Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1882, Image 1

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Yesterday's ' ProoBodiiigs iu tlio
Senate and House ,
The Time of the Former Occu
pied in Eulogizing the Late
Senator Burnside.
Introduction of an IromOlad
Chinese Immigration Bill
in the House.
The Latest Rumors of Cabino
Changes Include the Resig
nation of Lincoln.
. MltcollnncouR Notes From thn Na
tional Capital.
\YAHIHNOTON , January 23. Mr ,
Anthony offered a resolution suspend
ing proceedings in order that tributi
might bo paid to the memory of the
late Senator Burnsido , and uro
cecdod to eulogize Iho deceased.
The houao agreed lo sit on Thuradaj
evening for general debate on pending
Bills were introduced as follows :
By Mr. Clements , to apply the proceeds
coeds of the sale of public lamia fo
school purposes.
By Mr. Farwoll (111) ( ) , to prepare a
list of persons claiming pensions.
By Mr. Gibson , a bill to increase
the salary of members of the Missis
aippi river commission to $2,000 po :
Jiy Mr. King , appropriating2,000 ,
000 to prevent the spread of yellow
By Mr. Willis , to regulate and pre
vent the immigration of Chinese.
By Mr. Gibson , to amend tlio na
tional act and provide a uniform
The bill introduced by Mr. Willis
to regulate Chinese labor provides
that the coining into or residence in
the United States by Chinese laborers
is declared unlan fill. Those coining
in as teachers , students , merchants or
from curiosity , with servants , and
those laborers who were here prior to
November 17 , 1881 , may go and came
at pleasure. In regard to otheis , it
provides that it shall be unlawful for
any vessel to bring and land at any
port in this country moro than five
Chinese laborers of either sex on any
voyage , under penalty of 5500 for
each offense.
By Mr. Dunnoll , reducing import
'duties on sugars and molasses.
Mr. Orth presented a resolution
from the committee on foreign affairs ,
asking the names of all citizens of
this country under arrest by British
At 3 r. M. , the house took up the
special order and listened to remarks
'of ttio late Senator Burnside. Eulo
gies were pronounced by Messrs.
Chaco , Bruinm , Hill , Henderson ,
Pottibono and Spoonor , and after the
adoption of the customary resolutions
the houje adjourned at 4:10 : P. M.
Number of bills introduced to-day ,
385 ; total since the session began ,
:3,640. :
, _ _ _ _
'National Associated Press
WASHINGTON , January 23. There
is a well founded rumor that Secre
tary Lincoln is to retire from the
cabinet early in the spring , upon his
own request.
The secretary of the treasury has
issued an order that orders and drafts
upon the pay of employes , presented
by others will not in future bo recog
nized by the disbursing oflicors.
The comptroller of the currency
haa authorised the following national
banks to commence business : Hudson
National bank , capital 8100,000 ;
Merchants' National bank , Dunkirk ,
Now York , capital § 100.000 ; Spring
field ( Ohio ) National bank , capital
DKNISON , Texas , January 23.
There is increasing excitement in the
Chocia.v nation over the efforts now
being made at Washington to annul
the bill passed by Choctaw council
granting the right of way through
Indian territory to the St. Louis & , -
San Francisco road. The protesting
Chpctaws are aided by the Cherokees ,
It ifl claimed the alight majority by
which the grant passed through the
Choctaw council was n.iinod by fraud ,
bribery and oilier corrupt practices.
WASHINGTON , January 23. - Tlio ,
senate committee on railways this .
morninu heard statements by certain
Choctaw Indians in opposition to the ,
alleged ( { rant of the riuht of way lethe
the St. Louis & San Francisco rail
road through their lands.
NKW YOIIK , January 23. The
tariff schedule on west bound freiyht
nrrangul by the Irunk roads goes into
effect as follows : Chicago First-
class-Co. ( ; second-class , 32c. ; third-
clasa , 20c. ; fourth-clans , lln. ! Cincin
nati Firat-cliiaa , 41o.5 socond-claas ,
29c. ; third class , 2lo , ; fourth class ,
18c. Indinnanolis--First , -13c. ;
second-class , 30c. ; third-class , 25c. ;
fourth-class , 18c. St. Louis First-
class , fi9c. ; second class , 43c , ; third
clasa 4oc , ; fourth-class , 28c.
There was several removals in the
postofliso department to-day , making
tomato thirteen clerka on permanent
rolls and six on the temporary roll
thai have been discharged. The
clerka are from the first assistant's of.
fico , and were removed because of ago.
The work of this division is conatantly
increasing , and Mr. Hatton recom
mended the removals that fresh and
younger men , m ro competent to per
form the work , might bo put in.
