regular size reduced to 81 75 l > cr nettle tlo Small auo , holding half tlioiuantit | > , price , Sl.OO Sold by KKNNAUU & CO. , and Dniif'lfltn C encrall > GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE * TRADE MARK1'1' " rcatTRADE MARK slircm- An un- curei ; for Kcminal Wcaknc3 , Bpermntor- rlicn , linpot- ency , and all ' follow n a BEFORE TAKItlQ.eequeiico of AFTER TARIHB. . bclf-Almso ; as I.osHOfMcmorj , tnlicrsal Laiml- tude , Tain In the HruK , Dimness of Vbion , I'rc- mature Old Age , and man } other Din-awn that load to liiHinltj or Coiisiiinptloii and a Prema ture Grave. tSTVnn particulars In our paiunhlet , which . wo ik-tiro to eend frcu I r mail to everyone. X2TThe Speclllc Medicine U sold by all clruirKlsta at jl per package , or Oiiackves fnr $5 , or will be fccnt frcu by mail un rco ptof the money , by addreH lii | { THEOHA JKDIUINECO. , , UuHalo , N. Y. or sale bv C F Ooodj ootmc-cod KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA B I T T IB & # A & , Jh j ILER & CO , . Sole Manufacturers. OMHA , BOSTON MARKET , Cuming Street. J , J , HOBES , Propr. Fresh and Salt Meata of all Kiude , Poultry , Fiah , &c. , in Season , OOXKXX3 JV3JJ30 13X3 1