Pueblo Indinns , nine in number ,
were in the city , and had a confer-
nco with Indian Commissioner Price
to-day. In the afternoon they loft
for Hampton , to visit their childroi
at school at thai place.
The famous McOarrouslun claim
which is again buforo cotuircu , wil
bo considered bv tlio house publi
lands committeo. Tlio bill is unliki
thn former , in tlitit it does not pro
pose to disturb the present occupant
but in lieu of nucji claims it propoaei
ho shall receive fop each aero so takoi
an aero in scrip , and also an aero ii
scrip for each 81 2fj which has booi
derived from the lands in tlio naturi
of routs and of profits. The scrip ii
to be the sumo hi character as tin
Valentino scrip , which can bo locate *
by holders on only unsold laud of tin
United States , surveyed oi unsurvoy
ed. The amount involved in the bill
it is said , will go high in the millions
Judge Folgor said to-day to a question
tion as to his nomination to the supreme
premo bench that 'tho matter had no
boon talked , oven hinted , to him bi
the jicsidont nineo ho becatno secretary
tary of the treasury.
An Eocontrlo Homo Thief.
HlMcUl dli < atch to TIIK Bun.
LINCOLN , January 23. An occen
trie horse thief wns brought into th
county court this morning. Ho gav
luo name of John Murphy , and pleai
guilly lo ix charge of having stolen !
horse and buggy on Saturday last
Ho intimated he would steal anothe
if ho had a chanco. Ho evident ! ;
was in search of a boarding houso.
TUo HlRU Waters.
National Apaoclatvil I'rcs ) .
NASHVILLE , January 23. The river
commenced falling Inst night , and to
day at noon it had gene down 15
inches. At midnight laat night the
gauge read o5 feet and 3 inches , thus
out of cowers ia 820,000. ,
The losses to privlito parties will
raise the toial daniagi to about 8400-
The Tennessee rivet is rising fast.
No through trains will run over the
Nashville , Chattanooga it St. Louis
railway until Friday , i Great quanti
ties of lumber I'scapet yeatorday from
the river and ciiy.
The funds for the sufFerera by the
hiijh water has reached somewhat over
CiiATTANOooAj Janpary 23 The
Tennessee river is falling rapidly and
business and commerce will be re
sumed in a few days.
Mrxlcnn Mnttorw.
National Associated I'rowj.
CITY OK MEXICO , .January 23.
President Gonzalcs is seriously ill.
Ho is suffering from a re-opening of
an old wound on the arm. Ho was
BO low on Saturday that a surgical
operation was resorted. , Kfor , xoliof.
Tlio Burgeons to-day announce that
the operation has produced favorable
No business is being dona at the
Saltillo attacked a diligence , robboa
it and killed four passengers. Fed
eral soldiers have boon ordered in
A Railroad Contracting Firm
Oono Up.
National Associated 1'rcsw
ST. PAUL , Minn. , January 23
Smith & Campbell , a railroad con
tracting firm of Duluth , have failed
They had the contract of supplym ?
provisions , clothing and tools to the
Anglo-American Construction com
pany , a purely mythical concern , who
were building the Chicago , Portage it
Lake Superior railroad. When the
road was sold a few days ago it wiped
nut the con lruction company and loft
nothiiiL' for Smith it Campbell. They
ire about 810,000 out.
Now Yorli
Rational Aasoclatcil l'rc& > .
ALIUNV , January 23. It is said by
lomocratic members that an organi
sation will bo effected by Thursday
vith the present caucus nominees in
lolh houses. Organization will bo
nado through the absence of ropub-
icans , BO that anti-Tammany men
mvo a majority suflicinl lo elect.
L'lio consideration with the republ
icans is said to bo placed on import-
int committees. They think to om >
litter the democratic factions and
-lcct a , governor next. fall.
Stmrcli lor the SonroborK
National Aiunmrml 1'rtM.
WASHINGTON , January 23. The
uivy department hus been notified
hat C.ipt , Owens of the steam whaler
Sorth Star will proceed in a few days .
o Honolulu and join his vessel and
.lionco the Ilodgers. Ho can got out
if winter quarters and communicate
vith Lieut. Berry of the expedition
searching for the Jeannette aa soon as
possible. _ _
Arrival or an OvordnoBoat
ftL'Jonal Associated 1'rtin.
Noui'oLK , Va. , January 23. The
itoam barge Palermo of this city over-
luo and recently rumored loat in
klbomarlu Bound with all on hoard ,
irnved here this morning with all on
3oard well. The breaking of her rud-
lor caused the delay.
Clio Trlnl of Ono of tlio Triple
National Annoclattd 1'ro-m
OATLKTT.-JDUHO , .Ky , January 23.
rho jury in the case of Win. Neal ,
3iio of the Aahland murderers , wore
instructed this morning. Counsel for
prosecution have addressed the jury ,
uid counaol for the defense began
ipeaking al noon ,
Glailcnon N- Potter Dead.
NKW YOIIK , January 23 , Clarkson
NT. Potter died at 0 a , m , at his resi-
lenco , 1(1 ( Gramurcy place , having
been unconscious since Friday , from
liright's disease and apoplexy , aged
3G years. Ilo loaves throe daughters
ind two tons ,
Porter Begins the Closing of Hi
Argument ,
_ .
Being Continually Interrupted
by Soovillo and Quitenu
Until Stopped.
Not Foelinp Particularly Well
Porter Did Mot Have Much
to Say Yesterday.
But About Flvery Shot H
Made at the Assassin Wont
to the Mark.
Only a Very Short SoRtlou of the
Court Held.
National Associated l'rt"M.
WASIIINOTOS , January 23.-Gui
teau was clean sluivon and were IILM\
linen , AH soon as ho tuok his seal
lie said : "Yestorday I received sovora
huiulrod letters , a real many from
Indies and some uf tliom vury tondur ,
and 1 desire to oxoreas my
thanks for ( huso tender sentiments
monts and expressions I liavo
received from American ladies.
Ono letlor tutgnoats that. 1 Bhonld have
a cabinet position , hut T wish to a
that 1 don't expect a cabinet or all )
oilier position. It would not bo proper >
or and 1 do not wish it. I want it
say to Judge Porter that if ho at
tempts to mislead the jur )
on the law or the oviduucu ,
my counsel and myself wil
promptly atop him. Porter canio oi
this cuso at the instance of President
Arthur under a misapprehension.
Porter does not represent the Ameri
can people or the government in this
case. Ho represents himself. "
Porter then boi > an to address the
jury. Ho appeared ill , and began with
apparent effort. Scovillo's speech was
full of deliberate misstntcinonts and
poi'vcrsinii of testimony. Ouitean'a
argument was the h-ait. objectionable
of any n.ulo by ( ho defense. Guiteau
should not now leave the duck until
sentenceoi death is pronounced. Ho
ins boon selfish from youth. His
irutal inatincts are equaled only by
: iis love of notoriety. Ho Ima boon a
joiigar , hypocrite , cantor , swindler ,
During the long arraignment Oui-
; eau protondodtn bo reading , butolton
turned uneasily and attempted to oll'-
sot what Porter said by mieoringly
Baying : "Ah ! That was pretty. Do
it over , " eto.
Porter : "Ilo agonized in prayer
until ho nerved himself up to the mur
der.1 ;
Guiteau : "If you pr.iyed moro you
would bo a bettor man. You drink
MO much flno wino now. You
wouldn't bo huro but for the blood
money. "
Porter referred to the fact that Gut.
eau postponed the assassination when
IB saw Mrs. Gnrliold on the president's
arm. That was evidence of reason
and conscience.
Scovilio interrupted , charging mis
D.ividgo denounced the interrup
tion as the beginning of a system of
studied offsets to the prosecution's
closing argument.
The court sustained Davidgo and
ordered a cessation on the part of the
defense of this running argument.
Porter , alluding to the prisoner's
expectation of reward from the stal-
varts , Guiteau said that ho was the
inly man among the stalwarts re-
iiiiining unacquainted by Ar-
hur and that Porter was
after a tun thousand dollar feo.
Porter said : "Ho wouldn't bo
icquittcd until hanged. "
"Oh , your getting as bad an Cork-
lill , and your record now Hindis as
> ad , " said Guiteau.
When Porter said Guitean was the
inly man bad enough to shoot Gar-
ield , the prisoner said tlioro were
nany who wanted it done , but ho was
ho only one who had nerve enough
o do it.
Porter said that no fees wore com-
nt'nsnr.ite with the zeal and ability
hewn by Corkhill , and Guiteau aaid
uorkhill uot § 7,000 a year , out of
vhich ho could pay his bills , if
10 didn't , spend so much money for
vine and f.tncy women.
Porter contended the expert tcali
nony all showed Guiiean was sane on
iilv 2d.
The court nt 1:10 : o'clock adjourned
itilil to-morrow when Porter ill
- , w ro-
umo his speech.
Porter s'lid it would bo absurd to
ender a verdict of acquittal after
juiteau himself had .sworn ho was
inlly and that ho had not seen a
lowapanur that justified the act , and
jut ono or two that doubted the pris-
nor's sanity.
A row ensued as to Porter's right
o make the last remark , ho contend-
ng he did it for the 'purpose of .con-
radicting Guitoau's daily assertions
0 the jury that the American people
vero on his side and public sentiment
vaa turning in his favor.
The court upheld Porter's stand
nd nt 1:10 : r. M. , Porter buing ill ,
ourl adjourned until to-morrow morn *
'hoSpuytou Duyvll Iuvo tication
atlonal Ann K-mtcJ I'juw ,
NKW YOHK , .fanuaay 23. Inquiry
ito the cauiea that led to the rocuii * ,
iaastor at Spuyton Dujvil was ro
omed this altiTiioHi , General Su-
lorintendout Taucoy , of the Now
"ork Central railroudj testified that
1 Drakoinan Molina Jiud gone back to
ho cut the accident would have been
vortod. It was tlio imperative duty
f the conductor to lo. k out for the
oar of hiH train and neo that Meliua
vent back.
ll 1J. Valentine , of Ucnnington ,
Yt. , whoso son and daughter-in-law
voro killol in the disaster , gave very
lamaging testimony to Molina Ho
Buid thut when ho saw the headlight
of the coming locomotive the man
with tlio luitornt was about lix to ten
foot in the , standing slill. Fail
in < ; to atop the coming ( rain , whoi
tlu whist lo blow , ho ran townnl the
train. Ho was about forty foot whoi
the train reached him. From the
time Valentino first s.iw the ongiiu
and tlio crash ho thought was less
than ton seconds.
Nation * ! Amwc'ntoJ Crowi.
NKW YOIIK , January 23.--Pis
patches from Boston received to-daj
by llnutstroot'a announce the failurt
of Chnrlos Dunn it Co. , wholosal *
dealers , with liabilities nt 8100,000.
HOSTON , January 23.'t'ho store of
Cluis. Uana , wholesale dealer in beef ,
who failed to-day , remained unnpon *
ed and ho could not hit found. It is
reported ho owed Albert N. Monroe ,
of Brighton , 8100,000 for beef and
he has also become indubtnd to his
uncle , Jaiiii'B Dana , diiector of the
National bank of Brighton , tosolar o
an amount an to cause his serious em
The Cold \Vurcf
National Ai'ouliitril Press.
.Uo.sTON , January 23.Today lias
been the uoldost day m several win-
tern. In several parts of Now Kii
land the thermometer was from 15 to
20 degrees below. At 7 I1. M. it was
15 below.
MONTUK.U. , January 23.Tho cold-
ist wave of the season is prevailing
throughout the Dominion , the ( her
inomotor register ranging from -10 bo1
low zuro ul Montreal to W dogrorn at
Ontario. A heavy snow which his :
blocked up the roads , is causing con
siderable trouble in running trains.
NKW YOKK , January 23. .The
weather to-day has been cold , with a
very high wind winch continues
through the night. The thermometer
it 3 A. M rouistorod 10 , midnight
xbovo ; average for the day ! ) J.
RcftiNntl n. Now Trial.
S'atlonnl AHsocIatu.l 1'restt.
Pmi.Aixaviui , Jiimmry 23. The
rovornmcnt WHS refused u now trial
n the United States district ! cottrb to
lay in tlio civil star route' case trial
ast October , when Judgments'were
entered on bonds which accompanied
iroposala for contracts. Counsel for
ho government contended that jui'g '
imnt could also be had upon contract
> ends , but the court ruled against
loublo recovery.
Baltimore's Dulit-
s'ltionftl ; 1'resH AB-ociution.
UALTIMOHH , January 23. Tlio an-
lual report of the mayor shows the
imount of the funded dubt of the
city to bo 831,88 ! ) 101.73 and
eed liabilities $1.-182,000 , making a
otal of $30,381,191.73 ; of this amount
Jiero are interest paying investments
vliich rcduco the actual debt to
84,240,18003. , Total > como from
axes , ) .
Tildoit mid Hondrioki.
"atlonul Assoclatcu Press.
WAHHINOTON , January 23.Er -
jovernor Hcndricks , of Indiuna , ar
rived in the city to-day. lie was in-
orviewed to-night ii ? ro.-tord to the
rtiinwr that the old democratic ticket
of 187fi'would bo nominated in 1884.
lorofusod to either affirm or deny
hut ho had entered into any agree
ment witli Tildcn in the matter.
Small Pox.
Vat Ion al Associated I'rcm.
ST. LOUIH , January 23. Five now
ases of small pox hero and 2 in East
St. Louis.
PiiiLAiJKU'iiiA , January 23. The
oaths from small pox for the week
rifling Saturday were 23 , an increase
f 13 over the preceding wook. There
s also 13 deaths from diphtheria , an
ncrease of 0.
Tlmo Uo niid Dlsoliargoil.
Vutloiiiil Antociatud I'rvin.
lliiAiiiNO , PA , January 23. Smith
nd K.imucl IlfinphroyB , convicted in
877 of burning the Lebanon Valley
iridgo , during the raiiroud riots , and
ontenced to fivoynais , were discliarg-
d from jail tins morniiis. , nine m < nillm
f their senteneii Imiriiig boon com-
mted for good beh.ivior.
Couvlot Labor ill Ohio.
atlonal Anxaclutol I'rcm
CoLUMii'JH , O. , January 23. In the
lonsu tlii.i afternoon a bill wan intro-
iicod prohibiting ihu omploymoiit of
lore 100 convicts on any special
tind of work , nuking the pur .diem
1.2ti and inakinu % hours a day's
Aiinthnr Bnnt Sii | ; r Fnlliirc.
'utioiml Antoiiatv < l rs * .
\Vji.Mt.N'oroN , Del. , January 23.
'ho Delaware Beet Sugar company ,
Xtonaivtily engaged in making sugar
rom bout a an an experiment , near
lis city , has . ib.indoned the project ,
hiding it impossible to properly grow
10 beet in this climuto.
Rnu Ov r liy n BalioooU.
ixtlonal Aniulattil l'rti 4.
ST. LOUIH , January 23. Jack
Jo/.an was to ni ht tlirown off and
mi over by a Babuock on the way to
fire , and had his ribu crushed in.
Jo will probably die.
Non-Suit In ft Ml u > pproprlutlon
utlonul A noclutrd l'ru i.
January 23. Non-
uit wan entered iu the emu of \ V.V. .
lubbell atruiiiHt Dr < xull it Co. , to ro-
ever $70,000 alli-ged misappropriu-
on of ( luuilH aiidotliordocumonta du-
as collaienil.
Murilfirod liy Trnuip .
ftUonal A x-lat < At Viu *
IMIIANATOUH , .l.Miuary 211. In-
'ormation in received that Melvin
jowls , of Vulj > ar is' ' ) , Ind , , was tbru-
ally murdered nrd robbed by two
ramps near Franklin , La. Both mur-
orern uro in jail.
SlitilotoiiN Found ,
atlonal A > > ociatoJ l'ri' x.
LKIIANON , 0. , January 23. Several
lUinan skelelona luwo boon ft mud miler -
lor the old liilnicio liouso , a building
ighty yearn old , and the discovery
cauios great excitement ,
Enthusiastic Anti-Mormon Meet
ing in Chicago. .
Sohuylor Colfnx Donouucos the
Evil iu No Uncertain
Wny ,
And Holds BotU Uroat Parties
Responsible lor Ita Uu-
ohookod Growth.
Congress Should Not Now
Tolerate Any Measure of
But Tour Up the Evil by the Root *
nnd Cnst It Ont. Anwiclnted I'rosn.
CHICAOO , January 22. The nnti
polygamy nmss mi-nting in Karwol
hall thin evening filled the spacious
room. Geo. S. Wilh'tt called the
gathering to order and Hon. Thos.
Hoyno wns elected oliairman. Sixty
vice previdents , omtiraoing ladies am
prominent clergymen , lawyers , jour
nalists and merchants of the city were
eloctod. Kx-Vieo President Colfax
was inti'.iduccii . : nud applause. Ho
said the nation had boriiu this limn
ntor polygamy long fiiougli. It is an
American cancer which has gradually
grown until it. has filled Utah with its
poison. For this period of a
iiuurtor of century all parties ,
no matter which hat ) had
ascendency in congress were blame
worthy for allowing it to go sof.irand
cain so ntrong a foothold. No other
nation but ours would have submitted
tothisovil so long , and if tlio Ameri
can poopldrill now have the flagrant
evil roiiicdie'd th'oy must arise and de
mand that the law bo obeyed by Iho
Mormons in Utah aa it is by Protes
tants and Catholics elsewhere in the
states. Ho thought there should tin
laws enacted that would completely
induterly ( extirpate this ,
uncivilized and hirKiroui system of
dobauchory. The war w is by no-ineaim
igainst Jlonni'iii. ! ! ) , hut it wns high
lime for the Anr ricun people to draw
i line between religion nnd sensuality.
Ho warned congresinnon auainst all
compromising for , ho said , pnligamy
H either right or it in wrong and will
uhnitot mi If itin wront ;
the law which is now against murder
nnd polygamy Rlioul I and must boon-
Forced alike , and it in the privilege of
the people to demand it.
Judge Moore , chairman of the com
mittee on resolutions , submitted a
lengthy preamble and resolutions de
ploring the existence of polygamy and
urging the national government to
take measures for its suppression ,
which waa reonived with applause.
Ex-Mayor Jno. Wentworth was the
next apouker. Ho wns followed by
Itov. Herrick JohnsonEx-Lieut. Gov.
Bross and others , who all spoke in tho'
same strain.
WAHIIINOTOX , January 23. In re
sponse to a telegram , Governor Camp-
: ell sent to the anti-polygamy mect-
iU' | at Chicago a dispatch expressing'
lis gratification at the movement in
Jio west and coimnemlinu' the bill now
leforo congress of a legislative council
n place of the present polygamous
Foreign Now .
National Awtoclatuil I'run J
UAOUSA , January 23. Her/.egovina
las risen , Die forces of the insiirrec-
.ionists beinu in the district was the
scone of the first uprising against the
Turks in 187fi , 'I1'1" ' insurgent's corps
ire forming in the inountaiiiH near
evisinjoi , Gotska , Gubinjo , Flicliu ,
Itilek and Trehinjo. The war-
iko clan of the Xnbei on
, hu borders of Krivoscia have
mrncd their homesteads and joined
ho insurgents under the well known
guerilla chief Ynlkiilovich , and tlio
villagers on thu Ilei/.rgovinmn frontier
ire following their example. The ri-
Hin > . : siHMii'itu ' havobeo'isimiiltaiiooinily
ilanned and is not without organi/.a-
TuinsTi : , January 23.--Two ilious-
ind additional troops worn shipped
e.sterday. Hagiina funim the basin of
he Austrian operations iiiMiimt the in-
iirgontH. Tlio plan of campaign
eems to tit , * , by driving a military
wedge forward to the M jiitonegiin
Bilek to KI-IVOH-
rontier near , protect -
cia from the Iler/.egoinmn bands.
Yii'.N.VA , January 23. - The disturb-
inco ban commenced to spread in
tosnia. At Soroyo jxioplo are ivfraid
o go into the Htreots unarined.
It is reported that the Montenegrins
ire joining the insurgents in Herzego
vina , and that they have compclleJ
'riuco Nikita to flcofrom the capital.
) n the receipt of * , hu above news iu
his city , tliegovo < jnnientimuiediatoly
HHiied an order onling ! out Ihu tivHt
gear's reserves n > mipjiress the revolt ,
Tiojov ) : ( < riiiiiout is [ irepacing to sund
in. army of oigh./y thousatil men iuto
Bad news aarivod to-day from Uio
lisHitisfied jinivincos in Her/.egovina
that tlio insuigenls have aniiihilaifid
; wo liattalions of Au trian troops sent
igainst tlie. numbering 10,000 men ,
I'MTII , January 23. - President
I'is/.a has issued a circular asking the
nipurH ti refrain from puliliHhing the
novimmit of the tronps.
DrictiN , January 28. Cicero'
ix.ino at Limerick wui broken into
nut night anil O'-'O pounds of dynainiiu
stdliiii from it by unknown persoim
Thu intelligence causes consternation
in Ireland. There is no cluu to
the robbeni.
PAIIIH , January 23.-It in believe * !
before the wcok ends there will be i <
comjiloto rupture behveun Grovy am
the cabinet , dmsolution of the olmm
bera and ordering of a now genera
election. Gambettn udliorca to his
position and hia suppliers claim dis
volution will bo u victory for him 01
on the Bcrutin do liiito , All othu
pnrtnvt think it i not ffonorally HUS
jioctod the senitin da listo covers a
policy of centralization and detrac
tion of local ijovormnont and main
tains the majority of Frenchmen.
The committoi' of 33 nmdo ita re
port on revision of the constitution
t * the chamber of deputies to-day
and debate on the report 1ms boon
fixed for Thursday next.
IIONUON , January 21. A dispatch
from Cairo says that Client Piwha has
tillered a coinpromioo to the Egyptian
chamber of deputies , the basis ol
which U that the chamber shall ap
point a number of members of the
government and controllers generally
to slmro in fixing the budget.
The financial crisis ut Berlin ami
Vienna is subsiding , A number ol
loading financial houses of both cities
have como to the as.Mstiinco of the
bourse and promised to sustain the
market against any further decline in
Sr. PKTKIIHWWI , Junitary 24. The
rumor of the discovery of Lieut. Do
Long's encampment last month nt the
wist month of the Lena river with
some of Inn letters , books , etc. , is now
considered to bo doubtful.
PIUOIIK , January 2-1 Court is ail-
ting in private on the trial of thirty-
two workmen , who are charged with
speaking disrespectfully of the em
peror of Austria.
Fir .
Nntloimt Aiwoimtotl I'rcis.
KKENK , N. H. , January 23. 0.
Spragtio's woolen mill and Imx fac-
lory at Swnzoy , N. II. , was destroyed
ny tiro. Loss , $ ( > ( ) ,000 ; insured.
WoiU'iWTKK , Mass. , January 23.-
riie Catholic orphanage , conducted
yy sinters of chanty , was partially destroyed -
stroyed by firo. The tire caught in
the basement of the building from an
iverturning lamp , and the Humes
snroad rapidly. Tlniro were fifty-two
children in the homo at the lime.
Some wnro in bed , but all except ono
voro safely carried out. John llob-
ortn ; 3 yoiirn old , was millbr.itod.
Sreighbor took charge of tlio children ,
vho were safely housed , The orphan-
igo was connected with St. Paul's
cathedral ,
ThrorttoiiBil iu ' 'Blow the Fnntlljr
to Hell "
NntlonM AwocLatoil rtimi.
Lnwisro.v , Maine , January 23.-
CJeorgo Prince wasarrostod for placing
Romi ) explonive substance in wood
mod by the fa.iily of Maynard W.
Golf. The wood was this morning
mcd in a stove , which was blown to
itoniM and the roofjof the bui'ding '
orn oil' . Mrs. floll' was terribly and
mrhaps fatally injured. Prince had
leen heard to threaten to "blow the
amily to hell. " The feud was caused
ly Golfs implicating Prince in eiimi-
nil intercourse with Mr.s. Goli's aia-
Mnrlno Iutolllonuoo. ;
Jutlonal A clatiil ) I'mta. '
NKW YOIIK , January 23. Arrived
flio America from Hamburg.
GLASGOW , January 23. Arrived
[ 'ho Circassian from Portland. *
.LivKiu'oor , JuiiuarjC' -Arrived
? lie Celtic Irom NowYork. ,
I'l.v.vrouTii. Jiumary 23. Arrived
'ho Frizia f from. Now York for Ham
LONDON , Jammcy 23. Arrived
'ho Queen from Now Vork.
Th Coininc Fight.
rational Annodatocl I'rt'wi.
NKW OnriuNH , January 23--.loo
Joss , of Beaten , Ryan's old opponent ,
las arrived , and ho has taken charge
if the Sullivan camp. Ho and Billy
Madden will bo Sullivan's seconds ,
mil Jnhniiio lloach and Tom Kelly ,
if St. Louis , , will ai'cond llyan. Both
if the pugilints give exhibitions hero
iuring the week ,
) mi tli from Inflammation of thn
Rational Atj
OTTAWA , Out. , January 23.R. . E.
( 'Connor , , brother of the late , Vic.i'r
joneral U'Connor , who expired sud-
eulj some montliH ago , died sudden -
y this moruing from inflammation of
lie lungi.
TluoutH of Lyiiahiii ) ; ,
LANCASTKH , Ivy. , January 23. T.
\nstin. the young man whomurdoml
Id Bland , has been placed in jail
lore. There is great uxcitemenl and
liroats > if lynching are niado.
{ atlaiiul A'doelatoil 1'rwo.
CINCINNATI , Jiumiiry 23. Major
liuku ( colored ) , Huutenced to hang in
joviugton , Ky. , next FiicLiy , tias
icuu HiapHed lo February 2-1 , Hickn
H down with Hinail-pox.
ntlonal AHHuclatuil I'UMH.
DKTIIOIT , January 23 , Major Seth
Mis died nuudeuly at homo in Ann
tvbor this morjiing of liuart disuauo ,
iged 71 years .
National A l 1'ruHH.
tgWAHiiiNUoK , Januany 2-1. For Iho
lower Missouri valley : Partly oloiuly
weather in bho nortlien portion , light
snow , fuDjng barometer , woat to south
winds , and slight risti in temperature.
Bouru of Tnvdo liuurjuot.
A meeting of the directors tif the
board of trade was hold yuntonlay
moiuingi at which tlio matter of hold
ing u. banquet was dmciiBHMl. Tlio
openiux of the now ulovatoc is deemed
an opportune vccasioji , aa many visit
or u are expected from other pointu
and the general inlorestH of the Hfj.tu
limy bo freely and amicuLly disuiuaud
by the biisinesH moil awiomblod. The
board feeVi u pride in the completion
of an elevator that dooa honor to. No-
brabkiij nnd loudti to the inaujurutioi ;
of a grain market within our own
bordwrs. It is hojK'd evury husinesa
man will luml tlteir aid ( u inuko thin
mooting ono of mutual btmciitto coin ,
uiorciul interests.
liromptoiiiea thu Itusa cough Diya-
ic , Huu curd in another column.
duo , 8-tf ,
To Water His Stock and Ronw
Oontraots ,
By Consolidatiup : With the
Wagner Palace Car
HisSohomo Pretty WellVon-
tilnted by a Director of
the Latter.
The 'PriBco Right of Way Still
Troubling the Bulldozed
Gouevnl Railroad Now * ol Note and
Katloiml Awxlntnl 1'icsn.
PiTrsiiuiui , January 23. J. Tilling-
hast , assistant proaidenl of the Now
York Central it Hudson llivor rail
road , also director of the Wagner
Stooping Car company , HHJ-B all rum-
era about thu consolidation with the
Pullman company are without founda
tion , and npe ki a follows : ' Pullman ,
has been talking to us for the past
three yoara on this subject , but wo
have done nothing further than to
give him an oar. There seems to bo
it great deal of method in these news
paper iMpnha , and ono might think
there wan a master hand behind the
scenes. It is a scheme to water their
itock. The \Vagiu-v company would
lave everything to lose by a consoli
dation. The Pullman company him
only ono line into Now York , and
, hat is on the Pennsylvania
nad. Their contract on that
inn was made with the old
Joutnil Transportation company ,
which 1 believe in composed of high ,
ollicora of the Pennsylvania railroad
company. Since the contract with
Iho Putlma" compauy has been in ef
fect , the Central comtiany has been
| iutting away one-half their train re
ceipts of the road annually , and are
now in a position to build now cars or
my the Pullman cars now on the
Pennsylvania railroad. Now this
contract expires in two years from
Jim time , and Pullman has every
eason to believe that ho will lese the
L'oniuijlvania road. Hence ho wants
, o go in with us , The Pullman con
tacts are for three and live yo.ira.
Jur contract with the Now York Con-
nil riinii eighteen yoara , on the Chicago
cage and Northwo.ttoin fifteen years ,
mil for equally long terms on other
roaiU , so that wo are all right , and
Jiat in why Mr. Pullman wants to
como in with un , " Mr. Tilhnghaal
stated , that the Howling i xtenaion to
L'ittsburg would bo pushed forward
at once.
JAOK.SOS , Miaa. , January 23. The
lioiuo ha had under consideration all
day a bill to appoint a hoard of com
missioners of railroad tritllio and to
control persons having elrTifgo of rail
roads in the state.
A. Ooublo Catastrophe on the Omaha ,
ana St. Ptiul Road.
The south bound train on thu
) muha & St. Paul line yesterday , .
luo in this , oily about 5 o'clock in the
afternoon , met with a double accident
on its way. in.
At on inrnr Oakland , a couple of.
care loaded witn coal were ditched , .
uid on roauhing a point about eight
niles above this city a piece of track-
\VJIH struck which spread * nd threw
s'Weral cacM : > rl. The baggage and ox-
ireas ear waa turned bottom aide up
uid the oxrireHH inesseiigur slightly
njurud. by being rolled about inside.
I'Jio paaKeiurur coach \vai : left hanging
in the ragged edge at an angle of foity-
ive degrees. Iteontainedueveral ladies
uiuiiiLC oilier iiasKontiers , who were
conaihoKiiUy uliukoii nn. Two care of
nigs for tint ) city worn ditched. .Somo
if ihu paRHeiigur.i lodu in to thi.i city
on. the
t. M. U. A.
Tlwaorvicuft of the Yoimg
jhcmtiun Association wcra well ut-
ended Sunday and interesting ;
Thi. service at the coun
ty jail was coiiduetod by Mr , T. 8.
tlyoru , and varied with a. duet and
juartulto by nie beru of the : i 3ocJa-
ion ,
Tlio ming Horyico at 3$0 in thoaf -
ernoon was hvhl by tlu youn mun'es
choir of lifteea voices , and waa intor-
outiiig. Mr. llarBba'B Bible talk at
4 o'clock wat untho "Nisinterprttatioik
if special iiiiasages. of Scripture. . '
His andior. < to was appreciative , nu
ho want o ! space forbids ii extondu < l
notice. Standing room mis iu de
mand , a l many went i\\\ny , for want
of seatH. II is tc.lK' hoped Un t the
ell'orts nnw being , put forSll , by the as-
eialiyii to SCCIUD more room forthoir
work , , will succicd. TJio nion's meet
ing ii : the evening war. HHO quito well
atloiided inojily by strangers , who
limit been invited in from the hotels
iUJil boardiir ; house . Short address
ee were mauo by Me. Myers and the
t'.onorai secretary oil the text , "Seek
fust the kingdom of Cod and his
righteousness. ' The male qmutotto.
sang two uoloctioiiD , "Kefugo" and
"Calliivg Now , " They did a good
day'a work , _ _
Father in OottiuK Well.
My daughter says : -'How much
better father is since ho used Hop
HitterH. " Ho is getting well uftor hia
long Hntl'oring from u disoauo declared
incurable , and wo are so glad ho used
your bittern.- lady of Uochoatcr ,
'N. Y.-irtU'a Herald _ jl9-fl
M. B. UIHHON haa moved lus in.
suranco ollico into Boyd'a ononi IIOUBO ,
corner room"ovor drug atoroi
r\ \